The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-02, Page 8j t 7 7"777� L Adb Wer for W -Me mw i&Y 4 low U Innis telitt W1110, bw Ing -her unCle. Mr. U T other e. eX movesm nd t �Wemj% left th of the jUr. 11ex, D. -Baird, who ber.-7% an f anft. I d. �.� we fte ber boine Ln Venton, Nanitabs. nter uwt ImOt V a bn With d tr ble p t 6i e ime we Bruce e -a Vacceo 1e bay pre -S4 L ba Inaft, aid sho 14 M. Sh. =7 now runming Suill L*�_ai Mr. L& -Ida.- D c-; the tte Ion Cb, Vwtilm d- h hem. InU�ndsl leav- ow own th t, his a a e- M& to put bk jnWq0!r the A shortl!y epled Famoum WA, D 'Your sup [Y of fr6 L ggs fa in - the eleculcall It a � Gertle for audaore, Bm-. sue B Mcoee� ted atfwd ali prid winter. laws 1 mill ke Mowlt fox9ett the Zootbal!l jAcnic 1D in- wnp G ally 4 :4bout. j 0Q.- ticj�, ield bh Labo-r DAy�Mifm joinie s ai who i1eire .,them as ftesh a u -v ir AS, be re ried &'larwe Nunfber of 6r, to rowto UbBeath ottertair he rade knows that vre get the Real Styles howfa, MINVa i ie McGee, A Port Olkvt, ja eggs. Recommondel by-th ber Wevio m Friday eveffmg last, in Qki .4turdal. bortor -of J4. Murdoch VILZIUbg her Ister, I ITS. wad 0. (Baird, who Collegf as thi sister of- dece Did mo Agricultual lived in Rullett; Ult rmph� M 4ael. 6f h Iis U4 are leavIn6* for- the We* da V tell - the vj no, bu over yea: a4" Mr. And Man best. e are sorry to learh that MT. Alex. Again we -nes F �hmervl e i:-t� Hull 3U, has X115. W. J� Moffatt "1 171 ot Ham- contiou quite jX. of othkr years. iofift- in &tUk,*. home —'Xr,, a nd MX& A� Re'yj�q Surl" wl tin We' aw fr poming Ig Ith od Berillt, Were InAomt M, your toWn. -Ther.,bad been opet din, is in 4 In lay va Weat, �tt a0ft On Mhura,-t Deatli�Ort Tueeda.7, Jaket Walker s I ers n- d i n g —We now di play— with Has a perfect und ta idays at Mr. born ufficent for 9 doz eggs 4�n advane stift'iUm clalgx h Bruce County ad is1to PPW over, h we, oin UY 'for I W. e h IhW& a Barron, daLghter of t4e late. Alex. Aso what coiistitutes 0,61w r4urn. to Haxyllitoat06-a al . 111th IN pie ard �V Barron, died at the hor of bea'u'tiful new mater oe of ber brother, Mr. W, J. Barron, 7th concession. Diagonal McLean- W.Tarol k at- Was reirts berq Xor a tkne4 The N el W Idildbitl(a iai�id ng �-MlNs.4chatbr =4- Uhs 0�0(xm&l# head deceaaed had not be* 811 for 00me The . I -- M W; W t% DP.U(;Gl&' oe' trim�v-,-4-xer. w.-�rd axild j ea tr] i tewart She wai� 55 ye�m of ige. The �The Best Good Sh- -ten"'[06 Ith goo4s are rih t. AKT aw M-1 linery - de triiei& ha urteral tak6- place to -day, Friday., at Go MEN EA"" r f Weaves Yarns,1 ea-Ve and G th taken, tlp eh- and r*ht ill jyri ve ice. Postmaster mA birs. Dlckson,—W. rwpe U. ipost oas.� two &clock, it the Waltlandbaink ceme.. He has double proiof Agbnt for Up-th.dalv of W�re E. Wright, Michigan, tery. n e 01 1- f 0 Syringes Sfioopls Tone V Wng 'Mr. rV.-Itr p4vate. 3M. Thee nri e It,: apa� fro)rn: the sea. 0 S -�An4 and The aforth Show —Th a pri �ts, or " the forith fall air 11�ave beeh isj- rayr, the Cooks'Cotton Root On Clortstan,ce.�' on s �nost favored Usua a c re hemiye a �ued, ad Tbresher CormpaInt a rna� and Woodie Phosp odir. oW.—Mr, Joa Rion, Ina' along the cre Ill I neral tren, d We dli��Dlay of thetr 0 addition to the Man., ip, YW-jtJm9- hia�- Indther and We i1nery. zi� the Amd Ub Toronto b( directors hive wa-ra-z-4-ged otherwIrlezigs here itresen —Mr agoof Xin "y"Tweec-1 ffecj Eiidbltito vz d r. ell: and reg Us I sin W. gle e Pretty NO son, Mr. Bari Bell 1, 2�1 a ta Toro fOi er g(Yod ieec, als, wen Davldt-oa. fYf Walton, spent Sunday 'the Wool fully arianked, and reflected er-eat credL (lelanies and 44cla5syll looking 4fter the- exV bit.. -The YH ao wzeq for I drilic comlUtion -guer.,ts of -Miss Jeart Love.—UTS, Britton it 0a 'the p9rt, of those ecizziew ied. T be ca etc. 16- .04 'her'dau;&Tter, Mrs. 7mmer, these �!de from- her tr a ids, we teria *Mureh�-Sub La.. I fabrics of an orderin k so 001 bKAd' CS gif t4 to the b� Is vishting y are du Th for the eep�, their mu,Al plo-nie �, n A T buiTlo ispecisla.-- wW b� our liliveitisH b4th haAsonv and. usefu� a ri I showe rtm. i>f StouffvIlle, xt-present,,-- WS -19 wbat is strikingly - grove tbL-,- Vriiday'� afterr, —M�adsy ling coluNU5. The -da e of-te isho the well -merited -esteem'ITL 7, MeDonald 1% visitAng � Staf fa - w eat demand. 4i*t, Labor 1)ay� being �, j)4blicil WiH Thuxf-zda 7 -and Frid 20 wa�s held. T�e -ffle=-W this week.—Mr. and Utz. Gee, your 1i start ou f apnprro- riat, or afterr day, the stares abd ft ,r busineso AZA' � 1: _�T 4 Septemter� d9 Coup Yale spent Sunday w1M teends in arua., on the sea 94 life with the b Id._The ons �nd for eve Ing, -a' Lf acog th place"A tovv� Will 9 Welter W111W6-a io inilispo recept INVI , ­ S c� 3 of a, host o Aos�.. of -f frler sH d, anO, entertain, t, g ven by 'the (A at XwehIt.. MrL WRliam cwe 149 MIUD wear. ur�l wi�,. Reid, met h 94jasts from it. distance eire UT. I . I I �wi the oick liat. btethodipt Sabbath Scbooll )n the:church ful -0" ra a wit p nk Xehoe, of ToleAo, 4 evei lart was a elftalt om Tue, day af lawn, dn Fr1da7 I e wag Mr. and W0 -James Daltoo- fbot i e are,particularly wel, most pleasawt and, In ten -,ting i . 4f fair the ti Yat d aAd prepdred with a big Beechwo ad ell on top fr*hk c air,, Lvu 1<94 6411ei. . nd Wao largely pAitro itze: [.,The *eatb- Is. variety, of Dress Goods. ind Suit'ngs �(all new Mardtoba oot —A iqates. - Idespatelt i —Mr. Louis Murray, who spe,-A er wso.rathei e&U-y,, -eAx( the ers" he� f64 of!. Jim, mw t have the (%tritck hei ud Og=4 from wlnnii�i - jdated Atz,rust two ffion�ths 'VIeWnig h s) at -from 50 Nth, : Is Unf- 9 c to $31 5o Me yard. -We tatument Wa.4 g1vW in h baserrient f r He h fcotb a: 1 team, cle, Mr. G. X. Halla�nA, lef t on - Thuro, am botr e and t- rim. )r. S�ott Sn ues cbm �Lr the church. -The A%uss W seledtiv. is by tiays: The 4cW44 wduld gladly have our ibd, with talk WInniipetS City, IOWA. -the Maple Leaf. 4irche, tr*. Wet-e�' T�h' doi tor of. the 04 ndof day for his ln�ame I. p fo =d th 1p bf d been te ipt LeWu e, are 1A W7ag-a �� ur of th -Ml- Me Lyn Im ing shownin the ti-ade be in -.s Kat ch dad the prol. ft 'the U1, ex. the Ittug under anyth t town -or Men's S�tyleqy $+ 50. and $5 deoervedly, "adratz n-4 i b �,nth# iT4 they a rra 'the parefttal rorof,,-W. Frank Burqj�, eh I �4s, no, gramme thrdu*hb!it w a 6! a apipmarewnt thete d -or in Me burg t df the &ul.l. the Trab IU9 games, at Minupspol1% M �cl -a .1 6f Statfa, w,%s VlAt Oty- qulred tb, ]Berlin, Or) McCabe, -of nGit. e. ind h duetj by 9nev cQuIr The9d i e Ladies' St $4 per pair ertstutw� aud -y1es, 1�balp W W a lar U g7e 10% by - Mrs.' M (WilliAmo 'The Istm4e0t te�r 11 thalt viiskiag hcr�$ather, Xr. John Mm McGuire ivad, W, W Br4'11tj Were tsevieral Ittteha3 to Close It. it W�S 'dity can - tu,210 6 ult - .-Will tak a Ithe tr1l Malone.�!-Mra. Jainea C4mflj-.ng.,, ow abave, but 'the. bo� is (gettin naft and the are: confident,of 9 wd1l, as. cotk be 'Pen. Called On her Protber, A)T, Francis: res o n paper owned by W1. C Id e pnitedi good. ishiowling. It I$- Oterest Oe t he rmn I W W. Indt tbeirIntentio. Evan: -:6 since laist.4 Govenlock. WOM fl*t m6b i L L S Ann,t: a] Flowe i Peopld'j� WeW, par,- jhF owar 9 iOw-Th Borticulturaftociein wl cei-A GITHU was the gue1at o Miss Annie iqlam; at. Me rac6a In, Duf k, er Show, In cam t9 con4*te for the e,w 'I k pbell' lork, 6�i Ranjitorha'-kesociathoia -not rt-, bo,3,le Isat week. ead., L -Y - 4: A week Sattirday, -Sept. 3r 1, 11)1(). All d Opposite the- Expositor Office Tahw. - on wedn kle L dy and eVeninge cowdze It as the dfiamp-�=sffijjr of Cainrl h E free. Mii- Mckearam JyjILA; kegoli Ve 'Pe.L "welcoi e. Adialittafit, Wriixetor [A big shipident h ow. ock Wsl,�e - Seaforth— tgan, was ere, uring, tl:e sale) week only olle Mato - I olid a.%Apsl. been P1 �ced valtie--see. it At the Vwiay Storo. CallbW 011- Old frle,104 h6 . . . . . . r Notee.-Master Dlj,� DIckson Is gp&n�*. Into In;urxrLce.-Xj StS Tailorinl,'-�­The WIT beat Ltallori for Men and ng two weeke w1th- rblafives in To Tot I— eavy -tintearablo, 7si -k �;4 suitabli for ixai b , 11 tA amea wat�=, wror -have been .-Speare. cha jiMefML1016 th t8jl0rTWL djj n,, Give ard he guarantaes sau V. Ladies' is done 63111 it (all %t,hi of t(� 'TOTIto—Miss mie'Shi6lzy, of Glen- 6oul shades.-... a padt M( at 3§zil leld rjo�lis ovei A� G. A a a sto *1 P ek nd dres.sesi,-all--�, scir and 4 rich tas aece talian I En -apy : or t1le, . : ed the district age ;her s�ster, Mrs. CL. -.W. ra Wei t n 6tson. ��t�-.$ilks; ext wehe a wood, spent part bt 'last week C retumed bome oft Vpijd� 3 t7lCi'e blie" facd6n. state. -for years.- 0 Wlt4h L6t 2 aff Successor to W. N. Watson, Edbool 6oategiAte, Enot t4tejv St ip set NVantOd-For theSeaforbhFlooirlo Light _We -TerZet 11 dh Ttf6§UjY- �F --I� -that to, Waig Ithe fku"t platonoearthePow�rHOie. J� t7 ot Oxford' for,the Londva. Lif ustrd-us fini h ecial..' 'of her parent�,q;, Mr -wad' or the ioa� on. 8ekerAMr#,'jZe dAeoldent I e. all Usur- Jobli 3%vereu-&, jEr.' roa _Ura.nCe CbM �pea r -y. soce, Agent. Real Estate and moad eap:.t, is dt ve P t are uow pppen t buy lef t On 4over SuMa -Ur--'XngljS, Sandetsbh re,. Lot 3—T46,tas Noble�k� a, si' sukabl.for dresses ei. ThuMcidaY 4or Londo(a., ',y�h eyo, hickd as, I)i;,c*s and wl.- lie will tutned I b6-, hom on all Mr. Devereux e h, fft ilTorontor on- %t-; kinds or pnoverty 1�ffeoted at V is et -Wez the :1 1 'bven c ve aE4. Man Agent. "AnSUMnee 10 one, Of e ' main for Ili tSL of -tj"- shpriceandwill take de'li -on(l R, monLA or r-sio bel ere taking, '�urday. t and.. W1 -t.p-urpoS�s, 41'wear ould each we will a=_d4te L of lerlt 'OVA a zispehill, two, anonthsInL tWfg Z8 de. iistil0t. e w -In -Pet dmw &tt n Ive -C et our Beattle. thel 11j.;-Vjcjbj n st entialf t6. W—Mls-is SeOslel Ritchie !return- )1wer beAdq.tj In [!eS ;f Or Spear Mignon alters blither alt ider the, 4ed to,..WiMipe,� ursdayi Lot o ow, ut aes ;f IS6 oil T plend D -and Swis DWer in-Ndw Raymond.- White. and, cliltural jgo-61,6ty� 0 be W.N. A.. 1arke, Will. SWOrth it 4 S Pidlktt� I da. *� 'zPeTU11i*- -the -surameer'w h -her iinOthej; Id 'ga V, in aiin teri Ubu ch, -m4m-'. New Apiaer Sewing Machines' And�Choirlfaster first It J�lxies Ritahlel Two.makes V 70. r-eCOM pb- blod te. Teacher of er -25 yea 'or We lr9gro vezi;y. - 9n, Watt inend Nationil Oream Separators. er in ngi �utlid Qaftd%� most :L;4hW wM- be, opeii all Jjy He has tau b. over live thousOld py Ila in 0ana&: 1 r,,:�Y gn' `Pdrd-Nklch ReevW wafz ji visiltdr of Mr., -apA­Nj s� Spe.- t a uty, and, ser nd all are I A fun-. ��d 0 iling, ThL u il btane ft in .4je M �a ��PfTly when both be vice is i corftllyo lo ims now. j11 .. Qv _b4,'jVjjq9jge -a supply of sowing Machine y` VeCt b R'. Thi Wo e of the bes=0* 'Inati tions in citijenIs 6d hA needle, atWhments,, oil and re-: -Miiss Helen, ��eattle id t Rae, ot' fradiwoh- h4, -Are s es 6ce Ne rxist, boweyer, tha� Slnclalri of 'a f6rrndr-.sc outj o fermt plac, 2229.1 a. the worl& Ifica, *s rec%mized alt overt ie world. var--m e! a endiing 4! 1 10 hard to beat a L 13:1z, -he pair$ alwave in stock. laot for. a*ai-y., She wit visig a dit- Apply for 'Im I etq�, at once oppos te Tfi a Manger. of fde7l&. t week' with gaudip dn the PVa3 4-- siale 2 kit-gliet r Sal ' have Mr. i4ea-re wHI'me4 with a�., I kinds (K, VjiZ L t Paiflette 'Ito ftwman"returred-, T Gn or t3ablo0,s and 1' teacher' here ar couwx; Miss Ot 5—BIA� aLl�.�and Black, Pan - r le, v ill we lbs., all )1* o t-bape. his 41ew,-. fiteld, prer a7 la*, atter L V sit so d a W :-Sittud be , h o �;V to g aple fit on p 14r Laura Lewjs,, last �Veel�-Nfis.W� Rutjn�� . # ara tic! lines f Superior all. Whe r.; PaMIE maa a"S. M 4 0 Maui I r 2 .1 Death,of a 06a*urthi firbm n e4 �hoine. � ; I. L' r h. . Fori�er' te--Wo erfcpTd &lid chlldren ' ha*e returzd let Hou96 M h it �d-'Vanted to rent'& re et It by 0 ftilrid there "had bi Igot MaTdtobla,, where. t�ev ;bave visied OaAit�, the--�:'best �0-n callen; �Whli ooT ifortable, gr at t e price...,. 0. anlie wam- away, f house of i b)ut 8, rooms. J. F. ffa]l or the idoor WS. opprl . I r. Clothing ton Coal 'he 22029X2 in that e -*V weekd ilk a- from -o0A,1tG-6k,. bnt,, 4 tbe'de two A$Ones - 'MOKercher We also' �h4-5 ret*-ne4 from Ish6iv a --Ng varl�qx of dther and­eN;erythh16- ww'; Itu- med tipsidet citY. a T ay 1401; of! Mr. 1, down.. -A V019k Wa it A-NVi etEd a good plal i codk or girl J- Xr,41 with relativ�es. &X J�ruiisei 44he yaii.` quantity 1 6101 Qh a-,�-Mtss Bes�- h1n;X, ixiclud- to learn co, ik,,n!,r Good Me osli was orw of the! �sle Lovell, -of -C1hiz;ob­or,' I, uezd of wages, steadir enipioyment ALL NIM, P&rigman's anil, Mrs'.' D. T. � Ili k e Of t y,'Royal Hotel, Sea o 2 2 - Sea]'< r b. Inj her rroth Xi;.§. c'ysv� et] hl e aluable5, had* b �e-a grT*d off. plwieer I & Tur�n- other v er, ormarly sold by Aeid & Wilson Residend,, for Sae -The conitortible aid coin. Company: With the late - M. NX18. W1111ara V­� rd berry4-UT,., RML bits. T. G. Hemphill a, 'Ethel; modiouareikencedMr.jaiiies Scolt, inSeaforth, they carried ou'f -everal yi ars t e pa d ard Mr. and Mrs. W, oneasy tertits, A are two attended the wed0dig of the r� Pie Vill be s�old ea e e 'n ed J'i ell p�!,zn dpi h till kinds L Of f k4r�! ral iT ;'and mxriaigei-� Misi Lulu 1�einhilll -in Hetnsp-jj,,j I now bave a good stock ard in ad extensive blap t it tree& The -u rd� 'their lot! a ippliei I Nvith ail moilern unpin-euients -hey buiat and occu.1 chilidren left on, Y i I i at Th i . y 1,,e.l:e Ing bu4eneaq. difforn baver a large order placed �aew h Orne in Calary— and a basbi is t full jize. Possession,, 6t 011ce, astje-Linje 91611140m- aii4 s1t2eat hG* ith the Delaware� Lackawana acob Weber, of Duriff 'Ir to idnies a; iod, Sea orth. ly Pled the premise% r V '17x the vial�ge on bil, ri, 248ft tt, Tailored 8v ,4 borr erY. of -Gorrie. wa, ow'Rea =4 oepuple..jiby. DL Shau The fall( efiing � ate of that Western ]E�.R. Co., solle minera of on Tues -day I ast rolnftl ,a ee 13' high Class so [io0l, the jlaturd& bldd f sre*ell ItO, ej- bmany aball and W. . Xers ke. They oth carne! from Canada Bu ifiess Co lege, Chatham, is MW43's t wJ I f :T . � our eaders. This 3-i r tut umue is about vis (th friends - 11 V ps 1parts orinigrestlo! 'jeafOrft �ro]ML. dod�-,ftQk D. L. & W. Scranton. erl departure (fKxr O"k, our IL 0,0 1 1 r to h leavi- i Tuesday,' f ei 9 K., ­ = Wei dr rL e ru lr-z teinbe 6th. The fac that D& er 4N 'ver. Of Miph4g'a. M W91D the ret on and agajJ6 eXt y that! ek tour�-of the :students h, vd been Ineedeachyear the I we 561 ta tow4, M4, Mairri eatem 3�rovinces ajrl -Aill yealr9;'tba, i the sAl ties averaged ove 600 mn e ki the ezT.,busines Were =4 Winghal Ply goodjboardjNv!throo canuesecured n Oba tham, a an r. McIrt- all --=rate Oo vw� a., zelater, beaforth 9V to It -he He 19roc or wee and th. you p 'et vou 1 A Rad lucIdeliat—MM.' Sellem wife k>f Aved V,3 p �et your lway! hre paid tosh In the COAI wo-pd bL s. Mr. 1 Of VlTd�n, Maualtoba, da -ht up to $8, keg It a most deal b] pla2o to et er of the M01-11toQ& was, a r4ember'of Of, NcDnaxgall, Their n iv I ue No. 40 i P ia prqiip�rous farmer, late A� G., Clomniercialtkining Thelrne�v L. Sellem, 0 ness man, of Seaforth, which mrillU'read & abbot 10 aj,&, ilyb( a worlE ber ti WrAd fk� ch er nA em-' who It ves on -the ithW rme of relap. Of art and I ree for tl to askiar. 2228-2, tavala Naeonic A sure yol committed suiplide Sund y The Auri giji. wallm-At ujlcg�od r goner it nouse YA desptch sa "Mr, sh waa hanglnig:, bel,,� daugbter, of philadL.Ipl ja for a, work. 'Apol� to X a. V elf In onO of the apple 1 20 01)AhY XY the head - of 1J,,F PSIC 9 t .228-tf the 0c Cbal treeis which -tsjjz'TouUd-,11be hause. Mrz. CO., and vice -pr", dent of! had been In p6or,hGalth for hev. Val few dayo witb mr, A. Davidson v. Artbur Sad Dj atb.-� i adian ;Seller�- Stylish -t le. with d ep T e tad, C igret Coal A�­socjation. H 5 the -death of 11 for Vof ne weeks. In th dn abortit a 4tician. i el mo Jeweler and several e e.10 They're strictly trian-tail o ed to i bhdtj that we Months. and h1a,Aea1th'Was not �bPciock ghe 6rot od t, �bed left bome In Port1a;nd, ' ad M1 ilfgan, I. X. �burkMr wlie of Un. Loukr 'evenn unexpectK iTe Viae go !yga ilo it ssuer Marriage Licenses FA&7, AfNr spanding tw rs 1110, the -honoe. Her husb Popular Ulhicy cc� t0ck, Isliste was a Istl1tutimg a search, j q4 Ind Mltsg Tt;ott� wee16- eux.1 whi ah iaud event occurit ed &j er and was b n W -eir shapely. ra �oods -here he- sbaut four, Welock. mt"ed her and, In. keep t4h au U e -ur lif ' ing ul'4 --trawa fatb home, If on Road cast, op. -Tiesday lived mwt -df his ij Mr. her..Welesg r;kand st. Trott -a Vtt� �Tri)tt had Mvi, Devereux tial -mot ..been, valuable - muVIbi .�,,Jish 1o9k -until kE va athynt feellin 'pa Iser kv ocm bod oil, Priced -ut Is - y hawdgtn� b of an blo Weeks aljo. cu6ted. p61466 a beeil, giranted Isix wee iA a 11 a#d from �a apple cOuAt of fil health, air e IaTe 01'eaj:(. WVIA to� t a ermanle, Much 2 out 9", R -T& OR 0 b Id chi. t -4mpafty -1104 rd of TV e andl nehghborhood for thi water z�d 8 Ibeirea, ied family Coat ed tv. heaTfthat he Wa4s It e Iftedi t 61he- was a hiemb t; 11b a a7hfie ia�l that Imsti. -qther boa 4r ot. the JaTA X" vim '0, erent He sa3lis he Ukes- the ultion. el c �:r soTric d 14seasej, Ma4wnte/ Mr1 di, y ev re Clerk's Notice of Finst A new- St. Death of a Flone e�r. e dewth of e I kAd 1. ohe� as lbrojight Ito r. Paura/uhur, :1144 an stiffia e iobtfizeir Practical and S WaYls' i9lad, to come ba* il Walker, 6f t Th town, aae Postine of VoterV List -Mliss 111een 'Scatt d%7,vf',1i;st wedk kerierilly-1: ell Mr- - M- X M -W: M6 UAW the Huron ve (Section is) P. Scot, of Bru,43' c Y pioneers, If factory! t h i beeh e ft. 94 r attacked ,her i.g h. after mer, it of ea awa 'Uri TuesH t 'few montWl 1 .9 i .1. Ut eTiblaed Ift the tnill­ occurred. 6n Sunday: thr - 1 Voters' Usts, 1010, Xu �,,pa : y . #.. a ishe paissed " I Y s s4le Of the U Mlevatil Cb Oblee'lhuto ou h thi Township of Tuckersmith, in the :0 left i: for 9, IV.- and Mro - De, rereux Unew, im pa*� Gounty of Huon, wa, where isibe. ba; secqt-ed a poi. E�jre m i ied JUA 7le Year labd eley after Oe' en 0i IaMej�foil-captmfi Da'w� witb% a 4 h r early !de'61se come, -q meat dea em, Willi we. the unikdler�%- 1 rl�d 1 0' isftt 'Year. The tuyier tta Notice. �t.� 15, R-1 tic dtroke. Ile Was his. seveaty�- p ace on OUM is hevaWgivto that I Wer trans!p1tted or IzVa iu on the Isick Wt t e WIT49haim his week.-I'llot W at is o0k� adt "'llr to er 061 f or c Ldh I iV dbinla 1W, the Tuaga;Y aftemoom to tl iMlivend-ftthe perswe mentioned in Section up. or Brin4y 1kblic Whor pt9 erY. The lowne copiesirequire ftnd� bi V It the relativ laind vemet -h will 19et, the ajd� 101V T. -PkLkne­,,4 -trdtt u rhey will Please i t: you h it �JA .1, the aj!q! W., lif e400g Liberal wad to _OX1A Act,, of rX ted or delivered beiog Ito, '00 her. ishort Tes idence can 4td Will Upply a Cf"&aP-: of the Arnerl ticle'., hav(� them jon sale Of Ire4 L�r�fjgh 'One en Mar 6f the ve dngb bad � - a 3 re, -better ar I Acdounw 16C t settW 'KethodWit, - bhurch 111 -an co, we caU trcuift i Y Mr, Chas. re; Don reux her,-� 8 At t' Ohio, last �elf befre abov d te will e ChE riged He 10 i3urvived :by U�s mumft my to be entitled to vote in 'the said Waahft Wh bad !the p1l ajsur� of ke, -also laher zu - G I PB t7, Geo d ughter, Mr�r. J. E. unitill, 1 -411th .7ear, is and one jr jokt-elfttlong forzineinbers- of tho -Lezis- week, he Won fourth xqua y-. In a jclw9s, eeung�j bi. Wao.lm- i co, per cent. teYezxty. ;onz m Itinicipil J9100tibils.,and that' of, tea over a very heayy rgck*. The 3C11814 and V=1bq add at I of pro. the zddR*E-wWfi or amiable md !Indjy�j Tuok- tfor, postel up -at my office at The Ouns ere... 1 (bot time In the .133a -r- �Pdst e 1 c fund Elijah the 318t day of Auzust;I1910, and-reniabs .22. fWsh race WaRl, ;MR her a tavllwlte with. Notes.-Harvle it was thie 611 the - farm, near ani orge* 0" 'On - And I heit�eby call upon all -Witt Pilot Brin.0. howing; U 11-1. !T fu e LOOK -PL Im I week I w! of -the farm Oe -voters to th. Two, Wheat, d Weiglel,' Ila b Glilaton- m1cker edin roceedinp to have an�.. all t St., arley and ,&lt are a according to taw. IGM wIrit"i &Y Jarne4l' K hure alud 4t VNGLISH Fla nelettes Cotton SN ings and Pil oyr ls�treeit, ls'vL�jtft Torcj�U CrOP, at.-, R. A., Se ret to the Juft4 tist the r#fr ctst- tist- t1st i friend.i.- ina w te laid )to tc gt in St. but peamu Ctttons. —A bijt'� shipm -.Int of the�e goods', ht�ve ast z mt, al 1>1 rz MOOREGOR Clerk,,. Tuakersioll I re �al M�r,. Court of Ifthe I�CMha DIVW011 at OSH. tb. 'Rev.' ?&.'Dewey, -of Lonlol if -,-preach jamog August slak, U10. 222(�-2 , �t syln�., D. Bintin �ushl ig amete Tlie si�p ves next Sunday in liess In the in the Meth( Church,, gode Hall; Jacksoraj -ai isfteaot lDf !the; arrived. I Our customers will be forietb ou . i�a Our ght la Jamez In abd will alo ac P�aft 01 al In be exiteqv ed t o, the shiNg liIiie Mr, &. jAck., Torojito police force, Aefit by! ift spec -i - sorn of the f&nj .1th& placin or them menths it lie 0�rely rbi reaved nd, merchant. alsWted ture bur-Aness A 9 orders f go wh 0 pritet were M- ich husbav, *4 D So -I- t f 01 I'al week night aervipeil farrnemwhiY w and from the 4th e 1 a,31 -breen't 0epvj wd of the jk�Nt re acarce of use be v- lues t hat '121 the 1Thoma--,, Te,,-jdjng at 0treetsviale. lower t4 72 to Shoes toi the 9th e ow h n now, We begi a "Septem�ei wit a of Qua Of 0� M arvesot f ield. h feel toql�don, list holidayi 11 inug W1 his av verY 191tateful. fcr rn't, kindinesa.. Mrs. r1X 3t- 2 51 S� will -deli�-ht thrifty housekeepers, Mtv- -Holand, of Will hi -op. tain Ka 61 Tuckeiramith Cav -Onei of those interesting WTen, ;a0d MIMv. G, By. OU re abtended the a Helory yra, of Dig.. ich alwa.)% case a iftLitj ar Of -ttlTteral of t e l te ITOA of New -BrU71SVI, conduct eye -W i Per-wnal a,. Ferles opt special -Inee frpm Sat� excittinei d1t In the frninine beart oc.� trolit, last week. n Eyre wars -Xies Flora isherman, Of B uft'J er Want(%,d W e ns - 9 JPWcage, ba ret=nad gs From the World's Be t Mak- t, Ueslay mor . E ay.. EUt tbc fA;o m.y 411. curieid OIL , whili brother of %Ome, after ante on wo.� j ast, L Mrs Wren,.-Arr Moinday Wght the -capt An jLaj e noe, dtvght6r of MT,%- e Pre.ierits a very f If it makes any difference' tra-A� hus 4avlmg Pl0aCB;l3.t vis# with frlen lecturp : W. t all- 1hee Pearaace.-Mn. 0 you Sir what sort of shoes ion "Tersonal OVsexva Mar�are ehoi Waa. uldted In TrIar- :10 Tus Lida Readry, of At h- Mr of Irelan Malgare I wood, aunt, Air - YO YOu 171 alsio- ibe riage; 'tu J h W11 011 AdwAl am* S1ncla*',Q-1 barn - U nut V r feet �Capta Walas, of L thiLs weeli'vi$Aing ber nele into it dowrx for ta's 10,ALtre r J. jA: Wjj.� of Der, Th have it ready -f aloalg and K11g. �hA F. -a difference where you buy laterestiog.. cer Y-wn-y r. � �u red 11a - Tormif.6 thiic- 1we *.'Tle weAt WaZ perl ed' v Rev. P.* Ita e iater h" -Tho v: ur shoes. Whether you buy Oov-m with-.1viager -,David -hD' Is 1��howi, St. Jamd ch '�4n'g" aY service' 01 evenin The Vdtelt YO a coop ch, A six delopic a.m., sund oterS list for a shoe here fer $3, $3.,50� $4, h4g7 bl�is pd.rly Outf it� at -hE, 9X PTOMPUY on IUme, t In-s-tead of I rt I a enod arty e for goodly hs 1t0W`WhlP, which wai;r $Arst posted, -Jqdge' Doyle wa�­Ap-rc �Ue aay entered Ite chinch, p th� -bride-1 oi-be 1�wm- in f avoT of -the change. $4-5o.,. or J�5., Y001 get a shoe 01 tduraVer in the clerrig office VmWedneis�ky, heaTiugg ata, aripeai, case In c ne tion ing, on, M a arm Df her -brother Mr- Wm. There fl�4 21o'doubt b wg),�t 319t, colitaina the- fol-low1ug Of Ter1r, gua cK llap. ILI 1hrX e, �vajv, asis tei a Ck�seDIFJ' 119U're.4s: Total nutnbe;r Of Vdte'rs UM rll, litY with the ),jecallurn, d n -,hoe�t ie would have a I ull hoase biw quality.* jhe best you can buy: A shoe ri ade by Dect-Aaa was r6served.-ijis the,�U- orde y -ftr. Veiilnl�.-Mliss i@liza NeN�,, 95j, ril-a4e uP a;� tollows :.Part 1, 614 - Bea, rice MeTann, e ell �ispmt last a m aker with " r utation. No McG1`bb0a,.,0f Hyde Park, Vifisilnig her of 'Tal n, Ae �art IL 146; Paait s s5. T�6,tal num.b mo�jev a , ep and wnd L6 -,,,s Marg-alre week with her-- tk r, MCE a;jgj., er Jurors; - 8 �94. All ersor�s in-teredte4 RY VIM -h tint, MTI,:z,. Dj T. Pktii"k yal of the m a clit nephew 9w)n n1ei ------------ 4 dance is takeii, in LeAther, ey, al the tR) :0- Of Hotel.-Masswo,,, John, 0- ould exarn PO 611 wid 0earge thf�,brlde.. ThFek ounrladY Ic Yked very Britic lAeAhis Lo to see that Shoe making, stkle or -fit.. Al efteld Loery drove to na Wee to he bridal tro Wes appelir. usseau f WK t e, s. — f1j, -widths, attetid the f.uneral 03 QMPMKI, i Ew3t Had Ndtes.-Mks Mrs Th sizes and theilr jkunt, vj-n-', wh1te baU.-ste', t"ItnimelL with McElacbren, of ien-i df thb 2n:d cdnc Nathan GrIf 1VII Ca es10n Of Tuckerzm1th, aina olls, and f1th. -ttajjjocl; of ne,. lacej!wlth %rge &Ack �Idture �hat. left d4 Tutsday o ies Pal�ner -Of Xaw� RT We sell shoes F&dwlab, $g vitst gft �4 w J Y:a f eW day,�r direct from the 14ends' I a t )wn eave been vlL4tjjVg'a;t the 0stUMe WaLl r c �earn holidayz visiltinig fr1eindr, Im. tho- vicin, me of their frlVad, Aiggle Wal,- 6� I lar, alad eu oi the tht�r, week. -Mr, jobn ]Beattt br�adclod, tha' itY of Toriwnto, nianufacturer. Come in and le h, is )urr. I e eha;�ed the hand ccy�t bei0j, trimined if will take ial the 4de, have returaed home.�MLS 'AnInle jbine some re, dVace bef or t ]n ew teadhe r� MGeore Sout1l t IV - With Per 3 of PSE -ge Sou h n L Te;- 83, f the tguesit of miss 1]3! the, outlog.-Mri- Wiliaaln F`Ori�-Ythe! Is here heir dat: rbi- 71 1had left la, -,-t -week for see lain exhiition e theli r:d party ItO, a �Iew* -of her friend, CV14 the new. Fall Models. Willairn G erich T71tr"Wt.- UM. Teir wnels and Mir's P-,,ckard', oil. The brief: I beatfUtul. cerermn 3ny erp I man)� frielr4l wi Pes-$le, eiiing recetl,�, and aisqal Ithey Weve , a splendid showing. 9x- aA Urz-1. H. L. Van to' e bEve the! Pafti returnad to he bonle Pleai,�Lut 3ea 'fe, f Barrie, $pezxt few,. KUyo .2, , good time.i.-ML-za Dollie �Murray, . *f Philip. V6 turned to Stratt drd - af tqr p aln , j we t bride, whe! 'ere re the md_�zlt jsunj.ptu(>uj, Ca 8be Wr er re right sure your shoes vved, fr�oxn, North r&jjnj,�L vj�,4tlng SProat. McLennan, A16-01na, 10 hete on a 1v1srt ter, Mrs. laam �@�a�,nd, jd- Go en,+ vtlle.�Arrs I@ ta *h-1ch lInsi George Turner, Miss' eters, Of A. few re herV, waitino, two wbekd' vlstlt with Nfr� &-ad I d Es gL ets, nd, -Mitstard a d fr Mr, 10 a e, L. bil� breal1imit a walited t Mr. lex TuMer, im, &rrd dai-�ghter aibel, with her n dt 3-er 0 for you., It's G. VAAE,-gjnon..d, EmGild: HariY TYffAaX- Nira's, last, we 0 I-dly, who have Apent the arn)le� 'ju(SUCO. Wall$ lone, af- s!ythe- Tovirlerly fr1eni �s were pleasaintly enter -i v, nd- f A t,,t*, a farm on the�Lcqidon road Inqar here w1th a few �More f.rjejnd Mr. And Greeift, fill lin t the bol -4. to see Jthe newly on best in Men's shoes and w6re illxd' M1849 Rose Cash MX. Pearson Cbevixy, Wedne_,zda: Urr. ae, of our habits to show the la Dims�els this vy eek wrled and' reided xm eamlngtjyn� and Mr. Au�jt ampbell talned at "Ruscoe F Ca�fh I-- vl-itttag' ter� which ll ireapalred 11t(y th), is In 4-rin' the home of ve6k-at Trartled- couple of ori aNd �bout lthirtlHsieven 'Years idays *1th friends in-' e eat an evenln[g, here irecently.-KrZA'. r doing it a�gain this season. We �an RAp1d5.. the r Ito- en. -ug- aln �(Yld it ud removed to North ue,4t '31 eventn6g,,, in I Unor of 'tbeffr u Mria. 1-ur iAndrew Mr. Arch. -Scattp Z -01a &yf:' Jqr-� jaine-4 ur. 011 - ellt the� th6 joubg Olbla W. B. McLea, of and coupl:,,' were IshoWfred 7ilith sell—The just Wright, Hartt be. hais' s e iresided 4 -Ka;bel McLean, at'WinnipeW, zpent Prii- cKean, Scatt, who con-eti. b� Thits is ot C lt. D V e. their they Ill their friends, co ed Urith old lhiwne, since j 1, 1 alt Mr, J6111 :'GProaVj4--MT. erby, Hag.ar, Astoria, Long, W- Urk in New Ontario, Ntr�j Ly go 3 tirst vilslt fty the 7 az-t rh Is� t Y fhhs� Wilse S' for their f ull Ure hapf- be - lbft it. M114 Mustard aud he left' C; �eoj ge South( cift amd father from, SlIv M Dtall Williarn.4 a Life, Sovereigu, Albert and er Walter, :611114 1,Df T e choir of the, chicb, led Tuesda t6 v it. f4en�cjs fad "wilf6r, Who -have fbeen d Bend its Ca escape from. .,g1nd �roun4 -1 peft(g- ble d wiek be, he harne of Breezes.- Cartlere, who, hws 9 rot n4s on Oa by LT4tIT. oine time ait ey Moll rd.:. Ayhner fine shoes for Men,, all �ath. A I Lffxis� Mulckby, aaog .19, (n n, " 1 Vert y amd fan Ily aie, lelaving the f 0144e :1e lea eg on his retjv%�. trip qay.--Vr% Per Wigo, Wednesda-y tbal durim wilialms? parents,, Mr. and Mrs, vi-Ating in r nto returned home in at of Part d the 'ODi ap, a e I week. - Tan Leathers. d:over T Oliver we2�t t. Good -year welted i -Black and 11* 1 t by Mn, 9 the seryi;ae iuext week. -The Bruce�ftejd ROV(ra V14*, sel WITHIs w mz returned to, their last vei� is verE e the 011041 ., vaq preside i ted Grand Beldd m aalturdiy au i -Playq .1 iorb Mra. Reg-= en Swaday ievmiw trY was v1sited by- a thun-4 iioW4 -cd'm use it ac y pr e in 'CW0a190"01r1t SAWrdaY. D= i�z4 Lo�doni Ho-Rtaift The ho 1 herel Mr, Sad t e ptabl , by _ a. Watak : Dever naum. eid a friendly Isp tal lavt week, wher' 91 ept was d go "We of fbatball - wltK it'nothel, of jo;ur boy:v who IX StebbWf, Klaadlkz---+ was a -a rS t9lf 6a the bid -the club of Graind -J�Wd. The. 1 ji. fly' Is dobU i=erweUt -a Isuccessful. operatio A )r. and Mr& Jacob ffAlper amd 3 IXA- Pabe Sproat Jett on T mo­�-t cornpldtely wreck0,' r be t1ful e a bo -y Peata �rPoch,' bd th, brl de,,- home teainn defeated -by E,, [sc' ueo- OUver spat a tew days with: we;. I a id 31mr, =d fafl� ail were Ora k Ammia attrerrAm rnoTbiQ f or; ITDT lamb*,. a "M lgeApral a- Id slg;�t brooch, =d tot 4 to -0. 10ame, however, Onvi�-41t `-Tbre--b1mg 1 as commenced In thiO 5 mn' Sua"I even".- -.very pleasW IT Richardson & Scott; tn y pled by UT- Scott wars 1killbid. To;rj uUte,: the >rasma 6�9n4t fob a inuch bettd�r tha-in the iscora 0MW and take In the lbi`6- f air.-Saloo- I laerlghborho�d, and the crops are -9 ith Mr. itild Liltbm-1 M Tiff ly he -had gone.. the d'a7 j)r low Indik .5med'bere on, the 16fth wit�i ini 'a. 1 1,419. The floral e aor;.q e Jbm Mof f att amd auglik IMI 4e*1AQA* place�-Tlfe IrZk' i everythiz 0f Aulgue-tl POrted'verY Elsie aPd ISM, a 14 NA�-. Jobn Greezuisjett SubdaY 4 qF. it and inewly 1, Theodore, *.j :ed In Da! at100 99 pie� a ar 6- cleaned tft b �r­ and JoU t �teH ter, of ff�­ej�Am op pet% t t4 y �jtarUd. A NUAft.. M11b 11 0,4j