The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-02, Page 6ore— • • head r e ten e swan wes cad a5 le IlttYt lel: till I egwGws reach. )4 ace vLid; I 'inkse Saved tut at th ser. returning necessary. ot Oil ripas uth his st so le tem, h ue M Wine. aps you do not know Bat' a like to tel o lust as you do, We are headquarters for both horse and horseman. Fly -nets. Coolieg blankets, harness of all deacriptienuedusters, plushr age and tomplete line of' fancy whi We would atm] like to call, t e eur large stock of tru suit eases and -club bags. - Trunks ranging from $2 06 tO SIO 00. Suit cases ranging from Club oags ranging fro To interestyon in these Thies, we are offering them to you at a snec- tat discount, BRODERIOK'S Cheap Harness Store Opposite Commercial Hot -1, Seaforth a P. R. Time Table Guelph and Goderich Branch TO TORONTO • if 740 ft 11 8.14 2.55 3.00 gg asa 3.57 4.12 tee .1 5,05 0.35 FROM TORONTO Connections at Linwood for Ltstqwel. Con- neothroa at Guelph with Inalif,line for Galt. Woodstock London, Detroit and Chicago and all Central Business College Stands ready to help young men and women to win inde. pendenneand success. It nes Ie. It can help you. Write or cetalogue. .Enter any for Sale We still have one or two of the Coleman Salt Works' buildings left, intact, also a quantity of lumber ;Ind timber, which is suitable for repairing about stables ami out -buildings on the farm. In order teha,ve theee buildings and Material elea,red off be- forw the first of August, we will sell at a very low price, and will refuse no reationable offer to accomplish this yjaw No. 8, for the Year 1910. amount. of Statute Labor unperformed at the rate Of 411, per day. is hereby enacted by the inculloipal eouncil of" the Township of Siite,y,. acting under anthority of chapter eat, Se*tiiii 501, R.8.0., 1807, that the rate of one dollar per day be levied on ths" Collectors' Roll, of any percort's statute labor Ioft unperformed bY Sept. let, 1010, and same to be col. lected with the Other taxes. Passed tide 3.0th. day of July, 1010. P. 8. --Patlunasters must have their lists in by the 244 W)11. GLENN, Reeve. J. ECARNWELG, Clerk. nave had sie ettildien. and them all hut bee. Whea *tong would get Varrlicee and nothing we Id not know -of Dr. iFowiefs: g4ract Wild Strawberey. I saved My last ehild,1 h is -n -Had I kaavne about it before feel t at I would have saved the othent s forever praise and blew it and tvill ne r "Dr. Fowler's" has beetti, on market for over sixty-tve yea and has Bowel Complaints . scrupulous dealer `who wishes i'to su, stitute the so-called StraWbed Co poueds.. kr -"Dr. towler's.11 rice Monnaent by law at the piece on the the way oozed -a ehort ed ag IT FRUIT ufferiing —The Fain u 5PA Sore tore for Sp else Seattle, WasX1ra `T bemused your Spavin Cure and i is Equally. good for Curb. Splint, Sp Jolots scud all lameness. Hundreds -of thousandsofkorso 'tin the wt 40 years. Tallar.fils a taadard Goad forma an el. a botue--6 for 05. h'uyat deal au tree copy arourbook--"ATraatise Oa 116 d. KENDALL itaishura Vans. he McKillop Mut Fire Insurance Ocapp4ni FARM AND liSOLAT e TOWN PROPERTY !MN LY INSURED. , J. B. McLean, preildent, Seaferth president ; Thos. E. Hare septet/1r/, i 'Wtn. Chesney, Seatorttr; lobo CI. gen; Jas. Evans. Beeehw ; John Wata Harlock ; J. B. McLean. See - forth; Jas. Connolly. GoderIch ; McElwain Bromfield. ' Robert Smith, - H.arloeire Ed. ley, Seatorth; Jame* Cumin' root* HAD LAME BA Was Almost Unable To Ndve. Two Boxes of Doan s Kidney Cured Her. "I feel it mt., duty to drop you a few line to let you know what Doan's nine Pills did for me. I had, such *IL= Back that I was almost unable toinleV and my kidneys were in an awftd , con dition. "After taking two boxes of oani Pills I was completely cured and eel well as I over did." Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific fo all Kidney Troubles. They' begin b expelling all the pononous matter from the kidneys, and, then heal the delicate membraees and make their action regular Doants Kidney Pills ate entirely teeg table, and may be safely taken by yew] Price 50c per ho* or ;13 boxed $1.25, at all dealers, 6; mailed direei receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. , When ordering direct, specify "Doan's.'I ametemettemeent FROM ALL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATioNS IN ONTARIO ADDITIONAL -FARM LABORER - EXCURSIONS TUESDAY AUGUST 30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Free transportation win bo furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pac fin Where laborers are required, East of Moose Jaw, moioeins branaheac and at one cent per mite each way -West thereof in Saskatchewan and AlbePtai ' . SPECIAL TRAINS FROP4 TORONTO TO WINNIPEG ON ABOVE atm: ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICOLA S Stewar Bros. Agents, Seafai h are to otin rote, as. The e byl the 11 be ice " com -0 toter, he ft thirty ca pass t e ph cal' °sem drew. pa --i-The $1 ath lis announc of &tattled nd deo ed. other len out. tor its, girl ates and . t The broth re w the pioneers Luna -Alen as In xletance. Mr, di for mann ears the thlydee ale sea VILAiSeeld9t$OCia eubjeem Cavada bet eel'. 14 e.4 elves to and eet. a step cadet a beersnetraid IlTiltcerooev- ma aid Georne of tbe et b thin taros • N ANS `14 It Rencted en the Was ID an a de canips 1.1u h S. American agezi lowing jok _ play the leader ot the Stockings. tiring some years asgoo:n tAnsen runners in the under him Was tilitem in lo g run the head of the p kinds o trick i"One afternoon armind ,the field rn es.. ,Th aftetin o those wi ting the rigors; f a et players fell ittto scowling. Back boerd fence semi' from one of the near the f: fence. The first letles pass the Anson was leo firet throng the tery. The there the lot, but n the Ryan, Kit dge Dahlen The ird to four olloW die lea an poor 13 II Sc ba4 luck to' be slir e th • alo ooke w e the 43 He stopped, looked ta lin ,grin ove and he resu ed the jogging. 'Stir ht to t at fenc he plodded, and, stle ,g his head 1 th our,li the hole, he be eld Jus for that. be marshaled them 1 • to line again end, sitting in the s ; d, wat bed the grittily until every bed coinplet ten rounda" oi the b fore de Wad t of of eatlY istrich in :dm a training ea n rid, and I leg mightm d drive his was a Mar th players res rt o o avoid t os In New '0 ordered en ie was ho them sp an. f men, fresh ern win r. left field a hig oil cemeteries, an m the pantbsg at k glance to s ecker dived him in the e h found only ver, who had ely behind -us nd on the -next leap for life. e, Anson tolled writhed with ir behavior aro ce of folio 'Cap's' ellen at the vacant Id read his red. ce, liskin one o our universities who Skylar For t o Shelley Claim I are he rd of professor of den: ly felt ihat h s department as ing bat his scient he colleagues w re , libmality fad illustiative apparatus, he put a his minus! eport a request or dent, asked him t explain tie s d abet it was kepi:edible for -blin to eage catch 41 lark aed hold it up to reae -trry ng ha dui nit into -To films If -neve had.' Independent. lie . Andd when we are stndying 't"shies Into -lint ewoii tbbee As actitoennettiltfinaritnheer oinily. ;trey. :-Iihtaht-raos rooshsb hwe topiastfhoo02, trh t ft is UI in eresting sight c us by di leng it of Its arms au s lect those ranch which int gip tho f neighboring We are apt to o as the racist we so ri;. ths a. s eyv r kt us in sonle thin s, massive pyre/nisi al years ago, used f Litt for treating blo d kidney disease, a d Their method. of medicine is ale A well known however, perfect fruit juices, whic is discoveriea of mode for Chronic Consti Indigestion, Torpi Disease, Pain in th Headache and Neur Limited, Ottawa. re Dein -a-tives" Fruit Medicine idet the age we live- erful age that the 7 still marvel at tti hysicians of semi* ouble,- liver an tornach weakness. ing fruit juice as a e of the lost arts nadian physician method of utilizi h one of the gree.te medical research tion, Biliousness Liver, Kidnee Back, Bad Com m, Nervousness igia. o, or trial box, eec. its long arms and; sping the bo epposite, seems first to shake them if to test their sftv gth, and then d 'literately- swings i elf acrosa to _next branch, which t walks along =keys usually d , and never a ears to harry Itself unless some anger is present. et in spite of I , ug far, quicker a person ran - n ng through the for beneath. e pop y bee is 6 artist of the g down bout three Inches. At the gr4.0 ;ler makers, thou he builds her i es It glo ously 'with. the scarlet pet.' a s of the Fed poppy. She cute an& fl _the 'go geous tapestry perfeetlye en part' Mb tbe cell with honey,e ys an eg folds down the red blart-' k ts and c vers the hole so that it b to look r Itse in its rosy nests Sir John Benn r siry of y who Id like be. schoolmaster •41nee the tly related a asked what he trtdd be tee niers Vie lighthouse* going to Pik" eked Somyipthin* cubed pusson White," said' Un - an' ed Job mi It enlegs It n wit* t his ,appetite fo' policy, II Were Pretty. 'Giber of In the front stood thus obs cting the view -of those toms vibe weree seated. In vain' ere the7 c011ectively requested to sit d WIt till at last 4 happy thought ex- rred to one of the sttfferers. He ed out in Measured tones: 111 the pretty lady b. front kindly - el &wad" whereupon about fifty old men briskly seated themselrese- don Tatler. ay, is this letter addressed right? ed a Object of Germany, holding it re the eyes of a postman the other . The latter surveyed the writing a then the city and country, "Berlin, y." Below were neaten in bold ti don't want '13. S.' on there," re. marked the postman. "Berlin, Ger- many, isn't In the United States." "I don't mean Milted States by 'U. S.," rerdarked the man from Kaiser Win hellit's land. "I mean 'up stairs.' This friend of mine lives on the sec- ond floor." Buffalo Commercial. His Little Pun, An inveterate wit and punster asked the captain of a craft loaded Wins boards how he managed to get dinner on ehe passage. "Why," replied the skipper, "we al- ways cook aboard." "Oook a board, do you?" rejoined the wag. "Then I see you have been well prodided with provisions this tri at all events."—London Graphic. Hoot Awah Mon. An leglish cleagyman„ talking one dayt with a Scottish brother of the cloth, remarked fatetiously, "Welt David, I believe, after _all has eee said.; that my head cOuld hold tw ed "Mon," :returned the other, ready wit, "1 nevem tocht before that your head was eae .empty." --Bo ton Transcript th , "How are you getting on as a n %Vs - "Rapidly. They now allow m to draw the crosses showing where the Noble Effort. "110%v did he get it -lust think!' And 41.17 tried Pearson's Weekly. By Louis Joseph Van (Con nue.d front Page SeVen.) Anch-inetnediately Ihe was soy pi hie tactical§ Unery had _swung the eon- vereatiat] to bear ueon her father, the theugbt of Whoel 'could mot but prove painful to her, But It; was too late -It *no on My fa thetes .aceouner she tom _Aim In a steady heica but ;with aderted eyes. "He le very poor sail- or, and the prombe of a 'rough passage difterence of- epinion about it, be dis- Steyker. Thet was juat after we had left the anchorage. They both insisted that It was sofer to: continue by the Alethea, but he woufdn't listen he them aed in the end had. his IMAM Captain Stryker . Tan the. brigantine Into -the- mouth of the Medway and put us ashore lust in time to eatch the "Were you sorry for the chan Sheshuddered slightly. "n nib* 1 hated ehe ship from th • talent -I set foot on beard her. I was dreadful place. It was,all nightmar- ish that night, but it -seemed most ter- rible on the Aiethea with .Captain Stryker and that abominable Mr. Elobbs. I think that -my unhappiness San aa ranch to do witn my father's ineistenee- on the change as anything. Was very thoughtful most of the itirkwood shut his' teeth on what he tnew of the bbckennird.- lindt know whynt she continued, 1 wretched from the moment yeu left me in the eab to wait while you weat in to see Mrs. Hallam. And when we - -a at Bermondsey Old Stairs, 1. hat you, had said to 'me, 1 felt 1 y. kpow what to say—abandoned rdly! left y atter hard in a "But dye, t mitt were .with yam. fatherdilit his care. "1 know, but I was getting cane fused. Until then the exeitement had kept me front thinking. But you made me think. I began to wonder, to ques- tient But what could d da?" She sig- nified her ,helplessness. with a grdck and dainty movement of her hands. "He is my father, and I'm not yet of, age, you know." "I thought so," he confessed, fro bled. "It's very inconsiderate of yen, you must admit." "I don't understand!' "Because of the legal e tuplication. I've no doubt your .fathe can 'have uneasily—efor taking you front his "Protectionn' she echoed warmly. "If you call it that!" eKideaping," he said thoughtfully. °I presume thadd be the charge." "Ohl" She laughed tne notion to scorn. "Besides, they must eatch us first, mustn't they?" "Of course, and"—with a simulation of confidence sadly deceltful—nthey than't, Mr. Hobbs to the ccIntrary not - "You make me share smut confidence against my better judgment" "I vrIsh your better judgment would eounsel you to share your confidence with mein jie caught .her Iv. "If you Would only tell me•vrhat it's all aboute - is far as yon knovr, I'd he ibetter able to figure out what we ought to dd." CHAPTER XXV, RIEPLY tbe girl sat Silent, star- ing before her With swee-t, somber eyee. Then, "In the very 'beginning," shtt told him. with a COUSCIMIS laugh—"this _sounds beginning George Burgoyne Calendar, .Amerlean, married his cousin it, ozen times removed and en English man, Alice Burgoyne Hallam" "wait, please." She sat up, bending orwand and frowning dor* upon her terlacing gloved fingem. Site was nding it difficult to say „what she t Kirkwood, watching hungrily fair drooping head, the Bo wless male clear end radiant against the 1 tndight blackened window, sea? hot sig- I els of shame burning •oe her pheek i throat and forehead. l I "But never mind," he began awk- I No," she told him, with decision. ease let me go on." She continued, mbling, trnmting to his sympathy to ridge the gaps in her narrative. "My ther—there was trouble of some sort t all events, he disappeared when I s a baby. My mother—cited. 1 was eared /11 the home of my great-u.ucle, one! George Burgoyne of the In - army, retired. My mother had en his faverite niece, thee say. I resume- that was why he cased for e. I grew up in his home in Corn- , ale It was my home, just as he Was thy father in everything but fact "A year ago he died, teavine, me 1 all street, his estate in Cornwall. PI verything was willed to me 011 COladi- On that I must neder live :with my ther nor in ane wey condribute to 0 tate without reserve was to'go to his arest of kin. Colonel Burgeyne was The girl paused, lifting to Kirk- ood's face her eyes, clear, fearless, t thfult "I never was given to un - d rstand that tbere was anybody who s lf," she declared. "I sead r Rem.. Hor Yogi. c.40, hing else. 'this Imperial Oiford Ra ge is the ow we want ,to dem nstrate to boeus your kitchen. ,The OXFORD SAVES 20 PER CENT. -0 This is a sp;cial patent fou only on G reduces household expenses. Xeep fire running GIVES PEliFECT REST:MTS ON I3AKING bAy Figure that *tit bi dollars and cent . mien. Makes it beim in front as w 11 as back—under crust as well yle upper. Figure the time and worr saved on that. BILL tour -fifths the cosh ddas a half-dozen other special features worth everything to you for convenience and. economy. F tures that car e demonsmated in the store in a jiffy, but we can't ex lain here, Please give us ten mmutes cif your time next time y 're down. town. These ranges are made by on oencerns in Canada. Their guaran want to show you their good points We also carry other Gurney -0 all kinds of fuel. Whatever yoe w sure to be satisfactory. Corae m e Hard are P Heating f the °Meet and mos e of quality back of d stoves *s sure to d see for yo or all purposes in their line—a elf. my father's name, begglzig me a pant an interview with m Ice ho—guess noW hias alone in the werldt and he m ther, whom; had never thought We met at his hotel, the Pleas. e wanted me to come and live wit he h. noren z want anybody to know lt" 1 dz h herein he be.d plaited eat to the adventure et Id Stairs. He Wee UtilitY ef b asiom On one polue the tru He le ; said that he was growing ol and care, He told me that mply able to provide for us bet r my 14heritance, he persuaded t It 'WIN by right the property • have met the mount, gentleman, lilted Kirkwood. "Iqs tame was new to me, but me assured me that he Wax tb kin Mentioned In Colcatel Bur go will and convinced me that After all, he Inua my father'. I agreed. mild not bear the thought of wreng enybodyt - I was to give up every -ng but my raotladds jewels. 1 eteolred. ,out little, dry sob, I me time before she seemed able as told that my greatennele's _'tion of Jewels had been my moth property. He bad in life a pas - ego 'lfor colleeting jewels, and it had whil to carry them with him ever he went. Men he died in street they were In the safe b bead of his bed. L in my grief, at first forest them and then lifter - trefoil carelessly pui-oft removing thebs. "TO come back to my father, night before last we, were to call, on )4frs. Hallam. It Was to be our last night ha England. We 'were to- um for the conddit on the private yacht of a friend of my father's the next morn - ,This is what I was tokt mad be- ieved. you understand. 'treet night aids. Hallam was dining at aeother table at Mess,. it seems. did ,not, then know her. When 'ear - lag sbe put a note on our table by my tether's elbow. I was astonished be- yond words. He seemed much agi- tated,' told me that he was callen way on urgeot bueiness, a matter of life apd death, and begged rne to go ope :to Frognall street, get the jew- is and meet him at Mrs. Fallsitee bean *dimly to suspect theu that something was wrong, but I was a "I do, indeed," replied Kirkwoc • • grimly. 'I underend a lot of thinig ow that I &Met five -.not ago. 1, ease let me think." nett But the time he took • delibera- I don Was short, He had hoped to find 1 a way to spare her by sparing Calera .1 dar, tint momentarily he wad becom- j ing more impressed with the Agility of dealing with her save in terms of caudon--mercifal, though they might seem harsh. "I must tell You," he said, "that you have been outeageously misled, swin- dled Old deceived. I have heard from Yonr fether's own lips that Mrs. Hal- • lam edas to pay hien £2,4)00 for keep- ing yon out of England aed losing you yoer inheritance. rm Inclined to quem time tarthermore, the, 'assertaion that these jewels 'were lour =thee& Frederick Hallam was the rvn who followed you into the Frogman enenet house .and &time, ked me on ,the stairs. the FOrdwieb, dime ;store to Aldr0 Idepier, or. Tor 1 not knoWledge A' his distresa ;then, t invent a lieve he or good easure a. desire ed for its a SO fort But, whaterer muster. T O that res "bed all retind. h Freddie, 'her money ' you of urs, whici] could othing so long ae you -re e time he ,censpires to rob, 'throng*: ti the righttui owners, if the AM should Freddie Hellam go I t in the night to secure pro 's his beyond ' dispute? 1 d e .waited oatientlY. Even "0-1-51" the gir sobbed- assent peer sparin hjm in the end, '4,to hound 4s, He's doing it no ere's, Hobbs in the next car, Of, 'Until these jeiels are rail 'ther to Frogman 'street or to ye ane we're both he danger, eves •le the sight of ithe law. ur father. knows 'that too. The- reat- to be had by discounting te ed. Tbeytil • have those jewels ei. have to ge as far as murder:se 'Mr. • liirkw-oodl" she deprecated 0 wegged hi head stubbornly; they'll be e0 our beets before 'I (Contineeil Next Week) th tat en Cry *to 4a