The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-02, Page 47 7 ­­ , � � , ­­ �� , ­ - �- - .�: - " j 7 ­7- Aii: J_ T I M 5 T V 4- 4 H EgiWfKI �T W WU etleit id it'" hi­­ �nt tk 0 It ft. -tha A -10 fwa week tl "a War --- '. ; I low Ife- 4' 44i�., `_10t W114 -Pa. Mom, g 4 s E 06* i%�O and I ­_­ _._ . - 1% - - ­ __ . 1: ­: ad -dtcUted. they, is It bi iro%4 pilat 26. -,Veal _,6nt wk:n GO� U049t ilatlon Ay, - UP fil!Uar t -0 04" OR Ift-lot hem It le �W �,b 44- -wao spelft g XU* lidayo w1th, bfig, "a *yhare t unao, T&. 442 (Ar parei in - U :.. 4dy kno, ff T _7 Ot'' _ ?I- aits al: fl4e A thos L _A t Words *f the X11- ts al: W, 'we make 77 C -me w, ma lity of Sch 611 Shoesi. .. ... . . a: 100di, VW .., - -1- i A Spe ; ­ -, i 0, :, -:� I SLI h a Mith- -col I tali laweii . 1� _3 IT '1i All wo t1 iresli I h seeh.-dal, ly Mid vire believe we ft It i Ike Y aI Wifiiir sftid d problem careful & 6 Oenefa Ie"nq a - -�)clbt. x actio)VI 61. fair -.9tre'. The, r-eca ot_� the,v� Nthir 7 JR61" all Chr tie - h, r ce and Ta _,a0, A �ftutch $h Sek$B�D ri the 'C"t r 6-7 "m m4stere Al 15 Jewelry Sfort' to Ron(,— $bore and dw-ellin"7 I; tdl it at every: point. The Achool shoes We offer you are the btst--_ t:064�4�� rld a _ays oi� are contieution, *14 a 1Q, In I iiat-Ithe ry th b: s beet, copupled by 11r. Fred -day- qf WTI- -9.1- ijv� '--2 23': wee. vld "t and 10 �4 made awtwhere­�R4-st leathers, neat t shapes And best shoemaki :1 '41_� 22 2 e'-btg r UH wheat QWR& _11aw A a n er, for ov.qr ten years. - zo teat; for 1; [on a tee December Lot, 1910. 1dr, r t 11 as. q Possess I tie has- po�s:ep'pik fe'i'ev 2 1' ot, S t d th em, or' CredlUpi is Yo had" dittil deU ate, day, t L it tft thei -25 bia, several If u have -children who nee4 new shores for school - 26- 27 -1 28 .-30 and, eiwill or to UOU r6blem rn 'f( r �IdlVtlooi und; Apply to J.'D, Sthetl P beiorei t6 we% the- th t f rm,'Ins this -melig Wo dazO l6t -bhq,;19A week Wfib tiet bring them, in,�axrd e how"well we m aet every 'kqui iretnent. �U thes yvaIst settle mei,11- th e. �1144 IS4 In 16 e P(Y bi0" a'kee�i adir I Ier -of T4 Witso A A 8� PIOP� A numberbf Wl Ce dwellinge bave 1 V prI nde esh, and b6 1"tarW 'have,-, IreaUtifled, -th6ir,p"Ideilica.c. hands for sale at NNW p6sses- on D:W � great barga in pp ley st -a c W- t good dwellings I r renting. Apply to Gii J. Buth ho -4 river, tak" nueb ntere�- t by oat W' =60, lien �allj A=�212211vtf eoys eltion, :ot General i SO nu ht. At -boillsell oes. Also several -fln6, is hot I landi at the Vog� Th6'flgwe betwee n, the parentbasis -were t*a, SWX1aI; s uden appol C1. Vottcew�_ aind arer Sept. 16, 191-0 twelve ye e -h been the gi),Ilal with, h ends her a Oel 01 Box ca�f, dongola kid, kano arob OfBox calt' dongo.1a kid ab.d pn the page of -the Rev. Dr.. Willia, 'd thc 464signed at deallwa will jowe-� m$- h6d the pasi(tloil, Doz-tt ap siter tov�n.lj John. McMufghey at we, the ur ide �eather . ; I � our hol., R 0%. -the advertismen ay oix whibit for a�h only. y e Lace or blucher ru W1111 Wet Ole aA public ho ay , , leath 'rrim look ng shoes, but fo fimay, 6f CU iton, sthe alf,, chrom, pebble'and horse h �r of 9uperlut eig and Dr.' Ca*. 8U*U­Y Art erg. Solid sales and heelzi relativaa rme d maiLA-b-at of! - Assls,14nt- Aupertatendent. Lakelet ev= her dsiV cWn, t are tage, �845 we �nd, WIll SUPPlY A lace or blucher cut, �e�fect fitting It the fool perfectly, ObIter L better !A101 �. All- ap 3a=ts- Pot isettle; - I ps mare, id.U6 to I BY Preaent vlaWl relstiv� Mr, eblc- T_*5 was, Perha he Preez, �T ie children i f 'thi (I ei 8 jand duraible, but not clumsy, dedT lei a W11113-6 ches of I the ave bo,thi rwi chool 'of- the EplIseq -urch Ar boa been 0 -before ab date *11 e obaMed _$2 a. per 1W onding t -,va tee: evie c&. tig to: Lak 4et u -pit- 50 7 -5 -Pair 8,!Jrtt n 44ir F U t cent., iMll J1 paid, C Petty, Gea. .7 Ited. church represerated than pal Ct, of 110, -50 .25 paat Isix W.- at: the. scodes 25 5 *,1�42 - y�Richardson & Scott—$ 9h of to -#ay ai 6n1n1g, ald then It iere to be ail' I Auctiftliale Thomu. Nielradzeani,4 childhood In, and, retur 'D accoralb to StZe ancat quail any -Tecognized nbed. At (th delatt, of-, n6d 'box le! 13 up to $3. a': pa�r. .14 o. iscipft I -6-ath here, it 3P will VIS 'Bell lan-z Dr o, TweisftA a reports havlfgg 06 C20 _14 Weddig s.-ThD home of ]Dar.. Will Cam IL was mae�. AU --9 An tiulialoire ,,IT itted.-The� mbf Ei are $1or Peward—J;_a. 40lArke--- General -SIip6r1utenden1t,. �rxd no AlthDUlffh It 45-a T, -HeiTiPhIll W049 the scene of'a DrettY esg$, N aV as nott, land' tie ceentt ill Jbi .1 t for yeall-q ;st-A bl4t quiet dding on ednesday ai aiA atated � afid t vere h I ce he lied t, wP_ of the lie chu.-'eh, shed -s- t( lbe re e beeh. 947 a�atstaid One The chtirch' b cte4l he wl v&y pleased to seeAhe _iol& last w ; rben. his da%94ter, Lula, 11(mbe Want ere I ut, no isttepsi are h log a ke-n R O (%OkWwte��_mrgiDT Elin h6wever exter4gd, grow tO_ Fod Once -hiom besides the JWp didinli Nvais''united in ni e witt), Met ave and .4, t i�- ralIs: ng. The bu Y'itiim will nga--Miss t- w" decided a 19*eat 7 dea o od_ pled &U!Y'J- much Of bote yearl-3 itat' aind t go ft til 'Vftali, -Columbia. Thzi -eetk on b. over then Ithffirl.pe: pie _wIll and MItlI Jamea Huckst Itn" iOod. a�wj c ra 3 - perfor ed a t high the G 'rat Con �erm "r: i f, Mix We—win. golrne4-5 at. Ithe rn of, th fti-WiIIII '1 1. _-A a Hays --15 M . 'R . I 1 7 1 it YaTd, UX thO Prer-1- X64jaipe 80P,� ence tq= appok4t. aw add1tiK inal Supe -Im-i C -r ok wee seeing ther, wil I& Rev, I,' �rqy, f at Hugh H xllidf �y. ii,. G, tendeird. whoilwill divide the *Dri� witri- very low.- ence- of the -mmedlari4 relativw-, After! Way'. I 0 e till OJI 611-larn Wallace aT d JXo - II- watt- IMOU cart Et. 4an. -The oboic -the cer I r and co uratulatkoA. a ers,,�' dt, � Howl 6k; each loi� t -a I rie C61t wedd -dimner was. aervra. wumptul PU0 Ing blihie th 4 since OTE11 iie betw:,,t'� ii- 'two -,, lind, three I V In iseveral, capacAtiez, amd, bas, prqv' r. aW � bbi &uytlx - lleft on the even, - Chown, Who, distWaiIshed Zurich. TELE h '4 after Sept 15, 19 0 f A elf to be we 1, la wrdt All the Notice 1_17-014 - a appear- 'he traln oz �&elr w9ldne frip and _JTM a , dtrong - rmn N es t undek *gned mealt de LWfa, 41-1 Ing p a( -yet man, well -4uallfled f a -bi iv had. Will tl ko w0at where they Will 22 004 _� e1ii-, for only. B_; dph g- M t�e 1 quailified to wtk liti (h19'1h`4*ua- Tib&r Vlinte-G-C Anderson ---5 6e,hia new. it w4z severp MoUghlto 00 11 s Work. 1p weU V it Ifer. fain 17 who re left to tion.-Dr.-,Colrman,,,-a-thd'iugh well 'A,' Public make their- home �t�, all, k. 0. The a cawh will 1ge otba MoRwein reiturned to ber are z 141 gh Joh,4 of L &sp_�W4eylar Drug Store --P The IT', 6alsi were aal On r the *kq- tures._Lllr�, J, ne]MOW avy the- ao Can, A�t week with her daulghEter" Mal r, of Ashfield - mr- w- aid. gee YOWIC )effl amd th begt wishes a' ac ve, - b 47A w t In yeam- s still robuslk ant 'the *111; bb rather -of our n_ctst popular Ottawa I r ner 'orli is- riticle. A111 accaimbg trid the bolldgyz.-�-9*4 Axisoball aad Roi of rW " 944 9W ow 5 t giettic�4. he ever wa. biit na oa( YO: Is tak, vg; a, Rage host f I her man 19 I a - w her to bove- date. will be chaMd 8 ame# Taylor Jd in il"A'wti* her Saginaw wbor was ftendto Eftar-re '91 do uistice to the Positlic n, ino'.m&,tte gill aiew bd4le t. fAmong tho"Pe petty, ueol. tr i5on, aInil duught er. and attendloe th6 �z- T.Nell, T dent. Ulatil ont_ it how and W k -w be. i I �torWW V bq, were present a -Ail W�, ha fmli� There are a! Idt 1growers are bue- nonton., U WO hibitioul-Gur onion de only dit greinice in,,; th wma c ed 7 ladt '. the: I Ma! of them., _ie - i ot wn�, securow their S 2. .1910. rs. a"! e Mr. S�ra Mk:�t T' 117 mgnge4 10, fMAF'0RTH_ FRTDAT, and. ki::many coIses tbe;peais f xe n6t Rup fta� crop which ". as to whetilir t ratawn Hemphill &MIS, Waroxeter; po to her y sq 4��horuldl_be two cir'Iffireb- a8upwintelft, cut, Tie lWtt,,:,,r are m aft�r a vU t� ConKluCtDr Irelaind aml Ireland, U lazigi a#ft, of igood IqupAtt --Miis P"th Note*. ally, *9h .1 here, ar6 ion, e 'r ter, of in BeniX,6lIgh �waa in EXeter th s WeeU L rh Railway Accidents A Ig"Y' numb�r.jthoUghm there, Ish-4d he 14 ri and dalm, cardine, and cident mi recel red a Ae Kansas, a rmer weU knowv rr ndr&., but rea 0 Was Araa,4 ot V Ya are, .1 Wood. T as glone a -pending a.few dkyo� -mr. Ja sit re, of Lallwa-y, ic- milsi- be thre thei, fJ ty decided to ll� apppl%r like dther;i Jhe. WesL-in t try Itw6 to -Istart; at h Brlef-z Peter Bdrms Buhana, with. HOW e , � a � limm. diater th ATA-no*-�the3 wre-lgroinkwe' T- is back o etw.e- Dow -rd e t< fortinw, -seem It become epl!Oem e rltr3� U to be`divid Rx aind . Zurich i baseb 11 a e eWplo� tof rs. Me, Bayffeld aee)i It. *h in t betwi 'ri e n dss, a I t 6 r in. a4sence .01 r) and'. rM in 0101e0J. F-1w..moutba wnd two, has'not 'as bka def Hw6l ar 1. last� ble . cows, 18 st we k, were Ouccessf 1. Donell Br -..'bad the � mW- owtune, in Insutute.-,the - heso- t ams'h e ea arnen:%si Wameee' 14- Moore has; ro14 the, buntA IOT 1111, for twoiftyis. -They Ch Wdrx two gam leadin6l Aitute, will meet On Thuft&Y after- I one the h)wm to I water, nd loist �;Itwa, aT of 2 bipmet Verb&�Wyeara. there *JU 11cit - bc� 2M Ailothet'Importa;nt- aeAiion of were a,,, I In, �b Mr. 'Adam at they, afp even, da to b�sv acrea, th I Inear Ut serlovi-aceldents on, *ur- V94 -ways, and CDPfe e run dew t e ro nd. an the deeklbw � game. of CIA refice. w" th tioft in - '0 IMY lit play � Ive him a kiei�, noor4 mber -8th, at the -home J* to, r, 11, !OTT- Methd'�t, Oiwnge 'Hill, WhO toand e ise which _e i bio -11. -bet*eea UL6 m t Y word off Cor Oi - Un , &ft -11 Jame��s �Chmpbe . th�,fn Ix iak'th6 rii1way trE ok -M the viII6 - - - - - 4*4 oq�,_ sh i uld be a gb�d 9'Ue�- manairq of the Moisal)' e then ItIle, luck, turns and it serlev of b 'S Ban e 49� ltfirL=4 lface t In dolnjx-isdreciived painful las Olt lb W Aid o' the Evap90161 chdr(h JftJur,y bA hand, ib it - f4tuhately no izcddenit��t occur almoit one- Or la-_ TVs w": dei6ided or, x. Vote e dotrI4 They had- k oit lb milk - welt -The t V�n coucil Inte'te Wig ar itible mee aer I fary# Ofty at, �4 prof Blueiajte. -g the re-. inwo. 20 for 10 35"99atiA, ads In th very tous njqry w eUs ed, -Mr. the dther of omr great e C1 urch on -and M11P. aarles Redmoind, 06f Hay, have. accel ted Itenders for tjie 'of 4 bal -. 0& ,1 -t - 1 truetion. f 1 their zewegt. jsidewg un, DOrt T. t.Am ran Tuesday a Miss- oul le isoatt is at preow.t brni, T ted, b -y the 'of -oth v M9 iTi Inds -a it tracki MgftwayT_ Thits seems to e Ithe� -w- I- aw��­ Ith- tie bililder Mi t Wn r. ant. Mm. D. H.' Steinba vl�*66- roatives up S for the taste UI d ay ToOn— c I were, re 'o 'an4- ok up Adly DetrMti we here recent Mi;.:Year VC1 eight aad lt�cky time With an the th b lie- had.- t.q ly , ple aimd-` som. Of LAcknow iare VU t 011 ; �_ft Union Cbmrn1Vtee of the t_1 Idenoran Incirth,11.ev., aind Mrs. Fisher. of Wesc i-zendt6"Tomlol'otpr.repal-r,:i. Ma'�$Edna old fK0m]:F, � TheY carji6 Laura -TtOlnh er isuar 117,ard, far the Orand- - 913runk' --leadsi in fl-Ae: roll t1oa4 � bo- -- Itrammitt ed' Aie. local -(bri., ov(,r Vlombard, wbo wee here for -several, Ing W151. R� ogers.-kiss Ph Hay ir Va nbover. e*ht., hile drivio D.ut of left 10t, week- I their ault 'ir obiae. The r4aj�j frlerds, elativ - smid. friends, lis; in thip we6k enjo7inz Mitche a, b,�L aw iAa7 or nifly, Wt -Ibe feMce4 next ye - for 't heir - 4ppro val tin *a., Dr. weelow: 1131-tw r 'id eur 6r, sr. ine recent S wher 46 wil remidntar �a t, 4. tw who h bec n re-tvx- Ahe fir, lbition. is:,jg-hU,Quite'ia oumber of fine approv led J. GrIgg OU's p cas ed to lear Ing taken. outt of the sister ofthi 'retlex Of "the recalt Wfat &T4 if bf a -majority 'of twd 4t of his week.-Tbe AM* (r.' and IV �vlal tndbe the ter:6 notted to-tftC tl� .. I � .1 Mloisea dau s of Mn Wm1. theise, Ito lght ar &iid ale on js-h� is we herci su Or. MIT- J., Be* Into, by and1thor1r,*,, and bpth' mn, eri 0 ap1m!T U66- U I re to eaderis, don, 1 yron Ive e A verr serlou,4 accidenit occurred Quarterly .1�0 Iretul' ' n. trip. The y _h b uld 119111,11 I, White, ha V6 relurno d f rorm, , v1sitknigi -river m4n -�- a *ere rum, relkitives h our r�' of the )J*-,' day Isi fri - Q X�sltlxllg throv ' -out, but Inot Iseriously on that road a; few bUh% ogo Ja ed of -by 'a Mal Ity of, these., Ii apea ist. MA-Tys berl of r1111- a, who tas Them mouth Mr., 11,r. B.' RuItt isol! I � a r., and Luoano--Mn.' Ila -rim Pett thle pail is�orts liere 0A Labor -Day Aftldly. Keys,. ret;arned -home On Tuesda;7, Vred. abouti-fialf%way betv�een� De- I&I. com-mittee 6f 'the -L Gcaeral i,X� next. program ' (a ligh t Me 11hos. boen liss Jea# . Geddes. and brothers,- EVan charie�. T, of la rIvep euce, -which w" -manI4,Nrere empower- week tobk troli am -4 Port. Hron. The expresisI ure. Akrra f or, and the day ill - lie in :and Catrieron, are at� preaen't issitAw (leange ed . to call Auta a lal,me of thE "6 Fr&stou L, where he Wt- -st ape ound d train ter Toronto became i9talled " by General. Cont wou P I gTa concert,'. - under lt�k!Ifug treatmen: for acate.-Theu- -at J. fc� ROWOMI, bt tied. at his b am z �n,, q, h ;Alve hog-. Or`0112 furtb er t6 Myth. I . - 4 ;U no lied llug c Ub. Sl; h ent at town on the a a Wmething going wrong wAh the ell- er the c . ce�s'of Ithe bow m a t lIsm. -,kf r, 1toy atle be,4 twellacevia-g, F -_P few daW ViIS-ItH IXdAY, agedj aftieeen. 4 1 mater ot ImIg returned excellon tal-ein t a_tz, -r ey tif from a maa6tii;, vIskt.*ith relatives- In ad re EV vofth League. -A ve - Bert Har ti glue, egd seC lur le -�ilatir , ing Mr. amd Mia, VJCtdr J`erM-n—JaMe$ a esdd1n;g iIn Brantfj whe Ile wag a, istap -had to be made for pa doia- The leading i, g y isiedeastial irl� - of it HIss J. Carmic aeL elb- Mich N-IatAers bas retum-ed- f�oin the est Jamd. bodler, of the chuiche,� lateiwitQ Meet Epw-orth L aLgu( iwtl- amd Mir-_ William Xoir ftk'a 1-11 wilth typhold feve-r-: left 01 ri_�pair%. Another fast- train, tut WE tg held 14 t clutlont:, f La don, and �rAl-_UIM4Aduty'sa staticin 0goiat �nd Aoy tford, In favor of uni m he Met] VittOr Ric- are In Toronto Ws: w!ek T'I'Siting their -Andrew Sam-Idt, t th sin i _ !aa- I -114,b -,'aie, and (ti tuiIate, Lazt spriTlIgi VlegOay at this week �Vheia MW to& daghter, Pat -t -pWjnw for him, bere tro . Ot about 4a minutes after the Istaed bzve thus de,,zls rei 'at Cburc`h4 dell, n d dance-, en, Who WfW5 eii if It iIs accepft�le AoJbe pe OT4 wl iarr lowitr paawllsl i disc 0 b#a ein" ed fur -the c6 Ih 'ne to WhIltebhutich to lrellevc- itbe waZon 'hd serlously train. This on e wa-si for Buffal". they represerIt. Th a flinal, were sed: 'Tasebw neert, � a' the xhl b(tion M- 4iis Britton, , na 1g Aug actioTi of the f tialo, at all - may r Nst mr&d that� thi E; wi: talerel-mris-L hi[i� 4ead "th, other 4A7 be had tdq MI artook ' the . other, General -CoInferduce of"itle Method4A Pr CK Was IU lhe villafg-e last agent then e Qe la5t'traln ov a; er'N eetlnglf, e rea of he eeason.- repgri t tie a 1� -,en' 1;n 1912'. - T1 etc e Week vothmi.r."Mr. Scott, at �bbe ei cut by gatimc 1. in; aW ran Int& -it full force, the engine pChurch will be! ti�i leo�,Vy Muts Ply- �Cam .. -paier- turneed I&At'Wda7 frn�n- 1z (most endo land bad ep-t t report th oubt ithe-uwo'n wil. be- 'The D ece$elP RW UP wl 0 ed of t 'th her Tur t. hinie -at almost passbnIX through. the Aind Pil� t,, little, d �y and E ffe tivew, L,-qs of N& Linda R �our villaIge. Ma6feir V1bWr able three :-tnm. hsi- v1s1t A be' CbmrP1t:de W�irkll'. e 11 In F ensall far, C-om Mal J-.xyrw and t moan car. which was: filled vi& pas- contie n accomplit Pd f go, t ULAue waa reE am. disquali the c e-lebraUd )4ep, daTwer, of er rile in, the estr- Itime. - -4 Riddell, trAW statk oA ised, fol DW. d 14#r( fr YM Rev. �een isperid.11-nig t e jo-s4ph aind eezgers,. and, many-, of. whoara' wera 41m no e aix;ad ust. r rth Wla - S� Smith; Pavid Patton ova a . q4 There 1w no, no ty fc i burry. V :L i - a -at Kab-tenArville we rrle �Gallmainl, who ha,�,l be;an Ilf Stra �- , , Davld..Jewift, have aXlbeen on, tb6 sick g -qd t I r� Thain n Mupdock. -to- I -Ir berth:-:I�* The dar,was not o' A7�- oi o.4 b ateiZA-e- -thaIt PUftty A., A oodE -te eak with litsit idt we t%q I: r, In tb e Illy. He a;half Inilez veiA of.Strat-ford R- R,II '.+v - & t 1.1"Djule moixth, ha -s. trettirned !1.4 In -adav Pie tiv 11pe-d aad ;Ftewe ary, Gn heI ound 'TaMe -no t o1r.Lly telerltqped� and jswszhed� but vvu als-4- i6f-�Jime be glVeni� for due'.coihr,.,tdEra- T t at dancln47, -but ast, *eek* but tell twenty feet wa;5 I)adly -m fir the the 491roan—d. ont. atnkle fair. �e� on. Thik seem- Ito be Cc�nlereii 'hils closed he la Oteraom 'home* 7he Herald of lak-'t �w ek ays glad to Ise em, Ole to be ar 4 4 Iset - ol Ore frorn! the ti -011 (6d, play the pipe fle "A feat tntat- I -j ax -ter FraInic � �-na,, at aesao. In z ofteill bv no the,ga-a, the'vlew of th ichlet ra-presentat evenl=X ��.V�, ]Do,.Ig � T� I MIM Gr�E!Ita r a -he concerne r6�5 oft Vangellzation a tia-a of -,Ae irlY ellghty,4 whlzk ItOted it -he Fullman- The' car eeveral c'hi'-che' all; gal V( two, Is to tumed to tlxelr liame of't ir s d. -Heswy Flernm*g I'd Moushead,. a, V rMer te field and u by th-e' I ea- nd In tj load, tea don thio QWeek Aft _�spendlng two qteem was. a. mas% of flames tra -a fewi'min-, The General Co(riferenee hal-s appoat 15 Uq a_ Indtvidi i;al 'Hood, of Pe Lio�, "lask." AitivA here ta tfisIdeut, of Bt. M-UTY-is. dbd 111slan -11 those ki ed - R e v De.. Sh or e; - as Fo v e ta MiKZ 1I c4t i rajz_� to�lowied by a few Jixutes' i.-rahi a This iva dcin L, I t1ine to ikee b i mother, befcme lbr death, MOUtIlP TWOW-8. thor $,randpaT-enteil Ur. the bonie of h -sr bW.he �tet hV. lutes after the - co A Ir �oa rei ' , day' r i;n, Secrci M RE 1A, rzir.,_of hell)abylorq 1?wb-.lch wao a teeat to'bic-10i Wlid 11M. %110mas p-, _VU_t t the hinder part of ith isleepling cair tay In isi6cc�sisloin he lat� V, Mr. -Faire vell 4 lelivered olL vv�d�l killed by ithe Jimpact a O'Mw addr Cently. n tbJ0 15 With Mr, ,-or Dr. Sk&erlamA -lP s: YA -Mr. ert I 1 0 0 u t week alt-lhol were either wais. bona ir eszj it b6 Itt. e st r.- at worf� ',mother And ened on th Just., Van i � Mrs )Rob W"Iffie, the Toiwns�htp �f Maxkham:� about '81, one.' -IT) e c performs, fa'irrn worl: i burned to - deiith in -the flamet-, halt, rendercid,A e JCaut�ful ais ea44;, Carlile, �of I or4cn, ale here vialitin Velzar as *Inelpd and Alilso Janetta teen,a. Emfferer from rheumatisr,� as - hos eddei, selec,lqrz dud ily aiso�j nen his , a, 2:1 Drock, of I WIn oInoat e Of yearz, 94ga. He nig n10 t ,0 t in the front, part evc�. mg. V 1Mr arletxts�,­Mlss Airm-a Kemp !Y"119 - -She ia survIlved by be _rNl I t . are Isitir 6P, the c ere more or le;r No'4e- Mi. 11 W-vh -of his aziy- Both re achers.-ML-o s:erlou,;1Y: tion 10, thei $p afi f ord ', C.P.R. wsme:vt couple of weeks�. - with aPuisband:V,-vae son amd ont daughter.. drizze Of the t- at "t this -�ef * old i 61e 'esant an t) a ic -worthy wad :1. ul who 1bad bea-a opeading Aler 1101il'- 13. 1 lurphy. forier; ifett, allegiat I Annie beela Injur ead. ere, -wail, consider -able d.;ffl the Jarviis; Stre1et C �i��tA- -heie, f rlen4a ai Snilth culty, in Ithe here � th ft�yp im, Palme4rstoia w1ith bet *=t, elidtmir V w! attack of I lbal. mal lang be r --pared to CarlUe 'ieturned with names . of at ter*ardis� aitt ctoia rt trouble . her m5ece, Mitefiel, died 1(a Carbery, M e aq der, the hearthi of �jll Wfio'h US to t - 1. E_ . s i e j, EleereAii .Du�,4-g We a;;I�ec e lntpx� Tbomp,�On, CA TOTOnt* who was 'here Monday of la -,-t we th thiolse on, oard the Fullwain and ialso lege, and - graduated' In; a �t-3 ikii e firam' ork Mt. G. Jume- t �v Thyme, ba� returned bome Nrid JutehM c)' ek. The de - in Identit Wh�te'. of 17141d.-mr, C.P.i a., by Ms cheer ul me, it.ng. atteudbig the Wlngbar6 bhgh isch* alia; I ad beeni troubled for some ItIn kta a t- e A r. ey ke a, Y. I th; bodlea of the killed, r664viuzl, � the' 4-egree -of E. De-l Oree, e4evtox -c - V�,- Fred ArM__ . a, z aige ner aind cheeitut and ho'peful di,-,posi- Old, of B�ffalci, lid' gain. jSh6 ta�sed The Tal1w -serts-Ithat ardly yeapt-z-, later, Ito(�stfier with ie wold: t J& ItakI1719 hiis'pl%ce her i exatritolaban i isore,knee, and awpatIwtlon :Was toll Alle eta- wa re iremntly t 19 IX_ . were, riv. _,AGe rge McGo* in- Is ispeuMnig a, cond class certifled1te but.�biahg oridr t. but other 'Sik-ice at pres'- fe* da th h1s koirenitjS4 a c I necei a). -y � to _za-ve his -the ry. Mr. We. The eatt,-drad4 'the cairi' othutem ars to. the effect Shore bip b6en'.,statloined ',at oung to tPlabb., C -11e; IntenXtR 00dT9, QL He, Quite ai.large numb?r are -operation wa�3 Perforineod c t t Pt -M the J)rz, Kippen W. th& at learzt, twelve'wer,� killed, *hiie( Street Raiat, Toronto; '8zdetsv1.le_J ter, Aaily ta4tteitcl,the TormtoExhibiion. for -a fim-L.' Friday, but be did'xt w cist TCIrCf LtC ck, 11 Wet fieveral of the IIiJured are, likely 18- at: pr P101V8401 i ito, the -Pred Vilicitor Mtim0n. ere hellArNg �or look after i is, I lie farmer q lend. , -1,1r. A the abo 1.4 al, I. H. of Oarroll,- Man- ,aintoti.etrotitiotheplo%vbu.diies. He die. But which ever sta; Iirr 16 at- prt senit laid up Italia, M.P..P. Jor Soutik Bra7ld( of wevt temerat hs cor,;;i and.Weisley Church,­14arril�Dn, a,'chev­ h a on hapi I a full 11 It! nf All catiigs, mould -Mrs�. Blake, -widd of the late -After with' t wa abod of typhot� p1p w bandl lm. Ca�roll, ispent, the Tho Delta CD1quho=,- Vt rect, -efther t; bad eavgh. The acei, Ing rnarked r, tcces� In eac li'place_! I 6ir- an atta �r fever. It i�. flow cornpaniti b marz- 33lake, tor 7ears a weR kabwn deAt to be I oped lie will r Patrilig u i all its b anches proniptly, an j' . q due to. the gross -t inig, hit- ek, was Certainly pastaralte 11ft Ilatrtil'oft Mr.!S'hcrd b n on th a,,� t w e -dent of ��Ahflld, dW at hei �ltchell, pi-izea away to as -t -care! OrLily done, a go Wo d work re-pring IG V the Great CMI_ n1�eyond ear' ,V bit eF_-MeSR 011 Itbe -part -of SOMe gave rpeclal to i C lomas Wwftl; -p-s is at pre -giOffl- oligle' took wa tongnes, And w 0 1 7LIdmanton. iml Augtt,�t j2th. dn )9cs- 3tuis. cartoir slster,�ffrs �R, Ur itent b on Sunday, A ione. There wav pleAty of Itime to noi� duetknig a' slig �Itly nd pased. e Vlezit� a.'leg on hlind, e shoo wr an Toimnto, waai ere. rible week at- vernber 9th la4t Xrq. Blake ent un.- 5?ih 7ear. uring the la�t� y i Will bla oksm- ithin; or,, Of cam��alpn ith t ofield, ba*pball tearm6 lnla-ye4 rl�ceives limmpt t1ty fte apMachlui trala- of the -;ztaU- more tiva doubl �,- Ithe- Ini ^k_NnarX t ntion. T. Mellisi 10 pIpcg. eratid-n for lexneer and _�j .4, � , -- in- terid!iag It -he :funeral of heir is -Aster, the der an, -OP LI-ght hod been affeetedl and for�...Dftw T bLto a He -hE - lie qg 9, ;1- . I III, local Ite atu�day at- sle. McAr wa'19 ed tratu fraut of it and if thIL ome in one year.- He -hE _- f -here w1th arr. on late e ur.-Al; s j3elle thougIll It thought to be _Isuccemif ut IiIVAt Ishe bad beed almost to Aft, �48ftl $6.w emacia, rem biad'�beelx dme th-i-re would ricit 'nave ficationca foi hij's preirseult, posit .,Ore. Notice -.On� and: Atter e�, she never. Sept. �16, 1910 'v Y t t kiz- In a Is to. 4 at the thr fully ree S -b AL . Ved Aone, b4t 1448-19 to -iParks' was 111 Sarnia th!(s,, week been -smy accident- The'.offic4als of the In 0 14 wastf s favor. T1 we, the undeiis%-ned ra��t.idea aTid effe6t ape wl Ing iss-ank- 'till 2she pws4�d Idurlzg �-ler 111new che livedi wit not is o Me was J. *,,,teacy -if$ In ITcj� but gradu4li U, 18talled trahri isaY It -he other train had -is�plendld executive office �aind .'etated U, e* e 12th of Urz. Thomas Ley. tairly- aeavi C af t,?,r su 1per, in co,u- r cash -.'only. By M U. 0 -,Ito th4'wBek takhml 1(ft the Exhibl-' awa 0 rl t August. Thos the ne nqAehcE,0n1y five Inn-4mud Public -who, cash Will get Ithe a� (i! t1aa and cel%sa-rY' warniog given aad able of -any aDiunt:of b� waik. ;ay Pa v1__1.11n'9 Well - ds.' Mr., J. 9,,ao- 1$0 to -we re IV, a F �bauld hae, stopped' iu Itlxr.e. The ofi- ed..-Thme riTir, of the yth bw.yl1irs. We can, and will 1-UPP11 EL arthur and fs�mtly., _!�karket -ave weilit crv,,r to Brussel- N.,tter article. All ace-auint, whojhave been cIimp- the approftchmg train say 4E W W-6day, _q act settlel 1719 at Ithe Gramd Bend, ave ireturned to i Put ev.4 a: er 01 one Gea. Wracting train fintil, it waiii o' te In. P Br cMt uniti Paid, GwIC.'Pe' flax are belog, brought lufto the n.1. laite vw lit; a] ad ind 1 aeapoliIs, at ter ntiten ;t; er t, Of badl�, bi a ain L e they eceived, no, notif itcation, of the ob�- . aAd'met defek- One at t) 0 rh tkz as bdiire above-�date will e-chaWed 8 tUej!r 11 , onlie here.. lare tbr dtop Ito -avert the accl$leuL Which tit e, Robinscon, ti e Bank t irl U16 -Il r a here, the diriverak vievnk wilth eicIl Fai r $ 'ht B _tt wi s Qbzer- otber so to blig- loads Lizzi ruxer th were at fault famalus iLor b friends, bdre, ha;s eturn bome.-I :r3 Of t%n 4daft here, m o b,,i ri e,,4 The 11olifty.-Vriday 1 01 to e proven M. Buckley. Was e, "bla Iiiolidays at av Li by the InveSitigations which ill t6ke op6bd bome, vbd as our, gr mailal. civic UON �ay, and. and family b e retu"led from Mtsis Alice Hall, ns qumc turned hdme, after- aOJo4n4wltu S pent a week. -M IT of. Ohickg% haus, !Fe etiiRmed to- Wc rk an, a CO- e ayl. place. on,,,,IWC f We a� e all: bustnE ss Nva Dend, where the secQVA accident Occurred on ithe 11asorl, who, 14 feVV the 1pat lmoi 'th4 Thuis"d n.. Fei di rz-.criths! '0 L George , Yungblu L, friends here 'Mrs. Kelh 40 . . Grand Trmk ane Itook adivalnitWe of the F1 11,' accompanied io igo04 Thrnars, of Butf .1o. w -ere ithe'igu( 00C& Of Hen -nw Kingston on Frida. ie., -B. aj to i and faeftierly as ivE Alt ayfieu, by her dauig-hter, tjrs. of - pAt Bekart lot e e e one Of ed._� or a chance where he ic uld tbLe sev;a 1gt bl----t oth 2 There ai double track ort dt4 PoisItIon, !(n-Ithe Pank of Htlit k- - 9VI. The d61Y by It -he lake 3 It kmb thia - Patt of he -road, but - McLoughlin, 'who bas, ib( emiremained, qfe4y a bom(, bux.19, who -have been Is 2 & 3 the track1s; had become blQpked I r. f . p ndln law t an by he Ya bur MI,, so be has bc�aa M VeAl to' It o Is e Who went ay !r weeks, with relatives sick list, iis. able. tor be. arcuOd 11194111L.- -the Win IPLN9, brknch. -A $11,11 and breaXLdown� of a freight Ittalin and the �Jcl eat.. Mmy lWho remain �T, B behlin re t �a 0�e Harveathrtg Operation-, are .-016 lrge;T4 Speea Contests B113yele un-I'Foot aby �h� w other ttrack was 'bekw ued for tral" ftb;lp fol IT& A�TE igolng Ao 1he Toroneo and undoubted day I tf t lot at Itt &I pleted, aqd 'the crops arw 6Gd t N� .1tiv w, i th I �e­ sa, or h�elr halt,' Ii�The Irunnin.- both. *ayg_ tk a reaul a col- 1� week . ad , I ard ate. 3e e te "; 1. loadid I . - I Vil next tter -Of `da h la, a I! are ficial �At ra-Ptic n.* the exception. of , pee s, I' " .9, y filli 1) the SP sseng On ItWo pa, ez ph occurred betwe f )'r fine 7wei, ni b�,r f- A jKlipIdly 'ed.-jA- g od nrdgh'jor nea_ 00rts on Mr lia ', ee ts T . h - - - - , I - - - 401M to about 'tea. busbels o 'he acrel.-Mb s M. and we o' AU I N I : 0 CONT"TS BAA COMPETITIP e Imp O*E Rawle of Port to see I SPF- ibut fortunately thi 6me the as 'a L eat -th& �you-,AX me:n of Itown spent Sunday it hand, Is thao;n a d al'a 7 men'ta, nt wa--s. ndt otteiided by� loas of wkt,.� trie si in Wingam.-Mim P. Yff, *v ch w ko f 11P. est hab' not, ov4t OrA $A- wh 01 111) differtn pwtbg r the village.- Mr. C. Eckar'CIS u or th -ht-have been. Two, ay i V Or, Miss W�rn;- 11f ell i1though R &.6 le -0 who bas it een, spendln4 th, i pa.44C xemplitled thl� vicinitY t. weel MMI. WIl1TnmWz her islist' ISt, 2nd, 3rd eneec, *&e, borwever, badly s'*n1&ahed,, two � we 4 Ot .1 relatives, JIM Detrole* nd'the pe to year - profit by 1 ht I nelgli - thi McTaig1g&r are boti�e tTom SelIski_ lot of eggsil f ruft and obher returned buffie Yn Sturda -_D� M 16tilness W 111r. J01*1 EXI sd Lie., Mi.. atchewan v1siting the 2- 50 pace, purse 90—$2 $ .5 $to -Irl 'Parents, i1r. expre-_-s matter destroyed. This accl,-� Note -z. -Mrs. W on h,� I tho Taiftart�waa-cn Ithe sick T. Ache i1st for 04 has -beem a, suff a7d e f 2.40 trot, purse $SO— 25 15 10 deAt, �ias -the result of careless�- w.h-,,f ortune. Ito sprain her, few MM- Al xTLY, JUDGING 0 tb Of thD pav ankle the tweek,Lbu; IsaW. ncyabbsi from reurnaIltism, as -been MASL G., Schoe OT i Detroit, -are 2.18 Class, urse $So— 25 'Y to, i �i5 _o to,$ noes -or nelgleatt oa [the part of -some other day.-TvIr. Prod Luxitoa.-lbale 1 of ifte to his duties a!gffiini-The Rury xnable to fiwtf�hd- to ths, f dtitieq., el)eMWIg 'a e Of .. eks with Itheitr " ITION At pezIsloin. he Old re-ioidenibs of Us 3( al ?(Aeph v - Mas, a3 Ile- Compaiiiy are dp_t1.ftg the: �A F�dday.l&st ai inumber Of Ll neigb, relatives-, Mir. Mts,-,l George Grsm,' Aoi over o udging-:61, Catl f�;r Bol But ithe G!raud Trunk hais: ndtl wonH rented bk:4 fain Ita his isod,j and, maiertal here.to istart Ito v�4rk, havlq�, )arf,§ , t -y,. and RURAL,SCHOOL DRILL 4 P, and ith t far s an of Ha eladq In i1that victnity.�_ What Lc� a] i P. po�e�! ach at the G. T. A.'. wii-gx aris M opolY of the acAden might. puTchaGed the res a Itad of, wa 18 ye old, open to � -4 Op., Luxtc _d is�b ..had, bet -are th ay S 'gk:4s MeXay, Seatorth- wa�s recent_ -a a very iserlous, accident ec- 'llowicliffe. 1dr. �to ata;, I 'to Ru�ral Schools in McKillopII Hibbert lisve bee a I M�0� �a III at ton' (rol, Re, 3 act ons �erb set. I Mrs. peu: AAd - �11 , of Iwata. 1saf bou ly here and 0 Hullett Tuck the C. P� R,, on ithe nrth, town. -and ta ke thinfg-,%, one at tfie C. eurred, o ecals f ter mIl istatloiniere. The#i the bairin. t was ja, 1kiind Smith exped4.,:V talba- Tuckersniitb, Hibbeft, Hullett, Ishore ake Sapsrlori on Friday. The yeatis; of strenuoqs -Nror ,,in will havi to, :6- �,t to ell 1. k. Mr. Jo move,pn 16 have. Orly act, it at ks Ineedles, Irbeent i9torms bad waAed out aln ei� Willtsl, of Stpphen'-Was di Hamilton th8l MI in Innin' ' (kder, bef a Carml Churdhiall- and Egin6ndiville. veal taive� re, I he -1 cold� le Is mqst - tj�M,�f ul f 0 Sabbath atter h1s, monthvs vacatiod.- 91 CYCLE RACE dts la—Th6 A 'i Drill to conMst of not less thart 12 b&Ukneillt, and left 'the tracka hanging last week, aittendling the, wea ther t& $1 per ci ad: Lodg 9 khrIdly asivsitance, and hc peq be- We Teigret Itht week to bave to ehr,6n- I falf Mile Fleats, apen to McKillopy any Izu t underneath. Partu- of the Independent 0�-46r Foresiterq Or 3f* th,3 Prebylteil ay r -8 pils an4 teacher. Competition Tucki a 04relL he)4 fore long to In isome w Icle the dewth yt Mi; Or' meEtlug al' a th _4s jes:!16 �McArtlj�url PU -,r� -nith H�Ilett and Sea- Tiately Ithils, was discovered. fn time to deleig�ate froinA he Rxe;er'Lo(fv._- ter the sun -A Vho have done iso anuch, IEW econd d�aughter. of 'the late -Robert C_ fo --take olaCe at 2 - P. m. I in )e, owl prevetit twe'very hqavily ladea paiaem_ Mm -i - Aqulla a Id. h da� I eveni mg, ea that the Tneibb e-: *a could' XU�_-Ktale lelt1thi week fort hich eald ev -30 forth, 11on, :i O Arthur, w en't took ce front of qrand Stand. Free act- ttred. �et t Coming Ito grief. One, that W!lninipe, have baen i1n t Ing attep fo Da Wer train tn -viJI d U7.6 p orth League ke 'the 11siul ur baths� lgatug' We�t, of at her home t the eatst end -at ur mission t6 all taking part ia the Best 2 !in 3 amd, _;C.8,65 b was anlY notified. 6f he relativeip aild friends D9,%,M Ift the M(th on the:r meet- �s matdy fri, Sth It hfig t sa:n- village n Fr of laisf week. SINart, whD fts beem, ne expect at, o Mclm -may -he th& i deceased was assessed'ot. a, 'bright, dafiger Just fin 'time to avert it, A very Kirk-, while fooling 1i tbe� nmi�rdal MIS - �*nlgh t, e. oth few mlnute�e-- delay would bdve been, hotel ishedis th- er day, tflpped a�id cM4 luctfin a rr oving pwtu e I- how In. realized, aind' that ;:very is-hrr' ly (he Will amiable d1spos -RACIC wo, 1>1aC I a POS on, aind , was v,,ry �00 'YARDI ave, rt�Je past ee,�- '3 aind tUM bome;� completely Ire ed ighl esteem by netghbors. jr(lat- MAL bi fatal. broke MI--, leig ln�t bove khe tiltry Pall f, tive I F �11LE FOOT RACE Farmers'l Sons eldn In the e, who, recdat- a h Of, *et f� v Much m!ddle age :regretted. tha that 11 of- the.,e ade-*deinto ly KUspased of his reatile. btsines. t ire�. a7 nl�g ht f fin-Ished Brlefis;.-Harve�tlng iIn Ithl� n Ihb There strun, ankle Thormas Restl -s. tiveis and deallth at a Wilt h Ig d succes, bavLm; alth. and fr1e ber public mirAi good, pie WtJ has' rebwsed he hood, and otem that have receilty1 occurred 'a - Ildertbin, 1),v dwellin ther �, h ' vm f or with It4e exceptilon of tL few peaq, church and k idred, . rocieties -ahe t( b joinn Che'lew End to To' tv now completed. The ,ca0d have, been, averted but for two on Mahn istreet, owned 'by r. nle)r'. �ezgit ok Band in Attendance usts oh, car gr�. E. I o, deep Uttereet and, will be inuch m! la�,:!t �104 For Iseve ral factz, v1z.: That both road are worfcI-1 NkIcCullougb. One da Te a ithb, week Stainley wiIl,istay. a ole have Peen. igaod$ a(ad ;t wea- ed f ram, Carme . Charch.' vis'ItIr get Ing :,zhort-hainded anO are �impGssiing to(> Jones, of' Blrw%ford w1io' -For whi �6 and polinIters! Km unden- er -waig ta thug 'Year muebi work on their employees, tri, V.-ghter, Mx;s. tai vorable for harv�l W ishe 'had been in fdeclinjinig bea�, �ts J. F. DALY, Pres. X. BRODER101K, Sp"M 0 Mw� as the rug T. i talkQ of buying deal Icy The thaln ul for. and the death o her late -broth�lqr,. t her da air, d 2229-3 I ve a igreat renderhug- them unfit for the prQl-,,-r im.L�-fortune Ito fall ireak: 1 tw6' X11 autombile wiillle7, down. Ith4ra.-Mzzl I VVIth Ithe h est ON 1�r, m ct ou? Jarne�, oTt the home9tead, lxnd to wil' t Wischarge of' their dut4es, and In the coriU, In her ileg, Jus- th6 *teie. LJ' iS tdtbej �Z4 dd da t 5.12, belo� v Ibevta, wbo; farmem. hav� commenced to ior ithet- �zhe wa!s' much attac er.. A] IS secoad place that b6th roads, and wore -Dr. and Mra. MCCE lium'I �oj c�y beem 1:petndLng a "tew W ch teoec, It W tha. 't ba1v s 'vlsit�. ''all wheat, Ai o, ber decline of health wild for come Wesltl returned hafnee otn',gat- -here �mh, PI itg no idle work Im Ithe �arm. rhm. tbls-v bef particularly 'the GraO Trunk, are tHae, Ohio, have'beel vsj; ililg her dealth, he wai. vor r- u,xdt Goi-don `1frdIV, f e, Ong, E. Igreat'd UrIz. Dokxald Mop Ore IV workin.4' with aef ficleVt and tiv-e:-: and fr1eind"ial I eall -be titer ot _�enzie and dhildinun low. The funeral'iser lenced rrployees Crrt at ; e the vices 611 and Solis -r4llp- y�ere Vi1sit'(174 fri largely for the reag-4 Taylor met a palratul a c ce'trilf trl'p T, Wat4ion. cind in 4e �vlllaige altenio=- la4dt ateera I too Ahey obtala this kinA. of labor 'statloa One da- Tecertly. Juaard4ell ped two cam caittle frol were condicited by ]her tm Y, of a. Ripley he fare Paaqt of the week.- Jennie ELzztGr, Rev. SmIth IA were v' for less pay tha strikinig hian on "the am L ij .2 help, cpmld -be obtained. f6T. If , either "golsh thatrequiTed fo selb 1A, B 1, -Mio, h beeh Vti�t% bo- eath a sultably experienced head, t4flictln;g a ad one Ck"w1aist v reel M&MOn', of Lond6n, was- volting her 18,119417 attended. Tbe'remalIais- were Ur t &S.-Riiss t e5v' J9 UMA nOthey, John Andersor, og Ithe, terred In the llrerrsall Union t0y, of -these Chaziges are true, the comi,,I AlexIinder, of Forest kas been en- Tf- W. S abt;l Islaenti 'a tru Illaige -Mrl�: Willitam, Cudmo 7e,:'ot Ex- Muelk isympath ls felit tor thceerbne�ereAv­ iMe load, Paale:3� are Purzatnig a,' very danger- 'gaged va'tbe public' ischod..-staff, to Gbdbilch efore. returnhV It,6 hi r home ter, whor bae been v1slitiiin _ht d re1advi.,s,.'_We 'have gaso, 9his week h ouz and short-elghted. plic say take 'the place of tmtz-s leet reslt�aed in T t Y. -The r da Y. TO, 6ron, 7 tlel#en, ul�rhterts ntele the death xg kyW, Id �st res� r laies ?r, gim paetIsm here, bats rett rined to to, chro, b e popular pas -time io 50 '.per notbing of lthe..dangeir to the travelling -Mr. and Mra. John Caldyt of Ex. img their, horee'S every a at ier home. -Mel ICI 'a ;sale a- Ident In ft�e PeT%-OU of Mrs. ;Tioseh Irood. IOL R L -bHc,' the -proparty deArayed kitha_ve eter, and Mr, and Joh n Caldwell, the track. and quite. umb 3,r Over 1�selhold effectsi KAx Tuesday last wa-s In bpr' 89th !ear. More particulara of +dme Proand in the j; e accldenbsF and the dma;ges, o killed of Centralia, left. a, week� "aigoi on to L -Me Chem, -2a-g, hq abcui assigood, "ery.-Mcceqatul. Mra. Clegg InteLpAs one iso well ldnorwn anj Jaor4e decorations. We have -a large d8sort- .90 t and- Injured would 1 -go a RMg a trip Ito, the xeoected W. e --41. E. "aces, Moore, the CL 'eaviig here- Ishortly to will be- 91vqn 11m.next make iber aloifte we furrd,0h1n1i;' m6ams for the emime Ohe of the P asit Ith bee m-ra In Londdn.-W, fiew ft t eki� hav 4 t .-The Exoter; Timel P, a meM Of designs and WiW be pleased t� af,. Air. Alexander Smith, 4rnpiem it a ent. ed 3 ame- vlisitf d P107me-at =d adfl2lent PaY for all the of lazt: -week publish a' �ood � pbati> ia?Iz1;$._ with ton MaIdter is; Mr. Roftoidgl >1 OeamsH. haiz� receently beeU Xakftig turth I Yon Mspecit ffiem et %ekerz er In- efficient help. that m,_,'ght be rfiquired of Mr. Ed. Chrlstld, o hiiss f it Ov -he- d ur- en:110, L�a esboro e --A Young dauighter hwi come Provemetsi Ito his dwelllinig on ueen to isecure absolute isafety ior as near m&sterr, a7ld presidenit f thel Agribultur- _V, U1. P. DensteaAft Md 6bhJ ld�r adden the home Aorm ba. and also�hajll: Of Of Mr. Vad Mr%. Ed. I-itreet, amd ha;� Inow -a 'very complete, ea that ez is posst-)le. These ire at- al Socletyi. is. tc`� say, B5rWndd14 W8;nItoba,, who b 1v t%ft thlore.-4iM. D. Hay MIA M14s Jeo. aud t Ile, 1 bDutd to "hrii9t I a h in t: r If the ters; which should be Ithor-sughly bru_ Of Mr. Christie: Mr.1,_ Blyh SIMI vlefillt r f Lie Cjlj�sjos- SO 'Ye -1 few eelcq� re-turnA taher home eek. The form -i Mr. ard Shef f er basl. .�'een workl6g, veaMigated and It thero, are any a readdent ofEre'tee I!ar 4C of the vglaq6, vre4n To. have everythloY in oWis Tder.- t urdl y er 5871OW busi Edw Ohemieb and bruggist fz-horteamfVgs on 'the part f the rall- waT, bara on a f am In o wal -nPanles, such as we have klH left Ilia not And0n, *Oss, while Miss IC4$sling Is takIntg for the' pa4ft, we , dwthe:oew elevatok� 0 At re �t MI he�e at Pre&- 11n, the Agbit$ a44 VWOU& %rle ift�-Idlssi In co Ontar 0 coT live lvnd VV hen t mlvii i ye w4h Seaforth uAe of erectloin la� 43oderldh atd 7 PRO