The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-02, Page 147 WIF f 4 M t !VA AUGUST ................... ++++ + + Mir., + + XcLVAN BROS. Pubitshers + SEAFORTH FAID Ly �RVEIBER A + leason ++++++ Se rth Pubille School. acre vary + mxiclij but will then took refulge der a �Iat�-cat. The Elliott,! an Ingemoll bai�k her hus�and Lace'Y moved Into In! er. Tho liar- ft(ndan .1 hame-4ead open' for nd had r4dA wtn h, -r 3�eport -a gate at tic Goderich and IA Principg give &verage4 bull was finally tumed t+ ra�m for e 1001 �Vew 190 --lo.'' Barley Crop, M be a good the faiT grounds, ! amd r Iled�. Ze­eu lies alcingsIde the to,#n3lte da Mris-Z X u roo4i waa�a ssdcft. one, igedierally �$peakftig, al t h >ugh con- —Ids Kant r, , a. e and her of Mao� lin. on mber irt davey -o 4ed thr Iri. 'Pulilw alt every sess1,*L_A6q4 fliettnIg !reportsc have been veceliVed. Zother, are Ixt a Ver Iser -men, paasing through matkiin, r4dqnk� f IG e h, died: on Tuesay, + the G. T. P. T�e Orx- —MM. MrY,Saults, one Of old re - pries, I eovidAtion tarlo + W �7&111 ne.4 MKay. A &d' there, joseph even 'fr6fii the same local, fi es. The at it -be hospital inTLondion the result acelde#tally heard that It wag to be f lg.'-'t lvtek, aged 82 years. lthough + by a vl4h6usi ball throw2!i; op6fi again, amd I)r. Va0tt r,,he bad'been poorly b) d y �av + AA LJ1 + Rcbit0q. Misse L,.onel da,7 'Grace 1�traw was Clean brIKht i -i as a rule, of belinu attacked r a 3, WAlker, Eva at Ift bi�t :it- v�ao rather slicat, am% ai coonsld�4 dog. The;id -ath came with practic ondl M, Emil Deem. 09 attiacked the ch e�ezxt �One nigbt, on the land 4>11ce ally and or 4-o dd no Gar- + -lie sole Xenmedy, J erable PoTtim of It wais, 110 ted ow�ii Injured Sh w + + ess Wilson, it badly, Maid �whiae 1 it csteps And filed on �he oineisteaO In warnlug-1 a as born in En ziamd, I + u + en,t less ti beavy wImA% And 'rbLins. the nm-thbr Ifad li�r arms ib the rnbrniaw. her husbxnd Ch qMe. Abs wit a week ijllf, bitten. t + + �Xence wel9tcott, V la 'Osta.—This crop was so bi*ly kuW4- eK,, MeLeod,� gav� —The stabels (y% the P t a,,,e Inusti, —JosoO- Braidaer, aed 25 H. u Wo died abbut L9 year-cl AbserDlt over ed down by raknstorrn5 th a, considH Byire.. Lulu DDcheifty rial SovIety %It the EXWI�171 Nrk at was killed cy.,X the roadside a ort b , Com- t* Qoderidli bx the distanc' Ltled he worthy cou�j� to ba ean a *eek—Sadle ThomNcva, j erable pDrUon. of It couX lie cut only Portwe Ia FraL-Ie Is v�ere PtAnok from Brampton on F" [ay that lent Lr�gare WIl + Son, cyria ed dne way d heavy e Is a Itlimber, RIrld WaO IrrDV- Be ste' Hae, by the bi'nder. In a ot-4t local- AxlitnIng recevtly: urmg a + -dwax*, Edna We st Itlest It -he straw wa sh t, but _Jdlm� ji� barn in zt I bad bb, Aubrey Qr1ch. clsaR thUXIAMItorm *, � fire retil a0d Ing h4 macMnery to the farm' of + P, el ree 4tora):whI11h t warld Rays, urtco, Muir, HaIrold anIII rlight, onli a 1 Qr or Irust th are barns vaaued att 10 Mr Clark lot 16, 4th. iliae,'wheaj a - a oW narraw e3cape In the + ier tw)'weelm - reported. The bulk a' the re- were destroyed. 'The loss Is coivered 0,111DIrt 4W�#6ce from that place,�� ed that neli .11 St,.xk. Aboerdt o beln6 on + the Pa -ss over turns speak of t1he heads aa Neison, Xo;be;l P1 lkney, lyn )e1nIX well by In6 t�aace. engine; �latop Jn0rnXkGDf1&z-t Woek� taw ks are + ped Braider climbe up MOTIfty + e 1, Verna Gtaivea, On the were bur ed ff the Iva. Tivltch filled and the grain as pluinN and on —Guitave Merket, of To wbeel to Btart it "alin Lud + and t1b A down + VaNEgrnoa, Akimer Troyer". ent cry one. then killed h1=aJf. MerIket w fi. lt:i�tafted more quickly ltban t1le w1d wbi h puLs th� wz Ld n -All + Abont over four week — Annie bbei e whole 'the crop will be :3, jsattzfactj� Monday slot &nd� killed his viife a -d rWlzed�bold of the fly W11SE4 to,�t- luatutag paiw-_ EVA, he vOr five we Mart Re.—This; crop Ia not la+a17 te so,-ne expected,- and he was; Ithrovm. of gear, then th the cow eks,L-Mlart Reid, Sadie grova ku n of the as�lum, ut f,6r ovet the 01 rougi� to Eurta I MCI raughiton, 11 0. for Wain, in this province, 1 but where rea;-,.m was 4LUO,* co two ,wo YIDU-t ed to rne wheel, 4striking hits head wih te�r[fle ttable, alnd ap�,It -a *Lwo piank atell + ++++1'+++++++ ++ Or eve. Absent over six weeks ral6sed It clone well as W1 + + 1 1710 W1 Ole this as he plBased, a3though the lativec_t force, And was J-1stamily RIUO A SN-ve'red �s fou� Inch so + Niotc*t, Cora Cleib, Ciar had reported to th -offle144- idiaw is t. I e at hfj brotiiei�, of the oung Man Was i-%Ith tunately: no f Are atarte' e + + Ab�ent over oevim wkis—Davina Few.—The pea oral) kas 1) on ra ther had made threat:s, bi'm At the time of the accident He —Theri� pa*$ed away at Pallm dw_--on, Kmn th Mackay, d1I9aPP0hxthn9, althOl-igh n 190fne carAs �ldiss arjorie Shoebotham, lie .17. bad -only b en engaged In -oa Thursdar last, LA J Kate & the th�e �h�i refi*rkably good Ieldo haveL been re- Year old daughter of r. b Eyj,__ reel ut0aeso fo a zhort lUme. He"was H bert 3traI:9ser, Atismixt twenty, istonet ater On Illiieas� of several + 0 U 'can save mon6y W —John H -on. , The Odrted. The crop; did not I "Et a good 1WIllia'm ;�boebothanj, Wood..g. k a, unnlarrj�d 'ed + montbim. ap was born at Exewr W atarIt In the spriing faster than yo 0 In thist section culy a par Owlqg it t00 much r0iie About five elock Mzaday,' -Oh,$Unfty, afte 00in Mrs'. M. nearly VIRce + ar_s ,o z nd e rn f ty--e*h_ ye trade'of ewellkjq, -Iva,.. esne her cou mrne4 the M ord &d 'keness of a N Pet6r Gorddn, Archl and dropped on thle t1bor t h h if % moveq i th( school ear rain, aW the dry, hot wi ather it Ing, aind, mrinig 1(ato her ytb�W13 Little, ot watert ITX life 1: !+ ake it by'taking adl�ant_ st, wat, blowomIng prevented ag%b ctolry pod- room., gar MJW -91 A, SaverelM of Detrwit NY ere aad ia, CbMP&nY wl dting ew ai-1 cow", age rea e McG IV _,ped of Our ly orr� Arnold LaIndsboroitg1i, jhn W. -While the weeTU waq bult little dead. Heart was, the cauae of 15hVing: ha a covered phaeton, pad 4 le !d to istowel, where he t REMOVAL ,v MdOeland, Alice 'Waugl[ complained of, th� presence a' 6-reen the 3ro'ling la4y&p suddm end. 1 ftear Ole Round Plalni4 ut one; In Ile in thei J�welr _b%--fteSs %-bo a numbev + A 6ALE OF_FEUIIJGS NON7 ON. j W. aphlIsi -was. reporte4 In mw t pairts of —Mr. DOU6-111 M' Hair, of Y7D*toak, ur. + west of Waterford, while passing al ve&,,z.!:Later be m wed the provkwe. a stroke Ww of trees-, Ithey Pxod ekU.Ued it the c-ae less,.! w w e[els we shi tr tor par" tur a t11 be en0oumIn + Beani.—Late reports are the of- al'Yr4s while feedinIz ChIckens. 1%� aroze, terdl Osiwarm -of eeis bamiging frolli i)ne f Ive ecio-A. V—U Ll morw, Lnoving to our new Pt TrPR TO PARENTS. fact Ithat while the -is M 'Mak-4 110 Msual and w" -In his up1lial 'health 'of the- lower 91-rabs. The lbors *,-j the new school vear begtns, neit InIx's large spread, indt podi. whea he left heijouse, Not ret�qraL_Xg� ed azainta, was Ig t 15th Of r�y, p Ing of 14A week,.as Ra *t + 0 they aA e n the cornelr. recentl a good ce, 'be Va- Tua;�.ay, S -X agk t 0 eptemi3er well. FrospectivE hu-VeA-t NO, lfriomAs bbeam's -anxious aaO went and belore they could 19top oin Me ding very may hiln, -he n, ickard the'conadderaion by he' parknts Of cated VV:r' Ing wao variously placed at trom the out to, the herl CWP, where his. llfeleL" cbVe'r dat the swarra right in t -1 storm ce wo" tatin, features at seltool, the 15th of i9eptenim bod.7 was' toutd. Son Before Zvin We work Ch 145t to r. about kwo-W��_' of' the bees - tell! In, damage �Dmet ofl�,Tha - _rnal differs s 9 ha�le a _zriog Importwil bearinig on the Hay 4W Vlover.—Tbils. to relatively —Ixwkx Renry: Ualip It -ld&nt PL9 imWe the pbaetoolL �Th �Gm omewhat. o an old their Ia _e,A table :w4s dtrlick and the! horses aAA are r redU00 restatLa.,obtaine4l. e thd courtesy of thi� the ter -4t crop of the so and,.9 *t Guelph, 147 4ead In b4s hi - + t me V.1 odt -have be a b er in, thi Aess we pref dete mined to began -to run�, and ghey had to ttzoW their owlier wOre floored b� 0 beck. ,is I shou writ� would u e W e4i tar holds Id like to M evv ea Guelph for sdmo time efore M. eir robes An -tantly; toow'las iof fh-- W"er Imes% our at g] kthority a New ig obklo tb reat-- Ew j, or Itbree i �aged out. th WrAM which *ere York birlet letteriss. This WeWk I Close % feedIng W Pasturegi I fall- In R74 blind Wif 0 knew thalt he had � died. 'Covered with bee, and th-e in- arA the bidWing, and a e of ks wholo + estpossiblo"extent, and -in'. ehould lite toi direct yt)ur -atteatiort to almost -Ve Ingtamce new i Ing did sbe thou6bt he lviias sleeping &n 1e Ode of the phaotora waz It 41so� a it �gnlzed -m a leader ur the su w.) ke LV , ih st bject: of attende nee. In this 6- ­ mrch better than old meadO�-. molt order to acdQoplish thi� We did not answer 11�r, and'coveing hial ButlOfte awistaace�,Df twolne# the "earby' 11 a'prey -estim- ate of s-ud -Yotl will port of th at- of the cu w&3. h sed in gqod'cmdIK -up so well as i�he could, she _4411 be- consequen Might have been selICUS4 tely bld L An ar ou Ces have. simpl�. e re . room tion. Clover was remarkoly mount 0 -in, Me PrInc pa f9r 4ree from eide .'his''bed and:Patiently walUd 'for —It seems now to be defM1tiJjh5et, IMU-rAllrA' tcv t`be i Warity of the vanou&,-_-,: + thi 'past � ye�t' 'ou, v" ill - notice rrAdge, and as the eC"d crDp, wad 111M, to 'wake tip. Ali Saturday after- tled Ithia the amouixt which , hjs'�prio_ —DUring thd thkmdustofta )D wreck of all. f6gular 1) 1ces t anday + thi -ee pupiths, *1 ery (da aind looklTuT well whon oorzv�pondento n0cm, and rilight a4d nearly all. we er", damaze 19,0, are Eire prem t ev y vftmee will receive 14 auccession. da -V of I �qt ek: consid day or. + on an Une: a of voods for All the mtir( -year. + Vh4t wrote, Ithe propects for -a "A srop she waited. r,4em th estate of the late wao doind rhbora frOln . e In, the, Pordw-tch 411stAct. I �s are give + some tnl, n ih theii th(se is '9d i -n �ightt eaefly k a*, e of clover seed were rfeiidec x1s; exeel-4 came In a;nd, told 4er the truth. FulforA, of Brockville; the Pink p4g, R� VIM% -of It lost her barn sall lent, Men.an&Boys Rem" b r b,(n d ha other a.. I -fan, e If a dozen Cdrre�pondentis sj�eal of al 'ruest -7 th Pe A'S + —B Savage*,' §on of Geozp 2 -Ma:n, *Ill toot up Ita $21 - iT his as( _' ha barley and heat. 11 tb Is.' rn at 'im. �far ae hav Young two moallis old, 9 bushe;a tion I age, farmi of IlatchIty, Dra7it -te of $2,ly5,on this Lao A i big �e_:ft had axge ter e ati�s;z, Ing nmde a js*w d krowth Counr- ed searcn4 ty from JiijurLb received while, mark t ecaul:-, JOY ILI vary nw)uie Gf- ou-r new 'fall goods' e. 10 Idead" abli career slnee� the of ciad, oate, ete. There was ',Rjoe + av Is, bro� und r 'I Ito a sba pla.*In f�L� th m0ly no,,;cither work Comi —The cotin crop (got io, 9 lootbaill Jn� a igame betwe liar, death. Um. Charl Boland0's barq NO: VV_ e & 1, es W. Mr.Le In it& perform + arriv6d and we do n E al- oun soch mpe i -ed it htart. The weather turTWg k0ld and ItY 9Ad Hatdhlej, teams at d1aught �zueceeded Ito the fort=gl but thm-1toali was al -46 detrg*e_d by f*e. + retndBr dftjlgt ef wet jusIt after pla-atlog,: rdftg s be game -was on h t. an Infant child cami'Ito There V111s uramee... Fx1day last. T. er ibs t0-,bun(;3h these in- i�h uli r afite on its duties. of he reed. Complakkt% Wer!or verY io-aili. 0 made a -a the inh vrl 161- U1 by ome $tate"t t isav buidja-W gad :$Mi an the! -ontenta. el chi �ck o It-:, death, howe Rose P 11011, 6 Me a aepd are also comm black- Chas. lowedd few hoinisr lat Rihard Pike; has! th LILa)a* er fag -Am skv. . ..... the -general slau'gilter,' A �(�an wc Of I bs vil on: Radford, al Harley Dlayez who e er and lhere�­vrasi I Illake -ip a is Igr i3 ry to -the -at guin, Ingfield, a; -td lit is though as to whether the ta tb, eted- + by tori r bimils, and abs a bad the he eOme More recont you. -mg corin, weather. received Rzdfora,� knee in, the etow, ez(!O clZim to the fort lost h;is b &ne sew. rr� crop. tine was Val in t FO coi amendf t 3 as lb �Ang specially AsPut Golbelin Old NBw F A�I�i L OUTPI YOUNG be tei esting. at 11 iapter, ea;d however, haa hvored-�thc ..can PUr- Ach, cau-sing Inteknal InJurl+ A view of, the Iniadcjs :Utday, �'eptembe* 0,i, the + one, I crop, azad surviving its T& tb, ki + of th Lpterlsi twc nd thre Is P, It io makixw 4 rapid and Dromilloq You:TW man niameil Robh%sion al$o er by ipo short a time -A wais A Lrl�-Adw ?.a -f Howlek 3apt4-t tPular Tradd, chased no jt�] lgrowth.� At a SafflIng ha -f f ive so ctn througt badly Injured.� 4ut will eco e v flion. war. brougM in the couts o; t 860 the + f r. j de� itS fif i th f I t. Ifty While —A rep BUJUSt r. hr be Strop bo, W)u1( be wsible Ito gras'p Tobacco.� ort prbs�nted to te terrn1114 exactly the fatheeatitle the of the 1d., -let was uner r e aed, the et + P� th fort It has recently been de li led 0r9a`Tdz L and + tw nty Isequeace of the Plot or to bec, f telds of tobacco Metnodlt�t Confor-aace at Victaria, tory by such a � tk.g, bulk of the crop li� rather baqkwaTd hi -4 th"o facts, gave the fatbe a, + cant. kg LIMI 7J.0 -SHOW IOU Ini eteilted to t in gave tne f thst Ad 011 the. gdter wbez 3 now ta qllowln� figures about� 'ing, + 1 Yet I ad Peacock, Gen th -pretty + B cw� 15; prect;ely the psoil. 19row and meven irwice and' efturch In -Camadal: Total church rr. mc lurn tftu�z -Churi% fi lit Iilf you a b rved Its yoa- -put -'Yolr C �i ild 1 110 YiT11 ben�rilp, 340,006; 4umber of t h1i a, to a day (,r -Pataitoes —Raily planted Huron Nbte$. s Suf�-- �,"O; local pre.Ai�jdes, 589; clas� Icad- purpose well for arily ty yieart, lod, Snuff fered i will lliglyt, er,-, appotatmen-.41, Si- Floesle Harrison, of r ov aind then. klii:e prea e ar 1, !00 the I co of thd 661; God, �r ih, Lut In a dai rcnr, drot4h ad + ++++++++++ ...... no no beeoine fully ix but Ithwe'vned chuich 6 th A 4 n aw buildbug e will a. f aitir S48; Sunday Sen6,01.3, 31550. The:- 1!,, tonsVp, bas beein-,engageid as teacher Xe -a Leaf Olive M -4 + 7 teresited Jrx Its 'Work, itor can be gra� return. 'Whe W, mgoo Crease in tne Churc mrambethtp 1t;, of Sch4ol sectim St for must t 1 p beetle t tie pl. of I he old Ibs,meaWnig. hi hnevitable result 1pq, hao been. presso In unusu Ia and - the ment co ntnodiloum �zd up-tol- r98 the quadreDW, um totals 22,374, There. tAO eA` knig vear. I late cart, C ieE eryr -'s �z$ u-th Lochman. da dart C h Wild Ig waj$ erry* SUitV vb!ther. thia Wetim' be -more but there' light r,of, 0 �C kr y ey 1_4 I . - mem In. n ' I 3'se ton,. aTd, S&I oncord, Huckleb 'Ile R vercoats, IJderwear S. 1 betweet. �ea Roo43--The *eaer Wasr cher Dind pupil, ur erious decrease: In the inumber el e -the. fo:H clas's Mr- anO Mr. Zline Lovhman, -Of Z dx;.y for icyota, 16- wl iether tb a6- y Is! volved" t "the Platinum 61. Os- leadem and�local 'przachej�a. ham, Uad a fall ona evenilgr'h eek IOWIM-9: 37 Pe 4GI the- usuil reault IS! Ito 711auxali2E ' DIeCially LI -4 -be 44 - oves and 411 �4iiire a lamge p t ufferiad, fram, ti pow, ger At 'the asmuaU meeting of the High amd- b*Ae her right arnu former, i Vq 000 a ed- )y the day 'A krea d of the b t e minatid of Ise il.'Of tur- 0 eb recti ef it ga,[t ourt of Ceatral Ontada Indep,indent �Mr.! G. E Holt. Mus. Bac�, 34 A"( 49 tovmoffip: im 11"i �e, Id- do- a ftene to, te re-sOwn, t Ikae :men. few y laind, had '6zd Some Order vi� or from G r elt Ts Cata wha. ts We mention nIp ria i Ige -a visl heir e6n in �elo & erster! , held Ia& w!ek,ln. Eon of::Judge Holt, of God-ariel, - I I (ow 11' tr tion as to the ef eqt -was flo0y plowed. up. ;The !crop, wag Port Hope, Ithe f 'llowling officer, - werd been 4pokated prafeasor of &he o r1ka n who are the laa >f Irre4alar ii1ttendance. ta�ge, a;,? to ap 1i The'�, AT) m. jo g -vwt 0 -b on ted : Pailt er, J. Ill the:'CalgAry Qyri.5ervwtory -6t M u sic. the We- Yin riat looking. up, the �vez . . . . . the g od thingsil at.are going xilti lea 'e poln tigh Ch�ef Ran, aaststkig his son 111 -ae- and Zen( ng-; frl� Itll Old con on as repor. u oPose h rr m sow half hie ee I -4 13catit, Caledo' East; Wgh Chief gab T. ief 74Wbile wL Ia- on a. cetain 3ell in'ldar les have dcine.'much be�Iter than tur.- Ramker, Clarence'� A. - Bell Killop 11n. barva�fimg- operatio gs erb are ndt To onto too Boys' Suits. —You -never have seen-'b6v cothing c �i Week, so bad' scale T* tS JobnI. oln Of it on he in AprIl,'anI n1ps, aind are r 'arded ais;molt promim --Vicet-Chlof Ranger' E� E. sniddr-,P-4w ussels, mad por IC&P- on IT4. Ti� irts th vrearni %4(r lin May, when. wc I he few lep t1s, rnfnc sut- u Cyr coinef Rope; Hi4i Secrotaryi Dr. R J. N* une to have a fall- -4 1 Jolk Coe bining bett6r quality clothS or Amore st is v mad6 gar - he hary t.hLs� crap? The Irreul gar beets are alsoo favoiablk-'. *t ar pt dfile, Qreernore; High- Trea,511ret, Alex, tajureA, lits back.. ell known in WIS 4- las a acres, ;tgrety A Doug- meots, mostly all fiiih froin the. makers, P1 1. nicker a e- Frult.4­"A poor fruft iearl n, W, —Nfr�* J, -G' Andersoa, of 'Luck a DWI od PI14 th upils wlio, pireseid r . . �are ro, t m i9aA whea 9, S tlev�alit, - Toroatoi,- High- Phyzicle i - tion, and w general, situ as -been Dr. Sharpe; Bramptoi4; High CaunIzel�. pt�rchaBed from, the -Nortplk C al Ta same ou al �are]! ta C an off :: season,'with apple bloomer knicker st*s,'sizes28,10 of the poblems ro md t, Izes -the bola 0 #ie same t an be broghL -to is(& esPeclilly, Icyr, A. B. Auloiey, Meaford; F it -GroweW Anociatioa teir �;100 arce��, -of fair sampl i f WbRat Alt tcp "Oluck" thei chW 3. "D.url a, r Mr. 3 0 1 - lal in the ciae of dei,. R. -H. S�thbert And Col. ty -L estirr &tod & two nore p�rtfqu y� i cor t4 iteen UnderskieL,, ro.00, removal sale ppe.. atwt ki�adrmv� SIM -ther -be MOO- bgreliz_. and -three piece suits, reg price -7 00 W 1 &rly- -I W; ac, 31l b M -To! eutire �seasWrs pack.*, It _g 40 of en t o do the IV e ble w'!Ater 'varielties. P1 h e .at from 7,5c t -if You ish t -6Jd hie end to tb,) bame uftqVonIy--from.- P6* to 9*0d— —Fire brok 11t SuTday Ln`tlie_-Sp_ -_�-A_ '�Hartley pgt�erqon, Sam of Mr. Ustio-rnel was Ara* by e o Another lot of boysy odd,suits, rem' oval sale .1 ice $20 & pr gr m osik. carefully it) ArcoAUq* to degree of , apra7i;-gg guln,110tel, one 6f the old and.N�m Arch. ftftfton, f.- Vjjno� rendered: unconsolos I<& b W -rim- rks A ew b ool yearas:. nmt practiIa.W. Fears are Adtter -an OUFaxr:� Rotic-4 �aind In a few Mr ie was e arn ppoetto tnhi- ham, wvm h6- fouth schplarelil tA3, ments he 119t e gat app4ren, y- quene with etta. Unde Roys' Odd Knickers– ­l 00 pairs of, bo .egal, Taff the'e h -v it or� botit 0WAVI uteisk A was, �00 -aia Tjz�lVerajt , New i orl� clos. ng' t -e,. wh ne i p�lw- eache Will nd wdi4e d t- it, in -each rage crop. eia wore inedlum in t; f ew pail -s �Df- 4'�ter. -The f a-mily, akeepit rip shut by a C�, Ia 11, ys. tw fzge*�, - -;or ava Bngin" eac for (hat e Ch6rrl i_iii at be; dil e -xit usc d *i vr�der t� yield,, ad� grapes give fair i)r :-I, -tau, ar tr" 17nilront Of Specials at from Ni 0ft)A4#;-'. , keeper of the­)oardt- —Ildert Bell. an, old and re$p�'&ed knickers, sizeS 24 to 34, double knee an �'o�.ble _ e e .Paslturea and Live StO&, -- Pa ft h r down thei hoo3e. T 1-1 ouse, lad Ine-16-111b c� Tuesda-Y., i.. a r,"M b and-' a couple of boi rders ref.511(101it of Jamestbm 0 seat all seam�; sewn, reg. pri the Itreel, C100 llne# oto 7oU fu y r It havo bicit In fair til- 4son, ze thalt, Wbimg, toi CID for -C -retIfed hi bed, Ad Fawcett- azd rece: 75C 55 the of- week ait very. pro,,, '19 - �, -0 001 116 th We I M%Log orr meft were sittlx- &a I us4irxess I oafid were across the -street horne iDf h6 daughter, rs. be which na, Cut sec ted ie trae, -to. in. all n dMkq. TepprIt odk of all cl"S'i talklav for'a short time. when C e 'ayne So Boys. Overcoats,- sample lot, size.S28 W no't it of clo slug your s;o �je ed. tive st !lamas Deceaeied was' In his Slat year, and str k Ith Ch 1141 Mr. I P re- 10 igo 00 a Circu, -een remarkably f ceiviiag Le h'' wa C 'Tied WtO or go vis amd Maig, Fawcet with her isavin chil- and MMsz, Thos sholim, aummourieq the re Underskirt styles. There will not be another chAnc 61 ert it; d4seaoe4' In m*'t of the bi ef rals, the h . oixse, Ills i wo Arms bE zolnef* es have b `Ee from f9uddenly burst all over the bulding, -7-111r; Qhlaholm.,' M_ P East e 1et as countieg,;, Ithere will b 4 §hortage Of- drel! and iscime liparders, had a Zar -,v er;94�meftt of 4beir only daugJL4-,r, What litt e is] I atild parent or I t. Reg, 01* DD . weria ored at e th paralyzi , bu lik ,is., Take �it now. price o the b 'are ilso, fewer e�ca froln 3liffocation. -lba, [!to W. Gile,% "Ito tl kik ol bre ikm steers, Wad dairy. c vys m Pon tier tlyro: 4 A ui;6 hour. 7' 'I sale price ........ distri e; Af ferlIP9. to, 9. oo remova, ....... raless holum ol t he schoolfor any rea or, then Ia, mnore rece yeas. Prices for —Reports, fro �Cbatharn L!nds4,y- The marri-a-ge w1al tak� It are bi it one, - vlz-,, both beef and da. '1arADduAL1;- hive, to the effect thtthe crops of Xe -.1t in To�onto durllnig eptzmbcr, ace atterd t the: Infirm;t of. old - Dt e Do yo I k a da3 be farmers. -anty thlo -year, are etter th t W1111'am Turnbull left ai� Ito- neg of n Silk nd Silk Mo_n*e� r, eR most encourazIng- to age# Dav4 -Hay, oneg Df oldes;t OD All Velt Hats, colors and black, stiff or ; . 'hey has estimaled from m ftool f Som e The chief haadIcap to the I*MfOr-t 01f -have, been. �a, years. The ecials at frots 4 t a I I e m e a t ma a i: e o Ice of The BZV* M Is, soft, all styles and sizes, reg.- price I. o to value of Erty by a.: la rg e cattle h% been.: the pi -from several- quarters�lth&t the IwA. Tb ay mornin's, 094.4 yearz. �Underskirt SP .5 In I arZO comes Foat the other day, built *a a olrOalar .,- e - to 10 sOrn Of arme i fifteen innhe3 in circumferime, rner'of Ind vMuals--, tha each ay wdm1ber9 of their hohu-fly. Ii e f r ave not known a better bar- type, lie wa b Ind J end izame i L Public Sche I 4a w< Tth $4 to the he Ot wrent to:'Caa,,4dh when but' 3-oo, removal sale price......... I La e * coulatle- . several -vest In thb last fifty -years, It is ajh with P Scotla hole In the centre. It w-ehl, a i da', r in 'the F 19 cheese I a a4e Ithe fa 4ature ma ntorles are Ahlpp�mg M so iptatted-that within tile past few a PouM and three ounces,, three y.arsof kge es S illool. Is, w<ct 4511, and each da� ki tothe State of New York and are al, --,a yearIs. the cro Mt. Oharles: Usaac, Uf � LV on the Huron �,oati 4' about �!-J X mile 12 w ps have been is gmd cwi, has Sample Overcoats, sizes 34: to 40, all ihe ne 'tie Uni'verellylips wort $22.,14ow -I,-k1 extraotkW.- the cac-elin. from the --kiM that many farnis: have be aught D tram G erleb, in 3,832 hl be reach - W urc ed M - Newtom Bakee-,g 1"- f�:ncy,colors and black. Don't miss this bu )ch. :Tfe P, IS 6n your ch'Idi provide o well for h`3 milk. Fodder c-upplies Prom:Ise to- be aM4 paid for. Wheat b exce a y re farrn� 10-t 8, coaceaslan 3,.$;te"hPn. et i to 1113 ac f iture s 'by tattandance at schoo' nd live dtook. owners� will abundagit; a Mr. T�aae will move on right aw.a For TWw an unheard of bdrgai n h�ere for 12 ple� good.,and other graL aire yery satis, know' hat a s- meet the win -ter with good proipecto into, CC bome to-WnibIp, W about truant 5 peo Dcr factory In their lield. The only fall e tbe #11 ork. Delaines have -J t beeli �7 _: - Will you be one oIL7 t �w then yjr. us he first ? R, e g. price ftned In ffie, �IzslatutE for -,the keep' f'their anlmalig-. semis to be thelapple crop. 'it is z 11 3� of Ontar:-o? said' —E111rJn9 fheL thirnilertorm on nt� five ye� 15 were spenf, a They -are the ideala— rii are accistoati.4 Ito look upo-� ir�- that- there will be practically Mo ap- day ot la-_ -t aud X*. Hay moved Alato Qodettzb, to 'Of . oo to 18.00, removal sale price' we�k, the residmee M, ELbsehtlnig without conissiont- Canada -CurriO, Ith con-ces.sion, Goderich, b, toy ap lain aAd ha�e resideck there eVer vp- ns. Ask to ee. them, ples this fall 4-nA lasny farmers will tl h- t 1thE mat caiment h 0* —The 160 members of the So nig of 'Eing, ndt'bave enough to satisfy thei� own ship, wa-s istrda by w forty n S. as nott Ig a u ;er t Men's� Dress Suits in all the xiew c siland new tyle klo with 11. it'your child Is-notick, land, who have been vUltin, England needIs.� fire, but the fire wMa ex; _XT. D. .0131 lltelml thli known. bao not !the' p3rmlas zt week. Obe m an , in- —Vor, keepinf�, a carload of 2 5 before it 'had 6-aked any I e apple C ealer of 0Int-da, h 8f_- i jJjSt r4C-1 010 IM, of a �JUSt�(�k. ct� 't arrived boMe L Ia- u d 5 )r fie f th (X kinks, also black -and blue, sizes 34 to i 11 dUeedL 25 of hi old churnt to come tle wihout fooa orl water for 66 hoara turned fram peopspectim it -rip.. 3-n 4 e Peac� to, leab-ent from, sch fL Inie and sin leld s f e Is, i tru ait c very eession he ja to( Canada, aind isettle,at %Dran-Vton,'Ont. while on a joitrney Xrom, White River —X* -Campbell, a f a:rmer, 0 the ea4itern part of the Ency Eggs� Wanted gle or double breased I e,. r0g. pric� ty i h3mxt, even If 3 ou Ji eep him -to rur —Mrs. Oliver ReauMett rmn her of Dr. to TOrMtQ, the] Ca�nadlan Paplf�q J�aii_ tawmabiP, while workiing -aron ot a reports i the apple ftop Wel e a rran4s, sav F_ wc oil, e �.c. , Let us., a J.* 0. Reaume, MiniiteiLbf ]�Ub"C Worli's, wa;y w fined $751by (CID1. pe!ds tblraisikig machine on M - onday lUt better ihan It Ia hIa FI*Dh. W_ cante;. I i I much 12.Loo, tO 20.00 remov I sale price,-� ........... 011.1 The -rk ti sge i >ni- for Ontario, died Suaday Ion the fam. of fence was c mitted on. July 9, the -k,,,.� had his )land chopped off by the 10*11 saYis that be JL§ more tb a0k: e d th'T'; tlian" toy make the c wee ver ton, 9 �year the bevit In tlLe bitory ily homestead'in Aiidetdon ItownshLp, cattle, which revOlVing MachinerY. Two yeara vinced itliat proper. r A sprai are In transit fro Pel- 1 ago D -OVEI�COATS­65 Men-) aioi ]KAINCOATS'AN] ublie School. Let us lopt as oui-nio near WlIadsar. She �wa� ninEty yearg kirk to Hol;�Wri, Ont., 'beling the W�a-4 big other hand was ampdtated Irl h4g aro� a fnecazlty- it our (y for atteTdaJnC% "Every .-day. -and, old.. fa farMer bber giiaranteed mac �ln hope to keep a place in the expcwu Coats in cloth or the rit tzlmll�r manner by a V po ring W, ty Of W I el sawlaff e. It day�' —The wht was so istrang at Brant- iT49 to 14old-telai. When the cattle ar, J�mes, Ohapr.Llan, the 7oung iman market', He says 'that d' in some TI e C J. I OURTLS, ford one day last lweq'k that it, blew rIved ta Torot)i they. were weak and fr'-near Exeter, who, ete4 of to�pe eo=tles ';,oTcbardA, Lin sizes.; oats, have just een wa-S coall Princtp�t $160 in bills of riho deomnin 'at eta4gerin and i i..unable to eat'. Their on a �Cbarlge -at! thetit a0ld conspira rented Ifor tern3s, of ye_az�s an. the par,.., received in sto'ck an'd were. slightly damaged in transi -but Va i 01 Montgornery, pi from the c n ter o� R.; - c� �Jl �mi upon arrival :It the rQb,- tie�5 in�,to who3e passeashan they thus tiable ared before His 1, nothing to. really injure the garmpl`nt. * Bib ario Crops. re t-rie JW10 Doyle on anday �of Jazt get control than they atle: 10 sure you get o n'e of these, reg. prl' ce 9.00 A etatemsnt the. candi ' n Istreet. Moi%gomery'�, ri�coveTed : oialy attention of P.:,CL Craig-, who reported and �Ias seIntenced to four montlis, in set ab�!t putthw-the orchard Ino local tail liquor Oeal�r, out, into the Western'- c -market attTacted Vgeek, f crol. SL in the'Provitce, . baaed Poll 6, '9 $100. it, witA, e;�41t that the-.bh e was� Obape. I They cultivate - the the r jall. 1i to i8.00 removal sale price-, ........ ....... rPtUTns of-carrLsIondents, under date L —The Torcinto Exhi J ion Is now in laid,4 4r. Joh,- Ratcliffe,. formerjy 1 of prunie arefiLA17 and ffiberally, ON'. fic11"swing-, with Ia crowds daily. - —Hi>4. William, Pasley rf S rg 31ts, -15, T. as b E en i�ssued by the�' returned to The Thames� Road, Usbarne, but I*h(y witill 0e most gratify, ,krio -Deepartment of i grie-ulture, i"i - General Badeh-Powell,1 the of Ottawa on Tue_11'4da'y, after m &bs ce toof S gen era. ur- Iq be gurdy _12 —A X. Campbell, one of t MEN'S SVIT8 Men'.s Fr't 5 hssi been. 11ving ffi CRinton- for 1, the th I �, foll6whmx pailt"'edlara; Mateking; on � TuesiIiay pressEd'the biftm several weeks .spet on the 18givea 'Ia a PaSt 'Coujile of years, has moved �Wlth lonieer---.of ithe bYindary be - pose s i d ton'which pu1t the wh,els-1n. m aT4 Canadian ilways inspectij 4amILY to, near Portland, r -1,-00n, tween Ai field ro towns uits sizes �4 to .4zk -900, 0 i -Fall Wheat.—hfay be blm:sed as otilon, t e b�i� bip�-, h TOron paper_ Jtho,;gh _m�re chrunken and ace ' t_ parts crop,. 4 oratu to J�_�e w_iero he ha -z accepted, a, poslg(j� r7 1-urned to, Ottawa Ia, we Toromn shipping fac. s of the varlour. Sunday, A,;i,3�ust -21 h;z Vi3 on died oin For isome arm. �a�t: rep�irted Ithn in any ed a* caxe- Ele qtate 1gricultural F time back Mr. Campbell �bee�i sub - it matly a*turned from J, 1 81: breasted, lei of the the Exhibition is� gger aid better since JU17 80. style, single or* double lit 06, hemo-pl S�Lle p ears,' attrib ted —A valuable mare belo-agin t(, in havinx j�I*nt son-wo reg. price rice thr thwa ever2 fully inspected 1,twenty por - eytt. .4n- ject recurrent spells of 14 mrt weak- 7-OOtO 10-. 1 ts NY aTgely el! Cii —In, the fire -that 'early MwAay morn-. e (Dintale, ba Vin a e led 30 to de weather wh rA tr v 1 1, Iffus �Brovm, 4th, concessig of by iiess, �Lnd the lzst attack 'vms so eer�- -T. -ite Ie th w ass 10 d to r f or -y far Wa Company, th�Gover=ent riteimer Speedy verd locaUttes come r. log- destroyed the Inclilne raAway own- to do 'p-0. His taveling. was .4 o�ie im Wa�S, !:found dead In the -ymd made Underwear, Sox*, W6rk Shirts' Overalls, S*p4i- S-Ae ers ay lou--- thet hU- dea t,9 15m4t: Dsw_4Ws . Golden, ed by the.Gavge Rail af terp when h��r neks back. �"The dez - *0 -was Thist owner g6t e some blit only a little rus�t�is com- near the tower stadlrido st NtaIgara Wal� 1�01L, MT�- vit ilt to from� church. The, bb a de -4 and all kinds of Furilishings only partly lis ed her e to .,taff, Scotlart, lin, the ,I-- tion of new mill aat h d be r, fed born, :lakie� of. Tin aone cif the wesUrn a'rd Falls,. Rl-.aard Simi watchr �e morning and Appeared ae iaT4: a;nd Wig pairt of Caada. and he I stateJ s weL year 1832, aod therefore' his, rices. couaties, all o��­ did OIL- -cripple, 50 ye off regular sell* ai 11 tas in rr nt z�:c now cornplet ing p entra. brandh oid,- was burned to, that he wao most favorably irn ual- NO cause is known and the 18th ��,ear a the t1rne t lits, death�i th.,s eral le injur a lr� I apparently 410d y It Itbe'growling ro n death ao he *I -pt. with the entez�prlse niblitt'n of awg*tbo t a He out to C-anada are bat And a if Wr ia, youns her —The Guelph Wlater, Par wiIll be the Va us tolvns nd. the pla zz th -idedl Tarms of Sale—Cash—(As wit could not -iihar at A rips amd patchees, and the a. —N;lr. and Urm e hese r10 ey man td eventua.111 Tes an A f arm. �a Iso suffe ft am thl a to a- ca sa. held tblI% year 71�oni Decem)er 5 to �are maklng'to'ishare in 'the carrying 1111r011 e and daughter, who S prices). Any 'goods notsatilisfactory will. be e�cohang if -or Thorms Lacty, an. old reji, On, th flz!z c0ntvs-81011 bett length tha; of -vie L is, It: will last Me day aniger 2ion. —Three well known Western bntarlo on. Wddaec-day of jast an e -pent Uanada. r 1P He also liv+(4 for -he 4 was 0 a ;n Decemer 9, oth days Icl. tiled. That on of the bu4i4essi of dent -the GOderich -nelI,,-Pbor ed tow of their latei L19b - - MOl1ey refunded. rgare ecari� yeaks and 'Istobd up 'e., Uwe 3,11ch, rth on Wcdne_--d2 te 'Years dn Cal ; t, '614,much Uiss lodgin f a in f orm com- there 1,h I ' er years. met, on a p Tsure trip bro �gxea -.Bever4 Vintets In the X; �szall Jum- I 130r a ,,b he It age of ninety yatz-5, Wx jr T�arontcf After tj - I e ca 6 of the s grains., �evera% mence m Monday Instead ol n Tuesiq' West, cairght cancelled hmhestad Dusband, the late Tnoi�a Lacey, who ber wpods, so! that Ile wiell, versed on Thursda,-Y- Highest Prices for 183 u er and E Cones ondOnts Mate,that the crop was day In t paA on the fly. the Other (day, whille az,.siIng, dltd� about 86 in all kin -As �f wocId But bard 998 he _t, agp. sne Mme on to, a to oaada in tile e- vartiC Ia 1: i990(l summer f al ow. —A bull wblzh had brolmn loase held, throuA Mdmottmri, accordin ' ia=t adtanced years Inally told arly o-artlez froli work tnade of Inury- pot -a Tuakersmit--h g!lod oi, 1 Wam- �4edslo of the 'G. T. R,, yar�ds at story In circulation, and wil I net lTelaand, and au trmfg! contUtution he was 1. . . .I-- I - - - 4 Tu r a, ., ei;t pesti hrjt on b% s London a � few dayz, S0 (T over an �5omethiug like S,,10,009 as a reslIft. The re�__Ioence in Jlarr.Utun they s t1i M4 re iredl on he b6 mdary a et , d in It T, N G 0io Wheat.. -Thia claass of w ap- 3-t hour.- It charged� m ne waft ho the I me nee JME GREIG. �11 'who 'ca e ar ortunate til's weak.- Ww.- C01b tOW1,3111p, wbera about torty Zh rt'dIsU east of L*411alsh bor , Is ly kcyinE ciult of favor in, -0 1- It and drove it atn and othera to Dr. Elliott. ol In; wjth� Yea]�s� were spent. Tl.,:en Movinr to few yearr,,, u t I p a The ime �,f his deatIf 11n" tarial and wher( IgrOv rin It is, conf Ined shelter. John ,,,p 111W �Oeza Ma Or Ott, M. '004riell toWilehip, tb,-y livrd h2,,,e He I -vlvod b:r hias WP fe and a - and Wilbert Cr The P. P!, foi� We L t ehief!,, r to the variety, T le cliaseg tcy, - noar S Thomas: Coleman, Wad aAd L)ie de �J, of 163W� Q all ex, and 'o BaYPC14 7V7