HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-08-26, Page 6Of A ST 26: t lj! ........... ot 36d A. ou thing V�11 �pll me 000 Have t Vefil rtm I I (18tw . WW 'bue, lu Eng* ta ito Whow -you Amu 4111vUlat n and be wed. io I for—a U40 or, telt- b w atroAll ns W4 dh 11 A "Porothy will be vn me,- MM Lot in WAU-1 of tr!;, Runsill was alti- answore, -or ber, With cil 41 UbcTt -yea, -Y Itorato live S -4 il Gus. Dollberately RIX M6 of his, lftaa-SounxL� 00tq Del yie hLc ideath -the victim nbade the Wom" nth i j&1*tI_nS vli� as'at tal, A an umed his back city lie tor Of Re, yo,4 answer -my que '00 W aMnum" �6 44' (,,1111lendar, 'will -a hit. ltbkt Wall *1A At- A ho t U t 1or ybursalf bel %sked the girl P�Ink- Its to l jr. 9701 wats WIL-gen 74 sxe Jadec Xt up -pelt the "W4yil est sevg rall friends—Abne lin a- poor-40ur e0l, Gne"Of taolk b-- -n- we-am. — Ing try a *f Ubitites u's c time, J)uV— f rom ithe Jall'ot M [Iton. t Vol Wall at Aanff on. It 0 t, It Is, 13 "One moment, fro. Hallam," X4- JU A he- 1 slceljj�it JtQ YS, jLS, I%e d _�V - spl, r over hie shoulder. at", ood flung cri St ;tr the �*A 36ked hW call. door al tb otigr �gd Cam Is �22' aloll wears -all yoi-1 something rath,7- '�Im going to all ro wl th ;skeleito.1 411b a w ate, ashes tBe pal to. ra old. 0fty do rev, -0d is W. 4 wale� Ila AA #61 -ho bodys, one 9f the MISS Cat ),d he continuea, Ln il odd, ifAppiel,10 Olil; He pe T',ev 4, folv-1hi.m. eeking the girPoleYes 104 t U1.7 Wholes6&C Bover- Holdal iof K e, I,. ad a n, 4rrow ral Vi5 C Vpvalar tte-omers In t vickii-ti. He "Dorothy, F'- i ll y0ou ftage thatir Itourlsheso V -6r a -1d -1 T tbs as -Th ewl Lve XeMntll *hllp, �U� Iff & I inrl W, Z Olal o, a(ri pleasil Mrs. Hallam,T)p sug. Awtry TN �r%l a4vuok a- rock so 1- o?) of le X"!3 a (wife - gested the girl, 11il just* the -right go J sten 1r. Kirk w9ol- He has- been iciWa 'ruin tht till X, -k the. mtft�s mumsd�' tithlll. 09 X9 - waxit fthrl toqr fect ol the G Yrdon had gone, to- a fa4 -v ery kind to: me a id Ill 4 re Rheumatism the attacks, W.bY grocery, 1 W very r! La 1�r larms; -I w1a)s S that —Tb4 hrae of Willtar 30irdat tam -1.4 Ahade of 1ndepei dence; "I 'wish -to by .9 N r i otf 'll the; 1ho 40stroyed, 4 1 aon nde� le i1a botwe. Dutivig Shiv tumcd, -to hit if again, leavin- he a 1 suffered frotu seve ivere, IhIj Lqk and he I rft hf�r lbaby I tried man Equd Vexy &6�9 and P 7 At to I 'L firi0st Ger==- entea me from doing my,ordinar i vark he si otad -3athies and speechless with me __ la Xhe Isisat, rr,,3,jlf hi r Absqncil La coal �oU il sh baA *onianbrie ar-d I voirmageat, s ee Mink the, the *trU6 rew-edier,,andi>hysicia�etreatmer.ts, but to 101do: ),Uc gooct % . 29 T ! brews.. &-nack 0i *,as beco-minl ver-y-anx-dous for fear would `bm-ome a !r01 the tkniveo, and IV9. iie U'r le� url lexploded a4 Al 1�tA;ltied ff&N4T$, pawl on fthe reel t rill it thel, tl return the flilm, Upooli the lnibl choice h lVerly 117-blet "You told me ofice,?l Kh-kwood _c h� d, oqWftable heak ook. for' the laVan&r dq medicitle- h4s, entiMly cured I. tri7 -Vewt_A1P;eS and th -tuld nued quick ly alti L he felt, prazeuln ieve it is the -,e6t Rheumati 'me- burning housei honl� bleU r1d.11 ft,wedrsda �fu k thie Gilir&u MAwd Into the grea sm cure in wc ought - a It th Rrlpn�, FOV r__ to pay -O VT�a wcal b ut !,,that you,considered me kinc child, X -011, WILLS. -ad ful and. consider You k4ow b. oday than, you did Oel-4 supe, or tal t TZ ns Rall- 4bQUt m a we no -etter t' stateinent Ould not beought from man. like M ills. Tf�th' 14 w, near L al nl WIl head_'-.'Tb6,ch11d- waa�_un bult Such m to6 =lichf hia good name. to sell it sign it to an tio Mr. Mi0s tried! nmliwleTe a i I il YOU1 Ust e er th El lfttlo.� to beg tr me a' M4, Wouia! ?W 10 it . i Wes —and FifAt. v . le Uxal.,Iseulft 01 w idul a ter dl other treatment failed ati es cul d him w tru sty irself to my n T ot- ttheumadsm. In. -ae go My aid Xe S_ TYLE)' Ill odn6gs of his� heart he Wrote'the - bo va I etter i a o rO e r Ing ehool tion Untu we re your friends in A' 0 thatsuffere—min all parta bf'Cdt�da wontil know that there is one riemedy that%, im r1owtm-'. taned n�hntk dh f.�ojn_ 'krzfeft 1nJdwxJ_tdb4. TimiO algxu�l am brew tutes Eu&land'.91 actually4oles cure This testimonial wasentirely uhsolicite III -he Jo, n [Unl a. xertain. obart to sbho( A on. ntur� yl trul Se I oks I- oice lagerj'but hn lc -.s to 10 two - &A,. 4e�, Nvhy, rp— the girl faltered, taken thain 4f proof A 49 In the provin g uitt atl-ti:v tilwete The �dther theal te; 1;XTedi4_noAaow that Mr Mills wastakw' "Vr ml _.five d4zed, ne. T hu 11::h Quenchl e. letter. 9 niocked- dol 011t and U b6lur so' Id by supris -a-ppetitd. now -a 'year 'hat the aae,, tl§ m -w rall "Fruit ter 'of IMC. 'Order sna Itilsac"efikeur vroves the mamellous -tives"! dladlo ithe I nJM oll It-appept-g 11 ge ala O;Aft Kirkwood1l cried Mrs. Hallam todayt U11 Aisease' R r --of col bl� ift sting an4 c may be -stated, �with;ut -Tbon�aa lean, -Al- aadne the trw-*s ll at 0. a.ugrll', finding ht r'voicil ire that s w 11. L 'ocb "W aly ftownP-d- Ul ne alid 4wettloo each wai&d ilure, 1�7,lrkVi`ood turno I to meet ber on - the Tclirl w e C#Frult-&-tivee I is the only m icine in of fru �Uices virl& [River. the little Ill bject to the approva der I IL of t 1he r au th mindd-, Rh IM Ll CtM knoN. ght wl g miq I gravl, dete eu of � hill ledlIewl ad ultimately! the, n t(y modirt science. is the ­eatest olg,� tbgr with ll 7bl C, 01sur, 'Piet 211L derAerg -in se do not -Intertere, 0c. a box,6 -for $2,5o, or trial box, n 1by 'tile T1,llil bawc tr j0eea f Ind or unfl chin 5 St� %Id r sent, 01l *a0f1a`yIrne,a1 that., Ln wall tbeY Uve, power ih6 madain,!" be said 4 ll on recl of by. Fruit-a-ilves Limited, Ottawja� 0*cltiric 3l Omed Aota-for tha� a Wat, Jot the (A STYLE) 'Into, the wateri WItch ls� albol . M d*i - Th�sief pates aT e. d1scoll at You aire Impert nen.t sirl Dorothy, The newtst on-intoldcant, infld at that 14qrlsteb�, -barxim, I fil you to th inbor df- !now Is perl i=d delicib�s, with the reall, flavoi 11= fhotbl Jt0 01I hbx- I inot-3 ver lot Ot flqd beml3elves called v Pon. to pa up, The gIrl flushed, lifting her chin a- 4 � T. and aualit�y of good. ale. Complies Unt Imtead ((yt ;lslog the al aUll they ave not -at Tecelie4i h1b4a: lorbid?" She repeated wander - t 'with locialli otion relMents and The fil that arl now i4 your kitchen ana dixiing FDomere protb*ly �Jaa be anywhere, e0sis w ld Eft, ISt:C8 S014 S tha , ft" -to take advan- ll M 'K14fWood was ilck 10 Y r any a The'DarrilhioLaz &aSting on somt indescribable mistiness le s ni. an I iour ago, and as a bradebi rde tt P�oduct from sm 4if oar, Ea Aa!t, on, Mallreli ll iwall brought to �Wlwipeg W a he Al jeav el tpige bo psmd, CafiW a bad orn e, tcha of attempted rauzider Of of her resentt il Hallam :�our dealer, or direct, from en carries many Singlea fly Oft housands of dikease ached. to AS hairy -9, it not fitted to advi ge you," I I I Vit vu tibn i0f 7,48 781, iq be N; wife, oucceedlil aft' �b- germ ht mat,, 4 ftat Pilere ww� Wth 0.'' so, reoted In JSeaUting Pol �U. and �bj, thl �11aor can' She onhol your aeflons. lody, it is the. duty of every housekeeper to assist n' 'i e�ternxinatiog.. thb\ t eot- must Irea oCcurred to Ton oer-tthell pftvlou�. lia. ktalij, Mal coramUtlu�� i JA. ll d ;W01# enemy of ho liuman r Pparitmc%1A,e_qtlra&tili;s the pcipu�atio-a de ored o til imit I la w1feill For *atnS -6at you're rather out of place- In4he '060, Ae I ULL a relub. aftell rqyvl aceo, present. circumstan Ices. The men �� viho, 078; Ontirlo �2,687,- to ill-ta tbiwn ad afte kv. to tal Ille to have brougbt you iltber I believe you �61; �.Xanitol llfb4 he timialy frilter- ai 1496,11 askatcli 'wan, It wal V y be-X-ta, 1071 Of Ithlb- Ih already see tbrough to some extent _477,590; A1 .32l,862*,13,rWl Cyldhi- Ired m Who �apvqalrled -speak, g plainly. 1B -bla, 321,733 1jinorl;J 59,. w1ille.KnIght twaa beantng id wite thwt F orgive Irly Ut that WILSONIS 1050. rigm1gration not ishovllil by.pt' sal Ihe, dife of the wl Tjpl is � why yun hft"Ite cepted Mrs. Hal- Glicate- t val tha hired man -Knl-6,ht fam's offer of eetion. Oels, 101802. trhese calcllla�J(l h,� a* .of will YOU n*w,'w1ilch will bo ��&l lel t it BA bie �=T anO mik t word for It when I tell"you ake my �a J Ie 4aiextj will . shovv Daz ada, to'have c6l3clou condRiall 'and rur�hed to tha she has not your right interests at t amd, nin and. tthsn, :�yv)illatlot-bf beltWI96A 091 -a bam, oe�.tlng lt on f I re: nil de for hp-LwoocW, be. was irse? I happen to ALaw all- knoV, Wiss lbalendarl and r— 6 i rested. by No. Rb Its a f arw!ll 36 yftrw, of �41HO w dare you, 4rr ''9941tDba &ucl Northws _% "CXCelle nt f al t �Ote's MR. �11 adr %'of 160' acreS near'l�tCL*Wood Man." With a CL(]illl Flaming with rail Airs. Hallam, put t—j L ihadgsoffie.$25,000 chumh Ill been. -ear 19W doMJ Yo k -Ets fa herself bodily betwileen them, confront - 4 and fiodli-at�d at ercil 'i -n 1prospect. rm was vell Salls-k , y I the Rom vnj 'hill on t an -Catholla collt(. 9-tccked with i ttl been, Ing Kirkwood In w4ite lipped despera. A By-tavir to il Colleat -1 RJU011111 of Statut. 'ala - the Pro"91A.W041-4 a L%bor Unperformed til tioa of �that Vlace� locked upon -ars, 0ae, of don iter small 91l bands clinched S1 pB, day, It is hil ell 1sy t1k IS iQf (the n_t'_0 0�1100d. FPobYtarlan ynod of Allberta. hb school - and 'at bl sides, her green count-il of the Tol hats d ecidedtoilestabliz�h A am eij one per my be 1 K: Wltel'of 20 eyes dangerous, 'Iver.Vity ODI 111 flies iu siach i use quantities as cannot be appFo ed by any other at. R,1A tl)fa 1wheire Roll, of Any per'll t -tat W)aria haa seleae, But Kirkwood co ept. is 1910, W& -to U Vllil Id silence her, and pe 0� y -a In. t ernt- ith thil otbcr tittim By killer.- LAC K r ntJ iswitchma, be he did. "Do you �wish me to speak of "he 0. P. R., a wall Fus,;ed this 110th doyf J. M. 11y, frankly, mada, J)o you ;wish we to wet P. �5. -Pathniasterb inust, nave th-ir its 3 f�nod; �$,100.,b LIXe 'police migk4ratae of 1 tell what I Ist of Sept. 1MV. wh rSl w and all I know." that, intyfor bela 12L ye Cf -Alot your- social Ile 0 IVt7- BA with' nge isli NVIA1. ln� L a. a lol al�,, status- and your reltions with Calen- age; 1-'-oa,of Fraak An&Lrpon, llyzry�rna, J. Dorrance, T MAS Of Sask.. was kidked th-3 dar and Mulreall I promise you that R a pert 1141a �Iosewas; badly bro�zn�- Englith Berksh i But the had need to say nothing :fur- ber, fa byz which he ws y ouis Jo A*ngs TIM 13P.REDE If -you wish it or fo#ce we to It'll B sep] Vane OWN I Large TH �rered. Willi6m Dakeil of Winlivil4s, ther. -:The woman eyes wavered be- ts t r --&te And Uecester Sheep 2 Mofta app��ated Illisp2etor Of lVablic fore l9s, and little sob ot termir forced I will keep for se in Place of D. m'' Plake Seven.) =Yso- r Mee ou 4b 0011,M51on 60 Me. (Continued fro Itselfetween. her shut teeth. Kirl -1 McFadden, 0f _Etn'-Irson., wh has, I - rted r, ar ra Duke XXXVII 'he , nd ch inlion 14ol of the Prewlei Ve still have one ov twC -or Aft- wood'smiled grlml�,, with a face. of X be, --TI Ibbeted m ; t� 9 -erner -of th I; e� W- a In an eXtreme of ftellion and brass,' impenetrablo,.. infl. r ash caft out all -111 Salt NV buildingg b Ugfelulow., Terms $21. the UMa of sl exible. And ovr niy W ­,41l via% vill I.te priVikgil r_e�t og if nemsarv� dropped the hand.ba- witilng sheep- suddenly she turned from him with In- spread until it had totallycoered intact, lso a quati I toalr —7 hQ. livery bazn of Ae.,n Gray, tv of lum 1)4 *9 awkys far szle. kt Istily enough under her rvdy`_laufrb� diffil bravado. it was irritating and pAinful, and cause I timber, which is sultAbleforxepth V'Iklbf comp:etcly de - la, Alberta, by the p] t onehoursof suffer44. Wetriel -troy4A by along. wkth ten, baili mirtb. Irresistibly incited Ain- "As Mr. Kirkwood says, Dorothy, about stables id out-buildi e littl� That's the only aps add powders and palves, but -he t the farm, In ooder to have -a it bd of hay ad 0auts,%, The ly read play of expression on his U10- she said in her high metallic- volce, All r o betW . r.' He refused bis, food, got cult way you lil oa 7,000 - t f- lit W'- buildings and Material 0 Abou I venty bil� �#6rd, to kee have no, mitborl over you. But if in and worn, and was _Perham trolu, do not' !reduced fo v. fore the 'first of August, *�le 0 S dous condition. I wils advise wM r fimil-0 them, because e wheld the A'You must forgiv6tbe unconvend n- YoWri silly enough to consId a -very low prite, and I irok-e out, ten er for n�, a to are sll�xc Kirkwood s 4e apolog ze'd. moment this fellols insulting sugges- am-Buk, and did so. It was wendl I an �but -Of thAm. w, . alil y,, t1r4 -1 retwonable offee to acco MI. ow i�10 WL-Va i "l direeU; at- ow it means 'less, work and' less profit :etil to he lare death -rate Ini- ne(diessly, rnough, ..but to cover his ti�n, ff you�ro tool enough to go with med,to mol and ease iffii-childli. purpose. LUM 19uVwe would lil-e to tell you that 6- ta.the c.1ty framn chole�,ra Iiata-ntum, him unchaperoned t�rough Europ and to you�, embarra,�gment. "I am' (in the P0111t Ot ll' painU skin. Za '43uk from th, e ne ROBM BBLL spavin, &�Piint Sweene�, ery 1do4imencement seemed to go right to t isays hat two da�-a Vx,,6atl-y Ino going -out with Mrs. Hillam, and of imperil your a horse enims summer clothing or LanleneAs le spc,4� and Ringbone, Swl Jd0a;tjJS and the oeelbrTed, Co'U rse e pimples: and sores -wr 'on i 'tatiob greW Jess just -as you do'. ew8r'thah, ro you are the"last plArson rth "Mrs. Hallaml. Kirkwood cut hll�r and. less. n neednotIp horses from !sea-sa short, with a men f w weeks m baby s skin vm ileiv here," W16 are lx�adqual for both atd that scores of in. I es:pected to meet use Kendall's he ng tone. beAe( ants; Jnthe*'c 8 aff,13c -wit# the horse and horseman. Fly -nets. UY ar good to see ou, 'ATiss cal� -f C vin why, then, 1'' Ash Wetil nl Idull M my hands lo, oot a trace G! Elooling blankets, harness of you," concluded the woman defiantly. OP . . . . . . it S e �6 horse dai'," he sald sim'ply, remark 111111 r eruption or eczeziull -01 descriptions,�Lusters,plushrugti and commsix0ed Ila gt. : - I s0rf.- Not only il but; eW wellings—m tu, —tikes aw�Ly the paiti-:-reduces much. satisfaction hat ter rim walk- "Make your choic% my chUd.11 ared of the to coraplete. line of 4pay i dils4rict,lMa-littoba whips. 0 : . bi-L.A-aigus� Ing cor it lenfing-,skiu be his improved surance 0�41*JPSX legp and joitits i me bore witnes to her s te- added, with a melaning laugh, and We would also' like to c a raw s -� diart. Wbea t, w I bin all the 11 ave� mga wal be;ll 8 nie at that she was I re for the sound and s�wn- eaves no scars 3r: 9 attention of the travel public 3 lb els per aare, -babl and bg X I . � Zam-Mk Is sold at an at or white liars b'e.( itdoes not rel I 1 be vArT to our large stock of I runks, suit 10; e,potata.crol wil JS; street.. a box, or po�t 'o roM blister. cases and club )ags. lec­s! wqe-ll falls,,. The ay Crop 'I he girl glanced into a r, patted CUV FARM AND TSOLATR,� ave omcm-, d forpuft -ON Cal Ond Of PoOr quality.lThe a an Infinit si- TJDWLIIYPIOP21R Trunks ranging m $2 aisll�l oppezisi Are destroylr4g It -at #rss- mal fiaction �of an inch to ol�ne side and 0 00 III's i thp sinall, bewitching h e INSURJL Keim turned to him a , e r hands f ree. to $1 0 a In' b —0t; of.the large -at . 13: McLean, pr6s'Went 80h0l JU Oopft as a en but cordial, rested One of tbl smtffl, k III oiritai, la -0 Jas. Connolly, (;0derJEbA, 11W_1' L Cwe PlaW Suit cases rang�lnl from i �IxaW for In his grasp for an instant all too President; Thbs. E. Ha*s, iie-XVA 1W a contsidei-able t 117ile mcilroy Ut 0oazurimate here recel waw the has been the ho an's standby brIef,,tbe, wbJJe be gazedlear'nestly Wo treasarler, Soill P..: $1 5o to $7100. for 40 years and used lt over . ty bldc1c, on .03 a- skatt c- I e her noting W th concern *ha,. face, D, I nue, x td for $18 firs t glance had n it shown hi M-T'—th( al- WM. Chil amtmck - 4-02 ti I F W 99t, was tranfexv Wa4 1000, W1r_ Club bags rang n.� from Eurllsi Ont t.,�Xoth. I Thi imai St, t of Oakvlll(',, Mr. Mast. imlVerceptible shadowi ben( ath hereyes and cheek boes, pathetic rec- 0 have u Larty buying 880 acrels ll I alad MnAh Jolin Ben I - $i oo to $6 "1 sed'R '8L b�� Tot: f OW Cure and it cures SIW&m CASOL, -a; �26 au acie, o r a it Gtl 0 .......... vil in t or 880. 0) S USEU NV -St.. Harl C2 To interest heO lines, we 1. 11-11 T k ord g f the, hours the d spent ,221 girl ha Wrrr, 1. Dom -e last sim he had seen her In company OR. FOWLER —M K -W, a farilipr, ncar I.i&r- iui­�thbzn to yq Kee Ch ea forth.- Jae. V*nnolly, axe a at a Spec p :�ol hoi S �s so=d ad: a McH aVe, ManItal ifouad a: boffi o beeL, with care. lal discount dil EXTRACT Get Kenot R a tlnd 1 ook a drink a nd tsaw ritly She was changed — i little,- but 'YOU r. i9tVill changed. She bad stiffilirled and was Eon, -o �Vlrden. was calld Vy tellephone &-aforth a will have ft -tomorrovr. .0. fter �:ecamie. ill, ]: Robert na-rlt k needed. $X-aboili-fork. .41 BRODER-10KIS ;ad suff eringj* and, forced by Whenyolibn' aAkforfreeco isuffering, her 'y I val. foulad the ma Ia.L 26 mandville; J. W. as,2ent womanhood was a Store stirrium in% off W Elav; Cheap HiLrues Of our bbok,;Ill TrOatise On mrlo condl WILD LRA :8 *rite Is, The child that.,he had met In Hoise" or 3aved,tho morp life. the bud. milffotal, Seaforth 40pPoiber Commero' oll k J'aho- gas molt ftft 111no , JIL —An: laul I. ch appearp Lordon in Antwerp h found. grc wn flea. and For evente Years Lrel of �Mo nomi Over 3 on In,- gaal �tez�, to woman's stat,4re and slowly c I Ila om n" z:1 the h -Of kill the hOrselt 104 to Q InPrehenslan of the nature' of the' V01 fffikl�RWEA, DYSENTR", 0 . ;I . I �!! - 7- the oti ft.t. i' A P. Timel Tabte Call w1v% Ithrow cha age - In herself, the .�w6rider ol it SUIMR C 030LAM1 =Cli, M_ bufg 9 Y and recOlved rt*veral glo, ving softly in her eyes. ABS but JNVl ablo t' 11r0c eed to her' T Guelph and GodorA Branch ie clear, understandink of mankind a4s 11) hit-, 0 $1 I Im H�llidzy, Box Xp.1 86 Wroxeterd !rG TGUONTC'_) Inju red an, I his bum -Y em ushed toi san. appanage of w�man's. estate. r MAN -the intuitions of, a: ............... L, 7.00 M, p M HAD WIED I EMEVES vollyd. Wa 001: e FOR now added to 0 1 mu s�y that we, havel 2.45 -a wrlt�s. fit 99 4. 1 69 C. Jole�Vh zCoffin., Mtbioastt girl S untroubled heart. 'She -could not ...... 7.80 55 _T use I Dr. Fowler's Rtracll of Wild qtraw- CON 0 10: mil - of Stands read U help y9a a Wakiton ......... 7.411 306 S Br ton, be Ain d -to the., mifte a"ratl seventeea,ye Mverton 9.141 ft on of his bex ry. for ' Mrs, and men ana wo met *It hla'pi over I �:cldl wlt,theCP�R� gaz �, nor:cil it, Unwood hath: ict she� resenit, it ' Bent s C epor 1 [Win vz- Mr. - Cof fiat', who Ilsi it s f013 t1d uotting to equal it 'for all Summei ie colored. a Elmim ...... 8.5d cc 4.121 �d lowered be'r lashes. given t to tb6 112 yeam,of i . . is, - lone 9.96 Is -the c ky n; -b Coi aplaintis, Diaribcea, Dysentery, tc. .488 Et 11 Was about t, go 'etb6al Donfer�nce ut,! she re- Ur thhon"m ds of yoling the Ou hous6 is n r 9-53 FOUND pon. EQUA 'l L to &tte� 015 0 Q to AVidt Yrla, a "l It's pleimint eve . ...... Ar. 11m peked. in � without a bottle l I 36 r while walking al confusill I p. e. I can you. the Extra�t NllburWs �axslliiiilver 11"111i t e la.10'rril, I IIPPpd alnd 1. to see YoU tool The honor of an.AM "Wn and I can recommend it tG1 lor 0:, Enblir a FROM TOPLO?f 0 fo and , as time. ome sul; sull a- bad spr In to,� 1h, "Thank lyou," be stan: be kept id every h jesplecl -Wbere ul. 4,00 P M are -epillm. Toronto, ..... ........ Lv..' S.00, dy. moVed a*ay,. hum W. Constipation is- c �of 6nkle. I fr. Cof flax waz takcin to the C mf ill a "anatch 'from' therel ire lre� Inep the sGuelph JoL,_ Ar. 9.1vi e a a Vr song, hiel I brought tI At 5. 15 �'Preva S r Mr." Kirkwood will e se, le. - 'You ril absoluel Us 5150 lent trouble the buman race isl _G ch, of QraI& :XcU us; blood to Kirkwood's ftce_' y no _k wen yw 11 '10.23- 6.14 test -cause of: �ltock Silll Lad But the. girl did noN und Of =-d - subjeet, to and is th( Ahy Mrl Hallam's shar m 0. p tones erstilnd, and ....... 10.45 U.St many of our'.ailments. eep the owil siru* in discordantly, "we $hall be Milve Cefitly tttr ;a rho Olerk" oUce ........ 1-1.03 050 was he, was glad ot t str. le as it -n and you. Will v4y seldom. be :sick.' - - - - - - WfLlton ...... AJI'ST J.0 oiie 'of ;1a 'bl k�-JeWhLiSil M;8Jn In "You may Jxfdge rTY-1 bus- b a standard la to'see him, when return to between ... e Posting of Votees' ll appet 4Goderillgx.. 7.4@ 1 Mrs. M. Bell 467 1 larris St Van- 8,,atkatd le- Its In ax m a Lon Ill us," be led to her direl ren edy obi the market f�r over sixty- wa:n� and was f m -i ini writes: once more.- "I rt only gVer: you bil fiv( years. 81101, couv6r, B.0 bad triea ma-%� illar ith-oug-hill -weot� I am In ni Dd to � e 11 tely omplimented, N rs. is) (Younections at hinwo r g< old, r chreld. ;,H'waa a Ileotions, at Guelph Jet. Wit remedies io-iConstipati or and neve my word f honor as LU American gen- -Mal i line for Gait, fl�iund hrie�edin� direct(>rof Hal am'!" Woodstook, L?ndon, Detroit And ChWago and aill anY tisfact wood assured herl 't nd Jt You shill be- landed In doe bo& pr6eriptons ann .0 1 ni so -sa demau -I. few dosed heve ofteh cured when Gry 16 you.r MilburnIg L -1a Alg i Assoc iatlo,& vt& of t le girl gul Voterills, W1 Vu 01pan, nd!, f6r thel first the To;wn o -S�a& ays keep them, i -rl ltara ate and s, and y ve fail effects are marvellous. Lika-Liver PiUs. Wnsdil i Ala CWY, lle going back 01 ber remedies L We alW Many 74 sked. rih in t4o: mi e?". hp a n the house a- oMV411able Oilltamil i dale as _Pte�sidt�tt of t] le C%yll l Ste no , ded, ith Jt'LJWtS like a Would not be without t: -ie' d "Therefid to. need tj a f lintf Pum ed Yx. instataneous. Clerk's Advertisetnent, f "I recommended ti-, era a neighbor! say more, roth Infor heraWgiiicu,tbat I bzY4 Al ter KIrkwoil Do hfin V re wisll' to -delivered to 0 —The 4-Paothof Robert Laral at fte the wowl AANOVICe is and �he is h roth igbly enthu 8 -yall 118, l mil -about them, EU 13�8 t a �ady decide& warn. th neionel 9-e of d a e --not immefflately, Public against the persona i r a very i eu case .&per as her's, is and she t McG: legcolrl gantfoba, Mrs', Egal. eirg apo� -hpulaus de The Ontario Vot-eW.Usts Act, Oourt in News# I . gufletly, .1 have a b it n, a ist lain is ed on b all- so y uh0ci t trip think I lbegin til 'understand s ecrIll to bi No trAMnnitted or4oll expected no good re su ts ImT, i em. Mr. La as J0 'Winni. onw ars who s4batitutee tb i w -palld rd StraW- list, n%de punuant to imid 0 a cou Notice ishereby given- that b will be beld You May Ofts clearly ow. f you!r, e he surprise and to,,.Vlew the read.V ber.7y Compounds for from' t to The Ontario Votil Ll ts Act, by Hii lbil wherk he cm�., Fowlers. to Vot# ift In 011l 01 the ima r that they, triaelted e WM go", ip4lfty to be en Nonnol theJudge of thl gratification -whegilin bL e nd cold -hl,- settled: on Mg -=id rdure Of e fatal �rll A sk or "And ipsist o muntowaintyatisleat WaDttall Next eek.) 'the WU 'A. of Perth, at Dublin, on the emberi Clonlfstetely cured her.' Xt 11 . ions tor mew.bervot iste all -bro -ht abi)ut SUI; Deeeasl tdow., �Ijhere she stood g li� 'on 16 Iftom 1910, at 11 00100k Ss W.j -t4Lf ete ne el ettingg itu, the 0 i at,. S Mpll er are 2.5 p De Milburn'g Uka-Liver ills 401ding of errors and omisusl Re, in W otera oba -32 *Year. a�gl the curtains back and starving ftn grol t the Wid 118t, wo first pvffW up 0 0' VW, or- .5 -vials for 111.01) at all deall or 11.6 forth, on -be the all! t ibb r1l for t t , ir, 6 ariM, 13311dren' Cry 5thdmyvf Aug -W on, .9 t Ul Out MM Hallam turted with a curl- there . f I or inW-wtion. An . d will be mailed l of rf, I ores lag hm M Qr vkters to take immel proww! 016r -k of HibDert The T. Mil4um C Mitedf T mto, Id. FOR FLETCHE tl T $b� A- il , be direct on ceipt f h - a -he -nuf only by' A 0 price Y. 1p till 'the' Ailpat 16th, 1010. h ;U -It TorenW,, errors or omim Corree-t*4 . . It a-_ - "ll - 1T. 1. WIL ON, V10fX U T 0 R aea la ezt week.),. h1s dcati,.Deee �sed- ivas born W4 AOut. �-A S (conciu- 4 Dated Augmt alli, 1910. if is 4A 0 71 �Jb J'