HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-08-19, Page 5p
4:,-, 3'1
_ttix __1
P081 I
-1 11111T
wowa Notes: ithe genor.0-
-A raa!o cage, *ce=�ed att Brahtfor, Ito
ME, 1� vor,--841e.
ej,Xhich: com
pro ikT—
joir Attack ft ;a_ or good i N'A DT -n
beon YM a [I%,- house
r1C*#t U "A"
that Put 6X -a 4t,-;h--w1d -Dueltwortio, V-Ai� 1� h .6 1
s h' - I , hat -the, i 'Hydr,0 - fled, P
411* avy !tea Dw., a dedrable di"I tric ,qwer
rul 1 V -he covgbi-
W III w1th kit6hen and Aybad Aed o
Al . 1 4 _ '2401V,�P`861*eg edtfrftmr�stabeaadtivolol � #ilch. 0 Wer cah, i3e
W atate t e",B� I sica
ard, Lacal doot4 he, -3 0M Pal;
-ftr �Dftr Pp 'I ISSI
'U'o I
Dackwo a �t, Witt
rUx "rmftd, tO rewve, Vo 1W
r oh i rt C 0. Nu
VA r1i>P*td We 1114rs OVI If to JAMM W.4T$QX IN d at Seafofth f
Ut &elee-t,
% ',
WeTo t ksellb'Aafq
L ; . d' 0",
V100. $4 mr—In EgmandvIl le, , e beau I
(46 biu& as $8A of & affn,
3t- SitlUlt de, lie i. HEAD QF1I1,C9, T01t
-"ere' waa -A bli, house and t yo, 10 oil
Lft -9 cortier lot, it
do, es ll()t r.,eed t Avat of- Zore or 1;eS4' be'U. Id 6g. I I 10; COW- a
Verlw. Jz 0e, weist ou - woviea*:4 Sir ;;;.a7jj4 L 'i - ESTABLISUED 18�7
I . i "i . Mo housern v
Vkl InIrd and soft
m3a . - 0
i6- alot known b,
Oof. At esi )r t
he DW vrluew
We I e ire& Under.
beA -i )So Fortermilk
he- SP 0 WALKER, Presideit
bola eou6tr. n 1 0
valuokbie, far n, % Pro U DE R LAIRDOGeneral
-1 Ithe ect� Power nt 0 Paid--ilp Capitall,
dro I io
el' W-hether will t6MaWer -has 1 111 doup- Praotica;lly thi,
it Out aga, UoMMISSW f
IR -1 Th' tr)mr.R %r
_*hia �.o FrInce. Altert:
.11 the h
tr Pr Reserve Fund PjtG_V[)j06jD
nevtir yet d poi, jp1d. ea Ito Xanwaak, was toul5hed, 7 1 1 - I le , Moe 0 Untano
beir Lot 106, Can., 4, 31011illcp'. conta*1 ig
vVearer. 9XV A 0trIP OU Oe We�%teM borAer,6f
_,: ' 'k
pared with (M
in the:U11*
s t
th- kit There is also a jgo)d Bii.nche hrOughout Caj,,iAdi,
is b -saftoba 'eldftdbWL thorth'into it, acres. (in the farm ispitrifortable tr4%
h i enand.woodsh d
with such carc I nk bar C and
jdtbawao, Raln. 4 Still ihtftft.ft*, cm- �rO w9)0 nk bar COX40 with 84 141-0 States and Ei"flgjail
Of lie foundation and go)d Id
9,'3katc'1e'Wau, Cline Qtl:�- e earsag
The a therefote in and!
-We ithe Props a�N the best In, tthe
1W zq ra of- g ood bush. mostlir all
the fact t. (jeal e `� 71 Mon. There! are d
. I . . e I ort s cable bles. a ftrm is Perfectly free from b4d wee(s.
examine 1 9 ter. a:, no rented,as.a 9 farm foi! the put 8
stock—is with, tbarvedtinq in vaerthern d has h� h rd Co'UNTRY B'USINES 8 E fac:'11ty afforded.,
c1l cen�raL S a 'd : I I tepor
OrY that oil 1 t ers and
fail was 90044 1 L�ke 114
letre� soldl at� I liple. I lur h' Ond -eorgian �B others for tj)e trans.,jct:
:r� , ere is & large g'
'Impo MWO go,; L - ft' I hill, with good briek on
ssible. Fro I 34e to Ge;� f �JlI -J�- %nd'and pament ay let banking business. Sales�noteiwfilbe�ca of their
ra h ftj =e=��jZt 110 XnWo tL at, ReV. _Wbod J4�,5 I'aill vel, An( fine sand, - o
_-w;Thb 4=04 A Tiever
Or ek runs tbroujrji, th I Well. T1 e
1�_A taken for COIMCfion.
olhoo and Ost bffice. ! Ap i
.tands for all t Z11 f III g farni Is a
nts r 01
jtq,�* re promises or adi rem Accou
AS 3y bo opened by ix ail
fa h ,S. W S. DD Bee&wood. i aud
.-fav h .. I d "' BY MAR
r - 4 41C �Q i e�la n quarter from s
hat ,*,yacdonald, el#tor 0f ThO , Wd4 gy on tl
ileved of iinugh Glob% Itolac BAN I(I N
ot Mle beaVy Ver '14. ThA. 2
Drk, =d AX Ae, U�'-Ura he will ha`V9' tc*-duy - and 3 1 monies dep:osited' or IV d w in this
Made in- Patent C � W1. ith rla
se way with equal fa: .1ity.
In -To ItIM& to _t $9.25 to, $9
I Calf, and every p, pUblie ="LW_f_ inad' !a� Tabl Page
devol 1-10 to j. To
-jrnak W016-hed ale
air a 00i U -M a',- M 1511 SALF-For's Lqt 14, 00licesalop 7, 122
ning 100
teans no tacks n e oeloctea a prenih as 0, gocd
W AIA, My the XUrt, aft 1' -4 Hull tt, conta Rores. There tire on
-acemov, fnea. Mr. Macdonw lot,- of pheep i 4JC to 00 ivith cen�en 113eaforth Branch.'
Or, thr rmitlo=l Pe - %ri 1 40 -vi
ors, an( one bam X 66, CLIS
pol Q a good carriage deliv
list a �h a holls osb of 124 h -we 0.. T. mo�
ftical, bred a� 9 stal-ion. 1q,
iglye up *1�eaklng M Po et
-ter Shoe 11'. tor 16 1-26. per b P
zahjecti;. amd det- our . ower,
Wal and alV6� �Wsz fawy, a-C;t el fra�ne 8 roome, I hal�O.O.Irt'.,ald a go6d C.1 N
ne trajj� Ili C: A.2 )ad per annum Malnage;-
is sold in Seaf kitchen p6r -PI
orth it.
includiug lihe and
Only. tot the Itopie )Df '�Peace'j" had- abd g- ;eel ar,
Prl0W nitd I Irm. Li fro -MIS Ito %2 f n The Win is well
-lid rd I
�06 will travel extew ISJZ �, ah(� QU4[,ty U e min and
&Td Will each z�s Ittv, e two good ow transformers."
is the bouse d*t h barn, F;�ep C n
&rtly opeak,,on th*- c -abject In, Ue_�Ico. rd of two ac
Uni" ya� 99 TQX(�A�0. Autgug or
lvng �^,r pri r beat farms In
It stoeli There'are,five acres of
40. s�(m
Rz J-,- Keogh. of the Collf--giato 116, P __Wttle, 60W Mo ush, . aou b acres -seeded
- Th quality �af C grass.. his
4�_fyfgfe, staff tt vr�a Chn JQJF 14MI f +%,- 1� i . I I Fall Load F 14 44IR
7 _P IV X Ki W&S' 00ba 1 11, X I 'Mylist 1p and is of coil- epwowe4 0a
half a mile east Wtu
se"On 'the- =ttlO chUrGhe8'and
-0600VIT of �g-reat lsclenWfle aaa fact, alt a ncej au is oonven nt4 to
POV6 %t i0hools
WI rio
fts=8 Zule- -01aVe-Aeo th4 I be sold oil For futblier
CisjM4 y -But gi t,�rftj V On the Minis as or afte8s; HENRY
Ole Mancial tknloo- After. years -sy terms. he *a:.% *.e :,*$16- 44 $ 18 75 26 04 7
I I Uist al, appl
labor aloax hives km he eaTa. txndh� ;.�V�A
s Constan .2225-tf
RaVOL gUUut 4uality, �r Aecl �ned. the, 08
t eded In trw:isn-Aftffivg t
4 Pie 0,
__0 'CS 4 -t -.11. 25 68 RI
1, 25.e to. 6 18 VV
25 4
'6U� ThU-4, U 'mum 10 cone I � 11 CarrTwhat y6u want i ight in right prj()e&
50a ter ci�t. V" asolw. Pre.11 for the 4 ession 2; Lai Seifedith stock At
Ithe, U nee Ian 1:83 10 cry up
C f rvey,,
by of Huron contain-
U11-nts is pwatble- �10 f Urthort StRL4 ithe 13�thph a d -1 fnarketar,' T f ker n on 144 68
faet jthgOt the tX'AU1MUtatl0U!1Df I I. dtDp 11n�'j)rICej- We.� r �tende Concession 1, Afitchel
d kJ 'L I on' Road-Sa 47 "',P11' 31 f6
U, M miles of th a tMv.
ovriP Ower UOMMISSIOU n 6 W; Wine d rubber.
j or-rimotits w1th icopper answers tile It ithes4 be,-.�v recel 'Town f SeafOrth. One of the at, the llydro�.
lat theuelW alement obtalued froln 11W and receipts , So �o R t
z nta but markets in Wss�
p te CwTill Ele P es -6 Oak, d leather au A�'
-pticast :: rc ig, farm Wa3 Riw5rded the gold rf I 1 -1
iw6- voually tappll--A W the idon'tification are bmmd' %to ask for PO !deliver
�;� eo� . tc V 10 it he, 'edal In t 10 farm competition Wer
;d L a8bured for ft
A the trade..
Ife, is WlWh�g at alvy,tima tot opinion lot tM bezt u h ve beed 3tjjojj'
aml, Le past ten y0aria and I'Sable.
Xr-Z. E:IIIGtt W4are 883. The farms Od At Seafor6h... ........_341. HOSE—Rubbe
aga ly- Ajlo weampet -A judgbs to undertake the ould n6w
thE ave Exp i,1 --EX: ort ee. tf C �T 1�,DbAM in excellsilt sl�mp( lor general farming.
I i Jg-jodd cd. loam—two.$
zotWn the "ys P-4-0- P0j&sjjrC,:�, Nzrk of tverlfllus hL- result& $5.90 tof $6. d ve eY brick dwellifig hous.
, __ _r VALVES—
i , - j I , A . I a 0. Intallbea i6h B Chle
7-auth.-MISS for � LiVeIrDool. cattl e 17 -hot air furnace_
h 'n Drick wo
-�-Ah opideti5le,of pollotay,-Allls, or jjL_ sot r in kito'beilyflue grounds with Gate) G-110bot
Q51CA . $5 60i , to, � $6; and sot Ir
bull,-_ A5 f,, _(ks 9q %-a I ", '- . I - 9 rabbe— evet, Q+
3ftz. Sazatt 0. 1�" I t T13 A
W1110:x �iz tt,�actin,- inuch IiL- P �CP 9 Of W*b� o inswit Oil N�Wt ad -,ft _good
rll oprul wruyir La UW
ButcheraP-Px; �1 , I
a ver�r pje�a�,g foL, 'a h at )ne sthbling-So aer as of hzlrdwc�
od bush I
h*_4 amog inedical, wip the world ov,_ a velvY kw &,tthe le and ech--well wjj INJECTORS—The
11 a S, 'a, C0MPzr&UMy n0w S,11. .13 m kO LO c r-LieuPEF- rohatd
na 'Lai. ee
with S
this Pring craA a!nd L 0- 6s'' auto -mat U
ba,-r-f*okAn out 1n.'Hard1tcb_ A scDre latter, prlc& oads �Gf iX Sell altogether. a e wibh balul Va,
-9000; 0.25 1 to -would divide pro.
p rty. Xc tter property in th be va r e p c x ted to t he He a I tki K80F. Seatitif. -Y of ]Enron,
diurl. $11,,90! to �$5,j � Th 0 %aAit
JTTEM T.' Count y-
nd -thp diseass seems to
BOY. -A $4.50 ito,$4, cow% $3,50 'b 0.85, �qh 2026-tf
Gung rjrA - —
crt-dit to himself I" GR8 ERIE '—Fresh gr
9004 em 0h igh to xr. ORTGA, R SALE, Bo Ao oceries nd
nd. It`wad�first noticed Ithree a tew joh ILE FARAr. ry WeliM. green vegetables,; -a ftults G crew- L ops, Flushing with qiu,-,, ste
t6ur -k. on, when a little 5 1C FeOdi Lot- ndiar and hy virtu � of the powdia of al 9 si-aht feed.
me % a,. Igirl, liort, at t$
0 W C 'Orh�,g froM hydro
Wh ka-z emn-ri Uf � and P le coutallie( in a certain Afort age, which I will; be
ted the t reported t y all ltbe
the D. mt ndti-any f awe by time of sale, th ire will be! offered EATHEIR—Be
&-gres at Tr-ftto- "a, *as- takn to the 110sp, tj�j. dealer Abotrt Ote ir, UO ton, b 7 homas Brown,, Ess. DRY 0,00D8 ar M011*6 s B
Wed. 1, t 15. -and. 9prillgot Inei of Stadle Dry Goods on hand
Xha Laudon tgold �jj� est.
la� , h q' 'Nag lat* dil5covered she or �r A 19 0 1 On Saburdq I the 2*tth day of
f I jsprinVr�_ �0 7 f
rded by � t -ha xletim of inf anti -le paralyzis. The 0101001", in t] is afternoon, at the WBENCEFES—Ml C
Ii in High igator, Combin4tion,
0111, erci 0 the I-Pown (f Seaforth,, the fol. id for'
theTletorla c�>L7q All M�d_ Pa
I dressed P oesjl,�
Ily b oalbury. butter
$40 to, $65 eac I veal -The Ulk lo t( Sonth halt of �ob eggs and
ft-eao 6-onera w1th a high I nds, namely i -t
pric "al Ta IV M 'ni (30), b the Eight 11 Boll's
L 0 U] ollillop, in th 0", n9l
.Ton wit.
with a f� Joh3j:,�ton Ito ' 'Lion ley, departm Lmr and thea the P�tlWt is: suddenly of calve� Old a" mber Th
O'l-IS of ag=-. lie has $3.50 't $7.50, Townsl
been w. 0OU ty of uro'n
cc itaining mineaeurement, My acres of OT
itheir jrj the" at $8 land bq 1!
of ths, are 5'ren undeir four ' Wt- th same wmr! orless. The;
4a staff ot C-01, 17011111
GlIxth n Pa, a Y 1�- 'Whit10 most ;sucked by
Umma, re arg no imild-In
p e r
n artesia e
wsstfnjster�, 'Q'beep w4 Lm
of aV, twom 0 hreo ad 601 ftafl on the I �nds,
10., as;L tft Ults- axe 81100%ev 001 .4 at There is a 11 we a
-foi h,� VY e*e_s, a c hance to a y on
and mathernMi eSome YeUs �,go the dicreas"I a $4 a wi ih�qk qml I A 41 . a, $3.50 it wi id Mill &�d the land offers
+ -Tell
-k-A0W whethier he over,a porum D. 4.50 foT I -119h $3
ce it
0'. the daY Of s%le and the balan
'�t�reafter,w4h6utlnterst, Ifthepu
Thtg'you- $&Go. jjagtS I_W, jL tbr"n Uccessor to the late Be Be G
15 *9 Victim 'hY the 'h eds� ty defy,3
man *
-ton, )buyer 'f& widhes 6 unn-
s ?qrtion of the pu [lase mpney ma i
ka-M johrtztaa, tbLe Uell "in L104 T
CORNI'11IR ST.oB,W, lot jas
�.er TaTonto, quoa' eelects, m nain on I mc rtgage. Further arbloulars will be
e, Zte U( .1 V d and
V_r IQ, ml de kilow 0 1 the day sale or SEA' F watered -a c i4 tn&rket 1111,Y be obtained In
,tg ad
ft id Sam Aw.
W.Wheat, new,., armeT� which1i stiii i ire-
......... 95 ...... `0 7U, 10 0-0 Wholesale and Retai
�49 1�ly AIE R
SWOP-�U, August lath 1910 �neans 0$8 10 t t he., :Pated Ang"t. 3.2th, 1910.
.11, pr -ad a s -ts 171ARKETS e rom the underaignad. R. S. HAYS,
Ucc, Lo.. cars. a try -sablickor. THOMA03BRWN, Auctioneer.
t'd tr
f�lg for hoq�s' t 6;1141 which tti.00 price, c6usidefri
0 85 to 0 35
-Bel ard aper bushel...,. C lerkls: Advertiseanent o
Jarr �51_ i7!� rare :Xercha.,ats ancI100gl Dje
1�� fts;jier bushel
0 70L
town f bo 70
lWlay, perbdiabel bW- 045 t5e h
he Wspaper, atort
T1 -Y lef t for 0 n, tInton M 0 00 to 20 00 00w arto
...... .......... 22 00 to 2-9 M
that taW-a iad The rall Ffti
y S
I)r urb will be lie
tatiVp 01 given tha P. Q
PU toL The Ontario Voters, I a M
01. Broopt per 100 'Ists A, by wis Jp_
...... he Colin ty V Durt 0 the County,
0 7.6 to 0 r, es
an' ilia Iny 01A HC nour the Judge of t We have made special efforts this year to se-
......... to, have t-_rIe jipnoL 17 n the 6th d my Of September, 1
i0l 0 16 to 0 of "erth, at Dublin; 0 T h n i
L cure the y e
191 �,. it 11 O'clock h, m., L BEST in
to bear ai L I d (a rinine com- mWe Wear, ard
Toronto We
rs' L
8 OD errors and omi$9i[on:9 in the Isr, of him Wait 0 16 to 0 17 s SU
0,g ------ W. to� Aug. 1:271 6'814t, 12 Pl ints of
ilibert, for
have boe The Robt. Bell Eno -in
7 60 cor 7 to London th theArunialpality of the Towns iipof stlecess11
Sept. 9 W 17 Oar long
.311 jence i & Tres er Co.,
y of last W --ek . ...... 0 76 to 1 00 StiatforA Sept exper
.115, 16 d
0 60 to 0 LO JAMES JORDAN, i)lcrk U the bus* es --s plac wLs
I HibD es Us In
art a posl-
�"X, where she had been ;For Goderich Dazed August 16th, 1910. owing I ebuilt a second hand"
8ept. 49, CIL
*t, 91nes ar
4 1
P'-`ral�vtla ;Arakle. wbich ft-;&- Mitchell I I
1 35 t* I E 5 ..Sep&. 1% 2227-3 tion toi-know what men wAnt, an I vvbere to get
wfth Sha Exeter for sale the foll
Should see'our Summer Wearables.
The rarnalma wexe Graiia, -1�tc. 20,
0, B. Law No. 85 thet
on prlday__�jr. Andre -Atl(ff tX,5t ers ara r Sept. 21,
One o P. Bell Traction Engin
W Hurt 101� FarM 9
Seaforth One 20H. Pa Port Huro
a DatrOlt, who lia,4 been vU- Seot 22,
Aher 'too bus'T to 'Ma-tket Itheir hay, Lucknow
Parentat harne Year -110Y kr4 'holding back for
left 1 Sept 22' ne-
w week. U'L Bayfield Sept:
e attAmdedt Wlsr. only b�ght loaA wereo delivervi A BY.TA,%v* to One 20 P. Belt Traction ngine 0 SEPARATOR3
)evy, ow.the -CoJect Ron, the
e'to 00er Clothing is our hobby* Brights Tac, ton 50 Uaveriaj
CL-71aw celebration and The small sapply did nDt St. Marylo -Sept. 27, �c2� animuntofStatuteLmlior' 0erfonieOtA therateof Afa One 20 H. P. White -I- t- -6,
one 17 IT %V%�Ver &, UaSS with
y P. 8, Wind Stic 'Sop- %r
he. Xjjtj wiligharn 8ept. 2D $1 ),cc day, It is
that burg. He ces, toweveir, alld t. hereb, oted tylthe municipal
4M Askeg pri he rae was ker and J turn Fe
1W Hellander With on Fordwich are". a ways the best, and look 1-12e bet.
J�Ift ed at 1$17 'to 22L cou "Oil of the ToWnphip of Stan a Ung under
aOct. alit tority of chaptee 10 D
% tion Engine one 36 x eeker. Separato
clad at It Oct, 3., 4 22% ffii, it. .0., 1.897, r With
ure. o grain
n, L JFe�V-�;4 and quotatlow gire 5 thEMtha pte %:f one dollar �er day be leri on the One 16H. P. Wjiterous Traetion jill.
Peatty, of WfztrnjjXst0r. 'ho a he top rit. 'Atwood Peeder and Staeker
is -On Visiting frir--m- irL Blyth "0 c, b. 4. Col ectors, noii; of any
WS statut labor loft Onle 38 x M Decker Sep
Brussel Oct. 6, 1 unl: erfornied 4y,9ept.'Isb, ara
�'!%100, alld $umta
We rzturnd to thei.- OW,� ed, 49 0110 Ws Wheat, fally. zK;r me, a 6d coi- I One 16EH, P. Den Tautwn I? F eeder
lect ad with the oLher txxs�. S&ext r
-tola, ingine
Peon, forrnexly Kirl 7 U." P. Sawyer allengeL
-$1-01; inew, %I goose, 90C P Lssed this 30tb dayLbfJ`jlIy, 1911), & Massey Tr Tbree White Qh
annon Oct. 6," 7 'tion L � Sol.
fid F
th frlmds in ViI4 . . . . . . oatsi o6c, -to,, 46c;; peas; 70e--,- rye 1, P S. -4PUtv'hlnaster8 MU,4tL have th iir lisu in by,the 91ne With Sta&43rs a: m em
.1�ruceff to , One 13
gunday, wj Dung
f Sept. ismy.
Mary 4rjb.g=., 6k,; lbqOkwheat, .542 t&L 55c-, hay, tirr.- UUT One 14 -11. P. J. E Two
__don, 4 W BjuG
M. Ross Ti -action SawYtr & Wasse-ey Pei WU. GrIoUNKL Reeve. e,
h&r hildays at her JaMe nfte. and % More
*11Y, per on 17 to $:a2 clo'vap Birtl�s J. E. HAP, 11 Clerk. With 'ftackers A L73
0rg-c' Swan returned on- P. Return Fine Saw erloo So
9-,r--. Ge Mixed bay, ii3 to $15 ;;! straw, bundled, PONE LL -In Sarnia HOSPA41, on Atq u id,, to One 13 all Two Wat rators vvi
17 from. Toronto, Whera she -,] Mr. &nd-Alrs. G L 86 2 y- -pa Stwk�
to�xm; loaae, $8 to. $9. j3F eo. flowe]IL Tr"ti" ers
L, of Thedf(#d, faimeilv on F-Inin-ne alid Feeders
b-ais-A at 0 1 e r WA of FAeter a
iz-lftlag her WkOs airO on a n xl*lk-ln LishoWel, oil A in N(Aice of -f -irst One 16 �11- P. Cornell Portalife Engj 13 O-ne New
agust Ist, to. Mr. �d.
F M=
'Sirs. Charles Climig, a daughter' BarkerFeeder, aim
tO per biwhel ��f or primes and $2.15 ostln� f Voter List One
Vina bj(>ffgtt left Olt the __XCjz.4 _ - The C6 One -14 U. P. White Portable E - 00 as
I -handpleked. Pb1.atoea_j-�)epjea.S - ar,,-, MUSGROVIDIn Game. on'Augu and f 11M - ostgoo new
!'-a week far sf Oth, toh 0 wer 0110 14 U. P. tevens &Burns Porajl One W10ods Feeder, '-d I a
31us"ove,'%i nZine
Two rebuit Wind Sfacker s
PTID9 farzrWrA TOC tG 30C r -r bag hec.
ad left arx Tueeday for C _ (Section is) H
GP-LVFITHS--Jn Hu40t, on August 7.t to Mr. in!d One 13 H. P -Sawyer & assey Pol
harv,2-3t excur-slon. X_ Should bri r our -great Furn,if.ture
Mrs.N. Griffithw,ik danglitai. Mull of ink,you here fo
i th( Town of- Seaiforbh,� in. bhe C
Grja,, RxItish CbIUMTDIR, �Who _bSW WEBB-Baae Une, SteLphen, on Aijgli3t, �rd Mr. oounty able'Rugine
tin"4 at the home of, D^Iry Xarkets luron. Bargains. 1
-and Xrkr.'A. Webb a bon
PLUUTRES-At "Gladswp�a '0
'berebv given that I havi traosmitted or
xbo on July N Mae is
TM'00, Aug� -16.-BUtt0jA_QreaMf,.ry 10th,�toldr. and MXr*11 iio�rnmalu e
an Mr.-- GrangerI. CtarW 0&-, - �1_ - ain2s Int1cc , OV, deli ered-to the persons mentjoA n 6 oblon 8 of
Ljrn tr�p t& her Wf%tern 1.
SepaTaor prjnto'� Glenavon, clai;L, a daughter.
tDt2je; dairy Tirl-a :t, eh(jZe, I TROTAY-in Usborne, on August Voter db The aboV� machines
The ntarlo Voters' Act tit lea r� At no seasoll oi thP- Year do men and Woi nen
U -f ss Xate Renner, 211d� to if and Ow such a I
r norni ' ed a U
to Mrs. 0. Treary, a daughter. sai I iections to be so 0 IV of t e interest in the reeni ha e been. reb ilt arld rep- a nte-$11
18c; inferior tub% 16c to f earaneb of their horae. There
to said!Aob, pp
at the hnia of 11-�r desire foi, I and are alm
vAd% I ost as good z s nf3W3
plat r g by.the laisb reilied assessm ent f r 3shne'ss- evdrywi*�ere rea
�ander,Thornpson, of the to ]CUMIns' 1%; 11 be sold at
.20C per dozan to be ieepi
BA!P- as d U9 Wil h nature, Almost o
rriages 1 unlelpaliti to be entitled to v)te n the said Uri on easy ter.ln$.
ections for meifibe ria of the Legle. and mDatthoughtfuny' rice,
ad, hazz Teturned to her 1.,Ofw, ey tirO sibak is fres sonable
0&9e _1014 Chee5e_p
HOLXESCr��;-At tho-'home Selected. Oar tern2p
At J1 1,23r, per 1b. oe I Of the ddes ppr- lativ -.Assembly and' t X
rIllfam :BalTd nd fnilly, Of De�_# ar-S-10 en�� on Augu a ual g( nej��us �nd eas
at loth, �y Rev.. W. Dumbar, Y.!. V119if this store of good values &Ad yolfil
the 14 �d lipt was Ifist posted I i& -4c per IbL. -fo Irene, daughtfy of Air, and Mr- W Clark,* of U ix y of ice at. sea- come
aVe returned to ihat cjty� Mr. r tWiM,. EG
.a had eld4 a_fal.1 -to Bruce Holmes, fdrU, on the Uth �da of Augu ^I ray Pon-vinced thiit thisstore has the largest Up�toL
N 0, aid remains
100 for strained.in sixty pound the eth,. con. all f GOditich ther for inspeaMorl, And her iby ( III uIiOn all -.date stock of: lRobt. BeILEn91ME & Thre
t to ten pou-q votis to take limediate ruto fW. ni O'in the- q
Vjh,�Cjj five . I I sher Ltd
A ting, 9 It -2c . '.to oced11919 filive- any tog Tn
Oft -121APlaxy-11) St. Josepb's ob irch, Olin-
vel�a.-e of 40 bushelg No* I con-th to $2 per ton, on An 9 01113 Lot 0 et� aiword ng t law.
9th, V errois or omis I t ngs
by ev. Ifither1i 6rito
D, Sara
Haley, to =redlmick Go , of St. -Thomas, - D� :AUgUgt fthL I
2, $1.50, t4d eafor ji, Ontano blW"-At t
real, Aug. 16.-13jXtter'_ Steady GOODWM-Wi thil ]1ev. oad 2226.2
on August 10bli, oy C. Fletcher Air.
9ham ai ot, Box nd 0
Win d
CTeaMOry," 22c to, 22 1-2e; cream� G. W. Goodwin, Of Webbter,,N. Y
.e -Tha conk -actors - X eto h1ba ile
bava, .11 :r
20 1-2c. M eeso-Steady ; western, daughter of bir.,James Willis, Ah er norbl. Fall T
t 'by
work 46n the bulldkw of the tD 11 1-2c - &Aezb�m' 10 3-4c. I'tu -ART--'GF-URAL'D_-.1Q Aqle7i' On Ilt h,
tQ Ir-Oplace the, arnaU womilt, Rev. Ift. Lord, "Dois, ay Gerftld, 1 01 rdes T. HOLMES, Man
on'the or& -"I roa_d 4ftth Qf Cb3ddtock, 21c to dale, 0 Ur� Wallsop aa;rt, of eaforth, 1, AU9 $ 2 ager,
dDzea, etral.,ght T�
ceitsfz, 17 1-2c
The Ille-r bridge will be a- dZC-,q; second gtade. 12c to
eGncra e! abUtn
t Md flo0jr;. Deaths
GrIsMa t Inme
FAU-ST-Xn Howink, 4n 096 lith, SP
Xrs. n, ed- 3
11:lrwlu and Reeve, Taylor, of ------------- Faust.alzed 64 years. JIM111111y '011,21 'COAT-�x
011 IendCavor to aTranga :r 2A. LOM; -or A LEVY -In -Clingon, on' Augist 9th, Edna Sarah, only TP. L s- F t 'L I
d Live, stca'k Uarkets. child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy, sgedj Ill argestandbes; practical tra I Operato.. - Lo wn hists and VslitelveAr. KFF prtoal,,�so that thl� road can, ts school uufe experienced
PC Machines prefer-
lb tr will Lador 3 months and 14 days. ear, red, hub
&V -, Ea-larid, 1 07 (ern'0nt%rIo Therels n be"'Ur In [earners vinil 0 In heslbhy, well
el, as ft uga. 16--Ca�a- KEYES�In Varna, on Au�qst 6bb Mr& F. Keyes t� Dominion. Our courses ava tharough IU
before the new X - � I ventilated� and well 1 0 call Low' Rat
Mge Mittle.are- dull at 13 J[I-2e f aged 43 years. I a no pra ourteaebers ire impefigneed work room& Steady es -to WU TA 5CREWS
wOrkabroodwages. This wokwill train you to do LOCKS
HORTON-On the'steameir Henry Phlbps, I we d Ullteia to Foe blon f.: we
�Gund; ;rzffig-Urator beef Is 10 1-2c lal[6 re 3�our own vewing'.
t �F - _X - on Auzust fid, Joseph Hortoik, of have Mth a depsomento.
oft lie WKS
1per pourult, aged 58yeam�'77'moatbs'anc,10ftya. ROO
Toronto 1 -.1, ,&
v Mfg. 06 ROO S
forzmr re,z�fdont' of Wjnghg�jjj, �lasgow, The Star Whitewe&
.".1st Aff.-Tradia worse.. 1 01— TeUgTaph
rkbrarrY, died in the UaXell® ! — r 22�7-6 Berlin, Ontario. ..... ....
a�O� ta$ f ollow-T: Top steers, ex -
Write at once A i our free cAt odogi ie;
i&t rf art Willia.ra PrICO,at 15 1-2,-- current 14 314c to r KIM— -
an operaka fmr, vex -14 OeCondary, 14c per lb.; bulls Shown BR0ADF00T,11B9X & 00 6. A. McLAC aLAX, Prin(ip"I F Om Be ad"Orthi
MCI, numbers, prlm4� quality, 13c to, 'lam- N11111
was Postponed
mployped M 3-4c; ISecondary and %nferlor, 11c to
o age, 1
�akc-r in Port Arthur az4lfd The -Leading 7ndertaker 00
iper 1b. $
arm ON& A int of wCarladian
VV M urerQ Directoi
Yf,ars rE-,sld6nt_4 G -f Turlabe=r_ 4 A' E v suo
6r Qhly 0* 4OW day.g. Ecig paaf4 M6rt Sale
Iliverpo Aug -L4: -t tone of CHARGES MODERATE
nhoad AjeTk�,.t N�&% weak, and of hofa are jaetew*d. Vfttl National ikhibiti(
ft showed arWudtion' on Saturda S. T. Hol es, -t C Of drom .1-4c. :on the beist an e;v Return
lint: a=lved in Wingharra Uba7 4 Embalm
.pantcd by The To
Valuable FaLm wn_
:Catth; tW 1-2C �M the Irm4gi
x of the deceaseed, and n" Sunday calls �Pronz ly Atte
I Uo 1, W4
hrothF nded Aug. 27 zepl- 10, - _4� YO
uatatlona�� belmg: Canw- Once On Godedch street west, op -
rIA child, an tht-, f uneral too tcMe d trom 13 1-4d to 14c, and positeDr.Scott. ieside ce. Ship of Moxillop
U "Zday af terao0a from WaAk--- elk
11 1-2c ita 12 1-2c per lb. Flowers furnished on short fi6bioe. 2098
.5 Return Ammar--:
laffalo, r_Augu $2 Aug. 30, Sept 11 6
St 16--caftle - ACtive;
0)1�1 tockers and feederg
Under sad by vifture at t1h pow r of sale which is
Prirn �;tee�-ts, _$7.25 to $7.60 1XPQ'aTAXr NO contained in a certain Indeu re a!! Mortgage whIch
will. beproduced at the I f8ale,therawill-beof- N
fered sale by 31r. Thogj
!or Wn. Auctioneer, At the,
7 butebere. $5 to $�J� AIM WANTED
-4 25 to, $2.50 to -Waritel to bi tY a good se(ond
Return Lirait Tartsday, S ep it.
1� here "d are p
hU141 &sees fa ep- r -
M; 0tOCke3A Ifor further pard.40ars apply at k;xposib t
Bbandarn. to�he removed to purdl-L to $5' Commercial 6 13t14 1910.
or Of ice. ed 0!3uppl
all your ee s ia the CID
4.40 to $5.30; isto'ek -4 of
�$3-50 to $4 Ueah co for tna'kino` ickles.
wz imd Town th Speci
stfady - to str�,ng, $28 to BRUIT= PT 76R S4LE-The un' enig nQd al train service --from all
Blimsforsale n riot 10, Con. bert, 9 WE GIVE FULL WEIGiIT!, rULL AMASURID. A
Vjeda,-Activ�, 25C lawcr at $6.50 Berkshire pi 8 males and 6 fain Wes, Mustard Tur eric, prmclpal points on c I i - A
ale$, six Weeks idd, ertain
B6ttle Wa' Saturdn"I It. 10 YOU 11N OUR STI OR
125- to pedigreed.- UNOAN MQLAaEg, Jr., qroma;ry. x, Parafine wax, PRIC7K. AND WE WANT
_q . : I I T9 SEE
1OWa; he&-vy, $8.90 toll $�9; nuxed, $9 1 12228. t dates.
C�rks, ub�e5 ring� alld MORE THAN O-NCZw;.
-Present 6fferl, gs,
Xorkars $a to �$9.25; pi", At 2 O'Clock in t�e After- ings
� $ U a, $' X ERTOUN ST K -PARM ne Of passenger steawers
5 0.ai: -
gentlemen, at elerythiog YOU d'
7.15 ito $7.35 stock bull Nobillt3r, 3 young bul WE MVST tUEWAR OUT ALL 01 -IR RaMf fit for
vice, wte Yorkshire saw with litter b her, side;
�tO �$,GZO dalrlw, $8.65 to y ri�_ k� from Sarnia to So
G�ve us a c II and 'and Duluth every W1 N D 0 W S A very I�Ieab in -Phone in re 0 on o., Port Axthur SCREIVE-N DOORS. SCRE7," 4
ep and Lamba-Sheep active - pection invited. siden,e, Sesforbn a Monday, We�_ D LAWIN
25C -lower; laft*a elow- and 'On LL, StAfta. :211 Pply all your wan c ffular that certain parcial or
ts in one lot 411 and sin nesday and'Saturday at 3.so p, -m. VNT
F 25 PF
traob of land andpremises oituateI I ngand being in
y to o1r_ the Weduesday 1114 K -LYOW
fl5c lower; lanibs* $5.50 to TRAYU plo and - Satiiirdsy A R P ICES. 010. WFER-4trayed int6 the premises of the� te at to, *est prices the Township -M MaKillop, in the (kninty Of kfe'w at $7; S undersigried, Lot Huron teamers going through to Dulaffli.
Tear-Un9z, $5.25, to a8, 14 R. S. Tual or- d bei
an Ing comPosed of the Sonthhilf�oftot
ILI MffS M-001fil
4, smitli, " July 299th, a, red heifer, about 2 years ( Id. 14, of the said Township of Me Killop, giving ngWood 1.30
$5 t ewes., $ The owner can have the same by provinq lrojx..ty Bdst godds AlwaYs at— S '1_ fo COAL I j
Owexi Sound 11.30 p,
cePMAg thif6frialn tw6lyearld a balf acres off the
�'Zhee�, rnlXed� to $4.50- and paying for 10 Ill for L ed d of the mid ba
this a verbisenaent an north e f lotT The LZAVE YOUR ORDE1 R WX
ROBT. DALRYMPIE, 'for Weis Wd to contain se ProPertY oftered Molida" Wednesdays and atur- TH US Fo-� DP L. 6- W_J
Avgu�t,16.-The qualiy Of X!Ppeb, P. 0. 22213,1
"ntpfour and & bglf
"ttle WOU3 fairly A.-oodi bu of land more or 1:%.y 7 of Sale -Ton p, d aYs Sw and Georgia.'Bay -SCRANTON COAL. WE ffikV1%_
t Mo did 11 VEIP trayed from thiaprefflises ce. I of.the purchase 'SHIENG CO L
eat% by the purchasee to van- ild on theLay- of, Ports. I Sailings from TA R E A TH. T WILL GIVF- SATISF�A,4C41
riaigned Lot 4, Conceamon �drc. I
Ut the Ist r
were 5116-h-tIy higheir. A Killo -A-In also,ba re TION. TRY IT.'
Walley' ' or r her solle! 3.15 P., 10.. W Ptrry Sound an
in ler 'ar
41tect prIces excoot � for cholM STRIY CAL P _n
'r �
E the uilde 9 goal' agree -
p te purobaser will
'Ife� abo Auguati.two, Svrm Ired a! way ports dgily except S=day.
I'llected steera and beiters of and m 9ttearr. h no. 'Chi r conditions
Ikh re 10 L a
elfOr Is a I . t Ilent W 'COMPIete the pu
fr* t
steer,is %,-,reyish, rot: d 'Welights sold at $6 to $6.50, and white star ih r of Sale wM 'be made knou�m an sate, nd i, 110
I rot: TjejetS
white 9-poot 6n f na tore Xu�k-u""47 %4U UU EWF-le ed. lication to the and f d'. inf ormarlon' from be suitably v�a
V811dOes SO110itor.. Seaforth.
Pea T's d Stand
OoUght N for 10W killing T e citorfor C .
1bu h8 recovery of'th tersigned8oll AA E3ri
teller -l' P-014 at $5.24 to $5.50, bUt ADAM ilm W. SmwrVle Y
Onta' Pbo r. 00 DaW at 13019rth Aug.'IRA
or 'A#W* MCI
T I G H T B �N G�