HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-08-19, Page 24 WWI& WL AU GUST 190 9 G sannotmthag In all to W_ 'ur ty mfillons, som VOL arvest weamer it, �is th a VjW I drd ak IL I I h ot WWch seem v4r-th well 19 a ar, wI16 others loak it it �7 *75p - 4V 7 ears,, e Of th. J p:r e MP ILr wt;�� PaY beter to uea the spadp for advertWng. - And Caen are ccouns. We have- them; ICIOUS! ove" 'We. put -the We h We C tat i9Q back to sAt--Confedera�tIm 4sy -a ZLM 6qxr nce $t , _Y� had nearly of -1 Zastl *an* ts. wA -to -the old days betweeo then and Peetooral. at mkes us �.ave 01n e ff pronliaes 'of 'the 1n<, -w ()t MI'voiir attentioli to & C_ he n t se t ow, eurvlva4 of things olie rea.4 for coughsA never tasted bout or e.Tjy diroly recO114,, fid Urio, .03ovea t hvh In oppalsIt, tj� A31d enice �,t bronchi W �rlfx D at s 18,1�0 the rice fea' tur es I cheap Its. They P school boo 47 account to bs balanced tq 'the and weak lungs. Ask your! own doctor -what e*Mlenm eady sem"Plan09 of ner, Ia'ger than. last evedaat`nz cant And, made -r- he has W wiffi it. Ile 16iows. He!" I can W CcUP Its little placil In this muzoum, SA Vt a blue book. Yet, hem *iai taw for whe the pereous buytQ,-. vise 1 you wWly. Kftp in dose tdu With your family 'ap whys;dar� boo s, find them che er, the I aalt #ice #f tbiS neW breW shows that for the last 7e&f rapoAWI C0* No alcohol mil 9& cough e. 7. C 2�yer Cistern Tumps), We canlgi Y�ie you a ar6l-6 the Is borne by the _,whiple Pr+1 updn, Zat of 190-9., the lsalwiej', for And thus the Finance Department staff amo=t,..d h He we-; be sbvnrf, You canw-tr ff vour �*Wel% 2rt 4C-on&;,�-ed n, --e that is servl I a less than a T he actual c:ogt a N'ivel 0i to thousandi dollars. Up to Ot jees pff% aU vegetgge, n Moved am less th9n mcler t that year Wy were%q Ask "im- dootor if h- aam WE US. S than twoj_thir&,� Pump corriplete with fek of f WM Cistern Pumps, er Liberal QoVernrnMt.-,T6)__ of that amount -1 aise due to nch. nd No. ....... .00 1314. p1po a 2 cut Oultrd" "growth of 1busineeb. xmd ce bthat we are lindia ectly tax- cyl i 11 -AA er Advance kL the cost of 1JvJrgg;: no Cteated'bY 0 he low( r ed f W the deficlit 61. y 4� SInks of ever desc. ption price at th book stor�. It 19 a :1 nothell ThiS JS Only a small blue book.,�! The 0 waste vines trips and plumb- A Tr; of whl-'ret:fie consumer or urs-trloses Audtov-General Issue -4 bis repo -lit! JL pipe wre.c lit EX U181telY mild and thTeO P119 valurnes.., in which ever cent sigh" OfIthe second alde -of t -he quelm rnelcl(t)w. Sharpens the of ithe hUntaea IWIII(fts Of expndittire, It onics is Raborlouisly set forth, The Minister an aftd, forjo* tbwt ing attac at equally justthe if yotl bg Liz pa�- _11ne t y this diffit _o7w pnces. have a wij idoiffl.., 1 .1 rent 109 Out Of h* rlg'ho po�cket a of Public Works puts out an ann brp CUM enthuse quali vurn,, De Is beIMU robbd fT-orr le, t report SO b119-9 the,, If a, zember of f0P the lav' end Parliament were o, heave It atis:4ftp. 00 4 PUUIM Bt ito m0et, the, def leit. labot Order by rall a4lli hig mllghbOr while paper bal and lfghb. 131 t we find a -Wab dal is a steel lad.-� or 64sfes are flying just beforo 0, Don't the.dog of itl e 4oUftVts. and )t chai a Ineffleen(y of the,�e- S OL late vate, Is taken, he Would bD der for stationary ehea 'books, And to b0ja7ber jujiln.; him'up r t� UP t a 9ix e 'Ponderous -report 'the. Afkdgqr ?setE; out 0ov( rnniftt ithe orgaw havo or root purposes. foot hain�lfl, or,,,,- tia Prie nNI-wa 25 20 to ell about "the works under tits cq�� -b b, sjust the Ward bas ted the Onta.-Io,b verythtug from ithe tLaq�xrph 'lot nly fth� s- bu t ey have Order from Buiniess Poli ly I trol.",R hing fire,pro- Ith' 1ines that battle their Way Jth.r4ugAr ASP% r*ht.g WhIeb Ith �q a Ysettit of the Dog ?P. OW the wIn'ttry wilder -meas of' Yukon or any dealer from tection. 'it is per- lha�s paid dearly I og 01 Company Labrador to the smart Collars wddiaQW aa I augh the to- a city past Office, how th it e k 'wer13 willbvg- to, saarince itho go( d] Gives --first coAsideredon tothem'-1 ectIly rigid and Witney a LONDON . ..... IC emd bow puch 3 support -any igoW on, wh JOHN P is do Will MiDn(Y, of wo�ow IMATT CANADA the DeOl)le'of OhtaTto to sh, t It has cast, and will c CSt—Coi!-.rVt1ess,j Ueh twests of Its P0, Iders. Off Criticism of th e L Ri �spec, tact�s are here recoirded, And back of i0A0 Ing, le Costly; Igen eraslity, the Ilondidn the Yukbn— ach of rail- every line of rails t Pon Corn and F�ibre yond tbe m no 16 0 a Ady 11gr oiay�: sF-r.ub e Tot the shingles. ruhation is show b Lne fad ways or strikes; Hori. Messrs. A boxes ul boxez of Plans, y 9 Announcedbat Sir Jame it Whft- worth anO Sydney Flabler a Tbo Rague; Speciticati, es fo' exam- ney I - mad& a "Out i�,f It that the present progress of the Compan vis worth M illies. Accounts, ref- iaz oej.!14 lea-vinig the blinis-ker of Labor quite PO-WtO, W-Aloner and letWrs and dith rlghtr,�rin the new Rbadft% tQ e I lrlr c y nd ore S Price Katool sc�ub�brushe wardr Island. the-.heav 0 of the i�edltativn; though k-ez�, 9RI - 'The Wn ter of Ag!rlculture &s$ roportior. umexc this Iogta-fnce he: �s Y the public W I never ikinow what lat-4 reporto upon his expe-,imeotal f airrsl with the pe 2w or ft. 16 ITrbt P ml`n�'. -passed betwpen hIq UW-�e throughout Ithe DomWm, hb eoad istor- �0 tergrams Ask for py I Z Amtml Reporf, Tha. P-UdItOre Teporbs ah -ow thal' -traInsportatIon systems, his Pzt�ets and W 'pralile Pullrrliv thatf ae&rly age 1906 the provin6l, tl trea4ury I ats bedn got wreckeed the other bPanc, And his archivf;s bianch, and a day, draw a uporb fol. $25,25q .06. eqf5t dOzen or more other One was or anotht y ents;, maw; up to �o 31, 1,911, 1 101'U da n 7he T, Iva moit'l. a4l. sub-depa;rtrn ver ho 10v�nlg; oine em- Wad -the 9finister of Railways 9,10 CsTv- I o W; fT eight' n it6M Of $goff000� How abotit -fix' gran- Caustic Sod4j, �'Ib for "Texti-obot k plo*yeies going ack—but In ra, Ing up 9,14 On Construction. TeF"Ir'sp 0arIV19 Aeadeiis -ftl Is; -up mitte aries atid odd carpenter jobs tin wQa t1n S ... The copyr-Lih SpIects Avubtfill yet who' realiy. L 'orth W.� H. Accounin, a -ad �31 the reoL, for the day except that Qramd Trwik Immenas transport 11T.es whose direction Ur. D. RINOHLEY, ad lin to Gperal Agents before winter. type, 3ettlag;, &te ci*tl6gi us ii ! h# An empire I kselt other hc-ad, GEO. D. ROBEGRTON C District IWW ust r i1r) mjist, ibech� tc istauaclsidls6 sooner than Readers—a good dal departments in their tum, e(ry they lintefaded, thoxkgh�.Av Jast uch one be expense -of )e to than halt t Hammers Pans. mo! t or them ei-plaInIng to the- pilibli as ther wee. fit to reinstata aft every 2 Gn u- bando Itrate, I lbooks�have- all be d6 all of th puloite �n his t wbateer, Itim 1 - sutts, eat hefr con- t are t y be; paid by Ln t7,hg 25C 90 c Towel -Ro ler� �iovinae. 14rin, cbarV4 venienceL Gentral public, however, Lz or A special guaranteed Cht&r.10 feacheits,; that ar 8�t of what to belaud, MB�cktenzie King, whom MA -11 Iftrawbivg� public a War enough a William Mulock ditscovered about Salaries At O(VIlwa, who have 1not do-i-j:� blnddh Ig1j'. Since the "a to 5CAnty-.Prudger. cleans thirteen years ago. r 1894.. i,EA are ula, o HdW2 rd Is -land m&y.4h: 1 It may be true A:.3 is somet of t ef the present satisfifed; inciined e4"'thap them Imes stat- -di A! tap of work *-np nvf L _V, 1 n, t bi If sa. these men musit InIss Th( 91ft $37, doubtles! the. noz e ac,. KL jug Ilao a ways teen a feather La Steel Squares, bot ir n, that evetything....;..,-.-.�... CP B�t pany 'of �IoMe of their aS,56d&t8i3;. -PtAble It carries tJ14. COnd, tion th the mulo W11111 the. necessary Imp ck ca When Sir inly the- fteg.10 T roven is ak came he dI Anot be ot to be made upon Postmas er GeneTal scoyqro an n14 to the Rio ter 5, lt�,' of Idleneas whet -e eo imuch is IN98 # 0 that post offle unlgrm had been Try.- done 190 2VAL 40; wea ins are taken use T to 19(l 'aUtO1natIM1IV aao�ng w th -s tshop imetheds. He F6nne" 7 C, -2 made m to-' for certa NTO .0 $1 *35 to by al.1d ouch never elidjug pa NOW to TE 1 eQ Loa ed a man to King, jUst out jerLplaln tha elrouimAance We ;nay eilxot Hand ally d4y to, 0 _2 th of ot'ithe University, had been doin. a t ic . e. Sir J Mes claiming A . . . . . . . 50 Honey a cc mrr ezd tiolm of -census U", uild inc s, International Vive StockSl 1 series of atshop oticles for the numera Val 4iproyed Grounds, New B' saws... a ra'cks tb4t. Pr hav Ed P: ils tiOn of the R-eaderq ow Toronto Globe, He was a good Liberal 'Exhibits- by all the Provinces Magnificent 'Art Zoan Exi ward Island has a::cepttd as -Atten for The hgxpositor.) TO (W ibit. —and a. c OF .,Sir Wiallarr what thars, good veaftator; Piro�hjce a orst the The farm and urban values of the sent im, aftea the un1fo MISISION Is MXJ ESTY rm peoplp_�' I BY PER OF H apProximatIng'$60 000. _aInSus'Of 193-1 wIll'be enumerated under nd if got enoukh Inf)rmatin to reconstruct tl e dtba of Juno Lt. They WIR jacl BANA ude D': 0 F TH EJ fl E NAD I E ft GUARD -he result 14 that -branch o' the service; .-S rJNQ GF.ORGESi, I JOUSEHOLD a AND Editi irial Notes and Co 0;3t&"bl1hsmcrnt 'the La�or ol each'enumeration d6-,tTIct At the, tl ral estate and Ilve stock valuea being the runient Ymobile makers SaY.their mathine 3 Gazette with lKling as editQr; later th Don"t forget we sel I the -ties 5 thr ut e d;,te,e of the live -�tock and Ic Xod�l ary Camp. have Iread dieplaced h DepartmPt. t Labor, wit Kinig st3ck sold, In 1910, Of over the dailry 400 Taftoo'ev ii1ght- 1101 !he igel rierhapg so;-Itut it is i aigo I - P �he P0rtfOII0 ducts cGi umad at borne, rent t4 EverythiiRg r� in attractions. to 1 U14 a Deputy; two Years Ye LaboF, with, Willlarn,L MUSICIANS coal I rge I O.L 1IMPI fr ex 6 1burn I Yon klackenzit- or -vOr-been.s ti Ad of the 191re bas ne Khrng! As NlInIster; a whole aer;% of i,n*- Wonder�'! fl reA ark SpeCtaCleS. 91 ticed PERIFOI 1,M m! Igh )u0Y Sc% tered on An Lem- Y(-:ar, -together YfAlth valueo of othet piro- W.under the Idukoel: '�or-brolxght higher when horses were injgre4ter ..demand, terventi tha, i to �p bad, lEux acts; 6ulminati.ne iiin tlds settlp_j� of !the farm. dL c L, THE NAVAL RE111 AT SPiTHEAD -%I-iftich giveis ment of 1910 all of the, EA Laad And buildings and far and 1 Vnited Statels ra imple- BATTLE BETWEEN DR Dor All _PG4M1%StCX Gonera I Canadla#i Labor Xinlske!r a is tanding be- 1P menis and machinery by Jewry d8f 6t in hi s do not occu- P030TI Jn the enumeration district W11 WATCH FOR REDbCE �ATZS Alt CURSIONS. *M no pied -by iafiy, oheir Cabinet �,Vnftster any- I r T' :1itch(ock ;thinks the twe-en ckpital wnd'1ndu;ziT-y D EX pax =1 for this year g#, J_ 0. ORR, -City H41, t nt I be! Irlecorded separately for values In FOr all information write rcou L� mto. where.,. 101, and, the rent of I and and bulldhi�g $5,970 000:j As agairlt $1 480 0 10 las; &L lo the younlgt�st Mln*,eter will Alsa be recor4ed it leased, In that year. Far ood Many 7narlz pw t th th la,seniority to Hon, Pa, t th thff ICabin u.nited lux.: een Year. Values will. te taken for orchakd A-- A A Off i�e 'Dabaiman Nfr. Lemic i A.1ready haz ha4s- b Bln a lasjzg,bus And -vegetables sppa-r- A,, iness, and'k" It et.� tTavagantiy talked of by. come of hiz, all fru16 0,1-- a 01r al�ly for 1910; but vlauz1z oft. horss RAGE FlOn ALL WEATI (W � , !HE BEVE orp"s. iave bee m ade naenuy!at con.. -adent admirOrs as. A �bssjble Liberb.' milch co,%rs, other hDrnfd orl neat cat - [M JDM ZIM9. While thi-s has 'beein !th cas,! le wf H.; and Lhc Tlm,� t tic, aheePe )swine, poultry and hives of an -1�o there Is Horl. G-eu did in 'the Uited, iState4�, 1110 Can plenty of tlm�; a A -tal dePartmBat has ishown a- I be -f -s will be tak.e-,i 3�,parately for 19h, 66 Eppsys �2 I'Irra Graha. it ��esent a IILLle. closEr hi at: ih date f tEccensu r. Hardware, Stoves and 9 iii warr ry year. CoUnr qelL o thI, Frenrier than any othcr ly !Phe value,_z of live stock and taurs foo I an i, T Minl�-ster.!, ThEn again, -,some of t means C� k lid, 1910 will include -horz_es, odV1W 0 gnl2c. I wl,-th It Is evidignt the farme who drink in ohe� ItIo of XEL,4tob h dt'her hornid or ir.!e.at cattli-, ;3 ICC I Excellence a t e two eister Provin �e is the Iresult of a kiappy chaln u� 1zh4ep, r1l A POUltry and hives of ce-9 ill hav riumbig Eavetroughing' circumstances U vice- ert Fu rpace, 0r4 to f arf, I better. Reports Happeais, haw-over—that beps:, nd Of nurscrY 2tock, which mc-ans : Arom i &IL see he made �_,orn of the c1rcumstaifcea4 GratefUl A cup of "Epps's",avb t WR-rms and Sus-mins !Jer; A" Jvfi� tiono dnIte In Z'aY1g19 at land. trlilt and ornamental trft-s i9rown . for �i e KWig Is i�st Tor hours. A perfect. 1J, th tha, you S a 'Sun !hbeverage it is 'tr Pl�nllng Into orchards, ig ai,,idn_Z1 divzetor, �ha betn summer-fallo,%ed wid Nive ow the most conspicuous all -Canadian d CaTefUlLy CultlVated. an p r I the co is yie:di membetrf thatdisttliguished clas. of a f air4 IMPORTANT N07M. IY 9001- crop, depite the bc�t .' and '95 In Toronto, UlyersltY. Two o tht- f products ccn-sumed on tha ftgs b( st tl dtoug*h 'I, wb At I e iant lights A Treatise tilled b t'the same irreighborhood the dropE tio- are polftici.aris —lion, W Cro - y nc ud t F%�JF SALF OR RENT—Fok atle Lot, 20, i C- - Zs, Tfh� I 1 2 he values of milk, cream I&. D, I). e home-made utter 'and ho=�-made' ceos','1=14, Hullett, uonWriing 100 acres. slutO failure. W at. -e lately A tornqy-G�aaeral of Alberta I i ' L Al IM L ALE, e an ab Ile on la: -rd dare�u -other b in that ag' refPr to prodpct *I the 7ea:r 1910 0 IT EE, aTim 3 and Sent to factoriEz or 0 Wn AfriA-elv�ss firm *ith good buildihgs, one mile clined a the opf4iion that good f nd I -Ian ax' eenwood, well known in M�i�l for ihe G qTTLED framVillageofBylth. Apply on the premises orad- Z will. pP�y anywhere and nowheribat� PritLsh I oiltic .1 A good few a-rawriti- BY E Animal -9 SIAIZghtared -on he tarm In dmas DAVID NIGHULBlyth Out, 2222-tf i ter *-th �n. In the feritile we;st. ers; Artiur S twelv,- i canar4:11 P R W, Cou eray, Wis. -Oct- sth,' b TH o7ed or neat catt ep, swine A wE I k -T and .1910 wl'I be recorded for, the value�s Of oet; Norman Durisan, story writer; itlie, ASS FARN FOR ALE—In lNeMilop, the 1909 eh6' It nd IT 'This J the R late MmOis Tuaker, minor poet and once po G &uth half of Lot s0i Concessio4 9, for sole on "Please send; me yc ur boo -1A Tretatimt A -lane y Chew* M. P., kast sif�coe, easy ternw, Posse ithat C y this ion can be given 'on &prU sav r bl, y6uriad That i Lhe nezt, Artesian well, xitth windmill, on the pro- was r t -W uld not b Mal" who idef eated Billy n -edito of Saturday Night; Rev. 0. B. these values, As- In (-UT country their i "T 0 R .Ist of co, Y. Horises -are not Include4 In but' ett Wicher, MLslanary to Japan and Or- perty. For terms, apply to J. M. WX UN, or R Without as. think i hime saved tw43 : I -S me ts are not used for, food. at electlari, -ha boon itnel lental, writer., h r Rays, Seaforth. 2199.tf valuable in the,iast year by follow 11 h valuas of oth-er,prodtzets o-4 the ingidirictions n yo boo1c.1, on threh. charge'� of furiu-c quqr to zhpag 1; 'Win! e "The Ale of Q the very life 401 far n include those of eggs, ojlzy and am Napes. P� V;hen a 1910, and Wool,, maPI:? u �rar on Tuly quUa, 2 from bnported covvs, for sale ab moder Kendall's Spavin CU a=F. ealer's, th a. t M� Isonally -9 11ty Srup for 1911. C-ressiN .1 Chew w 3. PL a map e m au'lt, caug- b' 4 held in HORTIEEORN GATKEX--�Bevea young irs tre�_ C et a Put i't must not' be supposed 'The'Civil Ser1priant, for a 4te pAdeo and on. easy terme; good young cows aw ncth PukiTy ave t. us. 40 of vi tfon of the ia- Tho Toronto St@,r ;says: If a4iy 1�_ys,-4 eltm also for sale Mau ol� v. Cl.ew ha, Enumeration f hired lab;Dr on All interested are cord! -Y In. The Dr. IL J. K ame 1 ex camps at 0 2 farnis ri�fcr$ L6. the ye�r 1910. it -long ilt4d to inspeeb the herd. Farm, Wn, endall Co., Enqsbmv Fsua� Vt., ChrlstJan ls�aad �eiijatie attein)t Is' o be ma VAJOina to dWance telephone to farm. Wnte for catalove, and the 1, ucate people bove che vutga* VU011, w I I At VE1,3k Quolrw8s takeno the i give the total numbtw of w.�',hs of IndiaTff- by C-ome 1)f the men !In hO,-lernpicy. Ajq �r, emplo!yed, willich MaaDs tly!j Iiumf,- a�way§ a lyr�, lab IL BhUM, Exeter. 1993-tf I �. � . that a public office i NIDIA TALF ALOE -1 k� mattfr -9f fact none ot the 11( 7� vate holiday, �vye woul4i soff.gest r:for,,all mc -n ho Work foir hiri oti uor That be ARM FOR SATZ—For sale Lot 13 London Road but th-b Fftnley, it, mile south tif. Brtictfield. The -61-S had b6ea 9�ven to the one course of study fehould be7 of blus theJarrii, and the total unt i aid Mary 'bulldiu,",fi re good and in repair, The law wa�s d0tated by (,Iliew,s �)mpf, oy books. Af ttr -a coursP- I of blue book;_: for' hire, - includfae� allowanci f,6i_ es- tak' t n Indt n re- not how -Urni is weU fenced and unerdrained and in the best he, liquor to a;! the populaxity, - t Ztan3m WIT boa �d. The Pa)rraelnt. should be rl-d%aaed f st exaraple bf wLt Palo NEARLY A9 'Lhe -tudont w no P Virst in P perfe state of cultivaUon. There are thrae good ells on 1 civiL iservants puL In thc-�Ir time,t but fo tbe.'full time of iservicc, a the pIace: Tenw, to suit purebasers. App�v on th' e howthey&ver don 1A10 IshoLid bie 8 If the, work t irew JAMEIi IWSS, Brucefield, P. 0. nat IncluAg ithe value of boaxd. premises or add Th, ..51CK HEA is iven. them,J6 do, t�tl I have the, quiry relatl,.n�., toggrr tr a witht for doj� Un atqs nc t daugh e and tinhe to, o much about sea -vice Is a,$ked for In S cht-dule -INo, of dontinuO s o 1 W r Pr I It. I 4,nq than -EL-de wit Oreat 3.rit ain, nust -,kt,6p a Ug, staff busy. residental property in Harpurbey. Theia are asked for hi ve.never in spite o t e t Take onz off 'the sirmn lle�s t of - t e OPERTY FOR SALE—For sale, a desimble peo W, 0 ha i I In addition. to the toze, There Are fem alone r gollig- - uirl The Rr Por �iin: it. The preparation the blub books ; I PR va ues, IN" LID STOU three nd planted with, fnifts of dilffetent- ick ada( , and thQse ye h acres of la experienced. a In' lal tari I %lue Of all lallds and b ..1be ticqsl ulldhtgs not h11`er Purch�suar o Gr6a1t 1rjt&T` �3 a b --b repel he Public Ao4 kind& On the properly is a comfortble brick cot- who have not �may be C 1 sideped very lent publlp;a anuf-actutrIN--, iestiblishments or 111inp_S You yr a lit strength, yuu,3a P:et ir, an4 with hard and 6oft water in.-ile, -,wd othi�r on ed ntL ApplyIng a It tal U of th. hiots�-i a -ried in Canada -in 1911 which ar� out� ductz tha ited t n Canadiak ep it by ,i barn with Re luqk-Y, as it is one of. Lhe -i -the Un i '9 Domkdon' Lrew� 0 0- IN :66m conveniences. There is also most ure of irraginEition to the desiiccated ma,, eld',of the enum�-rat mmodation, for three head o: cartle, and -a hen Y VAL STOUT district. -fir. r- S! are now of its 'C ��statlst,,Csj. ty fo - -M stattsti com- os2i-packifd g Neadaches house. This;a a particularlydesirable proper r a pe6on cah' have. There -AROHMALD DLTJljl pleta for+ rst tabls, And ar.laaglng the Mater as4 a, retired farmer. Will be sold cheal) and on reason- is only- one way to P the. f! months of thf,, on Zict Dance Ir for Able terma.' Apply to JORN AWDUNAUGH, on th� vent'these'hprrible b es I* Ili e it! fa '' as-almilatlum by the or:. Censu' SC headaebes hat id t i�'c din ie Teadsr becoines awalre, premiseg or addreas Seatorth P, 04 2215 and -et ri :)f the Year, Bnd':tbey tkrow a �Lry'mjn, t to 9 X X X ]PORTIER _Wi lho-a t t 0 he policy of can cause. aI- of the -fa,t th�t dian i�qj -th&z �flures -have tottwg 0 On mi e ]FARM FOU 8A.LF—Being co�posed of Lot 28, N. )orte WhIle Great BriitajO do. 1,VItj1 Will make you work bett 'er rest b oab t Lhe t�ransacticr6 of a eurreat er, play bett. bittel -am' R. Boundary Towship. of t6orne, eonrah)ing XMBURNIS LAXA-LIVER rnaTR P s 115,610,61 oZ. C�Aadjan k-oodi�, —The late buslnes cf,abo�t a buTdrod millions of Ohn e" Xin=dt- sleep 'under when you take It'. ood m0ing 100. aprea of choice land. on the premises there is. -A, so -e h do this for -d-St tes sold al Os air CquNI dolla—tliat ayi ley new brick house, large bank b4m, driv otip, large 1. �he T�n�l c M u,h Ine,- whose death we Announced last Its bl' 4mount I to riada U mo,r Ming' in and ey, Edmonton wood bush ; good well wfth windmill, puin T he Un orchard of choice winter fruit, 14 aeres of go6d lard- Miss ram week,.jn 1898"was selected As Consm-4 T. V Alt&. peties are u' x elled -ed S�ates bouggh from, 7,anact� nd M. D y 0Y,,' $15,781,650. thatmuc mofieygoLiglout, nd it is tive candidate -in WE t )3,. but d ­ P writes: �11 wisli , not- anerely a I ; 14 U�-,l nt tauk - thoroughly underdrained 6 aeres fall whea to write,you of our m�tter of �eftwv run Ain or 1110re thai d rnerne U)urn�i, La::�a, a milr f1rorin a IsPout and drav nomInation. ern in Vh t jr�3tut, .12 acr'eg barley', 4Ikeres oatq,io acres peas and.oata,,, ]Sivtr VIN7 it lion lees itai dild, 0`1 ickllea&che' n hooe wrea peas, 25 acres seeded to gras�s. 1�alance iti pas. Pills as a cure than. Brl hrou'8*h Goderich hn 1-844. H2 W . X5 a -ep F"HE DOMINION $REWER 'splendi Oil 1 worth'. clin-ed the b 1'. have urr% las Evr y d ar Of It colleg t bow of turei It sold with crop posse, �ion N%ill be glv�n been n I from. the United 4tates $44�- from lsom0odT d 'he eri f of Huri 00-a --T d with hea 'for an # At somebody has �s late Robert Gibbon, Sh dathm- atonce. FA%ay terms of p4ment for quick ale. lior.� early ma V, ot Lh, or more t1h nighta togetber, have not bee __ 1 00 to hoe given a -reeel]�t f6r It, la rece ED., &ni ,;29,000,0 Urms andfpartiewars apply to R. R. GiY__XN, on the 1, able xceg n 'County- HIS first Venture, in bus,,, LIMIT r"IDR-ONTO �es frdrq -the Uaite4 dly JSlgt4ed and coarite n,�s was during the Arr.erican war, MY' eye , and ev- The p�te premisMortoT.CAUEUON, Auctioneer to close go was, W g at a of purcha- t unl1b, when le went out. buyIng, r�se' for L= lady's hous an she told erY dollir Of it, al me Vour 00000 m(o than dur�, bdagbt Vort. ARVISIXOR SALE—For sale Lots 21 and 220, Con 4 stat i,,- are $13.0 t in mos t. has be4��n ear"' the orthern. ':krTnY. Thai he Laxa-Liver Pill,& I 16ok four Of ng the Same peiIbT IaA 709r. If the mavkcd -by Paillame t I 'to be, Isq;m out ithe stae line be'tnecn Goderi -lop and 29 on- the 13t a IgIven Way, ain-Ad- is �h 4 t be lop& -A t dth- ch and 111 ith a )resEn ch F14, M KH h Con., Lots 21 them, and I ave not b6bn. trouble The! '-%re, no 2t7co4ose the Gardiner Homestead rid! i the and and e headache r about skt_'month' t ate Is �maiintal lrwis the House w*1 �It upl all ni6-ht 1C'ncaT&n'B, W�1;3h he beld for' 6ny tains about 180 acreu. All:flrat-class land Weil )orts frd,rn. the United yars. Gradually he driftd-Into, horse. At Milburn's Lax a -V Pius year -;ta e, duiiog idemandhmg Its moneY,, back, &fusing to fenced well tiled drained and hu 16 acrLIS Of good J11 ; W "It :he preo t fiscal dings ivith (be t 84h Good comfort -able buil _fU les hardwood bush. ev, thorze The 00mtoTt-d. Frona t:-Irmost es dealing 9nd WAS r Many -years the vial or 5 viala for $1.00, at all del 11E or "rom Gr�at Britain U allinedern impravenient, Plenty oX Most prbrninent horserl- -ty! good spring R,090- of the 1)o �ICII in tha�t ms will be maile'd dfr&t. by The T. �3va wh6 Loftu 3 Darm. t, i ter. A good bearIng orchard. vould seem 'to 0,( futity, revenue, and to, b million, *P, he� 5troa This is one of the Co.,. Limit prov 37 Of tio. I -Ra -estate is sa'd kn be worth the ohoimt farm in che Cou�t of Rurom and xvill be ed ToTonto, Onto all eor of bbles and 4 fph U19 ag&Lris-_�tr !aature IF soldontermsto suit pajehaser. cbr neawly half A rnillfuq'd�llars. Paralyis- If Ah �to nero Ut! 23. corttains Wuit go the oxpeMitre. or le Y mea,_,�, Gf tatiff -Aa, pu a�tloni treLts of Montreal'� %Inatk)wn with+ ture and bas been for Yeaxs. Thereare! ten acres of ni good. busb.on thbi farm. ror further particulars out paying bead tax, + fthe awt -4i the a premises or address A. GARDINER4 4! on ChL or ui lki4dbury P_ 0. i 2215-tf I L 125 acres with Ennall house an barn and all 111 Pa- unliat al Ob sn�eliI in Make hts way �ntcy �the crowdS4 wa-9 the, caifs3 of d:eath. and silencO of the, ice, ­pack S-0 a's B Deafness Cannot be Cured Min, pter �___ailc� under Bern'ler on t e. good ship naila Co, �!er ' o - 'I t '-M -t k ArictXc takes a cAnnot reaeh-1he di,,- un- VARM SALF_--For sale Lo 11, toia, 7, K' ive;i the e �.y to plu bY local applications, o-- they wing r, �,4p piletu e0sed POrtion of the ear. There is on1V U pen RooA, Tucherawith, 100 acress, -ri, IrIghteously fiom the o stores, i sorneb ody, L 80 acres cleared, W1 of Which ib in & first. - eir, 3�ackenzit Cilre deafness, ftnd that is by colly3titution-al reme(bes, 0 9, Mi lio, Lator In ha-_ lo take a blrching -rcni that cont- De fnesq is camed by an i a nflailled condition of the Mte of cultivation, well unerdia :d aud 448 1 as scle�cefui employer, N! ada J� 't � . r i fhe i feneed, the balance of the farul fs id sr4Dod hard., 11111COU9 linin Z Of the J�Uatulhtn Tube, N�%en this 'wood. timber. There are two acres. or orchard, tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sounil or hn LUN ON; ONTARIO' t! la'tely, M!Jrl to ]B��Ahe matber.,or -cur b' a ti re _'t� lr3"nUe and' Perfect hettrin On the place are two good balLk b- r arns Y -i e. , ind WhOA it i4 entirely closed dea otone foundations, als OF r1mg axpe,4dItjwe s, af large pig ter all* a living and I'm is tbeesult, and unleas the Inflawmation can .0 -houn ; there is outi aLsa a good fmrae home, There are two gooct wells, of I h�e- and, 41mast understa-adaiiia Ing, je-taken out and this tube restored It Even SS ort o its normal hald Gr I One at the house and 6ne k zitrike. The,co rip "o0itioli, hearing will be deat�rowj foreve., Nine at thd bam This sa5s- the �nost fabulous Zums the Public es th of ea. I e altuared on the XiPpen Road, 2.v' mil ari� a c�, dn2 te King iC, endil I d t the other -1rug C Sol A The o-,, VMS oub of ten are cused'tw catarrh, 1v is one of the best ftkrms in Tuakersindtb. it is -r are use B TS_ Ilms §corg Vga 4-1. d but not 110 hing bu4jxn inflamed wndAwn of the rnuiuoug for-thandGad 11 mile froa ne mor6 cornPr�heslbla by th( i ordloody sullaces. d as school. ere are 40 and lail Cour se c �ed t;� hE 'scttle�ient of be 1 acres of crop. And bhe remand" in haya d grass, and rEuqd LV, bank de-' e will Free unk isetrike. He isaw a i9a akid ie the farm will be wid with or Nvicho t the. crop. claf 0gues I kr Ove Ont Rundmi Dollars tDr an me -of wmmlon given osits, Dornlon errenc. de fness. (caused by catarrh) annOl. be eur�ld f 11 It, M tat auy tin or fu ther partic. ex whell Ottavrg was, nst abolt ldleq, and all byKa11s0at&r-.hC4re- Sendfordre ene Pro lane two eo have Z, 4vniv Irs t le tain modrnness; one can CDENEY M Tol 4 or 1kddrqsa WAL and 3fATTHEW 19 COTT, PrDpr, ularuapply on the premi tf�xvelt, Jr.. (t.A:, c ealf !�out of CE�bhne J. W.'Wes _' I t__xrocers an -fl, ra-. D the 'Ir ula free. g sts etor Princi' I Vice�pxiltcivii,U' F re edo 0. W t air With thera even If he dcre$ Sold by druxgiate, 74c, Hon GI 0. not unf. _!!,l3x4 tf Kin -ter of thO ra a .8, 1;gwondville, P.0, Pa. ra OP JdeP;Z1taAd t4e;4 Bqt Xr�C_)O, aXe AI�SCX Take HAWa FamUy pill$ for 03natipation.