HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-08-05, Page 140"& - `1 IL ff a- raes 4t ren r es ims I)re Skirts -vkr4,- W-rap pers, wear Kni rhan- 4d s IU FRID AUGU'8T 5 '1910 41 a Yee-- inIALMY&UMS IMr. 13811 Rewl off to Mr. 141,oatttle un In tte M. Tiyloir; B. 1. Turner; A4 I th age �as done. Tha che =Aker. TI aOl COP and Oin 1 To the -he Expa tok, k -that gives hill li, frlen&, ut do oxit tj tt for n twrivlce, E. F� Wakemjiu; H. Wilson. Hastings, and Johalartin JIUMI last weejes 1�sae there. is & JatI_ an. -Y license to attaIl k 1=0 personally, if tbTtao wg.,lt4 again go i into John Davis, John IDemp-p Ad b� 'Mr John Beattie tro -the 3en Eingine 1�i regard to, in ah clot mt ool mWe6tiuk jbeje le ctir la , I ight tug bw we. are; Musical Exarainations. 1 Dempsey, five farmers taking- Tetba% 00he two ;�rlag which are fore the 4ulte, wjlllx* tol, selL Red, from the storm, were 4i rmdea-ed vvaH Thttesher'lcbmparty,. :h, a a, %e following U a complete list of T 'I out*t a comIderablej Ge kly ratepa:yeis - of the bown of Sea faft *d jua� 03" hat 01 ce'this Company W anscious shock! Thel q,ulic te ce." thee Ized ut abou drally speaking, the rate ful candidates In min ion came fto, and extkVuLshea the:: fire. f ey-b' tw)ned o by the Y�1111 -be Voted ion on, Augur-st M sue low- held by t1it Toronto ()olizervatory of MuH This letteris 1n1;A0adkn9 =41 a .$3,`000,064 of mnadbinery,, which bas be, ir tban It e1reT lia-s been. ThIe, quality Me a*t the aocal, Im-it throW,-hour, tb f I - - reys + b�i of sta la so,16 All a- 10 --While pla�ing Off' th� laWA wili, -a It are ent xely con- ver the tk U*aiaa of Canada fmd, quantity of the, -current Ia always brass i tair rod, Lorne, 0on jCM., ++-++ ++ ++ fl�WY 6 'the facts. I Would, 11j,.e :k tppace from NeWtotwuldul o Vancoliver, They the isame. If the 1, it ad kiX61W Valuable paper to cor-ect gun bave built up a Dt o1s; n*us busin,ess aM t fault of iislw o d lampa'. There aa eph SPeara, of Hibbert, �iear A,)ro=aIe11. Imat with a serious and ptinful. laceld-ent. of these mia�tameaf4q In ref!rence to ore which no doubt im%- been of co 1 Imps. In gradc I a ��t I ate bsers that bell Engine benefit !to %ql -1town, He tripped over a eroq�e� vv wnd the, lave be -an 41,%Utie erer, sin 1 the, jo, -Helen �' D. Larkt. Junior gr ulp-pas% + the obert and Thresher sid4rabl a frod penetrated the side Of his: veck Helen_*Fear an4 Cora 13catrijee about four and a -half Incbes, shold. be in the I,. candescen Aghting was staetred. 'Company, Limited, aInId also tA) 4 my elf. tutei If the us YM cSeaforth gets a ly ex ct good light PrilnaiY gradei-Honors, Lial an L- ae I 41611k* Yerl i Much- ventil atimig. peroonal ness rematm here. cahmot poissib fromr aid was zurnmdaed an;l the little fellow Ing through before mattew In public wid would hot hav good ideal of advort h'D Ouch lamps. Wilso.; pa8s, Aigmnes E. ' Bm'th and bad to,be pitt ud�r c e I 'Swan, 13cueefleld, �aken.'ahy notice of 'Mr. Beittj ers; Wtter. good tibusluess -edimeatioria. and ith JAIfES SCOTT-, Mabl equal; Cvladyr, it could be remov4d. At last reports lae -ins, calst ance; E + had 'he not Tnade so maaW permial refer, goodo iturned out,by; ithe Compan,y. t Seatorth adl'Or- was JQ119�, as well m cotzld te Ebeutric na 8 PresIdeen, �of the Which canne0be The to,�rn hw be�W-benefltted dur. vght aoin allowId to 190 edo I unanawered.. I wish I lqi� he past ton years - by wages pald to be, clearly -6 Aic %m Cook, of the Huron do not -Pe. InterMedute gra4 *demtood that I out ItO tbweXtent-o about $300,000, Pla.' q Ion., Mr. jZjrtes13e ttie Speaks. pRiss, west 'of Mitchell, died -va.Ty a Beattle Iftht Or t, and ithe .,Yearly pay roll now Amounts Hazel'(YNeil Junior 1grade- Ihe Tiffifit i of' any Pam, A4!nP_d ,qwnday 'r,,1 9.,1-h -mi I- 41ruI I . *1 - JUew 11;xp EOrj— arn inot �gob-Ag other ratepayer, to oply M theog, b,vI4av 81, oMiddlet6n PrinAry grade_pa,is� B - to.abba $40,000, rhs Company is a t Curtaints but wvald like to ask prn� chell on th� if they honestly think, 'of the lwgwt shipp �Ta in. the towia e M4riish, Oxbow, Marconi, Saskl -caught 'a cold and df ath resutt-ed It iO! intW- + A t ie citizems If they 'would- rdt be urp- ies rt Sat and pay the about $7,0 Thepry.-Intertnedlate graei­J��M- an' -affection f the heart* By deat e$t Of thO 'bQw#. . Whalt - I do jbjd-Io per v isBdI R th4 Electric Lij� COMP& -n -Y F h + Is - -the -unfair. ffimainer �.hfr. Dsi� ivht. _Tjv6: 'ex 'a ce, d mat raakE adebftmLned f t agmn,­t Belts Col tttlie has Ills wife loses a long husband, and ored M + -his OPPOStU10h, are al- 7- the f a "17 the lnd%�st of pareAts. t takim kb pamit-3 telAgraphl compamies nom uber e -Har otm H alertha, CL so ilb;enef n '�hiefs . White S Vhe "venue of the Post the 1by4aws -.hat aTe to be d c�_ Re starts dff bv isayingi tat 'he catin- 'y t � y h the, whol lighting pa_s�:, M. Ja, si ceassed. camO fro Watetloo to p venue .onday, as OIL 8 U cil In -the fullness of the* of.. Office amd the CUS are very forty-six -years ago'and t1sq t ksteryx of ih town In their biwn 4andq. Honori, Haz N fered RoWt -BeU the =unificent 3um much, Increased b,, t el (Y il C__ geniplIty aud I usiness tran4- Primary gra kindness,of 'heart won Ifor i a;rd backed -L by an at't of 1a1rl1atrxnt.` "e��m' ot for bin- +++++* q#+++"+++ ++ +-Ir + of $50,00:amd a fixed acted by this corat and I do ,no t Harmony wnd, Rudimeifte-Flirs:t. CM5 .4 the friendship ar4 e$teem of levery Ink khat there T hey cad have been doing a- honors" Gorile one- Years.. When Mr. Beaftie was Sara L-Ydia Simpson, of any t) �ey aike as 4rdbs qual I Ity thi Ims he knew qulko kind In the town but. that Is ho6lped PrIceS' Herb. W,1tt. Miss �klget Woods 416-d at her bom Itly light. A y itime they aee f1t. he was, Misii*tatlag itbe caise. and directly or J lrO by the op- aIl Ld Ili Dublinn Mmaday, July 25th. Deceas�- eit, ten or Wteetn- )er cent ito� trlei th couhctl Magde no such �Ioffer. T�ey crations of -this -Com I doi not ' 0 Plan�,�-Intermodlate grade ed had, been In. falll:Txg bealth ter the C(st i jot light andI 3 o hae anWad nu -of any rju,roiof rriod, Ur- u pay ara LjtUa SinVon. Junl�or grade i PUt couple of years, bainff a *16tim bf AD no otter mean to say that the 1n but jdid Ing concerns of U �lil or ehult off the light. You are on- cons was OfTi-M. to guarantee, Abe� boWs ie Xo, do not help irs -Abnie Harris, Wrloxetqr; umpt1cm. The funerall wb1dh P IsLqk In -the nj 1W offered a Vote -for � the Gladys"M. Sttteot4. Bells Gord lWely, attended, took place fivin Jxr of the Cbmpany totfie extIbit of $50 same - wal for Ithey do, L and, th6y a.,, d leir &share. juwe,byr,lav� and got your 914kdog at ON and to give ,the xed - -on equal, Z-, iresidIence to t. Patrielfal church, oupiuw a CosLL side nd Edna V. 9timb late about 6-ne-half i what U are -mm 6f 1$6,000 for.-Iteni yf 4ra-, not with Wilsodi 1"gimary grade-Hionors, rje,j where "I NSM The - enx�ldyees vaected jequiem ma3s was;zelebtatei by now. The Robert Bell contribiul e the w ot th et'y iyears as Mr. Bewttli& Otate. T�e a Y. Ida Fa&T4&4 Teesater; paes, Hilda; "ae Rev- Father NoonwL The iremim were i the f Irra aj A Thresher byr4a &tiuw 4tUched toftis ottr ap, axes and, the If Irm, .1thstandihg thie� T then t4kea jo,&t. Ooju�abjn coa ni N teddou, Teeawaiter; Olive B.' Perktas Ometery Ithe 'Cornpan will givel thO term M:ysit ImportarIt. mWtter ever mitteQ Teeswa;teei�; Agnat th y fact that bk. 8eaIttle land; a numbax H. McKe,vcher�V.xom: for lntermenit� She is ;surV,,1ved,. by Iffiree; 0,1 o vuu,-, is t dowwt ket others would, like Upport L 1 $ a's securlty� a first mor4gage toi irake, it appear et -Patrick--ad jo�n_ el Me)ntoi on the IdIustry eave iour town,. It Dr; 1�- May Brethauer and' Qe6r�jftj, brothers. hav 1yeell f VC entire P1%*1t, insurancet pol, T. igte*art, Wroketer, equzj.� lo* amd Jawns, of Detr,61t. PO nPany4L Ithat .tbey very jo, $50 000 and, wial de,.. are aying ta 'nuch, fear you wili regret lit for E ti 2 ido oextent of $225 -The a HGODEIRICH. Yours trul� - I si Poi It w1th the; per year. F4 town, each ye" I te Joseph ,Osmaa left a ext Two W1 a selcur of Westover Park, M IIt 'to, 'the a He rays I iad the oubmi AMES Blj TIE. ate grade a tted Imount of $1,700, ivhtch In Lss� large estate. Amon the, eq:t�ests_, a th t7 a ..e 719htmala, Westfield. Prlrap,ry ba�n&ol�e Gra of Edua 0 gde;Years will more Ithaki. provido st January ril fixed aoseag Facul-Res: for St, ames fo xepayment j ofth Mont and- t4( rat,�, Pa is refused to, n o, Lne isum 01 Wd UU0 be V d,. The C,oimp.�uny also, iest. As representative of V es lad jpa-*z�r. Dor�s W. Magaw. eft bon0s to iguarH JXAVINQ sec4 4 the premises at ail grayt the .r.'eq. 'k -he follow� ng lb. the co 7 ing J eft 166 - prwr14,e pre pied 'by agree to e of Eur- a ermanjent ork#do,vment f4nd fo the Iarq a' -more than rp' tbO IC0fhP=Y, I or ly, &.4ked the coun, hef.examina- Ha=00� elaw benefit.of the Sunday !Sctool JLX Win. Pick' thcy: &!Ire ornr nd Pert0h have passed t Theo0y�zn:-Juniar grade- and nd Son, and as we r pse removing ly-paso. olive 1.3. on for ace Into the faculties O� at reseut he ell to carry ,I Itut -vibi�kt the pea ti Y' ehurch.[,"T4e yearly xpenses of the bound Ple of oh- m nth, W c cluftd to h a fer Is tthe Robert 11 0 education i to e and nenu It Sunday Sellod are tbi be nid ad this stand niext: 0 e have Seafor 9g-re)d- to d' when they caN friedthe byii4a bRURON. class tWnm% olive IceaTney Th-e�sher Comp;ELly, in 14 G; Anderson, p t II; J. St. wug ited, -.�Of W 1 Would, ltkj& the balance In de�rayl Ing tb SweepinLy Sale of alf goods at present in ock makinp, a 4�aisss I r - f.� I �. T -I Anders dey, f im 7- a;ml only a shawer Mr part I; T. W. I Atris 'Yearly, 'L Tile In rn with to Ba-ttle Ithat the by, of the c1hureb complete clearance iff all lines, leaving as e nuber of the r sl obs law vothdi Om)mn, � thg PaLFt 1; M B 'Drs. Hkb. L. B ett, part I J� A.,Ca amtard� Vestilkid, and e as' ble to a ) arg e da f time clearly states ano possi SUM of $500 Is ef t the 0 itish jda-7 Roger -son Myth, equal the Itumm of Seatorth aild pIjj that there w,,* to be, 9, f Ixed as,sees er art W. I t ce, part lety the ui��slow _H er Foreign Bible So- Ir ound1349 .1 di part 1:1 A.- DuTnim, part 1; j. Stjq be moved by us -to the other side of the- street hen, y:)' Trnt' of $4,000 for 26, ars, EUnd this U -clluntrv- It'40 true that"P of the DioceSel Ot Huron have been To I3 Ipf chur consider that all ou go s are fresh mKI �9),ger, of the 'Ca.,japanir liffice, it was was the basis of iy -y Mont with hmors; 'A. P.� the an& 11) of tbe.!&*liLah; -ch, p ptically e ff� 7 orgaized� e, part and ts arA my Pait PAaroh items Iarger the own, Havj�ng c c and part H - MILMI" my Intered this will give every individual bu er the cb e4', bf tN� f th part H. V. I)Iobson� part I;, y sc a- tha n an7 el -but 0 e 'agreement Ia. ev 7 whil anO -The horne Of Mir. rI Ishareholiler, Mr., Samuel C6p Dore, art I, H. I I in, of Rl4ert, Ad, son to save many,, d lars in his or 14 single employing over three! Clins the -part : two Year,ald colt lawt drew T� Brown, of well'. was bl�, her pu s fbt the,coin' that is no rei!ma wbatevej tcr the Inlim- Moth ber of employees 1 o*reedl t I think. Ill'utt'.part I, hoonn D,., i 4 Be R. Mr atbe'has' mWe. My T. R. I',, -Tb,6� Masse-aarris ,Camp 00 uesdaY of last week seenq v bf -Inly Fail Season, ManA consignments � v 6- -all any .h ur New I I was �qutis ip, Making the Part II; G. S. Gogd, dallvOrQ4 - fifty biner very ihappy gathering _l44Xe8U In, 64 Cmpany amount t 1; W. F a at At. of Goods have arrived and thty will beinclud,-,d j,� th' k.'QuvII_ this le*"- e sla �91 only bout third of Grieve,' pq L the caputal. part �va$ fW "Auld Lang 9 verI wrr h Go#eml)ek, ps:rt -Mr. i j Mrs. Jdht Amdersaa, 110i and the -I M Mr. Beattie T. E. er. Come at once� a d if y" cannot com' 106 stock nd the 'balance is hem. by. the It ate e or 0 V onhe a�; rAither obare-hrobla eg, W Lshould ave t iotiga Lt I it In J. GaIlt jp c sol r Kher, Pat 11; A. 1. Uao* ho I are eceissary 0 has 09 fthat m lire �early. six ifeat TerritorY. were their A- as you can, into publ �c prl it I ush t 1. b000rs ; V. At 1(9 Old girls, and buys ioif $ the Bec t gui$,e as tnucli Interested t�� e W01$4.� m1is-represent In 491 Lt. The ne ornom the Doll Leppaid, pard II; b. is nd Early Choice Tart, of the town t lonly 1004s, ao�kedt to meet amd 6 P*t II; H., well -as Mr. Compally, MOLachlan, rt'I; I#e He says tbat, I lbought my e f I - -- R myZe f In the way I., ezftg *Rb thejn.a ught )olemaq- al, the well kom yn They al has kme, $$,500. ayl 'be not wish cattl all is a fundry " a bdnors�; R. L McNevifi, partj; J. for k -of Fullartaa ebbed -togeher� wW al Ahl Lis He 09ain mkip-states to, )dlo the Com MoMabon, paj t I. honors; W. C. r -MMI, 901ag concerA foi Loo t the fac ts, Pan Y MY larni.. bu for lenty at Inte because he"s rboUnIg7 in he Jd the tone of 11§ le ter fancy t 'from K#e, part H i M. I.: Pearson,, pat- 1; 660 a0res ot nd, Isouth, ot quite well &ware tbwt th plant -M the IX yn. "d there Tea as'. served onors was a gre-at WiDS-clused forbelarly. f fte has 1961 11. Firldham, part 1, h J� _M W -e of good! 41thl;ngs Vie sibundinic rgains, wo 7 aft" before ata0e, rter, Pa. man has Tes%mt- rt., 1; T. Sandea, I bought It, and he iO also well awarei ig Ito venti ed. aq t' 'Tbe e Ica I treit which' he Ills 0.aclaer In lHarvey"'s s In was a IM1116 A. Stephe a wereisunc -and 4 e, kAd t that It * and � sin Igor" Son, part n; v.. E. ot a gohW emeern. ancl tb� tjh it expo4,,* an, nd has cepted a a old Aeus, )par, ;. L , EN'S' ea as n -en of ;fair play. a; 14 - W., 0. Strach part, chool in tam U1 —125, M 'S FirSt-C s neral r- that 'the business, wae completely dead. j4effee in the Ldnd mi, at 4ealary of 4$560, played, all t dul caK4 bon%*Z; E. _StUbhs, pait -I 11 He I Is, not town of Seatorth, 'could not have -found while felt ymmig eviCin rlght in the - mout All pose s sizes 34 to 44Y good i ingteBlansharl cheese factory-, 16- thwt sonia ovier 1 n1leth rrWlyn, part I;,W. j. cat palitj for the plaint It, He referIs 04 ile, Rdal IiIiWia, Moore, � farm, was A. Turn, pe 'lends, th e I'llectric. Ijight. Co style, sin� ie or double breastedI to 041k 11 1; J,.* G E. Tees ae�ttlei'jlviul M6 doubt iber Panj., destMed IbY fil'& on- TueWay n*ht )uf Iremii a;rt X; H omson, ICanada reg. price 7�. oci to i c oo, removal s t with the, t aofd has V, klitaid hes f or 1B. T w rs w r 'made tbem � h Tre] VcF4 -The Pettlers in Wityr-thern that. my wgree r n t wetik. The fj�e 10 supposed to ja ale price 11 lea par�l I, bbnors; ;'Alberta. all ten ye. -Ws ago veftted me f I om do�- Heavehj R- 'A- OrWhati4 from he enghw ro6m, 6PIT19 th y Will! to e -It I,13. Weldb, aTt f arkig bUtftteffr Par be Ing ]business at-ftensaR, and th'a I all the w1ehes for -the, R � 1� -Mr--1iW, Halloi j3iAk. who -h" be. t but he. J1140 uc seem to 13� ot C am of the Or% Wedt)- e ni4eptnery, rfools wad, p 'op the I durin VX ns Men's Dress�Suits. in all the 10 Wilson,'part I; new coloFs d n W and itchell ose U� &tterns used In g1ne a it, I t, H. sehool staf George Artr strot*,, WICh -Thresber Cmaten r,� EA� _NV Provinew. farm'Inear Fort the pa -A leav, b been opp9lted Iseb- kinks so: bla k A blue, inection ith-this plant�weim �a be c any one �bRTH.--VV al onne sizes.34 to.,44, OW with IAdams, part B;, S Saskatc4l ewaft)4 has el M. er� 1 Imoved to ffeaf6ft and added the ice "�ster of 1AY11 In.wheat. I Beamw, p4tt, bon<Rs; G, A. B 125 H46 si AaDVWng tha I have tak a�- Will lbrcLsh 41) or double -.�r� 01olemalia pla!bt. en up so kmt1tu%-, at a �91 Of $L_ M. asted style, �r6g_ Pricl These alone, Witt xt any al X �L; C.'E.,, Cafley, part 1; jang much et 710RX Valuable 70ae, part budhels o the acre, on me an4 ca Itali 01 pacej and thank,- TZ'ILpo to 20"00, removal sale price stock In trade other 'A-� Eckin-ler, -part I; 1, B. Eawon DOU91 4merm* formar 25 oin a 1111d Ud. A -It Pke Ing- 011- for Your r,.�VaUj TW Ikliad forbe anee, nt thA In value to: morei thlgwwn. I - - .. pirrinelps-1 -of the �U pubAc Behook prices 9A I - will net eualwh! to %I&Y "lu!, I . I - I t�l; MOD. tor Price -paid for the Coleman in . . I , Dmcipw Of & le at the the t 11; pUar h , par has b" INC AND OVE 0148-TtO Comply with 'these -c TV, WaWt III; A. F oeraltr part 11; Southa pub 1�0#ftl at an ital h15 fWM lxhd twlzeovr.. RCOAT � " ': S: 6 k a �n Finch, PartJ; E. G.;Fr n -k. Dart Salary 75 0. he, Vald 1 toe it. In s4dtt 104 he bas, n I had tO saccifice the M4�0insall b ildin"_ LMERT BELL.- A ; X. Gee., part I; A. tW. Glew a s9;0 C par q I4,1 df -crs. of oats. Near b ica, d oats. cloth orthe''rubbber g r4 pot ri r �g which cast about $5 -Rev.'..W 11�b Swg lhaIis 140 aCr4ei that 14M 40 7, pastor .000, *ndl aV halc6 an's V j,6WS. 4W. Gerhardt, part I; R. E r A Woking I , n p Ing these fW oe veral �m #S, wftj m out any arty Fr*yterlar� chuteh, m% rc of, 'all sizes. The'Coats h just b 'm JII; F. Helhbe6ker, I; 4C. 30. bushels ito -the acre. join twarb the same for the 7oung people of Ithe conIgrei len I 604 $1,000 IT& the Editor a & an t V "Q�L, has ITO I acres of oats so U receive of all, pat I�1. d in tockn,f were slig son,. -part Ir; �,rrit, htly darnag in' transitj� b, it r0etyhmeru�`proper which cois�t me aj3out have received a '14 It*. df a4 Inforffilli part one ev� re which t`h6 LE. Erwin, part 1; L. M. Kay, part The�-, ishow st-ne of lodgir4 1n,1Pjgcft 3 Oq V t9till following out 901 I ,for $3, venty preeenti, hifig to reall 1 urethe garmetit Be' Is a' COPY, hidkki0&-y prin. honjoirs; Jr. W. Knipe, -part -A. W�M ab --.;The, FAMonton Board f ba& have', a block of, t4t.4e 'which OL nnedy part 1I; M 1 K, (41y, p wtre� b19bly pleased. with the 1h I 'Ion Of the V ijwi�w to �ains 061W Bargaii4-__.'` F. H I�ESTJM. rt 1; J. pect SP sure zft one 0 these reg.. ptic .9,60 $7,000I YOU e cost lch bee L enl`_ art I and! p t II;. them by thelir op" t- tween amoint and A it &Tt 'Holmested I m�rlte yi, these L_ � M. -Al Z e price....'.... orbW to wil - or and teavo P of Poets as a TWUR an st _Wftokm fti ye W ou 1 g achers to _�tan ye 00 the ad, ot I LiNgford, �arts C�aAd D; HI Moor, te wear I oval &av oo, rem i, I Vavya pub which h4ve e 14 value o the* be, o bonual the St. c school have Ucc r, cld:t airt'(1; 1. W." Maso#, part 1, hm of beautiful flel, to of' Car &LLt_S_. RU i aw* Ithis -electric pcv.er. I 1 think we ore 0 extent r&-engaked -at an i advance of $25 ieac a, per edt. T are a are' Itax0d, now. morl wh1ch wil Mason, PWt X; M. L. K. Money 7164 avr- fe*, of the i9a IfIce, twable t PrIncipal �Uwerson, whO T h- I ad to make 'to imeet I think I Y011L ai,t xceP Sam e 0 hoor rt jj; j. MIVeo L' 8 of from 25 t -k 0 b- and : , I . J_� viercoats, size n Scotts - I 1. M Per -acre t2 s 34 to styl l' s, adid, a e' erage CMPS 40� a eW Oy to xnbVe.to.Se forth of $50. Mr. 0" . should! (get out and work an these &1yem. nungwo+ wheat-, j.6-0 cii 100 -bushel He Is b1so; a, M re tit w fancy colors, and �lack. Don't miss this b .1 ��'i "There; is re 'tblt,'Ithe 4t`S_ lights I a�O 1; IF. H. 7 as as MUSIC 11 f Oats RUd 35 to Ur buab�ls-of'baiia. tate. camec�ted, I he i 'Coleman Plant 'YOU dod"t Ig'o--yourself send L Part I* H' j- Instructorl at a ealay *1 250. ith 1t I It ter, part 1; roudfot, pa�rjt Fall wl eat promises 6tts for an unheard of ba lr; in here for 001y :Wmw out a couple otgood; _Mjm:� Nel;jie pe men ev,; to thel Deer when pucchaaed cl I ,think: If . I crop I 1' man a& good thirds Or.tree-qu rteirs of as re an ac !e, and J nn Itb s faU * Northern Alberta. In Will You be ne the- first ? - Reg, pripe, Kxnlyx f two you, bad another Fall wheat will -U- -1:95 ople' A; ersoqt -part I,, 'M- 14- Foirks.� #Orth Dakota, ReP ot b. art 1; Sm -11h, part I; H,, Itlog sown Ithat In e that Rank -in, and Isend hEm, out ' time. piece aft and fiends in t1itr-bell. Sh& -0 tj wl Is 1).4,tock, part , h lit. The 0 uncil iq fligh a �resldefi the Crop! and a C&,rjad )of Mj :� D*Lan and IW liar. II; F. -C. Setnhoff, par; 11; �tudent eat tqr seed T8,.o r�m>val We price............. I&h ors;' M. Stuar he dtstct 2,00& acres are prept4T,ed for �oo it Oil has = acqulred,� -unCt f ng 'e 11!�vT afgdiWt You. caa .0t a thirteen acrets, in conne. few y0tea bt the d1f High Sabiot&, Ic Ion W! �h the that ariXivied at Port �-Q�skagchew#n was myis y oi Le �urins liout. and r Idoes ibI own share we I will- beat 'them, at a iox �in all 'n'; w Ogi, and a to I , ; works. He lso knowa . ti [Wilker, part I I E -part IL bat Is _n' lbspe at I county ischoo, 0 sold w1thin an bour to. s at elf. If ever 31. WInhold all-' flik.nes and vill Boys' ver Mp SiZeS 28 1to- af ter bulldi t t ul-Iddiox -al ow So 0 coqt�;,, sai le lot V t amo- mt of Is of $2j000, a iyear;. Ur 3.31 ualifted for N Inal Sc hoolp. mwo andI there is a denn for J t, T e, fallowing dest troMl uron ex lner7, tool yot�v n done rne j favor, nd now -Mr- AtgUS: MCI)erWd, of Pensive imac ilner-7, tool styles. There wAl L not be -another chance ra �H or foAir: caloads in the me disii pa�tte' and It has ',atne o the. time, rill -help you ford, e4utprnent for maidifact md Perth bave pa FrlOaY aftrnoon -aft "r -D"! U cam . wih their i4ow, Reg. and threshersi wind qta ker§, eederst, . . . . . . �xaimlna- tak "Ted ake it 6.oc -o I ske Pau per ie t4ni e of "arl's 1kreft laOt- 'Tut q4 fieso to, W. -A n -drew Agum dent anidf e inal F� un request like tW. S. T e's If I dai. The coun11 of - Ithis town aprice wantis. i Ithe tips, Which qualill s ;o,ut of em�_ I day to �L j and, -mill, machinery has. been added. Mr.; McEermhL. late 4 jg�ne:ral manager o- Guum, WmLW. .9.091� removat sa, e pay;slif vau dowt get -out a4nd trahce !to, the Norm Sdhodles: i Beat4els infortratlon, f fTqm bed� For. Mr. that ievehinw, arote while tv a-mullig on a train to M-Out-TftX I dbes not ilreiLdy know, i,,,hore he do eo#ie'tb g you, will -be beat BUROW.-T. . _4rmstroAr, honorg;, the dar�,, drank from in open r the dther day. He b9d -b(en spending one If W N. Archlb y fa in our plant, which bxl ))ee nAy jii� the past � month with his ta- nily -4 e I get beat we will be - iswa` mpedl �14; F. Br 'as E. in the po'Intry. Ihe r tp 1001 Bo suits. fli�fe- This Is all for the pr"ent wn; IW. G. Birny, W. 0. Butsizon, �he lay it a� neve iv� seen bci�g C011- _pjny wat � ony Eggs art -ted, J tro IYS r h;. d, since the tCo�m ene ilutil time. Vednesd Dover. *ben he Was caged 10 Mionkreal bon Irs.; ic C. W'. D. ganized, which Cast -more mohe r than evening, 4hen his Imother, who de pr- taining b0ter qu �ty cloths or indre stylish]. Ina J. Brock on tis!4 xv WILLIAM DUO R. E. Clark; J. close sve*_g by�' found him at' ithe �Poin-t. %th-W � all the machki. achij 0ey in the, m e shop f Haigmv,�lle Caledopla" atting ark; M, L. (jo-vvaT4 honors; A. F. Ideath, ad Inents, mostly all frPsh fro the iTtakers, Plain kni�cker. ar d and w W �i, d od o� ng e lrt�neift o! th,� frietal, -M. Grabam, he PE Dan 01 -A f eirmer who lives to the, har W Coleman plWat liwhen I bdught I Electric I �kghting. wlIth f atatnese, felat 0�fftr, actleal- eS9 SlZeS 2 P.- I , Iftherty, of St. M4r�z, Wh le 6-01nig -toh m' M. I. D�Ei-p r M. A. Diirnhi;. bloomer knicker st 8 to 33, twOr r. Beattie, would like, to -rna ce it To & Edit& of 7 at to,% n 1jr �,explred in bis a and three piece he Expositor.- In ii FhV9. ad. rMr. reg. pric E. an Satu�day, -W" over, M.- Doyle s its) e. 7- 06 to a ea that I 9m Isome favorEd ndivid 1894, 4fter considerable, persuasion, -we PaWbairn, 21 taken by tl Le Gunn AS ne of the leadIng bmshle*- I onors whoi has been rellev,&d froq P&Y.- *4e a a Galser, honorls torm. The borse,! 0-oo removal sale price... WMe P11U1n6 _gala;t men of CawA�L. He was nduded to purchaise i n; P, M. G1 rl ; . M f lftyHtbrft Ing Itax&9, and fro perfbrknh�g. Ilga, light 01ant f�om; -Wind, Which Almost held It from Iyeara Iuf age, T4e w" 9, CMive, the An the �OWRL Ve were hon�rs; H. A. Gri J. F. ( Irk -As oother lot o bo s', odd s E� $-285 time as a ahzein of the Z4 y dits, removal sale oric ,wn PrOeee the aTne- came: .jotr, Wr11jaw i C41mn, .01 aWjm. jf�s n- allowing the w7dT"j to un L 11 do n J -wlLi , he twomIged exemption of taxes for t - WC. Hendeir HPewl -1 not Oink hat !,there Is any pe-rg ,I, in year& a � free Waxt Uip tle andparther In buinese w lkllw -lewi We wre,ed to AIL 1:1 so- A. HicklI11194 st"a, V61le- The bU99Y w6st -sallfing hs , a, t aforth whose, intelligence will allow established an Incaadeecent, lighting Ago in stree e *-At -1 n c them to ackwar4s bbfore .the Wind bl, It rea 0 TmMto! Al Felt flat b �Ti'� J. Hinch ey. bonors; M. b s alqrs and black, stiff 4 i be mi11sled te were H M. jal ons. 'ch, where J -t ovaturned, itb y' such lbafted tia. a max A. HoUst Yn es, hm- ed the dit ti rem -The �iouthern partt e of thre, Ime ekson. I. Jaml, Mon; R. ing -the �nan Ifftw a foot 'of *at 50: to H has auttered -severely du. the p4st soft., all styles a.11d sizes, reg. price I Imum r B nts per lamp -per J. E. Ja V1. as t I ha,41done 'to ntitle night. As a matter 'of fact we have 9, Jarrot,, C.. G. 10 --,.qtra1soTd ratepayom r 0 er & G. Kerr, from elerIcal, wn4 the - --oun Awo cents in hovors,l E. 1:1, La-ey;. y. The 1),4r.00 StAorms tphe nty �of X -00y ri�rnoal sale me Ito the "fa whi e two weeks ca riever c, iarged more arrield An ; R. H. mond Mor ib�-Iaws Ca Fride, jmt ha4 a cou 'S aec, seem so Wllll�h togrant. In aftwer to. special 'paIses, aa ot3t aTlay me and a Munroe; A. L. Marti 7�42.w authorizing the exp8qdRdre S I.Lbi% !'have t made any. clad-na Ior half On-tsper lamp. We aIgIreed, to fur- J. C. KillUan; D. M ;qaiis h0nom; $12,OW Lt the rebullding of­tbo Fridav 19--st. Severe fleyno ything -ot' electrIed storra -I P sn4i'UP re to I t agal. aessed, ovej, chat- ore Y. triq W. Pickard J K. IRI ck all sizes, remov- 8, all th' eas R t11I h0n0rs electdc 001,11waT by-law granting 8ats 9,0 i5. dozen en ancy. Shirts, 45. Linen �iaving. d, on ep alish 6urren, for Isti 66,t lamps fqr $60 J. T. MitchelL hanois; J. M. Pfeger� lien ft�msl a maority. of bam and vidnit special 'f av I rave 0.1 d o per fin:iirm _y The 14htning, tAruck sizes 1440 I is.s f Ufft my oligations - and do m r � duty Wu IthfD end of the 111 yeays we aski,- M. A Price, I onms W. Reld and nited the barns of Wood'SmItat.: I firanchisei tor a loed'service A al sale t of f brOIN : - ds, beaufful ais. a bumble juesiden the town. I ed the "Co-ucil to IR Kent -in Inew goo on of honors; G. G. Ross, rs-, T, F. b: _Pr1a* --d of pr 1 192 lkw am* 48 9 9t us remissb mAght add thai I am -aw Sinith was hij wbeat tho i armX ater- eg-sedi to my taxes for another fl .,years and freo Iftaughan; . Scott; G. IL ILI w&Tt i. The Power 'by-law: auhorizing. f Ma 'patterns,,. rem. al icp tj* V Urne, ano pr I sidential rb rtj bthe amic jot of water again, wh1ch -a us to E. W. Sttnsob; M. 1. Sicatt; L, J. Staple- chah5e of the *lp_-_trlc light plant ha D pwieficed in diffifeulty was hey, T ed cauld' b ing, it b& taxes �o the amq itt of 'do, In oi� ,aged W_ 2,500, w1d, pa but In order t bell Drs was the t and ater they A. ThMPS01n; J. H. Vatt; S. J. Wils. Inst, 29 �hcd rxis-la$t Tbj� dece 64. Mr.. B 0 elet us on, Ithe toh, hdnom; -A, Surbrus, also"I'a wkmerl the vote lbelug cb1ne, w�jlch wag in the bal-A. TA�j estion of M of -a Ile tle a stere bulldt- q W oc sy wea t s bki Main o hdis assesseO To* agmed to pay us $6 �50 per larnp, and ton; L. G. J. Waton� hanom - Underwear, Sox,i -1AFork Shirts, Overalls, gri ki S C' wlll be beam Lambtm a3 -Mrs. 'Greensid", wife of the 1h 4- good tenant, we to paytaxes, and water, which otmn_ swath $L5OO, In phid i he�b. a 6 we Watsqn, honors; AL Widlace, hnors. em at Atwodc nwt With a Vie tird and all kinds of Putnishings, only partl listed here i, lud, 7 the Isaula IL ttled an, I Y4 O nd rrom I whl n he im doubt vft have dope, amount two MOOS low iund 50 W erl o, durfin n6; L dent drlvki;T with a f riend 17i J�js cyclone 8we tlwMgh Bosanq ivi--.re he coil �tjnued YZ off repilar sellin prices. & ,profitable from Itfie rec t. He -year, $251,25. to boinsIdeti- towe they ctussed a brWe oWn ship early Friday 9fterm-don, BuVrItt; UAL D. Darrie; W. G. Cole Pt uses -the -building 'or hits We. bave added III honors E. Caww r, I I Q buys m6Ae a noltie and 13tartled� tb MOTS ad good own otafts;' L. bame, WVch, made a gudden j;W48TVp, M)Len% 11�maV to, pays taxes o. t1b town ably and we have f I Orandon; P,']@. Fry, honors; crops n aib f the was ac�omjaaled 43y Ige at the se Ito Itbe &.'noun $4845. It th re are light f* the streets., 'tares dnd bousies a Fuller, onorB on� side, md boM the occqPauty wer tetrific gownpour of bil god r ITerms of'Sale=Cash—(As we could not 6har t idrnUlh�j b- H. tbrown j�ft. Mrs. the as Is f prices) t seems to mi e d was itbe worA istarm, jot Ve provide, A�h 13 city In the 6untry. Giemaicift �p 'n 'he couter; council as Any odsnot'satisfacto will b bichanged or preva x w are 7 I dther to= or Freeborn; holnors R. Fidler' had 90 ry a, s: t a d: 4 c t R. Gilmer, bonors; 131, E. Gollmitz; 1), w4startund Ito break ber arm, amd has over visited Lau*ken lghr8wd aJna %arefull botIels, four K. H A. Haines, bon- received S'e cuts and brulses. live -s were Ust, InGlleY refunded. d redtion on Ibut Opeorge �ars t4f a, f or f l4e, churchez, f 1, Veral ougli t6 ha. Is res��4� ce out 31d, oi habs� � 55 places of b shi and aout ore; R. V. Knox, himc ess 'Part rs R. Knight C-il that; Companloo tseaped with a rx; Vere bak a faraler dh -the 16th oIespected. the corpor while being, ablb 90 houses, besift gi et lamps. t L..V_ King; G+ R. L)gao; V. P, Ing T.p. at and 4nd onons M. B d to �iarticli�at all Ithe c6mfolts_ litle Inbre. f we- ooqfjd, run honwg; R. L. MSITMIM91 h t. -A vi lei Mother wer cau6vUt bebeath tL odl- ase of exp ectr1e sborra s*ept ov- lapsjn6g, baM atn(j, the formet. 1'errbIT benelits Iti d derived f e c double the nw- a rapig we are Morrison; S. L. McLachlan, h er tratford =4 vilchaity on Fridwy Injureit- EEls rom bloL 1nber io ghes� Prices fo r Butter apd Elwg�s to*p, he 'doe., no Ifow ru�fi�, and ec at ford to re- R. McLean, bdriors; N. Mahaffy; M. V. afternoM Hi aiecItion, with Jaw was broken amd y pa7 all'y Suxgbr� from internal W Ifurray J. Maloney, hc nors i and *Tbught colisider1%, taxe his- resideaffla1l i duce our ehargM bu the ver uriel5o V. Mo�- havoc to;; andft beese, T _11LIO 41.qo b&My brubW ia P 4 1 , ty, _14at It se Ito ime Aha he einj limited, consu, ption, lo ,exiigtinjg the Quaye; If* -ac=0m, croW. A c a1D: While -mother to canum, 0 6 3DUkey tOry 031 the lfbeb - -the same IT*1v ela GraTel Road, SI aftd, shak,on up The barn, *blcj� Itt- vi'liv eges as 'the rateps present rates re 1 B. L Mqmurj�ay R KeWtO'n M- ,A� lice tOwmbil), 40ut three 8nd r. had talned ae seasWs m6% was a; h e I In t14 way of good - eld, wa OTH IkX, be� It cWts us ba x 18 per horso- Of,'Orfidy Pluder; R' -Pa1klns0Ti,;) miles f-`01�1 Sttaftrd, Wao ptruck bf Vera 0 they 4 sr., of MUCC 0 3700"11 . G. tal by hisdau Ater. .vOreck. 1-1verythIng eetTjc 111gMing ind power �he 'Year roun r 130 400ie- . H. Raddif fe.,,A.. R�oss; K j. Rot (good streets, 7e lightning,, tstu.nnin In, the path at the itorm� wt* suiar roma frorn G C JDOWer �or n. T bol was entwit %I UL IN -9 SU me he bou f Inson; 0' RTan; A. Rya4n;,, R. L. struck iffil -inakln6& roo ID other convenle ces ght vice. IF, e16 ct W 0 in ripped off Their hr i He also spo k �bout MAIV1099 b un-.; have be�a offered a prolucer ga;q plant Roach; J. W. ROW% honors KMOTS4 wheat and otber crops -bekng. A round 00 fortu iate In 4 ndming for orr e. Or Taftem, CRMP-, ,n the Is Id. level%d�:srd bopelessly ulned_ Or- Ipan Mir- 6 'IMaCaUtIsed to f urnlar he zame Wk E k InIK and burned a bale two feet square'L tbroinx Dep, Wt S ft 't of $12 pa TL chard itrees lso ouf fered In ta-0,6 t�ura.. i4ibed the V X ta the 1BI& of '�he, wal� Wom;A a �El 5. .1 am isorry- hA rw, lorsepower bl's leudL V90 7Ver P L t%Vv#Azejja!E. 1!a�r, ho#mg a -way thz .0Uj4X IIII