The Huron Expositor, 1910-07-08, Page 7r 4 wlei A-, J 7 j - NOW 4' A L Th' a W-se*fts a Romiga-- 'Mpm or 'Cue u - t nIt ty, it d tbf ;"Ialty' 02"� ore Paill A VIAM to roll .111 palef ablev ka :Ag zal&soe *4 Qlo�rlch jUaet, *A* row, back oill a Og �b -of rellet, the Vi *04 at, pr� ftatra offiml, fka. nes of- i­Tbank-Godill.he said rd -POT o# a furna ft l. RB - the ift-rishine Installe terI4 with g and lug Theght-I 4A41. no wbr.cls. d In your uld be able endure urfac rL You oca will tell e,wh1ch -0ii4eticany seals Wwried- - by hev silende, scliplitolus ftnitndetis 4eat �.nd to or llelos� t o4r euiWsion um_ A t Our'agent.1 r -1 lity 0" UP thO Pores- Seht- you many other reasons, cone 0 reason is _421� hi !Pst. the, strain ehded�, she plain— repel tie attadkfflf sulPhur Stc I m t be, oa tion. the idem Dom. gradua at tbo Qmtlll;& eastly repels he atta&s ithe Point f Watt' fu n& beverage. fth%&1* Lwe - .1 ie't 40 tW Insts't. upon- Remember, the Sunshine is. 10i a0laorwy, 4 bi at. Of #as fumes and thus greatly teed, by the large�t makers 3"1410A Axpocladva e-. w ndiv at her pr4longs the ,Ire guarall of' 00 6hade and 16*dred'th oft-s—zes the Ther,aterial co 11f6 of the only used of furnaces in British Ode 0 Mau" of 4a, -Dq�ft da . I � I a it, n d ve clol' psed.in her he Suhsb V Sb emed,to ha'� T ne fire-ibt is ta FM '00 - r14 ' I for a pot is igray 1ro, heat -your home to your ntire wo flesh "d i p Binpire, to, streosth 4 5 no fuetber. by the ap I �, Se fire -Pot weighs atisfaction. der. 1 ln� 86 S&*Cwty. - gainst -the daft upt o1stery 20 'Per cellk heavier than the ly and her halt slion A4 RUGGISTS -ftervill Co. e Jlke Pale old mats Now, avoldi. technical sante size and pattern lin ray os �d, HU41 terms, gilay Iron has what irot. It 1$ therefore better able oppoolte Dldk notell half -light., Hell: e es utere*i6l -she beld� a Ikel will recelft prqopt &ttonf erchlof to -�hr lip may bc dalled."open" pores. to heat. - ---------- Thro theseL as as (wrea lor The othet b, jay lin1p. ores nor voleed �all he advaned tO the adgt� em. an F �Obably f In start i to the des 'uctive su �Cu-rne an hour. that pt�rturbpd her r 1phur ;�' 1�,9fdel Is made by out over th-a "ThereIg all Z, 11 - exclusive McClary pro-aess. e Lnorb-,­ s,,Iitl attack the iron azid hasten ish their ft took. -i ip threer She Stllipd, and I- bit �LRQAL. ky fell presently-" uly�j , tber, 1-1 hoe disintec. rati6n. T,61� can only get a.Seml-Steel "�,eutual he 9111, stop" mvel bea will-thinh RhY of him.11 i Clary no more. . 111 row thd seat -and., t hu jAUES L. XUgLORATt. �y bllre�pot with a b1c ea�ln, 0 Boo�. ''Kirk-li-60d, bpn t' t6 On tie other d, Semi- furiiace, Viat Is one stron t"Indeed id reason or right to -,#WrLta, Wicitori Notary-' Public, Pedre it, --fle U co d,br- him up'nud so for, tbp fli-st tin e a 'a 9 fQ -a werO. dr'OVTAed by Jn, Sfttortp Mon, her syn qe St el I� close-gi�Ll ed ma,- rea�on whf you Money,to loan. ack! thl'ok oth( should have Oil the LAUCR, an& gath that she b=- FrIdLys and Satur(larc t�a;l some li� was had. brou lit w th lief 'as his actlon� w ---.red In due coump_, M&W xtreet. Sestorth. D might ha� e seeii ed peculiar 'tonl,-,bt.1' .7 1*eek Ovef, wrong. a- of As he p la it ever dsy�- He ok a of a small black gladstotle 1), stw&t'l ed It oi "There are of thlng�s I don't un - hat Ann we do if may for br Her full .0146 out of e ob- w;ird seat their eveq inIt. il'14 dersta4d, Mlss:. Calendar. Some -q'dldnt know" be began.. day scurlty'lsta�ti� gly close �,Jry ear. ZT11ber, Solicitor, Cuxveyancer perhaps, It will up -this trou-� st not to -beat to t On tb4t �Iit was to gei: "The door- - e bolts� -1 caWt, budge iWA �NobWy�.Fub S01clOr for the ble�,of yours. A Ile �s soon aS possiblp, Mnd i least, one supposes,it -In rear ot the them. e%PIq in, "that my* hel'ther Is trou eive be We ea -A send the boat bile of so4 e sort And then you. 'Let me!' en thinkh).- `e i aboard the lug the, gid wil I tel t ine,t�e whole story. Won't gger 0 thanh you?i lie pres9e4 iorwiird 'br;js4 ig ber .-nbsojutely no w of to InE Mulreatly, to say nothtug o3 X1 woo insisted. -- -1 Y(>u 1properly. nd shoulder. She n6t dra*-a*� vi, be4h yr5awa ald ()WO she sa dering X Bam. I' did m a id, with a yleldied she,con ndars -words were JQC V,116,t Y'- on must be t1i Ink d S at Smile o a Vlar b1s[ �f ?a y ftQ nig i a inoment dir two, str6l and -It IV ed a dMerent Inge,' abd what ha provea th f t to sa. lmp*sgible to, )!ier I to, IiL xg hugers I ng Of nie. Uoth mari zind g! va 1"We Stoics iv I b6 as -well. It's Cla.y�s r 1kr-"M I wh odby W1 ou -:­,DUld I t1hink of 01 �out toface him,, the me ublilcely bat was. a tt, f e".e. . sball ever meet London, Toronto wrontreal, wl�nlDeg, vaneouvier, L) oah. the other with a -Yet, not en ly consdol" e 7as T -With the' air of a St- John, ME., Hamiltofi, i0algary. -bolts 11 ively to take such ensItive. h6 was 01 Tp- - edlettolf. an the the not . quick. - 8: 11 tugg0d at thi W019rY 'child she-, 1pos laid ber head against "I refusR evil!'t exclaimed this Mr. Xm�p pubm. saucitor, -06r C"q ir agalnl� face to 6111i. 90d viatched him gloomy VIA i V Of 11 lid �ase.11 subtle She shoft-' he� bead, laughing with Fok Sale byi Chesney rchibald, Sea a t'his qld He gftn Bank 41 0DWIlaircti through lowered )aslle, u A' forth bduld. -hear her ex- low �Wrms for We. Office ii Yo Might be thinking that all ex. him but ith by regret. _so, v th-n- er".1 the g1rl *61ced hee oft- d 1 punctuating the UWA'Sllock, Main 1�trftk cAteme4t d ense nonL the g -London O.A. of Mm pladn to fis due you. EVI-if tb e. are leavin n, 31 qukt an w gh" . ed: abs lutel -eh d : abs we were y one and the same VW by, an hiapuls- ught tog6thef �as-ektmay,. tis very night. I father and I-Ieqv­ m4r�vood rose, exp n" meuted Calendar T(D StI61 lor'rl te dln�rj-, r. Kirkwood. Ing England, f that matterY to take �h 0 arm's and com you, m, Isl hd Thoe was a s- vish of peries and A� DR. JOHN Mdomm. Very Plirgland?" he echoed, Taking The Etandard, Bred Tr as gen-erc u4-, 4 mom:pnt later e was i ch nowledging S J0 ill S"Vebr.i r iock 1*s, Just as mucix y h gei: erous, ot IR ig enci, �Vlctorlz fit., he-�wlth-thei'.sstiucm atVvh If b0ve7l oi to 'YouOre unloDked for entrance of -readv wheu I inake aix -have g stallion yourse stand hy her lm&rth. YAMS I$-- qe Would re ]yoa?" her trouble, As& Ue had it V ere. ttit4e t :try can't, 'ell ybu. see Calendar,'� presuming began to- get a- bit and prot;ect Of Mi. , sbm� sor t of a ij� e.,cplA a America, the mistress of the house lea derfee- I keep IV' requiia a I ba W il �hought to Mulready began defea�-' attim &W Reiddenee-Godiarld�i i treft, to-, laugh: It g,�e- o*ek- the len- "I -don't see It,that "But you can -tell me thIs--are you �V,01.. XT Iftm to be the In closeted with. Mrs. ou! 6#,-! 1 .' A. T. ,ay, t �the Hluneap M booked on. Ot. the la�xbodixt 6hurch, SWrtlt, deavor. Evepi at t W-1 critical 461 Yo have in Record I' Awwww lifallafn; but, wh de e lihe.you oever that had fto" No. 46: Coronei� for Um Cloua,4- he� found hi t elf repeati. T Will st-and for the Improvement of #ak -this b. Mr, 'Nq-o. ing.goods at than, cort seasoa at biswn stftbl�, Lot 8, i0ons. &I H. R. & kirkwood R­quite.anotber bonV,' he did not accom pany the *oman. In- to x room for sprinw over to hii., c art the a 6 6.n. "Can kIA from whe r nd v0y mue been'. The �,ollow ot HUr0411 A "Of courl goods: -One Tuokers.nith, te mile iLud -u half south 6V'9gr41Dnd -wood told. el" li� c6minented q.tilage e 19ve Y -_';.a Is, -ery Mr. Mrl this b d lie said s ON ly. deed. as she adNanced.froin the door' Man s kurlined Coat igbop's) e be. 1�ve reg 124alid half a mi' e4L Terras--�KO to ins0e. �,glad If tbat's.the case and presuppos- "'It wouldn't be fne to have anY sort, DRS. 8CCFTT MACKAY. Could It bi I e at b6ur's �ac- n -an of luck I- lar for $24 60, - I dog Coat, ffishop's. JAS, BERRY.Propyletor Bgmor4villep. 0. an totaid ua r6ady answer. 0 -Qodexlieh Stied opposite I d6serve It. pers(,111111y he regu $25 for $16.50; Men's hmv Ist qUaintS.�fte?, i LbE ar -Y dl But he could taughe 'Since J �to say oodby so very cord'uroy reversible c oat IP5 for V. 99 seeba to sdif to have U' graduate of ictoria ble to the on. ask- a partfn favor, Miss Caleudarr?'� for $1.09; men's heavy undervvear, Ir a pace to the rmilling, hts felpi- , - , W I films' InseAs I � ��ie Th.e Sfanijard Bre-c4l i not lau.-4. ior;x6i been 4-ather forward." 1 .4 -od, 11may I men'A heavy blanket lined coats, :$2.6( virldng ith h1o'deen cha udgeste 'Kirkwo 7 soon," s "No - on 1Y kind and a�ge Stallion, rky flare of the ga;s -W Ann, Arb;jr and inembeir ot. Us Ha found tlemn, -he.. ad; draw a The A613ut- lease!" he pro"te, She rega,d re&llar 81 for 79c; mtn's heavy under 11 across 6648`0f FhY8!z:12nff P qt d. edhim with friendly eyes. Satarlo, Sur' bolts. The rl tigge and 11 rf:Ltt d W mr, regular 75c for 580 men's hea-v a face, ha atil G "Ob but I mean It. I "You have' e slie ailirmed te erdin=7, but marred by wt, -VW& --roner for the County of Runq a ery 4 very right," Mee- Lillie B. L) 0 12 VO -0 the kho atly tho door c pa 36d' Wby shoAl Jean pants, lined -$1.30 for $1.,P-. uct. tidy 1.11e. gent dn't V) In a- I tr y tamor and seamed with men's twoed'parits, 62 for $1.89 men! inward. Be, -a thr bed ten mlnutes,' '-� 1 1 5 A aCksy bonorgradualeotTeWty, yobd It, 05401 Ite 44T tell m T R half 'a n hour, pl�,"� to e frankly are E face that seemed hauntL we thall tweed ptints, *2.50 for $1.80; ladiO lWyerally, gold mtdalLst ot lZrinity, ten feet or niore, o f, C ereil-pa mage- t Iby -bl re �een, helast of each cfher, 0 tber danger?" fursi i regular IS for.V5.49 ; ladies' furs, GDllega. Memb4r. ot the Col -i 'way whose, entrai be -h med an j 61 02 1 -not t0l You how I apprpciate "And Isi that tIe only boon you crave re miises'furs, reg' aily fur untft tirkv. ood In a -flas-4 ort. Trial 2-26,J at 3 yews oll(i izemorY remastructed the- 1) ovf *i ot Pbymielw-s &ad Suxgeonx, glimmering dr, ft of all tu t h' unselfishly dore for at my hands, r, XUrkwood?" ladlice cloth jack, W PII A ar d for On V1 a man -who ineir fac. i a mprove t 32.501br 70c lathes' heavy cash 14U fresh. air 'a as e ehmd "Witbout'l ini erdriencell- stock this se on at bis Own stable table with two empty chairs:.. P th f Rmee., a doo them d� "It You ipat It that I'm I'Dim I For a little tilue, w-aiting for lum to mero hose, 50c 890 ; ihea�VY all wCA&I Lopdon Road, J mile Sou ppaiV. Thls� then, was blanetsUB0for$13.79; heavy com flel& TeTms $12 to insur4o" "'iNhere d e$ �thj ope" don't know,: beyoud tht It ewbr-' conclude hl� Vag pyable, 11 Ue phrase, she wotch� or e com- Jab.uary lat, 1911, positwe1j, Axvt mize- Mrs- Hallam. had -left at tw_ -Graduate at University of oronto #'On t4e, me s ,:,I she. i rass(vs meiborVbly to have ed''him in an ex pectant silence. But man very -i VAculty of Medicine, member of, Cot-, overes- for 82 for $1.29 ; Sop - eehive, oad price, ly 'The meiws! st ired 1: n co nsi er- dinate f, a6y ecur 111s tbe:'man was difradent to a degree. . At -n as Best and Cmo, logs ot Physicians -%nd Surgeons of Ont 010 so ag lua for' c; ie chest and shoulderst WX. BERRY & SON,, Proprietors. length, somewhat uncouscioutly, 0 E: $oap,- 10 bars for 25c a snow Urlo pass graduate 0ourves in Chl.4 nation at the aw I iovi I Via: st od Ec� be�n shown tbls night It is yours But my dear frle-niV Gaiendw, s ove Clinical School, off'Chtcago; Royal her face. e� i W4,! B1 it: you, in I'm forgpttlng�a-aln.11 He hou..,�,bt to thinli not," she answered, "No; there I left, re ular 45e for 28c -. sno w -'L GRATIAM NID. IT108 19255) -OLOt �mtlng him, "you don't sftinl' e for 17c -. see our C iE evenl4g 0* a gn I v� - regular ft4thalnila Hospitual$ ndon, Epg-i your 41rert her.. "NVbere sbftll 11 teli 6 will be no da�geT awaitin- we at Airs, T.J. EBURY & F, 13EN&GOUGH propliett),s to se -r me -for all your v2d' N-O;-UuIverslty CColleg Hospital, Lon-, "There's no tl er way.., er, all -new stoo1r, all new 310NMY, Mayfth-vk Ill lea -m his *svn stable oLnd We. m st cabby'fo- go this time, A119s Hallam!s. ou fear -for me -4- AwXugIaiad,: Office-13ack of the Do -t. deal' ns, ingrain, bu rlaps, 05. ellner's Tor noon,; thehee Pon 'lay worc as "$Craven re p ease, sq.1 more - an you. 1, noltb 'Too chance it, Ar 1 a rald?0 tbe girl y lcbWebum and tast to f&orp Wrties for In't expected m ----and our ens- MWob Bank, SWqrth16 Phone No. 5. Pat- cro ns a crepee, 200 di-Heren Afraid e 9tevved �a ilde. 'She ad add in qr �(-r I igUt- TUVDAY—West to SMUWs Comer, then ed sL house uu b im . 116 lifted 's br Ws at the unfandliar terb� to choose from ; hand hs, north to Win. HqgggartWs. tor noon; then ivest by Nhy. you too!", at so clearly unde=tood #At - answeri4 1rom realdence, slipped by bin an I on. to meet My if there 1%fis, Ha laml�- regular $L25 for 7W corn, p of RIPP cG eg f �m r. theit heVotorla, SWor HA cl6s�d e atber ith thjs,pt name. -E% -jad to Ja& X r o a r e door� eareful13 re novP ig thl 2�- iej - ildlcatin-!thp gladst 0 get our Prices on Mith 31 railestbt one bag,, aven am oi n to, her house -it Or mato s. 3 for .26 wi�*t and Bouth t Robt. Coopeew Yr- irony was east­�"dld for night.. WEDNESDAY -M) Mmeedeld, Gaistes lockIng It on ,he putside� then -Joined. Street." Pago Wire Wo*en Fence and 'Coiled AU=ON=Rs� "jaunz�uIlb stop for000n;,thence to Varns for night )r 0, -moment I'd I& myseg Wir6 bef ove purchu-141-13g. Our price's where he will reim the girt it . th� i en Wine e - to vs, APTR VT $"Your fatlier Is to', m6et you there?" 1tft#ooD. t tM Thurrydky d by that yap from TROMAff BROWN. where. tpej priused p e are away- down. TRUASDAY -Afternoon south -to Mll*reen, ,Mr rf9rce. Ahe as. i1r.KWOOD thrust bead and sh lul-- -Persistently I ball �& mile to W. Lort's for nigbt. FRID TAcensed 4- _AY -To ,*ore you banking on =t auctioneer for the countlev� much d1concei ted as -lie, 1 -his -,primary Hiftreen, soulth to gurlo Fwrd, wen to loww4y deri out of the "He p'romi§ed to." P. BOWEY &Son,: wind w an d �lpw Hotel, fOr noon. Aud *H1 remain until Bg ord V it', Huron and� -1 amhled out underl Carrespondaice -1 my faii�h objectioi.i. MOM Mb Lrfl, wamh t tru t d the It -East 7 noze! Dorotbar� MY dealr-�W---' OMPUY amwered. mediate � ax. g TMA, ce cabby corZIi ugly, "But it he shoii dn! morniurp -SATURDAY to jam" ro�n I - I 22W-tf Brucefield for 9 aL�*- a a cart be ade Her eyec the, d m as they �ury ed thl bond itiOns ii� :KF but ruse had beenJ neffectual' "Why"- 7�10*ded. he upatiently -m cums er. 'lips ver the bonj,),Ctnr I following Monday morning. --ready-4 . cums Ing I eir e as he, fd by Calling up Ph6na. and when h6 ot b ick again. Pursed h e a sea )e." I 7, Zeaforth, or that bag.r in ws waA buWl: "qud Quite.6ompos e a=07ance. "W. Y, event I TWEXPositor Offite. Charges moderate Quadrant edly the girl *t, Qk Ul)"tb . . in -that Sunnil - -cKillop Thm. Imported ClYdes. -Mv g-umanteed. in #nJdyink tt�ey, N#ht I Halen thread of. con"ersation h0re 'it had SuPpOse' It oulA be very embarrass - AW _S09fa- iad , J. Dorrance, Mi e 'd ER OF i tug. ow Mrs., Hal- dale 6'alfion Wrealdfs face (it w9s. pvi."'� sultry and and te *0� and been -brok n off. You s 6, 1 don't kn the wood that this pbase �;W* B. a. F doorsteps wturrwLil. fringed and c1ti* �"Tt's rather rd to Ite lam. I. don't -know that she expects Large English Berkshir J[ia, -08-" LS no- more enigmatle ton auctioneer f6r the colfati". 'fj�arDft Calffklm-l" Mr& HaZlam 71080 tered with rep�eseritatl�es ok that C W nie unless *y father Is already ther L o u-- d G Ws. 1", a 7w, o i , e e. kr). and drew It Hur0a *AW P19rth. Being a pr&ctl And ie�ester Sheep aside a c nd Urmsee and f LO ons latloo ww�h ftf= d drive thorbigbly They fire 6�d fri nds. I coul cloak, digelosing the � gla C�uld hear the man!s I wmkeep for so -vice on Lob 26, Oaneewon 6, Me- Will stand for improvemcint of throu t, 17, t, taste or round for. �whll and come back, 'I the 7slut Ot tirm- stock and 'news gh foraebt VA'y XiAkwood* eirumstance. Duke XMMI, mrelly grasped in one exrNOV, 2 - 'Suppose fdot;tepa on the f4tairs. rted basr Chumery - thi stooL s season at his n gtg e., Plaeft me In a bettor VoA' C.. ow bl 2 a -of the gr shim to -eu xance I wb O'Thl mud' ehamplon bw, Premier sood prim, Cftrpa Oer against ti you let �'ne ask if Mr. CaleA- ts Mr. M*,vpod?" The note ffnucgfe�lqw. Terms Oil %yable at #14 time of ear- Lot 22, 'Concession .18, MeXillop# re, ft� th to J&r. --XftkWoqffw ermsJ, 88 to insure. der is xe bef0 L e 8stbitu-t1w #U&rAAteW of Kirkwood and tl �e g�' I lurked, 0M. you got out, then? of, lnquiry in -he *1e4l trglzied voleea ftm, with the privilve of returolng it ue,418SWY. luring YrungZatwk aL" for sale. 30 Pay4 All, ardem m, 1 m Mxe4 ij, g 11 -q to be 41smissed ly he laugh- aL 1, T. W GAV 1 1q, Proprietor ded by fonii v -I a and: one pleas. "e 1 roble n o esi-I -1.don't 1AX-n DOYMANO'A $Wortb rood ehose that mom=t to attlaad w. undetected h his viva �16us ed, "an b�ouldn,t go to listen to� he th)ught--amade it seem d,!� yo'u kn from the shadow. ag though she had asked, point blank d wide, e mos- u3ad lone. e heady you r The High1v Er d -Stall scene, a table door sto v-auder terio him a T I "a e Rome of the Draf ,and Ing a dimly U1. r. i�?i�re The e ew Kirkwood put a -Who Is Mrs X1rkW0GdT' rienMy stare. The g1d gr �hand on Ve bowed, disco g himsof In the WtUA Hal Sphinx, 0 w] ieell el hor 3 e ea y the do r and awaited her it -,vdteb a fou ,a h a note of stueem bitched in be the zha1'-.W,'- !7 e ptesence t-41 an edmaordinarily hand - n "It -if wou b very kind. I hate Rome and Interesting.womain, a woman its driver, a �of le1suiely of- Id . . T" 2.1.51, son f the grat champlon �Ll Mr. Kirkwood. But I ot years which a s yet had not m1nd told Ward, 2.041, will stAbd for the MAM of 2910 its lef made -R�ring Inspecdo i 'Of ior impose upon you-" straps and buckl e I Kikll- He �urned the kh 0on her, of expdrience that had not foltowa ; *Monday, Tuesday jwd Wednevfty of %eh an a, VV, in ob and got out, "If u A week at -B. 13. - ftepheno.on's, Constanep. and Thum aValled to harden! her, at least In so kood watched b1m, turned at tention to rood bowed, sniding OPIVUlb- zi- yout wait one i�oment,'� he said su- day. F46,rand Briturday at the D1.6k House $ea. gr as her ext ,es he um 4 f erio charm f personal- gWay tbecm.TIage1*p, ly --nk Ra ierguous plosed the door. C nd Tru The Match hi -e4ly Pausing only, ti verify number aked spirl. I was involved4a woman, in brief, r�=YDZSPALE STALLTOXS e I he f ared ru& ily. Tfie i - THI$ IMPOR=l), down is to 15ore close I pection well 'despite w sprang -up the I steps and foui System. id th BARON WALLACE (11104) 14018 succeeding pdlbr glow of the a�ap bell button. ail elusive effect maturity, not with, (Coritlaaed Next W90kJ out -its 6ttraction r . me -a. Kirkwood Railway, Time Table. threw into relief hea*rf Ix I - 4 1 efy ask It was a 'modeit little resldence� In Will ttavel thp, p4lborne. Distrid, em1tva X4111 wiis impressed th t it e 'very with shining i es for c eeks and nothing more, remarkable. than Its Berimiller. by *be R HqW4 oron Pxad,t Fiv.ioz b sc foljcuj� - easy to learn tq 1113e Mrs, Et#llam more F enry1buroday n1uhL. nose bud'ehin. T' ough arfow s neighbors unless it was for a certain W. W. FISHER, ngr6qini. than well -with her appro'vah hil dri-$ r Clirl on, Gcdexicb, 'R ipgbom Kineardine two cunning es gliti ered like d, 1-11 7 n and Goderich 'AJtbough be had not nticipated It nto* air of extra groomin.,. The ared rall- 7_77 THE VIKINO-- 148W F04 -IR F1 ETCHER'S For on gqms. ipprsed him.with in- was slealt *I] :b fresh black 'Paint U& P. M. For Clinton, Winghan! and Elvew h Will Etand-at We own stablej.Webt Zlid eker. attention I ose gross a The doorstep loo d the better q Nvas not at all.surprised to recog-' dine. 1 f or V1g. tb. or 0 R 1A nike in her the wo an who, If he were U-12 Pt For in6n ard Godenob. cass was In ed t only Ihole of orous stoni 1V rm - - - - - - Forol Stratford, Guelph, Toront be door Itself was not mistaken, had: slipped to Calendar Payable January 1911 OrT111t, Noitb Pay and roffitc.-Aek o. he streets a id' unannoyed'ret iihmaculate, its )rasses shining lus- rropric ror th�ftt warning In the (NaIng r'oom of the ard P texboro and normal suri-bu ir gs o thdr v of d, trous againE t red'acquered woodwork. The following horses *il stan for least. ess. m Mrs. Hall m. You w, d a Badco- P, M. Guelph, Toronto, The d=culiy 11hy hi attra t1hg tie A sort gl�pNv filled the fa-nljght. Over- this season at to e4st. I nd en head the. drawing room windows shone le P, I[!.* gal Wantea ere ask man!s Atten IM him Beirv's '8 -ale and Ex- GUO hamd-Toroutr, fia" for Mr. Calendir?" without arous ag his susp clon. witlf'a cozy, warm radiance. Dr - e was to hav? been here at thi 14UXBZR OF TZAIM I . - I A, ohiage Stables. Hen-sall On - bringing. the, 0 Atia, I ab The door 'Openel. framin- the figure Will buy ne hundped 2 or 3 �i ear Landon d Bmm. uron an hour, l'belle've," said Kirkwood. S AFRAIWIT WGUW of a maid sketebed broadly in masses oIdr steers for grw1ng, ox may t Ake ears. Though' ebesitateo .nola be Irht �Yes?". There N� s st t r vorable 0 Unit?' present 11 se some forpasture. Paitieshavi ay -4 Rc.11na - I - -- �*d of somber 13la k nd dead white. TURN INT -0. OPP A i Ldnftn, ae 8-39. 1 floction of surpri e her carefully The Extra well. Bred Clyd e kind advise. 44C t1i el an you tell e,: is Mr. Calendat and in time �Jehu: approached t ie Kilo3wood ta4lped Us shoulder. d 0 cobtrolled toe. GOVENLOCK 9.58 box with the ost ensth. 'e pi rpose here?" bep Seaforth 0 10 OR when- a wta' of an' und�rc King Thomas t e became re urr, d�, The servant's, eyes left his face, yap" 6.11 'Invi ng 0 In this want YOU th #� k me less gene�ous relit of feeling thit the woman was f92541 �1202-5) mounting ical slituati2n r] can, forced looked i past him 4 the Waiting cab qne h he M ;,bt[t eill hrawdly wit than yours truly,- I t you estlingting him s r fine, huch st'ress, cannot be laid on and returrieL The Splendid Young Clyde recognize that iesi : laust m 1 4 e regent- dItect eyes.,-�Ile ieturned �ber m-gard IL18- 11% nothing." 3he sl hed a tZ *V11011 a person c1iiehes, cold it 27 course, took %* irl's fate 6d 1, "I'm not S' e, sir. If you. will please so he thought. "Tb re 19 lit- with admiring in Aarr �e atteaded to immediatelY Qi . . . . . . . . 1.00 fully, or :eresi. .,�hey were ShethinS 11 P erh aps you do n Ra1VAV8­. 40 7.18 own in his ids and, with a; q niek tle enn step in. I-ligum arrive.L.. 50 gh dn,� thig-this wr r!Ly-green eyes, deep set-, !but larm . Kirkwood hesit ted briefly, then ac - word to his con iptudont stepp ed bt it �f fair that I derstand myself, and at a 1 little afiallow L little aangeable, NOW soum- nds haVc, filled a consUM1:4 hiding. ceded. The. maid closed the door. ft9ham, depanl. 113.43 A.K. IlttleJ MR, r not tell. I want you to cal lin- to mind t1, e sea ou a windy, The Great Shire'stallion hrough rieglect. .1 - ' the. 9b. The cabby �ad a f"t 1P "What name ill I say, Sir?" f sh: 6164 2.41 knowthat.". cloudy day. f Bul we would like to tell you that 8.50 when, 0 pe. a 169 d- !'Mr. KIrk*ood.11 a.horse enjo�-s summer clothing r a Coulgh or COR It Jr a adon Ch*e t - , - ',elow stairs -slammed. ult, It le. veg tug Und"boro.: "I understand, Miss Calend ir.11 a door Cod jr or both, affectc& li&.23 474eres's e thing I may say, how- "If 'you NV Ill le ase' to wait one me- 1 am not a detective, Hal- [693] (23062) just as you do, amoefleld ...... &12 raent, sir.11 iwe are hqa,4quarteris for both Mrs. A. R tr Z04 '�Lor' lxn te!" -ri�A the felioi r. In ever. I hx re done nothini vron Ig," announced. tlie young, man sud- The Choicely Bred Clyde horse and ho'rseman. Fly -nets* 8,28 to� He 'was I aft. In the entry hall, the on I$ el. Cup �di ty Wght I alendar -eq e 'O -n S.82 Lai amaze, p beli eve,"'; she. added k13 clooling blankets harness a all q lie ant hurr'ying to the staircase and and q CIL- underspuding vene� the. ic of ine this evening; I Am here in d ily.. Mr. C ui�l d a: serv- Golden Key' sery Afraid +..wntes--c11.' ba'm'� - 9.06 6.15 ui e 4,,rve nevck for an instant q:Lesticned lap. Three minute -s elapsed. He 'Was eyes WO! of kan cs-n-. iv;i With a of onsequenee. w -.coniplete line of fawy whips# + lad VerY 10-00 A 6.00 DO ked I :IT k- ' naural q if It th4l' he returned, as the poln t of ieturning to the girl. C We would also like to calil the . sumption. + cough- every d1st elp, n%"l ishame, for what'he said was not �rue'.! ndar who left this hous� just now T.h*XS-M*nx Thomas, $17 t� Insure with $2 attention of the travelling -publiu- woo down. a4d ppared. We. thickJy, "wbe�e.d y6ui�d­op f -om, + for a nt=bei Wien the m I rn -wasting time. down; I Golden Key, $15;'Blaisdov Chief,! $13; "Thank Listowyel and Kincardine Mrs. Hal lam says will you kindly $10,; payable anuary I#t, 1911. to ourlarjestockof trunks, Stitt veal t It -was not M r..CaledAr.1f The fine �Lfraid would UM . I i The -four wheeler swung out. of iox- step -upstair 3, sir.1 I n oi before Manh 3s� 19M. will r. -cases and club bag�, wl�ich nerr' am* NOPTff. Pik i e :Pass. Pan. .0. A'Thatrs my I �ffa r, said Kirk,% r ford street Juto Charing Cross road. lftiad,brows arched in surprIse, real er `21 L 0-Y I n Pol I tried a gr at n. 1AVV or ceive isgruntl he-, 'ollowe the dy� ".Aro o IL-iq' �ged first blut1ted. w 'ngfrOfn $2 �10' Kirinvood.noted the fact with a feel- I . brisk D d her. 'At T. J. Ptoprittor. b1f, orAv -receive mparaT 7.42 19.05 p m 3.4-2 A pretended, at his oras "If you ft -15 9. R 1.44 D.56 myke rs' -my 60djo 41 Ii.00 10.45 head, of tha stairs ishe bowed him Into .In I relaxed. Atimsed toe Wo Trunks ran'gl iottle of Dr. fare," 10* Ing of some relief that thete- ride was IMPZADVC- after talc tww g. 0.9 Lfiff 11.10 the drawing - room and dgaln left� him The Rorses uIll 7and for the to $10 0 1 rq o'shert. Likia many f his ifel- ent of Stock 0iia seown ae follows: th&ca0y s M to -be S' ]at -bed delliclosly- "'But 11 am nd turned A 916 08 69 to, his' own resour Ces. i1ny %vaq cure ftvq, - i- ITei) shilling -P, t leu peting him any M Duient. was to souni. F age. PUS. PAN. You ge; 139 lo -w suffereh from "the artistic Zm-' fle BURSAR No. (10709), Vol. 2Z t. cases ranging -OL48 mar 11.00 earted, � te� elf fr�& W osited hims fro," C, t-ld -v�* I - our sirim S1 i t of X or ay out of here in Oe min.jitb and. to --s ay -4 bd.-e been here hilt an THOS. ARCHIBALD, ProprIetor 10 VW �AQ PM peram e was acutely discon�ert� 0 in an ar mbai? by the hearth Bud Q-62 11.10 a.m 2.40 Hyde Park Comer In 6 een."I at -i Wx)Wt you wait?" MOND0-3fay 2rd, will leave his own stable, 14t it Etvrll�.es ed by spol-en' words of praise aCud $1 50 tO 37 00- VVII ncCd- 7.'06 8.01 walted. he indicated. wh a 1 30, Concesilon 12, AfeRillop. and proceed to R. )at all(l lunir took 7.15 dema ed th fellow ftg,� =4clotw ges- 11 8.13 Itude. of all thrc D From b )udoh, -on, the same floor D604 Mt 22, Concession 5, Weltifi Tor p"bion eved her nu"nd e, a chair and tDOIC TUE$D T -By 'way of the 2nd (3ol .00 sively. there e*ame Of AWD Voices a I or ouring a "m" . ` 1'iNzor hitd she fully rell.: for Iferself one the* to DiO'5iffotpl, Sesfortb, fo & Club bags rangilig trOm otia e �*c mil of a davenport. ITM sure he - the i4orth 00. Asthmat irk ood m ward -the paa� swith, 0. Thos. Colemau'o, for noon $1 00, to 06 man'Ei and- a womaWs. The latter et- sageway. Ue' alliady N�ith,lne- Nv MIt be long now." to 1. Cartees Lot 1, ConaessI6 2, V�Yle% by laughed prei tay. of AlmaT; nigbti thre- Quicir D 'i�r haul- y te�a lines yqu in To interest. Albert ou, -t w! I retur NVEDX)�SDAY-Xortb to oseph Txylo% 1�ot !if I may." Farm Lands for "Qh, any time," snorted the Amer- to YOU at a sp"" a di noV �moVe 'I I -kwooil moved t ward oon ha been the Suct-e� - Still the Ina n th6 door. Conw8don Ili Rullett, for n then to Is, are offering them It you ---lany time 3 ou're t4ro7agh ith K stable for night. diseount. an I it, iS nl natUrft §a1ze bob" he b 1.ai, r1i: ni a,.) But theres no i necessity"- arga ilie Y'l-, i)r-rsous have.tried "U01 Before pureb CA OR, your eonfoui ided f Irtation, 3#., George She TH 0 - ill go east to S. Fbzb6% Ooncession Aexita Ming land in the West, look into the awye With thl i -stuffst 611 gent's fair' so med . insistent pn detai*Z hbp, 14. - Milo -, or noon * then morth to Oliver of Alberta fall, iiheat lands.� Do not ConU ed on P It TU 'bull' Concenlon 16, Grey -tit 1P . a, _ , for night. 4��edea]39 9,t ill the beb7land in the, West. Terms darter?.'- Come �.o-w Is It gen- iml est, then noxt1i to UnWs Hotel, For I )n't t irap;sed upon let the nts and WL 13. Calendar! It, -1 1" bmt Dr. 'Wood a.' ner, - PU The -voices rose, approaching. "Good, I lather CU4 or on the 4�Top pa ent plan, ot a J � 7 A�n rie= ym dear b for noon, -, then north to the Am w wranner;- three Pine qee4 to the land in re�tum for your ftrat entire crep Xyke a q:dd au'"- 09 ve night,".said. the man gayly, -17are. 1 1. Brusols for night. - r a price SAT AY -ft U Thomas Sra Con 'on 0tw-Inter whea- rous? The Kind fla' Alway Bou BR 0 D E rk; MD 'A pound 6eIL' i ""Ili hurry well, and: -good lu!L- go. *Ith you." Childr 'n. Ot 8, t. for nom. Wn, to by ne T- 19 buo 40reff in &ukatdhewan, olose- to three rallwava. By way 'Bears th( then wuth �facttirad only Oz3b%nge for farni. west or south of Seaforth. f the:fe#ow sci 10 f 'Tha ale you. C o0d. night" rep:Ued I FOR FLE'rcmp� Harnes %ore il r's otel, for hour; tUn to bis oym xdted, -Dr further Putidulars &:PPIY Lto JOHN A; -ch- ftllatuTe -until the iOiW, Box, h - led a y. up to t lie bc�x And sna stalle, ereliev.111 be wIll rewafn ie n, more coi Lsdrvatively, fouming won Commrcial Hotel. Seafofth ed at the relus. Ul qde-e hupr be 0AS.T we"" R' 1 A day morning. Opoosite