HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-06-24, Page 1t
77- i,
4- difficult tas'
qualities or' tthis
9 'the
ONTmEt and*4
aitiow themaelves 10"S N01drULAISID11 i T�Uway ibouna �o. fonow vmtloement. that say claim Is barweA :by the Litat- Xr.;&md Mrs. Fred Coult4r, of oOwn an f 4ve
'r of the the &Oateq, fsettleinent more UIts of limitations. By the, omszint o� ewan. w.?re f1hrown from their cam 110wIng Idy
w -Ui Siebf rt w&G only ten
0 animal,.
(Wr tte!' for 30he Liftpositor;. i
ilfttian to, alway's Nul be uld more Igraln: counsel ithis aciUo was Pcetp'ned till Tiaze, Mrs. Corltprbelng badly nd ceived a
In 0011tion it -ad cut. Mr. and Mre. Coul.
away� a re
will wovido air,,- Juno- (29th e4 a
mpW1 an
p �Ilebes cc- ecoemd.
Y, hock, ut has Is
dtb, 011 el I or the ST&ln a;nd Tailor at�'�816v- B*Ln' Do, have Een Married ly a ouple
two G, Hamm --I, a wSpected ee
:0 01 Of", tile —Nichola
which -action edEere4 by TaloirI4 -ay t
a f ew years this was am, weeks, wM dTlvlig from Ll*ndi
001W *ioduce a June
AdeirsomtScdthgate, Limited, of - SeEL- gount Rdneb, In anWv:,r rig" jus -t
A* ftuwayls be- d=t of Wallace towasqhlp, dhA on
will amount to v exbsId..
Into amd.tb rvuiOi I . ,We &a C4nakLa, mu,!§t I I tibe future f odh, gainst.'the Bearlin -:Phoe Ou. 5:'o'r hind them, WETe Miss Cou*�(�,�-, Pt.111 eged 60i :y-,arz,,. Hiss wife and twa i
Everything with h the fatuire undoiubte4l.y* the i)Hee of machlneir:Y..� The - 4etton ther, And Mr. FaIlls. The lattees :hor-sc AU(ITen rbu�
ls'� avorAle, the 1,-eadez 011P, 10117 late Institute
I he :heoe was'postpoftod to a IUY to !-be ixtd and bz;.'cama.u1nmana-geable abouta imile from —T-
(abblolds thtnvs us, and t
in It tical 0400, baard, '.has engaka-d Mv. Bumfs, of Dtro-
We, it- otherwise Pon an. �My two prall ways, � des.,)lIti the ariticismi of approved of.by tba.�,otWt. the town, and ran into the buggyahead,.
s n 3, In -he ccupants out. mr. )P� das, as ma�$Ur In Pla01-` 01
U01tim .' oland et
111-S '91vell us ++++ h0i jawevd, arii, to IN 1 t1le prominent Rawlthk va. Co al. This Vrx- a w In c oul-
o teal orlittelam usigy It %sign
Igreat-2r w4s� an action nUmd y 11). F. ffam- tboee in the second b Miss whore --I The
patron- + + 4-Aw " + + 4- - W--�
+ s*4-y lho bser and o n cipal �Jsrtl, Miss O'Don-
9 to TeCoVer the Wice eapiad injury, but MM. Coultdr Is $1200. PrI
why -w e re sur. nar t4n mdbeen. In f adt. -with the tprse-nt link. of Godeich
+ AMMIPA 1by the y gind, of apples purch-ased. tr6mWs. A. Y- g� a deep cut 1n; the head, ibesides7being oghile, Miss: Blythe atnd IN110, ThackeraY.,
W the -pos�lbfllties of this
customers *Y tr lcm� Lthoagb' k4owi*e - reengag
apple badly -brulsse4 ed �wfth an' r Y 011 What T7e nw am it ds up' Ito bad.onitgur.�o Capelamd, ;gpd F=nk CopJeand,
+ ialba t. leacil, I mami em borse and of salary all "Lind Ok $11010 ftch, iPxIOH
+ a"' be, itdee � I,wake and me -V Ing If Nye Ve dealeirs 0f,olenCDe. On ac4ount of the i —The disappearance of a
IV ft A , ^ mwets*1690, Miss O�Duni-:
16f - was o.
+ hold ouO awn, In 'th� greaftkeae of� 1.11nessr of Mrs. 0opeland, thp setion, buggy, owW by William Stow! f ClPal Martin
1P up $1100, Miss BlylIha- arA' Mr. Thachi- i
dlf i3blilt to igay
futum pastponecT ttioI'a 4ay to be �atas aVeed De.-reham, trdm, St. Fault'�s church �hed6s., o9h
sittention o6w, belbig
lem, t#o opental on 'by, th salleptiors.
W, ff.,1L Ingersoll, about mide dclock ftmdaY eTaY $1-000 eaelt
th5 L
-r& Watson, who ha een a tm-4
-we wish to 114 �d Itb4t pawt Robinson ;n. Forrester "An ai�:tlon marMing, rated-tho bellef that a to the lbuuftw of the, railwayis, or, Ys 10ir'21 years
is that we will awd by Wria. �tobineoin,�L of Clinton. rfervY 'horse thief had InvaIled the tv". - Sid -nit 'Of Mar died
Caring Alfalfa ant; I Timothy Hay . I
vvhaher ithe�,lailwAyo are, the result of turned out to, be oa T111WaY, June l4t1l, at the reidence
4etter past + ivgainst David -A. Farite-Aer, of Gcde2ij The culprit, bowever,
ale wi� F. MorrW, rich towmship, o ireaw-er, wages. The a n1ne 3rear ld 1hg4T%o11 by. Immed-�
By He 6C Hurow i2bunity.
date 'the
ial�W t,6L be $f�
I fAvor -itba I Ne& , lately -after the dIs-:kppe9r=ce of the w�ll, in, her 87th 7(aZift MM Wa-sOa
to trade in
Id -dways make it -the fact tat
Ilk Farm and Vairy."`
BY, ViTitiXe �of ago and honse aa�d ;buggy Chlef Chilton was was !a natIvAb of Coupaz ;;sp t scot�,
felt that wboE -ninny! with
notified �Ver had lWad, !and Ivco,.
It was *5 UOD It �to` jet �t;d tbe
qM _PA',S parit 16t Thktv acres of�alWfa -arf, from Caada takien Ithe outf It did ot have much 101 -botheo, Measr-% Ja Os aiid Dai Bob -
tile prwkWe, the M
GIXAO- Itep, aern of. -t! T, olthv, I � �glrow on --Tb herM6,-nete'r reglatetd 96 lin, work of sprea&�Ig er6sa, came- to Canadb, In 1855. locating
T And No(ribber10 GJAarlo t a twtailt and t1b
ie ir. Wh�� I see �118 ohade a;
Railwy Icam MY is farm Paph v Winnipeg an. Monday. the news was soa.1 iwtnmeinced, people at PaTls, whft-- she lived unt ton.. 1-�
he*,finq-t bloa§om on -dip alfalfa, pro- anlitaba Legislidtov -has been Ia Klifferent localities being et-
lu 10WS, �Ihis r0aA was-InauguiraUd Aby —The *1 kd. to ing to, StL Marys. sh� leaves f.
bi ovemMent and .:has vided. It lbe. fine weal er,. I -cut down Ilessolved. *The date of hp jelectlion, has be -on, the, lookout.z ,kbout no the at Itiuree daughter a�d one ectn"
y the t Of
% aboulf four acres. 1 4 it as eaky �J i
ben pulded n s stlily b been fixed for July lllth�.. iwft xiomtat- ojitflit wa,.3 locatied —Ai Spec the Listowel.
on, is near Beachvilie,
-1ven b -v 'the
Itions one week ea. high oebool board was held o. 'Tuesday
M "hitwne7 wbem It haA been. Ar
F+ the I -on- it! Lug, 1"116 The project was s '!sO Wq- —Th bithdisit church 'At Atr.tur -The 'young-AeT plckO up Itwo night,, *f - last week, Ithe purpme of
bject. itign p what Is ezo I WI_ wte
se C Wt by Sxtutrl .0 _not
01 t C�ntatch the -Aras Ibad:� damag-ed'. pardons oin. tb Itr1p, TO-1-m9agilng t1fie, for the next
e [a men dew. I Next day Ili tbE GTialpig' I out wb when tList�i
tMIthe then CIO -�'Jt do ,!,,'more and 4boktt arbsd from 0e stove � QIrL awarD of -,he fact At-, at ithe hoin-e ianft Am Bell -
f ull "r tie d te:,�n�o)b6ut foar ere y weire heitlug�-�sorne wateir �b bired for the balamce'of this term land
AV, ih which Itho tigigy bad be en istelen.
'clock I L�tart t,0,'use- it
$ Is ialmmt du It Id t tbl-- kogd he tedder scrub ibbe chxich. —N farm, pr named Reid, who lives in I Gr the next term. *the otber four
a: da before, wo,-e eng-�agdkl a IrIcreased
�ecsal pnees e.. Teac ied. it -a r ain. oul wh, I Cqt t e —Alt a fire hx tne, stablek ithe ex�- Harwich, nftir Northwood, Is nowilrran teatheft t
0. Ifthlowe ese-TA Pr1OH al
-ion he banks wbrir,�slng pw.1tton, as Ithe result of Viliarlies reasby. $1.1-00 flog. p3ans di 90109' over tb hea-v llat _fir- hibltion grounds, Ottawa.' VZ
;&,iniot ITIH Ll
and keddIn Ise paii 104 Big
Qf the canal; 'the origin W -ch ds. 'alhl- an. act 'of har & ude Ity he performed
h4vo fkilshd 6aO was dan'e wliniter� A man inamed Huff came: ito
forr- he lig) i*
own, about $1,060; R.. Paldft,
7 ea the d1mgven of Ck ballt, ina4e extA nsloii $2 000 da ON-
lp�r*l�%. P Md with hei. viomU4�atloa LaOult lbwoxi ik r- i �o,'Pmen .e to rake, Ao the bulklIngs, and e hIs 1)],ae I wark. ge�l did —W, Thowis of St. Marys,
'le too
panif 1.0 land. fa 0)aig.. and df the I
zg-t 1, b UiMe& Itl need help, but a, bad a mammvir,escape from death ion
0J TIMAI not s,the Man
12 f:ta�� farther to' Cott- I e tedd4 T drk It ie -small
nultuiral I bilbi ies lure I —An aged wo-n�an named Mts. Rolmes, wz._g -iW&oult a home or a job, fte hked Monday 9A last W,09-Okp his &ay
hayt I fte et C9Jr in
im&s Onocked down by bira for lbholuter. ShorLly af terwirds Was eirliwk bY'w R . e PTOS�s r
the - entert x mea
r ri 31h
i& to cou. windrowli ette! abo,Ltt
7 1 balf Iraked, going up and d own on Hamilton Saturday af tetz, drIvIng Rej&s
a ith t1e, GXP. advi4t1e, ff not 130th whfli� uff team: the freight shoa. Afir4 Raper was 'put�,
e,&Cb i f a 9, lithe #orse. can walk, her ppgls weme p
.b, r the ut off ai freight rk ;As
car, inaceisisary. T ils, M -(*d ilis knEf!-:!. the. oUtfit. was T -un thto by a 1G.T.R. tinc. IsOme �wagon, wh1cX
opwited I tbpn finish rakling to pim and loom- 1* Anjured wornAn died ithe ftaha, .9mashing up the wagda ad kill- was istanding ctose to he Ta, 11way track,
hwe ian� ray
a -,C;o�ft �ejrql meince Ito Cal it,
lity S. was 80 was
In the'evenlinig I ktut Ithe toder �arer —ReItunllng bo _of Itni e 1 h
wi Mi. -red. Rld ImMediately 'had Hut It k,� Of the, express striXk.) a
fie from inju T
w -hat was Cut- that. mi lad ted It Vbifty 0a Saitulrd.ay � v piece. .,Raper
Mr. The I ffid is not.. Ust n y3&M17, en to -the -ChathWm General Hospital, wagOu lalldrOke It
many"; e'r 31nttl Cult Wbout four again he ne
st might � 1110 but tho Id1f: 9t momin af t6r have 0 )reaxs of age, Of OeSSfaa where he Is and Via horsei alth
swas put Under 'the doetor
e t, 711ts. -necegsa�ry owins acres" —M ,If tile wdath- of W-hithy, root ark itbok He U the ho;splt&l, � a��A red. escaped.
a%ip, n ade auto,.. 15 hoTme care. injumv
er W.emalns Ine I f ollo, A fte . same Irdr
title �Aarky small lak,.-s "at ab au id ttm,' f ftUhtiand W. I41leY wfisithrown olit the other day Reid got a bill 'farL $40 �Mr- Henry wortz, employed as a�
fWtI01i of 'cutting, tedd I! g, wal Ing and
Wt untn, The.iroad,-'fted, howe-v of Uie buggy. H6 -'ed up Wt- far Huff',s miedical atItnition, aind bis blaCks-InIth in Ift'. oep Tinning's shop
ItT Ica iling ixt was 1.1�b fr
On e3ochellently C Ucted oine-6vi yt- ltxly M onscious, and wbP-n examined bv Dr. keep at Itie InstItution. As lie jaijea In Llstowel, died vei�, isuddeiily 1
11 .- an. I I, li�
U Ing., Includ [ing jt,:�, FTWay or fte) days I F. Warxen, of Whibby, Iti was folrad to noLify -the townehip, counell,'hei 'be- T6esd9,70t IlRa wee' APPAT`61tlY
a v1jw to Kraw ido what we tan i b asides calling Ion y .11iL hIs visual health Anner, he was h,.vklg fbeen b Loted wl 0balt; 9 neck was camP, liable for the waWs Medical. . at-,
Itelst nentey, . a wise E na was CVt 0 Thu*day, Thts —A nurnbeirdf CAltitle beloni ellgalged slioein fter
10e, Zi*4 tentlon,, - and the Xomll rdt Toweirless
k5 4 L QA1VHX1U 'in 3altltolft- beatty to, In alter (E bhVe, knig to, Waliter,ibbinston, Johnston to Ido-sixything toWa�d helpinig him, out nowl, Vnen suddebly be gp-*e a 9"P
j�a.cy, for the up -keel acr,24!9 -on! - Monday and I
& ltull�e Will 1b,
gireatly miniinized by thli cult oboult. f lye A. -Raltba Y. Por YarrmutlL, Az Ws team and� wagon was simaslije4 aind tell over. to the tloor,, and beforet.
Y's ous y Ia. fw uld
and T�, momilm. I ' 4 1the 14st up In tba wrack, and -*eire worith $40� co roe rcured was,,& -ad.
fa T 0. M (>w bva, A d m
se gre, at, celtiblit 'at �cbunt Ith � lu:� ten (dayis, The Lghth vict M was foulid RhX,,1s. -Outajboilit $80g ork Vne kleal
ry If train, 1101ASnOt I#t, e ieiwws a AailVe ----0t YOrkS e,
nt ft plaA, my alfalfa is iall Cut n i a[boi wos 62 an�d 1�adjreis In
w aOt no vry dista, to. iseirV4! 'a Utuirday. They isbow e Q�-.Yxaytbm —4 IterrIble tragdy,wam ew" a yeam f age ided
s4uis to 1z ne, 04 Idays.� By,ltho time it h f ds atori-, been Listowief over 20 tfeaa1§. His wife dlo%
1 8[ numeg, of people. It 01, V polsoned. e of f4e Q- T. R. Wabash level crot4s�g�
'timothy is, ge n vally tready to
-in- -years turtlier ed,,: C 16 Toronto at Aylmer 4it one dclock 'Sunday several 7eatw ago and be has no rv,
h(wever, ;that eire in i baye been �blooj7j
h Ifiles cut. 0 Cult I -as som i firg for janalysls. noon, -when Mr. and Mrq. Thos. aar-, 1Wtives in thils, c(mVitf y.
tenAlons, Jbi I, the f
t - I cp about halt a L W;gRdJ couple, and 11163 &Oft, .01 'Ot-
1 � L-1 SOms 1have fa�lein. V, of LOT
to 04- eo�st �Md -wd5t uiom- (>f —IAr. Jaz. L. Scoft, el��Wacter In the U
havA I
whait the a_
64. atd i -the don, on-, bf est ki 'wn hmzemen Canada pacssed SWiY1n Monday, In
e, "will be, req tawa, Isl4ter at 16m. Hare,, w1ho WaS1
dtber 1hall therkext'ab rpocAu et it in w�sten tairI6, died
S iDiatinits f�om t1day 11oille Peblson. of Mrs. Trow, of atratforA,-
7 f ,have, hea� om m(Whi- vWtIng at te llarWp -%fire burled to
lie dn tll-- awaft for day aftqr It Is Ing f.ter I
11 de
tba,t the high fral,�,,ht Lnalteio ---e Months? ss, at lthe� age of 82 yea;b. She was the
Rat iby thoWabashxpTess. Mr.� and
in, thie, Wilie qt- heL lat& Mel Xo South
r blood wilso nber
h A,- cut Wo. who lived about four . Trifls lWidaw 'of f.�.
Toldd..WO drawbOak Itb he,
-pe or
-Y, iaiiid
It -he f act lbatt 1 -L-De vq d, cut trun, Itha IMP urn tending It% lck 4XWP e lnbalp4 fam Lkyamer, With Miss Tatn I Ithe flal�st Ontarlo,
CC a tir gcdtt,�. we
, a. e. -,,qt i by W kick tits tirm.
-t Veen. Lhay. The h, wo inlec � their way home from the Methxdst 1husband was also ffer many, 4 yearl
el ows'.4 PW3 would iteud'to a. Ibeflief ull..1th ft Her
ITL 71th th
v4opA Ili h.6 0 -1t. Jui Wh0 Dmhuon Housse, asid la
t -.1i Eot- :rejlef n ight be igIven :10 teih N bet wee n 10 chufth.- Whe the covered buggV In nd 1 $claek and, 11, x Qady-4 Ito 4 glpter'� b . t th f
a., e 6 a Mae's
m -I;fter. It & I *Iae that Itibe, ro ad, sho jA' and volich they were irWng appromhd- the !tIVO el- Ills about 4n -years as I Liberal-
trakiaii fter dun r,atad! c) drmv. in after fWt �bli on R. K113p. - .4th &ski�e W ITare ea i iwe a9t Coming
Suit in our ho the -farm of I W t f
VERY Odd big stock! ifnd, Pav Its ownway, as we haa dw cr
Ire A accldmt- a f0w months'aga, lbe- I
OnItaU4' -1or veutlioin of %yUr, ce�slon, 1armuth"Isdme 'time, train and istarted til pull back his Ihm-se. with'
a. man to fit it) will be sold 01 Wh 2h using the ZEOIJ)d ar *D alfalf a 1 Ire
-Imterpoloidial experien( �ae cently, - gamd 'P' Sumda�. Jit Then, evidently thinking be coul-4 iget ing amocked Over ��a onse Iand as p1c'.,,L,&d U
ked ftougb by of �her At this season of the year Ln f: kid cross e: zs rilich a;s po Is Itwis
a iid function. iot -Govia t, i aerms, In oafe1ty, 'he 4sairted the anlinal
road b _acCoUn±
IT sZa
alt. 'the tIm
nxk lbea yvvenu witfeir; J�i 0mver.+,st', ;hext. - ely ad.j -a*d abesA at Ith.e. isame time -taking the v.bb it -be injuries she Ithen !�Usll in -11(i
many odd sizes in stock ft0m. �he; to :, I p two
I I ba -but a endtd fatally. auher
w [th a prom LTWnt off 1clAl of th iro id, -the ip e taking two sw,%ths at a qulte:,d1&ht. me from ltbe,sockdt, bef re he coulidluse One d
ad this seasm' iisi. round: mi v h bet -.er job to been Ia very best sellers we. hAve h -fil Teiply to itials cetictsm, -be infor R makes's Lt of -Halle 0 com It Ithe ir-Ig -was str -UTvive, NTT& -T)r,
i It uck -by 'the tavy efts'r
atop �l Igo in the dbrep Min Opposite to ; __WllI1a1XJ, He
ays -very �f -mogul. naiz* was thrown. � 120 teet t,(>4 Tto
1, f av a L w and 14r. Awrd.Trow, all of To-
ag. fn..Wt their Watts Dr, empl Yyee t
ever buyer cornifig alol, 't a her r i
gives iise the m o weir. McLaugrill A 0ela-wa, the, wlgU and his -body was bToken wl hi ratA -of n. or CompiLn
ffist th. Ib 411wa ys,
falls on`k he result of an Ai clideat, Uon-! lff� Tiefew. Mrs. H.axeis lifeleg —A lg*fty- wedding was tole'r -at
f act lt.h.� M ��
wonde iiI v good 0 1 of ra a;ny
rf . u a' a PDVemmeinit had Is lxle�kd, It ady -as derful pportunityt pi�k t 'it W If I shower
of 'in r wl da -y morning. It nickedL 'Un
pe6ple n'to the -be- W I
often misleds �b hay, - ew.,utli ( tVb"a Hall and 'go fftt from. 'ftje tho'barnp of Mr. and kfts. Schtnild1t, 1.
Zp-t 9VUL: ACLIL Si1v ag VILic-L V J �,Lvl tedder � on it , Ls eo "a the
a�o tibey, :s� ,.v Ithe
ger� is),methlng "13007V` SculIV weLv goinj aboUt Ithe and Miss 9coft, who living, MeTys, on Wednestlay, Jum lAtAwhen 1
OU$1- 7
th' n g M14_ W
ti, T WAZ: still
�'S M_arde, 'a
N, half the -rc gular selling nath-Ing.
1. train' 115 'oVft-.tor Sba'k-& 14 watf �T iouit Enid thirid 1 ic eisElan IlLkx�, W17.,eqi- ithe. b;m 'h unoanis:c1ois, wea 30 feelt aw-,ayv
�rice. 'The sa
cafitir us itoted It aboid �we7 L �wo houills �ifrt W-41ey, W. Rob -
'0. haz oszPal)4 ef uts ed lu'nlard4aguia to
Sof �T. and N. an hou,
far the T ad toov�rtate. The caitumed ro�,AA Sho. ifled within half
1 MIC ke Choug
t L app.1 Lo Our uence, 8,i�d it aftew-, tw0a junItil it'ls- � ry, and I n ivy t I
F fzt8, ox Flint, Tke �nu# 41 knot
P0,11,40al inh on, I -1 -all. w, e Scully co3iguagion bf thd brain. �i
bzn-e of --r�: TA*Wle, . of
'd It ue �to do ThE ! pecond and thir I 'props pf iLlf alta JUMP out- the wiy and sustafn'ed was Ved by the Rom, M
t , be bopr,�s -will cyatlin Out
qg Ivult In 115115'afterrib(M.. . I use the, Itedder sevex inji.11 !to -his 1bark
SG,� Oaltbough� It will vequlrB StV t, birotbzi-lu v lot the
he Ia, s s o r 0. E fare III naleirs ',,eorgo . Vill. Smith buried im- 9TWm, dssigbedby -tihe Rev. Wn�. Ralth-
It IT11t C� after dtnk, dea, —14-0; R.. Wamd Ias sold �hts by,, 13� A.,:of St. Marys- The brlde W&S
e peo0le thelml- THwhit
but of t en. f el� of eatrith. a killed In
-ner, Ro, up and. down h win4row the
to"'bstand t
tile Goveriameot, -
Ise We erg given away, by -her fatber and 0 -ter itte
lvei; - Theofficlail ed to a4 walterwavks trench aV Dattietor4, In Mfltchell toXv. Geqrige. Ronlnpatb
F, an' M�-a cq; on, Olt ne:��L day just b bmlie Perth Items
toss 1`01t
-,o far a he JWBA a with 1t;he tedder as s as 1 1 have �ork Tlji ay. Th6 boqm. -had f -v Ing, luneheon was J
tst St - limt in r Cyr '$576. 1 f
XTA.4' Sask., 4,tsd cemmony a &1uty YiEddl
f h, Italb .4. f raking It the day been, XaLsp
what V _d f ar, repairs and a iz4jriail —F,. C. Smyth, amount -ant !in tbe Aerved., Mr. and Mrs.. R6balts.'kft ea
c�, bneed politics would nel ler Inthience o �,ras ra
--bUt In a sh,0111 timf it as bn�
lbefan. , jamd ;fallen -into
c(,Utriol Ithe ta"nage, road trench Merchanits.-Ratrik at MlitchelL bas 1.beeA the afternoon tftin 6n, a' ftaneyritwq
flne hape- -to rake llil fbt%x hes and - S111i,t to get It WhIle sto6p- in&& Manager of tbe, Chatbaln it
w the P 21 4 &S rr&7tiqh� tour to M-44rftl, Quebec and ofiftw� i
�elow we g ve a partial list. Of every �,e,' reasure Ls - lbecom' - 41 1
11 - that is Ing ithe Wside,
ye. gn pt, Coll. I alwa a TEry, It
st rio -a
ng�eo. There I's al ye. an side ived in. I it ook )an h6ar —Fw i. We-,R-.Intan, a f arniqr zeildent E"tem points. Th-- gTwm, wba Is s i
v, d" �fo �ns It< fall, for ihb?.WJ, .44- Ibefore, he biody,$� a f - ig Wneil, - djed Me eixtly in Woodst a ck,� St� Marys
Io4larly a1boultielcetlon, itlp� � . ire the dew be at ft,�rd d1g b&T, 1� a bankAr -at
_% to was
the vil &T on dJ: y alf f a woeks
votl S. 13 dew ached. 'I and was farme7ly In tha Mblsuab
'!olbad'. the. road *fth pinsIble 55 yearaq
,f"d colored irable, aisrm. —Durlug April 7j209 4orrradteads w re�' —Mit-�a M. B. tilejcllng� of, 11AMkI st, Marys.
T�� figure success of T, and N. 0. cans St. Marys.
I se ithe hon3e fa -1: f4 Unloading
/agog & per -a on thefutam support 0f oiriganW
sp� of he� eNreradin'theVestem,,prov es. They bas acce0bed a pwition. as M4
A crop
6 the r. a - * une U t death
of alf'lja,an�L the itimt- repTesented 19,7 2,233 -wei* choW -aeader in�. .the Methodist chuTdh at S t
a K1. e �a people, and if A, 3 success Is It,61 1 78 personp,, on a uaday night. J
Tl* -Tope SItngs 4 rn, faul -a, Sast.
be.:c.aratinaed Itibe wh016 11 Tgust, Pal 90 Weyibra
3eople ans, 8 68 fro.
ca me v x7 suddenly to a Much res
!a qg the second and third CIODPs. by C ted oL
'Saits at,.... t( 4A lba y
t palit �exlvenOea gire allowed, 18;7119�retuiroed tront 'the 'Llint �Mrs. Janet MtLwren, wba.ilifus' just ad i*isidea of the ft oncesBion
AQ! 1)4,ce In. its masfagernra-TA Cr affairs. Eac load Is Spr8id If v �1`11Y I Wer Ithe Etatels-., Amairicans entered f ep 2,T18 completed ImIf a centurry of -:-lbusiness Gypey' town,�hip, In the
MaW leisite 'sh, pelrson of John
ttyigrn end
$100 7000 a About a gallbo, of Sallt 19 horn I ads tngll ig�!dteh, 203; Wo In st" Mary�, was Tecently preseh� CL Sr, De
o Ree'p, ouit . pai the road Ill v& mith, agred 41 years. -a#;h is. a-t
Ito -,be a to 1�� the SpTlxilled Ion e -y ton of alfalfa and 1, 81. -Of ot"18-ir an ome eA'wl1bh apum-0 of gold by Rier frli�nft w4i," oad, 1but1,wJ-1e.nJ1t, cornes wiffitsuch
-and will,be a �vory Neadlers fair 'the Month are
Boys' Suits svr*-a I useful adjunct vbouit' Ia gallon. and i6 alf an i and IrW.
�s W aiated elf Z of burfaew nooth ton, Icif timiathy. Run- —A qu%� wadding, took placc- oa'We& obddenness ft Is dou'bly ed. Daceased
i 'the berefi1ts of G (y.v- gaxla�.nz, Rilsslans. rwg- aiesday of � laisit -week at Itibe home of llhoA oet� Ito sbed In uaral heiltn' -anu i
$2 liv4ng texample o .4 it; No
050 150 '0 i seeir to hi e � o Yd, brlighto
I alway's 4, 122, Germans and-0ved��
en z�nelijb ov�melrsbl p aund.col�tra. Shoi ild, glar, 100, of. Mrp abd Mrs. S. M. Smith, Usitow bartly atter-wardsi, w1thout a o=4:
qr bo , fo —two
Men Y 717 x jb�edge of pIOUtical in,- igeen, '�tw.ty 'bay ta, q .9
u s rouse womp.n Nv�m 41rowned In when Miss Maxgax�.:ht Hampton: lberame m4'In1t,'8 waxnitLg, p , -d w y
hbwev&, tihe n 70UM azti: a a He
fluznc3- be Inserted'it but leads.0 linir and 11 fea sure I.coul' ndt Jhave' It T bay, on Firlday 13� ght. They the ibride of Dv,.. 0. H. Myles, Wt. DeH. a mem Jxrof the Chu�zh of r� Pzlaud, 4.=Id
piet�ancy and i,
t%oitl usin, the t & w enjorYing a issall. in- 9 motor Uaunch trait. Rev, R. R. Rim-111(on pexformed a Conseirvativa In DO: A -tj=ow,-
sl"O'n 2000 2
a au. e vnpuaJ deficits. nre 171 wo, igood -e
Gye 2 It fO3 niteen With! Itwo Zen
B Knickers Wt �achrwae,, which I bavee allmady (a sed a, )sew tleman -Werids.,Abou-1; ten t1bo maqvi4ge ceremon:�'. Ing wife, twa dadgi&ite� ;and one, is on
1I, fhr - dcloiPk at
Ic, . yftit, 4, It a ve ary an i
y ff)Gken, 10(f, ffl�- Grai�d Trunk Pacif [lowed. the f .1 'Ar�- M the, loss of -4 deirdted jiusb
.. J A
ow thu of'Elm-a. met with an and fatim. His av-A talhor and moth. -
U, y ent
035 e50 1 1 5 11 -31101- PIM. anil wo-`Uld sem elly to iv -4 n, mr one of t6e rm� ir Douglas
16 7 'have tu
t'. I'D IroaId now, e while 0 h Smith, also:
on C
,oVe1rn,me,u,,t, foms a junial iom� to Lgelt alunig wil houit t. ninirl betweei 'the Island the iteelden.
-n tni it teaming out Of Aloose er, Mr� aid Mrs. Jos p
ke-n)S Overall: 'nd X frai.. craft,was run into by Jaw,. -Sask., sor.me time algo, &Ala had ail�s k-eenly feel the b
p)lat wilth th9 T. W - 0, ',Much tla,'S
the best make� to, the The Cc u -nit, F Court tha -t
writtelp -,,is smaller weSSel and U
-(A. The two ankle badly crus�ed. He 'w" taken , —The fho 'Oar -
The, of Xr� &d XT R
35, -1000 b 2en I �,aldl and i amd te
It -ad, - -bift- It is not Imy Wt elia- This general isAs3lonQ of the C3-ulr f ladiels, who belonged ito-khe city, were back to th8 Moose Jaw hospRo, j amd te urgiday
�of LwidesbomJ Wag, on Th
S t on o -bouch on. that ma! we z�k, drowi�,ed, bd It -ha . men e re-sx-med" ir. ispite, of effarts to save it, I id to evening, June ne of a -very a
Overall' t -ter hi�r,611 CoUA- �opaned oa- Tueskdty of, lasit 9th t-4 !gee
the In . I he —Jo',bn M� ishall A I Ito 4o( Jbay.e 'his leg amyitatcA�
U9 'ver lbhe expbn JI�A ,�& H,
t se of 1bui.1ding et, God�rlehj PIT Z Pretty weftng. wheen ltheireMest daugh-
N ver, there. c K abol 4110irth h�, avewit examinationis at TO- iter, IEllza, was.ni adel", the wife of Mq.
y The luf
35' .,60. alTL bt: f oll6wing cxses _, vere� spas of fartrAr, livim -it one W of Alt ti
--linlan Ito V11 Jewell, elt al. i aq, n This was Shelburne, loot, his a In6gul't 'bf ran'tof Unl*ftisity, Mv� fA Y, of Fred ftbbbrook. At', 4`30 --'-the ceremony
it 0 lia, opinion charactin
er: ear - 15c ad ma lex Mabaff'
tol Tec irreir-- -17 aftee t, passed his second, 'yea w1th too , ce r an a;rch
Odd Piece" fight summer und -e' pr ce bf it w Hibber
eer 1!,Ir1(% do, He' -w&3
cons. 11cition. Uln e otheir,plan adi� an avotioh k 1pla) imde In the-. bpen
by a, runaway
a1S1'('Tnd son, of 061� when an au�qqioblle apip�,Dajched, �owned X0. 11'. E, Amos, late ot. the Ikw6biing Rey. Mr, Currie
w ' h have' been. ullt but for 11 tN Carloads ot ap PI as the- plain(- working on �he Toa;d hmors In4edlog-u.- anti minvralcgy, ,
Uftilo &ravzal, and air, Ithe, offIciating !Cle�gvman being I
khetter quality of undeirwe -.1 5t -A IP `611nig tiffs, Richard SEIM i0ro, assl,-Z�44:
time, -the GTAifid. u -acifile its 70 E,0�;ye;
wliva � an. .4 . *el allency Xkr, Gaw.. 'of Hope J9 pas-si -'by R I
-c,,' wr"eteir.�-� b!ullt t(J P&M 01*1 boMe Itownship,: to D.'D. Vrilgau, api- by e milli3� Tile staff oftheAftchall high sch(mly eid Pv;,Mr. Coopit, of Blyth-ir T -he
ple dealer, - th, he weddlyn9l irn-a=h was 1�1
r, Juagmen)t wa's - 110'Mes becaMe firightenied! and Tan. w
-CE vEd -word- fi�ollr_ e ancy acb Q the i- �ayed by Miss L11Y
s ihg at Ithe st 'of prac leall 'Ire-, of SE Ltor'. a ay. ed it -�ecarxd part of the examination
f fol 5Q, Marsliall, w4
!the' aain $361,.7 abding an
�-v off Lhe- suddea C�n,* uotlffw �he i aIS A ba I en] o, w a s I &t now
5 dozen Y" Vhit and F Ve ha taired f or Vn on the- marl !the far Doebotr of Pedagogy, lan 4rta 131ster of the, �-rlde. Guests to,
n I n , of t1b il w me -was I birdwa e-Atitled to, -be, called doction, the piudbex- of seveafy4ive wera- prea-z*-!
111- and blv, be d Ith ()I,' bie c, �Irlcad,�, Ever v1, I with ca§ts - hifflatreed 4t the ti :1
50 dozen ell' Fancy Shirts ed w
's en, R'9011 and Ura'b'31- from ent sand afterthe ceirtrinonv and con—
li�'t on, a it iie most . pemil. ty ieou0t. ecalek T. Le deNndani% counteal- On. lihe tongde of the w —Thero was a close sl)ave
satur 9 a', are0t.17 of w 11 be r -e ' ty
+ c� c: teir".'. 1� vw� have, 'been pos0ble claird I i trl d alt lthe naxt Decem, 9,ed.,:fcr zzome distaxxte. only Ilved death f4r Larm F-chgoeltz, of s brling7- gratulatons 'all PaIritbok of a do�ln
Tue9dar- all -sizes diAerent patterns, your -ch-. 1 T;' sat wp xtended - irip, to
g� much, less expense, to, have 1AA& bEr isib�� of tle Gy&rt w1th ajur�. a ;sbart ItIme aft.--& the . a& iden.t. ville bur,%day n1ght'of I �Ai, dur- lunche IAfter an. t
r- k, at a meetlng of
15 tempo rail -T TV cL11 at. the Ir 0 wes W. and Mi!is. Sho'bbrook will
culvevts oveir trae creek -4. a llubert 8ell —A fatal �acclderat oc Ing the elecMc storm MT. JiftoetZ wws tho wes
Mastprl X timber tressle
re ac c -1 by t, -Wt1o# at -e on Winday morni- -assistIng. III
5 dozen te-n's D ss Straw H, it, 4; h se This wivs an ac bteired Neweastl s f4thier in. the: islaughteW resIde Kn, -the grooraris farm on the:
s bwr the Imnien
V,:rne Sinclair
pilaktiffs,.; of Seikfi t Riobiefr Ing, vrhen ROT
47,.- ZiOr fatthfUl at;- yxt: I againli Patmer, Wed elghteen, bouse,,, when -he was knocked oter�% by l3th. conpeessioll of H;uIletL
e 4 Cross'
.iris w h1ch the Wallway mus
e a pair A In � repairIng the trvck, wats a '1flgJAnJTiZ1 bolt and Ala hea4 citt -by —The following dibectiors and offl-'
10 dozen. an's Summer Sox,'p Oe Stead df Ithk,'.we- ve PeTfept grade Lowry, a threzher aid fariner in t emplayiE
foM6 be
t i towaaship of Hubori, J�Tuce couln1ty. '.I iJt1*U.C4 'by a tviegt�boand G.'T. R. I ex- camlr4 In coUtaot with a DWO. FiWip cers bairie, en, ele in connectlon 1;
'tile Eagt H
hd n t. aft Intly illed. Thi� with Fazmers' inntl-i
Lnley, 31 pr antly ur. OtL
a&r pemeot culvei�ts of the mos ct�d
9* do ancy Ties. at each I ov 1type, and over each r-1vev Ithe was ialleiged.tbat the. defe &essItImin, and ihdtm homs his, limbs weirIa- �paialyzcd, but
zen i e men had tute
I abeel trastles, and one lh�ma- a .. Ing 1to, purphase a 2'2-hoTirre pow r -been e!ngag-ed In n paltring one, eyeatually he recovered their � user� - : Ibwlck—Jame� Armstiriong, A,�
Rap(4ri and tile track-, and Monday mq�ndng isitarted - Wt Glibson.JA. A. GrAhaih,.-T. A. Gibson 1
. I !. . U, see 01T eot these trestles in tb,' trac tan. efigline I brOm f�he cornpany, re- —A near fxdal &qcIdent occurred
iz� oi the 4
Pigeon uthmer Sweate 15 1 rrn;' so-rr�,, fus to give the notes and settlemein-ti w6rk On. t11
-dozen Boys, S �e.;sedand me. The itirain had the GraXA Tirank istaltim at Berlin, Gn and William Know.
have it tlea;-ned- vrsc- of-constr0tion tb -Lb
'CIO ack wh ch was pu, Tton, Morirl,-:�-4
Ina. 'Th-- Im q # -ex Ugl
r4far fUtUra---4 idea. bt the per nijilea-ge cast Cant- far he ��zolj to pass alonj Ithe tr t �Ibnday evening Qf last weelL Al - Elliott and John Mcla
10 doien -Men's Workin'g.Shirisi'ddl) ;eS C- sit-rud ion. Throiigl�, this paxt on it -he, --mg* amd'by �-6,dolng losIt X$45211�` In Isbape last week amid -you 4g dader Finaen, of Shalkespeaze,,, aged 2-m W. IL. Fraseir, Walt� �r- Smill1p., Joby
--p, iiad Lvgark met! ik. Itme .. -Wly stepped over bi hvi�t of bouIt 16 or 18 yeams, trivil toboard the Qagg, T%onjas McCah a-nd W, Law-�
t�,rlo, IthieP t�oad Is 0most as %tralghe:i C11ah as weire enitered f( ount and etinctl
h a v:-- I -t ithe job�
aft -A, a the si TI e priv
tring, wad ;jbrom the miterest,on o llege it, forigifittIng -that the itiraak'14:ng re- traiA �40 e It was in motlom He was son, Grey—Amos Smffih, Sam Qampbellf.`�
-pn- t ifa bound -t I
. Z� paired was Ithe- opposite otie -to' that t -brown oe and his irlight onlae-' was Jol= JPeaTson, Jo in wTaggwt
can. Iseei in M. reetions of Is- Hing tthe.defenda: bs I -o id, charged
Fra& -r-w faT, " YOU, both i I -
6eek Gard-:
I the trallway -Imiskss. a dtiralgl It 4LVellU fty.,�� �the Wls ouw�- all which be. ',was working atruck, presum-ibly- by a kar 4tep. The Janyes *FadtealL.�
nx A
material barne,
6:rouO Ithe dens' foii�est- The oba in oT&rr &It am )'unt might 0671�64�'� -of lfg was lbadlY -bmtL-ed and there was a Indr-r, Jllam�2is SlmrD)*,'
th mairred Jo-,zeph Dofrrrmce
-W e
J r Mi f d6virig h� . 03a ove the Cotsi:�, tl
�nd I a W, was &§1.1 q Ow �o yeb r FarK R�isib-Yter4n Sun- slWht fractuire of 'the ankla and Robelt Scaxlett Hullett — Thos.
ai�: becm on 0�lr o^ bed,,1-oo, Is firi' 1,smoo--h, and.�..J be-
t Of it, outioa. al 44ajs poit-, day ischool I. Maadowvala on SA!tuxda,'y, —Robot G Rogevs, for , thlepn-fivei Mamillan, Jamves 54�t, John Rrigliar-n
h at time will e i though ourr lt�raln wa,� �ra;ct cally
n d I- a - left thera th 4.. The
CIL 1 11 wlv,,n J.�--'n' :bL T ace towntL�7aip.' dled and Wrm Carter. Drdc-sel,-- W 1-L MC-
Itill Juns 29th ulloch, nineteen!,
7 ;to� 'first �passenger, ItAin ovpr Riat par, p Yeats clerk, of wall
rowne f
lie tion.—.
A 11ae the Irine,, The rowne
t:. --d puttin of tar,3 r4n. 1 5 1sm thl� r SI � son, vs. T, plaintiff, was d The 7oung Ilow and an- on. Sunday, June 12U4, eged 76 Q.-Wkcin, George Th4mison, ATId
-9 GET TIME. LOAUA a!g -on many of thb lines .b i dd I On Xzs. Ann SIMPE3 I �'a w1dow, Ilving other liaA of bis own went but on. He tad bem.bx poor health for i �som e' KerA. Audftor&---T- A. Beninea and A�
on Nir John 0[!11
Meadow doe Thomas MCIMI'llan, was
in Brucefield and th3�'detenlauLs, Mrs. the xbveirr 'at vale I n. a canoe, timei. The Jeased was a, nativi- . of:; D. Grant
a g(x, 4 lookingr f ta:riml
trIl otl ile. 'the prlm-lbr� object bf; the Eliza, Muragir and ])o&1rJ are resl: I and starited Idiving fTo the fran ITelamd, 'but came to CAnada wb�z �4� -elected presidmt; H, Fraeer, vlee-
IQ!;--t a/good. Old One 7'tcket w Eve,,Y. oluilc.&S.0.* PA -11 A� M,
e A.,
I W,&;nscGnttiuen1ta1 waa - to i EM ad 4 denits of Tucker-3.n1th, cuto(rs Of craft, haTI94 to. Its side on comilm-9 yftrs of age. For a number cog Yearjl' president, and McArIthur, sccrel
-n x. He left befam 90ing' taryI-b1-,*a.s=r- It
odtle tbe 1gralln the win 10
t tnx eat -of Ithe latell� J. U umer- In back to $h0i'surface. The canoe was lie taught oebool in Howlek drelded to b6d
ipl g a t the lads: -umping fTom toi WallaM �e is survived b ' -his Vlfe,r the t * G regular eetings Of the IT,-
------ of the wes�t, It gives pronilise December, I on of y w M
892, the 14te Nxr. Turne-z up�;L-t �IbY
la the mQMIng7p th aintlff fbr 1$ - t
th It' and Iltbo its sup two, imm and seven ftughtexisi. stitu at Rra-gsels: 4ud WTOXeter and
The Id's gave a note to the 500 pdr� -Tullochlisl te
b= a gavat booA to Ontao north
z:r--. Dan. NaZ11- ead thl wRli'dnieresit at five cent. Nci companion Tulloeh —Another iremarkable , 4"Scape frovi, sup-plementaxy meetitga -A FordwWT4
4nd.; ;Air 7 A basbraugNt g par
al aalt RiLelek 01- Path by lightning Teported tb-
The 466 16t E I G CLO 9 G -h� paid the tbolte isincIi went Ito ?As aissistance amid Ipst his ioolwn d, is from Bluevale, Jamestow'A� A%le-SWOM, E,
ILUT 0 Of pip �Nlovinrc& in , cdlwd�rable rr.bneT has
�.z li Waltoal - EsTlock, Win
as aim ultuiral dounlltzrr, Ewceimber, 1903, aid ff zsks;' H) 10 60"WIlSillp. During -the recent el- el, moncrief,
I "LLk, 06�10 s aceldent o'ec-A-ered just, ectric gorm Frank Siebert was �� drlv-H throp amd A lady speaker will
Pirkone astalle& Zq
for the of 00 -A ad tatexe
wUl lbrimig it Into still grftter p,000 t
Cal of 294 1phonl-' -wk
HO enice. i -acticia p from IbU4 )date, The lants claim Outside of �,,Iudsay on S wben, baMo �vbep 1p, bat. be 44. for on delegatim.
Wlt4 the corks I tr Ing a 14a blo
Z :1.� r ki I
1 1.