HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-06-17, Page 7IL
III7! 0 I -ME V N Iat ,was, j tb 7 anor Aggorl, ut� t n token. lof in 0. Oki erje.. Agfa
Obt W lft� to W A n'ts in
W tod &'rgeo moduaft- .4 tj it ly ;F -a SP&O161ty. Ottwo, lswwjL taSte �6f W blood. H ve go0d j Godft4fh musek =0 sum arm er,star of t4,obalr a ed
-4 confess I OnJ 'on' then In L U -me r. &Mh"t Drum *a- 04- gmvely 6h*ne*heated h- o
:Ion, Petit 10k Wig eAV Ilooked "d 7 you." he 4� was AA 6.'- - !!�t rt= t�y. I PEOPLE living in homes heated wit'Ll
-e a liL Z 9A#DURXt V" ~t "The , opp,� ty Mr MOOd. urnaces ten cl im
y as e lu- a te ot the ftta:rtlo Year?, chulc ki or ary t 'Al am- here to un out. ure, ar -amorm � an Alm II4 �'Wo. 1 envy Yc Ur -romance, cannot &row Ckiege, orarl plants with any de ee ght I w L- t6r the-_�Ont�eat, In 'yO -have 0 4'
onclu I ile youth
e of �ucc ott* unshin ess. . T�is is due to the fact, t
at 'or
College the mean me 4xidthe W&ld ust go.pl, YOU, dinary furnac6s are not Provided with ad6 &"S"Mr of &U DoraftItla An- 4Y-* 6tM." I Mph a md glif .1_�Sal for the 'go. roS ��a M thot suddenly; JO s- of his a:j 9
:pt modftu VrInc1;1e& states kwood. 'That _'J�S Ma a, consi Automatic Gas Damper. There is nothin"
IV e. The old ik Fever a I to prevent cbal-gas, w�hich is deadlyto plant
qce -and wa." nly y -1 shed Out; p6eret a6l 0 than trM ISto J- life, being forced up through the re ters. ws. Vers Hotel, matu copy#9K Ice sit Tokbe time' 1488 6,V 4he 1504 4. TOU �Vlal oth� .7 9 now I lb 113 irk f ui�* VI . I . gis
All orders- Lett at At, VAr am 11 M � !0u` r6, gol hOme?1— A, sh to eg R
9i I)n
reCelye proMpt "nse. The =one e b: cable, dear Now, when the gas In the combustfon� chamber
Att �Iot ed'*1 'elit to- ban bm 0 yo&nmd---a .,ask ot the Su hine reaches 'a certain pressure it 'a ane fight ft o#, favor. it to earn a good as 4ways at tht W 1ady afflan fildustries and 019'elear eyes. .10 ght, shoulder to 6 oul- glad Y3 U wished to oPon the Automatic'Gas Damper and passes
ny� attendants. A er, Ivitb) rothren in advers -oin np out of my ',life. up the ehim-ne there 1,8 no chance
ly, ud d ef 5 . . _V, consequently 'T to "That1s t e to escapb through the reisters. . Instead, the Air that
v AWGAI�. in -haubterlK e h sed me b om I inade- oods, goes Mt h I On learns to 'vi lue the !rlendship of, MOO KUIAORAX th, PbM p. ooe by,"" d -good 114cl; till e elder man. 1F.or t �e Y01 through the registers Is 'pure, warm, Sunshine air,
carry rapiers m th arid I 6_ Itor, Xot".7 ftbl e- s La en with the Proper degree of moisture from the water- an.
Int) efit 1, did y6u the'Injustice to, be.- 4tt, d y P
swear- sfrO�zge.o B zi orn Ithid,of air that makes plants thrlye and Is good, to beath i
1M.- Sworth Mon- that -you were runu ug:.awy. It's the
Alone onceno!l e, I Urkwood, returne4- yo lungs. 0
t) 13u� - now -6 orgIve " met- to, his minilaw. T ie dk, d� Saturdays, Office, own Hines we -enco rul. 19 P2911 appointment pit VW7 wee�.Iday. Over, flekard*01, Parlou, ti o, the stupidity which I h� If �ro -want to g AInst evil-
-fof a novel a ginfibiq - k ] &��, t [L, uard your home (and who oesn
avot ._ �; -k 01 ed his anticl+ ?) ag
Alto flitr"to Seatorth, q at being
snielling, deadly coal gas order our agent to installi the sunshine
(11nst Jay sit th'4 dooz of my advacing p 'Brentick's com� adern brbaijta_� pleasw in
t, ele 9, r � k- j, who vea S. TO me, i thonjht Of YOU 4jS red h is mood Un.'L turn-,[ItO . Iuaran ed) 17a your cellar. 49
SU( a ome a., spoak th e 011 BairW turL� has ec leltor, - t4y"SA04915 PI antly. Ult sin' ga merged into lie. 001 own day' and' M ,,i ay, a, xm raonplielice, 1�bllip, Itbat the ews OA can*Aa from IcItor tor tba e m, e2l W1. n Into dull- !,vTay mist of hope- r� hardly -stir Ow, ..t;o:
ot ths Bi-oadway 0 the disas red me., �N Drug wid office—ya rw r 21ii les ess cornp a blo,only io �h
I a dismal i S iri emplqy t- memb(T that you.. aro I tee Safor-th'_ Monsy %Q is Philip 1-�Urkwqod' o rh".6 a :Califor-, ski6s then I r! ig 'over London town. ents close to One tw1c ir Dainter, Whose a as 90 �but Brentwic ............................... . end millions every k 'was orn In San -TI rancisco". 04, — A,4. 1, I !bei n: ed, Ing! for �i *m tingtaithS 'Erkwoed I o dc but to go 1 -b -Is boxes and Suit 'Of the ni ter iou# blait A 'fir kwood; n'bit sadly. aE really nol� bag and whoe- fatt. er d mother were buried -t ry$
��phers, box wake ah6d. Bu One, *eame r trunk- re- At *otau Fu a I fh be4u maln to a pafte& Tie boat train the service q And urtortune?" rs, . . �o ed 1164 #-Ili - 11111 ti . BI, le b O�e &M love are worl h the erited myL fatheeS jnt would. ldjalgh4: the s t in ,g 2 P 1 41. Vrt.;I� -A, _Q_ - 11 "I
V A late O' nights J :.*e kl. St"Inef Mor1lif ig tide. By Ut TO d e- hen 1 caw�D Over to study pa th& morrow's, noi a he � wc uld be upon or Ede bv-1- Chesne Archibal scend to. the 1 OM � �, ri L f�:ihe da teft everything (in VanderlIp's h 4s. ad ly ly
it the high s 9 thii ten, lays in New .19 th Tr� ban OMO -fork
ng, #Ieiids and tbed—
Dilet and Medidual r, ow the "The Black B e, re _rheibusiniiss afforded me a and INA -DRU -CO MM" thing" in the A �v lj� t e The problo of tha -af rward per- Crewm,N_ I -DRU-CO dard from, Mr. 'RIF u have hL Var det plexed ]Kir
-ferious-7104 nol to Own. more t1an he cared ,r XA-DR17-CO pre- str"t, flataft, my's 71 ly ap oA Palace 'in eati market
04 had opened his —antd n. 8 "Fifteen mlitutes ago., Kirkwo eyes to ww ITE LAI
9- th6 tac: that
nap, .9 �n L would be
-0.0 rom SiV __MiWX0&U il ' PHONE IS
f the NTA -DRU -Co iL cablegrhm, still da . I _ il mcdcally **lei s P =id your dmggk&. ir. ant, h es' In the face of bigh piices we are B C T I
office, �Sa I pocket, - pLnded it to his t- Ho could not li zbor the thpught Q d" raildence ft- f out to do business 6A as small a f, Unfolding t t e iattpr read: arei ' P. PDX a ondon: going back- vnly to beedme a Charge margin as can po#i y be don-,
the Kirkwood, Fes LTY T 111IN 1OT
of 41V a )n Vande�llp. resQlved etolive
year o -#ra,,*e No., he and give evervone 4. c D& %-X stay wheire y u -are. No good.1coming !a —0oinelonq with; u r tr.-A e and
1906 thm pg4 hen, low t t4e4c0*rvmrd he ml st rely Al Cozinuariv R 0004-44 d4z, Itowl oack. Ever ytb g. gone. No insy pe. upon I U t aufah, Sefifortki Philip E 1 rhV�wwo 0 I a, Esq, r, ah t. :uettor f�pijo vs. VAN -DE P. ca;,V9 0 at his c wn destiny. prove tbe our JU
ot tba 1A.&NAts T I theii age or cc ve 1W Ow er z& by t .4NV.hen I g( the news in But—would the r iustamens fo 40. 116�r, ftr exilly-enL I . I : , Abat he had cul- _,_at the past year, an also the ew i that he was om 9 Kir#w od Vol idieered, I tried the tivated- with such assidrd�7 yield him ir 1A - -gular'. 0 'IT'
g that 01V i 13 QU&Hty" ti
t6nes �whp are jp
HAMU e Ale n
JVt * . _L - sing Soelt T E! refused: -to honor 1py. a Ilivellho-qdIt shcerely p&,acticed with iest qualitV. -t a -ad he. ft
_torW - distres, Bi w ch m banks. 12 y 40e%tt OX6 of th hi mault, eaugh
ly tleaft. .1 bad little In b d, that end- in :vlew ? Woul the mental
be summed- up - 8 u xca a, pl Lra W, 00r, 0 , invi you, with i
e, so i closed elis, r� test 3ame. Your te Methodixt through ong ust grov z P., -ove ano�gb to see we - how and pbyslW, eqn1pruent ct a painter,, �0
+ "alone in :be studl6 at came 4cros6. I Im lher�tofbre 41[letitant%. enable him to �te p one orders will receive h- 7=d Sictorix Oemist becAuse his. y d uoo��ed on tjm- minneapolis, bec6me self 1supporting? *on. INDIA' PAI
Q e I most careml a:tL-nti
�f. an, ember fA ths Just turned tweaWfive), be! Ero, Tilbur at daybieak.-_-Tho boat There.came a r ppm the door. "d to g at P Rirstm progfess, tLrsv in xatit leaves t P_*Vde1&=I -and Sur4 count of mitiggatt ig miitti rs a i.d . id 11:3o, I had h6pol Tht-, kiob was turned b y a dim
*"adz ibe county, Of.H*rs hotly have vou mig-bit I ie E )le to dine with me au I tiv;e: figure In the livery of the Pless &L rbert U quboun.
,�d ia pop
ularity, the fints", exsi
uthat his casei , is ti utL 01 ;ee ine off 9 pag y, 6m or 'graduate bt TrIalt 7 gether deplombl? M, In, �Jlence- I i rentwick returned We "Mr. Kirkood?" Ale should
jMtwmft., gdd. imedallat ot 11xinit That be mbW- messlige. Then, ith a tho w it a. ly, a-, the ei, gb ]KIrkwoodmodd--d.1 Wkge.l. Membe of We GD1, 'for not i1no . I ,
IC - "you are Sure this IS AST R IA'
0 of his Tesource e ful, : oo 110entlema to see you, sir." ae'� uerled. Kfrkwood!uodded again, -smiling, If TAL19- 8
4 02 A -In and $urgeoas, . n-4 helde Ingly imm -like Is stdr the )nl,? thing Il -can se sonlowhat perplei e& . zEnmuraged, the 11 r - I a I lod You paw: Beu& Row. gmi cii t SIPF— NIL guineas In i6ci Jus; 13tit youl,pi rtneir BOY dffll advanced, piqlering -a silver gm. "Iftturally I D-.tb inks that tbl� IGroft** ot k*7 Of Toronto for mentio wi i -%v e t qo:utrasteff wi car tray at' the end of an unnaturally ou wanb strengfih, you can get ir, al
Bears, the A 0a e, - membsr 0 001- needs. � And his b 6 of es 't e d me - I shouldihave learned rW,l forearm. K*kwoo p "I d ook the -001 MA ffingeono of On,, signk�u INN
adnate CoUr** In Cbl.- American city of ME vi, wh, m( well enough . to support -myse fer a 'eard dubiously De 'thi Lmb and g Dom;n or, Drewery Oo,.
ST. Jonm X.S.
E, L ALE BY LW.24W hl' R L '_L 02t
var� me Of the bsolate- PURITY
IW cmittal Of CblCfigo;.!. Royal and not wthout a w(1p. ellt�S. LeW.montLis uptivue can t;tm ELIMY, loreunger and. juspec I w nout IR Wo It U reg ist muning a, vs secret heart, Ifie f�' PRrha --.i mi -ht" pre udice. j"awmto H London. Ang- I 1: .3 T'"S C ni HOM e tia Georel 13. C alendar,' 1� h
at foreign hos s bid 'b" "en. a ar twick orted th presump e read.
, to 41 a b, 4 ow
Aw Roslind. k Of the Do -4 trarlIY' cut. off on et;, )2 1 ed gesture. 118uc� h-a,,e L % eorie B Calendagil p'ut I JIM PILL U,RED! �M g0 -j T-OrOUtO 'I I 11 i (iff (M WItt a dec X X atilon, Bank, Phone No�. 6. those aecldentO a -dople Luy alasimed no 5pch person. Sure'theres no mis- by �Iew Absorpt. ethod.
Will make youn work- better, Vlay be4er, rest better figbt C&I 1rom realdenes, by ins�mnce an (Xpr co MU01 is laka young! man" I blmling,
-of God. :yqu suffer Tr _y ain I ; sleep sounder vurben ou take it. T, IbIlbod making -pro.
as act.§ T ie elos6 croved, btd,�et shaped I I . - I
p rotruding peties are unex Xow, ,"�'ag lived all I BriflIsh head was'aglitated 11n. itchhig7 blind of to OMO 1 rh D vigorous dib AUD P�les, $e'nd me days serenely in a me d the negition, and "Card, for Air. _X1rk our a - essf and k fiai`akiwn M-Homis Pmowla. tates of is- own odd!ll was mumbled In dis assionate I *R1 tell you Zo 'o c tire your-, All king xo %V P Ia: b�orption -"WVRV CA Veons-ed suctibner for the c0untlev thought for the 1nD1+OW'SUih a sifil- accents approp te to a recitation by sM at- home by ORL -a and rVi. Correspondenc* I P L N. rote. treatinent - and v?i` I E 140 send ation naturally 3ee=(s b Dth appe 9 TT rftF-. W% amm-ptly answe Immediate &r- I N aMmerits for ale dates -can bemade and Intolerable, it the tirst ilushlilt-1 "ery welL 33 ut bief or you show ome of 'this ha jj iff Ev S xi� t r atment rk 111 IL U by edfln- up hone 97, Seaforth, or must to begin h1ir up ask this Mr. CgJendar If be be confess(d th IV, 14�
t Office. Charges maderatt Kirkwood. drew a lo and joucon$,o- is ;(ulte -sure he -wants tr,aee Philip fro= Vo= ig goods at less than -Cokt X. Ki iw own lbeal- ty- if re- gaaranteed. late face over hl;'11 dod!l �Mf , ec' o lief and 'he r n D t t The Standan d ir e I rot Then he resollutoly §h r- ago,;ed -it quested., Ilin " cli,xice f t�.Ilv I ned cba6 (j ishop6jr-E. B. 'a. i PMUMS. nd IS t u d and went In s h-� fil Tna#s it The child mardied out, unctillously permalieni cut a S Se I dog coat (Bishovi)_. II . -1 Licensed anctioneer for the countiat faltbLful damb f E Are ood ?�O, Inolley for S16.50; 3ier�a heivf iF ri ��i[:6 I Viti his pi e. closing the door. Kirk tamped but �eh Olers, of T at Hamm amd 'Being a 7ersible., coat, 85 for the whi ib, when, d aind e(l, down- the tobac 0 s pipe and :61is offer.� Write. fb4da�r to BIrs, W ftmer and I thoroughly. unde'T X W I ee 'Iderl' h a ., p twl, tfed, n: a puffed energetic L] ly, dfsmi ssing the in- M. SUMMerS, Box M Windsor, -k blanket lined coati4,442Z-a #Atft.g the Vv�Ue of f&rM gtCo-nk Sne lighted wit, men!s heavy under -wow, lope of a ca bl terru-ption to his reverie as a matter ojjt� No. (M. Vol� X1. A. T. R.� I I W -S rn", to, places me In, a bettor go- envel mes ge.� oo) w"19c; niin'seavyundw- y AUon to iialtze: good priceef- Qhargsli �"I!Vs about t h annownced, of no consequence an obvious mistake Record 2.Zli x 75c for 59c. ; mexes heavy xl�, T SiAw&te. 9&6dution guarautied ot watching the pa c bom o, e rec 0 wot s lined, $1.3D for $1. V; i will at&Y4 for the Improvement b? etook i 1
A W pay. All ordiprs left 1—r- ftete-P WM in tb�e grate -Or i10 )Is panta, S2, for $1.80 ; melj�,h that *as , 119 Mr. Calendar wh m bed not kno semion at his 4)xvn 40)16, Lot $, Con. 5, H. R. iS. 60 Vrmptly tatt"ded M something to pr my - tle'' to 11V_ At! the knock - he had a most hoped V -5D for $UG -, WE01 TuakemmM, iun YnUe and a hat south of Egm & vllje -aud u half a mile eut. Tern* --Vo to in V f0i $5.40 ladies� fuM Ing.1p And thIs all �4edllqo'.7 it might be Bren1w-ft'ek, re ming )idtI4 IJAB.ZERRY, Proprietor Xgwondville V
a changed mAnd ib6iit th� bid to dlnw, to a vanished c 1g. -, rnisswf 11ral rez- #Any wa� V. Round Trit I r r, a3g; ladies? eloth ja,*,- Fm a sight'bet t - ;off th. 11 those POW a '79c ; la&ee heavy ba&- The SLanciard Bred devils over 6: V.I 'I ally haire -He regretted Irentwick sincerely GODERICicto ft'for 3ft � heavy aH V00 I- thR - I I I great deal to be %4 lori now it Theirs was a sort of friend- �59 for $3.719 heavy com@, my *aw. ship, extraorchina: Ily close; in vkew of attention1s, d T5 for V.M ; hm ns= 1131nutes fle the' meagerneps iy' either's information For the e Eleefr" B. 061 Z5 V and Como -s Ithought it all �r, Bob 71 �ut with� a about the- other, I D SaT nothing of the - 7 bw bais for 25c ; a few snow stout ov ow' f disparity- � betweg i 'their , ages. Con- 15, A, T. R heart� sta3dding a a *Ind I�Z 13 and I 'unk Railvvety HOW S, R4, b )rse4 wil A-sud-
The 10DOW1 I t
iregular, 45c for 23k, hU bedroom tn. cerriing the elder man Kiriwood knew 41stum Monda�, . h �ne -2.26j. at 3 yearis old- little more tbi(n that tbej had. met on ! STRAMER G*61 H for Trial ihvi 25e for r7c see our deep trolisem kei A VVe System. at r �-- r - V - .., 11.11 &r X 11. Ayer, Bien Akelit aer, vX new. stock�,all neW yoluminously,, hii shlj>b6ard, "coming p E , that Bre:nt-� Will stand for the lmproVe�iet diff ain DETRq1T T . B 'a Sale 'a E A this sea -son at his own s
burlap% �ft et, enil a ra In Amer- Rat over a. b iltude ,of wlc�. had SP pe ye
Way Time. Table. ereat p Ing, ftey plorts, Ica that he a En ,l1shmau'by;' Lo don Road, j inile -south �of ruce- I =ap a * . ;I �ose fiom ha -h4 -roofs lVo twurance. ange Stables-, Hensall md - sleig f Ixfort AF folk -g -R.- n w " T; Ift-bit, by pro- ToTma $12 to At"ure. 1) e
Traiv a Irz ame a ialpt t &e doer. ave. OrIl, pma to- il for 79a Theire c blr�'llt; a cosmopov t1a A Spedia Excursion Irrain w e unry Stratf6rd at -- CliaUu Tan Ist'. Toll. P6i w. Fer Ciri on, Ccilexich, W41i?m Kirkwd iem v ! P1 roin tp lea -V e - Vanderlip Ito fl, mpl6ying that; a. M., tario... get ,r 25c our pTices, on f IfLN- ii right it fession" a geitt1QmDLjf (e ng U 0 Kincar� ine. .11 igiy, I � SaturdAy, June 18ib., nd price. UO -26 tween, his teeth h to 6 V`e-nce and OD11*4 V&,Vanderlip has a ne i3romisir 'Weven I 111. For CH)ton and Goderleh )ut- alone terT, in its wo t * M 7a Froz et Kincardi6, IM, tte" WM. BERRY & SON, Proprl�t Vor ountoD, W16gham and Kincat -"Come in!" pl�" Y. -ind kiddie., i to support. 1! Th Extra well Bred pg, train vTu� -purchas Our P#0W dine. r Brigsh significancel, and by inclina take i aoinit �e connecting
The knob was' an� the "Your gei Ins tiori a collector A "articles of virtu! M. For Cl Mon and Godericb. at 01111 ton 6ial Train King Thom -as COLONEL GRAHAM No. 12103 (IM5)
I in leaves
for G �derlch. Peel I Rpil P. For Stratford, Guelph, Toront opened. Wrl[Wo g 0 n f which he Goderch for Clinton, nghm - Strat-
1.52 a. in. "illy ability, such as it ij, and thal and bigotry;" in rsuit 4) P. BOWHY & Son,,- Orallin Norlb Pay' or -d Pain t! [192,U] beheld, hes. ta nt zu On the th r e 'Wait. No;'ilIbis mean4 made frequen ex mrsions 6 the cont- ford f d way stations G.!?. ity,, on Belle-Ifle and Fet�rboro andta'"ef heiel, I (an t of steamer"Nond n1g4t, *OlqD*AY. May 9th -will leave his own bt�ble:a�d old, a diminutiv t in e bx r 3imply t4a, I t come own f�or�l nent from his r(sI euce in a quaint, did Young- Clyde P Ad The Splen th
s Zee= o Thos. Venneef for noon ; tbehoe
h ows
Brucefle east th
S try P. m. Fork tfod.duelp�,Toran.to, 9�1 i �d rompton. les. my ee III i - qrst nd cast to Gorge Wr,4n!s
A 0 LIGHT TUMAY-Weat to lfeleemtes - Com
t$ eAst of the F s pa� e the clouds pl -1 ph E �o (Iuiqt street Of b It bad' P%h'thin Stamp'.1,
treal a d In 600 ERICH BAND eri th For St rt P IrAir. 10rkwbo( T - II%j e �hrth and get I o been during i his r infreq, ient, but or 1). Im. 1.0�ld Cue! nud Tmut& ork,". ot, =to Ww. HoggartWo for -noon ; then e. Kirkwood no A. nt is s6u ly bb Via' 0�'PX FR n i 7 IW%] (15058) wtLy of Mp tb*ix
di nd,' admittel dinarl e sojo-urns, tn Paris �:8.3 ID r,1 JUNE pen Road to Jae, X
"The sendm( ;�O ej) west and Boutb to RoK ean*r acquaint. ne a f0t algbio WEDNMAY-To Brucefteld, of Ti3ndo R�ron and Bruce. "GentlemEm 3rentwick, 'Itt, e practice - cf it f )113 tha� r 11 9ts feom Strat- Shire Stallion U/ OD the,,,, Exedrolon Train 4, Ae Great see yol ill g, bWkft o fornwo 1. tbence to Varna 14r n)
Kirk wood no e(L agqn� an ff�,ction al. ost filial ford Tj P. G. T. Fty., and talions.. -nith A'
E[ave.you stop pe, I to think whatpart rippped Int �where he wW remain MU Thursday aftia 'do
14adon, a*p%r4, ."Show him u j4e�se, ' 'lit said, pa erIal on -Blaisdon Chief I i rising youn, ortrait painter can on the one, and, xtlmost -Afternoon soutb to Hill 0 IT, DAY before t__ were fa 01 it. VC a Dille to Win. uVe's for W RW&9-7j&,& 9.68 -ontribute tow ir Ahe rebu� Iding 1)f i the other. [09] (23W2) There cam a q r '?Ing PRU Hmi Isgreen, south to Uric ad, 4t to JObstow-8 his Mouth' a 'i skel pe into, IpWing t e door. ITINE ote-1, for noon, and w I re
10 CS . . I . n ft SAtu.-d4y I
levastated cit ?"i The Choicely Bred Clyde S-97 72 10.16- 6.12 room. Irrho paftitin mob V ied; tte oor open- ]�ETROIT FOR 136ERICH relter itei I The k vas t -ir LE ntl ag AY-Rasb to James prtor% j,, SATUP 10.30 d al Ost Walt" one. beel, f01104 stable where be wV1 remalp ud.0 -the wr. Brentwi( :.wo6 in I Frid jtjne17th,8s WA;e4tralTime. ed. Kirkwood, stviiging )n 'T, jvup� it -go 0.35 i Kirkwood. "I c n work, like C the r Arrive Golden 'Key. nggenday morningm Londeabow I t oderleh 6.30 p. pi.
11.18 1,51 shout4 jumpin orwai I., seiz Is bbheld, hesitant Upon the thieshold, a Spec al Traln leaves G !rjc� An G, T. My% id 9M] (14891) nv r.ao visitor's hand- n height. Ity. Stratford and 0. I?. Ry. to KING 61ai Clire 7.13 rather refund figurejof medill LORNE "YOU Car d 0, Y rsel and your gen- Bly etc., 11.80 p. in, TM S -Ring Thomas, $17 to Ins I ure WAIth culatea TO 1.1.40 e I ! THO$. &EL & SO."q, Propri "My de gro y lounge ethra
11-60 7.83, a:17 Doi. Tl Aus grave InjuEti(e, and I f ar e yo down ; Golden Icey 815 *, Bjlisdon Chief, clad in an expres slonless ISTm delighted, d, Got yo ir LEAVE GODFRICH FOR DETROIT 1 King JArne, the young Clydesdale SWUM whi I,liroat and LUU.m 9� Ise suit, with a broy -n "bowler" ' hat held ist, i I FAWi2zer Iwill, dear boy, It's in keep . tu day, June lftbj 9.30 a. ji., Catiaa Shethin Stamp, $12; psy0le auutiry ist 'a -ut in!* -wit I a n,e I tmVel thl,,,emo the same ro et as that taken, ?jy
0.43 A.m- note not an how. egme at o I d, � in um. r8 a T n Parti paying on or before March 39t 1011, -,W111 ie- St, Wingham, d your herit ge- pf Americ c, tentatively In Qn ! an Vg at- Polt roo. their lion Glenme.-_ Ttms-,81,0 to in -
an obstira. A, 19 "O cursion I n f -om Strat, ceife back I _Bronchk�, Sore ThroA Lit -you see. your herit noy,t- - sate, 2214,31 weeplug in the ol be r., A olee, which t E Im Now-, it it we�re'a question of In ford t e morning of JAI e 18tl, Stoppirig J. BERRY,--Propr1et9r_,, Pain or Tightnew in- 7.08 8196 14jt Was -you., I "Mr. Br( t tes- was unctuous aut insinna. ve, emanat- Dutlln, Seaf r h, Qmton and at cW1 Kirkwood ro -lid 7.60 6.113 Fv1 go T ported Glyd - 7.16 4.04 migb d of at Xt hell, 1� ei ;e Lrh. 4. 1 cli Holm Sville I . all Bronchial Trouble$ down, please. ed vehem tly, 1"I've ample- r my pl,,,v be,' Im esrt 8.12 4.39 ds( ed from the flg'ur Fro wl;gham, Bolg-ale,� !etc., tako The Following Horses will BtAnd for the Itn 6- most 33 - "Mr. Kirkwood Iftl e�)Ineets at i to the curative power at; ....... 8.28 16.47 a - moment ago I., v "As! th 1, fo# present ne s,'-' he added. momi g train, Sun went of sWck Wis seawn as follow dale tallion '6a on� the ofluto a. Im, Willi p�jial Train 8.32 A." able and rkwood nodd with' sop3e effort pectoral remedies. .4 CPU 8.48 Of sell' conceded Ere tick, for Q derleli. 5.06 i BURSAR No. (10709), Vol. 22. bed had w. ae stooV recalling the Dame* so de ,Uxe virtues of the w0IM 01L .... .. 105 5.15 ith -a sig] didn't really ho G TO QCDI,�RWH T1108. ARCHIBALI),P=pIrletor Lo�dln s FavorUe EtWon, (arAve)--,,*.- 4S the ctsappear- .10.00 A M. 6.00 I can fancy." The'eild rm 1 thobght ce bee h his Alonclai, bule %4b. 1.00 ,vay pine tree, embined' an 1C Ok �-d would aval I yd r elf of our friell Le, XONDAY-May Srd, -will lea-ve hiu own stable, Lot J113079) ap, smiling, at kirk*odd., he,mzp- ance of the page. in.. Port Ruron 5.80 Arlive ht aession 112, 31oXillop, and proceed to R, stand foi 'Asp.0 "R 1. mek Now there's I home in ode 'cb 9.20 P M. Lot 29 'Conoe*dn 6, NoXilIpp, for noo;4 improve agemen _S I I-V 61Y _s, Mr. Calendar?" Spe al Trains le Lrry Bark, and the soothing-, LWOW& ft Kinca�dine t knows� 0 1 r�red ( e RV derich 11.1i* pertics oat d ; las: You have SE!en it?" e 0 then to Nil; HoW, Seaorth, for rd stock t iis at his own - staW ectarant pro (Ls ap pel T� I r
planation of Ifis cerpm 4h KOkwood?" P. for Climon, W m.1 Siratford, Tuj�sDAY_Dy way of the Snd -0oneesnion, Tue... Concession 18, ble illo* "In Your abs nce this aft( n��qur� "Ar4 n 'Goas WORTH. you -t av, Mr. VaX ot stewher �trl( Dotrolt Coleman's, for wou , then north i*. hecbs and barks� Pam. PAM. ,so ti�ok If foll. Whig on smith, to Thos. L't 21 $9 to insure. .ance, A erl .ire you Mr, Palend ar�' XIrk- --with ca able to J. Cartes, Tjot i, co cesdon 2, iiullett, hy Mowel T.42 p.mt 12.05 p w 9.4a A estimable but] r, GODERICIj RETURNID G TO tMTROIT eon the'heiils of h -d bi�n 01), de# b Mm J. J, MeGAVIN, Proprietor Ithel :)ralr Wood% sm116 robbe the r atort 'Mmy of Alms, for nigbt. Mrs. john 1,11, 0 of any derich on 1 11st irlp fe r De ol 11.00 10." are ye?'11 Wh ti discretion, kep e without the Leave Go WEDNE8DA'V,---$brth to Imph Taylorls,. Lot Windsor, OnWiu-'r kin 61 1.44. 0.55 And how r of Ind Tues 43r St.. AD 8.30 tt.�M- (lime Oaaceegonll, Hullett, for noo 's laughed the yo Oan. flao ivillity. Jime 21
9 all n;lthen to W A1.10 n:t0 Encouraged, the� man Entdred. p The Hfghly Bred Stallion!, writes -.—"I W" 1.56 undertone I - ld(�b ,cited in our, re- the me 8.30 a. m,, C daTime') owt stable for ItighL + OJE 2.08 59 "It's a 9c tftio�t Lble home. Yox v oul d Ill go e"t to S. ForWs, ConcesAm troul )led with &XI95- He continiied. to pt�re tmrjausi into wising that be woalt - detain hi� boSt but ITHURSDAY-V + �Aaff. pw. Pan. not consei Lt '0 i hare It- with ne un- 14, WeRillop noon -_ then - noTtli to OUVAIr Hal Sphinx, 01056 for ty hackig COU01' Kirkwood's fac�.� At 4L �llncei th.14 weald will be Genie& in tbe 41�ing roorn i x . i tilly I I � for the L48 a.rr 11.0a, 2-140 *,P.R a moment and readi y surr? Turbull's, Conemlon 16, Orey, for n1glit. f Ullih -ZxcuTSi% n at Ne. for ibis 6.62 11.30 sm 2.49 ptitting'the 2 You ard, more than pod; bi: t, �ol L. brentwicIg iv" 14a it I K1r wood, J?UTDAY-Westw then north to Long's Hotel, OrAj i- prop and umbrella. -v" b - coun.: ! monthg iaA Er %Q6 IL26 8.0 -hen north to Oe Aineel(wa . . ... . broo)c,for noon; t + 7.16 11.87 -1.18 figurean rath&'stendeil rt 6 Ide, Invilee 'his allir to the- notel Brusels for night. Tn-al 2.VA son of the g t ellamplon IL. I! iffe=t re� 17� -lit - va Ote d _IRtter as I �;r ....... . . SATICMbIl��autfi to Thomu Brown's, Coneesa�n Dnlard,.2.jm r threeaseason of 1910 46 lot A d' sto estly, I mu:st.j5aU tonliz I - _+ a__ u sensitive -k had ocbu- 4 Loo 12.,30 O.Da e in and R shea 1, 4, W 44nd ID
y V r medies b�ut ther. tehanc eas' ebitir f hich 13,er�twi( only this !hance o see y� u bt� ie'i I I Ll 8, Lot 30, for noon; then south i beaday and WWn Dink-, out of which h1J: el s I-01: e, pjed� by thia.1fireplace. WHITE- SP I I follows; 4fonday, T - y <i At Last :1 Was Advl�-_ - . I I ImIler's HoWl, for one hour; thev, on we�kr at 13� B. SMphenson% 4?.On U
left. Youl. 1 7onw! n . st:Loes. Aiad.Tbi in unV -AiJ4, Uou4e Sei -
-L m rous jaiid. a tra!e., e with mel U off! tbe dam S.)l cam �.try Dr Wood's N.or*&Y- keen, alert, h "It takes t4e ed, -,,e pues L stable�, wbere be will be will reinki il tle day, F v and Saturday at ltbe Djok "It yold woull Kay in Lcndol fol][owlng Manday morning. forth. s rears iiii with i��-fjrst few d.osw �S.l Iwistful behind, I ii wood explablL.11 in forende to ----------- --- 'relief and tG_&Y Alberta F 'M Lands for Ip, we wo ild- i line togethe na c &20 % M. e j r I 3� aspect of Ise at L av6 $e.aforth weire Indetermh 4te, wit] i -1th the othees loolt oE )leased surpr entirely disappesiOd "t e h but -many , Ime As It. is, I myl 'f coals "I" Pil. t Brino 0 le W anted & fifty, the'spirit.: in th booked or thepe-beerful bed n afraid d TP to Ditfoit 4thout Dr. Woods $0MAY d e �ery Kim dc h, to be gc Ine 9 e .$2.15 att Roun Refore Purchasing latid ip the NVest, looR into the assorted oddly. h ds I could never get a(climated toilfe ill 6 ihe hbuse�l' erits. ot Alberta fa E* e on business. I �n ve many 4 Eta 1341� No. 87M, Vol. XNT1 whUllands. Do not let the r0c In r a damp, cold the impriavemerit, Will buyne hundrd 2'or 3 !yea; Aznen,eans gp old, deli&te,. Bi e and e, and Et cold, damp t all th beb'Frand in the West. Terms e ..Ing attention. between noir th a Will stand for te' m In -such a. yo Woods NorwaY, either cash. or on th orop payment plaii, or a e1ear lips beneath the droop g, roo .8 11L Brittish -r_; prefer. STazing, Or may � tal
train Oria. will n he Rbyal Rotel .0:16 11 y I of stock this seaso at f old steers for 4tg per bottle- It is Dut 1W 1121W to the 7and in Turaferyourffrat entire mp it is gratpful," hin Calendar agreed, asture. P&rtltsbavingan3� of Vinterwhmt. tache at times rembl. lmos Child Ory, Stable w pine, be my gu en Villa re s, until the Ist of July scies in Saskat6hewan, eloge to three milways. Perceptibly, ..wit 0- ene ous jMreading plump and well cared- for Terms -$12 to insuri-,, e 46PI FOR FLEt OVEINW071
VVIH 0XIhailge for faiix Kirkwood, wl th a 'of .4 For weat or south of Seaforth. ments that eom(!: IST: I nher Parole= t JOHN A. _tf rs apply L -,o asure beca e 1). T. PINKNEY, Fronrietor.'
2ioz.ti back raightt .#4 Us A I W_ �sa ba sure Ll BOX arrth. . I- '� d easer' C EWS W. 6
held his e 1
t 17 omly PAP Is tt,ee 'a IIed o* by, The -T. MM00- t IIIIIII