HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-06-03, Page 59 tG he thOught er though, i. , the jactys,_ap 0 -Irk T. °Wen. - John Dry OGIIPLAN Mrs. Plre #14-.4MAN...L W. J. Me SANDERS -I Arthhr to arket heese, which wed 112 1e4c. st eeke nee ,a Dongo a 3 at -$L7cy nd $22 To te'oe2 ceite 1 90c' to 11* -05C o Whea,t- t-i-lece eenate oeietero, 9e 1 - ate eraipmeitt . 2, 84c; No. 'port's for ear - o No. 2 ide ; No. 3 d e, No. .2, 51e to -50e ; 1314.6 03n, a No. 4. 49c . ;Pets -- No iitteba, bran, $21 per to. v °10;rona 0 , 7$. 052no: p • '$11 to 7 t. a Ki e. s and $2 -.--Pate 1 revery pair the best 0 iene fitted With a hoes. 2.21 11.19 .'2,101) ..•rreef0 A - • 350 00 * 00 on -Gan 596; Grand Stand, 26e. -;• • Lodiuv, 2 ; Carriages, 250. • Entri olose June 17. NEY, P M. I3ItODERJOK, Sec: taffa. -41r. en eAtehle Miner. ord, are 1 visiting their relatives t weseett Mr.111,ed Mrs - .1#hn. eel Hamilton, epent the 14th s with - r. and Mee. S Webb, eeeaiss"M, 0amp ell, ot Toronto, was rieent visitec •Ithere.-Mr. •• and East, Novels, are are 'reekingrrozn laiernieg and have moved Into this Vile they purpose 'spending. the their idaY -A very sad „Elect- werred4he e on Saturday After-- , . Mr. g. -§ttlela's grodplt - While IMr. R. ei iYalton was f1»1ng hie Ueda- laelgeetreoont of earrth are tee vel from uite ells ance •above...Aela 's lug tire on theta - Alla16107`.eri- 1i:mts are ; teeralyzed, Is epine is displaced end some ribs ked off tee• hack bone. lite bee) PhYttela In atteedence • old -out no'berpe for s meovery.; . t geegaticee retain tiro eed Wen w - con e mem Brumfield. ;to the very- e f14rige Brucefield re, to the illeappeda. River opie. mere i*.; a vete' strong tje en Mr. Saw= and this 3.-lexcef1e1d. and we are e evin lee eerY much to le loth. • Hansall wage -twee a car of th Columbia shingles at ' i•S' case, Reuse:IL eery Stoe to Rent -Store and d C. On which has -been occupied by Mell, jeweller, for over ten years, of years. Possession after Deeemt et.,Bell„ &Worth, Out. randier of nice dwellings. 'have e for sale at great bargain. pn_- dwellings for renting. Apply to O. -at the Post Mee, Ittensnli. rter.s.-Quite, a number 'VfleirtitY attended the - In St,. Andrews .the reception 'tendered on Tuaeda.y evening - IeArthez, waes L Ling friendse-Mr 1 Belly into Mrs. 1. .a.lere. eottev he peatorrice-.-Mr. Henry le day e lastweek withr het Jolae-Mles ) Clintort. on Monday. after- eir with lievaialt. Mire. ea, '-We were plea..aol toeee ee, of Imo: ,Brocefield, last. week, IOOkIIIw erioue m9 -x the pastor. Rev. Mr. kodiet churet, who ' e at Chatham. the Leresh7teriaa and M 111 unite oTi &Imlay ling the service -wilt fie between church And in t Mathodit hurch. h will take both serikeeee Sellery are visiting fr this week.--Ifisa - mantra spent a few do :her mother; Mra. Sohn Mrs. Dalrymple rur in the ,vc'est on hi ving spent eeeeral weeka .here -Mr- and Mrs Cc toe in London j'eceiajly daYS well relatives and Et. Dairymple's dwering improved by a new met A. Bolton has 4.9ote1 a - along the freent of his Iehmand street South.--AtI3 leynoids has very ,suecees ier final examination in eMr-. Alex Thomson- reet from Tont', where r` number of weeks. erspoo is building , a. e near Mr. John Beira, - Wade a 'very laege ShIpJ11 est of this week :hem Ovkienced by the fact that O less than $3,857.21 for g those who received big we /earned of, Mr. ea eidtwo that netted him Wiee MeLeare on oZ had 14 pigs: which br Snug stun et $307.80.-eir end Mr. N. Wareenele Ou troprletors. -were in peday :atm/111g the e the Gundrv Bros., live owe -The reletives and good wile regret to leave te poorly, owing to her - he .belne- the oldest woman e, but enjoying on thO Lt ht- alth until within vTe.-- a-Mre .Galloway, or Se een 1,e:ending -the paet WE Other, Mr. Kelly.-MXa ter, Miss Hemphill, wore 4 ci$ R id of the Louttlt properee grell road to Mrs. -Fe N- et Reesall. 5 Bac races rExpansiou of the thfal appearance.. exible, non -rust - to the old styleg, ifen, Women and them at 'IDSO gist ckarfi's PNTARIO co °rich. Menge in - 0 teen airegulter eb - along cholr. oharch here. • eignee Ns posit Choir er or • oelst orch, church; board is vrgani . Mr. Ad Dy the loega ge with' t flee. le take he ;street . 4cm-ley bere Is s 11 ard will organ. With Me. Ian' s ld place gives nearly all ragte .jimge of Pack. late or .se leave t • Wan tette are as be pro ded at th e,fit of the incre baffle. The mcr freight sheds, end a petltron ; asking tee eft council to take the -matter up at ; irce will -be presented to tee beard t it_s next meeting. levee Matter Wits tiered bi the Council last 3realri but was not ng doing. Owing to the tiortaI line of boats this year tOT pweeenger and parcel tra,ffic this acco ation ,beeres oeceseeey. It Is tifitid If Ithe .sheds were erected much bf. the frtght far the West from paints In Ont rto -would be sent to Gederke for the -upper lake ports as a Jeulcker and eheaper 'motel ganies.-Theee , as nge arotmd here a - ideas of the various y Adams .hes te- • as -onganist -, and North street Meth-, In coeesequence the looking for tie - nes has 'begh. engared St George a Anglican church: as t „end oho leader:. Mret i R. has held this _ position for scene t solue ti. - ago was .In trouble officials and 'resigned bis Of - Adana as then engalged ' to Place, b4 will not leaVe V,ort,tt ethodi•st iltriCI1 wall the va- pplied Meanwhile' R. ke the St. Georges' tEIunter in Mr Rae Knox church this he churches a. come eantsts. Mr. lelle eorges, will likely wn- Waiting Rooms. - GoderIch teat waiting craOrtrs docks for the , • ben - sea lake pa,esengerl eAants also went 1 • °Atari° Crops Promising. That the crops of the Bro-vince are from to weeks to one month in tale vanes f iast year and nearly two *veelts al -teed of the average is the Sucour rig report that has been re- ceived • the Department of Agricule Lure o ntarlo freer) its correspondents: leteze ere Issued: oh Monday in the torm the tefay 'bulletin. This is trei- aseurin in the fece or clears , that --- late be Tirade that tlie lack of I stall-. Shine and the it ..,,I ;weather of April rand in e early port of' May have give en o bus setb ck to the COOP& t Field OperatiOns in tspring sowing Were the earliest or many years, .but" even with, the eetback In the latter pare of Ap,ril spring eowing is •about a rewire eaxiler that last season and tl. week ahead of the. average Year.. ' Fell eat ent ol into May well forward' and settee ei.SOMe Was drown- ed out looked ete vigorous. r nave, auffeee from last season's lliroughq but 710Vir presents a good ape pearance, and en •upon the growing period with the . 21nWe of a good S'Ield sheuld ordin Ily fair condltein.s prevail.1 . . The ..elleart and Id whiter worked evonde.rslin fodder supplies. Scene, howe ever, sold too free ye tempted thy the Wi. pre es, tit% th etairlY grass came Lo their :rescue in most districts there 10 a tent eleoleY, a d the general '',. teae Is iiiti mo.re C ful .than those of blare recient year.s. , ' The reports et 1 ve stock are, parti- Ithearly ight, ex pt' that the unusual- Ifr. Ls,' high Ices led 0 too. hasty marice.b- hg. Cat le have te n remarkably free from dieease. Ida. cows are fewer teen meal, but roars calves are being kept. Shie;ep are d I) ing well and lambs are cording strong and plentiful. Swine are not 'so plentif 1. The general euti ok tregarding or- kiliarde ip meow, Ing.. Riossorrang av- eraged aboit a for nigliit earlier than usual, end was :vex profuse. Fears are expressed tbat the- rains may _. have Washed. off a. large Proportion of the Pollen. li small ts are well • ad- vanced. • , MA KETS. SEAPORT; Jane 2, 1910; Fall Wheat• -SO 85 to SO 85 Oats, per bushel...-. 0 30 to 0 80 Pe48, Per bushel 0 60 to 060 Barley, per 0 40 to 0 40 Bran per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Shorts, per ton , 22 00 to 22 00 Lo,v Grade Flour, per ton 2s oo to 2.8 00 Maur, per 100 2 75 to 8 75 Butter No. 1, • • • 017 to 018 Butter, t u 0 17 to 0 18 F.Zes. Pa. dozen.. • • .. •. • 0.17 to 018 • Kay per ton • .. . .11 00 to 11 00 Hides pe • 00 7 50 to 7 50 Sheer - 0 75 to 1 00 Pota..„vs r bag ... 0 60 to 060 Eia.t (retail per barrel_ 1 35 to 1 35 WOOd per cord(long). 6 00 to 7 00 od per ord (short)... ciol,er See Tanothy Seed • Dairy !Markets f Montreal. MaY 311.-13utter-Crearnery, 23 1-2c to •24c. Clhe sea -Fodder, lle to 11 1e4e. egs-Sei eta% .22c per dozen; Straight ceipts, 19c to 20c. • Toron , NUS 31. -Rutter-Receipts have , heavy el big the past week, ' and, Del are on a very uncertain. basis. Bath creamery and leery grades isa,e eaey, and A is prartically . n? .8 4 whitee 3e • white 32e track, IT' 520-e-Ve.13 40,6 to 47e on tree 2. '70c -to trckr ;19 ;per Per ;Neon; trek. temottey. $11.504tte peete ;r41' -London of them shoet of e . .-The tone and prices doer week The demand wad geed da 15 leec 'te, . per ' evas .done. . , Liv May a'Yes eaet- vat:Icedwe wel iteined • today, th teade as s Owe, .0e/na2 diateejnitele ..leee i l. per . lbe and fed eel, trpin I 4i to • 14 la2c . Montreal y -0 , - - OEi»ce • *leers beoughe $6 8 to $7 25 f4lr to good. - $5,.25'; to , .2 ; fair,'. $ .75 to -,,$5.35 ; COI'S, $4.50 $6.50; b ea, ' $e,..50'. hO $G; hogs $10. ; •sows .$0 50 • sheep Were isteatie. at 4.10 to -$6, eeleneles1 'soid at •$7.50 to $ .- Cie, way'ftetne e 50ete, 4-10, pit all .1 the - _Buffalo; Y, 3 - steady to Itive - to $8.25 ; ' I g, $e ere, -$5.50C 0I $7.60 hel $7.25; cow- 8i125 t $ to -$6.60 ; '1ockers $5.65; tcyeheit - treile;e e •••••• - Active;, e eteere. e8 7.15 ; bathe el 85 ' te 'bulls; $4.85 ee, t$4„6e t o to $a50.; active, and $88; Veale. - to $8.75. felogs le bee ; heavyi e5, to 0.90. • $9.90 e tstagse $7.60 o ..$''i..et0. , , Sheep . heese 2ec 25c Ao, . 30c earlings, efq $5.25 ; &wee. 1 eta •:$8 . .to 1 ' i * elity of fat vette 'some e• was a , sale ; ; be . ExpOrtere ere at .$6 te .50 'to $5 80, ei1Ikrs t end r.ge,1 with teens. There 801,1 'cows m $40 i, to ecelots of Ices' ranged verage'' of Lambs -L, to ' $5.25; at 3.50 to •of • ; $5 50 eerity to t 2 Active ar4 steady $6 -Active fSC to 1.0 $9.80 to 9 8 mi.. ed. $Y1°Ov*Irls; Iro '8 8 to 0; St to $8 ; da Ie, $0.0 and Lambs Sheep s Agher; la bs, ace. Wolter ; la , $7,25 o $ to $6.50 ; w t S; 7q 4.4:-5o to $4 7 • he $4.75: ' , Taroneo; Ju16 1: 'cattle Wae generale leitoke lots and loa good trade; .all off k ing beet:light up In god im 1soldea..t $6.7 ,to.$71 , b tc ; 1b1 e ere cows at $3 aeld bul $5 te $6. ,SpeIngers ecelpte we pric�s arm t .prevlo e miist heve about on sale, Wr let soki. at $69 each. , Veal Ca1v /eel_ calves were large. at from $3 a $0.25, or n $5.7G par iwt. Sieep :n ,Slireep, ewes sold at 60 bs ge The hoe ma k ith a declin o tts, fed an 9,65, and 9.3 nts. to, May .3 81:71V°8g7da;rielg:Sta(Xilleitg't4;11 many wee es lored -sold on catikiPertcos weire t. bigher dlutSm to coint $4 rams at $4 to $4.50 ;11a $6.25 each, Or an ear eaoh. Hag? ;er till -1(1413a! per 'wt. Se the • market, • countryl -West TO a fat catt1? loads of :as aeea this( Wee; active marketto fire tlene logs were 1 day of the choice ex cents :e ago, Needle - ers e010 at last Mende, sales for ex don, 125. ea $7.20 avcrn tle, -1160 Lb foe liana eagle OA porters, 1-20 $6.60 to $7. averaging or an av erpool, 1275 at $6.50 t two Wads I o Ru sold at $6.7 $6,50 to $6.6 mon, $6.60 per cvet.1- W being etold f all at that I port. 'Milk - milkers and each. Veal $3 Ito $6.50 $6 'per cwt. ewes, isolda yearlings 45 50:: ;lame, $ spring lembe go, 43.1 $3'•60 t leogs,lectes 10 cents pe er. 'Selects, f eretered $9,40 to.b. at Cotm-try doable deck sole at $9.40 0 n b y h.. ,•ason iTyion.Moy lath, to Mr. , _ a tlaVh er. _ Y. OO 12th, ea Mr. no, In Tiirlibel y, on ilayI9th, tr Couphisi. 4 &lighter. la Exeter, on y 23rd, to nan, edit Exeter, on litay 15th, to Mr-. d dem, a ion ., • tier atlas etee,--Ar, the residence of Oen. ,. , on May -2,4th, by Rev. M. Kart, . 8. G. Troyer, of May, to Miss Alice ,_. - LOR-At Lnean,, OOMay17th,')yltet. lisle Alio Malei Taylor, daughter at •'as. TaylOr, to W. -4,D• IltukS, all of atii . N -in on, on May MO. IV thea bride, An a,daughter of Rtiv. W. Martin, forinerly of Exeter, to Dr. j. rfAtigarY, t tO., fotmerly Of °Raton. 'ranee re wienipege 01 IdaY v., Mr. Cru ally, Mr. Hugh Thou -to- -nod, S,,to Mies Reale, daughter 41,0hn lohell, at Moleswerth. •,. TROYER--TA lor, Kipp L Taylor. ElYREE-TA Arthur Oa Mr. and M -txeter., 'GUNN-MAR father of t N. and It Gunn THOMPSONL - nth, by R ' son, of Ma' Mr. and M Lrrri,E-44 Er ilettl), on e.: 24tI!, ea Isobel t l' ,r -- datiAter 0 Mr. and 1 . Theo. Little, - -aged 2 __.._i - Years, 9 rn lithe and 24 eb.r. • orONNOR-I Blyth, on May 18th, John' II, &Clow: years end_ •. months. - rje, on !ay Pith, Rev. 'M tthew - . Ehrann, fo a of Ern -Is* aged 88, years, 1 O'LEARY-At Cromarty, o May,x8rd, infant on of 0 month and(I days- ' RATII-In Kis- Wriailintieb, on tb, Fred Rath, ' aged 88 yeas --and 11 m the. - 1 Mr. and Mia. John 00- , - _, - msr,--reikabet ?Oran ved wi,Befendv,forni yisliZhat.ect,'Elleo,fibetbyeallreoFt s*: ' Months -an 14 day. . • DM' aitt4 2 SWANI4-lin BitOil.IVOOT, I BOX & 00. - 'The Lading indertakers. 1- 7 Charges' Moderate, . 1,10fill8-.4. tearieeal. Diteater, I Einbaliner. • Sight and Sunday oalhi :omptly4 attend to. • Resid oe on Gods , eh street west. 0 posite Dr. S tt residen Phone No 50 • sersiornianed Oa snort not m, 11 8 1 eiPORTAMP 1NOTI ES. ; . • . ..... . DOM.?. FOR tiEfLvIpE-.-- The undersigned 1/ kten, for service on 'lot 24. Con 4, Itt- the thorrjbred Eampshire art Brodharen No. 4421. Terms $1 with the prtv liege of tete \if teecvsary. PEItOY SMITir 221 QUORTIIORN BULLS -Poor choice young ' -3 for sale, ready fot tiervibe, got by Cone ranna 5040, and out of go milking clams registe.vd. - For particulars applv JOHN EL Hens:ill P. O., or on Lot 16, n. 2. Bay,' 221 1 ....'..4. will Mop, hiet, ing ii -4 hulls. All E4. -tf rilEA0r1 ER W&N.tED--riira .ted for Schocb ction No.,(1, Tuokennnitb, inale or female h Ming a 1st or 'ad class p,:t4e,stilianal certificate, Ap lice- ilons will be reeeiv-wl. by the Undersigned until June 80th: Z-3r,xte salary and experierne. J. T. MA TIN, GROC Seoret.ar3,8eido rth P. 0.1 221 x4 Jibs CANA OF CON r4°FICE0 TORONTO esident D eheral IAN BAN E CE ; or '7" HELP isee aid -up, Ca t $10,000,000 eserve d, 6,000,000 ughout Capda, and -TS BANK ckard s ng out a IPJG TO CALGAnY Aelvessavasseiasiveasa- n the United States and England Hafug secured a place of business in Calgary, Alberta, We must _ th ere as soon as possible. In order to raise money on our present s IMP NT have decided to sacrifice rather than pay freight such a long (lista ewe DEP 1 a.nd upwards are rece ved and inter ccounts may be. opened in the n re persons and withdrawals made one of • them or by the survivo SEAFORTH BRANe T MOR8ON We ar u Bissell agent about them. The -Am et t-01" THE FAMOlf JACKSON rican Han Cyco-bearing Carpet ii6epers for Whol fseafo esale a rth 111EA,CIIER WAN'rED 1-41plica,tions will re- -, ceived up to Jive 17h,1910 for a teacher for School SeetiOn No. 6, ilibber. . Dales to cern!) ence Auotst 17ith. ApDly stating xperience and q tali& cations, and salary expecte JAMES 8C0 , jr. Secretary, Cromarty, P. 0. 22, 6-3 titAEM FOR SALrn-Being inposed 6f Lat °, N. E. Boundary Towsfiip f Osborne,' con -a ning 109 aeres of choice land. ; On iv- premises titer is a new brink house it*.re-e bank aro, drive house, large orchard of eholoe winter frui , 14 acres of good ard- wood Nish ; 4/000 w di With windnd I, pion and ture. It sold with crop possession will be , von 13 acres barley, it acres oror,s, °acres peas and o to, 7 tang ; thoroughly uoclerdrailed ; 6 a° es fall w eat, acres pea, 25 acres tiPecterl to grass. b lance in Pu- nt once. F.asy terms-uf payment for quiek sale. For terms and partien 2.8 apply telt, R. GLENN, o the 1 premises, or to T. GAME N Auetipoeer 224 .4.1' A UOTIIN SALE OF FARM STOCIK AND I LE. /-1 MENTS-Mr. John Galbraith, has inet eted Thomas Brown, to eel' by public auction on La 19, I Con: 9, Manton, 11 ulles. east of Winthro , on years old ; 2 draft geldings 2 ears old ; 1 aged raft 4; Wednesday, Juno 8th, 191 at 1. ifoloekl n. in. i the toll -wing pioperty. Mo '.:17-2 draft geldi s 3 I- milch cows in calf ,• 6 heifers . year.s-old ; 6 het re 1 i horse 9 ye.nrifi old : 1 general purpose horse 10 Tars old ; 1 drivit4g binee 8 years old. • Cattle -4 e (deb I years old ; 4 steers I. year old t hens, getst,. turkeya and pigs• 5 epring calves. Implement -1 Iflassey-1-Iarris otne 0.4 w5e_torta,wtalkol: 1 hatiolaTit63.1-13.19.1yrr4prniasabinder, 1 No. i ay rake, 1 Deering eultiv to ris seed drill, I. steel land a ri 1 13 ro ler, woeler: ateted at ,i Tan. make, 1 ts o.furrow gangplow, 2 walkiln p -e, f ople eeee 10, ,.!.i.u..5yer,loewrielita:zleto:Iner,diro aartrbott‘iveretckh, ehikertagraocri lf 0 ifnsai owe, 1 • T"he tjualirt y ✓ fine, et.ave tee -a -ale. Trade g lot the ,_ for . the all reified. the eirSt good to ahaue, ten Week' on export - &Wilma '-as 1.1 Exporterat- e -following rt ate. report': For lido -- tie, avera,ging 260 lbs., eJt ; for I Live' I; .0 344 cat-. -oiceel at 1$6. 0 to '$6.75; ter, Nee eattle, 1100 lbs e5:0 average 1.pie, ; 'Pm ex- - to 1400 -lbs. h, sroad it 04 for potation, 203 cattle. ' 93 lbs. each, at $7 to el e .Prlee of $7.2 ;;_ tOT 7, an e,veral $6.70; ttle, ;1125 to 1200i • lbs., terelfere, web.f. same, ite.p in,igzeiartini413lyntiL 1 2000 lb. wei hing 2 sugar lo-ttles, some fiZrriitu doulde bracing harness, 1 'eet forks; bees d•other articles ILion. Everynthing will heised giving up the faros. Terms ! under cash, over that amount : be given an approved joint n 1 per cent' per annum allowed off for amounts. JOHN 0A.LBRAITIL Propr BROWN; Auctioneer. . I bearlynew, 1 ec 1 fanning mill, set Ingle harness, eh ins, o numerous to ien. as the proprie r is All au la of 05 and 4 mont credit will tee. A iscount of 5 ash on e dit etor ; OS. 221 -1 fort; We still have one poleinan Salt Wark intact, also tinanpit tonber, which' is stilt about stables and �u the farm. in orderhave buildings and material clear Lore the first of August, we a very low price, an wilt reasonable offer to • 4ccorn purpose. •Timb le or two of buildings 1 of luinbee k for' repair .• buildings allth eire-Peirne :plc tintelhers'-' The ROBT.1 ROLL B to $6451; kads of l .good. * THRESHER CO. wiredixim,, $6 to$6.-25 ;!.0eale 2206..a - SE go.is $5 84 ; cows, .f64 b ;! $6 not hear any cattle elieosenu es at $7,ei cle being boueht for ex- 1 s and SpeingetAbout 15 : ng'erS sold o $45 to '$65 '' . ee -Veal cal efee=1. et Our he ft. nd ng on se off be - ill sel at fuse no lish his GEN. & Lirril FORTH csv ' ara '417' t)f Men 6 hoes , and IT p d Lam s .--. Sheep, ;$4.25 o $4.50, as INNIMIlmiNefaereirMalmse .t, ,^48: deSPat ni frere Win.iii June lot, ea s: The, them& last night al the way fro.tn nipeg to 7 1eirees. of Ares eine points n , fa•nitota ewan. tjsua ly May 24th e , Crt 1 tiliS uns0 tied Weather, in fine aifld reel but this s ditions have ter abnormal very. earlieetj opening in M permitted al t, unpreced seeding. The latter pert ,of all May 'W9-1-, !bin wever, geo element and growth site check. The xresent seeks fretitsi has erected eend stuff put out:I too early, b f does not app a.r to havee'da farm crops. Gr th of . v, been Checke at the top wi Sequenceth l'i I the Plant ha out, forming onnsualiy, etro Thus urospe te for the 'cro o means s Sine stic.1 but grow1ng1 wee% ed now to ering the !mop 1 1 1 i 7 00 to 800,I 200 to •'3 00 spat of goo • An 1164 AttlAiet held in Erucefiel oh Saturday, Jut 4 commen- cing at 2.4. rn. A fill' attendartee o Tuskerarnith Telephone Sy e be The Annual Meting of the subri e riobfersth: requeistedt • 5 Tabs. o..llHtLL GLAW I 221 -2 e t with few to $4,50;, $6.e0 each: , cwt low - e9.7, 5,, • and nit's. One Lob. dated Timed Wine ensikeetssaeabeeenvd: d tt:,, 8.11'erg; 'whlch aaria1 4.o deair eenhld: g t • o ) fad wgjed the hhP tth•e el:tels ow itotaby ntesd. F ed le need-, •••••,..••••• TF you feel like . spend - .1 ing just $3 for pair' of shoes Sir w can show you shoes - t this price that you wil1 be glad to spend your riioney for. The best shoes made and sold for the' ;All sizes' in Patent Colt, Vici Kid? Grm Metal Calf. Tan's if you prefer. Lace Or -Butt or TH. sarne.,I I • sat' sfactro our Men's $3 we give with o priced -shoes. hesitate long a to buy shoes if ,here to 1 n styles. uaranteed • goes with hoes that r higher ou won't out where you come ok. I icha,rdson SEAFORTH, I Scott .T ays DRY B gh6st and dried appi tyre d Retail Hardware Commetring; on Friday dune 3r0 st allowed at curreot mes of two or • by any We will make a greater effort than ever before to reduce this 'lumen stock 4 of merchandise., Eve , artleie Ofi this list IS just AS represented - a mune bargain. It will toilauy now for the future, as everything in tif4 store ieocara= tWili be sold regardless of cost ealeft.elMe Manager 7Ioo Mei's Spits, mostly Tweeds, in dark colors, regular sizes Pp to 42, good serViceable garments, worth in the regular way up to. ten dollars. Your choice (iif this 75 Boys' Suits, in sizes 27 tO 331 mostly dar ors in Tweed S and -Worsteds, regularly priced from 4.00 td 5.50. 1Special for this sale 5 5g Suits in this lot, for children from two and -a half to seven ylears. The former prices were from 2.50 to. 4.00. i These are good serVice- aA- able little suit. Will give Satisfaction. a I Men's Fine Flannel Shirts, mostly light stripes and plain colors. Some with and some without col- lars. zoo All sizes in this lot. The prices 9 Men's Soft Felt Hats. These Hats are a eat bargain and are worth double this price. Browns and blackP mostly, roo pairs of Men's Odd Pants in Tweeds and ort steds. 'Regularly priced from I.7.5 to 2.25. All sizes. - For quick selling.... *2 20 doze4 Men's Blaces, ,all brand neW-stock, re lar +pc value. For this Sal; spedial - per 2 Coal y each $45 AG N. - $2.75 & Merchants and Coal Dealers' rooerie Ontario -Fresh groceries green vegetables and fruits in stock. Full line of Stade Dry Good § on hand. ;ices pa d for dr ssed poultry, butter, eggs ei. I Stccessor to late B. CORN k• S. ORE .1 unn SEAFORTH he Coming • of -Should bring you At, inte fres end gene a wa earn pring here.for our great Furniture Bargains, o•season of the year do men and women SHOW such a keen est lin the appearan-e of their home There is al desire for nes s everywhere toi be in keeping with nature. Almost our e stpek is ,fresh and Moat thoughtfully selected. Out term are otts and easy. VIA this store f good vat? and. You'll come convince] that thialtore has the largest p -to -date stook of tare in lihe country, • Oaiifoot„ E3 x -4rid Cp., Ti HOULE Manager. ER OODS 1 1 e have made ipeilial efforts this year to Be- rne the BEST !in Afein's Summer4 Wear, tr. d 4I o we have _been sa ces§ful. ' ar long' .ee in th‘ business, places us 1 a posi- ' -now wh tmen want, and wla re to get should see our Summer WearableE. xperie iorf to • t 1Y? I 'aide t lothes • • TAILORING Order Clothing is our hobby. are always -the best, and look 11 BRI - Bright's the best. IIT BRAND TRU RsVIIIIANt Ft Sur Tick Portl • Seaeti Bellin Vane minst Los R4 • Horn To Via June • Nor • pan. ma, 3. Tickets A., F. n Trip met Tourilt s'at LOW1 aites Alto 'ept. 3ot To nd land toria, re. , Tecom Everett anad, ham, sh. Viet ri liver an New. S est - r, B. C. an Franc sco, ng1eS aFd San Di go, 0;L n. Limit 0 seeker VVeste hiceao, 14th. V rn I Na Stearee p. m., June nd full 1 e. 31st, 1 10. Excur n Cana 1 ay 3list 11, Sarnia igation leaves May 30th 5th. - ormation gamer Ille, Town pot ' Agea : Gloves & Mitts Our stooks of ems and mitts ranging in pr trete. 25 cents to $1.50 #e the choicest values picked from the beet makers in Canada. e • i • • = 1,111101• WINO Horse B14nkets The largeet valees of feted our Stay -on B lIt's hard to b ock and the best are here. See seiket at $1.50 ; t. • Robes• • • ceGallet°rWatedY4' Ufa" atBdrw4allualidalee. Our priors are rljt spcicial itt C3WE LOB-FP:AT CASES 1 worth $5.5e, 1 !itiete. A taw only, 1 1 BRODI ICK'S INeil& (3heap HAMM Stori- lppositie Commereial Hoteleaforth S -r 14114.* **WS • 6S.S4444610 480 *. • • •• • • s el** Ordered Clothinat spocial prices -All Summer Underiwear educed -All Menls Hats Reduced -All Gents' Neckwear Reduced -All Clothing Reduced. i . 1 5 Black and dolored Skirts in Panama, Voile an Venetian, gooct styles, regular values from5.00 tO /o.00. Your1 choice of these skirts n during the _sa14 for.........................,... 4 7, About twer.ty-ve Ladies' Spring Coats, in Blacks, Fawns aun4 Greys. Up-to-date garments, worth in , i the regular way up to 7.0(4 For quick 1 7 1 8e11inge. w.e6a *10 0 •111.• ass • *0 .. • a e 0 .1.4 4 a .....• • .-44, A *A* ' - 5 eating- prices oin Ladies' Sui4s-C1earing prices on Ladies, ' Waterproafs-Special pOces on Ladies' Skirts. ' Regular one d011ar colored shirts. The season new patterns. :We have atiout seventeen dozen ok ,• them and you can have your choice for this eventat..........!.....,................................. 5 dozen White hirts, laundered, * with pu biozSosmat boos, j. . ;r..e.g..p! r 75c and 1..iio value, all le a a 4 . a • a • *a* .S*404 as 0 Is* 4-* el IS • Si Si* §pecials in Carpets -t -Specials in Rugs -Specials in Lino!. urns --Specials in Lace Curtains. ,s • r5o yard § of Linen Tabling, all linen, good width,1 regular 37 cent valtie. On sale for per I - yard.... ***1464444; ay. .......-.......... 4,4744 2,000 yairds; good print, fast colors, light arid dark staple designs, worth ioc and i234c per 6 yard, sale price,.•. * Si Siiiiii 144 A A 0 el.....'..* * ** • v v. e -- 50 pieces of Dress Goods, black and plain colors, 75c to 1..00 value for •-................... 50 pieces of Onss Goods, plain and stripe 3, black and fancy shades, regularly priced at 5dc and 75c per yard fbr............ . ‘ 2o pieces i of Dress Goods, black and colored, was regularly priced at 35c to 6oc per yard fOr•‘•. a a a .4 a • •-•Ike Oil •• a owe. a • a •*•••4****.... 4•0....•••.8.-• 9c linen japan Taffeta Silks in all shades. The regul 50 cent quality, twenty-seven inches wide for, per ).a.rd. 8 0 . I*. ...Oa ele• 18.4 .4 ft a a. 40 .. . *�*24 04 Taffeta thlks in all shades, wbrth ill the ular way frpm soc to 75c, about 30 pieces in 25 pieces of Tamoline Silks, all the fancy shades wel represented, soc value for...... 25 piecesofr striped and plain mercerized linens, all the leading shades, --beautiful goods,iii'Ite,,, worth 25c to 30c, sale firice per yard....... I Ics piecesi Fancy Dimiti s and Organdies, in spots and floral effects, regul r I24C and 15c, t sale price per yard............................. I ro pieces of Indian Head, mostly in the , lighter shades, 15c value, for per yard.... Le 10 pieces Fancy Percales, in colors, worth i 4 20C pet yard, sale price............... ........... i ti -C 15 'dozen ;Ladies' plain and fancy handk'fs, I, worth from 15c to 25; special, at each...-. OC ro dozen pairs black and pcilored silk and lisle gloves, worth soc a pair, special, pair 19 1 . , Taffeta silk ribbon. worth 15c to 20c, in all I shades, goo4 widths, special at per yard... I Penman' S Special Black Cashmere Hose, all wool, • beautiful goods, and lead- ers at 5oca pair, special at 3 • pair• awramoseopoimommionomminge We Need the M.oney r Youll Need th,e Persons visiting our store during this reinarka.ble sale will not be is -- appointed, as we feel confident this will be•the greatest collection of reai m&. money-savers ever Seen in the vicinitym. of .afortil,„ _mci.it isyq, bo . al- lowed reliable people to enable theto take advak. n e of this great opportunity . ., •.. . All trade taken as cash at highest prices. eelteonseamemmamemeNt Neemateammaeavaeasasseavamaaaga. Wm. Pickard fi Son., - Seafortit