HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-04-29, Page 77 - r 4 L zd� 7. Ir, -­Pw ,z J ir. Z f,� 4:1L a i 7 1 4 7 7� E t T UIL 29 !i --4-jokX Xz L, V4 _j L U 4 j2k 5,40 it-ri, bottl ie 6--tv Ms SUE" T OP -rHE Wd A R 01 A N TRUST COMPANY, LTO.4 ENS AT J1 16N Ll OFF! OU OF L -CLOSED ON 0.4 SEFORFF AP 1:11 �AHV WILL ZE 'M AT P.M. TO -Oft, Ott M. NDAY and NWIW' r1T-RA U the hal RES CAM Bottled OWN 1AKD OFF118. FO -R e^LE At tb� ireyvmM d" EVIF Ti ril 4' I.R.- MA ANT 10 r: 00 of I T 1- 4- 'k Pm ud 0n w-fth 2 dh That 'krj� Daily Creditj 04- Wondarth4, A yea 0.1d b�lbv and near 140w ai le i4 Fruit Bancroft man, rhints This all a 11=Par I toods. and four bot. 4C Ill Wai ra*66. Med* ine W, -k Ml Ini irporated undel 1 ti-Lawe 0i th Pro. noe of Ontario). V1 ":Not T assure S qu an It.1s 'the old chtonle �case# the rtub- I Tee, u 0 C FICE 0 V 1 Wi TOFRONT0. CANADA (a that w 11 - 0 oldy� OWed of -some 3 nmW, )orn c*Ve, the ca� Il y1e: d: - --------- ir d, es r V. Bme (p ordina of the pbl P- 'AL If e the- babv J, �t - ' T �.X Issued and F�ufly Paid tie xlcf that "Fruli ever ton -Prj ieg, obsesse )r0dj e NO unsuro. "0.44re. AT the cures S2 500 5 rd I iny of PREFEWREE (7% n n and' *It-a�tives" ar -the vroikiler and vA- Is Get -wh6 canm�t fc Luid ati,on Linderstknd how,: "Fruit-A-tives" 0%000 fox 4� 1 The Domifann,4 a NDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED,, NO BO THE OMPANY I-iA 10. what they. 43ancroft, t., October, 17th— bn 'AL �!Vory I T "I bae been tr ubled for years with Lp 4 ndizestion—have;jrIed 10nd of 1 PA N unnited TORONTo� T =0 receive subAariptions for n per cent, cum 11lat,ve P f>f $100 )W 10 A to, 06,900 of the. above B at each Sh - s of common e c equal In Par Value to 25 per eent of tnedicine, andL foV only ornpor= 1 - referred for are, with a onii tile prioe -elief. Then I 1�sej "Fruit-a-tiver Dar val" of the prefer C a d, lie delivered Lnd -no w- w Tjl�e di -V on he preferre vidigestlon. .1 tJ Link it is q, spleadid frorn I �5tb, 19101 rate of er M4. this lad. for Per cent will b -er j 4XXI, on ApplicAtion, ill be rpiyable as follow 10, �Wr bftWftdSa6 h Bank and CbR(jFj$ketct- emed ojftr� atid Per,ftllt- OL Allotment. 'Q(Mtair-S Throu ow. e iisi -Tj )11W R.EDMU$,b'L 10 ��pet- ftnt.: on ppllcatl 25 per �,entj on 'Ist unie, 1910. xU*-j foo _V L liet cent. on Allotment. 0! the bo 25 per cefitj on lot july, 1910r, j�d, SC -0 6�. same Win of heatt tra --At -tlealarp, 0 fror Frult-&-tives. ve� cent, k0k 25 Per cent' on 1st .4u -191V. 4 -gust., The systew. ne, in d, P4 cent. 100 heart -palpitates. fand I 17 The llr,"t S ju"rved lo all NT NO-IJOES. ot only su6li �ubserlptlans and fOF; such amounts 4s may be pproved and to i� _t flon book without notice. clammy #an& snol cUft the subserl 11cation Ill be mad for the listingl of i the securities oi tile -Corvany on The Tronto Stpck F-jr-ebange. breath, -sei1ftti0n 6f Le and rush of blwd- tho L n Its Tmwodb t"r. !rejms Si there Olee. with W-Alegs df 'k he4r*.s XflbA tried C -PIU -1 a rem� K He diattitgul Med a w RAMIV-,DW- 21*tf 1 �p&. Win be i0UW &6w baek. 0. C. dAMERON 'Winni President.' JOHN 1, A. U 1, London. pegi A� 'AZ -L A� A- AL A A' IV M I imited e dent. Rat Portage r omvally, President G(;,.-r1ch VIvator & Transit Co. cStu y MOM to 'work and theWs A out sorneth1bg a j t Wex and ViAi ith WT411A MUL(ICK rento, Vice-PresIdInt.. Vice-Pre4ld,­1 Hunt Bros., Vjm.%ed, Millers. to ap% an Tho OA CAN&. that Ia-thal; islet elmetl nidel: Is CNARLES WUR CELE, Toronto. was, 001 w Gb4d Pirmtoy- Imperal Bank Canada, DIrexWor COu- WJ�17V 94 Vii�e-PreOlde) t National Iron WOrks, Limited, 4 on to-& wvU positive y unatathetic.11 elation. + Cur I foorat" Vou, ing Life Ass h d )egan seriously JQfiN CAROICI Toronto. OHARI�ES W. iRAND, Tororkto. SeeretarygThe TaPle Lve Flour Mills Co., Limited. e by i 40 A A ik at -the at) It of her la V do. ttlJames Carruthers C IM- 814AW, Toronto, NA-0-nez TO -113 onips 4y, I�CMM TO g 013 rer a M= A -Yen t1lat penonaare horb n and lfft-n Pills. uff e tngly it' J�wrters. Maaglng4)lrector Xap',je Leaf �,Xjljlng Co., tatrew- P Limited, Wouid, 'man s We -le -wa kness th heart troub Was prunis IF Af e -.1 �Ot what. man� be, Spells. tax, 01,�d Batt Usid i i N4 NEW CphIPANY A.'GOOING.CONCE 1 MARK T FO-ij 0UTP14 medicines but re( %M 1 96 b A may be.,' t - L , z i I L I b of frienilidvised ;0 "You,,Out t rather Oat) r,; W-�Yqe 1e*f M flin$ Company,' Limite The 1d growt Me the. bualne5s of �%e two -D bars now Company has taken oVer thE eompanle takn over has long PiUs AvXclx X -did, 0 0, A fo 141, 1 hole made ppamnt of lbe m about ille: t al YOU TB FOR undertakin a Ing concern f the Ma eat the neees Ity f addjtjOMI milling capacity'- VtW 9 relief.. J hi ht alp m9stt Ail! to N 1Q T# ttemendous Increase In the total out- rkmr Mills ny Linated, Including h re ther, the i anyone "Not, .44 Put ji W me* 1W. 70%" "R e� Lot 15, V0110miolu arb t Me hope,!-' dbat !of the dke Sbaw Milling Compan - J ro - the eStern Whe frol _at Jnjy)g­X00 AJQre8, The -tonly n Ils. at Xenor ltece5eary to bc Vk a f4m -fted. The )dny has ra, ovoldi abqolutel "I - t. But it .6 moe Mills Ili Canada Cer. hav Ant &,Zr Is don $125 at- e or n led 6, ]URM '14 Price 50 cenft C. W ---LLS he faRL PIO'V 4.0 tom St. C dthar to hand !=Co.* d Port Colbor (tho It- Last year this, output ftm ji-may hav, ounted WLr.Wbftt. Th ere Is recer *d in . e, that, 3, to about 2 -b W am premiseil eadid �T&j barn "�lth last 'course *f construction) n he - 5,.0oo,000 o experienced mon, P�MVInee 4 �ntarj _ _an 1. atr Mien, 0 Brandon tJrmnate at by the en "me hou&- Is ana4ft t halin ta rat4er 1 D MUCh plo �myg- fts it Psovince -of--- ­aialt6ba. 97hen the consi tian i WI -11 be rbdWing fully 0000,000 bushels an- of.­�',Our owx.'m�sterk, tt 1my 'If wou an BWng 1 7) um Aiyn#ave­x I n be- AeS t' Ol: 'the Year 1,920 0 . . . . . . evei _g­Weaftfini n1a Aer w-ris nd'he�A.thei 1 tight, i . - - . 11 PXW_f 26 OURIT. "k- twithes ad erofthelarm. Tbqf�amnla at ort Calborno f0 6 -M nually- great proportion of tbis'wlll of neces- titylig peop! a -to yodr del ti "You baver AA44 .Am h- for me,'but t P 1"M If I =is from Beechwooil the c �apany..wlli have total nillint Bity find Ita way Into Canadfan mifts. Larger j tirnat - , . pleited : is kind d� 0,%nd school and. oburgi. it fou shall not As yow. life-,agAin In 1 Capacity- 42,,8QO barrel 3 per day. Th In- demands ire bound, to _Om a$_ the L PopUla:tjan of YOU LU w1d )r further pa and 1without re 54 1 -neht;;, but Larwjw - . - he spok lay cause. not -venture abross pany, has t pr"nt thirti-five -elevators sit the cou ry XOGRwou'swo I s seq ncre&ses, and the enquiry for the Softly, V�i in- �ad a Ile xnd­,� n Canadian -Vtd Wal T7 th fail- uct, both from Gr4Wt BrItaln and throughout the. W-estern Wheat :etlt, an& fifftee i bat 1;irldge, denly threw own, the; ha ed addit4ona'l one bein added at the pr�sent from the are �Drelgn -markets of the world, will WFOX, had beld'. She: yield wit out rurther parley Sal. e a 9 "re.properl,- P�JFL i ai in his ha'nd, j tilif extended INh tbii. X mll][iori -bushel elevator Is b;eIng ton- Increase' ' The chAIn of Mills r -now eontrolld',, a: �MS,to_ M ioW: Row, I Milo South of oruze� W and he dropped he!r wrl5ts at once. 44ew' �company on structed neti to -.the. neW will at Port Colbdrne. - WIll enable It to secure -P i h. D y by i he hi c I 4d,,o -th "Please. at Its full aban of a trade of eirery -W in we town$ I 'th. There ara ot rd h4l% shy 0 rpore. You muig not also wz rehouse. fTu 101E _PfemiKS J%r gqi rick =Ile odl*e4 Too The corapaiiy I as "good cellar witu With = ana Vot Years Cou ld t 'You Are bot unkind or P make Kings Lo, Otte., ilViRo It Of CauAt a) as W4�,Il as Of Or -eat 'Britain and Inent goori trains sorry I 6,ame. 1,must go, I Toronto, nt- T *AWrj*&naaP ThegrdundjgL an plo I ek htu ha -Ighi �o ImONINT. Wb6� ign countrIes. �'Uhdl: Ile l4nd f hould have. gone Da _kL auff, rod for kL Stantly." Crop-AM(l 14 good youn bearIng A ms an -,.But b. I not. r V. &--- ­ - what. I alm dyIng ber�.. 4y� trees, The VWVHM that spider' -we I $EiPURITY -A Con panjes en over as above stand 1: g0C§d-W:jrj,� tradi. m;Ar kq,� e 5., at ;3,770,624.11, r. -excess I *help an? e ternu� Apply an the -prem, ImpertiVence t� tbrust my Oil i ' UPOR r0U. M133t'gO e Ion g road. nd withou any this amount by ti - r Bwdock, ei so I will of #11 li4bilitielsi O��Va , C being j .- 0A. ifts or addrM Al�� McKenziej. Brumfield IP O� b t! It kod will flaten I d like he' -basis of an appr�t nadiani-America ou'! U Ive you a horse and ride w1pi ascertained on Isal y th isal Company, Limited, as of March f ppra A. YOU Merit ho ey of t3ars'V 41VO, T -T T T I a. H e nin to tell you -it take but n '910, of t4e et ital ;ts taken ove 1. t Company, sT, V 17th, I ri S -s e - t d cj�s I -VAR= o ourroTA Ia ;M R� of Februz 0, as i Conti n- -be r asu ash, which, b6sides permitting D,'eke ioony Bi ,ton, why and What�ll "It Is much I ear�.�r by the bridge, and Into the Vall (I n iberal allowance for aill FOR .444t.- ror. $&Is, crodce� try 28th, rrent' li-bilities, with a* Ij DWI el 4 and In a good state of culti- tes, of the completion 4 a 1 barrel ­mi apd,a mil is '00 of loIn re -h t Colborne, th,L wri go Y 1$j,j.0L00,jj gd4itl al c let I& an: Sat da PO ncies There !,has! aI;O n placed in th t! As 1 f,6 you, I have my hoh e o -er. th re.11 hiiv6 used . Bu ha %,e no f I I Mn tul hot elevatDr nd storage vvz oust at Por �VW= IM m underdrained,'with tileL - The I i L the n igfc r. ji cant "we'Isball go to" ,'without Von- , fator , :) t zridL - and of -fifteen addif-ional e 5 !it the� W t, Rh further working 'capital. -ver ws throug�%' the -farW. and no ovaste B�, patten -ZrmOany wj In ffind, Y, Of Ackbome and bmk bams wiW stabling, atlo* to tell me. I don'it Ile," he sWd she walked beside. As per carLificate of Messri. Price, Waterhouger Oom na nings of Id good want to 11; fth on, quoted below3, the ear, It rs and i,teriu-th6- mo oug "t, pis; nt nted fro i I I Mpt7 r to August 20th, 190a, to aderneath vdth Wiement, Jaoo va pany on th . prbse mout Go f Sea + + can t Im through a arligi ed 'wovd� As :at h,� 1,91 to- ....... 79.329 stable. od Or-C'U'Ard Agt4 _jSt�L 1909, to Fe1ruary . . . . . . . . . . . . Withintbreemilesof Ses- ammumat, I that OIvei ie should they Cm. ear CAtjd ....... rejid� i13 a mi i -Will Io `%t)rth and one and i� halt from Agmndvillp- MO iuc a femdd or elljo for the I ft*� at a rate -Oror c' t -on t 40 r tict she said:' a peof en.t. .-prefe red stock of'this, Company. r WIS Jwsold on eSWY tsjj�a affL tbe proprietor wants to -m - spepm and sto . I w -or th' j v afte "ThIgal lbb rl bf MJwInk Men.11 LOCATION 't) MILL LS AND MANAGEMENT. tim- A X e address lff�.L on grefanea OrL tio6ied for nilrabe'ficf years :With, Dot 2IMtf 1 last legion made Its dlev haw here. .04 4 1 Hodley and Mr. D. C. Camer L, ud4r who6a: drection, the: properties of the old dy'spepsla, an �co je n(. 'ef u6til 1 (4 ales d W I Mr. __OMP t reb h iillt�d t4r head.r a t cog with The - Ite the graes of developed, 'Will zetain large I# an 0 be active identified -Burdock A `�qtu e qi of Rome 6*1 thi ought, tiiea r 4 , t st=d, with the new Company, Mx, rsale,Lot 32, Co�oejmioiit -the t v 61' e of them. 3 -a pretty. story. I #.W.;Lj Uajiagj�ng 'pirector. tAningr 11 8, tuft oingtop, thrwi,WAtlea and b red and "n Callad IF� 'The -1� fty I r b It -of the 'a Wr Splen&d 0 !on. -Then s a good bank ay ter in The locatiia* new 6,000 barrel Mil 113 Po4 Col�orne Is ,o ithout exception -the best In some da, know more of now eat, agythmg dtho i t 11'4Ltill The Port ClAborne prepayIed by Mr. R-edly Shaw, in and good' The baro has cemen tevdr It 1 that you have do el�- A complete re�ort on t lie advattages c w3il. be this stabl* and water aff 0 an W1 )a= some SUCI an :bOrit r as yourself." nerid found in the prbz_iM ctus, ton a& hrough for the The ouse binodemnin trod *I "s have doEe� -nothing to- I e w hamed' used to i Ide hero on my pmy Prospectuses And forms Of japplication. M is cibtain.4 at any An, ch Of -the Iperial an' �,of Catja4z r S7 reqmb -ha bath itters Ij of- we, I K room ve.no ben. I. ag A HI tle rl aV4 1, 1 a ocid I 9 dream -,of Csood from Guar4l Apompaity, Toronto, and,frorn �Cawthrjj Mul; A -water andb6tt h-esta 4ish The oyal Bank --"_d waa In the kitchen. There W11 -a t vrier on t. are, a )QUt the "rho WoUld not falgas 0o and g benhouse, Thefarmia nice- ext mclinggi r, 34 g"q 80Ij Jeri% Company, Ttirorwto. C! -weeds 4A the bed of what it '�ald -.del and lb Mx .1 s mender. FOR SHARES Pob THE - FORM -COMPANYMG -rj4F- 1 A D�L; Pppslg;. I -all its it. wa, as b -autiful as an 6PPLICATION$ SHOU AC. &Pemo W1 is some�hwg ulte� serlou r. HER 'WITH T +E ffbouglitbeforeLOct6ber 20th . 00Ej A10E' U i and Sri P BE SENT APPLICA Ing Abn L -this cal d ballad. 171. wi It he -p- Fetch the ROSPECU$ REMITTANCE -DU'F- tOJN unity SHO thePropristor to go Into an tage, My brotfier' ly. on the premises or addreft For b Z' des 16 home," she at:14 [j i ad hi �rry, please. CON TOt non then -At CH OF, T. A buin 6" ezW anW, TRIJ*STCOMPAIVY-L!Mi*t*id,'T-oropto 'GU RTRUR FWOIR�OB EW001th P.. Oil A= Manufacture I th&e )as to makW'- y: ed for a moi Y a* dor' For Ut an West d, Limited, Tora 0it .r. PI beg9z,.rJooidMg I the gravely. opt -to r -In , r h- backed -Xillop contafta& in all 160 to A: balf of Lot 1% r( bi-othee. as -been o tal I RA NK -OF CAADI 1 a, In not pffiei ;on :a pei ;on o mako s ex 461 There are 4ox h eiailsea a fine 11ous THE IMP dWMA MULOCK & CO. �be S arch fo YOU wit rum"e' as d=e. bank bam t"', 'help jr� Ho' a at firjjl�� r r. L It I ...pllinwdoni� Mr, A mItage. Yon may jeers, bblieve Istpbedsl.plen W�atsr Wjth� -wind mAll, s - -- 1. oft Mj) at 6 MAO"* Toronto $took Fxohan9,,a n0W.' JA 'Tor, Ehz"flheart of ;a heat" bib doem�t und6rstanol As be ran to war I ROW i BANK CANMI "YAL BANK BLDG., Tolton -Mg fenced aad unde But the bouse h1k ImAt tion. and to fail- 1b jSL a Ion under culdya-� l 4r6ther is i It Is, meek at the back o 11 a tam. The farm is ad ierl His on, nteett e storm d i soidierj Why. Fb w1io had be me alarmect itFbi -so r see tme(e�sary for Ill I)o In to.tin ersi a 4.11 00�;;;z to sch and church, and only one mile alp -or and ww setdh�n ati, t' Uated fuel Ed �rter I store and 4 Ah:d k9u flave done this. - y' 9 )Ost office. Thid.is o- i iave �Qj him. o n r, a Town in U and 01i I W1 0 �uej and T. epairs to pa tre rm will. be. StiLud come W�vftrn.mel`- i - known, a moment 01 conr a tat a b d! M of ig mobtb,. fts Vwm,, -s&We bith tl Le horm 1, 634 ye ats. SIM t fte. For furt *it, 10?1 ye T hat. Inuch lot at -her V;artioulub, aid,, Arattige coz imarided. T46 41 pretty bad,! sW doubt as to what e had don It Iva 'Ae b and I fair to -bf4 Wrother th . I I I I I I I or addrm JOHN OR FRED chan b�&.her e ino laugting. 1, Ii not Rw", on the pro' S ton act a 4'�ad Co ro went U 0W Ler to,'the WR 9 S to P 218a-tf They i - I I 1� t : . A om�lr# Br - T. B. tie. t My brothe� and I- w( 11 qalekly brought 00; 'herr M ve away his secret to the enemy, but U seel because-4ed -VQRSAL&­Thsunderd914) 14V W dd ve di ffer-ent I (,,its - a jout as the horse ew o-s�ln the rough road or T yamiek Cowan. 0mudlim. �100 ACRR'-r it as y m d itag L .9 ed ff sale -that Moor de"blerop, er TAVAbUrTL _VL u MDAI�a -W 11,, 1, e. Ve told Oran. ey "You are not to come WftL 0$4 - : "I. ad A� ri b, efs lmowa as Lo niplaillt'r \ 1 ier camse— d. witl the sense ff ad - e M?l blooA leape --�-ble proof be 6 Concessign, I 'Township )jr Co IT 94 2M0QQaA Counewor, at. 100-mk 4 W -go Manihad �;ty. There on. a sm. troub d ith ys- for diffefent-a4des of the case." P. am L. I d. .. - I not enture nd her pulse saig wilb, -the 4D. LE10 32 x YA, with ch. lure PeP51 aLn ver 46 EN -Y f brick Oh, & he I heav lanves dwk like s, go rm. a citse, am IT, ead repair ; a large barn, t A A A A � A.' I I � A iould lie the im Bmt wb�o 10 iaxt--� oy of flight Her t4odgbtA were fre% J- A I , I � 0 Uomp amT, -d ri6d caught ladly :at the sugges Lon of - Is= n ; one )us stabling un( , eat ngsand sha. exulted In tht �.emgea Wiln. really o 12 X 87 and other usefta many diff, wei re lightAq In br tone. "Bo.1 11 a&A L Jt'f air of Wr", d the ns, �vents dirt and dusf,. rreqt starry� vault an C qat 10 b A g4ta POW-twocd 04 at 9 well waiered both in front mefflegbut obtj m'e( little 61 no 7 'with and gram.and which she rode� Who was JOM 'MUr&% Oerk, Vriethrop I&e to It w what lie b as to d� for e ve ya vil avAdier natter. a wer liracti6ally seff-clean- In the rear adapted both, friend icivised i t r La *a er I . te Of culfffttion, affi, rs." the pr( - Pa� ltr*kso b care T cit be laid! on tfi* A tom of -the m&at a high state )prie- Fills A trig Ed lifin ti, borse AW &=1tage?- Sh6 did 'noe kubw. 00 chl Strom C= h: fornearbr My ewsbeing Mb[Ij 1you Will have.to as b a. -our- ed zirldgE ed fo d�ft rredaded tihert and 2GW tht'she had p rform 'i -th wben is p Oth" 6ny Curb wa reirl) M �!G -et C him f"t BOA= F H"Zffll�. "T I I led for the purpq$e�- 9 4 Q - - iafoy r lattf the mwb suo famers in tber �oWnship� a n (6) irrr "T sure. But the overnmeni u uld inust stten4edr t0j Dr- 01itmoney for thi de-, It tof ge Clil -s abies avow - k, Member. Wlnt&d- the tNeW ler last service. Quite likely he W JsceatmUy locate being n9ar both church and )r c (ire Vou b feature of h UrM, MeMLber e @Lyr rea oodm ket. 1"Or Canrh ly hae assigned Car tal a Clal a id jisk -and wei no, q oriii. lade away on the motrow like a b3oun­ t� 001jand within He said� H they d(alt seze Emits may follow. i ter wars odress II Ig iis ith ty� at auve- meow, a t1w I wilL.stand the price-! So se borne a- ea' -1 du A mommt er -he rldh 9 0, alina shin W before the, sun, d1he T%hou d Thbe. X011rar* b6ther M hiive Mldd T. Puredli X- fritoul. 0. 1 thb 'Pillsp I bdugb t --two I d Was n I svvibarito ot at It 'th6 gitp, le ied J�rse f rh iftleot, 4-- v6djo 0010WIng, ong In'] ter Igl�t was nc t love 9mve art, t6# NWon 2 10, r, at I ever n elf J(VWn" &CIIJUPM g the anyth In- �PA to it but Only ie joy 11"Or 9L couoh cm not decei they �verd I -Ch! i 'tbe� dark'ap you f re. j?9W FORSA4.­Ut Is, 0onct He MU)lg'hbA 0. They gave- z wl� i h is I dd a 6i ana r Ve n "m ;q it 15 eoneesdon19;, S. j lWt 1k Concession I I -than ry ne -t ' L ave I itite su&`gi oM- Oei of ie lin result the Survey, n1on, e a Inwo ier, a hand Inlo the, f IlVIjIg f Irp rorn dutle,�z 0 affect ed. xkd the e y 4: �aut' Wbere,�. t w'difficult -IrWacm wtuat ithin Ej MVr4fte. _eW twOmlls"fthO "v- lhbln is,. T T T T T;y and sent 1hey rin �d suenfly Wo 09 he road grf as ad a ut U co 1 Ruroitlkad. would not b -taken of i�;ker n, - r s; Me. ior both, otHuron contain ve -to ake. �nto Ithe cio frlv- motmutin, own Into the A JL k �A, A4A 61seaortj e of the best markpU In wes- 0 n a harol e But ps Th farm was awarded the bridge. Vroul have been 4 2Vkr tie suffered Ontaur[Wo. . t1i o oe e ouawaI, #STOWU _ y d t I b 0 iest 11 ne(: dne *lous trab S.. AANY3t Limited dor �E hIm perforce o ride be. -8a f din a at p A writem- -Winthe The farniff for . m e re. A rouble t1 3re i beff( uni farm Of 18a. ver an& qtideker.lf dd! hirle. s Ide her. She drew t An at the erass. Heaqing ce.25 cents a- "C I, St for am p, WRI a] lall be late, to- We aH.'$: r and the past ten years and r bsd a very bad in ex Ileatshapefor gene oads. WAdd now be e sent .4 irori' a cons 1 0 Oro.& -u 7eryj vinta :or will by 01 H 19aron. von Ma,rhof. ) I I �Mp koods. foiI 66 Years I bidek I am colitrit )U9 YOU mmber ol 9' en. "Good, T We part here. 110�v shall I r aturmmn fj th of price. 'ord_p, Palace leat ake eXplanatli n o, on a and cedlarr robard on+ to, Armltagq lau'ghed.akud. �'No; 1 doWt imp Lin, and ybu are toL iftuid would turn P]ffo WLAndsolbwater In kitchen -fine un(b With -ed Bucephfdus?11� burn Lin ; i T brObery, evergre ind no to Wffli'spruce, winfteak on west an4 nort b You 0 "'Let me go your owa gate,' 0 UOIL 1: thed. gmt nn d e r.,pardon! I ealiy. b�v But IS r into c mauy "'!Wthe faZE!00f 11 pr�c�'JWe a MR 0hVnWth done e �me back as as we strike lease?". or par.donl ntl6meu back e� tempo �pk and ell e v bl'ssadoi v Illey. I alwa, remedie, Ut obly rec6iy rary re 9? - ared a ud ge id, with dee on a41 Not at llill.slie sa looking for,me?" 1810n- lief I got s bottle of Dr. Wood"s out to do W1 river. I lie WaIstberor%uld d Ze �jf. rr" I ITMAral" lyrvzq�i --be am Pro- specla NOU010a ai that point, sh laughed' -and went, M"gin as ean Pon! AM all Ry In the Gounty of ju Then Osmr will pick him up. orw ae Syrup ancl after taking two W No betterp the arrow road. I - Mev kiftran ..forget , In yon dont see him, turn- the It ' eloose. 04pu was ured— I "T doWt kiaow; Mr. �&rmt �.ke Y.Ot' aiead of him 1 -n and gzivevvCe------vVone a -M T 0 sealorth. 2M.tf BEITTER N SOAN STI er ors loll - Wm e that Pi� only a trait, Y�,., no' She gulded"the a ug e rse with the! -Oonie a7 �n so any witho t dol N-4r*fiy­ Pine *=p.';' kc cure cl ildren Off b8d- a ilut my thariks-for oh, a osk IfUlly -W;5LLUj;1 -the provethe ki�g 0 W, -eanift ease of long le Dr, I; Xorw Fine syrp ii� 'h g -Xne onstitui Wings!" he Pleaded- 'a at the customers for v en xon� The McKA mutuai Fire pr W y came to a! medicine need. z f-M-111[ka _ge "YOU. i Apst W0134 in in �f IROP hig paces, and. In. the e�"Iv the ze SUM33 r BIO: an ."Tomorrow-1-or.the da. After - or a, th' !1i 7 world; he said b6ldly hb hea -i sl retch of smooth )ad sent4him flying, foundati 0' of a throa �and !on insuratce Coulpany. -T%y 12 com- -wilo sre pro Windsor Ont.,Win nd free i0y y 11 1i er E ever.111 ones Vin fha OW her succeisM hdin tres"i at�, t 1 leaped It him,i. and he sp )n with S a-, a gallop over: thl: trail. e had giv- unts, ;6lievilig or curing'Al kjoughs, high�--t 1%, Ewnehifis, Asthma, Croup, Bore I =eat -s are 4 the a Lit ocery 1eice haste. "You have de sac I She laughed and pu' out her 'mud, instructions. 'Send " o on but en her his own ho se, a hunter of'fa-1 V1 you nd when he tried to detaft� her she Throat; -to., and. preventing Vn �Im ;a live � r J, to -day if your. chfld�ezt trou e you 'I *is -flees for oae ti at no 0 an k vei mad( M OUS strain, on�e defined others, to teal. "Me. and 1he atl spoke to the' horse and =mnd un�ption. 2 [&ND MLATEID way. Don't blo, -elhe chi! �he a Cos. before for a min -for a jm4 i a 2e flushed lye PARK and mAinta* e a' distOnce between� 'been, telephone orders will irecelve t owa:rd­, home. He listened,I.,ma has: the suecess this 25o TOWN [PR -of FERTY. are Wcan lt� help- A. This' -eatme i� ao not know- A4d my Iffe, wb 'ev 9 9 most careful att6ation, M - them that mftd! t ic impossIble, 4 a cures adults and age I people troubled, , , I 1 1 Itu the sli*qd(YW - : ;t is onl-v xiatiim that LX IMURZD. V i �er Right ur a of val- wond. tried to imitate 'IS your numerol jmort�, eVery hour and see6 3 d f 4t I' , Her gliorte iding �6at, buttoned, urine daoulties by Vich mser sound and jhi fro him. ,V or 14g, it. lay ore -you, ai id Iq stle n 4ea ly in 11he at Don' be imposed upon by taki�g dow bef orljgM Then he turned. back fnto �he: hill !It e. Beats ihe Datch 26C 0 close, markel to kieep ',or throw away.. f ,Lye J. B, weildent, 9eafo-eA her- erect ftqq, 4� of loos- ut "Dr.. Wood's." up Ila ld, and a yell o brushos, pollislxea 1 P.o 00InUOU7, Gode-rich, Ties- eled e wrapper; three, pine trees the Jt -L and lien tod nner .e 0 c of all diescriptions shall! follow you again is 1 ng. felt bat, be tufted her bead pon a man who salu I in the m you balfway kound th� wo - It-, Near her father's estate Shitley came. ON: uh Jae hair brohe fte' urider her soft "Prie—bert 101 0 a presider4l; ; T'-hos. E� 947A. seer- I 11vo A d 6inorrow' or -'a soldier. ed sugTr treasarer,',$ea-forth p. ci.� ot the tle 'wind cai ht tl brihi and.pressed L tured only by The T, illburs It was Oscar, ;Ms j 26; who "had evassed the f-,4Lp., I sh�ll Justify, these gr&t.km 6SO-4 viug 4 new idmfted, Tronto, Out. I . . 'r it back from her ace, gi NoMice to or�d 25 Wr_- I if torn- I - by t this genewous confidence, but toi ight 11 cAarm, to her prDfll( bridge -and ridden don .09 4-arer 4 Patra�g curraets 26 WM. Ch ey, SestoTth; 'John Q. 26 L throg; Geo have a work to, do.' onde or twl toad. la the eatatem ot o- 111try We ot the �ted pea6hea i Grieve, L rge Dajeo He called ftw b at. bAXIObte 8 As they stood on the vergej A I fr6 is captain s j I -4A of Zt%fto in "to ()GUnf4y fhorse ed aprioots Seaferth; oha Beennewels, Brodba- tl e start, bu,, a ie � ld ot, pause or re- MY 7W Notisid rep Vempil Vto R. 81 he s. 3% lreditors Vanaff Beechwood ply, and he c)u d n, �t know what mood said as the allm, grac4ful odom'4 taixed pickles ft tho blidg Olt, flIgK nied and pawea,the grouvelf. .11 bond ,mixed pickles WaVC Earl Ck.. J. B, McLean, th s yruni ow fr possessed her ')r I it once in &ed jeuMenly Mmdw waning. Sa, Waa eamtoolthem dCharlottaffl e the 2--,h day of X=h 191.0 AV, h 'orth - the 11ke,a falry si rm t Ume he rse gave b:er, She a horse at the broken!' brIdge and took Qpo of t�a the SUft,, xw xzqr.%W to so ad or del lver ta J� A. qj. I S anAi AB. Connolly, Goderich A. OT al L� lu -the sedu art J�x far and, faint the w I it to your istable--yesill 1 Saafor& OnL sork1wr for James U-91 -Md stle afrdid of him wa�s for the fimt I me 1"Wd "d A%W,10�d ft anI seed pcitatoes A moment laterr ShUrley walked --W E32c&Vfto AWq� 4 WLv, the fteeut6z low of! the nighl Un ymtjl� Ile had declare I h. a love! for her "d Ria d baUmm ftom Washington Wu A 'en the gard to tb6 Uffea fen -isTiVoulm or Ithdroub" **,Ud uAto a of uce; e v Robmt 8 -096 "had offered I o I c6a dowthe %W g:rs* d. 'tc yjell of Y thmugh lay. 0646,1- it any -beld b Und -Urged bw fathei's houm,- =a, nwd Olt' lie,zoo 11, s4mnge and lvbfte 41f 1: Etc. -Nolq tthe ystery That made him eo. _1133W b -and -*o --rom wide fl gu,., 7e. H*- 4NXIrs, mid wiV prooeed to dist F1 uta the J)Ick O&L*d, back �Luct foxth he meileal. r1d f -h for rplexing wbait- fdr Butter alid ;"fttbo A*W 0 a W�rwwq elittritawed t � I Ale aa had stcAem ver their nature, arenckw at it 4vft Wd only to I bRek tor for Executam aj , qu Ite Wossibly Shea Id I �You �en, go ag-� be liad 9 "Where have bw1meyT, W And ohn: GovAinkft TZ &1 the bridge and put bA14, never see'him W 44wr,, thla rkl*. h. jQrt Blues I OR R116iM Won frame, but er lelzdl Aa she wa d at tlte* =to, she. h"