HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-04-15, Page 7L RAN
he ttkineci tt► suppi%ter: „Akin
Lae erten it so. ttrw$s to West Linde mei
iNkr �, AIts. z
ilR SAM -Three a nod younir Shorthorn.
sal at nm,xierete prices, tend easy
Ap' to ,lA Viet. SiUS, Lo. 6, Oo:ott
oI d «rrl ippen P. 0. 2204oet
t ALtti ole TO RENT --A desirably property,
ng of four aures of obtain euel, on which
k house and frame harm. It 8 situated
Hensall • 'Uwe, .No 'deer loeal;ts in the
y to mils. R. StodiMIIIR, Bo904x #6j
FOR 8F:ltVIO --The uedersigi ed las for
Vice on Lot 24, Cenci—teflon 3, H. R, R. Tuck.,
t» a therein hie ed Tamworth hoer. TeTa it
�abie tet time of service.. it,h privilege ; 0! ryturne
no E. M. IIAaMIleetON. 220644
es atyyourdrak.
i i Your
to bu th
L � U
L EST&rg FttR SALE ,u
FOIL F L .V ..lett tale, 1�t 15, concession
5, .feliglop vontaini g Ise netts. The farm is
htspl• < . ere *Minn. Ali the fail plowing is. done,
faith fop acres are sown wit h tall wheat. There is
on the p emisea a splendid honk barn with stone
i!i u also a good -frame house. Theme la a good
erasing chard, two never failing wells and a spring
to ot-es one corner ef ttm farm. The farm is 5
Leib at Steforth,. 1 mile from Beeehwoc d post
aloe, acid Ii miles from school and churoh. It sill
bona ssonably For further particulars apply on
F. 0.
RCIP.eRTY F.% SALE --For Sale a 0 acre proper
ty on the Landon hoed. I bila"south of Bruce -
gain the td-ivnship of Titokersmtiith. Tfeerr ata on
shelseea good Prink cottage with woodshed.
go&Jeellar tentheat floor, frame harp and
Dig and henhouse.. The ground is all plowed
for crop and I good young bearingplum;
plenty of spy trees The place wilsold
on reasonable terms,Apply on the preen.
or #ddress Alex. McKenzie, Brneetield P. O.
M FOR SALE -For sale that ,valuable fin,
egLot 10, Concession 0, McKillop, 'contain-
ing 100 ea'. On the farm is a comfortable frame
Neese w i le kitchen and wood shed. There 1s .also
k barn 61)x40 with stone foundation and
t- hi les. The farm is p rieetly free from. bad
It has neer rented as a gross farmu for the
!ears, and is therefore in good condition.
Ivabout 12 Acres of good hardwood - bush,
al ni ►pie. There is a lamp gravel hill, with
k.k sand and cement gravel, and fine sand. A
Fa liefe creek runs through Mite hush. The
inile and a quarter from school and post
pi -.w' on the premises or address MRS.
: ADDEi , Beechwood.. 2200-t
Bier address ARCH, 51e0REG014, Seaforth
d.ing; NA -
i tis, pro
id its safety.
and purest
oration is
in our
`-CO prepare=
tie two following,
ish, on request, to
to any other phy-
11 list of the
J -C prepara t a.
* any
y tura the
whom you
ethorization to
price and
you 'rant
sale branch.
es -Iron Arid Wine, (z sizes)
Liver Ott Compound,
Tasteless, (a sizes)
Fiver Gil Emulsion,.
( sizes}
.Icer oil in flasks,
r sizes}:
,ine Witte
Line Iron and Wine
tp licypophos, (2 sizes)
ry Nerve Tonic
4's Fills
hoe e Drops
sept Mull
tae T ets(Aetiseptic)
of 'erIes
dug reek
set of Beef, (2 sines).
heti Tablets -
AR?* (Dredge Boxess)?
GE is accurate
q3orts froni 12 to
PAGE deals
'and its articles
AGE carries Jul
est in any line
VS ove a ever
ShearS, that
lilt FOR $2.10
ORTU, • FOR SALE. -This property
ednsistin of 4 stores ant dwelling- rooms above is
eituated on corner Oppoeite Moles Hotel and nearG.
T. & Station and is very advantetgeously sitoated.
A qui& sule is desire& Apply to R. S. HAYS,
perristier, Seaforth, Ont., or to MRS. JAMFS FOR,
SYTU, da Alexander St.,Toronte. 2206-4
:UMW FOR SALE.- For -sale, Lot 17, Conces
X stop 3, IL IL Teekersmitli, eontaining 160
Acres, orally all cleared andirt a good atate of eulti-
lesion-. 'It is mostly underdrained with tile. The
liver 11111$ through the farm and no sesta land.
firlekhouse aed two goodbank barns with stabling,
inderneeth with cement floors and water in the.
V stable. Gooeorchard. Within three miles of Sea-
' ethena one and a half from _Emends -111e. - Will
he soki en easy terrne au the proprietor wants toles
Wre„ - Apply on the premises or address Hw
containiug 105 acres. This farm
seeendid condition. There is a good hank
e and, good brick house, The bare bas temen
ening all through the stables, and water all
arongh for the stock. The house is modern in
every,respeete having ba.th mom With hot and cold
water, arid hot and cold water in the kitehen. There
i-allse a ello Mid good ben house. The farm. is nice-
!iocateo, is free from weeds =end in the best of
.hape. Will go cheap if bought before October 20th
as tilt pieprretor has an opportimity to go into an-
otherinteinw. Apply on the premises • oe address
11"11,FoR SALE -Lot 34, Concession 1, Ees4-
iNawanosh, 'Containing 10f} acres first-oln;
land ibr grain or pasture, melt underchained with
mon all new vnre fene,es ; 15 acres of good
w ilathense, a young bearing orchard, a good. ee-
(Lent se. front 24-x23, back leen ; cellar under
mite an kitchen upstairs over all ; a good bank
- arra is ely situate& I miles west of Blyth and 2
willen of Auburn, and 1 1-2 mike from school.
Famr wa be solrl treasonable and on easy terms.
For er puticularseetapply to MRS. JULIA
ING, A burn P. 0., Huibn County, Ont. 21704f
A.' half of Let 10, MeKillop, eentainine in all. 150
acres. ; ere arena the premises a fine house
fu e and telephone. bank barn two
large ih tilenty of water with wind mill, spring
4:reek t back of the farm. The farm is all well
lenceds widerdrained, and there are 15 acres of
eood e wood bush, the balance an. under cultiva-
tion, and ve acme are seeded to fall , wheat, It is
convent te school and church, and only one mile
nd r from store and post office. This is
s WO finest farms in the township and will be
o cat bargain if disposed oiling niceith. Fos
e ioiegiven at any. time, For further particulate
p theprennses or address JOHN ,OR FREE*
JfkLBRAITH, Winthrop P. 2183-tf
f oai“ at= rata FOR E1ALIL—The undersign
.11. ‘.," lea offerafor sale that moot desirable prop.
arty known as tot 6, Coneessien 1 Township of
Blanshard Perth County. 'There ere, on the prem-
ien a good brick house 32 x 24, wfth kitohen attach-
ed, 16.x 26, both in goed repair ; &large bank barnr
x 70, w.th good stone stabling underneath ; one
Int -elan cement, silo, 12 x 37, mid other useful
ouildings. I The farm is well watered, both front
nd in thwrear and is adapted both tor grain and
tookraising and is In It high state of cultivation,
which is e'en known from Melded that tbe preside -
or hu rulded thereon fora/garb* fifty yeais, being
reef ,the most successful/papers in the township.
it in centrally located, being notli church and
3chool, and within easy reaert of a good market. Fo
nether 114 -Maulers address JOHN SUTtikatLAND,
*rhos P.10. 290941
ad 8 Lot 15, Concession t, Ilnron Road Survey,
g starts, !adulated within two iniles of the thriv.
quoin Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
rn Ontario. This farm war awarded the gold
medal in the farm competition of 1883. The farms
awe been ell pastured for the past ten yeare and
ss.:uld now be in excellsat shape for general farming.
SO- itoOd clay loam-two.sterey brick dwelling hous.
ad tcheb with brick woodshed -hat air furnace-
ard and soft water in kitchen-flne grounds with
biubbery,, evergreens and cedar hedges -orchard
with ruee windbreak on west and north -good
th titone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush,
and beqh-well watered with spring creek
tiai river. Wilfsell altogether or would divide pro -
'5 No better property in the County of Huron.
DIOESOINT. Seaforth. 20264f
The hicliillop hiutual Fire
Insurance Company.
T. R. McLean, prodident, Seaforth
presIdentt-Thles. E. Hays, secretary-
treasarer, Seaforth o.
Win. Chesney, Seeforth; John G.
Grieve, Winthrop; George Dalt,
McElwee, Brucefletd.
Robert Smith, flarlockaaliki.
Seafortht James Cum**, Bp
R. Jarraoatti,
MO. ikturdie and John GovanItaila
8 Ono it Timber
for Salo
I have one or two ',of the
Salt Works' buil:Rugs left,
so a quantity of lumber and
hich is suitable for repairing
aIes and out buildings on
In order tnItsate all these,
and materiardleare4 Qfr he-
t of August, We- will sell at -
w price, and WIll'refuse Ski*.
e offer to aecoraplishlthis'
TaitigsHER 1611.;
} ease ses Tonic Pr peril s
unsurpassed. The prod
Perfect Brewing.
TheDom' on Teale
• I
Bone, Vice
matter fro
f imp
by us
r by
o bid
Mut l?red.
my blood was
get so weak I
in bed ft*
eat, waip
evelYthing an
friend advised
Bitters. I di
used when
I used six
in two wee
never to
Co., Limiteeelteronto.
tugs nt
mpe le
Bur Blood
e maids
began take it'
'ree ply Ids. It
your WtI'derful
The . Mum
211, 140,
Molriliop D'
J. M. ,Goveailoels, Ree
P. j• MeQuAld,1 Coupe
Maidiet 'Clerk, WI
Govenlock Me
John Murra
T. Purcell,
3. McCain
fieer, Seale
M. Iturdle.
By Mered!th Niholsott
Thousand Candles."
--please forgive! Me I wou no
any 'member of ylater SiSSially to kin
',was being fol
,are to se y
lowed. I had conie
That is the trnth It
mire with the - knoivi
thert - And the -Very fa t; that Y
usuak times and in iinjei+sible
Jetty' very :roneh exaaeln.
"i OW that. I real re 41 tha
mus leaea,instently."
"She walked. aWay t
dome! but he folloWed,
she, tartied to hita
In the full glare of:
and She Sawa that .his
eernestt and as -he be
"Yam have been
not tell me that?"
"It; nothing.
knife; and he -but
The lightning
leaped, sharrayi oet of
wincll was tinting th
and tie,* the. r roare
of the veranda.1,
As he Spoke a earriag
gratiels and came rap
parte leo4ere.
"I'M off. Please b
And od catet run awe
ther' .rackher are at
There .avaS, tin instant
the carriage drew up
steps.; She heard the
ping Out to help with
"Yop can't go now.
There was no` time f
thine open the doer a
past her• With. gestu
library and beyond into
used by Judge, Claibe
She !walkea toward t
her father 'and miother
the Veranda. -
"Alai --Miss Clai borne!
and Mother nicked me
Elie in !out of the ra
Andi Shirley we t
pee me. Yo
a unless yo
of my fa
They were
ace was very
he cloak avilia
ur Why di you
;fellow hid a
Several tinois
den f nage,
the rod,
rolled in
y tow
ve In
You are
SI1 respite
a' the ve
table boy
o the
e -a
detrate. She
swept • him
throng the
e as an face.
p ra le ,of th rod
entered front:
Your' f thee'
and 13 ught
tits pow rs."
herself site , Y, and Shir-
ambtaasadii Ita*ed to the
greet Sheets lazed t
not- leave Matti the stO
turn 0 titlairid Th arable : dor Would
\ , I shower :; itbacirte0vd,eiandIn.
chance he
toe hew, no'
Or*plain away
pondered the
Plight. hie
a that beset
In her Mind,
lay in the af-
ge. should be
°Use :troubled
as she
in" his eyes
Stininlit4 e
Olean the costaid 1.
_breath, deal' :Way
ous material from* ta
tatty rammer, en re a:. t W
t Suffered 'I.." I •
Swan 6
V for Yearsaf ore
till, f
Pills. I cannot
Price 25 eetotaa vial
all dealers, or i
price by The T. Milb
Toronto, Ont•
er,Ma 'tete
ered ears,
tci can
liver ible.
vend ef
, but get
on t of
By The US
London, On . rites:
pleasure that I t
'Save been troulo
years. NOW* h
brought me a lb=
and t
tirely an can do` all m
feel as good as to
I am positive De At'S
all you claim e -to
Let Doan's
whit they'laye one f
others. They eu all
trouble -and they re to
Price, 50 cents r bo
$125 at all deala or
receipt of_price b The
Limited, Toronte,1 At.
of yo
k fo
ore ta
tho ds
Oreseace, end as she
injurieS and the ,citinge
m , that was uppe tin es
ir foa herself -if Atm
round. eoncealed in ,tihe
her little. Her heitir
and the quick 'Pahl
face at tbe doer ha
„The two men were
new oreler-of-things et aft
der, "that Attstria- urig is not ft -
:nation, but what lett rnieh called
geographical apr *ion, Where
grasp la necessary h id them to -
"And. 'a weak hand, t sti ghsted Judge
Sold spirit cOuld :topple, do nathe "card -
house tomorrow, 'pick on t aat he ked
and create for 'himself w edifice. -
and g Stronger one. .1 sr ak frftilkly
1Van •Stteebel is meteor way, the
neer emPeror-king is 4'11ng, and if
' The ; bassador lift d h hands toad-
, his fingers-.
flitter, him hia utt rally 't ouain
'nine* and then a on erthan Von .
Streebel might easia fall to hold the -
"Bet t'Ithere are s ado Wra on the
There wss son e red blood
him; t but .he weal imp. sIbIe.
terms.' If .treason d ebellioh are
.0077:?_04041.11 a4.e4u.a!, rmepi arhajatet.l.s, the
pore to reappear. in e wo id! .
k is Oot of the
It to teke
Ilp.061 1101
this trotible. :Mesa S
tee;fiay if your c
tray. Dont-elk
etre it oetite
urine aisititiek
.010, WO .likeard
tat year
he bad a
Cured by Lydia E. Pink*
m.ART.Tolt, 34 .1-4-I feel that LydiaM.
Pinkhanfs V table Compound has
'Raven me new life.
/ imffered for' ten
years with serious
female troubles, in-
ilammation, ulcer-
ation, indigesti.on,
nervousness, and
ieoul_ d not sleep.
Doctors gave Me
up, as they said my
'troubles were
hronic.- I was in
despair, and did not
Care whetherIlived
read about Lydia E.
and aro well again and
. am's Vegetable Cebu
oil native roots and
ne nareotics or harm-
--day holds the record
m)lher of actual cures
se we know of, an
am laboratory a
in women, who hav
almost every form. o
nervous prostration.
wemon'owes•it to her-
o E. Pinkham's Vege-
especial advice
advice is free,
or diek'wheri
began totake
relieved of
pound,. made
herb -a, eonta
for the Largest
of female Elise
.thousands& VQ
an file in the.
Lynn Mass., f
been cured fro
female cora-Nei
indigestion a
self to give L
table Compoun
If you Woui
about your ea
tial letter te
aud. always h.
son. whe chose'
if !Charles Lout.
Shpuld die and
'le the part'
dead. ImpostOr
•Karl or his sot
K la was dead.
or gaining inft)
di have heard
and the barop
ley grew more: t
bassedor would
send Armitage]
of _Stroebel's la
Armitage and `i
into her ilfe
questions. 1
"Count von S
oerat at any re
'Bend in the div
„we've got to st
were to. fall h
to the poOr and
"He would
would drag ill
They pursued
vein a few- min,
baron nise. Jud
ed. the walthigl
ble, and the baro
"I ought to WO
Danish claims !
judge, -glaneing,
"You will do nothl
Night work is not pen
"Think you. I hop
and now if yea wiII
as.to close the do se.'
teke only a mina alai
ts father's exile, What
, who is. without heirs,
ari or his son" -
mice of dod tbey
ga4 a little brief Pe-
nding.. to be the lost
Frederick Auguste%
I satisfied binaself that
arn quite sure of it.
Stroebel had a genius
A much." and Shhley
ited at Judge Clat
w ,but the mention
rang oddly in her
ohs way in which
a vetted had come
ne right and all that"
s Claiborne, It's all
to tie of the Eyrie
t h giving his crown
ting he old. order en -
k fo
and the people
the block a
hject in lig teed
e from -the ta-
e hOuta
an heat op. t at
" remarked,- he
d his curtal ed
ig Of the. ki
itted the -vial
-Ring. for Th 0113
o write.
I:11 :write th
She heard her' f the s doer close,- lis-
tened to be onit
was quiet and th
whiapered, with
kind. You are
Thiaut she went b
Vatted, listenedi
• threw open thea
him go. The rain
the eaves. and t
suit that tbe hinise
ew lel: the curt:diet
out into the library.
r him te the hall.
ie instant; tbre
door and bade
ed heavity from
e c breath of. the
Are Daily Credit d to the Wondertla _
Powers of "Fruit ai-tivisse
Bancroft Man
Medicine Will
It Is the old +
born Case, the cds
o the Ordinary r
Whin, that "Fruit
to cure.' Many f
miratiop. of the
understand how'
do what they 9 n
"I have been t o
medicine, and f u
relief. Then
tele now I am nq
-Limited; Ottavra.
26c.- At dealeas
th will not yield
edl s of the phi-.
a -ti es" never fails
the' wailer and
oeto . who cannot
Trial -a-tivetta cart
rut., otober
bled tor islet witb,
ried every kind of
sed Truitalatives"-
rige trout*.
reahenet air was Stree
Lug. ' Slie was atinedisit iy reyed 'to
have him out of the halms but he lin1-
red on the veranda, stn *Ip ss-
iT about.
"I /tall go home," he but so =-
-l daily that she looked at him quick-
ly He carrier the cid 4' _« ; over his
shonlder and in readjusting it dropped
it tO the floor, and she saw n the light
of the door lamps that his arm hung
limp at his side and. they cloth of
his aleeve was heavy and cl*rk with
With a quick 1 eeer she _
led and picked up the cloak.
'Penne, comer This is all ery dread-
tido You must go to a ph elan at
ep;e14.iyThmeainnjanuryd 1 li so r sn eo t ha ri neg.
threier the cloak over hie s
led the way across the v
out upoia the walk. .
4g do not need the doctor
My man will care for me."
He started through the
the outer wall, ;as though
and she went before him t
- !Ode entrance. .He was aw
iquicc light steps: of the sof
her lkirtS, of. a ,veish to sen
• which hia tongue could not
, he knew that it was sweet
her ea g. At the gate h
bear ngs With ‘e new; .assu
"I seents that I ,alWays appear to
pliiii''epOrte-rsruse.fsliseraor mebiteo fasaall 'LA:::
"Pl ase !sfiy nothing at all hut go.
Your enenties, ;Must bot find you here
again You Must Jeave the -v Hey," '
"I ade a 'Work to die Bu it must
not Ouch your life. Yeur ha piness is
too witch, too sweet to med'
There is a new danger th re. The
"-t let you Are not, That 1 enough.
horsegind go."
ItIng fox
But she
rs and
da and
not now.
toward I
ward the
re of her
rustle' of
her back,
to follow°
took' his
nee and
Ire ent end kissed her bah
"Yoa trust me. That is th
thing in the world." His
tered and broke in a sob, foi
the a
ice fat: I
and weak. and the me stery of
ght and the dark.
a spell npon bilge and
at the touch lof his 1
ps upon
re only
Da not let. them hurt you ag in, hie
blurs In the dark, and their I
died, instantly, snuffled hy
She opened thei gate a$ he
pronilse not to appear before II
in any way to bring her ttou
her low whisper arrested him.
"Do not let them hurt you
she said, and he felt her han.d
felt its cool, furtive pressure f
ment, and thee she was go
heart the house door close a
later and, gazing across the
sav: the lights on the veranda ft
Then, with a smile on his
strede away to find Oscar
eek his,
r mo -
e. He
sh out
ace, he
rid the
Armitage eoberl
Ide tossed the
pia ee, :where
kn tit smoldered
his pipe !Ind) a glow and wate
car .sere the top on a hox of o
which h had applied to A
stood sh rply at attention:
"You ape Mr. John ArMitage, sir. A
man's pa e is wbat he says it It is
the rule f the countrie"
"Tha you, Oscar. Your tv rds re-
assure me.. There have hew times
lately when I have been in do 14 my-
self. Youl are a pretty good doe r." •
"First aid to the irijured. I earned
the trick from a hospital Stew rd. If
you are ot poisoned and do ot die
you will ecover-yes?"
. "Than you, sergeant. You tire a
eonsoling spirit, but I amuse o on
my honol as a gentleman tat die
I shall ertainly haupt you. his is
the fourth day. Tomoarow
throw aWay the bandage and quite
ready for mere trouble.'
"It would be better o the flf
"The Matter is -:sett ed. Yet will
that no one pots you on the way Your
death would be a posit ve loss to me,
Oscar. And if any on asks h w my
majesty is -mark, my majest --fray
Say that I -am duite and Mil to
ruling over many kingd mS."
And Armitage roared with la ghter
as the little man, pails ng. as b buc-
kled a cartridge belt nd r coat,
"If a man were- king he, coal have
dithe:er!ce,,oe;wnseto4aroomildIduirachare-Pgh, :itrea7elytiriteolgt.;:tu. Y;1. ti_rtriOathp ,paownd.
of Work and 'meteeydind needed a job
the thought of being king inig• ht tempt
t▪ ick ot
e tire -
; drew
ed Os-
d and
ves ',sae Nes Te %ell LI
palatable, --full
the virtues of inalt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi:.
'don, is the id
Now *hen chemises announce Its purity, and
judg4 merit, one need - look no further.
When tt Comes to Pte,i adam
ords Fail ILF
Even in the long ago when the preacher said "Dearly Beloved',
even *then did We tickle our fancy with the greedy thou&
he.reaat, meant PIE.
For pie, bi each f its myriad varieties, Is the grand wind-up to ;lit
joy spread, the I t act of a play with a happy ending.
Do you take pie, Madam—pie that is pie ? I Do XOU ? I
Says the minent into:: of
the New ork sun
"The aper Of a of pie
"is the alltfring overt re to a-
"cresc'endo of a deli which
"reaches its climax biotite
"crust end", and os this
"crustbecomes part oneself
"one knows what pie istatr.."
"The "crust end" is
"cause efoie
.-blisedl riddle, why
But the crust is m
know, and FIVE R
derful flour for pie
pasta and such ilk
Because, Mistress
• ROSES makes yo
grained, even of te
' qualities.
With'. a delicate,
vor, sweet as a nut,
In color and appear
If you should m
Madam, with the
Whether of apple,
f the
rust, aid pt:f
Ousewife, FIVE
ar paste Close
-hire and eating
esoribable dee
tender and rich
.e such pies,
or lemon, or
TEE Well
WhetherOf healthy cos
juicy pineapple, gloritn*
mince or -dear old pump, -
kin and s nash,:er all sop
With the ch. red juice of
the cherry
Why, yo get the flower.
thepiefam very time {no
black sh n that family),
a truly ceuleut, tasty
a crust that lealres no unpleas-
antness. .1
Never fear the dite vengeance,
an offended sloMach, or
—If you use FIVE :ItOSES,Ma
'then watch the `hungty we
disappear, showing lfine appreciation
of YOUR culinary Skin. '
To say nothing of 'the eumptitteete
pieces between ineals, you knovd.
So, Madaen,ude yoat own judgment.
rae. These gentlemen
to stiek knives into me
; my ebnmes. They may
the husiness." Aud Ar
- kicked the flaring knot.
Oscar drew 'on his g
"They kilied the gren
dThey undoubtedly. di
dHe was a good man:
great man," saki Ose
went -quickly out and e
softly after, hira,
The life ef -the two m
galow was . established
-routine. °seal. was dri
[zed without beingl told
_Armitage's life had
and; that the. receipt an
telegrams was a art o
,rand had brought bis
Virginia hills. HI
Wholly to .his likin • the
toed to eat: there vere
and his erraude broad
nature' of scouthie nd
one's dignity who
He rese often at n
ght it
and sometimes b % fel
walking the verand or i
a tramp througb the we
_spent much time study:in
once, the day after Armin
had seemed upon the req.
ounded arm- le 0ed
"To save life, to reven
do a little good I: the
something for Ansti la -st
to the sours credit. Osei
Armitage's mood el tinged
begun eh ding in rapt)
The lit le soldier ode e
to Lamar station in the AN
into his ockets at the p
turned beetle as the moo,
down the' slopes a rid flog
At tbe gate of
chain the
e. bent el
man rose itngheer-s lc
lodge and clasped II
dle. The iron chid
rattled ngithist the
from °se, r was sib
barest sec
long ern
about h
to lift the
horse ins!
and as hi
the b
va rd
g free and
ost. d the horse
then at 11 Word
Th e the
wbich the
the great
lig heavily
mai leaped
gp; jumped
ny through
ilk highly oi
untiet with :I
prime minis -
Slowly ant
sed the -dote
n in the loin
11:11)48 01
awl Ile &eat
at some eeri
knew the -
aster to tin
nations wert
look abroad,
pa. rAterli's11.11:11:191
.Se SU binitto
ter.1811' e:1170'
10 do
And t hen
he had
-el' the hills
wing sprille
gra ph olive
sloffie.e met
the v
ting rk
the saddki
t. urged hi,
the iron 'a
if the little
nd of waiting,
tightene an
mr,,then he ng
he an
re Ai
alnks. and
out of t path and
the woo s,
Oscar' Nle•hole etre
hold big e it as the h
ed agal st -Ow horse'
hoped t 4halte the
great ar
nation e
spot he
gib eil. s taxed to
trly ti tire *limp -
ma n but the
5, stip ein sited , hit The Fee
oft the moonlight &> choose 0
his bear ngs now. n as eiley crossed
loosened I is grip ( the horse a:al
flung himself leieketerd, is reeedi.
led le i IA'
ay 1-oward
BIM 11110 b 4 lig! atlw tot
now (re -4-.11°w eiaep be
the clear (Meng -ht. iinft
Aimee. in the struggiet e
tained the state 1.4* %
ant, no
the free
the stab
vi ()Seer 0 kop
Meat 3°1:011764
eat and gro
and unsuitaliie food. A
size bottle a
equals in no,rishur.g propeipr.
ties ten pounds of
Your physician can tea you
how it does it.
.101t SATX1 err ',ALL DUtrOGIST
Seed lba.„ name of piper mid this ad.1 for our
FlAx Lan Wan etri
As we are going to .Slon the Seaforth
again this season we areVrepared to ISMS
on the beet of terms, or '-11 huy b
We desire to thank one name
veers, and eau assure them the same
present year. you with to grow flax
at Dick's Hotel, every Saturday afternoon- .
x laud
Caught Cold:
By Working,
In Water.
A Distressing, Tickling Se sa.
In The Throat.
Mr. Albert Mtiertiee, Chignecto Wines,
sold by wr*.4ng he water, and
;rery bad cough and that distress/se
tickling sensation in my throat so
eould not sleep at nicht, and my ilvaiv;
were so very sore had to give up track./
Our doctor gave me medicine bu
me no good so got a bottle of Dr.
Norway Pine Syrup and by the time 7.1
had used' two bottles I was
cured. I am always recomme
my friends.".
ales the po virtu
Norway pine tree other
expectorant and soothing
reeogaized worth, one absolutmly
prompt and safe fee the te...0
Throat , rain or Tightness in the
and Throat and Lung Troubka.
Beware of imitstiens of Dr. d
orway Pine Synge, Ask kV it; 1.0d
)ntagoni4t--,112aillt on -getting what you risk for, 'Xit
pat up in a yeHow Wrapper, three
trees the trade and the pfaie
Co, Limited, Tomo*
ant arms '
yes lintel -