HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-04-08, Page 6I----- ----- Ifig The watot MY ic CASon. A Meredith �N I40OW OATS rothsl '(Conti nued'ftm Wven.) i W, we one'al Olt artainly make it r or - W-10 sp PAU 7D MID- mm for, FM$ alut bow, ir V44 im od via Aak*& AWA Man IAttU eA Awry, howd� 'YjrA- 4A W'we wZ se6d absolute* W.,, OW IN" I * .. Mon d,Out *0 "I re�tleth 82= L IMM Iof. G IWB to ofte saw VM 67W $a WAS WW pis; oce ammt ft hogoil& on, 6 A at a31MA Y.to fma lift6i or Shumal aext,, &WA V"t ftey did for the g ulpfth� NY Rai of, X"66al and Toilli P qatiom hav,6 bew. on bm. Tb 'delay rep, biD gV%46_%AbAr4*-r 10 for h" ,ft �J - I relmns ed qraae 4 -at in buyWg XAA�Ru-co goo& you a* & _vm have lamees wlthi�t ening a montba anly� dcm t Purdiased ot so,- . i P she had saw p 1W. or u#Wed *par*tiqtw., -0k Pft &.Uotdw,� - WAAal abot, as %_ Ww III a Uati t""Ied- 'hem he pas. bl"Kti,aud stle eats for IheraV, ben ta, time*,, ing erfluid led Itt the recol ec tile teoffl1w wmuwe 41 There are t. 0-4- hum -it W. R, time, money fn 'Yon rak- Uy '-P I NA -DR -C-0 tilar regow &Pvly to N"A*- I ow ftftn= _ - L Of at" bit.of striAegy a& had tubg to - - _# it$ too mv warit and for,& sd*e#imd 1, boa& a keep steo in dw h" an CC le 'take .!ny CUGrNX*'W URKMeartfUr a ple of Gin. t e3n alld -pod.v, IM NA -DRU -co on vromt . y .1k they -took, 4,trodbls.a mefw myloomhualdredyearb11 to & -Y kept 1 1jeWs I du the we for yo W mtg good 4he IM, or Prepar=01 uIlglit 1140t prove &1adketar dsting of ar I ZL09;; a _y- the I ftought *be:- W acquired or devel 111n We make -abschi certnut tlat each preparatim it h will V , U the 'Way mr, Jest the JW at On oft 18:4 low OrM ug jpo� seat:''he' 608- I SMI; ;0d!.jTFG ur J7 PL and e W4 P11, uabk formediciftl -NA o we om veauly th duna­. it with the _DKD�CG hinmff of serious'KI n*. r 1 Dietrich I -- ? Is taEL.. drop:yed a IuOp of sugne the I"Puns a, 0 , W-, - :W W= P10 tits sibad,the Un ourezlxnt Tra T 1 4 Int4 hexr Cup and r0ki Ids but- I !t; oun via carefull,pt St A, the. Que-, Apiff 6th, MO. W MOM -It $10e,sres else. AA ymw or ycmr drugght abot-A *e I13rc Irft thme fmmnlw and selelt.ed ihe *A for the that ded,serma h Jax tin rations 5 OAS FDA S 471:r bln- there ferg'eWr4qt at firm, behind WA DRXI-C Prer. and ibout. the 'I reedvel your sample. box of Gin ell"'Ir wrl th pone: "What lo you unk il me. &ery fornn& has beel� carefuRy Acle on 24 4IJt. set XA-1)1Zt-4_'N0 lifle. can ten you, for we we thmnu ON man of -74 atbs WI%ht Plaft Fift aid as.1 found thew. highly satis- 4- 1 bappMed dwRilarts- improwfa if L �', Po", Ot out aW, Plakus ? I I aTe $14 wortli telegrams fitimhh thtpm,on' request. a fuH Uft of tho ingnm&nft M actial ory� 1 3!a usiag Gia Pius aid lb, 0 oe, before fact to 9 Sea ttar San PL ffmg f rom an 9, the imultitade 1n 20W-NA-DRU�CO attic 6. d c= bf&ly recommend A to diged Pe food'. ft enou& to bW the N 4 -DRU. Co wlth MIDUt'118 widee - opon: II bb( Jae?U. aff - If- s 12= 1. P. Means. Maw �yj at ge being 9 and got SO til L thm. fake Arlo Thtmews- 33vs-aith Bud B the Drug Wf lei if by- any. chanc-e -ron qltovAd oft ir at ie lav It Wft. Cheni.� to. liff t thS "JUn boitse to I a vok be t: exwl eaty if ou take 41: A eA (pept A Toronto., and a the 7,&m4, with U egn with -NA-DRU-CO ariffide acconuts Of 11* lu abberl at n�y A go A. exanqAe of what we m 1 is NA -DRU -CO satisfie4 try, helis are; p �F2=fils wM be ient yon by return mail. taist tim iga�p bad just m -thed- h1in, ibc Brain I%g, or ner� ion 0 rugg .Av. J. h or by" 7ous bv��own. the, unused rl' t tl ie & gist f rem wbom XegnW size' boxes W -e sold by dealers gasteo 1� L tI. ot our the 149 *IW64 Yon the 28 taos-scie�ttific com- bought it anglu will refland your _1ps on the Va lal a he 9K rs Aralit his (A 17te formola im pro at f t)qx---6 for $21 S" bui n too, because,w; ret= to him every cent he �q,vw _=unced was )a Mer 'the In' Ws) rawh a! I that s �n w RRAL here t1wre- bappY 'hou* i the, . fo* no e ban a ws�s d( our north - wonder in r we hAd tt tried4ma w*h a dmen Merent kind of Qb� t you. Schad- Ttachex-s-i lAwyers, Book- H your "gia shodd not have the paet-isca-lar aers eat the proper lcaktaclyan. An --United atates! as tomlN E may Do worke yr Apes I m -NARK "9 vleu� �WSociety leadem d homp rs, NA,tDR-U-CO article -you VSK ror in stock he esm gtt "Hell- .1tW!rt tea a A nd what cad gave.. X. UP tht 01f P 14 fo-M leave me YOU nip. is -atiary to the -the X.&DRUCO lind. branch, wrt of food? J* ought 1et It.. T I- b i he j fte usou wvaov ge)d fait *e adopted it for widfiini two da fr6m- our nearmst, whQIesile Nur White B ko: In %or. t Of Vwe best ilut u: r4the 0 ti f md2ey, W L lwon bat tho Uft� . I - Itaow-4 t hull Po D - . a - and who ii a John -A rnmiftage Kwp t1ds Prepam commulitril, gatb_4 lit Into x mtv a f!or 6e PrA*t� eveO from th6 I The famer of tod-ay buys a much satufrft-y Ight W W-- 1h L a vell Somm N tions YOUT Fiudlmogt lisfactory� On 90T W-Abn Xf fthd(4�6n, is i� ght, Argwt- with the. On r1ah% doles _JeAdid co An thipected ht he Urger PrOP)TOO oi fl�e food that goes le 31 and War talk UY-the greAt Olt SA ly tum: n T Lle ft� WZJP jab& � th�n .Se did ten years ago 251900 In 4a , i � again— te prew tes On ihei tag4 will lgler place. He b-1 ive laettl6rs h I cc� Irs a I 9 UP ood bm use OmK"u Hrh TWe" e heTiring k<�g. onequea. ln do Zoearl doK 20 he ),as a wealmess fQr In frableft) INfixe Oishan"C 9 g that this is so beca dm tb Whlch Cad Toothache Cum 'he has a gr�at variety to select from. tbat what these here ol w *U: Q0114- vou,.nei libmtood--and or bder r* orthard, Ite ftent at g Glntwen�. ft -k touc-bos one A nw A I Ps a with v -Wi* boumd, to settle wants is t6i 1110 01 Icomm wb -passed throu'91I.. t 15 He shoul4, however, use great cue, wad I cbela nvhtuln� "d tmli te :, I,! L, self I &11" -,= S( ke -re"ented 0001A a We Now that I Of it, i* swa reav) r . -1 in selecdat, for.the best results wal in 01i the buzzaln a COLI tll�Oi'aa 009! I Tho reagorn for tb Is Intlu! c of t 13t v inl !s. e? Azd� why dIdn!t Nationai Drug and Chem 'D bealth and �*engtb- Th( In th# dev 14 11 itghtxuw it __ salmi. IRWVs a e trner al re 3ald. i ell -to-do,, Mr. hite C C r0i �e 0 t Arn Itage i mH him down th ,-re at the olnpaiiy of anada, Li ited lot Uri laL i se li� the lizifee teat Tte widespread- tendency in the city chain Will 7, As [,think over the. *hole bust- Ty i�&)i Whole"Is Branchav atz PROPM .J_ ty �dn.tue I te Uxdted St erg fWL nem niy n Ind grows addled, an I feel to increase the amount 6f Quaker Oats d home I - - . . I It eaten is dug' very. largely ta the recent Irs %jes' turrIble s' d J flicutt.to, wociti,6 f4m for thek so IHAMAX, ST. JOHN, -MOrGMEA4 O*AWA� field in the tom, ohm 'had as. ;hough .1 been icked by a dernoxaWaUpns by scientific men diat &.uew rissp. S�he Comes *t ail sell but to %�Ve,st ENGSTON, TORONTiO. 'HAMILTON, LONDON, hon le." -and good �oellar wit 1�0=e 1b ar 'Oats fed man: is the ulan ler; therle'4 whe re she gft� -the Quak i I.Moft abtam4lalit, of tl e Cam k4WLV OU r�AaVa. plg "d 91 Irley a P1 *MCI* via" Two ALWAYS LOOK MR T�HfS er . I " I V RNNWEd. RECJN*, CMXA1tY. NEU6K with greatest physical endurance aMd wok Iii—she cor tittathe vi r1lc e, aughed softly, k$eping the I ne4 � - I � ani ready for =P d 14 i West. VANCOMM VICrORLA. Tan= "Aim tI6=,8 up her Wsie at Ihe wil 0 At I , n-. open Wow r and refA xrJnr to lt rees aud a 1� dLf fe! r Theme reatest. meat, I vigor. undn with a eb at. re t 4g- -b t) A) Cos or fo taT 3 �.qhe stirred her (offeiii She As subi ct tbe ol� f e si 40n-; 'I& q not Rris%­or i luy of D crw ques�- Farmers should give tl spectaible ld ',rDet 4� C d d1mg to, an akills, to Uem -h 04 "'tb t I J S 'kil that asked 'contest Careful thought and should in ed fU4f1JtUV'_' 9"r the SeEA!Wlrea. W thMe? 59A but bar intarest in. t Ia, -A the q - - of 0 uentity 4uaker Oais eaten wallil aiii the plcture� y the FarriiaWl kdVo was squarely the h ce, and he tunibbled E I Umf ot he L beti reen A muttage Omd Chaii Y�met being Lot 1% iInd he -book, W themse3ve their children and kinal -aceldelat ber It a Atly. The" . are�m�ay meta ou th over the all, and.Shirley Boney'aro 6 et r t C Nmst Who have startbd vdth left C farmhandiI, gild' the All ab- lute isliked. by this latest t6n'ln the�.. _4eard h1in IIn tbe; rash thrcugh the hedge of the neigh- an xm�, Ilp- uread for it hag bm. boring estate. I ben all -was quiet Tc' bks t,,but I A pod Unk barn. 6*40 wi an Im A, wka! -�r I � 11br -was clooD, and,%ba 061S 'O A t kTP A are tjie eas In 17,,bu; the air leilways e, omn f wrm: 'k 5 GPJKM ye, puppytrated'llii -thy !n r AJW ok, drew on a� light aynour ada her bc t t Ito st*t "f6r1tWb L7: a. Is in tbri W 1181d r M, .9 The gaml to or h n !the re 4M 2 thing1to thdt Ix fla - An' of Ontarlo YOU*&- doesift do a 4 500 dhDu:1d . be i6n haand. rkw amo coai and i rent out upon th4 I veranda- mw�tjy;al bei rooms what. she doas�n't doto N c uld 't a steal iug� down froin tW garden and the setamble over Odlege. All, diseases of Domeatic toick wr�d b y aX,, Inecess Ury aJ A a as U7 Pe wall good brick the kAl t. Aninsla te& calls V!f y at. up atairs�. 'we "n 1,aibes for. & f aiMt Of- 300 aq es. and the fitful wtud tasted of had -consumed on two or.ul�-ae min i ten i nrou Knead�#,g W, 8110," charw, 046. ti Of the _q APW" to ivet. muth mentlizz '06ther.'Und the. questwRlet jussi". She 'wadiked the leng Uh utes, and Shirley ILOW Waited, her eyes ce. A"iy on Mires ill t ng I ly outlined pergola, 14tD Ja be& o Z s the I led. v; rEC ali outl:a� tw v da I th ies, tl6n paused bent upon,the darK r 111ttle t vith Mrs I�ember our B., Al breadm*r. an ere long. Wiub this and rad God ob vtreN6 me the wash vtand u-sta --D, 4, aqv Pul bi for. some rom the re- the, f end of it, w4eft steps led manifestation f tile e the 0", Dr. 4A W ottioe, Sea.; wash stand hex assed. tE;ecoiid amalver'.Was Pambabl.� %-�, e Af�er kwading v, dough while, I often wonderkrw A man now truder. grzater Part laf its U she 51that (Trect. Ire dc out Wo pergols. There,m'sMa. maining in walked iso *db- md she I )oked out m1fteably dRP the 7he more she has done a - big t fe Pr G..'. Ss Ell $9,500, whIlch is a �gv �at "deal near; Mist 6f raPidly tolvard the veranda, carrying a ur IT. JL olym"Mr aft., Bat the kk o sbq In Cloak on his arm. She recognized Ar. vrl , upolithe on lin" 'Ong i'ver A; kneam of the a in v r] of t gardau it IMe u*iZer it gets, �nore. w) StWbtl Wesome-100hing"'. you h) Smarmy _aduats. of t1W Gntwk tha room ai* filled h sor. -om stBrts-out f or Id elf thwe v test. wit! thou of its nee& and the mitage tantly. IKP/ doffed his hat _Ick e i d A qu an ionotam don't isee-m like bo, moi e. gav eftees DW.* Thm and bowe& Th lights of the house Irefthlary vollevel- ab-oly au 4g, in 14 V -E ROSES flour which fo.-the, e V91199M at Amoclaitlow, "Whn she 'has' t1he, she was Of L light 911 P fJLr out lamps shone full upon him, and she $adly mis§ed eb8where. I-Vaterinary 04AW sif -Phinted th.-, front e clop'slie, -19 0 f - I A 2e hing a little at 00 100 R IA PeTI Ipla. "d'listened cargesd:f, raw that he wtL3 laug at &R Dolisestle `An- that sthe otighta belol-A, to the S 've not'iced it, too. F`�Lws P -OR thlessly yx It ow of the house Acres, BMW RIA, -an brea e r6adersof this paper Will f, to It thin baQA by moit 3wdezu - 0ribet"rWL uv Art sts. :to lea ithelre isat least one dreadk dap� e 4tscien e� "This Is really kortunate, Am , JlII al i4" & 4 L from a:. ch 1IU Fever IL Ewell been We toure in ;all Us buY)U kn iirer Yuns, I%e a 'I thalP n pos as she b Btft all flour, alas! are mot FlVt:'� -ead -hen Pit ftek bjDm-e fmd a but It d0VM_ T swee ogpd�e Dick's. Sotel Mats "Every nel eaeke# d6a, r ty wh. Hall's Catarrh Cure I e fi�d was furtive,* oi�ie. ]['(,We your house an apology, 1W. t -All at nigh t�ie _0 i now. known to tbi iv"6al ternity C1% hud if you will grant me� undern h Wit: orders, latt snom y whiten= in the paw to be thi t t brnptlytt' Me w k0sm ti Drr X a cons tutional disemp, 8�9 conab t I)rth and one and a h It, or .-he In. the He thre the cloak over hIs shoulder Ive sold -on- ur from poor quality WheT pro is takift i th flo aw bow VeWV9 P=Mpt Att*&- monkey with sometlibir." -right way He Rai: to Into the h -to smi.. will. offer I t to you.,, I - A, twatment. v A and baked I -tit he V1 te lastb zmds%e4 At r tht wa -a to shif t. t pil ad- or the Buy, acting directlprupon th blood an I inue Mol help 8 he �a�rd 'a U tbg desk,, tht organ, h of -tke system, thereby d troying I irly inill there's no materl,# Fron, on Ift -pit faime( the oven your �crusted gxAden U bhe fo i hm bbei7 quite -Vt and on of the disease, and giadvIng e patien i stren r trit himsel' with his hat or the stovee a4l -if Its' olay We i v. ood I M Wovement in the spolor of thIp -of fri;3*_ Iding up the oonstatution "You Z d P-miNt ng na 1 g8A M In a mient loavi s yield. the aroma I emL tim I ar a mo5t 'informal pers n, box—bY beftesi—hes gottm 41f t ts wo& ARK FOR LRGAI& The prop.. 46ra hav % so man md!ved tD*"d �Vlr. Armit.- ge,", sal, I Shirley coldly, bread due'to kneading. -1 � I I 90,1f barkA -.d hickory nuts that portend�� a Wvkh somethilY ; aW sometime�.I* abLk. ime Re euriktivP pow6rs th ley offer 3ne McKman- I 'a develop�ed, Ma� tood -te-ulng flavor Irr stible. -'U, XIMORAW- to oul "I�m afri Id I am, The m uu� a .e. S I the ost amaztng p the, grqP that, -ed did ill f the IDICT Wlar� am� isiddems the rest )OUars fol' 411 0"6 that. is In Te * g:: bi I is; of testimonilmls. 'I - Iowa M -I had dropped in da�n, not the *hfte. ftrrkftr, "14ftir, If0tar ftblic, uv -their 1JV4DS. luick fol ra A And the kiddykins need no o0w f�) loan. 'a 80&fj*ft NkM.' "W tees A J. 0HRNEV &.00., Toledo, in to, enjoy the quiet -and. charm of your Arbilgh 'for 41 Ift Ia MW vT0.PrI0ioi*glt1 14a U sound istw VXi 3rZJd&y* &ad S&tUrd* iter Wh %'hewpap& f v IkIdbyallDn ugh you van� uftr just �01_ rftp .,,W els1110 'JIF pw-ts the Iroot 1, � f;� co��tapat call o 8reakft3t, Mad= _e 6ke&lrs Fam ly Pi ion. the her' ag dn, then garden, but the trinquil life Is not for -y I T, die idinpa 40 er and -And WA ovw STM7 "ek "y: Ovat -knead ft. and_ lout lavi ber ain" stleks It dh a the, 1 kver Y6 low their noms. page fiftht, out 11 L the Vm me. There silo emd darbALA Ia StOM reet, Seatorth. sift alre ysc6k.s the Infide mt 4 gentleman 0 want �j t so without 396% bm I loeatd, is WV ddenn, a _ft and, Ao* equally bent on enjoying the pergola. 'A W66 L a4v Aakas I x d -win go Ch it box ver Seeid hou'li H"le &*Ing Kow elbows binged, amm dawn on th-b U t 50 Rd �s We engage I In a pret;y raiming match, `PrGDr100r op ifter be bas�� put the W�rj� a �0 w I em" It6r, Cktgoy"wr- tE, I at and because I Was eeter of foot he �114. lub;icatle,d Ift Jobn "P. tbey never was lleforvrv� he takes a Farmers', -n a recin t tvo* F.TLMR ft 1SUJIV=#; L Don't let your neighb4aux if, Main st�r&tLlto I - - I I -y 4 fgives some �nt V .1 Ude - . I i - &ad NotarT NbIle. S011CItOr tOr tM wlk dbwn e6oellw A16W zdxvt grew ugly and trIed to put me,outiof - I I - @_ I �11 9. -on. 9. . I u "d FIVE ROSES, Maiiam f, Dlovabka Beqak, 06dorth. Ma"t to He was stl1l Ia gbln,-% but SWt4ey A. 01fice--LB. r4ar 1= staXed at ibk- the apylace as very fin rta!d bJee I U&r f t SMd beat YOU at breadmaldn DgwAsion Bgi� at ! tbe W the rip-snorttof new edtor. a You can so easily do beffer, respards bmdfully 'to Jand for grain or �--When a buyis aut h�to., ilve� yeal'ris 1904- felt that he W ts can and, o make amn he I,; I tT - was a in trying t Ze ift, h Mlalrws POusewife, hgngem lip -r nme ae:; ilut. d _p"t t WS. ANW ewertton an4 In 1he 3 ex A F I, I I rardwood bu& II-I'llt of a erdlous aflon, and a fur- room roun� to the t side tho 'bir bale, yo4k dough Lk UD tort ROSES. gfl,ent r Wfte VW Seed-. I ther tie of secrecy with Ar By gp-tftg F1'�E EI ter year, represen;Ing m nent sMOM hau )AW cork. ry e. not to her 11king. 0 Ught as So roll up your "d Not& islue of be walked boldly Ihe has oste�tatlo a pq a 0, b1hilon dollf- 4 a 941 t6e tables sf emed to I Ile tursmeit. the veranda st s she stepped Wick Madam, and— ova 90*erlm isralture st.c Apm old �be&ticksl k the he wnH "in:urn or &bpat ,seven doll its at Um M The strongli hVe d*�ugh X1 -TbWbuWex figme the pmaner was PLaCe ,-S l;re A.' The fig an� anaps beavil DO IT NOW. obvet, sestorth. 611DUUMS that, M. k% mipch lar� from him. I moted t - I they Aould. 'have been. IbAt now 1: i filght 4i not This Is Impossible. It will from CeUar to cUrreet,. heq For furthe 0, Pleased Mtt`h:411m*1f. Ayo- WP611 ouldhave all this a and Shirley'lost -:6 at All, Mr. krmitage. If is ot no t., 0 ING4 Aubum R. O� uro coavoyanter.'I "MaMY's the timei L -e Me" lathoriie"13eslo6sttw twelktuall. kin, of yon to tome here In this :JXtW I I 'L �' I L both for, a Mo king' thle c ulrkry ov ftfiH6, soeltor for, am bhamWa that waonre, fer the ett�,r.`. Ill imme- strange faf4hion.11 lkf'- ORMC ment but J is not half clovi S( BA" ot Ckm=08". ma"Y. dark 11 this u THE A rl,. diatel$, a vay fomnoth -0mada. y ry eado, ivith fumnsaw -sehd An m 5r card wheu I XVaR being lameahedlI, 4 lef t' In sold 1 lor4gex tain tb� emek at the form rc se at the has�ed all'over the estate? 1: didn't -P A enoiwh )t the 1 on IN walL She beitrd e JAeSiced sad und -4, *3 NO -BODY SA L AA 1411MMTO AND NVIE*Y 9 ISTIER 6'VFFEzW' r&tch - of mean to apoloize for and hi,t FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER =do*4,­aid.1n rag the so fe*M WOMEN'S APLAMM-1 S. kA"h"o&1"XN tion. wid five #Am beeed ]DR. g too lit' le seed Is ti per ac -i' feet 1i 00n, tye laugbed ag,ain With R shleere mirth T.- 4.1 Bow Ic-out, lit to 15011001 I ad Vh Office sad rvAdimee, i6tuda ft., 21E scattering gnim th brick gutface;As know wornau's sufferIngs., a ftore have fo und theti that shook� her lution to deal harsh t a in= 1 vdn ma U. free of aur charge, my home ts�e* I iKidney Trcuble Here ame &*fry a S. 4ttac 3 �a gained AmcorlAder: o tat a b*rW ly with ZVI hi� went on "IT- forth Men,.and ;' - with full insitmetiong to any sufferer Irpm Al -R. It. 3. BuRROA& Wom the -top, turned e j0JjgiVen4tAD_yJnIe. an, he %ninion or ni&MU Ved clover W" the flower po� He was maA beL wen'gaimenta. I wAut to tell all women about, on TAW d. his —Goder-10 P ftfice aud Residence d' Owe- your my reader, for yourel4 Ofil and Y4 two Crops 7,eaT. Cause 1 yo -or u.ng., "th: r YW ds t6d tft him �n­ the foot race a'nd ur mother, or y6fir sister. ALDRAI 1W thtop P. arm as though -Wan ow.. Vou W to cure Yourself a home witbum ashoot ine from the wall, i ACR FO Fbane Xo� 414 Coromr, Sor Qa Cb",i y Cured clover I's mi r aimlng� a wen- ot doctor. Men cannot undersWidwam. I 1h Emd I tkas;ed him A potted geranium— tan a env r%f W24 Asia n"ble :rwr f nr. fnPd1t11tnWV &I IA Don. - :1 I What We WoMenKidney ills selze yo ! I 'gmaiums are splendid. for the Thm a dark ung and W J Jai- m: thhn any tlier kltd, save alfal. _Ky aught hi:m sqnare in Come. quickly vLIth little W4 —and It c 1=e xnJ n it odn'tabis I'lea two amd 4;#a] f "a ob J�t Str= e e. hurled nymklaa wA Surseon. Graduate of C11114W. suffer In thelir earry AY a] j d=t1ble prtelo tImatl d4vrk obj., 1. have the i knack- f iL Once before'l P ceniint &ft" Uplv*oty. "to at PAchest". CaW -control the.kidney seejition3 �mudl throng th 0 Pidniuf I ver ba* will, ott, in thr face. 0 alri handed h a 9 Po -wtbo n1mals -fed. CIO strucIlk him- .41t tewtbx, My EDompital. Mm1mr, at CWleSp, of Girls are la:njul, UeTvous, Eutfer, t 1, i*,s" faettig equal,, tice a Imc -ve h him," saidphir- 4a must, Ihma-re h J1UFrge0= I up the 4� manure tf ley. And- e laugh -at her tone'that ot Ontario. PbJA- a!n"11h Off Ice — -eye HAM11twa swre. X1 Women worry, eaAlt d a, 9 dilly Wdlr�. it Analysis of tlover , aind Imot i Was Meant.to be WIN reeelvo at office, Staft, Got. Men have lame and aching baelds. A thei form�r Is ab tvy o;, nroys Ce The cure for main, woman (or effill., ir�ehe� In vitrogen not ulte 63 hope SO. I most devout SC,= & MACKAY. ISS to cure the. caus&.,,Lth� 1k,.dn1,,ys. ly h DRS. ope he felt It- Ele was most quickly ould surel. Mn pota.e, two tment a complete trial; anti it usho k. 'but! neaTi.4 y 111S derl solicitous for iny hegiltb,* VP GDderich street opposite Methodist Boot1tis Kidi n icure siclP Id times -as rich, phosphoric add. y and awbek,oriesithantwoqentsaday. 1 rich, -r-eye. 5 e re in the thumb &gorw hq had ga send ine-your name and eadress- e S i - the deca of T06ts �MA FAUN le NU�K I Owe all f< k �r crop adds i1wrtill sr entf or youremO, entirely f liee I Or. -G ScAg, graduate of VIeWrIa iftty ,sufferJa n isolk. 6, 'Clove den It world- have bad an ugly look� Seaforth testirtiony 'Armitagd, the fals�e baron, -would have tvMYb0olV—"W0MAN'$0WWN S I. t. 0Yied amd. bactilok "Y-Womensufferiand how Vqey oan easil 'awareft sad Ann�,W, a6d member at 4h#. IT. RI&b&rd Ham P]!OYE�s Im t116 Identffied as r -i . WbY ID 9kal Condition lof the Ia& to' a and 1P 'hoen Mats of Pbysicisno mett, of Cry ist I a;rl daring burglar, ,,,h and learn to 01ak for he If. Seaforth, sa-ys:. _-I, have not Oered, milt coin ble �o te ef tect of I N E a YOU�Can deoidefft4yourself. f wome Swim Cbeoner for the Cbenty, of H with an atta;tk of lumboo sihose .1ging t Ri shot while ti7ingl to . burglarize the edy; It cures all, Old or YoUng. TOMMot ersof D OIL RoGMs Kidney Fills "idg of eligh.t 6r ten ltohla. of ma -It Claiborne manslo But I W_- tinenti which sp and ellectually ou and prio 1b, - Ito hat. IL�i 06ftafty vouldn't Leuco 0. KWUy, honor graduate ad r � Ity- To An Dix- T im P) Wenstru U ifi Young;iAdle P1 you :t1me, I had s tAke the,Caiborne plate for anything, I= 11 -verulty, goi uffred with'mu aMer wbo grows �lov6r hm tb e7*veioy0u11%1T can ref etyou. to UXI d medalist of Trinity pains In the lal lull f to any istffer6r thatthis HombTreatme - region! f 6el kidi 'rhe (h 6*e, _ilof obt smei; �f the hrfti a d unks, assure yo 3.11 4. at t ,I% curlas Ueffic&l 0oillege. Member of the Cb14- ldan,ey :$ a crol) of eod fom 40 w strong,pljimp drobust. tustsendm urad; elcretl(yns would becot le 4"S. 41. suppos'. you 41 thiiiLk —all 70 also the Doc WrIte-toZaiy, agybtL olisee Ilk" fte cel Phyxleiw.n and Surgeons, 0n,4 Isecond c tti g. This Is usually' US i ghsgow, ]Bronchitis I ordergd aud frequent, !especlilly at I �. 9� Sore Throati of us --an the -unpleacant RS. M. SUMMr Un t I 51 hatu're ol a -W fall * li conse- ERS, _'Box H 7 night. The urine was 4f gr.,b: Kft, rieness, Croiij, Psin -or'! A;htnen in b- h rule, v It tMw � BIT )h color . ery wh e�s .axd contained a quant oi� 'b -cl; duat crup ls�puld ''be i3e,eded down t(I �clo aj W Chest; and all Bronchial HUGH !Loffi. sediment. I ilearned of: noobt S d- f ht ineded for It nia bo Troubles Y FREE TRIALrr TREATM i r, yid( quickly to the, curative -Dowera of PlIts d procured i ox -Dal o ey Pharr !or al 11, ed .,d anduate 0i verAty of Moron, Cy to vnd' will usuall m464 at Mr, I 0 1bbx 1. I W8 Prium Of Pectoral rem --dies. it *rJtY 01, Ifedici.ne, member. of 01ol,, The rc lief r, . rep FAC 6a _aY 6e outlay f0t ed. D CurrpLh.—I feel so was indeed ius all the 4ues of ver5r Much bet 1W Ct 10by*I&MA &nd Surgeos of On., The pain g -ad ui Lhy, Xxcept dn pecial eaes,, or far t he world Pe t&� ent out of of ORAI'TGB LILY You �were kind �enough i niare. 14 fact, I feel entirely �wen,. and it is novy WbD yam kri%duate course& ',Ai y b a ck d I t treng thlj ir e mly" no : Fable field should be left famous N ay Pi4e tree, combined rago �ol, of obleW; Roy d. The u tr atmer.t. em rine soon cl %e 1:1d,, 18 tbalf dnie or two years in a 5ad0w,", *it& Wild erry Ba�k, and the soothing, Simil letters to the abov nleytgecretlons were r equ edileed to Par, t�, %9 the new e z�e not Infr C tal, London, Hpg, ing of CIO and I have i bag he�,Iing au� expee rant properties a d;�UrAvverslt7 College licapital, Lon. 4ince felt A -Ike ia I L11 fa 2. ion, England. i I Offlck—,Back of the Dow"i �Vlh 1gladly rei Dn[ M he Lost of clover seeding is othat 4§xcell, int herb and barks. let Bcyotll,�S KIdnqy Pills as' an cot 01 OdDlon Bank,: Seaforth., Phone No. 5. ri��medy and �ldering tba 96 no Mrs. 1cl bladqer P L$e o be SO I fbe two doll - per i acm f( J0 hn, Pelch, Night calig swAswered Irom residence ney-ar seed. + Windsor, oidario a loh,9 itanding D& bt trodble 6i sowim g-. T _ZJ0tDr_J&r atre4, ANb__ri.'h. Uj# upon f ii 'the- slig P rr . arA!ion of the I la4nd fw Ig writest--J11 was + t roubled -with Ig ne, for Ithf;C10V I AVCTIONEERS. 'r%. lat the -s vme t�r Haeld en coug] 1. haeld ig or I+ ftoyr mug THOMAS Bitow the ast,5j ve + cure(. _x le 'oftener clo is lad w94 the: Licensed RtWtioueer for the counties rich' I + months �a'fid used a soll becomes + of Huron- and! Perth. GDrres enoe t_A� A. X JL A, lot I te A difterent re-- -pond tIE less liable it I medies bl; I the to�bke), It te vmmlytly awvkred- Immediate ar- ga rangemea ad ts for isale dates cau be made it bolds in llstun:,� Ithe ej arl& did me no g- A last I or D db-tald igoad -4,� t n'"! Of clo-v ai by a friend by Cal -ling up Phone 97, Seatorth, -or CURES C I Norway OR R9119 A v OLllef,- --- yield The 13xpoAtor-Oftlae. Charges rno(lerate ne Syrup Y as the. aett n! oT a:*11no:n1a first: doom P I 0 -30i and satisfactloo gjaranteed. Bronchitis, Croap, Couglu and If Iyou eant CIO grom d the result Ls always tlllb I fou Ck hack- ure.- bu twheat, 1v coy iplet as, or om#hlng P din moncy. back, Sold, MIL 40 --and In 0 der .,7pp a every surtering wom B. 0. PHILL1PS. to', n 1� am .11ev.er t -Norvmy --T ror�lo dws ttealment enc U 6 J. A. Roberts. V v-ar keep yvnig - - t gr t10 - -keep Uq rtme Gyjup an ct oneer for the countAss m, aild-r-ess, MRS.. FRAP4C".­JJ 4 Sal Of -course, i.ex Avel SUrtV JZWW A a WU40ra U 14U.T� of, Hurm &Zd 'Perth. Being a praett., Y tW. J. Wbite, 1naW't...or-of i[olkn4cl U 11 it dovering m1glit Aot, khe I&O # P N, r tAMOr 220 tboMCM-y wdar- than immlgratlo.M officas! In tha Tin] td dcil-r igick, bu -0 Ott] Fine quen&4 to My'f , tt'her t tbi Tmr-el tf tievV �Wle. PM 4P lwmewilg ciis4g' Land Waked I Ottriding tbO Value of farm stock and States. who bas been in ottawj,, ba &;XF I n laere.11 , a 361, mr[W �aj W I 1W.0embnA plicee Me: 14 a bofter go the 0. WW Pi t There w9_8 real .�iaety in her tone, A -,,' w e 4it to wan toct Worth lux sm I w. th tbe _ma given h statemqnt on work in tha� yUo short _rdt 161, sow to rliallo� good prIesk CbLrgw united St Clove * Bute t ed to liase an ]sad' mullrigh yo and he saw, that h� wag going too far -0 &b b .0 1stdc1g, and b u vu _*,61 a: pax %y substi amTe viong of the the ptlea- 7) Wm. we k ke t tmatmcm 'Au erous *trom a pa4i Iftodprte'. atwactift - tvamatow Vit that ki the wlg� al NoWay 1up- with h iwa H t of th� affair. dedre. to tUwk our h bo� SAY. AU to Breter wtH, ent f isal BY ge& LOsaAtly. T "d -ow swura- tb&qi the o4ne treatme9b th:,j: Pielbr juaky j 28th. �1% tbd� Mo tj"P�Le e I Mid what -tJINn a( very bi-tid rid& Ll Ill k wagod -V to p-MONW, &OV by el no ed wort wea.) IG 0; DWb0tb1_TL1m-9= IrmtMOMIS& safe a)adsuroc=Jo0, V WuRtsh 41"harge, 24rme or Ovarian Pains In-thehead, np, mclancholy-.- destre f -V Ine-4&* *Idnoy and bladdettmuI&SW by weakatse ewHar,to:60r-teiG to groveto yoo that -yqn can ciit& M6 It WiHt0JZy0 revitb7our lty.ouw and1wJl17send-.-vm-1W1 ,egathome. eurcdthemel-reswitarnyhow) 11 Will explain a simplb hft.v ,ghurs, w:,,Green 816kim-g, and N -07-1 d h tb alwa sult-troin its V60,,- Wnloi�alitTw oknowandwIlIkladly tW80fteragaln- Address: WINDSO 00- MAY CURVE T Xingston, Ont., June 4th, 190#. ter after using the 10 days' tree- .o send that I win not requir# SPY a Morith since I Stopped usiuig 0-9, (Miss) F. W. T. thoug1l, of course, such 4290. not of � long - stading, Most wo-r- ;n who have suXered or: Aff igth of time ill require tvi uaw INGE TLY longer than re me n Drder to complete cure, but in every eXft' will be Perceptibly be t rther, the benefit will b I P whiether th , zr6y coa-dnue to; y or t It :en lnternaUy, andidoea t6t_1(10n'� a any alcohol or other stlm- is a applied treatment 8 directly oil the suffe IS. In All -cases of womra lers, these jo�rga;=. ard =0"t� to a creater or leas tion Just s positively a*(F-Aw til linen. It is a isim:1-Ple step towards better Dve its gock-1 quaRties, 'absolutejy free,4te.eacA GURR^#,.� W414MOR, Q J .2 IL Will pay the Idghest prift tat ,*it&- on stret no L Telephona 108 jot � 1W dd now be -in )PY1' a a 0! 1=0ky.. With W" le and tWw" wN Wi - 11 *000 t.ltv. No bet -up _r V. DIC"ON, isaga IP -0 "Kent Tjim -3 treeasarer. cheenty, szen; Jas. watt., ey; a%- XUr.dW, *no