HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-04-01, Page 6Audi v Of ir, C A' - B_ X ""At )&0 -0T A. fival tf brayd - ­ " d do, na. Get Vat i)OV"Y"i _0 inn a F tal CALIT R i R T TH-`Q AR7 Wvrh�o, Vb9oft ur m 10 -at - LAI 'Witt see -9 ut pri mqj AM Wr a .14 9 4M tut, U, i* i �a 4 le Tool oo r, t I a r�4&rlou 0, DA, V t t I WIT -A 't. t 't. t T, 't. t 181 1 IQG tgw rn Lot INE OF' just AT� 41YES Of course, you kmw, aU bread ust itirtle gravr t A I " d"24 8"Amp busy .1 -two horobrod' V_-; -I Of 8�aws tho-; f IR& milk tepth anticipate thp fftgbt �f d. isso&.1to old, ow,-, - Mon ft, The Th"at- I e, the tr6uble is, Mistress HoOsewif The" uv� .:r, andof"I CU14 1 -by Ths" soirte broad grows old -1 —g US T 11EY" E A R kgothet for - 1 0 - 'r ' o har�b, staie,,ciumbly. arkable Fruf,� 4"100 prema rL, Rom ]Kr* Alert Maoftw, M*nepW no", that th(we La in Tablets. And nobody.11kes stale bread.- your folks dodge the br�pad-plate, -1-* N's Uft th, oct� I 1�'­ t ziemedy - sl e M rke dtofln V�ra�- dofilt eat as m - ch gs is good for thern, but f III up on. a more t 400� by -work-ing t uR pO i ble i W t f qffe expehSim if less swNtningo diet. 16, lvQonz 4, man, 1L "d aT6 rd a I M9 bad a istrate Says, "Th,, ye Everyone needs soinethi MY cough of Miraclat Are Not�Passsk,." eciMmy, Madatn. �oorefield. M Da to creato and tnaintdm' -wwation Ir I , Sa4 it is [y bi It) not sleep aA a%ht andr.1V I 1D stmagth for the daily 11311 C3 of s"d ba0 as aftaphed so His cure see ns 4, wonderful Ing to SO N -My 80r6' LUd t� - gi4e.- ko f f-0 Wit �harz Madam, of UIP -3 I I `11i6re's a lar qi y� in the e secret, the roun(I dufim ..'lfte 1people ft his family and aill'his friends, Our doctor gave cwm6a' biu* gl0en *f FIVE ROSES flour which me medi keeping 4uakt� of FAM. ROSE$ Wen-! M wn' V In There is noWing bFetter % of Mr. Ubm*9peers. 'th 0 breadzt iffs. to goW so I gota bott1w;f Dr.1 46d AAeUVP d4"M &0 roaa with makes YOUR bread keep better. Vial am To' * * * D OA7 w z gleld, oilt, s iffere'd ortwo Dats for ?W8 than an Ale or korter,'- the jqojw�y_ pfil. Syrup d 1,y! am. - C not go stale as quickly 13 bread h, lam I& Would t yon Like Yt,1JR bread, Bre ED P4 Ilry. ronic. .0. Kea a an M e from�soma of the flours, t Idem you Madam to have that fu aess of nut - had two bottla U is e ar with U d vand of which V.— I am ajWX -b bro, hl serl--� "AU of th%t* tf You do �*�rftomni VWM as t endi 0 known in the ;aM has been est6d by I curecL. taeb to it In aid the up Ubart, zr )1c Re V Away, bot,to ur ivi"erit ernpleyer. to �our loss =d 3orrow. like flavor, th?t freshness as and sweetnes;s4 wbichi the I t1l. Aq, was are t A�f - MY frkwo He uee4s me of you -1 ir V 1 BeMCe 431, �Othint_ a ad Be�ausa thera'3 more ic and doo9w -ap btzj cooks envy, fh*it rem thew$ a Cr II­ 01'tft - - r am -Dr. W,60ffi0,X0n"t;Pi 01 smd befter I -6ja$flo t,-,?.tjMt and �crlsp %ftd', imported 11 of the sud- experts at the &reat exhlib. Arnbor gluten Agm 6. 01. to'die. Jn a certain high i - " d".. A" tie* In FIVE ROSE�S Ifiain firm crust 7 bines: the 000# aw �IzLw not live to EM� the seems necessary, you awe^- Almo4t a week after bake- IThen Woo-( tme �*i othez *bs worwaypirt iThen Is son made him try 4T Uft 700 o �4ta L r *Ith our 1101 3 t 1� 0, Loc it rvies AuaWa- day there's a feeling of W" 4" rnol3tnm by the Ups of in;pecto sud 5�04 'WJMI icyi iv, MRIMW ic"UMpmy. His I coW h� yim= friend Can" ized rorth, -and is abSDI Be -,54., '. _- #0 - - I � ­ ___ lgo _.- W04 ainity fingers on the fresh - Ong aft�m lot ipassed and I 'Xiat t .11 . W- . . 11 - oth Or nits Is the way of lmufta- cut'surfact, an actma fetl- lem, promp and safe, for the Ot I Xnd 7ii io In �u -4-.. es' will ctire S xnacU and elusive �hat %"il dt where 1do"Mc, ?Md dam. 'ILT4 Thrqa4, Pain or Tightness in tho un , ,it - I � lialls 0 RM All;t Cbugbs, Odds, Bronebitis, oroulp @1; iu& i a; Pas 110"W -t a 4*,S�Abft AtiOn ot- Vartnerldlip. of molstur a El aving R -4-A Miuc. 14"al, all" . Tro 1� &� A* 0 A611 ck+ Not only does, I flavor to the hungry pal - 506 -6 XN X robin the ate— ay. woWd, W3 X0 At wd AThrost and1mg TrouMes. olft raw b0i trouble the aotual liquid, longer When you usr, FIVS the r0VA for ten tban usW; Tout it -toWns ROSES. of Itationo, owl r, 7 Y Co Ing *r Wow LJL- PrOPAP V elf"Ar mewevenr When Rd ato V y4lb, B bles, co .2 t you Into -creat d 411-4 e W t= W1 of 66 VVAN has Adam, like trilat before -thoo Von? -CaU a" or. aty, Apply t pp e :rWng put up In a _r Wnd tun Y; t crumble vgien W It U get FM ROSES ----------- 4­1— that- t, for of s�& Tom do WOR too eonmflt YOM Of course It doesn'- trew, um �trade mark, said I W§0 -you to: �bo ftivrm�t, tlqtl to �i' aalo� Madam OAR $ P -10V -0d f�%d ftllm I �� I - n in %_&ARMW as* of entavia yetwhe 1 �Vi slice I -lq- ro"'Ritill* i A eve a Vices; no Ulme In mj 6n � :von w7 DOW. All d1iftamw ot DDmeoft- eelltg- obs weetio Wit# It it lump off when butt&ed. V,10"'t 3 �OAX g45t it NOW? out, yonug Amftige 0 1 town the read a s, 0 16,11t K Mandac�ured only by The! T. M �bw oebell i death.11- At labn1a IrsaUd.' CaUa it a it e oft jhft ug I As Chauvenet RX He bad begun- latintily, bdt g6d In 444 me", W an& Chaim Limited. Toronto, Out. rid 9 liv by 631 walked. 51 away, aringing his tAKE 9f ME WOODS MMU1W CO., U-0, MONTWAL MKIAMEwy- DMOAry a flpeci*y- *01ii eat _A'u I ivhe a 'lie 0r&W Uri si IVIC', -o- sU*A-rn&1tmge lurne0l to*w-d the t 0 o, signify that be 1 zstwd Of r#ht odded T0 - thorough r home where,tib t 8 L Tu was int *W ftK at Dr.- Scates cOM Sea- bred or lietsah E usA, you will -find Vue atibnal an4 RM 0, is It 'was quft* darl: Ing th- A 4M lldTth, feiv, mom deatW ano you,; would 1 WAS IN JAD goo I j i turiad ch �ecz 6, b- rse& fou thebot whm he letsi a Inse" the 40=0114i I i 34, ukauuax T. 11� S, be- in a pcndtlom tO c*mmXM4 dbuW 0 and ey rede through Re fwk M aid i eistion and tthus bK1 h 199 qT Wrtei Main 1 -K -teat' I arxffl, of Ow AM" 'the deepenIP4,, April dTj sk, up the wind - .e L v UA thatiled out Of storm,vallay. wow afety to Pm! i Mwilth tud Rul 4bo JWW__Rm_1 AmooWaSma ton. you kmw,, m ---,-b V� �d td hze a 10 �assinatlon. i Vo PHONE -8,, heml 11 And yaa e&n glv� It y�,Ith -a M M- "Asvo Dome Wande�s W "Your Oind to, -t& 'equal b4by or t! we'll aovm -Itth VIS is apftimi* WUW W. J. =ggin& N j� aborut bers dc an 9OUFAVO An- PMA of W Om ys: X 4 Woodsto6w, t., ia Men M ftVUtH GPADE I I&V )ts u1ne YOU 7�3 Own that left ffnr4e at a' kw&% by tw wort wofta orkw4w. a. ed RELb emy buve f oi rtdi mclit red A s!.two Wftks th 1, . bilby do am t kon U 4=7 *ud KU 3%vw ftoftlV them ".910 '& k 9 -� prrices we orr are, RIBAL 1� VOici 4pidta M- 119kiff ' 90tW Mists zeat benefit to� -the a f udi'm �ho A44 Out to as + at" of d. s hood, -especially W.- stomE I 6wow, et Awtortk. All ordem Id'. sinall a maxgl� 2 as can e -Hofe 4h 100 � i tmuw FULLY �j Possibly be dome-' vsl troublas or4 w n and gi ve everyone a chance to;five OeL- 'XI VA the alk tka fer's-amber of ymlk 31 Sold tntaorie by malf at UDV� AM 04141 r" -V4 Xt UN aexd GUARAN_+Tr ED —Vom e aloug Vah yourtradearid �25 a a box 'ft, 1� r� Willi& C77V7Mr r A SEO=T. ANASO 1, 110L "W�� DO rove these facts, 1%aii-king e tieft :=LEY. I-ILA1BORNE 3i .80 t1i *or a ride, New& Xiea� wa5 cille3sed the past Yer, and tw -ge for for their peron?, X014E 15ET. M MAM 'In. -ng —1 he Ir akwAisisr, ftleftor xbta-y wbile watftg f Or eines who, are provi hat our id sW "You -a ,e not pubHo" sm 1: . and 6mratitig duMj, Ch4ufenet. Ou Noon Swart as Wn m--ets afe of -the highest qu lit -a&,, on the stm his 91 J:i�g mill at URN FA* we -dDl� shortsighted. -The samE 41t- hex h�rsa she raread her a Air bro thWE I the invite you, S" on the little V-bJs aw tbt .10hu A -m �a efter, and 0"M pick" tO test the sal -40. Y10ur On- NO: *qw TrkV a jaid fttardays. 001M. -%XW no" For sale by we j Yr W"k S at 'MM MAI& d"d. aftftth. I%tL P4N b9M* qOWS WART' BROS- t which fol __aotel Monte Rosa for iWe our tel0honeorders vffi rKeive f er th the countlai dep*arture. :r haum fol]. twice; ism Md =am ""A pow to "W owing ja mst tareful atte attin. ination, b ftafi exam D bu lit ju, wqUa4utark" Iwo #Motes Ofiapvv�&r k&*W OWL* %hk tWe thm. V,4 -b%*_h- R. BAY& AV&"bbe where were you# jule- necessary am er elffffi�lomers in t ei ing It In. 'I ever, Vft -me All .9 elf nw %he e af o at h- Norse nd! XkAuivtT ftwic. 'thurr I aim Wax", b 'Cfkauyenet% band -again went to his bear,, ma e tjutt hmVe gr�ne iota . . . . . . . . . . Wemsar wideh whitened, th6uglt i he tY ftwlnlov�-Bwk. OWM-�-Iai yftTt IF im mum MW I i 10"I of a axpoo;um rn h.aF, I i Q*t It will qt a, fa�er 97iLkli � V I If - r_r t fWft*n that ho rea�!y as" and. =tberf, Agr­ are ;nYin, VhA e r the picies of the $60 to ar ,00ght ref go aga4n IU Wpoant 1rQ. Y=,� Con It. surel Where was 1,, who held on alw 39 are thwdevil he I I or imt Ow Ne in- I ginal n to boom aWrkm ulbe*, ft' told Y AS you know 411 63 at the clu Dftty uee Oe� uvergais 3 ,r� tmiches om It nece sw yL fifty"t, f0dt. 10t hot to Pad iwpiay� *46*1eMen 3, So that-' 1SL bdift V, I hft BtUrY lingeft 10 a MM ajeur? thidoubiedly QMT ir was naturaliv i; -;*i Iff aWn - Cfflm aad *xil% and Moftry ftbUa. 00lew %yej adjoi-abW the for me t> ihma any., opinibus. In i the ji2g the 4arkly tn. v.rb mvw 1A e h yawt, quarm -Alft KA, Xatb.­z^ -t "Wtd 1101 'Your opinions-, 4ft n Dti Of drinking my btottli% a precaulkn I -have looked up chawzz to the best of pt at teT g my bird 110*W1101 �Wnl"M Aw" b7 Vs' I brchmW by 1lakor 8 v*dter. did to with me, ter and Judgisir 04tle At cor., G 3Wn'�. Streets rp! Judgizg Stallions at oot. Of Atmin ue to me, for I emp 6yed 'he y sharlk I ago _6 -g;ftt VW abilit. Xt the tr-RMUMARTI I f od4b nc, gc�4s at Iless han d 3&. Auld* of �E 1 Of him 1ws sold �Q ivw ip trace every ,,mov4 I 1�a 0 erribawy they stak, to m8ke room for iprin ad Ift Of a PRIZE LtST — Hopus�s cwat COATOYSAMr. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL 8, tOc on bVief hd" to 00114 et TIM fe InA Wftk" 50 v coun Xan�s F 3.rlined during,tt� 3 m4a h in. Which CLY1)jWD.&L`E L shop .eo fbi?VA.50; I dog pow W, estate ag6 swatt6r wr the law cruftf�_fil or some Mph bbbh trem one T'o All -tVomen::".1'wiI1 w6d free$ Stroebel as sl abbed to - dpith Isf 2ad 3 -id 6r 0 OF 1 a 2 to -tVjtjt full i f fillat V rep tbUm below tb* , lit os� bwk A�pt nstructions, may Aomo treAt A= Bank of coamse". mmft :every ILY and liroperty oh- 4be h1l irAigL it is so,fnter�gtlng Stvallion, aged 210 46 rega" 2rv. f or $16.50 en�a heav Furna. in Inent whi fast 1,1;4rea4V.� , Pritee r�tflway LU td2e*dQA%1 XS f -M. SWHoa, 'It years old ch P ogitively, bures Ida Corr. =d L&I-beet TS thol r a, yem old or under 4 2 co pimitted ec; to 1b tbat* I have LA Awh'x XtMtj &MQXtX hima, Uiceration, Dispia' -boomg* cements, ?all. l�rbt yew QL� brea- stallion under 3 -meWs 0 y t h cok-tS, 2 6 4 -infU uch b �il ing of I or� Irregm 1be erest d she dro"ed %I. men!s hea�O the Womb Pa Rio i7e would :14 1Dftr old Dick r underWew, on tne =1 TGg �Ieriods, Uterine and Ovarian Ta nors exid 10ftt *al 'let from 8%a Jim letter Into a r and went mt Stallion,,any P-ge flo $5 for 7-%.-, heavy or growths, also Hot Plashes, Irv- will XR. JOHN, XzGUqM. 'The And that agalix quaght Ae re ar 75c for 58 4 i %6"s hr A0 the moi ated her, hdm Ou=es-S, Melancholy, �Pains In the TeAt hva, also i g nd ft " ed to 'Sto-ionj any age WW e. tremble -d Wghtly joan, p0b�, li _0 fi4di: P. 0. *MM A" S"ACO, VfttDr1& bet, Head, Back-, Dowels, ,Kidnqy., an� rn ;dzed. afid $ 'J1k'rW der eis where caubed U3 vard the OR. SK JBIad trouhl Chavvene smila-d. stafta"guy agp- jeed pats, $2 f 6r me jUR_R0%& : ' - t it !11-'c'0tTe6t be edinH, "You uld wilte.the ilaemoms' of 1 _JM�T'3 Y01 L 1VICIX Voix Weal-ness peculiar o our spx. I I f V I Ive veeg I., ar $8 for 15.40 ; 1adlei? if ur�s Rt*NM—GodGr1*vkWt, 1 - - i lateb �sabqg red c continue treatment 01 hom�e at E ­�c Sta an 7�" J. Stewaewo op e- lot the my dbAr 1Utft-=ed�fttq 'AM 6 for -ot 4,.5.4 orn IiW h Cannot Itsten r _ w* tbei �klv&badfw-t chrairch, sntarm I easona of the d Une' 1"r $A% V for $139 ladke eloth cost ot only about 12 cents Week of ReSton, to ur babble T.,V_ Staflon and . HEAVY DRAUGHT, My book-, " Woman's - ow)i lgedica -4- S&Lg-rM V Rbmaxo- is. w" -br 000 C e�sl U50 for Wkp iAdviser/� abo sent spe, 5 3 _Amfort TOM is ham -039 ;j, eal free on riquest. Stem with his "I do n)t intend §prjags ev�r -wodd mw -in foC, e�wy Wit w4wl at V14 sons!.. that yoz; 5�au, but* No. 2= 3 2 MOM hes a, 5DC pum., Prita to-�day.: Address Xrs,. M ex Dnelyp holdbasis 1b le GWBP- Your whereabouts on M�wl�Ly idg;ht could Fifflyt or gelding, 2 yra over No. 8 6 2 blankets, t& 50 f or $8,.79 XL MAIR. vaers,.� Box Windsor 'A "co abe - - - - - - a - F5 for hetkv _oyn- 04� I Lake, 3 AGRICULTURAL 'd IrULI& eajjj�d 1. Mzmh A of this iear may expla _yc M remember and *Md Burgeon. qGiraduate &I time(rs 8 2 f or S11.20 Soaps-_Bj0,-hjVe, FASM 3 forter, 'Brood Uwe ir. tMI U-" 4A Rmba*n C"T vene wrt 4 �ad climbed he NO. 5S 3 2 ted blair i pal ada Rest and Coino, 7 bars for 256* .0wital. umber ot �-CQUMAV of 014 2. o 441f ft 8 iould, I shall eall�upoa Jair,, accoo kd- by r sy ouTounding hills K C1 10 bmrs for 25C ; a few snow zuns tbmt &ad ffarSems- et. ftw1ol PURPOSE r - exixes6h* tbC, R Bs the show s t. regular 45a for zk addim my dearofello1v nd dipped Into 11601khoust.-and i Riot ess SHE WAS SURAIS, El t Th at -1= - his ren CA ve - -a -with Team i o. Wl 4 bu- rnunl;.;, will 6ei to 141 .7 oursel r the t tie valley agalar 264 or, rtc See Our "Hs reedyed at 01aft, stlffitL eat' *.kw 4W ecution I �RU OADSTERS ow Rest( wid reed �I 010 hd e$d -,the a boy's zest and ;UoacU, I in_4�w stook Aih And OM _ga n wall pap6r, -a' 'ej horse in h%raess all new A114 When D Ong of foe .9.1, e Ue sold r. MOrGO's Inell" R toot hl�- A d" P muly J. burlape DRS. 8CQTT KACKkY. f reedom. The 155-S and under No..8 Spel. a 2 �esl gnu, Pills Cur*d-,her Chro''nic -sbven rt, the Jai. Vre. APPI ore, Crowns (21LLcre Y -In! moun- Wrisce horse in baxtuess - es, VI e- rg erent, patw 0- M t tmeveg the district FWY' gft, ever gdwkb street opposite: Metbodist Liver 0 plain It . -A, 11 No. a spel 3 !2 ose from; and ii' iw it h -he Wrns w c T ft,=*, ftalorth. cause A *M 'Were "Idater t%m in barnea 4oterWlse. towart.19 a E=trj1,25for'j%,- coin, peas�, to. Y41AU kmsl am. ft!W d d ft bet mjUq un 91 NO.-lospel 3 9. Vict6r* nnipeg, Mon. Lell, noe and 061 10. :0 zealous �Suriday sebdol f*r 25c - Of �a r get our priwa an Smith f i aa r amb k I oim&[ reamr *It -% i"AW g! 'PresbyteTlan' -over 15-8 crswi 3 2 WOV in f ber, youth, to sad Ann Sid M"ber (d 0-0 an interesting story of relief ffom aitj lo, lodgla Iti. 1VVftfflMA I rr filleo t rous Afjlsa classm to be eas dered, to date from bef 3Are purchasing. Our Mat&TID' ot pftidelaM #Ad Sift' ifttolerable stlerinV. Pablic. offl 4aLO c -Ing dbe c Noma. C fcl can h th .11 ou, ereaxtle�tbopm kte -amway wn. arougli for tlu brawri thr ammtr, of- lauft )114 sp6hool tvt ardly tell you how -great M'Y'-- 4,Uftld fell a, 1cu, -o GR"D W=P$T"q suffc-riings have been, n i0levator CO.; 31, �"You ar'really a devit a f4 d amplTatiOus CbrOnic liver com-, und h6t Av JiOUSn'�$S L Awltural, 66nem ParPow C. Mac V1210 plaintiaccompanied by bi cultural -octet), vm. I For Drawkit, A9 I ; - P. BOVM, Y &'Son old 11my, bmwrgraduaite OtL Ahn A Itagel So much nowl aftol �aud to V�e books sh e' had md, and h mari, fffly or Idi n in werc a 0. It of; ae to ng eontpeu V a C an litellee tke Silver Trophy,-domted by X. Y. be. b". IV go V1 ftfwa*ty, gxAd meWlst at, daily SoUree of -trial 't yloeakd, iv me tl Y 1�ive*y day E Ute tod she gallop6 i hapt Ily Wad.' She rode P. -J� -a w-dy our We futi 1�1y. bAs Zbe pro se as a 0 oDther budnem S*rgeW ft4 Th wt. of M a, ve be6n most geiier 6 in i , Id., ej tride her,horse Pwwo.'1--m8tewart Brou., Progress)3rand Su VWW Ck>11899- MembGr Ot ths C"" 1, experienced the sl enjilg effect, 6f to the tuVe of an"old b .Lfts rhy?dVial"M these ailments, I Ion for§ome mpdi N rdw r "You ba Oil woma 3L sh RTANT NOTICM. ito cinethatshouldperma�ently�ri them 14 i and not mai Ily elhiging to It In the pre- clothm value $15. It thus far I 9 a ri I" laughed'Air -X hig Co., 200 poands of away. & ]VA I I.A DR. a. E WON am. posteroug imelent failaon. She had "No. t1venet took instan ad in Flour, vaiae to. AUCTION SALt, on *�Mumdii 'llearinigrr of Dr- one's Inliar. Root' hIs change 9 4umor. fal Ne. 8-11. Devereux, set of Whiffletr -In at OW 0 el Drad"te Ot Uwl"rmft known hoises from early. year P. W., AM Of tUrO00 Pills), I tfioughr th e -y ere wdrtb v f Ytaud for juhi or Of guillat, 28 drA-M UMW wiw6er it: C614 Ich she, I ntrial. My surprise was ind I d tunibleil from'her p6sylA"' F"Ulty Ot ul ; moot all AV eed great. "Perhaps-perha, I h 'e P14 ged wh I&I No. 4-J. 0. Greig, Suit of Clothes, vehae es&0 In froM 2 'to 6 YeM old. Also c �jjtjjng stook 4WM jje4&. *.ardwoodbuuh;j 1b(l retio, my filth ln-the !back In the stable ard, and she Imevr- cattle bp ot Ph"dclaw sursems, of., 10i* From the very first I expericri eredith r o;ng qn rter,, mon- find m Vat rqcoak, value O&Q. es Contintfirigwith them I found how to se and bow o. a-Wbi. Pickard, 0 3=' r. Propeeter, T., Brom, brio; pow riduate courses in Chl-v nmv tro train a hoi' to a gait ChICSgOL, tt sleuri If I may ;ay, It, e are �oth o. 6­0mads Fmiture Co., lketionA oneer. 14 Ug& C WC&I SebooLL 01[ v RVYQ' lles Were slowly but sureiv leaw"Ag niq, parly clever ea togethe' to master- a beasts' and even 'd Dwk C�w value $10, r wit qotfi Hompita, 1"dois 21PS4 'and before long I once more kney - Nv h a f ("i ktinued froM nioiBmkTropby. some of 'tha tricks of th.� sftmitY ODIlege HWOSI, t�)A-1 it was to be free, frorn t pere Ju 9 wial o. B -Bank of Commefte. -bROPE10 It FOP. SALF,-For Sale a 0 am pr #Uft ef AUbU be harass�na ef- peT t a I q e, not, because vq A. arrazo-, 'the 'Fort Myer d 11 E hd li I surrep- Bimini 9�-Xolnty�v Hills, Silver Plokleryalu p of ft P-Armill be vok "So �01 *ould sell out; N�ould Ru? Raw, I mile outh ftjrUd. Offift-1110k Of %bS DCk fects of -the ailments that had ton- ick- ad undou titiously praciticed in ft e meadow back Bo*,L our but b�a� e phWe No. §' ened nd weakened tn�. So gr lughed Lrm1t4Ke.'_11You mlserabl lit- F. D*, SU%,#r Cup. ha 11 tb amp U-NOMMU-11th. TtWeAraba lurther patt 'Y to wa r�ae stable the p a gjxd briek'cottage vdth wootd*&- ING, Aubaln P. PiUS th it I Opeotal No.11�5peolsl from The Bill Engine Riot callis amwered Imm remidence, fidth in Dr. morsels Indian YoTir plaw, t e blaek uard, I -shoul4 lfir� t� join of d the Clalbo bam ;�n& 0 v Your lin6ck o f i get- is All plowed ARM, FOR S.A never on a It was on Tues4ay t bat John krml Threeher Co. flawla xtrwt SN&Irth. ISM �shall -ay accotintl be wi otit Tbe, .'man, vr Va., fnce�s';�ith y . Sweepdakes.-M. Y. KoLesu,%P. e, &henhouse- Thogmand crop and:14 g0od Young b%ring PA11#_ me I: was Da- on iv, e r tage' had appear be 'ore her in the F bait of lAt, I t ng t1ie'V ols' the rig plaeoill betoold WM. - Tkere are i AlUCTIONBERS. _16to The I knew that In up trees. Dr.. Mors pergola.. It was ow r1lursda &s Indian Root Pill's cure SM, y f ter - Liver iffi t me would be valuable iiiieg cheap d e Urals, A vvith furame am Bowel and^Kidney' as well as cub- v re are uot mad e for 31,1his noon, and Ch�auvauet i8-:�s or add, eus Alex. Ve.y=1 Repo,: &e&, Plant, Lteensed auctivineer for the counties; each er, I BO, 3 y �m old and over 04 les, and keep you healthy., 25c 'a box creek t4thebaelr en smiled Chai Vr, I t ret �,Df world. 10 the next -who ws? feneed and undm; Huron and Partb- Ommspon 0 -.her twice since, t nd s had met 1111n i Aull, % yars old 6 donee - at your de'aler's. T4 the -night before it a 4 lance at one of Bull, I y %r old 5 _11=SALP,-Fbr We tbMaluablo iwompUy aiswered. Immediate �' m W1111 I aar,e say, ARM gorA bardwoodt u vrould POLLED ANOLUS At Of 3ourse. The hour 10 ks chosi a b Concenton.6, MCI Mor, -and five aery Vangernents for sale dates cau be made the I cottages. old and ever 0 eln%! ot 16 WIM, �;;tag: Bull,, 8 D" I n' the faimiss, eomfotUble .91 - I - - L Venient t -Y calUng up Phone 97. Smfort,% or well.1 Once free of the 41W , I - I .. settlement she rode' frilne 3411, 2 old and over 4 2 wlthli"enznd wood she& There Is far and fast unt I. slat, was quite be - The E:ipozitw Of Charges moderate AYRSHIRE a itood bmk barn 66x40 with stofte foutdotion Aud hm bW- U-1: fhe Sprin ks Bull a iongivionatri Wiely, n yond the -usual r3ute of 1, and ntisfazatim gmmzteed. g4od blea T free o t at a bargit It jj;r 0�i% j2t�perfeetl. Troubled Wit �f that 3 asa $rom for III* W V by - b RERWORD P* onthe rtyri PLE 3 FE P xcursloulsts;. then in. mounWu P&st Year and Is therefoe in good md1tiom -MAI I . ". 'AL Ile's I sy fellow, with i - a' h Bull 8 There are sV mt 102 acres 'of good artivrood bash., In ly than. i Uns T had no troul S ways she e;njqyed the laxuL of leisure L&eamed &mottomte" for. th* covmt1w e Age of eattle date from StIA. mostlyallintple. Thekelealugagm -1 hill, Ad* Backache Fo`r ITO K thelt KS mounto to V09 briolcar nd and cement gravel, ind -five md. at ow d then DT P*ft. Being a off! In Rostonj 4vhere, Pn and dN de- n6ver 100 "ORE" Hwca Aw 11hg h light In the green of fh6 laurel and lailln I creak runs through the bush, 7118. ed offer W Urn6r. and dibmaly ftnu is a Mae and a qu4rbar from school an erty known as 1A 60 ably vi"Rd him 1 540UN be takhg Hera' Is a In I to question t1fe rhododendrons. of0ce- A a" address EIRMArd Perth < treal SM j47Z bile LDDUN, B LTules Chauv6net h4j courea the Ir CIM a% we t bl* time you kniyw i irm !Tu Of c iii d a e am was 1W o- ed., 10 26, both ii -1muse The Use Of, 1 sick many F "Vith good *Ludling Me YOM of fum �*Wk aza Year so p4baly �u red" the Implements, places me In a better poo kill$ TH0.9. gum to I z BY Suigar -still ciftly ad to S in the back all day na ountam WX70, 4rot-clai nt d Inqu PARM, PARM SIfO61k ANb, or DOAX'S KIDNEY P Old exatts its alty. patlis au catiously of the - -M Dem �j F� ILL p6ct' '"'a shifteil froth, one f -wt to A UM -b -11 orSers jeft In NzeWr Will -S. tl, aulldinp. The flu oo pay. - A Wftk ined natives. The telegrapb operator at the 'MIMS-Thursday, April 7bb, on UD i Doery, 13 Bra' ht StL other wondered juist h)lv he prMotty, aftle" tL Mrs. W. 0. 309111op, at 1 o',plock P. tA, t on, of a IN inm -V�eu knov oman, and London Ont., writes ----J IP is wi �;ra Armi t Springs IDA wa4 a w Buy n when the prip ow ,esve. rigkt fo owlng:- Froraft-1 ZrAft maM 9 aus ;1d" .,drMag hors 7 years -old, I Uaekar4 -eolb- tWMW--C-- ts asid I for Or hm rwided the to be near the dispatch and receip; by Jules Ch I a"a pleasure that I thank Va for �he I the -c 1 Y4*rs old qu et &nd gentle, a good rospeet, Doin's Mdaey Ms have done c2let' th venet of long m"agw, many.of them: 1. Vto! the mom Am ur 'and he drab 6014 8 inombs old, I liorse 8 r re m0ted ha qwcoWgui as � the SuRdInLys Tim* ber ve been trouiAed with backscht for of in cipher, piqued 1�er curiosity. Nq week old. lod mare In foO to Soaland ediei 10 SpeCials for this t u hill 13. off thep C#ttle-7 C 10106 CoArs due W ral"T !g April aa thrust u m Nothing helped me until 1,�tw ftm r f i member Of the as 18 1b. gralaulated suga $100 sy ; 0 lielfe Ifther Uartion t ian, iever' gton diplomatle, rarising,-D yea -v5 old, S steers Im h a - I a. wige man tv o i rlejds 0 old, 10 steers r1sing 3 yews old 4 heffers for[e rought, me a box of your m4U4 1i , - I � a I 1 1 4 Ib new Prunes 25 Circle who came t� ie Sprm- , 4ot: wes:Fwt elf, M. Cha venA. I tj e 1 3 years o 1d, 8 dry cow& broad soja be boxei 4 1b finest new 25 gan to take thezim sud took foa�, even the shrewd and si eretive -Rui5sianj F) wees FOR, S.A �d am to my that I am i cuW en -11 cotait v AM. 3 cas-oillets ly4 25 iderj Wood inowe Mbassador, received longer or more' �r I My yake VIAnning �d a 4 Ijot 15. -C4 'Orn er, I dW huTow, 1 land raher! I. so We ha e "aryptic cables. - ILArIthAhe social dver-1 2 cans tomatoes o corn & 1 of peas dj-,imond b w rewo, I top bugff, I roiLd eaxk I VO-fli Mt�kv rely anrcan do AR my Own �wqik aInd and sftr6tly Y6u*Trov* *Y. -L U 3ed 1 3 canW,,totnatoes or e e o n or two cQ the I as good as I used to befor� tak6n. j iii. PW It was a C e fact. bwat -the- tecessitl 4 lbs gp&-nish onins hich V" WX clew! �91 slons of the Sprbgs and WA -90n, 1 seb of bobelelghs, the: Uplenlan Slt Worl& buildings left, am positive Doan's Kidney Pills 4.g Iowa I bay mr.rier with Antip ar proved t wou Id I plows.i . - - - __1 -intact -allso a quantity of lumber a 'for mak-Ifi 01V of hiaving some le- 8 11b fa#ey mixed'!&Wcaits rd I e.-,% Ling- hararow, I milk b-"�, 1 fiiY 0C nd g a sb Untan T ou claim them, t6 be and I ad th tw "yon _% _� - Cha neft gloved"th now ft- farm which is suitable for repairl.ug Lgeq. caught r1mo M -Lb Z shigle. lim iewly neW, I �uey Buff a 10ve Oiem., glamite business In Amerlca,. 'Tules MTV.* -- Pi elas, Mo per tin& uY16U about stables and mit -;buildings on -al., hfs*,1� itache. Bat** 04 et was p retti weli occu ed, astbr. Oranges -Yalell' double hara bafthelp M=Woo ft. it It I - the faama. M`order to have all these Tbai t� almoft f ns�i lull 501 hens or, mot Aaw, buck fwksl Pills do for i dozeit -, Navels, 15c - W the p cc of Tob 'per dozen. newky-okw And other sawl Aww. VIDA= Let Dck&Ws KWk you fob gnd'-no ndkjtshWwithb A- kuildings and material elea-md off bA__ of tage. .1. they have 4666 for thousimdi 1 1 . Prsi& 0elery;%nd Lettuce, I%UTE f "o iwm W_ -#I!- hwm Idedto U ;4Y iduqii- ro tage ia VirgWa a WV4 eru:i&x br1ok hwW, Imp bmk bam VR* Mb. the bd in Aratz"a VA In *t k 1-11 e'd Saturdq�ys only. - :f*rtN the &st Of Augffst, WO will seR at IeLrefore 1,rn. ihav(i dM inp ()Ur Spe4j&j 21k T�� cum A formai of kadney di liev, He was th*d al kd p rplexed, and, If 'tit &er to a-cwyn-plish this 1% Very low price, and Will reefuse no -they �cure to stay' eured. him. Y.od:forget that tea for me iouble wW Price, centsper boXL e or bloce for nee a I ed pikagure tb�t biei Royall aud- Hackney a- lown,� win _1* -pose. eure hill path Into a! -4. rode a it of RD ON 7� .25 at 41 deslers or wailedAirees on aden t r carried on'the b K*$ It of o b pen wood -over aamigi-ag a ka"A at time Of %114- AV_A. 4B The Biff XI _XNGIN E i *Mfit of price by The T. Mi$um Dal, fugitlye from j kt stnoubt 7 momws cramt, -W111 U S�jrjey Clall -deftl and eame u ong e� IT Etlueq,.Aeaforth 0 -Ram" VR W*tf UmiW Tor r elin i lk- toithe 48tel ovd"* 004 bos�ei ont'; Out, 00 1 Thos. 3, -A 4 1 'V, inial MW _1k_ 717- 7, 7- 1 M!F J Audi v Of ir, C A' - B_ X ""At )&0 -0T A. fival tf brayd - ­ " d do, na. Get Vat i)OV"Y"i _0 inn a F tal CALIT R i R T TH-`Q AR7 Wvrh�o, Vb9oft ur m 10 -at - LAI 'Witt see -9 ut pri mqj AM Wr a .14 9 4M tut, U, i* i �a 4 le Tool oo r, t I a r�4&rlou 0, DA, V t t I WIT -A 't. t 't. t T, 't. t 181 1 IQG tgw rn Lot INE OF' just AT� 41YES Of course, you kmw, aU bread ust itirtle gravr t A I " d"24 8"Amp busy .1 -two horobrod' V_-; -I Of 8�aws tho-; f IR& milk tepth anticipate thp fftgbt �f d. isso&.1to old, ow,-, - Mon ft, The Th"at- I e, the tr6uble is, Mistress HoOsewif The" uv� .:r, andof"I CU14 1 -by Ths" soirte broad grows old -1 —g US T 11EY" E A R kgothet for - 1 0 - 'r ' o har�b, staie,,ciumbly. arkable Fruf,� 4"100 prema rL, Rom ]Kr* Alert Maoftw, M*nepW no", that th(we La in Tablets. And nobody.11kes stale bread.- your folks dodge the br�pad-plate, -1-* N's Uft th, oct� I 1�'­ t ziemedy - sl e M rke dtofln V�ra�- dofilt eat as m - ch gs is good for thern, but f III up on. a more t 400� by -work-ing t uR pO i ble i W t f qffe expehSim if less swNtningo diet. 16, lvQonz 4, man, 1L "d aT6 rd a I M9 bad a istrate Says, "Th,, ye Everyone needs soinethi MY cough of Miraclat Are Not�Passsk,." eciMmy, Madatn. �oorefield. M Da to creato and tnaintdm' -wwation Ir I , Sa4 it is [y bi It) not sleep aA a%ht andr.1V I 1D stmagth for the daily 11311 C3 of s"d ba0 as aftaphed so His cure see ns 4, wonderful Ing to SO N -My 80r6' LUd t� - gi4e.- ko f f-0 Wit �harz Madam, of UIP -3 I I `11i6re's a lar qi y� in the e secret, the roun(I dufim ..'lfte 1people ft his family and aill'his friends, Our doctor gave cwm6a' biu* gl0en *f FIVE ROSES flour which me medi keeping 4uakt� of FAM. ROSE$ Wen-! M wn' V In There is noWing bFetter % of Mr. Ubm*9peers. 'th 0 breadzt iffs. to goW so I gota bott1w;f Dr.1 46d AAeUVP d4"M &0 roaa with makes YOUR bread keep better. Vial am To' * * * D OA7 w z gleld, oilt, s iffere'd ortwo Dats for ?W8 than an Ale or korter,'- the jqojw�y_ pfil. Syrup d 1,y! am. - C not go stale as quickly 13 bread h, lam I& Would t yon Like Yt,1JR bread, Bre ED P4 Ilry. ronic. .0. Kea a an M e from�soma of the flours, t Idem you Madam to have that fu aess of nut - had two bottla U is e ar with U d vand of which V.— I am ajWX -b bro, hl serl--� "AU of th%t* tf You do �*�rftomni VWM as t endi 0 known in the ;aM has been est6d by I curecL. taeb to it In aid the up Ubart, zr )1c Re V Away, bot,to ur ivi"erit ernpleyer. to �our loss =d 3orrow. like flavor, th?t freshness as and sweetnes;s4 wbichi the I t1l. Aq, was are t A�f - MY frkwo He uee4s me of you -1 ir V 1 BeMCe 431, �Othint_ a ad Be�ausa thera'3 more ic and doo9w -ap btzj cooks envy, fh*it rem thew$ a Cr II­ 01'tft - - r am -Dr. W,60ffi0,X0n"t;Pi 01 smd befter I -6ja$flo t,-,?.tjMt and �crlsp %ftd', imported 11 of the sud- experts at the &reat exhlib. Arnbor gluten Agm 6. 01. to'die. Jn a certain high i - " d".. A" tie* In FIVE ROSE�S Ifiain firm crust 7 bines: the 000# aw �IzLw not live to EM� the seems necessary, you awe^- Almo4t a week after bake- IThen Woo-( tme �*i othez *bs worwaypirt iThen Is son made him try 4T Uft 700 o �4ta L r *Ith our 1101 3 t 1� 0, Loc it rvies AuaWa- day there's a feeling of W" 4" rnol3tnm by the Ups of in;pecto sud 5�04 'WJMI icyi iv, MRIMW ic"UMpmy. His I coW h� yim= friend Can" ized rorth, -and is abSDI Be -,54., '. _- #0 - - I � ­ ___ lgo _.- W04 ainity fingers on the fresh - Ong aft�m lot ipassed and I 'Xiat t .11 . W- . . 11 - oth Or nits Is the way of lmufta- cut'surfact, an actma fetl- lem, promp and safe, for the Ot I Xnd 7ii io In �u -4-.. es' will ctire S xnacU and elusive �hat %"il dt where 1do"Mc, ?Md dam. 'ILT4 Thrqa4, Pain or Tightness in tho un , ,it - I � lialls 0 RM All;t Cbugbs, Odds, Bronebitis, oroulp @1; iu& i a; Pas 110"W -t a 4*,S�Abft AtiOn ot- Vartnerldlip. of molstur a El aving R -4-A Miuc. 14"al, all" . Tro 1� &� A* 0 A611 ck+ Not only does, I flavor to the hungry pal - 506 -6 XN X robin the ate— ay. woWd, W3 X0 At wd AThrost and1mg TrouMes. olft raw b0i trouble the aotual liquid, longer When you usr, FIVS the r0VA for ten tban usW; Tout it -toWns ROSES. of Itationo, owl r, 7 Y Co Ing *r Wow LJL- PrOPAP V elf"Ar mewevenr When Rd ato V y4lb, B bles, co .2 t you Into -creat d 411-4 e W t= W1 of 66 VVAN has Adam, like trilat before -thoo Von? -CaU a" or. aty, Apply t pp e :rWng put up In a _r Wnd tun Y; t crumble vgien W It U get FM ROSES ----------- 4­1— that- t, for of s�& Tom do WOR too eonmflt YOM Of course It doesn'- trew, um �trade mark, said I W§0 -you to: �bo ftivrm�t, tlqtl to �i' aalo� Madam OAR $ P -10V -0d f�%d ftllm I �� I - n in %_&ARMW as* of entavia yetwhe 1 �Vi slice I -lq- ro"'Ritill* i A eve a Vices; no Ulme In mj 6n � :von w7 DOW. All d1iftamw ot DDmeoft- eelltg- obs weetio Wit# It it lump off when butt&ed. V,10"'t 3 �OAX g45t it NOW? out, yonug Amftige 0 1 town the read a s, 0 16,11t K Mandac�ured only by The! T. M �bw oebell i death.11- At labn1a IrsaUd.' CaUa it a it e oft jhft ug I As Chauvenet RX He bad begun- latintily, bdt g6d In 444 me", W an& Chaim Limited. Toronto, Out. rid 9 liv by 631 walked. 51 away, aringing his tAKE 9f ME WOODS MMU1W CO., U-0, MONTWAL MKIAMEwy- DMOAry a flpeci*y- *01ii eat _A'u I ivhe a 'lie 0r&W Uri si IVIC', -o- sU*A-rn&1tmge lurne0l to*w-d the t 0 o, signify that be 1 zstwd Of r#ht odded T0 - thorough r home where,tib t 8 L Tu was int *W ftK at Dr.- Scates cOM Sea- bred or lietsah E usA, you will -find Vue atibnal an4 RM 0, is It 'was quft* darl: Ing th- A 4M lldTth, feiv, mom deatW ano you,; would 1 WAS IN JAD goo I j i turiad ch �ecz 6, b- rse& fou thebot whm he letsi a Inse" the 40=0114i I i 34, ukauuax T. 11� S, be- in a pcndtlom tO c*mmXM4 dbuW 0 and ey rede through Re fwk M aid i eistion and tthus bK1 h 199 qT Wrtei Main 1 -K -teat' I arxffl, of Ow AM" 'the deepenIP4,, April dTj sk, up the wind - .e L v UA thatiled out Of storm,vallay. wow afety to Pm! i Mwilth tud Rul 4bo JWW__Rm_1 AmooWaSma ton. you kmw,, m ---,-b V� �d td hze a 10 �assinatlon. i Vo PHONE -8,, heml 11 And yaa e&n glv� It y�,Ith -a M M- "Asvo Dome Wande�s W "Your Oind to, -t& 'equal b4by or t! we'll aovm -Itth VIS is apftimi* WUW W. J. =ggin& N j� aborut bers dc an 9OUFAVO An- PMA of W Om ys: X 4 Woodsto6w, t., ia Men M ftVUtH GPADE I I&V )ts u1ne YOU 7�3 Own that left ffnr4e at a' kw&% by tw wort wofta orkw4w. a. ed RELb emy buve f oi rtdi mclit red A s!.two Wftks th 1, . bilby do am t kon U 4=7 *ud KU 3%vw ftoftlV them ".910 '& k 9 -� prrices we orr are, RIBAL 1� VOici 4pidta M- 119kiff ' 90tW Mists zeat benefit to� -the a f udi'm �ho A44 Out to as + at" of d. s hood, -especially W.- stomE I 6wow, et Awtortk. All ordem Id'. sinall a maxgl� 2 as can e -Hofe 4h 100 � i tmuw FULLY �j Possibly be dome-' vsl troublas or4 w n and gi ve everyone a chance to;five OeL- 'XI VA the alk tka fer's-amber of ymlk 31 Sold tntaorie by malf at UDV� AM 04141 r" -V4 Xt UN aexd GUARAN_+Tr ED —Vom e aloug Vah yourtradearid �25 a a box 'ft, 1� r� Willi& C77V7Mr r A SEO=T. ANASO 1, 110L "W�� DO rove these facts, 1%aii-king e tieft :=LEY. I-ILA1BORNE 3i .80 t1i *or a ride, New& Xiea� wa5 cille3sed the past Yer, and tw -ge for for their peron?, X014E 15ET. M MAM 'In. -ng —1 he Ir akwAisisr, ftleftor xbta-y wbile watftg f Or eines who, are provi hat our id sW "You -a ,e not pubHo" sm 1: . and 6mratitig duMj, Ch4ufenet. Ou Noon Swart as Wn m--ets afe of -the highest qu lit -a&,, on the stm his 91 J:i�g mill at URN FA* we -dDl� shortsighted. -The samE 41t- hex h�rsa she raread her a Air bro thWE I the invite you, S" on the little V-bJs aw tbt .10hu A -m �a efter, and 0"M pick" tO test the sal -40. Y10ur On- NO: *qw TrkV a jaid fttardays. 001M. -%XW no" For sale by we j Yr W"k S at 'MM MAI& d"d. aftftth. I%tL P4N b9M* qOWS WART' BROS- t which fol __aotel Monte Rosa for iWe our tel0honeorders vffi rKeive f er th the countlai dep*arture. :r haum fol]. twice; ism Md =am ""A pow to "W owing ja mst tareful atte attin. ination, b ftafi exam D bu lit ju, wqUa4utark" Iwo #Motes Ofiapvv�&r k&*W OWL* %hk tWe thm. V,4 -b%*_h- R. BAY& AV&"bbe where were you# jule- necessary am er elffffi�lomers in t ei ing It In. 'I ever, Vft -me All .9 elf nw %he e af o at h- Norse nd! XkAuivtT ftwic. 'thurr I aim Wax", b 'Cfkauyenet% band -again went to his bear,, ma e tjutt hmVe gr�ne iota . . . . . . . . . . Wemsar wideh whitened, th6uglt i he tY ftwlnlov�-Bwk. OWM-�-Iai yftTt IF im mum MW I i 10"I of a axpoo;um rn h.aF, I i Q*t It will qt a, fa�er 97iLkli � V I If - r_r t fWft*n that ho rea�!y as" and. =tberf, Agr­ are ;nYin, VhA e r the picies of the $60 to ar ,00ght ref go aga4n IU Wpoant 1rQ. Y=,� Con It. surel Where was 1,, who held on alw 39 are thwdevil he I I or imt Ow Ne in- I ginal n to boom aWrkm ulbe*, ft' told Y AS you know 411 63 at the clu Dftty uee Oe� uvergais 3 ,r� tmiches om It nece sw yL fifty"t, f0dt. 10t hot to Pad iwpiay� *46*1eMen 3, So that-' 1SL bdift V, I hft BtUrY lingeft 10 a MM ajeur? thidoubiedly QMT ir was naturaliv i; -;*i Iff aWn - Cfflm aad *xil% and Moftry ftbUa. 00lew %yej adjoi-abW the for me t> ihma any., opinibus. In i the ji2g the 4arkly tn. v.rb mvw 1A e h yawt, quarm -Alft KA, Xatb.­z^ -t "Wtd 1101 'Your opinions-, 4ft n Dti Of drinking my btottli% a precaulkn I -have looked up chawzz to the best of pt at teT g my bird 110*W1101 �Wnl"M Aw" b7 Vs' I brchmW by 1lakor 8 v*dter. did to with me, ter and Judgisir 04tle At cor., G 3Wn'�. Streets rp! Judgizg Stallions at oot. Of Atmin ue to me, for I emp 6yed 'he y sharlk I ago _6 -g;ftt VW abilit. Xt the tr-RMUMARTI I f od4b nc, gc�4s at Iless han d 3&. Auld* of �E 1 Of him 1ws sold �Q ivw ip trace every ,,mov4 I 1�a 0 erribawy they stak, to m8ke room for iprin ad Ift Of a PRIZE LtST — Hopus�s cwat COATOYSAMr. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL 8, tOc on bVief hd" to 00114 et TIM fe InA Wftk" 50 v coun Xan�s F 3.rlined during,tt� 3 m4a h in. Which CLY1)jWD.&L`E L shop .eo fbi?VA.50; I dog pow W, estate ag6 swatt6r wr the law cruftf�_fil or some Mph bbbh trem one T'o All -tVomen::".1'wiI1 w6d free$ Stroebel as sl abbed to - dpith Isf 2ad 3 -id 6r 0 OF 1 a 2 to -tVjtjt full i f fillat V rep tbUm below tb* , lit os� bwk A�pt nstructions, may Aomo treAt A= Bank of coamse". mmft :every ILY and liroperty oh- 4be h1l irAigL it is so,fnter�gtlng Stvallion, aged 210 46 rega" 2rv. f or $16.50 en�a heav Furna. in Inent whi fast 1,1;4rea4V.� , Pritee r�tflway LU td2e*dQA%1 XS f -M. SWHoa, 'It years old ch P ogitively, bures Ida Corr. =d L&I-beet TS thol r a, yem old or under 4 2 co pimitted ec; to 1b tbat* I have LA Awh'x XtMtj &MQXtX hima, Uiceration, Dispia' -boomg* cements, ?all. l�rbt yew QL� brea- stallion under 3 -meWs 0 y t h cok-tS, 2 6 4 -infU uch b �il ing of I or� Irregm 1be erest d she dro"ed %I. men!s hea�O the Womb Pa Rio i7e would :14 1Dftr old Dick r underWew, on tne =1 TGg �Ieriods, Uterine and Ovarian Ta nors exid 10ftt *al 'let from 8%a Jim letter Into a r and went mt Stallion,,any P-ge flo $5 for 7-%.-, heavy or growths, also Hot Plashes, Irv- will XR. JOHN, XzGUqM. 'The And that agalix quaght Ae re ar 75c for 58 4 i %6"s hr A0 the moi ated her, hdm Ou=es-S, Melancholy, �Pains In the TeAt hva, also i g nd ft " ed to 'Sto-ionj any age WW e. tremble -d Wghtly joan, p0b�, li _0 fi4di: P. 0. *MM A" S"ACO, VfttDr1& bet, Head, Back-, Dowels, ,Kidnqy., an� rn ;dzed. afid $ 'J1k'rW der eis where caubed U3 vard the OR. SK JBIad trouhl Chavvene smila-d. stafta"guy agp- jeed pats, $2 f 6r me jUR_R0%& : ' - t it !11-'c'0tTe6t be edinH, "You uld wilte.the ilaemoms' of 1 _JM�T'3 Y01 L 1VICIX Voix Weal-ness peculiar o our spx. I I f V I Ive veeg I., ar $8 for 15.40 ; 1adlei? if ur�s Rt*NM—GodGr1*vkWt, 1 - - i lateb �sabqg red c continue treatment 01 hom�e at E ­�c Sta an 7�" J. Stewaewo op e- lot the my dbAr 1Utft-=ed�fttq 'AM 6 for -ot 4,.5.4 orn IiW h Cannot Itsten r _ w* tbei �klv&badfw-t chrairch, sntarm I easona of the d Une' 1"r $A% V for $139 ladke eloth cost ot only about 12 cents Week of ReSton, to ur babble T.,V_ Staflon and . HEAVY DRAUGHT, My book-, " Woman's - ow)i lgedica -4- S&Lg-rM V Rbmaxo- is. w" -br 000 C e�sl U50 for Wkp iAdviser/� abo sent spe, 5 3 _Amfort TOM is ham -039 ;j, eal free on riquest. Stem with his "I do n)t intend §prjags ev�r -wodd mw -in foC, e�wy Wit w4wl at V14 sons!.. that yoz; 5�au, but* No. 2= 3 2 MOM hes a, 5DC pum., Prita to-�day.: Address Xrs,. M ex Dnelyp holdbasis 1b le GWBP- Your whereabouts on M�wl�Ly idg;ht could Fifflyt or gelding, 2 yra over No. 8 6 2 blankets, t& 50 f or $8,.79 XL MAIR. vaers,.� Box Windsor 'A "co abe - - - - - - a - F5 for hetkv _oyn- 04� I Lake, 3 AGRICULTURAL 'd IrULI& eajjj�d 1. Mzmh A of this iear may expla _yc M remember and *Md Burgeon. qGiraduate &I time(rs 8 2 f or S11.20 Soaps-_Bj0,-hjVe, FASM 3 forter, 'Brood Uwe ir. tMI U-" 4A Rmba*n C"T vene wrt 4 �ad climbed he NO. 5S 3 2 ted blair i pal ada Rest and Coino, 7 bars for 256* .0wital. umber ot �-CQUMAV of 014 2. o 441f ft 8 iould, I shall eall�upoa Jair,, accoo kd- by r sy ouTounding hills K C1 10 bmrs for 25C ; a few snow zuns tbmt &ad ffarSems- et. ftw1ol PURPOSE r - exixes6h* tbC, R Bs the show s t. regular 45a for zk addim my dearofello1v nd dipped Into 11601khoust.-and i Riot ess SHE WAS SURAIS, El t Th at -1= - his ren CA ve - -a -with Team i o. Wl 4 bu- rnunl;.;, will 6ei to 141 .7 oursel r the t tie valley agalar 264 or, rtc See Our "Hs reedyed at 01aft, stlffitL eat' *.kw 4W ecution I �RU OADSTERS ow Rest( wid reed �I 010 hd e$d -,the a boy's zest and ;UoacU, I in_4�w stook Aih And OM _ga n wall pap6r, -a' 'ej horse in h%raess all new A114 When D Ong of foe .9.1, e Ue sold r. MOrGO's Inell" R toot hl�- A d" P muly J. burlape DRS. 8CQTT KACKkY. f reedom. The 155-S and under No..8 Spel. a 2 �esl gnu, Pills Cur*d-,her Chro''nic -sbven rt, the Jai. Vre. APPI ore, Crowns (21LLcre Y -In! moun- Wrisce horse in baxtuess - es, VI e- rg erent, patw 0- M t tmeveg the district FWY' gft, ever gdwkb street opposite: Metbodist Liver 0 plain It . -A, 11 No. a spel 3 !2 ose from; and ii' iw it h -he Wrns w c T ft,=*, ftalorth. cause A *M 'Were "Idater t%m in barnea 4oterWlse. towart.19 a E=trj1,25for'j%,- coin, peas�, to. Y41AU kmsl am. ft!W d d ft bet mjUq un 91 NO.-lospel 3 9. Vict6r* nnipeg, Mon. Lell, noe and 061 10. :0 zealous �Suriday sebdol f*r 25c - Of �a r get our priwa an Smith f i aa r amb k I oim&[ reamr *It -% i"AW g! 'PresbyteTlan' -over 15-8 crswi 3 2 WOV in f ber, youth, to sad Ann Sid M"ber (d 0-0 an interesting story of relief ffom aitj lo, lodgla Iti. 1VVftfflMA I rr filleo t rous Afjlsa classm to be eas dered, to date from bef 3Are purchasing. Our Mat&TID' ot pftidelaM #Ad Sift' ifttolerable stlerinV. Pablic. offl 4aLO c -Ing dbe c Noma. C fcl can h th .11 ou, ereaxtle�tbopm kte -amway wn. arougli for tlu brawri thr ammtr, of- lauft )114 sp6hool tvt ardly tell you how -great M'Y'-- 4,Uftld fell a, 1cu, -o GR"D W=P$T"q suffc-riings have been, n i0levator CO.; 31, �"You ar'really a devit a f4 d amplTatiOus CbrOnic liver com-, und h6t Av JiOUSn'�$S L Awltural, 66nem ParPow C. Mac V1210 plaintiaccompanied by bi cultural -octet), vm. I For Drawkit, A9 I ; - P. BOVM, Y &'Son old 11my, bmwrgraduaite OtL Ahn A Itagel So much nowl aftol �aud to V�e books sh e' had md, and h mari, fffly or Idi n in werc a 0. It of; ae to ng eontpeu V a C an litellee tke Silver Trophy,-domted by X. Y. be. b". IV go V1 ftfwa*ty, gxAd meWlst at, daily SoUree of -trial 't yloeakd, iv me tl Y 1�ive*y day E Ute tod she gallop6 i hapt Ily Wad.' She rode P. -J� -a w-dy our We futi 1�1y. bAs Zbe pro se as a 0 oDther budnem S*rgeW ft4 Th wt. of M a, ve be6n most geiier 6 in i , Id., ej tride her,horse Pwwo.'1--m8tewart Brou., Progress)3rand Su VWW Ck>11899- MembGr Ot ths C"" 1, experienced the sl enjilg effect, 6f to the tuVe of an"old b .Lfts rhy?dVial"M these ailments, I Ion for§ome mpdi N rdw r "You ba Oil woma 3L sh RTANT NOTICM. ito cinethatshouldperma�ently�ri them 14 i and not mai Ily elhiging to It In the pre- clothm value $15. It thus far I 9 a ri I" laughed'Air -X hig Co., 200 poands of away. & ]VA I I.A DR. a. E WON am. posteroug imelent failaon. She had "No. t1venet took instan ad in Flour, vaiae to. AUCTION SALt, on *�Mumdii 'llearinigrr of Dr- one's Inliar. Root' hIs change 9 4umor. fal Ne. 8-11. Devereux, set of Whiffletr -In at OW 0 el Drad"te Ot Uwl"rmft known hoises from early. year P. W., AM Of tUrO00 Pills), I tfioughr th e -y ere wdrtb v f Ytaud for juhi or Of guillat, 28 drA-M UMW wiw6er it: C614 Ich she, I ntrial. My surprise was ind I d tunibleil from'her p6sylA"' F"Ulty Ot ul ; moot all AV eed great. "Perhaps-perha, I h 'e P14 ged wh I&I No. 4-J. 0. Greig, Suit of Clothes, vehae es&0 In froM 2 'to 6 YeM old. Also c �jjtjjng stook 4WM jje4&. *.ardwoodbuuh;j 1b(l retio, my filth ln-the !back In the stable ard, and she Imevr- cattle bp ot Ph"dclaw sursems, of., 10i* From the very first I expericri eredith r o;ng qn rter,, mon- find m Vat rqcoak, value O&Q. es Contintfirigwith them I found how to se and bow o. a-Wbi. Pickard, 0 3=' r. Propeeter, T., Brom, brio; pow riduate courses in Chl-v nmv tro train a hoi' to a gait ChICSgOL, tt sleuri If I may ;ay, It, e are �oth o. 6­0mads Fmiture Co., lketionA oneer. 14 Ug& C WC&I SebooLL 01[ v RVYQ' lles Were slowly but sureiv leaw"Ag niq, parly clever ea togethe' to master- a beasts' and even 'd Dwk C�w value $10, r wit qotfi Hompita, 1"dois 21PS4 'and before long I once more kney - Nv h a f ("i ktinued froM nioiBmkTropby. some of 'tha tricks of th.� sftmitY ODIlege HWOSI, t�)A-1 it was to be free, frorn t pere Ju 9 wial o. B -Bank of Commefte. -bROPE10 It FOP. SALF,-For Sale a 0 am pr #Uft ef AUbU be harass�na ef- peT t a I q e, not, because vq A. arrazo-, 'the 'Fort Myer d 11 E hd li I surrep- Bimini 9�-Xolnty�v Hills, Silver Plokleryalu p of ft P-Armill be vok "So �01 *ould sell out; N�ould Ru? Raw, I mile outh ftjrUd. Offift-1110k Of %bS DCk fects of -the ailments that had ton- ick- ad undou titiously praciticed in ft e meadow back Bo*,L our but b�a� e phWe No. §' ened nd weakened tn�. So gr lughed Lrm1t4Ke.'_11You mlserabl lit- F. D*, SU%,#r Cup. ha 11 tb amp U-NOMMU-11th. TtWeAraba lurther patt 'Y to wa r�ae stable the p a gjxd briek'cottage vdth wootd*&- ING, Aubaln P. PiUS th it I Opeotal No.11�5peolsl from The Bill Engine Riot callis amwered Imm remidence, fidth in Dr. morsels Indian YoTir plaw, t e blaek uard, I -shoul4 lfir� t� join of d the Clalbo bam ;�n& 0 v Your lin6ck o f i get- is All plowed ARM, FOR S.A never on a It was on Tues4ay t bat John krml Threeher Co. flawla xtrwt SN&Irth. ISM �shall -ay accotintl be wi otit Tbe, .'man, vr Va., fnce�s';�ith y . Sweepdakes.-M. Y. KoLesu,%P. e, &henhouse- Thogmand crop and:14 g0od Young b%ring PA11#_ me I: was Da- on iv, e r tage' had appear be 'ore her in the F bait of lAt, I t ng t1ie'V ols' the rig plaeoill betoold WM. - Tkere are i AlUCTIONBERS. _16to The I knew that In up trees. Dr.. Mors pergola.. It was ow r1lursda &s Indian Root Pill's cure SM, y f ter - Liver iffi t me would be valuable iiiieg cheap d e Urals, A vvith furame am Bowel and^Kidney' as well as cub- v re are uot mad e for 31,1his noon, and Ch�auvauet i8-:�s or add, eus Alex. Ve.y=1 Repo,: &e&, Plant, Lteensed auctivineer for the counties; each er, I BO, 3 y �m old and over 04 les, and keep you healthy., 25c 'a box creek t4thebaelr en smiled Chai Vr, I t ret �,Df world. 10 the next -who ws? feneed and undm; Huron and Partb- Ommspon 0 -.her twice since, t nd s had met 1111n i Aull, % yars old 6 donee - at your de'aler's. T4 the -night before it a 4 lance at one of Bull, I y %r old 5 _11=SALP,-Fbr We tbMaluablo iwompUy aiswered. Immediate �' m W1111 I aar,e say, ARM gorA bardwoodt u vrould POLLED ANOLUS At Of 3ourse. The hour 10 ks chosi a b Concenton.6, MCI Mor, -and five aery Vangernents for sale dates cau be made the I cottages. old and ever 0 eln%! ot 16 WIM, �;;tag: Bull,, 8 D" I n' the faimiss, eomfotUble .91 - I - - L Venient t -Y calUng up Phone 97. Smfort,% or well.1 Once free of the 41W , I - I .. settlement she rode' frilne 3411, 2 old and over 4 2 wlthli"enznd wood she& There Is far and fast unt I. slat, was quite be - The E:ipozitw Of Charges moderate AYRSHIRE a itood bmk barn 66x40 with stofte foutdotion Aud hm bW- U-1: fhe Sprin ks Bull a iongivionatri Wiely, n yond the -usual r3ute of 1, and ntisfazatim gmmzteed. g4od blea T free o t at a bargit It jj;r 0�i% j2t�perfeetl. Troubled Wit �f that 3 asa $rom for III* W V by - b RERWORD P* onthe rtyri PLE 3 FE P xcursloulsts;. then in. mounWu P&st Year and Is therefoe in good md1tiom -MAI I . ". 'AL Ile's I sy fellow, with i - a' h Bull 8 There are sV mt 102 acres 'of good artivrood bash., In ly than. i Uns T had no troul S ways she e;njqyed the laxuL of leisure L&eamed &mottomte" for. th* covmt1w e Age of eattle date from StIA. mostlyallintple. Thekelealugagm -1 hill, Ad* Backache Fo`r ITO K thelt KS mounto to V09 briolcar nd and cement gravel, ind -five md. at ow d then DT P*ft. Being a off! In Rostonj 4vhere, Pn and dN de- n6ver 100 "ORE" Hwca Aw 11hg h light In the green of fh6 laurel and lailln I creak runs through the bush, 7118. ed offer W Urn6r. and dibmaly ftnu is a Mae and a qu4rbar from school an erty known as 1A 60 ably vi"Rd him 1 540UN be takhg Hera' Is a In I to question t1fe rhododendrons. of0ce- A a" address EIRMArd Perth < treal SM j47Z bile LDDUN, B LTules Chauv6net h4j courea the Ir CIM a% we t bl* time you kniyw i irm !Tu Of c iii d a e am was 1W o- ed., 10 26, both ii -1muse The Use Of, 1 sick many F "Vith good *Ludling Me YOM of fum �*Wk aza Year so p4baly �u red" the Implements, places me In a better poo kill$ TH0.9. gum to I z BY Suigar -still ciftly ad to S in the back all day na ountam WX70, 4rot-clai nt d Inqu PARM, PARM SIfO61k ANb, or DOAX'S KIDNEY P Old exatts its alty. patlis au catiously of the - -M Dem �j F� ILL p6ct' '"'a shifteil froth, one f -wt to A UM -b -11 orSers jeft In NzeWr Will -S. tl, aulldinp. The flu oo pay. - A Wftk ined natives. The telegrapb operator at the 'MIMS-Thursday, April 7bb, on UD i Doery, 13 Bra' ht StL other wondered juist h)lv he prMotty, aftle" tL Mrs. W. 0. 309111op, at 1 o',plock P. tA, t on, of a IN inm -V�eu knov oman, and London Ont., writes ----J IP is wi �;ra Armi t Springs IDA wa4 a w Buy n when the prip ow ,esve. rigkt fo owlng:- Froraft-1 ZrAft maM 9 aus ;1d" .,drMag hors 7 years -old, I Uaekar4 -eolb- tWMW--C-- ts asid I for Or hm rwided the to be near the dispatch and receip; by Jules Ch I a"a pleasure that I thank Va for �he I the -c 1 Y4*rs old qu et &nd gentle, a good rospeet, Doin's Mdaey Ms have done c2let' th venet of long m"agw, many.of them: 1. Vto! the mom Am ur 'and he drab 6014 8 inombs old, I liorse 8 r re m0ted ha qwcoWgui as � the SuRdInLys Tim* ber ve been trouiAed with backscht for of in cipher, piqued 1�er curiosity. Nq week old. lod mare In foO to Soaland ediei 10 SpeCials for this t u hill 13. off thep C#ttle-7 C 10106 CoArs due W ral"T !g April aa thrust u m Nothing helped me until 1,�tw ftm r f i member Of the as 18 1b. gralaulated suga $100 sy ; 0 lielfe Ifther Uartion t ian, iever' gton diplomatle, rarising,-D yea -v5 old, S steers Im h a - I a. wige man tv o i rlejds 0 old, 10 steers r1sing 3 yews old 4 heffers for[e rought, me a box of your m4U4 1i , - I � a I 1 1 4 Ib new Prunes 25 Circle who came t� ie Sprm- , 4ot: wes:Fwt elf, M. Cha venA. I tj e 1 3 years o 1d, 8 dry cow& broad soja be boxei 4 1b finest new 25 gan to take thezim sud took foa�, even the shrewd and si eretive -Rui5sianj F) wees FOR, S.A �d am to my that I am i cuW en -11 cotait v AM. 3 cas-oillets ly4 25 iderj Wood inowe Mbassador, received longer or more' �r I My yake VIAnning �d a 4 Ijot 15. -C4 'Orn er, I dW huTow, 1 land raher! I. so We ha e "aryptic cables. - ILArIthAhe social dver-1 2 cans tomatoes o corn & 1 of peas dj-,imond b w rewo, I top bugff, I roiLd eaxk I VO-fli Mt�kv rely anrcan do AR my Own �wqik aInd and sftr6tly Y6u*Trov* *Y. -L U 3ed 1 3 canW,,totnatoes or e e o n or two cQ the I as good as I used to befor� tak6n. j iii. PW It was a C e fact. bwat -the- tecessitl 4 lbs gp&-nish onins hich V" WX clew! �91 slons of the Sprbgs and WA -90n, 1 seb of bobelelghs, the: Uplenlan Slt Worl& buildings left, am positive Doan's Kidney Pills 4.g Iowa I bay mr.rier with Antip ar proved t wou Id I plows.i . - - - __1 -intact -allso a quantity of lumber a 'for mak-Ifi 01V of hiaving some le- 8 11b fa#ey mixed'!&Wcaits rd I e.-,% Ling- hararow, I milk b-"�, 1 fiiY 0C nd g a sb Untan T ou claim them, t6 be and I ad th tw "yon _% _� - Cha neft gloved"th now ft- farm which is suitable for repairl.ug Lgeq. caught r1mo M -Lb Z shigle. lim iewly neW, I �uey Buff a 10ve Oiem., glamite business In Amerlca,. 'Tules MTV.* -- Pi elas, Mo per tin& uY16U about stables and mit -;buildings on -al., hfs*,1� itache. Bat** 04 et was p retti weli occu ed, astbr. Oranges -Yalell' double hara bafthelp M=Woo ft. it It I - the faama. M`order to have all these Tbai t� almoft f ns�i lull 501 hens or, mot Aaw, buck fwksl Pills do for i dozeit -, Navels, 15c - W the p cc of Tob 'per dozen. newky-okw And other sawl Aww. VIDA= Let Dck&Ws KWk you fob gnd'-no ndkjtshWwithb A- kuildings and material elea-md off bA__ of tage. .1. they have 4666 for thousimdi 1 1 . Prsi& 0elery;%nd Lettuce, I%UTE f "o iwm W_ -#I!- hwm Idedto U ;4Y iduqii- ro tage ia VirgWa a WV4 eru:i&x br1ok hwW, Imp bmk bam VR* Mb. the bd in Aratz"a VA In *t k 1-11 e'd Saturdq�ys only. - :f*rtN the &st Of Augffst, WO will seR at IeLrefore 1,rn. ihav(i dM inp ()Ur Spe4j&j 21k T�� cum A formai of kadney di liev, He was th*d al kd p rplexed, and, If 'tit &er to a-cwyn-plish this 1% Very low price, and Will reefuse no -they �cure to stay' eured. him. Y.od:forget that tea for me iouble wW Price, centsper boXL e or bloce for nee a I ed pikagure tb�t biei Royall aud- Hackney a- lown,� win _1* -pose. eure hill path Into a! -4. rode a it of RD ON 7� .25 at 41 deslers or wailedAirees on aden t r carried on'the b K*$ It of o b pen wood -over aamigi-ag a ka"A at time Of %114- AV_A. 4B The Biff XI _XNGIN E i *Mfit of price by The T. Mi$um Dal, fugitlye from j kt stnoubt 7 momws cramt, -W111 U S�jrjey Clall -deftl and eame u ong e� IT Etlueq,.Aeaforth 0 -Ram" VR W*tf UmiW Tor r elin i lk- toithe 48tel ovd"* 004 bos�ei ont'; Out, 00 1 Thos. 3, -A 4 1 'V, inial MW