The Huron Expositor, 1910-03-25, Page 7__7 IT T j- 7 - J -2, t V- -H t V M& w 1"� ARC AM M-Poilk *T i T" !-ROM, wbir Odwgrpaxt jK W, 1-1 -th bus: ThMW shall be PYFAU-1 t-- 4ur jj&_.rM,.tlO� t* W' A alld Atitiere Is-* V na�-adf and--Acetmn wl 446 x -i I Ail W I OAM %-Atholoo Shorthorn blan W --M is "um The FOR SA -11-4 i*loro biva fi-wo im. wa 12 B if 14 moritha old, rtm in i =02p,.Lly,axpre As�tbere, --4-4 -negtand I—MZOM- str4h. Cme and 4% 4* hum0n. A. U. I COAM041 Lhe laee�aud -br6gbttbe) M a thing - M -3 -here Isl a show-, 5 e7- Dam lreyou-d the r6 vami&, The' FiAl the i* but - REAL ESTAM, J?OR SAIX et'hersa. bitt co="-.-iL-.1t a&, you will require hot water F; Shaving P-11 ere 04 on, Ate is sur,-44!,� FOR SALE 1, oU U and.% _�Ag At so?" not "7"�ft "T06 0a; Of a. "R Ott o ppress me Tit acres. U, X:Tu 7,,rt:!t f ME �:4 03- -9- its aplendid, grazurtit twil i and wW1 'be sold on housand C"d si�, tommable tornis. Fov, rPvdlilila"� fkpV6t!ttD_ Mr. Wind up the clo�k, and u6thing uncer ,Tfn- afortu TWO i e Mouse wan C [is VH,4j�SOX, Se 0. 0 WM ba wanting." -Ide xTil �Co �L M, bY tha: I j Yr rl (omf a—Lyd aEoPinka OSSC-" upstraped 'the runks i ind hen sale. Lot 17, Mdeen atnty ARms FoR SUM.- For ion s, =41 stool at Rttentlon In th door. He, had -5. 11�ary r 11 Cleam, e -g 0 d JL Fe 'I ajjtjjjt$k#MdLAAte of dialti. C ham'; s V er table C im F I UL MP0 expi I W, A R. IS Moi that I langlu ge, but the: pr(>. d bitter fful�l tlltj L nb W&ste land. shori cut; acroiis a'i ng H tk a underdrdnia with tile. The t Imil ereff +Mno I lung thri ub The plac? In 'T=Ajw" Imm mat W: eted Armitage t6 condemn the 0 UU !ty;b?tw�enJh:M Ewa Bellev e, v. --� g(,t 'I sok barm with stabling "I was so weak et I a rIDI Im ill" t prietot of the abandoned hun lng�pre- ,%I'll mt.(;t Ili -,Diu %lid waterin.the fprope, ty� Thb path N1 It Rig aU4 -Dd W6' out 0 Xr a in m a female vreakness ang-Ing pine bm serve was In ex�el ep steep, "d the low ghs that 16 Clu to I t spirits and R # Lydia R Pink. Will Y. and one unit 4'. h.,Ilz fxv;�, 4irth. wh4tie'd blltbeiy� a-, drew out his jr,�­ I U�Sesses Tonil� r' I at an� and I ieuirr ��rtiw j under rkish Lucreasei ithe hpmfs i Vegetable keys. Y, on I he prem*ics gr addresff H, J. unsurpassel JL1 ft6grbf ascent' 19t -aluing 11* the CompoUnd. I took e pro( C11 Of dime, I 2189--tf Wdl r 'VE, aform r, V. top unM POW: "'The place was built "veral' b by f Perfec iie 1 valley, bidl ft ottles of y f ols.1! de wing. 1 1 '.ed ,n Y� MR 4 MIT M111 J � 1 -111 - ­� ­ J�� ­- � 7� __ '�Gn SALI�-ror bale, J.ot 32, Coz!ccilsiov i , .. L ar gloomll a Dey 7 wag lisclo ped In l0ug nd. beaut1fut clared', Ose. Vistas. u YIM XlringthL, bots or cot, p, containing 105 acrm� This lam n h so rapidly 44Un -0 bted.1 I- -e is a F d Thei f ty'Kik IN* Pounds jPL:"r r coudi 'ZMIC JGr '9ftMed to that tioit. Thetv 6,4goodbaak The Do z �ess and vigor. In, j jendlEt at,, an Aruilta'gh dropped the reing upca tb!d good briek house. Tfie barn has taffilhen build houses and v Ise. men ;r C(Av. horse. SW1.-.*QrVOUjt.Tyo. h(aink all- througrk the stables,'and idake alnew woMM M neck of his kating hdrse lfte­�: 44 'them. You see wbere that �h for ttte stock. The howe Ismodernin - I t2 4plyn-19 on ��our own jar.m of me. I can do as t "It s a fine Val] k4 -y ?If asked 0a. wrful!" nMg )ect, b&vIng. L-ath i voir with bot 6rd cold N e leaves Oscar. Let -us be chr 1; 0, t sornething to help ;&7. tveq re.01 TOR -ONTO) T, gpodra4ay's work I i .., Wj# d b9t, and w1d %,ater In the kitchen. There -le show A h s A ge t fat! ,ef,., otif rir. is nice- car. 0 give ft. -M so tow c- oodben house. The fa, 2 as I ever did. I He tille6 tL erand change t disen-ft, cure diftase and Itep fxbo &s1lo and 9 prepal-g C. e I Aucer�ly bless the raiment while Oscar 8 rree from weeds at d m the best of a Owsesslolk wor�byof %9N e up W, blest g*,ods replited: ArmttakO. h6re day th�t I mad and laid deloth on the'long ia�le be. h R bo4ight, bdi�xe Ootc.11)6%ir 920th and ducs.: it x1ocat-td, 1 F Ntj proprretor bas an OpyPrtunitY tO 90 into an- forer tray mind to take koi 6 -le h a. whit a buildin th ta i4er-businew. Apply on the premilies or address 1 h d ge appeared w olonnoden 0 fire. When Arnif g tho ou so, E a ",C o-nditionei UTFEUR FO=Es. begorth P. 10. 218141- away ovel Is I of raedicine for coteesteamed In the tin pot in which 4 le, weakness, the re een made. Bacon, eggs and _:rVJV--'-s* it incre-�,_v, �al;; P ignl g de14 It had, b -.5imcific rIMUS Men UsjVd It( tile, tLf FOR SALF_-Lot 84. 00=9881011 1, East andXamex ygrsteM to youfor ottler rrep: gtion i �F%wauosh, contrizing 100 acres firSt-Aaw -s' In a swerlid CM *ho toast Wer? further !offered. 0 01#1 as thi- y wouldb, pli%tUre. Well nnftrdrained with Id A le tters, ad I certainly Pr n or _e EM sh W for gm spok a Miid dogged For �y7them 11 give you permmloon"110 "YOU, ht ve done excellently vell Os- jlllllll� -M, i__ Arm V�w J� -A& not - All giving C -r �ra fencee IF morea of good rvl.anirnalsmd restomq vvtv, bush, ne�KQr f&Mng spring creek, &pod P�ecls I qual val �,,l 0 4H p�blish thi 3 an V ume you ir ih,"— Car. 00 et your own breakfa st" Ar - *d 04, �1!ases SL liat house. YOUR a gow ce- rnp of sulgar Into PURFLL-',!iTv"z ATord& ;1t is va:.d bo' Iiere the-. Rrs,. A.Lwqw WxcE=, Belle*illef mitag opp, d lu 6 jd e a Avit house, front 2U28v.back IUU' cellar under 1; over all ;, a �;cod bank Any irre the hoN4 I &I..' r1ch s)ea much money. Ontaii -Caukb. any P;:.Cee (In Gj`:trj hg Ifb:)l e, at his coffee cup and surveyed th a ro )m. jurt, and kitchen ups ly kner of q1th stone istabi&D , 44x6O,. and Outbuildings tarn, I ways dangerous y(ur h( the.-fc ot the hills -do _I roU see -It- Is WGm 3neveMirlaereshouldreme-niber A lkttge map of Virginia and a series arm is Aneq sit jle&.,vest,oj�Bl_yth and 2� and Uated, 4 j,ilee egst of Auburn, id 1 1�2 rnileS from school. should bd C this -there th.6, way a foollob game with that there is no other -reMedy knowu of bu g prints hung on the untinted ... at e. fa feMM()Weajr �sflc ball V racks, f or - � mnd, ill be sold re:18cj table' and On C%Sy terML *6 I , ­ ____ - so a there were yarlu w 'ITTrYA. itot ''do6k Pur h1h .4, "A f k*4. ks an� little to medi Ane th t walls, 'I krat Ap y- W 41LA110. 7 1 -her partic ! f I � neBs, an I - so a For ft"t -tf I - I ., . . "Ga fL?I' � g it �OS I 3le If- and a ivork bench at one end of the INO, ftseaar� �11�k Al b A yol I Auburn F. 0., W".VTj 01kt. 21170 dis �91 the 0ha; QM -M q . I "Th lr� t Of It I 6ve .01 room 1 vhere guns mlg�t be taken i part 91 �� no doul *1r. WOV60 .7,��For. �SALE�-m-For 6 e, Lot 2 and west Milburies! ""-I VC PMM S I Con- WBVI* Made seen ibe,,,JooIs,.mys(1f-1 6 ' and oil and cleaned. A feW, novelso se -L 10 IN A*# Ohl TO half of Lot 19, wcKulopt1ontaIn1n6 W all 150 b m 0 F e preinises a, tine houlle stipation dM -'an 0 xch-- out T Jeresqr there am -on th On' I W I ilace Is. ev lled f it0rrM three -year ­*Id -magazines aud',d valety For '80 -ye*, _N10 y N. JA14u.AAY 25TH 191() -hone.' bank barn. two Bowel C A - 01 5" furnace and telep &rjrr lt�g) slapped his iAlgh -of pipes remained on the she if 4 Dove maM, sprin P _# M M=Y ladigestiou ind DysDewig. TW* The Mr. He tMij f I -AV soth'thl horsestarted. ins 1UPIN auV- -tried% plgnty at water with mind rply, IWOUK OMAG M fall _9 44por SOP 41tiek at. the Lack of the tam., farm is an C dill. 'Pe fireplace. The house offered p of 1C -will la,;�'one anirnal, P1 F.C� ed constantly. KM lomfort, ond that "Yes.- -�(u*ilre:p I Y' i Tight -divd refibtd:VL.nd un(terdmined, snd th4re are 10 acres of' fa, -lager ago, I was bad -k fe *ftv C severty 4411, under cultiva- Owen . te4, j a ab Offiffe$, of me W a a . - *ISO 1� -ad% -CP Pl I;nj, 4 Us Tight am, aid IDVer 215 poun M W -oodbardwob(tbua the bmue PRPLE tion, and five ucres are seeded to 'fail wheat. it is been t"a for yek, ��h j� �'ati I haV � be. ird of � tb pla 0' -'And b Wh% .=d IM about all. Armitage rem mb�ered Z S X; ��6 CQ1 fly one mile on# W*h com atb* Ma 1 Como 'aining foUr ti[T el -L hool and church, and or e convenient to so tt *4 _O&V� Wled eMM house,,, t�t t e. be A', ti we'lu th val- Wbat #e, agent through whoic he I had V- MAY ;&nd it H, -1 e n&T & qwrter froni store and PO raid is rancer but ga f IL d #z'bad as ever. -M Ion 6 - the app:_titc a"t Th;� I cot the fluea fRrMF, in the tovmdu t Of. atd It Irmt wfite 41ft 6 the purchase had and Nvill. hith did 1 1 ha Idy N gentl me said -t* the V 401 Aq a boo fattener it. a C at a. bavgain if disposed of this month; P68 - wsl� leisure -"'or &�rtiu*k, 4 rid& forli, Kam. place dproved too Isolated foor oven -Me, For further particularb persuad�d t, try. L if 'URPLE 11CIOULTRY SPEC f- gi-fen Xt any- tj 1 mad*' and the horse, Mjjj V____ 'H�j k pJAY "M to t ''It. a Ig t -he PMMIF�eR or addrega'JO'HN OR FRED f I elt-" huo iog pres-erve -and that Its �blnly r three boxes h't9awill last tweoty.fj%,�! p- 0 T i pals. I em M D beps- j4 r _­__ ' - �dzy,.z;.,n-hich is four tirnes rnr�-%: wip"Mpr. 0. 218a-tf descri 0 - . . I &__ ALBRMWh# )e withAittle -bi - TMAWLIAMW Lu th& timber. He _V�M x6tis- �C a4 it-a-tivW I ha_- enVirely �J a or& -and A �4 rnacldnz "out of your 11, ArmRa tt e a 04CR to rqutly 4y 'Thank ficki; "I C4 . Jr, _no _W ba-rgain and C P )ufd Pot. tell -Ig- 1W f r'" not rIve A= F and woul �a, U 9 11 dkon- �Dr POU C12FIC -00 ed offawfor-M ednbl&prop- and I a6nd% I ad to &H bad,.- M01 lao a lumber mill yet a ft 0 -1*11or the'r Oscar, who A Let 6, Qbvjeoon A those �!�Ie' U fthteA a cigar and se r M EDWIN OPLAM, Srj. roo -rj tokrsbi �,Wg, :,t,- ott-C.- orevaration ov anot:--er, e W% ft. me gocd i in L Mad f in pMnl BUndard, Perth COuntY--- MM S ses the fiow of gmstrie J11 sayROY 'thkib&M _116ce. 25 "Ah I Ou r -.0acel:4 vft! hulff fficreas Uk AL PURKLE wi zu-& ri or S. j ft, QO chair be Of beick Abouft = . ;oft the _9M_ 9 _.Astz -1k bauk;iiin, at A. In. soft e i grat gtrem of nature- tlieT _Z I I digestion. n� I W . �A 26 both it good 11 - _­ __ ­ sa4 W Y -rep sound e �w .4 e t Ireer, 0o Xx deiiianded Arialt4ge; of, p"m-4&nd,4uW i dU. t& A. % 11t.,: atLd, 41 ).te clearly allowu tzrf .4 *04' jouraey OXK, Um i-tu M e 4ever %m ZU7 . trees h A beej* des0oyed latte.r it ts � w4w. I of 1* ab-lut 'jjOi f V villd consupwdan. Sm -a oar. both -in -ft'"t err Ito - fid Cif Ais Of �;�ia and inly a i At d uveb 14mited, Ottawt, 44 ibe r , 0� 1�0= :)U! -2how-M - .- - - 1� 1 1� 1�ut A m1kirwy-.0011, hJ Aftbt ndi qwwfm .that- had �-B 1k e.� and _"d T, be -04&-au - the londso me tud, loolt it- 99"t 49 M rE pit ed a ou -lor the -*In aft - --wravelr -of -Me Yrasblng- hot we. um Imown how tim da� *h"e k, *urple he jlbgr_� Of - L� Wa and,-st m- e4n Wild - KL � IS 4n I'Ait the in*. A7 -and bs _d �can- TIM REVAC 'Abe WwmhrP,- suie io see tb -04car tid 3 r ew ult 4 b both c&unh -A tlfaes,-wh�wthe -w It! W ;ATMEI�Q_* Y tio" Of Z Koff A Mhod, &_L..an - -:ft" yo -'Is fler Ho iftd mfth 'pare u 6"wt 0 Of Upodro eat!!" lau;htd tax itc,wng, txd�' �7, '.!asked 'Ardtitage. -a Avilft 1bndoA­ih0V tlind -11- had u(t Of b -, W ­hs tj A _Js ra J1 f tit _�Wets Of �Many C*, � %15,15 lint EP -IktU 16, COMONAOU 2 LOt piles, send, LA#1 h h. FOR SAL& me M 8 and been f o A: lk Cono&_*;ou S.; t 14, CbueeMim 1. Huron Rmd ftney, L fWa and *w"11 te*ard aL ad 9 Lot 15, Con wi.11 tell you h )w 7 ho t Me long� tb*�.Ue*r e Of On his I ight nort. a I lbilik in 1--ae. ty of Hum Q*Wn- 110tAmin st t1K, te Aiers-in the- oumabip of Tu&eMnitk seff at 4olne .1).3 blue tsel 'Hence MV unt goluttewa *tstwk _�Town Of 30062th, V U.aA "h �SW 4fttaTjo. Mfl@ MM fte&-j in the U=r Conj"tj borne and Va 9 and StjsWns a- q g 3*0 f her-f9w . MMS _ J" of-. 'ittis 01 at ment her I Ivy T. S lNues be* kft%Wb8-' elit au� send In W of Virginia, 'tiud qfWr,- E WD =so, sitWOa gton t e j tlaa- vim y b A A cun of "I R-dDs's" at brealda�f Wartu 0 five bv�n a pwbured PM VM yaws am W_ I.. =j Asa�;_;,r " I L-- 1 -er� it is pedect for - IM lor -trial, I re t mees �fihh aujiMoble, ow rel, �d- It WEVERT01 WOMM W-11" r. w.40 now be In ex6elIzat Aur genent bam*w. _0 you for h1mai. _s a suppep ble* E A e -,Ind i"t Ath*'10t, MM - I I qgwy k==wc�= brick-dwaBb 0W.M 2LN ml[Wiifiol afid, pAl i In his Mart, e rd Y* at lea ­t he w6uld oon be ne It Rae wils call&d thQ _ tel 0 -hot air fqrnsA*- ar UV;-- he' j.,,m qAiezted.- diog;e 1,e. �d 400t 'Paw 4*8 ad anq MM-VWW- be H)v ;,,of ljaiu�- � den'. They built thiU _be.,, low fell uvm brubboxyo evergreens cure A ut tred.. $Ten OW she Migh pe S -Sen-A . "" Malieftf -patch -bow m au. 0176r, t a erq, "lid the ley �e no -moil A 'o'CRE ov. cag.;rwl; - te 1 .411 be �bres or hardwead bush, eY U W - I ely, d*W_ 4ft A^tVL;jft kwbikft tut i of' coy. igedI towdbyd, 4 1 OR Hat andata zdo Wit -d-whatz etjAw1Ms and I n U wat4rod WIM IWAUX CMk -_ i . . *� 1� ba the sum and their graves dWMe pro- s offer,; Wri te dak t( b1ts. I . the4i, or would bd Mfild i tedzsml _*ft amthere -bS, the N tt Id Ry in tAe owzv Of Huram_ Mi Sftmers�j3wk"Z 7 -W, CIS o ��p in wi es; all" T. o be -_ _WN -U. Out; Voca r saluied, s d brmje in ce d_8 r& Ut us g%1" he St.. I=d they had brave tall MO b "infs esetipadeg at Bar Ale h�sq La "ft -c --or In �w-#.biva R 7 bor te �asle.,� to Va a sl� and el�ew,4ere. ThOn followAdd E71, Undertaker and- Zmbalmer. ear I d U4' CrAM NsK-�zndj� mdlng-fl &V homm ?PM veiled ixx careful phrases, but bmseiL so :ff iffessa S t0re--M&iU St -Met, &aforth. Night as� tholigh �bwed th w 446-raf uuaf in J e -_�;Steps -1 thhe eftieleIl recited, e&ns ej, re&1dence W. J. Walk- Ing he were zalut. ea4, 0 08 alol t1tamb-'vi utl =qn of C lve _6 Od cheer,- of encourag6ment ite F the.loatid6gf6a. �!4 tim I ero 8 Be ge �Grnan� Gc4p at*K ftruWlied ty a I have endured east Ad -83010 41ft. #Cqualutan�e on both sides of thelAv ,the desponden Jap -rides, churich, one 01 ; N consequent -ex 10" - 11 T h e turned 900v" - I - M, "a- Ifto pfblf-;� - - Oint of despair, and I 'luara lRutic"that Baron Von K an Issel, a state of vigorous healthL, Therab a. R nd- eviE 11 =Ml AOW agato to theroad- raWw t for- new p0eudonym, and with Me of Ini d which accoln- *Ut�W 'IFIW - and wen W. and Ga' 'M ightift ii(& o The iw thwr whote-], t effton'tery, had within a , t - ward, -a -gaF t a not 61 CRON e as been L-rought Wimiir qy�z d LL # night sought to Intrench Mmse E -a the n 41 a" 1illufred �w -lop, pntu, halt a M, a -Ml Pleasure of 1 due- e th t es Mas Wash Ington. e4blusive circles of It GRAN IvOmen to whose hft d ner A me sman trolm V, Ur 91vej, OM re rig Lhe wo Wffe ousands of entliusiastir, qc: r of Armitages cigar slipped from his fin. . . . . . . FARM AND IMOTATM coiAtt I disM ce, ga te�, th ted has brought to them. Ths deR loom oy gers'and fell upon the brick heaxth as disease has i a (d and TOWN FROM= 19as it upon a cle: r�bg And1we are keen =try un -0 �aniziva wi"j M 6t 9 Is; the i-V16c k For many Twa we bave wte the ce-Makere in E-10. NM 9_ April 5, 1904. Ly the.ner t be �and he Mad: yaw I and.� a low, red I be I Gal S6 we t4nd letter Was re(-eIVcf dbumunted ard-thrq C01314 -lid of Wfie quiet4ML for FaAces, dafd the wiriD in abOUt my health, I In ean, 'the roofed bii n ga- 3 Y(45 "The� bolftesb off this -clever adve 11 h.. Va 4et a new rta-a ar Hth I n ched Bu%tagvt tter They UP Ab L As I have -never given, j. pms1dent, Seaforth Jim Cd Q 4"19 red turer is said to'have rea climax b: Wift, ze it our$ VC& ey low. V, Fence is Clat"a oft AMnd Gat buivdiay. CI He 'a be fnterested in it. P.0 jag. -Connolly,- Goderich. TICS-) writes ---JI e bek" mo tft� v, P musi Make and Ga. In'this city within a,few da too d y lor [an purpomm- a-saffering was continuon. 44 -your f Amitage, about twil4t or fifsoft;. 6nt; Thos. E.,Kays, secretwY- to'be troup 1 111 0 H Al Sens&- house t- . b . i _1 Fiat" ijrhen 17 0 Le, ter a sft'�An Oscar s wung himself- th _4 fort. �we, like Al other UacL- olf upon, meir bent of Makdfs, had to buy our �xeas�urer, Reaforth, P. ol. tioA feau. �e=i --wh attack last g ev down a j had, under � e name o prew,in . so g arnd _t d Ed in twhil 0 01 a':bioad veranda. f r jhe owe. Pains rz. I and ricady-galvaniz4' 61071en66,01111-ftdi w-Wr 1! about too o cin I it, In 0 so bad I in He led I F r r g to rbMsh, tfi jK one ofithe most distInguished 7imjlles I . - t an Ms 4y to er�cjat thiCK 'turn I Cheam, Jobn -M oind woidd hwile &r- jhe aw a barn: beyond the P &iihdw w"Ots in great mad I age, a, fm; the hor, 7than that Qa�' G -de", LWInthrWl; George D21% limb th I X e e e)�6d. the of the capItal, Nyhom he had �net rh6NVIM fovn�rljuqed in'the Frott F al2ce other FeUb -1r, PCI-AiRd.& Yet it! ey, house, an a6ke uter- 4L yoyng nd--r our own Ihstructioas. I �orth; John lbennewels, Brofts my d id -my t ,wouderful medic tne. 'I got See il iwfte the eye busy. A fter out OtIA itage zury broad 'during the W1 was tavda u wl. notch to rite rn :1 -self. IM- laudsmpe� Tlibm bungalow stood 'on a CA ve hater watififAction than tmost Wire � bu W, knew that we couM makefarbettaG you jwkorhow severa. i le. s gen; 3&q. Elvans, Beechwood. '0 1 Of ORANGE I; t LY/ --haVa ons t T, ans , 1. - j rough knoll "d Tvas so, placed as to 'gentleman of tbl fkmuy, Wh lt.W;l find th buttpr in rny I fe. I hav& Watt, Ha;rlock; J. a McLean, erve Pills 94yertise w. got i i! ox to - suffice to say, bears a conimlobu I Ila C Ut Mord i spleiidl a - wide rcv- at- I IM U je oxes Jj A can d View of ;azowwo have erected is-" Mil t ituar it is. rnyself t �t in going forth; Jag. CDnnoUy, IWOICMA:� try them. I'40ok thr( 'ills WC tave gS tifle from the 1-merican goviamin' ht it. It hrin hast4lied f ars, of ioy e long ver - 9S fid � sledp 'N ithout i D light 00 BA NVIrs Drawing add Galy z4w I $Pelllc e-roulgh i its'praise. now lie dovvA a U. Arn�itage Iraversed th entertalned'a small company of friends; U&P Ing a cap TL_ bum' n can : d rbst1,4%ol, .. I Cal Tiftom- sikU, a �udylnjr! the lands � e and de Vq tl�r�ngat in exist0=0. vue Ft= ca -t Ugh i 11 at % Washington club only a Ifew i --fo lockq Ed. mend them highly o 4 1 Lervouj did run IIAMMOA. Oatu-& 2 feel i Robert 8MR61 Uarl I - tln�a in theftr stretching pine COT - t nights ago, and this plausible ad"n wD 2.10 nOW equipprA to make b Ater LFLY. It -4 ff ers om ,Ar leY, SMZDrth; j&M" CUMWAng, R9,1 down w6rnen." Is. 1 M"Im than has evrer been ti" in, Cariada, Azeaft Wlatki fa 09= DiRMCIN It N a St:'b-tl.,r TOC111 ered ba Ticade of hill. Re was arous. turer wa le was w. mee, nolm"VIUS Price 50 Cent siar) s among ihe guests. --amdT11-18; J. Pe lbon o1r, 3 It% curativ 3� elerne�ntst ad by )scar, Who appeared carry-tw- '9 ,-t �Ignant G. JiTmmt gronAxw- at all d6alers� 0�n i irect cl.: recognized at once by one of he for - fore a m.n * ter the suit cases ` i I r nPrveS, a a 9%, L11V of price, b the ba U Co. eigners present, who'out of co, sidom '"rhere sh I �be breakfast," said tILV n- 1 L11. urdle and MI. _;nd fellow .1(>. tzt f Ell slart. It al naon th,&n_ the r�:,. "IThd Geo. 9 Toronto, tion for* the host guests, held his tongue, but it is uu&rstpod t4rew o0ju He the doors, and they that tids gentleman sought tnit�. q. )are a entered A. - wid h 11 Ivith a bre- 'FER PIC �Tkto W�leh Oscar &opVPd ,t privately and warned him to leave xya�hlagton, whicu accounts !Gr th V -1h 14t tfie sumptuous apartrren fact i Afy r 11 . ts Sold by MoIntyre i Tri, .,Reafor VC V A MI olie U.01-tnelity I -the NeW American In which M . John epouls, sir -a pla(e to eat herc—a 101.*!:1 Armltft�ge, alias Baron von ICIAjel, had en beyond -at f M, batracks ror a eo,a aca rad Im- establ'shed himself were v. c- t ter Pastrk... 'Pro 0 medla6ly. None of those pre on g t at the su ' or will talk of the mat -e- but op 'y C Nah Who started thaL motfi-eaten, bewhiskered a4 fall hat tb e 4., SIP It has been the subject of livet gos J.jj1)fj0 soft W; k whe, g_17 -ro ur should be m d tr I i ! 0416 besiall vrd IM for se�eral days, and the Gent an em- bassT fs said to have -laid' bet )re the ne Xever.� @fp r; a`�.,Mo'n cr �Sgj Se Id A _nv, Then, again, wt N at really. good cook wou 1,Washi gton polic 'ba4 yc kW* kt gO jDT P0111try fansdn&;-mt *Wlsift M* The -ore ask., who W It? e all theinfarmation be crop lbAt knOIN3 no ?Mt i. such a delusion." Once again we a rchlves relating -to the Ai nerican vvu I,, lh=rl to your larin, A0 =tkt *:M- t mo�t evvywbcre to mjkc even a pitUnre it ut 40 Ma �',,Vo r In Its ltry 6UC<V551 Jlly, intl urming , vouluy-mlsinz. fMWZd4yA. vith 11* P adventures of this Impudent scoun- jau tyd * it, apil W sm of a &Ood maUt It r all ard, sun k ��el?ed Owar C, IMM "Wed gate. sbmt in Ca=da it is. You �Mn rjl�e Putj P5 a+ 'ale Way to rollowAw the VM&Mly -it pmats For, coming froi n the heart of the h ,RRAH,,winclsor, Ctnt. 9 is a Won nful f9od-medi_ ru d zAl se. 110% need make nb beavy Itivestment to 12A ou. is t.cluallys busiticss that you owe it to youndfioSe ry qUip"WT11. ,Von don't -bm-c to Wheat, flor bread unbeatable, for past -peerless—b hol FJVE':� hazel i he horseliam drel." 0, IPA to get 12J10 Aght awa mider the roalutt 4-ralf j )*M need 210 elauT."laq C YL Cor all 19 rouW.,t�=Isog'vm n it ly. Read cvezy word of W I IOU". sud 40 UP)n ItS. ROSES Madam. ready to prove them wrong, WOefiLli y, flong- :in W1 eyed amaze then Armiltage ro8e, dropped the paper sive hg!j1CV 01 your o it on a preetty 144 sale. Not t:� it haid vej k to ages of man - Cine for �,l Into v0od. kud 4 Into th� fir% and,,witb Inis elbow rest- saft wheat, S more Thinkofthes vftuMida F1 1 dre deer a xes. a gred on the mantel shelf, wat,,bed "it. Thi�.18 How Yoii Can Mal e Your Farm *Pasr Be me n starch and le kind, It 1; will mAe 1 the Ing e laughed suddenly an I faced 4rop -is a pei.51 cwd witb u.,ur Constructt'd, -1 ssffl4dnouspro- both Iii �4alffi alpd I t�0114? T. burn. . a R"t �f ilt down Pow and le 4 b7mbator is so deosvrd� 1 f uw & - I I rt�wi it Tbo �;,O tr YGU;a tro3c you IMC1, expedeaw vrith,predise icnowltilge 4,f uw &I lei :j vame ja address on Inj toward age dad ad& ames. Oscar C=&. that it willposi cjvtl) He t about,'hls back to the fl pugbvto vad, It lells 30"1 lb.c X.C.11 trilis Zboul pou try- onditio iset every swtion 4f 4 a 3MU If it's btarch you want 1 7 1 1 This book txplairs ju5t syby 'A"Ife Petrlts$ In- atchp deguy in ally pact of the Colin vibe ad wit delicates C lybaby trong. stood at atten- tters4n IM nit 114tryless Brooder, and I 1:e P't:-1:5S lvay r take hat W k wg at% you to send for. you 2old It 141M -tin 11:3UM I I lit Madam, and nol gluten— CANADA- tion I a conxUlz tion 1.11at pws swcre-,,�. uitlan rnybody's vm b- rein ev tty **vinm of the Dominion.-Utlefs Irom 1 eOPIt' And for ltha'� s"ai in, re-, Wilk �ro n olm old nj the mid- ; v'mt fbfy &oWd not b;tye Ain, pral! rho bw r dt)rt with IM ftc-lcv Jbij WIN ift-gull t starch la chMper and more - C, kes ? and welt 30M WAb a0y Inciba"r buliq your ooakle� gal d +­Vvill' orive the dle of �the room. You Ri bt . . . . . . . . . ttle Money Vill r. fores 1! 6 1 plantiful e-., p_�,Iatoes k i A I I Very Start erptshp ,fre been 03MOWL" "Sha -11 we un- iWe �ftd a Buyir For Your ProdVct I 41.31 )-,)U I., I'd a Clent de J of U'r wdmi *,eftb?y, beo a Ma I I es?" Ofleln 0. Wheaten f I o I Don't im Rine for a U;Ome�'l f0f it$ P1,0 this.1s nct., o k pale, anFihic oirl rosy pack -,T Cash W ft ere if, amter VJ=Mv S&VICe Y04 ga uhtill you 40 lein conten hich Rosts ho, Ifs thf nols UrAfeaurcul 'BIC 11011r.1 �Vuy 151ir"Wrl'y il lsl-;kd for ry ljt�l vely 1, dy �ou viant to �jrf-a buyef wbo P3 f 3MI144111411 R1111 Some lay �You Shl Lll go b F1, 1C -We p3ra-utc to �rd a buy "Tt is. a cnpl- our 16cno; to Tao Irto lbe tv )!)p V�1111 he low *J, app. WITIC55 wby .�WMMM Emma@ S)l said -:h( A er 'd rlch,�,ed blood. tal id'a," said in P Mugu, A �b# -tl rr;*e% =,_1 harges r is the real breadstt�, y6ut FIVI IM R7,CXPvTt to $m.tc.l wl trzion wbalovPr. Youltry fmcs, OM r-rict'; for 9�957� Ly AndM a Wh at Is ever cheeks -an Y�%Ilr -)%�l xM I C 'Ili 'r 0V.-C-3d ­r1, tanitob a el 'bs it I 1,ir ld know il you lived 4)3 is aly-nave qC4M 4 ljaflo� yout a C coluMon-i en5e. added to ,;;r so much Hcher"n kluten -And rIVE RVII-S of th) vock d Me So s you John Armitage. 1A litz-r-C-ugg-My Inc ratsipg, *td %oir afto yor YC ste dily y. cakh- it conta r thsL � I n& i open, what I her ev IF Ze Fort ad "I was striker t9 wake I tplcj�. Get the CIS, r I protein than the jolt wlnb�, ceptio abru e !a we lach It NV ill P, �esllh on the �Bost Payinf_1 Bus.�ness For Yifti, MissiT g en� for M� ca tain ou Get, Free, The Uyllce aYticle. . P in wh i a flou) -s. ICES- I ft I thi vwk involved and the MoneIr r4quired, vo�lfry;j bone 6, f e also, �Vho bad 'The Pecrhss NXay. is the bv�t Lv.4ncro f, I't 40) There ras a or ad P hi*41ke! am And Aid of Exxper�s du -alreddy And'they Livariabl hirkel S t ti�,ed, over- A. bilifics big enough to iratrr5t a _Cup�,.ajist; Any ad�. MOW miles, of page _tptiju very um Of cou�se, Ma&Ltn-,.'y that tan !d d6w a* ard Mmost fulpm fourteen pairsof parjont 11slog pboin t6loolboy of avolage intellizence &40 Sucocodiat IV urc be,Ler thin eyer. Pale fh a clearl�?.. rich i o; t de rin 0 9 LISAL 4JUf i ukrot 1-1 yanir t�ur z A ra. know. the.wonderful breiLdsttfffs lift w! cep boots refflos C utlit )s' b.k;fd if MW Ail% IP r.:u Wt ftm t1b r is not -A rarm in Cow 4ix 0 ITED L t1nd wa ked to the edge 6W not o -a ai i we thojid havo, dora to hop - - - I .booklet. Ince a, de.,p defid. .1 4nd a bad ar 1, the FIVE ROSES barrel. appean. Worked, hin man, and fail '*t youiuy-ralsmg btvaose we did ves I U an ld tttk ,,;,Yy canisoz be iaL�ed for 1 M_ M disposlilon and t pa5trles and the The b aroma g we '! But think of thq' Frould Ted tlisgiaced So se e do" the. st wp i if des. A IMU tq, 10 se! to h Mrt D9, rce;lm Uwr 00 pay bev I flavor; Is thet any ;creel, flowe'd out )f the i vood and emp. WI ter than atly 01herkrop goodics � 11 'keeO, n Ox J.=.,d w lixpps glvo Mr,,J�',t fiftd WMWEG VI-CTOR14 V Cou from ft.. 6f the' the �ged ma !OVU VACQS- 'same yo make compare illth;fliat 0 min ni a, yes? I He was for ;-,a vf y0ar wa-! of f-�l Ml y Stan �r 411� Take an quantities of S40 tenhig, water, Wt oven full of FIVE 1�3 fo 'tied Itself with a 81 very :rush Into the very retty to BIG VAVJ azt ow ah'd be advict is I'D t4uin, -0 C -1,1101t. J; ­t PO V iy, �ther ingredients. avc r"d e-FIGU9 It0t 0 r4P I h' d Vale,. caught Its m ath or womat n condition to loolz �t on a 1 ost wrun FREE Winniper, was and 0 You a you That 1 Armila-ge rin )cd the x �-,13t yo I ;Y 74DU tole M I 4z you req ire ONE FIP7H Jago flung ai ross he de r6lw B specle-1 Z to mn m0l-A �Uqt dul, �Aly 12y; 11came 00-ok agaila . A light suijpell� travellhV o Then, owing t.o ;ts higher zl�sarbfnff r Me bad -colds or pneumonia (Jeal is paper into, Owfire. fo-:, We power, &(on resist 17be 1 �.Va von a 10. _V SES than of '6nore P -`i d6i�ll t -ii y bes- According to repl*ta, LESS OF so- if you wam �nn �ktb 14 pi ance ff0rletl a 6 iort 01 stem i - ..t '11"'e ; C, stary -11130 hlgh, 0scar, but I sl all do ly U. ISUC'.1 jolg I it CISnO!'; Oie wl=le ari;a-ment-Itat givefi� , I —more nutriti; us, 4k 'Culful fiqonsamj im the train as It was Called labor iSprftif S, 611t It Nras roivi In disrepeft, in the Nvin'ter. That (ne first, please." Urm'-� 110M 0.1 Pa try "lour. t! Ar ilieu- its wl ,,a CmA ;�;nz V11 �Au I-), kf:pvr, 22:1 �'LOht tc ji�l rh d �Ithtlr fuel wa P1 1000 The �.Pntents of the'two, trunks Nvere tli�, I a ifost kate of Opee it rvd . I I _d _4.% 1 ayinw)i u, cae_ AM -3 NdAv X a 4- a toun �t 1F - - . Just mix You d mgb and s�-,t aside ro LL- D=Mt�;. om twk. il 171. He allgitted on Lllz� n- and trouble, and ion sear a U -in! awhile before rc Ring, and roll thi FOR Sh'Ll BY A_LL UGGISTS d1sposed of deftly by 0. 0 U you 7t F 11ders, frsdu�ro hfi- Mad;(m, mer than usual., Mr, (finvted.1 One of the bedrooms ZI-08's In -1# t,�: Clist ibuil*nav zr-hotneq a I d&C-As eil 1, usm Xhorcli igb axe." imiltage Stepped name P PE our yl� �sxry trienaff. A_ I I � vr ;iu I this -d:�ior ton and vancc=ver, f ­r it,3 -:� gonv -nien-cn� 40 t -irme I - t ilized, 1% n closet and gw -uts I all Mion. A on Szod loc., Was ul _.. - -C i -twil N6 C#.,� he ji 6ge pla KMg and felt the 'benuttful -Say Ito Brad Clffic* D� vra VZedive rwarupt Inza 11la ak and 0 all'a's BketC11*Bo0d'CL j at oko, 0, "RE Of THE W"03 MLU UR4 hiswe .k. Con'tal 'i - Mck Penny. ery linagluable occasian were ail t, 1111z� vibra e nda Each b.. Good I v a-- X 'N if I -E;' rel I P t­erp -ntwit Rlng- w zl ItiS7; aa 3 i)rou t f6th Th( pe=lor;�'41 venue 1C il;,". sc� r� -0 ak od, ai I ns, aud j 26 wo a; to, OPA 4M PAM f RX), aa the bridge ngt-11 �tn QL We*, Tgren -j +p j 1-