HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-03-11, Page 177 IIIII4 Itit Ik Ariz IIor lower r W e n t I�ere else. "leek or a� i find the I�7 R �wer e y ist MARCH 1: 1910
a ill be al- IVUR I *X1M* F .80UTH'I 13�rltalnj at 11i h 0"W"r; #e-- Mew6i 11lustratiovs in "he way af on- a4d heri2ng them Into one fa% .f�-Cx plaining that we have no., received ju-st hD division. :An iWAOX ON trmz 11" aWrabled upon HINA uAU bou, friend 4
What and orper treatment from Great Brit- that g lambs In Mat 000k. theze the word *eAt 'T forth i 7 e Call tle in IQuo 1011 ab to Aug aul wardourii ain. � On the co&r�"ry, I glyer tbWo to Perhaps am ll came for e I I I &. , dd the lutereat amil in defence It
otir icy China is I "4r- shd* wo really &I 1417 with her fleet Ck of Fan esire to i Wing is 'the nsard we -care to ave -1 � AID# MIS or a, is 0 a 1k, irep uUft 1W, anv cir. Tba fou art t forth to little NOW SeAs in of the year, and in ow ter whole' duty to he Uotbzr Cbu-utr-Y, thZt It Is ht of the sip", deliv ered y Mr. M.- Y. rrej &n s� imite tortb, with eqaal . d p-.o,)P,:7 that we. trons, of - a il� tha. BloLeap # ;he kloa�e o mmoul; du., �Win id *0 b 'r DTeaOaoughts thX,, r6dil e thi's StOck WO al" 011evr-9 she has not Played the pall, ol.. do so, -k t + wo ewaU' jag protected thh--not LbW dUc an the nava wom. 0 Can&& and she, eyerr tiele of China in our store abs everything amd; givIng! oat muchh e Vely W bdpwc 9-r 0 g selves, by de oting every doilar 04 Came ub at le of -,the hunt v:ltb. &t��& 'G4110tiOn Of r= nz which I eltr t 't or tW KCLD,AH (.Q outh guro4 her I Ub lkh& Wues Me greet i Mr. U po fi- I _o t F me refer for a mo mea w� can ralse 3o the development ef th.-K nat mhandlise und� ord4wy cirsUlastancies, I Ohould Bri1q, ab sA .1 his eye ever his o the amenAment wbich b as been pl a6d. of tis V#=-� e by hoq. 1- lead 26 per cenr's befo�a this Hous by ex Improving arA feel almoaL like apbllozW ag -to Ithe, a.Vembled fl L.1 lAg ur! traffic JAghwayz to -WW rt in a discLs-slon the eader of the'Opposition (Mr. k. L. I-Iouv_ for 4kig reeaWdy )r a.-ctlofi, looked iapo)a Aus- 1 Mina is Oil orl the veryl beist Id pleas- resent wWh boa been &olo,4�i �ed. But! since Aralla 6 beqp ber with BoI I think we CW 4 divide I t In- an4 from the sear -Aboard aft"s Iso M a and embracmi some I very to t1% . parts very properly and JuAly. -T W I pd,
Wo I the. we can lar 4 ma Te nd 0 Llooked upon New Zea- ces. The prices1were e i, e pie 0.41, U4 u aU sue 149 U, ly met With his ap- 111 first place, 'It is� proposed' that o oducts In the British Wark-444 I'llave tha� hpinor t a en nUbavor- land pr Wj but this ENO of - I a begin* with, 9 Canaga, sbould beetow w tbee Mother lie od' ts In Qtx market$ Lt Ue &Y Aftki�� to the UW or utwiis proval - he IpXW upon Canada he Ito that as to ct on makies it poss you rem -to pass tile i t
at at prices W 6. !rowne4 upo*Q&4a4&,. and ordered'heV Country a gift of 141 Ible time, fin the b--,- to; A the lie ilks in ly, reAl enj- siole condltld�a and a IeWt bp �of 7 abiUty, I d not t" I to the pear � iketrucW ber to sall 9, $25,000,000 ; second - jyou have ev,,r k -ac, wn should prov1& rofitible ja" Is by reaso laa- Co0s. Tyv u ume of the ,for her 6" 9 fast" her ahIs ergencr exl4t
Boo, lasts for. this mouth Y. over Emu poor Qm Irdly. i zh�vt Canada i�iplus efta al In Great Britain, W4 Germany, and th t `n Is the bloodlee4 roaking an(Ad I = bit 1�'permltled to neither par at mfortible i of t )I � urk . When I heard should provide co 'St i+,)y sbou�d provide an navy of her own., but w4
over 1 lans could c4sirvnry ad& had ger of war between Gres Britain and veAments for the Immense hordes #f �Iks es, the - salty, Rhodt daflrin to �g ive ofie4ce to conflict. rV auyone, .01at it 6m.e horm.. 8, -it see to me that the auth- I d o so k -e pltbls�Ite of the people. 'gow 1EA1 The : are the -ways I-. wk4ox that! before she she sh au! Id to? the teemIng millions of her pVPw--t in aid Great 7 consider each oe of tbese ro- Il k we could al& w0aw Ao., 1 e uch �neces - inemw of a L k: Whex Evetrything in 1i sh have been a novelist if W*r of Mfs�rriage Licens! pogals, made by our friends oppo3ite, rnore:effecthiely, much more "a to f D"llow thi.6 or I of L. HESk on
i keft y great. na- :L �al�ilng the displa3r' sitj for reviin 8'ales of The has thm, d di Jewell or 'and Optician. Phone tel -y. The lira-, -is that C,al ada ilitemdts as *ell W to our own Utw., I -louse. Ld, this ina r, bowevr.' e0terp JTM not carried tional it 'ep the MAther Couitr Corneour In -g Toni 4 1`04" Lh 8 out SU I Have not Canada,a sho Vd bestow on es� than b presenting her w ft- way feei U14 11"w9u,TA doin�g justice ccessfu from $22,H0,010 'to $2sil 00i- D� - noUghts, which, by -the thme Now, n 0 of I mo f, have th P myself -sons al
certainly to �,r t seeilt *Pre I the 0a# df a looker-on. But On thP- 000. Why, inll that is zmsible,'s uld ar constructed, will, In all probaki A ofd In i6very slir- !to give &I sileagat queEtign we a y of the, world. othk I and,. Great Britain became Canada give to Mae lfeclwr 0ou ry ba obsoleta and Ut for the scrAp be*&,., Dr I. 4 &Te discii�j iing'Is pr the most im- nalized their It* and provo theJr Igagded n a war of self defence or for 'bu: itry w d for whl;OW there Is no suieb sum I if j�th-e ther C SUR ToVtant tbit has me fore Par)ja, tnItegrity andl %p!lghtren . and every any n I , erest of humarlty, or ior pur-, In new- -of this moi ey! If she IT this way', 11 think we shoWid 7orle any �U alo* tio t involves an S c 9006 ko make a si , Confed chaxadUri tia� ere pose V Patbleg were In stress, �W I owy that It al d 11411d. up on this contiuftt awre4 entirely new departure. means 1 the good, . i waft 1i � iroper man 9 Where -4 0 )a nada b&ye come into -4 which- will be y a and- jo'u se of right, then we, should would b& quitte x1ght -ant proper r nitio Olt IeRA Jfts y new policy, Britain even to �U he I IS r] appealed to our syn
inauguration of an eint ever the a join.in help Great _da to glve,�Ler the eo; ual; It It d�es not surpaw.' -the grezb4 zm_e it inCrease4 comp,vation It b* w6ple of other. I7mcessary by Ae )n of our last dollar �nd our should bi the iduty' of nada- to do es� at the reat natloins off Ow. telv- Lines and NT 7osperlty �and influeaw f this icoun- countries, bayej t*Ej Pdt almost IniYar- ties. p] last! W1 n. - s bother omkitry ineed Ulzed: world. A nation that wffi w4WIc try, -hd 5 - aie�d a achmet to ta fr&nt I If there is a it Inez e ly c6me t6 I T But'. is Ae I Ali ) believ that whatsver we do - money I No, as the bos say,',sh-e In Urmony .nd consonance vdth the 4Dj.j rone thinT moia :the Empim.. sho be doneentirdy jn the Wt - the money oll I mother Colored Dress IyeXy gwewt! �bjectiin to I am truly Ch t -Ij iul 1'. is that I am e-51 bas. morj�ey to burn. From' T rho Will. look with
1, have no Cr�, f not in and to theenefit of ca=Aal at=d-point she co -WA 3)tl-7 a ard pleasuTe justly upon ter brlgkkepst
NOTHERme I N- or�s and I �any of the remarks w�kh 'have �been a. Can,=Wan.' Vami pmtd ot Canada, twenty timesver, sud t at Mi pay[ ) t of any,supposed debt which v q the and be!Art swmm . This, r. Speakexr� is Eleg7ant shadeo-4- made by xy hda. trlm# aind and pro of we song; and 1 bxv Sprin Uwe tt 3 Nother Contry. Now the Ides case: why should �'we In ols -H 3use, ambition WD�tfiy of "URg C4ME-9- - . I t' yi - Pleasing Weavr*� I 8' -eling rieighbo, .-TO wis, t the leas! a U.tioa la iw uz that A the n� Wesi Hulzon, Air e nb good has iraded the ppeeebes of ma:hy bon.' vote � the haA. 3,e Thls,'Sir. is, an ambition Wbir-h I a will be' on Lit quently should. Cb:nad�. lu iijbxtake to corgruct earned mor �e -of V Y011.1 y as who has J"It ispoke amid comse me e a opposite, nd #specially the l&b. ., L .�f - wort of our best and : our OTC- he artsan. tle &rmer, L",je of W1- I do not atte;np 0 ma a, she wl ive *a Ilivy lihat will ,tat S go I n 0- not you will resort to inoth- h of the hon. member for North mewhant, and,-thie maufucturer of this beat te and we have tl,.,,e , anex Ver to Y10 a any palitle T rqnt i, :that Canada Js IT6 zorilk way country to fjjj� the mplis4 It. Let ms set ourmives an Lire g tol' acoo ba a. or44it to I m i�lt home and AbroadL
-nd should i Amtry, unfortanstely, msed 11adie be er s favorite r,(s,.ripi;o`1n ular.poWk be has r4Jsed' but tLhere A mat�rlj ily and morally Indbted, even -m" cofferp of Great Deltain I do not to tMs wo14, and Ao -4t to AM TOVV S lm3?- - - . ax -e sorae., thing �dm wsx elther at home e indebted, to Gre Brit we woald be justljl�d In d oing b*t of our lability, ad let us sulphu� ' and P )I;Ls r. which. b� I has be flm ed I "t( of our colle,-flon of or dfor4 to -vrXcb perhaps . I s1rall 1 Tefw or abroA. I or:i not douht that amd thinIc 8proposed donation Is "n Pay- anything of the a:i-Ad biciuse thewe this Oourary, of ours In the Po4bom ffing cioths. pos8ibly to sorn� i -6f 6 Sar- as I prop But at outset, iet Canada'� curis �'�W acquit thems6lves ment hat suPPOSed debt. N:)w Sir, is go necessity 4or It. Now,' let us< ome which xisture has dwUned ber to ae- say I do i iot t with th.0, same Pr me IU to � trea Avees, the save brav- n the habit of proclaiming to the second oroposition, that s c4pY.� nad, ir, it we do this, if eash JL sapai illa concioc, ions, You this qj,.,gt,ojj from , p al �j er has theis and t�c hmIc , :6c�e y my IC raky from tbf-A hqu6e-tov, but I emergerLey exWs. In -to pme of us does his uty, we ueed UoV tific or aven �onsd utiio:�L, A staind�tolilt. givelk Ift vrery coustry of m a �us site m the W oppo may fiever'have i liz 0, thal I I take no second place to �AW ma i In my their ca 'me bon. sentlemeft t, le ourisolves VC-ry much ab#az Technicall �, I knoi 9, v Y ItUb.161bodt 4d. of these lactsi 4 1 an lers"91mey lCulties 4 loyalty to Great Britain, the blir:11-place f n_-r--_ssIty, prove that d eeu Germay &� 4t * I � Lball �mi& ivor I ,w th irty a is 'de a' I s a y 11th t it ils not nun, v' %W 3EY the verybest'sp�ing 1A.11c fair, it is
B. I Ut, Sir, doe and ho nf of iny forefather s exist, azd lit they fd III to, do sa, Whjtsh ve years rage, or
d 1 from, a : gain, $ractical Canadian, I am my humble jjudguwnt, thaft- hole Ibly a Uffle morv, we had a elm- good clothes. � comI sense ly'lor', on. mp to emeav- I am my op on, having bu'r to'' Te" Induuatlorns y poiart 01 T �ew. to Clam t first, laot &'nd all the time case fais to Aii -,-wA. Iliar scare to this. We had tl� vs -
men this ct ind a,,Ivg&rd to the e ainsIti ry . gr e, t Impoirtamce 8;9 CWn tir loud protestationa. of and;It ink -that at the present time Per- gone bo cioely the. sfi,me argumiea;a jwhica A" telt Vroving VM !of thii; subject, It Is- InH( ssary that loyalty, But Ito th, c ther 0ountry. aood'many rnor& are g*j 1: F 9 . th W16 PWU epeaking on t s sub- to -day being used by . hen, gar4ewm 1lat i I They have quot�d from Oe pom-61hing else W i e People in' every cons . 1 uewy should t e ow 'i . t 4iotdo any harm. I say this speechep delliered by 136#%h stxtes- site and noiEwithatamd1nis oil JUA. Lsoll. to know it e�ch fs A aetzed tiow, and should I 3eneve R is tbdlddf� th 'tween Qtr- at all th e, co in our bon. friends oppcosite that 'Men Over a at no, trlDuble.and no war be It -Vear ago,! 6 &E 'the oAly lVai hic thoy can g4that of e trija t;,A v Alan to preacli, "am; is why you see 90"' inaft), more i we ArC eady Indebted to Gme Brit- were delivered for 1= 101. otion aW roi- tn�uy amd, GraWt BrItaba bas Ise I D inng, 'R t 11hAomoticn is tbrot.gh.,th dlecusgun In I'al so as he i=, to ract' political I 11 these yea6. Cc VW aice in d ie C untry, ible INAlament. CoixsequeaAly I teei4dubtri of P� %,nd not--th,& doctrine ain Is rallaci. which caftima be sup purposes =d aU D or th pur n a y fact. As , a Cahadlan I *iarl r peop C� iie crood dresser Pose of I)rInging the B ti h I to- ftary, these two zreat lcoutetrleis kaye e ny discussloi 'on this matter is of Vor! IN futu I of this gmat each�.Sulcic6eding to say t4ait in a material senEK we are a. r6aliz41on!tbat hey k , alot bee4 worked hat4 in hand logeD;er, a*d 1w 9 I igramd Country L de- and win an nott Ini e ted to Gisat Britain Mir any- ke� ina. not lb� fine aqted; -1 s I !�jng up Oejr.navy to stanlard tradi�g wil eaea dtherpeacef ully, Uarments A London' EhgZudl, phy- d to ea -1 with it pengs upon he 4rin and the factory thing, , n, I I no sens js Canada lilept UP bav, I inten ad b while advatieln-
w 4 --or �the battle ti, that Was nee ainj, , pra6tical, c-ommon sense and no upa ntl
ecen7ly .Aelai that ftm 'Cood ji�,Jjj and siciAn xi ed 'to hi for mom than to pro a. 'UrAer sliell tit- '*Athdp01:M-t, akd the quebdion -Wore, thd ship. filial ��ffwtion. rf :1 desired lo y1c1p fmds for that hat , Sir, ces not. a craven and cow- I; I purp)s T A -e th �sl are )c erful House, s0hipped of all superfluity, may Inot teatty every speech Ink I t*1 ild do n t thl- go�d'clothe tablist that point, I�thi jeqE, and I * - respecro A ag for bon. -geattema as tne o op- be, rei lucel to a very I Wn, prietical, honl ntlemot a 611, site profess disap- jew words '11lich lei e emerg ency pps to meotail and r�ot, i:1 -and t h aq 1by p':an(l owu this- a tor frorn It has been J�eallzed. going 0 91 easlly� understood propqisltion 'In the poi it Ut WA!t ovisions of . the t1je. i. -member for, Jacques barterL has passed 6*tr, the pea, Is to iore, ID whining that Great BrItain Is Io0d the OPPOISIU011 Propose beloto A ube, on theiground -of b e that th�, wtarl first PISCEL, tbat bill exhats In ! A 4, mind$ of a sw n -allowed
4k) In the concluding part of and now Onl by � Ger� hens clolh�s.., 46odid. effect a,. lWge.lum.46f moI donalteki � to �1 ive Nss In this House. I underataW holi. igentlemb But 1i opposite Ift rrian* Thl at any rate, s a specAw $ 3 IGr' a Dr tain fo'r-- ghe arpose bf en- that It doe, ia o far enougb� 1, that t a-hon',gentleman id the lepvl.o Speak�er, who, Is th the 7 Uve sdaght ot 16yalty khlclt we an thla side of on the- 't' a A me4al- ca�- ab4i g te - to Improve i id extend her too, 01 UL I am a9re0- er of be Conservative, party of . the to how t�� Great has reaRy the --Uouse 6 not protess. :nsly-Gre t lap 1k �,for, I am -free W':' C,),u it e �roilnce of uebec; I 0 he to alt Britain , o -oatinue the ably di to pac th' I The afraid off -Atraid )f Germ any. 1 i expense and the respons bility of the �I d bai P a ling6ril'19 fear, ls. a. ulty'leader of bon. oEntlmen Why should �he jbe a,Vali � i if Germi Lny I Terth Xotetl. a n m .0 h'ad Ifo,und n wal Pro tection of- Dwr is da, and the 114 I mi "'hit s ex p oieza it, that the Gov- I er oppost o'long as he Is thir lead- Are not the ties of 'kinal ip s well ae --Wn SIlields bais sold W.'s b�Lkerry
Wou k a s� this H e ir one- r wl Lich 'We e Great Brtaih ernmenp rse tq qom�' ..,er, thi are responsible for his utter- f commerce� ii ell to Vred McClack- thi -fact:adt jhe d c againgt w such pro �Pamying uut giv ,t& to;be expo-nded In that- Gum1try J�r the.' thlit the 6oufilry- �ance I Ul they sepudiale his leader- position 9 lin, 1 Mr. S4ields bas aweVted. pe- at s L19W& ml it �diat of Is !not Great ain orle jo�f i( n, o thi' i dc,tor 'b, ifiefit 61 8 and requirT41i t they -Germany's v�ry --,qus Inetra I Ire not xtio In Tpronto. t! I - - ship. have not #eard s y M Onq of, r* ey I Marto --- ood wa 1madO,-, ano -if itluaA, �Oa tle the illi W-nirb,- I U-4nik,cOtAld have ideavored in a4y sense so Germany one of reat iww olvmed Greenw
Lot I'k-eness 'Of- reat I Wn7s ' verY by John
C o 4i of the GovA,:rnme*t 19 that be profta1,,$ devoted to devielop. tq. rep ate his lead4rship, and I be t lon'of Logan, gave birth b catome I's V Why tb ggiould Gter- L conae4s an) the. 3." Ing t44' latfAi t rk 8ourceis f the couni- D moqnx of-mmey be, devoted �y r test cus- 3, 1jiree calve thIn1K h3ay dare mat do It;, consequent any desire to estr�y lavkek two of lur low -P ixn o I estatil [shm a. it: or er, ection try,, I tber that it is a for -A are respo tolner I it I i 'aeM that Gei n-0 e d, truffifttle44 oi iis st a tent to "O' e 17 t nsfible. for h s ex- m rma'r Y Is whI* are dpirAg well. "-'y ''of -Cwwdian n6ivy for tunate �thip have Pr as s ' �J r of bb, n u a pir la that we e I-. I. In this �Iousf, amd epeh&e rapidly ilicrelsing her ;na-vy. Th i:t Is ! -The ot er eveni.&.Z. Balfour� p e hose doubts this� Spring b�:btjving ew the V ot lon�!! of o r 01 v, I -sho r, thus in po-�Iqr time a Gp-VernnwUt, 4 itchell, .you can d.is as Mr political , leader. quite true I at -it is �af ce 3sary that I -croa�lng tbe t�eljev lijig Great BrI ta an kly.a. PrImb Minister, 'lid silt �hould' Ulcre'se�:4-er navy just t and "broke a ome and see No-% 31i,,, I -,would like to 'b., In he he sheepped Into a bolp and never-fai r tpnic. I ao respiclsibilfty f lm� 'Plaval. pro- 0 witii7jt1:' D, and courag� to re- mtuds'Df hon. igerdlbme'n, opposite down. same as it Is Fix, inez, small bone. In his 'le just above�tbo
necasss;ry for But be sure -and buy are a tertio n of this" coup try, a ad this Imoney 1� sl.Ett ft i I: I od clothestia� c�lothes� wa�lqt, jlr4gotsm which seems 90 from 01 realm"of pure sentipaMt la r �ku!�trla, Car Japan, r other sur- bstyle features to be expi ind4d tn c ur a V ra counI iry for to be passillwifft 0 r ,the country, and to which sbme of,,the-n so much de ht rounding countries to do so.. She .waii L. Scott,'of the firm of 3. W. e Fec ;t It of -Caradl4n ship. builders 0 do ��n e and foolish thing to dw I 'day obliged by t�at necessity it, ri, bankers, f . Listowgf, - epressing lig e-nef refuse I 1:0 do K and and Wtid also .110 ich tberw4rd t Le seleci �ecb;', in� t les. I I faxlti$ r the pose �wh ;he peoplo mi.gblt re- ta4tS. This st i will help you to will I waso5t.for the purpose of was, t f I %can do this, th(y jarments have: tq I mftrr in Plisadena, Callformia, of bu Ildir. g up a. aTv r -shipb ikIding gret f WaIR3 f 0 come. NO Pert- fifid t 't Canada hEo,�,never received war with Great Britain Lef me tell "hastily. Study d, to Wss Caara LWevtv, Vt Don't choost. le carefull a, i.i e ini vs try In CanacU w! 11 Dh will I i Ive ads we r or g more api sty 1! k ep 13��eb. 221n each son Ipoaed ne d -lair: from Orew� Britain f or u that th�. k not a fool- Germans i x 0 mind yo a e figure and -calling. very s e At .6w, n is cry p141 yme �t to tho L sxn� 6 of our4oik-, in to mill' I Am. And I think which a ie' has not given a go A -bI9 ish people, the tGerma; are -not -Mr. James Jack,son hais,,sold his 16 in1l V opls' and mUrAe the homil", mar- it IdGEIS not 21 for t4e Christ -lain dollar j worth in rturn. It may be Deople foolish enough, K, Ite off' tbeir gcre- farm har M-itebell, on the Ful-. 6r samples are filled the� correct—abs Dlu' -ely correct—but o ne particular tylb a be y k-0; for- 0 'r Urinerg I. an - Manuf PXA urers� civilization �weentlgt:L d t cent ary said) I ilt has been' said �ji tbJ4 -their ' os. They are '.-zton road, to Mr, Rdbeit Gumraaw. nbse to spite raim VV House: Mat Great Britain lurnishes am int-elli-gent hard b e L fruga), en them. much more iitable tct you than any" 'of the ot hers 'I lit is quitb' proper4ht I 'shoupj -say hen -the vll�ed. nations of the gan Md 'takes WT. r $12,500, 4 th-vt 6uT !10'v -e, Ifor'and davoticqi Ito the warld m4nolt'coui� �tagelther and agree us *,ju' best market' for our a-arplus terp, abldng people nd rlsin�g, lw Mrn faTra In Logan -as part try Is eatilrely 4oh$meInd bn I 06, e mqjri *61th)r Cbun *1 110n&I B:Ad, seugible, proautJ4,. Tht-Is quite trae, �at it is hey know too �Welf upon which ilde 4�j 01A to: r $7,900. 9ble Fll� -.oton,'! I am. a 'is meah'S f Seltlfi4 their dibutes tha;n al A f equall �r true that thlsl�.Is a X4tjLal ob", t -hp —PRICES— ir bread 4s bdttered,� to. ln§tlgate, a �Goeorge Sumnet, a xvzldeU-t ot Mflz� Iumaim Ill waEting' tit i )on February 29h aged '-$a I one Of Oe obledt trai inor-ey in armamenU ligwtii because GrbAt Britdin. re wax with Great k tpin or, witli any died ALP*s Wanted , natuxe 1) afte, �,ion de- -De(easgof ut 'filial IdNorced and th �.jr efOrt, I killIng one andth- quirer ur prodaets i 6st a,s much as. dth;pr comitry that the. 7 aTe so
a re=tdent of Do,, from self preservait On (es not rk er- E t wq 4ni LE 'take conlitions , as we me lu ire hmer marke And ..-she' bas &ndMt upon as hey ar 3, de�pendent up- gian- for mf ny years, but on yer�i gyreat d a Is tb Ito a 6 Is the. boy, we firu I )them,* I we fint that the -ev -us he, f -Grealt DrItain 0 the VirtseAlt time. fim-A the- f*m became, a rqsIdwt---.0' -er gLven
ractlon a c-en't on
t the 3oung man, w Ach mak, best nation., o f th� 6rld have not Yet more 'or ur produots 0 4r o Lt.? apples, q%M is a word, that I would Me to t a jmd Cal 07.950, 010 12' �1' 15 gif tis x batter, oiir ;bacon,, our Say herp it Ite House wi I pa-�do a me -The at ier day a caet use of hit oppoll.tu We I 'the Ideal �our cm%�se, ou Irow late -s- -very whio-h bad beeA placed with whiph he haE beea endo and p o ibnij, t, t .Cani sktk, their di bullo( ur cerealsV i6n Ehe could for a soet',digreosion. I was' the vhoppbr who shDNos &!ffispopiltioilt to c e oult putes Oonal ao I sensible iffUtItl for elsewhere, or because thy Much pie a;t the Uiteh,ell flour- mills the jd&7 an ased and- d at th a I to paddle W13. h14 cwn fuft* n is 0 basis Wi i�amer wb',c'h wo41d were -awy she timain which thp Min- before burt Into several pieces, it iriadian, On The camtj w"', 1, . ithe be, to tabe who Is jalways diareot to' a �e bitegTit y ad char y, for yeaxs, malntabapA later of Fi-aee (W P has r imistentl r, P.e ga VP- to 'two, feet diaraeter and trav,&W4vig at mdtber's illelirt.." Aad,7S.r, If Canada a0ter f bd roll in6e, f h century- n 't this'country a baxtrier to our the House tha,,othe;r-.d-&,y, t th(. lit- nearly 2,000 revolutions per m1n. to tak�e ad,�antage Until such-W171A must meet shoa s- a Idispositio . �j cam we III s Ioi & -going Into her mark ets. Now -tie commercial war W) bad bee�n uta., T-her�� appea-rs to vt be. ha; _U P of 1the g+�eat: privi" I which firrtherr.' And I remen ber I go nat blame her for this, In xistence between a and Ger- fl h aw in c"Ung And when It gave been pjwl,e� We.to "Cio'n !�w that,, I i -in the"p In ,bar way of ithe, �grat am i If shq coAsiders such a poR r th� moaly for a been losed way .6 Nere hurUd aigainst bave cohdtti Dns E MY judg- few Ymr ges WIUL ishe melit, tij i,. �s come In the history Initeri ;t s of her own people ob e up -and thel, a t�ruce I been Pro- be Iron ebaing with ouch foree tba-- natigal advanta, which the 9�e j 0M bas U I has beeit.end.6we ...p�nd Ishe shows a of ican ada wUPp St is recem ary that we. peife4 ; right to �ursue that'pclicy,'and cl-aImed, I was jiot le. so r�ucfi some of them pasaed throagh It,i while fitting dispicalt1dr, td of her . f and' �houjd makesonle, eparation to wp- hi re noI,:.;h,'� to complain. But what on accowit of rap] - ement in the others tore the spout leadini- away from !� !gar the impi WhWt Is 3. in er -he -( Ments f ut s this, t4at Gre4 commercial rel. Would the choppe* into pie ce-3. Fort". ately - nlo Ido r*1 j a lid 11 as rAieeIt' 1, 4,uh the c6untry I wal I �tions U at �tha�
�.i a Po 0 c dir lot own 14n%relbt: sinie W Md ' Ao' in th%) dir Dri% opts the pollcy wNeh she Ial 4 adan- one was hurt. accomplish, or the cominem think In �C ads -On Wedn-esday of laA week, -as A-- hat which is mmt �ly to' :In the! S11 a thte does come consli e in the Juterftt of *r owAl tages that might ccrale to �C the history of fl oat vexy country irrespective of the rewAs - s which fro 'I estecm and, eonfid. e f the peo M poem—The LadleW AM Of- m �(opl, m that, although j have do, doubt Hill Co. were PmpaTbig to vred -s of Great Britain and every r�4ftar ' nd, it,c)mes to a W smokestack at. the YAtchell: wool. �4 every it Ms. 7 4ave upon ctaz�da ; w d so I thy will be verV, op siderable, out I -ae in inany were rai-ging, a :scaffold �Yterlau chure ar-- baghftw. coun try. lesser exte4t; eth to m anielpalit pect, as well a-.
Amtions for tlie say I I that think it will have a Axon.- tendency len �mill, al k a be heid ort the usuga 411ft- I -was arr to A6 vhpJther,l por &fiIllagE or a town other spects, we� pbould * fol bow her to encoliTage iramigraticn and 01arm" e K:amp 11) - o Ge many polo, a � y rope 11pped tk 1z the basemen�t, of thaf YOR cons,,louly or unning one for the pur- -am It has always �ftn. said In to Uanadu and e caniot g -et; a etter one of the employees � -in Ahe p ample a 10 Ithro igh nearl every f ech,.: o! hon.' A good time a order this I c use and througbo t' jj�mlar�ntz jr �r4 dile =7 co uv-trY we ' n mi U, lio wAs a -8 jzt In, jift-
an a good two y of a L �tn.- peace aud Lit the press f class a pose osit orld -e from Ger -he pole, was seriously Inja;ed. It of Uinada and of -- xnax[J n town,9'rows to j P Oome. a lag, popujous natid al enterprises aTe carrIA on by many. has been jpxq�vid . in, this is n�a kno,j�a, whether be Wa-S :a t�ruci�c tal. That Is country time and -Al 'be rope or whether the sud &1n in- b, no. nd Ii fluanxll Ity, a wbole regiment meani, of BrI ISome lion. M]�M us a tih capi me'azlaln,-�and any by t, gentleme opposit dep*6catory within th �UM; it ality ost of ow,' Zreat in th,� w Ingit
�re� Wonafsed, : W I I I : 1 i t w1hen that this 11 Dantry that.m hax. w Pat!41ckla tree,' for tjiW -.;.. - R �0 IIn selfth rs In se ef t K Y. MOL �AX es-; wl�l wine had of po1WemebLj&ic'Xeqq1rad. So lit is quite true; bt It Is equally true that of us who 'bave Germ cm4t strh COMIng 4DU him we wed one Altem,les kno iv w vs the eause, athel. 11,*e never borro dollarS our ho luable Itrunng I -staited here, ov and over algain'. with 1�- I may i allowed but bA- toll zu I CkyuPle Pass-Away�-Sejftj* that.Ca lans hayerot the atiflity nor to us� the �Xpt e osion, Qaja Wa has 9W- from qreat Britain for which we have -these *ettlers ire in tl citie4, t owns, t an w a nA was found to be paralyzed
I0 nq er e rom, e ne ndt q ItOn lier the b*hest . current villgpeis wid communitli S4 Ili W froin ar of the of au 0 the k t6 consti act Ll ieIr o i ships. own gje 0 itbey shoulders downwar4s. i. HAI 11tial city ralts i?A Interest and the very! best se- live 11 -hr h t i1nee; w1thoat td-- S. -VW, : I We - h h Au this F ro
RX cut off so: close wther- Aral held ip el�o t i and Whn 9 ou Smltl,4 wbo bas bftp, ently it Is neces Of emi5d resident of St. Marys Ibe- dtae, and S. sary It -is equally true tiat she any are ezu
dtbet.evidence, ,T� ,am In -
of Mr. and IAs a s 9. ght an( pht j4g exa nple I pnri. ime law- ir of thIs lac4afty. Thor- has CIer loaned d ll�r .'upwv duitrious, well dohng, tany -died at. -his home In U*- Icause s hap, sp A b i m to that §ome I on shoul be made q y an*- L - UL3 -e 't B*t--I such s s ira� lie t�eT than abiding1people, a714 we'e nnot;Vel Can- north waj on Fieb 2vth, Jai his slot
111jiff for some tiAne., Grealt B Itain aInd 100�s to Gre I 'bw roposed. I would noit laCke or more favi is' ap- e n s ointed, In fact pos- s -nith was born;lu Enx- ew, a ts a I C sbips. have he as lamed _to c�aasz than flu ra:'ng c4:10114 - . f� bav ot
ITH st cil 1i magnificent: range 0 &1n -to c . stract J ier w untrl6s. a0a populated with a I yes!r. Mr. iSA heard, in 'a Mo i I 5t evel,-y:,speech from B I Sir, the ost o tion I the G��&n peal ome lano man-ofi-war In dem name was Susan lfodgotri h ibl:Yf wo 661d ve,,been rather pleas- !me We fin l third re aniendment, is seasoq. d t so eas a e, showing thi Lbe a(m wr. Feame to St Nfarya the�- great beyond as w. r I I I -11 1 tht 0 nment ha I seerlj fit I buve gver beard m part at tw the opposite aide At 71ble House at,� ed,: 1 4. e all than that 14-e a: av, r of about f 7fRT46 ago r -tas�e )f —n was In
Yea � a. 11 m serve a d 1 oi ers to -atract from -t bon- Eo opt Hou Is that she has proteic our that Chnada should pro 9, and onths and to meet the fancy and c tempts niade e er P or &and ,which Is But f0`110wing morninS the buo ilue, to I he rilit -whic P ure Is 'not from h;vasion -by for Ign foqs- hbro*n, but(before sle Ioes 'soshould the j -Y dbpart!nent of �y, no confusion. Yott'llfind t easy clun fie enit fei 4ce betvrelm, . them to Xo`W in the - memory of 111v - take 4 pleblecite of the peo, o and Compi,-afs store for a tirne Sg�re -r shores been even like c0-ds1sUucy,. but 3 AA st#e with the 14ts dou pts . baye be juKtIf. diVe �ce f obbilon, a both Ing a!k ou
away bein -8: 14 WIK trouble, no del bon, th� a4er of 01s;I Hou, (Sir suf , g In his fp I 1 from a stock. 4e ours. just now o�r,stor I floo 1,-� Wilfrld Laurfer.) Itten. eA i x lia there yep-,rs IaUr, I company in principle. ithrei I �ened by a %tpreign toe I The only Is no;couslApeaef lb tho n ums, be open�d a grocery �Y af terpown, services b -Ont. t a Iga-In, to sho,;4 al* - V 7aidtl4il e same de time and Ime ma er Is wb a1t was eii by'Ite leader Of I he o a. b st Metinodist church, InWweew, that he i "ry, that BUV I lbellete Jj L 'Oaklng this provision, occas dii, I remem I on I hleh bp- coAfteted tL41 s dWoy to I a -count ould, as the Fe,dian Raid, and that this ainelidment. He I ri nIhe bss t etrayed tie Itr a kno'y 5 utte illng bo cran!) 001C MMAWi 5ti WhIC4 Wa we dnce on a mod%t scale ..................... 'Inspired by an All the View Shap( reposed fn him "if the p000U, ancl ,9U as tho A Y iernment- proposes, and was for Can- the -very And. sad dftth -ae- Beschwood Ithat he is not a;ct ng I 1 cood 1.#th with, :tbut �-we qbioul( L low. t �e enterpilse' aa, b it by ja dislike for G at Brit- people! oi iiis .ountr5, a 1v- turred !t LIstowel on 1�andzy erter� to a 7011nSWjt All the L'%ew Designs a -Ad, t6gibw In ittv Lem as, --he country ail', 34 cause she Tded certain en to Orest Britain risht Teel, noon, whdsi Andrew adon, the peor l, and sc on tj id iso - .; I b rti a of her subjects the r -ghts and without �6 -wod., orr tk�e I bene it and, scin of N Ilastly, that be s Intro Iucing... .%poilcy In dtim: .0 I and Wxs. W. Mason, W11 �h-, power wealh wnA 0 Xy with U1 --(g L. 1101lan& pj�nX I hat what we privi e;es which they thought, and advaribemen of the Peeoo�a Of. that dead h yneh bas returXted home ato orsi which I �imply Ithe th n end Ithrlu, nee. �Als( w b attending the funeral 4e4 a �0 d ON whic i I think, the CoUtitry. -But, Sir, whim ift 1poraa to friend ot Fairiew oemetery. The Ibe Emp e) should 9 a, week w1th b1s, sWel* wedge d�sruption. of tltl� to. The last devotI4 a- smallet emn �'f m6ne to youftg rn ws sttniding near -4-uo si �Eizd bhould k"* alonir mqmber-I thlA t was b' : . aln, jentirely
(ne iander the clirectl y
U1 the New Co:. t17 bon:. c o7n ten t I -1 It f And -w Reynolft in 011nitom that 11-ne tat I shall refer to Is that the d�ireloptnadt 9f the fmantifexturlag grave, wfth a companion, slightly ln� mer4ber forr aye (W. un 6 of Can e jr�. �wha has bem she i : p our eommmce- org u co Erj for! th,� par - ftotxt Am. Tho- latter bappened to' �vel at Indeed not for two mortal hours I 011ou j-ATr 14 �r 1001k aXDU id, and noticed that tbz grippe," Is able to be JP4 ;h seas., That s also quite true, pose of J4. ke to e In ,y the I I ggs and- Dried Apples— 4SDiter -Algbt, and at least 611116- Of Butter 16 zi� w s ry 01—Mrs. Joe. Cana -Ing I htwn : but I ig �equa,Uy tue that oky pro- ton, for K-tio 0 x had fullen. Defore au)4,VnV,- cn-TA pee% was evoted i I of Kip apmt a NW his s o -th6t sort of WaY ntan 46r mixed up with old to ot w1ilch be 'done the prostratte man bad. dr -awn 5 I&I 4! what I tectl ii L 'she has afforded Canada our shores, 'Ie I
home of 'their brother, W� thing. 91r, the n a nd mmory ot *00M ItT -W I I rme bright MeWi -V1 ckna& a in 1n fl k t way Am I em purely inclde�t. mona3� will be exvmt ed in this coun- a few ghaps and ex I e
0�. of this P, Wflfrld Lauller red Teh INA wu Sir a and aeon In. the ni -he, arts and tble; t, osittloit,! If e"M4, at RTItalln. 11AS Protected ber o,*m breWd- try t�fteii forsooth, w,, must go to the placedd In a catter =d con- burg ama stuf i s ofid she has aft6rded * to Canaft cotintry and ask ,for t ie 3onsent of the reyed to the Parents, home � wNere *1end Tom Is wearlmil Ji People of T JudZe. the hurriedlyj sammori,ed doeto� pean-Aum, CLO G 0 ffed" of the le ' .2 a war WhIcIX, we .a- I shoul I V atur the in t0at, repect thp- same !protection VeoP,� As fox as atu aft &Mora6ble, jjkMj d1d .1t We juffdtk�c& righteous- Cb*&9) a!ftd are no US, coftvhw*d of that s W US atfai" to cither! counbl-le zlmwt of my bim, end wah)--mov- lif4 Death, it 'IS thoufjit. was !ber (W AL Iand: Isbre baa j aff. sat nt Ap from -wb1ch 4 010PIT for Ae Iy ffiit�� doe to hp#t rouble.� -the deceasO ws IWe iii-ve nUo bad a t 14111a word. -this M ttd stand aloof, as we r tng In the -s'MT lambs of the flock In his 2T year. r up :., Vi these breadstuffs. do not ive 0 � is's-bowin Greati have done itin oebaOorg, and act dra aced bef ort pletore A All .1-