HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-02-04, Page 6X T
i- lk 4
EB_n y
UA at
k�o it
k�o it
e had cm hoi 1624
or Ing
to the Abstrian
d ngs
was At during ftis s f t firty44"Irrthi; AIIIISURI C
0490,1 Thl *nor
ek thfa flist iddra
G In Wa �%�
t1mvf the Sharehol
"The-, Id, wan�s deuth14! qly-
and a V W bw,. born
e requlie a z
the s0bi =,La. - - Z - ominln Bank *ai� Gon4erl 51 eetingof The 1)
WI ssLug, TlckUngSensst.
sday. 26th Januuy, arc
tre three, -to'be anticit. rot *4 tAe Van$ Of 4C "ea. -
mot 01
sour, institution Toro
qu tiiin In The Thr�at.
h )(a! i I i
less. we sh I
Aindrix t
the i am'aining two ebu be b�omi 1:174951T it w
Wig-- At, etin, E. B. Onler. M
tk :pl as 8tr&0iT1`l s. Carx
Is! (4a, aig owl yloy J utherg, A. Mr. lt ert ifaePhee, Mgnecth Minei,
me othow 96 in. Cracker, 1-1. B, Hod no, Wl. 1, Brock, WnL
y X. Rey- 1908, 1 clu&t, ARM �q�4j�,t eff rt
0 dooeu,
ra I Ferry j, C. Walker, Dr. andrew SmItt-1, JJavlul IL'dd (1-lamilton), C. Batonj A. Sion
ater, and had a
hal ends on tho �IRY you lo6k, working in W tail
rt, Aemilitis Bajdwin, A. Foulds. Andrew Semple, J. H.
d Logy,
He 1�1 vwleffl dead_
st arry), W Nartip, X.C. (I muton N.S., Wri M
It U, sbom7t; Ora
bold by
b 'kit3ah-
I-ou , Fl i. A, Job,, S tj T. (:,1. Lee, W. G. Cassels, Col. Sir H. I& Pellatt, J�
b 6,
H. Edwaz as, V E -`W IAngley, W. bad cough and that ciztres�izg_ 71 '%'. 0. vrput ith
d Gunn, R. Christie,
her, W. H. R owltio, J,
u Ad ggar at Viepi a. it s e Gordon Jon %B. #iiSk bbuf lak ing F. Ross, Wzr. Davies, Jas, Matthews, Tra
vleming 4en"tion in my throat
0tvpMg eltou way of- ple. They�11. to be rul' Httrvrood. Barlow Cumberland, �Capt.
Standish, L". H. Raldwz. S, Samuel I but G
-nee. J. B. Fringles. X.
as" T 0 oip, B *well
you OMPOI wem so V ary sore
-1yll J. Maclennan,
S#U W A* V1499bft IWO The - ple, i i,, I -, 1� , Q�, , � .. "i" - 4! IN-% I . as. Scott, A mulbolla I - i could not isleep at n1glit, and =y 1UW
7 W. Paterson R. UA tx ny
had to give up work -
for qrw:y .
Do- ovem-C *ed w1d in 6 1 F., 334viaso'-4 J; W. E: "�V WIllco:r (Whitby), WM, A.'111"k. jr4* 3XI
We,, a;nd wy before fools. r1l I i
Sy Into havvi rd_M� Tb
ex3a Ile For: T. §mall, J Harris, H. but it iW 11 V 4 1?
A&n U. Our doetAir gave me medicine
youn atout Wall Tile 9 P �ful and TF ethune, and- o i
YOU bad � : -
zrehold6rA! me no go4d so 1 -got a bottle of Dr.'Tioa's
-Jhe R t of the Direetors to tho Sh ar- d
Whc m Lrmitage hhd nev� before, The Aecretary refM
-tiods 4l,
the Ban',; wh-lich Is me mol-
Ul AM Yea anu —re I exit Of e affairs of
�u wa A 6 C14se siabmitted the Norway Pine Syrup and by the time 1:
He wa i a decided PIG# W and
.,dn -wo bottles -%Ka had Use(
W ly gre - U*i- d D1 the - I , t I -was entirely F L U., and beard a'ad �of 1#W11 b6
1-4011111641 mo" ft the ftw0olderal:
blGwod w posite- ll�m always rpeommeading it -JAM, It d.*Rug -hair. c
ult of this ed. 11
t f lthel'r e door, S21, Ch(LUVeD0- The Directors beg to present the Coll
its twy b and fmingi t
cta. :E were d#- busineso of th-e Bank ror the yea ending 31qt
-On* tho table 'between 1
d d $zo?, 06 08 s Norway Pine Syrup owa-
-6 Me# K! Vho= Dr.
rtd 33alaws of Profit and t, 31 st Dec. 1908- woos Accoun
jrZib*d - ltA canten andiliquieug gla' 38
-wife was co do to
Iuva receivua on law Capital, Stock. bines the poten, healing virtues of the
n4ber OV17. ilF71 -at I otog -to- te. t for the ye�w eding 31st December, 190),
s o manage Norway ine tree with other absorbea4
-for 6
evecL Id tilled glass V"Ieduct4n.- hal"ge r milexit, etc., P-nd B.S. C -*M -
'PC making
bact i �E d doubtfull debts ... ....
na z�nd prow t expectoont aud sonathing V-edliciaw
rdom or
-a to �oe 141AP o�:� in 61d,, AAA the beg doe,
ilLilly 0'-w begi 'toward a birasS
C Lt 'r$ fidd .1'
PM * 11 _ MUt 4942,191 20 "it F
tai- , - '0 - -tug ilssbadlutely bm%�-
'Mi: ft ag fi*m' -the c, Mat , i W ;% me
11,-18 bepa ent1re, rr( 0 a totat. of rewgni worth, and I
411t 111 - pr4baNy' JuOt 4 Which h" been posed of as f o 110W
im, pra� npt =d safe for the eurs'
11L =a I
vidend 8 por
1st Aprill,'190-9
troubles PARX AMD lawl3maw $11[9,U4
'the. ott, 119,500- 59
0WX ar� J11T4ere's cwa&, I )d&, Bronlebitis, C--Gup, _0f*
Alk 10dend 3 per cent.,.l d 2nd July, 1909 ... ... ... ...
119,611 00
OW vioend s per icent.,, Y A ist 06tober, 1909 ... _%L
119,631 74
vifiepid s peir cent., p ble 3rd Jahlimry,, 191) ...
aS 19,263 38 496,424
T Pain or'T_i&tuen in the Ce4,
broat Treubles.
-Reserl el and all I idLung
sferred to Meserl el und ... ......... .. ;45 Beware of imitatiotis of Dr. WOO&# j I
00 0 Wal
fed b" 0"A 15010
Thos. 31 W.- -ymp. Or it and Litten off Bank Pr iniseo ...
Norway Pine 6
YOW ftknoa of Profit and Taoss Carried o r ward .. ....... 0" indist on: geUing what YOU ask for
put up i a yellow wrapper, throe pin
kn3f F -$Al
I wavml� t
F UND trees tMde, mark, an:d the -price
uh,-wei% -1 kvdU- .1chitz, Crop, COU -Taber, 1008 ... ftxforift;- Jobit Be AaAame at credit of t(count, 31k Decle gra,
by 18,268 381
SAN. Evans, *eawow; 0h Sold "d
ceft I ey baxit. wred frora t t and Loss Account ...
61 Tranef Anol her Operafton,
Id e&
_Brarlix* i L yLanuf 3,ctured only by The ak Roberts. untold 01001000 00 mood bi
GSL yo -
omnolly, aew� eb I I f1B=%1eL tr a-, �d -my Toronto, Ont. na�at house, 1
VCR"". News NOUA. a; in � only Your dirioctors have pleasuro-th reportIng that since tl�e aff a,.r *t, and JE bhol
iial rneet ents of aim is fin atuz
=edi 1 almost as Wit were 14st plamd before you at rna ng or r
AR, 0 3 the the sha
Df, Winn' �a
—Hu'911 licKenzies all dep�Lrtrxi
Robat alufft has been a steady e.2eveiopmept in ontiarLo Vetatt*- Vmduate ot imiliw bur
rydis X. Tli-A ham -'s Sanuary, MO 'E;
cured Its busin4as as i; evi lanced by the fitatenlent ubmitted. to PS AU dhwazee of Dumlc�,'*
During al� considirible period of the year son -p difficul'Y wP-8 P
maaryv is Cd*p6und Letel "XILUt as
90 $ Fbi r t,
ut au o V. in fully employing t w Bank!s funds at a result "Juals; tmated. Cills prOWUY Aubu 1AxV2 It(
3&=WM foreig misgon IkId In o
of improving trade c) ditions and- the harves cro modezrate. 'Vet -
ed 3 md
thpWre is
&gout and ELF.D.
ernand for legitima A! banking accommodati 11 has Hurdle and, J�hu 110e ftrs of silecess overy,reason to expact ,A, prosperous curreni *Ycatr. : ; � I 'Of tA
He WM JU9WSSL!0Pf1' :fteld on Goderich 9traft,409
out the N. Fink. iiew brar.clies have be Following the'polley of conservative ex-Dnsloa
i0ioni Woft of Dr�
-win nael-re, T&I mainr this opiable:A *tmd t4 c:ure de '021cei established In Idipoitant Western centres, �vnd at utlier points in Cana Jo(m eat, t
L nAW where It appe red -4 Ivantageous, to do go.
he ye C
:—At ictoria. a u
Don�ad C4NUVW Offices �were ope) ted during t ar as foll,),Ws
Tbe, 01 Sa�katchewan,,at Ort ernsey, Hanley. 4Melville, 11-TOOSO Jaw and
I b-Ardwo
i�ndsor, T.. IL
.10M tim MAyor of iver; d tltc� curner of Guy and St. Cath. In Alberta, at ClareEholm and High 11, =01, and fiv,_(
i"Iding 9
but IBM �1 hal worw in rv� 0efore, erine streets, Montreal; in OnttLrio, at Allalton. 1-tectory st.et, London', and -or the ota14
#At1Lte of Wi- �ffie In -Taronto at Deer Park, Wychwoodi andxicilr the corner o -f* Lee avenue an� mraduate
f tkllixln� 101_X AU r Ne -v York. Inall VebWM4.7 Caueg% an Rommy nd a, quart,
fl� ,
Pat is ed to ae Ma I iliwnt abno That� Queen street. irlar-
Boo, or W3
43*Ltter i those P..eravlaii 4embei of Me
ou WS, rad. its are The Braxich Re t �x wooi, Ontario, w ao closed 'An March last. -3 kat a lic MIn
2x� -These othpr, �x the 9 imy
us ss.
don ani
(Ki more legM- I alurch Of i6dg Pestrablo mve been purchased in C-tlzary, R01nionton.'Bran
tlye natW of deUghtful diver- ose JRw. -also at tie corners, of Qaeen street and lies. nue. Bloor sin�
In ..the I I idst of the"
dwawa lot all UO3makwulo VtA
Pori- less, rbournb Streets, aid Yonge strget. and S1. Clair aentle, Toronto,. and al
ala *r the n1wt- modem fr1wWOK.,
street, Montreal,
tba t�ientiatrr and W" Fev)W V, S26"O
for m0wildri �.iwcirk Lu, a wt iot forget !Oro Te I
ma te )usij dear cdmradi�."
dte pleasa -sl le issues.il i thr corner Of St. L a; vrence boulevard and
$151,400 . 1011, . e buildingE, on the;io pro
of the 1 a owl ;They drew neaker the b and Du- Xt is the Int tio ti? erect sultabl perties at a reason -
km; Tor_ U10, 9* 1 , , In . n
x ble-out
a efition. The new office I Wings Iii Windsor a�l Fort W illlam were e
is easy. AfJ?r our dte Dick's Hotel, ift rz,
rand.pieduced a! bo pyo -. All orders left at
I ful Co, Ltine Mtal capito 1, 1 rhe* 98 Y�W 86 ompleted street, 1 feeiortlL
b1ch It EL
m$5'OOOL; OWe sure 'of �Jw bent, With oceuple& in 1909
1 nd t;16 ba, 11 will reqalve Prompt atteas
-w4indsi6r, know, W all of b,:
IvIrmitag( fiad".he I �rd p Tk4@ Rut rized c a, pital stock of e bn: i: at this ti'Vic 1.4 $5,000,000. 01 am 1% I&t waLs TeW.ved At W* 4A, 2§l 1 �hjnj
The d"u;0o w ivill bo, sub.
IS _,b
equal loll Issued and U V p
'Ie"Mt to ibeir what 0 up.
dix oguo- and
Nrotted or y ur app" il providing for a furl��.c i Increal4o
en WRAW 0. rema*ed nil of $5,000,000, which
te alm *It NONE nrable is tu ly the 1z I ut not Issued, w
be Comip D
the expansion 9,
0 a ft I- learn ibe ties I e Of fered to she, �OT
avo will. to. ex "I Ob iiui had been together wi h the :,000,000 already author III be of
a o er I ro ime to me n one amoun s. as
For Sale by falod,m ,closed Vats "WY pw tiew dim-, Wad- business wa r ts.
L. KILLORAN. the two wrispirniors, He Was cramp- a IAVWL m
STEWART Rao$* 04th en me -A blessed -v id ay9tir deftbt- anging. �ar ValUl
To"' ed to appitove of a I y law ell tended s from $60 c � �100 each. wl 11 B&r r M *11citor, Notary Patift.
they bave 04t As't I ed troll, lir, positfon on tb. 6arrewbo �f share - _r
fill SO ofts. I enVyLy6U your ca- the t4qec
Suliday morning and
tin*d %vet .11D61 chilled �y th e rain, The directors, a -is customary, have VelLified the Chsh ssets, �Securltle om -u9ne-VA0 loa. In seafortb mon-1
lot] imid, vario investfents entered on the accicinpan,,Ang qtatexnent.
W D w, t tab es
I I in addi ton, the General Balance Sheet of tile panli: as on � the gist D n Over, -tktl
tbroughout 00 Oav-ift- F'Uch paelty for makingL now 810 ly h)alin� He L and satorda7s. A=ud
rj 1hei 0 is g keen ly In Ithe fet- M11 Weak olay.
or Umsel Lew] S'
lerned Ob that 1i wisr r,:1909 detalle herein has been checUed and found to be correct, In
S ruii4 bi 947, �td
Atberta Farm CAM' iotherl d an 1017. ?8 on Of It 00- cluding the auditin of all b-oreign Xecounts, �.and two and th
bow and �vfth an easi� tbm, astanished
ther , i. F i,: I
nounCed tb4 ba' ould deal wtjil, geowl- gVer Ithe, bank hasi undergone. the usual thorough Inspectle
$; WeLl :Coti,611t t) with -
to 4 Ch&UV branch oi
Sale I w
bl M. trod.- he Wa during -the year.
asters th- the ed forward, good
U t d
om purohasing land in th�, west, loo r into --ttw WA3 nd be it forward, h gratitude r LO for- E. B. 08LER,'President
school house Me* 0, om
the —Tbe
et . U4 Do nit Ift a. on thi; � tat Le. Ulf ioueltor, f -dr -am
ot AVoWv U111 wheat hn
t. Terms: degtX L 4yed b io otber 0 The rep &94 KID uy Publi
t load a fr..
WA IT"n )11j- of, tbat, H The thanks of the shareholders were ten Ot: 00 in. the wei 7,s verle nU� prt was adopted. dered to the President, Vice,
either cmh- or b orl?p. ent r clest O!'ClueL Tbe fuMftu is le Mb A h( 1 BAZ'X. 0MCP —'Lu
dised to the d m )ar e Itw (mop Tb a io You win'" Will ear. and to the t6 li&rd Z7d er.
-e to, th the ittle la _rvices; during the y
out , �e' fthk, WOVO
sa-ved, said eVerYO110 gm' A C�os 0 rallUig, of; dder' )Pkesident, and,Diiec tors, for their sO
wk"r wbeat� fnr -nffori 'r�pt J�to e Q& for the efficient peiformance o
mJlways loss is dovere& by Insurance- MIT ffis� er I eral Manager &nd 0 er officers f th ut tb o(d t
r support as 'Aheir, repective dut 1A stAllf ft
dep 1 re of
3% acreq In Swk4chewma, ell we to thre ihe io"
By-11aws' were la led author] e capital: $to h A
win 6x*1Mga for fam West or Of a 310M. xi evm*10114 belle foot [zing all nc rease In th ek of th �Tuo�
e 70 (t q . rea. #.d d the second A* IL
to JOHN A. im all 2M , -
11br further partlecul"S. 'Val-U4eO ot Ports,816 avenue U Uot ru 8 ka
00 1 �vftom bank� of t5,000,000, nd changing the par al a -of the sha
Reatorth. ed ri the Wet IrOn, =
Wipp EP, �e "A wire feuve hu I
WMXWW, B" A Al a sou-.1tor Cal =04
ropemity % WlwdW, am Of ot to you woul '11 bey- rJJ
nd he stumbled, do'i ila�e 1 1)* di
t=atim the.-topq y ellefted Directors for the ensuinir iu
queA b". 101ig lfhe follo,ing entlefiLen were dul A-12 it Ton Road,
fore'be r0coV
Te f nl� her here.
at- SIt. EftephPn's (RUIPh 6, at steps be (4ed I IM"If A. I Austin_ IV. R, Brock James Carruthers M J. Chri
arl's fa�zftyut* stior, Irma i N%1m; old n a Wail
'-tie, J. aton. 1. r. Foy, M.p.p., 1W
: I A p y on
_d a MO UK
have Aed& M.P. i nose 111" ed to see her ment, he�rd �!Othing D. Matthews, A., M. Wanton, d to dispoSe ae istene
spout, Directors, Mr. E. B
Do notpass ve 00il. in Wasb-
wopax`t:�, including but tbE "nule of the iilu 14 th Osler, XP., WaL
Ata subsecitien e6tinyf tle
She is AMS
In Ow d Froxident. Mr. D. Matthe*,s Vice -President, for thes ensult�w
owl land at ly tle He then cc ljuu
ed am�7 A tow
p- mod eve0y -W-W--. do much! t' I YOU ued his fretivat. i
'jell ermt - iAs be -stepped' out �: Ui)O tt a brick
epki-ner ot. Spente.and' t 1(owy t3jut Con,
tan capt4h is said to be m behind. �J . Solicitor W the CA^#-
elizedd Of (X"=Wft. � &
mefflate future aindl to b d courtyard he W19 S ERA] I
im Jt hersew#n n, lkluerican, ENT
without having lwle6 L at the hand- by o- pdr -of strong rms hat cLasped
othei, i toir IF male__ Oftica — It 4g
Someand usefid prey dum i tt"Wn
caumgatioii fiamost eq him tig -It.. In a moment ILILTIES `A! Wock, Mala otrftt, SWOrtb_
fie Is S ejaculated 4 3,665,994 &AdO In the
*Iiiddw. A. beautiW set of ainkle ross he threiihold of dh or
-The Pimpexty J3" a ar"u, fil mpt ae into ation ........... o ......
. � I R os earin 7,052,129 04 nmve been
ivig Deq�
-willbe. given tft re . I its 'not b interest �
1-00 feldt an UnAghted room, wh hL, 3 Captor AD osIts bearl-nilf I riterest (1ne1u'd'In'gijti; it ac- R; M-
r farmen on vWd g1he M now a red bearing a crueld to date) ....... ... dry
fst;mer o 33.435,684 91 45,487,813 If
S�nd ohig to Its PW* t him im - x*Wed
prompi I F sat upon
Ju t 8,0 In Canada 26-789
-n ton pin or be- le Was distino
ghes scoreA LDepoeiltx by other Bank. A_d heli i,
be r�agwtvded 40 dne Aard fore Aprd-15th. AUDI of: 69"7-90
-a set i )f f0im to strile a iftht Aue, to Bax k a in foreign countiiek I upon a t9A t1filis CUP" co"W'" on is �by a � small
ft,i=i0well" WW" li� give 92 ''0 4ewtor
Total liabilities to t I ublic ...... ...... . .... With
f0dr re lei0ate borii UtUe re- ........ 4000,000 io
... ohm
For, e d ant WNW ........
&=� Capltali Stock, ald I a
14fflera Grip Powders Cure. pao:
trade ocou to a house ry Fund ...... ...... ....... 1$ 51000,000 00 U&IOU %nd 24
ig some pation 0 club. an J7
-Ope o -Huron. Hn
W be by J. A. Roberts. *hlj�d. the in-igar ffies from the� dig Balaneb of'Profits carried forward 295,766 99
Ite b! Offici "d R"dence—Gooderl& a Divide -t -d No. 10%.p4 ykble 3r4 J4nuary,, 1910 119,631 74 _-@Mel before Yeb. 2". 0010 1the' men contiall their 'Pormer Dividends v 2claimed, .. ..... ........
tition to U1 A ff- -30tb. We kisefved for Rebati on 3311Iff,DI'Scounted, EX<hange ot Mo S"forth,
pbwe t Ueedin
aTe g-:l.Vlng ....... ............ . ......
1Z for five eto. 14 134 04 5,556,646 T
=Pcciar The- of
burit M
ad had spoken
i1ei andhi� fr nu
dayleye COEQ�ietition 010se
the'! first in Fr4 (h, but in ad-
'th Tien 110ST OTGArXrTE AWA 20th. Come -,,w the 4rowd, fMn;
to the serVallt,' - Z you may be a winuef� M9` ; 11E Arnit. ASS the role Of Uate 44
who a s4d arzwn. Grad
By Meredith, NiCholson. i 04 tage abogt the �dy With
1 00MI universit late ot Roahes" ed a S I a dialect- Gov r 3,942,763 75 ery
he a
MaMthon Bowlin 'Allev his legs 2; r eni 1 6o tX11, �ie�ir tain;k; :s 21938,025 so bar V4, Golk#& Ot
we w at !$Urge=&
ere ying th
pari -a a box he pro- l:tanq dite irom R Canada, 64
(0ahtinued on match o 2,73 6 portgni,ce, 1cr I lawes due by -Bg ; M
lt�t'iu_ cert directi s In foreign countrI331 ...... 1.502i658 74
Gver HeoalltoWx *Wre. X4W
ducied fro�n 1� b te pocket. *=Hty-
trifie' before,
they *p )Ire wi h �ve. stimula Governm 33 L
eallp 1melved atloffice aAfa The sudd4n4s 'witb *i vinqlP it Securities 56
m 4o, our bun riend F rELUCW
Notice to 0. rs dekind Lni0pal Sajaur UaA nd:British ;Or
ha b(
s in Amer WhIChL he ha Vign or Colonial, Public -urities othor than & SLACKAZi
dellbeia 4011, an You have b E ines had the 10
9L JI ....... 746,317 08
Into n ...... ...... .
2W kitche
It, umv ha dag claii Axmita d
at p, ar �W tures and!! S�Iocks.
I g. huge in ZbO h street' eiposite MeLnodWt
MCE Is herelay given,L P"U"ff to the �ktute the long'! IN I ear That p e FAU*ay and other 4 992,733,95
io that beha toit of lAarit: on Cal St6cli s and in thib iliW e- I stre4 the -US -Our h secured by
mk - = I L tor.: pin �d arM,9 21onds
thi-- Loan - on Seod, &TadUate Of VI&
against the votate of the lea3ta late of old 9troebe old: brow...P7 his 3,407,124 22 1-C
ii, W izhi cap ho Unit& tatex, 4icure� by
-eat' c6l )i t4 but there 11, Still that q I
and he
aed on d y r ftht. 'The match f3purtefl 11r, 10 F i im,
r abauLtho ft�LAW f Octolle _-1ira on e --tiola as -t Karl and derick 4ugus.1 ...... 2,000,000 00
ball Aoicks and is ...... . Audio
into the face' of he servant xeqtdnd-ion or _bebm -the day 6! FebXuW-. - 28,042,tn #xd A� in ArWr ix6d membr ot
weigl oult dear fkanCb fttw�fio Callege,ot E%7.alclans gnd &m AM 7 01, fo;
tt!r so led�; Me Disco I Advanc�ii lCurrent., !J . ...... 34,915,943 29
!610-, to sendl)y paob� prepaid, r deliver to the _uu- t satis lociked!
lr==r mo , exrelaim duly Ve thiA -hW wh( ent for 15P
eposit wi fo� tbe MtLatx W! Rule
lersigned, full particuhm of t d was ii b be qu had seen In the roo d above. Ythn4t�o�;9'. on Uoverlarn
fiedby sWxkvit, and the na 01 Me sonfity, V i vish es to 4 -sure
'd v Itb short Vo te curlty of thre
W Hi�xdiind head wasc&verd Circu Lo a L .......... 160,000 00
tUer t4ke notle that after The 01 th0 d -ar t are dead. e 429,229 72
any, held by them. Fur f and bro wo.'to other'Ban secured.. YpAr-- ow, I Mal 5�
`W 11pon W
grew 1,� In ta% tur;
I 1;F Wfiq honor. grad"be of T_
the azid last mentioned date tha &Uds of the sidd 'atea 1�0
ram o6 e ba 1- n uff reassure jiitn, deliest.Tules." w1rell hair that erdUe Oebts (rest] I rovided tot) ...... 43,359 S4
decinsed will be dL4-_ffiuW slynong th -, pwties en-
ther than BanI4 r]Premises 118,225 99 Cadvei4ty, old medAllst et 'forehead- Axmitage n )tpd, too. state, 0
id i A ool, Dwvnd. You-nevet; narrOl Old,
titifa theret� claims
to t cony T )n!t- bella f or gages ........ ...... .... ... ...... 37,008 97 -3 i%eep 1
.11 sharp 1 Ciollege. Member of Abe
e United the U I U11,4 ke ne(tL Promises
Of vrhi6nnotieg&wftherhairebcongireu.i R.S. stead th in's b 1,300,000 00
y e new to:, understand and %J.E_eC�n
ac, The fit- to not I aluded 11,038 70 nAYS, Sol-witor foi- the AdninWurator. lig ffiust -PC. reg
larger 'ey�ps 3L�id brist SlWorth, Jauuzxv 25th, 101014 the two America I,.; a trifte i
d se )sed the
!ful fl EL0 of th�a match bi
vened ti tl -e ��.bunyardL And I doult believe'
he 25,91967108$
084 lows are ove furniturk of a kitieli n. T H. a7=- RON
sound o e 9, there. They)re: rough bluM
butprM '"d his et uverness
here som -a4 uate
-ob kbly ewhero bkrick� 9 0. ot -ustivez-Aty of omto
lying In w 0. A., BO iFM;;z
dv a a
p spiel ex 9, nirp- of any OppOr7
of th ad take adv Toronto, gist 0acemer. 1*01. Gexe,�4 Us 8_1 tracult Of Medizi e member
led A�_,oxecratV
lAffe ol Phsiciant *,�d -Bur
with. 1 i Lji Xnap L- y are -alive. A.-' PJ ft W 1W of, 024
is, if
Pam raduate Isourses n
tieut 2--4 1() 1 Itti h fa i ,(k be mpreseq i Serviii. Theq, dIM- ..................... Filar VA all
fact that �O�
-1 LYP cu�ty a,,ked a M40 WCL -chl ew lives st
tion, thr.
U "d h It dp . on -Want
ed tb and"— W1 it, are yet!
A VT fluid! een 1. � �
*ad Thiverot College Hoo including ty T.4*.t
fted d(>)r W htSr' And thO here-?' 2
lie begil 0 �6 1; ; 11 ma
Masi b Fi rin Cited uioe k I
-Indomd '11v t Of thp, Dw
glinc� 0, __B
over ihat
�otll A4 108-i 1 He wa8 secure fTom f4w ii ah( 9, 1 4b, 3&�Yenet caue4 k his
Arn shop hqa4 an I r�eplied
-whom Phont Nm L observa4m& by po-
red ILI Jn Et slish:
1`4 airily'
pee -his ti t -callt -Anx*ere4 Irm roldeiv* - r e �w tin
e o not undostand."'
41 heights,01 replied Chauv
exe am le,
I I Of eltit. ThE man. stm k a seil I i4if matche fter e rin
dreamily� t
seat with n atioi�
2& 0. !rrj it Armitage had dropped d
0 led docO that e n biJ3 bapth,+e7s'
1". t . �,le e s as he, -r, honered
I der half . a dozew ro m6 ace, then, n his, h ()Vs,.r CaptaiD Stradian, st. nes,! )ht; .�a' Armi- qathari ht; Su eired S Ice.:
and sour stomach' He tr1eq evi�ry k
the latch snap in th e t A ha" it putl tagels. pb b ctc wn remedy, but -flailed to 4-
ke ur i had no
e do6r.,11.. CL-ets o ma to w1l bygtli
a Lie Ltd a #eer
z &, for the
er�ef ;.after takint' three bokes of Fig Ns was completely! cured. ig hn 1: Ot�, The big fellow -�fa4 ciE irly puz- ir ot iluroru -aAd co
a Y, Welock P. n14 Me
an Instant to make sure OUR T1 b il-
. 4 e ad are guatantO
Zled find th t h 3
citug it a geli- pins I to cure backaicI6 indigesition, kiidnjarand2l�er
been seen, then crept b P�m In 2"Swurea. immediat no
nilg tleml� I in wa e soa e VOT
�T c%A be maft
and found that the silolt easy iii g.eloth . es I trouble. 01 uqt yoi try one ox and prove this asserfioia. e n6v for sale ates
7 AS it -alv; i rs . 1 1 �A 7�
cony a� r�=P
!�r Ulm to, -or - ,
:, t1 e matter by e� up Phone 97, Seefort1l,
ea, lanc ar
i thi x_ 10 The 14 rpositor Oft4e. Crharges moder&U �ipw year old
uality and Sat in the -ft" made it ossible' �lurki CAttle dear ftlei b x, five r one e lar., For sale at a�l, [eading chemists,
was , lid wit$ zmained
see as wefl as-betaT. on I Weii 10, estroy thatdoc- ivotly
and akUsfazdov, gmranteed.
fter out of tbe for b I 'to com Uitate is W%- to Everyb6dy -WUCbJ
tion -its stmug,hx this hole,"t i AM, It In
venet drawing, deeply 'upon his tr ter.
ette and blowing, a cloud � A imolald. Thi a, howev w s to!. r, readIly
our q deficiencies i the i"tta drRi i
rAce3sA &u&,1=nr for the 009AUNt
inf 11ty bed. 0he I ails of his boh 61ef
o a c -lis auut I
will -th. Be Wng A E MET the ot 14v ron sad Fft
-0t -not ca ut, My,
ol tit, Mug the
oar chi�f
yeu� �unfor* I ,
THE:.PALAC ARK T i ae. That ' I I , 4 ere wer e
lay aside own
=1 ft y1111s,hilig
Ile carefully hung the
diffiel i ties in'� Te V a, il
some� Calendarigiv- so long,as we bciveilt WAmdfiig the val of tarm, *�C4 A hand r ;,I
tith ir 4o keep dear,� i tii xe bring -
to hol "Anwalt
the todk of Ws le %to, -placen n r Wi
-Y free' w out .4iair to an
then re HJS 1 do Pvu them lep VV ho a I igi no to the idtlim, to re4fte woO pric" ;0ANOW poeft i About- 15 3 -t,
wy .a en YA) are th--nk
d fast to I
Xmas order at this s�,oroi, _vwwd,_h* seat we shall Thi is the time: wh' inz of
watched,_Jhlm� mem:wh 0,11 iid MW --h in, r in tie-] buse, to 9-te. fttwictl6i a M�-
Intenties&: ipur asing something n for your hoxne, lot
AU 0"Ury
tram tw I ented 6eir wu s
460 & il well Din
factory i usage. It's PUY attowded t
"Alry our Ifince excellent egre 0 Y� -�q �a '4 lur rkg I Son thing to add to its; dimfort and beauty.
Meat ib ;V-0
461 Old
genuine arldelemade 4
t4ho� P
k from the pu of meats CkOtbeS, MY degr Jules- U
'Wil this idea in I 1i should visit ou'r ACK1, 10Ps
is wwnd to nione evf have 4 matches -
J. orranc
:.an Aois er�_aAd srore-and exartm-ap Our s
been able to foul a coat *11hol ruln- dtl tie 9k tock of
Vut i V
Wa=e fulLy equipped to me at the de- m He )6rf 'redy stul, OF ing It." eani rh 9 y
i am :, _1 I I
wands of every customer for, a XMWW. i FURNITURE PICTURES
A�'.n�� I )m he rough
The rain was 90akluk. th CAR TSj LINOLEUM, RTJ('X*S
ainner. A faR linefof me La g English Bershlre.&
its v evalstet -be Lt wer*4, 0, ork the ul rt s6TV-13 it's legs.
i .
ducks,- oughly, but das pit -date we i thi&_be�t I I most U 0 eOp
pork, amb, tq*-ey, -gee well ecester Sh 40 i*- rwda. .. 1 .1 - nd Lie
r ed by a
cv Au 91a
LAC. W rdi U �any slight rjbiK&� M,# Thfte, WAS g lto� I goo our I agre�ablrsurpdse
6h )V; 1*M0 ; M
sttI6 4iid -he kne*
stru�,t le. in
W oxt ixg, Wishing alUl __Xervy movements., inw he yw"Mmao )�v t le. in po
Y�W_ - you
WOialla D Dt that �e Ser :x isk- loslug 'I I
Chrfstmw and a Pro$ 6L
us NeW Upon the little rrm'au ow 11�
dw St"d *M
=ploa_ bolA
Tema of, w1ble At the ke. W
VW It IWII w So Wt
ELP observed th - ce_a)r h1W' i tboA6- 1K
bw V1 . privm"M of tf neowwy.
-a ie� w papers I
n kept; dwe pair The
Servian YQ=9
shmyg tw
houn dered the matk sw be h -d at tj top 4: le.b i
Herbert GoIll FOwsher i id