HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-02-04, Page 5EXP _*rtg or the k upon out of the year, and determined to eve them. Genj rjnter Footwear , such as !;_ashc-eS, Leger multitude o for 9oc a parr. 0, for $i. ze a pair for $1.25 a pair or $1.75 a pair esc a pair 5, for Sr.as a pair a pair for$i.95apaiz. t _ • i ......• •........ , te t .._ . a .. •0*****0 0 35 o 1.0 Kai... 40.0**404 0 80 ttl- .,.. 0 a te0 e .....11,.............. 8100 to 21 ......1......... . .. . . 22 00 to 38 00- N 08 to 30 00 00 Una. -4....................... 2 59 ha 8* 1 1000....t.a.0............., 0 10 to 081 4.1 I* a* Cilamam wee* am** .• .... 0 20 to 0 42 0 si ****• OP .4 a* • • /IA 085 to 08 0i 0 44 4**-004isen 00 to 18 00 ibd.a..t........./...1.....i. 7 60 to . 7 50 ..±........4.-....... ....” 0 75 be I 60 per bag •• .4.00*****•• •• .0. 0 e0 UV 0* ) per WI *dr 1001.1•••• • • i• • IF • 125 to 1 M A ethg of the u „ 3vten -Will lee held i.u (iie ii *nudity a--enlieg 1ebraM7 teopeek perm, • r thepnrpoe Goeintiletionerie and ane _othuj biawee Ore th meetina. O1OROE De President, rr- %is Wood per ewl.geng) ....-*******0** 6 00 W 7 * W 0 deer. cOrd • ....• ad a • **.p 2 75 ta 3 -.Myer . 500 to 0 00 1 &O tO 2 801 Inn eeirS of th Fain - on, 41 Feb. I.- ndort and Liverpool cables 1 . IA'S 6:tat-Zak XnannetS li .• ± live oSttle. Am rienn higher, et 14e to 14ao,11 ight ; xef eraul beef higher, et .101. to . 1 Mates immiaraileu o ret uro to - was oVIcere say. In ceder tbi not be Incouveniencedi laws. of Hew TO* Gordon, Waterloo's way on Bundler , at the age a faid 8 iays. lare or - beattli his bealtbi Canada fri aTarao aad lived mee ORDER Powder E and moderate prices r custom. ITARIO Spring great Furniture ow such a keen is a desire fort nature. Almost or eeted. ' Our term% are - alues came up-to-date .tock of incif Co. s3e.r oaa es. regetables and fruits Goods on hand_ [nary, butter, eggs A.MS unn SEAFORTR SALE at32o per cent dis-s. es to 2007 and boys to es, Horse Blankets, Cromarty crest a ;lady and gentlemait s the coming visit Frank Pember, of representative • of Hair Store mill exhibit the most ultra, hAir- goods ever ,xactly the same famous bhown in Toronto, and than you have ever paid aisite and dainty hair ntlemen, he will demon. ons Pember Toupee, un- to all who are bald, or largely imitated. Prices the hair and seep. Sea coed turn. Will be at Lary fith ry 'Oth tk, Feb. L t Montreal Stock Yards woat t offerkees mounted to 1200 nettle V* aleyin and hunbe, KV hogs and 150 melees, Owingto; mere Ube. lovelies eaftle and that butchers have , been1,g off trade Was rather slow. Some of the stated tbat prime bad men tbe. top re now in excess of requirement*. advice era coming forward from •Livete, advent.* of ass to ijo per b., with 1 Chneedian deers at 14/0 to 15o the e titne•± peg. &lea of sonte picked made to-dity at flie -lent the ±prnte ler 'e e1r5wee 5/e. taih ; good at Re to 5e; fair et tio to CommonIt&o ta *And inferior at Bto te kr. Fo bog the faelbeg wee stbent steady ant melee 01 Iota were made at 69 weighed off owe • A firm fee' ng holds foe sheep and larabe on account eentinu limited sappliee raid ;madden:med. Sales of lambs ere made ale to 7% and sbeep at esto. Demand 2. e calves wee good &nit offerings not larao • sad West re do.maa from to 610 eaoh. Buffalo, -13.1 Active and steedy; prime *emit to OM • , 05.60 ea $8 ; butchedu *11.60 o ; heifer% $1" tO se. 6 ;co, ga an Wes ; haills.43. to 3645; *ahem and feeder., Was to gs; stock heir * to $3.75 treoh cows had grin" iftrongto• higher, 418 to 1188. Veels-Actave and • steady *3 $10.50. Hoge -Active steady.= heavy • lio to lower ; heavy *Ai be 68,711; mixed, ism us.si_ kers,. 68.0l to SIM 10E4 4S.25 to 85; 40.2610Mth:,017 re. toshittplOohati;1 stage,unte_teActtgevioand; 25e to 110o hlher ; lamb% 3525 to 68.75 ; a few $8.80 ; year - to $8 00-26 to *6.60; ewes, ; sheep , $3.50 to$6. 16. 5 to Weei ate, Feb.1 -Exporters-Whaleytieugh. Mn report picked o steers, 1220 each at 16.28, was e. re of the high prices ea the market. bulls sold at 64.25 te „ $4.76. art-Pri e picked lots of eattle,bateh. los weigh sold at 46 . to $5.90, the latter price being by -A. W. ayllee for five selected steers, 1100 Pr- ; loathe) goodeold at $5,25 to $5.f0; wiedituie, 0. 16.15 cavemen at 64.80 to 34.75; *ow, $3 64.25 ;eta era at $1.75 to $2.26. Milkers eat]. A supply of milkers and springers• d at $80 $65 each. *Veal Oalves--Re. • drelpts of eel calves,* . limited, and prices were Ann** $7.60 per Sheep and Latabs-Re- am ted_toa t 178 all told. Prises ranged as &lows sheep ewes, at 34.50 to $5 ; culls, $3.60 to $t: lambs; tiolnier Own Hap -Hoge were quoted lower, Wt. far selects ged said watered and 38.15!. o. b. ears at country poAits. Toronto, Feb. 2.- eetualitygene.rally was med. . lime for 'cattle. There iwae a fair trade for all classes Id Ilve steak, with little change in prime. Good to ..ohoree cattle wt.= firm,' Exporters -Nothing of any - account was dovag on this market in exporterii, ex- cept. for airevr bulk which were reported at 34.60 to $5,25., Be ethers -Steep, and heifer% 64.80 to 16.40; emits $2 • 34.65; belle at $3.76 to $6.20. Milkers .- and The market was well supplied with cows, o 80 being 'masale. 'Prices were firmer, at *5 to $69 Veal Valves -Receipts light ; prime Arm at $8 to $7.50 per wt. Sheep mid Lasabs-The . len cash and lamb was light, but prices remained abort- • ty. Ewes $4.50 to 85 per owt ; rams and male 33.60 to 31; lambs, 56.60 to $7 for firstatass quality, .. be : commoll to medium Minim at $6 to $6 per cwt. ogs-Mr. Barris' prices are $3.16 fed and waterd at et, aid 37.901. o. h. owe at coon- irY PoloKennedy reports $8.15 f. o. b. ears et. co= pointe, and 01.40 fed aud watered. I . i Dairy Itarketa Toronto Feb. 2.-Esige-Fresh4aid eggs are steady - •Itt 23s to 36e per doz., 8' . . lies are coaling more in the n -, future. stocks are quoted at 25e freely and wlitilesalegeatrgsel.. for a lower market r dozen • chew lotra I Butter -Present receipts are heavy and are steadily hicreadeg. The . demand for all emditi. 8. especially areamery and dairy prints is keeping p ces firm.. Wholesale Quotations focal are * z . . et y prin 27eto 280 , solids, 25 to 26e , 'separator • ts, 24e. ' 26c ; dairy prints choke, 22e to We largevolls, le to 22e ; tube 20e to 21a ; inferior, 1 e to 18e. Obeese-Conditions remain or- dteary unebaug - on the wholesale market. Demand steedy and prices are ouoted at 1*c per bier larg , and 13e per lbfor twins. • Mon , Feb. 2.-B tter-The focal butter market b fain under a good demand; choicest creamery tuoteel at 2,5c to 26e : 1 receipts, 23le to 241e. :Gliefeee- e kcal cbecc market is firm with a goad " inquire, weeterns being at 12e to Ale said easterna at 1413 to me. sap- e demand for all grades of eggiss said a fair active trade is passing. Sales of set • new laid we made at 3610880 ; selected Na. Tato° at 28e to 30c, and No. 1 candled at 26e .te 27e per mei. 1 G aiu, Eta. Toronto Feb, 2. tario Wheat -No. 2 mixed winter w t, $1.06 11.017 ;No. 2 white $1.e7 to SLOB ou e. Manitoha Wheat -No. 1 northen3, 11.14 1 . 2 northern, -31.I1 1-2 on track lake pone. 11*A ItOrtl-ern, $1;181 ; leo. 2 northern, 51.17. all rail. Oate-0 .•a western, No. 2 43c; No. a, 42te on .. track lake ports. No. 2, 0. W., 49*; No. 3, O. W., 46e ;No. white, 33e cutaide ; No. 3 white 37e out. eide ; 40e ale on trnhk, Toronto. Barley -No. 2, 66a to 57e No. 3 exe : 66e ; No, 3, 49cto 50*; feed barley, at Eies outside Manitoba, No. 8, 67e ; No. a, 53e track, ke ports.- New No. 2, 86a to 86e. Millfted- itoba b ., 32.3 per ton; shorts, 624, per ton. 1 k Toronto 1; Ontario )nn, $22.50 to 38 3; Alone, 32. sate $24peaton, on teach Toronto. Hay -.No. I u othy, sio- to 314; inferior, $11 to $12. traw-Se ng mostly t 57.60 per ton. , Tortmto -cheap, at: "Quotation from 55e Feb.2.-On lies being b range hem 60e crat ot 111 &toes. io potatoes are still very vy and tmde fairly active. 50 to fale per bag in lots and ltore. Poultry - Toronto Feb. 2. -Thi wholesale trade is very dull earppliea ine Iigh, With a email demand ruling. Local who e quota ns are :-Dremed weight - Turkeys, I 10 17* ; d eke, 140 to ISe ; g•eme, 12e to i000hick-ns,I4e to 5e; f wl, Se to I0e. Live -vreig t to ower. itairtha MeGOING 'E -In To and . Robt. Clinton, on Thosjudd, a daug HAI,L-le Cflinton, on Hall de. eht MORGAk-In Goderi Mrs. John Meagan, -TALBOTTrin Stanley, Edward Talbot, a STANBURY-In Steel Mrs. Wm. Statibure 1AZIK1N-In Winghan Mrs. George litankil ILBERHART-In Tuck and lam- George E • GEIGER -At Zurich, o JogiabGeiger, a da DD -- .-t Ilippe Mr. bed Dined rsmith, on Jan. 214, to fdr. 'fit, e, an. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. ter. • an. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. , on Jan. tOth, to Mrand wins sons.' on Jan. 28rd, to Mr. and Mra. n. e on Jan. 22nd, to Mr.and , Jr., a son. , on Jan. 23rdt to Mr. and .a daughter. on Jan. 21Va, 'to Mr. rhart, a son. Jan. 214, to Mr. and Mrs, ghter. , on Jan. 271th, to Mr. and e,a daughter. X ItERR-M GREGOR- J. L. Small, Mari .Cathe"ne MeGrego New '2 i.rk State. • NEEDH 4-HoDeeng bride' parents, 3. Thorn Garfield lo daughter ° eantreleig EOZEIIL- oI the *ride's paren Rev.. G. Powell, Morris to Miss Mat unie. • , as. Rozel MeMURC 17th, late towns MORGAN of Mr. Trick, 130K -In years. HEALY- riagee - n Blyth, on Jan. 181h, by Rev n Agnes, daughter of Mrs. 10Wm. Kerr, of Oswego, Al the residence of the . Usborne, on Jan. 264h, Mr. eedham, to Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hodg- At the Woodbine, the home Bruesels, on Feb. 2nd, by Ir. Herbert 3. Manning, of ie I., daughter of Mr. and D aths At Cent rville, South Dakota, on Jan gnes Mehluechie, only daughter of the naki MeMu hie, forraerly of -Colborne In Goderich on Jan. 20th, .tite. Wan .09118 and Mrs. Jo n Morgan. Grxlerieh t ship, on Jan. 22nd, Ann nnt of Mr. evi Trick, aged 80years.. Ingham, on an. 2Is8. Leo Bok, wed. 19 n Colborne iwnshlp, on Jan. 278h, Day. Id Ilea y, aged 6e r • BEND ' • Ne -In Tee Rede aged 74 _STAFFOR In Clint° gta.ffo a ed. 72 y FORREST In russels relict 1 the late W are. ersmith, on Feb, late Janet. year% on Jan. 28th, Matthew, on Jan 298h, Jane MoNiehol Forrest, aged 80 years. BRO-DFOm2 BOX & CO. - The, Leadini Undertakers. "Charges Moderate. :S. T. HOLMES, Vtineral Director and Em$a,Imer. Night and Sunday dells promptly attended to. Residence an Oederich street weet, op- posite Dr, Scott reeklesee. Phone No. NM ewe f urnished on then notice. 2098 OUS for WomE. p and $4, sale price cash. See( adv. ROBE T Oppositethe Ex or- othy Dodd Shoes ce $3.75 a pair page 8. N tice t -vreTioz ia hereby l.bt1 ehalf, against th estate of th sixth, the Town Huroa. Q meoia1 Tra the 15th rof Deeem adore the 22nd day _of poet? ere d, or deity pal -Winters of their et • and the e of the Further ta e notice th tioned date the eesf3ts ditrbutodj among th having re rd only to shall then Iaye been gi ler *he Mv4dnsrtth, Seaforth, February Is Or edit Tele. % Win. th, 3,910, cleating my come Fa ' 1 rs yen, pursuant ti t statute t all persons hair ug elefie* late WI Ham Waley Mere. f or Ju the County of ellerewla cited oor about r, 1609, are eed on or Februry,19lO, sond by r to .ilia wide NI/ , duly verified welt, uritee if any, h 1 y thMe. after the said t men. f the. Mid dece will be perties entitl i thereto, the claims of wji notice re R, S. HAYS elicitor th wilIannexed. , 1910. 2199-8 cpriqt: olwro ± . PresMe t DER LAIRD, Ge ova/ Manager ESTA RUSHED 11.60 Branches throughou Cnada, and in t Deposits of rates. *GS BANK 1 and up ards are received Accoun. may be opened 'ore per ona and withdra of theirn or by t SE FORTH MO SpN up Capital, $10,0 0,000 rve Fund, - 6,0u0,000 1 e United States and England 1 EPART T I and interest allowed At curreot iin the names of two r ais made by any e survivor. ANCH. WILLIS ositor Office NO caut SALE -tot Jr: About 8 in es 1 frame barn with stabl seroliard, &bout ht sorer aeree_ployed, good sell. w.A,B,Y; TING& FOR them lea theroug and =other eliglble for about to laig, •Apply =op. EDWARD A. 3, Wesel= - 1 of 11 underneath acrei Apply at on Exeter, fillehersmitta ;now house, .01.14ng shed,. wit t, aboutI5 "MAN This the Se ishiPtlia or 1. 210941 ovs r to h' • s ipping re riger tor, in one of J our Sealshipt Oysters are Worth, from the coast. . Y are all Directly at the oyster onle, sea ters are packed, solid; into r'Oy te Sealed at the ea ide eds th .0. 21994 containeeo, which., are bill11 sealed. ice is on the o around t e container. biot a water caltt get in, no matter ho re -icings e needed in transit. is why GRASS FARM 8 -In McWillop, .the South -half of 1 Lot 90, Conoei n 8, for sale on easy terms. P . on can be given on llit of APril next, Artesian w , with I 1 il, on the pro - petty. For terms, pplr to J. M. - z ON, or R. 13. Hays, Seaforthl 2199.11 easoia. FOR SER _LP bred fehortho Terms -42 for pad ± Aloof a thoroughb 1Terms 4 tiam if n 1, Ito Tiri OUSE FOR roomedho beet condition, with There are two iota stable on the place, ated, and will be so is going West in th apply tobAVID 8 For serene Imported and $6 worth ties with JAMES 0 , a thorough- th sides. orobreds. f r service. e,ge of re - LIN, Lob 15, 21994 or ri For sale, a story eight. "5 etroo in the very ar, hard and Soft water. nd, and there is a good it is noet eonveniantiv cdtu- ab bargain, the proprietor g. For fnrther particulars, T, Seaforti. 2199-tf E -F r sale the south ipart 6, township of Hullett, h oOEmfortablo house and en eat,lhenhouee fine o g °rebind. Also omit n 4, Hulleg, contain - se ed to grease the rest is good property. For see or to :WARD Constance, Onto 2199x4 DROPERTY FOR s cf Lot 6, Clon containing 12 aor wi good !rape stable •"th and a driving shed, d north • of Lot , Co ing 16 es abo under e tivation. apply the r aCIS R voR giew-200 It on half mil corner 1 te, side sideroad about ee tre away from build2Iwelling' house, Ion gs, d been 36x9.06 with out 50x68, Whi, oh makes a v stables nndernearh al and litter -carrier shed 3240, henner31 16x 150 acme cleared in a g Is *deer; clay loam ope 26 acres hardwood uth orchard,, balanee spring creek. ,The cepitonalty larj barganaltes the own ill health. For furt wich P. ea or on th- 1 , 1 ± in H ion County, one and•' kid m ' ordwieh, lag two -es lane 13 , Inge on of 1 hence no land far whie ere. C rafortable distance lephne, iiew bank -de anted in rear 171 veni barn, modern %. eeme t ficlors, water bon stab eanplement , tw neve feting wells,. s of tiv ttion, soil bo • mena MI ' drainage, ove 1,000 mar les, en r Ia. , wit never f g arm is all ell fenced; with ex- ar rails and will be sold at a r is giving up farming owing -to er Modem . p lee to ord.-F p wises to ACE D A um ON, SALE OF Tb mat; Bro public a then on on W ay, Feb aa followm : Three stee finished, average 1200,1. n cal steers rifling 2crini old, 2 choice news calve in Way, 1 n wl eligible for regnar tio Terms Nine o tb notes. A discount. qf 5 ed for cash. RO T.' DO Auctioneer. o, 2il94f N&4 OWE It bee • inst c to sell by ncession 6, Th kersmith, fith, at 2 o'clock •. in., the rising 3 y , almost pounds eau ; 1 fat cow, 7 2 heifers rising 2 ears old, e in April, co'.c due to rod row, 6 Leic ewes, , 2 eve larrifis d I ram. credit on appr ved joint er cent. per ann , G, Proprietoz t T. BROWN, 2199-1 , AUCTION SALBI 0 FARM SI' MBNT8, ETC. F., S. Scott, A been instructed by the . . dersigned auction •on *Lot 11 * nease on 13, luesday,,February, 1 th, t I o'clock p lowing vivable prppe y, via: On mare 7, y es old, 1 a !tura] geldin ri I aged der mar in I, 1 tosidste ing 4 y old by Si 1 S mon, 1 road 3 years o by Sid Stanton, 1 carriage year old by Kaiser F ede iek, 6 cows in calf, I registered Shorihorn cow du first of arch, 31.1 beif.rs rising 3 y steer risi g & years old, steers rising heifer ria g 2 years old, steers risin heifer g I year old, store pigs, a •a 1 Masey eels hindet, Deer...ng mo pr, Harris drill, I Mas yr -Harris disc bar diamond ows, 1110 rake, 1 seu or, plow, I ng plow, 1 pe bancher, 1 root pal er, 1 , grinds ne, 1 lumber of sleig 1 tip buggy, I cutter, 1 hay rack, '1 g *el box, 1 Clio • nifanning Edinger, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 Sugar ke churn N 2, 1 Water tro gh,, I set d I set sin eharnp s. I• qu ntIty of hay, timothy whitfletre enreocusaytookmese. or nu and othe articles tio Fat cattle and all a o 65 and untie , e that airtnint 10 mont ' credit on urn proved j int notes. F lir, per een . cash on c edib amounts. Sale without proprietorhas salcil his fa ALEXProprieto . ' , 1 , OK cti sell Me 311. ' 7 ears old, go ding ris- r ly rising col rising 1 ppo ed to be Ite lye the rs de 1 fat re okl, I r old, 1 60 hens, ey- vv, 1 set walking a y-liarris e on, 1 set rac , 1 stock 111, 1 set of tl 1 Daisy ble harness, a as of scythes Terms ,• over mg me- ant for eat3 the r 21 -2 IMPEE- beer,' has public egie on the fol. lcultural eee UUR ERVEDI, CLE G SAL 0 FARM ST OK AND 1ME lif&NTS•--- . Jones has received i strictiens fro Mre George A. ftook, to sell by lie oquotzonLon •t}7, 'Cones on 1, Town- ship of II sberl, 24 m es' et Slit° ll, n • tf1 Wed- nesday, bruary iq , I the foll wing,: Two heavy dr t mares "7! ears ol ,supposed t,o 0.in foal; 1 heavy I aftm hoe yea s o d,' 1 hear draft horse 5 years ol , I heavy draft ol rising 3 years old, 1 heavy dr ft Elly ening 2 ears old, I heavy draft filly dein 1 year o3d, • aek mare 7 years old, a good rail le famity nve 1 01* ripin 3 Years old, cot by M , bars, darn a • k e ;mare ; three newly 'Calved cows with cal es a f k; 10 you g cows due to calve le March and Ap 1, heifer s d te to calve in March and April, 1 stser isn g ;3 years pld, 4 steers and 6 heif-ers rising 2 tear ol., 0 stee an heifers Heine 1 ye4r old, 1 we -b ed Shrop hire ewes in Iamb, soMe with lambs at their side 1 brood sow due to litter in Marche 10 sore hogs 5 mon s old, 176 bees, 6, geese, I Masse -Hari-is bind r 6-2te1 tut, nearly ne tv ; one 12 -bee te ined seed r and drill, nearly nee.; 1 Masseaella ris mower 5- oot cut with pea harvester and bum er attached, 2 Pipet and r h Wood mo era 5 -loot ut, n , nearly ne ; 3 'Massey* Harris coltivatoe tvi 8 ho se attaci.meet, 1 disc harrow, 1 MoCennick 124 ot eteel rake 3. bey load. er? 1 Coakshutt Odin lo i, 2 wall in 'Plows, 1 Kangaroo two -furrow p eet harrc a,1 muffler, 1 Scraper, 1 turniri eo er, ± . ipei-,10I iton fanning mill, 1 Oh them faun g with b ger, 1 scale capacity 000 pounds 2+ c ramp, • fazm Wag on with b x and ann g t.' eadyene bobsleith one nearly new 1 road cart, '1:2pairs o d maocratf, 2 top u gies one earl new, I Gelb ra- Magnet cream sie rator, I Mil 1, water b: rels1 2 stone boats, 2 hider bane 1 c pper kett e fee maltitig apple bultcr, 2 Suea ett es, 50 sap pal 1, 1 p pan, 8 loggin ehaies, 2 a • VI re, 1 post ole uger, 1 veil* 4 sets wh' etr e. 4 ueokya es, 2 sets of heavy teaili harness, set of tingle bar ess 1 large bear robe I M 1 ohu i, 1 •,vvashili •meehine, 1 grinding stone, a eau age ri der and ircss,1 large glass cuplueard, 1 ue r et mach e, i work benches, vice, 1 rads se 1 sower, 4quuntity ef lumber, 76 bushels 01 Plan olas,11 butte nut clothes press, 3 kitchen tables, 1 c ing stove. 1 box stove, 2 cement moulds 4 ineh and 8 inch, a 4 a host of other artiales general* found an a i 1 acm farm. Sale at 10 o'clock a.' hto Terms,. --All su o 310 and under, s., : , • avar that amount ten m t credit will be ven • on furnishing approv johit notes. Four or nt wfil,he allowed off for e amounts., Lunch willb provided o'credi tilockt sharp. STO reserve as the lan. is sold no out- side stook elloteed an tbc premises for GEO. A. ROOK, Proprietor J. JO Auot oae . , .,.i , ± Fm° al ys The.Wo Mixt ers id's Best tight herfle in our t wn taste the and ARE `the same, as the da were dre The or ters in pieces around. their d watery delicate ed SAVA sanita Seals in fres tang of true get onl that a ordin itely be ed from the deep. method is to n wooden tubs, in ice are onstantly b the " motion, d inhip vor has y_freque andling. t Oyster ater, a e sea, w . Whe olid t will go ysters, a r satisf fl "8 de .0y is the V le of our many hOre reci home. Call at o copy. '4 the s , pleasure i showin white an blue s which We sell Seal Wm A. EAF e theogste they are bruised,1 d. Their n a1,1 one forever aeh- t re -icings un - ateat which' cleived 5ye- • ely ttight "de,. op- or many. That OT id 124 Man ger inwttre I yes. anto-n PARKS ndles WO they oys- Inch phig men ive xe e stock h lf Axes, e4h. - • CrQ1:18-Clit Comlete with I footl4ws,each and regular prie alle4,1*•oe 2••#.•0*.• 4.•••••:•.• nly illy 51 foot Saws each.... are never d retean the ch is the o You buy the th. Bear in as far as a q d will give tion. I • ter boo s fo sth e tim you alshiP ipt Oy takes hick use and wi • ase, he c ters, o ked salty ters' you artlamodf irrfin- ves the et a eanly' from RTE. GRAN 0 - -R I LW AY YS M Winter to xico, C forni and poi*. Gran wayer yetem rout from al throrigh Can cagoi FEAT Dole nes road track fi equipment, u ing ipar ser menX of sal fort. Secure 'tickets a mation fr4m TO lorado, Cali acifid Coas Trunk Rail the jpopula points Eas da Via Chi fast Lei -vice d, der excelle ice—el y arid I d fUrther in din ele com re 'W. Romer llle, or A. P. 111)1111es, Depot or- , Suppl,mentaxy !leetin s East Iuron F4rmers' , Institut( , For the aiscuA.ssion of gritultaral and Rikidred Subjects, will be held as folliws : , Ethel, Towtnship Hall, Teef3day, Feb- . 1 ruary 8th. Afternoon -A. .Groh, Care aid Management of lairy i te.:ae. Evening -A. Groh, The Stairway Herd allbgs. W. H. Fraser, Clonservara n of Soil Me to Sum .J W. H. Frater,Address Miss Yetes, I address.' i Moncrief School Hobs° WednesJay, February 9tih , 11. Afternoon -A. rob, Care and Management of Dairy - Herd , and Hogs. James McFadzean, Building up a run d wn Farm. Evening -A. Groh, Three Generationt in Waterloo County. Mee &tette Address. i Walton, SOhool House, on Thom ay, 'February 10th Afternoon .-4. Groh,. Lu erne and other I . ver Miss Yates ,Demonstrat on to Lhdiea, A. II • Hall. Evening -A. Hist op, AS. ress. A. reel'. Farm Forettry. Wm Yates, dread. Winthrop, ()alder's Hall, on February llth. - Afternoon -A. lrob, Can Enid Ma daient ' Herd and Hogs. James M n, 13 Ildlng up a run d W11 Farm. Evening- Groh ee Generation in ;Fatal it, Orninty. MIs ates, Address. Harlock, S‘hool House, on Sat - February 12t Afternoon - 4. Grob, Luri:erne and other • over. , James McFadzean, JIuilding Op a run down Farm. Evening --A. Or 13, The Stairway rue - cepa Mies Yates, Add Afternoon meetings commence at 1 meetings at 7.80 o'clock A ra will be v atathe ev body en1;00wie nd cussions. T. Mo • 80 and el Iloal p is taktlepeatittnt P. A. XcARTETIL Sedif ± • 21r144 Ong foot Flyer foie...-. foot y 6 foot s•oss 140 IOC TO Saws Flyer for.. .. . I 1 for..... ..... andles 0•11, Os* I** am* -10-04 01000* * Oo Oo • 00080* 0 • 0 0090 0 • F nly 6 foot. L1ea4Ler, each.... ree only 6 foot 'Improved Raoir, Six oniy 51 fbot Im rolve4 Racer, e c Files , 1._,;(3111.1 cross on E'ght S 09.W file T per s w files, each ellch•.. 0 *seep 0-111H0, *OS • 0.11,0 of r s••emitteelees ••0•• •ab 0430 • • 0 • • WE cannot emphasize ing offeredl just n ment. Having bought la to a driving man's condo stocked. Furs qf all k study, and long eiperienc of proper buying The his wee Lie prop f-intere than they will be regard to cost. T appeal to the se guaranteed as usu oo much the vronderfal values bo. w in our Men's Fur Coat Depart- gely of these aaticles so essentisi we foci burselves very 1eavily ds have ways been our tpeoiI is a great °licher in the nlatter e coats never be sold cheaper . They be cleared without sition iS a ood one and should t of all. Every ()oat speeially Canadian. Coon Australianl Coon Walialby doats oats eats Mae* Caif Coat Black Dog' C•at Arciie Bar Coat Nat ral Wombat boats Dye'413 Wdirabat Coats FurllAllea. Coats 4 .00 I First Choice .Buyeis will be be 10C 1- 08c is.••4•••••••*e 1 5c 3,600- a d of pi Ake cannot enu oat our stoves, gran any of our.°1,hging to name prices, whe thing speoial again Ours is t4o store for crate the low teware, tinware taif of clerks— her you buy or his year. on B quantity, qualit I rices we are handing Prin.ts1 at etc. Ce41 in and ask ey are always pleased not. Wie have sonied .er Twin() and Fencing. and small profits olnat WhOlesale and Reta Seaforth re Hil 9 8 14ardware Merchants and -Coal Dea ers • - Ontario newer From 'Fri te Fe , e never it the an th Opening of _our st vvi hout giving ura patr fit, Its the hes way w to ttingly celeb ate'our We shall be p eased t fri nds during t is sale, preciate a, frien ly call. verlsary sale will last for oli s a Slightto en of cia on df She *rat pat terred Us du .ng tht we offea the foil wing u gains: ary ay, Fe bruar All lines of cost land unde 18 pairs of calf bluchers $5 line at $3.5 20 pgirs of m chers, heavy $3,50. ' 24 Pairs of 11 calf bluchers $4 line at $3. 38 pairsof w cherali4 Y. 30 Illair0 of hluenere *$3 I, inter g en's tan heavy n's box weight, en's gu light men's 50 line omen's e at $2.O. ale rgary iwe*sary of lip by ns bene - k ow of ir • day. -se alL our d we ap- , r a.nne-, on week ur appre- on e ex - pas year, us al bar- evi ter wei ht, If MA- O line metal, eight, ng bill- et $3. ongola 24 pair* of omen's dongoia . bluchers, $2,50 line at Its 4e finding m ney, when you want Footwear, to alk into our store and tali 13 ealeal.n e of our anni- versarteale. I ft ONLY. Richaildson & Scott $EAF RTH. Arialle IOW *Dim Mt Odd °Prod LUMBER t White Pine, Geor ia Pine, Norway iirs Pine, Sprue Hemlock. 0-0, 1 Wh'Fte Pine. OH1NdLE$ White Cedar XX Red Cedar X X X XXXX XXXX —i-- i cedar Fence Pos s, 'uteri& M c4 ishit( s, Moul " gs, Sash, Base Casing. • All dressed and finished finished ± 1 necessary for stylish, up-to-date ing. 13 ggest stock ever carr Searort • N. LUFF & SO ouse o ber build - ed in 010 .Price - This lot of rints is an exoeptionally good on and was *cured at Manufaeturer's prices. The colors are fast and the lengths of pieces vary from 'Ave to fwenty yard. No print in the pie is 4orth. Iesig than 1.0c, and some worth Nie a yard. These new prints we offer at are cents per ya 8�o What 5 Will Buy In a Lady's ioa S. We still have someof theseceats left, mostly in Iiht and 2192.3 idark tweeds. Coats whichisold originally at ,$10 and 02. IWe are anxious to clear I themall, as they are re9.11y ,very ves 84 Mj ts exceptional 4t the low price of i Our I Mocks of gloves and nal 6 i a. ✓ i 41 p075 each n price from t5 ' tii ki $ ;.50 ere the choicest Tialuee lek0 from the beet malts in, I) selank itS Luveat Ist.c31E and the; offered are here. tay-on Blanket at , to beat. 0 Tba val our Wit Gell ay. Omit Natio sad akileatelhawan Oar prim ars MOIL 001r111.01161:11T o Ka AY: OM 8 OD • All trade tak n same as cash hig est prices RIO ort.h i a