HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-02-04, Page 4—T 4 ­ 7-T- 7 1, 711-- 0, 'J x7 L V in 1910 4 be inoro latereat W j 4111�y UMV hen Z bon It- .,-Xoc Hip, In R tb j 419 't a 0 01 a ixtair vft xv le Deremy xecund A 0, White who flow le U he MAW- is. t6-: how le xieapo" !bad Ahe MIS- a 'Fall 8 VW in, on Wne Inju td -by �p .0, red for to, be Wb W or flying stick x T 'w_ U04 ovided f�i 'a. h from lw* saw lvm� weeit� is etting Thire are sales and sales. sold: tbe-1waton. -or 94 A, Some sales are.deserving of the name id, ini, t*e� a sotne are e p - lic havo , co b*she ob- Lving e INMn per -s, oneyo vents of the year, and Winter Saleas one of the T the -f th t ­_Wtut to come Wit LU -t§t b L-XPWE- . eng Aa*,Ualry nd along. 'WaUon "d -Song and not. Th me to look upon our Mid - 1 2 culfimilago & Her. eakS. sbfp�d. p -.1 1 "d. �t th, L slate4 car f_- cattle dn" S�turda to Toronto. 8 9 -SUfton WAnter, I hA6 this year values are bet as we are determined to tir han ever, Lqftdm. bad ben,t 0muet Apee 1-7; 0 ly garnl� —yr. ;*!r 0 - is 6 , , f 1 25 the Ing ? of the work the- - thlet to akai the 1� Intrud* pal*edk m1w dir carry over no Winter goods, if low prices Vill move them. Genu- ine Ko IV to, pi man of village, 0 bustess and put e, for the CMW6 Gover-r-ini rl:� Aai X0 oine reductions pr�vail on dl linesl of Wintir,.Fo6twear, such as to rtly of�, �the blow, ft up IU the post Oflee4. lie Is aigood Way 0DInInloBlOn. Wb sf, I llbemtit Law ioWe health.� Felt Bootst Felt S t Slippe Oversho -A tur of w" his hoes, Fe� es, Legging, Mee - the, zame thjqg� lie naa fill), Olt $17 Iq ni#ertheWs. paihter hnd no di qxbt be 'mM got mast i0f, :CM OU the wor rl this season.-Tuesq casins, Socks and eubordinat �ng 13 -the ymn .1 Co t h1s a of Rubbers1i.- Amcng the multitude of b ques at + commaiaded theh John- Via �Oiln 0 t 'Of he was' fty of fvhtq week vi s ortb fair'day, f Nl�w ADVBW1 appoirit big emap ov in, tion, it rob 17 offerings, we name these arAt hx UsUA4 tht was, good;crow_4 k 4 sy by I he ap#r fo recommendation their Wood ver oT n t6virn. A nur4t %1ha betwden the parentheau attar mofiffin -of horses giaanged adies' Felt Congress (elastic si4es), reg lar $x. 2 5,1 r goe a pair. eath result A few Bei his evespe 31 ;way W o tver I i, . __4boillt -two hund d pefiesoi att, 0- kis resi"tJ wack. tmelgbbor- wb Mr. L. 9tt. of - Sestorth, a pair ,ha paper on which the on to the Lear ad _o� 1%wnds.� Is tadies' 1�,'�It Congress,, leather cqvered, regular $i.�o) for $z. io d000teff thff P -a na givel I LAX 4a found. e4 the biin by �$r othy S, Watton "to all fou13 the -;0sterg lited h�is parmts. hore over Sunday. - his 1e1%t*r of "s A I ar $1, 75, for *t.:25 a pair Y. im Ll adies' all -felt Shoes, sizes 4 andl 5, regu DAY&-.8t4wart, Brog­s i ork at of Virden, Manitoba, v1s- w, reason for relln(quis #Xiliary O the us. ince then sh Engiilsbj� Mt. lluel6eto N "Cartell �the psot-Week.-Ther Clothing Co. owe, e ahing last, week. JUd Uk, A. 4adies' �ox Calf Skating Shoes, for $Y-75 a pair For he had lost colual Insorne ot mib t amed dersor has bbbn arres* So thp, A 40eat (Ugnoeb.-Win, Fickara Brad* his subor4inate einia In.. who D� rid i to Peterboro to a6swet electric 110A Plan: i has been ShOlt Of 14eti's heivy Socks, for rubbers, �egular ;oc, for -pair GD. a Insin it ad �n 'elegtricil live W, G. Willis -4 L ngrdss, e's, va r )n- regL 44to� WC re f the;1 Ing oil wt a I I , fud the past wee. in, consequece the elastic'sid for $1. 25 a palir uat--d that' -be main- re for' bi' *en's Felt $1-75, 1W W�_-_Ujahardaou & 860 W r 1 4ty is d A, to regular $ a pair �w loss of contide*e in lights hive been itopped rather earlier wilits,_9 r resig L, big P)BLUO 01V en s Heavy Gum Rubbers, 2Aor $f. So 212, N"%896_aQbk thvn u:sual.�NllsE UcTavlffh, wbo as I rtre�l F�.0 i* -W. A. Grt�*-6 their persistency. In 6ver�easslfir the[ h. His ace. 11ri 1 7 -$2 iti r6,11 - la .I�Umt_w. T. Itember-5 ael Ora, The w en s Felt' -lined Working Sho-S So, for $ 1. 9-5 a pair. 31474 xirm fer work'In favor -of the ico been vis ng Oves in Detrolt, re, reg be, and Camp- d colquhann-15 W be, Uken b Valo - turnea borne on 4turday.-Dir "AM& -m W. y MV,4' os, GI boon. A So molutlan proposed by SU Wilfrid Une Ger . & JW87­5 -TA -*S. Wil bden holdb 4ff v %0 Creditor* vided for the �ppointme4 of a s! lal 1W601t ber Ota, ve bpe:n vidtiW bell, Inspector of Post Offices, was ?%N moo, —& sAs w1bon . I 1yesIf L - t -madis, gr at improveme#t'in' VUR in sea They�wlll viatt hen Un. Tuesday 6w In Pe no W 0, rgest bu,5 rr of `P�rlUmer, lUterior of th� store. Thex4rk- ilk it supp this charge of postmast-W & Turnbull Mr. Lurnsde-, a, �4ni t his ti eir f a move4: Upstaus -and;t4w ret in I st ad emglneen withi the view of Ascal t ain - lai ap; has V 0 Peek 00� sP, Peek 8r.-7 as of c tng wbvt, if .0y, truth go elvixig extended to�� the back o Wdson­-4 A hei ATU meeiting of th Zurl Avicul e M gaU and "I fib 10*1UN offl for Put to tha" Wtre oil tug Society the IIA- it, axLd U found rells, le to a tain --atore and dwelllu in Jewelry Store to b fs ph,Bauds-5 CE we CQ=W%M I WhIon n" a ow Mr. Vred. 8 VA elected - Pxwl& 4, 'J fa I I �O ulna. upied by which of the st�Lff it d app oil Ild Ti MoDonell, Jeweller, for or ten Years, to re 119t W� T4 QU well nti for I t 410 to 5e b6ma Percy H. 3. wife 00 u. Peek !tin - Lumsden hAd lott this od' Mw pn a John tem of years. Poemes after Deoemb JP7 Z( to 4c; For 4 oJ ri7gol li, are a. ho4 WeIIWO 5 Ite as to- cause;, suspici I � I er's old hom�s I the oLn, Jit Hey, r,, Johin Robert IM14 &MOrAmb, swg4es of 1�a� d : thi4t I &Btaubury- tc the form ha 'Por OW* -A house AD lots, eitanted an Mill I OPPOSITE cpMMERCIAL HOTEL ow -OU14, Tb4 Op_130FRtlon C W A�Ih N A. munn-5 T Q Osw jaa* of centihav L Hinju _Ift�oe - the Village the bdo of, the prop jt4ztlo� oJam dt tor 91iract, W Reuvall.' A snap ior the R.- lifeeb pred . luaky one, as -1 am goial on or about the 111rat lambe wt re irm X. Wilson JAM -D"4 16 too nrow that i ilio�a teaDel vich. The. doctor hs;s -sold out 3ejoro (;eorge B. ft -21 a4tice, in�tbe west1,j and may ta N,, 11�alvit was elected' and . . . . . . and Ades TM re =Ao of March. App)Ly to TZ. i . .0 ary ndon., and empower COMMI tee, # "pp, of ra PA �qulre J. Lo .6-. Pd p Pot gradujL�e co while down tvre r, 41k� it. 081&w dri"Ied JO' , Waghorne of To- Ur a tew old, a;r4 Evelyn Davtiloon 26 'lei not 0111Y into L um sd ?x,; e,.k spending galt4,_ -Mr. Thopm ey- has We I R*� Int 14ton, �Xortl.. Dak Towto, as here ;iet- of laat week *,Ith relsties sind frIelaft also -!n 99- old, of Guelph, were pqrmiMtd 4"15 hi iuboirdinates, b ON U�56 to $6 boifer IL ;iJeft, to N CuAt At ter ke United Stevw the he compWat Tim dm the. Idaroil oad, h thle visaing �ds cousin.% Mr. and 0iondvillim-Nk. and NUW. J. 0 ov 4 f ion _Weidal ha d' &om k�ra_Bobext McLa r�� Mr. XcLaren re- ., M id towl TW mad6. by the GJran4 Tru 0; Iuten4s moving Ihn t o t ere Filot Mound, were bore recently Ils- rl& t, �tho, Immloatlou de--witamA i bz I C 01m, 6 To a12 FRIDA, j;lreers and Into a few eeRs. 3&. #cddenit and is able to bew tunwA with hi -ronto to SPOU4, Iql�iag Mk, G. Sterlb#, Mr. Sterliz9fi COM3 elled them to return to - Ckn&U t Ong t ra Cb-nneot the C U Urrhe dxb the I uron Road for o wgaln.�-U-r. 4 almo� a few dayis.-Mis i B. Urquhait jmtpv� Tbu was doe, am Ion With .-Our 6rass bamil Is likely to said got -marrled YV the road. The Govemnm k thf po- nu rrilb eir o, f y re. 'He Of tbe Wnied a liumber of fr1epAs on Thurs-i reorgWdzed wfth� a neW kader this bnm gration off icas say, In order i A. \ -)a he -D- wcp via ton. U&I ffotea From T inion sitiom that -the4 methodd In siQli Aing Wesley iNewcp )e house' tl� f Heaft in. day of Is st week. -The wm s rner.-Rev. Mr. . Smitb. of CWrW the 4 ouple would not be 49 Iwas alt one prietor 0': meoting of Capme L Presbyterlan Church by t ie marimonial law's of New Twx delivered an Impressive =4 thee disputes jas to 0 IniAer -, e mettinig h1old waA bett*em the I gl at, sto., I n bat the 4 M Hura4 w DDMW redehp-y well attendeA jadt- ­1kf.,n 1 $8 GrAnd Trullh b wrmon oh Sabbath evetft I Vapital I andl qf I he in&* k PAX I p Matthews,, Ho tie. He %w proal ered the at: bo6xd.,,..! Miss L withstanding the unfavorable state, of- to ;f GOVe.. '12ri Ihmean MeEwm wbo has the enginee is f Tbomas Gordon, WaX�_rlods (Written for The' EXPOS dil Iter.) r . egul atute. -L ondon, w" oelectell, out Of a, largo Hill Jad trienais here, wom pleMed tA, the weather wad �oadis. A31 Xhe reports alld by 0 = � t.;� -couple of ;n0lithe o imm, -lan, pass4 awa;7 on SUUUT U Amber of �iappUcanl§ to succeed Who mA Wm and his, oei msbie"wife agal* submitted were o,' a very encouraging twned 111gb January SOtb, at the ge of mn -npo a PW measure, are now )8S ot ail 111aftes of his motber. rdurmneed W Welsh as, sup�rldtendent of � the one Of the most, impoirtami �e�rneut I i-, arb Dr I KE ------- :- k to C big d Ito fears, 9 morJcbo and 9.8 da7z. 1&, =Y it, charaoter. The r keting vap a most 0tary. to resum -V rlzgham: General Hospital. Wed - , i i. d pkaswnt and onious one. The, -he P� o f hQ", Ment bill of tbla sesslors Is tbe, Govern Wuler the Ektat�te an A m it yard AiNlmw ox 00 P. P. it. I Gort 0`PJ enjoyed t of N. Wtthews: hi Y returned froni r -ueW% r_ )r 6ho- a alawA yearr We bi4tW1 8 recen, trews wed by the Minister of ; Labor � Pakll4mamt were aia' r. tied for! the , , I iefs.-Rev- Of KU - P0 � pleased to repoK't that bbli M r WrodWed A post Y qrk� on Uua right Id The retiring plan,.- much Improved. -Mr. aud Mrs. R �;Td he was confted ZG W4 graddate, cour e, In New E:ing, for tba suppree- same purliose woxild b -, 141 ling WeA CRiina, I Fj visitt '1will assume, chargog '494o, Thomas meron aAd Jaaws W, Hao'. Ike Work of aW ow� �Wd- o h Iss M*tth�,ws rsof High River, Albertar, tare bed I -or six moths. He was box4h k" rch. bAd two hR The to giou,.Of 43rade cornYmP thm lbei a vIbUtion ot Ontbroll, were, B_ mr"Ts. R Gm;rk Xyrsblre, ��Isnd, Awn ik 0 aln t.1 usts. Tbls t Uld Is: an I t uk. sod the loo hado .1 day land,' ot 1 uffew*d 9, inow wnanWra, 1:1. w -y Horton and ca-anda rn 140f Was fore8 ed by ifor ih dii who. s Is A amd Other ftiends.- :k-209 Hie Came n" ter, br of these dispat abodt imear -,e�eks , agL), an, Jr., to the 11. Rubet.of Exeteir, was In the T ing first In Tw-a, and bw 11"d 4C the, open- whLeh :[I*. P01 Buchian Speech -:Ero:n- the T, es. The- ��i fide. ly r bw e 4 h kept f4* the p �,two years. Th� to b Aumber.to repre&* the ewern. part WednesUyt ti-newIn m- tinued for. days aiad ork( . C aieq Zli 14 wal erloo �bm U67.- nd ks agal2i, a Imal Was] C&pit hou on I arotumnd hou .-The question when a �a 89131 cangregs, aud Mras �F. 'took of the sessi . a cub of -the a divisia a out, three in ald & divisi lkitleh pe*Wru and for a� tht6 tibe I�Malgam the tjv o G. )BohLbron ret med to Chicago on o'clock t le jer]14 to by the I gam i0li, �,,,Methodlsl 13dt melit wa 0 Was a 1gredt Pot. Or late, howeveri, dimeheis in own s azialn j DeIng ft" Wednesday last after spending a,. bUdget sPeecb- ameind a &Zea -Mrs and had �Wcorne. ver3 restless qw*nd W. Buito., coulge, of montho'biere. with'.Mr. Bon.! party Vote by a =J t 4t Ih I 4ftsisiou 4as 14 gener of )Iwica UtIllt, e- ko-. I hAve tolerabl NN best t I -kill ft. he, IskIA Albefta, a 10A ty y full house. PaXeAts. That proper In Tb dow IMUC th h #too' st week uia i P W; vi 4 In V. : d r 1fuly.,. a3id sion served tl e I purp 11 be owdt! to the annery afid should HonsaU and YvIecin ty is not depr6ciatin 4f live I. by the fact theit tip y care In valus Is ex�amhwd this bill vet Opposition no doubt td U ake- a 1hap4some -Y z or coat. t Baia fr b �Uhoiw Vr" In V U cloulnil bis R able to' JU406 Mabled them to h -Georgt Ck I and Georire -MaIni, Mr. Thoma-sevShaelS ot BlWse, this I in to h e pli�it Elm ce, few lonj nma Tit fo, In 'go far as, G� 4'a 851 acre farm of o uburlm, baTe ff hed teamin�i - �Out Mao E40 Vbased week pumbased r 1_caoe ftrd apd circtilated the oun a THEIR OP R�� ORDE t a of meets, the xecessities' of the. and businie4 I t! ie. quare �rock el � i timber cut ft� b tbe� 1�te - ames M �Arthurr . adjoining fin4 etfiowa try, a lot 0 uneuppo oit is t ie early Winter N, a big -'tlibo b4is ta poss( sAion.. f armlrz­p�axt 4 village, for the Ilebo �mwi extravagaxice, ft a"hd to UW-Andividua, on 0 03t, i rm In Quebec, an I ft - Is now pileri orL Sum.of $8,000. M Serritt i sornk f Mr. P red me the, Part 0 ta god *4ensiVe f t 0 'AuaTC13 tlr- Of a t, the C. P; R. Sta:Joa Waiti w a acc thx. 6tii�r He, re an i hmeci Powder offibers in-tbe carrylag odt,d work occupying! In tfxe near fu ure COL are Such aM4 th yvb� - d th In 04 o the, old coui y..The priceL on a reut, and aind Can congrati vs dt re ate . tlieffizalves that I About Itbe 4011541inw. On tj le X34 U 1W Ithe h,*ve obtain -A a fine fflarnit With FRESH oulfS. V.50 t -C 14 U not unhebee-t opparitutity to., tile f ull.; )r he imbpr was t the irate of i $850 1W LND ACTIVE. jL, the prducer Wi co with the w and n iu' 100 ood dWelling a d cutbuildings, itted, The next mod t a :t dis-s I ar'thousamd cu4le eet.,' and one stict ca i t Impor Ica+ - . %, Xpr9v� cassed durtnig Uie week, .,v .0 of 'In � thi a vinool OP w d at molesteed- or thaE be 9110caut * in Johnstola *ot ters bush,. over A0 OrOot ba;ftbog fte brP61 ith all the nost modera 2111rily a lei6lu. d. 'ft a deAl' r Jn anly f,,et long. brpugh.4 10. he W, irrants and conwaiences, .n-' 0 ng el. e guarantee ity of all our drugs, and M, oderate arlegs + wlI1 bi� B=oye tion. by Mr. Fosterr_ whic h. ual dINUM Der' Ahe 4* ._-With oUntry V -0ne e�e nol long ago -a loiao, d -ti ,,jed so e*1C H&tjs f or tie outb ngs r* U. r -3 apprehen that stnding on the ulldi L *th their custom. i VerUicular _5. order the OL W. the .,spirit of ent txparlse has ever PM of a Ir to. A who fayorl us w it the yodne 'the aackson MAnu'w the sessl C�6 On on, droO combl�aaexlgts In that line if Cturmg In y I ft, (Mint was therw Inured., i�hiaratxlked Mr ames Of the pa.tromige. syste in ectl -n 3? eW -aduly refftr�lntng etition t, 't'lie, home of tndMTs. Jolaxi Jer", W 4 0L Wo San k Mr., J -Wood, who � owined a �onducted -rhay -A-T P08*- Of u )u W1 0 Is in empl f �vr -40 irm up� ome YeArs what was known as ' the. - Dries, ail he bas 'to with the Goveirnment is, Stanley where iL 8uraptuous Ing1l that tou. and W k, has n made In E T 'DLo t4d a arst was -6vided, co isting of -ate with isbAd T1 C�rlte, ni 1 Hotel i and atterwards as Chemist and 1: ruggist a otb erS to t1rely abol e- ii�e br on.- -V at 3n Zk 'JI4ri omn Is to procure t, id other dainty vland atter: ,%�hlch b the Tue 'd # enta, vnt.,i destroyed. by fire, P, !required 1,10 make resolutlun is that at Su 0 Ir mail Elirn-vi, One door north of Fickard% nalture. purcba�ed f c r t� ie evening. 1vt In igames" etc. hhs dieided to Pebuild a Sine tbxee- b1m They yvill b P.- an ho, jg�it th,6 in Aid'bilc. t hotel, with all'the -ties 0 *uall tion as to toci o.. They aw- giving a vau of nks to th� 3 Storey sc r b the Go"V SEAFORTHi ONTARIO a- "ara, "Dr the cpuutry shoul I hie Modera and thems!1ve_9 or chased Put lat peiti pra nig ast a4td hostss the -pai ne4, can then either by Irrespebtive of � LL% tT t up i� 1� date Suralhings and Are tl�-4ar&u 6!yi Pr �CO16 Cau$e� ail PO X01 orne, ipticb, pleased wilth. the even6 carri6g! Conveniences, T -S new hdteA ratorr 75. topi Xtrktdi? to E tem- 0 -1 Zvoi 'y aiderEdlons do 1 , 0 _ will be thro r n NV hOm thf- �that ail tlie fro er 0i ­return to on the saxn sit N as a 7' r, � entertainment. iis f(kiner one., ift wi il LL� or, in Kirkiton, Unt the vernm be appolia t xt -les t, ti jern, lace I;Urderi the Go ent 6houl 40 --onevening rec aatl Ift.: R6ber DISO from -vltb4 the excepti m -that It be built The 00'r"! g of prinix may fnf Orma-1 - i the iame v�ay and t al poln there, as ds is th, -ad such dtt" Of Bast,Wa., "osla, gave fudrther . 5' k fro. a 'the Streo, which 7De declarations a I A arrives _YA mmitS -to Govixime�t t Po 1. las- tho 0 lavet, OM 'OUB of supper for it te euJoyment 'Way tbey rebeive their dal Sh ve they posseg bet be r4ade lr.;e, 1 0 ties, frdmToioUt�t.-W. John Me' 'be a greait� Improvement. We ould bt-ing you het'e for our at Furniture Doi I frl�ndv -and nelj hbors. There eb h&E llev0 -he ne hotel will pe,�60 byloo gre Inof the Superl" U coult 6njo U 'Bargairs. thp, Judges rtis of par 3e 1-irfd 11ozywe fr)m trll - feet, with oof roof, And Will- -b I out � ninelty cu�slts present, and fire the JUdge corL!7 this Is* well u9n, in I bec r aut 4U the. ytovinica. and If to 1wnd. i I liad- partake o a a *Vse�rjt a very f e d jim newr has beeh and I'll 0 plendid 1,re-, an I osing at) - no cleared out,! isim I Recag izing Une f, �et At no season of the year do men and women how such keen ideis, the evile-14ce t1lug produced puf pearanm ever ill be work6d' tol tstronw, to justify f her pro - 0 Ut In ti p.rd9taim-T1307 consW ag of swiff:'s, iel. Illy h. Mr. coxworth W4 s such, a h �Avy oser intereat in the appearance of their h6me Thoe is a dedre for by ";y Government tu tr -he .9 W, or t ugh the f e that des, 0 UnW. MOB our 0 dirg,!� lie repprfs the ld�* epeecbes i ad Instr ital 3 -Mt.' freshness everywhere to ]Bdt the preX01tog or royed bb P1 I U ster of Labor, in e s axe ac v -stigator r"L SJM.� &-fteV` w Ich the, tire Ostputer,, e stock is ough seleel d. Our termq ne Doi P his b4ack. hotel, and added to this *Pu te by Mr. Poster &ad a d L , t e. was( entir fresh and most ih LY 2710 1 - aging the ai4t Onat am 001ne pi -values and you1i -vie Winted and itl6tion. a )r1apk4 jot6ed in business ain 'Ideal, xnd 1 the n Raurday view of tlh�e night, an aw respectinc hotel keep ir wa hist generow and easy. Visit thiE store of gooa U the -Judge does lid Ct da ook 1&rgeat t m, and all rel rd to beh colu rge ol 'the pos'; e1r. -the f 'Ion are In this res whex�i armers In this is;�. away convinced that this� stiore ha� f acie e we Phu%_ thi e sUwk of tbatt a prim, rM ive homes ofvf There to no 0 u 6t b e wl 11 be. drahW brick f 0. - the new' UP sidex labItd With- many* work anIA Jaines N, som furniture in the country. office, nt savors too m 01, be= mada Ut he Can either' dis ss. it �,Lil� his positioni, odt chwge, and proving sin ar: 10 1 �re lidenue #W , idll Ig rik kou! I aa r an L ob oawa�! uch furth Nelsork Blitham, forme 7 o W -is o disp)sItIon, Ond la�are�p aye exj sed intention W- be can, call S- neSS, tOL be I*L3 Bil- x__L 2 ft eher a. ..c r C( Ing 1,014 nu last week b.1f i of also assisIting later o, dn the same ta 0. X 0. t northern E W, 1 be �no - 8, It. has b visit entert alned ad 0 wt� When U �te_:jlng to F4 ster ox and _01 pWnanUr '(1 hose Who 4 CIInt0n the 'SuTro Oy0ft sup at wgy.,Th)�Work las alreadyommenicA Bro fo tiepd tWt the com In ClIntO n to an 4ftt smodth, ej-loq and 11 rc IM r ps R�* irAtlata tIM proceedings) neei ndt ii *,itowns past two e a*,, aiIAea*,ml, time be spent in ealru"!�, as is evidenced, b lai�gq im k seaences, whJ ch �Iowell orn in Manager. NAL 2 T. HOLMES, -4 the case about nf -bi 8. ugh their rit%, s ;sln�e Mr. many to quagtity except Xbr( lis wI6 d bim brick now on 1the ground. - known IUps in a contJ nuo Is istr eam Ike. Of d Until semtsAve or solicitor, au WJAA N Zs. RhIgharn le, Chouteau u- U his new POsitI4 auuua:� The soew held in C�arxn�l church on in from ap'artesiazi 'Nell, roe' of the Preisbytexi n- church Tuesday eveqing last, under,, t1W Rk W& Of ove, , Iw t., NoWa", where Mr. Alughaml- e the aus- the case 'X but! It drik -wl. at hours,. .1 could no.. publicity th� Judge there need be Ago gaged 1h, sheepi rats ng amd- bas toc k pda Monday: Aid B pity It was tt at ee 10 the, church n pices of fhe Ladft Y. was 11 a I va sWhen It d( es pass u illy extende& his peritions nd in'. Th showlUgJa a �ver­T Satis. tory ofie, well atteded -an, U a varled Inter_ - - - - - - - - - - jzu tba, it ,goes So. the irri aterial oamwthe irt 41ir i �f t :heavy -Yearo trom muell m -eased his f1' the Judge CA 00 1 beftW a ouut o: progrmm) carrlWed� o which t�,nsidered e Housei of Coruinang,--c bir 00 antil now who., e. busl- vhen one of leading. raacb, be, nig 'the building of Itte manse togetbrr, with moo thi 'refreshm I C, ro( had so much m s servd, t, hunt,up the ey dence omd Ore. P. JS DIL the s4inglir. g t4e! churel, made a pleasadUevening.- ss Ellis, state. 4 ter ho have full his o*A friends In t ry Prov Uid a somewbig- prolonged lilt,., roof -The stitement wIT19 to tbe 111ii3s They Govermeni's f uid ry.,. s * Of pa*er toL eXalMtne, pereonS frditx� _�,_ . , noke a fuU InViry this (IROOBRIES--Fresh growries, en vegetables, and Y live lbeach- id �iapers zg there pa -i y, -on Saitur lay; md 0 colle*d mountea t Mr. Joseph Ellis, has g wer f el se &7,4 where his gre �t po ace as. they jaaaY loque0i I z . J ��Uhry 221n -egure suclv evIdei wid Al. at thO home dfi bir.' ev $6,: 6.91, aAd the money to Day - th irig fot� a JCOUJAQ -' rnontlx, aid- -Miss inv:,esW1atora are persuasfox' always in stook. could b bul ding f itud np deem necessary 01 1� �Dk Bayflld Road, Miss ATw will b�e 3ed pe CbMaitt, Of this village, is .E etimg as - - - �; 1 ' " mifell, G S greater adva'n �as the her ubstltutq��-Lqn Sabbsjtth parties selected. one by the �Aer Of Mr. Tho -no s Ttick,- of yea r The me'mbershi� has ITU"Cre eNenlng OODS—FUR Hne qf StaOe Dry Gooda on hand- erAments f Ne*: RY G -133run or itail -was -a x fro r 8-38 to 343 the, past y� q. A nwe IaOt A07. J. W. Ortweln. enal mer- ar complainants one by the parties b dy a 4�i Manitota afid British co U Ja alvet e Complained against, aud tite, third - Is po Cbrnwall, Engla� 1, comnling to conil Attee wa d trustee clraiidt,, who tak84 'a great I )re t In 'd IrCA of the world tnt I tg stre P, f rE th6 ma� Highest prices Pad dressea poultry,, butter, sppoluted by the Gover en so -that lns� cuintry wfth.her 1pw�-,cnts, and Pet I consisting Of wassr. �ohn BI good, fowl aiad been Y SU neaq. eggs" ngham, tA. bein, A ter Of dispetsinff 'Covern en t patroy,-0 theL tribunal is entirely _f I.and , dls� Ingoarsoll, 04 Bor ie f q'Years �g Eket WW N.,iCummIngs, fo ful in obtaining d dried apples. age. :Rtu, when, nort�r yeais, zez- at"the di �ereraxt. se zis whole ;he W F 113, had the Uhk� oll 'his'prize-, r, oster WXer9qte4A. And the Y sq veriLl members of WIck , N poultry zhows, h --ent. The system other per�dn sees a G vfttnent it borne by the 'Governm me to Huron cound; o glip on stole1n, nd tl�,e ollo*ing MOrnJA'g Lit Udinquishing It$ Y, settling on t Sui lay walk ne ar t 2C low �yfleld road ida n tiot fail or an Y -B m Ous, and - discovered I., a field p, o t dis- portidni of 1, wbew - some, of 1 tht his houe It, bon( was ple, expedit! the break shei s willb e utte just. I I d-1 will sour tWlbe south of the village, where It to 6p, effective In its pe I do f 0mily have since co T12 sults. kinued to -ftside of W if ied in expecting the, OOU t a a WJ in. s h�lsther McGill 'bald been untry Ithst 'has tn 1 not'kn&w-of any co �-Mr. J. M. LaiTd, jB. ., A. Is As, be �Ll r t .3a thrown' after It was B. -B. 't�a irdo green cheese. Successor laft i any 8ense comparable with tbis A A. bas jug beyn appolAted to a wo! resiaed -law her n1m Very much rgre� Is- felt 1here that, ORT 'The Presebt Lberal 0.OVCr1Lmer japonsi0e *pOsition in the , Act � a for a great iriamy issed awa)? such an unusual land mean od shouK Years, Jul 'Ave gaile a good'wiiY-PEr a p Abolax C)ORNER STORIK 8 E AIF d b h ine Cvraa E 1,paxtmenit of Lhe '03ohnecticut Ge�� Y&yl sudle&� Tuesday moiming.. Vers ave. been perpbtrated.-Mjr. Vr. j, g connected with 'wbe heir 0 for t, wa good ltoWubs the aboli- I linswance It ite Comp ny, of H few knew she was sick. -M J3. West. Perkins,' proprieb?r of the. Qomrnerdal TruDk Pacific Rallwa comes o"perates ior t1an of the patronag in the, House the Op- S sti �m. For c&-nnedicut, Mr. Lit Is an ol weeks an in Iskl' who w9;'s bitten, by jdag a few in UP bends, vi)lth the opening me man- the Purchastng of:Bu 3ver­ one boy an a dt Inguished JoAtion iri very ago, went o. the IT. sp(ring. making' Ebme lmprovem�4�s 'to gi t much the rl uc* h r Eno E CROMARTY, STOR the red rag �4 s . at 0 ilffect of the I%Lrge spand-lag )a1im mts, 8 U to of the Citaton C �tl dte. M, d Ing his ab: h!L9 �reseat ho[41.1 He will xemoddl and IT ner as e a e 1IW on on 7 Ulidjy. Dur RM vn%ma .1 r as it hose of Railways "d �Q@ the bull. The reiolution -pro osed by Ws, Pub- �.A L �he tt-n of his n Ic fam 6b. I son3e 'R ing ar -,Tgely reAt It Mr. Perkins, during -nd i�li rnfl�t Is loo lie Wbrks, Marine a t.; UK) ond Ed ol-,' No di&s. t -be premler'f or the appointment of a ard Blake The wotMd doieii- not seen �5 pe;Bt two evep 'the, Juatice de ent'l ars, under local option, $AL"m leAdid illiel malthematic 3 and phys�s t gpecial co,,nmissiari o investigate cer par(rA� YhIC-11 ai itsbip in O� Imi the ay It ishould---mesws. cept isple4did use, v b as well tUin c�narges which Mr. Liurnsden. t from he Pureba,,ses supplies for 06 pj.�nite Itlar. g,, uaftd, Md the University Of Tom McCallum', (0) HanIef, Sask,. and Spoen 0 by BIB= Publi-q, and C.720 per -cent. is, hoe abolbihed ihe pa C _W t of b ebief engin the work3 for the i 'tr nsigf list r( Nice assortment ress Goods *nd eer of "to first clas� honors In m tlfx Me m, slsUrn wMch had'- 1;;; 1 �,vi)gue since of I randon were - Fisiing -bfr yvilth his tbtad Improvements some be ent, had made e I r -a- It and physics. Goverum T. B. MftcArU aad lother Arlen6 her( ivill be ta z btiler jmItion than ever !C Confed-eratiOn-all, duri ior h oun$. a-, ng el ng or 't t _Pa;s� Wee . RO s lit hat one -to cater 't he Big bargains in S Irershoesi -emeneers in his he T the eighteen ofebiz subordinate. nser�,vstive kule xnnual me uirn- the 0 t. ublic.-INY. A. W. i A with , the ry Agric.ul6ri Of t �ake of 19 ktter of resignation to 'the Govern- Years of Co 6 hoe� land d ir Ll S clety was W.) �eU will f Tole or Ohio, was here ad.., hIM men't; caused a lengthy and somwhalt 'Idnisenit and ap�rovaj of it 04 our- fair young $taulker, .*o Oster ird the pounicil charrib r on ThursAay to big -N!�stera, home ceT41Y Visiting is sister, Mrs, , G. 'Men's h avy Caps fufther miIiiced'tO 20C, ar)d boys tw- and is collew4es�--'andi -i lous discussion. su pplies J41n ar 20ith. Th wh Me. Mt - T. Kelly -tirling, -who returned With -him Jo aa . man u e t, .9'asurers re�orl wh, n be retu I are �Ubw purchased P4. C r tender s1lowed th o ach LA_� is geerally known, thj�t Wt ot by at"'the ire �e uding 1Y urCh;E0ed M -e house and k, s m n1d fraw week 4. -On Friday, evening i C le sit erbr�, esp t1ka Grand n :hNnJ tids, 21�; �he ;as $1,0241.91), f his politicl, olor. I S ets; 4041.he Ttu k Pacific Railway Xro-n..L f"M the 10 We� -ted �c Ive pts lel blac A large, assortment M Rot I pegi 0 mote :bi)rrowed money, am i_lnte� to 1 $1,028 sho belonging.to the e Ro W. and, M -Ts. Robert McLaren, of )esl Hor e Blank 3fankon New Brunswick, to Winn Douglass. We do not know her b� xialhoe. V arm, L ndon Road, held J;heIr i tc. New YX) this Goernrn�P_At has di*�Oted A.9 Af of etc, 1z Wng Constructed by thec, GovrnE use P41ze memy was di tiributed Ao ;th b�4!rids living in the ho nc1t, b4 nual Burne Ahiversary., when they i aktio e by --briders ment through a Railway Nramisslon. J_f_Of the (IVII Servic,-,lp a'nou 57.85. (14 -account 9f the It go he will ne4 to get mwled�- ost royally etertained well on toloo haviW all appol When the road Is completed lit Is tak- ntments 'Plaeed iler a0tions of Jupiter P ius Pn - so�% Mr. Robeiftt ay' who w&3 tn the excl Toron, f their xelatlive.9, neighbors and rfenda, by he 'Gr'Ad Trunk UsIV6 Control of � !JL Civil - d It en over or leai�ed which an3ti, MCCON EL was ngi but a fait I to Jast week purcliasbg his Jewelry o a mc st pleaa�rA and enjoy- ma operated h4p bme and will b vice CommIssion,1 w1c an ade Y s J b), iall If, paj 1, .12 5 behind k, has returned home, ith , lif i s 7WIfiC CDMpan7 .Tn Y, he Society W. J. stox. -Adependent of entively I d ime is not do -i ainder of Gcvetm�i imile was appointed to attend goods amd gOit them -in- ! 'the occaalon anything ike Justicel, in c0djunetton. with the re C the, road, -which the ompany �s Coli- nsible on,17,, tq P%r1Ia4 ,,eting of the- Fairs ssoclation*.which re has an up -s out of t1be marby ,yea�rs Air. -and Mrs. I be, held i ate, clea-3 a mvr-k. But Mr. Poster and hio .1i 'Toronto in Fobru tiock, amd EtbruietlAw, the company payln� the Gov lends :n: 1111 the HO' Ought do his share, of th ��-Laren bave ex�tertain6d in a ,-nan- Full of U19111S, I' terest rxlel�t and respo� rf � to in daus for er'llmellt a rental of five 'pe# cent. on nthe pir this yea's Tair wer trade. -Air. Adams, i9ho recanitly her k I t ing tobe desired, the ef not',, L. it will the Country, ref�se to the aiatual cost of construe he G:)v- f d for Thursda "t Friday, Sep lqbaed Mr. Metcalf s stock, Is jiav, su pass d all fatimer occa-1 Inter- ernment y WIT Credit for thus b -a seen that It Js -to tt but tember 29th and 30th The' followw e. cl�eap befom, he poveo It, tt si64. Space wo forbid us a:ttempt- T -every ladvnd gentile M-- ax-- - A, jO of the c6rnpany that oe dUtinue, to howl.1 about _Taft And pirt- 0# jeers were eleet& for ekto road t he eriautni his Ore 17th A., r: V! I alew St on & � Bedgood ig anYbh;ing like a full'ireport, sutfice ute be cont1ructed as cheaply as possible. Izar, favorlitism M the ft9pensin Year: Hon.- pqsIdentl JOTM 1-histon -who h;Dv bee ? e Aing a, 1"taur it to Say th&t- IFIE11 �ables groaalnX in �'L-own is the 1corning visit. conda qi4i�t Co Patronageil ODtsequeia�tly thre are fre pajesldentv Wm. Kaxivell; 1-1t, v16 her 3 Tor the year, ha'; g1vw u; with- thir. weigh of tempting viands, nis Ths dis of' Mr. nk: Peniber, alt rits by the en Ineers o Com- n e �";Vaur fL a of Mr J. Cart le ;, �nd buslhess.� The have disposed of �the music, vocal and Instrumentaj,, inelu& pf Fodtr haing conclud( -0 y agairtat the TRICK-WiG ps�i classifels1l" OW- re resentative c ti, he t; dlreetor� Zlr! X -sita ,k. to the various raert ants,'� inig Me bag pipees, skillfully played P ailrit 4 hip idontir, John J moffgJ Teront Of lly� pe ad by the enene&s of the lilt was very bly and fu IfEld I to A Mort= H. D.Texdue, I�Wd Hard%A wil leave tON in +Jme,- IbY Ur. Wrymple* duets by Mr. me- tho to the cont�ractors for the by Mr. H Guthrie, otfg uth WIel- T M, Hein e of ow- W Lazm amd M. Yxill, qusxtettes by he C derson, Gt Bryce 1�ea U* el�Aand big � b isiness ?b T_ there are solld rock, 8 al 1Z9h tl bour, for the 0x d'eloc k ad- soh,- W. S.: Llnl�later - secretar -tr It Is 9, good ' #tand a*, solos by Hiendert-i is i 00d- is go - Xesurz. '9,�LaxeU and Dr. J. McEvven, ber Ar. -t 'Hair Store formed. For example: In e a- lington, ail by.the tf* e tkot H'6'W1erSo-a,. W. J. Gre , . I e rock, tbro yt loose rock, gravel a -ad sarid excavar! JOUMmen 'lad arrived ana ru a, WW�dr sorne Sppxso rt � dpes, Alex, In- Vendemom dis- uN �,er, H. , Bi Elilott -, 'auditora, I xt I f3� .nd cing -by Me. petel i M tmn, Uk, STAT -a sep- augslon of; Civ 4rle, Jr. ; hanorar�r -purchase Hi Zelly grAm and 'Mr. H B. nram, dancing Uong, Each one of these b 3,s :he subject had go over. NOLean and Robt. Nx )ember will exhibib the mosbidtm or rent', it, up Again jrectors,� WS. J. J. Xoffs; ht to the O'nvent Londoi tbe nig srate and distinct value to 1the con- not it Win 0 d Q - tt, Mrs. � W. wbo.�wo Pht Daos- stylish and becoming hair goods everl.- depunds _ff 'rnan$ 1W ied K;�ctly the same fa trogo, wb1ch Is desigmateq. In big o. circumstanoeq.; Poster J.'Currie, Mrs.'G 0. Mrs., a, fe I shown here ago is so if � Ing to beco merrily 04way, until the dawning nem ebwge -0. and contract. It In the eni havibg his Say On h ks ajo., MIm. Maxwell, N 'otrtor-, Mrs. 13. a Sister took tbe wb hours at m creavic ne as are I ishown in Toront 6- U vell o arninded the company of the work who dlsp�te t classuil 8 purpose n ne -t at pric as lower t4an Y'ou have eve complishe 0 raid big VWoft. Wet hies ..b this eeli. V%tf all op Isoo 4- the (hours had pwgq eatton, If the roaterlaaal, rrem from leading t owers Ikave for sAch _17Ar tdrr .0.13m, IS at ed a7wa�? the- oingin )Dt Auld Lang y YeaxInbig I C place the es a certalh cuttitig Is classif as solld Inse ----iWhat ma nee&. r en Le n i ecoed to be a case ot U-ying ng �.h Ting st rengthen ocai Syne ni long to be re - It Unw price the an the sup� they D311i IT, Clinton membm-ed 's ant assoclatlonis,, 4ke all others, aud a perfect boon'-. utd hea who are reek tnititead of loose rock ect, as in I -murder occurred F rtUy mornin e a er 0 a- -kl I saver ewihmetor wM receive for M wdr .-favor 9f p % xonage reform Wben we jfforwood, wken all ation, wh gely lixiltat d. PAeW - lNT, two mnes east of vWted Wends In - Tkdlett I , my" _bfirs. Uo st was In Nxeter par"lly so. A reall Gh�r man att Y scien is Ve gA vM be wwly twift an jn*h- as if others fellows am ih officel.and hive a 01ralage the affesee've- the week -mr! jams slslte� 1ai9t . week P P � llililli:�W, - - it 1jad bee claWfled as IN* took or tk or the Oil aige. vr ith a!a axe. The bm inost reaonable. Advice a au nents of the ha4rand scalp. 1 oft WS *Ingba% the 11&kt ot Rob&. an1yed from )gTavei. 0 the en,4 someA wee Pember without faA an V U 46 gedd turn. Will be at TP. N de- a 01ted for .. 4 trom o Dwst eek oA a glipters of the mwpany to ao' rd VM omisma to ast. He was *1ven food, and the an at Hieles! House, Mitchell, ti3e cla-saffleo"Oft and frequent we0her i Ottawa 02i of be asNed ft the Ile was. any *06odd ting bier Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, iodnesda, gffi .-TM for tfiia ftlm 'the Went bNU 9W. The misters w6m 11av, 7arri"d Nd now JarrM Normaudle House, Clinton- cmpbdl�ft -ft to too the we wln� poolte 3Dn toma mi "m Wt of the WOUX be 'Red Teem ft 901t rN 0 f b1m and told I CbrC *#ah4 'It .10 to"to, h w wala In Z Wt week mWtlhg ber Bedfqrd Hotel, Godericb, FA14� oped L FEB� -11JA t - - - - - - - - - - - - -