HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-01-21, Page 6Ire ii 400*4P - - - ro. A, the Wesi 4 ot coj flrst Altbormb te:Y. 9W Man Ja8t, and t1l er 10 � thessil r"- in row& no Ume to lPse,, The V __d to 1les, 26- per- obod. IM -P -roved fab E*,- gr4glu- A are th e _111� on tt kugust we published thie eWtmabs of can"'Ot be IMPrOvd In a Yea*, and a!! 6took rafting, by fariners on Pv i6ping; M iSUDerintendefit of We ist he - 'I b :.�% t%--"- nor and 140 o n Dr nolies. upon 1101 n D 3 via iwM All ThIS In Any ivent ft Wll talto sevpral y 46V, -'bit -AMAttlist -a rts larig er Scale should be laid' at -*nee, 000 , 27, n". rly 400 ciarre tts. ;Cor into its -c the oll ipmeAto be 10 a 0 -rr it net _0 Wirn1peg d-orlu fer Afid -Ws 1h' h r, or LAI 11111 DO Iti6wo ,6r, - a .6 prodw3e, a, as follows:— 0 49TC&S- and -.2 00 ba Ste _1 00m Vae price paid for hog an4 eattie 1 Ider fb I Wheat 210MA 00.0 bugh g the pas' man 0 busbelf jai r0hovId tPnipt an -y farmer,tuI take U0 ed r N "hieb $hOlt1d en", 1*,:L28#L#Ob --ay don of. ia:to _bts, -4,000 buehel& this branch og' farming. Barley T4,92 M A 011re thel ma. Of but -this T4o prospect -for the' -I' b roeem u!a e. mar�i hWith -the ear q. -ice not -beat. h ARM V C� ng- hi M a Ieat. h 11, ttr -or, Several re to �i the figur ine,es, vv -h durl th,6 ,4110t nade for Shrinkage �by rain, beat. h kfit In the Pririe Prmv prosprl lo OuRt 17 &T w htr The *"ter Ill bi re Yost or Oea4verse condition$. 'I he 11) iddition to the or C. al In 11 orml affibojed the bad n ideal autularl hi -'n sharebO14 - -, - i )_� � I _ - . H asei : I i fLrb p6mant Stocks of spruce and popla e At U b however Vie4dew, Adftess.' 4Tnp n* the f of e Dort of luded by th-eivollm mill It-OAM-gW ,rovi -fully niade 30- Pr an In efiftlea of d z **_oars auuarr, I AftOr 4.1311 eet.Prl� hope of nauthe It r, nd some car A dig., A Lim. xomrqal. witl , large Quantities bf pine, fir and cedar - mates now put -the wheat yield as 10 e�. r hi� PtIasident then w-mve tile' Mo 4 bad d the foie� �r t oTf this Attrent- fret i _North-Wi�stern Ontario ener. UL is SKI ost as 120.000,000 -to 125,000,00 4019k lio i�:,the FreMdent fr, )m Mont- ior at The Vol-UnleL a i �hlpments C"OlUA-A' aLre iq Cels. Our estlMat6s er J:J ulto g000� rse of bis- remarkii said, riial and, ng the �earl"V, �Ar hiireb a L Off I a ShIpuilo 'Meo do th 0ho a grat- III The statement e have, la14 'I Lis ZgAUJ� wreins y o n- through of, jj.,� __ear -Manager o addr, 98, 0101 tDat, and ins seem 'rikel to be contfirin d. Durl s vmimdv � .11 _: Oth 0ho W_ 1116 IQ . i - - 11 h4t t e ents: fhiaie uggre a s its is stul petal IM itg pro IfyIng Increau over, 1908. were slow to buY until the ero* $Nor aI lie JiL pq the '0.0 aellia 20 r duet rt the Lachlille ai lal b or. ii�� Cramate"'s best nmodadoo L e 11= crop. to which --we do i lot retn 1�ers, after their -e2peri-mele Int on And h1s. mlarg4d �produrt$on 'aw es r6fer, is -this Ye4r about uting the conditions are wa .�sixrcd, �and prices were th-ere-2 ` I FOR sm Cohl Cor -i- in.inanufac 0,00 bushels, aTxd bedause OL ofutar Wed by 14 facturerj As has been Tore a olst that an be iiaf P'0t !pdny !6 r�e ult o f th6. 0 re- V z Vft ftu $7 M MZ%W- jj very satisfact )r, ILI having I oral price will -bring the f - f4ire improable to the manu trikc egard the recent, Cie( A the year ad- rs about S4.560,10100, Tlhe-graliu ps so I hat the year as a� whole is Itot i elva­ &nd PaW for Dt- OutPut -a t e, crrl� 867 posifton -of tho,,m net lanada during. ti.116 e; aTo� (I paif bd e-qurtr— eady ept. lik satisfactry, althought. ve,00 ons to N a Ste -Inerase e high in qualvj�� .00 to 95 per th tilln vanced, e4l6vt g i from world 3,3 O__ abotl Jb . part of ithe yeaV I �rly- a' -M -ar -or ninling. The gr4lu InVali* bet:ter than 190S. during the greater In' or !and -ment In eing suitable f Since th�.' ot. almidst too ly It- Itas full wi, ii. Improvi unde 'ew MpI - ement. of �men. �0 L - Xt-k th T ha output of -at MA, ay -new 1-9-atodes Were larglest In iijssqranct� of good crops, b r rovi —the 0=01 es. the oth thw, a go V-m0rkea.­LLL C do: � LO opa altogether arL dwing. me 6 �f 189 We re r 7t e built, bikt add i bris to e�dgttii ig, plants ste.4 relme -of sales and,th lirrices era-' disposition to e Alle, 11.quU - all to h -whole Provin-ce -of. Now, iiantity and in value ever hari orthayd-- abio to, discover all' I were qulte'nurrli�rpua. Of eS Improved that an active and Ther e areo And the total r0- I tablet 'axe pa�� eals was ocourse. except business is already being done. Vii ivi Lts ation of old -oblIga;fI6nsJr d cS( 1 M .- th proft L, &Yaftbl f or sale, --which the re t f n moftey will he - from 4166,00 0,- asons for, t Mileat Ca.. diftel" , , t 'L L . . . . . n untie, - two periods. but prqmi� d 'Dry 0 00 CO t in -99 Census D6- It Is thought that the population efr. YAM- cr P , - o engage tl the year the i i4lority of A of desire e fs� tea (0,, to .5160.oft000* Th4rJ so, re ng �artinents gimate of the valu _n ly, 141 re4ulted In. ()iftrfo hemAn I ova doubtlesb, a� Jhe are e of All the three pr er ces Is now Ilea es 't orta I-Nz! based on the C-40. e4 it. �01 It Whic, h the tradin -a time, :h -a' Y bad Icre 4 their lield crops. cereals,,. roots. 250 000. Idler t d Qab� at full i #on SAt the: 1ports to 31st lownear'! I)e centres—the uronts Ban r, tput of tog re&%thbles etc Pr v , P aftment 1 The yehr b ave t] it i pr6mlse of a, larger jnpes, is 'Wit for foreign F out -put over- a] past records, r -the three! Pr money Istringeney art the to -b ii a�.Proaperous. ly all h n a XTge OdUej; sr. in ever pros- tion since, but not for move ent f P in IRIO Man We cannet report varY goodI deCreage ton -of 61 1�r the -MrL datiario Paid; volume of 'bukly' 71 d ox.6 tinued 1, m ;Mdi rrom- the WOW& being 6' v1pl: Z -f adt 11, -�d has_ beer �QllebeC_ JJPS'Jit before, ordera wift' the hat he on, It has N en r3aa �,ern Canada, the figures art d beets for the next spao. C, tweatlier, the ?oPO ere 'a a. whole,: derted ly large In mE my lines year. They -are, 'h9w# Nrl! -gap IOWA., It; erai Te!, 4ry in the West for three. or four 162,DDO. t is el4e t that 'Our adjustinant Of 'PrIC4 lard ..ely--fvrw tod! 0 - 'tie aver Ige . d ught. excol- amiss b a I ea expelinst n In the and in ronsequenee d beW 0 efore Ca ar �ures. ve, _1L inat -a of last namely, � 015 4 acres ofljw 11 on the Mp volume- of tr -- a in - at elt wo n = 14 casa�, " 1, ural areas, hard. making fall ploughing, was too low. erthe are. lent rices, Vie'a 6 Canada, In addMon to,the uft iiiwz a up taptWi and e, 6 tvo_ th it 70 A. ature-:: metal goods of 01 h a con� "I � )L&. Unfess thi�' re "some -i AddltJ14 I r --e -us' We eat L Cq ditiox a a, di. the'nature: do, -spring Is ear Y usnal movement from tht! 'Unt _noW' fa n, _0 adVA4 in OP na XaV urabre It expect as Statm . .1 - orflise 9 ary, all siderable I P-710 Flour 'VIll not erL.-It" _LU t6hf fte 4011d as anged wo eaniTo there has also -been a largv, not --bOn r IT,45EX t at it abriermalor proAt- I e .0 rc rot3e. and stM -P] a iner ase in- acreage as Id Inun er of immIgranti fr�)Ms Z-UrWc i orx sho.010g, ad, a -"D abu dafiti out -or pine Ding n nor be 'In lu but there 41�i t-biri se and - W sent Opport, Ity fr., 3 Iscantk t) �4bl � In lu the. Thoe Cc n- -but� the decreaele front Europe as trade -to be vo.distri In Which 1�een 'completely u1c esult- more adveral 11 thO116 _�se year has a.. ditly me ton r h have oper -opt t gensiI naaY'lor - � I tiong sho ad with 1949 is pranouwed- di , L P" 04 L '. --- L 'a I , I -ors L occurred. ree OAK Xmdqs ct lu uber SOIL Southern, Alb 'ta: ax�d S 0 Al ae 0, owever, 0 urrou roSper -8M bU J)QX JUM d and In than a where, because and thair dei6laried 3essesolnno iot Me% eat- And. ich was no ittell and is is rea t galsiratch el e heir ow r,to '14 111 b larve- kI L not -shown by greater nee mot ey iand 4 and 10wOr grades e Market MIN needs, i it the d of moisture in other vatu M! ' adh field- some Improve m Dnt, . Tho o*tlook ag The atq*� -Indws vthturas, an -�:t pay debts�l The valu f th DO see 49 theme parts of fie West greEt that these conaideMtlosl� M pr -er, erD t; t*6L Cl 'asus ar exit of r a wole Isawr good.:- The now cut of 9 e, I mo*e,i the ca: tallst_.Seeking� so- ps � of Ontar o-, and Quel D' for 1909 -As *e have tried to mpbash e. Mor than cmpermte for the Idw 1#� rITls. !he fira L )f these gh�en -ar4ing !Eastern Canada,. the ca rY nurfiber. The. outlook, f6r immigm--, der �*Ious 7bar, lecause-of a recovery Uagoodblot- I OapltaLl ts StUl. a w 0 ftam -we been Inuh 'I e 6 suti dus 1 (if *M04 m4inly- fro* - 2,9 0 In so e dis&K Is deely interestl6d In le "tion next yearja exceedin 09A will e t funds t _qa,L prol e -and th M stmidy In 'in tram each re all 4 11-rectl grly good in' NAM not neede 01 AM y .In �a Ing AS duet )ns. ro ey�. are Important - ove Moot nt of he ysoLi in, con- pe, h6t quite cl'arbr eVid More, ttentlon is, 'nectlan with a ir for was the action f tand, because every dllar Ot Such prospeirlty has naturally- ex- boramercial, re u= eiats at thE C6114-, !divided heretofore. With pi� lid to tfl=r tin VeF Dy the to spent Ila by =er Is CE Ja� ofted real estate speculation; and thlou - i,_ ing� the destru. hi h of the bovern4at f the Pr�ovince,Qf try, Md, the� , arke­ .41 wittlers, 0 d'� t otiat at% crops,. goaiif seed fbec In - Ji4 otion With -lie of ve d merchandt at which,+ r�i, L 15 - . agds,. f tat Of -04t came to us through t#e-:, of � I Lthe ex1jort a in lal)ou;r an 3. are riiing AnOf ne I Coll n d u a4na a U�l ii STWART BRO13.9 rin-91 than. eVer before, and Qu however. 'will not ibe tndency jof Ill-inforniLed- people� +t er r p e Moil abros.4, wer raib ai.4 manu me. 2 he w bre the RA b, eid 10 NY good, crops. at its beat� the pa invest their monov In suburb It ell on of pulp wood W. tb a Vl6w to�' the pre- verRgo is -in New. York, -W mervatton grelLt fbreft areas of doot new methods' beyond the nt to g prices -f food� P acre of,gra Is not only In-_ tie long J)Oriod tin L !-lff - - I yt d.: er es 161a schi es In 'wllich the adjamney for Pi nd a ori `0 that,ProviWO. INNch-activfty in built- biva comfort, Iman 11Y or I)MtU 0 Sarrie "lost Dur sing- but puts rwlse. And so, beca �ly settled : arts Is ofterl. Hi Uwe Ali nevi -wim h 0 a t6 abeeldrat M lit r*te of - �- se the s6ftj luT. 4D roe. M Ory- ftg to genperial t] kroughout th p X hey ond liver. was n r6grew. of, Nor Alnerics- A d a of populgtion to slight )i It 'e�e oncy we aveL 13 ura d r, part$ ot - r ad proportion to the cialms of the deal- nt Mal Ve f the world "at the MOTnO 4 affles am well m the larger onei bwol-. in _� eg to, results Tie tot�l value �f ts, how the *essur olding lonshlerab* ihe res era In this re0�t; again -Avpar4fit & L ] MUD t [OCal L taiarket pirld Is -we do.. It 01 ainrdiik hrt !not thar Should *a7shi- h rices forf.00d.-Stuffg- one igh to warrant a caution on our, -------- ani In 'reserve on; 1. 4k A 0041110 _propert =m being sold at by'the CC he %rd the -it 14, a wrd -40t, e ept in ia. feN� isolated WlStri(tsj, Justif ed V A sd blmve b,een Y*ry nearly as =,u ch par There of Course, a great- rateE_4 .baV(1 When thevaaa am applie h. Wifict C Ova oing 1 yeezz raise f lgRimate In-cieAse 112 vsdlesr- both In, VELlM from ail' to th each ia�_%re Gm of' such - a rpridr* f, ISO. 0 ia, sat- 2 W( rl high- prices -lea, 66� bw advir red t haiainding t. -it then pressurO of DeMs- elt the medicine is absorbed I ilvith $44 614i, exent We would the farm aM In the at thealt r AU �wa pov�ofthesklx' Tih_ Lr has been MW ins throtwh the - x It e 0. d'pew -acre Inv )r virlio bu�r wlth- -con I xwwww . __ e 1,of the�od, fro in -b r eat us. � Whep this me. ves, and s ' veyed bi and �he were upon. tradi, ia�,,ao p4m by a, whc buy Gn riargin, rd nces, tlje� qUallItIty 'Of -b f theloudv BAN, 144ead, It gqn- partof thebodrulom pr in, these pr of -the, rohewe Opt a g obut knowledge; of surroundin general apvrelattonl,� "d[ Y, e lborougwr and.vffectualt The baigis of out 66 ralat*o. :w, I the] n. doubtliess, ly does. we niay bd sote thas.. tfon 9, are sure to be punisVed In I W. have been 10Ptu i In YW gal :a other proftioft, taketk into the eat Br n: w4 "n It M wa.shall be�puffl 91 On IW propo on iect far -InaJorltyf cases. Winniperhasruovr' t. O!f 0M*WJo e1W SAM - spect In recovertnklfr6 The mi"In N It . g stomach -by themouth- e At rMal Is -'very. lit -tie to in the West tak- 1140tidii with of: a"t ou ,6* then centres at Co, )a It, and here the pro— &'Population of about 1"50,000. Tho which S, 1909" n -im IS- his profit in ro 16 in 'pro the ro parlog Max �lhO wl�qli 'bt-Ming permits to the end of N&VAM_ 19.01, 1902 8160 r0 ductlon In t1" b r on red 1ho r d 4A I I edg aTe geWng a TIM he' raising of iadmy bad previbusly be _cU=d' by ld tWo '00,4" .190 crop# we ddbd o e growth of VA -Ar i 4� V Ither, ber covered .9,904 buildings to �doslt whil ft 1:iads one over ea. -8 'eu !oducts 46x or to Jji Oirut g Q& 41 to stim will In he Imp m hogs, It, veget&bRw the tountrY whid asi.�eompared with 1,740 sheds `11 chIldren inary ea4mbign I of It do cieAtly reMar to make cause thO to, buildings in 1008 to Cost �and. the m�fiml-plexus of nervb. trric Acid and Or t Brit ill Mning, , for. the- I ifft I in tn*e-sting. t generattol n 0e r ce)Ted $16 1!1 gq !be Vofbedvet-'., abled- us, arter paying1l, *rin-9 - -tht YeAtAl tllings'Ot thei mdadtab2f -tease. . dbco on I got h My4 could ures -it s the third �cltyl in Canada, a'04 j4dr __2. , t h omw The value of th!� rr.oftetfan 'haa been' busX thiil _VeredL ancbildzenaietbebestremedrever and providing for' AIM at c not rested ng CrqP_ by 91 d to $ 91, of �e think! f it' MtnlY SA seroo ie Met IOL07 and L 19. 9,,, or every the vithl, the aniest tho, igh W in trIbutiOn ind, -in as follows: fertilize Alt 01alaw NuraigIa.'Rheumatic.1 ucts, exported we received. $Z5 I restored b._ aAd 4 red I prebakdo pay -yet V . ISO IIR04_ 4�ao 40 Ucl�-, Tm diseases of KidtleS are -*Title, $419 901.72 ff k Am we nalAe extent . alad . as he t1de. gr-eltt market, has already i In cash. so ne return, but as 1.$04 ......... 4,, 1318.21 tort �s mpla Uk ia *-qu from SUM Car h eK � usefU adjunct 1fig 1i3O-00 people. rewoviedy the sootNug 4#ieti'39 a" Arength- Account, ailil � t.0, $72 t7; OIts frbm Mi. ;s to aid 110glind buyi almost 1 0 11116 everytb b the -app" -busl- 1006 1,485,570 -ChIA -ago In earlier. days, it maY aston-m. ing_eSeCtLof these Jnelc�fe4 Vftdg� They 139.02 Jn Fr6fit and -Di attle, h 0 d procel �Of to sheep 11 n aVwy xodx* les wt the' oin'the carf -of, the �trees thig res eat before L 'urt manufactured undeTIliesup-em n fr. 006 73,809 -1sh 'us in p cr Itry fa autumn we have Ich w raising. dairying, u tb3*. pay for our sur 'iVy6faviaillei. t landing of th 190T ";$91 ears bayt I any ciau otmerlb plus ot tin :e I In as etielilly all -.o� the time made use Of L the pr_1 )AS LLLLL te., Are, little In vidence, EQ on enlis"411!7 A -pad pn more or .1 m ....... L. 9, wlxldti� iiX 1212 �the --Centenary of tb:,w. P, 4 s sihiftlew Jftrmlf�tStonlm�h. ]�Y Joa4#ff Man 4 the, Bank -Act L ame ent v 1P*Po L#e In -particular: (USTctso Wb e,, ed bq, rplus are I - Il ­ _ - for ou the othe helfia 4thete J"9� (estiu al Od) 00,090. XAii ding of the," Selkirk Settlers. Is ce eiw: dlhr Ing ritles- god-, i Success, hi the pit the.stemachover, the sol" which empowers ta d for a. iniarkd- iiiltteofton to whe dii ect I 'Imrvmandonepadontheliver wrudetfulrewlts fin-: 119 n if. he bru.,ed, it will -,have a record an txe-produced- wrsitoma�h, fnfteWcPn an6fill grain to frult-gre n these 431,494,464 ck ralsin- gots Ao Vii the kte�d Stlat d sto ar. gro'. vth wing ald to which will be worth4 i0o notes in rotonjach weakness are rem$wd. The Uver bel, prov,4hmo ln."uwx xx"Vw t$J In -marked At and resent ImoneY rPsult wa�_ no greale 4anes.actWe the bileflowalutothe-stomach oof lestat on 11 Of linproveine "Ij the- -creps much to Can general Advaey� �up� capital of 15 P r�, J&taJA--: Ing, I the ds to I the 0 eratJo n wh fL� I . these. products -to in the I farm tsitna of: ea' yused on the the to w I n let w1t4c ut refer- L bee &U e e &eat valu Ta�king d tise me fbodi�diWj,4�,C�)ni�dpation.sallo*compex,- CeT.Lt of olivation ess on- isidtil. Wh m to f Lt Of flie whole West. ntsim b g- We have On. our W Mitens inilemo has _J, 'Ilonandfttemattyl�iver and Stoxnadicowplai ith t_he So" Sustain i, the Value of andth0r0UghJY='ed.L a CIO le -1 rotted e ' il_ k, would A t�b i�i r t r w kets for --once to, th f4 10t df e p Ce Of, Lr - T mar my .'ectilany A e d fox, -wit 4 a t as to I MY but, t tr no, mpTO*( greil -to balt alone 3ray' Ian evel, 7 of' nnent tue -do no -3. very gr a our ear. the1, Ban. 1-ttli 11 i Mates ther'e is hard veri-� the outp- it of'Co . ain groWT49 �aa_L _)f, ' ebL r Ihere-. dso iger It 'i a'. r UM I vel, Weakness. 93rPlocingtWov stood at-, $1%327,1416 e 1pr0portio b6twet a mely In tl�e long �Un,II F*M I and itreg th, �reedfng, although ert reat ImproveMenta -in afulpen ulannesas -more than -1686,�00- ol'o r;the -11gur).6 #qrts. jn� the. iye -ty _ are insured. AM 2nore oer-, S 164P, and for f1 tem :df bail imu ^WX1t8, for tears -L 01"the var- An adequate SYS Ad -JAt And is utl and' t* 149,,34, L f of- good 11MI a th&t V0 rythir g In thq and de 14i other a v g e er pr be devised I!at once L40 Y a ficuble of the L previous pallaad or i6, _rtod d in ji� -lain loprQduce the flow than an7 medicine ta- ,,,very .3 that An, I as ti) bteeding, Us ne, should -6- At 0!r the' Be from- th-6 Virlted,$ Aes we jent ti i1hat Ve6ted. or ed 4 e a.. nt '�6uld �be -worked out bY Toa eds and t0rraiygas bielvo 1-.eaintc,,thestom,�ch.=,--pric*sstoauywom= h1jrheat amou ds on e p Ono i p A,�udua 00 orr h same May be smid ot1those.who. been made. aixd asain the ropL b_a# durin e t t, vo country 111 In pr ducts a0d pat $ 17 Character ca- sai Ve Which 1 11 1-w "dded thereml- tidn. of this Bank, M millions pra-vincial Gave V09 60LI., IN I*ttle', U as th bee a uloved. to the heiad, of the-141cer m6nths hss� bee4 4 ol� S_� ft, cashi ..Pu e-yearo 1906 11907 haVe been In the, b It ffordome yeasonable assurance a a., Rar6 Vegetable medicinal extracts, combin 'a r'n tin- e, In S 'a e a In � it satieft-etory mianu0r. ed W'itll medicalL gvms are reduced to a Plastic 131te lariii of the iseverazI CoTj4ftaift daii of this, provisloW Mai al and-1909,,Ifur evg �e�auoe f eat tnereas 3�et� pmetteal no Its have -oufilcient supP:Y 01 114_&O -St labo the 4preadoniis I oft a ly.. consu t4 . -th einsfic mtiteijal, -wbirlt-a& cidulatfon ihas boen i emc a perted we se 't em Ir pro- Ad its ther taption begn made, AlMoUg 11 ate supmw in the b I t t! me $30,�SLO 'in inere ff cl- for, fx) su0pw � 0 ore aw t e bts andi paid t - satiTt -r f oherestbtheskinwithoutanyirn StViatd b the e M astern tkrms, produced ply at hipment at GoW lr�p -,a meia -ed.itszooct' 'elgl has it Is wel �Veafiel .10 Orts C f ice 0:�ticleb­u all& crops at- Ian .1 SoaiWrn Altertila-'ars, no* absorb - the In, naportat ant sensations,the=eUd, 11 worjLlwoceedinight and day-� Canbew6ra:by xy_t es for handling t1le 91 it falling OIL bel and the e%per-Imental Stage, 0,01deolL ent du and ea e It h -1 dM. iter they leave Mrs ha; ids be, pr ler 14 P J Mal 'MEM,WOMM" orch ng%vn CLV4 din 1.1Z -i-a Ph torbe* r6gr6tt- great oucem Is Aasi year apunwm ;MZJL�x L Y,uL "a 0 W1 TW ; A& _ILM J , vreill�l 1, 1 Id be very P-1, 4 ithe XAMLL4 for �s to 0 settlem 4Df 5, 19 e tlie' increi e a e one awt Put taInly Cc In- Doq1twoke. a. Dran Shop 4 your StomacIt esitatlop I sing- a a Ir as f I ca would apPar-. 44pment 1 JoVej ' �I*Uad �kUamedv*h' had no h _$39 to $3 must M Oint of -view- C er - of b-d&-beem- Pair sectloh vie Bow A" _' L It vasimade to digest food. Tiyt ed � fiat $ :'b eon bled tpply "th, *rxnerl's P .be mDre se"- hilpotts fr, the* 'UnIt e evt�ntuglly 0 WaS never 80 kef A. belore, ;ad bleabsorbantFaedicated.pads. OUigh It belidded Cob wH grain dea] ars 6246 -3& ,Would, _ubdai bted� more 'Ca aAse. are in OW 3 -take -advantal - , pr 0- t If ortance petftiDA 1 th ilia good' ftwmi JiV.01de . d -in pointing In consequence. eed 'true t t, in These3�adsaresbld only in xwqrs. and theMlice be --wl.se h -United. Sts itO I Aport- -4 pronts to the �M -TTay. stone visidn' s $ lte;y it se�nis, d by. hav' -1�e avoided 3r m+ny parts OT -There have tl�+91=10P which, Mligh, I of go in e the prolAe Provincef -and Inclid- sboUldbe`$Za�Pai'r'bUtt0CJ'uieY jXtMdUCe4M4 t,,iu- Stern cina, a, wbu, money ro- town to be disap Iis R ubsold t PLud tbo eneigy- Sad W_ �Jy tike payment to L greater'ext er_n i0i % )ur. :0 jr6ilat] on i A; lid withholding Ant in make known we will for a limited time; =91 to it , ­ d Ou products, �&nd wo: can afford to a niakes fal r omfortabler Sh or illis great ear Parluk out,111111 r's er of. ky And o le, about there wbre In 1009 -A-IWW �an -to the Ing the sniel'l yaddressone pair .4;, ked number In I Iddidt,0011 M- .2 Jt Is- thre 160 'MI14?9 n i -west In 76� e mU of dIsi urbInce to U a t lAfid is t bet g ,ordered at one t bahkRi clOaii tb�at uili* at bta n%,,*w kinds ime, T. &ftanta an produ�t Must the Inean" Ilve r 'has b ousm Of -atIOR &lit JW V=- ent is- M 1. =onto ar�, -aftic :;niaae; totil Of trade as hiely on the fl arrianlK( 1% L 37 walre, mod seed -VDA3d:nW You willmakeno.ixtistakein dill youror- I' , the'PaSt. Ome the h and At sen e in ',quu th Importau; e, In Ca- JACreaX j�f he United- S s of b less an n is is the cbeapeb p4dItional blrCulaflo.4 � di sidil 01 r6p eSentS �mliieral of jai ot �S4,22k 0 ts grid - ay, as tjii M DM and e� stoup tlie.. Jin all with breaking thpAA" t* -der toA y ari tarift I Ill -0ho, Spa- VVhere th ua4lau a U0, A, bavl with a . jt�� ho Ass - of ftl- ma Address- Mt and: efty -or., ln� ISO& Be In wht -tod-, Payne wq,no pr ng' d'OP'S'Ded- bumbeis, aiS Idt Capitol, 8. situation 'hader bigh'intelligence oi 0 2'M most Satisfactory MediCatioJI -70alaVe eVer7enl_ ton on their pai t to� t ell ur gricultural 1gold, atkudinlL ft&JdeAeate4r" C.;O, m e amot fz ske 4 bi icke aetU4m an -&vertftfbg �0_W_ en with -u 1; in- colleges, con-Mlons ar r 0 �wm be ,struggle 16 -Teduce.' popper, n 10 of J"11 w, 01 . **Ir. Irel; 4ioow ar than' iao�oordtng _'Ing t1m IvIt, - i 0 figwes f 1-003. in -and _d before 4Y d =e _164-1 WINDSOR. _tw OV.&I --th ez to P v, ir- thc putlo, Is. A_Xcel- to it, ON YA1 - - deed q e, it telatuou: It D- - coa am, 13 to 29�.11. t116 lilolt� of ii not so _W�lftbwm V te A T gre'a X_ -k us given I -,I t; � but whei -e Int ffllgtri qui , t fr e. if Lis, Judge b�, the powor to anno ISM UN t) 0ji the basis: q ' our 4gures for n ;roe;r the land; IN jai � " 113'. f I - IN themselvies Zbou. 'not ta- UnI 0 l@ n At; and! eciall1r,wliti we have )20-W: 0 Ve# 'to Ve Ito S� -beconies -at e it- -is the jujeecutive Of the - .4 wi'a bodoM ft Is" d the'admiration Can- Pod- 0� J%Mwsoo Df aeco thlD0t'C0nSJ[d But the fact that a not r Ad i eadilly' selim 3 TO own.*:w.aY# -on,condttim arenot V� i�nten(j o manage c a of ou to buginess. ou bl§"Ily ollr I n -0, T to4 be our naturpll resOU idIvier jisving Tile eb i re fear I tb s to 11 _UM * Great n in �lour. tariff - Mont it" 4JI Lleag p"Opit the to favour; Or I . - , T311119 'I's the Id -we *M- K : - . - - r' -.Th,k-Jnweaae in deposits ftilag the ada tbl*xii, f&eW;at4,u, Is now over 11400 bAr T Ize e e nt to which Our itAMDAW& M -retatlefisi, 4Ad to"LL jueliArmle ern '% if the ger. sarea hoJ)e if& hold,: a our aeo �1;b - ere, an - I yeAr aftd&mted' tai 125,4491183 ra Kentents os6 *ft 6ther" es the mon -favcrable.. e. From 4nd " indileat0d is V V1 _a *00 ther . M aki% and ha It y and - Satig&c Iry istricts- �Men are !srnall besild-a rear ofiunusual to ti�e XYZAto iargest mulival increa�st in the a disposed t1irn t 3 loss proap--,rous d Umited St�at". e- enjoyed -a fiEth lie 0 of tbe. Bank h"nd i an i mount excee d. I be trii e. West, aud� M ail parts !vertty. The val t Ace6litelli arid, 1l,*i)1ng to 'kqt was ratIllex UnV%*dft _ftrM9 wintel in tea th,trea up we the' 4� 03400 tbxough e la.][�*erybo -preM $1,000,000_.- f Its" i SMAt eleiven o In growing tr#de­ 'Easterri Canada an ever 'catch this r is from. 4wd "W be M MU. -M70 Ing tlkp toul 0 le the JiM 'Jejent tarIn __?_1 4Y e,- great and r rt'i � Year, the prioe re**1ne& about At jmp.- Imp:)rtAnt k of $aft 015601010% M144 it includes seven bet -Ween C b years Wo-,, An, art of anads d* e ame until, Oft %lnbw� w;hw the'MISIX- Wood do 'from- S5 _h -be serm causeg JaSS Oj; 4 , -this *111 not b - --er, con', Asts of eposits lKi ds of, it r. This , Mt loss. prices hwvt� '�ean taut specl4s of fresh -water bd* WO -_N et Xet, showed � a, hord aacy- Oils a LlakeS -of Itree p_ or oft I man' iftifies, be ddft. 0 ous Otte , -1-0 UZ par head owr'tbe -P sou known to-, be temp ar jr, 9 was .14 other d The wo Imp m AWi W re '80 Mv ._74VM6 and. t t of1productiom. -,76ar. The numb' bf exPart 10 Ing llshed.%narftefY� Lakes wfnwlpm�' _r19r_e.Ms` deposits b4vftg� �Probably L a tion Arhen we S mtll.�,01 o"Coff ift. to'111)3 I - -the beAl m., 4 -to the V. "nitollia, Winnlpegosls� - D&UP frikal We 06ino wough Winuh �eg, up MW efor - - V Juuwfimr higher level tha �ver V as: fig r�etjhb mrs. 'Minkaw In I&I anti 3" to= in -1 ' I I bt No"M 3A im Of the Woods Ittainy Lak-0- ax1ge nore e- of- Re n1di Coan currently'with tW. fa" t %ad beam"_Wau TH'a' PALACE MEAT MARKET s $1,699, the n vphore.. Ititelli bor'ill* 1 1 . I every :1M. This* Is i t1r "I At labasea,. and bM�ber lar-ge. boltlli= depoettla our loans Julave The Marith le PkovbkcelL � I er -of citti* f4w local consumption in r as tVartsou with: a tftel �.7 :14"eied Ito 114just .*31, inii * of hov 13,8;iLaq. sh water ith. Of Edlionton. ome ne UO A hands Calendar i and we have ty W,4- QV�D"Y 91V_ Int, to 6f e. 0po-, h" ftiller ftain The vaked to the labor lit, -6 CO an -Albert The suppl-Sr k0e,in e=ess of, figure -of, li Ad numbeTa ar nsltleriblY all of lit a -way free with your 0061 - I 'me. W6 lVea, to -94 Ceata_, M .ejL nces, V. ta .41 waters Is P nQti rovided another' r eQ& �n& and 'bi4 the pZ th, inexhauArt- en year emaployed - ca�l a", AM - IW year, p 'It -4cerds In 110".. i-IMe 'to". of On ducer mu et- a_ -at -this store. We alft-.'hold U*888o in If -Pr SFR� 9 ter theI eauntry *e pro I ly prot -and as -fiL Xmas order e ca ell protr"ted �be_ 4nInerials In -:tm fted bv I oper teeted, J CH prosperio, althoukh Ult 'a gs of a conno's- -than a yesIr ago,. b t tin be"as, a ;Lb�- =u Milos -for the 'r -f t1le � Jinffin ter and U 's in ease the., rar e.per, acre d by'b -�,'rellmi price Over. I M-0 appointed by the Dominion uy_ -and, .10�i I gevw", kro, in the eist. A to NIS, only in proportion, to coal stiikes have irta#ed wer oed I VZ_ oar Xinos No laetory.sauftge- It's Add P 4rade otthe ca , Mitles con- w ;974-13128t -probab 7 i -b' er'-ffUent it IS'Lhoped ItU�Lt 'every Ita rmer Meat i -t' have ncme our liabilities. dd tUas hG*e *OM is semnd to, the glanuine lugele,made ned.; 41n P ind Cer 1111"nor 2 AIL or oi_a Of -thb 40191 10 a piles; -b At thill� %Md '01 09 'a Jhe lnoorrdng� of the �row .#,V y Step 'will be tak-6n. It will 1B )A-thaVwest of meats 6'1 Map h ktgh-,)6rk4w him turn� 9HR- Ji'lu hether In have salld If theirT hi Sj7Y Ud in. 1146w �`,had good: I lee 0 )r MR this emphasIzes whMat gr I t Miami w7ff heidll -on BA Ity wIth which 1 'A fa attentiO4- Is bein paid to da IrA g 00. get a ;Hiatis "tory Inam"factAwing, ding mixed f, 1. -the 'West. tl:bAt of the -Groat LaUes Xisc- We we' MY equ!PP�d tWuXeet the de-, vored- during -thei ]OR we t1W lattei - hald 9 r. 00. Jnemh&udUe,'b i regax . I - nel _r estate n1ining, of� -dem 40i Raft The and for beef -3m ffir aL �XMM. m6at reckon Wit profit wffl t the, east dut10-Y D the kg In ! _i4 growing# in- rex W mands of every Customer b istio as to, condis = �. .. 1 been utlib -yew 4ld- oted (it or so, a0di M�br of all 1 -Ment food. Is -I iip the trade CondilT ed- dUt3r is tq e for labor and appli6s. 1 0 the price, Summing art Or d It dinner. A full line of meats, beef, w1liat our I t� 10 Who haye- th-b of farminik , are about 1aU Z�V,64;� Incos, it intelligent me tneed,� balud ft hams 9 May Saf4el�V Itment 'of a whil'L or. ollagn . ghout t worldf tbeso ryroV :-. _ _k reeile ducks, e4trusted us *M1 trio A e a _Isav". aothEe, a" aim dL g Very- Aign tbroU n the East, -pork., lamb, tur -1 9 being I a t the volauw ey ng aordt' advan ce in 1, _11at, As L 1, .. at I , nary would be a ridiculous 8 Of th ngs -chicken etc. We.cddiaft. ittyli-to. -you lavxe capital. Durtilgl. nay 3e "enor* in 'n i Ili 'Priceo ift%ol volum", Ja Most h inachine 3r. Is no,, al Mcr b YOST P%!8 - I bazin for tb1s if - &. Country, Which Is no actU, , ly IM of trade has reasod as t, _e farmerq_' associ asr that the level of - i9ot - M lons, a -U A� Merry a. P torcaRon us. Wish_ij3 66illed the fofma;tiv� perlod .)f 'ti. i��itumal , Tfe , ssed, and iked the Oh oldc rs Partial dro' Lght and high .4tate of a oUr 4MCJWeftt crops. portln�g sheep from, the"'United St Ites gv 11aak we have as _ar nim Zi , means a 1 !in- W, Christmas and a PFosperoug Ne* colleges PL-nd sim th e nl� r by adMzst -ni ly lea and Australia,, an ta� asorable -vidend wh le:� -yields; of grain b Iva � appare On esllsx� iBut the wh ch is b . Mg QU accept a,re di f , and am inany La*e 6 11 a 'do!Ug 1% " pr6veme _q A w Ile yeaf�. sininialls on 0 tario arms 44 es ad nmny ul a 0 Is act"W: "I inegs. muse' two-thirds of iiie b t lconaum tr t - �, L ­ - - d to WF7 ted state -ov- Ja-Y ger b sl;)eE� th 4. w endeavore lay. 1he If d U can -b6� obtafted:� In many In XJt 1�per acre: c, the, Gqirera an eve:r bef0mr- I usine nosied WIM I" vnl,--k E6 w 10. 11jusine and . gre fddder an I 6ot D how I dinduished. 'the jumn. to dimppe and the the.'Unl � e - _- - - .# O� a sale and 'perinane It _s, ingteac of Impi ratur1no to.Ist Jul S e _ ent to -whit retail-tr din I behif i parts ry unsatisfaOtery statt a -7 a 9 -5 B ink y dy sin a ling this v f. i - in A*u lkvft I - - areas oduld�be d afftirs, Should make Itilworze bY the do, ve ion EL cajsU basis is gratifYinV4 Herbert'Oolquhonia. In the anagemeat �crops and good- zin' r U mbers in L milch cOWG and - otner b 9" gr illroa g 't* -old 0:urpp e: f rst . . . . . . . -which Js Sure, cbabw hiwe�hdd a; Q-1 by' a e Intelligent direc- te -t to fbe early yeaM X tlA Sheen swine and poult M. iiad.f �+a+IA-n erf 'beef a ibilltv not in Imarked contras -M nu conuj 41 F a E03 1 0 1 %L=0,V­ &_ 0 _ua - one gy. n -the eastern;pronuom permanence a,, r Thia valite Of -the raber larger. -1" 1 A5ua - 10 1 in loss der. ple I a� pettlement i j - on Y.iin horses is -at all too abBurd, to - VkVe to the cou bit rZltllst b f pointment Ito many� bv4n Itolld eo-ro of tb�eMaritiine Provin6es 11 sh1pnienti of fr6m ty, :'aad see- I )a I ooine relatioa t P r - very sma 1, being for Past re 'were 581,000 rrelgi the ave Maniftobs, Swlkaltchewan ant Alberta. The f E g for ten ye ais b ng 44 I earm �xg T ft, Its: 'as now. an - I I * a. -ls W ou all cropi bot _in yie d and PrIct%, b X )art of* bul ter nearly ceasedv ow- w th 4 - now and In the tture F Fence txives your property,'. -Iook1#9 only $49,68 000. abplA_ ;'0 . 004 The , 1. it el� 0 and, the su-ccessfull 64illr Istration Of �,year we ha� H' e__�_] ro, t power isfactory., and,. in r of orrealt prosperlt if ',.bebn un SuallY y to re i Shi��ents from e same port, be other yea these purposes In view 1 we have. h in4 The I 10 N agi%irst 57S,00o �ciord for the'Aalrie Pro I *kx� Evans, Retim tS the Ow of other Ill, -S,%O1DO.pa V Aces. Ali. J., t some par, akage the courage tq ad6vt 'the i0elicy of :�o Lin4gjn being spring In Mshil b cold ek- tip MU-1rd1% 'dam Y fruits is - �niportart and j, 19.0r), the collapsei in- 1907 'a alw" Itud ba le f eatuj�e d, bUf -nd - erecting a.large nu or 0i br fit Ll Fishing, i. al- :(I good weather May a T*es Like. Mu r1i e ly main-bLined.: A! Ivory largely 4wax A pE%-j;fErT HoIrIF, FtEf4EDYa buildings, for the tl el Ing A 90 d a s ��loqgh, �s us very u-nevell as. to r ftar.4: will - hardly Sune gave the 4��ops a pdl Ition 13R ual, in eased hah e der I ne as in 1908, when P-CIARLD OP4 your profits... It, cann t1 JU #Ce be at the end of �Tu Tnflo,*,ed hr the hen ftgllsh Journals. Suppile(I shipments said that what we: �vo d ne. as !the catch of diffei ent kinds land," to e )lain. this. ch esethe -4 G_ look., 'Iff-1- f i tvourabla. 1 t. i Bri Lba Soldiers in South Afdca. 7,2gJ5,- the sprIn eavly and b exceeded our recluir ts, r: at 1the fortunes of different. fi�hlng areas, vt� re,41,,872,000 box S, wo�,th ; i I -n " 0 A- - e- 0 the yeaXES being In Saskat( le �an.a -2has. Malroy, ra- -lft l'b-imt ootl Qland Tfouhles. Plrarff;3�, %bl g h d A11)14tta the 01Y have e -tae prp -uced a nore proft e,r* avere e f r nVe Me to i %.�wuld siaf 4iel his i a-, d averE NY "coUless7 Fence is lid nap In F.4ult than' the: Lver�ge. , ':AS Might 1,,. 96,00o box s, ortli 1 $18 417,0,00. spriAg Coni L i gaye ev 17 knoeb-m -the pluiples. 8911T.Toinvi% portent .,work. ID s certaid Nveaffier �on lonso PUrml 1" inn� am the goo- lireout or.most Pe vollingo. SprMus. ftexameA n '11 ir d start. Vu y and gust. were be expected fr M Noverthplem, we w4 the conAttl 9.1 the��i* Y 'Itw- V#� 1'. :j;�(. 4, *e uld no f orget (,i's Of "Nv a used to ei i t, of lumbe 'has w ered be- But the Frost; Kt all Vilimirs na-Made XD.1, A that you 'hai've been e de tion ly I a- i foreign t.adle, thi6,1, eu r. I ell figures Q 1903 by the devel)p- very dry and e yield s a Coil Fenm In inter, Frost, ;`*all:! Y -r T. 6 k ripenin, aw-fort E of the p odue Ctutter, Jut Cause of too QU Southern -%vbr,, stmi Wi�__ contrAds) Igivdl with Qivaianzonditlon�tin their surp tim, ins of sn -Z7 down;-,, stoelts, ho-weVer, r tead of on like tient, with -us In the orking out of !been Imp view. -crely fr�m winter-. —'a r Mess" our plaw; and we till the t *e has !have b' . nearly Pie d''n it,�(e have 'eja Alberta suffere L aev eez ared otit an � i n9w we must admit th' I n i con�sequer ce, thq outlook �for the e 9�1 0 lort ttiat fOrn: er- killing of wliei I h1kh a§ 6 0 tt "Col The Wire fornmly used now come when *ie irtorlemen� fror. ry, products, t , 76 for the Frost Fence was I Mal u_ the sa Me per cent. in FoA6 ]�arts­but thisi loss: And in Summer, whon the �Wlm 0, Tan&. X %lurdto, ��.,-.*ta: kisfactory. ie. ause. At -e'_5 Atbe-Irta Far, Lands for ydur investment skoull arger. It. I tr�de is again s Isr� *hatever b3 ti - i ader ' th ' tates. Out ef I 'at need .)Ur was largely �e )k1reld by re-seedInIg in that sur $a 0 _plus returns to the Froaepllc, in 0 ni nteres have. had a imod- titne, Great 13ritaln does A we'bad U.Mado'C92ecially1for ng. D Is our puirpose It C8 tend durilm f4turing I d9try products'as spri st�a(l of asagging and-l6auwimg the lftdc, t, Sat *a of . me �ly. the August there were fur WJ�esr an Itbr6ase diW- j erate revival- and th6 prosbect for a uch as for lose iisshape, us, It gave batter MM tb utne per delt. Pbr riu�n.,: still largo ir vol e of -saleS geod. and this tion than mos� Wire, but an ealand, -whMh 1�vei yeaxg L90 ther losses bF fl-ost and halL And-no'-watfor 1�ow. often ccontla tion or: wa*tedfar W Itefore purohaslug land lr,� the West, look into the W.1 expa st Fi�n nsion is C;Lused, t1*0 F*O always nerita of Alberta fall wheat landsl. Do,not let The *or that regsoa w4 de4iiffed to Make -Aaf Americam get all the bebt Jand ia the west. Terms. IMPOA�Ar- �6TJOES.f I!�?ELTA4T NOT100. S�a AM Notice, acts the same, like a sp-*ir. Galvatti= our �Owju Virtre- SowebuiltaMM eft'her wah or on the crop layment Ian, or a clear Ire McKfilop Mutug F for Wira-making, "d another for Galvaprix- qeAr r �NG FAkM TO M' 1�& au #Lqd to the land in return 11ab entire crop I:FOUSE F OR SAL �ribk ho etand Int RA7 PETTER 1THAN SPANKING 11 Merely E=%-xs ings.and instaUcA fhe utost mode m, afytinter wheab. tans 1�gmond W of the G Bay'ejd. Tenderiq for use this season Ion �i be usurance orDpany. uot of bea- ery in usv. JUL In I e, I ju�t so *%�Idne, 61 eure cimffld a 920 acrea in Sb6glaitoliew-ai i, clo�e to three i' brewery. Therea 'laod Nm ed rece ed 1)1 4. . HAYS� 6 re lv' S rth. 1 21514 UMAX Seafo Lots of other -d the I i Wire Veam havea o'custion. Then we erhange for farm wed or soutb of Seaforth. with fi�ib and pod garden, stable; webting. Theie �.dazonatitntiozml cause for obUlai_ zervkcs'of one WX sr. Curve o K' k- asau le=use f4r "G vd and the SI. Jameje eh* most 'Expert Wire-Mak6ra 14: Avtodcr- For: further apply to, JOHN A. (0). A"B 0 acres !or in' E �6b ti s trouble 11,11 jr PaTtioularAl -9 th �4' M. Summers, Box 237 Ru" i years lof WireMaIdar vv@� _J Price reasonabTq. Appi� to Q M F �AL ern ­Take� enu 0 WHAON, 11qx 463, Sel)aorth; 21692 -ti. REV. N. SHANY, Ex . eautors, eis' te 16teJ. tn PARM AND -A man with2,S Man 100 aen s ready fbi a 2P - lailes MBD. W sor,o t.i -q i� Send free to anytaother and"Takes" Junited. Thh c4a= ot ke* pd,,cb,&,pf him. ,IW,t from ood bUU( Ings, gooll 8 H. For pav TOWN P-ROfERTT ONn .1 he c s ece.11 )I e.- trestinent, �nith fifll itilp. itislAin the Wire or themmod. ticulao, J. M. oxAbNo, s0aforth le. 0,, Anne4ed _41e neW rr�oSt Wlr'e FOR INSURED' �_tr etioll d Bbth the Frost Field -Erected s knd the ofi=gy that it possessm Ont' f a no moncy,b�t WAWher the PM1W t"Pe ARM FOA SALE 0%1� RW T, POT sid a_ Lot 20, i qaY if ef ildren �Lxoublo you in -this FrOst Woven Fence have extra Pr 31isi= for Cina4mu coniNtion*, Your, AUM P &SALF-4 or sale, pm - Lot 861 On on't I a e the -chances t - A first-ftlass laim - with. goqi I ibuildin -1 A,'%1V-GAM_0M,- CAWV�- 1 tt�, FOoncession 14, HdUett,,l fitalihing I aa res. �: for '*GAYS' and "Take_" Butnopthi�nhave ]a., 1B. Mejealt, $Wnt,. Seaf6rth Child Bulls fdr Sale.. wp�y. D Every inch is of i,.ii 4. a, ie rifle F 14,411c, . iL You simply - caftnot find anatfit'. qX,.aon& 1 [- Pence Orin Ovlw, acreEL, -is a from ViHage 61 Blybb. A I h, premu a ad- 01 P -o -jag. '�Onnolly, �Goi orleh, VJce- &�b it ca7l�L% hal I . faim with goo 112101 d1_ fugs aud- adj treatment also which w0i reWri it-, shapee hke the pi=t. atwngier than any otherNo. 9 wiM ine the We lare offerhig for $Mo our herdbull,geott Miage of Walton A ply 00 thq. poiWEe I �orad- isla dress DAVID �NICGZ Diyptg C) �I;L if :prealdent, MWton p. Tbml ML roires atlults and d people -troubled Vith T Abo for We. A; I R WM not gap, Marilm �*f ?f Signet! (61432), bred by Geoige Maps & Son, Moffib, F, On Tetarj-t;ea�r, 1�ealrq urine difficult1i -18 -day or, nigh -,L,.. to lhsm�b tkeld-, I dress NV. J. *YAW, Wa I R�0.,, R11(4f Malre Our (5wn i Canadian Wea %t, i Galyed October l7th� 1905 �f to far_,. MOESTER SHEEP AND f TILE- iD. qead for frct Rookut =a W.Wrim ffire-Old Lancute; imp. =5 L 'a undeli Ed I &do f eV. IVARU FOR 6 r sale, the !west I of 1. lulutoTa- We are the only Vel�ce,7'bfakers in Canada If of Lot 35,.1- Con, 5, Vol- Or John I G., aral Thorobred D; er $he A* le AF Lot 84, 41so nort1h who Make and f,Galvanixe Wira M Uwe CN. are i n the The Frost Wirc Fe= OOD PAM For, Z5_1011 r containing 100 Scres," Therlo� tJ I Dim -Scottish queep�, imp. =tmqd� lboth sexes. Add RM' ly M LO preMIM Grieve.. W rl; rge Dxla, il, Vill e d.: forFence purpos th, Mmired Ga. Tuekermit %t Win, Mfll Road, Tuo esuIi t R agg hvu� 'tisfactorx Cc in :a, 116st eL e WW6& by a� f urn a also, ion Idiohqn nlk�, ba x7o, wilm, to Jia b U Old L�n�ter Was the-Gra�d Chmp' at Toro -to rms & SOX& �i ! - I; n 13ennewels, Brooha- The u li-signed repared to )a e =ri 1 972 wo Aprge ba 6. Seefort) Rot *the _o4shed nde M S in 1904. driving efied htdbo Can.a" shouw&_ made leapeqtally to CIUMU of 1018M "'Ven Srkt ien-de, vel P, uew 6110,18 X. SZ, 8 goo YMtound h 49ei Tement hOg pe i Sk6o, gew; "JAM Alohn Cash fed Aqw1i Vanud Opm Dhfd* WA . V - qei6hwocd M Scottish Signeb,(61432) is krom the sme sire and fell% 2 wihd i ii Is igna prim for an u fi off the pwuliar Canadian �Jini4e, which, In S*CA- otato UZI rM n Watt '&,MeLean, $ea- SWRIMR-OckElm Baae*- Ash, vheO and It UU vinsat and the Aame dam as the famous heifeT, Plematib Valley L -IAM FOR SALF-For sali aerb a 9 4 power m7W on barri and it, WWI s wen =HTM on 8. J . I . . . Heinloek sod 09 r I de&ered at I the Seatorth 1 .01 %1enced and-j4nde n P )1W I gth re 4 n e'preniis a la g7l, is I - 1: Kast Half of Lot 10, con ti- Tuakersmit,b. Tho re 0 f Jag Conn 11y. '0MIerjoh Jilt, ebampion in T&onto in 1908, and sold at anobion L w orth A. ft d Sts MH bO Mt hi Sve4 len , ex- Arme ban f0d 'Wk, Ill - XuMt Mail ftna�v one a - connectioii. T d i- hm McBwea A qvw Idd.- iiqw for$.!." In Februwy, 1909. Seotdah Signet Is an frame barnand Jog hoitse witl ra#Ae kitic tep. I I a I,- t'o ft 1, 0 be alut 1_1 , 3; omd 16 feet. W^-SftA also 1x*XYJ_cA-L 94ed,- Bun 39XI-50111: 'dual, a goodi sirei. alid-sliould go inGo ball Is 9tuated 5 miles from forth, 2 nhh nee, -excellent indivi be sold cheaip and on reWnah a 0 s, Th( `_4 _1� . " Wso haya Rapdivg #0 elm a grOod herd of Shorthorns, wic J-2 miles "m school. is a go 0 L16 fdr 9 lftlaE�ft, ' =. :Mad W^W 2&GA cleared 2ed 'Do per co delivei tim� 2116 11 Karl Hhkeh-o. 10119, 4t $3- M I'Ve.are alm. offerimtthre choice edvea from 10 to Is ?"inting, son UP- fArm. U not 861( win 1, Ed. ed. Will a% b� A bouse in EgM 0 evi n �nl r by bulk,ln bush.; 19 mootba 01& it yott wan; a, good animal call ana Re. 16y,. ftafot be nme=. ��nl 44 kv te f ta I i; culninhis"M by meas=m�nl onovi '�0, r1ol) - be i L Mr the Zrocery store it Oot VWd JAI at"nqon. rwid too i 0 U LU IMT -139. satisfactiol -A-W eftoWe see Us. We are pleased to E how you our c44tle, I wd in other hands for eQ0t 9� eb= W�, DUE. sI Ive e dvft; P. 1W. Mar tb A, G. SMAUE, HenW. MIN(;, 2195)(1 "Al Irt; Z, MMT 'W# AM=, 04ort�. LOOAL D"Irl"Mb RMLS. Aell NTYRF4 or 41 A