The Huron Expositor, 1910-01-21, Page 44'
4 -------
vo wj ;w.- ------
NUARlY, *2-1
-ails Sotlie= 4a, socra".
*o�-,out As t1w dt 117*1411 6 if her'so su
be I r so
T -i T-
JANU 1191% Oxid -bee) I f h1ted In,
--wo; dah - W-111 �Pe J. I&AA11
�T Tor T a-'.
of W tin I the
7 9"" -Wa tor
U 11 her, to
Ume'.a, it' Cate Mr. Oai ., "01 U-11 dt W MOW -h. Yk.
-be 0 0m
is S� 6 -4W%V=-0V0
4ryw- I , , - -4 a -, -_#,. J 't -
a R gooft 14n% be can',disj I
Lis 4 tar- 4s)-ld xhanik ri-� d1d.zens ide� -W 'Elm �- Mr. ROD
to I
Or A
wax6bin. ahe
0 Ymls� -01 i a-h�
8- to - k
W *hw has 'it I 80A af: wbo bad V J, _Ile t)
b as toatary up
-mw ai I
4- C, Wirt 4n m 0) t
of: 7
it Itaugs- otflsath was' optical b Ao by
61pwonfi r
10 20 11 10110 10my of tbo
Us hr, O[?Ual !U tke to k on the Ist Of Feb
and 9
Wad' 07 d Nr altils, foil *Y'ah. jatt Ip,-*noboay,. i
'21 24 26 128 ack f nobody. 4 t malte, a 0%
so, uUmato with t goo- PIA Ill MIS' md1den -ibusInes r. H Ighton
Itha, thy with ten PI P-40 e Mogg, ond' sbe . %ras born ObAo b dAtering Jary an ill to -our,
df lbourdry aie- d, el
8-1 pro 01 1661 ace. kr get stock,
of vona ire, B", and la I'tho -year, I lon day 0 eL
1444 l."4 42a 0 adi touriteen yeaTe
W6 , ek!.Ffor 4 - iftot are
v, . , on Mon for k w
NEW down t h o st e
settles, may. 490 oat 4 to NoteowLi. 10
COM Nk* W, -Al erta� �Irz 7he �cevted I
Ur firld t .0 11rat-d busk.,
with her parent V
DO Co's 16. - M in t o atia "m Oter o;- the -2 Ilk dess inan And WM, exclep
2bk ftax* betw4�� the pareathw, 4 after "ch 11 Tam ed to- e )U ic
-'h of XgboTw. par the "per an which we I 46
come Into opera I# n Uy,� W Married to ok7 buijlness L11 s&,Me 1
k W )growln
-t arge
weaft, -or Wryl
13 sed her fil, j8gl toWtk W1
tott, wili-O pm a AM the i
sak-stowan Bros--& . e
m, we st —Dr. P. ues in all kin ds of uter
pebruary. 101 Gove vi h" his �Aeid n toot
&We Irk t maTtled AW-1111am M. Macdoln4ld, of � Wujags, *-%Wg 0.0blug Co
ijwInt notified ;atr -fuLat a or
of RvA*t, wbi) aled- pr Auring the ne,Xt
meaed hor,'tm the day of Wt M Ok with &lends hove- en days
AS" onth-E, *railgemen1s -bad - 6�vni�l '10 $450 per- tian -ear 1882.. and lh- is 3 Abe Nga
L � A M -A I
It. , Ird glao cOmpleted. pW the Same in fhar�i The Salcraman t ot the Lord's Suppet
n Move, 1, be disw ili.'the ft -b
0 4n third I bus bein Henry *11 dIs* If your are 'in i ieed of Wi
h.avbw the fp�rrMmal ot ,r�liti- fib nteriar nt6r &
etwill, ot� od -cot, 1 it
Scott-,& .. . I ; , I . *A%� W" 10 died I June, goft By� -church i*xt S
tion- 1*0 Mr. 1 vers betwe m 1, L 1 0ext S : bath. ev
Zak age i`
tby art, oT Riusgil Will prois,4311� wear 01:, kind, Whe h it be F 4elt 4 t er-
4;4i U1 Mz�-A *inglng f0t� t4 .01. ', and Vxlday.
was vlilC t ex. )Uu0 Wo. jig. par0ory ser. -n
Y, tustoms:l inton, 1i L11 OL Ck*d W an i al mbeUng of t
on tan :li
Inday the
. to� ots or
westcott, Ex- 10
<Afloelrs imm0d y �,Ifled to, weeic ih;6 took n ttur 4y n stoott, pUmIlton. hytArlah- .10 UV Slippers, t 1�0 .0
Aawd obn T. bew hold'.
ver-� hequle4 nd. maming. spite 9d9d %�ursi i &�Ply U* new taiff eb Jon 46 Q9-. I WO:17 *qy .0a so, �OnId us indi on dauobter Gardner v xP on T Liesdiy -.-NT<i.2 )*Ixed vv
ven 'ter
t1rX-X* Broderlok-8
and alm Medleal 0 ill. pas m"Ing
daw,filmt %Ft t"Ilnonth pas el bLody sur- shoes So k and Rubbers
away. I
as, to he was �k; o C nto so to "orce: X4 1� An r cnt.
RastlerrooX, OT t-0 Oft hU WO: wlio'As M tj
-qZ4 ts In for
u: n
011iect jOlp of ie tre me* proN or Leggi oot ne here. d slat
V. -A' 9�
uis o arred
on on X
W nett"t fThomp"a son- �I a, 1)r-sezes.- -Ur. H Hamlifoq spent a.
The Ontario- L
es on
our sad duty ito
OK bla Parents, KT. Mrs. Stalkmr,-� -wWow of 1 2 fr
jr�� Kirdle; e0* name ace record
Tuotay neit. W t6, 16. of d ayi visit of
a. 1run qown ertak rily; make t.
rn Of tobt. Ha ton. -P. Lamont, ()r
i� the lalte, DunAM: Stalkier�, which took
-Of bamr bruised 1* Of
hove; been, I u4y,,, to- kkk Um.
6 FrIds
13rhikek, of I& or Riek- daidigbAlt )&z. Michael Du--" 1hipmel
was In t village on wedq Plaft d Y,�'mornin
At fte -home yotir whd
le tie, d ot. SAW -belies
guew.or 'A. GrovaUe. where Ishe has lived tor Ithe: pag W, new. lead6r'friam l *0 Eon
and Oili*
I m ()V-�
Llberal membQrs. ti* ol siartted - Dday, with Mr. years.
-lift Daceuip
lad out, o was me Of earj 37c, tw children f 180ttlOrs of the 21. MD. position Ill tho H as .-.# e -
aus, All Oro V
ream. Her; 4uifbarA to,, V
-goUT& Daniel nick,,., rd Oe 1401 n Rovlle ar-eilald ed UP, ajga
-9-orles have beea . 09= b t ti a Chic"t pox. -We are iredeoeased hei go-ne
ONilck,' soli s. J
al 104
4"U air Which' dischares snot yeara Ago vrbo 1wth k =416tton& Jai Onikeed0A t Some; of. her, 'ac rg wo Ui is hot the funerAl jaIde;
.4 4ecisalt'i exhibitan
Ur.� A- G.
er of muel'.-Mlss E Walker, o idrew. of TO14do /John
realdevst um ib no my, VI -7 40spItaln &tt 620., tra&k, Its p Of
c 'a" , -of F nd cartri 0 Mae., o we ca pago,and I �$28 p�r ton, to sei'� )90x of Oidbot ve team held Ili are&t Wtfilu 9wr XIM4. di 6 guoit, sylwafil� ;21 so to
sibitently We n� kn,) I dnWbhdaY-- - Fred 'y mec a el�i he
6TWay. tie "te t or 1=86 B-Slon. Ilace on Thursday
ti U were I n �nlly- d
WK&f future.... ut� aliltei ,
zeter on busiliess n. n trle
"guh Is y Y. ar�ftfd no ck Holt ajid. AIF,
The- r�sults SM SucbL that If looka as 1.9 at rem day Me he is h X Aper t4h; vbM
the 'cow
R01 ibalu&A--
Ing PF
a Igan 6, 'Tneh putt
#0. 0overnment w1U st 00' affa� 1.*z4 1; POW minut CU IN f 0. AL 110TEL
-it to TWW certain I � I , Ckympany.-The 4nnual
-to do "' 1, 1 1 v1s,, tho IN Ito
wWvm Of re -V *mfio-
I . on Sa;:u t
Wer PowervsA D. e rday—mir. James meet ftmetery, ConvK
d, e )a dy of The
ble Cate, Sbraw
=Wlse- � He I# A wife arr �ed bere -on XonH PahY was d in tbe 4town b cook Was- J0 W��
h vvftk.A;zan the brw
x JrW In dgy--, His- h qnlpony WSW
Iq On it m0a aud big presenew ^q Y -I T�Wy ban* to -see Ur MOTA&Y. J.'an W,5, Inh _T
$LU B% tN
wn -e those W10. e t xToMed w, home
01 dopendilov S. y Mit-th, , tat
0 13 were appoino
we 0 1011veir 0 -.PresidOnt; T. J, BonOsrox4 fr., and MM. J. -MW
Tne C ter 14Whed Isat week wen Mrs. � lame 1by Rev. J. L. Sr4all,, BI V. -Ta
.he th rolloe the. -&,s be 4w ly - I
Ox GwwamerA CA t -i& HO use of 0110wing
1�p,tbe. vepassing ot the r and Mrs W.- 1910,.: Jag. 0r
�kt h m*mbm- StIM. Od Scalliot two lar car wheels,. *h ch Th GOI ks, .,v Orox
I "e censas Depam non refty fr&rn y1sitm M -a WMI ot �roke 51da -Mr. R. PoHoick Is heThe lerwAelvt bna.-� n the, lat
delard-ml-*4*3t or Johu t0its in At. m4ye, West, COMbOng usineo
've a of� U* population of 11,14117 Wr Ion, by, grew &DO, o Hi b W114 a: �Vlv-v
decreas4- , . )a cmi 9-w
on Aderable Bed the .-Mr. UnM VEimpbell 4 to briewAS.--0 nierchant to 4L
halb to tickly tl zna - s
I 161st 11' 8--t f L ftdbt. Hamilton pold
tm_ tba 31 Out Of the, 12t1i voncessidn to M�. WNrhughtd al the r1nk T
t. Ibut -m, nd�,rhos. 1tra Ur
arm an
Whig ProvidebUall de, quitelbrisk.-.VJr. J, �V rels on Tuesday tilening I!M e -last.
ea. The gen-p
0 C&
-4 ----WJ6 are,glad. the -W. C OP Mo rida, ot'ibmAliess 7A trans axeVU04ally Ura #d tl�
are mked- cal ly�. is as. folloo In n'ther d I , f4 S. 0. Oliver arrIved Bro*nDft, ral r utine Was Ilk London On WednesdLy rnU 4 , , ilk
%vo'. H0ftJ
vijxeisj� b mebt
I k� ca See atted, and Gordon Manna, of Fa-elter, wa., 3 w, w I
4b Mabel .-Mrs. mrneil -to meet the vAlage, tbia week
zn�etltc was �gv
tarLn le(jim, te marth countless y mondftp u ry..
, or CO
gum, �,'Wh*y rqeeu Ir amusing vifAtin a an lbe first X)nday. tivea.-fte mrnLva bold On o to b6th, Old aceldent' )e d ; on 0 loung. vhe�
Aul a r
Sze, 1�tl the bukauut pen, 0 al a* lh,;Juz*i at two Oclock, for the purpm on TueWayyoning la$ Was , lw.�el$ Pr L7�ks as
0 ; 4P to - _-$I
mbpre SmEthwAt No boM� 1 o'
Ux con g3he Will 01 3lookintIg after etery Improve
tl*. oing guanz y againat a sIon, B #!a. While. ients WItterded wad tke Ift - wSs in ff le co; dr e18
as V *SWW45�
Dwtriqu, 58,809. Tbis Itatol yf. I ght�m� son for.'a cotjX r4ded 'ditionI.-Mrs. Hurlay. Jg..bgre. fr, be4t, Ud- Mlss Lacite a
0 weerks.. So d than Saw
lIei 'to pieces, Tw her home FWWWISM. being -called owing t Ime PWa= vaudifttes 7,1T4 081. sinice 81 jbp': I Any.werni begW 4re bay,
-A -b I d
that big 100 lnj*oved
0 migrillon bui
90" � �X 1b - ' n 13f.4 toluu
tb Well. AU, being U WCO arnzL4V Xdtes.-Tb6 ng ottleers have -,ThomsoTl;. Je nale Ansu,,:
on of � Hamw
C" b0lngacesalons 6 tie# elected In eiction : with t lftses D*othy 131
mdttxr 1 4, he eke iandJ#biW;.
P f -to
tee.S.�L f J"
tw taki Of Youze low' of [the B QU 11m r * - alt 11 41de
drRy. it IS,= lie -The 5%nnual ineet-
PPOSe'111, L bOWM iy�-'O &CWunt the the' rY I leeting. - eW
Unif kd n of itbe ublic ;beA 00'Ift" 'Tog. rnktktk
aWM was-Inju
d for brary ovas beld ter
lee I* fum ItlowiL
b wins yp a :nl4W, when �he Sol., Rev.. ta'Glaebt- out areaftv oxe IDOLAXZ�zd the nwe "Mr. '311 U6r Mat IlAson, off Th w4d
91 . 1( WfTe J&r.
ood. Ax aong the CIanadlaus. l< ft- wbo bave been, 'Visiting it 3ft. 7�
i iq
On ler'; Ust vice a nd b ICY gifd vice--, Owildeci
populsUc p Of a bout- 7,35 ay .,b Joe ':
f .. garthi, 7eikr! IvAtu, last I Week Or$ walle APVoln-ted'for #e
1WW be aken p 6 Wr ;1M eWfte baWe s bein ei4� as ' 2rd Vice, Xiss Lillie
0004. A WOW ftnbus W n Dr�, Miss Ift the W* )iinth.. returned to Xhe�lh
num.. of years was a ,009 axid' �ahairkswortli, &nd
tAlgil Ith a (big, h
for a- ability I as nee srs S1000, Roblason,, No- Miss Ll ra, Jal WeePawa*Naaltoba
191111 'Whith this W"9. �e Ut -1VM1kM.
t ft. -
a anadian. poltUcs- folloW'OdL -by. ie L6 .4 olug Prusses on Tuesday— Elvak eAd N1*Ma1j- K;UgT 6 -it&
1p"Anyy'. 1811 mini Goiglr
UMB )of* WVitIU=- QhaMbeZ-8, �wnt a0d k(�-, Organist,
ft*esentatloh froth h, idif 'abo th rty miln, from lHomt ]M(�, M148 M, la- Borderx, Sasksd]hewan, i& Ithe fornler ftwac- fo
Vr( "!! who' be asSilt IS L fti(. d bV owing L Cc
eled 44W "S "Ohoe fI WA Miss D, ara. 18 librarla 1W. wimp,
wiliJah, the toil lo; assistar t orglijilst,-,
1011mg. dwo ft
in ths We APPOUbted: President,, Dr� v1s=49 Wt the �OmBr Of big moth)r here! fix Ik W.
Ists el- -v=zos noi v elected, W
)QPU agoi past. lew
8 to an*
Much 111tei. �R.db'. liens sup- 4ft gor the! q It
nl� -W-
Mr Mathloson ley H
-I&; Ujgonlst elected, 92 - :Unioi�-
weat is Inctessing I C Wortll *11h Ithe 1"d 'a Iapidly, then th6 B460tj the! lrteiv- ei. Ithice er.16itendent or t 'ia� atUlu on Monday. -w. fte whble-zala tj
Williams b- its
Areaaarer �&nd 11(or Miss Ethel y's r
galz 7 - Labor- more bl, ateamer 'to G.. IN Dun,� Wa 14w a to a*o,
Ina, Libei anQ ariam, barber -t wille
(;au - UsA disOosed rolls. Thi, -I
tat House will find., W, NO -e otern ambel s kan.- P I then ddna urer, a ewrt show, as of hib hop in ciet NkXercbe� *Ad A#-,
P, 1 a a 1W treas mme, th :for 0e
]let Enlonist f, , �i Clinton. and bas
Aut )Tlla 0 scene o ed Miss M. J ac rgon.- roturnea to tOV rn, his 31ack
grawlft bn f9m of n! nber., 041unred on hand V� $1-50.96, Igo Mrs. T. McAdam swond.
Mulstmlal gtrength, Includin
n etuimed L,
the pred=;pati Aot I ti 13 y, ear, houWbold effects areTl#g� 11ele, this Da igb vaned
al k 4er* Von 3a re
st and Labori 1.06 otal Un- of ought to a 1t Of )to teir ftlends 40A -9=-
in Deitrc ft� wt,, t to, her, week.-Do-.mlog 1�ros. wd
have -to de6j iV Mrs. A� cM, Inkdo _ � li.� . bo(" ig, . ernment Will t W of he jate bou tw and try to 4pt eMm Jobn TE
gtX wid of UuAr, poultq itt the"I�,Mnton ishow .82m rw. A. Me-)L4chael-
ken,, Sr.,: at one. line m, uber, as It d
pro Ine pbAm Ito see -It
ssed7a last �week Idling of tbp-
n P&
y y !"it (if
'tbu 1 E w: d, d tba week. -On FTi;u-y we, The cenims and 9w "C. bf-ftiae ;P� a
home! 0 ster %t Das h-% 16. an �,Uuxitm- to
her 4
fee Hiss Je r2 to �z
minio3k igher, Afts Grieve, of Brussels. an# Jp-z Ift Haftis, to mes 3
jWbe V6 OtItawa h" given, out or it* OR
9 t +
IaTj� culdt am pichol,. Or tz& Ath g -Ville I 111-Y T �s'di 31C Mon, postmater awrot -Pjuw ng
jA� will W learned from *ur ftgula farm - 19,,nd v&I era!ge w4ige, d Of ds of Mr. c rh, wQre inUted Ill MatTla&
11 arl L 11& hustler, W of Her.., UR Ildme lot thle brldolz oar illma-ro
u0s and 1 JoInd
Mrs. Aik I Is *gain
Jr to Pne%A B r a ope a neY will'ireside ft M on Suday pve�l �'-W
value of occupied. I I ki tha n1a. - Owing of tbA L%04s as to who com
�17 Our" obliging f ortalble home on the
113 i-�Jltltl ope. i, t t Is P3 vieek at Office som. to- ba; out agsih
Dom Wlozi' is 1Viere e FAIM1. nag l Iristal oUmgatlonal rreeit of Met,
10. N-Ubgw -
de WrIft and baril. feelings tamonsst iaio up a; 14 �ArMZV I L L 10-t0da- Will m9rat toll ville =fnae, by
o�W Kaercher WeAnesday.-
104�wa, Ietter the important MA14 4, SWaY. Ulme has'Ibeen ber -y vin
pai* for domestic, is I e, Rev. A. B. A, PMAQlgd
v�" &ud Up tb-L ter 161 -lift the re-6ponlat Of �thor House
ago has been Pe 1ftVal at a e I &ere W1 eb -we Dq Anlaste�r, Lr. . D. . $ 1 JM fn Im- the 1 r*. The dec6'Lmd th3l TO 1=9 Man should wet Ito. 0 le I In the nual �OblRregatlol Ant fromA quUL4 140i
by 4be Pmmier. tri
Weaealled trated a fine 4 urch was beld oft Wed: feda Lidodon. jai-
againsit, $8.5.176 las� vo to 401aot of ao(k id Iniaftive,br
ugt It should boxes.
an atL#Ast the i rtr
blu has Olemon ward d4o eQ. obe -b9in 04 iears' natU wh ah wIll evsnh4, ofl. Ithis week h
tift&4c s ncr� an In&' L. '1JUt t�& 'a Zreat, ron" enjence to
U0 O� k, basi
18 ving k, to 1*1 W pw oppoaltion iunks m Jo -cone an, e %Dl the older aY as they N rill be ab from U10 di, ff- ere& ;�janll-11110nl
QL d tbwe ha
arket val who:
an gets It
ftjlde�jt A the* Mai anY time du-rin _The holne of 'Tobn,
r le
While, as '31 �Permz of. Mr Lw.,: the ung
h gbeot. te contest, held
word his
Ims. He,re�
Aesw1bed i I r Ito 4 Mt -a
2, $21
question produce. The o -es va-11 al �A i, i 1
*ars ce V� tinantial' year, -The me
Wed'bsday af dAY Or iveining n tima;n ot Mr. -Bard��i ment. 01718, *As
4ur htter is of the opinion shownfor Albefta,: aA( th, h cone des*04 by tin
.,Of nearly town ball o
047 =or
em� ja dDing,-to lit, $73.44 for Bwfflgh 0 the -9 of abo ad -IT velook 181- -Ora
ge %Iwurse, new jwears- a n bas ft d Of fils Tund evien In -it to 1i
to 1SC.-
tt* G oernm T ed fine 11110 a�Km Iner 0810 are.: Buff AAsaa a He do�s not, Intonil ag M to n Uds week t -RU plees 0 f the TU I fire Is Suppoed to ilhaMe Line, St afley,� I for
U v 4 � W-10. T. U�. rwasa'ver er too muchJ -Xis jahle4 er�ago wla� 1 for . a tom su X lug er;� of the &A his dutle Uii-tll 1peb
'I While
dlf-feftAt times' it it is hoped �he offic,, -7L 1 e on; for competent fl* a I do years, !a ist.
$7,100 Tlxe amso
Monk, 13 tAO 01. b" S sold hl and the x
4wgMt from -OPPOses help for. the;I Domthldn W3. 6.9 will noW ibe ns, with- fn$i amnj�e will -not
uebee, W to Me nel I bor, P, W`
I�C Ve ID &;IV Ddl 6N bet, il farm OUt U 13 Ingle ekZeptlor, were well I
Bay w4,c0on, a:t all and Woposes, to monIth for maleB,, and L,0A tol sons. And
InJ Is 4bSTao: to ariyi town, 'CrW M buils. top quaft
on this &Ue�stin. rnales, exclusive of boa viz.:' Th( Three medau re award,
W1U Ilk I qg waa oaed, fr=
,tunip We Provinft n. Of Mrwbell.; JoUn, of Itli hange In 11 7 Will jr!etire o
Willia ft ire edg tlu- fhmt class
yeax $016.29 andL WW b very become n b.y ayro-q I 3WM-A#
alit %ronk is only oiiet the dissenter- NAU j Franblico Wi -Alebar the Wrlg*.,. itbe, Becond- by- a
in tbe n females f a s as he nal 3 InItends k�ep,- future. �didu iae. iat s;l Robeft Keeler, :.and Miss the
-k& There�are manyla er miss , Fanny
Im nip� ran Ottions L - I --- Rlfd Has%el 7,or Ty. vh oth- knC r
lerk -01
ZD, tb,- no Mato
MaAv a�nd a more 10�texta-nts were ealch, v e Pli With O"S low ft�s- A Bufton, and 4ble. asL maIMY theorJeS. While: 'all this im. 3 Person It
wit a 1boo'k--Qu%& 9. numlkr from
'0 repor� from the vk 6sslble iget. Mr. ims tbia Pel�', toidtis 'was - the �!ause Gutridgp% Ua ob4. ml ;x1m
is. trim or uke� Opposition,. ithe Governp-t af JS Iry store to
sn�-fftore and dwelling in locality Wtte,-Z&16d riae 0 De 1-4c
t-PLey rVach $8,0 10,111, beet -Mr- I 9,VA ed was 10 the 65th
Where Wednesday, y 5th bw been a rf Aentt. the Ina
n'ILt -r , Ithfs-,�plalee f0i copne tiont which has been occupied by Mr. Fred. Wni. PI
the bae e.30 I . I Ar k a; OV( pe, of the rAh illi e, lfbn I-, to 'age. The funeral took Pla
maellft robers are 94 0� Oonp At Yeans oad ha always be rf a MoDo ell, feweller, I or over te arAv t -h;.
t On after Decen er
a YeM to rent for 'Xer A
0 l8ell'.8eafertf, emettr, on Mond attvrnoon.
mother. Mrs.
rSks&TICe. a pop ilar UT41
er Maio, f 4 e term yea
Of th� ul
oc_S outltne4 1by 'the FreM4 Md4tji�i �Srkd $ of work, for Robe
i , nt.
PW Adair uston, hw so bee� -'2 om1d P -t
'�Jorlt-y O� Ms1-2 1.0,1
ur. hile Many of he membe, Mar a) k In the Ounc and Was
--A lairge, m Yss For le -A house
L 19thel. An dnig ]reel Itwc Years. thr=1 tt sit inted ou, ra .2 -a c
of 3,
HUB�ton. Stree the Nil I X at
�rjts commeit on the scaic e L snap for the it
d t daughter 6 the late, i ,Uz. 0,
opposed to, the rampantt spirit Of
liable farm and YA who as 1111890,
d l�e,
dome*14 west on or al out the %wt
n Apply li-4 to 6 14C 54
Jeel ft�� 'be Ilut"Y (11 Port'thot neRhr MAJFL i resident here He.
1p �am b or X%1
Uel Huston" -Was 1�'Oted I& aunilier of 21074
blankets, robe Om sold at frot
Ser, Sadle of h
with Geo'ge Milne Fr� died jra Liher
is to dO, wb#t lshe� can'Afford help make year�y conjti�ai t�. .1 Y on i9onday E, rup, bells,
e" if line of sin d'double
Bork of J Fraser, of W-11 M,
MOI'4bW� although be, had een giling al'rmtn e tr
nav diefence 1 ; al and every
f - 1. "* L 0 * I I - a an
Mani b,g1L. -for i 40V t 9 fo in Atbig-t had
lating eler ija le. He was -to vot, a flr8b I harness Lol o must
Able teen
t th6 Peat wa Ca, ser, r ei "J. rJ& wt ni nj
y For Aunia e a;t unfdpal election ohn I I tha Uact WIWI 0 gynnela were Rev. !1,p
her4ulaw ry,
'to ae�omipilsh *aud f Ainhel*., Ohio Hei 9' , wn,, was 13r�
twis, i to do zornothing OMOViI14 to tto
-ad at tile
be a. fou a con tftion' with Calen&rs, A
tb4t wim, fou tin L the br* and Rev'. de4t -4)f Hullott, and wag most the al entertainment ot. Book
PaStOr bF th6 at. 1319117 riespect, ,thodist bath ScfioO 0i be- -ards. & id Booklets,
15 Method,[W . He Ivas: a, staundft held �Jia the, ch,
e the cons;tructlod of i he Natio' 11
ChUff--Ch Oh her
to W1
Mdt iodUrt. Tile famil e Friday, YmLn BO
(time w1thim tha resources of th Prayer and
It �� . . 1: 1 - , )ICU a;d 016p: P. 1AW:
y have t Ost CArd AlbOms,
MPMY ofthe* m 46; bu
Wily .1h) lend he sYm-, eyoiing. and L to
-al of yj fass 13xet le
an airlug Uner uction [)f miss we :L
;Yho from te late,-Oief eA9 nedr 4un N ft' - - Clalrk, -the Goods, F
Th�,Swmta, came up fdi- harge -At fl '
�s re , based s dn their -.-Progrrnme,bas W provide4, under PerNmer
th . U *eek. Mr. L ter. the idl� f 116=1%. passd f 10 Stands; lVood Tra�s, P
through d apnet
AI ugh w. vlll&�e la,, oUnt Purses $66. V
Hand Bags,;Dolts,
bea'm'el"d In -c ctlol� with thE 'Una, int as,
CtOrS are bi Ing A-11)wed Qn1R( we
ates.-The f 0110"wi , officers b toW, '::-on Mond i ' al
some, OnItorlety ovqr 'ra, Y Of this *eek to the �So In
� 4 Cle �Ii -trig Wsla-tion, Is 'app y �anxlous Ito Mr- (MaIrk- was very g(Ang-L. Out West t( ,York.- el
bI&v1ng, Exeler,Gun Clu: Pr ra, . L�� %:, highm clas�ifi( altion of ork siden't, , #[err; po�i.iar )fts. I - nuinerate U. to 7$11- Hins
ga the b Morris and it ',Will I)e hard 11oir �relturikied C r(c. We`-cannbt e- many:
f a�,Qts w rI 'Ty if
Arrant. 1frid ildt vice�-Piesid8r9t. J Tel6bnen;.z.. sege. week frola iTorous, but to make a long s
want to 11see oewcasgAllan bxown but 01w h lory �§hort',
to. wqxre
Llarir is now morvili* f(rr,a C Mir Mae Arrange- dall, �of grhtthig MH ad teen Visiting er YOU
tQ f Al tll's P11bX, as cle rk.
il4 thus deprivil ig -him of 'lvho Ihas lbeen daugVter;, Alrs. j, meats were made. o i OIT, h
"jaore -,of Itte, Housa' Ito Im egtig to ;he s' e, the Pr,6yferla,,m /church Kippeh, li�s been am -d Vks�
notoriety. For. this reia-'Ol he dbArges, " it I&.. to b oot every -choi aehder r I Gauld, argains, comt,, to.
e at A wo weeks. The annu I iournamemit. 11 for a ye ar, spending pait
'It I *1 $8 -AD ( has signed, a th. her c6u
'd' ol eek w
came 'erward with a mexsure L ma)W thorough wild com 8, Good a (M I(Rev,) S131aU b" :aken Ae posl,- estl tion arch d 5 MTS. nd w I A.
Ing thD abolld the Ws will be Made. I Mr., W. B 'P. Bea I tion,
f the phj s are coor Bea rwb o was
en erH
motivi � was voted down by an WIS .'Small 18, 9, 9 �od singer. It ta axtive; tlwk
rekt (the ;guilty per�sons sh Duld d -tile late is e3 d the choir 0 �be better thAM Mr.
iledI: on Tutso�-:I* afternoon-
soCiated ii� b sf-
wholn tug majority. ness
w rt.of Allsa ile, on -the other I land, J01M BrbderIck, has purchased the va_c
to suf fel th. t: At 'the .�a4, was
he ellp bu6inleIs$, njazilal'ls. in the In thi Village t is, ChemiSt an th tlgel�t
e Ils a, those who,. by thee ch,�Tkos, ,are- plac- -Mr J. A. ory, mayori of chur week vioitiu his
zrowj�g de W broth01,
is. pull
'North Botlet is. ell
nd for iL recohvLriletion ed Undeir a clould ot is'lloftesty.ard of. W his mopb�. togd, � M r J - �-carthur.-,v,.r. James Oile door north -of J?ickad)s, to $6,61)
.-A amber of the
erC )W&z. 'T. young Todd,. who has I e ia vial
tinz 'his uncie,
Todd, le t- f r h
�of tho &nzte, but he lid iiet think robbing the cauntry,. shculA be, c' ear,... Mr.: Go Mop -f of town atende -th SEAFORT
*ould go, so fz x-- As to advocalto ed of'suspiclo;n. The �Prj mainaget of ball In Goo. '
m.ler bac ai,�. orwtor.. as GodE r1IO;h. laelt Wed sda r'even -Ur Bad AiL-e, Nilicil,, Is home in; ONTA fO
th-, fib6ittl0a f the, r-econd - chamber: ways shown him5eA r*urhe4 t I�st week -yr
readar �Indlll ling h -I home i e ldgt�te. a:nd J A
pxemie:� Is r pnd thb de -i to. inyestl!g�ate when g�s -bear any +-mr. and W: -C ul GlennO lentettalned Colenivn, of Henill nt thjfs f 7eek a riulm! firlends �ast Frld&v in, H6,sall w A(Ir InOth0r. a*S. Q)n,
mamdl,or the remodell] ng or preconstruon semblance of truh,. and- hs xc senjIt man"TO Da- h b- &ti, r Ln
es e"venj --The Rlfle'Clu t towlt 1.n� 10101K
tidm of the Senate is 3nore'widespread move will be well receive I -the )ubw h�re V "Ike lout play g the other da',y tend Emm'Tompsan ie teacl�,
ba�, am ma -y think. lt xnay be necest- lie he Ittltle, ball on Fb. 4 -The -ng A -present
lgietfterally,: Willie -no- )e n de Ires (laughter th. ance from
of yoda Veople & I*Wty *r
year 0 a. short dist
Itha best nlerests of minoref tha,,t the cuntrUltur n Mr. J0110 had -church enter- CIredht0n.-Mr. and Mrs. p,'Scott, of tile e
N rork. -bf her f I r4o r a taine 'their ob ter soeletY from Lr-ndon, who s
fro On, -Js williams IS9 haM, W Mfine,� hall on onda evtlrq MTs. i. .,Suther1,3jLd. 3M , 1ic-tt, i V Fere I
1 -tie's, t have. a second harnb&, but a� should. lose, M3neyl-", the pett, the past month with
the Senazte is DW stitutd -it is not'ba allowdd to. e OU �e� Deen. eomniTUVOOl to derich Y S 25 13-
ems� ves Jail t or lr4gk which Ver� pleasant time tc-r, etume W411 inar!t
-B p- was
nortty 'at the ey a d' to Ilondon week.-- mot le-70if as us of ul as to be a, m pense of twe Leo if by i�e tbr�ee. xno*h;s 49n of Tions
u�xd. Canadians must ha: - illegal classiticatl n the work. 14 )eU .-A i xumbei� df, the poul slonary
ve pop 0 oit, -of- hi try 1)11i�l amily. f V MdA. he�re have some birds on e werc olidwIlt d in sold as bigh p_s�l
-k- the Alethodist Church on last b
ft 0 ass qua�111
cOnd a
-d e Williams' hibild 3 a ejt- tbe Clinton oultr w1wn Uev. 'mr. Hal) Of Exetei +++4; Ito
ular Government, bt a iecon th
Idliamber c6nistitued as the. Senate� now an) -fly was and -In
lay tswamp- in a 'tlds Wbek.-Mir. F Uclntogh,met With ed both mornin and vening to.
be rerth pre
X Uk large i1a PoOlar G n easi tute C
madei.*-Zaxce,- and Ithe vffi of the' brougbt -t
bub -N
'041�� c
f -window eCA 0 tion'la9t septem�� and a (seri Wonday, IbY -the death lco,'Wretaions. At the evening Bervice We have it displAyed thi it is 'a
Y 11 Im In brought elter Norlb.. viliere , they of hJ'3 .7. le Sf&llion
-4. mad dog w" . I I to til ; loss or, I �Mr. It
peo" the barnf-Yard of Mr. V14oz e 4luab R , miss Bro s, weel, i
1ps0h,, I ar ttcelved Much In olir
I a
A do
pla es �xpressed th h th Ir repre, Ex kindly bf1p, from Ithe DO-- sloa C derich sang pit of Ch on vo rindej =4 Aom
thwaxted. Motherwell eter 1111amA, -and b serAA;tJ4VeS In. the C s The flour -mill It lappears b4d ney which was MUC OYA-The a solo. to 9 w
for 1, 0i
AIA)�Y.: lea in Many ill sharpe� 'Uete mid
It ba� been doae� and gan I be, 4obd was since, -been red Wcf rk Y,".at the. soff�, Chi
t: Xr v1port. -Tpat 06
ricult., ral -her Ic uial
troyed by fire an Jan Afou er
do'del deH many. times, t ksl�- friends of His 8 lornce Poss will j1e sels and 111v3s, and 4ny
UZZ ��T i would short pleased to lan, that she bas ucceslg� 00;
nt1h. The buit' do anyUlting. 6 1
ail to' 0
er for 9ftth Hur- enginm room and 1pi were "Olfs, I, at Guel N)w, in �har keg,
Mr. I at Guel 60 Jar UarY A27t. His I f
e=4 memb Harrlagm- FrIdi y. J fully passed her �irnfor e7aing a gr
anuqy narne ear�.a . Ong Plano examlin� P mow 3r knife 0
0116 -a moti our iiadstone on, before tthe Hou3e two of Dular Ye Pis we niveysity.-Mr
-Rev. Jos. Ing 'Veo meo,� 8 ime ! erfilnent atiOU at Toronto t A. rj'9'0 luen Ebt IeEtst two h looking, towards Sens& reform, an James, Whi 11" nars", at home f W. ngt] at, be Is romin to the' Todd rier*atly so his black d4yor t ours ter of WOrk, With this mae the imakin f MarysBaplt�a church for arin., L 0 don, hult busbteg-q. XcLausbunn, Of do -the su�e WVirk in that body Ldlre&ly rem Ift- . -Mr. VId (3an
p�K c�u 'Xetw, Bask., for h If the P&S four Years, hab,ja a & 6p6ns-lle to the people. Ju$t wheli:-- Bri ssds,'(, drove halidsome f Ho - � a� h0ur, -and Make' - fin. -d
to Berlin... I Ir.
i -4 Wilson D. IS
In what SA ozb mbaday -a' is ed 'Ob. Som of its p bi
of W� md on uesday Lean, youngeA s 01 1i ZS 8;re LIVC bi 0;,
form Oliz Proposal Will take we , do XAiw
of Mr. D. 4
anuary ffl 45
-On, Sunda ivid - Mildre i tllte'� a' nd Mr. 33. Mick
bW� but we sure that any 7, J P, �r -11. Gldle*. Lea% of Tuckerg
N the hou idedt OMr., Went. z& -Mrs. g
ith, is ;attonding the
I occupied by I Mrs. Sa D I X
brihi the, ert a the wedding busitness
leglslat�on which "I I n, Mo
inith, m in A ollege 'Toronw, Jan. 114 prof ad Wife. ,e of �he� fad Lou'don.-Mr. nd U
S was destroyed' by fIre' �Ojether brother, M 7, 1W.' Taman VX8. G, 7
o the
Senate i dkwtly 4 ereM
Ible I Xanktobj�j ere
orm4 by A -e v. W.. I[, w
with mogt� of the, COUTent 3. The Young I b o -m d On Tu �sday'to HISA h f)gople. would be well received by me couple &e lut'week v, 1 -ting Mr, '14.
-Tbe Mitchell Pet a few C. F0M 0, one it at U. 10 -
-tast and Po Ul- Is corunu -�s
belt 7*09 Radim 5
on ur and other
alting the ft here a -
on hdd a M04t successw are now, -T b9t -ig*b� relatives.- so or -not the t�y A�ssodat,6.m a.7 � Tor o - before. Most Popfilar tetr, Mr.' fer's brother
Government WiR d Tam
I worq bf many I i3tarted- In Visited her m
lb -f 759 entKes,� being nearly quiedit tboi merehaiit, tallcFrIng bu g, othe r here year
ful exhibiti last week. t saves 3 h6
uggeations or take on of P agor W., o work for obe man
At,$565 - 8, low lbs. V*
selves inBros
rmains 'to be n. There is, op- in, �Ook 1A John's in Ec- Lgren
JOLIs eel; s an. o
rpen at 0
urch), oronto,,7 0 da and h1b ta beir
f C4 Virere -he b as i made
Ir nds 1 $5.10; 2, Di 6
n; Cess ot-former sho*s.: sb ette� Ined t t 0
-Mr- David Hodge, of h I n WedIn �,,s to the nizziter of
along ftlese 12thk he wIh.hIm 0, happy ne�t-N-ly 150, alt 9a6
eano itte opera hall 1) D
Of Tito U plunm "nes' In - 007W deelded,to leave hm a PC, -s Friday it WAS 5.00
W. Slj)jj an evening W1 1, 810 1
ie the Pr er Clee '11s A1113, 'Noon, of Wo W99 bx�rz
with the Majority' bet'6re they blar-krrlithing business In twon" J. *Idan,
A. T.
, r� iare forced t aotion, 'R 4d, 0t E r Thi cire froy, the ,west
will make the change in t wo or thw- return-.� '&'OM T Dronto -his
ek ON a tar
in, ,u the docto th-113 we
O�t an!6ther'page we Tublish 4an. ex-
Waij pekormed jLk 10.30 a. last 1reJUftVe8 avd plichas
ft�dyyS Choic6 Oross-cut SaWs
weeks. Mr. we* fdor a few da r turned C
omplat Vit Ue-50321 and Mrs,
-The MaUY triils of A, -.Urnes a b to 100k Ott, r h1i mining U load. -
con a *tarfwd arid fara.4
Peftonoul friends 4f Ole. hadl to Wur, P4 hadles and me.
ter -led r�port of the annal meethig of MulllgW, X -lived I 1�
e, opeft1t n iw
who .0. lay were near ClUl at
g parties. The hIle m r Cltfl rd during
7- xttende� y receivE C1 itbe the paet
time iz� Lo Orr -r, to lea rn
-Caxoffian Bank Thiz re q e in
from I a4ted by uYany f6mda Ads; of Ownniem. Can, wlllbro4 -Band' r Cc sItetiftig thE golden weddtng Of
of her death. The followin lrtatftutl�n bas b" -me be of Xbe for&, Toronto Star VqM (to the dence rkently, .-MIr ms'. *who 12M. Porterf Wd's -We are
t Dr. to gt
1 Jan. A ewetry% bus 0 see Mr. Mftd for bor"s C,
t6wh, orge Grain
The W purcha iod Inthe Tiaos:t. bwoking wid finanelal corpor&j Urs. 0 t arine, 01 t thO6 �oople or 8x4ter. s; the to"bip, ve
tiong In �s 0 -Of eky, Of a Sut again ftw- Ll e I�s I Ig at- pleased i
of - r -A* aforth.
a1WAY, JA LT14 ary fth, loora,. 4d N Xlf, and 16! Ibeirw offftied to i
It bas Xrown ansl ulligan, pused
James U daugh W bouee or
TO'T*'to `M074& Into 01A reiftij PaOt mouAllis ovdng to illness. -Ur. I
tme Hardwar� st -Tiuwarje
0 sad