HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-01-07, Page 2.4
Ij N -y % 191
t e 10 In" of we j WWI he was lb birotiW about Ithe wak-up of An t
cOe's 77 ye, -,E Inot t air b Ufl o' He was 2 `7 6 -VMS 1"I In $10 V RTH RAT, 19. Xmilt)n, adwas *0 5 age a�vg fir AY A tnee 07- t b ER,* HAW VIC� cohn'010 ed' U raisin -s Best, K)c P The World. k. TWO 1pftfits Of -over a hTw i ad g. leatioris have �AMPW :Don troys Dandr tee 'that ikyi EU94 AI gm kes j! Skate,s.., Made in 01 W, a be- re,eetvp_4 :he Arine De Cat 14 _ at Qttawa for oaltiona In the Pro- of StA phur. Glycerin, Quiab, Sodh 3n Chlorid, �amicum, Sage, Alc6hol, 'd pos-ed Oauadfar. iavy. Inchided In the C-001POi Ni trait aomdp. .&Iready some 2j- 1. Pedunw- Ask your doctor WS b0nion of such a Iumber are ap everial. watcr� e Uvery pail-, guaranteed, from' the dearest o t e. cbea P Ications xr)m is P 00.0 aos �have, lbea;, woured, In tbp Britts h V11bo have 4 ThcLt we' p r men erved In "AIR V, -,-UK VVhat does this mean to youl' r place e . AVER
jiborhood of Nlagara--on-the-Lake ho I Pe now on. the reserve. VaTy and- w fbarhm.: Thi it h�rpken fairly. Q Ue &HAdh and" St. C6" is not like [.Ahowey�er, that any -answa., proportio n of these will be en -s v, o f=rs WWII Over var� In filze from .80 110-M - ,Y,, 4air 4, btrt yow xer e res. It s said,to be -he A Mr- "Oes n sought. Tbi t the f ar Icenra wil be almll lu -'AN EXPERIENCE6 RONNE "RE M F H E RA to -breo sbem VIP lek t W t* tho,-e. W-40 btala In t ie BorlUsh Itavy kst6v 1110t $-U"11!!t, 90aP ba h more alon, the line ills
fo HOULD BE teofi,a�id twenty or IdW Ith a view b ut -ilu ale 'for U crew wAll v sale fid W wh7 Vill CLI10 Pal means a wondefful 919 Of of -%Ahat Is Pa ij in the, U'lited Stat* Cnl Tra r tarr Lm 116 we ve *- Nickle Plated Tea Pot or tiwte them uodU A time ind laboar in house- It Is expe0ed Oat the crulser Rali�4 A Set f Pearl Handled KniveA Ing hwls, which ,has. een, cleanif g. ba, re)cdntly �oxchased I in Great Ca�ada early' Z': Rv hot or cold Dritahl W41 lar�-lyo,ln j A Set of Silver Knives and rk:� illy adopted lu the Gf d1ptrict, wh(ther: It. jr.- th, h
dirt in, June,.- ;a A Complete. Carvi* in Oallfonla and- i H41r Land In r Vlot ing'gets the ng Set. Owlrmaa
I . -- peakirmLgg i the prospe -for the to, $1 6. )ff so quickly � and without -S I �(�'t adyl twenty 9 --
the GriWby bWi, 2 . trade Be as sunlig! it $�ap. hom radje Smltl*, 3n Une Most We -have an extra largP, -and varied.stock 'Whi rh invites! 'Insp ection. 11811 1.0 an and the of the Horse', the Union a even.? Use it the 54"light way. Stock Yarda,' ,onto, jsays!. The oat-� I made: -,hat thtk 'boom WM pre dletidik 1� the dirgictions. 4' F�low th rse trade Im 1910 is 'stilkes the Nb- with tbdr:
ZA- egatwod tu at look �or t i with better than it a been for Years. The d the Pi L fthilt 6cow- thoU
ura River. oA.Qjevi i ,elms o' oeq -e in the chief ad A* SILLN S c i . 11 7 SO -00
eir We 7mit .kook 52,000 profit from a trade with It n ber camps.i We shipped d Ws.j
k iwn the Ov4, nund, of * tolalture n ery Province. 1hree r= lo�a t frombere to camps I �w 00 'Yeat ard of two aW a 'be - I
ff620e, I I- Hardware, gtov'es aud Tin Of t% ftion., 1�2 #e *-skle Pro- k am,� g the last two a or only half cooks the at so Last wee �djrini 6& bg f aicr,W. 'Vil jo �5 SU eMe11L&TX 1-upoi were' a1- Mal- the D than fourteen lo4,d!A lljv�perjal xf-ord" T1- d1k CDUn1tY A sectiox receh d from q�lver one tho,4sarld' have e�n sh �ed grom Stratford ite) aws a Pr6virwa n, Y*Wch applicat f, illustration �AOVC A IhLPORTANT NOTIM the samel b or YX. Smith'i f ite In lligent methods 0 t trip along tOP Of
'he groWIW -ales S en recpm� Racti a two =6 of On, 1by .1. A, E
elp 145 acres near halAling ofl. fruits a absolutd� tjans- _UW0 FARM TO BY -IT i I � I I 6THERS era purpowae xeavy.draft horses e d alo ttom, fell tjons, and INIORN, WORRIXID X dovwn side an f aftned local econ rnl� oncU ,Gj4V-fieUt Tenders for use tW2 aeason will be Otspose of, trumIng up to 00' wo "wiv,cid, Uv R� MAY% Seaforth. 2151-tt the little arroWs and you oTon. inflasnod. th4 i Very, character of #jringi n $180 to $220, -lei
-EIAM FOR RALE. -For sale, Lot 20, Cocession the -people, 1(4he.%sJAvps- - The same that the fire htat Must tra"l tqut! a, express to see *m going at 60 trt
has bem11)h_-eTved else- every otaInInW, 127 acres. This is a, phonemenn K Uch 01, e wor which ED 200 utd Or. ;�ms at $100 to $150, ly ov--r very part of tl io'oveft witb� kvW bu din d adj In$ the Arst-olms farta where, and will,be: ehserved� over'ever- f 6 ell en uIldergoes ,A tresE I orad- M 9 teldent occurred ia Z-vt Walton. &ply on t guarantees an Oen b king heat. J F. 0. IR170-tt FOR colacxs C ROW, M LA. -M mithe w, are if, t Mother . kept BlaT4tiar4 dn I Leisday. when Win. M rd t )�'Phdjer�.D- ypo knowfi trait ower and ti�r B by.s Own TO erville, jr', wai pecide4tally. shot 116 itg,r - I Anv Gumey-Oxf deale# -18. SOBE weal expor ets on hand and'-goe ASrEll", 8R DXV131, . - i q. . I .- - toiv
Must be experienced of I St - "CbAl dose .. 4 -he , I . - *6 IMAW uAND WANTED.- TBROAT, fqqk 'OERIA' karfries, oes so�1ar as to occasi, an the child was how *ou fea: ures -that I rabbi',! 'Fl Was shot In can 9 . I ^n! I'- J� withi good stock ; steadv and idiable ; good 8wt that the �r V Industry has done tfull sis oi fe righ.' W�arly all tht bone _gh, the thl Vapardized Cr me att ?Iace for right man; middle aged preferred. Would, to - b a Ild up the have made this i ange -more - s 4f c) Lildhood can be whooping Cc EVqr tbba an� &th r ailm t and W aS W4ell. Along bke to engage by the year, but at present would s0oe i- I Oft act eeth- With winter. Apply to or �hojoaA _. not �exist Wh prosperity of ;)the**, atry, The, know�- C ed Wo e stomao. bowels, 6r t. 1. f I S 11rdo t�h r o K brcatbin ledp lTat wo 4have a climate ts".uitable. For helie L t dieme hiis� brdtherr M I i -n e was aiuntIng best by actual directly on no a Gor rid) es 110 Me It is a boon t to, hds equal aby�s 0 a Tabl. 0AU
r thie, proda�tlon pf choice truit c ets, au easy in the e1of dold d the rabbft on lc Ephraim's Tme -"OUSE FOIL SALE --For sale brick house and� lot throat and $to a was 2004eota I disoharged, dnd e Doret fail. proved !a poworf al actor In, attratl4g her the guarautee of a gover ILL- E ldvine, sItuated.j%4 south of the bullet struck Vtlllaffi. who Wax st t botl t the Tablets -ting are ab to see this range V_Ard
brewm. S. a*M iiat land well cresolens is a erful ge icidp, ac. Im I it anal A tha I e. Mrs. Eda, SU rx! I -r S, tely ine a few o Dm. Arwn �xd ' =001=110,
I :od, garden, alsoa as a 6refive c adja praven a in cont�gloq�. so U ddard, wlth.fr6ftand table. G=t generally speak so bp_fore buying. Pricer�asonabe� ApplytoGEO.ABERHAR71 and -ve be n lix In" this. matter. Haldiman Que., says ore diseases. Cres It.*a's biesi r6cOmLU endation 11 Ing,_ ha 1,_661'have used Sparks � w stily sammoned �nd foAnd tbAt t uUet had 5battered he RM. X. SUAW, Executors, c4ate late J-Rupdall. L Y's Ow in n At P b rtght thigh boi � and had tKone do a MAWAM si Ralik, A a its thirty Years 4 T-h-ey have ,In the past' taken the B n Tablet: av homQ for a Fiv Sao br AU )rz6dv cave (0 their srda khat -they shoald I ng time find always vyIth'tbe best or at [the aeg, breald i's the bone several SALX OR RMIZ-For sale, Lot 2% _Send Postal . br De have dme, and bence they ha,-�e xxod re CU salog 14, -UuUett,. 1 is me I do not kr ow how I could 0 inches below. Phe doctors were coutaiming 100 more& scriptive _D t alc;ng with dicine 1'� Sold -4 M, reaped the r16 re, ards that farmera out t ine d faim with good bulldinp. one mile 25 t,6 locate the Latest re rts Croselene A Id# Weil *r tw... remb I,Wnd.frult 'grow s -n some sections lit" inedic ealers or by the v oing well, � at Tillge a Blyth. Apply on p, ses, or ady! Tkmat Table4g o fmole are that thn Jz;d K �Gx _0 R�D 6- faV�v have donb. There' 1!1 tle� he Dr drew DATED, NICOL. Blyth, ont- and soothing ifo the a b0c fro T William$' Medic,- he wouhd Is aivexceedlrWly Ungeryw iff Rated thre it. iOr- Vo patt of 0htaric -or of Canada, for in e O., ockville; Q1 11.3 (A one. The rifl 3 wa a 32 icaUbre. yre JQOAR MR SERVIOE-The undemi-ned 'will that inatter-whri i the 1soll and lell- I 0 bv lJolut �Mtno. mies,C36 Somervillie is Q out 25- years of el Road, �10n- r tht
a keep fo on his farm. Klp;�n t att4r ITOVtIX News ]Rates. 'Us, a - thon Ma � axe b5�t4r Sor the- i a= a son f air, WIM Somery e6 advt rughbred Berkshire triiiiiial. Canada, 3061 1 OT certain, ki S I fruit than- In the With Ps-ivi_ hW. Term ---01, paid at time of service, axid best one of Blamahve beA kno'n Xa:Tm#jj. -4 -My Schultz, the ldg_,st IQ -e of retnrning, if necessary. JAA STRWAW-�L Cryanty of, H i ron. h. -choicest Elm
Or _tt,
Ch kj Vrfl OU penter t6nonaville. - 2101x4 Thomas, was of appleo amd, sma frults such as fn ai A d;ead in ed T4unsday, morniug nonff A Y ix
ries, ciuTantl , ras erriesi and. - plums and wiE!M CATTLE WANTED -The undersigned will take in by DL iwas due to in'tICH AGO @ 4F 9 I -n In greater abndtj prian 10 Coy@r 0 11S A stm ; cattle will be tied in and thoqe are moti,voA L Is 4 "i'slarK a. alimitednum of cattle to feed for the wint- grown.,hei d the ream,MW hf w 't fall -A barb ownb-d b Wrn. Brown, a wutered. Man to look after them. Apply to MUNK nigar Q,47�
airtce and perfectloa jS the 01%4 Abolish khe aTa 1=se, ^nd Misery �,F-_jd at De-sp-Tonto, A19 WS, Lot fi, Concession 14, Hullett., or to JOHN re8difbg�ne chards are n - pirc Qrl cltivated and n. �,j r Dt , �p �, 93artirt"C' r Tnr On n, _-Z- I!A XURRAY- S forth lik I I - __f I— I A& 4-4 -VU411
in catpad for. The MLrk-et jor good trult, bm-mels of roots, ad one COW, was bagga 81CM=RRiTr? AxDsHORMffoRN0ATTLE 69NC1411y apples, 14 widenhig and t( tj By destroyed by! tire on -Thrsday JU "R SAIM-Ths undersigned has fer-salw impro,ying, and we enture to say t1lat Cbm indigestj be retwed V Another instance' of aggressive terprise ��n the -pad o 1M f eral Thorobed Leicester Sheep and Durbam, Cattle. t. The lose Is ektimated. at $1,000, It ourjuron -farmers virouldar1e for Of thOgandg Dt People Who SUff-St from flTorento Daid is rnished by its action i2i sending to AngLmd lbothsexes. Address lkmondville P. O.,ot Lt 'au, I arioce, Of $400. Y a:ik cultimt-6,their p-mards, as c*e- %t faxw, Hill Road, Tuokesn,M. ROBERT belching of Aa%; biliousness, �Dur * member of its staff, Mr. 'oseph T. Clark, to r -there untiff the Gilbert Noble on0a the richevIt Man ti j ally's;� aisit3cieritifically as Is done �ZERS & Boll& istomach, naus�a, c-hort;),vsg of clow oi the British Blec op Campain. tj I-, aeblo, Colorado, 1lth a fortune of --a�te In mouth -ng in twe In mani other- ixrts 'i �f the -Province breath, bad toti, �,Since the i4th of De4ember Mr. Clark's cables vppeae� UERTOUN STOCK FARM -Present offerings, 111i le. millioi L. dollars, died a few days f tb tl�ey would f Ind t. ielr rebards b f breath, nervo s and otber dllstres5� �j three Younz Clydesdale Stallions -King Darn- ex have been n ing attf�ntion and 'departffiVht of helr me� of I Waa the Ki -Wilfrid (10:79-111, King oi Fountaid the most projitable Ing pymptoffis, are , asking &,,'o at'tlle co.MtY or farm. He was themselves Never* before has a C iar. paper'affordea its r agrs the UV15b Witt. Wits Mo �and at the time [1022-01- Maotwo young Durham cows -.0th IF farnts. Hord than A his, the7 wotidd make that question (0y. jorlawing day by djay a I xitish 3�lec amp ign Von invited. I Lis d o an interest at foot, and young bull. oali b1a4d o ne' in residence-Seatorth DAVID ly�ear with anothext 00d If thead mme doulffin dyspfpt1Mqs Cabling ir, an expensh a operation, but the r es not _�-;�re 1i ON UT 2194 N MADE acre oichard. irtne whidi was'.0 14p in . litigation. could only rta' ,the thou,sands of shki expense when there 4s an opportunity serve its read froln..a ;tivet ior 3 ven I tespn .wats made Lifeb tha4 they now o om the 'whole farm A umIque pkkespn . �on cere , lettr-A from people who on<4 Mr. Clark, who. is kn :)wn throut iout Cana� A as writer :of For Sale., b in �Odro Ch 1111 litoston, a few I I Y 00 as ba,�I,y th PRop,FRTY FOR SALLE-For sale, 10 acres. of a�nd -with less, aa expense. as iey do mow Ummily graceiul Unglish, with all oliginal pointf iew that gives trabL-19
land, on which is Sr good dwelling house and n1e. its 'ago, When i rin. Clenaban, 9. A but Who been qdIckly and pery - 4Winmiii.6Veness to everytht ig 'he writes, is descril iing e campaig"n !Wooa shed o6nd a good barn; 2 aores of firs STEW BI 0S.9 h y, 3,u ng mak, waa'p�espnted w1ith a ;�orehard2wells. This properW is half a mile south 'be manently cur,4' by ith use of Xl-o-m, greaty-T length for "Star" readers in frequi�nt letters; which can Te- hlly described as mas �P'f Varna . tud is 'IV most desk,4ble place forr & retired market Va is of Chd Crops 1r, ME d watch and n TAIz4ty d,�Opep ia , remedy thAt truthfid terpieces. ;Hfarmer. Apply, toALEX. M-110HRL14 Varna. be had'at- catp. dtlori' the -fac, t Tho market Value of the field crops curies by rerrovinc ithe cause, thasy i The British Rlections ai le beingov ec -n the "Star' by no less th2n tftw led the ga�day 'SO4001 Of that F -Al 1i of C&Uwda thig T., ar A s 4sitlamated by chu 7ch fat fourteen conse would,igo to uk. Bobert's, this ve fbnr distinct services, two of them excl sWretoth mPil fr ae, 1 n* 3d atIst cutive y0ars day a -fid I rent it WCIOPI �Ffi t�e Dominio CEP a lea 01�. ooemb6-
FOR aAT OR RENT -For cale or r vet large box of MI -o- 1. Mr. Clark's cables and letters � exclusive t the ",'Star").
6vilritg� missetl ;a single Sun- HOT- -house on Market Street, Smforth, the It loft oln! uk tre t-.! f iee, Is a b ulletin f '.t $532,992,100, an tabi and sfart themselves on t4 2 As aff of perm auent correspondents 1 cable ser ice from a s _pecia property of the late James A. Anderson. Thehouse ),wt1,;v1Y UL d, ty, ight rcia tifici f' no lep .ti an $100 4&8,001) A to ffiml& at once. in Britain (exclusiveto the "'Star"). W
TT *T-- -lill rip- s ht roomed cottage. with bard and soft wat� r V d.t. The --Half of the-�-b si k1lon of the The. 'I),,, Maggie S
en In connection U be ever e (Yt! Zj_o.na t ablets, Is on�. 3. The Canadian Associated 11'res cables. �e�= grd f not sold Uri 14USrt year'�s a;ry total
Ing of the AV,,Tlll)- Pa mful or &croage Lvid�r i 01 is g, Iven tovylm,,of TAegsalon, /Algoma,, was Wd 60i 3 M& J. ANG)ERSON, Seafor i or 4. The Associated Pre ss cabl frented. Apply W th cr Vt1i yo cMtsil alid, A. Rb -7� Rxpositor Office. _Brit 219 low icia� 4ai naged - s the res dt of a ana Per i o 1. te� aiitl Ovari -Wn Tutnors.i ats 0,065,566.; as with 27, H them, (to curi"Jadigestion, or. monl�y In no previous ish Klectioens`4w ia. C i pap�r made situilar I- 11 I I np tr(yas fire �whkh broke out on ei v- 505,663 aa -as la!4. yea r. k Of the back. preparations for getting, WANT for Fall and Winter Alontbo in. Be&, news. It i; another p roof of the in :reasing lan c 01 1 11 Vie Inorning ift oe office of the forth and surrounding country,. an active, re- lcrea,se in -the kyA14' If (rops', $54,460,000 tin, Co Thin pr Iman or ocrawney peop�q closeness of Canada's relaflons to the 'Wother Lw. id. But also not in tin, Thol
Head, Racki. 130we r-,, 01 id Isr due fG, largeX mpany. The loss Is ij liable agent to take orders for nursery stock. Good ldr, of whmt, oats Will find In a maker of fle*� w4r times have there been as great isE nes at stak e. The'lQget, free� Ilpayweekly. Outfi4free. Exclusive Territory. 6W r�hbrn )y ed I the whghborbood of one ''Aotes of the choicest nursery stock which you sell nd barley, a ten -millions t s the stori4 trade, the future of the Hc use of Lords, the Briti;h constitution itself and blood, b�
ifflar ra,,Ilt cause direct cc your castomera. Thris is one of the ad- wealmess pu to Du -fit credlt�d to e-j,aj crop, three and h ousand d3l1ars and the Inm ach to ex-bi -t e can contiaue OutrItious mattei are in the melting pot, and who knows what will me out? Forgom- IN
guarantee 'treatnic u tau es i are very heavy. The fr - 'bi ou hich vantages our men have over jobbers. We e peas, Lek- '01 6m the f 1. a uIckly eurlchj4 partsons one has to go back to the great refmn of 1832, and one viit, T
eVoInti. tke delivery of trees in good condibioa and u to 32 c L a, wec k. caluse 'n "'a 'o cost -ot only bwli If th 0to is , in -known. go ,mde. Wrl!e faf partic -nan's whei I al, �i Ar d f lax, ana, -Six thd blood. authority says it is the moi it momentol is struggle since,te R Ulars to PRIZU Ou�m XeOixal contract My book, 111w at 'Dne4raU 11110-S " The d. -,u: wedling pf and NM=Y 00.,r TOTOUtD, OnN Please mention this pand a q lon� to veg4ittble of Im. A. dt��V�
Adviser, alii sent Ime. 6�' M Alexaader.Eleg _of the 6th con- 2194-15 C I q ;Qr0pi paper. Write to-dav AddrEss Ynk X StLn- I "C"he "Toronto Daily Starls" nem olumns will keep you fry - - - I Wr I r� was cek-; WX 'iO�7. W, ind s - r '10 .Wh�ali$ Crop. A es Inste I � I t, j CHORTHORN BULL FOR'SERV -My heard InerSo Box TA br ted Wed6 December 23rd, PQSt,ed as to the progress o the figh , 7 � Ir now neaded by that grand youngElcotch bred The tow t ar elLv; U buil, Scotch Grey, 72M, his dem, Lady Jane (imp.), At 467,714 laidf at il the fami1q, lbo, natead, where the hels, Ya i fiF499 -, sire, Golden Ernir, 53MO, got by Golden op ccupla have lived Onitilluously for 50 Victor (imp.), 32065 C7678Q); dam, Emms Notice of I I 1�narkat pric 'at $141,320,001. Of 0 a Yea�, yeam, Tht occaslos was nwked by a dhoal
npudil eting Of 0a bigAden Rey (6n412). Scotch Grfy a thIs 150,619,000 b hel � ere s ving family jre�.tWon. Mr Beg was born il'bei rcan, (and is a grand specbmen of the ort- McKillop Telep i6ne System, wheiat, raised ror 7,088,800 Wems T%jref and 'Toron o Dal� Stai tagethet 8 Yeu—$226. rRport 4.
�horntype, and wtll be li eoiMaHyvforth Im- in M*M� re, nd, fim .1.883, and RU A H wnd valued it -$, 5 471 1000. a wing Norm. Any parties. I provement of pure bred abor i Cal In .18$7. Wa. Beg 0UHUMPHO nfor5k.addedbabo
The annual m t1l 01 le MoKilop BIUMIC 41 -,VhVat, with a jn%voj�g( of 21,25 ashH Wonchitlis, (:V�t !el�ouhl Qving ure-bredcowatobree4are-invitedtolWoot n pt Cou& �and Coldst or W,
W. V9 = L i lAt a�i rishire tn 1843, isbull. Terms,85insured. Purebredc and Telephon ten Ne hel', I At Cali Ies Hav, �U to Ithp, wre, bra, ht an aver"s re- J. Xam
enin , JIU111 14 � 1, 1010, turn a -$17.70 per;�e aa aalrOt 16 On. tbrop, onlryiday i e Dr. 0. tuthi rford, Veterinary taOneY old =d guaranteed by _F. 01 u isitors welcome. OHN ELDER, Hensal 11080 of ea n- s-pector, ot Wawa Mae Wormed the J.'A.. Roi Z02 IFW 116 for sale at sll timei; at reasonable pri FILi for the put in tra n MGM of such year, and 'Or the or basbel's OX4 $1-91-84 i W acre In '1908. 1+ Rol H0
Imlidical; liulth 40fdOr -of G&I that nt UZem as way e '*e before. t ilg Usk bu e rpe 2 b1fig. A Pall � WhYA, w�ih .i. of 24. 81 I ILLS FOR RALE1 am apin on the maiket attendance Is req, sbed, "Itr0yed Arte having bitten 2104-2 GEO. -D. 13. AR eU. I . President. .per acre, how a value of 028.93 Wp�noiw-ir thalt town ands *tefn- Buwith a supply of aNyoung pure bred Shorti acm, as Agall 24 40 bushels and !A FLOWOg AND A WISH. so ara aff good indlividuals, gob by PW Abi ' iorn bulls. The mbles#: as the -2 Jount SAYanus. Th color and will. be $ in 1908 ltD liqulat 'Olt cauq.04 kbe death -of i w1d -Re a, tE et', n aglater6d and well awworr'&oghe price, to make Aunt" I N g D] v1ded. How tit W,Ora -ablilts, The' rt regulating ln�e Rornimt! o Oarriag witj forthe younirer ones. Can oleo spare a few 0 of DO L"s ale4.__0cotoh Orey, 4 bbautiftil roan bull and The an The toltail value 1� thi w1wat ha `VO4 dom ato to be �-mad, ibore istrtnient of am 0; Canal Famo. nUal Wee of th 'embf ir 3 ift -bbQ I Oq no of tho best W be boid, beWe tho b04, na Will. 90911lop mutua j 11"Ourak : COT 1 M.nyj will be 1A ft provinew 'the wais ifj 4 th a ey-pr, 11 us& Or Henry I Ir4okenbury tallo Ja L a kept tor tsij Im -provehibnt of pure bred bhort� hold In. the Town 1-j in a I 000, Ar4 in $ho —Ft4tpr 40-0=tar *Yer 25 7euo Apply to JOUN 940M, L90 100 Conctio. h@ liown I soaforth, on -ext-qf the 11 - I - DIV ,,I %Wine th of AM W Amu 01 1010, M *a@ '01ok P. M, '"o $19 760,000, ph con ot ft rr,04 prc b*l(Lo Make 0- h -.81
Ion r rox 144, Iferpall F, 0, m*4 wit $72 j. ift m1wit mop Wo wl 00, r0i 4v ng o tho - fiWanobt 00 XMI Rntle 0 UTlage of X do Log- 044man tbo D) tory ATA A "41to ropodo ad $18180410 opedlyoly 41t 002pbf )pro 104,00 010 ral4d If. t fr()tjj V4 t,) j?r IN I �ljr@q r@(t All# 0j)Q ri (4 lob Karp M1 Ng4n, 0,01 W" column by th@ MR -W of W 25 vs- r 11f4i YOR HAT410-fte hu for jifila 0jj)0&jflg t) tbrf# ftwo M 6ing I it W44 at Na" a 11VIAK
�11 # or I I ithor UH10mm'i W nw in RAUD-101n MP
four obafoo younj lihortbom bullp, ranging In mgy ggnl@ I)gf
oir YeLl weme -ad o0ory bu@l wffo to, tpko h it to P-raace. )go madicid Im 41Y Irrootj by rM RM 11rinuo and on@ 1jugubw Por tho dth#r cropo 0, tho Dorf 141�n, 0 111nd by ri 'fl[ 1w, 4,3 In a 30 ph nd i arfd aq 0, traym Wahl O&Wdhowig aninydago vt 88 bijalwl§ bu WHO fum. two amg dnWP- flng atil"lis Opy hall) a full byallor to bho nlxg! It "N Mid@ d4j1(j two A$0,1flA - 111104 forth@ PO fnorvial LAbrloxwt Co,j torst but'ft, m bl di@d an 0o vomp. lit n o a Ce t Day bition 144 fall, Ila lq;ho 4 nd a -wud tho 12,15 1 df a I -r-. I Itf- of Ag Will tw old aboalt Pad oil hfisy 9 A ff year, taricy Rig. hLU-1voog took- 111ra MIN- d o- r bo rd of ' 9 ock food" ou Irl thi!�,t3 ftd � 0 time fl IAYIII V - t I I woe IT fil ritto 0 aft purAwym, Apply oil TAL 8 (Iona 6r MUM bofoft blo W r UP, nol%#
6, Ttiakerafiitht or P-MOKAYf A wqd� OnOW an U. de TAggeof told him Of reftring ru VP� Anlroft ill to VIUMN101 T; ;Y fflid -to your cow, �(jro, w0lie P, 0, ry(, 1s,18 b 4AMIN MoOfmd" OUR M( yd fout III# t I 1D 'at C4 J.t WhI0h 11jugtratoN hl� mWorb" ko 4 and f hig Naeftifilm '�i 0015 FAR, -'014 dAbff ywtxd to 01W it k -Lot 110'. 2.6, boddorml oil the long ie voyage kha 62prewi &rd $12 ff Pose 9011 Vash6la and, of to al eatW gi od but of e fee You 41VI ty an 6 09 b' I 84Y Atthtet," obto, was.616sod a tho wish to le cate the rem*tbdor Of 8 Quali d a, isfa 1 J�vs zgakn�t '16110 is and 2AA raid §fsiy Utt sill rou:hdt a i raverit Go, Tuakeranith, 1W Sam bdicid gtt 41
ood inaple bush, the rest olearetL OVer MO rods erance'o IMU at U0 to tH6 it 06. dittom stbek food" can do Ven 8_81str fence, welf drainie erreater part tile -cat 121i V CUYS *93,, Wheuthe Rotropolltan hU iffe to d f the, ?Itje d, 6; 64 boheIg stA 0 in good statQr oultivation, over 30 acres p1med, 'hsMd a t i nezeafial. D6 Ui -,Z .
( acr remainder seeded and 2 Im t 24,66 ibshels whd Ilk Puft L.1,can Idt on , the j*iWtjoh of 101 wolo any Pa. e o things. RUYI URPLE 0 A'
04 I . 1 d 6 �-thwaA emner Of Bay and- Adelaide Ora na L es fall wheat and the Y ao, t a t can had dac lear froni foul. weed§. 114,41 x:e,d1ggMT.aI' a, 91 bishels afid ot, JF0. ThAm is a 1� story briek mi gave him an jj )ointwent at Is 4k , A' But a 240 000, aboit P, otie0,,2ft36, -�lso brick kitehen JrSX20 and large i $1@36, as ag4trrst . 3272 d st eets for bmhelg an &ud em O" te 4i was found In o4e 0 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK lific 1 iood shed, Barn. 380% with good sione stables $17.48 f I a x, 15.9 biwftesond SO.& Tobt, little oym a Year ago tonta ns no Lou n raw e ar house -yield of milk from thrft to ftt'ej- his dg:mgUta* GA4, Zood stoliie, Well ne $ $!1199 - 9 4' tb tb� worligh6lis diere for utid PC cow pe - day. efore I h Specific hRs bwh '46,. i3 ftme X:;r abolt $1,600 u 1. weeks. It makes the - inilk -richer P, us .*.Para" indabundant supply spring wat6r at barn, -with -as 4ffatn4t .10.76 4b sheli i and Pne day D e Lesseps' . attendon was Young calves fed with ROYAL d a ds fle4h faster than. 2 ny other fo:)t. T40 lot trontage of - 104 - I PUR Ll ing at bank end of farm in bush. alOE -and $33,61, 'as are a� li trae htt six weeks oid i rindmill, and arepri 23.67 b as LheyW, L�e�WbW �dvvitli or&nar THE PALAI E MEA -T 1 AIAKET t1tese- two girls, -Irmaterialsattee-wee I wo acres choice younK orchard sheltered on Nvest to t 8 at#acted by Alwith leg corn or 'e' dt latde and: a deptlX PURPLF- STOCK SPE-CII-MbuildE uprun-dov�n.anirn-alsv6k4��estortstherAto- I �pruce trees. Farm la.11 infles from Seaforth and 19�� 27 5 I 33.08 ROYAL from st. buisking, 54.623 bu4 hLAs iand $3t.19, of 76 or. Ray sb -eet. Sotrje person whom he ej it into eonversttlo�L Plumpness almost rnagicaliy4 Cures fttz, colic, worms, skin dise ises an ho d debiU ol, also telephone in bouse. An . . . . . . P A handsi me Calenda giv id 1lb' rall by Ithe -Ynearn-, Dan McEwan, the horsernan , r�iy: I h av-- v s ad ROYA L P JR PL If , OA14,10C V OrArbahas iond $3 .32; pg- tnrrem came a4p C 'n".
4 a premisep. or addrees ROBERT 2 ent . e 1 iext day and gayeto. H STO .2109 persistentLv in the feeding of *The EeW 2.( �9, pacer on Grand eac h of thiB� n i � flower, saying i t1k, tt errof $3s,000in I aforth P.0i BGx 1". --x6 en awura:7 a4hel! ald� $70.28, s a,,-� in jth6 Ica" t. largest winner of i Ay free- VV'irth your. toeo., r 1 1!30$# and,' Henry Winters,* 2.091, broU -er c f AllealVinters,'-winr CirtttftA� trotting r, ITh -A 182 bqshels za�d $63.24 ; t din-n!ond, merchant, s6lllni� C -a . Thes4i horses have ed using RoyA1PA1fV1L- 7ARN FOR SAUX-For sale, LoL 21, and Xmas ot or. it', tl4.s,: urnip-3 they should J r -,j me a wish the,; la ;t in 1998. east hP611 ore, never bi their fe�d since I comr�etic basibels "op" tt Ing at n1g]] ic afinost a year ago, an& I will adw, i.ys have t in my s bk. s. -ge, -As to the )Qro1.17rnvd !heads of; E Specif ta 1. of Lot -22, Concession 10, Hlbbert� contAinin- and other roots, 43, rid $73.- t and that if W ihe Tilmr I- -h is in a, Zood state -of cultivat, but lately -a�cticall-y jr,tduc�d to the I iG acres, all of whk, ir af, ais against k47V ush0s and $64.53; Tr,v our Uince Wei poor, X6'i In they fob n that the flowersi had il a, and Mon of it %vtU unde-Aminud with, tilk:. %ctor� -;m e aper, a Coll t 'hay, A.44 tdi "$1611, as againt 01 1pa! eo. Ingwpod mnub L61 jc�e'm* 6 q� ol ened th w . . . . . . . . . . .
:11 are i4 a nice stoneouse with kitchen and cellar second to nonc 11t I dUd In, St. �Afehael',s jHaspltal, Tor e , isq� would be gi%�nte& tco un- fr)u the p r ME a.3.9 . -no. ari %" foo$ ia�nd $5 at mas' Ere . H w s 13 the folloWtag mornin -went strem shed 3G,;50, and a drivinz 1 Sig's in 11.27 tona to dh'ClirL only g he Thf.,re iiaa-power windwillort the I)arn U, but Wh�n i ath came he was to found o We am fully Ipped oixe bhe i e.' *;rd 4 ;odd, k heIr houpe I d ,ne of the �45 35, nd PeG 8.60 tons 'h' h iterand grin&q There %ro 8 el:a �*Tid a springr creek. ft is all seeded nd of ever CUS1101,11 'Ir Wr -I XMIJ 6, �kad t dinner. A �i Ene o f X -t �r% va . 0.1 i and $53.- maL 10,01, a bhyslcal vreck.* 'HE is: said to - hhve smiling t e 6ther in tear& e W graear eXeept, im i6a,4 bet , 52, per vere -all owed a f $100,008 Z to is -lip 1. . L 'c f asked the ca s� of the latteils 30 aere% whch is Ila. I buLt. There e C aig rk, lamb'' urkey, Ily tllrolw.�E Mwers In. a, good orr-hard. The farni is 1-1 miles from Crom .,re, -e duchs, W L4, 40, flowe ir onit a 1 Y r 1�a 3 not openeiV1 she it. -of ROYAL PU RPI it is ws-. Ile w -en to'lhe hi pitil on the amy and seven iaLes frotu'r,�vo good marleui. e cor t ]Vjt,6.Y()u, 08 One 50c� packn& stone animalsevel o 3.e of the beat frn;s iu Ontario and Vill be soldrr on Feken., etc' Tnh val irt P .Yle, "hirds of 2 ea to ue li lifld. crops ce 17 1h piled. days. w1fich is a little over tw cent*dxY.- Moststokfoodsinfifty cent call on S Wl, & Merry 6 April zrA livi-4 what was o -t Re e wr term'7. arb the proprietor desires to retire. For Chri.tM..us! l� Wishij prao- 'I:A-,,t but flftk days and Une given three :imi s a dav_, ROYAL PORPf-E Stock splut,10C f�r%,r particulara apply on the premises or address 1E FAw trid 1�lalnd Is' 1921 90.011; in U( �-Ily lki.perldg �de*th. Beforiii �hl,s 'Tell me yx�r wish, i;o th9t If poad. is given but once, a day, and lasts hal ` ai An as Ic ng A 81.6 all containing four times the 10V4 scotl%, $22,319,300 CAUPBEL , Cromatry P. 0. w 13ranswick Illiners, �h . 'w ent package will I Ast Mdnyg. ROYAL RPLF- will increase t�e w6ue 'y 219ixi Year I " e , as empl,&-Yed as pw�- 01 It may be granted,11 responded amount of the #ftyc eoj� 1�8,150,900; In Q 'bee, $Qa071 000; -in of Your stock 25%� f7P- 14 e; x the-ErIng dtvL?VTTT'^t01 fir T It is -an astonh bin cly quic efite am k fattener the 2PP. teand4-te C
relish for food, iLssisting nature to digi st , nd tuH ft,ed into flesh. Aq a bog fattyper it is a leaft-f- Gna)rlo, *200,598 in vamtoioa, ��Tlj pro , the I—
dadial ])Qpkr Itwillsave _1� uhma '$74 420,500, aAd '00 MA "Ab,; to ou'l(ast of all men I mantitnesitsostintete inaryb*Rs. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY ST Albe ta Farm Lands forHe-rbert�'Cdq in �Albe-ta' Fl HUI,'
$20,741�000- iss�ued, a wardnig against C is our other Speci UP �
11 fic for poilltry not for stac�. One O cen paclmge will 1ALSt twen �_r 0,& 'the the crapis In Prince gILA,honesty UL. t!" was, ber aAsw�r. The t liens 70 days, or a pail costingSI-.50 .4r
wh vijUlaft1twent fivehens 2 -SO i which is four t; paking' fralt, Ich was i -
2 imes the - mst, It m3 Ices a ":laying machine 11 out of our blv Sale Edw� VTd W 9,408,000; in Nva, f&..rly w4j ed. her. material for only three.ti ad'wa�, T4� � ..
PT,-Vajejnt d J* the p"t seas- SUMflaer and winter A inoulting ti preveiiis f6w me, and cures x8isaases- is flesh U seat $1;0,083,000 1; in d wevit -13;ral4s�- on, Iri a le & Rvery package pf KOTAL PVRPl.E STOCK SPECIFIC 0r.V4DULTJR h4cis �'Refore parahmin- land in the'West, look into'the tt ty the frult, growe6-, 14erits of Albert" Q wheat 1.%nds. Do not let the guaranteecL wieft, $13,041,000,; 1'6 QAer- $80899- nodge Ameriamns get all the be -%t land ia the ost. Terms IP etts, head of the Hort- Jilst use ROYAL PURPLE on one I-Yaur�= qlq and an�other preparationn =-olther� tment elther cash or on tho crop pVwent, plan, or a clear 000; fri Onario, I 33 �
i,000r;. In UAU�i 142'tUral Depar ]says: VIt Is as animal in the same condition - after cor aparind -SuIW You WiRl !92Y1WYL PURPL!F1-tRS V
&ed to tb#- land in; return for your first entire crop Itaba, $016,660,000'; Saskatchwan 14 (Ylr' packo'lts_ had �' 6tten the le4i�, them all bea:t to death, or else backcomc s your t ney. FRRE-A-�,�k n 8 or Omo, Cr jour rimrchant or %vrrte us for -our vn luable %2.pAke booklet on oattle t and poul try diseases. corftintng also Int bi
$37,614,000, WA In 522 1 a winter Wheat. Alberta. $141 $001D. sb�irb of tb Zag LUOAS rky �i 8,20 aores in Saskatoheivan, cluse to three rultways. as recoM of this LUOAS
r farm west or south of Seaforth. _A0 0 on. A. h t �'ili ax�-�ban�, ,Fal I. W1 k J. Ch& 1, e fo The eat. seasoIn bts b, -en U' I na makes oath t or' cooki particulars tbout- E wouncei d ffll� I pLanZ, f 9 tner of the ft Y P j�For farther. parbiculara b 0 -, of , -pack e of F. J. Cheney & Co.-,' 2,U S7OCK and PQUL� ri of Oe ne p w &oP to ( o � Toledo, county �� an do rtge TRY SPECXFICS. apply to JOHN A. LM DON, AJUO Th� codtto of era who Wtre su posed to b inew' in the d have fallen WILSON. Box 463, Seaforth. PU t `duft aft honest aek fall I 01'e7at 911s, "7e7 �b 98-89 of a P and t W I ftrm will pa the sumlof 4t V 11 mean a loss ONE HUNDREP D�L �AJW for eaeri and every cage 101% - 6 , :vc U mnnot et Royal Purple t CO3 & 13ta# 140a, " a -s �Wlth 75-, per ines Fror i me Of t"t co no Pee rchants or agenft cont. I&-st year. lAlberta there Is ot rw _ fhelr reptation P't 3e cured by the use of Hal?s will supp Y I Ott 4dir"'t, exp�res Npaid. -NNOT1021 Busme 0 afif CA Cum FRANK J. OHENEYi y ad j Notice is bereby given that, the 85th annual meet- Ja icree ae re-ec-,tabll id,.. iI.SUBJE(E S of -per aent. of- f an 1 141 pru to belore )d in"-iiiyj pl,". on recelipt of M50 a t)a it for Ult O i4 - of the members of the Tky Tb%vnship Farmers' or Stock, nea 6 Salftl -4, 0ntalo, an ft�j I i. Gefti a anCe,, a Wimber of the this Oth day A iember, A. D. _1.88&rAU1W and 11 1` t %I Mre Insurance Compaly,nV, ba held at the crelmm [of .9 ilf*m of vallal Lee a eb..'hard- 'AT Make mo -iey ac:ir A as Utw agept in 'I, Zv "Ind Alail Cour�e 4 -nd .�p
wn M- ri,.h, Or- Ta4%-, Jrinupry 11 th, 1910 Ixesident _r the e" -,murdistiict. Write. for terms. a one delock p, m. Business -R.bceMng (Sowla last year. t, I W!a M of ,14nAton, dld on ry the Dl- Cl ��109 i I - Hei F . 1 - - - 7 I T"h Wt W6,6k. M -r. Valla.1" Oatarrhj 're an M rna Y, For, le I y all up� to -date merciblants.
v Auditors' and Tremuree4 reports election of t1matpAl �Wel 'e Obtatnea.. on the b Of bealt and mucous surf 0 direcid such other business as may be J. -W. NVesterv8t, aervelt. C.A., row R beerr In the h for d, 04 e =ceamry for the good and welfare of ttLe Company. Tilse eAlinates a�% bs,oed cin I 8 BeadifeW nmW IMP_ W. Lila ikftls London,.Gar& the- re- yie�lhr-.'altfd, 'IOU are requested to attend. JOHN QHERAITT &N, to take a trip 1`90 19 !f 01 k-ellable X mddent H=y EMDEJ6 00"avy, 2194,X? Portia cc 8: 1A cot%q aft �008 tb wwater to j BIWXY & 00., Toledo, 0. r . kl,�,a tbWW a 4 8 Ad by p7ic. - DoyAKParple klow- ar kept in aVock bryT. S. BIWA 7 Ake Ha's A U ta ounsup.eum wlfl�a aud 'V e _00 A to., appo, 'A Dwr*- ra 4 wrk,. AIM t!