The Huron Expositor, 1909-12-17, Page 8IIItIt-NMI ttIE E 1%, I B f R I 111,,,,prInelpal A. Cammon, who, ta supply IVow ., L - Iff Int fto publia school beM, 4� been.00- 4119A rh: Ag.w %---b ZNX Ig�ged -to, .teadh in a schod ear Blake- A th a* a nia -trea rmt , r' N1r. Henry 'Iboid', An" t e ne yea th hi I K#V-'k p ateu awaya to be found W an old. �reeldent k X0W t, Iv,to*Seakf&tb�.-On-�, Our. Ao. 3k Of XMAS Q906 'haPhristwas-laeAwn we wee at- t4o home X f his son, For t BA , I -j' if,t48 ft__ fb U )Pna es r gifts _y 'boys, -%tbe nowc, many �_Pprl S We g"OL to ShOW goods % a )ook,it overII, a Nova TMT.—bb. IdIre0tio, ney sae 0 I ft CrA - yjw�y� 4 V if to, c** )Ulbbert M&I hether yolm bu'��'OrVot. t p, R Devereux w4dh.�Waq Obbid-ir yvenditioti of �th&' 1;ewuml huduserut Intsbed a f t. h at' is i on A o'10th c=4 NV vea, lhw� at -up-to4at's, -modtls� 4 nm -bot a �moat �jbeaxitlful farn Fe I i the. old, 10chollo e 1,_ Doys : _& I - - diffeilehl, 6fta a- ith whelha;myqu b, Ion and belonging to I fr. William 011 le, --but have th, , en workn norfire o -Solt aU taStes­ft 9 I guaravtee!� perfftL. We k4ow clover r4ace ol P It Is foi - bi I & and Milf-Min, Were destroyed 'I ao orm 411" U11 :Qr 1.14 dIfferen OPM of. Ween that we c Tt bt, offi I --TnO 10110WIg- ub, JFM 1 aea*y, hight bet 1 azd 12 *I stock- Al best. uality -a Hook d, sid ti* effod be 9. I have -been -to: e- clock, There was no cro :)r Stock In aVul, Mr. Gelb oolledt44 these - Q'ace M - -not'allow us 'ntis 81 4WPU& andir alffICOM elected tar he en, but a, num M-pleme advib a� a we � hi me'for the bamr: ber I of *ood_-suboat oullng, t, rM il�i - - - - - btlon, With cDot ei-e destroyed. TIM tire '.us every. 4- e you . - - W r- s tga�n uArvers iu casest,,-eable RnivesPock- paision, a 1: Poredt. oider Of appearam of VeIng of 11 et�dlar� 0 rl e-ster : -ourself., tr Otero:- FRL B stow, Chief e1v Knives AtVn ��Ise wnd no i would. almotst. doubt. il 1 for nanger and Scissors.. We have y gw. Vhe barns were ntdt le did value, and something from be'vh exhibition In W. F. John Dijely; pwam viras living it the 4art window on ftat xA I treas. Fingh, ,sec.; Ixom. thts, a er ­lngL; the- Chrigtaw week, W Bo ifiji7line Is alwayS appreei" by AnOw 011 IN MT�- er, . 94 -is -4. wou, J, Wo(A-4 Stu NOR r Plainly roil cting to anIit,olfl. vlAble. 'on the young well vwth examin4tion. IWard; n -Muir; .S� beadlo; Georg ib -date Truss w, rominess there at that th of 1, JU Is sus Thiaiste season -for theie useful The, cbuncil.—The regqlar m4�etlh G": trustees,:, 1)r.v Spott, in Sho(p's Remefts, Town, D. Hoa 0a, correspondent Id pe*d that t1w IncendlaxY tiad *4ven n NEXT 'OEK FOOD CHOPPERS. thelbarm, and, as no pers( had �any He -Witt, J. medical offlevr� J- Up4 D - �gv-r,6 S Ing �Taachlhm, and we have them from $1 the council *as held here on! �cokFW? tovi T,bot. Compou, 14X TWS Inachine, has four diffOrmt evening. 'The, mayor and,tre'a-4urer! e D. oar. .4 d d6' P1 osphodille. in, I t Is&.ed knivesi and if not satisfactory autborIzed-to placat the moneys rece jab for. Christmas I -Our' Christ" _40.0kersmith WILLI BE GREAT DAYS FOR Ve will refund the mo&y.. from John Uck and the tW. , Extra� e vbr Try ofir candy at 2 lbs, for Afterall-baseeli-ealdthe final it,of a oboe is Shoe 1pDmpany to jilw1a, Mods= 2,192 , developed 'n regula Iblizzod; ojid�v BUS Yi XMAS SHOPPERS AT Spl Interest andpla E nd ill Its.wearing juatits, "Our Own 9 al", shoes, being of 'fund aoc(iiints. -,The. Anderkon-1 r .r, Ifty a G loot Xmas the #Ib rned made of Ball , -leather, wear longver ;h in itictory shoes. or �0..i,.,ph for a thri tu s6ft and-% 17 They'alaq fit the (ootbater. Prim i 43.1.>6 t2 V.00 IM, at R. 21924 i tug wrain. th�eatenet -to-, take AM Soqthgate CDmpauy were ref t -ae; ='at n- jWoots 8&00 tcr15.60. Robt, W 11 s, Opposite xx- -four or Xmas 000de'. it� turh� Cl cold" h w4v 1 r big, windows f the onow . i I moyltbe taxes on accouut'of t av­ r Office. Afeed ety, Fhfits; droceties And Baker, Xepi- M�*%Uy� and Ing oceppled the, premises until p4 -11 Tive Rose -8 is out leading Brand. Cardno nt� It he snow which. f.. tobs Inin . West End N�tes.—A rit rr box of ithe on uesday put - tie rogds U lst.' The. bulk -of the bsiness was p s!�j Bms. f airl 7 armerts, In this vIcInIt-v Aw� the good Ino accountg, which arnourded t 4 -Second and, cutter 90CH rep�r, for sale cheap; shape or - sh Ighing.-Mra. A WinItem Fair 41; Guelph La st, -week. A Apol� at '"tor offloe. 2192.1 um on Thursday to 19 The necepsarsr'by,law for .11�1 -T motigAhose who went1wm. A. Elcoot, municipal elecUona, - t . let as ou.9gestiobs: I en's Hockey Shoes, box. the try as holidays with her slatl, ]�.,Pepper, Jat�es Allam f n, I Ira, Johns. es'# leath .. Patented, Steelbox toe double acing, B�W. o.- Mr. James W. atson Ap ei - -O,z Kwrnp,, In Toront I poWng plaqw, d, tujAft f e , 1= . � I 10 prioessm a paA itzi;e willis, Opposite I.' O'BrIen, *ho hae been jlsltlnq re- Iat ra I & -foc hb w'- as�,# - i �� Succeswr to W. N. Watson, and- pOl ler-lis as p ged# to offic'et Utives near S#atford, f or . A jJAw weeks, Ost jo alftej loghdinj IL o, jLple plaves sire as tollow: wdrth r.j� 11 e t bus I . 4 (de ra Wahted—b nice private-hoDse anO On ireitume4 biDme.-Miss 32 dna r 1i everything at c ost'p -General. FU%. We andAccident 11usur- Public School - W. Ballantynej i ation., A ytoltm Harry Cm lft.� Ulrter Men URS�Clearin4 ; Ado -mcd oom 9 dAugter of- 1�r. GI otir ro, St F -9 In .V rS rd 44 2191-2 fr . . i . I auce A . - � I , WM am S -ibeen under th� ddc "Orc gent. Reg Estate and J. CL Laldla*, poU clerk. Eaj t9rts a "9A !Suggestiod MoccadniL .G Hll - J. A4 ilson' Oh 6: Men's fancy w1h.3 �h 8 we'vt Lom Agent. howance, on all -Town i - -Cup#x; all I ).peM itation Smoked I ackskia, leather fringed day's With pneiimon%, ou t flow. AT ns quite oui the ordiplaty 0 'J. f, Welsh, poll cl*k. outh M ral rid 1� kinds: f ro effected at the ug r, fra. !CLOTH CO —Ba.rgai perty bow oppobiteiisx- icovering.-Mr. I Fred Pdpj ei ovd to ...... McGinnis' block; Jaeo. 'Fattrso',' pc sitor Me I - I lowest ra=. urda laot was the Layton fa vhere be -poll -clerk: 0 1ho sea xrn last wbet the C�� Issell the*k e WA will r�epldo in! tuture. �ilk l�d Net Waists in d uty; Arnold Case,� it, t aw r a Christarum 1)1p, 5� rig varit CAI nyt lngmore , fulorlast- ced aler in New Raymondt, White an 0A arce VVAI§TS— 11ty i 4y P I on Of .1 nut 3ber f 'o to )�e to Abllc*e ri INew Home Se Machines and I than good Bhul SW r. Call d -examine' pe ....... ...... W. W. Reredftl(.-Mr. t eo. A. Bills. tort �191-2 tb*n.�Th #aborne, -N&dOnai 'Dream� Se"=WM-; W. Haalth, otr Seafrth, (lied I In i 009t t M .- ion lund of the, thodh t SKIR� 2. oo each 1 o -pw I las-SliggestioASI., omews no a. Sboes, ch Thaine*� Roi6 Notes. -A7.1 Fred an,i I PRESS, __�—Specials, 75,31W 5 k le �4enced great joy. th ful :801pply of sew -Ing machine hospital' In Guelph of, Tueb-day, jW I if leather, Fleece Ho d, sizes 7 op .. I I 1 Kate UUerington, ......... �-** ......... ,doe, ...... attachments -0 ce mr_ -Mertdith had not lieen, en)o yl a pt Ilr. RobL Wil to r lba el needle ii'l and re ach I $5 s %and picture boo pairs always in stock. 0 gooid health for some'month 0; 219�4 MCI and Miss Ella Vontdth vi -e- the zuests IRTS GoL Val sj+'3c�tG . I' cot Mr. and D�rs. John 10iffe Olin, .. gor gal e, a 6ta�d g ate to I the pwA moMh or so to ha4 be ard Bred (MeAn tin isalon of about O' .......... -pud Co., 219� laot Sunday. home 11. I look 2 i tn, Watson � ajid owing to poor heafth, Last, 3v pile. The.: I&OR also piece -ButUt axe hol4ing 0 al dn Gujad 'or*., t Unis S he went to thC hooit out ]ncW6j* the veiy cho 1cest, at Neils. . 2192 -,It equafts df quilt, -WhIch wa� VI - tlng� In ILK UNDER KIRTS_$4-q0. 18"f A h one4bird and enel th treatment. b (it Instead of Improv, a I rioe.1 A.R. ]a W 5106alough f, 5! bale, all Bethany chiirch we nuinber ............ ..... e�ia%�o!s (Afrom this- vialutty atte Oml sold-1vak its Is 'newl rdbe ges Ly 1prIg at ,as 0an-t DRE s3 re The deceased bat. b was voue t $25., Th HS—Our most t ce4 .Cjr rapidly . faii1k sary services' ZSS E It NG �h thing du a repIdent, ot Seaforth since lboy). )d, G� 12ediffocietyli da ie, good .**rIj dur ng d _The e9ple 0: th L qUA I "p. ay. YoUngp e Lumlery .0.0.ieo C ihO C 1c an helle PAA11M . Mrs. Fagerils 11h Li Mehool sWti For a numb monds a nd WaJDut&' e s 3 Me$ er of years�..(he was b [P i4l -.A sh keeper at anEgmonft 'Woolle I Ir, A oo to for Ch stma s. Cardno. Bro&.' fttendentl.-� presid1t, Miss D. Tha, n p- on ara busy m"arin g tor 2192-1 Y, X17; L. Twis ; tvag- A a box: social to. be 0*1d I i thee Oil WAIST LENG. HS—New desi 's p tily'boxe vad afterwards waq traveller' ai now hol els-call, �nd t a snow . on tho 17"Iffi 'DINX,,mber. Oome S114 Dfi.-MrR. Job U 1-,M I 9, lamp Ameriqatt- firm, a po*Ian a 4 Miss W. Hort Fomerly sold by'Reid & Wilson 4) a r spec iciefor.20kc. A.j Bills, k aafortb.1 spexid an enjoyable 4 I I aven1mg,, as a good at the time. of his "M - j He ai 2191.2 Of H4 i6tts. hgs returned I b4 ir ie time i's expemed.- Miss . Er aie I LKS—Both plain and fancy at ecial prices genial. kin4 hearted_ti�n,' and ,tfie,� I rest, where �she has Sf It V Pic bures. T �e mc ving plotur 1 theatre will t w n #W afte�iloon at four 6% ock daught mro, ispeOt Butiday the uest a, Aliss -Ada I now have a good stock and, in a 'hel In the hi,ghest't0ftm by allii for the past r Wltii'ber that Elf V1116.-M'k. Williams M e thoo unabl.01 to b a out at in ght� - J. me- and RAd h Mills, Tucker ra GLOVES—All. inds, popu C to diti6n bave a large order placed- b1s &&th, prattidally In -fune ;.�, el! lar priteS,: 20 $ic. 5o:_ a pair zie. ttended the WlAter F ir G Uel ph '�ratted by IL larg-� i Y. Willi wIll rem xin, t, jiv t- with the Delaware Lulkawans & life, will be, veg _F last week. F40 i liseases oft ie Eye" Ar mter, specialist in oje, 0�, Iurvived. h b t t fri�n&. 11a Is s with her daug western R.R. Co.: sole p1tera, of Ot an( JThroat,will the Queei Is IV Dec. 20th, U HOSIERY 'Plaiin'and E wife, his aged parents, Nvho fibVV Oke, T akeihs Ith.r-_3& mbro'k !,ere I 1 2 N to 75C a- Pair fri; 1� am. to I P�m. Ayes In 2192-V in firOffvd, and one isister. 1[hv left With us a cj� A U; &W. E6=ion. DO[ t We're ready. lWady for the 6)1� weather. Ready u main Were brou4bt'hotpe. on f1%'4e(W es LadleSs Nocowd David- Mankin, of,. M, ootwm%- we H lmhienseyarielyci Xillas goods from icup UT d with the mot complete stock of 0 nl;a f AND later, S ra, ImitAtion Smoked: ]uakskin, I hor fr1up day night, - and -the tunoal takes p a xd* mho to said 'to Oe the lax ever had. -rou. caff 10 of aytNog in tie, sizes 8 to 7 a pair. IN", also% love e fatmer In -the world, He is s, te., I.. -m 1; uq prices an no 1d%, Friday, afternoon, 4 footwealt at Z'storeV more than other stores. Mostly at 2, at 76o ofat. is, is, op 6 each W. Job cts�.Ironl two, to the Maitlandbank',cernatbr ri Ranldfi, qf Beafo W r O"posite EKpesitok office. 2X90-1' i5Cjt0 2.5� lutte "There are f LIM high pt pji 1. paper ftys its of e Knes ti .6ur laalt Las -the Poun- Matters. -As, ye tberA n e 05 Ml - thit of Ramukth, ut I b �jr Note& Everaft & muncipal in' Son* I*e Stri nto. 219'14f h murdelpil matters 'in' us;d, cattle ranges His ss n rl ty Crown h-Eg -officials to. 1§ELTS—Nothirlu lacking ffom 2�5 to I al each re b L'O. Browin. Leghorn Cockerels for so hgate xkath of kindi *VeA1*9&tUe u � ; of Xeat�. Mayor McCallum h -is had. but Jewene Beafortb. 2191 :jartn 14 really th largest act ........ Dealers in all Z , F. ba I i I (n �eaeth, 6mbracing tio. a-atet I j).y all Iand -as the cast ' f or Ahe o, ied for sale qt the AeWorth Oatmeal Mill. 25.610' a( ree. Ie i F � I Meat#, Sau- "bro e-0 0 pickeid'ap, MUFFLERS Best sellers on i ma:, t Fresh And Cured to be given two= he w a 1 I " mor T li&iif 12,000 fattenins' logg, accounts, It e 2JL91-2 I��o cattelek, 900 bor mc ret t I ........ likelihood. be retrned by acclk tio Notim books must be return, d to Public aes, and, the effioaW kepor' wil n tke 4t: clear uiumer Saa_ ot or: tbat he. metl deeth b latimal causes. on rbefore i Md. ompso sage, Bologna, S As yatwa have -heard of lio diol Gre a'Th n, 00 � tot f '�thO U_ -*..of his n- y P, are unc - 'the .1mprea- inds, all widths, �11 I)i ices ib 2191.2 o us an.,. ipler it r9t sage and all kinds of ft"h �or:xeeva or councillors, but As Ax Although soz1r. ie, RIBIBONS—All k elan tba an nquest sb mld ftave� been ........ i* ..... .... IN We aye opy to choose ac�ory_, a -1 ation draws near more as a 'I See P1 water s �Uen ; a MPUM AD ON -no �r t not heeesr many ask lor meats. come for*ard- In TuckersWh" A 8 le MID a jank, tar, OUS hV1d, thi� dodor o4dd I w a BB NS—Ir e Ree Vardo and are equ 10 my. �Lobert OLLY. RI k great d 4"O,Ibca., ally qu It. sea, so that he n vall Owy, OeI`* "eing "a Build 9 thani, hqr ............ ....... �tore du Main bals again consented to be 0. L11 arte the large d6hations mj hes PlaY.' No Otl Ler --foot PT M 'Speetal Aftentida Paid to the ;rest, t, ro o )omintof. Bank, 2USS for In 'hi, h S, ba Wob..; et storeys.Nim,-Po asionat. 10 edu-.&U 30al and c tt own wem the, soft --is 'W IQ and lee wool for� thel resvesk 0 AWLS—Sill, and wool, fr' 4p, and- It, A- any time for H 0111 50c to Hide - Market 4ble. -he will be oppwd-. All th res--. Ap'ply to T. I 2190.tf -Wedneso# 'k bad froz 6f ter the (I affair ; so wal it. We Vi ladl. th it Ia Ita be oped itlyalt j ftr the of -A ;carfs -at uc ficial re be th cii I] ci port Issud IKIMONAS ecials at $2 and $2,2,5,e a -.h. VarmersiankSyndicsteButch- eaft councillors will araln be Ifi 61? kit3 shoe, ma� e of box Calf I day ft tow.. Th T 7Ac and $i. e� V1 warm lining, a 4_2.50.a, r. t. - I I b �Aalk of pme I ers, it will I % -5 of :1 . n .1 ou� �e to your ga* o field and there i Dme t gep better :t e price. . kabert. 8, U ci 'the no, faith s ............ got our cash prices before sell- new as Applua#04 w p illop councill It e er cr itic qrry LO ....... ,pirants, but PPM Exoositor-of O'nim UftheP44 h of Ms. Lavin tooth- ing to: outsiders - We lead the the, matter.. Stanley. tAs- III to i cial no el. Tho,councl, d� learn at -1 In or to urchave.any his. -tT KIMONA d and 4a: Hides,and0kins astfba�t ig Irine 4t bity ofAides 8!ins, 1%w I d tallow, for 9 up., th( 1' buso -nes ul toi t SH01 price in Seaforth have -a contest, at -le in umrs sla��ss A a4! a d er of Aftig. .�—Specials at 75* wil id bft. 'L her frlenft; ............ 0 * h be t; - : i a, bonse a& place. MM-. 0 t talk Reeve Gleiin mrill -11 ely t to hi estpn lellveted at D juence a nur U9 m na W. agall 218413 3 have the is path Of be opposed by' 11r. Yeyes of �ar �Purs� . Imes _an� Ladies' Hand V, eas an oinen S, 25c -t I 75,c an T Books, --Inv org$ h their b S* and Sons, av been I sue or munity in VaIME �n McKillop t1le, ome e 8; Aberhari I Drui Wore. i -Y n�-Inv,� I ....... rumblIns, of battl , but sweet th "We am aorry to hear t Vi Mr. Hatu; e or 2192-1 rie rnIlita4 r ball to tie Pan ftaforth. not itwilUamount to anyt .9 r ains 11 a w pared' bu: quam tity oil Poultry of's -hall 4 i the erveblng of ceml er eklnelffeis, J�-., ues m T c o Ilive or ce for attack (a tofilitis. W11 pe will -to be seeb. VLer is a, i1p) ossibil pri 910, am, Lwery preparation I.- b I arke W-111 won recover.! y be retuxn(A r um c 8S.- the. pres, council MA by sti g- the! iih Ze for, dried. 40 It a social ou SATCHELS —The j narket's. best, from :* tb $31 50 U da-ya vill Mei. rthi; osenh 617 Ott brothet of r I Stoble, 8 eato WANTED. ardamation, b t 8 II Kippon ly. tell,whether or not Pere 'Is 'i be SIS6-tf 9ti, of Seafoith, 1; Girls wanted for newest,. =bniffit- a, -.fight. 'TO nt'. inablafn ne cott -Another o FANCY COMBS—Ihe Latest S .2 5 ea -,h _4e on I relst on & visit. If � s so En- _Ndteis�- f our. a -nest and ,mo and, esk clea et up- te t; and so4 witt i in the ld tchen an1=111 .,Tegn ; sin -.e W. Scott 4 Ls: lie loved residents has passed! away to .�In older In the p —Quick selle ',,at fr :)m -i aj blouse and -whitewear fsAcqry, in No Telaphones.—The� buain�ss UL. eL lar. Apply to IEL Edge. chocolatea: that aU par els, aj the better .6f Mrs HAIR BARRETTES rs tO 75C Canada,- 'Work consists The Ulowing- cel�bratel makes )f Of SOTI_ SWorth petitioned the Minkti : -of I yleei, Lowney's and Nei son,=berhart"a Drug on or Wm-K11e- ........ i.... IM21-Ladi 'W �& -Girls expert- oms tor have a t6lephone If g�i Ilem te be dnt here and it will #ae sad news o 08 alst Wet S re. I Fresh stock recelva i for -,mas. 21924 1�n Wmas '4 on in& machines in 4.0 caeoms Df Day 'shiptnev sho power sew HAND-MADE1 Llb.JENS—Centres Cloths,,et Clio fice here dor- t h.i a0a. 4111rarraffs, let us spe4k a word in your ear -Over Ia ndt later thin Thursday Xt niany to legm of her di ath, . 'which Tr ays Lur C.-t2VC tO-$3 preile camcidation of thoee 4ving ib v ...... t t ie In about Otter eggs and -do bualne trld' occurred on Sunday '-Iszt. Lk more ex- Ile ho' poultry. We If pwsible as- , Ln ca*h. price. til 3 Br9s. mpons ftch day, s halt to 11 p it k. tended rofertince to 4he fe of Mr -9- STAMPED,r LINENS—A very con�pleta w. nt., 10C to a ay 0 87 wIW the office. 'The petitions and jC ' p o sort t zy er ons were . p reseni ed to a ToFeed­.W �fed limited n amber of &ttle repreeentAt, tq fe ttle I 9( s may be prope�ly labelled anci �ad_ Kyle. ill be' made nex t mreek. - On .................. the M by Xr. M�Lean, P trhe ed. Apply at E sithr Office. 2192-3 - 5sed air . 2 44, the Sabi- . . I 'Wantkd-Fox, kunk, h1takrats, Mink, etc.' Top .1 made ready for 18fterbODo Thurzday iev�idag, Dec T PS- The star WWWOar Z=Ums following 1.1% the reply ecelvc � -. I . 6urch will �Two special lines 25C and 0C F, ion , at Sp N4 eed Store. W. -H78. Henwoqd, ot. Hamilton, I bath 00hool ot St. Andx�e W s CUSHION. ndte what Is'stated in your'leftw as Xces ptid. it SP 00muln-V - 2192.8 the gileat Of INDrS. jk4ffMtM�i at rolder a cantafa in donpaction : with fadufl,119 weli'&,s in the otherl letters an(t Pa- id, the paist week.. their ahnual Christ Arep. The 'als �,t-; ;.. hookeysboesbougbt aP this 'CH RO S��Attractive sped 1.251 :,We pit sk4tes 4n C01Y and $i.75 SERUN '�dtlons Which you ha-ve, presented I c the - � of charke. obt. Willis. opposite . i 1 I ONT storefr-e entertainment thLs, ­ re gives pro- Department in ou r x pport of you 6 est. tdr 0 urich mises - df -the beat yet 1h e nd a -good I-4 2191 is:n4t our Vra tf ' to In,5tall I ele-� ',We h e just re umod fn 1D the Be 11 Piano Fact- time is In si�ore for 4iall bo attencl.- UMBRELLAS iee and Gentlernex r5C tiD 50 14 dtea.' I (r. and, Mrs. Adolph X I S) largest bt ory, w re we selected sonx very fine IlIoned iplano(6, 7L�l phones in. any but 0 Call an our 9 �oe'k whel ief you bi iy or not. & flekch', of Darolt visited fri d# The pAhodilpt Sunday S sol -are also and If we shoald commence It ic Is 21924 making f I AeIr enteM room 2, 0 H.,Peck d CO. . here..'retently.-i2l 6h Hart ielb 4) ur prep RUGS—Bjgreduct*jbnSin all ru gs I do not know where ',4a I Would be i 14an Good F Bi bter and Eggs, Pou]67 ent&prls en tainment, "tch 0 wen. hardwaz* man, has un Dri Apple& I i qr trade, #oWg -a r el 'to draw ihe'llne. In this.,,con ipc Io4. &jnd tie ars I &ven later. I would patint, out tht there . "a � no or the trices tshing stove Wainess Pof M000 Vwr-.-. LL MATS—A new lot for Christmas Selling goodl. roL 12192-1 � I -Parkhill a boic of our at ftmk Z boy, has purchased the. "AAer I edin telephhe In the ellief lobf, ock fo Ed. Warm, of Crediton, i %un d -AUSS Eba 1h e, of pori jA Gcdf I Is qVisitingt - friends in, �hts, . vicinity - - ­--­ led I us thl ke on ai 4iesatis Mrs. IMCDC)"' 0A of the oLit-ports; I tur, 3 ei upt box e Lck.� W. E. Ke*slal e. 2192- Hayter and h 0 UP �us ess oI -Mr.,.J. H , ot Lon basbeen..a C TAINS—Cut prices on everything -that pogt.,1 A Ink. 0 r. 0� seaforft, -are Under f �0 r in 4ny ta ven podsession.. We w�61 visitor at the "W&UWK, AYA&. M IS C tO $7-50 ­lLarg ght Piano fin a ton In o a Its NOT -the difficulty of the Its ,In o Ifor Wine 'Vic i, regula PH. 6 .50 . . I a Jour John Admc F Aa Mr. W b �ek as a noldent ot n b you will et ond of [4 vimitlo-n nd- -r-hile Boa�.jas Peck,anl Core. 1 2-1 CofORED TABLE COVERS—Pice;frbm 5 ( ,to $,5 (situation, and- While would- Jbe7 47 and Mro. Mssri D. Hay, F Ul --OF INTEREST TO TUX Jacob W�l do --ed-tv meet yow wlshes,, IC�rry the best lin of i and-Tobaeoo. have ire to their new 1h Awlymant w id. Alex. M were all -r ouse we. felt SO, ot Zollco I a" � it of waxra!ntfd do n ines Ifor 0 irist n s, Iti at Nells. .2192-1 n 1�4 Vne Evan, elleal church. -Th, 6104 at Godt'rich this week, r for apkins. Dbylie c.,, t reduceO �.o at under th�l eircumstant s I -If youv int ood -�on I - e`v1d6nc& TABLINGS—Table'Covers N S) a, thh�k th _M Christmas tO drain C�,se plice E. Real?,ke. 2192-1 me oiour patent f101 X. Pf GonrAd Sebilbe h, n the I on: by I In i I . dL%m, of He can promise to have hone pli xc It W111. i�w avotileboicelin)of ris as int9fortulle to break his leg Ain W the Saforth office" _0 _P .0 b Confectionery' A. nUith.--Wi-ter Is app&Tent- opular malkes, ftom I Alp to $5 C Come two V � for ir 0hristmag supply. neaftY Of last week w1hhe V Irells' Rtstaurant- 2192-l' to Slat WO a biwy.--Mm. ijamscher, ly here, and the cutter leigto ve menion here a few attraq- A-cc1Ae_V49­Mv- D. Wilson. !j not Child U's re ook at a pr ices, at Aber- are runnin sboat, whid akes bual.- aI r(At Atth r, is visiting h lbh 2192-1 r - with a Vs gs 0. .1. W per.__Mj�. J. ness tive gifts whice �ny man would ap- painful ac-ld in I G, Ad Mr.' and,- Casper W In our villageme 1) t lively, RM4 on Wedne9day evenlnj� of last . I ek- Oatm ar 0 Aml. al es everybod . W. keeps our'me�-chwats echanics IOU preciae and all at prices which' He wa�% Otpp, 2192-1 . __ .. . I W�. ng at 'the Bklfor� Ael, A Ithe go. Mait rde filled the sakne dA y receive t ef Ul use set t, a, Watet man Fountabi Christdo I re vvM appeal -to the car buyer and was.retiring t o -Ais Toom, le -n n, at erbart"i g8tore.1 Ly hp ruitook the door, 1�ni. -the, dit 2192.1 10k and Ia Gold Cuff its ristmas b�xes from us, Sea lorth Bayfleu -the, hall, and Intciad ;of eteaffiniM Zjj2g yot r 0 f I s ............... $3. 00 clay e t d eass Q#1 Your purse.,j Beattie Bros. -34r. Jas. Ro- -i of Lon- Butter,, Eggs and Mud A Wautre(I Into 411S room ha st*ed into e 91924 14k Gold Tie Ping, set way leading- to the dining room A'S don. Is, Visiting under tw - paxeliul poultl Vood-, I package of our poul food "I (to giate Ins I I i I , 1 __ with pearls......... 1 50 to 6()o he had a vaUsf� in One harid 4zi4 a co�t 9 ��0t- y-oi r hens Ia -in#.. May just asl wer, get the rooi this, week-­"/fr. x -Verguson Is -over 0e, other arm, he 'wad, nablt to .1jghPri3e. �W.E Replafte. 2102.4 v1sitting fxAer4ds in L c a' this meek. Mlitary Haar Brushes .2 50 to 0 00 -Ope s. Monday, ja nuary t, Daupee c f Vaginaw, (ebony.).. prote6t birneelf and vtnt down eral Re –Me. Chaile, ricat Bile 'Eboity Clothes Brushes 75 to 3 00 steps. The accident. -was 'witnes L D -1irs 0. Holbeift cele- Mich., is v1s#Ing his pax � Ats, liere, Vt A Sorxd�Gold-Lockets_.. 5 00-tO 10 00 Poatriaa6ter Galt, brwted -her - 646 I birthday, I on AWturday 3rd, 1§10. presfilit.,–MY.'John Woi el el, of Code- 010 Aely V mst, utm latst,whan: a n d friends call- rich, visited �u the villa ,%e: in Sunday %No -LU M-*Ixud 2 00 to 5 00 aaoe� Mr. Wils( Was unber ofol weAtto Us assist ST"r Signet AIW, 10k & 14k 3 0() to 10 00 rendered unconsdous by the Ia-" atid 0 Ito Offer ( oniratulatiolts. Mrs. Hel­ lao.t.-The ev4Lporator fli i I ned peeling tAgar Uuttek Charims.. dr minat&n'. -it wa:-: loan In was �als( th6 recipleint, of. a. num­ G. F. tor:tbe- sea3on o, i y, and FJU medical exa Roo -,E Rs; A., Prin. $diet ce &PPIOS Gillette Safety Razers 5 00;to 10 w that eunre of his rib bad b6 lbor off birthck 7, #if ts .-Mr. * Joh3l Robb, G. F. -COLL cx% 13. A., Mathemat es "N't's to finish U:p Oacking - the 4 'ho h Smokingmpes in fancy W as beei in' the west all summer, dried truit t4ls week. I I Is a fine turej However, -he 6- made. of 0 S.C. KnIGRT, B.A., class cs cues. � ....... ..... i ar- 1 50 to I vu UP has rdurned i(Q. e NITS. Jarpes-young, M Indkistry for 'the illaig( Ting ov �Z� , uf f and was and iaround . Vt_, I all S N. � zoE, B.A., Mod.& H s. ? Brase Cigar Ughters.. of IWY hter of 'the We, Mrs. engaged f oming, Q&4 - ot thet -past '-a 00 to 3,Uu ing -to business the nel-vt &Y, 'al -.b Di i x A. F, IDLEY Co... & A rt 1 I-25,to 2�00 ts Wass Ash T - ayp5.... he Lz still siff and! tz Sixtherland" 0 .9eafoxtb, and sister of Ithrlee manths!, besides all the teaminz Ore. M1 $A. F unior Subji� Smokers'. Sets, brass 'the statlom--ox. Willibm 17fillam X*iahael: died on e& to and, frorh 1 50 to 3 -op. Fiday afternoOn I ir. J. Dar - and dlver 00 =dy of lastv�,eek. * She hadAteen In Oe al Anmdiin Whiddan its sithig In Bohdon, this wia, of The iExpotsitor �tatf , hid It cement for igio wo in C ths. Mrs. qLeod th 16r isori -k.- and, fin-gera on his left hand badly �Oar eal mon we- srp- Lout- U he I inumbeir o wal wh 3n the 'raung was'a nalive of Hullett. town-li Jobn Fto arrived hame on MonIi- f students:en- A few seiasW gifts that would He s cutting sorne � paper, 01 SE 1 lit levr df the. cqttlng rn�chlne -Cain. be appreciated by her." I Wp v- id, man r 0 d friends -beTo will re.- rol ed for ;he yeair� l909--10, h 116(34'8� da -y tr t - Dover, �Ivhere they 7 1-4 flngdra betweel A ti -learn of her death. Df seven Shated the appointment of a six th 6peet th sur er flsh1i9..--1Lev. Jolm d iamfii@4 h !the Fancy Jewel Cases... al 00 to S 5 00. Tau Me 'I 1h the; family, Mrs. Young's ta -her, a;. idmiade. possible tb. e es ta b� the lever an-dtlae flo*. Several r ti tc he 9 r-3 cNell. , preac id his, tare ell sennon AnXus f a special, quite i� nvrst�man, hav last s0ason, are Oo;rdlally bVited.—W. and Sewing Case's eather) I 00 to 300 aj.�d as degit is the firsi in 9ts 'G church in Suriday were equired to -blosse the,pts . �-Vl Ja - three -stallions on the -oad tor the -Im- St r1iniN, fro ldanitoba, I are queaw Gold 25 -to 100 I�ws_ been ta��Intg �arp -of Mrs. Jas. )rnIng. He, had a priva.e sale and ffping.. *ho 0 MERCIAL FORIVI. M( a cowequence'he w laid of f vv ork provemI4ut ot stocic.-1 Y. Chao. Tippet, Of relatjVes, h 3r. -i Mrs. Rich. _Dedfb4l 0, 13 buggles, tter, lffatPins, endless as- A. llnd-er,wn past year or s 11or0e, ows, Ifor some days. pils it this form may tak 3 e�tb er ISOM Ills our tax collector was it John -Tippet"s tretn'the wp4t, to the iest of bW- 25 to 50 ha-s.,returnied 'to, �her' home In Toronto. the egular commercial COUrSE & tNVO alld Part (4 the furnituN, He did ot .3 ., Gold Mlled Fapansian - e . b.1 t tends ,5eung shop tall day on Taeada Y for the redelv- br ) era hei *, -Mr. Will Roney,*a Boys. -The second fr of -Th-e xmny f de*ds of Urs. a. B.. Hn— VeA s" cou,se, covering the s wish to move', He also 11 tb lain Hanrdn& Bracelets .... ....... 3 60 to 8, 90 the Lyceum CoursS -Un B son,., of tAe_ Huron road . wost, his , operty ft .P0 Inc of itax63-. As: Tues lay was the last from ffanIt6ba,_, Is v1sitirg his brot]M* d r- the )a P Ider tmn ish, Ristory Geo �pjb y, pr 331ble I 4 ore,. leaving "y a I large amount A money . was lb -John 1, Gold and sillver mount- �a aning, - at �reseut. fIII of he Choral Sorlety, 1)y: the I 14 �t Will ba plea,s�d Ito learn. that he Is Di,4W�ng, I e ing, iti7jig, for bis: new A�jointment 11 ova Scotia ead1133gs recelved.-Miss C. Famons returned,� ed Umbrellas ....... . 3 50 to 10 00 'Doy;a Company, on Satuday e, re iJ 'Imptoving In. h8�,Ith. Mns. Hendersoh Arfthmetk, Shorth ook- g nqxt We'ok. We wi-,-h Mx , md -Mrs. Mc- home. on saiturday fro Visiting . her Poor '16 and Typei Pritimng, a Neil sascess, li�thelr newl: eld of labor. Gold Brooches set with. was fairly well attended. an has fbmn ly f r some time. - The Constance. ; etc..... . ..... . 3 001-0 pearlL 00 unfortunate night for a. c?n t� annu�aj Christ.n h ce I rat brother: near Kippen..- . Rich. Elliott 11 25 I i� concert tor the Sun- S ecial.Busin flege C)u e ere as 0 sezvl - _.AI6-th0_q FICA overs Flilled more unfortunate thalt, m c" �o.t* -day igehool cill4ran will be. ft es.4 C.o rs church Q nd ev MJmg l"t,,­4 and wife relurned on- turday . from Uppers, Felt wear, ei� 0,%-r&pu 1�0& . . . . . . or& we el -41 I CO u ay h., - Vvh they were vis- ho it C ete, ake ideal Chrlstuag j n e. p c 811 ects---� DDif -t to otlesit plain and engraved 10 00 to 25 00 pre$*�ff t tj e joy mual I tr4e, sa Kalkaska, KID if ;�h= 161 haMmod. as &Q, D U a- Ca the school rc: om! of the .. Prebyp oinniercial i tpilan Ail torget the concert 1-1 i the to#li iting T!�Iend§ or the #a -le Priem Robtt* Neeklet and Locket, 3. th to buy as this was. The entire ' prorgre n M I church th Ling.-' J,;, H.- Sh rthan Uk-k C in M� 4twe weeks. at 0 rfmona� MR Is, �[Frloayj evAT !�epm$ hall. -on Wed*.dav everiffg, December I _'j c6al Law, T lu Sets. DdhOt! forge t the En 3 00 tO 10--00 -was given by five young o 7 g4, -v rh' Hall arid Sons Co., of Brantford, � Ont., en ansbip 29, under tho auapices cyl tbe Vkth*4,. #11sh church e tertalnl�et On. Christmas . night. A _110 Inana- 0ox amerci 9 A5!ithmetre, 1when one a net -best Store OT)en have bevh trained. by Mr. Aone Ict -one ol the lmg0st Canadian dist church, 1 Istmas Tlive.-Ijhe unday ve . evertings. - c A, ]a-; Prograrnmes df the- eeis(n wIlLibe g1v U4 Micago. One chap W" an aO ompsili;t factur T& f S Les, entA iwho grand VrOgmrma Is being prepared -for co nmittee, ar-f making eiceUont pre -ers promptly filted. mail ora pecial rining machin It Allgo6&en aved free off charge. ed Pianist, another was an- q± hive I archa-sed 4t. an attraettve, figure firal eilue4tion, and 0 esi Y a en. Don heoxing If3s. A.'Elmon the occ%slon, ak -ow. tor fr Chrlstm as tr,-.* to -gr pff. 't net player, -while the uartet" ftet�s from ft. 1. L. Kyle� formerly of Sea -i six nionths"or a �,earls co Ii- Richards, 61113 of namlltn "s most riop- held ion the evenin f J)ecvmber "114 and "oe by the boya ningiy. forth, tb them r work, -% id ular entertaiers. also ct eF cood. tal- Lo d"bol W. a rig] 1 .. manufacture In Can,- 0 I Ea Ills, dialo p in in redtatlmt 0 tunity in this specia course en tb king pw t in t 1)z Di!f&M -My. rendwed. They have voiceg that. a, -.hs lawn...... and skate- grind. be me Xdtvs­��-The � Sunday gCrool wIll hold atid addresos, of which e p'-O'gramaw !*on F, DALY sweet, cloar and strong, and elax ut- Ing bl. xblne. e satlafactla4v given, t a noniinal cost, -viz.: Me a.nd Vra- Wm. H-ustard a o -ed -into their a sdcla4 In e basement, of the churcli W*1 st, W111 be Eel lag will. 40. p to MOW number seemed m eju I ir, 'h7 'the 9D m4d, iln fe a of 'the school 'lot ie ceeding . Aturd t t 01 ove a is ausing' a .greii r new "111 co5ortable I IdenGe 14st here - on" 9 Ay afte!Moou next. i& who are a7ld OPtict" to the audience. Th er instructions, apply to e boys -gave IP4 4emaiwl 1�ihtel to the present canrilot k. -]&r. jtbbt, Penha:e went to SL good rogramme, will )e given, L att�jr th. a M6at a graid success. body Pmgamme denco bf not- only greq,X -natural al it Ity be 61led.- W, have been T'110=S 11 'V�ednesdzy I 3 which luneb will be served. Thesebal., er, Come. 14suer e� or to ALm V71LSOI, h 00r,14 4 Isup having 0 An -I r SEAFORTH ONTARIO and .8 1 taleutq, bitt of cae�ef ul tand i �rtl M0 kilift, dc weaIt]] ler tte past week. Sun#gy Secre easurer. i v 1 i dther heavy 4allion. R] �t�enhale Iola" WM recelva pr 9. he parents. =noes at. III@MEW