HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-12-10, Page 1t ol ALIt 7 1111y 7W -Au gift IDECEMBER 10t. "RTY-TH�AD �E�YbRTIT, I IDA ---------- I-rble experis bout $3,000 IPAR it to take action ;kWich woid re- DOW I 1r1.?LMrRN%' Y'X0V1nCe0. The jVOte'.Wil� comes pally lconside h and door i will rpe a very rhimed pn�- act very unfavorably on the twn. I Wed th f ettek in the ISas fi)rmch treatbr os been ipassed-- At fta preamt tim- there -ean- f4ciory waa destroygd. .10 the k i(Writtien. fiar >slt)r., ic Wifferent RI-sking ber life to aa-va lier six T.11 -e hy irlitimPTit end byi� tl Rpn;. r valry �betweea _F_Z rom a blaze, followin t5omewhat inlerf! st ng Ve t occurl aote, swictioned by- Ithe. I vmnor Oerf,- palitles; to secure, manufactarlag con- or Qld'p . 1 ored erei on Friday. Th4% tthe vis; eral, ax d is now in pe I cerns, and. when we now hae on the .,jue e),-plagion iat her home on the I), Vi shom above, Walkrville, Mrs- _&r- It - to he -,Capital- of, !g bet Canada &40 benefits -of which. We kno%v iit to our own Intel-,-st to treat �jat In Istry comp Ively ama�l�� in 7�4� Droulliard xushed from the ho .1sll o turiled our ag volunteers sei Wh y as we Cal v, e�iwiloped in WAas and oscpped dea, or t ul, . I our �vx orts of agripulti 1 re) 'f their Qu b teen *.nd"'c showing ourlatrpreclation of si�nd ter- N Vicin-ging ,4nt-a the lake. Then she especial bave beeii ve" light, but At a the burning hou-- that iedncern. ivA in -.e her (way t on tb at k, vntf ul , xn�l OCZ, is bope I the* tx%ty! iId ;save it from total destruttion by S A"� Sion. This' deputatid I nlimbered, prob­ eAcy tq rftaterjaUy inrei ise them -Fojr Y he WU 6-v- 0 The can 'his treatk dol s; ndt .0 Canada in the flam�s. ably, ityk hundred je fro, althougt 19117 PD -do ith& distrid Of, tha% roducts. any ad -V —Tuesday, january 13 w1U pircbably Easte M. 0.161tarlo, I tiguronleidt about the arm and: face. atage + Xmhleal. IV -he I lvery int rench provide 1)rouillard twas using. gasoline in - OF In he be. the duto ol the ppenliig ofthe iOA- + The selection.'Or a s Fr �e 0, hou%work, And the explosion. was Vr ift-fo,� a esting6roup. Mostof-Xboto nave In e tarlo, Legisluture. + mas ed-tha mmidian ot I able Christ I �b * sodie or -them 1 used, by the child bringing a. 4uan- ariff rate cm.,, faydrUblia ;3 —A company haa "n organi2 d in ty Into contact with the fire. bave really enter _e1_ any other coun an lu Toronto for the purpose of ou �d&r, eA, ie �eir and. yel., t kan f Theijkht yiear old daughttr 1 s an e sy low ' Leat atage. I Udr -no ii 0 t�,em, 1iowevJ t Is bound, t ppeciedy he 'Rev- + Man or Boy, I 9 turing ice for dow.edtle Purposes.. e. ai e still qtuditei V orous! althouff f -A severp stow stor= raged ltbr, ugh- In AsO proposition' a,,,,,,t St6 er, V + M Vjnis io, Canada, j� T _*r. Draper, Mehodist mWelier at Instautly not So young as 114 u;W to ta.� Somv sotne adatitage an 1�pa chville, was struck and Y Prove 70r outt Manitoba the end of j1ast We'haVe,so iTiap I st a week R ft�jn oing. of thi �m oome4 and looked -very. great L) LI at j '11ex4ly ',Wlth e,,z t Saturday + .—ior-ht " -thino _t s a's It 1 -he; 16 XW 01 "V. was the atomaj that %�l 4-'t�he not and tha baginning of this. NY4W01 1�, , by the 10.29 G.T It distant fdture. But! - a hope 0- we, I rallw&v traffi& was I Th�o �chfld was -+ them. the appear- n�ay ib� wateruTly ainected. %bo it to crtoss thai track aipthe ex- nly.a rn r Ce in realized or not proper 0 atter arf choji ance it ba?rd,- wo looked aO- If the - couAng- She was:L warned for Camads, t ad -IMM Annis Ascott, hgedi 88, + Policy- 3 to. A xb6ndi mald life T a, ng r r, and. been n hoo "Smoatli, 1, lady w1w vM3 eandi a. 4- elect i s.' T� a a114 M ien her tiade relatio fii every, in Ing s on ne . . . . . . ..... Come ear1y, Now is the fling tDIAUd dead I her lioueia. n T1 i�lames by a braki-esman. Th,e cbbild, how- tbat - their con 1 ding C*YP Of �WbI6 dlWtion, &,�nd Iff Is 4n, the, street, London, V�en'.the u-Alkrnu iraji- Y ap- �y I with a laughing rell=X, "I'll ve't Man Bo to come io i and see our we + thino,� + with a nr a ttse w1deni �his cl-, Ablat the ed on Saturday. The coronerWas, 004S.1 tie rst,11 started to cross. Vlheth- L F r-ench i'tre4ty is loo upon with -Jhich + reciates mosVibe thirigis L, e rha, Tea pt 'thh: orJ415 assorted LI P t wy ad d a post-mortem, m e n ost fa, there i13 EL thing that You ee however, showed that death w4wil Aue t e hdww� ir-,! they th becarne -exerted o -,vha;t happen - he would b r him self," I appea rance of a 11911y respecta-loie ae. Vhe dw fiobody seoms to know, b.ut abe wag UY ssiorn a!1j vote 11a We qus to xiatural caxises. + in our Stoic and would like to i(C,tr 12 and when she via up are here in 0eat varie y, weswrous body at fiten.'The ke re- I _ 4 7 j.we W tv I he Ho4se &i offle aellon- brought by Ab, lolom tm + (%Ivec in the Rail .-w$y -. Ci6mMittee iroorn e in(Idents t114 p. 0 ker. be put away for Chris as., we qtw was doad. ge Mhe bremer, of Alliston, against e ,`wtor + and the Picking is n, w V will do' d if, therer IS any- i:-Wlth revolver lying a jfbwAnidhe� Vouse of ( Wrt Mioi�w, Ajan t p were� pla'6d. t a a- very em- Rutz, cl I in $1,400 kor Intl uenc t In 9 r at its besL Wfifdd Laurier,r, 811j. -FredeMic fingem And a bullet a W dlenqhed den,. )C' Bor, - b sition. Thh"', supporters of thing we aveWt in stocic, tell ed In se, uring his fatlipi's .-esigrPion g pv NlMstei of.:: 41i alid $1ofi. I Mr, t G t 1wer as- and 04 Me. N Md. In the rIgV side o -A ug, and we will order it at appolrAmnt f lil� to. Ahead + Choice 44 A '�l + -t _arroenU of ey 0, d -e ip- F18110, A CRItuWiTliell. t on. �Boriden, r ot Ithe Ratz ais his euquessor, ca= up -at -keep- ry or., once. All jgoo6 guarant do -the MEtropolitan Bank, BatharsP tion -Correct Headwiaaik of all:s. ek. The case was -Oxop_ dealr6 is, to recehe rpm he bor�inl C pposit while.7 tl�,dln- fault with Berlin this, We ft ihole rathw 'br=zh, -Toron-to, was 10und --TO& taigible* rmet )gi Ition Of their ods ei-graved freq, ery Mai Ts now- some M10- o dealls, lon t0 v All go Ped, Merner 'admitting be had no case. K Thel iI -Ev, the seven year oid� 4*au htr Ott 11 -L*Ing the Yealan Ua of the, M11, rout waa Wit.. In how hoice Ou ins, �in W the v rqo d app ntid. on on Saturday bIght. T are t best stylleli. hae, ea 'faready b( a preft chs�dber when the In Le as taken. of William EmbletQn, at Fort bit,- i mdal Tlin. -1voted forthd 0. 4E�S 11 * were �aUod In, bt idespiti tWr ef- + j"by tha Do n U111tia rtmi�as silent2. trio U dead froln, tho effects &,, chi ro- I 4naxes libei be yt&� Ued- f c s to aave the, young Opr sto, fiLirty partingfft B4t, as (�'M of it dePuta b I 1 t French, rembers, of Issuer cit X-arviage License. g fdxim, which had been administeTv 137 + ni ef AbMA twd -hours laer., maexelt two local surgeans. e enthusiast gtilyl in favor She Was 'ta we Ikind- X tion'said - While the Tnedal c h -7.1 - + -with pirit o as, k�lk -to 6heiwh - eweller an Optician. Phoie 110 + W Mar-, s id. Imself while sftv Ing iu� Jn --bed. -nd to down- Ott ny of -the, V. ave roithicia. undergone an �*peraton 'for aU Iii3r- 0. t would ipt go 1�4 0�pott 1: eiC aard Wag, 23 7yaSrg 6 Age, and,-we'or-om 6 Ste; as well a L, seerAl of. tion of the throat and pose. --b jils par- me a 9 ft rn rOvInvel these lands Indeed, it 6oW& s IY isons, a .6 even + Y In 1buybic Y �24;y I those i3, Out., whel rkalpl we er-e. �b resido. -No ressen for VIE Wt is at + N gt of service, 'W in gt or thl,,$ cohnecti in:,* I ilo otbe1ticAmy thi z6i it. 4h 0 osit I t was v0148d' ly be dtherwi si They "Urs, ot Mr. Edwavd Keboe, j ttftx� PP k - fact ce oar se- n -tower Ying.1 ++ blu Ma� loiitof it -he veteg n b " f rn h .9, Inly!by tho, le: ac0tell-Lin i4vartised seb by public. -auctl in olite, �&Jbout five milesi from t_,,reA c Wn Vey &I 0 I I m the 'Opposition- the open mar. MOA -wit I a A= rong tall, of noopf 9 + 0 V b e. Ilu Supply, lecdoft car y Q4, tiohihi a r ud y dl;. PE t. and al 2. were drowed on :Sunday aftol t Or i -ebe .o, th,� Queb s k, t hwe 'town the -bank 10t riv- During an xperhnent -in -!tbe* bi -a ts. Wha!f ith Ve ng c 014jo on re ec the while, iridi 611, ru are gon sliot of 4 h offices. of - some, 61 + ye a -he 13rockville illeiglite nstItut eranio noW ask 'Is that aut yatives, spo)v ptr-.n;lyf- again'st. kep d b 4 eot iand.is-Wwdest land j3peicuiatrs largest assort ine t 1-� t6 eor on i� ided.. 'The Ice broke, oth fan Moltd-q aftarnoonn -the -ex b _*Oslow Vt on of 'land"�, S h5W sonw, ut i6ted for ioysT were. drowned before belp, d I— In- sh0tt, [If -under u Ulm- nei ioiA low- Kw&Oit be 9� W them. t, ot 9494 C011tal-affis su -hut created + ll' Iiiiiiii 46ath Ve -trje, oftwition erorSo I Ubstyr jnl;c-: Stances itbey d$d'nat'brIng. fmore mou-' IP Iat sea on thi 41e -,ey surely t. �pub.lic and fte _�Govem bai;*jbeien -he among Isetim'"ar t sull Imt so Issued f& t un-' land,- to, be ofb f the class. The burning exit- n .01 t ed In wn 3 to just fat the "Va� ++++ thegi Wet* sorell, and Mufferin. byo-electio, y1be, In ual. -vetevran (ir s edas how, inent are c ading that shot out In alk direct4ohe and the Pre son as fil the it. + 3LItatiVe, They eire caused by 'the v �tlre- in unicated to the drAasses f vanety se v if + du y- -04 not mvent dt:W. A.� it. M ttoxf-i amea com Good, fj -you House will to - i6hoo ties be c�qp*jl P The word-jaovils that the, CUIA now I _0P _�Oa;texd.. Is Issi W.... see- 140 tdivurn for t io C'hr" 4birthi 'One Chap%ma and Mildred Xdh- t at Coats and. -1- bef,*e i - - ai( to come:in early, Shor C_ �51 I were vote 401 cotii 8Z S '00 t land ion. cat �tablej John -Barr. Nion-AnE tionp d ljon Is that Itrac the. treat I -11, ithem on fire. tMe mile of o0 �:7 to of, the i6n the, 11th, i nd WE 004 he, (a tie -00, by I I e ornmelit -aV to, ressime Gowns 110, Long, Gbwi is, ;1 60, be: I k a Ymath idf -their - cor4stit and ntil t1W so -_,O)e� pat fr.the. I M InA., ant 6inptlT wr ped t* sts 7 u of Januar r It tt 'hated to vilte, forco' e 2nd. tba� girls, and extilnrdisbe4 We the ate iadjoor not oo,� 10.00. I Pro t In as nel I or BE Ir a I n Friday and'wil on the CeWs,Jtunded. !�`dlstrlbuted tj�j or -,anything, th .t. it** 12th,of- Jan b before serious, Injury -;was In- I and hav 01 ion seem me et a,gain I n-0 the y. -7)%LVld Bait, ex -major (it g tb 'Voter; LUP + If their idescendIm to result In, brin gr, t, to �!bhe f I lugs ou amon e Gov- 4,nd one of townls -knost 06m, pry-aws face and '-hvfr eX'_ men, died -on Monday and Cke Z -7 . . it 8� ness orned,, a;nd Bert DrA - I - ; �. vawqe� *h. s warmli and Inent"s, mill. Thl iF1 u� anoither bust �*ductlng �m - I the ixpesilriwat safter- AMP , I ' (O 0 I ofthe 019co an j'a614nisubord Ykam. ]av strokt the -in its oi�n Christmas: Greeting B x." A111 styls ably: Uwa, %�ei 6th, xalysls, at Tie& Each Tie advocated b� their opregijnIt a;tIVeS 0, of pa A, in Wiaiy toi his bg who 0 the e.- —Ise, 25Cj 56ci, 75cy $.I. *Bi liste d - to by &.good many Ihate eleimehts'In 0 isjtl6ii pnks ise, dt 63. 1W Barr ww out. dtvin nd. I - Bell Andim 8"8406*0"s Ont ob Sunday dtt w�s, aftuck In the, tao by b4ices -ar -nt besides the nT the d0i Z col Ition t "embere,df,Parli ja� of the I0 was afte. oon, 'When he ,+,+++++++++_, ++++ ++ clot, ken. -ons + Sir W Urld', QPpettlon part 54 Ion." It is iALt mi rip"Y 11 nu stdr� He ivmulned oconsclou sald.'a fei;�j Pleas- a elections In', 'a dt +4++*�4+ 11ous fro-dit b1tten and' 1ex- an'tr tbing.a.1tol he depUtaion wid Prom- howwonder that Mr, Ba a, &b("ted uary. thet cou i@1 will submit & k Ia t1l death. sunconsil xe that rbeir, re froin It.1184 e an -bag liani o ly 1410 -6d -by- the Govern- days, attek- tile va a sets of Garters, -Arm I'S 61 Altbou" ,D, did not maket . them i ihe lyear§ %11 Columbia. Mr.. Fatteradn J[s a y r- ound In one qf the It oatsi. ot a� Tel sti I tbW ba is I $essment of Hnr� appoloted Lioutenant-Govehor of b-rit., a�man about 45-.1yeaxe. In Fancy Bo S 25 1 7 1 SI., Full )"gem Wy�rs fixing as- Mr. Thomm W. Patters lbeen t, laeg 61 104 06hry- Swgpenderii§ cj' '50 .5� "tions would be bin)seat lor severall to, the ratit _bl�a Dome Bandsj * ' :r fo gh I evildie ted *it] -the e'r ine -Compan f t r Ionic v;hen she dodiced! at t do ar47thirig eoa�' at $5,000. 75c, $Y to $i-50, pr shis- remarks were out -fit. They- ftn, a yeariv - aO the tfiY rettred rallwajy contactor of y �dqfintte cofy, es ;t ir4y;..caTWa 3elved and Ith4et all sible, themselves an, I jji ;adt fol- ai6niemefft dred IV.to ilier-Oby Mr.. torla; B. . He is % riative; �of 1,0A FAward n Sunde;�, Both ibis accept- piled out. appair'er, tly f ai%d big legs nearly to 00- +++++++++i er N011 Wuniy, Ont., an-d'we# west a ou feeling low him and -let h for ithern. Bell, was to #e, his *orks -from imuch esy on 0 th proylav fr thought they )tW prices,, or. with 0 msdve od ull The fit.$t "6c=d,- anjr it '_IS beftir -hum r 25J 'years ago. His wife Is fa id�tigh- I a7id -_Tmr Gauntlets 7,5c, I.V -O-t "I ' &_ Glove I.b:' 0 �VOAAI when the' -came. ed a few of Senator Riley, 'tell to ea"Ve'r ring h' 4*01"a, 9 _,qk, Vie I IiAv to be e -re. - was start as$"Sn of. $S',OQ.0 - AQr!a, tenRA The. T11 ty y w weafty y 2. Go The initch talk.( d -of" bill. -fbr ltlj� LguV- dommIttk,,e.- of 'ay, the 'e#ti- nIty y 69 'tiv� pe-rld# 91 kt Is I 'He vftik' 6towed Away in iY o rboo ole, - aod had been without tood tfor k makIng...'Pool ,sellhxg Mates of � the, Depax t �nent t o Interior which the rep �yrient of thei lQan gly- serfous loss Ion Tuesday, w -hen the Abiout ten -days be �n was (to be, Y -brick jullo-4 a0d; hmblinc,ion he race ouxises oc- Were, under. ,discussion 'ax'd though the en by the t mat e by IV$ oacademy, a 6,ro, store the c any Ater this agreatnent Ing, waig, t-dtklly destroyed by �j fire I -ked, hlis, Way on the Isan M an _t ders,. c� P)l d b e attention Of Hou;S6 'fok discussion -has not yef :je-,,n condudedi omp 4 ii women Eat nIs to Port Arthur, 5 *a, he coanc -h wbier� 14 left Afz� &rs -For boys and girls, and men d t f1tire issitting t&sday- Th6 1 notliDe. several of ittiv Conservative Was eii, , ed nt whch broke Dut at noon ,hpur, W 's on Th e4tered illfound t e% hen lap-bvers, knitted, &c. Black, browi), Ilue Matt MPI nt Y grey� bil wws, entrusted to Mr., the papers, nta;bly the. land E- re, liad -not the wwar'to gra fix6q the teg,chers wid nealy all1he chal-, the st^,amer, expecting to go Into lbe I + r lor Sout Ti Grey, to preodnt It. are making it the� 3 X Ion period , than am were At their diniier. A lw upils white and all ,olors Pr4ces-2*5c De 1: I. OQ ernbe ger 1.1 er woods. 11e, apparently ba ed 40ci 5 bas for 9,� 'good assessment f b + to nd.pilot. it tl rough xme�lt M4 deal of hot I is mind and, bid himself In the L)giaYt siuff and, ct arging - the ten years. hil! oider to oyerao�ne this living 1n. the country wore, In 'the uild.-I to iretuni to 0611ingw. od; ++++++++++++*+++++++++ ++.+++++ re.psults proved- that It could no� have Goiernent with z It --k n of. graft dIf f Iculty bb �'Bell was jf�en te; un- Ing and av the alarm. It s - st ppoan + +++ii+i.+++++ -ter Ever i3ince and. n%laidnitni6trat:on. B t this 11qcan- deret e ed the f Ire, originated from the fur, 09 th4e, lhov�vvver, and brdei� placed Iry bet �t and tha: . ex�lra�IoL, t d petitions havo daily dall, the sarne, na as man, 1 '%old MAW.. fitist placie, Ian" a veiy ! c, Fur Collared and Fwr-Lined 6�vrcoaft's slon'open( y firfst ten Yel L assessn ro rd, where tha unfort ne as b pouring In f6m h1l parts, I of t Of those Which hav� pre e ed It; when be rehe-wed &Vt �sanie f1gure: fot fhe -A fban JR T. Lw, -nb.y, may on the fi�rl� . . . . . . . Don Inion prayfa Tor leg Ger- ts ak kac w 2 i It Wai, cora. NM5 of these coats, trim med with otter, Persi. � , proves 'succeeding tin y e fr sortment �smxiion the whole fa, ding tin y ars. Th ' f s -t per�od a mile west of Mount Blglnj inec s- by fire n; Ki aday. subject. A Jew pi0titions have 1s) to be no '�scan(lal�­ a 1, but a logit- has now explAd, and If bec pletely. destroyed, �nan otter. and beaver, ftir and lamb cjo1h lined. - I rib S' Bay ss ient Is uppiosed to� aye bleem caus- beer -prepejitedjy these Who de�lr �.] Imate trasaction. Thljs.�oie Is in con. eary to re-arian the asses' of The fire larF Vieddng Dells. -A quliet wedding �v,4s- $25) $35 to $60 e - law.to rem4 as"It is Thib �how; hedtion Is ki nt. In Ile, of the, eu eammie _y isparks carried. by.tho wi* from with what oi rn as the St. the plamt. In Ile, tef �ed b at the -subject h�s awakened Wide - PeteOlsi, Indian Reorve S le. The St. that have bE e i j tia e by th , 0 �ft liol6nized ;Wt the home of W. An-, e oinpa A heigbora field, where 6te4rin � up" ;+++++++++� ++++++++++++,++++, +++++�-1 i ft�. Fred Datars, on WOnesday, De-' :61ricad Intemt tlll�qgout�the country. Petelelis, ITiMan Rs6tve ai IjoIn§ the the present -Mun 2n cud nd�k ged. ju WTk was in -progress., W. 1 La 7.enby (embar lst., at four d,clock, when tlieir Mr. Millees presentation 9f 'his case towm� of Selkirk a well n u p to the avran t save bis horses and cattle, P t lost! + ib nd 1% ibDuf It t - Ified'i Ilvin'l 'In hea-�y fancy cashmeKe, a5c to Soc n ri an el of oAngest daughter, Miss Bthel, be- -0 t n1le If orts listen, - m1lbs from the cit [peg. of ten yi�as! a/ o, and a opniprorfilse was all b1s eed, Implements and Vs wl SOX CIV vois, one of the irr os' n, 0 ke-came n6cessary re the DrIde ohn McBride bed won�ted' 25' arliarnent this isession, arif ached betwi en Me couniall and 0�,T. terils coal. There' was a sma to'soc in. P + I I I � . I h ireply to his critics twas equally' both the Indians .jr.6_qi�- 1�ell, acting,� b haf 1: tnb� egrop manlce on the 'building. amlty. The eeremony was per- austive. In Is dlsb�.et have the, re- ahff th1h_ ass nt was' plaited' at -'After twenty-eigbt days, In 1pourt, o-. med ben&t*h an evergreen arth; ty :Lie �r. C. of Zurich, In ol posed - to the of M. bl wve ,aboll bed and r dlaDs rtmov- 000. This as ss ol Is on- the. ,case, of M. A., ag, tint t, -the 4lete. itad ++++ fa;dt tose .Omt of th _T++++++++++++++++++++ - '0V,6ra01ZtS Coats for'any -and CZoth Dress purp9ses prilrelplels .8 -14 presence f only the mediate rp_- - ry ng ed to some less pb jiulaus- part at the ly- applicable 4or gmeral taxation. 'The Guelph and Goder way C*i 1pany Ira ties of the contracting Parties. To I —the ne-we§t ddsigw i. styj;e,� Ili 1, argument evems. to e The 'IndiE nis . . . . . o wever, ;were '11 have�!#o owes� to fix -the rate for ch Sat adaY $8. othat the§ 'country.: c%unc $500,001Y was se ,$12-.00 DWI such as these eld pn itfi aveirsie to, surrend for which last and idlishAssed by Mr. all newly m! ade-toats, sizes 3410 44- 5 i� . eiiing tI Is rese*lul. for - scliool . P es uistice 113.1tton i i stains of the wedding =arch Pricei, $5 10 I 'des ter. Tor nto, and other isimi'16 yeartbe co was assessed on a 11onday morning, b6th 01 ed by Mies X Uckso tte b ine, in, n, the + ut, -ulimately, 0.�ief !jR stioe. Howell d the -parlor, leankif on. tan +++++++++++4.+++++++++++++++.ii44'+++++..%+++++++r� +� t pla ts, are- necessary for the I* toba was, entruktie I With the basis df $25 D., their 4r�wn costs, Wbi fte + ia, falher, who gave her.uwa. ifte I tha fit- I rMn SA4 dievelop,nent of horses, , ,ana. duty df-jiIegotiating' a Itr .aity ''Utween 'Wheresaiss I lcipal councils had pre- scarcely- amoant to. c a gown of'whie offic -and ca�qle4 -65.00 vio ly the p w4 ir to f Ix con, i 45-00 es such as- ty thoiasand diallais. B.6 th F7tr CoatS The Coon Coat at $35 0.1it for the acce3sorl; of �pool- sejlln�, the Indians, and thig, D111,=Ineftion'the us S. ouquet white phrya=the- I The Black Qilf at 2 Oo 11 Niro. lhe.e meetiags would eot And falregit teims.j terstauts decline to stat Obal. c making, e )ie isessments, t) ,E act now req4tres a sub- ad -1 , L 'b0Vfr b lop Esible, bi -S caug h6t bi6i nWntalmd arM thaLt large aiL- iucce4*ed in d_� misslon of t 11 -, P!0 he vote jurstment, was, -.but It Is -aiderstm tRait ul ra lit with white isilk 4ribb(M. The Wombat Brown at 20.00 25.00, ol �njq,, og.M doing.' position to one_OrL� 14yosted In c i1sted. Of 41,000 a of the r te ri* a:,nd de a the case was settled fw- - 0 6. rk, ey wi6 unattended. fter vocelong _Df lapcl he mands - $w T It ne he ar re Ire The BlackDog at such a -During the month of Noemix . jugt -'0Z gtatulstl`0 -P ty . Pa' -4 t 1 2.00 8.bo A t -b 'r,�Mty uld 0hatic the Ili= n wltl� the rac pal-ks, at rovided that 22ji 0 abres,jeho ajc rity to carry. io given talthe their e s of st were 4.1 it-% rould ndt bo 1se �:o passlegislat wn by-law. WhIl ire do not antielpite, cloself, 4,895,230 l ul dining oom., where a� pretty wed- +++ would alt UTg dinner -was served -er '�vlll seriously pbl;- pbippqd out of -the r n% 4t ment has ++++++++++++4.++++ interfe �flth yeated'irill to be divi d' A ori them, ea6h - hat any rail Pa" 0 + of saillax 0. course very muC41 d law ilit he T*kjdsjcaM1:ng ai A N rzq .10 a. L.hristmas there Ig not, pmIght be �possfbla orver and: chrys.antiternorns. lirilk esipac fied unt ksagreed. ject to this- Boys -t and YomagMeWs Overco­at� The C1 ll�g� T_ IT, ".. contenion: I only ention It ere, o receive - ir paleitto that' apatjiy Io i I tie part of sonte would OntarFo Railway, Acdordiig to jtba- tostume was ot y w for C1. -k br ie- things 1 �11, red ti, !.how to do with be te xneans Of. awn ladlee cloth, with bat how weak tie vauseof th* Und and they It, i view Aftcl4l report reedvdd by lth� �[E- we efe ng we(ming tch. N-umerow beautiful 4 Coat buttoning t 1he th�ioat, is Ahe strong favoritb, vr th e + .,Whg oppiwe the: bill 11 , Is. The E i -hey, saw fit. 171 lition to this t not (be out oplace miQnt of Lands, Forests anWd BEAU- o r es. Aea. y as of tbl It mi ese in variety. c' 2 + as ultimately jS Ivan seca d re di Pr* e� $ ;ally up $o the I ts were zweived testifying to the! + n a �hey were to receive her- .xieserve to . Ner- AND mem We sh9w tl� give 'our ... ai [era . tow facts In, Vie pbIpment Is f young great Ireterre and er Bell 39n, u: arity on, ap d, to; a_ 2special COM'-' In Ah rof t untry, to connection w giiie Corn- age- <9 te spmeats mad e'th Is s Young ouple. !V- N 0.00. $4 6.00.,A,00� to I was a very proper wbtich 11 In'A mater1*1 way. despite the fact -that NjuVemb 1§_ + m �ce. I t1kink tbIS 1which they to .'.They were pany, U og� 'ntages And 'ualLy , light .monit,711 f(W oh i 9� mel 0 the adva ser- re reWy. Read ILI to 'ta Ike. It legUlation'+ of Also to be' allowad ek or the show some! + t -Xind Is sod It �ghould be'of �6 for the rAd nature n, tbroug A a ve You C2 rytbing. ori Se V, I not isitch, as ca the� land* reverted 6aoXiersninera town R ba ving these works here. fous results, broke out at Pa ands,'on the reserve 10� of. bepef Its + W havp- accrued to , the -Fire, which Waafterded V _y nockaout si ough ft C AN441t a=o8townp1a1evtwk49Wjnt,& �'S SIti-tS Lind TrOU.,yerS Ak + litraj mas, 7b w et ,eve me 1�et I While ten, qS t � 1, Iat naugb tbi ough technicalitleT wis td be sold by [pub e uction an(X ag be. Vint i it Ingdon, Qu abee Tit f0otWew at tale utom Atfid-aur one vas Hqtel a Hunt ihundred to 66 5 e kr In n-averal valid and toefi�lcal dbjection�f tho proce to go Int the - ptiolic, standing Idle e3,ch of te. five mdraing about four del, ick. Al n another -atom. XoffW lem the, men ae, averA ted check atk . stipe, nted ou nurd)er A at $5.00. A go,od dress sfiit, in faniqy wors pol by tre4sury. 110 � 10,000 a 9 weire re -4 years %eglcolyed b tha-e were quite a In even + I - - rge or black worsted, i5q to choose.from at $8-45'TTS-11 t fiot oppdsod ty, It. 'It Is expect- tained W I ay I lands,.. sas dote,. 65, wilth &I il the hau$% all mana red to vape Zeigler ,Alfalro-llherw has ibeen� blue s6 Pnce.% wo on alin ually, i or theIrl Ilveg with th exi ,ept *t of a., le thooe, and others v cletected by the land a *are sold Ant �reali $80,600 to $81) deal eald-abGut lthe'zad event �.rs at 1.2.5-, to 3.00 011 ibe �j -t ( A old' y a tion. to a Vra.,.Taylor, An c occurred n- Sunday ilght,; �N* In A& + ie� pecial, aga a little o#x six-. dollars $3,000 every, noi ll�4. and: al when an vet -AA rices re, I e eirl 9 When tbe fire was ext u1sh'- -Barbars zelslee le3t- eir acm while 1 yea=_ 8 - wben F F4 1: F i+ + + t ie,bill. codoa,t(i th.01ipuse frorn th an Now the Qppq dt.on complaim t weire ()niy S It com-4 that landis- g t of ed"ishe was found burned to A le L In IIPrices as t1[0 ituated:asp f y� are, gacin axes on! a 04d, .011cern the taxes life. Some have. gone so far s 0 corn) ny we make, It And even on the rl Ire af- �h fixed is- ber' bedx.wm. Many of gaest ha4 tp bave- hinte4 foul play, jbat t an"as Heav ribbed natural wool, guarani Iced un- (un ver, adjoin t he town the new JDA a Y, Underwear OS shrinkable :Fiagular ce 01 -'2 fO� 7,56 Fleece -nder' it Selkirk and -witbin twe" mlies stg + pri P� 1t st nairrow erscapes and I t all thel, vat- t, ough Invead"tion by Dr. w 11' b a 0 ome of pf thp sessment ted at 1,430, until ke a e C. ar y !paid t , + ie'judgm do not A no ;or -riia hole elty.of Winni g, sho 9 the ivroerOjs instruct�ons, peg, sho d haveea:llzb4 tyear tb o' tho town udbles. re A9 'Molthew Reuben, a. yotug-, fa�tn it *;as found that It was either ' *eel- sh the They have lined, regulail 65c to 75c,* for 39.L- ould Itt come!,,be.�orejany. three times. the'virice I and the, taxestil 0 In Id( I not koom what fact that th to col- also ly rnient to a1large miln_ Adle4W or sultida but there was xioth. e. cour� en eil 0 hand recently -out from Eng ia* ind a. come meint n, i ho with litheiii -�iployed -by Ja el -o, show that It as InitentionAl. Sur- the Purf1ha,,seW:' td rA* the -country and would her) d4e have thtown,. agar. 'Brock rille, le L the Iseems that the girl left *r fathoelp, e'll show yo* -the largest range -of Caps in the;C opty itached to v. w in- i id houit, they do dents -feel perai team. ab aj; ista tue �house about -six Velock In Abe 4vezilng�, Caps Ised If they j ep be Wit ten the siWolators of Sea rth, -'and we b u I woul b :1 at 41.k. oy did not' Is )due farnil esj el mes, Tru sda, ng it it elusion the �omn Itte lu-don fbitwe�n the ]D�palrt and ber off ;: t t , become regl- Izalbe out argest d- 3; C, 56C of Huron, forthei smallest to the. iea4 n tuch, amendmen t e3 -eept of pal crMIcal not proy4una a tittle of nce in �up- fettly - close to tbd barn While e Vas he fatber thinking She had- safe 1.1" ing that ithe asseaq on�' !DVCr p ss 1, . Uel - tthWt on prc per y oCC to her brotherls, 'does melit Inq1de. As lie so thi an- with 14 about b P rViS 75C tO­ I- natute- whiell, will lill up 1hbi6;1 such as t it Itheir cha b t upied'by' hisse, to go -tq, 'men will mc#la'than offlwt allt. j ai7 eq d I olted dista The well - 5 some*hem li'04 n 01 Imal,5 became W t I ha�- referfed -but rth4iy wl: mks any diffierm �ee they Vi�ow I (lilt pyleen Jtv two Places, to. it� ;t clause 'inakIng lt'�perativq in the 'it tion In asses it wbic miglitt 1he giv- , whereupon Reuben at to stop dthey thipf e 39ine of T11 opt n oug] Is In t Lot ghe- well. it lWas are , thalt en to the 0 aliso them by grabbln lInw. He - each 4 It ca 'ie Oeveral Frwinces at t�e (it will �Itick Now tb -- th j1pt y. We ndg* !`aut ti)n were state that e c orpQan -rY For th b a 4 -more e(i but, bls� leftl air, Vt- C*rk ad she 4eemlngly IDS yel 3 the theft lan cull_ rM c er Bays Sibits and Anickrs t p, �k Y ne of "Ch of Is s;iiY hy inces.,,This. Ithink- wo Id be n ed securedz wbeele, mid Reuben w ilrlc4 ind on �nTlving at the W-ater —Plai st if y! I 14 I�Van L v ed the( Indlaus. W Ing. thau c ed!out their, part of Way, frougli she at 2':OO 1. ".00'L I prbvem T. �e 6 arle -so the f ce. Many i mein were In gr 1117 e they Paid ai*und several tin" , I efor, JU 'Was, ra�tly LDr wLp� to ts at 3-50 .00. j. of, c� c theM Fancy Sui �O, ndifloi is 'Pones we'sa badtY some, time, ould - I I � ! !! ferent the, yar.owq Pro ivinceS Ithat 16 :age (of 200,, the amount meet -the sInk_ releasA The be Iseen' by with. a' f qured to M i qo to fro N her. feet B7 .211 + boy 8 Years to r6, plain two and three piece �ullts lts!v ff I cl t. o, frarn general feet and, ln a ng fund as ed by the agreerhent, cr*hed that amutv Ion wil be the last tracic d dd e wl nl,� alots wer e Inter- but the num )f gth of j n1le and 4,06L, Fancy :a and 3 pi ce su 7. itkers, appeflrant0 she sturnbled over he it, 3- 75 to 50� 'ot t his, that -ml I L t them half. T hav 1i ernOoyed has ncess&Y. u It . -Fire, cauftd probably by, tbe ex- trough turnhi a somersault 2, faership., t1he forawl" if 'a clause suft as I Ve reter- , .5persed wIth the Inlafi bAdIns and far over -re �b Rpou. Ihi _at agivd 35c, 50 s75C f busin4e- hivver plosion of he gasoline iglAe In Nay� WMC. -,Vere We Ir to -wem added to the I I id It in. order o. got a-, I of .160 -a.MWA was Incjimb the, companY to ern- -of Mr. Ferg, solid looting' for! I son Vur P I esInta law W t4at �foriq, ro the would ir.q?jire to pur P10 -Y ithe fir, 15 flancl[s, and the lo*es mill at Rssex, inda Y,' t Veat- t e irougin' to mez attentions 'to, but Ire this law I c ILI dbase al Of thes hidlan Secoid aiid ch succeeding tithe to dest vy entirt- �e cattle, but which were an rl year ax aIf t des an tile It madq ened for -n!,-cer,sitate Indta�-_rl' own price. Idliaddtioni to learst matetae# abiove shows -ht#ig covered mud, whexie It could Ue ativie by'th�.r o n Pro-vlfi�lal auth- the 25. vAlage. The publIa else ric 111, -W� H. and s the Ranils were I Im,"Ist, entirely that a kn and S�en th9t therp was a desperate strug and tho who do 2i dt nei d not this very u� h lgirgbr ?number than plant, a flour Mill, Ib 'N I Yato, for a of themselve, i of e la, Th unfit for 1� cultivation. Pbe fronts of th6- have b mo didat factory, all gle for life. ;A--- the writer Wd be- Iai &Me � n rea t th orft iMeve and bliss BVX peet t e� many.'of the lot�; Which Eace on - -the While we ot ldiown lba an _a4- W=� etiroly destray me �m ae Is f0re, her jininid was affected tram " the Butter, Eggs and' Dried Apples—High r e. ;y A:ct passed ia'few s a 'subject to d rierfllow' - eviery versee vote, o a bi-law woald have estl=ted at $50,00 Inurance Is ravagez oT In bealth so the, least that: i D their home 1j, 114A river 8116 It $50,00 A mxeting In W� btft $10,000. The three buildhms ktre wight be, done when there' vs no i 1 roye4 very t lg�i policy %)f the vom- it has att ory spring, an for th-xt re Lson can not be any effect c of jitho of to, Howeve-, tbere to a ong built on, I the of the lot -9 pany, we do i w; that the �corlipany In a group !t on was held in the proof sulcl& Vive; bgr the in the _f lwas to fe Ing in tfheiH Y (ny that t (fteg JL nAlpeg. fire epar- benef evening; tbA' Itheg �vll are so at ould !fdareel[y have thtt ,ests 11i W1 the tim- the vd, unt It of tbi& doubt. Tbero was a Va 8 c0ur0te Practices, and any freason- pastwe a -_1Uwep, the , facts ownt th 0 p_ imogT sirable f-sx. mmt- zeached the seene tire hA, -41 P eing Mr. she f dh L gbt mist In 'he 1-ut rw ad siringent- lkw I �hlmk, wMeht'lif documents s o but Ithese site 17di It -t�. This,t6geter with gdinvd, -taucin headw this !M emn, Ing aft lived with her ag�A, mleelting V41 be held % 1 to" 4a --T 0 W tlmt�lt h having Predeceased her a Aff I -of Such M&UU- hanMe"Ped -by having 'utflefol bw mother -*Mm'ber I#, wbea byl ii gopid majority. it. liss h6t are just -j.W failts an ithe scandal- the InEL& ago, dW-ch pwill elv-_ 2= treatd In ny' res;iect as 'a- monetft J a t! TID �9, were uneble tAoY -and Ix—A fatber 1.9 In use tly Vasa ldver fattur-Ing at 1he mretstnt Ume to west- par-atu priesssion ram .0 Voux- bts Sam year, alum the sad r quk-tic n. Isome of Its frQjlgest and t)i I In I f1j" Main Market f4W- 11 O.Way At 9al hu �he press ward *herf 3S P on the blazv� T1 Ieinke In -use 'L vwuw her daugh-4 ISO* jpf. Its 4tro,ug- neer� md1tia Is e ophilou . of their Wtpu '�, co -0 ot� of the buildings the be bLm ta�ken t& the Ho I porten as it t with an l fo ITdtg xplosion ye. r and I b 1halt Refuge at Clinton, w1here �e WHI �b r8r,—Tbe shad-Usis, est ppponents, we to ft on reltwble, Varles- laic I 1trathty on ith Pax. Of�j -Indazee the CDM_Tl, -11 eared for,- dfte*Uj, WA ft=L-- both s des of tile lqouFk laild. frdm� all Gavernn0it Toceived foll value for tb irl, ago, It had been rebuilt only renutTr 1w, access, I