The Huron Expositor, 1909-12-03, Page 7-7 77 Ii4 II IJNN.Aftfre i0l ws the cure -w aft.., A�SK, F -0, P1 rows A= 'VA=S POP. SAM-i'brale, Lit 17, Hs rly host, Shur# ani4hen th� t � � / w All, vataft. d itIt bm0ftlY undO I op Lh Breathing, 114 -dver runs tbrough the, U -.m and no wAsts 1*u(L .alfLl -a-c Slick house and two goodbank barns with st&bJ10jr to e and uvderne4th -%itb A and water in ths A*ble. 4Ood ord meeclz P ing .Ie*' Nva out. ZVI N Q�ONJI addraft 3L . or y-ellowidt Color to ThAnlys g&,u started iin JY0�1 th thetlwxl thing in the P. Undoubtedly. the best Brewed o IVie wrong d ARNFORSAL -To'closean bar of "The the -continent. Pr.a ed W be so by mmy the v F 4 miles frani Da Qelld, 2miles Chaaevi` Etc. won, lysts of four chemistz-, and by Ffiel; in loake Hur Ana re 'to wet and' 10, Concerslou'12� ftanle�r. Targe two.story I4arns Se Som thiil e to, house. gis need a awards of the world"s great Exhi- brick Pnd 24x4O leet WUA W. Maw- bitions" especially C H-1 I COWMgUt, 1W, by P-ob negimatea - I d1one statles. Impleyn sbed M86 feet. Tea 4%heck disAmn-se and stdr11, GO 1893, an bers. ILL, acres of orchard to ye %_ � t i where it received ninety, six points Aanted, t.en acres of baitd. WOW bush, six acm I wheat, 2 out of a possible bundr �d, much Soil clayloam. P40MM givenatanytime, Ap Vre the '-he systerO in the At to Iff r. Lot 1 is eifte of the maA A I Sacresploughed isurn ption. C At cau g1linpe ot higher than any other Po rter in the nceasion -11, Stanley, 114j. rash he Ueft Elleen thtough! thei gay -rush Vnited States or Catta4a. strong, Lot �4 Conoesslon 1�y t- Sold P. 0. or to A. D. d directio t('�ward health 2, 11. R. S. Tuelverem! 1. Orem! eaforb, P.O. 2160-tt He dEme" th � Ina -and sug- ,kv Pine fl-'Yrup him ti no to le ive, Endulsion V, -7— on, KC to secure a -ti-ood I=* x1sq Martha, Zw d to: her it Was Q cott's i A "LENDw get, �Little Pabai% but that yDtMg matron bid tasted �just IS&O U40M in llu.11ettard Tuckeysmitli -toy be 11cing 14 t 1, COnee-s-io 1, Dullett, tantaiujug lot enol too, -,!Writes: igh to, waiii.more, and Eileen, Cod Lbr'r il with hypp- 21-2 mil'" from _00d I ealorth was vem Was e having a most deft-g,ht- b(ing vomple A, tereplone, ew.t also -bad * bma West ballf1f Ut 3, in the 6 a -me townrbip, cont,ainffig pwrly, hQsph t0s 1 can do just ful time. So be settled Into- the -har. smok hea IP1. 50 acres, an excellent-. gr�&s farm. Also Lot 2�o Con. VVe JC�no:W ]itof pt msure and waE 1, aW Lot 24 Co, O-ined' 9od to the 2. Tuekermitb, uld icme %0 nerg g(ed Jand, -0odbuildin so st C1 and white ones, ai id th�y old at a this. telephone. :the above'f= is will be cessful in ng �A tho tiln relievi I the suffering of w9meni. or si�CUI 30 each other what a' "dear" Q was Terms tozuitpurdiaser. For further par ad both t-61, b nd marty genu S r eft g h e n s e Me teStilrPlOnals, as has 1 L di4' E. i! ]link han i's adored hfi3 -more inconvenlently t iiau I t tacilts. apply to WX DA4 i E & SON, Seaorth p.7 0 w" eve �U- Vegetable Compoun ever. nerves, eec sfamished ti VO me a Uy zw-v--- a Truly - eD Dugh, as he ha I oftqn s ild, ARM Fog SALF-For Oale, Lot 3 dvind we -to try Dw-� st� �es were the In almost efery. -community. vog, WW &A We -Mel' W1 these' youi iger o cha =- 3, McKillop, containiog 105 acres. "Me fam' sue zd inakes rich is in sp;end1d .zondition,! There is a Ingly wholesome and ref reshing antl-' bagood bamk nia imt bave been restored to hWth b LYdia E Pinkha -nd good brick b,)use4 The barn s eeluen y barn a &wt �o'.Ne --when I dote - -to t1i -ocepsional md sbebaviox of blood.- flooring ull through the !,stables, and water all compt, ever ��[ whau 11=d mnd. Ajmost IJxas the matiri They were, as he also as� JTO] & $ALE BI AtL DIMWISTS through for the stock. The howe Isynodernin, 4 every respeeb, having bath toomwitli hot and cold or knom) IS�e kt as well a's ever,. 6&W b�ea benefited by 'it, 4( 'he bo promise of the' serted, pe and and hot and told x��r in the kitchen. There Cold $leev- w4u. Eleud 10o., unin of, pAver and this a(L -for oar in flie Pm*J,-ham Labratoll =a sHo and good ben house. Thelarm18 at _Lyl social fa bit: ofla nation, this. yottrlger beautaul 8 V113 gg B&I LIC and i0hild's Sk6Wh-BWV_ - III - "', in --Vna tint srmp cob_ ly locat&d, is Inc from e a ard in tb best of n im a, 60od Luok Peny. -r one million or. Bach bank 00 4 tbefore Octube.- 2oth set- I .1 I -, 'I Wr tataing ove thape. Will go icheap It be e hundred tfious�nd letters fie as the proprietor roodland Con, CO- BOVME an DP ify t* go into an- 'Suppe' and then! t4e N the PAM -v6men s, eal I I ri__ - 11 7 �__ " 126 Wr-uihztdn Streit, West Trvnto, OnL J otherbu8ifieffl. Apply on 6es Or addreBs &ekipg h t1h, in which many Ay, stat ov, g tillon was: the programme and alix ost ARTHUR FoRms, S eir ovm -signatures that. 11 n SM tu tabl us Wore lled b dore i YOU' reeekft -U* _,�i Z d their I t1ey I I Pon SAL S4, Coneesslon, 1, East had an 6 ortunity to coll!ct Nina ;nd A for it. taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg' I !0MP6U1xd. It was all ver, well for awhile a Wnwanosh, containin 100 acres: first-elasaw land forgr in r �nastura- �y by The T. MMUM ams Austin. captpre'Elleen from. I brae, sweet effoit but ears could liot main or pastam underdrailaed with .'Irdia E Pink� V retable [0 PK 0 i; mott xU new wire fe. ces ; 15 sem of g000 rosy cb� ndigns. deaf to th Increasin noise 4nd -.tTdwo6d bush; a never a good ed atLd nt'boy who remain WOMIM gspring creel -9 from suigical operati bad quite 0St Whea ar A fieart: i Ld iu w ])at house,.& young be go a , od ee- to mU:, r ghter, .11 �a voices, half caught entAouse I Mx28'b k 24; eellsr under ppeared , be 6u the -9�ergre of a ron I- . - k ra E. 3 Vegetable i ront, and'kitchen ups he lid.% p hid Cre t even lu the fr4g* tiirs �ver an ;� a 9 arn, withtont stabling,11-%66, and oul b le'ex., 6n decla %tionj ents I tood.1 Bes wnry III Ides, Gerald qad clusi,. Ay from roofs. and herbs,: I 'I rin is 4py aftated, 4 milesest of Bl.vth ul 2 IL TVs on] y Pbrey Dr inoii's, 1 -2 miles from schooL lies e"t Ing r come alm os gha itly., h6 ek-plalne4, pass rintwift broth seert e i, i nd, tie boy's face, had e- 'but -we r A:burn,,:ud The reason why it is so e are only e ones kn % Zami i 31d r Wn le and On 404BY term& r further paydbularM ly o MRS. JUIJA bb with a' -little sigh of Auxe, i 'Bu eased 61wir, i ifioAuburn. F. 0., -oat. 2170-tf FrecHents which.. act It, I the crowd to M9 Auxel. i�wuall flushed, was u- in and c0red otm oies P�w. rate OW 04 urol, sfa )h here come N er- "a ducting h4rst It WI WOut restrain Id it ? rmtorig it� to litalthy and �1 . I . � L wou .3 SAL&--�Fbr ale, Lot 10, Oone 'on -.1 and be imd- now, preitt - Ze, fAt Les voup too if yva very Imp. gard's suick(ring laugh grew more Ig- Is I this sound Dp* =A ID11 -Jqok� gH aeres. The urm, Thouands unsolicited ad- !111VkAk. from is, molun ta, 76 sin, an exftnent st4tb of ct tivatloo, Vvell 4ral e Even in _d t our horses hted up- amou -the tre as I n -�aut_ 'isia an su aud: h I eid and fen%j,00dbarn, AW ll, with 4stone stabling, sac c but a few daye treatm= With thk balm gave her ease. en the owi e effi re as the foll, ing prave th W14d spoke too loudly at mpmei: =X40 1121ndboUse lftg�4vdth edlar the best. Owcy, an -passed in e CIA dren of lumult T1 Ld i A eakers. are and 'once she looced arotmd at' oresbegan to heal, and we icon. -4 at lage, ex- -* i Ith of'ta les, greetl�d DeRer! ".r, Qqe.,-. 647W 11ini �X..S.l W lamton3had, 10 screw addec Jdboilt, - .1 - i ebSte Wocdbusb,sacres I Wheat, 4& I I I would.not be, _J !!!!! 4 Of $6yT our St, 1mo tooth pouni and Selwyn whil her pretty,' acce 11� tinui�d the Zm- &f "Ve"t balf 61 I& ii Rrouglmm� a city, ICAM' and the moth :r adds ftatment. 10' 04�Mftlyijut *rio& A- le, 9b aaM, we`fl drainedd and whiali is the coiTeet ou �iilni 'With its W= V4111 nder a' V-190rol4s, laughter, ript under we In a short timeshewas qV it,-- hegC& be sold to jmd-4on iumnable g �o tre6 ilk to their �pp6d. Ste says: _gether or sep tone.ofma*e, Wcame tnorel�frequ( umm" " uke p rJetor g to retim g 'NIP= mart Jae. my little bor ws*- lea a IMr, *11ay festoorlea with -Lbs- W. dido s -on the Oe bbla lir in the Inc, little girl' contracted calp .e would d, tumult at school. -Bad ga thezin up and fte'best d6citor's gAd found in uii�eeqpjed bible. ous scald on the Wk. It Lmudb 4pnt, �is rit� and be con- T Mere was no i*e in making 4'pri, Vs 4q 41 1"bAd a tumor. I -w6vk** PAPOPM ke' t aeo of racke ,s4 1440 the right thin tenSe of f*her gilyety, d a bad sore� and qui tin 4hd -beMm Nina'. on (AU pain ieal it or ZM also very sal -table J cousins advised mi to fiWe- ih gr m;rm 4ding 'to ocowl'a sed.the K*Iqey. Arm is in ex- �,i her head, d not te a ARX MR SALB--fte �undred ftm of land 4k� Joir. I did so and soon .-4 _ppii I we tried failed' to, h with �ne child:a� one a the best t smined o be, IId 'dif e sores -him ftse. Once more te Wmad fth't ftsfbettle6 bu: r04 xer very ill. =15, ih t1it �Caunty I Huron ; two go. back WIM11 9ble7spot; I eslde�, kustin was ih��un *�� 1, disch­ bums, good c-aintnt fouffiftt4ior Wider one 'of t-b,*,tn to Your' Temedy Is dese" Df UPAL%ft Wd SO. ed 4nd occurring on mplement i �.tbe to Zam-Buk, and we - were "t wAteroonnsWons vmd pump'ng =ill 1 ive; our hoUm, pig bon" and ben ho se - good f me dwel-. t[ie best that INina, Mth'Selwyn on her lef4 look- liDg house wft gooiltemen twogood Ctllatet-.VanoyfieK imnerl"* scalp teared she wot, Id lose diso_PP6inted. it Ivae I like ryink house, was arm Women who are suffering -'ed wound erald it Lin ll h4t h4ir. She iha pitiable ch in drawin for!i'Getald W 0 9. g 'Away Me panit r':4 T-egard- bi Whein 'tho latt6r plig *hen we tried Zam­Buk, land d the �ro ame sa soon healed the �ro and uarters Kl 9 Mil ring. ip --p"ifiar to th-6 stie shouA lose es from Sea- �ex,)ense i i U �Pmp�. Div] Iali repli �d -for li und J�xeter_ r or w1ledum Z -Buk is "something r _�§� Qerfdd bad e to J(in or doubt the ability of LycNa IL 1X in fhe way 01, balms. it a to JOHN B. DIMSS ealing her ences, which, as soon &s appUed conta� om 'he, lahsing, 1�- werful h BOX RE E some people w4 Cbmpound-to mstwL- thtir hea&. to s ki4 s , eam, kill off the, ger n and end'the painfill smarting, -For We, 14t 50 and weab ( McIntosh F"m "' sAm if t Sei d wl half of Lot 10., NoKillo% noWming not know ery welL Ott ert ssence. contain6d thdr , to stimulat the cells that. new in all 1W Igump f4i acres. Thereamonther 4fto bick house heatb�lltkksues sp�edily-fbzj�� Eczeniz, itch, ulcqs,� cold -with - fornam WA 'Why, fth e Is nowl" exclaimed on S, al�scesm beft ba6-- sad two S Iran ot on bro, r festering sores,! blood Vying Cold cr etc,, are man triall box oteek -%t the By -Law 1400 109� 1909 group, n ealed andi -cured in this way, Use it fthefthyt Thefarmija 0 well ORTa. t�onesl _'�L 10, �0�ssi Eneen, catc hing sight.of fier poisoning* chronic wounds, Urge iib Ith wind =t14 R. S. -W. SLV�Iib J�p ty' Returaing4 amted among a very noisy for all forfules. A-11 A hardwood. ialsoof great semce le*oed abd underdmined' tbere,p 15 zeros of t�d 7,6 the outer edigeot the'ludmina. -t� and -totes ce K he e. d- thi . OL I � � (* all vinder cultivu- i s at-, 4o -aft ox. or Zam.Ruk Co.,,Ta tion, and live t on'th 2 4th VT 'Nina? 0 . � I I-, - 3,-TbA Ver, "Who are those people, h, zsee to fall wheaL it fil -Law to Prohibit the i -nient 0 so] A By A. D., 19091 at his, eel -001 and ne e re, t(m�; "d- and a from stm to TDwfj*Wp oi Roo�amund Pane is the -be ack. sale -by retail of spiritous, =t fUms in th il and vMl "DvWi go*, I wre f6r, you ;00 n4l4ch-t anth, kt t4 kDl r 'of two o'c 4 at a bargain it dig t fermented or other manu- T 0 0611 T, Mont& P03 �JJIAIU e siO0 91VOD at an time. 5'Orturtlierpartle in tilk he, eve .,s4all TAe In Red For ll� a 1. p0e Lting so. abruptly. ti at factured liquors in e ulgr& (himeelf, tw $Or Ad tress JOBN OF. FRED, point in d SpAwyn 4 Nina a: rou a 6ft shocked g1 Alixe. leaned ovier Abe To pemons t ad, I tt t -hal surnritnig 7d gff, aed at h6r toward her bmthe rop P. Municipality of the Town- tte, J �Aek lip., In in Lit Tuckersmith. up -of the� votea b -anA Nusband, among The-, 9 eranlmaA &Jt Is increllib �1'1 she murmureld. 111 no ACMRN SALE.-Ine undemign h! 0 epr to Zen& I , I JLV ed- ' forage Oatraosbdeiftll perison b. � c Ia6, and afmost crous grou which w.as She must b,, p ej etetly mad -to =6 .,PlDWn9 r op. Iarty known as Lot -6, Cona0won I Toy.Taup of (m bealf of the lorsofis iinterest attracting e a ention o everybody such an exhlbitloo of herself., Ca4'-, i Ne are, on the Imm. re. Black Point. MD_ 31-_ Blaywhad, PerM County. a I -was troubleA witli d dept -ouis Of" I)i D111044 -(P& tbw4 gc;c4 brIck house 32 % mith -kitroben sit -Ulm n the "Irl.ty 9 t Mm Jack'Ruthypn. anybody stop herT Can't anybody se Id The Kunleipa;l Coun6fl of the Town- a the V& It W*1 of Tuckeramith hereby enacts of thi,, and a flIke number ad,, Ift 26, both in good a large bwlk b- times I have laiix in And $el S4 her. her home?" 60 % 770, with good stone 9 behalf 01. 00 �6r.-tna IiLt�rdSt6d dn -and scarcely ftWe to tum Oement dlo, other Fora-momenthe Austin said sullonly, but distlnct* ,-e also been a g ma -Tha the eale ,i�l raan :of spir- oe-dro"M of- 1 oppost the'! passing looked a t- hex-4Qok floth In trout Dulldh?gs. The tarm is well rg tockr�a"Isingaandjfts.in a state of OW the rk 0 (said ti"Op, I had doetor attend- IN-_ prohlb�_ Nina, if you are readvll- V thl o U -posite, hrid it th;ofhers -very ofi tavera, inn jor cither'boas or bat resided thereon for no*y �My yme, being ed af de�� WSJ do her, krl d NeIrg "The tWJ2 I . ., - and Us both for graln;and -this byl-4f&vr� ndintheym Ing to perform my It >u�, fermented, or dther manufafC- Caji I I ' fer -us'to do IS to get O*t ep 4. -That Mu an -the. othe-'sid and Rom A and tried liniment& e .4161P&I 'C!DUhC11 Of w i6mmle- Zd' at -but what Ilibout Gerald?10 fAl- ttIdT Ded� the modAnoftemaraftetsin t&e t4wnsh1p. t nmr7n, 9 neu Dom he I 711t s -betont seen. Thm p&t at tered Eileen, piteously to Sol� r plac Tuckemmitli i9hall a 10& nment In be tothing seemed to do -e of pablie entertai ly, 191 - .4there- -easio -being Laid MunicipaUty, and flis rmlo Con� Ito saw in Ithe aftdrno hool, anditbin essy rRach of igo about to, give up is Lot 11, a with beiglit 3,ned, color, he tdm�d,11s. wyn. "We ca n1i le tve him -there od maket, For of; ex,(�ept by -wholesle hour of !two o',cladkl on, urther part%ulalrs address ZORR SUTHERLAND xibavad indiTced me to shall 6- the s. whk h the r v- 'The Than pt ralgh tened up and turned 0 Kirkton P. 0. be, prbibitd.j.n sve Abop pr place n the fifth daY. f Janu4y, 1910; & i1h;, 'and after using ky Ilu other than a house �of public eAteTtaln#- to ISUM tip the; nunber 4 votw, 1-4given 'ant had 111 for him and, rest- hi$ -awn-fa(etoyardher-C. y weR =d able to do -ftlt, Lot 19, 40oneesdon 1, -qd agal4st tt, 14� b f I , -1aw.' n the ARM FOR SALE -For Mont in the edd- Muulcipall for a Ing his hqnd,.g otem, sl itnd at V ie I�Doyou .w1i h mi to get 41m "I Loadon Road. Stan! y an Acre -110 -t F A - pltive,'Doiin's Kidney. ty. hiaL41 - AP% - claim for them, and I -2.LThat the vot of the i6lecters of qM 0 ub*ard throug14 It "Y. -you can'. do hat, c ' yon excep of seven 'lilp of -Tucker-amith (wffl anO t 'ietf6ct as 1!roM ne f f�at .jday `brlm. "Yes, I cau, If, qu wish it Do you, Acres Of bueh�b e ney I n the -�lng 'Eli t al - pre sufferers to Zhe the said- -Toi�rns e �frer th H�bd 411se J nil be take On this by-law by -the Deputy Boorts had. beg m Osten think there, t-, anyodrig In the world I _qM s, good 0 bouse with Idtcgien and nre hi woodsliel, #,one fouu o Returning - �p, good cement bardand T,W%wAter- � one the house and ,one .Y PILLSI are Purdy on Monday, the thh-d day -,,of J ra Officers hereinafter named, an c xc�dingly ajil nated - can't do,. If you w�h It?" &;;,.— OAI& PIZ anuzxY, Cbur-ell Chamber N Obl" 1909 AGood bZi 'MWO. 4th oement i reafizirkg quick, per- wtl=34 td thO became almost a As he rose she Uid her hand on and oalne, hundred and ten, :00or in sfi"Idg, alWo imp., one thous and Lit anv aft er ill effectg. Xrewfte, xmft to Aust U, 'whd s arm. .9 cornmencing at nine o'clock In the When a knife is di U a cure B;iek- ft0*11 on his heavvy, f a "1-1 don't.4 k 1i she began. -9-0 rods of mDrning- and contiAgig until five o- N107 ICE. w1relence litaree-eqUybee Kidney �nd Dladd�r i Pa, ndora owner n ver pIng r You do he saW, tileundendr0ningdone W to. IMM mi, who. was 1p 'n havD to usk it" cloCk In, the afternoon at The UnKler- on the Take U�tlw the abo s�arlug thoughjtf �,e tiiig for Landoll Road mil i� hA4 bo!%c, or 3. for $1 -25#1 mentioned plicw:, ve $a a Irue *hmmW wabw and _.ully with a smile lmok genuWe- "AUstin, wastes tim hun J .1 a Ross prop By -Law which hi 11111 be Wid withwt 'T. Milhum Co to get Gbrald, and Nina wZ i4f Limn In Polling Sub-M-h-lon, No. 1, at copy of 4, 0 i's .11W.'a g, 6=�age ffuted, Janier'n I'm going a i steel. She just I , �.Ply on the Pre or so RO& J, Sproat -is Hall, 10 be Tillage been tak�n into o lderatjoii by the I am& A& 2= Eg- J-.31ris ERT&M he's- i�� I 01 Nvhlell hung Uke explain. to y th be- kft to mondville.-Geoge E. Jackeon, Deputy Muntclp94 CDunoii �)f the iTovaiihip of r v e. 9 walks over to tile Returning Officer. will be 6 &I- the h a t me if any se on ils.requkie& 1% to t Tucke a0d'which umalq FOR SAM-Ut A, Oonftadayi 2 Lot M409n be -len L 4 I nid 6ack with b1m the mi*w b�w ertlery rod, attachr In Polling Sqb­D1vWon Vo. 2; ly pa��edi b unell (in the IL". Ill Gera] a i Lot is, bowessical J, ium noe- School louse, No. 8._Samue, &t nt of th y fAJae eli�eto_rs Pe- (1, t11r0wiD9 Boots, you'll drivt- 1�dme.ln ta. Pandora, give -a lAnife Ana Ing obtaln As he turno., the thn- Deputy Returning Officer. 0, Z.-- PrDVId6d his curly head 81 sixr eight passes over h t "The Liqlioo� I Aet,'�' and Jaflfte.nd- Into silhou'6tte.: p=ed, een whi%msd in Folling Sub-DIvislon No. 3, a ne Mont M tmwmf). W31 1=1 Vag School House No. d. -Mas. Routle4ge, ments therqte), �al ek o .h. the high -gide - er-r eM 40M Wb at couver- 9. I car -ftr y*a tft�-awj* I 5 mew in tbo bZW we ettam of Uft. TW urras for rm tan Sol n §k i whi4h puts 6 the Deputy Returning Officer. to -me to orryl; -Boofs U, WN Ft In Polling Sub-Div!dlon-No. .4, ..ht H& said =4 r I is bveaft "WenoW, I Schodi, Rouse No. S.-WM. BeeTy, Dep-' firit puplic Fr�day, - the� keenest kind, of an V. on 0 lyina ca you cannot W uty, Returning Offic-ar. thl-i-d da 1909, pu4l .2, ,,, I *adwft If-yesl- I dot th id vjgl�rn o. 5, at -at, at U%� 4 u- b b ft -71 -a. of 9MM. In Palllng� Sub -Di r Jft This combined emer rod idth *2 rN 93 0, b fixe.d t- the votv el," go, pear I er." In t Ne --w aorta of kwdwood'bueX dreek and towel drier Is a paltept- I must" .9 %hool Notwo k4d. I. -A. SmMI., Deputy !Wurnlng -Officer. Us ban er, a cacei C. -Awl kbg vith,a-Endlen deter- ed at' re if you do -4f you go-*bw- ma ri,�,chment you a nWf. die -me pro. *8, TORONTTO A� pr6teh, -;e of igno,, In Poffing Sub-MvWbn No. 6., at A j y Ito, ou fa-cire fok; �me is 71L�a V7 )IM -00-, secure on �&ny other rtage. lily er Wh6h,l ��sk, �+u W,t t�__Wojiu I vmwk� �ravy d- by Act of t a hio to mLr(ute �e eildum to,"- Iproverqqnta that a to r)ss At 'he ba-Mest T[E �iment -B EA I J 011 N inake Pardom t AMR, It j G% Me Iras 4nc)nscious ot at* range you can buy.' 14 As& 4 nuatbw Vf prop ,'anc-4dian &-nk- AEirif eAd AK unstea-dy. -In the lhk_Q*n i UM a gow 41 Sale bv C h AreMbald, Searpbfti h A VA.# AR N10, spoke -to BUF we toabft�odift T_ M �--half koseft ler-sea and vlar6d ii . on ramm-mble @did -w1th perfect con i- bac aswv� U. _1W Iid' debts odUecW- -.Io*op mado-on mWac. .ct6hed or cofleat� he A business transact- too, adi a quiOt Ing Is hud -1y - RAfte: M*de-- _e i th � Me&C Is Th- io Ora er', "8h4pH- d t speaking In a volc�a h* #ghtened on Seh n!s am. ory murity f ds, �d rnGney orders is 4bd be 'late DhWon 0=4 "A Revers At AtW timd and strained illowed deposits -red, She Is beaufflial 4he talte I ut be 'of. fatigue I s _tu-med_ and _W ber from thd- tab$? Dttnk Department 011, -00 *hkhl Eileen to effort- Au9tin - Us sister -and t rates. The. illustr4tiOii sh� ost Cott- b2m. of A.ustin's sup- vuwveiy -wh�n he halted on.the d�, bir ames LL V Mon arch Pewn, niar -�teel ; Cfichtoii Brovme F JL& mrs a. twthWh m(�ve to brotect, to sus- VmX and she to' him alm twe ad Buceflea hot IJramw IDMan.' O-Duncllbr, -5w forth, r o a. Rmzma mil Id- Range wit1h the rel., ok but anier at her of the lawn. C6U or, ams wd and -distressed at who t "I -must' go ba(ICI he whisperml Dutndw. very gives th rpason& for e&-fing swee water tank on th6 1W. If, I for lGoiaK 1Ad dab&--f6r 'the boy's -"dearest; deowt, mus e e any reasob, it is ddsired to 1have pre"Ree tUIN with the set of who "T -to Gerald or er?" ban d1sa" o*ed was an affrout t D the Hot ater 'rank on thie But he onl mul. ered: '11hey don?t G. K. Traav=er, B-metwood Omni 811--sh? was Wli. more sensitiva know what they're Nlng. Let me P. 0. right,�Ihe clignge jna& -olce, aud in her hearf sh 3 de taching her �fs - -CP Q al k eft, -irm Oata, mltta� 4an tl� U 4*yu silionate eit bet ha ds lying in both �f id. MuTdle. Caerk, Nlnthmp p. io. up, sorprised t the su(144 dcle pubt d ces a big -boned, wel.-develm ,doves and mitts without tools or tro� ible by! li: ing ly. *hich I In ali ished in' the U from 26. cent the Reser�!oir one Sid.. d his. Youth, S Cd n i natib# L -p thelgirl, wbJ She said, le kin- up at him: '1f mpaniotl of Sepiem-, oped, melitally d' ergefc race. ut5 I I � placing it In the so kets piroi ed, had, turned oBoots with a sudde P go -4f you beat makers ber 2,', LteTer time you ts pro e that 9 r4,11909, Dr. Browne, the His experiment BOAFM OF HEATMIL for the pU70$e on h� OtT14 s�'e. Ow of SPIM and the. gayest of _n -aker J. X Govenlock, Membef, W1nthrqrr1).a, o ma er our r i� a 1, r4l �d tur�n o ma ock # g ical a u'thoritv 4yatmcal such as Qu rid their laughter and bad miy Own Do you i romise? I shall be foods, isays r i F0 fig,es. a ain land Oats apt only furnishes the best Joto KuTTay, neim-ver, Bftchwocd P.o. finge.beeftide so gentane and so pers:191 11ankets. the! awake. Do you pi Lse Thom KcIlrey, K=ber, mthrov P.o. Mo�arrh PeW Isular' i muscle Widinv— 1 food f�r the human bei g, but., ent, that, icombining wAh, Ninai, the r dp T. � Purell, Memberi Colunibem p. o. 'Yes, rt �,he *Ith, a trace of im- -k and the best t only., range having this convenience, a#d,the only ich fa swept Austin from bl! ler Is one kind lof fod ea ing strengthens and en- J. MCQLDnJJ% M.D., 1032kal IRWAth Of- surly at patlimce'i', the we here. see s larges -the thyroid gland—this i Lts'in any'kitchen and economims S-DaC6. �tractlon- into their tolls, an Selwyn! 3 the pi�� of the., rna�ked f ect du that etnit - to me of :aket at $1.60. So ghe ty before bim. subdued Inughl if forced, s ded plew - gl.�nd is intimately- conn.ected J. SheAno, 9 Wtary In4ector. we Value, a� a food to e b with Nina and rai D. 0. e P�r, lb se'o-m 'B turn U out with the n6urish' winthlror IThe I -lot Witer Tank, or Reservoir, is in Id 6f .. a. 0 Am lin and ind Selwy to the$r6le bod thro Ing procelsses ff. Uurdl% Secretar, Wmthro-re p. a. to a lit le for the time eing., of the body. coaied. with tin, to.insure water being always de back, saunter g .k*etly -towatd child] 'od and adolesconce ey Of th13 table where a] a -.op and the Once,she tarped, uader'cor. read tho 6ceuants b (Youtli)� and that is oatme4l. In conclu'sion he says-- MR BAL& genera I cotm, rsation which q he had set iWare -gotti I him and,the ep - Ir XTORM11 SHE" A" SHORTHOA�X�oZMa,, -Wan RODe. ntly fol "It seems probable tberefore an4 I 1.0at are the mostutritious JU FOR SAM -The undervigned hu manT pther ping., iked �&alght Into Be] Our boolaet describes and illti,4rate� sode in the r otoui gayety lucreasin right. that the bulk and brawniness of qrxl Th m -bred Lelcl�stei ftei* and Durlmn Cattle ashing �hlrn messare Vj" the gee, Dig SUIT CASES exclusive "Monarch Peninsular". features whichl to sslol of 'halt a doze of 411 tt 9 being r�cher e ereal the Northerners (rnpaning the lboth mxes. Address ftmoadviUe P.O 1 $5.M A few Df t, nd, his ildrit ga2�e ill a0w. 5 1 I WjW every in fais,. �ord.anic pho hon kod, prospective stove buyerlsbo-lidd, more meu. isl and $P Scotch) has been in some I (I s 1) C% S e I the eolor flying to he', Write for free �opy. oxt (Cbatu �a W01J, lecithi ,n�, kheeks.' Imeasure due:to the stimulation WDAYZ 00tT8 AND SH0XM0FX OAT. we areaUouilkersof thefamons"Heela"Furnace. C11DR11 FOR SAIX—ne urAersigned offers for eal i gaf�ing. of the thyroidgiand by -c �atmext Mys oatm is Mk in Lot -27, Conoession 8, Mbbert�, two Cly&4- 4A, Ir R I e well -to -6 of Pc ldhood. ^Chi dr a ry grotind­'with th . ��td�-t iia 'chi and oto 2-yw-M colt ulao r. few-Shorlborn heifers dry Store eit. 1111, . Scotch -cat Qu Oats C. p). Elarmlazu Grc�at itain. - He -speaks it iThe Clare Bros. & Coo Limited, F"re'-st6n, 10 L FLETISON I we mtd tw9T_"r,-. -old. dro4rby nf m Mbe speat -the Scottish because it is th bftt of all a"- �Ywm w0old at liveand let live Priem In Al TFotel, Seafortit I. -as the aidstay I A iaworc e ;&it' t and, "is it Vrd- meals. III