The Huron Expositor, 1909-12-03, Page 6weld. Lloyd -George abbe
Poor -Btay
in En land is David LIOYdeG, oege..
budge 'hes been, more ;Widely' and ea ne
blatio air_ce the Hanle rtuye 13 Is.
rsozial following is A so great-.
;ter the, thLt a any Liberal
:,eince lie Grand Old Mali tee
politico, In fact, if not hi
is the
Of co
that L
in the
got 'se
the e
have b
Bi le
fee aS,
an e
in .er
from. t
the w
No. xoo George St., Sor I, Qu bec
"I suffered from womb dise e forseve
years, with dreadful pains ov r the front
of the body, over the back and d
the legs. .1 had indigestion d chr
constipation and the eonsti ation
so bad that I went sometime for ten t
filter days without any a "on Of th
everyone thought I Was go ng to die,
and the last Rites of the C w re
administered to rue. I was treated y
.six different doctors without Any bene t.
Possesses-gonic Properties that are
Utansurpas.sed. The product of '
Perfect Brewing. •
The Dominion Brewery Co.
Bator graduate of 'Ontario Vetetia---
ary College. Ail diseases of Derneetle'
liondel to and charges moderate. Met".
seinarY Dentistry a Specialty. Office
end residence oat Goderich etre*, one
loos is** of Dr. Scottie -office', Sea -
Honor ars graduate a the Ontario
areterbary Cellege, an Honored'
matpEtber ot the Medical Association
at the (*start° Veterinary Alum&
Creates disefireee of all Downeatit Ate -
boas by the most modern. princisles-
Offige opposite Dick's Hotel, Main
t4e botel wilt receive prompt atten4
street, Seaforth. -All orders left at
tics. blight cane recelmed at the
office. - 1871
" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary PubliC,,
etc. Money to Joan. in Seatorth Mon-,
dam Fridays and Saturdays. ' Office
tDpen every week day. Over Pickard's
Barrister, Solicitor, Cenveyeneet
aad Notary Public. Solicitor for the
Sostinion Bank. Office—In rear ot the
Ilksisinitin Bank, Seaforth, Money to
loss; 1286 I
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
and Notary. Public. Office — irg.stairit
over Nalker's furniture store, Mats
street, Seafortn. 192X
Barriste?, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Cane
adieu Bank of Commerce. Money, to
lean. Farms for este Office —
Watt's Block, Main street, Seatorth.
Office said residence, Victoria
Office and Resklenee—Godatie street,
east of the lealiodist church,.. forth,
Placate No. 46 Coroaer for the COlaa-:
ty, of Hurcea. 138a
rivadeian mad Surgeon. Graduate a
Usiversity. Late of Rochester
Umpital. Idembo.r of Collets of
Of rice — ever, Hamiltheei Owe'. Nig*
galls received at °Vice, Staffs, ctst..
Goderieh street, oOposite Methodist
• G, Scott, graduate ot Victoria
and Ann Arbor and member of the
moiDium adorns
Then I got a sample of "Pruit-a-tives
.but hacteeo faith ut them at all, arid I
would not have taken them only y
husband begged so herd for me re
theme Ai soon ae-I began to tia e
"Pritit4i-tives" T grew better,
bloating was -relieved, the sleeplessOe
was cured, my stomach acted, and e
bowels were moved; but above all e
I have taken eighteen boxes in
and I am now perfectly well again." I
soca, box -6 for $2.50—or trial
. —at dealers or from
Limited, Ottawa.
Palace Meat ark t
Dealers in all kinds of Fresh. &I Our d
Meats, Bologna, etc.
Fish ani Fowl Season
We keep only the best a d
prompt service assured.
Butter and eggs taken as ca h
H. W. Colquhou
PHONE 18 2112-26
roubled With
For Years.
Any ireegularity the bowels is
ways dangerous to your health a d
should bp ceireeted at once fee. if this is -
nal done constipation and lall sorts f
„diseases ate lieble to attack you.
Milburn's Laxa-Liyer Pills cure Co
stipation. and all Stomach, 'Liver d
Bowel complaints.
Mr. Henry Pearce; 49 Standish Av
Owen Sound, Ont., writes "Havir
trftn troubled for years with constipatio
and trying various so-called • remedi s
whiele did the no good whatever, s
Pills. I have found them mast ben
ficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill
and I can heartily recommend them to •• 11
thoke who suffer from constipation.i'
Price 25 Cents a vial or 5 for 1. 0
at all dealers, or sent direct on remelt
of price by The T. Milburn. Co., Limite
TorOnto, Ont.
Vatario College a Physicians and Sure
reone. Coroner for the County of Hurt a
bentrai Busines
C. biadkay, honor graduate of Trinity
Valveredty, gold medalist of Trinity
Medical College. Meraber of the Gel -
tags of Physielaers and Surgeons, On -
° Graduate of Unlvertty or !Toronto
Faculty a Medicine, member of Cole
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of On-
Oxio; pass graduate courses in Chia
htlialmic .Hospital, London, Eng-.
ailnion Bank, ,Seaforth. Phone . No: 6.
Fight calls answer -ed from residence,
Licensed a.uctioneer for the counties
e Huron. and Perth. Correspondence
promptly answered. Irnmedia.te are
rangements for sate dates can be made
by calling up Phone 97, Seaforth, or
The Expositor 'Offiee. Charges rnodera,te
and' satisfaetioe guaranteed.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
of Huron and Perth. Being a practie
ral tanner and thoroughly undere
standing the value of farm stock and
Implements, places me. In a better po-
sition to realize good prices. Charges
moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or
aro pay. All ceders left in Exeter will
ate promptly attasded to.
Store—Main street, Sea,forth. Night
calls at residence of W. Walk-
er, Goderich street east opposite
St. a,mes' church, one bloek east
of Queen's Hotel,
J. Dorrance,
Large English Berkshires.
And Liecester Sheep
I will keep for service on Lot 26, Concession 5, Mc-
faillep, the imported beer, Charmers Duke XXXVII,
grandson of the grand champion boar, Preruiei
Longfellow. Terras layabIe at the time of ser,
vize, with the privilege of returning if neeessary.
Young -stock iaways for sale.
Stands ready to help 'young .
men and women to ivin inde-
pendence and success. It, has
given the start to thouS' nds
upon thonsa,nds of young eo-
ple. It can help. you. rite
for catalogue. Enter any-
Could Not Slee
in:- The Dark.
Doctor Said Heart and
Nerves Were Restionsibl .
There is many a man and wasoan to sa
ing night after nighteupon-a sleepless b d.
Their eyes do not ogise in the sweet a a
refreshing repose that conies to th se
whose heart and nerves are right. So ne
constitutional disturbance, Worry or
disease -has so debilitated and irrita ed
the nervous systena that it cannot be
Mrs. Calvin Stark, Rossi -Aare, ▪ 0 t.,
writes:—"About two years ago I beean
to bp tronbled with a smothering sen
tion at night, when I would lie down.
got so bad I could not sleep .in.the da
and would have to sit up and4ub
limbs, they Would •beeome so ti
My doctor said my heart and nerve w
Nerve Pills advertised end got a box te
try them. I took three- boxes! arid an
now lie down and sleep without' thd ht.
burniag and can rest well. I can rep
mend tbtem highly to all nervous and n
down women."
Price 50 cents per box or 3 for 51 25
at all dealers, or mailed direet on rece
of Price, by the T. Milburn go., Limit
Toronto, Ont.
Alberta Farm Lands
Before purchasing land in the Wot, look int* ' ibe
merits of Alberts. fall wheat lands. os not let " the
Americans get all the bebt land in the west. Te inS
either cash or on the crop payment pljan, or a al ar
deed to the land in return for your fltst entire c c
of winterl wheat.
330 acres in Saskatchewan, close to three rail
Will exahange for firm, west or Bout of Seaforth yg.
Also for sale, goal farm 3 mil s fr niBayfield.i
For further particalars ply, to JOHN
ILSON, Box 463, Seaferth. 24i
'red 1
leader of the Liberal 4 :rity. T
yet split that 'partyl as GI
a Welsh Village,
Ll, yd -George was born in
'stet in 186e, the son a a
hie parents returned -to dr
:labf e the little- fa ily ad
tiedi The • widow was left ith
cbil reo, and alines with et
en he sort of (brothe that.- Lhe
his was VvoUld ,allo , and; In
eca on the shoemaker der led
en : leeened Latin and Pre ch
k Cilia& half 'en :egg *4piede on
The Young misentar
At the !village school lilla y
(show good pluck, and' when he 1 as
a -mer child he displayed the ot er
sort of coierage, too, 1-1e had the tn-
attend the only school iz ' the 11 -
!master did t not try to e ange he
brough Mile his first drafta of fa e
asked to buried beelde ,hiS dau he
ter, and the Burials Act compelled he
vicar to allow the hotly to be interred
in the ;churchyard. He selezted, ' b
Isuicides and other - dishonrrecl or i n-
was consul d by nurribl of the
quarryman% friend who h d he ell(
pay for the buryin ground, , arid he
advlsed the to oree, the gates' of
the churehy rd. Vila. they did, nd
began litiga ion, in which mr. Ll d
popular ma in W es before the se
was finail eettle in favor of is
clients. He ap in tea to contest a
and did so, defeat g Sir H. J. lis
tingnish hi self at Westminster as
they fury f his enunciation pf h
Geverhenen ' , policy made him one of
the •inost o Wally deStested Ale in
town where he had been adclaessin a
ed him dow 'In tbe street. ,
Education Bill and Budget.
How -ever, is ebostituency stuck
him, and i e waS returned to Par a,
rnent. The Education Bilis gave ire
hia great* opportunity, and he . e: -
came RAS" ally recog-nized as he
among lay en, es Dr. Clifford • as
among the lergy, His debates N th
Jeseph Cha berlain were famous en -
tants in Ur op on of, 'theta resP ee
ably the ea• der of the Welsh ib-•
whereoe w n he party came to:
power, and Cab net position was s -
the Board Trade, and teven Ms it.
that three ened two years a,g to
the !money could p raised dor the
create 'One of the great polt ica4
fled and al ered, -bat the main 'struc-
ture remain . It hae passed- the
thaw had b en etpected, and ow
'gOee on to the Lards, (with ever one
wondering : hat he Thiper Chamber
a i -
Parry Soun . Here all the buoys I on.
Georgian. 13 y are charged with i 'gars,
and *bile he wark was in prOgress
an explosice occurred, Which wreCked
the buil-din ,_ killing James Kerr, ' the
engineer, s riously injuring A. : C.
Jones, and lightly injuirng 'is., Bfale,
the agrt.
—Th ex enditures • in home mi sion
work by t a Presbyterian Chut in
the w'estern section of Canada du ing'
this ye' r ill be at le ft S80,000 in:
xcess of t e total rev nue for I that.
purpos of aist year, aceording to Rev.
E. D. eLa en, The hOsi just returned.
front a trip to the ay -eat lin the i here,
ests af horn mission work. Tee otal
revenue las year for ho e miss ons,
lture his ear is .expe ted to 413e in
rew Matelpine, near Eden Milts,
ed. wit fa al ree ts Occurred Jest
Wedne a.y veniri at the resider*. of
Te0 1 it
ts arid 0 en.
The You Have Always Bought
T ghtneas cross the Cheat, Sharp
S and ifficulty in Breathing,
Sec etion of T1 ick Phlegm, at first white,
but later of rreenHi or vellowiah color
con lag front he le-mei:lel es when
couahing, espe ially the first thing in the
mo lung.
firs,- sympto
ronehitis generally the result of a
caused 1,y exposere to wet and
,ment we: iher and -Alien neglected
become e
ronic Brio ichitis is oee of the most;
of 'Consumption, Cure the.
of Bronchitis by the use
Norway Vine Syrup
± Bronchi
'Flour Company, Lamited
jus a.s dance was Oeing
by la e apd happy Fey triCX
vict m., eeling dizzy during he pr e
par tion or the dance, he out o-
gro nd, nd 'When found he se
inj les O the head whieh (cart -d el e
bur ed i the heeee. but the -viden
col ed boy about 14 yeans a ,
died recently I under peculiar ireu
Istan Last Thursday be d
othe boy named Robert Ric s p
the) d some cream puffs at eke ,
time but young Lane continu v
sick and went to a inearby dr sto
lie; him, but' without avail.
ede. he was unable to do yt
for Ma, -and, after euffering tens:a,
him says the ors mouth ha he a
pear nee Of eing badly bur d 41)
ulan poison.
a 1, . ger ht lbs. Flintoff's name
,Bla elye eV re all asphyxiated t tin
holm of a s Flintoff intur4 r o
nigh last , ee . Their de dip,. es we
daY. Mrs. Flentoff was one 0 the
best known residents Of Aur a, and
we very po ular among the young
folk of he t ven. They were St seen.
about th , ho e on Tuesday ids' 41'.,
Thu .sday Mo ning the absens of 11
tent on of the neighbors and t e broke
inte the pia° through the s ionflot-te.
their beds,
hous as str ugly fouled by ,c 6..1 gtp.1:3.
wife and deci ed that he eeuld
of the
best farms in Oxford County, ii gote
te t e House f Refuge, where pre -
pose to spat the winter la.s a
fifty acre fax , well stocked a d wile
good build.rig on it, and pie pr -
pert LS reek ed as one of tke
livin with ii is Second Wife and a
vain ble in t e district, Healeeli Ss bsee:n_
e y three ye Tra of age, and men 1
he f one; of the pest known a,milies
in t e district. Becoming disc tented:
at h me, he applied to pie ree e of
ad ftted, no other course -bei g opcn
wife and Seas in charge of th farrra
suer undings. He is 1 given exactly
the same privileges and acComodatien
had a terrify ng experience wh le res-
cuin hie pet collie from, drow ing an
and the clog as unable to swi muelp..
Jon. s and so e other boys got a rope
and tee it a fauna Joned' twaist and
the leevered him. He tied th rotoe
aro nd the d g and istood in the ley
was hauled a safety. The Oa° s then
low red the ope again, but ai. wias'
so old that he tied the kno s Imp -
Cue y, and hen several feet up in
the ir the e slipped and he ungedt,
gairl lowered, and this time e timed;
it stcurely, nel w -as hauled ton tdie
brid e by hi tompaidons. Jo es eel-
und r the do to 's care, but no ee0Oes
the blood
are tied,
box/ or si
by mail ir
run dow
for $2.
m the
lie Great Brain co
hem the Deries, purify
niatista and iliervous diseases. If you
0. For sale at - berhart's drug stors,j or
64011 Drug Co. St.. Catharines, Ont.
e of the rn
of my
reely take
n to get
fourth. bet
r. Wood's
is put u
e trees t
trine wh
Miss Mart ha Bout-
+ get, Little Pabos,
▪ poorly, 'had ae bad
cou Li, sick head -
a c e, could not
tired all the time. I con -
tors and both told me
andadvised me to give -up
"ed almost everything but
icines gave me any relief.
nds advised me to try Dr,.
ay Pine Syrup. I had
ttehreanfidrsvt hbeonttIlebaedirtakenal
I felt as well as ever, mei
me and could sleep wal,714
is the original Pine Syrup.
n a yellow wrapper, time
e trade raark, and the price
re are many imitations a
so be sure you: receive this
Toronto, Ont.
k Each
5% Ov
On of a
!lima Of h
r Its Cost
d" curing tti'e bots or colic, making
,oll•otly ever heard of "stock fo
lay ir avmter, increasing the y eld of milk eve pounds per cow a day.
toringfrun-down animals to p umpness and vigor.
ben y u feed " stock food" o your cow, horse, swine or poultry,
re Mei. ly feeding tem vvhat ,ou are growing on your own farrn;
o r irnals do n ed not mo e feed, but something ;to help their
e tall the goad opt of the f ed you give them so they can get fat
ta t all a,ear round; also to revent disease, cure disease and keep
u the best posgible conditi n,. No stock food" Carl do all these
OVAL PIMPLE STO K SPECIFIC can and does. rt is
611$tock Food" But a "Conditioner"
gPECIFIC eontains no rain. nor farm products. Itkicreases
ye' pbunds per cow per day efore the Specific has been used two
richee and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known.
URPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when
aCtI4PlvEceCicIsF' IC builds up ru ialown animals and restores them to
. 'C res loots! colic, worms, skin diseases and debility permanently.
an, says: ` 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCIC SPECIFIC
"th 2.02k, largest winner Ot any pacer on Grand Circuit in
inther of Allen Winters,' winner of f 36,600in trdtting stakes
eve, baen off their feed sime I commenced using Royal Purple
nil I /Will always have it in m, stables."
4.argest Winn
any paze
Grand Circle: , 'o8 No
yield of milk f
weeks. It m
Young 'calves
fed with ordin
plumpness aln
Dan 1VIcEl
persistently in
1038, and 'Hen
in 1908. Thes
Specific alnios
om three to
ices the rain
ed with RO
ein, the horse
1, Winters,'
horsas have
a year ago,
the Pail
and r
g for we
1 c1 eat Ft ehl laai
Our ai
can be
lace Livery
ith the crowd to
ce Livery and be
d that our horses
s are the_ best.
ntly added, at large ex
tiful Brougham, a city
nto; which is the correct
dings. Persons requirt
in this line would de
e this rig and be con4
is is the right thing for
It is also very smtabl
or funerals.
is to give our
rs the, best that
igss of ex )ense
Turnb ii&Meintosti
Ls to
it me
11 11
53 Vre
weer Fif
days, which isi a little over t
last but fifty days and are gi
is given but on e a day, and
amount of the
of your stock
relish for fdod,
It will sav
FIC is our ot
hens 70 days,
material for
summer and la inter, preven
Every packag of ROYA
Just use ROYAL PUR
anitnal in the same condit
them all beat to death. or
your merchan or write us
last0. half again as long. A
fty cent pacl age ill last 280 d4,s. ROY
251. It is an tat onishingly quick fatten
assisting nat re t digest and turn feed int
many times i s o, t in veterinary bills. RO
er Specific fo m u try, not for stock. One
a pail costi g Will last twenty-five 111
littaPLt - TOCK SPEC
lse pick comes your money.
nd ipoultry diseases. cont
rib one of your animals
-fter comparing results
you cannot get Ro
pie Wes from merchants or
vill Supply you direct, expre
n.r4pet•pt of $1.50 a pail for e
Make money aAing as o
0410 diStrict. 'Write for term
or sale by all up-tb-date
CIFIC will last one a imal seventy
st stock foods in fifty cent packages
1.50 pail.containing four times the
L PURPLE will increase the value
r. stimulating the appetite and the
flesh. As a hog fattener it is a leader.
50 cent package will last twenty-five
is 280 days, which is four times more
laying machine " out of your hens
ng time, and cures poultry diseases.
nd any Other preparation on another
ou will sayROYAL PURPLE has
REE—Ask -
t on cattle
ining also
tilars about
al Purple
agents, we
s prepaid,
r agent in
don, CaLl
Royal:Purple Stock -and Pohlitry Specifics and free book! re are kept in stoekby S. Blues
o R NT
please the pale
and at tke sa
ViTc;in.'t you
of its pu
delightful dish
its fine "ho
—and how it
eke ping Easier
dons dishrs to su
;keeping 1Recomes
Crown Brand S
lad don't verhe;
pastry, lovides
me, easily prepar
its wholegomeness
"Crown Brand
mo e largely used by
'fies the making of deli -
h an extent that house-
sier in everyway.
rup eaten with bread.
udding, porridge or
ustairdn_g dishes that
0 the body—dishes that
d and easily digested
YRUP ? When you.
of all the dainty and
can make la;ith 'a,—when you. think of
ealli" flavor 'and clear golden colo-tir,
ill. ' itive you trouble and bring variety 'to
,;,ou think it wort your while to order
iNeive on it. Adults -enjoy it. 0
Works : MAMMA
erg Stareli Co., Milted
Veak Back.
Would. ten Lie in Bed For
Days, Scarcely Able To
Turn Herself.
Mrs. Arch. *lchnare, Black Point, N.*,
w ites:—"Fo years I was troubled with
w k back. Oftentimes hare lain
b d for day e being scarcely able to t
have also been a great
me withh t avail and tried liniments
ID any go I was about to give up ka
t Doan's dney Pills. and after using
t o boxes I a** now well and able to do
ve retable mkt icine, realizing quick, pere
nent relief. -ithout any after ill effects,:
at al dealereire The T. Milburn Co., Lime
ed. Sal
ed. Dreif
sued. In
in the S
at highe
ated by Act of
f Canadian Ea
king business tree:eine
otes cashed or colleet
s and mOney orders
rest ellowed on deposit
ngs Bank Departrnen
current rates.
and Brucefleld
.NLOP.: Manager.
to Slate
The larg
our Stay
it's hard t
Our pri
AP pedal in
s Mitts
of gloves and rthtte
price from 25 cents
e the choicest values
the hest makers in
t stock and the best
are here. See
Bia.nket at $1.50:
t, 131shop and the
askateh.ewati Robe.
are right.
Noted Ch p Harness Store -
Opposite .Co mercial Hotel, Seafortit
We kno
cessful in
many gel
have been
as the foil
and. the bt
had a turn
a tat Ttid:eil ids
or ciOubt
A .8y -Law
sale by ret
ship of T
oe pel.axeec-epotf b7bwlieh
ononLe tetratkenohnzialoynn,:ttilliza se:b.
clock in the af
In Polling Sub -
r -R ej ea. tnSucT. n*er tni etgl. 0:71: Fr:
In Palline- Sub
School Houee No.
SCSD8CI:11:10:111tPly:1E1110111i51:-st° N3Nul ;ob. -
lit), Returning Of,
In P
only tan
fits in any
The I.
coated wit