HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-11-12, Page 17� -77 -7 7 7 4 4 , ­�7 4 t Ir 4 he V4W Illy fIOU `E BID NOVEMBER12%. 190 LTHvi 1P he Progres hor;.- and was among 'the )most s of asalWa 1h the Copnmerclal,,Xalou, Norwif.%h, an they atarted to drlvb home, bat o Hoh.� ora'a E Gr ham, de Ho ne'Insurance Co npwn��- TAe net ly aftc r they had barned ivest n thel tive in re-orgaulzft tho Uctory aftem Uvere an loo I wI)I ba bat Hur -a imad they were me t by � tv�o; the tire. After th4 sy4dicatei Recurea. Ion Sj�.u'rogy 'je V3,00a a�iid $4,00 -o a Strohy wej Mr Robbis Men ibiving rapidly in the opposita d1-1 control he parcha-sed the ump business aa -w" a bAe.to ge his hor- T ere's tnort-. wear iu�;, Sim 0 ninS M- the intepe-4 ts* el !A4 In WW 9 ld� fled chains thah in most sed vat of the stab B h, -bu fl rection =d an the wrong side bA t f t andid e he late John -Pelton and C. Morn-, �the 1� WO fauderIneat t �, i 1; tar, coutiailn4 it until his health- th�y..w�re ilea foca'ted. ch ai r e -ion occurred, t roa(L A collis In 11 hW,� Mr. ham Is hoit only ;a, mat u el 0 Lf qs simply because they a pral f at -led in 1907. He Is 4tiurvived 4by yS of t& new manu. 'made of the isbaft of their buggy plerced�- --�The atar,i b t his, aid sses are al*� ie very best stock d lied eqao e ineat. Ill Res det- 1 John killed vvorkme with rhol r ti to the, 14fe Salld tell I by the bes s breast of Mrs. Oea�s horst. �=d wife, oni ---on and ne a&Ur. ­WD11e CDln to first It almo st at once. I Th' I occa pats jam g 4he ogms 0, t Canada, Ur -a.: Ma§ddnald, Ontarlb!i t' a tea In WhaJea o4 -With a -Wonday even ITO as,Rpnows': Is,belpig ereat IR Queawz r M ed fr the buggy and esc, Lped -up, btrt the b 'b potnti6d out, reisult lot hadng- E kA,-- ace on No I -buggy.of Mr. Albert Andrew, lim- 00to, Will It Lkb vembe - abak 1,4. Addtesm e delivered by C. wrecked by -the horsez des; h -strogg Ville collided with another rig and( cr in ti a days, �the, Go h I win -'ss adm I gition 4, wer. �f * de c ssloh, an ater, 110.1 A. G� Mae- orv�dd,him oat over the ond t)f a cul -4 'Notes. -Uron vert, upsetting tho K and otherA. "on tb al b�41 still be able, �o ah H I -the PGY oii Robinson h N+as uTfd Mr. AW rs, on dollars pad --Mrs. er A-patition, for jocai option wjii te and the b�&sa Tar. a with the ift $03 lu wrlr f.s(veral M 1111 Way Ty ade w ls on tie fup graide �of deah f or murdel' 16 towm;-� hip Obnt I -,pdde ftwn. Mr. ClaiwIce Toavy eapn daugllteW Ill91tim; te childven. :I bj3fore the Gre, i Thell ade� of Canalla, tar itbe tx mo ths 40 41 t im, � 12; 'S 4OX-t 1vae behalf y petitlomwa t -mid the borse, bi�t the buggy was or laud ISepte, I er *80 ; tmo�tnited to, $ 94, C h&-1 cvri,,�iderably sn-aslied. and Mr. Competitors on all -sides have for differeni stated ma)�sonsjput on ve e i th xep�11�ve ba b en or*arded to. th FAgar, a well I wn; r4BS -t 1 �60,0 an ir ere compared with the - SO calle'd, sales. In order that this sto Depa!d ce, has had her d Gorrie, receiftly is Andrew Teceived a c at tb,& head.� re ic ,d its o*' cora"a perl Dd of of' Just should; n dini last year. of I 000"a -h e -tide qiftsl HiThe Pre-abyterlan f Past wfek -0 Furs Makel sensible Yui 41fghl. pasIalytic stroke. and w $43 01�0 a-. Jaqease �whic Bentene cotnimatted t a �v not allow ell satisfied patrons to b'e lu'r,W, tbron' —There! is talk of the doderich j81-1 �says: "The Rev. J� J. H- xstl a w t) iah thait wliibh -00'k Prl�Onrnnt In kingifton penitontlaxy. ud W& very bit as vood the misapprehension that- lower prices alrl linle in other ',x:resU' S solid ieTatzr be enlarged to a c e r&vai 11 Iride 4paciWo" Haistle, who, have v1sitIig, relw, J. Williams, of been' 896. t 4, Man., �Viioso -T are al- stores weare putting.on the Great st Clotbihig child, di AIM s6liance treat� old chains, fully a; haqd. ote bushels. tIves In Sydney, -Australia, for several i e place t for Pn e a: id Yun, The n. th and wi er-4 ed under Ch ten I yearis� prior tv 00%. far less cosllly. has � been eld !n S�- miontb!,:T; arrived at Va%-'�ouver -by the they S-6aforth has ever seen. Our pricesi w6r, thah Oy -men ea-tania and who has bee# w Ut be lo e ead pf; Peptehiber wafff jjyhWe �bh ir Ph, Solmesville, fter� ha -t- R. 3VE S. %faram. a on the 19rh of O--� or M a's EL dri !trial f a*lz fghter other store the business and ong more Aha' 1 tober, While In S alsoji what is very ia`�portant to 00 t lat ng bee!n, aicely re, decorated Ydne� Ar. Hastiq pult, has beenz r4leised drf sti �ap The nereuite Was twice as � much as Spica— yout we have no old goods to offer. St all Ne w 4nd Fres�. —D. 0a Ion, Clititon7a al ple Rev. Prof� X46.bxtyra at the ock isenitetce, afte'r,a j, lei ears ago, nd Arly had found bi th *hole,traffilc of -ten 7 aasisted. 150 -zed packtr-g app e Woollahra PresbytOrlsn�dhurc, where UP -40 -date in style and character. guilty with allstrang recommendatlo Men, there was ar ady inde of �5' per c dat� be -an ye ar. Mr. Hastle. was a. formEr pastor ot I on th previo is tarded by bad weaj4hei, -Fitrs for!rnercy, owing c his. ignorgInce a Work howaver, ha -'estly his services -were much appreciated. -S THIS SALE These Induc th 30 t i of Si -.ptember peo� 'Y MIS IT —A nun iber -of well ements I ec Yo� 11r I extedualting i eir ' cun*14nces. -�Mv. John Powell, 6: H. t"le, men7bels Of Pre4byterlan chilreh. osit In, tho p1le canadl hai] 01 dep b t4e A res Just!north dt WoA, 'comf#egation of Rev. * W, fl. bax, —Mr. j.074-eph� Cl irk, whD for the past a cus kP at th $190,621,631 jeweller Fact al nc,e�, dou �V -os�erlty � �Dora �k pro ant oty suffered a paralytic btroke 01 L of Sume hill raet at his x*sldenoa, and hree months has bee)i caretakr of Qe �sta I preient6d- ad of 095. 1 c tiall Is crit away on Salt ay, and his: c thn'diftble he deposits ot'te� y9ars teal with 0. 10 71T49thapi, cemetery�, —A lfttl� eon of Mr. -Nell UCT-a$g t - I -his 47th yea�rj Mir- Powll �was' in gooe anday of last # .0 ago. In one, decade !,he money -61 the qf the 16th oace3sloni ba: Men's ov It health uiffll the Istrake came, whiel Clark took eav �old, he week pebple in say nO bwaks had Ancreise'd 6f his fl�gera adly 41 31 tbrAten§ o take -a life. He Is one, us Which. Into at west by $52�,000 0 The, #re was tlng box one filay rceitt ly -n% an:4 he was wn i e 00111j., not be I ndeAt. -apon Great etx 6 few das. i qo Dress Overcoats -o mediuni: and he�Lvy �i hts grey filli UP of 1the DeA knor qners I an providing nevir =ar�A4 n. was a nE ive Laneashire, 1h _�e. Tb as Britain and ere to =1qA Een apl) -Alt e Sam Ifi- Aitthur Shaw has b u ; �Vhjc ie of- j 'the t officers s. A number of, differ, m4 nihip;j black and In- ixed colo, om Ithe old land r resu Deadthala,' Wid two yearg them. Canadian academy ed treasarer of Morris n and came & h gt-fassive aftini Inghain isome !three styles. Regulari pnice 7,,.56,to:ro.o0, sale,: price. flan fielp�d w burned toieath Salturday morn., Will 1;Iably be e tabltshed as a LS.1cces*- !to Mr. Brandon, -*h )qe; bring about. lie 'is survive ow :at his fither.'s! ome In Delww4r rn reater co Varn has Co i a had Ing. Prdo thle dbveel�pmen;� ed I , - - '11 h ,ge :a InCt t1D T. eld, -of r�- and ;wl Fine Dress Overcoats,,. with or witE his six childre.-.. a than any cou y in �Ivet cc L S: The, fir -sit mdthe- who was oJt al, ohal the world in I the a1yee 02 L-irnrA ome af ter js —An appeal Ur ome the barn, w dr he accict6it - wa%,; emW kne f Mr absolut of money el e expended . on uaranbaiidl on� Mr. Reid Is All! In the all sizes. Every coat ely g6 n she saw �nnl:4 frrri', hE the C�-fy )a &,Dann roy" 14 oreg �upt�lce Clyte In -the Itria, 0 traT(90DXqtatt0n- IM : %TeW fork it bald( wbi I him, thad, a ri ir Loulous efscape rom deah WRot and may ye.t oug*pt 14 -of the %ipi"Ip of HU -7 vs - Regular -price i i. oo to 15. oo, sale price fidu 3ei with b1si q. �beg abilpe. $ha wall: I been Isiald thaft Ca: aida, 8 jill meja "bid t - -. 5 `il!ueedal, Denn had,cl At -orG t1rig the fl on night. imb- there- Vag atV ie4 T uto ni where pent n 9 ou Is 0 tim 19 IM pi� ill y eab" bonus ind RObut ot last week� he a or ages f in "itil' ed up to t irn down a D,�b . United Sit 'a L rom xe t' 16 y( r n jf 6o Boys' Overcoats, f thdafgl* a he k e , but 41d. —N T. b improving the fa �P# frol iftles, for wateri. It 0 Mrs ve 0 Irn It I not -take the'ueiial preca to slack- sons of 1 Mk . nd W. D mbkr,, G d, NT the ne traffic. riesiv 'Wag or velvet collar les.� Regular -price 6.50 t .90r, An, I ::: dite It i4o, Ile Ited h dld�s �Iotlilng sty ada, way. en the� spe A of thp Pelt, and by [some exich t4vid�!Alp, left on Kbinday ofja t tawnoblp declared pebllc highaye, a4 'IQrgB p0ZtI0 ef , the! gr dn--� 9-,00,1. �We pr The, death a6A last Thurzda� means, he thrown to the cemeet week Nr C�64ary,, Alberta, Where t e to JT4ve redtr4ied wry ng formerly -gre"t. from oon obistru. 'Ur rema-In. eupying 4 obistrud to ni rpt at the residencei. neal floor, eve.�keen, feet below, head expect trud 9 tfi�m aTA, be or, cal option petitioF. i bee;�- or ages frip S., �e rs� to X4 York ha4 k aen jdiverted Wg, however, he �me 190 So Small Boys' Overcoats f to 10 c in —A I dereo to odt of p M +yea I Br*chltown, of of Waterloo firist. In 41, t4d to Canaffian poaHz., "C' In YeFs 0 Co An- osse#sion v I us anp. 5 ce, .4- I j ti contact irt!th the belt, which turned T&ent#d ito the, Winghaim to hIS clut& came, declar Bid M r. rorn. Regula prxee� 8raharn,, will t 3 0. beat knon amd mosIt efs Many styles - to choo, e, f his body, -�hula aving hl 5 Afe. d it 1 -likely that a by-� La ba' fgave judgment for Then Plao4lf f amd do her ov r-c4rining pl. wa, John Harvey. He, had -beer Strange albautb -hp darnMeg, and def�ndanta ap- trade but. the greater part of �ha Ur to Isay, 1)0 'bodes, were IbO. �ken although p to �6.00, sale price.-... 40it a n wate .1a i to t ratepayer 4 In + Of at for -Some tin a7."Tbe peal therefmn, Vey was boirri It Scotlaind 73; he Is suff4I#j great �a It. Ile will re- a". is argued and Boys' Reefers, for ages from 410' 8 years. Re he rn Stat(s.11 ft was ie I 3rMer judg nent �reoer rhat -'w Tbl-k Sfttet 'had voted', $ 1 - and when ycv bg man joabjj-3 tc cover., j .. . . W -4f last week the a — dent -ular prices- 3.00 to 4-56, t countr " till .,fiv aterloo an( Mr. R.] Jeffrey, malaiger f ithe4 sale price 0.0 9 6� . 0� yi, ls� rey townsh1%, d1d n.Wedn mon�r4 i0o de �,pd alng "of the r4e id mrtaot 1 0 B Ine rtaldence D!!�,.,. frvin, on It there- ever ist c.e. serilug t.k, Fort'E:e*� was Frlda,:� on SUte, wbet -a. Ishe d the G1 anal but- terf vVere also, I ge( canoes -n was 7 fo � chenieg In Q,6 al! r Car. e ig * which Ste Marie a, tall Lkn;p q- am �ftean A when d 771 T f a. %%C� a oven pilan(V Iotel AM A. Q. since be Sillars mily lef t Gre,)ri burnd to t1re, lkepaft- taada waLc rila Y"- as he be, contr4et f it e erection Zt Sault morning f and ead in. Us bed st the been t0aching School. It Is 11 YeartI I the t econd'eanices- Of �Ashlleld r io,*cloc1c, had Of i—Thei dustoms collections at abo th#, Cnhr ch 6h� comnlenced suits. co� Million do I has ne,-4 sI !ctor f feved -would e, shoetly, jto aalCi two tot Is tbp- wa$ over re. Ist, 190k WE I jec - ed. e f Is SUP�030&- ea1e th be0t. of ber 4 uraV. advanfa,,-�9,' g0tated by Loub 4 lipufte, chiet Englmux., Whd had called �n him.. Death iseveV monthd etxUng..Od� made derable before It d . P he en�ig r of the Kopp! e Oven ODM- is sappook, ttqbe� due t�j.diiart f I aflu �re $13,357.91, and f4i 'he. could lor' is 0 ffirni control 7: It D ire ifee Men's Suits in good variety of colors,. si Mr. Jo-ff ve r. .5 probaffy aboat 35.. deresp=dins, period this a -at I to h been -the a idefective in r16 and,do't]ble orpor6 $ P�n )with the Lalm vli walte�-bornp tr for h.6 continent erlor iO.72, An I is- th4t bTeasted styles, sizes 33 to 44- Regul I u4m The P19nt: bek opera;ted in yearis. of e ge, and unm4-trled. lie �thad I crease of! $17 3.111. c ty, ,as It was first I Itbe of America A D t lantic sewbo pri e� hi option by -la w; in CU 4 In 111it J�rle- about iyeari;, atnfd, he� local Wtt . It 'Was 1mpo S1b1A save the In rAilway facllxtics� imilar 1 o* etion with steel pUdt. orik been �.Iag r No oo to io.6o, sale p n� uniting, but a Qnuou� ef fort was though wil be conunen 1'al''once on1he con. In.' additl(* to b( ja,.�,na(gier of the On �m reedvid by the to b d the comistruction of the N: Coke, Oven Coo, bank, he - vas presidenV btf the Boa(rd, r e VIA -save tie ress Suits, in' Fancy W-, t�. ;L f anitmre. Ha4ever, he fire milde' ors. e4qlng� The win ILlie f ajG rM11% Vamce s had - 6 �eii a, brahth o of, Trade. I dr. Jeff reylts�; bme wa� 1:� y made, st*utltion. The 'K andi4eceived Itr. necessavy d by Mr. Gir and Mbs son 'to been tho$e iroo Men's - Fi D Tr It d1way 15 7man conce aciiivttnar Ital had ft bead, way that, only a small par - by sizes 34 to 42. All these suits-- re beaut lack �of labor, yet tha!q Klexandiir ton, publj( Guelph. rments Tweeds, Y ba red ce anu*y. J. Baird A., j1has een the turmlt�-ra gould be renlov - r(yad was es ng rapidly Vin-spector'f e cour-A 0 t tion of y of Star- i --Ab Ivb o'clojck ��nUpsday towarAs I V . tailored and up-to-date in cut. Regul�r 'p� Pro gr - I There� Is serne'jns4rance n the ri -,e§ rnoon en utered'tbe,CanadIa7A4' fas ttather thf I qo2n I at I on, a=nd en. finl m m em' shed W4uld T �ts 'has re high us� and wilteats, but It will pay 1:1 P sition, Mr. e- te sa4,e price..'......., c ghton eve 'to be the 101deit express if at-'NIaga Falls st94- gsqhbol as sue sor 10 the I 01 be'vas(tly sup �Tlar to any tra;nscOntln-, In Canada, s .08tb Da, of qn1y: a jIsmall porti, allwa�y In A eflea. It wap, �a, big being In hi 12-00 to 15-0 5' ector ilia `Mk 4pn. miss L eoupl the loss. i6vtai r av ut am algo, was on or ages from' id to 16 years n le under, takUnj� and cor5t &- lot of Ynoluty, .bm atill �.s active and alert ac qf BOYS' 3- the cast to *as I n Wednec ay �v of last Wee 75 piece suits, f kln�t for it, 'he vas on ota ff d k -sit. men of 60.iz. lie has been. inspector was bit h eaforth­!Colleglate I&tltut �e came with all Itis suddenness to n 'dau ed ifffl of F� )untry v uld accrue would co, -a years, 01 made off ttlh a bid -00 to 7-.501 hich: wo* of - gormot, nty over 38 and, k men —Mi.4 jMlls J. W-atthingto �tr Autvtl�, belo�, th� lbtie Dr. Wartb. ngton, at of A�shfleild� At -e 0, suits,'.,- Regular D sale .,p#6 in J kine, lbank bills! w ;! te 4afd t a lead pipe and double breasted styles, -very best' quality oi but be,ibellevad that the be-ned s. - t noc then rices 5 the of Y, 5 -are j X u st r a the offied wb.9 crea�ed; e ,a to- $14,165, Mdo ' Ma il M. th U le le pendl,t �e. were be- led rebnitly In the 33 ra Yj Ing abot her hoitsebold duti.-s 1U , amd previbuelv lie was Inspetol awounth Car ad had in I he -lapit. I, few years -in he ufsa4l 50 Boys, Suits, same sizes as above, regu lar I :he. trai.2b to Toronto, hospita atei a two weel Illneo aDD r 4zsu �,,Fgfreat msponsibillties, (I of Winch township -Air one -year. Ing shippeO on I PP ntly healt)i. but fe pric' by h from e Indigestia, i. T ie dece ae; is afterwards sh vmplatned to prices 3 -SO to 4-751 sal e..... deopatch frdm, W -ood Man. ion he diflerbat banksiln- it at icity, part ropriet6r of had ecome part 0 5 line at th 'ileave. When wAE y aars of age. e ldre "ol a tainf, feeling. They I' the e: C.R. Lt. says that thE on the s ai� thom d ae to�, i,d BrIft-b Emph e. have," said'. T�t'hl'ee; 'th, loo pairs of Men'. s Trou'se% regrular 1 5 wifb and f Ive childitn. of Xe4 'Jeiiseiln the agen whio was ass',Astin -T (Ustams co Ions at GodeTich i4ed her to bed4nd 4 alled the d qr, a. (speak the �rebdom, of de Ii Dr. burned to*deitb -In their home,, a-, Ing expntl� and i par S- f arices to thel.iofflce fbi the Shown.- a 0 u�. mbe i of am, y n. 1-bmd all the )rotec CrWet -so over was at heir bed,�Idie In very sale tloin of a:L em- �s Came h' of Winnipeg, Money, Ife !'fo6nd the cl6k lying In a i�tantia tht i year �jre, and -there, is al , JaIrg bdu; three MIJCS�.8011t e qu iAlon floiitl and tho the pinoe. idst Past, a�b Isbo but despite 314lien was prabably fatally biirned� A pool'of blo�d on the timm, Bill 4 -torts -She which, has loomed up. We A to 1pa was a money% tG r,'190 �, the -?Vlth 00 *-d Mrs-' XeNrthy el fox Onpider. the r. the gT01,* delly -ed gasolin xifldlng� of. ships, f( ery clerk, e a( 'two ckeatse �s 1 exCeptiona 1=ge. The fig.- kind! amiable woman, lu the imse to jefisdn )3Y e. en. —Fred Ooemworth, bi . wife and st eqn, of Guelph, had -A won, ures ar a 'Odober, 19, 9, 001q, and w1th tho'-�e of the tietighbors Tallor6d Suitings' j--NZdP,t0-knSU 18 defenn, of our fhl�hekes, co4st; joad k n , 25140 0 .- . I eeri used the 114 JjTe year old cohmerce, cr the- preisenting : of.. and an explosioj� fr� tTrOtinFo ior tht derful ep z; from being - urnec! to lfte�ab ber. 1908, $3,624.6L I *Ith� whow.she wis most acquSbIA. Dreaftougb;ts or the"mony for them, I & h, annual mee Ine ot the s4atN lesves, besids, her maqy $25 Black, 13lue'and Fancy,Worsted Suits, th: Idev I was a wee�lold baby. th fad Ithe �ast saurda-3 ohing. Bosmwo'r —At 11 pband, tor to Itb MiJtlierland .'! During 'helo sors 9,Tlil two dau#11ters.1 very best rkmanship guaranteed, sale price' 'CbrAblius Din- ld alias Wm.* G, poured CD on on the I afcbeu 0 to re c f the Wlngl am hospital we sessin of the Hollse, of (Commors'; a P -etors. hav $2f 0 1 -T�qmpson, has e3 senitenud to Itwc hurry Lt oxig, causing' an- exptos on,* ecentl7, Ahe fo owirg iesollitiod bal b passed, mt Lin, is hands irito, edd Clegg., V H. Green, 4. Irteer IrmVes at .0 e died on $!2 Suitings of any clothing i Ibis to and ;§eenied ans m, W M ej at aarked whIch not'a isIn-gli"nX yeai�s In,Kbigsto 1) attentiafy for ig. which b] e -the can IF n't $ afiv� by Ltve, of LonctoV P10013s, V d the ITwl�.,jL. W. 11 r 31, he r1pe- old sveral C014 -foloe, and, althou V* f her a& -r t Re4 Imond R. a;ge e L,rance Sale .......... 1 0 Kell [edy, Dr. Redmond A Wt &e- Thtsj� to em, >p the whole erlor of the HO 1 ad! It a week *0 tiveig were no w sh, riag a /bit, M�. e Wilson, V. S. adltor�—AL,q #aneo old age, thef d had en- BlobMfield­ was firs; *mafriedin 1,891 room irl fl limes. hn and v Ife, i $20 Suitings� den himseU had eidorsed thei'decWhyd ng H Ma ove'and H. 33.�Ellott­ J�yeiil particularly alth, but the flai nes th House, it, was an -,absolute; nel- t0' kids, Dishmian. In'. Ulsa Qra�g She IE worked )r wely 64 on 14zday event xg of I a -A wele weelm iwo atl�itkerh' id E, X- Sale price.. Is n,6w living In De at L in 1905 0 he wu with blank�ets. as is confilhied cimel three oefsoRy that jaina increasing cam, number peop e Llysis, wh� pro- mered, sho Uadef ajd chjj&ejj ei.fff6t off AEbt1l 14 4 at I he, hwie a nelghb I ood- zssewb gad-ailly 'we tChe vital May H Imes, and P joutie;i kept upen- aoid to assure �haltj 4n, M-V� E. and -a ler, to sp udtilvt married a i Ramey, q I iStrAth.. I �nOAta of her onoo ru- frame and ............. ....... ritaln,. houldv Y. Sale price "ig man - Ani- evenITW h Miss , Bssle�, ey�elbped' Into car, 4-�li to tid gia ald, be p idtiected and n*;jrled In - Sit. A! icb,�Vis ch -arch, Lo;6 to the t1i tal with paf Xul burns, Ut I of the youns $6 and $7.5. Trousering a necbss t ialt 13 dtifJin!, to Mrs. the matl -Marl: boudier, a yo I (&I h M, S�o the seas. 41 1 � I � . jweth's X&�-; prior t her departitre for the M' 01 -accurobed. on the 4t* herein. above $25 OvercoAts which o ti i plotely P1"yed at ��at & Let, he is question iof going 4or, was dn- en During t evei h T took Place on lartia Tot ndry ei by H. F, 04cCrae leable Ir w Brat. ag ey p Re ltr�er�l Sale price ...... '4 iinm44- I so badly VS a ma* out a- litle fte stantl T, with a -it case, aco by, -afternoon 11ttler neut, belng t$Alr 0 In Tilltsonburg, 4fte y h d' to, lbs a 8 �opted bei.fl t4alt Oclbrck lasit f the. AreU was due td, an accident, Which the .—SaftE oful ary servic ser*lce a the hease o7l th. vallaift! f I �rta a pom Ible th g: was cir Sale -tall botl�r 1 amoM, tack el nd grave, waig Jib MY. Jas. rily iom�, f o plate which wer, b: I me)itly b i the Lle y, Itletey regard o in the !tam UY: plot 1, 1 the Brw"eA, I ehg at, 'V ark. DeWtU -complime Y addre4s. $20 Overco, aAs %tui lay night, ahif, ndon w b- bave 4her :nav M14 preveted ads explos -of Dayfield. St 0 leo(vea be - being: reoved b-j';/;R contracting Methii5dis ch urch. TI Le Su ay -i8e - Do-w4y, wacs Caq-en crer celAroT Put A W9-21 alulfig. I he jyMn e that she aii c6n4acted -by the,Rev.�; 11nd'to mou" her low an mced firm, be. nbalanb� d eraPbeid vices bus- fedt- &wd a gasolifi Itak. Ali ai no a cont'rol A, ately mltiters� of gensall. On tl e t at -the f freme -a ad a fierce fight, Into anotbw smokestadl!'-' carrying it am wland,� obe son- ad two�dmwbters. i the flionej, the peoDl wais, I vening a ndAM Underwear 'knovirr through tie f6of and the mould- �Mond -y been t of blaMarigiriateii; rrom an um The u se fi� -'an Old Wing at Oe req Ing depa. t where -1 �.qen lon B60- ��ertaln nt was hold. The, pFocee,�s I herd of 21 o mys, were sold by c bul ures, b he 9. he strly in g,ii 7oan v 0 er iuct!lon recentl aft'Prospect Hill, neap, RY iookplck- 'AR A ribbed un d 4 �rweu 6 11-he.6uIldin 16siA will be $1,500 ler m on the a and Caus t dt' ov UNDERWE eavy wool iremind Me (pro, osals CO "ple. other I —An eirly morah W wei ding w It. -y on 11pry. V n� death. A of U Fhe hipchl Tw gluablo In 9 f '01e Gover adi not Ielt ..been. �htlY% nur, axid the celeLr r's ch irch, h ne regular 1.25 ... ................ pa;t r7m were destUoyd, bi Lt - twoo employees lWere sli ad ; I b. e pro- O'k, , fr 11c; new I 1)13ze hei b. the cows $1 f w would I t ftylight It. -rich edhaaday of las il we Po N �re aid be-, -7GeoW i'llew-Yor �rough whi&i -.1he chimney f ORTM-20 IL ge Ha4per, j . per t of do so It'ley WE r milkin tUm during the' regular price 0 . i Y davi4ed. e. er McRae, he Coutr*, ti, Wool Ribbed Underwear, 'cri-gshed wo fare Pgrliaiw mh,6, had a thrill1bg e-neduit r witl badl bit y season. them Ja am y -, amd f Considering ...... ........... ILI lja�re 0110 be 0 the, The bo4y 6f John, M6wood, one of t � being mea micb-4 buyers, h4t they VY Wb6da, near St­�Joha' New ns "Inhants, ivas 36 . estion. Tile 1"Toom is fe eading (me. w-11-1 mide In Strat�j It iinted with the TnIlkingi C Abe organ werei'but , and t soing 9. f ound In a�n d y aid unap-qui Fleece Lined Underwear, regular price -75 oei for, .1, n iree`fn selarl, bserVatory, jn. Queen Vic playee agMn Wh W�j I' a Fa home U in St t �u the sale w4 11 fle! cro .are follwed by th* 0 ht -sadder toria, Pa rkI Ntagar f zj on muedws Josephe The. bride IS 4� C, be R Presto i noose ith, ................... 2;ughtv r of oJohn 'M i 04o4r 4uiO S Ar numerous friaTkidsh C Morvood, :When he, got els,sf ul the average price be- 'ja0in d4alLat trade a 5= aer in Hal- morning I [r. �44 at close quxr1br3-" could no. I ag thirty- com- townsU Flee0e Lined Underwear, reg"ular price 50 ce ts dr land salted ftom Nav Yorjlc last, w6ek. isckpe or use his r Dra home n T. mrsd ay eveni4 last, 4our doilaili t be It frorA �alns --M'h ajs� lieaduarters" ;v kh4e, he, fought'with eisperatlai I pl�lned bf�'Isuffering do driving boi -4e, on. Afib ay —On Wednezday �ot lag wlr Messrs. Nichalkou, *1 X1 6n and S. Speare, to eVa(le fr. aa Mana;90d 6� fatal ha,,, 16 1 in his he'l, and,ret1red !A 9 o7elock. ening cf"lai�t week, Kalhflelsch a -ad daugbm wal� Cl2irk, A Dashood, mvt im an a of ataf fa, otarted for Muskoka to ma� OL -n he mplo�, (th att�r hpl-ag -badly r Ached an(. rn, He urosc- actly after, 2 laan., a4d' ��'N r4ter 84t, A, b cidend, -gon wa�� on the roa priepak-atidbs for the laxgxer party are spendingr a; Bqys' Un*deiwear at a disoannt f i Rlori �An paper mil L3, Merritton 9 laid ts cceeftid in drivin the knife b' e, hard --to t lk Con.' deca Y.. It twaS dis- f =Wis� daughter, �J:t MornjnLg� (got caug who f ollowed them, on Friday mom, - ijure� V004 L for an insta! t. -fled, el. th he wait. gone. and, up - v Ah, a b ok6a A b and on il hd. idl6s covered i Lc J Kather returneA Ohoii A;er as e requ 1911 H going 11fii It :earing oat tie Spates. I The ;-ft-, conZisting ior 71Wm- Schafer, We sill It If -a f all of 22 ed, but hl'o appeared and left aj note, saying he, was 4, mo-n-thlry, visit wM IOU t r u so�% David Alkens, of b top 011 �bui p -bullet to Toror on business, and would not 'had sbd Boys' Stockings, Heavy Ribbed. Waste W w�ltoh he b ,t6 dif f 1,,alty igett4ig, the liar., e' jngrap4 A� Roblr�s tr At Mitch 11; J. Cllison, of w Yiyrk� horse engin8*v 'ri od and Urs, !f, he.'Nj t Int0j. i:etun u left aepirn- !StOpped' iis� It was along mief - L ondont; Pr=k prse M i s:.*jthis v�re tak n It Sunday. H�- _j r e e g Domiulan 11simbly, of 9-taffa, andi'm ly, at Itbi time. L th, y Friday for knee alad heel, regular 50 Oki a a lil I �t the st(3,re, 7hen- he. failed i oscape 1, -er pr ofis by lar notf 8PS, 'for en n hv il arth agecu' Delmore, where tber lei, pp ng- bamper� oC Dublin. iTheirl,route is, by their son. 20 doz-en CAPS—Faill. and Winter:C 9 and B 8 17 ev in t �e -14tspectors t tane.9;sLqess w Wit ;a;nd en-, with not llng MOT app heavy Gral f r or arking an4 to retur. u, t 2 —1kre. wg urk's -P.311s up the Meg4etewan River PIE ted in t �qulrle.-,shbi?ve eddinq carO I I Ye big- r d that he- visitedzBuf- N. Drotty nony Alal�lhont, %re &:Ing "of Z b i�e, es XY We hey enter the er Hilda, left for Win -i 9,11 styles and sizes ......... nd 0 t wasl dae to 0�1, of If Dunn. faila. De�s x-posure a performe# at the h 4nd mr. to Alimie �HaTbor, whers t —Xm North wid Ubg ph nickett, wbods and itravel abodt miles J105e lath conbessio 40f F —Guillell E sigon a,la Frene on ag- and Ift.BroWn, e st pr te Win is opwing c HA P, R, E ST n, cashler; of the 'Ashfield,., on Gret6ber 17. wben the r: leforP 12-11M 01719- Wiar'G are gueaW 1, 1 orkii ' f the Canae tam Fort- lg:,v,,, Ont. J., Henderson; —Whi e wga Poo cd 2 w r James Harmer, of Fullarton, gem I -L �Rape W r Ited kA matmifu-9 rl" r'y GLOVES .1�nd cement Yqr- k, I, p6lit Qolbornaaj�was Albert Brant, 41 JhIs home in thall township art dr I a lonely with r George HanIter. The WpIte, killed 'Sunday i�ig "it by sipping 4 -ata, Q1 '10. Chase, and bjjlIDS &.- V. T. by aesday of last wite IT performed:�' X k. HIS death waa a 7�� u AND MITIS $1.50 010 ;1 Dirtmo allfa, Novail daughtWienn1a was un Bedla, I a morning at 16 Mitts a ill i9ind bdng cpire�edANith c Fk*nkfod., On't.;`R, J. Grahaqn, road tav ds the r ',UU0 . to s wjtnefS#e I by about' havinZ,beerx throwu from y. the saw and wa, *ht�ly salar s of shl 'Y and family moved or- nq sffilotherel to� lbath: Vill e t. Thomas Brain, Oa�kvllle, pi 31deace formerly mcu4 G10Y65 and Mitts for wil buggyl" the prevlous�'Thursda;y.; R -O 'Pic ki�g, a the f �,Xr es, tbree meu leaped, out:, train Irty jgt r. Mr. and rs. I 11ilfter pples 104 Ot Aisworth Brighton, Ont. f ploye z 6d h Le. 1twe gra:6d-dauWPerz -were dri-va- br and receotly. Ptw.-t ........ ................ ......... The the busb eA; a the side, o"Ithe Of J Kei ihedy, coon essiOl L s r u 'Co., 19, road ad reside In -kshfleld, Rl�( ell �ncyntdn, Alta 196n Of U Popej -4. -Xr� Jo" ranged ordered F 7is Young, �--Tjhe 56ur*L iesirr of Inigensol -fel go from $11 to -to halt. Lfv -for 1:4L-,kn 3e of abo tqi te -0. 13 v1sitiur 75 ofent G1 fin at bilt Oves and Mitts the dri-0v whipped his heirses Into a ke C4rhr, of Staplet6h, fr tre(,' a t to 'opp $50.1 p down -the an sLIr ig -an withadt %able 10, 1 LK r pidly in tbe era ad ifn aw,0. The ocaup"its aff� the e'ac nd shout I t, sa;'Yvi Ojle a' -a dire L10% gallol) a, the team 8 d feeit, 4,1 A!n'Ot!!tuwA des ell its and d ch far 6 Irtwo] shoi r an( the f trat, steps: tow Is he actual im irraY904'. A3 ey did so I ullets whizzed big ar I I werebrown *A *W Mr. Harrr—. 0 ow after thf HE AVY COAT 8 back it% ere bady Amt. T ml and Fodte -was: hit In thO froya b z AND SMOCKS E ry I If et tatlighbunt �t the �w ciaT1411an #A7. I ch- A.E �19 0111 3rant �m cheek. I To, drapped the Isachel In ch, bk it IF war, broken hno the girls or secar P. 3? -year leid, I jj�l of. t*j3f i ..—It! Is expe lin( ri liam marij will be tlx If: the mon-e�y. I �artunately the and om e ishot b 1 mapou W'TP- oa, otd tha )d �heep skin lined'with fur 0011 tl(d, a red 59: ca wrttd sewd, 1class WnI af pe bag to the. wagon and was safe- hU brother 4bovci, lie eye d —At t Methoftt elr�rdh in L and IW'nnel Hued, at a discount., Of N 1 iw it ay Righ by akling-mr: o1i from thL- imp aT fleet for ial Aween P r i A I cp -01 last 7-1day night- hn Interestlug bI, h �;4 e W �1.. and ly b ark:,. The-ttif high 40 1 that the d r b4 i aed. I vorr e mo�t4a be Otft fs-erv,'Ice as -train f%6r men 4f commence ft. u 21 a, Pr ;1deiftt -or f am IT.41. Ion, of ficerar and aAs f herles pofebtjv� wa, p WOV 9 S e !S117 �s "�sldes, n ri T I pre to Y told his wif in asm an wakers'-' Th6, -citize 9, n-jthe w s, about three tnt zjtte to escape the 'dld� pn by the rawe-nb Ides, —The �fammrall W Chak,, jy.� We n 2 that ves�g' Itm If there is a y difference betwee �Ij,, Y and 9 re appoluted. ths� prey as, week, were 'd e jwc loaned to Cab from he uIp of the crime. The men, X if her uld iehj$ 'cr e hd, purchy��; tho late tQ take advantage, of this great sale,. we i to p .�s follows leade A� M, the c6hatrE tion of new veIS7 both :1 W am were heavily armed( Aeading'iof F. Walke une: etweeTk Gode-1 fered ri -sL iDieraed by- Of onAth: lef supp r;, *-sue e; being a Z Lck- for the caftad LU, 11a Y': anui e lo� of. Igiant fire ris- born rated go r:Oaker, Bert Tovea; NVMP, J. to' be op, a #umber at pe rs!i ger la m. which Friday DMICsI are. bel ramplet�o the I MOM camp 1? 9 me; ne pe-soners a". Connection witUthe about- -Th went t a U. f lepider o tl:ko le Ing B ck awakened 1Y. ir. r� H; bet w4 wen men� an & -f : �r ap, and er, J ck- sodr fouti Years r Ohlet UTTER. --AND EGGS H IGH: S IR I id; Robt-4 isi n, of 1he Vauelph Pap �r C Vmn. th ckajX- 'Yew th6 I 60,11a 'he lanlkl eiTj will be 00 1 i D. HaWll —1. To t 0.*, also &K a cmren, chief --,�e L d the *arehojaee a poebaif wR Pw who dill be �gow-�d pan7 i ft Ukha,-1 hea. waig re- -4,pper %ijevale pamy!h -Th6 )6ptll P L, of andi one (on the a 0 coest. nuf" will I Mr. U07W e-aul AWAh jo= the Trunk Vaeffic GOW CLO 1h as ini bbert- -eome. P. Dale� as 'the hu Inig the , a(mm- enible � all - belintlug t6 be 013 nt P"N R. 1j, Oft 000 to ft -Ta _va-- between the elec-1 f ter v1sitfak triend-8 In b1s �5-t the ell'betec railway their tracks entft'r befenn ratif led tft jbli� ­ 2 to I I WA ju 14;* T11e taW ewbter-T AZ1Rr1Mr # UwAhs -ua.y JOW9N ;�Wjs A �601n�je", two or jnj,dr�,,4 0 q, le ving the t�atn at Dub tow -as valued: $9,400, nem rakiadian- N-Titche , E trrowly i3spaped "r1w I admg A ftwh aTd 401e, v 0e t 'a aft ule- WSW— 0 r10 td U e bul!T�j� w1U rub L �St I e waf Wt by her p- ion, and him, Ik the aneq thobe yeazig h e Goyernfheut vrM. 11-n Jh yeazig h t t —A