HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-10-22, Page 87j O�
-0 -160. md. w& largiely &ftez4- t .. Yth ed. Th!. y Uave th(,-
OUIL WIP111on is to AM. y of the -whole �coizrvinit3t in U� s, ever their bour of wA VWton, ar ng. Sale -of �cirm Sto �—T h a ouil pelvo
ns most tastef illy a
an inately selected a atlmlp�o*nts _ssoiltinea
ow- Church. The i =ual barv6st ith, the sma-11-
n in' keeoing wi
Lot Con. C�rgce church
to Z Tucke Yy= sm 20 2. M,�� SoUt4 -will be held next Sunday#! OctaU�r 24, that goVerns thr' ink, of
0�1 *ill or I" 3101, 4" ift or" X wen.,Rev. D,. W. Coll As rector Of f Eg mdndville' �bo Onsed to ,ijalpti(a nw�� b6a w* 10) 17 Exeter, will preac at 11 a. tn. az4 7 by ho ou va DurW ai C WWe to the 14LUIVUU !ce Young Attke Small 6'. lam 1 iW 'an -1 I . 'jum Rock and Aai�red �.gqck at tb te We =0 hVWU_XiA OW sUore at anpots, meara_ a 4AW 31 �Aunivers,ary Services.- -The co ega- 0 T, wn to vai vd- Just no W, �o t1&..U.4 a the' Fredbyterb vu church have - hope Imthpo eme ts used on seasoo tion Ile momy to- adv= el-ated Sunday, NovemDor as the U 0 'ING year bavei- -own: X1 rvlcea. Fur VIM dw�e of their, anniversal F A Without reserve ther particulaxs of thehe_�, services 11 t t as .1 ave "o ox- in -08� event Demonstration lo tit Umis cute for & looM 9,�id See be given later. Page, 5- a qatrekk( Adva 1 -A deis p&tch frii aj SpoI, 'wow deal of it two imewspaper buslne�s," &S a c constane a r --kauhs _Wasb.1' tells C f advaitre! dent Rai� we sh)*d, voll gl quence, nemsary Abeihark �[) I ce to bu., r fall ajid. winter et,,. A D Br assets boy G W. Pr -t hi 11 arrearma a�f pt OR ail ogr org la this k nd c f shoept I reer! to esr� Ouj= of aTo, which we inviie all th'i 'Brusse s., Ont., Our prices are alw kys i ewonable. Ubbt. 710 Bodu as possible. k 4 Am s* D *, bi ii it I than evr, If&ft Of SM&ON'th and Viola- Willis oppoal 2184-1 label. Sopil em! mx 8 1868,� 1: '', 'been appol�t to Expositor and f It does it how tz 1� corn ity. - Come and lot us ho P� 0 Wokfews., for Vane laver., A Lee lodge,!
Vr 3 couer. of. It s amd, greside 811 Oyster Supper.—The n tar ,
-s pald 14 advance, at a coard of � lee c n C oilumb La, r a W. fts an- Canadian Order -of F s, will hbldi you what.cau be.donewith the ig wed in, jewelery b Iness. A ks, ain onster,supper
MCLEAX:RROS.� Of In t. r ine-wi a N e w, ]'Dress Goods these modern, and hilgh-clus Be is I so' a
I ulver was laccompauled The Hu roa, H * her f Ocfcoloeo doves. No Ulatter what xpcX 4. *77 wol The loint." the jeqg 0 z 28th. Sa py Pper ight; U r rnft Vr Pratt. AAw Qabrath.—We are -,to le krn vnU le sq- X to e OW ma de. by, yDr, rved from, Is -you are umniz -aveller k- - He" a. Montig -o o'clock, after which a entertainmo-nt pfir- Tr -9 —The following were th aa t omer H=par-r YOU , war Br 1. �. 0. Is eted- thia week by St t UQ4 Im c jectct, and- I, i manay., and di- Y* still conflued, to by Illneas. .iwill ibe given, f or an excellool; w - I
4t. ged. -As these AsIsortmentsl Q
P R. �Wents,-_. Mr. oh�n bt, CkLift 0, to :rdt)'r D' Cblum 31a. River C lrehiar& UwAgonery- w"- eked by an progr ammo: is bein Mrs. - J An Aulg�- and. which lij. Atting U 0)0 acres �_Jda`Y af ter afairo, given by are Rowina, Kaok. liction ol the brWn Jh �. 4:h of.. Mr. t1w in -,t �Onj Sea, orth �show and has been laid alwi,-�.% oyable. f t=a dVahnecro:zevuerterlIrimt�;s Ar ig cig irmae, - o the P Val S ver, fa A staf es Ue SU
df AtchibAld fba.m.inthy fsU411 i to�a. U ever lnm,"YfE John., l"ttie,,ofthe, the seasarx, ThtK, Is x o doubt -.but f rm of Beattle Bros., ible, to lbei to it �kot par(ftts 11880, set In 3:- that - this biA will., I e eq441 " A F M-TH r. Tha�lt's the S tuatio, As
His arly �3 havin lajQ up 'd' 11 who The Seaforth XiMnk Q�r ),kota cold wv..s r J und 4 valn. after puperior t� the others, %24 . -a wi. at ap,kof rneetli4 at tbo �btthf spe Buf i4o az later moyed to A. 0114le ofeeka wish a good time ho Goo'd�i Depart lent
mtrdW,00 Stoves aud Goa ad The on haud. H .forth Uilling compan'. Wt h&7. tenslIve Joble, c)mfox ter�s.—Vr. to, 0. been An wav! t
Up bee ranchinu f �',,akota'� owards the comni 0
wihe i the, mere bank WhO Usbo e. 0 Taelsda tarr ii*.j ut, p msident *41
da e and o ther i atts at the west, .me 8- Thames R ot �cided� SL.cc6,s
perm!knent officers Wei V �r a ee In* Ift Fimt Na -eir son, 1. heir De Thomas smare' d th min
oad MXS6 isit tc h�s -Mr. Ji -hil dm Ident. Q � R , Hossmer, ticinhl 6 F ank W Lg a dep, v father ho � pson . on1l j; m N he; lth lor preoident, F. Tho I Ulty Uz, fted ates' arshall m orth- -v fto� ba e4m -in poor sc Ine Jobn FassMore, -in S �i vtf c,r-d,. receiltly. A me. -7 Me, i oatmeal mill �aga ONTARIO. -iiecretary—,ti.nd treasu D.., C),j. Dak ota from 1892; t) -.1896. in 1T 113- Mrs. Mt-lbael Iflord, who
n1g.— Mr. and &Nv trt,was �Lpjxdiirt- John, Cardo on M:�n- have been -visiting relUiNes in this B�ia& Dress Goods I IMIS the -reputation of being the Didyovav �d director axid Mr. Geofrg Stlr t arsecyourlUdles' Tailor The only' y on 14' �tr 1p:,through the -west.—Mrs. ' ie .8 cirth. H. Horn. blest praletical training schol was ir tin, ham, and Mrs. Turner, nelgghbcorhod� arm ed. to their =de' nifil :,super nte3adazxt, - 1 he lot 4tMt 0, zmada; Thorough courss Fels home In Port Hope. Id rs. X�eter Whit- one g -c od work' 9 hor 6 e old,7,one 7 at te)manse baVe dDMpany have ha the 3.1d salt b1ccic to ol(. Appl le 'a K m spent Sunda' lock and daag4ter,'Bve ym, 4pent -a few Woducg�d results. Business men the 094st of the Ini I mare 7 are on he, I t 1gu Weaves for Coats and iand w reet, & to lir litu I X 1gu co� Mrs.,Larkin!, I 11 1 ulled, do r lay, PB 1gu —Mr. 'C. Rol- Bay our -gradi!ater. are e he former -9 ls- lWve 'W rected on U e UI the best ) 2 weeks -home o
easterAf 2 in, tfl' known ner, dbils t t M— ts er, Mrs. J. , MeL s�g M, Logans azid they - appfy to us -for I 01fice Fo tb oys kt this ne
ti of the yel X y t of their property. a fins big coop&f hop. le wi� h us a slip o Rome of his, Mr. 04arlks ','ax
ouhelp,, graduates succeed as: at 4rp a f ihoes. Let , sbowypu :n spent Sane- W I
�ong wa to ishes on were ipe es. f o r women i -none e, coni ract for thi er-' = Ind, our p, IZ re.j ight. Robt Willigp op.- u htrj Mrs. other. Three departments. They. have let th e th I pDoltor-( e, 21b4-1 da7y -the guests of Ith?b ds Q. Uowmer6W_8hortJi&ud— Tetegraphy ection, oftheistprage UB !be posit I U does 71ot I as It the 161�n P. mori, In yq tr dfo — (Itte. a wt 6 are" in oUrning. Wfttof the mill to Fdge-! k; Gutteridj �E i a nd, Fli ur-: Ve are npli ed daily ox t tie quality V 0 been iso, V cold. k, i a Enter -&,t once. ROW for eker's -sale
wilte ha�%s been comment ed on t. It -t, of ou rfic -,it nit 0 a th t "lindsome, * iti itious, de- f irther evidence. -of 'our rop.ical number at ended 'Mr. 16 in lo r NvOme-P N" a pt'h W �.,,aves f atalogue. work liciol I)nf, the pride', the bouseivi'o. W. E. con *esda y of - last w 1p"rything Iour Wee 0 not yet- been deckdeo V,,hether't' n gate � V 4 In , ght mention I u�wt dar P ek 0 e 2184-1 was sold at a good ly. -Ic ,,— Tpiey started WE 6 like nothing bet- h4 nbw Kers sk 4 D, A. MoLACHLAN t 16 p, wc ek, Mrs. .H. J1lar4 : ftas power hoo-se will be cted thi,; t tl We, hw e on bati d a a 0111 of- high 9 d oann6l 'to Vring t dredge ags : w e k on the I Dheaney & p.cked sever al. bundas er 'than Good Black. rlpe sm�trf It .11 or not, coal r I rnmg 1.1 open I xtes.: Try 14th CoTfelisslan to Seafor Ar a h. 1 2184-1 barries.—The anhual I thankof ger �n . . . . . . . . Re no ier-Fo Sup�e Thanksgiv uq Evening, uble riv ��f at the o tud T. _M .The Carlers.-Seafori h curlerjs� 'Metl q i 0hurc) . 2184.1 ittS are etini � of t * Barham K� riarn k1si ion vicinity we have- hax Jn a., ceptlonal�1-4 move Igettifig ready for the .coimning. st =& 1:1, wiltbo i the Be I 0, f
A Oa vrtbo t hulls nd specks, I., bird to get. *1 am ispla� a great ooffeed n
g s4 sen. v rais b - n' ro of We d*
The 4M)Iual fneeti.V cold snap, Xmers ' toi Our gt4�__bt 191OVeg WA MdttS' -yt?rlali kthe club am We I aye t.' W Kerala e4 21841 t e Pr �sb church Mo Wanted, stron active 110y, to Illarnk baking. ay y ablo�u their , Mango -Ids think )Ntibusl and 131ack, Suitin guar lltq�kc
held at he CDMMerjlC Hotel 'Fri 'a, eek, d, Ite the ranging- In pr1ce from OF, cents, on Card illo *'is. VIM 1, of W an sp 9 s daY 05-yerting last, a... -despite thE 2184 lul plemant weathgr wa"a attended, and -apples, and the ast te* I days the differi,eiat popular price s tps
o $1.ff =e'the cholawt values 04 Id ankef-To the citizens of S rth o havel beeh obowery. a a �q pleased �to
1A*ed from the best makers in was. a of th t Qa Inn: 3 erritorial SW an tavorable weather, b so 10 UU ntribi (ted Wo the co t and nt -An tut Orest] i;g progt&WIT. 'Was giveb, lotste that Mr. P b LUG i's Im
attenftnela ot z-. 'T -he f1i I taff n. u n priaipal number on 1,�h waa an
1119. Dffi , I thelix t visit 0 SeaTorth, and. all* o assis provirw, Ile . will *sp�w -jankgIvIng Plaintol�red Dress Gbods; a�-d
Mrs were eli eted :' P I e cellei Lt ad by� -Mrs., Mev.) S le in ar, yza or wl Xtever, on behalf of tbe-bandism
Dr� Burrow,%;. vice-preddent, G, W' Day In Logan, anket Rogers, local cc I exte W Wo , yvr u out 6eartfclb W" Horse St end -Y rii� of, g a in all, fas�ionable' weaves a�e ��,c
*nrkary4rea wrer, W M a 4hat thwapeolia d NyerO A bl=ng: eraL one lad meditab Q the gen;- Best Wling lines tart at 56 c n
Afnerit; Wmamittee,- W DL ..Brwl R . . I ?"411 wity of tae young who cem- The largmt stok std t1e beat Cap ialin v4ues offered are, here. See S. - H&Y?�, W. McDougal 140 e tl e ;;cO4 ii dem. instrilktion of'3te- To be comfortable you mus Zee� 1your feet d to the'h6 i g, ership of I rgan�z& I er prices. 0 Our! bwn Makil Sho4 will fill the ft beca gh
at Mesnoy Are 8 use oi I t our atai-m Blauket at $1.50 A. Wilson; skips, R. I 11kyb D. e frolm Stapd4ra, 11 edneei]4: r next. 218t.1 their unsurpsaW waterproof ind wOaring %i�Uties. IV# hard to, beat Bright, W. 119411 G. IF. 'IR311, d Regina, k., that that FriQes$3.50,18,75and$4aipiir. Nxtrapighcur', 0 a of ot r stock food w Imi* I you e 21:1pe $4-�6& pair. obt, Willis, op �oslte Expositor office. John Beattl ` G. F. ar*, q E �e h-* thb oat. E. Her slake. 2ul . V P t1D a new house, the BrIght.i. A �he �09!ih ch 1 'I 2186-1 Rob unp. Ed. ' a TVWX
Ison hi ucas S ;ore We -bu d Ite , t �41 tile I eajne� ping ey , r pan] ry dead or Vankotferlhlg�-The _� t dLAftlet cup corn F B18a fully CIEU�L
etiti S�afarth In SIM, lso wi jit batfier and egp sm alHdnds - a
Gjalloway, Goat BbhDI) and the .1 van, of which lin� B ferh g. meeting of thez:, WoMen's For-, group 7, which is.c cosed as f6i of. riod o I nexi doo�� 6 W. golnervill 'a PWBS 1, a formim Seafq .01 -boy' 1, a IS: offle t_ ie R o&W#4r- opu cWebr&tbd Sapkatebowan Rdbe. -IM NlatYli;, St Th' t Att elign Missionary Soo U S intqrest
a s ngersoll, n- on r TI te , Stand f , er , sa r -S y !o DU
humer, on vng Our prIces are richt St lilt 1,bf thp beat ling the M "The I lanis, whl_-4 the -- chitect h We don, London . T Thidfordi, For- Eve] k Murch. 4 chur, ch, keKillop, 0 Our s ill. Seatorth. as. ble tn I he hilstory of soe P Y. eat, Fark-h I . t very to, see IV -as
4.01 fW $5.00. 'A few _Pla_�, alt .-Jon- Fa �mc� Bart Ight oh ,all fl'gooddt- c rawn up, embody the, ost i don. Umpire, K. Ca meron.11 bull� Ing belp'ui* papers Ld Mrs. Jas. V u t lvnterns, bas'ets, leath. JoInts .of Al ie best pla, iouses he� y fas ic
lWhed last week he clubs 0: er gl)ves 6o is a id stabl a broo . Ohes- Ker �, nd by Miniss I a ;4W f mg- cc!rrect. e follo v. h"
dea c f Buffalo- and T o, In *11ch My I Ar� im a, 9 mon appr group 14, in which. se� forth f I be 1111 a 1ul Iville. and ate 7zolo, cren-, T( Rel 00mf ble 11 Lmq -cot bage a i Sparling E tudy c f the itres, interz slid er On ial. HeriderF on jua Miss' E. oon" el ind, he Ontario Tankard serle� ond r Mit fr ks. Stre. rd n soft:Ww er fil tht kitchi nand good ctsand er derc�l by ss im a BROMERIOK's I I -It nJoy- Lockhart, aded.mu,,h to Wig.., N ply to R. Ed 2181-tf !his emetti. study and c bev of I
ge. Pon men: &f the meeting. .9 'he Ing was -
the e New Books. -The foll)wir4 ne* h c'ks M $90, I llay-h added tp M -x.: vaEgulcor liberal., 101NOMP XXX &s bx-eak all frevious 1re'ao ds
mass store fallml Ana 866tt wl bigest IX~ have been received at the -th CMAE pri(e r live QhIck4 U" ardyeli Ferect tit D. owir 06 ian rsonX expex�ipnce; id(as, Opposite Commercial Alotel.'Seaforth Public Library.: The (hlungi tar, befo 8 _clo$ck every Anniversary Servizes. Sales. `T�Enik`s A,,, REAS%�l
f : IC air i rhich tre by' no mliiw: �t the m aT st Thu' egb ie day. 2181-4 it wj%. , I Reme MA-ttbe' Wight; �3 alen G P-ary services In onnedion '09 1h L ff's! luality stnuld-give Ile 01 era, Onil an rAA Sa e'nd on for our far io tie D r; am Po Wand 0 church were heldcon ,,,,d,:, ast. lRe v., Callegep, Douglatsis Thp Wblte. I 1��a a - . I -men seeo d to ame Pit; in-jua )erior to all other I �ouse I D be proud of' In Yehv.§ to cone. phet, Caine; The Your Tradeiis bran 8, t, 11 4.0 arrel. element 3 Ill 8, ches and - -Mr. Vm. ills. James W. atson El. A S-awers, 01! Br.ICE fl.Cld� cond,i4ct-
of Mdi�tyre & H lls, er Bloc �d e Are Ic kvi ed 1e aerylees raorning,a r low; grs OPPI Rice'; Xatrlte,- price. Give lisacall. I tats, rei ted a house on *i4rola. d eventkg,l Edg( L tterid a, Beat or 5h. h eet Goose pm-tf and preached able and Successor to W. N. Watson, -Girl, MacGrath' 1B 9 lent ser- allads a f�rrnery occapled by W.��J_. Allit, tud
-Cheedfilakii,'' Fi beer laborers wiLnud it once o.worl, In. town. ij and Ap- Seryiee ; T i4e Edgi & Glutteridge. la m, ved there from B Ille., Royal , ginbrid, xegeral Fire, 1XI e and Accident Insur Harland ; Anne of - Avi afea, Moqt4 Ja ons
C ep foreeated by large cot 6n I Ir. gwoa, of .Egk�condyil e.who mom that were falty e ance Agwit. . Real Estate and M -onlay evening a fowl --,up was Mid, erYf;,l Wih- Repaly, Orc 0y ;.At the 104t -L:)ca Briefi—Mrc. Thomas 11s, of las be n in the woods cot: New C ntarla hal. Loan, Agent. ' InsuramcQ on all wilea it is needless to sa the the lah rX h h een'-vls- su h" ret 'home
f . Jack OLan�uj., Reed Th� RtIl, Wai e r. Ok' w 0 als all. mer ume# or
ldnds-of property effected at the White Sisteri - Cirawfor I Men the Itin,- ladlit of the congreg to ad pro- -J en mi, vicin Lty X Yr thfj t h h if -r lowest rates. T . A9, in, e winfer,- avilig begn forced t lye Mounta4nis, C .1 vided more than enouoh of-- he veryi
)rockett ; -ire Two, in , 'st -pas', nicnth, I lef for her ho n& . a on up his work 0 bush rangjr�er� on. ad c t, Is Much! -soulerhi
q n � best the 0 c aler in New Raymond, VtThite and Africa, Moore; Sunget I layground$, Af- Mor dy. - countr od ter!
h- Y )rdL, Machines and la13;;C)re&aures of 1he Sea, Bullelul Do, L_ L ewrng Th MR,' -11 Re,,orde.- of last of the snow In that -Iwt of 4h Y_ the large attendan. ia fuily� New Hom S . : The' wee m4k s: --We would draw attention � to Arney and his INT.atibD'al Cream Separators.' 'Shoulder Knot, Dcouble( ay The,al �a,, fiistfr, I&S. verel qeaforth, - corto be igiven by th&-:0o'ton 5 P isatisfied here * an i ) ur4in�nf was inIsce. Hazelton Random wen t i �c) , De ait, la T made to the audit rn] 0 i fl�e chur h. Re m wel 1k d- 1 visit Quartette under the auspices e ful :supply of sev�iug mach Rockefeller M. . Mirk 5 Secrot' 01p6a- their E(Ster, Mrs. Carling, ;��o �s very ftoral ,%.Ch ty- The chair was take --a th�,�4tr, R'ev. needles, attachments, ..'oil and re- on'November 8. Oln&, T1 Iree, Z&tal Mr.. Wm. ; 13 D. Carwelli and an- I ite s.�ing and
heirn'; The Rule of brook ill." ic*, of 4 he' Bell tickets for 'this excallent concert re vairs always in stook. 9ya gl� jprc�gram �trr i out. Ad-, 'Works, wag laid -o k � last "I Low 0. B In 'Ind the dat College Years, ;AdveIi-turW R ta e ff en Aint Saw- r drespes were g1v jR w -Durt�; In the s, buc 1 8 now- all aAght E nd It 1p a he Choral ae\W cry Child Shoild Kn wee bly lirii�e Shaw. h, reton. Grj Z, ly a ni--: ArL *m. Ament, of the Seatorth T tl6h Kc hoe. who a prps- rt T. GrIpL of the blull�i a9a ers, -and Rev. N. '*o. Mur
ol a -se and coPperage work die of Seaforth, gav� Beat, WrIght oil I Istina, Bell; St s, - A o
-vvill send I erous blacl :smithin bus'lness In- -,.To andlexcellent music fu�ntdfied by barrf "thi Gibscorl; True, Tild but �4 001), app�.� I Bdo. 0 hio, tn4 a for mer SeafoA4 boy,
year to the
4!_ varlous a:pple, dealers In this - county. 1, 3 herie on t visit to ()Duch Magic of Love,;' Swan -!Phe, 02 the !double quatette of'.thel Seaforth tA Coal IASt Column, his -mother'—Mr. me.raN ton Wives T At, 08 Mrits -foer barrel this re resents Reade Dav the guest ale, Bennett. MethodUt churab and! b, r Mr: 46bn Scott,�
a good!dea'l oT labor -and th turn over cf I. 1'. ear thl,% eeld.-Mr W Of Roxbori).- The servi(es t)iroughout
were most full 1 ind he rieceIRts:
SIZES Thanksgiving Day.-konda)r neit is of 4 large sum* of rrtoney�--Mr. Willia It. Gr ly' t Toronto, jwa-s� In to-Wia this AL - h; Lve
m Thankgiving. Day. anj McIta"Y i teekl�wDouiglajs Campbell, of Cleve- were sufficiently liber Ll to permilt Of, cc min
a public h6li- at Toronto, spent Sunday with wiping off the' the day- On that day th(Ire will bi� sp'r- in tdwn�_qhe po5t office de- I ind, I ai§� here thls-,week� bein, �called on 14ormerly sold by Reid & Wilson remalrill Lg dett
lch-�rch zs well as lea-InK a nice bal- sc ;n
L vice in the Presbyterial par-ImenL IG adverti;s
all.and St. Thom- Ing for ten ris for home Ing to the serious, illness pf his 'in e trea, b _htt
The b at he carrying Ills i'Majesty's inaks oxi wdther�-Mr. -and Mrs. J,. Mill..s4lio of ance h sary. ractio� i I now have a good stock and in ad aW chUrches- wthal
home that daywill . be he fowl -s. the'roill: been visiting friend6 liare dition have a large order placed ot pper S i urug. (given in the MethodIsil thureb, P�y the 4els, t1ld tenclers to be iry by bhe� 19th t iast week._Guy,,jonv43, son Bruss I 10 Wei
-th the DelLaware, Lar wi kawana & Ladiev Aid. The f Mr Tbe. a orts and 'Jon6s,,. Id ul at Prus.,
Augb11n,' Weatern R.S. Co., sole miners of ed b *VhJCI I i d Affair. n -Y
appEt will be f6flo, of.!Novernbef. be, y entert S W- P rA c es c ;p A der 14 La cl i t
lad were e beet held tit com- an
alnmeqt whi to hav t els, -vjn att;�&, ef pneulrnQnda.7 _011C =d Well knaWr resid of i ithe been. prf on With thi3 D. L & W. Scranton. n Programme p�r-, coderic h - far, and "he 21iXt r lar meeting in cl�onnee- oUr
Ito villag, &tt e d IS D empt ed. -Addresses will be. given y the w h . had D b Pic stpor ed on A -con R,thli Ita' 'T- 7V t XMIS Xaaoritc L will al lo ving 4 quantity in e7
y sw
rdst Rbv. .Mr. Lb 14- - - ace. un of the wet eather, w.�rei held -emb' day u cornIpg to local rni e rs on- e heI4� on Moinday, Nov er.2 and
of, par a greem The prc mbts#m1nIstra n the an a day-- last. I t -the f e le ill -be P MaAers' night.- Sun- tion f einettes a viE the i4d mbU's eaforth (Stort. f Mltchell,� will]: speik o u.l Crowns of the, Y 6o- Vra k mifh.,. �Seaforth Ine Is lif a Ifi i000r S c Ica Wiss Butler a slon Band of ttbe' Free yter as bec dh. prano Soloist, of Stratt' -has be�eii q'e� rurr lier cam�! in thi rd -b A.
oly-a irch, wilt give t an e taln- bealt -&nd a melanchidy q tate, for while 1892 1909. cured tor 'the - ocets 1 Mo$- ishoft distazc� behind the -winner., & ent bi the 4--hooll room of the White, tile organis�, mill rnder v lolin To . r5,nt) man., rch some line' and that, c �)Eil ed with the. -�l e 'pacil C race, 11 Fr1l tay I w-eniAg, October, .29 The- I , I - �oabo Jn 2.40 ahi's -N I 'Were
at fa:ct th e and
that is missing 1 i uch '.hei;id-wear. And brices*are very mue... chan what .,obtaln I r es. CoM* e any dAY, linery L-W'll ple'a*sd yronSeventeen years in the jewelry IT V embeug OL 'LILO UUM spe aw music AD. JAI&LU 110r1VU L00KUjr8L r ioney in i me poing -th.eir to move to Toronto. -to: live vifth 'two ubt, ri iehy h atz .�Mr. W. Cole, of. it est to mak a the.,eyoulng %n enj(;ya 8 re. e stiain in flter'ledd;- Wheo, you con- -take to the e. Ek 11 W DrIM �as rivente or- ood audi6nrx-_ —The ot our, sportamen th c ne ant hop, f a g walts g�eat on hl. business in Seaforth and still by -the church encoir. No do thee, - c no 61e, da era who re is a! lfln� Old _Hft -late bouryinV 6hything in woods In search f -and bit, I pateited A A awbe. and In this, -traw ilpe-lor wind f 01lowl, 4 ni m telephones bLve recent:- jgenitle�hnanj! and -put 0 connection not be �ers on thre"shirig madbinds led -in town: A. Vtnteri it m Ight' ace ac be worth The ly beer Instal gretted by, all who r. low h M. Wylie to taVe int6 6onsidera- to, -mention 6s 0 �q A. Roberts that Mr -,'Si Fitton, Ex- difficulty with the 1preser t pil r r �.sldn drug ore BrIeTz.—Mr. and rs R. Lea4er- tion the fact that there is a eter, I -as dran oar �afltentl a it', the flueg I that they c*unot be riWWated C L-1 [e 4Ch os, je welat as. L I'm dale rat k fribm, tbeIr urped lalst fact that the game is we irobitilt the, So Q$ to blo -a t L:6 any desir., Pest rest- great deal of satisfaction in w'kthe 8 pemeir warehouse; J. M.- bca, .�-_ Mrs. J. Ishicooti- extended trip to th nIg or -ving In i.art cyt the ir blished one's pos eE slod d 1. ou black equirrels excep - d he titon"Is s3 constracte -t t,this llifficulz- van, r 4; W. -Somer*IUe, i rest-, visit to hi -6r joarlents, se w ha nee ,. R. I leek, music vtore D Don- W. Cralki , of Colborn Is IN Ire chi 0': gatronizing an obA esta low. Cole' 3 invan� d -here you can go back 0 ti fs everc'come, a* '&nce'; denital of f lCe' mcon1th cot November. azd Mrs at any time and have your 8 use Dr. R., Rioss —Guy Jon who hw en, hel moved guarantess, made good. My atr Pit: plac ver dealfed. a id rek Idenc a W.. Hills, frcoln blackernithing with El. Ja heoln CwF aresold Itt a small legid- The Salvation Army' Band. IThe —(34nsidarabla int Qr erist w s taken'. In goods .1 gmon, lville t Seaforth.—Mr. lartI,
r3orpe time� was ta swerlou. Y I :On f mate profit. I perso6ally Canadian Terr�torlal Staff,D And f the, towo mer the re4txlt of the baseball i& Mi 6 M( Kay, of the public ebool Uoiiday ;i 11�;;i We with at;Ack -Satvation L -Army visite4' geafortk fj f, ire a[ tending thie, eacligre con- &ruaraatee them to be as repre en Cant ki Detroit &R'Satmay, or His S fiorn sea-, U ome in an Saturday la,-st and re colt pneum la. at I . I c Mr amd Mra, forth have been wait on *I:m slInce.. d see our deci& the ton In 'Win It
ented. �ovf Nlun� waslj t M.— �mplon-, v CpMe% ab Die c. h e money I stock�whethbr you buy or not. dy. This band from Terc nto shID6 a it cortaider said retired from the .—Miss Thursa Gerry retu ned hr-om' and IL compsed-of,,twintyrfive pri.c. hav-4 6. k-anged bins .The c ninued f m, In the. ow p, -of Ray, have �come + I 'DA any of, the m 3 ",,,r ILI --ON L
tical musicians. M her trip to, th, 6st. Lwsll f 04 or tIOD 0 y y
n ft. e faTmers y -Arm , from 't Cot iort ibl T NT are officers of the wid both ay so 'blas eve ted ers. cold'wi t weather ot the past week t -Ugm onift 4� to eat&, and now team Were, billed -0
ttled In their new Thw�sdiy of last -we- to play the re- a gett ng - - - - - - They are a ve'ry finE I tfieIr rodts, and as a. co home. and - Dick ;a r10 a�llc>llg turn match for the chal plonslilp of On'- d' Opt! body of men �rei musiclin �eqi c tbi� and i cif �iil� ,e I'the root the toib ie6r reeddents of this equnty. tario, :but! owing to o clan 197eat bulk f the
of 1:hat took EL-Idde y Ill 1' st Friday wfth -a chi ae Coi il iany Of Hamilton it s risiderE ey. 1h, �ve. P -rf or 6arlaii ee o' nd at tlMe� at am),flat o�j $40,0 0, -i� carrId on W!f
no ordinary meilt. Thestbnd arfr. ..In crop as 'well'! a o ble (if the A well their part In town Ulling to g b ays? 1_�toppage & -the bow -0s a 0 Issuer of Marnage Licenses. M the 6 15 tran Saturday. ev_ pota 10 still �n the'grouna, anti I fe him mori than darned t e Ire-' expenses tbe eme d ot writing- very little �hope is ente U37da en nr 14 m �terla; Ize., I majority. The ai �ow Q, POS tinig a wo room h9A 13coiv,�ry. Ile spent the past pro rks ibere. Tb q- as now. 19 the 'afficors and members co -local da he flax crop h TheY were met at thle sta� i6h by f ar e r6 hoping: for (a fw dry. p Yse sla I con tort hich retirement fro. d for bU r
—A ool ed I is
the -been the dailes i nd- ca,es- -at active : life
corps and Sev'eral friends of th. the Smale *lock 13ummier in tolwn, beling emplco-y�d as b lsw,' w voted on a short time; fit entW ion A e Ai �rny. neaz. ly ould bring all harvested and i everal lm- them.—Dr- Hodgins, i of -�r of the or -ned In line,and areh s b��cics a'dd forme -of !thls L16towel- —Miss; Edith )1vIn'.eft tbwO anage 9ha farm.—John I lam- 9o, but v, a defeated.
They t i d t the mense In the mill ca, show T- u tOW114 on Wedn� lton� who has inadv his licomA In Itown hall, day, of this i reek or xd- where the. j were met and thatj the )deld ha;s been igoo(.-- Mr. Spent unday -wit], friends In town. tir ts� td 6 end OTI y w1a.For 9 Callum, Reeve ur he man e ing. Man., � where sbe 3e -pea ne'pasti died last S day pecial welcomed b T of thi ere, the whfter with her al i 3.t the -home of St/. Age 18 X& ter,, �.I` s, Div1d Hal Wat,,�zon and Mr. M.. 'Y ATcLeang K - P. sa l 11ey. ro y spe, yo' both In yl and quEllty ithe 19-�,b�.—Tbe Gay Brot rh hzlv� 'da3 with' 11T. And GrIvez.—Mlss The funeral took place the
eng ge. The l"' tterl in a, tew. word, em-toided crop ii v IrY good. - This compan T do not We havi. to good w irking alibe0flack4r3i made,. th it an lip and English HiplLpatk- ng 0 f the.Band a cordia w $e "rcpt i h flax as et -own hall f he V4 1 . wsels cemetery on Tuesday i- Uer- or the ni m T Mathers #d Miss 0. Steeper S 98-t colbe tD .:.formerly, b1t 'Work ress C . - - _P era at ber, Srd.—II.Big Mas n " the lUmber , an i ioo.—On Tburs-diay of last W90ek Y as. Sunda t �h8ir $2.7 an 83 a pair, as aearl� ivater- j with Miss zWah Egg i
L as y)u can bu fo the nioney. Wllis, evangeliet, 9 i. Collftrson, lather, of Mrs'. -I. C. AIr John A. Wits n and UsU r )t roof R6 will holY mi;ss
b r torffi, the. ip*u3. hi Its igreen state.' 11 his sives an p
S-� Iffimansp- amount ot labor -and expense 011POSRUEXPOSItDro ee etin s In
visit. to the town migh b o iah pl) 84-1 let pasted away aft& a 21, the town hall here on Tu ly , 0114 liebar4s rief and a tb. -s vls-zlted -POTATOES! t u 3, . ay:it Is the pur- M gan, of A profitabI4 anq t1i 't they' w U* Id and )etter. flor.. NoUsi —'Re. Ste Eckart, who has Wedmsda'Y' evenings :of next 'wetk In llnss jfronr phbu-nonla,, ITe, .4iong Mr. D 11� EdWards on Sjmda3 Y carry away with. them , n,an t( Pas I or which th�,Y tre'qlre It. --Mr, been tie r aying. IsIt 'to bis -par- the I'aterests of the M. C�iA. 'His s wlie, nly!rnovod to Brissels with bi memorl S. J. I C ter an d es of the tovn-..vhd if4. cfflz�n d r Janies( Se tt' took ecorn,Y)'Inle b ek by '-re- addreeses will be �0�[ -T. ien A rOln Michigan abo it a -,week previous -Vol asou DRESSED POULTRY el Lts, and brothers and reply,' ed trip Int �Mr. (jartel"S 'aUto tt IrWd- 1:0 Neff Yo D& I Friday, ra petition has been cl#u,ated j town co k last his death He wO 77 year -4 of aag `ng the people of Seaforth I cor! the Bras is, Sunday ev e iing witix Miss jij. Ste The leder made an 911iropriate an xt �r d Edvxrds. t han 1% car. T ii �y to6k In Ethel, h i Is at aticin ed.' sad accident received unet BUTT ER ANID EGGS. c cur- and bas k priv4te f al vois held on thel r qaIr numbqr cordial welcome -extendW to the I and WI0j,,1N,r 1, Kincard1lie And ericY� el�t 1 to son .—Mx I Baker za,llea on G aidt rIfty affetnoon en the farm of -;sioaures, fnterm�t UCking _placP In tbv Bru'ssels di; ghter, �rs coand 'expressing the hope that. t he-ir Tbe.� a! k b cout- 11 Pngland. Mon DRIED APPLES W her was f Yorable Fred Eckart. whereby his seven -year ell to rtibmit a local 0 v �t emete*--A pretty wedding took f)l&-e d-a_-5.—The.'C ficers of Grace MeWhat ,vith ' what old daughtez P on aN I visit might be blessed �to the o( of and tn! Go. thurrch' Cee Ila, lo5t herl life. the the fhorne of andl jVf rj. N.
all. A p iblic me6ting w.�ta,g'hejd in C u�d_" woa�d -coniing elections Ja Y.—A:11 added to the appeargnee Cozli, or trade. Get. our prices before rw�se ba 0- bee a rr, cost eh- Mr, Eck art a nd- th w..children Were auction sale Is anno., to Iteld dn MY �,i high oon: nova hall in the evenink. at which n On Wfdncj-:zday Of t Ch U ra I i unds by.erectlng 8i Mr. JG-ya)le Ed. Mate, goin- Osewlreie. uting.—,Yi ot the 'ir g in man o1d4 with the m nure I Saurday, Oct. -180 I u tl4e tl& 'k -When tbOr eldest daughter, fen. X -gro h, w4ee James Beattie presided,: ancl,,w4ldh, was Seafort, i Electric 'Likilt ilia -it, 0- elreader",_11RI little girl W�s playl 9 a- estatte of the late i P V LS 04ma, was united In marrla4ge to Ing It nicely pah4 P, es largely ettended. The pr;ogram�ne'ccon_ is ri. Mr. I dn e I Kro. mcole.i 3rowu is kept buy
Ito r, ston, where round, 1when she accidental an - John'B. Ballantyne _ t1l a adm Istratcir W.! H. Xerkllnori of Hanj>yer. 1b. best Oatmeal 25C ol-9ted cif band 'and voca,l musical se- Al remilln for time to t&ke'ad- tj-. s I : SAO tl e nelghborhood.-71h. rough� undf r t spreader 1;1blie rthe ot the estate.—At the (cyarocil -meetinig M G. Powell performed thelcer- vp 4 r,;arj lection and addresses, r4lces in Boston -vantagE of e m1n&al baths there. team and lwas m uch th' �VW started. The hind heel In' Grey an jNjonday �ot t) I -s -we, k to a�'- M ini, In- the presence of only the! lm� e -hu rch on unday last. were
appinorecia,ted by all wh c Royal.Purple Stock- Food twere plle.s nt-, -Mrs.; e hajs a ferer from Conau ca ught her -and passed ove s "friends'of tile. contracting ipar- by ev. j. A)j p&rk_hfiL r the back point a clerk and ;treaiurer, Sijnjjar MeptjLngg Were
j -h L edlate con SunUT ihe u 1A . 3 Ili- f& the t par a nd her of �ber fraLtqlng her skull",rind ebed the late John MoTr tosb A 4 e The afternoon and Sunday s. brldel.,- many friends bere, ex tebed Iwo veiry Interesfing
thst t conscious condltlo� f0 TMCDOM44, tow cipa of md coil alati and good w0be evenlng IThese Ma" li�pwL j1h4., treat Idt hertm -an - pre 4 e ith I grat cons S_ S%,monfs. T1 pr1h Thomas B1UeS meetings were presided Xr b'y Mr g V1 bet fi hoirls. hen death relieved her'. SChO011 was the sacaess1ul I POOR James Cbwan. and the,attendano.- , on, the:.jjea[red_ i-eliet. I%W ed In the afternom by &*. Ali zim!der T74 doctors Were immimed IMU We think Mr Goderich. 'a 0010 and Ln Uk 1 The Hub Grocer both occasions. was ver7 large. Mvery. Oldh�m ot London, nt CDOna ll" M Ste ho sang
undi y bqre ly a er' the acme nt, - b3t It wasl, o bill all AgIft.—We are o trry to bear C f PY-Law Carried.—The b_y-law era-; eve Ang 'Mr,3. R W. Rtwsell.—UM ,who heard thera sfle�. v ery t w1th K�r,3 -Or and J, lam.— nid aU Pbone ZEAFORTH hi. D f:mm I took place Sun- '.the seffoug Illness of.Ur johT, ranteeing by the own
-,.,hly 6f the perf Orman �es of the 0 ina Mrs. Douglas pawerinK tbL gn
hda y rnoo 1 -to LratrIk's inem- Morr I at his home In Is Mr. Douglag of bonds o-' the Good RdeAs i Va- a .0 .eej�o Bayfleld. r It In I4 r
UNA ar. d, d SaWrday ppm"
very best atle;
d Y ait n ZZ � I
urday pricei, 35i
2 pair for REN'S �OVE
d M.1,
Forlf-e 40c- 7, Saturday popice