HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-10-08, Page 2IIIIIIIIOCTO BER Is 11 QUM R. WOX kk &a. Stewart., �Patcbwork QU 13ira. Taml�'n, hirs. E. HI Ii G 0 R -C Stewart.; ja --bin 74. Stew- -R99 HAR R V IA .ted AuUt, Afro. -Innan Ta 1 knt; the AM -V "to ;Lplesp Waml:PAI rag- 1 at,, ,kno*n, ot 00 with dandruff? Mrantmorehlw? Anekga—.,&ez5bV? kak UM�g- f 1411"irfilples, 'Ste*PX 11 t t: 1; woo ea- 8 oe�l H, Son*; an Cracken4l dottmi.-stoc Iew not list' Z alf, favore *26 n Pea 0 olie 9 eks. WIR OMAN b1le0eir CO i�', � 0 *00-1 Qr M I th ye Dat nox IW4r-, fall Stevemon; cot 3n socl s, Mrv. Ste,% t AQ;q. Wow. a4e QY_ h lea mitts, MISS 1 Ivingo (oh Buy a t"Yodd ge,for coa or vtood. We know Iwe a OW4 att glove% Mxs the )n,*, winte Ale len Zoll ner,'W. H. Me- We b*jwe-,d ors endorse this fo or we would not put :best rages—hoth. A .-el and- castPPi I-p"4nimd in-, the ,coup'tU A P, kk_ dken hoo�eh mati Wra.1* Hanson, U t1nore r a 0 T_ ies kit Xzis.- Zolleneir; sevOPed limt, WSU S,:e Wt- S " I R VIGOR v 4-h I wekiiolW? Beca'tlse we have�had the bestexpertence-in, 'thisi seir,Pc BL 1wt. .ould Axmstra AYER9 I there slai W. on ladis, j 'lbitt jall'�� 0 r c MEMMON.. gpt tw aWfi;A !do we know *11mt here you will: e RP', -H. Me en; art; beat 6lleetl nts om-pes, T mlyn, Irs. -Ramo; im.-Ijes vve have everbeen abl d offer. notco WA.S y6ll, filled 6ac�es, R oj4. 1 1: I �R S. 18 reservoIr mm. wit 0 q wfth, c y paU Gk�vfa� 'J -Chr Ia 00 �c 'of- tiae 11" 'ON' e i 1-;! good X49 -W an -departr J. p Ir 1;, Sous, 1q. 4xvin wqrk, Mrs. FINE 100 the "air J. V. ATAM 0ow ANT. TA'"ll tr 0 PT er Collection ,prDfe-5510 I photagTaphs, -M ur photos, UaIrl I oez,' E. IH. R.. Br.ewer ; s P are- n V1UV.4*. 4 t.40 two.,** W. krn� late p6tatces, VO. u"U"A -� amlyn". collection. ha Id painted hine, ever 0 S. V d X c U. -a- Arrostrong, in. 7. Bur- Col- Is I 43 single piece haild paint chins, and eo, lebtion of oil or wati color Pictures. -A, YU -tiollectiOn of potato ne Nations], with copperreserVoir, Win. Tlle in 1 lgem, tile 'd 1418� _'T. Ben:6ett; H. Garvin 0". 1r-4erAr.; Mrs. Hanson, Miss 4 , "War +0 0 IV Lai W "-%Y d rour pie P-18teff. vingston oil c6ra'o, dth n, q'rypecl ly e Orge' Gil lai�di rda-,pe or marftxe, Mrs. ChOinaU air 0 'er vairlety turnips, G. rl Jiamson, M10S n 1 . ram oil Xf nil fts H. McQraeke�l Paiuting leA painting, U e vort flan 'a Ste Range, immense reservoir, large H. McCracken hit otudy from sti I lifet I Ers. 11anson, Mrs. graded P� vr,;.' Lttc 6* Was-, q& gc�T# and -0 I -ming ell t 6 holes. 18 in. even, With b Sr� all. ==�'W long blood beets. W wayl their , . Stevemson; Oil paintirg, ny �other, liclerwy find w4c in; 11ah a XC ho was Mrs. F§tevensorx, Miss Livingston; Water 1� The 0 ge Tw1ade Millth section z guages., thibker stu-el botily thmn ank' hem. carra tiq�,, Jas., the W, atteild�d. color,* lazde0a* or m irfrwe, -Mrs. Han- mbv h Waa We Cjad-_ys Cracken; Sca�let aates caxrot, Ed. "A Reversib le Regervo2ar, -ater color, ny other sted range oil- market. Pric Y":,Urifiv, wable� dr natanges sort, Mrs. Stevpnson; .Z.to�rey S: Garvi:Tu Maw r Bj -os. ; eArly 'No La car- a, the t Jr a certAinly -a -Bt cce gol aud' other, MISS Lilvingston, Mrs. Steiven- oil had t ie Joh] L', to , Geo. Evems bloc TT' ther en f1rie t Ia -20 inoh turnIp bbets, Pal!114�1ps. and The illustration sh0' s a, Dw, would! G� d. son; boot- ol, mrate, coloil portr;%Its� :4. -1a teel Ravage, same at; above, haxe )eep a record turift -out. k winand also beat sbpia pie are, Mxs. Steven4 e rad X4 11 I ior- ov -("Ihap rn-in, W. H. M(C�ack- Fith h# PrjZj I V an., the West range in town; PO suale M, �ng son, Miss Livingston best"animal. in Jul eo C d"W. H. MeCrack- *,Is or we, Monar<h Peninsular teel -RAVM HORSES tOr', colors, � Mrs. HOSon, en . Spdir- a Sol 'S W Range wilth the reservoir oi- hot Kerr, FAward Dom IXAHINE FOR YOURSELVE hite sagaf beets,, UWLL1V.1 tel, i rs Imer H&Ay Drd ht. -o -Brood mare, 'Cana- 1P q . W. H. McCr `(ken, 0. Burgess la G. A. Dead -Alred dlim ied, 1 di jin, J. Me Ga! rn,� 1W. m&nFolds, Cl1a W. son; lcrayan� d!&wIn19,, mTl,'- �n' the left. If for -tndc mnY ly Ii vater ra, tam ii brood w,&7,q and! yi lol Ma Lily reaso a t bol Ch jG. ead in; pollection bf it is dsired to'have U aracken, G O. , 04pimea; tll,�Ar globe Vek- Me aphy. wd t he Hot Water Tanl- on the McG mare .4 Oh, wt,, mangolds red t9lbbe. mL j 4-�, W. - - lon. - - A, r 1500:13 cks. J.' cG �Pr wol)d carvingi Mrs.' J a N IF' - C�rackeh lo A�Mds, W. It. ton, &t, n; k sk6tch, Clay- chiri4 rted _t Ith� can ol d f Uyj 11. Me' Mi�s IV oad&, Eft TaYlo R Scott; t 0, .1 C. Mc'&In, Dloksoi r6s.j� Jr. Dioadfocft -,be made 6 T 6jr. 'PEG -The Iware, i vithout tools or trou'ble by lifting Karla Stove,s and Tinware.- #LOWE, 4. and 8 axi ; two yeat old geldl , A 44 L Ivemon, R. War �son; yegr- Red ons, trorr seed, W. H. M1, ar ,k_ T�,ble bbuqixbt, Jas,il Evanis, vans ith�e MW C)'� M.'Jac ling f 11�17, J, MfLso -j-rarIlAF en, W Arhi§*ong; yellow onjors,from Bro�,; hond b�uqaet, $[iss Kelly, I4. S.- I he Reservoir from! one_ side and or S Ir IMMRTANT 21 eTICM MCL� augillin; Oolle txacw C� seed ,-H.,McCrackca, G. Chapman; cdoo cut f lojers,, Aacing it in the sockets proided Pores, elr,.a �Pd 3rd 1)lckjon Bros.. Rocca� inlois from seed ano on- Gj��t Kelly' J`a�. HVan$; paftles, G. Ai. IV 'Y pose on t4 he -fBAMG FAM TO RENT i45 acres neae I or the e o+ r side. Jr. IV-. boat i ldi',� Ake, DIckson Bros. TOM TO'Sets, W. R. Mearacken; Deadinazf MiZ4 Kell� phlox drom- Tenders for use this seasoir mill, be 'Aigr ltuk�Ll. Brood rhae, Dickson onions from Datt ,b letS, G. Chapman, J&q. IiRvan%A W. tArmstrong; Vigh 259. Th* Del _j?h7flis DIP406h Z eBros L Mr W. H. MOCM ke Bros,, - ii a. 2 Dickison; ion 8 ts,. -W asters, W. 9. cOraeg an., -.t. S, Scott F1, M(Cr L, n; TOP On "Monaech Peninsular" is the Wto0ks, W. 'H�, Mccr ken, J. - Evans - nery 224, JbIlt X u r2 -U.A= FOR. SALIE—For sal -,Lot 30, Conj�essllon horse cblf) *. e rie, Js. 1�urffes's, acke �; I Lach Sets. G, ChapaP LONDON, ONTAIQO only tange havin o, this couvenince, a d the only one which petunias, Mips! Kelly, ff� 14. bleCrack- Lame -133. X n. Alckillop, oontsibinir 127 acres. This is a mare col'u. Dickson man, W. IL eCr aeken ; o I:fitS Dletrleh.i 214 lows the gvans 05" J. Evan a�e Bro., M11 0, Bros, A, Yulll; 1tWo year first-ClAss farm v4thWood buili lhip stid ad e.; 01--antb W. 'Ai-imtr JL; Stewart; Y41jow bal, in �uy kitche-A and. econondzes sp I &ms, Miss KeI1Y t,-IfLdiolU$ �Purcell 273, Z�ther Village of Walton. 'Arply on the preinii;., or ad US141M tj I f Miller ]3rw,, G. Chap- I old filly, W. McE w. da dress W. a, kYAN, Wa LOU 1. O. 70, gway, A L com' reux, Teaibht- en,' McCracken, J jElvan-9 ; verbenas, W': H� ve Ja.-,. Porester; two -year old ceidtnN, a; White r. t corn, G. Chip' . I . �na, SUBJECTS W. H. McCr4cken, Miss Kelly; perennial T pter Tank, r Reservir, s madt Mppa K&CREp. WANTED�Eith r Male or remale for E. Ilig, L. McNeil & Son, J. Buill-s W. H: Me aken; Ye Ow Dent corn, Schoolgection-Wo-11,Wat6n. Dutiestocom- ja t W The Drink uabit ing o ie ew ox, ineziftat the 1eginn' ft X Year. State S Oil McL a in P- T I old TIlly, A. Tuill and 1. Spe Ir Wnd -16 1 - S Phl -Miss Kell, w; . McCracken; coat�;Ith tin, �o insure watt r being' a 1%rays clear. Resident and Mail ou Irs I eockscombs, Willer's Cure Savxy. Aypnestions.wIR be i, ceived up to October -Sons,, G. Ch&p- J. Evans, Armstro 2nd P11n Plf Itural. hoi sea, James 'Odder cOrA, Sj eir & fth. THONAR TtP; SOLGER, teretary. Wsltop, P. Catalogties Froe swept peas,'Evans, Brox, J. Evan, 17orwt et, Ddtf & lt6wart, .J. Wicholl; Ima;. Collectim or corn, G. Chipman, a , nL$tS_ Roberts. I -A80 .8 bast, ig ken,; winter cabbage, turtiums, not Evans; roses, Gar booklet describes d illustrates niany otl�er J. W., Westervelt. J. W. Westervelt, It. -eld,Mg,'O, ml re, Dicks Dn Dros, VV". H. McCrad MISS Kelly; Dultd tl�) �MAY HEMER"tra3ti from the mi Principal. Vice-Pricipat �L HT ]EIOR toy cabbEvge,,,, red picklip.,g., ca oor. wers not in list,' SES bba ge arid 'Monarch Nniuull features which ar uDdersign Le namM Yth pw' apkip . . . or thte Nortfi Miss Kelly, James Evins; dahliase W. exe lusive 3 _epb W. H. McQ�acken, =y,,-Vsboruaj,bcab­the,first of AuguaL ea Brood mare, E. Roull, W. every prospective stove buyer should kuow., Rodsters. H. McCi-acken; follejej Plants, J. Gran- ing at -ter a :Ox t7 ca4lif ower and yello in;;dii� old hiffer � Vey.and i ed color. Ker t HIDIMa NI P, ocott , c4t, P. scpt4' L. w ger, Miss Kelly ,- tern! -Miss Ily Write for free copy. is Poic - b F ILge notif�, the owne- who, will pay the p ampkhk McQrack6n; large Will I e Ke Campbell, E. Rozell two old, S floral zoyelty, J. Ev 4 be arouud yet. -M �cbajX GRANT EWoaMA'�'T, Chiselhurat P. 0 orhatces, M10, Jahe Kell vkns, Nis geranlam in We are also =akers of the fa=oiis Furnace. r, �AP, 2184i 7alke moN 11, jas. Forester;.. Pat, ohn Granger, 12 quash . W. M�Craeken, W. Arm- W� *rrri�tronz one ye gigk horse', lir Iar old W. H:)Iman ,- bu Ong;, p berous begoril in pot,ij His bier lum or I bherry toma1de.9, P. aYOUL L W over',15 Keyes, H1f Robb, Bros,'; glexinla in _�Ot,'Evans AMA Pbrtazv '14 -UIOWL Thursday, beginning i 1.62 1 iands, G with Septeniber -w( iill.be prepared to !I bugg+ horses u der 15 1-2 Sco' t. Ja'�z Evans ; butter beans, Lin ilted, Pres�qn,, OuL 04 J. Evns. Amalit MO& C609 eo. buy -We chickens andbens, b ir which we will p6y Johnstorn N. ;S. -McLaahlin wh1.te hios ukm a t6p to 1�andsj 1. W4Uon, L. Whee , R. Ro- ian var 1 P20i e, Vf. Holmam the highest pri6es. Foid'im st be delivered each gelding -or max eans, J. Ed ar, 1E. Garvin CMLDR 'S RN 1 r zell; 11eA , MPETITION. Iapmpn, darvi 2 p; m. S rring- along your beds y b; was. C- Ctrj 4 rket good. A. OUTHILL, Wn- C, 11 e.- ood mare, Bofs Pemmanship, Armstron,'& betterfic)fw' W.: LELm6kin, For, ney Aichibald I 6und strIP4 -11 I Sa b Ches 11orth I c tr�hs, J. Evxis. J. EdL Leckie, W. T4XnbulI;'191rf�,s i penaan- Y, A. �ej n �be W. Carter; twd, yeaxt old, 3auatno a r ; 0allf-or a'citrOX4,.. Mrs.! E.. Dick- ship. *fter F. Lowery, D. Y,atsari, G. A. Ie y b, man _wfth frien4s, In La. _j. 31 ea r old, WP, H I -ff GIM FOR 8A1LXE---Fcr brick hou�e and lot 74 H.1 Lekep,, w4drmelons, Dead - --ciPf mm collection I wee4,. G. A. HO Man, W. Lam. IAJl, in Eginoudyfflej,f0rua south of the H. MeOr ic Agrian z 1=se 11. Die) ken;, De4dman, R rand well plan *f Iti, or mare, uson.! collection of colt,' Ur bkln bre ery. lay or res I YCIU gel( esw Thereare 3 acrei e. nusknielous,' trong t;erZ �Llated� 01C 'Mrjth fruit andg garden, Goodwater. JL W_ Arm seeds of comma -.1 WeA_d�, R. WqwIck. dee rem 0 its 40pearz CAT31LE. Ucuml SpeIr & So Me- on a .4 to G ABERHART and )ers, J. ns, W. 1. It teJ.Rundall. t' took all, the prizes -of Miss Bessie, FrAS1 Mil e, UFM X. SHA Executors, estate L >cke a; whk e celery, G. Chapm n, W. SPECIAL _L�J D LIZES. 2180-4 except-�­Page 3. MeCracke pink celery, W. - El. Me- 4: -formerly of 619MY, id jhts class d bu 1, Miller n ollectio ibloneer T IBrol. year 'Old bull, a Speir and 3rack. a - IsuXi E16*er, 0. Turnbull, Metropolita Uaker, 0 ts - : Satift, Stm� TEAM FOR, SALE- -V'or sale, good heavy Le kle, Thos. Bennett eat d beat maleo and Sons. aM ' or V;1Mv rht team, aged 6 abd 7 years we%*bt, Sim a,f aiol]Bkos c6l]ection garden prod t ce W. J. S r e co ections och Deadman L - Both with foal at f, )ot, one from Flash- s:-: 1.7,00 1b& wood a Last, and the other fron L HillebreoWs hone, Ic w A, c acken. w � er apples, R. R. S Jas."Edga, n 1Ar o' and both now in foal to, Tlashm ooffe Last. Mjo onF1 d rig nd MY year DAI RY PRODUCE. Jam Speir & Sons; J.�ILeckle, for beat clook, Mr. johTt Ker, a ie butte� W. Armstronig; a ;i a he - good,work horse and a good JAver, a cows and some t least onc6 old Afer. E�..Gar In; bull fiv, � po and, tabl f, -A- Honw madq� tub butter, J. yaung,`cattle. Ali will -be soil as, the pro- R E M01 A. Dead u. W. J. - McCra;cke%' for wede t :Su-'ndy. and �Iext S urn1ps, prietorJa leavin ulfl, Mrs. Stewiitt; table buttep, g forthe West a threeweeks. t Bull Sp(ir & Son% W, Arms on 11411 -will PrOw App4r on Lot 14, Coo. 4, Titiewramith,. or address d fe- -for long Ph Alf. Dicks Arnstran�',. Jt E4.Tar, G. Kerr, Mis. redl magolft, James 17 age, J. nd- *46ondville P. 0. WIL TOU3 TG. n,78-tf m Lght'and 2 H;. Ste, Mrs, E; on cKinnon.; Jactory Sp ir I one tc lay 3 i es. ilch c(w for Yej.jow Giant[ man- 1 I Dr Dad -foot & & 'SorAs heesE J. B�)wn. ARNA 1101MI,-Por sale or to rent, fora and Son Al 3 2-nc 1 and i 4rd ; two year Od T'mto Zni of y -known and pomlar ears, the weii igoldz- Mrs. E. �Dlzksojji; Jas. Speir, . 13. �Padfoc t & - Son wid �n14 Village of Varna. The only )MEST�C MANUF CTURE S, Sooq -. W. I -I. Kerr, for ilome macle bread, hotel property in thd lixyffeld,'and non , f 1N 4fo r,.q ans,f L stopping pl%ce betwebn Brucefli Wand OnF 'old heifer, W. best five q, y ewart, Zol- Mrs. � J. McKin ry. P the bAvdnesa centre for a large section of co & $ran., - J. �roadfodt & Son el� blahkeks, Mrs. E.� Stewar,; rag of b4tter, . Arm-stro, g; Ryrie Bros., An acre of m twt -kear Od teer, 1W. ryx Mc- wo6 x,E a warp, Miss . Kell ;qgr,[ lage�g and best b rd of grade for or, fruit. A splendid a)iance for a, good man. 'luntes- PILES CURED afHOME rpe Y; cat -1 a. Nei 3o] 3rd tt-pane. �Mrs. Stewart; home spun c gion giwn Jan Ist, 191% Apply to the pro- J one yeal old st tie, J. Broadfoot & eer, n Dun. : i . hing c priet :i�r a; if t Sun and 20, L. ANell d 21,5 by New Abso6tion Method', Y. & rarn, ; V�- H." McCracken,. f or best Accur e Spourlu" News Mrs. ollen- staudard br roadster foal". Ciaa=es An purifle, & on rt steer dalf and ' eri call, rnin, 4elf a. Zollerier, Mrs. Stev- P. Scott; Peo. Tho 2rid prize for tnd3on maple!! ard bred Y0q Suff - row leedingo Son; f ht steer, W If yopi lik a Sp reing Page th,at is alwas reliable AGOOD Bryans McCracken; Ptalld ro,ads�e foAl. F, i wing. very darable residenthl property on FhA "tchiiig _; ., blind- or ru napte mo P Johnston, B R. Scott; Sta:ndrd Ban foi best road.- Vfinm,m 8treet, Beatotth. is f)r sale cheap and on piles, of personal interest --well ill stfated— _n WS U 0 Omb, 1G.1 A. Deadm ster, bitched to b and driven by Timaday and ins. There are and an eight seiid me youradd4ss,� a�nd 41aa h ner U919 Alt Ian, two lots of land :t house, with stone ce Jar under the wtiole I will- tell yqu- how tQ C Our— L itTaink d or'ex racted bon6y, G. A, Dead- farme or hi4,so'ri, N. lAmilton. y�U;1",� �nj t, h "Toicinto Daily Star --wook- The Tam,,: building. Also a furnace, and I tard and soft. water nain, IV. Armbtr Special Attraction.- E�s ong;:9r4pe wine, Mxs. t fancy drill bAit J, ftn4erisqn, Turnbull;- -shear- self at ho e by the' -a: ion taff tkitchen, abd all iR first. 3lus repair. Apply M lf:ryp, Wilbee, Mrs. rarwicy the by:school pupils, Ethe. I school. f writers-inc II . ur s ludes men active in athIttic EXROSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 910,4-tf A .1 treatm li ubarb wine, rib Warwick JUG I ani a at ram, :)". - �anderson; 4ra , Ent and will Alsdi t ,end I I i :1C 01" lzations throuthoilt ram i Me ald an& 2nd,' .- 0. strawberry cir eur I athlel 'ga Conse- 'd P two zea*s �and'ov- -Y� -.I H. M� r8es. Innis, Stanley- e Our ney�s I i st-hand and -CLUthoritative. terf ored serl Y CUM 11D O11!_qgD cAT-'some of -this 'hee t'reatit el erbeiry' I 'ffl 0 ORMORK Lent Tfur'rj�bixll' e -e omato and W -L ;ie, Mrs. Wil- C'r tFA T u eei m ree for. �riat,, Witli :tefer6 med offers for I RA ertd& 4 acken; tO 'ato eats(i, Heavy Ho qu nit�!, y sale -3a Lot 217, Concession 8, nbert� two (Jlyd6s- lices ;a7 ero and 2nd 1�i. me L*h Rorses. Carter, Blytbt. Buress, x7b. W. WIlbee; aplle jel-- 0 M-eld Icolts 11 months old, si King Thomas quip) 3 [!;.shear ag ewe, R. McDon- Cattle, We liave fairly e4rned the ri�eputation of repo'rtn�g IS= al W Sh r0tM owif local i I re- Bros; J. Ed -John Cargill. %d one 2 -year-old colt; a gar orLhorn heifers 1; rheubEqrb -jel 611d, 0 R - J. Sand#z6A, eVents� W ewe y, j, E 'er er they may t one and twofyears old, siredlillby inc6 of Bariff (imp), quested.1 llnmidiate,± lef n vxne� ;!Evans Btbs; raspberry Sheep. -Geo. Te vitt, I Wingharg. athletic her ake place, �more old und resp�cted re lamb, Ivad peo, R. cDonald,1 They will be sold at liveand let e prices. Inspect. A ellY, D. ' MilT, h, James' iEvan Ill$, 14orrie. istance te1phoneto residerce S lerii)A, �0 T ion inviteId. Long d permanelif turd a, -sure, Send San, urn'. all. Pou mos fuily h' any the an4dian pa '0 ali ther lr'uit ItrYP-J. L. Bro, vn; SeaToft P veT.s DAID HIM, Staffa P. 0. 21684f on took ll the Jel Eva;ns Bros, A. Yuill , hries, Wt -ealbwpai tobqfairto'everyhody. 11a inoney,. buf tell, 0' 'ers; of St Norfolk ecia4ty. 3�4, e Lome made Implements A s"aA d a7ov M Liton. 'Of PriTes In thl wbife bread, A. Simps or yeara w, ATM- -b -D 41 ACRES OF o -day to, B Ir9.1 a classi J. M ont n.% 1 AIS thiS Offer; Write.t Grain. -Wm. Brya cK1 i n Subscr land tike ad anta e of ur spe ial rate of wal a TealA C1 X� LA, IND FOR SALLFL-In on e, on the. Roots -Ind" Pi S. 1; tranig, E. and Vegetable' 9 X.- Suinmers, Bo Mind or h ipson tea, biscuits, Ev- e�% R. R. Sloan, q street, one bloek south of nan urch, The' X28i uiet, hor..jig Bl th, oms, sla M Blog, G. err; trtxtt house has 9 ro rkshire��A.P.Davidson took all the i i y On:t- cake, vans for flitten Y434LT_-- W, under'wlaole tFaP u F. Met,,alfe, Mytho Ar house verandah in frront, e pr-,LZL�z i i U�is blass. Irbs., J. Evol Ls jelly, cake, w. Arm- �Gf the 'All] ne oatmeal Dw eatic Man ac- raar in the housea Yorkslike.1-R. Nieholl tobi an tbfe D. Dairy od'Qce and Soft v twelve, Tn and small a ca ago, There is also a frame a e ed, V' shQ 'bread, omhard. For furtber partioula I on Priz In thla CI exeept 2nd for ,arwi 3k, Ev� Bros rt tures.- - H.�Roblnson Wrox - eter. -with paralyes. and' on, Wrox- ortpremises i, I or address, NATHAN PlEbe apeelya C e-ntral BUST r -one y ar az�s 13ro,s-; collecti rad fee h Out. sow w, ide e -1 which w!efit to. W. I :r�. r1'dm1yjj,! oik.-Mrs, 3obins a( ?Mned fruit, On dter ; Mrs. D. W. Joh i3on, Seaforth Var" thL branezy 2b-6 Ar Simpson, Thi's pape4t and 4& W. Me- Besides bis breaved. Sun d td&pefiviye� for.5pc. added aboye subcription pricat. ye ranised T,mw:)rth._!_Sow, Dne, rhr �alid over, racke 1. Flit" Arts. -Miss L, Rogers, Se.aforth. SALM -Being W. 11 ST ( ng,; ow, one'yeg iand. un- Floeris.-Miss Dora Smith and Mr. L*t 29, James S -116ge I i I tiolar Will be X' treet, Seaprtb, the house con- Co UFAQTURE Iaina parlor-, dining roorn, kitelien, pant ry, with Ilmd Wi Ai,miatrohg ad 12nd best J. Cameron, Brus ova Ion 21 and roun� arner- is a cellar under the wo on; 13jugle b le house and a. good furnace. u -99Y harne 3s, G. hast i n�en and w' to win inde f :POUL! I 4LDHOOD Will There are verandahs in froat.sid( and rear, and every aineo. J )1 e W-'Arm8treng, MENTS wormal i -1 Armson,g, Double far a 'Der lummy waiter, -woodshed, and si % bedroom& there en, 1R. Nicholl, A. F.. Davlds� M 4arnes, W. octly I Stands. ready to helpi on Joh, W, a Iibat olm thing kin the best of npair, hard and soft w ater at p�ndence'andzuccess. - It: hat touelt. d "SPanUh, W Cax ter Barred LAI[, IE S' WORT. the. back door. This is P. must desirable rosidential s1an I I - I . r i .! I . . J . r $6.00 of A given th start to tho. '�rs - - - i I - - -t Wit be sold on re; 6gonable: terms. If Haggitt, "J, Speirt & Sang t F c silk ;;I ea cosys$� -Mss: L'vingaur oiix or a --Ore- i tb.- It c 7enson eye et �tea cosy,, =PoMrbe rented For tor ais. anel particulars Z Bafi:' 7 Po -2-nd i': I Ir ehite Rocks, - F. of the troubles 'Wat affect 34ttle Wd for vaymervu septeJ Sout, 'te Legliornzi Ed. 'Lowery ra. (rs. to A apply at The. Xx-positor Ofte. 2164Ptt e. hel, s onp I p_1 re. n ou ii rite y enerl 6111 i half )per reent-Als-zoi hese aro ho e. be traced to xg aqvanfar for catal I le;Ssj.'k ive olcl&k �te'q s6t; istomadh and 7f nte'r and 1� 31' I �Lor 24d; 'Browif Le6-- r�j-S,;6venso; b and if oqt rJght the QUORTHORN BULL YOR SERVIOR-Mybead I O`w time. horo cottat 5 o' -i Mnl LJ ig-nowneadedbytti -6h bred Ukv ler� ali I 2nd' , J. 'Halfflett. I young Scot chilli will c o0k tea cloth,ffts.z &r .96t well an� fthrlye 3rd 8, xl f I q,-h6ins, J. J. H,,ag,jdtt,, lot, olle bull, Soo W H. AWJ1 b I - 'Mrs. Tain- well, cbGray,726902,11is daz i, Lady Jane (Jimp..Y, Bab Will. rl r tra�y cl 3th" mrszoll 594W; ske, Golden Emir, =60, got by Golden Drop 2nd'4 Ln I 34 �i Silver Spagled: Ham- cotton ond Y's Own Tableti c&d aU tomah Te, idu TO -th, (M780); dau, Emnis. 86. (imp), &Y cl i Mrs. Steven"$ b orwbI troubles an� Scotch Ore is a, IV Arter and 0, TurAbull Ie r is 1119 b L of baby] all the ther HO �, ne, �iT olden Rey (67192) y minor ailments ==audisagrands vinien of the short- Znd 1,1 13 j .61 k table dentre p a. Ste- bod add child- 4 ek Eamh W. Carter hoo e week trair. h -Ls 1st, v on, Mrs. . qte' oo - 11rh Table�ts are 1 hom type, a -ad w -dl be kepr� sp'daly for the im- waft tt -table el 3Y to t4ke end 21fid. 1. 3rd Polands, W. Car-t�jj Ist visited Ott provement of pure bred short 9. ny parties atte 1 lece, '91 as Li"4 ns a as In- 9 a3dteed. free from ! )pjates.l Mrs. -Seattle -and lip me ond no 1 13 Utams, W. , art@r I C Ihzviujrpure-bredoo�vs to breed a vited to inspect 301. toltin tloth table q,ntfeld, 1 )rx., 0ays: I I3 7d, this buU. Terms $5 Insured. bred cows Eind �nd Ho u4g 5, wt ( enttii piece, h manitob ge �vo bulls for gale a�, all times at reasonable pric VvingsIto i, Mrs. Zolle aer4: Mount used Baby,s, own 'ablets: tot m ti i, I tt y Doi kingis,, W. aTter; 41.1 Visitors welcome. JOHN FT a, Hensall P. O� C!, th, 4 MallIck work, a. -girl wh� had a &k stomach ryio4otte, ohn Madd�vs and. -A&s. -Ste. -'a th' : niso ; and This 1 e time i vhen Ou are thinki v n rope 0,, LK W&s badly! constipatel. The Tablets Minorl., st6 nso, -Mrs. --v IgOg-jitt- rd,; Black' r h br I e� g�s. Zol- Purc as a� oxpeetl cured hef of both tro�lles, W4, somet hing n,,w for you embroldei �Ikzitt at, 2nd a sLbo-4-t IS . A A -1h - , —,A. I- nd &q.; .1 , J Za urla 5r,;, J� be tb FO IRAL �-S e ts ldar,,* Iffsa LIP realty feel as� if they 1had saved her som(thing to add to its'cornfb and beauty, 'ingstOn , hf d6� ern- 1 pmbabli 'tt ; Gees -T - - Noldery, life.,? -Sold by I medleiel deal IStewart; Walla.,hala era or b Witl I this i4eqL in Mid Id visit our 1. ti Vt *.1 ibarter Fekl jD, and im ou sh' orh The Dr. 'i first-class young maili at 25 cents a box HORTHOWN CATTLF-,seve it MF 3111-rs. T. DkIll' F . 614;1noden �Uckq,�'W. CfArter store Xarnin our stock of * ;, 2 from JmporW cows, [or Fula at moder i . J,: 4( n., oil ewbr)ldary" on Ivork, Willi:alms' Med�citie Co4.; ockvllle, Ont HaII&T nigh ea, and on,,e Pms; good. young cows alld nd 3rl;.Game DWI� t :!y ter Al =also, to Allinterestedare cordiftll in Late I ir" d1nd C baj MIS. E. Stewa.1t;, affic em�roldery oa mow. throt r n I % P @ I . an� other na7med Wn, 1o4 breed, IN.. 13 �ttenb urg work; Mxs. H FURNITURE ICTURES CARPETS, vited ta. inspeat, the herd. Far m adjoins to� Wea U itit ej eye e On3o j- ei ibriod3ry, Mr LINO RUGS, Ma4wee telephone to. farm. Mdte for c a I .111 er xad 2nd Tea Your C i Iwo. tho'coest. They 274 SMMI, Exeter, % Stewart,, Mrs. Zollen- \ I J. H�L ftt- r1lo rtr un ab- r Lang � W. Cartel el'; ohadow ea brolderY, 'Xiss Livigg- rom re-c4rds being rf c elved at the bi Lod abe tr1pi b4t aze ro h of the Departmi At 6f Agricul­q i t)n., Mrs. !to]Aner; cotton or!musitn rip We �Iarry. only th4 b0st4d nios 910nWR SHEEP AND S1IC 11THORN CATTLE I Un b t up-to-date again. After L PL Mrs embrolOry,and wo`r� ture 1 at'Ottawa from n e mb�ers. of co -,v FOR SALFL-The undersigned has for We gav,. i 11 , -,- -ted , embroldeily,, goo and our p 1 6s wM agreeiLbly surlid In. rs. Taml�n Ise aral Thoidbred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattlt, paten t fix� n I walgoK, covered bu.;gy._ M..s. ZcUener,. silk em- tet,4_ -associations there 'is apparent 'a hOMe than the 01, Address Eginondville P. a., or ly I i yolt. fboth sexes. A a �bl t a ckyoke rs oll-aner, Miss In VOUCOUVEr su o . e ree b] oldery, M very rnarked varlatiah In the earning Kill Road, Tuckegii-Ith. ROBERT CER �and �e elb f 'high and tfiI6 0 W, D. Ew. §t)n; sllk emb power f the ariojs'co!�-s'lh the same an CO. -oldered For Sale b . I i - qO a p lo.� M s Livingstoi. h6r� R5 N rs. a Ow here Y G A, ri and SEEDS,'� I � There is -ever ndication Of IO nw! a riations being 't 0 White, fal ei ibroid ared z t �ee of a, pilloNvi Yujll, Miss ma:nj of laS ,oWs �wheat, Jais, ;V STEWART 0S dkAr, Jas. ;e totals I Ll show L vigstonT; e�-Al t brldered of a reliMtOd, such, em Wn.1 Thuell; red' fa)l-wheat, The Pi ca,ses $25 differeil 2e; in income Jac](80; WE WP Pattonburg sofa ma;nY -ek Yuill, Geo- Jo -1ton; 'barlb��, 0 &a. E dg, a r, T, o h n, ra4foot & @ bw -1 1 Pfflow, kIrs. Hanson, I Misg Living!ton,; between. wo cows in thd 3ame herd. In E !-P% 3 - t . awn iveik sal Is increiE ed to $40.4- For er 1 a Pillow, Urs. Ta yn�-� some herds thi§ Soji; ack At% Jas. Edga white I . j1derta-ker and U bj ']even' cows an ous sh 'ANK Fur FAH r pu� beliag cloth s,&a pit ins: ance, In ai 'herd f, Ilow, I'Mrs. Steven S11- small year old'co,�, giv' E at ess, 'AMP Miss Lila3,ston; pat6h work sofa. actually 4,200 9 Tas.** Edga' T illow, Mrs T pounds of lrill� and I 0, pounds �f fat Ts mlyn, Mrp,. J� �e peajsi� i e; dftWn ivork eloth, A. Yuill, k peir & Sons r lar e P N A D A ,�Imothgy more than -f �iye year Id In the same seed,' ni. aln1s, Jas. -Edgartl '.J. Spe Uri - cloth, Llvii�g iton, Established 1879 ns clo e seed, . Spe ir 1xi; Battenb stable during 'ithe same Itime. Placin, I r Sons, - JP m' ng. Hanson;,p)int lace, Mrs. Zollener 'on cents: ITORONTO 90' Aer pound same i10 e EAD OFt, a value of onl� 20 al d!. h .2 i 4� — I !A . FOR WHOOPING COUGH' CROUP. Eidgq. R I Mrs. gtl,�venson. houitor- lace,i" the.buiter, the� ne cow is thus seen Mrs. ASTHMA, COUGHS. BRONCHIriS, so ODUCT$. of HORIIICI-ITURAI, PR M mlyn Eacorporated by A&,, tenerli Te lace, R. Warivick, to earn over $40 more t, the other. THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA F �e, -�o This Is the ir�portalat paint to i�otice; KeIT, R. R. Sloan; 4,S. Zcll6ner; �otton crpchet Vrork, or ears partment ha b1m Parliamert r t silorin de Vaporized Cresolene skops th roxysms 0 King at Toripl�la,% R R. Sloan, 4. Me- K -a. amlyn, Mrs. Hans' Tbete axe hundreds of irmers 'in the Ion, wool cro- IWhooping Cough. Ever -dre=4 r6up ca -1 Kee ITA a, tin, I ". R. Sloan, Y-.'! S�pelr & *Q1.4t. work, Mr Tamlya, Mixs. St Dom nion in w4ose erdlz Just such re- k� a 01W. far ind r1ear) as ihe best -olace to ge I not -.ist where Cresolene is uOed. It acti enown directly on nose and throat, making brethiiia.- C irtt r i Sples,. R. 4. S1' GL cgoa; crachet work in silk, Mr1i[a7j_ ma able diffe#nees bet,ween cows can M -embers. of Canadian Bailk- atis etury ilozed gaments -those' whialb be. f. und, but the ow il easy in the case of coldsi soothes the eo a e SE, exs Associc%tioll throat and stopi;the cough. Itis aboo 11 J. �gar & lid3, M13s Li una*a of the oxtee t uch' dif 8 5 V sufferers of Asthnui. US v gs on, Is e -war , qua Irange f tR, R. !Moan, 0. man; colton set do a, rs. Z Ge ollener, Nirs. ence and w -fill, cotinue, be wit ut Cresolene is a powerful germicide, acting ET Star�, V (6 aNvays tlav'e i a stock a full the araw- 'A general banking Imsin ss transact- : L Nj c ol;. Blehei hitormatio 9 a Curative and a Dreventiv m J. St �-het. tELble n So essential: In these days W 3 01 I .evenson, era, mats, e in contag, Mrs. Cresolene's beat re Speirj E S,.ewart: fancy kniftijq 'of --e margi I Oan lian cloths. ed Sale notes cash(d or collect disedGeQ. co�n;exiautloit S Garvin, Tolman T, clo- until i record is kept bi �st Iimport6d7 an< a( Sweej aed. Drafts and anoi its thirty years of sucCessful use. ear., of the prode n of eai,,h individuQ ey orders is apM%R,'A- Yul1l. -on- 'I ing- "me A 40 sued. Interest allowel on, deposits' rar We b�r AU tarlo,� J Bii;a toot 4 Son, j'R_ R. at knit 9, � In the he Dru"Istg n; fa-acy I COT ild. J��t k few minute- Iing in wool, Mrs. I larn- z gs Bank Department! SO4d POStal for De- Peal E. ron;ition vq arvin, i Br Mr. zollenet;-co' er n will vastly Try 'Us for, your in t1te &-tvin, of slee ISl Iti ork, ti-guring p to I � , Rlbt�onf,Plppjng oad-' ly -a 'the current ra -,es. scriPtive Booldet foot &M, .Evp Mts. zo[laner,­ interest of t li�gjr milking, be- at bigi 10 e son pin Steve Cresolene Antiseptic Raton, R. c provid -tilde for reap- 01 c hion, Mrs, H. nson, Was: Livingq'on -qides:' I Ia sure Thm.t T.blfs, aim -pie Sloan; C eb�, Rokboro Rus' G. bedroom slip Mxs. Kyle,' Urs. ing more pr9fit per co*,',� The keeping Da-shwood and B,Mcefield and for the dear Canada R b R. Chapi lal L, Ge I C. irr so t, Tamlyn, *htski holder, Mrs. Tarrlyn, of,surh recordal. maY-ha�e; a special at- J'At es SNIr and 8 ous,; Ca- venson foot stool, >frs. Stew- Branches R. Sl -or sdine 7aun;fr member of ittd!rgfl Mat. $te traction f 03s 3 GjH B --Pt,- Leemiog, Mil R1 a. R the family. -tr a ZO r,',, ma da: Limited, Agents. bf n. R. Sloan; F?.Ila- ar I rs. title drape, Miss ILi im�gst)A. Mrs. Zollener C. F. N91. photo frie, I Oons�,EvarrBros.; Zollener, -a Ota L 8-IN11-FOR TH NU Taffilyn; cro*het wa, September, 1.09. R. T� DUNLOP, -MA-ager. treal, Cuinds. waten, 1, Iloah, Nichol Grav- T h.:� air & III7 afr' UMZ V 'a b*W Fw IIIt- ------ LIM