HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-10-08, Page 1I7 I-7 I17� IIIIIIIIIL4 tct enth Wasn, uccess or f this A
raction and in- -of flifte store,. I+ IItIII Ne -LE BRO
�TRIDAT, 81 1119090 Wx*= �r"#X R 121:182 OCTOBER Ji. QAAW n IIIIlior a joloor! ax�d x" fdr br4d. He al- spley Teadilig entitled,
]W�rjat' ALgriaulture ea an tideetaking at orth Bay, andl did orill I ed int the house, and seeJnr thtat res-inaker," The second pie lecasi
40t Ito eo, and says th t' the $2,009 '0we
qer L A proi the7 I were emainded monety, Od was the making of sa f or halt the expected alone, he, d
the =der lids. Redpeas
_taklng i L " Dbie I e Gcv�erlcb lal EX: Abition -fr6 10 Xqtr Orr, on' *aif a wer A
=4 14tt ck. the wo-man when� r one was these e exhanzed. , tr. W,,, In-
-year wu 6nred by tle visit ties The b&_"ng of a dog and befra. Win. Sbanemt,n had;pre-
e Mialster Qt Agricalture for, the athe Exeter Cannir�g Co. 4 I we L Young v him away. The wholo mintry- -pared dellclous salads which, . re test
seared him
Incer Of Ontaio, Hon. J. Duff, a - �.t:tion by -Win. Y ung, of GO46- side I ed =d on the 14*kout for ed b -y those present, and praised as thej
L'AlSt U A the exhibi: Ifoil opemd ion br, rich, tcp have $2,600 ot satock In the'Aelll, the mJscrejnt. erved. Not the leasi en�oyablepair.t
--------- I nesda r externo n of. last week. fendant. CoMpan e [led � and to , —W i roved, to be fatal acw -the eaterta
Rvk, onthe proqeodis of notela: lose Ul surpris . being In the 1orm -of a.
y canc. hat Inifient "me . q Minla:or,ar e C -P -R. have I $1,70, lie eldeat occ,� rred at Princeton, oxfi I-AFk i I
and wa*,L Met at 4ho station, by giv by ii PI on the ;-a-- alatttfite Ati %bier; fm Conty. or Saturday. 'While Thomas It -inch iserved by thel hoste�s- A
e of tho A.Weatox's of the exbIb1tIo#.. wb-1 �was*861lirig stock. In the defend- neyber% a prominent farm �r thank tendered
Ca wis, ar )rote ot Is wab
Skina itt is it -matrt-erx �r luv:heon. witli the directo: -ned with ra, t4e x1iii Compa,hy, Yetir Intere�sft. leading a bull i the stable tha er for -her kind 1hospitality
Wil memben of the t6wn. coun- The7 plahARf )sIgned aft lapplicatlon for I F, -A e f uriou s anA 'ch was, very greatly * 'Preciat .
S-ilksand Dress, SO animal audleAly becam _p — ted. IAir. rushed Wt'him, crushing Inlip heavily e next meeting of the Women"O In- UT cl ard, of !0i ade at the edfold d at th the eftme build sto e 'same time gavp Mr. I Ien to.th). exbibition cIi B "r notes to the amount. of $2,50), agalwit a 3tone wall. The I animal ffiAe will i be the e at mia& a,.*tQ4r (tAnspection, of the la in, Ithen loweli, d hl hea and E t hom =_pr a_rvp whl�h, h wever, he cla were tipt, sed the0 tums ildings & id- exhibit4 i ad pay�i�nit lot the- stock.' The' plai victim on tis �orns te'the ce ed h Insof � a g INSIST in s much pleaseall th clatInibd hiz. no -notice of a11otm o Conlybere fell beavilly n the, cement 'Perth Iteins. nat-ioris I ' ZI he � aw. Latte r the aft wnoon. stO&J:! was ever treceive� by hin-_ Val 4 help b; d "arrived —Mr. Tho in - MAO" mas Ryan. of e who� floor.' By 'this time dt he t Progres of the proVamme that 'the reoltrXements the�. statutes Ih aud, t Is hit urla beas d4riveu t vaE hars been III with typhoid is ire- Ho iorible I were 'dt carrJed out with respect to to rriake up nt* .0 the grand stind, the Pa- izw. away. It i r" loand that he ha4 sus- 1 Ime, ftlifig'of 1he co any's prospect s,� tert ble in uriw, b6t u a.ccomp d b In eirs of% the u tailned Internal The city of Stratfoid popti- Itt e ,town covAdil id Board O� TrAe witfi-Ithe Provincial SecretarY. Ilia ntfxtlarnl. from which since 14,719, being an he ,h4 ald'directorms 9f t .exhlbi�fbn, boati Lor ship, however.- held that ail allot- &e(L 4 190 iduring the palst year- 'm& n -ted. the O,tf o aAdf -a;fter. a, few e at ok !had be(n'rnsAe, -and) m q e irge be had —Mr. Louis Ttock, son -at Ar. Gei een, lock a pr Woll dis 111 tn&bd �tion by Mayor that If ere e any lrregalarlt�n As tleing p -week wit the hysicii of Hibbert died Iii MadkI11% Mr. Daf nade a- b et-adi to tl� -it did not enderth`e t _p oapeqtu�, ton f1w ow r thirty years, di -,d ve Y affe of 92. yeazz. Iir ViVameft e ei Ang. s at suddoAly dreis.*�,Aft i IhI subsi -illption for, stock void but voidable, .11-01n an attack, of a popI6 —Mrl� W. !F. May hv-s. .8 Mrs. J. xP ��nfa o a, e that, by his act ii i becoming a eather cotditipns �,n on. F#day. 1t had riven to- V �a terto )etwillris iiouse in Mitche I to Mrs. the r �blier v d r ei� le CIO plaintiff rnW ar I cor4ult itlil tnelybers of Simpso i fr tho preve led, the dintster said a, few' tor r1t th m-)xny. the dII -words,Aab(l utt the 11 -ovince of C ntarlo bar -red his rl�bt band voiding the t i 1p. coandil about a draia —11r. JoI Richardon, hai sold his Oultur I d8ve d fr Ym' itai a, the ""cbscription. Judn-,ent* wafs i whicl sl s through- &,farm owned ]-.Otel, the Oht io, House, S�ra1ford, to ar I�ie dalrAnti; Indt. ,the' ed. p
mi -actioa,b�t w1thout' mei� Wt ssin hid there, e linet the councillors and Sat- "i -r. A. Eickraelser. Mr. Richardson I HESS wil ag' r Co eaot. tte.frult farrca -of.th castp Isfact transacted his bas1ln3sa and anitob Vi chmaker Engraver appe ed to Melita, M a, in t e near hi ad becot H o rt on, vs Ar action,, by Geo. e� diet#d'� ch bi ne sb va,IuZb1'e Gadke Jei ngood, health. Be tinen got ure. in the a 11 fruits hat fre- H. rorton, of Howick,, for aamaige in bug tucked the -rob ind him —Mr. X. T 01 CoPpin,' the wao, 00 que�vtlY, fruit lands in . that, dist�lct allek3d to have been sustained by. In and eerhi L1Y wishing those lie r g ol =ied In To w k to Mism trits Fiir& IssVer of: Harriaae License. ronto last w Ic e lhaildsI for an acre 4 pro fity, 'an ii and the approach ion b (i lot slilleo RRE day, to k th eins and it-4rted to -Maud g5econd dal 4.;hl er -of Mr. H I 6V P ible ie�,, udd 'the , mixei I -farming v rest -to there to, a wooden bridgei by the 'rais- drive x orse bad b, u el y start. 10mas Heal, of Torionto., an d formerly 01 ""'The eh T
r Fullerton er i h tb 6oiin - th Ing 't - is b* -t= led. The victim Lai only ed ], ien
e. ow 0 T deceased fell f)i ward out e -i s hor of L Euronj, iwth a Ing �Of the water in the lak' dly a d tris I aloi the � lake the als-ing ot defendarit's dam; the two Years ani three moi old. of b b -and before ding —MT. D. H.',McDodall an4 fa-mily f it l?elt a' tr vlaose'elotbes. 9100, tho st a tan y shor `A�rlmlture def dant being -a milf, .ow, -lon-Robert Ha nertoi i6f near �eac4�d him he Was dejC& te. 7h e, inist tr of tier. Th aj[� tMP GY4_ qe was Nibbert, near Staffa, left 1ast week. AM AC- cao,,Iuded by cla4 -Ing th bX1 Li I the -Hay, Pipe rigaa *okks in Wood- sev en 'ior Bori Saisk., where t4ey LWM,. Ja eT Pody, for ea - 3q lif I .41 e b qon. damsges claimed. were, _$500.. Trial of Years Of age. Itly opened. -rhree che6n� stock,' Was, Merely. Inju'red Monday pr this'action. was bostp ed until tp —For f1ft y yea= Mr. and ]Ms. Ged. uture'Teside. They were Apeampanled 0 Iturer's go -ds. h disii�a b Ittihigs of the court. IMf Were giv m and the 4not next non- ary morning, by ail exploiii of as. He 'Mstews, of Lindsay, have enjoyed eli. Mlss 6f Staffa b Ding. 0 *'I] 'Ile aple e vs.* Dinkle;..—. Ln action b y had �en a i lighted candle. Into the he happin s of marrid lifel u�dl a ends spend1W the winter ll� the West.. . who In
characteristics' of pla 31d OP v W IFrederick Krueg . as dinst. Christian PP ors I �f a large pipe orgarr., If ew n'the neighborhoW , tafit- Ys ago they cele�rated t hE ir gi —Apples i Ithe ai ail le Binkle, both fa Howick, for when Ildi ig all e 11anj Ignited the gai in the en w di The entire lamll gai:the ell are a splendid crop Ws -year be-. main u rmq� ; O,
pi anL
er Ithe fa mtl:r residence and A ump- free from'brimish and ct exwnlent t�a The Indoa er, he -ting ch a wind here was an e olosion, ed arg-ument if L[ I If No tu nd In Aem6ntS implying. hat the plain are U ua 1y' well till !d i &fTd Hame on Nvas badl injured about ousl b t was spre ad 14 heir quality. The tbree Mitchell pai th ye#, the heai facl .. -killed his a am Lave wor epec ad a
to prove that the 1) Was ex ,eptloh to th � oh le, tiff I f !the I. The d aiges bonor at tb a Hotel Denson. Mr. 3at- and hanil 'bits —Milton, th( twenty year old son of thew� is tl e foander of -the - George lo t confines -hi's line 'I 0 aiid b I e a the exb of goods In clairted were $1,000' al of 'this ac-' mt about 20,000 barralt r a. on ma wa, com 3etl t1oi i for, prlz� , t, hstponed --to the J. D. MOPhers i-, a well known far m4thews ftcklng Company. Any old —M�r. A. F. MeLaen, ex-�X.F. for mei Cha its tie on consen mer house product - il;� soriouslY and )ce ers had very attractive sittings of he court. nearl B16nbelm Kent County, stopped to frid 51 -SPI Is next, juf�- Ads Of �hp - Matthews, viho to -day Is North Perth, was entertatn4d at —An ti of t ieft go oft. Thel outside, sbo-v bc w- ac on by Vilas climb a hlkoi tree n hisi woyl home omplimentaTy banquet Ott rk. handiCalDIDea. Codslas vs. Pa mai caii wall. remember the the farrq to time When be had not hardl�� a Cent TX9 lapt at the Windsor iotei, pre- I-CduIs1ns, head milliner!'with Mrs. Park, from _teet
ever, w a.I4 E o, go(d as it woul I b: ii and fell forty
bei had the -weather been' fav Wat d tfile the gr as carried. hj� narr. a., While falO"c to uring I1Vlh1W port ious to his leavinig Stratford to, tsce of Go derich sping and ome on
�Ur.;i discover y Lill y. 110, up his residence in Toronto, The' attenx anee�. als was disapp nt ng of 1i 7 and:thb sprin "i I against EL WagOi andl ed thait; he ed to go toi Hope
becamse v. i wet amd- nfa, ora ble Mrs., Park, for slavidi -the alleged his SPlb IlAd' )een fractured in two.; boaght his wife a ticket on a rall- —one day 'recently as Qterqzwesser
Wei heiveuf clt n made 9- No. h 8
weather. Phe doder I *h people seme iglalid x consisting Ot Staements im- Places WO dis cated. ope enter- way. 'but h-, hiself hiLd to ot it trotbers were drivilag into by'se4eif the be. manu bett r d ack, " the3 Ispla-Y co mend- plyi�,,,theft on the AA of Miss CousIll, tained. fOr 1 ecovry. all. the way to that town, whe e lie th�ir horse bolted md became unnieflagill- faciturin . h"L,zes ii 06UU able rprisei and ai ma e a inss. ; rhe defendant denles the alleged The de ath�, of Malcolm' MeDonald, jostarte the, large . concern of which 9 UPS them to the ditch and I I big to haYe their exhibitiom a sue- lslapg -r. On aged 72 oqcurred at his hpme, he� is -1 applic4tion of counsel for now.." e preside -at. esatlng_the ishati -of the flig. b4j�t as ry, and it :is all nib on �ou, Wer, I they, can 1R.Ot concession 6, Uaron towns Bruce, IwJ �ys the d -,fedant trial of Is action was .r ack as .1872, Walter 31cQuat, I ck Uppened no one wag ef 1OU217 Iw own high -standard f 6X(301 itsuff w i ba I eather, and I tJ pcj�,.tpmed to the next noln-jury sittings County on Sa4rday. Deceased came to a was sent by the I art. ------ - f rom Scoland, and Doit Government, Charlea Tiw" Of ori ICourt on, Navemb,-r' 29th. on a i Ile lozical
cow nue. In well doing succ 9 'will of tfi,, Hui:on to,"'
ta-ste. We avoid-* Yet rown ;heir effoits. WO rkman vs. Coleman, —An, action by settled �vilh I -year trip t, Jam Ray. -by wa
lence Qf workma4shl a parents In,the y of,A he Upper I �rth bo
-=d ison d the lafft
Inst 1849 on. the r -en on which It died. Ot JIi Workmao, oflStanley, aai Ie and Lake Abitibi. t Lake James Trowt who represeited South. othing 5. We haven TI te H truly an Assftes. Geoise Coleman. of4he aame township, He,was 3 oneer and a m' high- Opaz��ttca, tt ome thirty miles th of Perth in the Dominion Parl arneni for Led. e leaves a five �ghi, the season. 1_1 -:� - � . . I - 0: VRrlou a el i 01, 9,!owing timber, Lake Ti mming, In !Quebec, not far t Ir Theo 0. m rg draf for 4800 dimaget' t' ly respe6 .1 I
- roi the Signal.) so WaMY Years, was married m4 one taghter. L,ectly modelled and surfa'.,e soil dlid fence§ on -the plain- sons E from ihe bo indaTy. he found Ag de- on the 22nd. alt., to 3 -,a len Gert- their mode19 0 1 differ 1 The Jurry sittIngs of the Hbgh Court tiffo property Pau L ";ate met with a serious posit =d samples of ore rude, duhter of the late Jai M -&t- sed,'ty -fire spread- -Rusd.ell of mi ii DIn'tworn. Materials for -this , couty were h eld last we,ki; n Octo- m new
com emcinx on Tharsdy aftmnicon Jury ieturined �1� U. i latei, and his discovery remair, ed. un- —The nine year- old daugh er of Air, we ar D th nom defendaAMs iperty I w ahowdd coi XcQuat died two years 0 a, of that city. ideas and Ing t
accident hild ploing near WW1a us n
WICL I ConClu give ding On aturday aftirnboh, Mrs. Adair abled to eac with aerdict for the plIdutiff for $450, came unmanag able and threw him, off clairbodluntil last 'apring,'when amem- West Mon n, Was q 11g lir Of the use of Commons ran across the- siol, J udi beiii -Eon or of the
and I lis. L b k
directed JuOgment to the - Plo v�, XttI %4 and tearing his left I�garm-ents are less tiality. . And with- ber. of last year. fie Range, a. ��� Is foar orse team-, b. -
shaping and style I lg&. Sul s 'te. Of eleven. d, burled I's Elma Centre ha-wat ek. The U1, ?,Icr, cases e ter be entered accoyrdingly' �vtth costs of. leg -at the lkn6' so badly that ampuii rehves and s(ssional, jgiokness, which reszt1ted so fato_t7� Iast_ ort 11 the a 9 built large for 'three went to lal,'the others )e- -the aaatlon. a result, syndt, el only tour fty�s, and was io him. wheri our va Mir tion wa-s fiecei 3ay. Thi young man paper of 1 13. As Ing eitlier settled b6twden the )arties �Blssett vs. the Gelp and Goderc has been wor Ing f or John Davis all cate was formed, and a pr ?ecti ty,-a fright rea�lvd While BaSSillS ;S-. Ifiety of e sel idno �hell d d. U9 :qc 6 C6 �+++ jo arn e lzummer.� He 6&me from t orth this Sura.m�r ia locate long the -road in the� e you in gett g co�r ofly! fit, rwn, i Godilri-h vs. the G(rder ch Railway Co. and IM, 8 Clarksburg, party sent,.
An action tor d&Tr 4ges, owing to fence! the- las The party�succ in 1-LOn Sunday, September 2ith, occur- Wh el tlig Limited.—This act O'. P t Ion t-1 e p tif flits. ropeT y not bein,4g ive lmber yards at on 1he urface go ues in redAbe death of James Boyd, one 01 the �ain —9%e exten4.
ting e geat d 0 Itose O I It, c f a lap ut e as to, the a mo.Et! a agpeed. 'Judginiani �'of Air Manleyt Chew, sil-ver' and 'cobalt bloom on r(
re-er(etedlas soon a Mlfnll,� Ont� I e claim. ploneers of Lgn. lie was V ,years of le �Om y whi�h I' ed -the town 6 it by fire n is 1Aerd b�r- CDAse ag-;dnst X A.- M. riday last T -his wpre sw( on F stablIthes the contlaustlJon oftbe age and bad, �Ispet nearly gixl y yea7rB In the ilts: k(Pay ent Of the loan O $ �_ Pigdt, Co., f 'or *162.50, withoi costa, and lamber an otber propertyl to the Coba sily4i, -range in Quebeq. the townusi to whtch he dame from- IIaps ie on Val -ie - of al3out $250,000 were d6troyed. genalite mad dog acare PiEs 8eiz- Ireltod as ! be ' He was III .:for -iaev Terh _hav wond r 000-4dvLaced-by the municipality. Th' I -the way COMP
Iy havilugit, paid —A Y,, uqd -der d A Abolat 15,000,01 feet of lumber was ed th-, coantry-slide in North at wee anid his death as not ne Ai be, debdidu Were, is uif this ettlement, 13629.150 in f Lill of Its ks w -c burned. ' The mills were isaved. Les3 Waterlod, of the pected. His -who survives hi m, is e have, 'ot be prop ton ot the amount formlng� the Prop offIcia, to $eV garmk of the deb'intbres were n t settl ent tba;n two berr yards DomiTIon B y 1. Y() I I Feb usi YI , -�st. 1 908, __ Ut the proef , Is �Tt a -lie e isali wee ago - the lum dard of Health haz beenin- a, daughter -of the late Alex" der Laini Ihamded to the c )mpany unti Al I104 prop'i Alaybe the trou le is t . h Yon h beer i ,OV to IF uson vs. C. T. It. Co.--�-An Ac- of Chew Bros., In -the same town, were vestigatim-g' the situatiort, whi ft is of Mitchell, buit they have no family..- 15th e �It own cl�dn Ibg that t w s itloa'� r $1,000 df mages by WilllaM j. fire swept, wit i a loss of about $206,900. said tb be very serious. The nslden.ts —A 111'alsteirial Associaioll has been on -ac o panyis no 'ha. dealing wit a one Maker" concern. d unt of he 0), ke ea Ferg L -son, of St. Marys, who at the -time —John Hit, 7, of 'Claendon, of N�'Ar Getirtany, Breslau, and Shantz formed for the town of L14towel and-
IIng. 1 ts plaht,c plet a with alt.t e -ni of �h,'accidenii O:tober. 1908, wa ton, c ied wi,th aggr stay- Kingis avated as- _Statio% W_4j�erloo township, are terror- mirrounding district, and the following- chines I nst thre :entag-to b a,Iled ,;be. company clai Ing' I i the toi or ay, sustained eault toot his wife, Ized, On Satarduy last a dog in New officers electedt President, Rev. W. F. h t I1he a -4as on oit 'With no intention of discounting tr'uth'i or sidt steppinj by 11-ing thrip a-2 n. open stalirWay was Senence& to tWo, years -in . the Gernitmy bil a nimber of other daga. 1rite, Lletoweill -Rev. S. Salton, of the :a*n,'js not hiving sacceele'A In in th.� 'baegage r(om of the defendant Central Prison. The prisoner pleAded which it was, deemed wise to hai e de- -7rowbridge, secretarir and,treasurer, v, wa. assert in all sincerity that; f, 0 integrit .4 he bei, of sellingthe debeatures and claiming IIIL- Icornpirl 91t. Wing am,- i as claimed, guilty to thel'irat charg,e of aseault, stri NO: ct It made Its appear ince on r1i R. D. Hamilton, The SO, Ith-it It was r'ead for tho 1 ai;r� 6n Ito t1h Im n e ma -1. cai c defendan�B ar man Gole an I Wyn. Assodlation will meet Th'� secand h6w1edge an4 belief, we' are-furnia-hin-a 010thitig buy ndr egli * nce. This Th ''home drunk and began the I �' ms, ( f Solo Febivai y I at. Wheli he debentures w e actlid"n, was settled between thepartles. 111 -treating bliq wife. He finally fired Rand4ll, near Breslai. On the latter's N4,ronday of each month at halt past -two. t sold'thfy were soltl,below pax am a of B�amijtoli'vs. D. Me- a rifle at her, :he ball passing close to IIn'th the elf anest, most comprehensive 1most safisfa� comgan,agree� to accept. -the amo Thk farm it attacked the 'cai in, the O'clock! i and later, bit -on the fatm, of E,
m in this sect -ion. t Doi and John Hamilton.—A and j nterIIi the'wall besido
stock to s'eleet fro field Rallainlyne,'21 ye It] ecelved anil allov� the bal B brought the bed. Ccessman. at Shantz Statlon,� nam- daughter of John Bllant . f air- t Owq -adjot rned from wt cc urt, of t:_�hb $�#,000 to. b6l adjusted wb N —The dealth by tl e Bai of Hamilt toi - repover ook Place in London at ber cyl pfli tind some cattle� Wx. -Cress. er ea Avnton, took ber In i9trat- I wn by de- an IV! s the leorlp -y made . Its irst pwrmeht- the a noimt of a cheque dra' early he :'Monday morning OT man, 44giot his gan and shot -the dog. The fe,:J r b W-allowl.1Z TELLING YOU -IS T_ The Aebe!tnures, ho er, had e a ILE on, o Ur L Orry, I,.fift Pebruary Isti 0 in fay -or of D. McDonalli, A,,shflei, of -the Seventh, Regiment an the f ir-st for examination, wbere the case was t -i th cit"st Rt the horw of I rZ. -ne lm. T e cheque was Prono ced o -of Pa id ''eandle, and though ishe took the pols-
A, 5th and $03.15. accrued intt nd (Indorsed by graduate of Wolseley b Col. hydrophobia. I
by -the purchasers� �l -e c1shed Int 111ple,'but fthonored when Payne Was b At Paynetr_rM%011l1811,_ near Iest w -a at nUtt she lived I grfAt agony till —One llfe,Vas lat and anotherf Ber, e In Thomas, d bentulep T company claim YOU I..S -t forwErded to the braneb of the bank St. years ago, and went followir497 morning. The Ith 3.15, t lously andaizered and Immense dam- aa t detA was d 49 eara ago. He took SIE10, ING t Winghatim. Trial of this action was to London 32 an age tic property was daused by 16 Tire dellbPrate, h held thEad as re for th paL* active part ln� niUltary at4ains, and Pos il -Jury it foimd by YRdudla P �. next non Sirl'when, em, t 61 t I I which started north-east I'Attlin, m t wn'a loan on Februali y tigs rved as lie mant durl7gg the of the couvl . Be y(>u have for frail R'el Alberta, and has been vi Ter -over living and able -to spea� c, but -re- t
fie flam ea Wer ip't. Th ouit the towli P&14� o�, r rebellion. ffieed to take wiy metica. P SITIV"M GAAY vs. 144ton. el al—This ae- a, week. e chee ked il' to the I any was- 10 le!!i tion, L Which is 'in coline Aloit with the —Ad—&m Kerri 70 yea= of age, com- autti witiout loss to the - tOi On Satiwdaty night a borsi�:aud bu- tt. e; .1 5010 0. when, the co mitted 'suiolde In Toronto o'a 114Y alld. to- flw ptlidb by R. A. Gaten-bly, of Gode. MO but 31 t wit I t hard f gy beloywing to Mr. Duke G,alrbutt, of Ightinig, Yager- y clime to -make Ift first TepayMe me t e Gas by taking carb ilic acid. He lef a note 'Swede, was plowing fire rich,ii I stock fix.the Equitalole Rullartorit,, were taken from the Meth- Ithe - Ow 7j it claim -,d that it w hi;s laiO e loyr giving as a Teas- Boll., Cornpwry, of Bramptipilt, was postponed for guardt when first signs church heds 10 Mitebell, while Itof t he fire T 00� D I lterl0 st fc r; a year on t4. s to the next nonlllj,ir,� Wttlugs of the on- for ble -act Garbutt Was at -vAsbuv-- Ititled t �& old, to 'get anoth- that ItL Was Mary S ving his niece, tendIns- WANT TO SHO becamr spi it. Lea
f$1,3 the to.wA. had the -as a of Court. er job." K Id further I�ad, to check the flames by '14 town. About two Yclock n gel$ the in for Ithat P�rlod. The, 'town performe(t norning the horse found Its nobody's fatatl that he bad continuing he ploi oil ht fire sultiva 7 for $1,200, the bhlance due Ica the act. He &e neither despondent 'Tfthime with the"buggy a very de-- I guaii Y rson sped In IAfs 'rpaylitneat of $2,500 afler de- nor dr(ink. bu, figurbol he age off to aw lot as 1, ,pidated condition. This I is the - fiffth, thel he or semblied hor iesteaders In f the h � $1, 00 of t iginal loan Whney, �)ntaWs Prem- had �asaed tho age litail , 0 wl#g to the t me for tJ ke pos ny flames session of homes. withlu -a very hort kiod V "Ile c- a ]6ad ot re aeiv ier, (eleb so ly 'Young 9 i which co pated hi i, 66th birthfty a, fact thi is Were em- He wo suffocatad by the smoki and s milar outrages have been I epetrated TI En's IL -0- a lip ld I h4t -the co, MPW y Saturtay last. oyed,i he co not, get a b. pnise fell wm, the rapidly ad-ancing 1 L taking rigs troin these sheds, and at ras en: itild -blowe � entered t e post office ter driving i for some V t Interest an the:$1;310. mosololmoM r. George R Ybbins, a well known Saf Mm overt&)FhV him. His nive, who 4ht, 6 0: Iand; adylie I proinise- betwelm'the. 4ij. .Pdqard Coanty, drop- at Of Ottaa, pital a er of Prince" wr milei I- 9 � at rea A In the Ci turn. -the horse loose at the k of dam- - d e: e wit dy- e ainblej 41 e.t solicito� pied d md on the st ri in P16tan on Sat- Su�dij ntght,) ned-Ahe saf � h asuff fl*m very serious b i was th willing sa err lthe t(-wrL' o urda�, Deceased Nai ab 3ut 60 of U1 S tp=le namit, and wd, away with about $1,200 a ge DS �4 G k 0. Viet to both horse and Wit N e. - mu -Fa to evttlon to duty. At be last Robert Butcher, an Lr.. shmno 24 i t ffice is in the igen eff eet s 'c )Mprornli 49 Pie W. in cash. The is o r
ears - OM of age, committed s elde Mon- date' bt t] a om she left the team to take her e om Fe ru4ny —1unes. Do t busl eral store f )shua Ellard, and most 0 one rpmaintlig chance of escap b,,t day afternoon by hanging �Iraself to :en belonged r Manager man Of Strlthl,ona, Alberta, has of to him. A, ger anit, ne_-za the cash t aught b.the flamet. Iwas c a tree in .1. Lamon-r bush, labout tw* t e 91 ils. 1;e -n -iominsted &S the Liberal candidate _ntair, -two registered Marys, �.he body 9 drawer co ng, forty , iles sout1l of St. 11 es were w a, as Succes- ,looked by the burglars. —A 1 despich from Berlin, )ntario, ITt 6 (a f I ie AoWe of Comm:)n letters was o says The Canadian Consolidate I Felts, being discovereed Tuesday m. orni r. low�g - apr t C) the late Dr. 'Md Intyre.' e, vv These letters Ji ntaiued -several handre 1 iitcber was, in Mr. Lamont's employ. N O�verc'oa s c6mpamy, I Imited, is the nair of -ir ar old son 1. T1 & mortgaige ir question to Jbia —Gordon* the i 12ar y of dollars.1.1a casli, which: the shaatymen b 'r. Lai was on a visit t St.marys here nezt gundAY.—A. reftme I I y making tie annual pay- I ti new 0onceri whi-ch has come I ito be- 1. Jf. War ng, l LgActioni was( at a employ d Ili " te. neighborhood were membWj Oft, o I Monday, and got a lettei for ;But- to thO families. m ut through here a former ments lierbafter fall due upon eighbors 6ii 11oinday morning, play- sen4111-f ler. which he delivered.- Bt tcher isill, .13ank staf f! here, was 15th in eaqh year, with s6me children, when he fell by D. Lora. McGibbon, presiderit of c Th. DePartnent of Trade and Com- appe,%rW soon utter and notIng more Ifor a. tei?r,( dayo dtal*g i the Canadian Consullidated 1 7K unde!r the hito: P. boiler of scalding water. H� merce comMing an.-lidex of Can&- A of him until the Tlidinii of �d to b The 2oncerris forming the Can- A- ixadmat.t: "Pe... Rubber Com Vrals seen mor a courted s'of the 15111 was eriously scalded, than nutactprers, exporters, and pro- PnY, honey to .1thie weat itNe: Caps b1s body the next morning. Woe letter of ApIll, 1909.-\ The defendant -10 —8.X cohvlction6� for breaches of the ducers general e to extend ada Felts, Lmited, are the Berlin who desir Larn . . . . . . . .
delivered by T ont waoi the cause tb* ster Irade a and: the amm ayi$2,500 less $1"300 A.nd interett OntAlo Litlor Act have been regli - their rade a load. This list, wh�i Brussels O fo one v Police Felt ot 'or of Botcher's a -at. It �Was a you and iclrbes.� unicips- Felt Boot � nPany el ro 0 nX
her Year at 5 per cent. bl Magistrate Hollnd a- compil(d, will'ibe given- the preference dy of Berlin and the Elmira em,' commenced. Felt Boot Comnai IadY of St, IIIIi lately A Eii FnK_ �i conck rn will Each. party to pay its own costs. gainst two hotel-keepe of Rainey at all limes W�ien the'names of such md hi IM V71 I �. 1 , In W Oh she shows pre, terence or -?y s. Niebolso1a.—An act: on by Rivexi G.. M, Ja,ckson and Wii H, Per- Canadl In If by int ncl,- M66a ir are required e be capitalizid at $2,000,000. The of ficers a friend she had left in n, n anol a week twd , i . i � : I I I i
urz A V) ats Georl4e H. McGlaw _a.-�Inat Peter Nich- hit.- P chaerg abroad. The names of are. ':Iresldenit, D. Lorne Mi*ibbon —What I -day. of tht T in. e tines amodnte to $425. zr - , was probably --.w 6f the J.-rg- ested game with fter being oul Goo. Rumpol -and A. J. XImMe, vice- but.of;the trahsactions. L neirly 1wo, hours,the the exborters Av-111 be sent to the var- a A loads of pure ti Iover 1, oney ever Ontario, OUP. be DI nit:14 and defendant ii con- &ranc presid nds. Oscar R=Pel will nanage 9UPPed fro, Listowel was ptt on bosid of t Jury � at Londbn Monday attee- jous. 'trade commissioners necOon ;wl h their -Nvv rk on the s , Imen- hoox.z returned a true, bill Against Mrs. throug the B,-,rlin Velt Boot Company" -Plant, f le C, P. R, out tl�: world. I$,! rb,ate for Brit Q.h 'Colura-
J. Immel the Kimme r tation. ba:s n In the t6wn'bf Goderich. Hartlia, ScGtt, chared with the mur- —At the opong meetink of fhe Gaelic a,nd �nd Bk' b, The consignment conFifted of 34 -a �Orwo The' P11,11VIff claims $2,000, and . In- der her father ITarvey cott, tylwtof Ttonto, on Sat4rday ;ev- mir ants T. H. Riede, -of the Mer- 2e a Socie lates, each neatly made a ad packt(W , -tax b&W o_Ne r gl�ien Neil Robertso-A read an- chan-ts' Itub wr Cbmxny, ad 9. D. Mll, _;1e xd- at N* I[Juder eail, terest,;� the amo unt of an - orde of N ssourl, on Septeml er 18. I arAn last W t DIdin 60 Poiund,�, or two tbcusand and from IOM Mm"by tle do'fi toi r., H. P. brentual, plonee i cheeae Poi Mellar, of ihe Berlin Felt Boo Com- forty pounds Iaddre§s of wellicorge in- Gaelic to Miss in All, The I Oney VMS trea sale the "Scottish pany, are a Dod- re" L I i Prima so ft"nelai Inter(sted In 'a, pretty V surer )f Nbrth Bay, which was expoiter of Belleville. and for many jet troduced by Chrles Xitchell, Moles- Data not:boaored; �Llso 4' arA Liberal Donngi- who 1; the new coacern. to, EM Mri- MUSPA 38,00, and Interest,. ye one of the most Ecttve In that city on a con- I0 . . N rorth, who Is n, -old veter In I
the ; au, of ,a, hl= if any Pi civo i wdifing,your inspet,-Pb� s.m( note wbich.the pla�n- wrkez� in the County ol HaWngs, died cert tour, M14; Maclachlan. replied in t usiness, ha�h�g studied an kept. one tiff len4orsed. The $2,000 was the b� II- last 3veek at the age of 7& ears, us Enzils , In Lich she. spoke of hlEr —The Septembr!rneetIng of t4e MIt- c f the largest aplarles Inj westem aned dua the pf"&Latiff, according toi a ri oi a paralytic stroke. ustralian tod, and then she gave a cliell Woi InstItate was belt at the
Ontario for over thirty yeati He ra- of the 'directors' Of thet (stateme it of al after payment of —A�druken man wds 'Chasing a vivid licture oi the scenes, the meinor- 'home of I'llits.1'Jose Pullar- I orts a crop' C16, LIM, ph SkInner, of five tons for! thi year In cmh on account of $2,600 t k Yoanf tr ions of her Mondy of last eek. and Buttez $5001 lad who fia beer botheringbim, les a* t1te own Higbr- ton, large End has an unlfmlt�-d demaUld for Into eeli0ged as in e We Ca -dada, FIE: The boy re* f rtlurlhlbr of ladles from both tcrrn. and c utput, mooc )m In i�xgyleshl . This part o _t of wb.1 b ig ped to
TER AN ster� llur Us in Ticronto the otber In land h �hip hmt�( untly were present, and a k6r for the comlfig, BUT D EGGS H IGH�R81" '-?k Com an V, di, wbich the plilintiff his �aste to escapel fel and big pur- her address w�,�3 enthusiastically �zheer- co rr Ist In- the great C�nadlan West ia�d British has: be -en evg&w loi to the deendant and :wh�ich suer fell on, the top of him. The boy ed. tereir pEcygramme wa I s enJo3 ed by Colurnbla. e th -A four yearp -1 In the had N, I was pie Ige I b� t e ?,e leg broken In two places. —Aft. John McGinnis, the wife of all V ris Bnzie glavie qove 3ank, dant --IN rWle playing hd c 01mPoi ie,� -who has D hiww =efen says e avAlloeek In a a, f rm at Salem's Corners, near cellen: Pa 034ro ee"q or- gxmw VIN, _Mr. C
lia st )bk, as I Iven to cove - part corn i 'eld neaT, Desaronta, Robt. Raln'Y's Lindsay,, wais; � ttatked in her h6me by tion, fterent methods f cook -a GO& he nm thati, the Thu) REAVI NGl aim d I in St. (;oerge chtVich. Itic" at Torost& CLOT111 of tN loss sulglaln-il In thei ecitract little son VMS ran, over by a corn bind- I a tramp (in Sgirday and brutally beat- Ing a#d cuting the same. The paPer i1ch, has gone to Toronto t) reside. the sed tmefflatioi basin. T e e,,rlously Injurd a, caphWA er ay d Is One * leg was en, hush ad was In the f leldtf xt was full. 1 valuable hlnt� for house.., Before, leaving he ivas present
f e- ed with I four"i and endnt, f x ither, I%Uexas,tbat the iti Is feared It will be work the ime, and did not hea�' wlve---',' Mrs, H. Eisler enlivenel 'the a, TouAtaln pen and _Mxi I Cosgrove Iff 44 t 04--swry to ahoutate the other, as her sc 3. e ame to the progr4mme, by ifying a humorous ane with a gIlt dock, by th t i e at the Toronto, Joi lAry Iff partners 1p ,'In tramp c III Vow IIIIII