HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-10-01, Page 67 JF rOltif jam- it G=VIR-1. iv. 3* SU ALL, NIOHT BAKERIES. `7 All diaeaa4s of Domeputle Y ars Ek --w graduate of C�at*rl Y: ix I'd e D' ary Odlei 1 Fo �1` MY coil, UV4 1 - , tat -,d. Calls promrtly ag-- ti anto tAelt; Whire Now Yorkerq Ca' to A341=4ka tre, Y Have Wan d ASK, F 10- gea anq- oveloproen, Supplied -at Ank'Hour.' M&I to aad ehar A a Our W41 its arq� str 0 b, i y �and so latied: a4mary Denti,-try 4- Speciait� ce the many pt p of business, ins' Wity �p Su Araong a0c %ad losiden -ich" atrest, 03) y these ;tl[4 'we 6 another sort1that ln�_a great Ce On Godoi Do you ka9w theL are de �h Wei known GentleM an of one 0,A p(n&ftt hPon dom ea,t of Dr. ScotVa' offilee, Sea- o1hem for,1 ieisat- city axe kept open :U, between working and hpvift- isfaction-04 o4 neelE . 6rongly Rlq, all Igt are, bak. 5- This ha, ;nade olmmel,lijS Arth. sthe work, done for you? It all apor, it that every sde Ion of: is �Iru it-a-flveS' tO efli T is a pe Sunlight Soap actuallY 1k�� 3 histant Lch he bakery- "T gre A. I a h o; A I be In alm'ost' e -'th to only -evrry oth-4 Sufferiers. fie businkss establish e supp Y, X aduate t �be OntarlO the dirt drop out -saves y! b tt.t Honorary 1011 er secti the - -wo d at Vhe mostly home -wants, an ! as moat peo Te6erinary ODUege, le a3R 110110rArl thne and money -r -but Injum means. (it corn 'unimtlon havle: m,41ti- ple work days and sle v f_,n1gbts.%h -mezior of the Med Assoclatiol) neltber hands n) Plid .�o, ra, almost Jnow �idl that this is might be supp d that, there would. Of t)teL Ontario Veterrina�y College. clothes. Th ck, 1 an acco-601aheO: fact. Tbe developmen tL. ose .1 of our Lr4a-sp(i tQtICn p XTeates diseases of all Domestic An,- be i10 occasion to kee bakeries open India rale le r faeffitifia, theL just th ib here, where,, b the n 41th the city1w bulldir��g ,Tre;i;t trar i r,,enti.-try and iKilk veyerxa Specialty. 4ifferend Lscor,dnentaA he xtension manifold Induitri crupulaus ve-ndorz nay suggest Dick's 'R. o,� ra�vva jines, 1 t es . th4ri a must be a Prejudiced a others. butecimpareltalty Ottlte opposite tel, Uata The tweel id uns .Y al Onizi, u til -nearly evay ill&i�d large nu ber'of people 1working at all u will -P fre otr t. SeafortXj. All ordem-left. * wt �sunlightSo th r,911170ad aaY',alLtaes, times to keep things g WILY yo edom from acidity, Palixtableness—Labatt%s Ale is surpass. jl�g, there are Me hoitel' will ireeelve priaimpt attea- V I � d by none, equaLl'I'ed by few -at about half tl r- Prfce of I lest imi)orted brands. e f tion. Night c4ls rftgwd at the- �nd ordiftar. Was the..prs�. t factor, in Wag bakeries tha 0 en an n_. Ing soll about tl 14f;Xes it. t1te, Improver)3 trade 5 of at &�l ours. 01fice. t4e -natural We- som bakeies e of these all i tigh ot the f irther Orbgras3. --rae' end, The t6l�graph �,EGAL. have lunch room attac irnents, Where! Ahe al Ualic and made It Pos- I -oD, in to eat go �n �o or from AMB$ P. KnAMLAN. people.st Follow Barrivter, Solicitor, No4ry Public, Zible to Directil ish the i rid's inte116,on ce ete. - molaer to loan. In Soatorth Ken- �'acrcss t. 16 b6a XY ness.:' only: At either c0stomers come; Ithe t�ilhklins of- days, Fridays and Saturdiya. ed t- work, *h1le, others do L I akeryl bust -I hin Office an ogrt- her, nearly eVery, �4,11ght to buy HOU8 e open every week day. Ovor Ptexard'a The lafts, distance, 'things to carry away, Just as people do xtorp, Main stroe', SWoiobt.. .1901 telep plis"i L on -d st! GTeater' re- at Uy hoUr,of the day,:for the people ilr�ted - distances b Y. uits &n d hol go tolwork at.mid4dght,br at. 1, 2 R.. S. HA& In. GI aer. touch - �vlth or 3 o'clock In'the mornfb manit bread g liach atl,6 Applels! Wante Ersonal %;onVePq_a,-i e r M�T f�r th ar-611 y This nking 0 _L I . -me as do �beir � . �7_ JAMr.6 NGWAL&, so. the Sa fl I in tb I Barriter, 8611citc tion, and It, no -,v ren and bakery stuff bet is the time herx u are thi f &nd Notar Solicitor, for the toleph ore-, aQffiee .onil. thooe.�wb bftt Just _ln4 rear of the All kinds of go-od sound pples, lair I . places purchasing: gomethio- new for y�ur home— naWejhe 31tuat= labotwat 8 likely yole al -d n omplete for or 9, 4#d ere is Ortb. MOAeY to en ough to pare, - Br' U3e "I'have much 'e"ure in testffjn-ng 0 g in. P, ts :omfor and beauty. 1110MInloa Baal(, Sftf in k.'f arO ho, e ai abn'OA. Man e110US ho- 4D something to add to i ples and get the cas when ev(ir d behefit I ha e to be in th ir neighborh an all night S011e P foaa. I Wi6 this idea in mind you shotild visit our 116P ip ione, 'cb-nneet"?t di �riveid open bakery *here the regularly Fruit—a tives.�) I Y, it *Ith th- r al E KC C SUPP Chro b 1hrough t g "I . i ly their wan store and examine our stock of L BBST. erer ts. ome hero *1th utt 9' Gi,ls* or W t 2i au -i -the offly medicin I Fro' m 2 to 5 a. m. are Barr -toter, Sollcftr, ancer matipation" �6 1 - hours that I Gl. the M4atryi throtiiig &ad Notary Pubbe. Ottlee Apply at the Olstqnce " er .51j�ureA JIM any, real URES, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, RUGS th mid mark low ebb in the a 411ght bakery I FURNITURE, jhtift." 1-tds - - �ICT urniture U Ideal.11 will fia, �e been' acqom,�' V ts � #4*8talti medrcize oviier Walker's 1. ore! Maim trade, but: customers are opplr�g W PlIshed'. - --' I fiolel. street, Seaiofth. 1327 HAMM VAPORIAT1011 a red hen Mg elte all night long. The t pho no longer 'an t Me Asofl Ltw I had a severe arry only the best arid most up-to-date "I experiment.- it We C I ha'SL c6- ed -to be. a. lax- ArTAM OiT -01 TOwN a &Y., it no, a 11 U ehold neces,, good,3, a,nd our prices wil' agreeably surp;rise i zlcy-. W11ITH KID BLI�y DR. JOHN MCGINNIS. -nov i TROU ar d ANCIENT GO r as' I Portant an access ory of these ccmplaints you. Office qhd revId-ence, Victoria as t - I s bir. cle r, cream separi for me, when the P�ysician attendig Remai,kable Wepons Thaf-Were Used Beefortli. ;Pbone' 8- i tor or oth' 1od1ra plece of machin -4 nit had practically given me up. cry. N6,farrhe ca%. �mm a by the Turks and �Chinese. 1-flate-riai am now over' eighty years of age 'Point of V14 -W. Utord t), �e vAi,hou� it, a#dIcajastrongl- req�bmmend ((Yrui. DR. F. BURAOWS. TOWRS At :the .4!e e the Turk§ Office &ad itaidoerice-Godorich street, WAT�JBRIPPR 10t alOnE t�e i omfo t and ecarity a-tives"Jor cl�r_&Iic constipation ai)d cons,tructe4 mortars by hollowing out th r�: ;P)ssessirn. 'Th, s s,,1vr1t1es in the solid rock"� A L i mst of the 1,,._chqdiet church, &esforth COMW W] �nd bl4ad�r i and kii mey rouble. t the proper 'o txghU In angle, and'in the arsenat at Malta is a the Coun I�di It has wi e�nt is very r tild Ulm fruit, is eaz VN Phone N& 46 Coroner tor In- the We :of to; Juloue Furnisher abLd U11dertalker ty ot Huron. 18W Ural commun-Ric.s. 110W tak I but most. ffective in-a6tion." trophy of the long and glipriou.ii defense the Si f the Canadian 7i (Si:gued) jTAA '1�8 DINGW-LL. bf Valetta'In a T`4rkisb'­�n k% chariged-� Nvi I give you full **e farmer a5,.c about a 0lip rdd iviffi a few years DR. W. L. MAIR. fo avery !dollar ppent' Timb aff, Ju1Y 27th, I six pidunde'r, compo,lied. of: a L,bpper tube rhyslclwi and Surgeon.. Graduate ot 4 t� was W,A � I fe on the f�tryi gob. gr�l ___ meant e�i illo " c I d keip yop 11 bit, on with their a_�o�, 6 for So --or trial coiled over, with stl*ong r0pd'and jack- 2S The UcommIff fUniversity. 4--te ot: Rochater nearest i DOX4 tm-ail Iift4beirs w eted": with rawbide. on y occas ��,Gtc ers o, rom -a-tive s ine cc - Of gna depp, onal t I Pon -s f City No-apital. Member -of College - id-�:fnt lection are -some antique lq Ick. firers," 01: I - i ... social, ciurt;h Iji�nited Ottawa. Surgeons of Ontario. or politicall gal erlpi �,"-hich wfi hloadors, Should bring you here our great Furniture only -with sm411 bores. and Office - over Hamiltan's store. Night few, There WO� the. visltj3 Lamenselylong barrels, like punt guns. calls received at office, Staffa, Ont. Bargains. 'to the �ec wary store on at trust in market i 4ays loc�l telepbone cojnpanie�d to, farni,h The �Ialdy pirates put to, replenLsh th th6m, znd where. th e cario.t Y larder, -get 'the sapp V DRS. SCOW & KACKAY. mail Ite" locil news le� the Ion,- brass ffwl el , ans calied no season o the ye r d men and VC �ML n -how such a W exe haage , ma tt ' w, an d farmers are organizlag 0 g.oss!P.:, Tbes 14- of c0mpanie% of their -own for the coi 1- 7here is a 'desire for e we "lela and keen in Borneo thdse lelas were e of tbeir ho Goderich street, oppe e Methodist momentz interEst in -tbe ppearn est* sa rt1'1A1ff_$f M2r great inlir. used as a �lnd of currency large sums c a of farm, lines. The ural tet- d only b Ithe 5 tr Wien L Unurch, Seatorth. Y freshliess eve bre to be in kc-epm � ­ 5 __1 ' viisil ,� toF It e eph one has igrea:t posibilities for tg� being: estimated In -guns. ry 9 ith nature, Almost our orlYL-X city. �,to G. Scott, graduate ot Victoria J, low: R UIL attend a* d1rc nr oi AY-.: -fair. frile 0 1 The: C I hinese cast excellent bronze entire stock is f teh and most thouggh �fully Olettd. Our teimiq are J19; or f a e ; the field Just beginnif, Ar and.member of the"t I -% and exc velopel he day Is not far'd us and e sy. Vieit tb is stcre c f good lvaJuesand yotell eome new§papE letteri b6 de guns er is a fine spec�m an of them ar T. genert. SM&M10 of Physicians and Sur- with dis a,- ge of every at rflative5lkept them cinly awsy convinced that this stare bt�s the 14. ta t I when arm house in t1k( h I one i Devonp t dockyard),! Wit so little rlfh- the Counts, of Hur- slightly co munity gCA UP40-4til?i StOCk 01 S: fo, wlll have its h the telephone, ar d, did they u derstand gu. furniture iu the country. Iry that in world beyor'n"d their i wh IS be m, ccomPlished , ti C, Ma._*kay, honor graduabe -ot Triot p a rith. Bowfirt,,g tir Ll. environm6nt. �h th" has �e the s ed "opinum w the forts Of m, be at y Life,. on 1,116 far farmr will be the happlet in the coni 0 C C . : 'se Of Its, IsWan th Oe 0 UalverAlty, gold medalist of T�rinity i tion, ww s �e le Tigris, defen he 0 omethtng o be YO iind the t-,Iephom man W11 Akd1cal College. Member of the Col- Alley Lal dreii,ded m I - to rive �ad the, guns Broaqfot, ox a 0 n�g enera shia e ini 1hfs joy! a id pleas- are for h. �immova 40% rathe�r tbaq kagg of Phy,,Ac1x-.s and Sur' eona, On -i IF t6i' he* -welcomed and in mde'ihim sa. bly lntQ tho walls. The gunners WHITNEY BLOCK'L forward to � 9 th pleasarea81tie 14(a: 'existerice,close T 1e writer think.; that the farmeras Opposed to England In th 8. T. HOLATIE8, M4Dager. t"ifi=ab Good �alls 'and first -ala Orien: 611 day and e al es%- 0hoice cigars and Tobaoho for sa)e nature. , The rzL41ra all dellver�- is H_"en C�ol,Unty' will Lgrasp. he sltuatjon� wars, thouib they loade L -*it amaz- IL AUH RCM- rqra Come and hae wamv — Lmaies' Day, NN ,h f ore unne. I 0 1 1 Tural ee one. wh ch caffronts th of g rec- e shoelin - the pow- em n Ssiness, L Toronto 1,9 h, 1909, fro -A 2 to 0 p.m. -b-e Graduate of 'Iialversity of T form. er llbe -atEd c; fa e zervlco� - no er - te a der from open boxes, stue t to their c� - - r Gri 'to a tele lonj r 011te-vt -, rom har on. with th& old excLjifs, -,I ca�n t� Winter e Taculty-, of Medicine, member.of CD1­ I Isolatid BULBEI OP THI t t r P�v & 0 n. the first the tarm, the rt rai OT C Ught Itc be tbe tege ot Phyatclp-n and Mirgeows of On tE Th- guns to the last Th brodd - W af f TTY PLANT Propriet�r-*. F hone takefs ad- PRE 8YI�ter,*Manazer. Man killed was smeared! ol t the gun, we Le b- h last excu4e from� the pros er talo; paw graduate cour Ch valatage (f t a loor ( ')PportiAhIty 6P_ P ous farirr� and the whole detachm Send us eago, Clinical School, of Chicago; Royal �ned by he rul m,, I del er.% ot a ent led beside Y011r, name and address, and ivery and[ PrOsPer04.1; county and le� ia. I name Of Publfeation n which thlq ,advertis of L 1.1�. ement gtphthalmie Hospital, London, Eng- oiferz ;'to strik( ckles -entirely Join In thanking :the officials etmt Chambers, appears the ! ba It so6ner than r Our aud We wlll maji yo from bi ib abolutely ro�nd;,U)alveridt College Hospital, Lon., can Do Her Own Work No a restr�. ted 1' M0,31 �urol teleph Journal. free. a.bilb of the beautiful By 'tSr magic ne conl�anies -or TTERcup -IntiuenCru the fffrm Tbe�. bulb is smal, but It's a ton, Ongland. OWce—Back of the Do- er I givi IF !sorhething to the 'farmer that OXALIS. Doctor S94d Sh' Had, ta'Ift toa roughtinto In- Is NOW= Baax,, Sestortb. Phom No. fil. Wonder. Plants will nower in six Veeks if hig bt o ly 1, o,iave him time fe lov�s and with al Too Much of a Ton�c. Properly 'treated. Heart; the wr ,Wight vall) Tr rfd It's gratcl. for winter v answered' from realdence, i or. —MIL . mo OU a. about stands as- ney. When Mr. hinchin re ned home blooming, prod�clng upwards ot one thousaud %4hal a f Victoria sitreet, Smtorh. "so Weighed 125 Pound N: *eadY S�rvwzniLt, obedlel. to his will. t r, T�anln�!g yo u or your Valuable 8 pretty Ifli fers I In a season. Youtlx ba ze- i Mrs. - X. McGann Nbee June his every need fill his 6very- from Chinchin & lChinchia's the other as on an Pply day h; found his docial �eh-Lt also send yvu 8, copy -of wife ly$ng worn out e bulb, we will AUCTIONEERS. N.B. writes__it I wish to tll you ih his nelfgh, 'A. E. FORBES, up our HAN 380M E 0 bies D Wrong, t blor, aL trndly. cow rc rzation with on the sofa- THOMAS BROWN iYeark and Nerve pins reltiv -ros. Telepholl1te AINothing 'W111eh tells 704 all about b�unidreds of ptlwr i es � md fri nds, and I he ex- h 'Conztru Uoir. Cb a! usiness trans� Tel V varletles -30me f hich you nmy vmnt License auctioneer for he counties done for me. Three years ag�lwas 0 action ;wit the mercha:nt or �a rnpany. claimed. DARCH _f4UN'rER &ELED Co., LIMIted, of Huron and perth. Corre$pDndence r -M d4n I coula not do my awn W.o bit f or l6lia Xhe I I promptly answered., Immediate ar- I wen tanit, #4r afral� I shall have to stop tha UP OXALIP--P E. London,, Ontario. door. BY e e d tor prescribi�d for Tom- e heftrt trouble and Iwo rid Im 1W,% are his MIllees _%h t t to a dodt�rf and he t wlthouk� eateppini Gran-ulp -will' make a clear torde x1ori For sale by J. A. Roberts. by callirxg up Phone 97, Seaforth, or ook medieiue; 1�8 for a ors a;ugementa to sale dates can, be.ma t my DOME W"o me&ris 11h, e arran. ies wl h his neigho ?e unstrung. I t .)Ws � t k1rs- ChichIn fainthi murmured. raldng b or if The ExpositDr Office. Charges moderate ordered me to do but it did mie no )r takinig 6 go of itheinext-Aa)'s e It "Why? Isn-t he any belfter?" asked lie thres iing r. Is stated In b I ntr al that an _=- � CWnc nj and atisfaction I then started to take �Milburn!s d calis �h e hin. EX'Lermi thel guaranteed. lie vlll.&ge st Yre ber of prominent t P6stilential �ad orde. -a lbis 54ppilles IPPing men are f *ad Tqerve, Pills and had only taken- c i *� for - tho: h OtL..s , 3" "Oh, i yes but I think thp tonic must t e, forix divx a big, ship � building 6n.gagetnext beeai,ioe' of s rne unl6resflen Thev 'are to build a plaro linvig-orating. Why� he has slid box W�; a businoss company, e too; before I started to feel be0tar so I c ib tinued. their use until I had taken Licm" auctioneer for the VO 'A I event, capAble rong. aild, wo R, I C en down !the banisters six�� times this boxes, an I am now st rl&9 It IMPOsk e for - him ito o� �fturnlng �ut m -of-waf, and at Hurm sad Perth.' Being a practl�j be preseni If e h4 lampt two hi i ill Met every Xind� and abl to do My QWA Work. I T -.be emb 0 ateamskip. mozvl�g, broken th e I arassi W -e : -fillid eng4A �ment and the rving. One of the beatknown vases, ti, water, Jug and king glass, C&I Umffr "d UMMg -Y ""r1 90mmengied taking your pills a) I wl�g oth It er t standing the vgue ad tarm twk and er pwrty the !.6sa of Picin z of th D- 125 pounds, and now weigh 185 me lrt keepl4fig e r..ndon district, dijed ied aitin ca tothe c� S' ta 1 at Goldz-tr Wys to nor purpo's., housand w rec VI -scrlbbU,d his name, on le drn(Qng I'apleMentffL PI&C�sffii me his n ii In a bdftr � I and IL -a �to "saw po" have givenbirth to 9 lovely'daug I , ' In a, y a.m. near ct6r1a, L good prican. Cbsrps . T, Ahe - tel phorie ei �d came to Qx waa Into the life ' n Manitoba, viters T e� deceaffs a farm moditrate. Satts6etlan guar whi a happy thing in the fa I in a Vractical -,vly n- tie e ily days: room #aper. Of course it's very A . In, case lo He ho mestead gratti- &nte@d or When I commenced ;taking Mil u a lbre ed avt filin& but I don't feel W) PLY. All-orde" lett In Zxeter vdU Heart &nd ak, d6wriAn tho harvest field Rasq land thirty years aigal and w9s still ould stan d t) f �n 'I t h U the stop the be orfamptlY attswiled 60L imm9diateire of the brokdn"w oper Uing the old If r much inore, so I think m wheii h1s death stairs withodt resting before I got to Me- ebinlet, Nerve Pills, I could not go is a rhat er off do oc�u7red, I p C= ow go up wirRo-ut Suir r�eiit, tb asiderable —Mrs. Tbieodore� e telept �one . co rr es to swazd, w I, of Atberta Farm Lan,dS fdr trouble. rescue, gh es, the order Cbn4 uct St. Every fly in Ur hollise was hatched in manuie orotber Milburn's He&A and NerveiPills 1 the 1 mple ;Catharines, or 'SwaZe.1 t Bata Inside 8211111�00. died very suddeni under cul a Sate houe in an In t4nt'and. at once the qe- PO iar eir- The Cutting down of a clump of etabl:' 9 m or Xeg e, ff, atter.. Scip-afists hav 50 cents pei-box' . or 3,bow for S1.25, it :fQctIve part is ofv its So e Bet6repurchasinTlaq ft ­the West,lookinto the 'led direct on-reoeiptl* Y to e tjhe me years ago she wa mboqs ments of At id fever d; &H dealenk ornmi farmer royal bo, 'cal gar- ed that t n 10 +hc, n 0rnV*11M+ 4MI"n, I berta falf*rtLeat lands, Do L not let e "from nnisCfrl 'h' In the prov L . k A ton To 0,- Is Evtry Good Me By c�u are- we give 0a Ve will ., - -�- ia wrig-,out &'�Wford if tl;e- you can enjoy za 'Wholespw�-_ foo'-, you takt� a tablet after' Rtad Ix ow W. Thody- 411Por t*o ytar4 sulfo J�Zrery MAl. was 1*cameruri-down for IN' pended tO 3ne by a -Ine-t ,hem wlq4 rtmarkaiwe � �boxes com$)Ietely tm wouths sWce I toak Z12 i not suffergA a pain, n( beatity I *at. 1 Would IrAZ." .wwd them to anVbody Ave_ Torw 41jiSe Digestem" ca,, 79ar drnf;eSt4&r by maii for:25 cent. R;6A-L E,cTAT4 FO _-VARX8 and Nlc,est balf cY LnA �4. 0- er cr Fr� , ra 'k 'i d win Id ekhof -A nb C rid 1�nplementv- * Irf-M 14,j V, in the bouse, Foil -r ,Al% 9ALE—TiD 0ose to' 4 11 Taids bci - *tme --Y-4 bueb, six; �_-s of hl w- WXelay4otm Y to Xr. Pollock. L, geld P. V or to A. miatrc-cg,� A63110Ea being Lot 1, COn0ekslOn I Hu'llo scavg, 21�22 nnlos from 84"faith bonse just bedug, vmplcicd, te] *--st hAu of La S, at the �.eame to, 40iserejs� On ex Itot gmi" tam. 1, vnd t 241 . I v0d 100 ep faRMEWUN ve(,e suit f-deckasm ;W1 WK DALE 5( ARM FOR 8ALV-10mm v ia, Lot 927*. aiad East balf t 4 is in an t*ement ewle 4101 ba". WxW, bavlog ggood�* iitebl& *�*& , vmter o6a#eeAion& -xnd. pom nt bmsqi. pig bwaw. amd dwelling Uouse w1Q grlw� Weh%Tds, 12 *t g6bal hwv-i vrell feneed �wd drsined - etiaNi go -office and i 4nd mova wavm of &abrth.; 'For fnrtber FARR FOR! bome mg r-0 re-* PA 4u re Q r w1elilmd"&M -tmv. All ine of the Ima wift e& NW4 Kim mec , two V. U U vringlictlartr 4r, will ao And AwFOR SALO 1ror We. Xt r en h&rd*ndWt1wnw-r1n_ with ne 1*44fl"W MeOrm, 1 -be barn b aUo other out WX;V po' im,&Ao tlie fum Aisid aue w4 and iinderdraided. lWta am- 2�� istd-a-rood bush. It is dtnslned tte � 14he village of Btli Farfurtber- =the pmwiFar addW-4-, QEO :0. 1AMNI FOR SAIX­ Tot 3,41 0W. F Wt .-Aniosh" oontaw.�g 200 v to, �,-Yanor 71 fit an ne1w. W-Ift, wates wdwc � d bueh ;.4:never E-i-lbagi at houee,a yo�i mg beArftg ereh Wit 1, ouse, front I 4xig b4dr- Pftt and AM W -'n Is finely 4taahaL 4 =00 ewt,of Alubur 3 a�ud 'R be zold and R.� Anburff 0.', Hjzroii ot c?3luvatiol _45ACO wah! =e TaV10.40, S2� Oadtmu s in mis- ------- I bileb, SAam of ftlIhe AmericaMi git all thelaebt land itt the west. Teruis rCe Milburn Co., Limill He! keeps Jn to h,r mushroo 4. wh�ynj t smaj1p by he T. annoyance. IJQ: anu i ,,gr 9 a te r densf ftg�Lporelf shows the hol- on Ike' paymen rom d dia either cash P.- t crop b plan, or a clear ILOronto, Out. taile fr� aken Ill haw -of Ut 11, ic to; day the ,,ztate of Ime the ff et 9 of ay Ideed to the laud in VAturn, !day wit�h thi's t lows In the ste= of these i plants m .1.0k, ox an rhoea are pread by the innocent 1 foryourtirst entire orcp AmdfOuj�-_& T oses of -vast. Im_ 0 . am! ack' th poisoning U4 rained sepr-Ateky and a -r A cl b �nxihated aff-ord h delling lace fd� bats. O ng house fly. of winter wheat, ria-arket, tbCa tber or and te atally. She 39-0 acres in &,iskAdhews ways. ton U the P�vrjetbr Is going W 'Will, ax*ange for-fillm'. west or south of Geaforui. to Infori n, olose to three mit portance from t was In her,2fiftY-sEcftd Year. the splitting Ot a joint thr4e bats flew HOW TOKi4L T EM ALL. ficky aper is disgust- receivq Also for s4%, good fam 3 miles frGmBaylleld. TvIany times bp sayed by _51re et�arted-ln an- ice hous the �65W T' e at, 6ut and It was Perceived itbat others b ing am beia, caught oh t Lor a Cash Pir .9 advi3ed the 3 I cruel 71-flie week—dam For further partdcarars aPPlY to JGHN A. of 'the p6dictions of the- 'ear o Adanis', butcher shop, Tit- were. within. Care was .=, en to pre- C bury shortly after midnight on ure i FOR SALE-Vortli.4 lot -weather rnan whi h arle 'available Satu,r-i vent further escape, and �ker exami- 'n UpSet, L! t 22 LL, ON the ,subscribers q WILSON, Box 4W, Seafortki. ?162-tf a ng to fur ..he nd'ki'ls so -few that it 1i T I ru)r, da -Yo and for a time it *as 9i nit eared WE& pation of the joint re _Wb1ah1`s1n'*0V$W ! no the ealst side of Qu fails tokeep a house or to tan. ftdr rr 1;8 mayi be iguardiidr epn street was dog wA stor is an I fros Lines since veal d the prei- utterly re c 6nee of twenty-three bats"In the hol- 4k 1110e stone bouge idth klft0ft md a-9 ed. frame annet' used as a store - Unli; bank 'mm 60 t W sk -The Palace Livu'ry 11' -it in I times �of eed an danger. wk at a blessing , howe by N. 14. &th,� in thei low. Four lof these7 were a4�alt females Do you want to save Money Th, r the, telephon'e rear (it idergoa -also a Araw abed 36 X M. I RL 6n*block,� Anxiet Y and Givd us a 15tress� nd,virhl�h was destroyed, d 10 deal at the Hub Grocery. th and ninete6n. ymmig ones., � ther bam- b0U4% 1 $0. - -here Is -a oowxi. W, yf ml e Anders boo Joints were also foun4i to contain I 7*M i wbich v*p)ies water -a%4gr7nd Coi,me with the crowd lUo call -it will pay you. alwaya attends i hast�t, trip to the root. of that block was . b, aa�,i'Ta L the da a frod t%.'Okood wpellsand a sari= ireek M;zu .01. -sudden Y e at the rear of, - -11umuer of buts. e species is td ness, now,gives� �Va math S Ute 1- lace Livey and be TWS WEEK'S SPECIALS. Yv t Peace of bl6ck was bailly scorched, andi known as V'esperug* plafeb6-vus,-Lon� m d a:�d security', whei the t9elf damaed on 1he don Scr4ps. convinced that our -horses n* th6 ephone t wajy Ic vXses tha '11EIL d ct 1de The'to 12 bars ailor Boy Soap f and rigs are the be' on his t 0 utb ta) loss is kbout, fiYe on st'. 6 bars R. P. Soap for 'to relie; F� PA Ye he Piln 'dni di -Ares' thouawid d�llarsj T%e 11"roper Questio We have recently added, at large ex (I bars Wonderful Soap for 1 20( the lck�;ona. Fro'm everr pcint ot vI -A dv3pajtch n. e�v Gretna, Manitoba', a efty L 4 tins Finna Haddie for 25( the� teleph aYs: This! district IS rapidly T1 e man *1th the glas67 eye and pense, a Beautiful Bro orl Must h encef:)rth be reck- coming ,Are. by far the best article n-owa foi- killing bouse flies. 4 lbs. of Raisins f0'r -25( oned wl� to �hb ro k rig from Toronto wh,ich is the correct one of tlie -things - the 'not onl for Its igrain, but pr6trnaturaDy solemn dQmeanor put thing for weddings. farmer. cam bt' and ult tj ha, 0 he packe Persons requir- and 1 11 rowtnx dow i a sovereign at the boiiking office actually killed a bushel of them—inore -Wan ted-Buttler and Eigs h' b.' ought not dia-f Oistrict, There has been s ch . - I . ing anything in this line WOL est Pease, with. rLtra� tel it this at '14haring Cross And ftm ded a an poss an abu4dan uld - do . cash price paid for butteor, e- ce of fru than c bly be ca'oght (yn 300 sheets of sticky I ephone line e con- year t at timine th, and b the life!, of -tho communit tick :"What station?" sioappipd the paper. ges well. to ex, produce. g, an I d enlar at ufte a' 4uantity has been cess:� by flerent Parts In0a, s 'of 'it' e, d 0 of the boo g clerk. The would be ttaeler is s rig h*ch has ac' i Vinced that this the right thing for n lshipp ou to dif a wedding. It is also very suitable tes b'clbprs oil th col.int, �ite a I i 401 M . r pit has onq to Win- e illrie. The pwi- st ed himselt "What st41ttlons have re o Ss Imitations of fo j ;he B 6", w a' f Uselle f Thos. 8'. Blues, ions cit exchaDge ipeg, The! &PP�es this year, have been you?". he asked, with, quiet lignity.- 't er f feld. -ids 're sold b yqur druggist a' give a 1,.W, for oeration In the a 'go( crOP' alld of isplendld quali�y. Wilson s My P< busines so6i London:Globe. Y nd grocer Our ain-1 is to -give out, SEAFORTH. sp, .41 Mid PolifI&I field, anil There are t.*o or*thjree orchwilis in tD n n � is going u -e really worlh ' ,goin flue c, Phone 8 I believe tf�at its; In, that 3 customers the best [be teft I dt,--t&-r. ce to quite a ;see; thote of "A'ex. Smith A Criticism. Notice t C -Creditors. that -Still Another' direction. we haVe all advent of vnd J. �nfzi I can be procured, re t1ced before th I D. Pierson being es I rhe MCKII lop Mutual Fire; 9��d- peelally fine:. .'E[e s4id"this skirt of Wixi w" e rilra p) e, 'both the� crab and Duche perfect symphoy." In the Ysfaf4 of Patriel;: NVoods, lte Ot the To%vij- BE SUU AND MM 'th l4phorifi hat tble farm eem- The less of expense ed 0 b V are la r.,,- In-surnce Cowpany. 10�s t :Its attraction f 8 afid of sbip of McKillop, in the County 16f llurf�,11, Farmer, or 900 qualitly, havi "Waybe, but It's not well eo ducted." deceased. otice Is bereby givert pursuant to. R. s. in 17 t THETRADE MARK: the �youth I)f the land. The tender�ey a bettor taste than- 1hose shippe'd t "What do you mean?" FA Y 0 O.. Map. 129, Section M, tha. all petons haviXig RM AND ISOLATED was to , Is the 'grealt cities, *hllcl� Manit)!* In addition o apples, th' e clabw aguffist tbe estatwe of the id Patrialt woeds, 6 6 mr-42 ' . TOWN PROPERTY ON- Tu.rnL sefimed ct the yotahs d r ag s. who died on the 13tk d4y of Apr from thh 1009, itre required bull& ML01i,ftiftah w4r, ttra are gi o wn It this vicinity plums, mull 0 0 farmls. on or beforb the Ub r. 1909, oo sez)d L E INSURED. Thle, ruraltelephopi nielon3, canteloupes End - watermel by has throwo� 04P. post prepaid, or deriver to J. L. Hillorao, Seatorth, orrims- ou the . ife !I ie t6 the f4rr The Real W Ontario. Solicitor for iods, tbp Yoiinger, SEA FORTIa. nig. com, 'be3 -i quite a lot f a4nL : There ave "al -No Patrick- 49 Ma ripe t R. 13. Xcl_$ean, presIdent, Seaforth ---pie Leaf 4s rdiade 116' on Ahe far,ii atoO on the. local rket Jis "What we want is a s4tiate (teal." the rweeutor of the de ed, t Ir n es and ra iseasan. I particuin of th lain dulv vey-1- Jas Connolky, Goderich, vice* Ti 6w teT, hz�bpl �r, more, Thei peoPle JLave deron6trattia "ON we'll. compromisel oil t) iat In a fled. Andinoticei fu r v grt*dden,t C&ton P. O..- ee d rezBes and ful P-0 COW fortable an4 fan be grown In pinch. date, the s3ld Execan r till the fct tt fruit . P + + -+-+-4-++ Mxs. A. Schna.,e ile and its-'kCeet will b, th' What we really Proceed tq diAr-bute XeRillo Directory -1909 more lbeixa: r Ch said WaU Is a Ha YA retary-treasurer, Sem + Black Point�. N.B. to repres tile cend.jency of drifting fro manlitot a Iri. payin the 018 penons en. & q4alltied. assets of the said amot t 11. M. Govenlock. Reeve, Winthtop p.o. WEAK 13ACK + writes: "For the fam rft shade the best ot.it" tortti to,� 1he �Teat c�rtres of Pop� tibled thereto, having onn, w tlii,, ewims oi ! IY "-- H. Ryerman, COunclllor� Brodhagen FOR YEARS. + � was troubl,6d ul ation and activity. whieb he shall then bave hoflce,'ind tbe, aa;d Exec- ut6r uill not be 11able for �the said as-iets o any per- V&rr'ez Cbwan- COun0illar Seatorth. .o with iWeak ba -a comm-uhities 'The Audi Moved. Vca!shall nOt tben bave been Win. Chesney. Seafiartb; John G_ Tha the ri.m. be* A stout son of Nobose claim no reaiz,4 en heart may be ruine�, in for. Gr Dal#, *ft I . eve, WIluthro ior T-eadbur Oftentimes I the -imp g ; George ce of' -the i raceived. J. L. HILLORkX, Sea-�orth, (intarlo, So. A� Dundas, Clouli6il 'P-0, +++++ have rurEd telephon�- He blad been t�y Ir. J� McQuaid, Coun to s rt a ze %ft tune, "t not ill spfrit,-Vlct�rEl�o. licitor for the Executor. aPPar tit from the tremendou13 in*.' Wd Int bed for appar ilig Se forth; John Bennewels, Brodba- Ilill"11111 gel ; Ja% vans, Befechwoord -, 3ohil ban P. clays, being scarcely abI vival fervor, but the andleaca w e to t crease 14 the - as nxi. Dated Sept. sth, iWo. nraber ot rual tel&wl' respoi K. Holki-nd, Trea;%Irer, Beechwo� and I'hAve also been, a e. "O ye f fA*' ty hearts." -1a ek: J. JB. McLean, Sft* 0 in W1 tt, Ha phonei hi ti lif is ferer e Pas� few y0ars. Every -1 while trying to perforda ray'hoijehold wher th' cried, "will laoth.lng n iove ou 711 Noice to Orec itors for b ; Ja_- Connolly. Goderich A. Iel rural - 11ries ire bein wen, Wm- Eva;ns, As3eseor, E*echwood o. duties., I had doctors a-ften& ias-i . hadred� upon h4karp& �lth. ucefield. ;bri n rur4 ibe bmt� boss," Answered the gamu. with- in the estate of bavi Arinotron out avail and tried liniments ng ut A gim U - urdi% Clerk, Wixtfirop p. ol. aind p6sters, thd reatins cf Jts' bej�eficlal Influ4 "and me move imm(dictel but nothin(r seemed to y. �Flori 1r), Towillship of staril the ieounty!ot nurrn, Roberf Sm Harloc)r; Ed. Hinch- Farmer, de.-*arl. i is her4by %riveii plirsuant ley do me 6my good. -ence. The Id _.'min if or rui%] telephones Times was a6clut to give up in despair wheal' is taxinK, be p to R. S. O., IS97, eb r t9, thtit all croditars and h; James Cumming. H t16 f In ,iAaI ib III ty of the otbers having claain ma A v fl le J. W. Yeo, Rolm F -A ]my'husb4nd induced me to try Dofaiiils r a yet the i;%tate Qf'thn ee 'died ]BOA.RD OF T WhAtl the vnnd gatbers �he 2fto diwot th Brodhagen. _TEALTHL ]Ki&ey Pills, and after using twoil devil David Armtrorg, %Yh tt a Vic boxes February, M93, are re(juired on or beft,�e iihL'Oth tudltV M 'All and ea teO .--Greek Proier-b. If. Govmdock, Me ber, Wintnropp.o. &m now we ble to do inyork. idAy of OatlDb e r, I W"R, , send or deliver to J. Muray, Member, l3eec;hvvoWr..o. ffol F no Ged. 14-urdle and idlin Govenlock. Best, Seafirth, 0nL, Solleftor for James 1 lWer And am positive Dfloan's Kidney Pills are all ITO !, e a toilat, YOU Maian- for them and I would CA Roberp Pollock, the exectitomof the lut and Mclro, Member, WlntbTo;, p.o. In Di�gjljze. tr tearament 6f DAvid A"trol ece. or to give tb zn a n)ea ri FOR SALE Pureeli, Member, St. -Col ba ali Fill kidney sufferers For- ts ASO*O I I JCKY,� nimee aWl addremea, fall Met Is of 0 Mi tb;lt yo -L, flirted as h6v4� fair trial.ty 4- 'ji Z %Nl 1 1,(3 n 1), � DF BLYTH -Gin Redmi with , If ybit"itrej and tbe:hature of the U y, hebt by tbern. 1,ereuing at the And 14,rtner t0e notice that -al ficer. rice� 50 --t- r box 3 A108 boxes for . , , I "thatal the i M 4av L $1.25. ' . , . jl�,& �'. .1),111 i" ru:n doum itwin giire you otootdb�_, 1909i the Said ::At all dMIerS, orw' know her' %Vi noeed t� rvood IMler, eingJne and all U-00hinery Mr anking, t4e per ek, DIE ") - ectO direct on t strlenk* and bufld yqr� fie fttrlbu tbeamtsof th b7i liriek dwelfing and 114 teres of beRj ef�v, ,%h&A(M, %Z4t&r. Xj be mailed -L Mled therleta, 118vin ated lose to G.'r.R. st%tion. i4w witbin 01110 p. receipt of price, I)y The, T. 10,. d f ly. for -lie WinthT* T*JW It in a 11tUe oold wilk orw`ait4 �r - MUroieil' &C_-etary' ronto, Ont., was I to Im clalms[l whieh they shall th not_ -1!e- f O.P.R. Will be:00]d to) wind up b= C6., Limited, To _4 - bive gy, IN X, 4da e0tate of Ar. A. it ber 1'1_ li, Llge so" bottle now. Allorofiglas `Xe rtb, Wicitor f�r eaH A cut ra, 'VV'eV1au14 r. Apply t3 a jDated tept, 14tb, 1W9. OOD� M�tb` IMIGH L . .............. e,T614agooLvrdhw& Mieliiiirml Marty and I vtii=11es1ttiw, two JS�Otit f thO �� IRMW iWOUt&YjO ten nas *s the propritiMir dt UP Ph� on the 0 AOR FA Ffo"ALAW_ za job 6, o0ndession :L: a 90od bri* house 82 X 7*4 16 X A botli in good - I& 10, Wah goo stone V n "�� minis suo, 12 X! * AIM ffig& ?he lowell Vaered, till the rftr 151 k raWng an fe in a hi staf& IoNcell h&s resided tb,ereon for titalrly Aft the raost sucleewtultumervin OentrjOly lo0ated, bekq tionr 4k bi 'un R sALE.- Tvpl�, Cone 00"neession 8, S. 4 !L4 1-1. IQLrot 1z, Concession J!,;ffuwa P of Tuacramith, 0miaty of I W DOM, domied vdthbt two %VM Of Seiffortb, one of the bmt im outatia. This lum was awal Alin thelam competition of Usk been all pasbared for the put -1 d now be in exmR�cnt sb;3pafor gc- 00d olW l0aiin—two-etArlily brick ( tehen with brick woodshed—bot aiidsortwtvver in bl�eM vva-gmns. and ocL-r be tpruee vidudbreak on wiad bm-` wJth 2tone stabling—SO iiareB ord L eutA b,efth—well river. Wni W) altogether. *r TE -M112; No betzei property in tha seatorth, JOHN BEAT. r er , haw a =1 e or rent, am",g %vbi 0 1a ho 'On Jarvis stym, R - 91a mra % I 14es'did on r on ele I onr_�Ii ard P.. as sold, T wia to on nable 1n8ti lebtf; *olleetW and lws ftWitY at,-�sonable rafee% C` COnVinced. L -ate J. WALKOE V-diW,ker and Ze-0 —Main s�eet, se-Afort-h at residenee P440 W.,