HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-24, Page 6r 7777 Ii, IIITE 14 BE ------ tv re the istory, to goWastrae Xaxshall, who com- _00� ilk Gresi, now Nora) 4 0 lo� of the affair was W 4et� 11.0 )Coe" "Lit .0 41M.. a peo]?Ae in 4 0 1 4 the wt to U11 for aA examin- COP t -6 tht � a6d ri.6h, _y dtte AaAffiimmk i , f f o ri,641:i great a Ion I nto . 111.4 dy 6 4ve 41114 out -own - new On4 i -L.V- . 1, _-VILlIam He ry, the five 7ear old -tar. 0. We 4pvv Oe( ft so Ida h tsiik&� W9 I i Any; Goin 13th laA,. 4L GV M ED vei* arri ft, of Saskatoon s ot 011. Ion of te, v nqss .fi,nd. I TIM h P accidentally sh)-: throug r1c) in, s of the pi -airle pro Incas tat we Afte' r Suf Fering ortures For heart; 6ne niht -last week, and died, 8, Ve- almost oveklooked our 0�rnf ortly Inew tiwrlt4y ivh1ch Is now boing so Years,!J This Lady Found rfi ,afterwards. lit alppears that the little lellow Was playing with the And Its Keel)�Iingo Qual"ties, I wish you wo 4 which Is. rap Ld 1, 77 boi: of your "Llitte cleyb1opied, an "lly tiappy, Relief Iry "Fruit -a. three -year old brothW The'latter was pn ri n olit � its gre a t walth and which. in a0ition, Is. capAble of furnishl tives". I holditag 4 rifle, whie was oupposednot SOME Oeb�lefind it necess� M.embers of Iny fanlilY to be Loaded. Ia so manner the rifle 1� to bt �y 4 considerable quantjty tuem e( comb �i itable farm homes for thoaaa�nds r�—_Ults. Ft#n Ont., June 11th, 1908., of flouir at one time--sul I I er I I I wa d1schatged, an the ball ente'red ent t� last for a long period. Of S -E S.' r 11 Lave rec� ived:tnost wouderfulbenefit #e chIlds body ne the heal.. cmsratulate you he memberz of the Oat 10 egisw -a I— 4 liiproc�re:a flour ofthe kind best., itting P a lable, k"'AS'J"Fri farmer Natur fly they are anxious t fro, ta Ait-a-tives. s ered One morning las Week a P111 lat, ir i aid 4 fluie trip la;st Week. They I n fQ ears ft headaches and ain in named J. N. Miller, living three miles adapted to li,,ngthy storage. I bidige" w it ngth of ith-e Taml6ka;ming he, le d 11 c6nsulteddoc... and' s uied everYwing U wa k ati al Jay outh of Lumsderv, k., wa severe- *w * Ontario 1 k rery r �medy obtain ut ly womided about t les b Ther� 're.two important r�asons why PURITY FLOUR W me.- Notbing; poi it 5 ��h rails to able *itho coming � where it Jo: contin- 1wa adedtory"'! Cn 0 1 D s it is made entirely from stdfer fr, - 110 e qualiti Ond 4 that i persu lief. . Pen I began taking 4, 'Fruit contact � witk the er. -HOUSF, CLEANING ent 91 ailw' and In - a dit Lon ltalt[4 r &Y ossesses S. a 1es" an'. this was the only m edicine While Killer wa"s cl E the table,of p NOW ma; �i j �31de frIPL5. What ;ther saw was TL enjoy my meab andi t pver di = h1s machla-e the h -or' es started, dr that the careful iiistead of bein H T lies e fac' 9 Le tny real good. I took� ag- Manitoba i �rd Wheat. he oll_hg�r n th tonous drudgery becomes a nether, . and pow I am gIMS I ler In front -to CA4 became I 4now FOR the where ft�tesn.)wars ago se.. A box i altq of the machine for 4b pleasure when,Sunfight hel )5. milling n4ceissary to produce, " Purity' solutely excludes all ter- after each meal 74 e of alf .my dreadful head- some distatice, When' found- by mem- unlag *t wi ualnown, there iis Tior -gradei ticles of the wheat berr3 end t�2em V you. Remember — S 6 bickadhes. ben% oT the am lie was. Aearfully low It's the high grade I recomm a eltablei,� indulirlal. bee hlve,� pros- Ily -w i,, C I I- who suffr from 1. does all the wotlic, at half tilp piemits 1aftd growing to4zs ad villtgep c4t and bruised aboLlt he legs. No Manitoba 1 ]i6rd Wheat Flour that keep� —s!tands longest Storag4�,: further say that Von 2:6� cost and in half the b broken, anc n ois Ale and Porter perous and growl f" dis- ff yoli Of That's "Purity, time of Otber soaps. bove tri U. As one - ex� MP16 in many:; The R. S� Lail) aw, Belleville, thomsands of P50 10 'Follow d n )f Elk - Lak I which ts 0 miles. Qnt., has accepted call, to St. Paul's Ions t CqX P in' flour may cost a little More, Indigestion who be 607 h 11�a . Presby i 4rinn ch are randon, and Will AWARDED fro he Gloyernr e�nt rail tbwe is a sue ad sme C h occupy t e pulpit he f irst. oiz second. o� n 6f 5,000 inhe Itants and isizrow- 09 but is niore than worth the differenee, YprTa ve � �: � I , , VV ry Ing t ithe rate of 100 nionthi, They Sunday In October. Mr. Laidlaw la atch resu -both for quality, per Try it. Its Im Ir rad 4 rallv�ay nd- owt. 1 socn ail honor igradaate bf Toronto U*. 19C I*ersit). Vor' two yf ars he was - as- It. What is bein& done. ay' be the ffe�rt and �i(ldl fn by UN P alpitation of d 0 pastor In 0 of the largest n= from thb, followin extraldt rom ca., c=rches er by the apeqlal 4ondent In- QlasgbvO, Scotland,- before One of the first danger sitals t going lo Bellev,111%. Niere he bao of :h i Globa, who a 4 te —1 ION �t,a e AT ST. LOUIS EIMI i ngwi "no hpa boe!n t � the last foui Years. He is nounce something wro or Bread is) excursion.' ile sky$ youUg �nain, a, very 0hergette preacher, the irregular beat or violent throb. Often -Regiate-Laorlde, the lirs It Jarm- HJ&AL N';TATI, there is only fluttering sensation or an and on�jof the most] 3romising pastors I �. . . er 0 settle in, the 'Cochrane egion this I SO better re'ad" all gone " sinking feeling; agam­ therg in the resybterian lurch In! Canada. L%,I" WIER told tlls. sh)rt andl sfr king an we )nff La'! May be a most Violent- L�eati �—XCGMZ'or Bros., rell known farm- at No P.QnUer'.ago, than 9_11 - -Oth W=_ M� C I -io ndy me" for -Ale int Canada. Aushings of the skin and-Oisable (at 11 eM 11v two -miles *rth of Bpndorve FLoUR MAJS Co., LUUM ae, purchased ibis f arm, the n!ortt toge .0 misfortune, t lose their sep .4 dderi�h, Briandon. tions f the 4rteries. The p6rson. m ex, Of lot assion. -my hkd th ar lWi besoldt'47;t COW d 4 g sensation, for Ire a 4mothean ator by f Ire lasst A. How the f as al st"tch p breath and feel-" though"about f die. W, fz��meval 9 statvd: Is unl�nown )Ut was Pr obably nr- in the bowlt dg -a V, w primitIve-Olantatigh of t,;pruce, or address In such cases the -actift:0 co by a, �bpark Ik arA birief. With bis boy, 9,. juised rom the 4nwdne. How'SraduaW of darlo Vetats- Heart and Nerve Pills iA qililnlet the (41 -nineteien T�fie o it -had been vorking all da ear$. he. promptly $a 00W.7 All dtse"W of DomestIc heart, restoring.ta iormai,,6�6t a id wb an the men Ai pped work every- I n Im- bu1t log: cabini, nd procee a 3L nbu& trftted. Ay at- Arin tone to th nerve 181. proper 5. thing I i ras tho d i ta:� vd op t TON ryel][6116. ls oto smad aba MA oni all question, m, They known- untit the nert morning ek ht% "Th fwo,:� of ud cleared, threie' acres VeL SUt arinwr Dentistry MR _h 1�rompt Mief tIMt ho one need he, "and I th6t the tire had tkke place. A t*e 1 H0, �F 'h it-a-tives Y ead radde-nft on Obr`0114 OW silffer. y tbOUGand bushels of aorm of MA af a e made better time," The I quite cured of a troubit vheat lyl close -vood bueb. M1 I A 490M, �ft4 of D�r. In 00M ft&- Mrs. Arthur Mason, Marlbank Ont., ob by waq not damaget 01 know ba t -tr-eei were remoied by that assai io be incurable. I give i writes.-�J'Just a few li to 1, -t U A � espatch from-'ortage Ia. Prairie, ills is the time whe a !you are thinkio'g of mr.,pollocIr 1, 19. black and t� Okle, � Th soil was illedi this timQil Ly vol�mtaril in on ler that or tot A. aN viblat AMburn"a H�art tin i 1 , 1q, e Pills ld Sept hue peld P. 'O. 0 z g e ,tg neces ary, e�� ho: -Man.. la pur iasing so met x �ew r your Ome— S. r n To- oth ras I e T. EL have doue for me, , I have been s2lyred "lay t Itric ubled reibl ig' Is well _41V11 need here and re- '�rlov, .37, th 1 tr day r. Latone has sixty-fIve "Acres this, udeif al medicine and be cured. c me thin to add tc iL HQnonW7 ZradvzW ),f the; Ontado with' weakness and pal�itati6ii - of the up d ez cultllkatl4n, bas built barns and e I MRS. FRANK Ukrox. trris ndicate an ai erage of 15 to 9 comf wt and bOi auty. SPLENDID 0 �Ireterbwy CdHeS1% ; an #= hoking i Ign I$ bus�hels per acre, '-,he farmers show ou� A' all wl Ti,' pr 'itf this idea m' miad you should visi scres in -Hu' heart, would have severe c spells 7" atables, owtls tour �cows, two horses, uitra- vesp I are'sold by &U dealers U�on_ Ut I, Conceasioxg 1, of the 36&1*1 AASOclatlan and could scarcely lie down at z H. I OVZ a, scor 0 de,sike to a c*ll thei wheat and, bun- Store and exanfine our stod, 'e of, h(ay9j, a a large at, acre_!4 2 J_"' woiles frool: semolt )r $2.50 or to&1 I N07, 25c dreds; Of thousand antuda eteonary d6ligge, tried many remedies but'got noie'to 0, a boi 6f( e be- number. of bhIckeks-d :d for,. and s c bushels at OGMI�Avetkd. 1 -or:sent pk st-pail on recg�ipt U pdca - FURNITJRE, I 1116TURES, C&R.PETS, LIN'01: v�ftt hilf of Lot S, in I -e- yo #ills d. I ing edred by the. v. 6dacers. So! far LETJM$) R gleam djoeasw d &A Daumm An- answer my case lik ts. inarketing a; fine U 4y Foit-&-� veii Limited, 'lop of roots.and md them hiihly:W .4 with only tv�o or three f a mers, have sold, 1A e (ar only the best and can recommil Un excellent bvi,oss ft. imals bT 06 niW� inodoem dwindilet. A iVles.' T&I timber al:)n3, sa I � . , 4 ost UP44-date - -ot 24, 06at heart or nerve trouble." yk 1 I =, tmd L 0m-UsU7 iwad =k lFdver 'a 19"dsltr- The gr4de Is only f i 1r,' much of the he., J ore t Pali I double tt,rhe �for the "ntaining 2W lexM, whe "�To, 2 16rthein. &any -v�ill ag eably sur UUce oppooite Dick�B. Hotel,- Main Frice, 50 cents per bc:x, or boxes for g( od 3, our prices aft [groin- I prise f (14eanr : telepho;;7 The abow laiims wit] 7 OL-loet, 8,-*1qt1SL All 9rders left $1.25, at all, dealers,'or mailed ditre�t 011r., and 1 lobk� the very of good f$rmer� report a t -w ty bushel per you. picture at wrote zy brothers -in, b1olit-eal." I Ularg ILPPIN- to ANN., DALE f ceipt of price, by The T. Milburli go.,. andlia no hankerl�,g tor Inside acre c "74ey were �-oling Cat r0p. Gm a few dd pieces of Ute kotel will reegive vrompt eften- re he 0 erved, new I Limited, Toronto, Ont.- Sh� hai.,� also been eininently land and summer fall: ight mUs reekeAvd at the to, stskatel t af XLewan to settle. No%v hey I �sful 4 s a railroader. ISbe handlqs MIARV FOR ah lA-i are coming here.' 'I 37 bushbls have been iroduced. wa Jai 1, 21 ion :eqaal rap r plow, nnipp-9 Y - M. C. A. !pro er- er The! Wl a_ _,� , zcdfrmp - lf experience does n! t 'seem un- 0 dwA FM OUT'D talke i)out cubic yarqs of iearth -e aven ue Wt the lotise Farnis and ndertdker 0OR" tY, located on Portat, usaal. Mr. V; � J. Preston, an -old Can -1 and ho bou.se 2J acre& *0 ere"n- six toot gra lei, "s-,00ps" and r4l i a `dumPs'� corner lot Smith tr:et, In tb&t elty, t n boY, two 5; ply of ymt_�r. JAMBS years ag urcha-3ed as Obly z; most women: titlic aboat hos beeg� sold tor,$29,,006. At a special aeres between� Driftwood apd.'ri-n9le- f L Barriatm-, Wilicitor, Xota-r.7 Pubs 0 work.. frills or faOeloive. Her meeting of the direct S and, members atr. Hmwzy to, lean. 8worth Mon, hart for $ 00. Las;t week he had re- - I e ply to BE N consist of herself, busba association n d, tbree of.thb hf Id one evenlipiq nn the -vunma,Hi tio fu �d R$5#000,! f 'I 1[s Property. Andii a�', bo and he - brotfter-ln-la�,v, and each receotl-Y, -a by-law was passed aath� UyaI Fridays and Satiarsdays. ' Coffice aga a r. Ifa Y ro'wn pa.d. $125 for Fitekard's M emer, open avMr week day.: Over I hP h their own team. orizing the sale of th �. present building abore, k%Lm Xtreet, Seiforth'. a981 ProPert n, IN] irter tow iship early Isp,,nV �nry Dir BenTi(tt is a laver ot. horses, and to Ile ks th'S has Uken ont protitaule & & ns, of Montreal, nd EA 0 cos $550 f 11 FARION, 1*t �2�7,a I -St -it cf cr off it and I., now con �Ideri h e?r'ls w n ticular team DT the Isum of $290,00,I), and with this U�-_ Vmr. 15 In an excellent SA Of 8, RAY& n9( E41 spot cash. Ir he Is al:3a a l0er Of &-nl- action the assoclatl 'L board of di- of j ,e r of "$11100, bam ftei*g, having it at-nblu gtock ; Is 1 In, igein eral, and about tl �e camp rectors. are com 0 Ure- -0 tfie es , its broad we plement, hause, pig aliff ated to the erection bor ;#InTel A .3 �smd Solicitor tor the maY be smn a dornestic coyote, I Xi lying ready )r th ot'a niew and m3dern uIlding that Willi dwelling hor,pe T.1th goy­ Aough, has CaTlta�ed ol�ri e prairie Ion ank. Offlegi-In rear of tl2b bll did, Ont4ri&n,t, of e erebarft, 3-0 acres of good Word LhO 0 a cOu Ple Of m'et the requirement3 of a city likel rtunitle-3 dozen g. utn6 pia, , Odeonv, a- cow, a Winnipeg. The new f ully velif- fenced and Cad! NoulWan Bank, Seaforth. Mone.7 to of their owp, pro­1qce-. Nor:hern On- offlee and ffiumh, and lis -4 CL285 tal o hass twi�c distietive� advInt' M a nd a orite dog. e4uipped, is expect -ad age� O'V- The working hours on t ; e I i�a co�t $500,000. The next fe;�n�onths wiff be sp�rlt M11 100-M YOU to ARCMITUALD D� WITERt, 'er :h weste, rn rairies,� na. na. ely, wood an 1 to 6, one tb e crew ani I ter, �oad the f,V vanta qu, tti active asi POS hL 0ArAW - . ther ad The Provincial TrOasury will collet your ho= 1W as attr, si Ae kiside,- Flwrs should torl ncer 47MM _ I `1� , haT' anL ho,ru�r ea er to , cook be repainted fe�varnishe4 0 a parrilter, %He caveys o -f ismlighL: the 11ays*.up here in 'the er. No attle 'Creek dinr s out $12,500 In �suq'esslon duties on -Ig deane I nd FOR -'otLr7 PublIC. 001CO - tUP-XWrs hii lei -land Are esi, 4 cot I P V71 Imated to be r the estate of 'the 'late 'Henry M. Pall bc MLe, eontainw,g UM !aerf � att, I n for put ire or gmin, W011 VWW7, sad IN one- �o ot u.,ed, the �O Hakk e r 's . I Urakta ALlin 0 9e� than tbos e* stove pirwes nded� cupb 4-* Sh Iving, fut niture ng 1ound Olt B This ic I r_11& 4 -he hous of Of 10ng the most z Ishli aT e ron an I wire gue-& aH ova �e store, her west- good )ld oa rneal porr?,Zea� Toronto, who die& some month wa�H UJIX erj Val. a land Tor appe tors gireryflw M Ae 'D -'­md sk led to grw% Mor ACI the rLW [ I� t 0sidents H how in U a acqu fro.m work In the brac- sh iten Up Finish,cs includ& mever-b inng vrlug tree* -two Without a worcl f warning while U Su, i e they 1read I heir papeis, without in airle That the,e lss money be, was, partaking of� is breakfa t, verflowing spring Inct Ur ho 01 after 9 r s pa Suffered, More ThAt 1 t atd o � rt1ficial light ill JOHN 'Me Rn trom Y in good Balth. Mr. Jacob DR. infg-rp4ding r, ay be figured. out aparentl int and and stam at Ld emliael for. ur. =�nse =d o'clocic. Thli abncrmal daytime heal't the f ct th ta houses in OntArlo� Mmii t Vol try Offics a&d Te�Ad,ence since June E Mrs. Den- -Martin, of Preston, Va,terioa couoty, OU 0mration vict6ria EK., i ghtening up: no Toneue Can Jell I c6titri butes to ra bid deyelo 3ment, and ntit;Is outfit, have graded ot�i the Mary- OuddenlY collapsed of "I vi mile soutb 4�f Umigo seat"*- rho" 1. d- was dead be Will 'be Sol -heap am pily assob,lab�d with Ithe he but interestin And the unpr oved agpeara=� of 'your avy. lanil-Lethbri e line 12,800i! yaids, the fore medical aid co i be secured- 110hrishing moistures of the Right cuptract �ri C a og. which l [13c E4' yard. j DR. V. 31- BU�u�- From Liver bile' tirm. o bet ter -Mr. 4. S. llenshaV�,, manager, of the W91 daglid Ask your �e�ler f r Tr`06 P,portunit4is for YOU1,`, FOR SALP,-F*r sate, Ld na- Thi ork h3s more fascination for her I I a in ewtain!114 WIACA4 tural dwain ge ex St anyw4ere. Thf., thain bridge whist or pink teis, and w_� and ReAdgace-�GoderldU street, ;Q�k ot Montreal at � -Al onte who cou t Y ia 'a iollin�g one, is Ijiured by an 46ctric light pole ALIYAW Mule tigme Wit) axXt at the l�,chodlst e�urch, SWorth, ottcd with E3,endt -states thht 'She expects iner aftirl 14001, 'Coronet. for th-a GDIL[n� ver'' is rrible I& -9 and rivers. bari, stme st Rbone No. 46 A lazy, sbw or torpid li at� the fire there 'a f�.�w everi-in," pre- 4V W/# A =141 allot, ar ng of the "DIU,, ty of Huron. afflicti0q, as its influence ppermea. 'the T. e bugbear Is the cle to-tontinue mak:14-9' railroad bed for l6u4y, died -from -the injuries receivecl. �;.Alwather %b i* Ck E nzie and D. li. M, inn for wWe system, -causing. Bili n6s, Heart- The -growla; -timber, however, fractured rib pierae4. the lung. pneu- - 00'OV On the 13 -TAI 15r.4 it,;!. some years. 101h b oated a, na sap �oots. 'Th monia -developed, andlitthinZ could be =11ams bsulwo(dbusb, �zsc ced in uiderdrinW. DR. lit. IMAIR. _urn, Water Brash La gour, i ere is no f irml'y- bj�rs, -Benr ift-1 Lee 15 dobe to ave (�tt, winter res Ton Sick Hesi&,he, Yellow E�es em A ded' white p: Oe- The i voods co his ilif ei.,� llsLge of Rlage. F rluh -..azd Sur tn. raduate of _gue 368! 'X:)t,ge_ �tflreet, Winnipek, where in Made in Cm*diz, -ply �on na prewis�s ior a' result of th�, h1skey Nontroal TOM *nni Sxfiow CbE�ple,6on etc� It holds L�LW�. sis sAely of - d pine a -a' Ist to .46S.W1 1. -Talverail J�0 and re ddence she rests t, of MEW" 00. i to I herl $,000 r from her ' I Mlike P. 0. 11A''e ot P*00hestor I&e b& which is required W 0 the th' sp re The roots a. -e .1 - during 3P - . V Etrio qa' (sun�m�r I spotters' to the -Canao tan Soo, Qty HoiTit-al Meme ors and dreaft of blue C%f College of bowels, and lets it' get into the Dlood pul Auguet, � the flnes In! the police court r ot Ontario. out Of the gfOuDd comparative-: skies, I engln+r's' stakes and a canag VARM FOR VaSyi by* single i horsi� w th the aid in one' day an cont4a-hw ft-y*eiams M& su fiwteadI thus camingLOonstipati ly, nounted10 $842, Office - Oer E�Iaml][ -a store. Night ol� home.; r JL I i land lot gun or Uft V., ri�gu_ of block and tac;vl�f The gTowth Is not Sciglian � Wburn's Laxa­IAver,.PWs Will r 0 wa-s asses�0151 $460,' -Macell ftU reeetv6d at offico, Staffa, Ont. Mle; U Oat all Dew,vvire, I Me late the flow of bile to act properl' a'.4ctii nt.1 The Settlers m;lrkot.t1 Na'nimba, 8�.d!!p,rthwest Notes Xajicoso, andther Italthn, $257, and;the kwdwo(d buph - A never y upon 1eir one,. renovat ar u Well'at.l OUSe, 9, S�4ung the bowels, and will t t id � 1pw4)6d at:. the � side of Algon3a'Hotel $125. or Mrs. J_ C. W nipeL- market wentbc If, :2 r Ol Oil the Win 19318. SCOTT; mAckAy. e� berg, 2the' llwa�Y,!, W.hi_'Jli1p1cks up'the nt Fannie Hicket purify the liver. Brockville's se- Ta. ed ('I' othi ff cars, on Sa turday, n 1. sident, and pojisibl� the oldest a at is nqc6s, at fi -e ce 8 0 ter, Methodist Swan River Man., writes oint, and � * or re- GWrldh- istriZet, oppOst ere& P ary, h,Jp_:, I I the; hi gbest! price In there thai d Ing ot It There 1,; an c- inely situ' d. 4 latd � Tmirsday, at rm, -Church, Seafortb. for"years, more thani t6nitue ca6 tell ten tn'the s.ection, died o�i inely Eritu from. liver.trohble. I tried e in�; tiv' arket 41sb'f th, o I WileB ea t of An DA14 I gr veral i: or cordwood and tles. .-Her fa, I b8 told J. G. Scettll dt Tictoris 1ultles were ood Th the settler h �Wieart at 'Gret-fta, Man-.-, is higher to thie Wor --yielaig ou ailorfig de ar me has be. Razal * "d. Anal Arbor mber� of. of medicine, but could get no relief until L8 protl tat le emplay- than ast and she buld, see to, reaA nt UkO Vbr ;her part�cnla n- the American side )f t fiIr r -i uyn V mel'4 the Year rogad. In ­% I hel a-b'd sew without ar, best �Iaee to A 1G. )Abuiii P. O., not praise -them. too highly for what they boundl try, be ------ geolas. Cbreaer for the Countr. of Hur- ere ts at Nech w oods, �etl ral arn Caliger. 9 leadi, nd, 0 joins the ganzi in drel�l safisfactory 1-ai ored those whl*(,b vatwl& Cbllege 'of nhi:3yr laig and Sur- I &t 3Murn's Laxa ver'-PiUs. I can- inter .,. he spect�Zcles.. She buried kirlown" far An -n af, the cle! his Ing 93. cents �a bushel tw ands' and le kes no chil th th Wna 86 'cen 'VAR)d FOR SAM have done for me." ng farmer -1 ng to his farm in I ; Tle frat mul �k rl Y - 4sp 13"Alexillop, ton isocietl�s f �11 well Mills, ri3rin-ce Edard oombine *style V�ith fit. and wuringquaht �0 3B M An excellent Atizitle of, al WWI r bri hA� a hoe- t4l unday )U Y, I dropped deadi last Friday G. Haiialkay, honor graduate of TInIt 30burn's Ux P: I 1 *�Livie ills ftr� 25c. chara the lanyl wa-s a Albe p and ifte id, barn, 4TM(if, Wi -5 for $1.00 at, all I dehieri, ctnerg 0 it I hed, 26X40, franiv bi Se,� Ualverialty, gold medalist of RTrInIty -per vial, or and tig. dayl in aid of the boap tal re- 'Ile workin ,'n his farm, lwoys bav) in sto(k-a ull ran :of 't]4 Ue&eal, College. Hember oC the CD1- or mailed diree 6f price He ge *nd 14 souref of much Co nment. It Is consid- 1�ht w The returns ed, on celtly. -arno' ted to a- IE -nd Can cred Ideal. The'subsoll of sandy lowm *ais �ug Rd OP. - heg of ft.y-AtIma Surgeons, On- The T. -Milburii Co.,=d, Tomato, best Imported idian elDths. ood bush,.$, ere.$ 4.4 ret JrM the -�oiut $80b.' 469do. 1491 Out. moistue, and, ere seems -Alexinder Love, clirk of the Divis ab ball of Lot I 1� balf of el to- te -an a6solut- y -W, from Sea; �d i: _�oam, Nova 26 acres, well drainfed a, MAL abs�nce of s tones I 10 at Aylmir, Men,county, wa 1, 4 Court SqD�Ia -got 111-8. toot Jammel a: s' "*ld ��ther 4)r scptiva. "i:,. In The � leld o gain this qnd Hie ,had beenuffer- the proprtetor 1.4 ir;r and boude y d d In bed. T;Tf DR4 H. ItUIGH: ROS& r VIrden, Man. lrh,,e injury' ing Try Us for, your next' sui �t �'-M r Xnd Irator ;a frory: heart trouble but was able to AL were -:;excep,Joaally Lare, W. �J-'WALKER wa-'s s a4i tcr biq On the Gradulkbe ot lverity ot oronto Holl ran -QochraAe, on Op Ling the atted to b4siness dixt es and had been Zftd ont, k hat the to6t,b P Qt M mber of C�1­: Undertaker an& Embal tall a En-916hart, nted with. us usual the -lay before. I De- Faculty edicine 9m ut around I n- - r, - was pres, aege of ftyawlans� lw�d Vurgeons of On-, -A pot' rom I a. and i noVel "bouquet" o Port Chlppew3,a:n, Al- c1p&sed was born In St, Thomas 64 years Night, f Inter- 3erta, dated Septemle; N9 say"': Store ifort� tax!o; pain �raduate b in C - -Main streitat, Sea Iourses calls t residence of W. . 'Walk -1 twl a eic 'Wheat,.oats, barley znd flu -x, ago a`nd�had held the position of divis- sered.All of cwgo, ClInical School, off'ChIcagga; Royal I the -ai 1,90s fallen for eeks� and tXh De and m ol itwell under" W uct of thf pre-sen't s6ason. on clerk at Aylmer f Goderich street east, op� 0 85 yeaxs. A no bou." with ki�vvla!n in widow, two tsons and ne dauhter Sur- !iJphtWmIc Hospital, London Rng- Wilhi he PaS t s K weeks tlie Pfovin- - )otato crops ae onk winds t sufferin. It. Jzjnes' church, one block east . I �t;r' ' %nd;UnIveralty College Hospital, Lon- ave Irevalled for sorne time. bank ba,,k barn 50 x W k-ets xjt al Irt ay! has f ViviR him. 11W Of Queen's Hotpl, relghted n ta set- 9.180 it stmw Ebc-6104 X ard alone 28 reapers M) M 3 New; Liskc n was calls- 41on, Ragland. Office -Back of the Do- 'KeIeon Ardell,-w.ho liveq' t lies Somewhat of a senisatio x 30. There is ea,foth Bowl 0 tis _d* by a1i accident which happened at iouith of .Cainian;R Man., rqently sold 0 Phone No. 5. nlowera, pplies 4VUr aninlon Bank, Smtorth� and� ? T R�; 1.1, The Palac Livery barn, w) i -As ha:. f od vMls and & tfwieig ir Wight cats arawered �rm residence, Ar6 two .4,tur6 lands land forf something t�he burial of Milton A. Mah.iiard, of ed t43 gT1 �Ss exet 0 Pall are wonderfully' section of i Ill 1,000' He Is disposing of h4 411irYlt,g i beCDMinr a )"r' his �rockville, in the M Q y votoria, strwt, Seaforth. 1899 E.. fert1k, All ome with th crowd to� I arxmn anhad cemetery, and sevl�tA very .proftta6le Indutry. 0n2 seffier's ock aAd contemplates moving -to situated ia the township of Augusta. -C It is ove of the bert ill Dra-a ;�:%y enns as the w ticket British Colq The land in the cemetery Is composed. the Palace Livery and be W ITNEY BLOCK ACTIONE19RS, wife, who c,arried off the red Inbia. -i thing In all cases of headache the firs for buttr� 461d sl i for the most part of -OWN. S could not supply rnan, sa:nd, and THOMAS 13R Th� OddAllows of Car ani,- the lei, ly oil V X eag; rX to do is to undoad the bowels a' the e an uc, d a convinced that our ll<)rs-'es �Q P H lat nd (;hus f �r hez P rod � t 86 centq lob ecentl presented A wIthfa a few feet of a. Dayle ea all ida3 and evenirg Goed balls and first -el Lice-asEd auctianeer for the cOunt'85 relieve the afflicted organs or the , over- I- per. �o und.' 8he sendE; - a c �r In the or onument. a Im haX w, -it Huron ad Perth. : Correspondence rnm� c rke �er, with a As the c4sket was being and rigs aie the best. Choice cigirs 1 and Tolm-bo for Ale wered the �slde of TthE grave caved Irv, full blood vessels of the brain; &.� i at [ twio a Week t.Q charlton. 8-.014"Natch �nd, c�aln. ]�'!Doyle left Day, nar"4 RE- FARM onaptly answered. M= -aid have a ganl� Lad!& ot _0(] AO -hat U I'mmediae' ar� the same time to restore tolne to the i I , Wf-- have recently idd ed, at large ex- lbtb� 1909, froM 2 to 6 p ed offers for We t It - - . F -i o, attemd th"3 rn etin Ithe Sover-: Allowing the monu-nert to cant. over.j rajr�gemertts, f or saee da�es can, bemade wity ae t -establish the appetit tif Ul. system, re e,: pro- A in' rand Of pensp, a Br�ugham, a city 011 -p Phone 97, Seaforth, or Woman Railroa OP gave, by calling u !e' Oddf�llo A heayy urn that was on the t Bean Inote digestion and in-vigorate the etire Oeattle4 ay, and In falling stnick -les Mc -J rig from Toro vhich is the correct urphy & Win fig ft Cha -r g The Expoaltdr Office. CtLarges moderae 0 T11, citV ni tiling for we Persons 11 bo I Wi- r 01, Wit; P09" amon],x Its a in body. i 4. Winter,:, daager. pronnetcyp, Walter, tloe Youg,son Of John zet- -and satisfaction, guaxanteed. lWa XInn6n'one of the paill bearers, on. the other valua)le p6sseszions, h;is - ing anythin in bis line iyould, do w % 70, with I who head. 3XIcKinnon was kendered uncon- i 8�nd, of innedo'sa, U ri anitoba, a lies-ident a mornan i�dlvvray conl� VuHdin Thesa is e th s :t ig and be con� stious, but quickl)P relvived. It well to ex, in (wnz- two ta.ie bears wa n- A In the' per. -,-)n of ;k Urs. Den- B. S. PHILLM� 4 cedthatthisis herightthing for Ad in'& rmr ud, 1-3 Adul, #1 Ron Dipectory- 1909 Phis lady i j -led by ape c f �them 'on S vul Iunday. The fbu d that he suffered only a scalp 11 ceaeed auctloeer foi the counties s engaged- a: work on I ttle ft! low 1, i ow, Iw the boqpil al and Is v011 -known lapt wound. Another man was struck arid- a wedding. It i algo verysuitable of Hurion and Perth. Being a practi, the aadtan'Northern Rail hy in the ghtly injured. for f ur ew is'. 1. M. Govenlock, R�eve,'Winthrop e to recover. Both 0i the- -lot hu ri?slded thereon fqr P -a-1 �&rmer and tiaorroughly Byerman, Councillor, Brodhagen at Carlyle,. Sak. rs. Den-. umler ears-kave bmen shot. It nd nett whoe wairler, na_Ane Nva�, Theresm *_%nding the value of tarm stock a YaMeS COW24i, ODUAIROT, Se9fGrth,';.7+ -Re,v. Dr. 'larence Mackinnon, who 0 implementa, Places me In a bettar, Our aim,' is t give our I fthOol, and within m4v Ifislgn�dj his- -pastorate lil West- Jou., Ric%;Nras born.at G"Appewa Fills, Wis., I a,s r A. Duzid 1,,,. Cuncillor. Leadbury ml dn to realize good prices. and 4�ra,duated from the Norniai school customers the st thit 11. 1. MC4,18.1d. C0114clilor, St. Amunk i th trouble and ur�h, Vlnnlpg�g, to.accep wift remove the cause of r. ihis tt�r, eb t a moderate, fttisfaction guaramteod at I aCrasse, thgi same state. Ifer. father V,rof es b= 0V restore� the system,,to h6althy action snd s6r4k1p;' In a college in i B alif 43 pay� All orders left In Exetur, wlU was qj,e ot the, plmeera aff the Sta can be procu reA 1, regard- buoyaat vigor. qJ A 0. X. ollad. TreLaurer, Bwellw0d FOR 13ALF_-4-r� Nova cotfa, was presentod Wfth a 4' promptly a-tt*&ded tm and ' i - .:� tum�not in at, oil les� of 11.,Xpeose o., 15, que for 000 b Xrs. . Priest, Aspdin. Ont., wriog:- Cie y his congr(gation AT4d 8 X Lot, 19 V1 ,is �Bonn Uvans, Assessor, Beechvmod I was troubled witbL headache for seNieral or h:y, lo-gs. jeirs. t lerned 0'ri the 'eye his, de . parture $or his e your babi, strdng and 4-0,wnWip of Tai&kemm- th 0 1 3' the .,,,,e tle arti-of. dre-a3lMakin buRt altor Hudle, Clerk, Wrthr% 1). ot acre% situmcd new field -of�'-- or. i riagel- tiftE Ji rai yearzqi g o, . s --i p- -ith- h;,, r -cent bottle of U1 V T0VM of or -O 1)p te Ig i out results, until 9, friend ad ail V Inton Alberta FarM Land 3 for I yg�ars and tried almost everything 181* I I II vised i� Tumb C 1 to to Winhipeir. Fier husbandi WA10 g i .. , mOUI in the tarm tf Sale cam -�-Lorl Noiltheliff arrivod I -A Saska- try Burdock Bloi6d Bitters. . I got� two had a oo last- T�Itursday morninS:oVer the I experienc ad bnstruc- 'bottles,.but before I had finished oxte -1 c IM'-Ve been all pastured r iihm,imz land Lit the loik into' bite tio'n r, Minnesot and Dakct C.T. accoMpauied by the 1Ton. Pra SEA BOARD* OF HEALTH. '*-,uld acw bg� vxcejl.�raj Before ptir a . il wtleat Tt6i� e Was completely cured. I can never' OP Ametlea.vi et all rhe ike,t lay1c say ?9a,9 d ',A the saq-e occupE.tl' lin C e is Aravelling over the rand J[ N. west. too much for 13.B.B," I t nink acifk' viewing the Wen, and 0 Ith br Tem -9 cbamge a,sickli bab_v I* a ck, Member, WlathzoP And kitchen nx e. pi ror either Cash or on the crop p -It p[,�n, or x clear lultim aping childlin Summer&$ sy, Mem�er, 33mawrood turn tor U NG. htid and Rop. vvatRk Lnl deed to the land in re, F J ohn "M ir r v,31ir Ar For We at all dealers- gin 8 I Lb I � i _ 6rep Mnufactired,' Two. eia -,-o Mrs. Benne Jud.. n y, the broad arnfle N:! lie gln b rs of winter vqheat. t r, suffer- 7hoe McUroy, He ber, Win tverggriaevs ar1 !L�� f *611 0 in winter. Only one cent thropp -ore, I thor 320 acres Ing 'io n if fectI)n of the - - M uJoying, ban D. J-� 'Mth Vp in &ukatch,�wart, clix4e to thr;,e mitwals. only by The T. Milburn Co., Limftedt, i and ).ughly e self. I. Puree, 1, Member, St. Goluin guee windbreak en day -think of ies as nice sol openfit We clecidi-Ig that'. L ord! Northell'fe wa taken ab fttuffw4b stone fKablng Will ex2hangib for farn. we or south ot P Toronto, Out. 0.1 the As soon as sea- will be prq)rM to cresma. out C fill ail§s. T) �ose requiring 6ur sen- AW for sale, good fartu 3 Uxil,43 frO11113ky-field- -ti to her lealth� o6c' 'and after'givir him tdaor, life wAild be orri and ices McGinnis, M.D-, Medical (�4 q4tion w thout delay, so that up, ticeT, 9--aforth o. VIV*r. VlU tell bne'lcli t e4 ty or a drI ve, le and. beech nr further parUcalar applr to joU1.1 S llf� of avyei� post cards a tevr ,so of thb�city k Work on t ie grad2. I f ,,,e %or 'in order. Apply eitber to _V0 bette oper" 1 n kindl make appli Otren a $MR bottle naw. All tG;[4 'S T_ Sh annon, Sanitary 1nXW=01 Occupation the past tw i I h 3 was 1 take rop, oi Goveolock, Sea Winl W1180N. Box M, SWorth. can &mange in '1� APP16s want A In t. o �Years a James 11art, t 111*AftR1ft 24=1094= iorib. Phoneim. _r P. 0. E B.Cqu[Ired t aved paxt n1g, farewll. she .h ugge� Cqnst-Itution 2178-tt MuTd1% Secretary, WinthM V_ empt t k nds of' good sound 1�ple "m' !_ 'ame LAWS. o m iAll An pns-uc, e"ful att We have been requested to publish tiie followin e to paie. Bring in your as MRde.'Satuxday 'iorn,nag o JOHN SIEN ough. extrm-L,� froni�,bhe Provincial Game Lswa res i last weg�k by man nam les get the cash far -tin., ed Thoms Me gavie in this aecniozl wirh the easurance that the, who t as been . worklilg or T. AlaCao1jaid, Mar. rilt be rhiridly'enforeel,,., -j) The or to pen ft asow for law w S'- �0' IA- Mtsion, n IT V'r4cock, Dee'L 15; open oe Girls or WoLuen Wa4t Wn for quai d. rr. AIR ga3hed 1 Is throat w1th a )ock,-ff 'Aa" and rey squirrel, N Ov. J to Dee. 1; open sea. �pn forvild,geese,k4ept Ap Aim KlIte! a4d V I be s9d iot i t4M� abi 4 6 15 to April 30 year follow ply at the a le �all i u91Y wound. AJ)DS TO' i. ; , s - - 'In Ike gom, as mid, msd Open seawn for wilct fi ackg And all witter tow,. gil.gied at pitching In the I'M I NARIa vo eeu on remnsulle term-nt,, Sept. I to Dee. 31 ; ope season f 3r qaff, snipe and R *d, debW zoilea,&A at -d gon�_.s ,f. - , SEAFORTH EVA hvrvidl5st 14teld f', it4 on one plover, Sept. I to Dec. 15 - PONATO trip oift the' o pel.i sen.son for hares ol her *n to d�, id I esney & Ar6hibald, rind rabbita, Oot. I to Dep. 3L. : The sl#lng on -a dook Loca et reasm& closed season o? ii Agents, ch P%d bs 0061-inced. for, Kdges:hw een oxtend(Ato Fiepo. Ir 'fr y lf)10,, Oil 74WV e4logl prof a cut -In his -ared bw L T W N & QA E! 'big neck ad h6�.dng,an open knife In, Nvnd. ke *4ttaken to the olice ift-i gvi g itf ton lit rat 7MW J-