HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-17, Page 4-7 T, -77- 7 7 -Ir T 7, 7-7. 7 'S' 1 7"0 swk� 4* 13 J-4 14 IS 17 1&� It 20 it -22 :23- - 26 -24 27 29 20- 30 4 t Tba ffguo. between, th W- W U*Ndo an" eack I diudW*- the rp o f Wit po w on. vhloh &e vonn i wwsw"- WWW*ft- Vupn-tA for Methodiat Ohvnh- a A W-1mlWanted .6m Jlcyar-4 A 1 7. T& RtmemakeW-Ia, A. Sills -6 ' AM Agalln-4k4x Olathing Cm -1 J. t. RM 0 I%= far Sate -Alex. Compbell- 4 Isaw Cahu-wl rickartf & So t-6 Fall XminetYLIL Noftul too.- 196610ft vwrah-4 - .%*%WVfPd­�X0jhtM jUd Itill"r M8b06*-aM§VJ1i01k & Scot" Tdlaonv�-M rormka or reat-xm T� Y. WE W&U-S overmaung-john ilk-ilii� W en -Tqwn * axw­ S kted TOO* to craltiooft-j. X. wet- Sde--A. 0. Aah­& Farms for We -Ata= RM --4 RE"OMM, J%UDAY, Sep. Ili. !00. Mitortal Wet" ARC' Commonts The Toronto Mail ancl Empiv� ,should get Ron. Mackenzie. Kil 9 to afbilr4te., wwftlk - Dr� Cwk 000MMander Peary a--- to�owhlch of them has die- 6 7 k, 'Elm NEREN. At we Minister of. Labor. Yollowing the bl� derrent mergm Domes the merger at I he cast Iron. DOrcelain, ezilam,l- -maniluotft*M, of Uanada. The, coog-:)IJdati Dn lnvolv�ea the ractorles', making -all the - porcelairt beUjX% Sin"L and other 96.oft,,of sim- Ur- eliar4oter rnaaftkfi�ctured in Wo �oUxxtry. Ahe two.dornlmnt inisititutlorq xing the atandard- Ideal Company of M 771 X� "'N ind about two, hundred and fifty M43 -L tapics are engaged at the works in ,kmherst Few people, am aware, 6f the imman+ ty of the Canadian Pacific Railway.. In AdItion to the railway itself and Ito .quipmeit andthe Immemse land hold- u",the company owns and operates to-, feweethan ft�ty­tseven steamships. Mils total,-In�ludes the- aompany's At- =Ue and Pacific tlee:L% Its British Wumbla and AlasT4an ccastal. a I erVIm- ;nd Its Great Lak6 line. -The earnings t the company for the' Year: ending 3OM'1909i. -amounted to MAU.- 24, while the v�orldng ie� penses- f or . the ame year amounted to 53,357,748, thus �ax!W- a surplus at $22,955,5TZ.. The arnings of the company for the year amed were- m4jde tip as , follows From. pazaenger s.`$20,158,000; freight, 491,192.U.0; malls, $778,822; sleeping - ars, expreSS'r elevators, I elegraph, etc., -7j,198,977. Owing to exceptlona� ly favorable reather conditions for - t maturing Of 2e grain and the harviaLing -of it, I :Ie crops In the Province of Saskatch- wan axe turning -out better fhan was rpected earlier Ia the season. Accord - 1g, to the latest- Government report, �hich has: been caref ully compiled by ie Provincial Department of ASTI--Ul- xre, there will be -an aggregate yield t 199,,290 976 -bushels. of -grain, This to -I V Mm -heat, IOOL,59.1,250 of oat-% Tj�- 115�494 of barle�- and 4.16,640 of flax. IX'S 3-eltz, -will easy caxry - the total over I i, �.'. i So R 17r. 90 leld for the four principal gM:11*4 T1 W- 0� Le estimated yield, as tol �owv: Whea., bushels per acre, oats, 47 b- --- --- In his Labor Day address at Berlln,i on. Mackenzie King. in referring to, c atters ' In the Orleftt, paid- "a high -0 ibute to, the, good work being done a r * the misalGaarleo in at country, X -W 190"C T, 1W T-- -Ir 1 7"0 swk� 4* 13 J-4 14 IS 17 1&� It 20 it -22 :23- - 26 -24 27 29 20- 30 wl" fA Tba ffguo. between, th W- W U*Ndo an" eack I diudW*- the rp o f Wit po w on. vhloh &e vonn i wwsw"- WWW*ft- Vupn-tA for Methodiat Ohvnh- a A W-1mlWanted .6m Jlcyar-4 0--W. G. W11116-4 ' - T& RtmemakeW-Ia, A. Sills -6 ' AM Agalln-4k4x Olathing Cm -1 J. t. RM 0 I%= far Sate -Alex. Compbell- 4 Isaw Cahu-wl rickartf & So t-6 Fall XminetYLIL Noftul too.- 196610ft vwrah-4 - .%*%WVfPd­�X0jhtM jUd Itill"r M8b06*-aM§VJ1i01k & Scot" Tdlaonv�-M rormka or reat-xm T� Y. WE W&U-S overmaung-john ilk-ilii� W en -Tqwn * axw­ S kted TOO* to craltiooft-j. X. wet- Sde--A. 0. Aah­& Farms for We -Ata= RM --4 RE"OMM, J%UDAY, Sep. Ili. !00. Mitortal Wet" ARC' Commonts The Toronto Mail ancl Empiv� ,should get Ron. Mackenzie. Kil 9 to afbilr4te., wwftlk - Dr� Cwk 000MMander Peary a--- to�owhlch of them has die- ooviqred the -Xorth Pole.. 'the 'Mail . IU4 great confidence In the c4p4blliUes of we Minister of. Labor. Yollowing the bl� derrent mergm Domes the merger at I he cast Iron. DOrcelain, ezilam,l- -maniluotft*M, of Uanada. The, coog-:)IJdati Dn lnvolv�ea the ractorles', making -all the - porcelairt beUjX% Sin"L and other 96.oft,,of sim- Ur- eliar4oter rnaaftkfi�ctured in Wo �oUxxtry. Ahe two.dornlmnt inisititutlorq xing the atandard- Ideal Company of Port Hope axd -the Amh wst Foundry. D6mplany at Arn]-herst. 3� � S. The Fort alope plant employs, six !hundred men ind about two, hundred and fifty M43 -L tapics are engaged at the works in ,kmherst Few people, am aware, 6f the imman+ ty of the Canadian Pacific Railway.. In AdItion to the railway itself and Ito .quipmeit andthe Immemse land hold- u",the company owns and operates to-, feweethan ft�ty­tseven steamships. Mils total,-In�ludes the- aompany's At- =Ue and Pacific tlee:L% Its British Wumbla and AlasT4an ccastal. a I erVIm- ;nd Its Great Lak6 line. -The earnings t the company for the' Year: ending 3OM'1909i. -amounted to MAU.- 24, while the v�orldng ie� penses- f or . the ame year amounted to 53,357,748, thus �ax!W- a surplus at $22,955,5TZ.. The arnings of the company for the year amed were- m4jde tip as , follows From. pazaenger s.`$20,158,000; freight, 491,192.U.0; malls, $778,822; sleeping - ars, expreSS'r elevators, I elegraph, etc., -7j,198,977. Owing to exceptlona� ly favorable reather conditions for - t maturing Of 2e grain and the harviaLing -of it, I :Ie crops In the Province of Saskatch- wan axe turning -out better fhan was rpected earlier Ia the season. Accord - 1g, to the latest- Government report, �hich has: been caref ully compiled by ie Provincial Department of ASTI--Ul- xre, there will be -an aggregate yield t 199,,290 976 -bushels. of -grain, This to -I Llis made up of 86,668,)62 bushels) of -heat, IOOL,59.1,250 of oat-% Tj�- 115�494 of barle�- and 4.16,640 of flax. ther coarse grains, such as-ryie and 3-eltz, -will easy caxry - the total over ie 2U,000,000; bushel -max k, amd there - 4 lies, the reagon for the popular sa;t-* taction-, Last year the aggregattj leld for the four principal gM:11*4 mording te'the final report of the �paxtrneiqit, was '105,1589,A6 bushels. A �mplliatlon of the figures ceivied igives Le estimated yield, as tol �owv: Whea., bushels per acre, oats, 47 b- 4ey,. 31 bushels ; and f tax, 15 bush - In his Labor Day address at Berlln,i on. Mackenzie King. in referring to, c atters ' In the Orleftt, paid- "a high -0 ibute to, the, good work being done a r * the misalGaarleo in at country, Id the good influaticama fe, rted by the - ,read of gospOl trath. sald "I id they had no Labor In the rient. In many parts have no, mday. Xell may the workers, or I 1AStendGM pray ter the spiead of -c Irbtianity to other parts of the urld, It It be only to help to, _ save a ena�elvee from factors In - in dugtrial mPetition which raean the destraction standards which =ke; our life what. I U- Men may scoff as they will at e church. and.tbere 'my be men In who are unworthy of its teaching, I 1 it Ia a, fact that where CIrl3tiad Cluence has been a power., a day of 94. aix Increasing respel't for wo'n, 7 � a, Protection Of little children, hare 1� en amalik Ita fruits. and hurran life StWh has com to have 'a, value un- 0WA before. Ik the Orlant the mls-P marY' Is the true ally at 'the *ork- ,man., d e Phe statement is made Ihat at the xt,sessiall of the- Ontarld Legislature Liberal oppoaltian party will gt- p, * the WhitneY.Governirent for - its 9� Iles of portions of the ('11111es Limit a' Joining Cbbalt. At least to specific 9A arg,es wlll� be made ()f lack of t(yre-. at r Oit, namely.. the sale of w1lat is now 0 own as, the 0'Rrlen.Yo,:Mg property a d the Wald -man Wre. it did not get any-thlrxg Ake $50,000 e "theee, two properties, ard yet within I I Drtnight at their Sate veins of na- th C --diver were opened ul botj�, art It .011 Im that makes the twc , properties aT rth five mIlltorgs- of I dall ,rs to b agi q 8 ;h and prob, b1l a ly t,41ce that after tb -1 ther dcv,-jqpment. ATjr. Ni-aldman, . a po 11tr,*aj merchant, who owns one of n M, ;Sa-�u h - e Considers it worth cl I Fral milliorls of dollarg�. and I it I .,t Padv Prom-laeff to be Onelof tbemar- w 4 3 d Cbbalt. FriandR nf - Itho - mmna,,, - f �� t 0 Appe -4- ;cou d a oomW., a lee -for, wMae overnme. &ry phly, tobj �e aws tft An 411 d but, va wo ch isr 0 hea" aft oil r*, to I are Of g"at- sVZte, Oed to ''d ...each wftwfine lisdale was Me, of he 0�1 M Mn PeW 40 ual, 1 o4v befor� h 6 - :the- io Ite Aftetlu- ma .-the Fed; d �iiible to bts t SOAD w er. .48, POP .ar 690 Dir -Ong the -hi ca.se Irk Is r,;�t to I y In 9,4 y I t -another- -lit-tie aboat. 1rodit steamAbi ,shetl and f or ra -Mio a!'& iew'jy- Ifi -Lb membi ir �Islature ca -out this polter will "it - concerned Lc hd jr ye old, a at death Yea dul�, San did !a blal -busl Dn ,Vry - hd Mi th 191 , - - ai �ee. We7ve A 3 for ever r Wr the fam 'moly, be 'Paying, ow an. ame - ap � i l. i ily, M the old Ur i for in Qiis line. Ile. WA a man 09 est I e cotn ti --their Own ift�- V -06a 0. 1. n6f so -his. dn. The f undjud, to 'jobn %W611, bwok In "it !.�, - mi�il do Ora- exwll�-at character --,Ouripatri)nswejo;utibermLatlyfa illis�vhere 3i I - � - I'll nt lit 11 youngest. A*p rn is much 6 -by u I Itock, � i Valley Land. Dea� *01§ tugs, C011.4 ate, that e e fe r every --member, be now,% ere to dom the best shoes cry was attondfd -Wb1oh the Cb*ervadvesl Arted to,, %kv a b70 t. Ile Tbal d* oner- urse of r 'itives and fo r el to, Survilve - 0 two of tyle the, the, case the '0 ag men and women, shoes maj. dog. 34 W dd. i e e s oes Com r r oes of durab i, so much capital & I of! eld el(Tle, yor?i, " havir Pooriqo­n , to. I tileaj ally mes� �.ell U) Toroitto'. it ii OR 10R, ifitY for th I t A_ ThI4 bAs t .6� lbeeswater, ducte� at a big dle aged, 00s the circumstances weft 'somewhat, am. I'doft! ol he rvice at tbe`h mid &r '0 Mar, I wfth tbis, Aitterenee, 1 odse ibd*,chxi*ch.—MIS9 p80-10 S4 -- wad most past 4. and the(, samo hA for strenuous weairand ada#ted to pb by iae oz., P -C= nllte�McCo�bll if the b we ; to azd XI �Lghfer, #ob4 �t -oz growing feet of the boy and gW' urg, -the b U, nore -�hows hid- 70rorito h e)rk, the ear. Wkftney Goverainalit, could ch may aW4 hot week, wherq Istcad, Jobn, on t D, 2�d It im WOW eastly ascertain the true V.;e of the Our Fall complee,'and comp ration tor appendicitis' was per.� G.- Sjc 'I nov�, rises the best of sho lao levr *f V, 4 C.i X 7, which bley dispolicall thin the :The Stratt6rd In Me es, arald�- says and a la�t. report the patiorkt�, The f took, plact on jh� selected W4'care from alll the leadit ig makes. We call special as s;m,,, as 0j. Government'cood Phave ' ore- Stinrlse, that If tb i vas doing we 1. seervi ietag colacte �by'thie pastor,, tion -to 6-1, �Ll!progre",, ; - thes inest: V. Airt The t#14 afti7t,Wbat th dt;3credtted Unds ted to sivi it call, Adam. -no Rev. i� were inI: iWtchell meeting th d ap . I ,ey -*.posed of wodd -be ltirm' Yt nsall meterr, peajed tq 0 erred the beffi #,bewo w 30 W#itft d d the L DIES' okb. What is Swice tor -the 1 ir liames aefteld A SH -C VS. he 3%=, up for t jje IngUr fUJI049M iKA, 1� i by. a number a% MEWS SIJOES. Cop .1jer. w mire a Higgins, to 2 2,229 -party, uhres a Xie un� B. ano, ig sauot, rapv nd' dast�- Th u n Donvoyanq ublic, 00multoldn rivate i wn�rsbt , re.4 e modern Empress .50 T tie cele bkated Slater She at S23,148,4%.t leavic, .p would the P klilds of Von loing neat Y Zte apect to thl I de 03 i I done -A The vastn as of Ifew Ontario &M and 03.7,5 a r ai i hate r uled "t NI iii power zoalep che Anp%mount of- pd4bb an4coni- r great inheritance we ba*46 In thW di- the Toron fa at ilowest ou"Oub rat" of In- Godertal at $4.' 0- and $5 a Nit Indebte c The Aswria � barJ Teiegr4m. The ist, nip.clhiol f4ms !or sale cheap. 13. R. The famous Queen Qqal at $4 Mr. -Butt. f notion Is broucht more tor6ibiy. 0 ConitraCt$ for h"pita lity w0ch t me The T1 I Y Y T SON N01tnee Gove0- ad erei at. $4 and anniv6r tK an incident- 'w. a $4.5o a, r i a. td 414 our ttention by, �lch No .-Mr. d Mro. Re rt, Mh -D. the . I I meblt accorded to U. e policy c so ave. been . let� Ad4m %rt and Refindo, e pau chur �b, Ste -4 o.cburred te'other:day wbNn!' th aeg MoKeitb, a mid- as follow I atone and briekr;- e-4 e� t 84 a pair. Ugt. mr, Butt Seek. will enable 1,100,000 The Peerless at'$ Peo, pie to te- Mlch.i h beeen vi -sit j4 the work am caW , $9sq95 ; Planlro 3Y $3.5o and 14 x Ve CXCUrS1C I ll - I - mists were" I d ol Miss Can a $A. a-patr arai vowor in 'from ome of 1- 1 cetve� Nise Xc­ Arraid, Stan,." Id Co. 1.oarpeutertrW, $6,666; Plan- at 8, pair The ne town of Cocht iliI 6�4 t C n* ov" in 11119 ass �anf slating, $190; In addition to theabo the preisent to. and ave -terminus of tlI6, It 1.4 q �6joyd,i the- trip Y�r, much. plamAn � �$010; a. J, a gre el- v - e ta, I I b ece ary, cw. Y, Mr. !Wnbart o4 fo y 3.de fix -i es, we h Ur. wlxtv�y..i M ck ob )uld re- IS IS hjs'jbiJrd trip to riety.of medium p -ed rangin T milway, the Tendgkarning, and -ibw nd he Harper, .1 zed Wo $76 q. om I i. So and upiars, in -,Ia. web, ceive all. -the '110 1! th en Wed inks njora'of tA6 Clana4i s e chtt' dies' shoes, and 4 pigarlo, and also the junct y STI t an a me J. Harix t 11 ectric 5 wards i i inen's hoes. c6rhes.-Miss, Ralrd, cir iPo ;Qf� rolt, 'is Lee, 1� toi loni 6ccount Wer .$1,9 nt- hea rallw&y with the National I Un- jadg nax 16 Ultg schemm- But A iting her co ­A.V31P OjFor't�e boys and girl,, b t ight be C ven thern usiris, the*lsoes Thorn- Ing, $60( 1 W. & Shoe, frrvrard to set Wid we ha, re a: fine wsortment of Fail e�40, which eing built dbtk' thei credit -Quite. a number are, taking, In 'the ford isla; 100flut, �U, UY $23.1 in all st wearing leathe; minion -Government, I& t rsj� aad tt moder 6 prices., In doing -.60 10A to by wbleb Is If ndon---falr& Be with L fou t -Y tile ot ners. Dn,. the �6es -to, the sTound.1 His t of Toranto. About 30 mtlt�s of -the ns- the. t fi t I a nmo� -dd ccee n--th ngered lndivfd-. cc itleme d d I eir betiolM Ile In our *I Continen a - ate- Vompleted and iifthid sch4ep and f thOr able to a16- %vere 'trying to get In so broken by the fWtl west of Cbcbranb- and the !1 ri U' 0 powev.. it, - 0 one" nj*fght week.� Have you Ver ut Own make Ish eliel le, 2one 14& . ofthbor about ahoes 7 1f t1kr k In, Fu�j a� ra e than 0 Is store, them. � NPA d Do tried to 44nter Mr., B Carriages �Sovo aportion -opt th"i Upositor 0 �Can D go OPC7191 It go In ther wiir, an4 were nterruoted q;nd e .o6d trwck� PuUmanis Within 110, 76 w ou'; addi the Pra� Incei, Ir escipe. Mr. Bosamemb the n, Of of t "d.. flibbert- left G;rb 9Ad reWts -the losi, of m Lei%db oh., W course In they will avidso Hudimm- Bay mark sh a�d I I r�tf 0 afod de. UP tby V' Ill! Ive i cret t ft r it. r articlee;. He- is certaim the adepatrOut -dt the (�en ant stago in -the opening meut of - that. vaa north- cou4try. hit - But it Is nb4se PbY a ay t) ha4 vat be, knowa Who thv perpeltraoix tral 'B ieks Colicke, tratfOrd, 'lissl: Saime -days fv�ib-n think of It, TravellirW '.In 'I Pu a they not enteted Upon i this reind will iaM advantagfe� -the So ieme accepted Owition, on he C. P, R. at a, coaches through.&� grAry -a 1uhreg ulitcd n- rst opportunity to bring t��M to Cartwrig t M , aitaba. I HOTEL Co ot r-Ainfed 041TE Cox, Affra. cely kne we 3as- prixte, )w yeai% ago we scar left lul t eirshIP wouQ be t le result. The, -e is latfce.-�--�- W m.: MeInt, h. who h -3 wheat Sell ft*41 Is com-� pion, Up st h take Mased, ced een h le last week, pletcd�� 1. much larger r, f art lte, booki, p. arm all gurnmert 1 f -there 1 y 6 98 pre- or Dakota.-, Mr. and. Mr, Alex. XLI�4 last �.-Yeax h4s beM saw I. lauddjay d. i s of the' 'Its I io',of Stepben. r Some Conservative papers, jjsays 4p#t G jvern a Cora harvest t 3aliksgIvint 4rvice will 191W S, t fill one dqi. - re6ei Ch' OYe 3' �tbi he- Lrd. Mr. aid,, Mrs. John SnidPr and' Forbes hod 4n tb a Episcopal church on -Suou bave rood f capPit A a Ins and. ]8 HiggIng a Adi Miss Gard e have re-�,. time her IU16 wa, i diDapalred. of; bit aujous to, try and make g,� Govern nnt 0 lidren R. nd little turnad to t1jeIr �p regu ate the etdleO -at the she has sluw been in fell train ,,)r ji�., 11t. BjftjL the gPer-Xy Gv afternoon when Rev. th#lr politic opponejits who therl hey' cb-014W Of aAT c n 'pan-Iy cha !tere I to' on wiere-at the Toronto, fair japt week. leglat' I 3stItat, YOUL sons al -Tvvo I B Dirham, will be Presont,:-mr. J01h bUt 14 -- r9y from the to ill b0alth Ux. A Vy jeliectrical'en hey all speak -In #lowing termi at the Cou a$ have grGtxhda for itor. not. a-re-bli0ling 'Niagara. willo Duhda wh en-� Ja rellevIng our C.PR., ugent, lam" I -a wagon W. �.Beck - blaLckar Athh* Mr. w Lgg showand big� I bluj� f! posed of his "d oi Toronto'. -Mr. D.� tranbe to high schofflw Ateding. $a to Alla-D, who. with his wM and f ami R."s fail. The 'the late'Lberal Ct4vepnment, for the late jnjsti�4te. D.Rwsell, who has been lur"It :c Xormer� _MIS powdr to ulit4it t h Ik GiT.R. at�vrg herc,, rkin Is spendh%- two, week In U an& �be 19cafol t4 Colleg COMM with hfin for some time. UT- P fm: Will amd other pollts.-11r. George ZY In- tite at -the Parliament' ID at of -IndeiPendent n1eivand lit the Be'r#1cea In W Preab R Magee ID i vidson, has. beA a on -,a pleasant Y, lighter They say that he; �-bO 44f- peopit rn IMP& I Ian. In its riau church an 8 seek Some 0 ent. )r0 �bbath evening, ut. vlsiti* to ato and ft � M of was In the: Village oil Fridi ut by this rngthod they Cal d ional 1W was upt properly constructeo that 'it 46 lair Initiefids enter' V4 IW Knox college to hibitlon.- Mt. and Mrs. UliderwoodL aX6 arri; or ToroAt h the use Of -prI rAtQ, are for th6 rn�nlafry,'-Mrg. wr� L n wroxiter attending e Weg er air lit Londoa exy wIng a two W,4aekal oliday 331wmhard e '04th be r - was-& veritable fIr# trit' 'Aij SQ' ou. �itaj, -all 0 . .. - i� ned� ram. of Cut"ton spent a c6upl Lidiner and.. .-Miss Jean(tte rs. George: Mr. :A. j stdrant w&I to b week wssx�s-, petf r Go Notes Black aa, a m(ther, ly beld 14 t. X Well, perhaps �twtsl 1rot con or Pro- days with frient's here last we,64 o�jonto, f4ir. .-Mr. 4f. tbe, S�r. uL by thet At. scheme -and the Eddie a �J-tended th: T vt-%Itor In Harriston last Pa alln lj� Improving IT6 Mouth It W -S r from C;j t -fira* proof pffad-�Ies such as like Id.1 r;' Ichalittes would 1 not PrIM6, G.T1. D'gwt- here., G d of Tor0t, wAo was on Jos. Cowan rpturne I on PrId hh 'by I -at ve t, 1, tres lstrorl�r,- rf MrVe r the present have t 'beur �ab-y at the,risks or re- Inge of &Y are co ed. ?mpXted -the Vn� required �by 1 the an extf,�n Vial at t oine of Mr. a v1sit t se his - e ann ual thanksoving meeAt ttbo MVdtt veral onths wit to a6carej peraorkpation. -He & J. B�e kett Aol the pity.f. broth�r Portag-p 136 U4, of thie, W� F. 3(.. j:9. ff the -bels 1prk-�, But when these buildings e!, n� sponsib Ittles ot fail Qre. byteriali in r month -during t he -we Nk. Richard; Hemphill, of Hensal 1, -18 n ng structed the use at cem=ent' tro 2"Mylve $W pe su lqarn a 4 -burth will be -held Ili durIn, the pmbot '-M- 'e attempts have ad 06f S-vrl u ce�:31 �1 olife. - He order ta-maka bullZrAg lire-� S, htirii re r. t. 'The Vil- choch on Thur4j�7 �s oery Robbison ac pre 11 bel wal- weekwith h4r - many tLrieni s �n afternoon. Taie reduced Une '0014 company Iork an littlei It any, kno*n. But, 11 In tdc jlPaigt Years to reachl the And faithf ally' and �oxx le Who gave atcoWA of the* lage.-Milis Bailey. I [SL IS, is d I 111�t#10111 I'D -11111 Iadiii of t up for tW lack thd G ill now rece1v 3 lEfle reward of faltbfal land deal bc, berriin anA gain in ebarge of S. Lev ls�� rf Iffinery -gregatto North le Much *oney and eriergy ns Js ',extendtd. -Last week 4r. D� vided the most arnple fire tee on : .. waslar I now herej �-Xisg - Ift pw . V!�-- 0 and Mr. Rae a *eh wearing for, the eftson.-. la I i ;Qro=Tty, racell His sue a to, oLer - 0 ok Is borne 7 t PIP re A hav n rbm- Torotto a*. red the' ex oz! th poso­&nd- ving ino 944 Munroe's fhouse ort magIfy1blir ses. As no rson was turned from Sakat%ewai j appliances Witt.kin the b d S. �'e qK a ea -1 installexi a powerful pumping abe( n by adven- 4he Mill Road, next. to Qeo. ere' e I t ill h th. We! hope to bear �V. ugphevv. Mr.;: flFotM do hok InteniA. has speht the past six man A, a taold, recovery. m9in In Hill's resl-�" Injit d b- t e item, a W ;;P 'Lo ntb 1had been killed., Detei the buildirwL iilh, with an 'A le', t 1i ilre.Zh 'Lo loo tali Is. felab-ning � mak ng at -as Ah de-- dralwil out leit. Pat. wh ritso'. bu. nlevaZ L 7 orrections, k and supply of water. would fair ;ahur7rof isitOrs. from) 'this local -r, ctibeen atiolied untillrep8nt, it W Scot In fire that m1kht originate t t &c6t is i n any,,, In �86ain l�o thegraln: Zurichi 17. It a ,some,, a -ad fell; twenC, .at the'buildings Ile *Culla�. c ncl- o ave r. PO dncl t 1�at ter so, of an- Murdoch i4t is N Word has a building and rue Goverurntnt commenced the -vrpkk 'oat. Robert is bee ree4ived from 'I to - Ino Mr. beau, -of i VlOcko Texas,: :hIs Ia 0;aV40 t wing to- the enwwr Le nt bU R4- Bucces4lul ad nfw� and! atfavorite.wil.h. the new DMI I f0t.; th announce Rat '.t addinix a, me7t of SeA four ismall n. q. lie. had Very heav- Inge this spridg, and. permit tied the c on- quccess sh Vt itbey ?st wild be m a 3ource 'at . �de by two Ifer- tractors to cu off the, mat lly a enit storm. . Lle4au, in- �nt Ind v1duja4 win h a week 04 the past two, y4trs b, thus if av- uh & Ing andt eboirmaster of t water supply to this - viiglne; lee r rw that co t Py 411 1 90 r; 1�1:� A. Ing a the �Pthex;, Cookt Pon tot Ca than West. Ie wiis A f arm - Ing the Whole, build xnerc3, I 40-tled I Tousekeepers Attentio -Slaughter We of of thwe , wo tew d t his 'Th Mitabill, hi I fire th'a the' 1P. Mellis w;shes i; at this c� .04 -and the, city fire protection. At th Ys ago withi an#ounce to tho laffies of the, t t-b,at �e di trict that he OW aaccept t positUmi, of I em, pr v1dedl apioum ern had di�co��Wed abo�A 100 bushble of 1DIUM131 old frien ks will sym other day had this system. pr by patIldie iwltbl him I t4e Nor f helchoicest varie a which he'will sell at die re- In ha the-,Normul S0,11C er Pole, Wic a few low price 1i s s. -Mr. Geo. yo4and, of Duncemen Ing or&r, the lire could have been ex Ilar t I was a here last *edk `on la -visit jandholrmaster�df the' ow sugar w% which and othe Liberal Gov nment, been in -w rk- at- albly 25c1per basket or pail. He jElretri Pit SEPI a te a ntity P ol 24 me, If you h r r pn a. tinguished in Its Insipiency, but it Comm der( ar te. eve aven't �et � to his in her' and a thel X I d -Mr. Nary. Dr.- is kid to h4ye r n get them fresh on the. WM. severed his �onnection waa not, and half an hour aR oat- and Me Rat haA ell 9. per a" -Am, ppecial a,- -nd Fo on the 21st of A�, has re- BICY'Cle a before the city force was onj nd. By the d ril, j 908, p 0 217 2 with Mr. er's a torel ajid S- peed Cbritests. Atd don a-r..d -the reasm, glve.f akeGrelgor, f '�the vil- t A d to his; Ifew -Aimbu-179. thts, tithe the ire had gaffil"d- a Ich liou ice- bome tit 9aces—Ba by Sbol V1. ju t thaz� h- Was Ili T attend- -1 Mlos CcIV1111:; of aVIjig beA,� inade I lo last wee headway that imme*nse damage 1 taPs Bruss Oid Mi" ,=s dl itoil Ahe fair and. -91190 visiting,,. 'her McDdUj It could 3:,y8d 'a 6ral months gall, of. Thames oad,- our mll-� wrought before, b, , staj d. fort he d; ter', h' could vet ice enou-th to Mrs Jd..!o jPatter a#, of To- line r, have, r6tarned to� These are'the facts of the ca,sejaplearn- ret n or he 0. Cud and t e duties, In aAdition'to d U11 prize ist ti r ud B41o!b. hav -shipped e follo C-ettlagr re to supply wino, specia. hat hay pros an'; of, thi All the. c 1 h the I - Which he took oil & 9 Sdcti *beral ',i d* z s !for sport:i� 40 to, 'per -b ed from. official soarem.. U. 'Seriif i Pre, ving adopt, diff6rentro on th-� th ir Ing'; Outfit I are blame 14 attachable anywhen It Is return, I rip, 0-,�-Tllbury,. e r W re is -n r 1 p en; the- foutwai ore ate 3. in. head M a�. The ore per bushel I rne One biiij' to the present and not to the preW )us 0 not t ough I that he w is Uarley, per bushel.. Government. 6 ang e district! to kpp, Rade I has been -vi r)d#g during 'bcompa any Ursa, Pak, toa ........ e One of the stock com e 'Leovery; and, Joe Eft'ed the ib -hen C, a white pers)n v� m K Ing atel dirl.--Mr. James Nife- with Mr. Jr.:n0fe Klapp �e made mo who' I are �11 IF P al gift d hased his fatherla. o the, west. -Mi. N.', Detchert, ..... d to d Ubt re. Iden jn t Via,ge t week on, 4 ail vAlued at $10 for plaints of I is . i a getting of D I Was in, tow ja.� JKCI[ee�� - are J ncline �OtZo n Opposition, against the Dornl�ton- G 3v- rn(ved, and- Ving twnL put In V the best herd of Sh thorn Oat �Vat�er, Wo. L I gen Isiti E mother.- t herd I o oonsist gs : 7 i itnenuh of big btory. ow ver, sh tpe. He has Thelifilerlds of Mr. rer�up. lk I - f t 0 females nd a, ernment Is that they have emr-baou sli here Is, no dotibt - but tht in G ue Ime, iC comfortable home., in t Sot th R. R imni will be, plea,� ed to learn, "ng of I mil. fr. and Mrs omas DIck were In that The D and to be increw d the public expendit� re. Is -will be. able', to -gure sach as ur ces >f I L he has been! sho*inw signs anic, 30afa rt14, offi p 0 for thp best hem* SeLforth recen their son, or ge -3 Will secuite'the I dra;uWht,.agT1cult I pArpose th� xy n Tresslon f o In iproi ment.-Manyll' j Vill -tregret, to te. . , I Sheer true that the expenses of c In e,- Ift. Jarnefs IXck. Mr. Dick i n boast e Bank of IQ, o eree, Seaforth, offerf silver medal for te best have largely Increased, but not of ulnenes's on *his disecivery. Co delp learn of t el .1, death at �2rl ]Lo(ds 1111de- brool ro-W r ba ..... . loultu ral. or genera r Peary, or, th�� Other It did � ot of What few can,- A4 rid thiLt' t6ij he mare and fb&lt -he drai ght, grpose S brand, of j Ilsa, Craig, ail d r ake j�t r at 2nd prM.', rtion to Me increased rei di- I iesides foo the farm a set- of Bcdg rs B Carvi Irs, , ale at $5, donate I b- U-�yre propo his discov ry until Mr. KocheAs, 0 w tch he, d Wood I*r 6th f A rll# io U0 f 1Z h, ch. Y wto I and f0s. 1'WOW per oord elo Ities, or the ter volume of busimss 1909, 'an I 'he 'as at t om;the a Cbzh- s R3rrieBros�,Torc�nto,oferi�sitver.madidf tale a, mA1 e p4blic ad - vent 4)ccurred at i Joseph's jdj or best roa#st�er or carriage 4 ....... ture t' t w t i all b us 1 a am 8 P fit transacted. -a case L. ti Isoork as Cook. sday Y or ge Tbnothy This te of ha S. thel'resul h, nearly Hospital, E,ondon, on T63 of last Who say g Is ty rs Big Y. He car . al�o tell we6k, 'Inliammdflon w esley Mott, Tai -,kersn L'Ith, Off qrs $10 the I est thre an sr he m4d ti 6 diseovejy nearfy 0 the !cause of e fbals from overlooked by the Conservatives when, le ' * $ esti4g, Wrles of the pioneer de She I draiw r. �earlie�.!' Which' will be ath Paves a, urabaInd and rs a olzing the Government expendit a wh dak�, althollghihe Is bordlering on t 44 childrexIi, tb� Younge at a- 'W. Kerslake offe $1 2n, I Toronto, 'Ir ' hree f.!smla _ht horse, Pail of Stock food for he best pen of sheep critt ul ea. award e 9teatei leredtt In thc end etghty4 prizeto one pound of Con x4dniazio! servat've rserrrains to b I seen. bth are, no doubt, f Year a at ake. Is 'still quite bc ve �eekjs old' OW of the earlyl diti oija wider, dons ted by .'V. Fea.� g�&"s iLra pleptildl Ia 1896 the last year of Con a Ut 'h teii pouna rule, the total trade of the co in ry brAve, ax -d couraigeou. men wh ha -,e Mr settlers a] Ithis di-itrict, in the person'� T.S. Blues offers five 11 a. 0 Tea ff or oroak of S:224 Pelee Ut V50 Whart.-The vet�r&4 mail 6ax great john Howarq, of ter ; 2nd was $23-9.025.000 and thel-­t�tal'-re enue taken itsks an� endured 1�rysdale, was in the at prize 81w.o of rea.4 an toll per bag ftir tho 1a untolr4 iaMrs. G e0rge Denomy.. s., 1 of the� atecl 1) a[ few &ys� calling on his old Saublo- Ili A, *dIed 0 S. An�W�ws t 0 a of em r e besbaj�l ofl buns. $39,11.18,590. The deficit Wai $380,51 In bitV&hip3 a It -q TuMay of 1&-3t cl 1 pity'thiv ' both =110SY th -of I ee r best buWhere heife'r. 1008,� the last f ull yea -C of Lle -all 6ould nat mi , Oil U ou Tpronto 9 rUcipatE.1 In the - n6d� - of ;a, ',ZTtor sj�'t , 6 -Prior,, of Exeter, week,: aft the age of ni rly 6 'years. The Seafor I OWO tOLISIAt The deceaod had been, ii our for 6he­best Pan of po6r health home made b ad w e wi, t i" :flour. ept. i* --- to suct eAte '.q MX1 Ed. Cu m6rej.-A large - lifimber 'f or so�rne I itne. in i�� rule, the total -trade at the c6 n r -Y prak d the home of her c �r64 10 &.W C was $650.793,000 and the tot wt,� ir al revei ue o�, not. ow, towever, fra'm thIs �vtclnity attended the churc14 She Is sc rvved by her Frank xcoo�hQl Man. er f th6 Sti mi ar-A B. !Jul $96,500,000, and the -burplus mi d 0 J.- Ve Y ea good Ill hw f 61 refs u, L to il the abld a a gr ;Q -nk,- buM�, donates $9f;00 Low WhOl opE aing -gervices:at Hills G�re own UP r'*Y--Rev- $5 for first and $3 for for the be A r' )001000. One, must ju^dgle'-by 7!68u] ta.. -the,, d 'hurhanty trom :he dlis-7 en� on San- J. of Toledo, econ, egis teredau4XIan. bred &&f 4 former 'C;wdluar - i6lic to ;Ioboi mare with two of he get. urtbler� than :he graij yinx oi of iii Lutheran c We might. as well jolay that A f arn er C -Ove Of the: excellent! ae" highl y 29�pricft �06re .4e ac 110t and � speak yery, Urch h" yl who worke three fiuiidre& Am" of a 'cqrtal L. dd 40sity. Phere Is 10 rmons preiched 'by preac4ed t:� his old cong, egation, S40, and I his in that I rlcln,t� tit I � of Torontc(,-Ura. da.,betore e I ,and and makes a od p RV Mr. WhitelaWL large *p Me -por lb. for twim 90 f�lt settlemmt, �nor a a L tarnest and 1 *%�Utrw, ,rofft Gauld was in Stra;ttord the pa�t week. force Sp ci A r a. of the clous -meitald [r. T.! sw�ker and hip r, Idi is strong-er to4luy g W, rations is etravagant' becat se ils pre ful am cropf or jtl t Mell reports his P1 appreolated. BICYCLE -RAC -2 xperises are higher than his eig but 4n ly i I I : tul P ze, donAted by x. F. atz 05--c two Uft I nd prize, of .uudmd acres, Wid Snow. dona s Bros.; Slid, 81 sh who only works one h In p colillitli for Dicking, and Aie vale $b ; 2 oaWorks that at a.loss. It it, be: loxtra Gals ha t they canliot -be beaten for donated byv JT es Fendev. ee t e. 04, the RK, qui lity, While `has set the �price so, Exater BICYOLH- RA Jlfile--41st, speciil onatfe -cc' to -Increase the trade f t el Uakkel t. i 1 3, 1 by T. F. Daly, value 51 qCO3 but 131 hold ��ady.V, 50,00 lo that he has delighted the hearts of p. R" el I last week pure astd from, Ift. A. 2nd"a razor, donated At U10 tanic-Awd 33reoe�. I I Lesney & Arch ft 61d .3r 3, bex of chocolates, d - I E. PYm e daekswith shop ff4iu istreet, I the aqted b 4pmand r*vwV1, -T Ins. of i� of �he ho let former I ountry from $239,000A90 to* Ora' go ma ase*Ivla In this dlstr 00. and show a surplus of.,, .9100e, 0 Hill, Who, Is buYinig' d packini api P-038mion this w ThO shoplm Orich IBBr Wes of -�Dei- swet! weft raw former Br -be said -of w$� he - for 1. e� d1houmds, as he OOT 'RAIPE-Ist 'hen what should . James B. McLean to busy thee fallen i ]EI ALYF MILE -it 1, - bffiv. i lonat Ch of tea b� u-1Cjfa,&on A No. 1,oancflea I--*. t 0 b ding a J'as Ob . Scott; 2nd, $1-56wo th of chijis, donatA per 402M. ervative Governmet, whicil sacured.a 'arocc�d e b Iston, W943 da second cement silo, Mr. I'll � � : 2179-1 W a mith 3rd, $1 shtving week jacking, MV tronger. Int6 dairy, Notes.-Clmrvey Acheso a,rade of only $239*000,000 and ca; ae, *He boos b � t sistin ticket, donated b�, o a -vies Olarl, roj�men g hJrn no -vv, Ing an t!his me;n-, more corn. land bt.j- derwent 'bpdr,%tion f oj ap 100 YARD RAC FOR -FAAMBRS sc INS Grain, I; ut at the ed of i�; Y"r( ne y half bult ex] c o ba q -18 pair'of. ishoes, don -TIP iatte a strong g, e r s ill s.�Mk. Alex. McKenzie Is hav- The oper b W a. Willis one � doz- n photoi i, To,.*nto sWt� A-4ztatio Ur willlojn, of dollars in debt V extr 1- Kang. on w I c T Is'here, T�ere I lon waa pertorfiA by Dr. lonate Vy Jack�on Bros.;. ng hk *ork-sb:bp� overhauled and im� 94 knife, by Cr� A. I. ills. agance bringe resalts Uke this� theipEo- alre MOOM Of Lon -40f, assls�A! by Dr -a. I lan-3 la orch dis in his vi- proved, He.is haing a ceme I Xorthern, fLO5 largeSt f a, ilia would welcome more Of I d all ).pp.e i Mc.-XllllicudoV,� of, Stewart Bros- ive hat to the fa rhaer brin in th� I ' e etrIft, an Weil 1C �t founda- Hyndman and Muter. w U $Lft t track Uke It" 'bf- the eoprd $a e pnl ' da�uhters, as succeasU we 'Wheat, 4 we �pe�� if, Mrs. 7 Alt( fil adedl tion PI icd under It. and room The o0erW Ian. W of boyo. noney f I 'and s.3 e 8 made for' his ever Increasing business. QAU--0 encourages trade, -and V141,65' aZe pl6a-Se4 to state tbal... he patient *L10% , at kke V pro e� y Jewf4ttle Zid Alssie. 11 Wrxeter, vis. -10anylLftorr] thi� VIPInIty have been 1­-� prores4ing tMP4,9 440 4vorably, J. hannels for commerce. A Go ern!"P Ued at - he Aor 163 of. 1 --Xr I Ba Y 0VV0 - - I , R, G. 'Nay !and atUndinigithe Londofi fair this " - I - )MO, 460 to r10 oh U*U1,M6M at ca do -this - and Sh9w a , Ia j� Darrod last ury at like porU 41 . o to 04 ow.1 ek. Stanbury le cured Several I prizas at thQ For the best Mond . Yo ar "Wr bitb3 urpluo. Is a bbsttcr Govern t It 6ter Mr a7ld UrS. Dayid Alalk were Visiting Toronto f for WA� at the Show, und one YE ar of- ag4 the �Qnowftlil o opo�d I a4lola. MrA, nt,wad mistakei 'when his parents, Mr.land Mrs: Geo. Alalrj Stalbqry iprizeshaTe been donated.- t At Me, to 41ja N40. 3 ne which spent less, but t ed he Wrote at !cis return. to t Ithis as been quite !sUcCdssful. In 83 Besst he let, Suit Ca4se dol ated by, M� Brode timulate. trade, and could m t wes..- 1 John C. week. Mr. *lair was this bralIch of:floricaltu;e.. Cral t, dor ated; by the 5CF-val 00. -shorta� who for .4 -tat -Mr- -Her- 2nd, Baby's 11onni Us obligations at the end of e y bad' Worked, up quit loin ma9ter at� 13ruce-' mWn Heam i a, of Regina,, h" een all Ton, e �a reputiWonlas, fil -mr 3rd, Gold R, and Kra McPhail ano:4 a v1sit to r i, t 1 0 19, do: nabe-cl by 01 vebrinary h&eJ s- Lti�es and frionds In Itowyk.- Judging t, Le p ace at 3 o v clock, in f The great Toronto ExhibitUt old entirely last d of Porter's Hill. were visitini �An Qper on was recen�ly ptrtormed' At of the Grand St�,Ad. Live Stook X, clos 4. Wed da y afteinoon land -'he 'and this t cis Undo Sept, M-mse quit ast week. This Is 1�1 the, village -the fore part on the fac- ot!Mr. Salnta:Pa furnit Tha es Road, by kp. Bright was interior to U -in lure 0 ate, In dale were week attendir;g)t4e axd MOoj.-, The Irely attended'thit 68 �here 1 -Spftdi, g ntest Said to h 'A bei m wife d child left to] the West. Their of:: - e w6fek.-Yr. -amd -Mrg. W. Dins- of the, b,e most lar, wa4 r�ew a .-Sol falr'- et been held. This is altaget every res pct, ah wi ic-u�,t funeral'ot his brothar. the late Thos. Was - a thai'the mar4et 'Ier Puccesg.-T If 2fth gtnvive: �sAr ` 2. 50 pace, pu, -se $5� ly. we'll­Aot rnu�h mo�.e; than b 41t' the- Y,' of the deers 0014 at M to woft"and C Dlrmdale.-'�"Mrs.'W. Cudmote, of Exeter, 2.4D $2 5 per M. and the mirket 44omd'f The weather throughout ."s. mtablt�hme a of the Tiv , gemori2l *w, reall�ed. �- B nrY Torr thce,of' Was trot, purse $56" 25 rs Cliftc, d, alsolifier,� attending his fqneral. eburphi leldl- on Sunda- - befOre last. 10 Liveip - -Sept., i&---iThe ghtful axd a reat -number r W" the aul loner.. wrkenheRAM "Ta er r1of p 0- WkIlef Wfil.'. MOOra &ndT dgugbter, of'the The BeIrvi- 5 were. c 2. is class, Pu 8-0 �tl 1* W- here' Tat prav OndlictW Inorninc 5 the market vms firio U 44 deelii e are, year by year, maki Is, �,e a f1rAt class Vill tIrne om isd wi&,% week Ago *f,' an �)iten&- Wid eVenin by Rev 1.9 citize 1.1 * a d III carrif with him the it' t6.. jEr rincipal evnt In their annd, of P- I for ed� 2 a In Hamilton, PoinN o If Tillsoub i- --g., and Clintbn Atten al Seat F14h, s successiii car- argely sad ranob ays. This Is a EdWswd and thkor placee. attended, church wl�tgstefully Verf -case o a Con de 'e feer Ili 1the i SO w anan lotolot �o�Z griest Wes t, �Mr. an Nfr DlEath ag'An Old Residerit.-It is otir decoratd IT Ktent among Robert an Z tthe occasion he offer- told- Atelo t*:i0jC:per 114 country people, And!f Wm. (In riz L sad duty� this *bek..to record he death trig mouni 0 '-#,tS 0.0 ficati cm. M 0 le .sight Seel' t L a PP G d Bert Wrl, a.- is taken leis I tht and Cliarl. of c4 Of;the jje�t, been wk . ely and most hIgk.1 Snell. who bad visit triendif F DALY. Pmiden, With A eoca 9 Wrli,,] 4re atnong t4se -who attend- W. D. MeLEAN, 'Secretu., at 16ada a eMe �rned pes dents 'of atanley, In the- here, has V* to Join her ii ood arelits, who :IR406 a -to i0hallee M work Of, It a vex 7 d th6 onto fair.- hear' tba; pemsm of r. Thomas Vnsdale. who de. axe ow res�dtqg, at Gran' T1 im -do, sud v=&�Ars gt eo.T prepa to go I havemone- to the *her an and g5a per boult the' 27 rn t Jaes iforthedlit" Ohoift ate -en bought 41140 ding hs, but suffered from M -a is Robert �x,416; to the 4ti-Ileney of hog-, mont $3 18h to We4k. kri Dinslale had been ill for West ijemir are: It back ouit id at the same time making � "theirej no-,� rtiel4lier diseaRe, the-,.1rouble be-' Kers! ahe, Mr. u W-15 to 42.W of th�'partles 4� n Mr a, 6 - Ut ea -Sant -way of spending a bol �ay. e thm I 1i 4 � have a ttle lawing u .. Alberta, i t Gundss buildings and other, faefiltij S ItIfteir P partA life on,�Wedneedxy of last -Amorw th who ilet -e are 'Year by year. being 4�rtenti� . thL s Gode the 2 Russell, Mr.,,,;Gcarge Ile I Ugher At eq.L t will b thve cagbs ron. here, Ittakes lng� just the wearing out 0 a -once Nei= to wa t, Cowk A tractive and- p�easant'tor tht visit- okeop the pot boillig.-The j�jesh, Mr. R. H. V to Sm. strcnug nj ruixged conBtifittion, Aeh The grounds and buildins forr u!s naA Irene Ha�d'ord b Buwo, Sept. hines . � are at It goal and am Ladj s t to 150 lower vrim� #teero, 4 "veritable -cltyla t i rechedatII4 good iloge of 80 �-e and' aitte list CDfiegej le Bt hfield, rn Iliner, dal r�g hemselveg nd V4 Ld. Sel retur onths ti Mr. - IM-Lisdale 45-60 to 46.60; butla ore psm enter thm irihe mor of T. rt of . wasNa na. ve re . W 'I Murra,7 ;!met I . I ned to Y esume * Yorlc�blre, -England, and was mar- Pafi4&:'accdcntiat,;the, fo� 'Vwkers and fteders, �cd Mot leave until they clo e! in hier 9k. Some Cook hai i gone ried to'Ml�s Mary Hanson, of th 'a ndr�' ame rno�l A ME tdl SPIMhed upl and� struck c3VV8 An&zp Gr end,* ear$, , wgo I '!� lef to -1) , V par4lh, lu�1854, 'and she has throtigh V1 on I Hugh the Ini �he The lift 40 to *0a.6. Ho U ening as every fac:1114, exe t'sle Z al Iday, i6ver two Y him were :to 4& - 9 accommodati ' can i be produed '1 .1 - Ubli h I B"10-kokc' 8th coAcio0jon, life , men t�3 hfm k* 11 V 8 -grounds just as well as In the ch) trae helpmato., In badly bilrnet an4. are ve be&vy, $&Qano boughl., broo it a sale - for rY lippInful, but tpe Ci $290. . 1 48-25 to 4*8.1175 ho 1857 they ;cAM to Caada, is' U wreat institution for the trip hopes axe (ntertialhed thei V7 hf tl tbWt sight $299. P�6p e t a thal . Hugh' taking eight weeksand'four days, �They V.fio. 19the vehicle thropigh whlcha v as k will nbt be destrloyfad.L41r 1j ag. -Was m bi .-Buttwout. ts eain m Of money annutall:7-ts sifted t to the ON cable dlrecl Now 1SALEX �n Hurou ti -act and Wl, igener.a. r Or lambol, 25 -to 15 few fr I I come e: nanager- of jit �Oanada tb on ry e other settli d ippen.' When Mr. IM country arid finds 1,1.'s w'a Wo n- Cydle and Xotor�Compiny,11of Toronto, y dayEll a Le1v iG ILI% to*5.50 velher�j W 'h 44-75 ; theep mixed, $t i�-- U,75,� 'kets of tb.e,buBIness men ralth a twenty- dale u-rrlvqd here' hij� w6rldly posses- "jvytij-� SII! Of --r— of T six r. Thoras!,Ruk x - mi bld colt, of r that rn&re.,for to ow -ever, rio person amotinted � to - $5. but $s of this eter. will 'begr 0 lie ha rildt th a painfull a c1detit the a a yjung flily- U tY Its igood f for went for riedical attendace on a q "V= -';MR much wuti Uau 1W art 'Ack. was whi'bh I , . , 1 h 6 auto- aae. In this es vould cral�w I - . � n at ta ke $100, 1 t cer- daug ite aid $1.50 for a coffin, so that who a the, cranIc tle 9r. VAMI -0t 02ft to w- P er to*- for t, has parned it. The Westerh 0 [lei* �"APU& r4nu nly &.5. to g4t (be ;gooq It � th� c fouxA himself In a b1ta M the- arm b ty In r-Lendon this, we&. 116W k - - . i T bIs Drenarinr fnr i,,hg) fair a& a-:- t �le4kl�g one I 140axt. Awme Waite �bduff Idd toi