HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-17, Page 4-7
7, 7-7. 7 'S'
1 7"0 swk� 4*
It 20
-24 27
Tba ffguo. between, th W- W U*Ndo an" eack
diudW*- the rp o f Wit po w on. vhloh &e
vonn i wwsw"- WWW*ft-
Vupn-tA for Methodiat Ohvnh- a
A W-1mlWanted .6m Jlcyar-4
A 1
T& RtmemakeW-Ia, A. Sills -6 '
AM Agalln-4k4x Olathing Cm -1
J. t. RM
I%= far Sate -Alex. Compbell- 4
Isaw Cahu-wl rickartf & So t-6
Fall XminetYLIL Noftul too.-
196610ft vwrah-4 -
.%*%WVfPd�X0jhtM jUd Itill"r
M8b06*-aM§VJ1i01k & Scot"
rormka or reat-xm T� Y. WE W&U-S
ilk-ilii� W
en -Tqwn * axw S
TOO* to craltiooft-j. X. wet-
Sde--A. 0. Aah&
Farms for We -Ata= RM --4
RE"OMM, J%UDAY, Sep. Ili. !00.
Mitortal Wet" ARC' Commonts
The Toronto Mail ancl Empiv� ,should
get Ron. Mackenzie. Kil 9 to afbilr4te.,
wwftlk - Dr� Cwk 000MMander
Peary a--- to�owhlch of them has die-
6 7 k,
we Minister of. Labor.
Yollowing the bl� derrent mergm
Domes the merger at I he cast Iron.
DOrcelain, ezilam,l- -maniluotft*M, of
Uanada. The, coog-:)IJdati Dn lnvolv�ea the
ractorles', making -all the - porcelairt
beUjX% Sin"L and other 96.oft,,of sim-
Ur- eliar4oter rnaaftkfi�ctured in Wo
�oUxxtry. Ahe two.dornlmnt inisititutlorq
xing the atandard- Ideal Company of
ind about two, hundred and fifty M43 -L
tapics are engaged at the works in
Few people, am aware, 6f the imman+
ty of the Canadian Pacific Railway.. In
AdItion to the railway itself and Ito
.quipmeit andthe Immemse land hold-
u",the company owns and operates
to-, feweethan ft�tytseven steamships.
Mils total,-In�ludes the- aompany's At-
=Ue and Pacific tlee:L% Its British
Wumbla and AlasT4an ccastal. a I erVIm-
;nd Its Great Lak6 line. -The earnings
t the company for the' Year: ending
3OM'1909i. -amounted to MAU.-
24, while the v�orldng ie� penses- f or . the
ame year amounted to 53,357,748, thus
�ax!W- a surplus at $22,955,5TZ.. The
arnings of the company for the year
amed were- m4jde tip as , follows
From. pazaenger s.`$20,158,000; freight,
491,192.U.0; malls, $778,822; sleeping -
ars, expreSS'r elevators, I elegraph, etc.,
Owing to exceptlona� ly favorable
reather conditions for - t maturing Of
2e grain and the harviaLing -of it, I
:Ie crops In the Province of Saskatch-
wan axe turning -out better fhan was
rpected earlier Ia the season. Accord -
1g, to the latest- Government report,
�hich has: been caref ully compiled by
ie Provincial Department of ASTI--Ul-
xre, there will be -an aggregate yield
t 199,,290 976 -bushels. of -grain, This to -I
-heat, IOOL,59.1,250 of oat-% Tj�-
115�494 of barle�- and 4.16,640 of flax.
3-eltz, -will easy caxry - the total over
I i, �.'. i So R
leld for the four principal gM:11*4
Le estimated yield, as tol �owv: Whea.,
bushels per acre, oats, 47 b-
--- ---
In his Labor Day address at Berlln,i
on. Mackenzie King. in referring to, c
atters ' In the Orleftt, paid- "a high -0
ibute to, the, good work being done
r * the misalGaarleo in at country,
1 7"0 swk� 4*
It 20
-24 27
wl" fA
Tba ffguo. between, th W- W U*Ndo an" eack
diudW*- the rp o f Wit po w on. vhloh &e
vonn i wwsw"- WWW*ft-
Vupn-tA for Methodiat Ohvnh- a
A W-1mlWanted .6m Jlcyar-4
0--W. G. W11116-4 ' -
T& RtmemakeW-Ia, A. Sills -6 '
AM Agalln-4k4x Olathing Cm -1
J. t. RM
I%= far Sate -Alex. Compbell- 4
Isaw Cahu-wl rickartf & So t-6
Fall XminetYLIL Noftul too.-
196610ft vwrah-4 -
.%*%WVfPd�X0jhtM jUd Itill"r
M8b06*-aM§VJ1i01k & Scot"
rormka or reat-xm T� Y. WE W&U-S
ilk-ilii� W
en -Tqwn * axw S
TOO* to craltiooft-j. X. wet-
Sde--A. 0. Aah&
Farms for We -Ata= RM --4
RE"OMM, J%UDAY, Sep. Ili. !00.
Mitortal Wet" ARC' Commonts
The Toronto Mail ancl Empiv� ,should
get Ron. Mackenzie. Kil 9 to afbilr4te.,
wwftlk - Dr� Cwk 000MMander
Peary a--- to�owhlch of them has die-
ooviqred the -Xorth Pole.. 'the 'Mail . IU4
great confidence In the c4p4blliUes of
we Minister of. Labor.
Yollowing the bl� derrent mergm
Domes the merger at I he cast Iron.
DOrcelain, ezilam,l- -maniluotft*M, of
Uanada. The, coog-:)IJdati Dn lnvolv�ea the
ractorles', making -all the - porcelairt
beUjX% Sin"L and other 96.oft,,of sim-
Ur- eliar4oter rnaaftkfi�ctured in Wo
�oUxxtry. Ahe two.dornlmnt inisititutlorq
xing the atandard- Ideal Company of
Port Hope axd -the Amh wst Foundry.
D6mplany at Arn]-herst. 3� � S. The Fort
alope plant employs, six !hundred men
ind about two, hundred and fifty M43 -L
tapics are engaged at the works in
Few people, am aware, 6f the imman+
ty of the Canadian Pacific Railway.. In
AdItion to the railway itself and Ito
.quipmeit andthe Immemse land hold-
u",the company owns and operates
to-, feweethan ft�tytseven steamships.
Mils total,-In�ludes the- aompany's At-
=Ue and Pacific tlee:L% Its British
Wumbla and AlasT4an ccastal. a I erVIm-
;nd Its Great Lak6 line. -The earnings
t the company for the' Year: ending
3OM'1909i. -amounted to MAU.-
24, while the v�orldng ie� penses- f or . the
ame year amounted to 53,357,748, thus
�ax!W- a surplus at $22,955,5TZ.. The
arnings of the company for the year
amed were- m4jde tip as , follows
From. pazaenger s.`$20,158,000; freight,
491,192.U.0; malls, $778,822; sleeping -
ars, expreSS'r elevators, I elegraph, etc.,
Owing to exceptlona� ly favorable
reather conditions for - t maturing Of
2e grain and the harviaLing -of it, I
:Ie crops In the Province of Saskatch-
wan axe turning -out better fhan was
rpected earlier Ia the season. Accord -
1g, to the latest- Government report,
�hich has: been caref ully compiled by
ie Provincial Department of ASTI--Ul-
xre, there will be -an aggregate yield
t 199,,290 976 -bushels. of -grain, This to -I
Llis made up of 86,668,)62 bushels) of
-heat, IOOL,59.1,250 of oat-% Tj�-
115�494 of barle�- and 4.16,640 of flax.
ther coarse grains, such as-ryie and
3-eltz, -will easy caxry - the total over
ie 2U,000,000; bushel -max k, amd there -
4 lies, the reagon for the popular sa;t-*
taction-, Last year the aggregattj
leld for the four principal gM:11*4
mording te'the final report of the
�paxtrneiqit, was '105,1589,A6 bushels. A
�mplliatlon of the figures ceivied igives
Le estimated yield, as tol �owv: Whea.,
bushels per acre, oats, 47 b-
4ey,. 31 bushels ; and f tax, 15 bush -
In his Labor Day address at Berlln,i
on. Mackenzie King. in referring to, c
atters ' In the Orleftt, paid- "a high -0
ibute to, the, good work being done
r * the misalGaarleo in at country,
Id the good influaticama fe, rted by the
,read of gospOl trath. sald "I
id they had no Labor In the
rient. In many parts have no,
mday. Xell may the workers, or I
1AStendGM pray ter the spiead of -c
Irbtianity to other parts of the
urld, It It be only to help to, _ save a
ena�elvee from factors In - in dugtrial
mPetition which raean the destraction
standards which =ke; our life what. I
U- Men may scoff as they will at
e church. and.tbere 'my be men In
who are unworthy of its teaching, I
1 it Ia a, fact that where CIrl3tiad
Cluence has been a power., a day of
94. aix Increasing respel't for wo'n, 7
� a, Protection Of little children, hare 1�
en amalik Ita fruits. and hurran life
StWh has com to have 'a, value un-
0WA before. Ik the Orlant the mls-P
marY' Is the true ally at 'the *ork-
,man., d
Phe statement is made Ihat at the
xt,sessiall of the- Ontarld Legislature
Liberal oppoaltian party will gt- p,
* the WhitneY.Governirent for - its 9�
Iles of portions of the ('11111es Limit a'
Joining Cbbalt. At least to specific 9A
arg,es wlll� be made ()f lack of t(yre-. at
Oit, namely.. the sale of w1lat is now 0
own as, the 0'Rrlen.Yo,:Mg property a
d the Wald -man Wre. it
did not get any-thlrxg Ake $50,000 e
"theee, two properties, ard yet within I
Drtnight at their Sate veins of na- th
C --diver were opened ul botj�, art It
Im that makes the twc , properties aT
rth five mIlltorgs- of I dall ,rs to b agi q 8
;h and prob, b1l
a ly t,41ce that after tb
ther dcv,-jqpment. ATjr. Ni-aldman, . a po
11tr,*aj merchant, who owns one of n
M, ;Sa-�u h - e Considers it worth cl
Fral milliorls of dollarg�. and I it
I .,t
Padv Prom-laeff to be Onelof tbemar- w 4
3 d Cbbalt. FriandR nf - Itho - mmna,,, - f ��
0 Appe -4- ;cou d a oomW., a lee -for, wMae
overnme. &ry phly, tobj �e aws tft An 411 d but, va wo
ch isr 0
hea" aft oil r*, to I are Of
g"at- sVZte, Oed to ''d ...each wftwfine
lisdale was Me, of he 0�1
M Mn PeW 40 ual, 1 o4v befor� h 6 - :the- io Ite Aftetlu- ma .-the Fed;
d �iiible to bts t SOAD
w er. .48,
.ar 690 Dir
-Ong the -hi ca.se Irk Is r,;�t to I
In 9,4 y I t -another- -lit-tie aboat. 1rodit steamAbi ,shetl and f
ra -Mio
a!'& iew'jy- Ifi -Lb membi ir
�Islature ca -out this polter will "it - concerned Lc hd jr ye old, a at death Yea dul�, San did !a blal -busl Dn
,Vry - hd Mi th
191 , - - ai �ee. We7ve A 3 for ever r Wr the fam
'moly, be 'Paying, ow an. ame - ap � i l. i ily, M the old Ur i for
in Qiis line. Ile. WA a man 09 est I e
cotn ti
--their Own ift�- V -06a 0. 1. n6f so -his. dn. The f undjud, to 'jobn %W611,
bwok In "it !.�, - mi�il do Ora- exwll�-at character --,Ouripatri)nswejo;utibermLatlyfa illis�vhere
3i I - � - I'll nt lit 11 youngest. A*p rn is much
6 -by u I Itock, � i
Valley Land. Dea� *01§ tugs, C011.4 ate, that e e fe r every --member, be now,% ere to dom the best shoes cry was attondfd
-Wb1oh the Cb*ervadvesl Arted to,, %kv a b70 t. Ile Tbal d* oner- urse of r 'itives and fo r
to, Survilve - 0 two of tyle
the, the, case the '0 ag men and women, shoes maj. dog. 34 W dd.
i e e s oes Com r r oes of durab i, so much capital & I of! eld el(Tle, yor?i, " havir
Pooriqon , to. I tileaj ally mes� �.ell U) Toroitto'. it ii OR 10R,
ifitY for th
I t A_ ThI4 bAs t .6� lbeeswater, ducte� at a big dle aged, 00s
the circumstances weft 'somewhat, am. I'doft! ol he rvice at tbe`h mid &r '0
Mar, I wfth tbis, Aitterenee, 1 odse ibd*,chxi*ch.—MIS9 p80-10 S4 -- wad
most past 4. and the(, samo hA for strenuous weairand ada#ted to pb by iae oz., P -C=
nllte�McCo�bll if the b we ; to azd XI �Lghfer, #ob4 �t -oz growing feet of the boy and gW'
urg, -the b
U, nore -�hows hid- 70rorito h e)rk,
the ear.
Wkftney Goverainalit, could ch may aW4 hot week, wherq Istcad, Jobn, on t D, 2�d It
im WOW
eastly ascertain the true V.;e of the Our Fall complee,'and comp ration tor appendicitis' was per.� G.- Sjc 'I nov�, rises the best of sho lao levr *f V, 4
C.i X 7, which bley dispolicall thin the :The Stratt6rd In Me
arald�- says and a la�t. report the patiorkt�, The f took, plact on jh� selected W4'care from alll the leadit ig makes. We call special
as s;m,,, as 0j. Government'cood Phave ' ore- Stinrlse, that If tb i vas doing we 1.
seervi ietag colacte �by'thie pastor,, tion -to 6-1, �Ll!progre",, ; - thes inest:
Airt The t#14
afti7t,Wbat th dt;3credtted Unds ted to
sivi it call, Adam. -no Rev.
i� were inI: iWtchell
th d ap . I
,ey -*.posed of wodd -be ltirm' Yt nsall meterr,
peajed tq 0 erred the beffi #,bewo
w 30 W#itft d d the L DIES'
okb. What is Swice tor -the 1 ir liames aefteld A SH -C VS. he 3%=, up
for t jje IngUr fUJI049M
iKA, 1� i by. a number a% MEWS SIJOES. Cop
.1jer. w mire a
Higgins, to 2 2,229
-party, uhres a Xie un� B. ano, ig sauot, rapv nd'
dast�- Th u
n Donvoyanq ublic, 00multoldn rivate i wn�rsbt , re.4 e modern Empress .50 T tie cele bkated Slater She at S23,148,4%.t leavic,
.p would
P klilds of Von loing neat Y Zte apect to thl I de 03
i I done -A
The vastn as of Ifew Ontario &M and 03.7,5 a r ai i hate r uled "t NI iii power zoalep che Anp%mount of- pd4bb an4coni- r
great inheritance we ba*46 In thW di- the Toron fa at ilowest ou"Oub rat" of In- Godertal at $4.' 0- and $5 a Nit Indebte
c The Aswria � barJ
Teiegr4m. The ist, nip.clhiol f4ms !or sale cheap. 13. R. The famous Queen Qqal at $4 Mr. -Butt. f
notion Is broucht more tor6ibiy. 0 ConitraCt$ for
h"pita lity w0ch t me The T1 I Y Y T SON
N01tnee Gove0- ad erei at. $4 and anniv6r tK
an incident- 'w. a $4.5o a, r i a. td 414
our ttention by, �lch No .-Mr. d Mro. Re rt, Mh -D. the . I I
meblt accorded to U. e policy c so ave. been . let�
Ad4m %rt and Refindo, e pau chur �b, Ste -4
o.cburred te'other:day wbNn!' th aeg MoKeitb, a mid- as follow I atone and briekr;- e-4 e� t 84 a pair. Ugt. mr, Butt Seek. will enable 1,100,000 The Peerless at'$
Peo, pie to te- Mlch.i h beeen vi -sit j4 the work am caW , $9sq95 ; Planlro 3Y $3.5o and 14 x
Ve CXCUrS1C I ll - I -
mists were" I d ol Miss Can a $A. a-patr arai vowor in 'from ome of 1- 1
cetve� Nise Xc Arraid, Stan,." Id Co. 1.oarpeutertrW, $6,666; Plan- at 8, pair
The ne town of Cocht iliI 6�4 t C
n* ov" in 11119 ass �anf slating, $190; In addition to theabo
the preisent to. and ave
-terminus of tlI6, It 1.4 q �6joyd,i the- trip Y�r, much. plamAn � �$010; a. J, a gre el- v - e ta, I I b ece ary, cw. Y, Mr. !Wnbart o4 fo y 3.de fix -i es, we h
Ur. wlxtv�y..i M ck ob )uld re- IS IS hjs'jbiJrd trip to riety.of medium p -ed rangin T
milway, the Tendgkarning, and -ibw nd he Harper, .1 zed Wo $76 q. om I i. So and upiars, in -,Ia. web,
ceive all. -the '110 1! th en Wed inks njora'of tA6 Clana4i s e chtt' dies' shoes, and 4 pigarlo, and also the junct y STI t an a me J. Harix t 11 ectric 5 wards i i inen's hoes. c6rhes.-Miss, Ralrd,
cir iPo ;Qf� rolt, 'is Lee, 1�
toi loni 6ccount Wer .$1,9 nt-
rallw&y with the National I Un- jadg nax 16 Ultg
schemm- But A iting her co A.V31P OjFor't�e boys and girl,, b t
ight be C ven thern usiris, the*lsoes Thorn- Ing, $60( 1 W. & Shoe, frrvrard to set Wid
we ha, re a: fine wsortment of Fail
e�40, which eing built dbtk' thei credit -Quite. a number are, taking, In 'the ford isla; 100flut, �U, UY $23.1 in all st wearing leathe;
minion -Government, I& t rsj� aad tt moder 6 prices., In doing -.60 10A to
by wbleb Is If ndon---falr&
Be with L fou t -Y tile ot ners. Dn,. the �6es
-to, the sTound.1 His t
of Toranto. About 30 mtlt�s of -the ns- the. t fi
t I a nmo� -dd ccee n--th ngered lndivfd-.
cc itleme d d I eir
betiolM Ile In our *I
Continen a - ate- Vompleted and iifthid sch4ep and f thOr able to a16- %vere 'trying to get In so broken by the fWtl
west of Cbcbranb- and the !1 ri U' 0 powev.. it, - 0 one" nj*fght week.� Have you Ver ut Own make
Ish eliel le, 2one 14& . ofthbor about
ahoes 7 1f t1kr k
In, Fu�j a� ra e than 0 Is store, them. � NPA d Do
tried to 44nter Mr., B
Carriages �Sovo aportion -opt th"i Upositor 0 �Can D go OPC7191
It go In ther wiir, an4 were nterruoted q;nd e .o6d
trwck� PuUmanis Within 110, 76 w ou'; addi the Pra� Incei, Ir escipe. Mr. Bosamemb the n, Of of t "d.. flibbert- left
G;rb 9Ad reWts -the losi, of m Lei%db oh., W course In
they will avidso
Hudimm- Bay mark sh a�d I I r�tf 0
afod de.
UP tby V' Ill! Ive i cret t ft r it. r articlee;. He- is certaim the adepatrOut -dt the (�en
ant stago in -the opening
meut of - that. vaa north- cou4try. hit - But it Is nb4se PbY a ay t) ha4 vat be, knowa Who thv perpeltraoix tral 'B ieks Colicke, tratfOrd, 'lissl: Saime -days fv�ib-n
think of It, TravellirW '.In 'I Pu a they not enteted Upon i this reind will iaM advantagfe�
So ieme accepted Owition, on he C. P, R. at a,
coaches through.&� grAry -a 1uhreg ulitcd n- rst opportunity to bring t��M to Cartwrig t M , aitaba. I HOTEL
Co ot r-Ainfed 041TE Cox, Affra.
cely kne we 3as- prixte, )w
yeai% ago we scar left lul t eirshIP wouQ be t le result. The, -e is latfce.-�--�- W m.: MeInt, h. who h -3 wheat Sell ft*41 Is com-�
Up st
Mased, ced een h le last week, pletcd�� 1. much larger r,
f art lte, booki, p. arm all gurnmert 1
f -there 1 y 6 98 pre- or Dakota.-, Mr. and.
Mr, Alex. XLI�4 last �.-Yeax h4s beM saw I. lauddjay d. i
s of the' 'Its I io',of Stepben. r
Some Conservative papers, jjsays 4p#t G jvern a Cora harvest t 3aliksgIvint 4rvice will 191W S, t fill one dqi. - re6ei
Ch' OYe 3' �tbi he- Lrd. Mr. aid,, Mrs. John SnidPr and' Forbes hod 4n tb a Episcopal church on -Suou bave rood f
capPit A a Ins and. ]8 HiggIng a Adi Miss Gard e have re-�,. time her IU16 wa, i diDapalred. of; bit
aujous to, try and make g,� Govern nnt 0 lidren R. nd little turnad to t1jeIr �p regu ate the etdleO -at the
she has sluw been in fell train
,,)r ji�., 11t. BjftjL the gPer-Xy
Gv afternoon when Rev.
th#lr politic opponejits who therl hey' cb-014W Of aAT c n 'pan-Iy cha !tere I to' on wiere-at the Toronto, fair japt week. leglat' I 3stItat, YOUL
sons al -Tvvo I B Dirham, will be Presont,:-mr. J01h bUt 14
-- r9y from the to ill b0alth Ux. A Vy
jeliectrical'en hey all speak -In #lowing termi at the Cou a$ have grGtxhda for itor. not. a-re-bli0ling 'Niagara. willo Duhda wh en-� Ja rellevIng our C.PR., ugent, lam" I -a wagon W.
�.Beck - blaLckar Athh*
Mr. w Lgg showand big� I bluj� f! posed of his
"d oi Toronto'. -Mr. D.� tranbe to high schofflw Ateding. $a to Alla-D, who. with his wM and f ami R."s fail. The
'the late'Lberal Ct4vepnment, for the late jnjsti�4te. D.Rwsell, who has been
lur"It :c Xormer� _MIS
powdr to ulit4it t h Ik GiT.R. at�vrg herc,, rkin Is spendh%- two, week In U an&
�be 19cafol t4 Colleg
COMM with hfin for some time. UT- P fm: Will amd other pollts.-11r. George ZY In-
tite at -the Parliament' ID at of -IndeiPendent n1eivand lit the Be'r#1cea In W Preab R Magee ID i vidson, has. beA a on -,a pleasant
Y, lighter
They say that he; �-bO 44f- peopit rn IMP& I Ian. In its riau church an 8 seek Some 0 ent.
)r0 �bbath evening, ut. vlsiti* to ato and ft � M of was In the: Village oil Fridi
ut by this rngthod they Cal d ional 1W
was upt properly constructeo that 'it 46 lair Initiefids enter'
V4 IW Knox college to hibitlon.- Mt. and Mrs. UliderwoodL aX6 arri; or
h the use Of -prI rAtQ, are for th6 rn�nlafry,'-Mrg. wr� L n wroxiter
attending e Weg er air lit Londoa exy wIng a two W,4aekal oliday 331wmhard e '04th be r -
was-& veritable fIr# trit' 'Aij SQ' ou. �itaj, -all 0
. .. - i� ned� ram. of Cut"ton spent a c6upl Lidiner and.. .-Miss Jean(tte rs. George: Mr. :A. j
stdrant w&I to b week wssx�s-, petf r Go Notes Black aa, a m(ther, ly beld 14 t. X
Well, perhaps �twtsl 1rot con or Pro- days with frient's here last we,64 o�jonto, f4ir. .-Mr. 4f. tbe,
S�r. uL by thet At. scheme -and the Eddie a �J-tended th: T vt-%Itor In Harriston last Pa alln lj� Improving IT6 Mouth It W -S r
from C;j
-fira* proof pffad-�Ies such as like Id.1 r;' Ichalittes would 1 not PrIM6, G.T1. D'gwt- here., G d of Tor0t, wAo was on Jos. Cowan rpturne I on PrId hh 'by I -at
ve t, 1, tres lstrorl�r,- rf MrVe r
the present have t 'beur �ab-y at the,risks or re- Inge of &Y are co ed. ?mpXted -the Vn� required �by 1 the an extf,�n Vial at t oine of Mr. a v1sit t se his - e ann ual thanksoving meeAt ttbo MVdtt
veral onths wit
to a6carej peraorkpation. -He & J. B�e kett Aol the pity.f. broth�r Portag-p 136 U4, of thie, W� F. 3(.. j:9. ff the -bels 1prk-�,
But when these buildings e!, n� sponsib Ittles ot fail Qre.
in r month -during t he -we Nk. Richard; Hemphill, of Hensal 1, -18 n ng
structed the use at cem=ent' tro 2"Mylve $W pe su lqarn a 4 -burth will be -held Ili durIn, the pmbot '-M-
'e attempts have ad
06f S-vrl u ce�:31 �1 olife. - He
order ta-maka bullZrAg lire-� S, htirii re r. t. 'The Vil- choch on Thur4j�7
�s oery Robbison ac pre 11
bel wal- weekwith h4r - many tLrieni s �n afternoon. Taie reduced Une '0014
company Iork an
littlei It any, kno*n. But, 11 In tdc jlPaigt Years to reachl the And faithf ally' and �oxx le Who gave atcoWA of the* lage.-Milis Bailey. I [SL IS, is d I 111�t#10111 I'D -11111 Iadiii of
up for tW lack thd G ill now rece1v 3 lEfle reward of faltbfal land deal bc, berriin anA gain in ebarge of S. Lev ls�� rf Iffinery -gregatto
North le Much *oney and eriergy ns Js ',extendtd. -Last week 4r. D�
vided the most arnple fire tee on : .. waslar I now herej �-Xisg -
Ift pw . V!�-- 0 and Mr. Rae a *eh wearing for, the eftson.-. la I i ;Qro=Tty, racell
His sue a to, oLer - 0 ok Is borne 7 t
PIP re A
hav n rbm- Torotto a*. red the'
ex oz! th poso&nd- ving ino 944 Munroe's fhouse ort magIfy1blir ses. As no rson was turned from Sakat%ewai j
appliances Witt.kin the b d S. �'e qK a ea -1
installexi a powerful pumping abe( n by adven- 4he Mill Road, next. to Qeo. ere' e I t ill h th. We! hope to bear �V. ugphevv. Mr.;: flFotM
do hok InteniA. has speht the past six man A, a taold, recovery.
m9in In Hill's resl-�" Injit d b- t e item, a W
;;P 'Lo ntb 1had been killed., Detei
the buildirwL iilh, with an 'A le', t 1i ilre.Zh 'Lo loo tali Is. felab-ning � mak ng at
-as Ah de--
dralwil out leit. Pat.
wh ritso'. bu. nlevaZ L 7 orrections, k and
supply of water. would fair ;ahur7rof isitOrs. from) 'this local -r,
ctibeen atiolied untillrep8nt, it W Scot In
fire that m1kht originate t t &c6t is i n any,,, In �86ain l�o thegraln:
17. It a ,some,, a -ad fell; twenC,
.at the'buildings Ile *Culla�. c ncl- o ave r.
PO dncl t 1�at ter so, of an- Murdoch i4t is N Word has a building and rue
Goverurntnt commenced the -vrpkk 'oat. Robert is bee ree4ived from 'I to - Ino
Mr. beau, -of i VlOcko Texas,: :hIs Ia
0;aV40 t
wing to- the enwwr Le nt bU R4- Bucces4lul ad nfw� and! atfavorite.wil.h. the
new DMI I f0t.; th announce
Rat '.t
addinix a, me7t of SeA
four ismall n.
q. lie. had Very heav-
Inge this spridg, and. permit tied the c on- quccess sh Vt itbey ?st
wild be m a 3ource 'at
. �de by two Ifer-
tractors to cu off the, mat lly a enit storm. . Lle4au, in-
�nt Ind v1duja4 win h a week 04
the past two, y4trs b,
thus if av- uh & Ing andt eboirmaster of t
water supply to this - viiglne; lee r rw that co t Py 411 1 90
r; 1�1:� A.
Ing a the �Pthex;, Cookt Pon tot Ca than West. Ie wiis A f arm -
Ing the Whole, build xnerc3, I 40-tled I Tousekeepers Attentio -Slaughter We of of thwe , wo tew d t his 'Th Mitabill, hi
I fire th'a the' 1P. Mellis w;shes i; at this c� .04 -and
the, city fire protection. At th Ys ago withi an#ounce to tho laffies of the,
t t-b,at �e di trict that he OW aaccept t positUmi, of I
em, pr v1dedl apioum ern had di�co��Wed abo�A 100 bushble of 1DIUM131 old frien ks will sym
other day had this system. pr by patIldie iwltbl him
I t4e Nor f helchoicest varie a which he'will sell at die re- In ha the-,Normul S0,11C
er Pole, Wic a few low price 1i s s. -Mr. Geo. yo4and, of
Ing or&r, the lire could have been ex Ilar t I was a here last *edk `on la -visit jandholrmaster�df the'
ow sugar w% which and othe Liberal Gov nment, been in -w rk- at- albly 25c1per basket or pail. He jElretri Pit SEPI a
te a ntity P
ol 24
me, If you h r r pn a.
tinguished in Its Insipiency, but it Comm der( ar te. eve aven't �et � to his in her' and a thel X I d -Mr.
Nary. Dr.- is kid to h4ye r n get them fresh on the. WM. severed his �onnection
waa not, and half an hour aR oat- and Me Rat haA
9. per a" -Am,
ppecial a,- -nd Fo
on the 21st of A�, has re- BICY'Cle a
before the city force was onj nd. By the d ril, j 908, p 0 217 2 with Mr. er's a torel ajid S- peed Cbritests. Atd don
a-r..d -the reasm, glve.f akeGrelgor, f '�the vil- t A d to his; Ifew -Aimbu-179.
thts, tithe the ire had gaffil"d- a Ich liou ice- bome tit 9aces—Ba by Sbol V1.
ju t thaz� h- Was Ili T attend- -1 Mlos CcIV1111:; of aVIjig beA,� inade I lo last wee
headway that imme*nse damage 1 taPs Bruss Oid Mi"
,=s dl itoil Ahe fair and. -91190 visiting,,. 'her McDdUj
It could 3:,y8d 'a 6ral months gall, of. Thames oad,- our mll-�
wrought before, b, , staj d. fort he d; ter', h'
could vet ice enou-th to Mrs Jd..!o jPatter a#, of To- line
r, have, r6tarned to�
These are'the facts of the ca,sejaplearn- ret n or he 0. Cud and t e duties, In aAdition'to d U11 prize ist ti
r ud B41o!b. hav -shipped e follo C-ettlagr re to supply
wino, specia.
hat hay pros an';
of, thi All the. c 1 h the I -
Which he took oil & 9 Sdcti *beral ',i d* z s !for sport:i� 40 to, 'per -b
ed from. official soarem.. U. 'Seriif i Pre, ving adopt, diff6rentro on th-� th ir Ing'; Outfit I are
blame 14 attachable anywhen It Is return, I rip, 0-,�-Tllbury,. e
r W re is -n r 1 p en; the- foutwai ore ate 3. in. head M a�. The ore per bushel
I rne One biiij'
to the present and not to the preW )us 0 not t ough I
that he w is Uarley, per bushel..
Government. 6 ang e district! to kpp, Rade I has been -vi r)d#g during
'bcompa any Ursa, Pak, toa ........
One of the stock com e 'Leovery; and, Joe Eft'ed the
ib -hen C, a white pers)n v� m K Ing atel dirl.--Mr. James Nife- with Mr. Jr.:n0fe Klapp
�e made mo who' I are �11 IF P al gift
d hased his fatherla. o the, west. -Mi. N.', Detchert, .....
d to d Ubt re. Iden jn t Via,ge t week on, 4 ail vAlued at $10 for
plaints of I is . i a getting of D I Was in, tow ja.� JKCI[ee�� -
are J ncline �OtZo n Opposition, against the Dornl�ton- G 3v- rn(ved, and- Ving twnL put In V the best herd of Sh thorn Oat �Vat�er, Wo. L I
gen Isiti E mother.- t herd I o oonsist
gs : 7
i itnenuh of big btory. ow ver, sh tpe. He has Thelifilerlds of Mr. rer�up. lk
I - f t 0 females nd a,
ernment Is that they have emr-baou sli here Is, no dotibt - but tht in G ue Ime, iC comfortable home., in t Sot th R.
R imni will be, plea,� ed to learn, "ng of I mil.
fr. and Mrs omas DIck were In that The D
and to be
increw d the public expendit� re. Is -will be. able', to -gure sach as ur ces >f I L he has been! sho*inw signs anic, 30afa rt14, offi
0 for thp best hem*
SeLforth recen their son, or ge
-3 Will secuite'the I dra;uWht,.agT1cult I pArpose th� xy n Tresslon f o In iproi ment.-Manyll' j Vill -tregret, to te. . , I Sheer
true that the expenses of c In e,- Ift. Jarnefs IXck. Mr. Dick i n boast e Bank of IQ, o eree, Seaforth, offerf silver medal for te best
have largely Increased, but not of ulnenes's on *his disecivery. Co delp learn of t el .1, death at �2rl ]Lo(ds 1111de- brool ro-W r ba ..... .
loultu ral. or genera r Peary, or, th�� Other It did � ot of What few can,- A4 rid thiLt' t6ij he mare and fb< -he drai ght, grpose S
brand, of j Ilsa, Craig, ail d r ake j�t r at 2nd prM.',
rtion to Me increased rei di- I iesides foo the farm a set- of Bcdg rs B Carvi Irs, , ale at $5, donate I b- U-�yre
propo his discov ry until Mr. KocheAs, 0
w tch he, d Wood I*r
6th f A rll# io U0 f 1Z h, ch. Y wto I and f0s. 1'WOW per oord elo
Ities, or the ter volume of busimss 1909, 'an I 'he 'as at t om;the a Cbzh- s R3rrieBros�,Torc�nto,oferi�sitver.madidf tale
a, mA1 e p4blic ad - vent 4)ccurred at i Joseph's jdj or best roa#st�er or carriage 4 .......
ture t' t w t i all b us 1
a am 8 P fit
transacted. -a case L. ti Isoork as Cook. sday Y or ge Tbnothy This te of ha S. thel'resul h, nearly Hospital, E,ondon, on T63 of last
Who say g Is ty rs Big Y. He car . al�o tell we6k, 'Inliammdflon w esley Mott, Tai -,kersn L'Ith, Off qrs $10 the I est thre
an sr
he m4d ti 6 diseovejy nearfy 0 the !cause of e fbals from
overlooked by the Conservatives when, le ' * $ esti4g, Wrles of the pioneer de She I draiw
r. �earlie�.!' Which' will be ath Paves a, urabaInd
and rs a olzing the Government expendit a wh dak�, althollghihe Is bordlering on t 44 childrexIi, tb� Younge at a- 'W. Kerslake offe $1 2n, I Toronto,
'Ir ' hree f.!smla _ht horse, Pail of Stock food for he best pen of sheep
critt ul ea. award e 9teatei leredtt In thc end
etghty4 prizeto one pound of Con x4dniazio!
servat've rserrrains to b I seen. bth are, no doubt, f Year a at ake. Is 'still quite bc ve �eekjs old' OW of the earlyl diti oija wider, dons ted by .'V. Fea.� g�&"s iLra pleptildl
Ia 1896 the last year of Con a Ut
'h teii pouna
rule, the total trade of the co in ry brAve, ax -d couraigeou. men wh ha -,e Mr settlers a] Ithis di-itrict, in the person'� T.S. Blues offers five 11 a. 0 Tea ff or oroak of S:224 Pelee Ut V50 Whart.-The vet�r&4 mail 6ax
great john Howarq, of ter ; 2nd
was $23-9.025.000 and thel-t�tal'-re enue taken itsks an� endured 1�rysdale, was in the at prize 81w.o of rea.4 an toll per bag ftir tho 1a
untolr4 iaMrs. G e0rge Denomy.. s., 1 of the� atecl 1)
a[ few &ys� calling on his old Saublo- Ili A, *dIed 0 S. An�W�ws t 0 a of em r e besbaj�l ofl buns.
$39,11.18,590. The deficit Wai $380,51 In bitV&hip3 a It -q TuMay of 1&-3t cl
1 pity'thiv ' both =110SY th -of I ee r best buWhere heife'r.
1008,� the last f ull yea -C of Lle -all 6ould nat mi , Oil U ou
Tpronto 9
rUcipatE.1 In the - n6d� - of ;a, ',ZTtor sj�'t , 6 -Prior,, of Exeter, week,: aft the age of ni rly 6 'years. The Seafor I OWO
tOLISIAt The deceaod had been, ii our for 6hebest Pan of
po6r health home made b ad w e wi, t i" :flour. ept. i* ---
to suct eAte '.q MX1 Ed. Cu m6rej.-A large - lifimber 'f or so�rne I itne. in i��
rule, the total -trade at the c6 n r -Y prak d the home of her c �r64 10 &.W
was $650.793,000 and the tot wt,� ir
al revei ue o�, not. ow,
towever, fra'm thIs �vtclnity attended the churc14 She Is sc rvved by her Frank xcoo�hQl Man. er f th6 Sti mi ar-A B. !Jul
$96,500,000, and the -burplus mi d 0 J.- Ve Y ea good Ill hw f 61
refs u, L to il the abld a a gr ;Q -nk,- buM�, donates $9f;00 Low WhOl
opE aing -gervices:at Hills G�re own UP r'*Y--Rev- $5 for first and $3 for for the be A r'
)001000. One, must ju^dgle'-by 7!68u] ta.. -the,, d 'hurhanty trom :he dlis-7 en� on San- J. of Toledo, econ, egis teredau4XIan. bred &&f 4
former 'C;wdluar - i6lic to ;Ioboi
mare with two of he get.
urtbler� than :he graij yinx oi of iii Lutheran c
We might. as well jolay that A f arn er C -Ove Of the: excellent! ae" highl y 29�pricft �06re .4e ac 110t and � speak yery, Urch h" yl
who worke three fiuiidre& Am" of a 'cqrtal L. dd 40sity. Phere Is 10 rmons preiched 'by preac4ed t:� his old cong, egation, S40,
I his in that I rlcln,t� tit I � of Torontc(,-Ura. da.,betore e I
,and and makes a od p RV Mr. WhitelaWL
large *p Me -por lb. for twim
90 f�lt settlemmt, �nor a a L tarnest and
1 *%�Utrw, ,rofft Gauld was in Stra;ttord the pa�t week. force Sp ci A
r a. of the clous -meitald [r. T.! sw�ker and hip r, Idi is strong-er to4luy g W,
rations is etravagant' becat se ils pre ful
am cropf
or jtl t Mell reports his P1 appreolated. BICYCLE -RAC -2
xperises are higher than his eig but 4n ly i I I :
tul P ze, donAted by x. F. atz 05--c two Uft I
nd prize, of .uudmd acres, Wid Snow. dona s Bros.; Slid, 81 sh
who only works one h In p colillitli for Dicking, and Aie vale $b ; 2 oaWorks that at a.loss. It it, be: loxtra Gals ha t they canliot -be beaten for donated byv JT es Fendev.
ee t e. 04, the RK,
qui lity, While `has set the �price so, Exater BICYOLH- RA Jlfile--41st, speciil onatfe
-cc' to -Increase the trade f t el Uakkel t. i 1 3, 1 by T. F. Daly, value 51 qCO3 but 131 hold ��ady.V,
50,00 lo that he has delighted the hearts of p. R" el I last week pure astd from, Ift. A. 2nd"a razor, donated At U10 tanic-Awd
33reoe�. I I Lesney & Arch ft 61d .3r 3, bex of chocolates, d - I
E. PYm e daekswith shop ff4iu istreet, I the aqted b 4pmand r*vwV1,
-T Ins. of i� of �he ho let former I
ountry from $239,000A90 to* Ora' go ma ase*Ivla In this dlstr
00. and show a surplus of.,, .9100e, 0 Hill, Who, Is buYinig' d packini api P-038mion this w ThO shoplm Orich IBBr Wes of -�Dei- swet! weft raw
former Br
-be said -of w$� he - for 1. e� d1houmds, as he OOT 'RAIPE-Ist
'hen what should . James B. McLean to busy thee fallen i ]EI ALYF MILE
-it 1, - bffiv. i lonat
Ch of tea b� u-1Cjfa,&on A No. 1,oancflea I--*. t 0
b ding a
Ob . Scott; 2nd, $1-56wo th of chijis, donatA per 402M.
ervative Governmet, whicil sacured.a 'arocc�d e b Iston, W943 da second cement silo, Mr. I'll � � : 2179-1 W a mith 3rd, $1 shtving
week jacking, MV tronger. Int6 dairy, Notes.-Clmrvey Acheso
a,rade of only $239*000,000 and ca; ae, *He boos b � t sistin ticket, donated b�, o a -vies Olarl,
roj�men g hJrn no -vv, Ing an t!his me;n-, more corn. land bt.j- derwent 'bpdr,%tion f oj ap 100 YARD RAC FOR -FAAMBRS sc INS Grain, I;
ut at the ed of i�; Y"r( ne y half bult ex] c o ba q -18 pair'of. ishoes, don
iatte a strong g, e r s ill s.�Mk. Alex. McKenzie Is hav- The oper b W a. Willis one � doz- n photoi i, To,.*nto sWt� A-4ztatio Ur
willlojn, of dollars in debt V extr 1- Kang. on w I c T Is'here, T�ere I lon waa pertorfiA by Dr. lonate Vy Jack�on Bros.;.
ng hk *ork-sb:bp� overhauled and im� 94 knife, by Cr� A. I. ills.
agance bringe resalts Uke this� theipEo- alre MOOM Of Lon -40f, assls�A! by Dr -a.
I lan-3 la orch dis in his vi- proved, He.is haing a ceme I Xorthern, fLO5 largeSt f a,
ilia would welcome more Of I d all ).pp.e i Mc.-XllllicudoV,� of, Stewart Bros- ive hat to the fa rhaer brin in th�
I ' e etrIft, an Weil 1C �t founda- Hyndman and Muter. w U $Lft t track Uke It"
'bf- the eoprd $a e pnl ' da�uhters, as succeasU we 'Wheat, 4 we �pe�� if, Mrs. 7 Alt( fil adedl tion PI icd under It. and room The o0erW Ian. W of boyo.
noney f I 'and s.3 e 8 made for' his ever Increasing business. QAU--0
encourages trade, -and V141,65' aZe pl6a-Se4 to state tbal... he patient *L10% , at kke V
pro e� y Jewf4ttle Zid Alssie. 11 Wrxeter, vis.
-10anylLftorr] thi� VIPInIty have been 1-� prores4ing tMP4,9 440
4vorably, J.
hannels for commerce. A Go ern!"P Ued at - he Aor 163 of. 1 --Xr I Ba Y 0VV0 - - I , R, G. 'Nay !and atUndinigithe Londofi fair this " - I - )MO, 460 to r10 oh U*U1,M6M
at ca do -this - and Sh9w a , Ia j� Darrod last ury at like porU 41 . o to 04 ow.1
ek. Stanbury le cured Several I prizas at thQ For the best
Mond . Yo ar "Wr bitb3
urpluo. Is a bbsttcr Govern t It 6ter Mr a7ld UrS. Dayid Alalk were Visiting Toronto f for WA� at the Show, und one YE ar of- ag4 the �Qnowftlil o
opo�d I a4lola. MrA,
nt,wad mistakei 'when his parents, Mr.land Mrs: Geo. Alalrj Stalbqry iprizeshaTe been donated.- t At Me, to 41ja N40. 3
ne which spent less, but t ed he Wrote at !cis return. to t Ithis as been quite !sUcCdssful. In
83 Besst he let, Suit Ca4se dol ated by, M� Brode
timulate. trade, and could m t wes..- 1 John C. week. Mr. *lair was this bralIch of:floricaltu;e.. Cral t, dor ated; by the 5CF-val 00. -shorta� who for .4 -tat -Mr- -Her- 2nd, Baby's 11onni
Us obligations at the end of e y bad' Worked, up quit loin ma9ter at� 13ruce-' mWn Heam i a, of Regina,, h" een all Ton,
e �a reputiWonlas, fil -mr 3rd, Gold R,
and Kra McPhail ano:4 a v1sit to r i, t 1 0 19, do: nabe-cl by 01
vebrinary h&eJ s- Lti�es and frionds In Itowyk.- Judging t, Le p ace at 3 o v clock, in f
The great Toronto ExhibitUt old entirely last d of Porter's Hill. were visitini �An Qper on was recen�ly ptrtormed' At of the Grand St�,Ad. Live Stook X,
clos 4. Wed da y afteinoon land -'he 'and this t cis Undo Sept, M-mse quit
ast week. This Is 1�1 the, village -the fore part on the fac- ot!Mr. Salnta:Pa
furnit Tha es Road, by kp. Bright was interior to U -in
lure 0 ate, In dale were week attendir;g)t4e axd MOoj.-, The Irely attended'thit 68 �here 1 -Spftdi, g ntest Said to h 'A bei m wife d child left to] the West. Their of:: - e w6fek.-Yr. -amd -Mrg. W. Dins- of the,
b,e most lar, wa4 r�ew a
.-Sol falr'-
et been held. This is altaget every res pct, ah wi ic-u�,t funeral'ot his brothar. the late Thos. Was - a thai'the mar4et 'Ier Puccesg.-T If 2fth gtnvive: �sAr ` 2. 50 pace, pu, -se $5�
ly. we'llAot rnu�h mo�.e; than b 41t' the- Y,' of the deers 0014 at M to woft"and C
Dlrmdale.-'�"Mrs.'W. Cudmote, of Exeter, 2.4D $2 5 per M. and the mirket 44omd'f
The weather throughout ."s. mtablt�hme a of the Tiv , gemori2l
*w, reall�ed. �- B nrY Torr thce,of' Was trot, purse $56" 25 rs Cliftc, d, alsolifier,� attending his fqneral. eburphi leldl- on Sunda- - befOre last. 10 Liveip - -Sept., i&---iThe
ghtful axd a reat -number r W" the aul loner.. wrkenheRAM "Ta
er r1of p 0- WkIlef Wfil.'. MOOra &ndT dgugbter, of'the The BeIrvi- 5 were. c 2. is class, Pu 8-0 �tl 1* W- here' Tat prav OndlictW Inorninc 5 the market vms firio U 44 deelii
e are, year by year, maki Is, �,e a f1rAt class Vill tIrne om isd wi&,% week Ago *f,' an �)iten&- Wid eVenin by Rev
1.9 citize 1.1 * a d III carrif with him the it' t6.. jEr
rincipal evnt In their annd, of P- I for ed� 2 a In Hamilton, PoinN o If Tillsoub i- --g., and Clintbn Atten
al Seat F14h, s successiii car- argely sad ranob
ays. This Is a EdWswd and thkor placee. attended, church wl�tgstefully Verf
-case o a Con de 'e feer Ili 1the i SO w anan lotolot �o�Z
griest Wes t, �Mr. an Nfr DlEath ag'An Old Residerit.-It is otir decoratd IT
Ktent among Robert an Z tthe occasion he offer- told- Atelo t*:i0jC:per 114
country people, And!f Wm. (In
riz L
sad duty� this *bek..to record he death trig mouni 0 '-#,tS 0.0 ficati cm.
M 0 le .sight Seel' t L a PP
G d Bert Wrl,
a.- is taken leis I tht and Cliarl. of c4 Of;the jje�t, been wk .
ely and most hIgk.1 Snell. who bad visit triendif F DALY. Pmiden, With A eoca
9 Wrli,,] 4re atnong t4se -who attend- W. D. MeLEAN, 'Secretu.,
at 16ada a eMe �rned pes dents 'of atanley, In the- here, has V* to Join her ii
arelits, who :IR406 a -to i0hallee M
work Of, It a vex 7 d th6 onto fair.- hear' tba; pemsm of r. Thomas Vnsdale. who de. axe ow res�dtqg, at Gran'
T1 im -do, sud v=&�Ars gt eo.T
prepa to go
I havemone- to the *her an and g5a per
boult the' 27 rn t Jaes iforthedlit"
Ohoift ate -en bought 41140 ding hs, but suffered from M -a is Robert �x,416; to the 4ti-Ileney of hog-, mont $3
18h to We4k. kri Dinslale had been ill for West ijemir are:
It back ouit
id at the same time making � "theirej no-,� rtiel4lier diseaRe, the-,.1rouble be-' Kers! ahe, Mr. u W-15 to 42.W
of th�'partles 4� n Mr a, 6 - Ut ea -Sant -way of spending a bol �ay. e thm I 1i 4 � have a ttle lawing u .. Alberta, i t
Gundss buildings and other, faefiltij S ItIfteir P partA life on,�Wedneedxy of last -Amorw th who ilet -e are
'Year by year. being 4�rtenti� . thL s Gode
the 2 Russell, Mr.,,,;Gcarge Ile I
Ugher At eq.L
will b thve cagbs ron. here, Ittakes lng� just the wearing out 0 a -once Nei= to wa t, Cowk A
tractive and- p�easant'tor tht visit- okeop the pot boillig.-The j�jesh, Mr. R. H. V to Sm.
strcnug nj ruixged conBtifittion, Aeh
The grounds and buildins forr u!s naA Irene Ha�d'ord b Buwo, Sept.
hines . � are at It goal and am Ladj s t to 150 lower vrim� #teero, 4
"veritable -cltyla t i rechedatII4 good iloge of 80 �-e and' aitte list CDfiegej
le Bt hfield, rn Iliner, dal
r�g hemselveg nd V4 Ld.
Sel retur onths ti
Mr. - IM-Lisdale 45-60 to 46.60; butla
ore psm enter thm irihe mor of T. rt of . wasNa na. ve re . W 'I Murra,7 ;!met I . I
ned to Y esume * Yorlc�blre, -England, and was mar- Pafi4&:'accdcntiat,;the, fo� 'Vwkers and fteders,
�cd Mot leave until they clo e! in hier 9k. Some
Cook hai i gone ried to'Ml�s Mary Hanson, of th 'a ndr�' ame rno�l A ME tdl SPIMhed upl and� struck c3VV8 An&zp
Gr end,* ear$, , wgo I '!� lef to -1) , V
par4lh, lu�1854, 'and she has throtigh V1
on I Hugh the Ini �he The lift 40 to *0a.6. Ho U
ening as every fac:1114, exe t'sle Z al Iday, i6ver two Y him were :to 4& -
9 accommodati ' can i be produed '1 .1 - Ubli h I B"10-kokc'
8th coAcio0jon, life , men t�3 hfm k* 11 V 8
-grounds just as well as In the ch) trae helpmato., In badly bilrnet an4. are ve be&vy, $&Qano
boughl., broo it a sale - for rY lippInful, but
tpe Ci $290. . 1 48-25 to 4*8.1175
ho 1857 they ;cAM to Caada, is' U wreat institution for the trip hopes axe (ntertialhed thei V7
hf tl tbWt sight
$299. P�6p e t a thal . Hugh' taking eight weeksand'four days, �They V.fio. 19the vehicle thropigh whlcha v as k will nbt be destrloyfad.L41r 1j ag.
-Was m bi .-Buttwout. ts
m Of money annutall:7-ts sifted t to the ON
cable dlrecl Now 1SALEX
�n Hurou ti -act and Wl, igener.a. r Or lambol, 25 -to 15 few
fr I I come e: nanager- of jit �Oanada
tb on ry e other settli d ippen.' When Mr. IM
country arid finds 1,1.'s w'a Wo n- Cydle and Xotor�Compiny,11of Toronto,
y dayEll a Le1v iG ILI% to*5.50 velher�j W
44-75 ; theep mixed, $t i�-- U,75,�
'kets of tb.e,buBIness men ralth a twenty- dale u-rrlvqd here' hij� w6rldly posses- "jvytij-� SII! Of --r—
of T six r. Thoras!,Ruk x -
mi bld colt, of r that rn&re.,for to ow -ever, rio person amotinted � to - $5. but $s of this eter.
will 'begr 0 lie ha rildt th a painfull a c1detit the a a yjung flily-
tY Its igood f for went for riedical attendace on a q "V= -';MR much wuti Uau 1W art 'Ack. was
whi'bh I , . , 1 h 6 auto-
aae. In this es vould cral�w I -
. � n
at ta ke $100, 1 t cer- daug ite aid $1.50 for a coffin, so that who a the, cranIc tle 9r. VAMI -0t 02ft to w- P er to*- for t,
has parned it. The Westerh 0 [lei* �"APU& r4nu nly &.5. to g4t (be ;gooq It � th� c fouxA himself In a b1ta M the- arm b
ty In r-Lendon this, we&. 116W k
- - . i T
bIs Drenarinr fnr i,,hg) fair a& a-:- t �le4kl�g one I 140axt. Awme Waite �bduff Idd toi