HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-17, Page 3- 4 3 aennee, -,--;701 aft LrA t S tined" WURT Cbtattes Xt. ittfis PeraiVeLelit Bran Lour in .their Moier ;c .)unlap. hi lett 'iteld. Wee int Utl N. Y. - met with When ng t e 'town o Napane@ _ithey r into it deg, and. ' efele elr Theinap• ost co trel of he cat, ' Ch anset, ' -D raaanear Wen hrolc 11:11114i:_the re shak n,tni, but urhurt. The net-, lea 1 'damaged. . Oa y- ot last . week iMr. eet ob Keithe t • Mitrli, he rkingeto Mr, i 411 I aping i a neighboi barn rk Lk fbo wh eh' tiled an tte- warft f era t1e hdibtj. of the th tne b. goo.. ; hreaiktng both eel a rib and ce11ng beside is?. ear.on:the h cad, a a nasty th , Phonies. Kerslake, qr. Mitchell, • lived lone since , • he death ife our ears ago" ' as struck' th a pa•alytic etrokee 'Oa Sate" n ht and pasee4 away' on Mone o noon at the, agt of 79 yek4rel: a natty ' ot co wala4 Enge had b n te re ineatn•of Mite nearly- hirty years') end was citizen., peeled by all Who ne. i '..—..A. r vely and nomewhat easily .eun- aWay' : cerrerl ' 1 the vicinitee of the inarket i que,re, oodstec4 , -Ohnrsday ternooq. A ot hoes& elontning to Jame Pullen! of ' Sweabor ; 2 ainlA draWtog a load m1 bone, etalr ed on the run nti dem d the bans -u.teento the road ' Then he teeth &plied over to the • utterin. ot4 and enlashed in a large late gla s Window. ' 1. .—'Th;t the do'eased came ; to his -tie b acciden, ally failing against bed.s. e in a ma In his hotel while er t. e latine ce Or • liquor," Was the verd• at of etbe adjotirnett inquest :on the. He ' Tie cane in Sarnia. br, s. Mc- Donald d Wilki4is said the apPeariteee ot :the mold wais consistent , With its having/ 'een eau el by impalement on the shoat point ot thebedpaet, beside Which t - dying Iiote1kceper was fotind. • [—By e accid ntal dischange, of a lei Sit' eley Se lee, , a - farmer living a...Syde anene r,Kingstone lost. his lite- IN was god g on a deeli shoot- ing 'triple/A was just In the:, inn of ateppinie into the boat when:the-gun went of ; the •charge -•penetretin,g his ieft lu . Ile was alone at the time fointlewas`,, found b neighbors. Phe bode', Welt par, ly iri h4 beat and Partly in the wate . Death 175 instal:nail/oat. He Ls survi ,ed by 'awife 'and ell ld. -1 -i,'-eSir JI Ines "ern taet was waited up- on by c1 large , leg tion from the Municipal A.ssocL Han for the i Benefit of Cons) mptives ne day bet! week. Dn. Lock, art, of eepeler, oliateman of the dele tion, as.ed that the l Gever - roent buil de equip and rnainta,i't twa or more 'lea, itariums tor, the care on indi g,int an other '-,c nsumatives •• li In Lhc oeirice, Sir -Jaen e did not g e , he d putestie . very ' uch hope for 'assist - a .said he -question ha already bee • (lie ensed by the JGovernrpenteand we ld b further . considered and the flrL4Lnclal. sidee of he matter Would be the first corielder tion. The ' delega- tit st, -held, a 'meetl g after the iatervi W wild dec led to • here . to their plat- form. tinnelln-011 of stiee, and erest." tiea ght of without s for abia. honest, as ts in Canada intelligent Lada and the iders Than (gethsp �, area for 3O. eat Furn ha* ch t keen. desire for ure. Ahnost our I. Our terta4 ere and you'll COiae }-to-dato stock of CO* celient time to- The,w4,athez vv. -able for paint - any other time akn. to soak the hag, and nQ flies o the wet pain tings need paint y. Paint of the es in time te pot -hole at same s.. Th—ZS a baking. ated that every ,!n twice ey. No, does Ceennere IS ea. owner- 'mfortla _ .11 won Ilmebntery.—The 'regular Sep. ber meenreg of the Preebytery- of maan wa.e nnld In Willis Churela,Clin- -on, on PueSis ay of last week. Thee*, swine WenenstlE II, Sewers, moderator ; Vr. McLoanI clerk; .Identeese. Fletcher, Larkin. Car -well, Shaw.. Smith, Sharp, letredeion Hm11toi, Davidson, St-nall McNeil. ministers; and messrs. an, BeU,j Somerville and McKay., In a ordance with notice pre - r giveri it was moved, by Mr. nt nenceforth the minutea Pre ery Shoaled be printed - cope t te ea& .me,mber pre- %etre to 6SC 1 regular meeting% :This enotion met ith the approval ot the members. Ar ther motion r was . also • 4nimous1opted, providing that in =-N Ktilling corn sioners to the Assembly mhdeter d an elder from the charge should not be sent in the year essrs. Sitarp and Larkin, were chosen a address the meetings of the W. F. NI SePreebyterial att Blyth Zteveraber. essrs. McNeil and Smith, Bell and. McKee', elders, th attentierce- at and their evessions the General Assembly bend In Ha ilton. Dr,. McLean and .3*Iva, Aide son and Hamilton were appointed a ramittee to examine into the. Matter c the election of moder- ates -a of Presoytery. The next -meeting uva Preey tery is to be held on the second Tuesd y a November at St An- drew's ithure Blyth. IT El S. t For b usnese, try Miller's -0rane1ee. F r sale by J. A. Roberts, onstante 7. Married in Idaho.—A marriage cere- rimy took pace at Colwell, Idaho, on September 8, which la of considerable Intereet to ne ny friends in •ehis dis- rIet Tbia wae the marriage of Miss - Nebel Josepi4ne Thomas, late of Blue - ale, to Mr IRichard J. Proctor, the noungent son1 ot Mrs. James Proctor. of Constance.' The ceremonf took place •it. the Tesi nee of the bridea uncle anti was perf rmed by Reir. Mr. Phomp- . ewe Presbyth laze minister. The happy neiszen couple have many triehde among isur readers no will joinsin enteeding neertY cong-r telations. - For th e W t. — The following from this vicinity left for the West last :week: Elliot Spoener, Erneet Adam, :James Jamies n. • New We to a quarter. Miller's Corm-' ,n amid Iron •Ills For sale by 3. A, Roberts. Note:a—The ter et Agric been eecered tee a the G ont on Sept , „of Colborne alturalay of ninth near, Mounnee- relic Moenge—le e the waste hotels, and passenger b . ate -Amer Hur •bre, 0a,tantley, fent. The bat a11 out and the City the bat time -:—The tug P nom scows te Contr had the cone • water here. .Rondeau. Married.—' Sanford Heighten' the issidenee of and Mrs. Samuel Bis - tett. of Cons nee townehip, was gay with. a, feet e throng on Wednefettene •-dot last week, the happy occasion 'being .the znarrie.ge of their daughter. Eliza- beth, te Ris Jona Penny Walter, San Of John Walter, ot Colborne. The happy -young couple etood before a bank •-of ferns a,s tev. James A. Andensore me -tor of K oat ahurch. Goderich, per- formed the ceremony, and the house 'was decorat4dwith asters and other 'flowers. Ttu4 wedding march was played by Mlias Jennie -Howell, of Saskatoon, dousjn of the bride. The de wore 4 pretty dress a white older -ed 4null and carried a bouquet nt lily ot tl4e valley and roses.: She( was given a ay by her father. Miss , lean. Mcwai was flower -girl and wore a. pink silk Tess and carried a [basket -et pink ante s. The eventook place at eleven o' lock, and after the cereee teeny the g est% to the number of about se -vent -five, enjoyed a. sumptu- ous trepast r. and Mrs, .:Waltrer left on •the afternoo train for -a trip to To- ronto, and dawn the St. Lawrence. at- tended 'by t e best wishes of mann kiende. T e bride's travelling 'rent was of mo gray. • ' Thee tine tinein rernov 'Compound -bents For Goderich. llon. J. Duff, Minis- tere for Onta.rio,, lean o make the tormal open- derich Indentrial. Exhibi- ber 29.—An old reeident •wnehip passe4 'away on last week, in her eighty - the person of Marthai__ (4 the late Richard week witnessed the close at the Gotlerich summer Iso the close of' the t traffic _at.' this Dort. The passed down the- lake but did !not call at this ng Edward, made her ward on Thursday night, -at St. Ig:rtace called_ tor this season on Saturday. ncie left , Friday With other ma.terial belong - °tor Birmingham, who- ct for the outer break - The Francis has one to ghtly Pimples can be en- d by the use: of Miller's on Mlle. 50 doses tor 25 le by J. A. Roberts. 14 T e Olden Days". ntereeting ketches of the early daya of Seaforth and vielnity., taken fr m the Mee of The .14ne eositons Seaforth, A. t24, In Seafort on the alit Inst., by Rev. 11 McDo d, at the reeidence • of the bride's, ether, Hertry Killer, mer- chant, of. E erson, Manitoba, to Miss Maggie Jai , second daughter of Alex. • Davidson, Eq., et Seaforth. Mr. Alex. avidson has purchased the farm of Mr. L. Meyer, which &beim? -Seat-th. H paid $P,000 tor tile farm, farm stock mplernentn etc! - • ° Prelimina arrangerneats 'have been 'made for a ootball, match-, between- the entired tarn4ers of Seaforth and Ea"- enortdville. Er., C. Lo-wery Is ' to be naptain of he Seaforth team and Mr. :Jacob einGe captein of the Egmont* Nene- team. The ,garne is to be playedt Septernb r 1st. The rnoet severe rata and. thunder storm ot th season for e. long time visited this section on Study night last. Along the Mill road in •Tueker- • smith there wan a heavy fall ot hail= :add in earn places the ;ground was eovered With it barn-yarel 1 Mr. R. over:beetled:and b down. The .ti oppos1te:t4e. 1 arm in MeKillo were, • A son afl .. a Morrison, of Mc i 11, eecene tronn a.•serious day last. They on tIie. lltle, eonesal and co-vaaed leugst vi gave wee under .'t EM Otttitt was Pree4ei Nn Fortunately neither af ously injured. • ! ' Ur. Charles Dodds,i , turned from Manitoba ng with him leis. Boa, ele arm through a s I The thst -tall -*neat was delivered at Kyll mill in , Egnitntiville yfr. heat week by . An Brueetield. • . r wa "Ifte,nien w l'itnPned bab beanie rists y b anti —Mr. sync h Of Ida down ye Ode claY , bu c e a good I new h or - ear 3,1r, lingh Chaviey; and Geor,ge Cnnesney,! left yesterday for the Mr. David Moore, o1 here on. Teen:lay , on visit to Scotland. Wise Inmates ot Mrn residence got a scare night. One of the 'eb lamp which was on a, bed, when the oil igni to the stand and car person in the house the servant gin WI fortunately some of t covered the fire in ti extinguished before age was -done, The storm of Saturda a great deal of daneag of. Ethel wet tBressels., number of logs belonf were swept away .and were washed out. He .netraed Ferguson attem stream on a slender be He wan unable to swine ed. At Bruesele •severa swept away a toth Farmers who cro river flats were also 2.2 Seaforth, At the reeidence 'ot er, by Rev. A. D. Me 29th, M. F. Newkirk, City, Mich., to Louise daughter of Wni. lawn' Seaforth. At the resLdJence Of en Roxboro, McKlllc,p, McDonald. on the 29 of Seaforth, t est daughter of Jame The lacrosse Manch between. Seaforth and from three o'clock urn winning by three go tollowleg are the narn players': Robert- WOO W. Blackwell,„ eftne..1 1V1cDona3d, Da.wie E. Peters, D. Smith, J Coleman and I'm Ito' Seattortbes, tax rate' mills on the dellari • The. death of Mrs. Ja, curred at theeresideric McKillop, on Mdiday 1 weve-a. slater of Me James Scott, of Ro bo Mr. Wm. Scott has -e farm on the llth eanees to Mr. Finlay Ross for The learns and ',0their Mr. Wm. MeCra.ceen: :4 Morrie, were' completel fire on Monday 1aet,1 quantity of grain and The origin of the fir Shortly after noon [ lent the planing Kenzie, at C11nto, w Lire, causing a 10 o On the Mat 1nt.. of the 4th coace don gored by a Steer istall killed% ron.e the •Okantene was .rnd�orsibi wn the -new b idge . John Go an; led away.: or Mr. F ank hada et row caldera, on n - *Wing a br den a with a la rse en the etruc ure and the e tire into the *'ter. them were r- McKillop. 'ree ast week, br reg-. ho recently lost gale going off. ot the • se eon 17/Iesta, s on imam* a r.evi Swani nire. hry Of Peckers •Id Country. gmendville, left two', Mon he' • James Sc 011 1Tues ay Idgen upeet stand- beeidet the ed and sets ire t. There wa no he timer but childr,ea, • b at neighbors Is- e to have. it 7 serious a en tight lariti did In the vie eity t Ethel a lii ge ng to Mr. Ilse everal ir • es a Young'•• an ted to cress the and tell U. and was do' n - buil ings were, damage dine. s along e eav,y losers. ele 188 . he bride's 1: th- onald, ee) the . of s M., •etic net bell, 'Esq. of he' bride's by Rev. A. • instE, To ;Agrees, ou Scott,', Bee, a 'Friday , lest Goderich ted seven,,S to two. a the Se id. S. -Smith, h1is near s Grlev of her s et. The lars. Robe the D. G. o. Fed 1'4s40 sitirt of Ale $7.1751,1 outbuildi 5 a coneees on of destroy d ,by ()gather t a, o r a tie en. e not k o n. We S,71 Cooper e e- s destroy , by about $60 s. pavid D of 011-rey, lmost `Ins News Ne es.. —Six liquor dealers, n Guelph h ve' been cenvicted of the loffeflce t re- filling whiskey' bottles and ,eelli e the contents as the orlglnaL contents f he bottle. They haire eei1 fined- in e mo ragging froro. $ 5' tie 59. —Immigration inane just recta at Winnipeg show that during the o ths of; April, May and 1 June there ere 32,921 Americana: (mine to •rnr Canada at compared ;with t20,437 he year betore. —The Aare of ICeeter in' So at Thamesford., was broken, Into ast Tuesday night by breeking a p ate glass d•o.or light. A lquantity of el- ery was stolen. TWO young f 11 ws whe dropped off .an epatianteed C. P. RI -freight and spent the . den .round the village are suspected,. ' —Dr. George A. Fears, 'n, tratt ve o Drumbo, now practlsin in Detro ti as been arrested in thae, cilty on a- 4ha ,ge of mudering Miss M 111lnian, ari nn Arbor, Michigan, giri, hose muW ted body was found recentily in a r ve . —Rev. R. S. Laidlawl.ifor sons y are pastor of St. -AndreneS [ ohurch, Bal ville,heet accepted a' call from1 ithe congregation of St. •Andrew' ' u ca, Brangen, Man., and t.e call was rktit fled at a meeting' of' the ICI gston Presbytery. _ —Adam 0. MeKeand, f •• tc4ck, felt from 'the neiv C. . R. rid Thame,etord Wedneed y afte ,n n, and received' injuries ne iIs skT1ll w ch ig. s resulted in his •:itleatiel: ursday m 'nThe. daces ed was nridge ide er by trade, an or ly lived sn. In- gersoll-. . —A few days ago a CP sengee train arrived t ' Galt, pilot of the engine wae I cover blood. It seem.; than a Wallace ing, twomiles beyond .Du rie time, five cettle [were kill , an terribly mangled by li e ttain, passengers had a hi.$l sleeking but none were serlew4 njured. --While playing in te yard of : n of the business !hens'itt Mitcheele - s yne boys notiaed some slier coins se the ashes where the wangle paper ha en burned. On .repertinge their fin' • it Was discovered that-tr. ely nine lc) ars in silver. which -Inedill een Put a 0, bag, had found -I* 'es to the W sLe ili paper -basketand tbi . . ce to t tib -1 bish heap. It. was n4rly all -reeov ed and the boils madehappy by .a. -re* rd. Is much censer% telt at the tyrticild einnattan at 'nalt, in ty- hundred new• in the 1t2 wri. This is the seven' eases in the ho pital and one - *MI 01 your one: ferenne4.44.P.Heenennetetenrenne4.4.44444. .r -Mrs. Catherine 'a4eott, of Arnett s - burg, Priem Edw rd ounty, -0.1)10 15183 Ynarle of ,age, ,vis ted Toronto 'tor -llhe first time in her life last we ke he cities not lase gla ees can a yr/ • and r reAtli, a.nd visited the .Exhibit en . on 10418,Y, . w king abo ite the' grounds ton two he re. rs. •Vancott is 4he YOunigest c ld ot .Sa l, It Delo , hose maiden 'a e was Sah Cole, the nest white cle d born n neldaphuet evre the year at her ibirt being 177,.• Mf Dolong ived to he at age of 104 Inane, a • [in th lett year Of er litte mad al in,tch qu It, whiche in n w in the s�.sesdlon 1. Delon*, Tor n- , , to. At er death, in 880, - here: Deiog le t five living' of V-te fifth genera,hi n, ijbty gaa nt&childr n, lid about fl ty ate edehildr, •e —Mr. Sinith„ t e weli at her h me• in, T of het week. S age. Mr-. Smith - le surviv d:by her nkipbeevs and niec Smith w . born lr was the welter • Kaiglit f the enlande ldn,, and 4.11y,1 w leer m riet Eli abetih U 'finst, Ma led to ton; the. e County 1, Linco ttie Prey nelal Pa The Bo tons too at the .4 The Hon not ltoe con after th death o on Sept her 30, Mr. Gal wlo. Smit THE ON! T -GO rnith w re no eon IS • to and hu 13 set 0 tef den arne as H rm en. he si lUIamnienry Bo oultozin of 'Moult n, n, rd Member . Ile ent tor Toroe o. u their tesiderfee ewood," in. Toronto. tailed tor reside there her husband, , an 1875 wae• married to f Dr. n write o en hursd as 85 ears no children, and and sixteenThe, late les. sten in 1824. he Thomas Moir, er of t e Neih- the 0 eep the Pure by liams' The only way woman to be we to keep her blood Ithphre, weak bio wretched teeing ness,, NeneIrL.the a•Ohes and ii tho enfteri es which ekes tbe Wres of so owing gi is and women adaily torter. 'There is one sere way to 1 be Well, a that 4 •' through • the t tieatth. t supplied , by enr, . Pink Pil tee, Pa e P40Dle. . aChially Make t TiW,, rie Which owing g Is I4nd wo ta -make thenilwe 1 and' keep t Theta•e of mot ere end the t4na ha e found n ettectuan Owned general teen,-pja pltation; s -kin tro bias and Wilhlairr' Pink, P Brenton N. eununer my daug . had Tete ester aeresteese and ha,d natal 'inedles net, hel her,, we . and on e gIYth r.W could e ose s8 an oho 'Can flatied t gained weight retu and her to be t pietism bt health inendin DT. 'W '• These mills are *dO•Onittialeilsn 7bon*Ilorl 1)s Ansel The Br kviNie, e t AY HEALT i BlOod Ai b.; Rled Using Dr. WA - ink Pills. •i•ye.•••• for ;every g ' and• at be lah end red 4 le the ea t languor .st back and si e other ind rl tee been is nd ptre. of the ,fannt- s, heed - scribe le ese p • blood ien necd m 1 eudar e7 110 weakness, intdis s- ner Weeders, otheai aiint tt in Dr. Us. Mrs. J. - vteses, g : Lest s ring and ter's neanth, gave out. was very pale and ppetft, As tille n in SnChi Casesd! • mart! 'of neitge od, • iiam5' rink iPilis. We ovement,, and as take ptUs she and vigor r color who le syst seemed She Is newf the and 1loin:s n recorn- ams' ,Pink old by all •needicine Sen :fen naI4 at 50 fm4 $0.14 by 'Medicine nen+ MEW$STOT +44÷.K.. ,4+++++++++*•144.444.++++ - is++ ++4444 fZ 2 1. and Overc4ate in a fill foreign to ordinary re freakish cloth 0, but r coats, made in/the ver packet flaps,-16n.g lape in a class by themselv ready-made clothes, s ing to our own rigid s from the mills.- clession •dyito- al gent latest 0, colic s. Li to ve re yo to i ial of styles ear clot einanly 8 styles, wi Ve should eraily spe nee they are all e eciiica ions from Hence 'Without more in p ve offer you the idva comparably excellent pleasing ,ibatterns. tage flits fr oung en 1 ri Assemb a asterpiee R the young men* who are particular*, ;osely follow the latest ideas in eor-t dress -- for thei: g Men who wish*, in the up-to-date V' In°4 ekbcbratel revie ne of Fancy Suitsr agives Seaforth t t --we have a spec-4:st, •;:i orrecStyles. h of t tore fo d,paTtht4emses aerninolytco ree*Putatio s go 11 Suits and Over-tig Lobe i ientatiola of t ese Mate fancy cuffs andtcPats ilnd WO are s --clothes that arecaPtivating* YOu mu ng, these are notiadea of what is now an and made accord-*featu" of th whole dis oth selected by as ' - $ ÷ f Fa hionable Modes. The event rst reliable interprett4t1iou of this onething we are oerain the, re- avinr tile latest that is new and eas ably iicreaed by tiie pros - less N w Fasbions. This seasons legant The styles are iresistibIy bee t i ese in order to get a reliable 4orre t. Ana. the • ost pleasir lay is • 19 king ce he the very jlatesti ideas in in-+ m treme dous assortrnen.t of* 4. Suits s Call an se, thes and Overcoats—The our Ik roperl nd Eco- omicall "The .13?.37 is Fidhei of lir boy become a neat, Well pride in his personal ap :0 fits no more than ordinary *elute satisfaetion' and 'pie giving extra ya4nes. I . Price are SwelPii Le gab.' groomed earance. & d If you would havet.+an• evitab an, teach him 4,1unfore Our have Ifoia 4.assocr brands anti axe sure to give you e the boy as well. We are*, deo; Snits sooiated with hat th h " Fttts 11 th thong this conaes ab t; kable. The thr d en Conn eted umber of years adb r failing 'ons -al re prese e n When the gent e half of the alio reach the month of September the ,thong4 of winter dress oreeps almost .1 instinctively in amcngi the fall oonOderations o the pres- ught! come "Fan Ouse! t of this store. Na 'urafly in id associations Winter—Eurs---8 me straii of feminin 'will Oeeito it that th till selling the Ow *Th ° urs Hone t Call i ith a Nati 4 Eiurabil D F ionfor Style, et thfive beautiful