HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-10, Page 7r
t et brewed on
e c ct to be se by
tai I�crsatusts, and tby
great Exii-
'"i (:It taGea 18
tniret;•-six paints.
Sikh% hundred,
t otl;er Porter in the
g Canada.
[venir ; - flood balls and firs t-eIa<
'e cigars and Tobacbcx for sale—
ec a game — Ladies` Days. March
:klnrphy & Winter
Propr ettlre.
462 tf,
Director —1130‘
eke eve, W`Wtthro p. ,
Bro s t,
t ; 4 ..-
Councillor, l ortk F=c
A ac ar, Leadhnre p
_{ Councillor, St. Uelunee
Treasurer, e4h4iv
Assessor, Beechw a- o.
/erre, W: n th ree p- ffi
pla. Member, _WItxthrop D.O
fife ber, Beeecch;}wya/� ex
F ""' ✓ ,, in�rAilo� p'to
,ember, St WU/Dbai
M.B-.,_ Medical Heald
€ r h e. 0.
aror r Sanitary Tnaaectorr :
p- ET
scretar'y,, rW-!nthrp
1:. 0.-
Farms Lands roe'
icr land in the West, Iook in the
all wheat lands. Do not l t the
the Lest land in the west. emit
he crop payment plan, or a clear
return for your first entire; crest.
atchewan, close to three railways.
Earn: west or south of Seaior h.
id farm 3 miles from Eay11el i'.
Er .icnk ra apply to JOHN A-
Seaforth. 216
• roditeors a4€
,e Estate of San- nel IL Hinchtey,
an of tt:debury, in the Province of
r, deceased.
given, that an order has' been
th day of August, A. D. I909, by
.lu,tica Stuart, for ail creditors
laiinsa+gainst the estate of Samuel
€ the Town of Didshury, in the
. dereased, uho dins on or about
A. ir. 1909. at Didsbury afore-
estate Letters of Admit stkution
r_t of July, A. D. 1900, grated to
y the District Court of the Ma-
e hereby required to send inn par-
sreetive claims, verified by atfida-
:taration, together with a state-
r any) held b1 them respeeI ivelY
ardon & Bryant, of the c1sty oar
.ince of Saskatchewan, Soli :ora
-atretnr, by mailing, p0Starfpre-
rl •livetin;; dame to the said So -
the 1st day of October, IA- D
ite the tend Administrator! ��*U
to the n sets of the suid estate
entitled thereto, having regard
? ich the Solicitor for thef said
then have had notice, and the
-h21i not be liable for the assets
1, or of aft part thereof, so dig -
bon, on, tvlioe alalia' they shall nob
Dated this Wth slaw of Aug.,
trnehiey, the above wined Acs -
of ce.
key of the Town of Seaforth are
the fir't day of December, 100%
:lig c, Tawn ?Mall, Seafortli. A
keit. allowed off if paid on or
1 K+`aaand five per sept, added
t „ unpaid on the first d -of
eft eoheet' d therewith. Dated
J't tl N A. WILSON,
po narae.
dressed to the Postnmeter 4 en -
[at Ottawa until noose an Fri- ;
,at ober, 1:'09, for the conveyance
i'1;, on a proposed contra° for
i'er week each way, bet eec
il. from the Postmaster Ge er- i
l notices containing furthe in-
tatana c,, proposed contract a
:sena of ter.der may be obte eta
Bre water. Parkhill and shuts
tc a o: the Post Office DespOster
s i:t, Mail Service Branch, Ot-
aNIW1t i N, STrperirtt. etit-
rtey & Arelbal
red Dy
Co., IIniiited.
FARM FOR SALE. --Lot 21, Cknicession
OEM p„ containing 60 e.cres of fertile soil,
of timber and goodOrthard, Build -
n are ixt geed repair. and water sdpPky
Buildings include basement barn, neat
house and hen house. Church, ethool and
`vileges desirable- Price reasonable and '
ich. 2171x8
'FOR SALL—For sale, sauth:patt of Lot *
4, Concession 8, Haat, containing 77 acres. ig,tt
are six' scree -xi! good hardwood bush. MI*
suitable either for grain growirg- or na.i..-are tg?
is well watered. There is also a good fmnie
4 and barn. It is situated 4 1-2 miles frpm Sea.
lima 1.2 mile from school. For further per -
Valium apply 0,g the premiees or address THOMAS
ravine, P. 2176x4
Ake 100 aeres on Concession 5, Lot 2, without build -
tags. On tide lot there is about 30 acne of hard -
wend bush which avid be for sale separate from the
tem Should these farms not be geld they will be
voted for a term of years. For particulars, apply
vox gat sALF.--11.00 acres, 2 miles ii-om Lake
Huron, Lot 19, Concession 12, Stanley, 4 miles
son Baytleld. Large two story brick house. Banis
36a56 feet and 24x40 feet, w th *no stables. Im-
pkuient shed, 26x116 feet. T n acrea of orchard 20
pleated, ten aores of ha wood hush, 6 acres of
heat, 25 acres ploughed ; soil, clay loam. Pos-
ta• t 19, Concetsion 11, Stant y, Hayfield P. O., or to
risltaf FOP, SA,LE—To close an eetate,- 100 acres
.11,7 4 miles from Ba,yfield, 2miles from Dike Huron,
Laa 10, Concersion 12, Stanley. Large two-story
.britk house. Earns 862:56 feet and 20.40 feet with
stens stables. Implement shed 26x36 feet. Ten
sena of orchard 20 yearta planted, ten acres of hard -
lewd bush, six ores of faff wheat, 26 acres ploughed
era elayloatia. ossession given at any tinae. Apply
ariNr. Pollock, t 19, Concession 11, Stanley, Bay--
reld P. a. or to A. D. Armstrong, Lot 23, Concession
steLENDID CHANCE to secure a good farm --
'Pa acres in Hullett aid Tnokersmith for sate,
• et 1, Concession 1, Mullett, conta,ining 100
1-2 miles front Seaforth, good la tildings,
at. st being- completed, telephone, etc.,. also
f Lot 8, in the same townshipi coataming
bo• at e.acellent grass farm. Also Lot 24 Coll-
age, 4 Lot 24,, Concession 2, TuckersmitAt,
voltam. acrea, good land, good buildings,
-telephen. • e above farms will be sold at a right
pnce, Ter, o Suit. purchaser. For further par -
FOR SALE—Soustli half of Lot 16, Conoesta
ion 12, Hay Tawnship,on this proper-Va.:air is a
andthog house, ee acres of orchard,neVer failing sup -
or water. Farm is a good clay soil in good state
cultivation and ti nines from Zurich. Would take
amenable property of or 10 awes in exchange. For
terms and -particulars apply to EDMOND TREFFY,
on the premises- or ta THOMAS CAMERON, Auct-
oneer, Farquhar, P.O. 2163 -ti
ARM FOR SALE. 86 Concession 1, Us
✓ borne, containing res. First class land
forprature or grain, we undetdrained vrith tile and
storm All new wire fences of the beat kinds. /few
Iron and wire gates. Nearly all summer !allowed
aall seeded to grass. Four acres good bush. A
never -falling spring creek, two wells, and a very
trong overflowing spring not far from the barns. A
statehouse and three barns,. -also one of the finest
!try houses in Ontario. Farm is finely situated,
g one Mlle south of Hensall, on the London
Rftd. It will e sold ehea,p ay. on easy terms.
p ante es a go
barn with
in the -barn ; ale
good orchard on
tied and underd
hardwood hula.
Forage, Lot 2, Concession
taining,I00 acres. There are on the
fmme honsewith kitchen and sum --
and soft waterin the latter. Large
4 stabling underneath Mid water
'other out buildings. There is a.
he farm, and the whole is well lea-
ned. There are 10 acres of good
ia situated one half mile north
of the village of ale. For further particulars ap-
ply on the premises or address GEORGE DOUGLAS,
Blake P. O. .2169x4-tf
WARM FOR SALE—Lot 34, COncession 1, East
Wawanosh, containing 100 acres : first-class
land for grain or pasture, well underclrained with
ttle ; most all new wire fences ; 15 acres of, good
bardWood bush ; a never failing spring creek, good
well at house, a young bearing orchard, a good ce-
'—znent house, front 24x28, back 183(24 ; cellar under
front, and kitchen upstairs over all ; a good bank
'barn, with stone stabling, 4406, and outbuildings ;
fann is finely situated, 4 miles west of Myth and 2
miles east of Auburn, and 1 1-2 miles from :school.
Farm will be sold reasonable and on easy terms.
For further particulars, apply to MRS. JUT,ta
G, Auburn P. O., Huron County, Ont. 2170-tf
CIARM FOR SALE—Containing 150 acres. Lot
I' and south half of Lot 8, Concession 8, Hay,
StiOtito.1 3 miles from Zurich or Dashwood, 7 miles
from ither Exeter or Ilensall ; school on next farm.;
. good e ravel roe& leading,- in all directions ; farm all
seede down„ except about 30 acres ; well watered
and s= -good state of cultivation ; about 2 acres of
stare.:ng timber, partly underdrained. Frame
ben -a., 1 IS story, containing nine racers, in the
very liest state of repair, Bank barn, 40x48, on
stone foundation, stabling underneath ; a galvanized
steel roof lately been put on, also in good state of
repair. If not sold privately before October 1st will
be -sold by public auction, along with. stOek and im-
pleraents. Further notice will be given, For par-
ticulars, apply on the premises. GEORGE BROD-
ERICK, proprietor : B. S. PHILLIPS, auctioneer,
Exeter, Ont. Z1,77-tf
100 A-LiRoff.F.AZTEZEIAL„,,fiz,
erty known as- Lot 6, Concession 1 Township of
Blattshani, Perth County. There are, on the prem.
faes'a good brick house 32, x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x 26„ both in g.00d repair ; a large blink bane,
60x 70, with good atone stabling underneath ; one
finteclass cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful
Imildings. The tann is well watered, both in front
nd in the rear and is adapted both for grain and
Aockraising and is in a high state of cultivation,
which is well 1m wn from the fact that the proptia-
.er has resided ereon for nearly fifty yews, being
reef the meat ccessfulfarraera in the township.
It is centrally located, being near both church and
school, and within easy reacn of a good market. For
nrther particulars address JOHN SUTISMILAND,
Kirkton P. O. 2909-tf
L 15, Concession 3 ; S. f Lot 14, Concession 1,
and S i Lot 15, poncession t, Huron Road Survey,
ownship of Tuckersteitit, County of Hat -013, contain -
g 300 acres, sitttated within two miles of the thriv-
igTowg of Seafo' h., one of the best markets in Wes-
ra Ontario. le farm was awarded the gold
medal in the fa competition of 1883. The farms
ta-ve been all p.as5ured for the past ten years and
wauld now be in excelLint shape for general farming.
8h Igaud clay loam—two-storey brick dwelling house
end kitchen with brick woodshed—hot air furnace—
turd and soft water in kitchen—fine grounds with
hrabhcry, evergreens and cedar hedgee—orehard
with apruffe wnielbrerak on west and north—good
tarns -44h stone dabling-80 acres of hardwood bush,
naple and beeoh—well watered with spring creek
and rivei. Will sell altogether or would divide pro-
lerty. No better property in the County of Huron.
• ti -Division 0
.1.estor sale or
w• ill be sdld on re
an as soon sol
se sell on rens
ed, debts collect,
or(f security at r
MI be convinced
urt Clerk, has a number of prop-
-.:o rebt, among which is a good
on Jarvis Street, Seaforth, large
odate a good sized family ; 2 lots.
A• lso rooms to let and a store
nable terms. Insurance affect-
asonable ratee. Call and see,
Late Division Court Office, Sea -
Notice is hereb given that the list of lands for
sale for taxes h s been prepared and that copies
thereof Can be h at his office, and thatithe list le
'Wag pitialishest i the Ontario Gazette of August14,
2423 and Septen ber 4th, 1900, and that in default
will be s id on Tuesday-, the 16th day of November,
of the layment of said taxes and costs, the land
1909, at t, o'clock n the afternoon, at my office. The
following is the
Villag of St. Joseph, in hay.
Yalles st.w.,O.unp ell Av.n. 126.33 5.40 131.76
Township of Morris
Village of Blyth
McDonald. 8v y pt 65 1-10 38.20 2.20 41.40
Mscone;hey Kry. 10 13Ik 1- 9.75 2.50 12.25
Village of NI, toxeter
All th se Lots are patented.
'4) M. HOLMES, County Treasurer.
Cedilla.- Treasurer Office
Gaderich, Aug. 17 h, 1906 21754
As the two name en
door and started to '
a door on the -parlor
their landledy appear
a soiled crimson kiln
front which had slipp
'"I`here's the delta
tensing, "and she's
b Robe
ted their- o n
(seed ; the lit irte:I
or opened,•
d, eu'veleoped in
leo 'and. false
a," whispe ed
t W. Chambers 9,4
N -walked SvelftlY to
e door, flun it open
sin elle do r behind,
red the rod partly
s II restin on the
xin a _trifle against
or ehind, her, which
. It d not resemble
the to him elf or to
er g
the h
I At
his o
her. b
he rep
big m
her m
good evening, Mils, vel Did
wish to speak to 'me? eto,Cap
Selwyn—of-Courser' I
"If you please," ea. C4r
ominously, so Lansin continued
ward; Selwyn clescentle .. Mrs. -G•r
waved him into the le • Parlor, wh
he presently found straighte
"Captain Selwyn, 1.,1 deereed it
duty to set up in &de 'to inform
of certain specials. d tee," she 's
"What 'doings?' he
dentially found dill'
stairs,. and I seen hi
parlor sofa when I cox
swer the milkman a -a
that 'wasn't lit, I with
"I'm very,' very sorry .irs. Greev
sure that he be Ino e careful
"There is cigar holee
carpet," Insisted -
mercy 'we wasn't all In
beds, one windovv
with the curtains bI9
a strange cat oh to th
the proof being the ,epugnant . p
"All of whiebh"
Erroll will make
amends for. He 'is we
Greeve and very much
sure. So please don't
for him." ,
She stood, littlel diem redi feet pla
ed sturdily , in' tjhe t position
-dancing, fat, bard ar t• protrudi
from the_ kimond, her, wotk stain
'fingers linked together , o front of h
With soiled tburab sh turned a xi
on h, third finger.
body," ehe saide "M
always -refined, even if
times forget thei 1
sir, and a.sleerelike ch
extra. Would- y be
been served flui;e tine
mention the bill toolain3,
r tail,
upple, rel
land eloi
e sound
his voice.
n voice e
she -an
41 know
at suppose
why -on
4zed, he
and dra
hiqu ed.
lly with he
asleep on; he
e 'down tol se -
akin' a el er
ff., she emit
him qui4Te
Id withotit
e y
I tame.
men ea
said: Let the ju
her. 'What bri
'"Wil you. belie e
Is it so
ed about
the rst chair
to.war her.
on he cheir,
and ank into
al che against
t him, nd every,
1 oking down; at
ou here, Mrs.
,silned int he
inuateld our
reeve,' "rid a
e broken a ad
'S'elveyn, 417A re
very possi le
"Yes e
friend] se for a
lieve e?"
1"1 d n't tinders
"Try to."
i"Do °a mean
t 4201 she
was t 'king Of r
Myths. And real p
Tend] to me alive
al trifle overeordial,
mate end kisses
quentl . By thej a
"Wh do you m.ea
s td some
aim l Iced at he
't you
1"lino What?"
yeti. -T ere's no title se
leg yo r chin. Oh,
what, oat indicates,
do it o ten `enoug
the ha • dsomest
in tow'. foreve
very d liberately an
lighted pipe in his I
"The girl I left
brain to use and enis
ever e nelus on thT
Bet the; mo ent
bedina bores me.
qnestio I, and ask
_Why h ve you amain
th deal e of the
no ing else,
othin of Of -
you he-
meen to
geetlemen is
they do,scoole-
v when you g
is now ah d,
rub, Ice hay n'
with' tow ls
in the morn '
the grocer bein' sniff ?" And s e
handed the wadded a a ;inky memo-
randum of damages t Selwyn, ve o
-pocketed it with a nod f assurance.
him to the door, "a la heie to s e
you. twice, leavin' no tune or bete
'dens othervvise than siness affix'
of a pressin' nature.".
"Young and. refined, 1 olwint for= a
automobile veil.7 ' II
ed, astonished.
"Yes, sir. She want ,c1 -to see your
Selwen, althohgb mu t sae she. was
that polite,- and ladylik and," added
Mrs. Greeve IrreleVenti , "a art rocker
come for you, too, en another for
Mr. tensing, which I aced in your
lief, "it's all Mrs Greeve. The
lady who came 'Is ' sister, Blirs.•
Gerard, and. whenever' e ponies You
are to adn4t her, wheth or- not- am
"She said she might me ag in,"
nodded Mrs. Greeve he mo ated
the stairs. "AM I to sh her up ary
time she comes?"
back. "And Mr. Gera too, i
He looked into Boa room a he
passed. That gentlemal ,- lin bed o-cn
costume •Of e tic gorgeous-
ness, sat stuffing a pipe With shag ar.d
poring over a mass of pers pertain -
tug to the Westchester T Line's prop-
erty and prospective de lopments.
took at the dinky chair M body =
me." But Selwyn. shook is head.
"Come into my room w en y a're
ready,;"' he said and el e the 9or
again, smiling and tu n awa to-
ward his own quarters. s he lig 'tett
his pipe there came a h ita ing k ode,
at the door. He jerked bleed s ern-
ly. The knock was repeepecl.
eople not of
pi are • not 1 very
s, -not hak they
u ders d, only
my ostl lat-
h little toci fre-
ishe has quite •
t the fa
g yo
; seated
.c ean
h als
lo ed it.
id a
rt ce
p, the
as I
e to as
zy about
hed you
t is that
his un -
ix) left
• h.cigta-
'ved at
f mar-
nts me
I may
o. And
er mat -
P Yen
you a
itted Gerald
they ea
after p
he c
cards for stale
lor receded fr
he gloved, fingers ti
arps o her chair.
'That is one reaso
said, "t explain."
' "You mad have wr
sa ,it was one r
III fel that you wer
eyes, "t at You mean
diYe;e Sure," .he eat
' You are a little
a- Imo insolent."
I—I ave to be -
D you think. this ie
this wr Wired mess w
life?, D you thins -m
abruptn "ss come fro
ontecilone arc -
la netldo se?"
her filce, and
tened 1 on the
f le
The °th-
ou because
n about
thiagi me,
arlything but
Cured by ydia E. Pin ,
ham's Vege able Compouitd
My life *ass ery to Me. 1 suffere
from irregula
ties, terrible dra
egilixtgemesennertiv: a.
ness, and that all
gone feeling in my
when I began
take Lydia E.
I felt as ti.i.0_14.4
ew life had1 been
198,8 L nsdowne t.„ Baltimore, lid.
female coin lain s is Lydia E.
stood -the test o , years and to -day la
More widely and* uccesefully Used than
troubled with d)splacemerits, intim*
any other female. emedy. It has Our
thousands of w men Who have ;bee,
regularities,- peri die pains, book eh
Motion, uleerati n, fibroid tumoT •
'indigestion, and nervous prostra,tio
after all other means had failed. 1
: If you are suffering from any of th
ailment -14, don'tlive in) help° until yon
have given Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege-
;If you, would like special advice
iriteass., for it.. She has gulded
to Airs. Pinkham, 14nn,
t tonsands to health, free of
loOking on the atrocious punialiment
yot have inflicted on yourself-46the '-
ed to—to that—for life—the poisen
the contact shOwing in your altered
t;lee and manner, in the -things, yo
l ugh at, in. the things you llyelk fo
.hi the twisted, misshapen ideals.; th
y e friends set up on a heap of. Intl
ts . for you to worshirl? Even
've passed through the sea of , MI
't we at least *clear the filth 'fro
our byes and see straight and Stee
She had_ covered her pallid face with .
her muff. lie bent forward, -his fiallfi
0, er gloved hand,. moving 'at random,
encountered his and closed on IC con-
4Do you understand?" li•e repeated.
tread still sinking, face covered with
the silvery fur, the tremors froM hq
body set her hand quivering on his.
Heartsick, he forbore to ask for th
explanation. Ere knew the real answe
anyway, whatever she might saY, an
lie understood that any garde in tha,
house 1 was Ruthven'S game and, th
guests his guests ahd 'that Gerald wa
only one of the younger men whol ba
been' wrung dry In that house. ;
a big. hard eyed woman who had al
m st forgotten how to laugh until six
mind laden fingers. So w en she dis
co'vered that he could -sit up and be
d roll over at a nod she let him fol
lo her, and since thenehe had becom
.in IspensabIe end had curled up o
many a soft' and silken knee and ha
songht and fetched- end , carried' fo
se f did not care to touch even wit
. What had - she expected when sh
of the set he ornamente could ac
eo nt for the horror of herldisillusio
NV at splendors. laad she dreamed o
fr m the outdo:let What fleshing an
ernal signal ifed beckoned her
W at silent smi10 invited? All isku
r? What mute eyes had prornised
seem to1gria, but the world has Yet t
hear theta langli.
"I did, my hest, weadthout offendin
Gerald. ,Can• you believe me?"
"I know you did. Don't mind what I
Children (try
"11 -nes, not now. You do 13elleve me,
"Thank you. And. Phil, 1 'will try
to s-ste* straighte-because you ask
1/111St not eons e agali1, must I?"
"On polar own. What do I carer
"I didart know. They say"—
'What " he asked sharply.
"A Itru or—I. heard It—others speak
of it4pe haps to be disagreeable to
"What have you -heard?"
"That—that you might marry
"Well, on can nail that Ile," he said.
h°415r.h.en t ii not true?"
"True! Do you think I'd take that
chance a re. even if 1 felt.free to do
"Free!" she faltered; "But you are
free, Phil!"
man is VI to marry twic under such
conditionS, It's a jest at decency and
a slap itel'the. face of civilization! I'm
done for4lefinished. I had my chance
nel 1 faied. Do you think- I* consider
yself five to try again, with the
hence 4 further be,spattering my
i "Wait . tll you really love," she
aid trete lously.
He lau bed incredulously.
a single
did not
Dry llp
of eye an
stared at
vote' at -
the tropi
first emb
Then ah
face with'
bled' to
lad that it is not title. I am
said. "Oh, Phil, Phil, for
ne of the chances we had
;again and again! And we
ow—we did not know! Aid
were moments"—
ed be looked at her, end dry
Hp s e raised her held and
him, throtsgh him, far be.;
liter; locked' fast hi their
rose, blindly, covering her
her ands, and he stum-
feet, sheinking back from
her—because de d fires were flicker.
ing iignin, 'and e ashes of dead roses
stirred scented e.rahers—.
and the gic o all the east woe de-
scending a veil upon them, and
the p of e past drew nearer,
smIlteg, de a crowned with
The tide rose, swaying here where
*he stood, Iler hands fell from her
'face. Between em the. grave they
had deg I almost filled with
gowers now, w fast, and
serom It *a 1 ed at one another as
though stsinned. Then his face paled,
and he ped back, staring at her
from stern eyes.
4he . fel red, bewildered by,
the ml "is clay bad. dream,.
after all And as i the false magic
glow info g eplendor, to en-
gulf fn,, "Oh, boy, boy, is it hell or
heaven where we've fallen?" -
There came a loud rapping at the
frightened. Do you suppose Boots sus-
pected wh it wee? I must have been
,perfectly ad to o to your rooms' that
night, and We bo were—tO leave thee
door urd ed wit the chance of some -
I know it *as e fashion for your
friends to bang like that and then
crime in- thout the excuse Of a re-
sponse fro you?
.,."1 have een so worried, so anxious,
hoping fro day to day that yon would
write to assure me that Boots did
not reeogn ze me With my back turned
to him an my mut! across my eyes.
. "But seared ang humiliated as I am
I realluf at it was well that he
knocked. yen as I write to you here
in ray own room, behind 110eked doors,
I am b. g with the shame of it.
"But aro !not that kind of woman,
,Phil. Truly, truly I an3 \ not.. When
the foolish ,I)Intpulse seized me r had no
'clear idea. ft what I wanted except to
see you and learn for myself what you
thought abotit Gerald's playing at my
house after t had promised not to let
"Of eon I understood what I risk.
ed goba I realized what commit
interpretatio might be put upon what
I was ,doing. But, ugly as it might are
Pear to an ody except you, my •mo,
innocent, 6Ise I shoulil have gone about
"1 wante to see Yoif; that is abso-
lutely all. 1 was lonely for a word,
even a harsh one, from the sort of
man you ate I wanted you to" believe
it was in spite of me that Gerald
came and yed that night.
,,"_"He cam ithout hay knowledge. I
id -not
he was invited. And
prevent hi from playing. You 'will
never kno what took place, what I
• "I am t hg to be truthfid, Phil. I
Want to lay My heart bare for you, but
there are thiegs a woman cannot whol-
ly confess.' Believe me, I did whet I•
• "I reme bide what you said about
an anehor . I am trying to clear
these haun eyes of raine and steer
clear of p ntoms for the honor of
what we o ce were to each other be-
fore the world. But steering a ghost
ship through endless tempests is hard
labor, Phil, sb be a little kind, a little
more than petient, if ray hand grows
tired at the Wheel.
"What dd you think of me? Asking
you shoivs 'hew much I care. Dread of
your opini n has turned me coward
until this 'lest page. What do you
think of m ?, I am perfectly miserable
about Boo , I but that is partly fright,
though olve I am safe enough with
such a tn IBut what sets' my cheeks
blazing so.eleat cannot bear to face
my own eyks1 in the mirror Is the fear'
f what van I must think of me In the
s all
lo kin
in a
fly in you
d animal
that typ
house fl
house was hatched in manure or other
veget ble matter. Scientists have
a rhoea are spread b'y the innocent
TO KILL THEM ALL—Sticky paper is disgust -
to furnitur hen,Upset, and kills so few . t at it
A e by far the best
p per.
be c
knoivn for killing hous flies!.
Bewar of Useless limitations!
s Fly Pa s are sold by yonr druggist a.nd grocer
t yIll till' 21lisoaug eeehke 1:4; Iree mil
li adh o revised, con
self t - meet truth with t
hat rudity he conld fro
"You aik me what 1
f om me. at do you
"If ords of commenda
yboe In this world, 1
s rong self Complacency,
"The wh:t happened?
adri tell you what 1
a ,ept s to -ether nor the
"But one- thing e do
ain—that evey,,for 1, it
tact on, al the ma
then tl an t ere Is w,
cret places of t
ever Mader. or* I
sent his
) Full stOck in all lines for Fall
We li.eve conaing two tars nke large,
sound eedar Fence Posts, ,9phieli we
°flier at right prices.
84kS,i'l AND D00111.8
forced hi
inik of yo
of a in
ds dumb t
o sat the
a tildes
is to
e bones
t int ha
told We e
le who u
tutu the
h sheer
to! me
0 014
,ee( vitt that
lc fal ee- of vital
E111/1 for it
But oth in n, hav
whatever WTI , van;
nd where e 114--W1
tn. Mame
xlvhet yo
ed. This
withou the
proach, Wha
of my second failure y
danierons and di
vail in summer and
fere till can he
laints, such se Dia
tery, Celt; Cramps, Ch
dere! Infantum, Summer
old and tried rem dy lik
get tng -ye at you ask f
t, In , yo gest child
get Dr, Fowl es Extract of
berry, tha night I sent
to get t, an when she ea
pl tely toured. We feel .it is
he o "ginal and only Fowl
reAceing die.
14 aid
Market fot
en you bu
this. As
th• e unprirt
in, Ont.
Very littl
told me t
i'd Straw
half a.
e better
• com
and be
use it
r' Extrac
di• Toronto
Cluff Sons.
Plalling anti_ ',Umbel! Vard
The Seal. 1Tea
'Once More to - the front wit three ,
which 1will be sold at greatlyi *lanced
many 0...ticles that I ill sell IA prices
40c teadnow 85e ; 59e Oa holiy 406 in
green. Iblack and Japan tea , alll in
bulk. 1Four lbs.' l'aiSiTIS for 5tal7 lbs,
rice fog '25e, 8 lhs rolled_ oat 1 for
25c, 6 bars of Beehive soap fOr 26e, 12.
3.4c a I baking molasses 10e1a quart,
mixed ickles 15c a quart. 511 . pan
best s up 25e, I large bar eaSti e soap
j. Dorrance,
Large English .:Berkshire*
arandson Of the grand chatnpion botir, Premier
Langfell0 4 Terms 31, ?flyable at the tins I ser-
qap,Vithitte privilege of returning if nee ry.
Grand Trunk Railway
Railway:Time Table.
Trains lc al e Sealorth 118 Waif
10,45 a, 42. For Clinton, Ordmich, IiiinehaPa
L10 a. in For Clinton and Goderieh -
15.18 p, tn. For Clinton, Vilingliarn aindt, Einem,
1L12 For Clinton and Goderieln
7.52 a, re. For Stratford, Gueinh.: lomat
east. -
For Stratford, 0luelph,
treal and point% east.
For Stratford, Guelph and arca&
eird Bruce
Exeter le or* san "ye
Merld160 low -00
Lend pro 114 t •
0.40 K411
0.30 010
los 0 SAS
11 18 0
11 27 axe
11.40 kil
13.84 .44
If.10 .01
rbirtial 8.32
Oentr 9.05
Listcpivel and Kincardine
Genuine; S.atisfaction
al Agents, C.,,hesney Archibald.