HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-09-10, Page 17
lal; ve n s- -
14), 0090
Who W)'
reases woult find the money In b
Y Traffic in, hor e kilied'dre C& ls�
'Will also, for sli-iii1ar reasoh% gradu! pocket. Kicking the pants down
of exIBEencle., and alk� th burglar called toI, his
�arel 8 1 4 FwAT IT ally'be wiped out
though 'the abolition of ra0e "Mike see If -the r oney
this form of
RE a ler. of. e H- po§it(r now mea
sonleq. t dispasal w411
Ahlnr of -the heartless tmf a In young dlssa�itlsfacti burglais withdrew,. takind, vith
mp ra y prot;ably ciluse some] thre."l- Assured that it
on , Among ral m-, el are selling Watches
91rk forlimmoral. urpos, carried'. O -n eris,. ars will soon. adiii t them-!,. ro
vtt $i and up[wards that also.] fr. Stewart-Va fine coon ,o�t,
by '41,killoned vretphes (footh se selves and the '.roflts to the producer ctwA $42 in cahi, buq hacl
p se
who, to not -to tri o guarantelid� Our $5-
e in ill be in'no ay lessenedil
lthOLigh empec Ad more, Mr. Stew ar; b
L some 0 1 sese morif y. Of
nd 7. 5o Gen s c s
Ad weak u anity. 111 [on. E W, the livers and iother offal hi�herto It� awl
SIM4 � of , Chica o, 'ehold will
bellevito that :there 411zed by the h6 us bO no IoA94 he d f ortunaltely given h �s bro
4Te %ibt 1 8 tl an can, iot be beat in'� -Canadbi.
es 16.000 foreign $10 :o pay tome workmed
girls available. for a
Y td &V, o a a '=6 jr for lie money.
Thatwi I e Id an )1d inito th Is . traffic Tile munlela;tI abattoir I n In ckavinx bush lnd fol ,
annus 117 In the Uj#tedd tatev. ano keepsity end must come.. trhere are builglaxa had 0. horse, wi,.h they
nqpiy or 'four any among us, not ye� old wh Any article bought at this
With good, r btoo in an on tbma roaxL probably in charge
n&-tive. b ell zebollect when the numbar of h)s stoi: twill also e engrav- third- party. The tracks cle
veins. t is I bat nc6d at girls find.
p ess life of a ee of chaK�e. caed 'where the orse hail halted,
bu I Lot !vice,
r4me, h ta,18 in Canad would iiarnost be,cout-i ed f -
every point S "r4 ato 11 p en i, propo been tie d.
And all no , 'if I ockets of ed oil the tingehns, and wh he coiad not have r. S
;weal by 'itrafficke y Pt Rep uning -.pr ptly at-
rs In w(m In. to erect an Itiatit rd in'
extreme ation Of thIs kind art c61ieluii1as from t1e fact that
n1a pal Ili,
T Compar a ternall tO -3 looked upon as
Poor women have wn wa VPA as n4 tene ed to, and 3atisfactiozi burglas c4%lle4 him b �e -hev
y Zan �ey p
he one to w he' had. cheese In y#
-foitble I f. is &signedl,for 1Y se#t 11 each $5 ca,. I ng a mild form of Insanity, 11 ably
gua.anteed, or money re-.-
Dhr. CGrarm n. the o �bt bi far)3
Inan'y of the CC as t
r to Reff now posse -i 1r3
anitles. ?y carried an ordin
who I a:) Is a in�m, )relciAte Dr, posse 8
PI asidant, and ecrotary Ing miciderq up_to nc] ed. -were m
la3itern tha; they
date ho pit 9 Orofesis
ges 0 tively of
go suit but 1 1 sts .�ib a
od fite x he oral als,,. but be oUgred to ibei nalghborh
would be satisfitiad to do witbollt the
Aat ials' �re Itef ?in Council
geration.- Thelj M of nad&�, Which has Thelsam� Will bid toand true of the
tas 'of fightin, , t
Asken t)ie la bit ar d. difficult - iWtudir,. afid- it iiq! Other. argui!nent Huron Notes.
Cox Id.
t a hol Tf )1e traffic he Mat ad H sil Jewelriv, Store
Gic voter.A., Ilat co) Ins a
be advanced in� favor of.' t
Th A 0 InationalA an thei�fact tiat
'Coallnell [s ganned Foods --Apt th
tal of 1,728 names.
and i resents.- he urch �(t England is arousi pubic T1 ance h� La ent
ad -41 the met si�raat and -
on the 37th year of
e Wingharn Adv
nIt has aroused u r of Marrialy ticense.
Met_ OC lunh In 6inion on the� porta
Ithe. b rlan estio - I I n of a sanitary mea` supp
Church in. 41; Ellotto of Clinton, wal t
the B Is Chur( 'n Canada,
-4 Churt this would, in my opinion, fully- ju� tj
dtollktrls ad costs f ell' no 11
f ifty or
e ehlefl�y driectly acros the Its, ihere
gatia I n Canaaj' if Y He being placed. on. the! statt tel to lAdlans.
the urc will b fi 10111 two to three toww
as of —Mr, John I�atz, of Khtra. b&&
Canal (I I
d the; Do or ange ar4, -:'The -following esfa-blish'
a h thirty -
store ( f
meUts, whl ch ,
Ddwnle,-, where Wing#
A:asocadon, ln� export or Interpr-ovil.-I ; I �La�; Zes pos
r7he Salva -i a:t 1$hipka, and
IaCre,$ two to the mile chatsed the geneiral'
being umber. In
an Are engaged
ion Amy. bial trade, are opqr%ted ur4er 1he 04 some OtE will be *a1rersed longitudufi- -slon on October It.
e w; nic�ny as o r
An'there n Ounntlesp tl er women, I Isiolis of the Meat and Canihd Poo, a ir. w
In the new coloAng 0. Ur s —1/ft. Boyce tell from t Ig rout
L's w 'to or these farrr, a. . The nae
as men, throughod.q1 caltia-da, j 6et, And, all meatq anO meat !food pr the Mftodlst :,Pare
onage I- i
lio , vi -ou-id -estee -a 1acto R1 Brocksiden will have
Blues and Dr�Lb., p es G, a prn I, to have .,� uct-%'trOrn sucli estatinshmerits I ha e
one day lait week, but escaped
sil lilar share In thia lan an a careful and thictroul h 111mov al, o a eburch otif !two In
will sound famili a., r., f r ev only a sora i log.
11111CI needed wo: rk V 'if I ispection ait 4�;asth pe
Sol! 1013 ay the hands of the Officer
—M; rime,: station -master at IBr
astore. quotes )e a nt' to.'ad will be' t u r f 'this branch of the(.Depirt�nent )f field, i;gIving up his I?
th OS tic
edge I y the, i reiigurer,.. Agriculture, and are markdi ItN tie
H nk7.,
month. He baP been in
or the Secidtary, —L' Ward, wife of:the Premier the ralay! for thirty yei
PYI ev. Dr. Crow alld the words Canaldal A, 'a e r. either i d whom m .,be Ne
7oved," together With Ze ilai4 w1lo Ii now in Ottawa, —Th -e f arm "of the lae 11 we�
ad-, P the est4b][14 ii
S.0 its
. .. I n 'Con wler!s Canadia, boom to ithe., m1fragist cause of
sett atA35 Ocided mber: VO 1.44 gives
Kratto n Ife Bull�- rt ent nu I Loi:*A�� Koad, near ',Ili it6n.
Toronto h gent. P. MY,'i Hamilton �; -Geo. Matthe it orks 0 been sc tojoll�i Hewett, ct ld
10i: ien, and wa Cotti-i as at irk b6i country
th them, ar6, doing
isa s'l hat the wor ier. Is votesi have wanosl tori $ .100k,
tose associatted. wt ppizilHull, Que.�;iGeo.,Matth�wa COni-I !gh
ork elytirely �rltho'
his 91 Ut remunera4 %nY Geo. Matt entirel sacceeded in re�uliating the —DW41d
fiow.� � CO LO eed, o
f W1 ig) lum,
-AY. Peterbore a lCompany, liquor
on. 'fie, -and accomplished many was seriously Injured In Regina s
`730 1 1 5 p Brantf Ord ;
Wm. DavM
�trea I
Toroift DavI&S o-i�;ia til reforms. I Sgo, �a6 been brought home.
Cal Ldian an Nunle Meat a -w, of Kingston, m;%dd ti journey on a,
irli Packing Compa-Dy, ligirriston;, —Mr,' At raham. Sh
Imispectior �f Customs, welt to it -he as- —R. kdei h tretel
he point:i 1 1, W spectiolt Well alatanee 0' 42 dt3pbaed ol 1� �s f
T �rin 'I 'IS aing: Packing and Provision Cori,
117. Mclintredl; Park Black a man wo -Ntas &1-vIng a &Afd fet d bimml as In wing h - n to
wing, Mear -a
in sho ' 'at The Pany, iToronto; -Harris, Ab 61r, colt on th street the hi Ir day, whiz
TR; SUITS ction ser I att 11 son, J. L. Mr. and, M -9.
I Pepaxt ment of vult t Ott to! had
aw pan. I!Toron ; D�: 33. Maritin �Compan go t i a front foo� Over the shalf..
these pinni es t n, th Ce wr denll purpose rem,b to'Toronto,
ntc The animi I d
0 car d on ei
thi' :ihol�lty of West Vorot Guinns.'.Limited We arew hishead-a-
T rateip rs of Win.
A, h
'to ; F. W, ro#t %fid s ruci Mr. the C a' by-law to, loan 4 Prin
ever bo Qrht `16 ore. "be A i at 'and tined Fo a 1%ron Fearman. Compan Shaw pti. arxied
11 Packing
tie which eceived le royal as- Hamilton Inge ' I arm. f rac ur ng It..
Comp -a $4,000 o assist im b re lln6�
roof is showin YOU lot the
p Pro i,gatiorn of 1 larliament Ingersoll W) iyte �Facking �Companny —Earl rey, Governor General,� will taner)' which, was, deStra
in J1 ne,, 1907, nd �came S* -f I&Y the c0ner toTies (if the now Prof a
W! to opera- Ord; Co ingwood Packinig Coni
ort time A
�:l .904,
jqu S pp IOU 11 September.8rd of.' t
-t tatiY, !Colling ood; Wm, Ry -Tan Conil vincial P lament �Bulltilings- at EdMon-
Ybar,. r
MIX, Orr I J. W. Via4tter, former y one
1:)ok ? I �,lkwe '; day ein, Iment In ope and pan rgu Cole ton =d
in f;�; i
Y, Pe int
man, Kincard na on October I)st and 4th the
pro 'r 1118 i of the Gode. Sigi
Wisawere. espectilly since e recent Jt� Y. 'Grigin Qotbpany, wln�nl rMespective Sir Wilf, d Laurier was has enlertVIli�o partnersh,p with
ClIcago Is a ayed veryl Y4; Grijin Company Edmontoni;, ordo: i, Invited to orrn'thesf cer he igrpcery�(, bu luess
# emonles, but I. tron I Y agahist 0 view o the usel, human Ironicle & F rinnipei; Gall�,gbe - In th- near � 6ppribach of the, Goderld, 1.
tit a4y ME 3ts isavo I W�ta Coming LiSeS ilon of Parll
Ecilwan & I ; �4 Initent
pee, WInniptg;. and other *$26,)00 0; the CHIA= Ti �Kt, M we.]
tad and ce,.tifl6d y Operi gov!
�6' cGme and inect ern Packing C preAsInig P1 blic busines �. Sir Wilfrid- is 'deb'ent have been
)Mpany, Winnipeg Mot t- sold tit a Tbro:
I In tal "autho''Ity. it " a� 'Com Not Pres -
n. b4ttoir pany unable to the Calltal at the k f6 -$99
aw broady recogtflZed con, treal Unlo J f Irlin f6 an tho $100. The deb(
for 3- with ft
ind chief 4 treal ; P. Burt Ls " company, Cal a�ry, A eirt ti tums beAr Inbaiiest at fouq and a b
,key the Me
w. 'I -The is ccessicin dut
a,tj I 6bJact, or preservitiqg our berta--,-- Wm. ark, Montreal;� gontreV Les In the Po -i per cen
shetudd d al
al le , 'Port trade In bacon ex
They N H 'has 661d hIE I a
ant] Abatoir Company, Mohtreal Vince of Oltarlo for ttq eight months
d -values are appir eclm A fimil products, that the Xeat Vali-b ' ks Company- Montreal. Voel of 1909 hw -e reached $;12,788.86, which far)
0, and ao
6 on the base,linei, Huneft, to Ch
anne I Foods A A was d.. Meat 0ornpany, � Stratheona, Alperta
it every pnice.. pra cti- 10 $1112,788 85 more than the Estlm.at.e Clittoti, wanosh. -who vy III
Wit i the view of cl
touch of ex- up, any Dominion Meat Company, Calgary, Al. -i for the tei months endinkOctober 31. asl neitt spring. Mr. ]Ill., Is'n
and that po-11�
aiistandin which rur a exist in berta, The duee aid during the itiontii of
awbY o,. a 'trip to LiethbiApe, Al
-price�s than we ask. t le pt I Ue Mind i
�s to the t natureq - There are August were $115.482. an
a t presedt employed I n 54 sm4er than Th price paid � wa� �$6,500.,
-�or the Man who istired eleigI
you can get in aity- a under wl the those e9tablislMe.n�ta 68 ve erb, the avrag,,,. but soliellors were, not tras:teei of Zion cfurah,,
ary Ir. The
Meat J ri s :, %
irvicle is cc ne iacted, the spli!ctorsl au Of 'whom have( receiv xnohth. bode, Illinivir-e Circuit, are linprov
do -of th e same old thing in working -h rd at law- last
f dlowil ge _is keptt up during the
V9 11axplaLtiatiori is ig�vd i: Before special U the avel
training in- Meat Inspect or4 and beai itifyint the Church by paint
we show this new- 1vt Calined Fooda ct was and have pa-stad a, searching. examina. I 11-e-# two r onths the diles will trboacli t
work, putting In: new
I: Itrodind in'tfie H6
4ti n.' "It is a coat of CO.Mmons ticid &a to the- qualification $640,000, th the estimath dowis of colored glass, ti,�61M carpet
be wood
er. c re c f There compared w...
tent br are als; Il. IlLy Inspectors *h os e dL, of $400,000.1
to orabl, a 8�'Aaqy Pi sher, the th6 alsles, varifls
hing the ceilm
and. strong individ- ginister of justl as
Ch acte.. ce W a or ain -On t4e
ties corhprise ithe superxision; of- tr, e farm f Josdpll Breakey, -Mrq. W R 9, of tki 1.1e h
Gpinloi as t 3 the po, Of t e Federal marking and sbipment. of Agoods. I- nea Kill1k, ner3, York County. pne of 1) ier
t is a 1�njeprss ampuat(4 one-
P� Ir
reTerence o meat - The. Inispectlen conducted In eabh c f George CD:z
on. His iePIY was. it at while these stabllbhmi�ji 8 -a of barl 1.1y, oats in nine
ed, utt, in - throusab model,
tqrozl �In&it witb res rly 1,900 balh-1 Last -Wef k by 1)
ackayt arid Se
C wb�e4t ae
Ini Uri A
s K 1 of SeafArth. !loss
t 'hours. D
t�hees.e Powers undoubtedly 1!varated animals for slaughter are exami cl.'b� u Ing the pr as of,
and n, I �e buttoned close and Lre,exartiln the finger whlle,�berry plaking aad r
deral Government In takino
under a vetrinaty ili�ector on t l� pre sec M move sipelas t
fie � pre j work Mr. x wais. com
119 1 To- the 1n3peeti6n of.. artibles
hi I military style. The
e,;pq4rted f rom, before they ar allowed to entee., r�' Whert this
th,,. from Ono karri.to an -A
ro,n onq Plovin
11 mdd AUxed wa I'm 'Y
IS taken i ito id 4citn, coupled arxestea in orofttd last wee -and
0 4nd o e
the Dminlo or,'f ce to killing -fl or,
m. at-erials are All'alaimals to bonsid
atiothi r, there
was viery.grave doubt as disteased, or sbowIftg suspil ymp, With the tact that the ral�n 'was clea-6-, is: suppo �ed be
her they wo lu perMLL o m of any k lnd� rq tagged and bli I ed ready r market. it Isiquestio0al-DIe robbery f M I tv Bly
that 9 clous as Impill In
earry str-'-- to L
hile's bank
a, are simIlA - inspaction cles, It the worl has been su ven In Apra, 1908, eolo now. ii
the until'te end of the- day,si kill, vhe
bb or
tiade ..r which wits confin N rithin the the red separ tely. rp� W1 I male
Y are slaught ately. equalle& Wt Irnse
B8 and new fini�h� M lwn:d and - .. ... jail. -0 has a, long crimu
b6u,ndt"ales f an one
vince. This Inspector makes thorough examin der,
-Den HE r he BIDex uax-a fish,, Career,
tones and otter
limita., lon. e peclally app icabl to tion of the carcass and livil I near Bro ville, 1h9se'. -�13- i !ads orter's B III, w
at of iall r,� of V
as been a
C ion, a subject I itknatk-lyti Of evertY RnIrr al' as it 4s killed long lif 13 ted vOek on the x ha rg,
wond ContinuouS pE I- ams las
Fan6y Cheviots cbrtnect,A blio heal h, One_ of these be found healthy. they are a amp, f ormancia 0 thrilling J n- thr)wlnp, tbe lone which -sE rIc usly I
si ce 18 Z
t ttrs,l whk has ;been ed with the". rispection Legend, th cludhxg 'hai both fe( t taken! off - by LEnjford, of Clinton,*h
that wero des ned pa d�al with alt ther by
rticular-L by hi Pr vin�-f Crown and th; Words " C a tr;ain, an belrq� the,.. ole wittiess
ana�dai* gp". a mu4er I agedy, ia . ),w, n a pre- y-Oln man ca
9 cl auth6rities. of she was rUing-1n aix adto-riolile. T
Proved,," as als) the establishr ifes . He w; La comm
for the. -e Coats. Velvet or
of lost ly ent um -
le, 000dgr
1RrOvL1IOn is made either by i the[ ber. Any mea a found, -In, w4ole, or in Carlo V-3 CO' ition as . th, tesult of Lnd w
ted to Godelp i to stand trh 1'�
11uncilal Act or by he Pi bl[c to sed, or o 'k ality are s& Cloth Co lars, with -Serge or. Health part, i p M his 3 itf, 9f I -Its all(wed oot :on! ball.
food, I
A t of i ach PrbvI ice and I B)me eases, ckuses unall f Orts to al le himself resulted In n-11 -On Sept( ber I -at, Frances
A in high fftaiiA-' fit-alian L nw*g. arEt mmedl Wlt
hy� bo for the establish Ent and marked wit mned tag An, a Ore,4 a
c�aTylj n of ry
0, rtt
ghter of tj
This bespeAks unidipal B t in�spec-, carcass, Inj retrd to the. cofiditiiiin of lex �en, of Azh add, was unit ad In m
consclousne 8 as he neared h d da T. 9,114 Airs, ]Rob Tk
thirty hour later he *z a found afno
this lcghjlatlon� a
till whichter Isvluse for doubti, I Aafk. the rushes 09
preeds, hi s hea -above rla,,e ev. Nt.� Courtic f
8 9,, D in a Ined a; a
now, in t Many ca�- and set aparj� foir, furthe�r WO -the rest of his''body in, the
Of -P-*L,-fd* ldew
,Etteoj,�, or at t, been �ver: In- examination, at the conclusionI f lake.,
d Hlld water. odi, I mir later of Ne York 3 ta te
y eer mony wais Wfo med by RE v. R.
in the fahicn-
-A eoiat- that's diffe.rent effecti ento, rced� Is. -As a se
r. 0 f ault which the Inspector decides as to IE3 uel to the destruction lot Tre�leaven, of Torolito,. uncla, bf
of the Federal a uthdri Further, disposition. Curidemaed care atill the barn. a Its conten ts tlongi
�dar tones:.
II think, Olganss as als 3 any Meats WhIch ar I hree year ct..�
n aqes. T49 'to brile.
Fred Ilett, a farmer on, te p Id daugitei Of J
demon Arate the r impim 4bilit of at a roa4, ine r Br
1?P7 0 ny time f und to. have tindergotia 96 - _Antford, I 04tly, caine. He�Wett;- Dat tt,lhad A A-axrow
May r any F leral IDepartment. ur4ertaking such deterloratLo the -admiss: on- of
�thi,ngisre *5 40 -12 15 titte n� as 'to unfit them for Willia t Hawkins, a Cape fr n ppis thin a- few days a,
a. h the S XV1910% 11 L all' its am ;ica t ons, h a f ood, are tanked ixteen et r old Barnard� boy,, who,
tan with the.non4, S She fou a b,)ttle of poison and sw
of te local Mea' . trade in. ei dry i um 111ad loo -ed a mall portibn off It I �emed
edib en prodactc, under the personal had wirke for Ilett, th t h
F and Vil I 'e
lid vil I e throw io at the on�lnlor. on supervision of an. inspector, touch , a Xteh'to the Ajacent istr4w, were at lonc6 given,! axiM with the
firl the ba n. The It
t ie Ott h er hand, under th a ot c6Adem r
ummary of the report riv Ll of a dootd is�e, was 0011 '01A
If you -wish to get' out of ,o lsal As otackii Itbu
laws above mentioned 10 t rs, durlrg has been,
nations Made Ity �4�ur !pspac o nd will be dar gr, a ltho%L Kb shO was qu e sick f
ken ro ioroi to� a
the crow d in the mitt Bible f:)r manicipt lities to rganl � at the 1�usit fiscal- de
Yv�jr, snows a ��total of . ported an undesix able, Ile is a a vhdle.
b it It t le Cost, .1 1 1 -f bortldni� as also recent urrl'
Dreps an- to Wear C16thes :horouKr y ef fe tive A308 careases 2W`59 fal In this country. No -The residence 6 Mr.
cohde�mned 'uron R)a God
-local I mea " in 'lion, Lthe 35 1 for the act, which Ste )hen Andri 1.
of 5 113
that' are bettir:Clothes n3j,J 2 Pou.Rd of rewson Is i ssigned f WSJ
with- machinery PeInglin Many c as al tr human fbod. This 0ould de -i 11 -
ready u to caused he loss of prol Perty valued a riel' ww tlie�pCene �f a mO.,t teres
ddition I expE 'the pecessity Ing and six 0' ock
bappity even:
tare, tberefore, comparativ sm%)�. which actuall) e:iists for a thorough th of - Mrs. J oa Sani A We nerA
.4 distinctive style about -them �kovlded, Blvd the a ridil-, mon4rate effeqtu�ily N$4000. -
I -The 1*7 MOrAing of last N re ' Wh
'The. awakening of t Macdonald, widow of t rie -late Hon. the y6,4ngest., Oaughtpr* Anae Edytl
this, store. i b c, 'Pont. system of mevAnspection. W4en It 5
OlencE 'on the meat Inspectlo que*tIon John Safield Maidon ld, first Preir" wa! niarrie rd P
remembered thd these establishmenta d! to, it a- -- 3anzs
I Aght leasonably be expNe as a re- -under lospection handle only' her residence nk
animal 5 rail oad englnie�r, f Stratford. T
111 t. - Of the � td in Cornwall on Septiamber 3rd. Although Ce mon, w §!perf" ed by Re Y. J�
on, bY, 'the Fide?&I of the best 61ais procurable, the c6ndlj
Qovernnent,. of E poll-cy nsp"tion tiona whi In her ninitleth Macd 0
of E exist In that, orc ry! pri I year, 'i I
Ch dina on a Id A o, Knox church.
R meats for export and inter )roYl#cia1 vate 4slaugter hou-je, th, W, quite active up to a. couple . 01;
conducted wi as The; arn on thc . farra of 3 Ir. W
Ulade, and -1he agication. now in n 7 out )r fficial supervislon of we Hu Chia In Wes � Waw indsh, w
eks w9o, wheni she 4a4� t
many of the larg-eIr any k Ad, may readily be' Imagined. Her diatigh:er, Maclaine Lianglolls, of C piet�ly desroyd by firtE oi i Tur
dentre� of upulattIon; throughout the B ' is of He %Ith and muni Portnetif, Q r,onlY survivl da3 ev Ing last week, togreth
.. iI - cipat auth A ee and h
dou-n tr r is I neref 3re �no t � surl rlsln 3. -1 oHties have ing son, 'Mr. Geore . with no. rly 'htr�. seaSon's t
ndfield Ma c-� I Of
ON bee4 loo long rieglectf ul ro
ON FAL. A Im ft-lisfied. thal once the Canadlwn of the necessity lor Intelligent action dottald, :of Montreal, with � her Mr. HTTt# son and f i knew no
bublic,lae bBeom seized 0; th a] tua-f in the during 'heir illness. ThE other suryl irso of the VIP- until It ent o t to w,
0 meat Itispec he. went o
matter t1oh. It 115
on ey ing childret are, Mrs. Col. Uppleby aind the foll6wing or 9. It Is :tho"
it slat 1 of t e adop tIon4 the d4ty
of ev ry, mr4 to Isee: thanh hi
heAre Ready for Picki�g varic as n unt 1pal authorities, family, a Mrs. Col. befton, bc by' grairt love
himself, does nof ea i, th In Enghi;nd. the time. was b s.
broug, out ;he c oun y, of Much dsesed -jot *Cot tre, of Owew S
Vone to rkona u ound, le dead. beating.
V�Iiolesome meat.
ore I h orota,-h s� at .- O. d a no ith places where estiblishments un He was a a larit. born In i785, and, was --The atinuai me Aing. of D04
Stiff oi- Soft Hat ? Whichever you '11 Col' e. e t trade e der hereforie 1,11 years old' Ills mother ty
P �ltche mt the M JaU7 Ye al Inspea o' do not'exist, site t 1�ian Organ 'factorr, ClInto
re.ga. Cali be'securd cinly b.
it here for your Fall Hat, Sir, we'll- see ihat: geti ji t ban- It' a thert be r ted. j It ty In this wW a aqua �v, and his fZther a French-, was held on '%eftes, lay. of. Isst wee
Y es n app, ar tc 'me that manj acc Ing to wh*t he used to w m the following Aficerz ivere elec
re Is any the establishinentl of a municipal abli hi
--"Dick" Roger. -ftir t to Wear. Color ight' ize rikil �ed f or ellio o, Ek c constant
erigitged as porter, the Hat you Ou C . lict. The, &ttoir, conductid under the tell. His trat three y4tarp werespent ed * President, W. oerty ; Vl ae-pre
)siin. (n D.part erV are e, a supervision of a
proportion's ust rioht. ti . sJd1led . pro as ona in India' n a aToundings, Jand then. blo- Ident, W. Jackson; Dire
,el here, received irl hIgh'staad rdt, and I : people AAt, �
szday even i that Is Inspector. C4M �� to the loqality near the DoN�di subsequent ineettaff
Ing Is
1 uln d Is or e I aunicl ' author� pointt wherf I his cabin �ow stands. He the d-Irec Wat, 'A fr. D. S. Cluf f was aga:,
4ad faEen he4r bY C 1407 J. G. RUTHERFORD,
I t to adop , u t, le Pr d icial lag- has wander 4 much, but. raturneq to app A'tet manager an, F.
there to $25,409. A. veteri aary
I aion now exi ng, reZ.ul ti 'Director GeneraL Owen Sounx to spend
rid mi "at of his nil. secrretao4rem'urer.
bridge,, bg an U. at tq ur, , WI he, -view huntiag ar d 'trapping un� - A tty' ng. wav ae'Jebrated
�h at�. Wood 0 renplarIng uni riarktable dls * sed Ottawa, til game bei e -too. scai ce, He was six Hv-t rgiree I V4W : Farm, Coiborrte,.. tl
a minister 9- The BEST RITS he and I ive 'St Cdmml�51cjner, days iahln4
Aug ist, 28, 1909
dt, When- thei UqNnt .— I.- , - 11
-by nd meats. --W11ICh,
Be` careful that you. do not spoil your appean �n'c& rwisf uns, :iu feet four I 6hes high, i aA of proper- bkqn�e of: 3&. 'Linklater, ox Aug
itance, Roxer was #1241 er .. reser t C nnot - c A Oslo tionate, bu id
1 0,61 ditions, nter -The easemqbt� - for be transmi I and was one of . Owen 30, when his �Wst "u0ter, BlIzab
the bar wearing a wrong hat of questionable style. 'If yo4 ; abli imen:s en in 41 li lrb(-Electrle C)Mml�slon Sourkd's ino :t peaceable I zens. Iti, his N,, It
LpOr was I In morJage. to 31r. W1
�s dutles ar(fu'ONr come here, a -correct hat will -�e �ssuredj4 have been pur 4sed throug1: Xcirtl,' day Ru4son, of niear Stratford. The cer
you. r i.cial trade. he, wac a mighty, blete. A month
�orated the ev It I - -
e e lriat� i hd most Important step in Basthope, South Eakthope, it! ago be cut hia toot tifle splittlur mony w4s performed. by Rev, ITIa on] 1, , !Ctlictn, win, a to say, DOWnle " far As the. farm, of, Willian wood, and italled raDldl'y. Hainilton, In ibe proence o- about
a t to it is needles e as far as
house a -ad Wh
din of public nuttiorpal WoodA lot 18, 6. The prici �-Maiaked burglars, ar Y� guests. It ' Tero itto It
the provi . g C Eilon ed and Carr kfter a tri
tirne, to A maraL n
11 01 1, 1 tc be c?a Pald.for the YISht. to erect nd inaintair Ing an Ord nary farmer's lantern, . en.; young uple I nt 10 Qr hoi ne ne
at once'donated _Jucted u ider in wers for a period olf -thirty years, tered the ireddence of Mr..JosepkStewq Stritfo�
�Iear dia BUTTER AND EGGS H IGHEST PIUCE, cti M61 hods a m4ar tO - hose re -i to
Ing him-,, a c Lie . I I
q Ired ty Dor itnion Meo nd (,an-. for clearl C land and. -at
xnwg keeping 1! *1;. a well to do farm er', of Flnh, -The -'oUovving persons ILE ft 01
4thoiLigh thmme
IiO Foods ispe0ally jas. Iresirds. clear ictur rods *Ide, i from.$20 t betweeto I wd, -2 OClock or Thurad � I t e - for w 3st :i Mn.
due on U: illars yet adints9i. of ithj� live'. ai dilial 8 or $26 per tower, tra -amodrits are pal morning lai t, wakened him from his to w peg; 1111ne to LI)ydnili
-On( e-'
er lea , at r care r the private where valuable es, or ng% av a m MO 07.
a4im his� sharP, in 1F An in ri
el. ugh r ho se -I a aished altogether to be remoed, a -ad w er'e.the lint empbasize demand )ne of 'the Lo.. Meticluo at:, H ker
12ed that he, WM Ito fhe GBRED111. CjuvT"111111 'Col 9 -on 911TO -1 (
all n arned, a� - roost passes at a dIs-aTce fr6 the hIghwa, burglaTia a shot, which entered) E*nonto a; G, EHUIIUI
better foi
ellM11 TAtill
tile r1glitl 'towart's head�. Falqubar and Miss quha. -
(.,-the obJeclonalle'theats, Dlace4 on a further surn to paK for the wall J above Mr. 1)
ne Me i ket from liiosei andel the Commissior tp-pa-tral the line.Lln YEW. atew then faInA and Ur. atoon; 1. jae*sou G -ea. OMPS
14 holm, the b argl�r: that
IF 0 rr ]a. 99,
I i rable iqd unjantary places. The North Elast here the ltn�� tvns Stewart!! It he to attl a, wish. Jam St
X�LZAN nng,S. publishers
41 a yemr xn J&Qyance-
)a rits son at�d Mrs. John Middleton to Ot.,.J
.the tawa 0. C. Rance t7 Halifax; J. -W.
cc, M-� Newcombe and -wife, 'Alles Potts, Misa
Is Lind"Y, to Fort William.
- Mr. L� 0- Flernlrg4 CouritY Secref,
t ein tarY f the Y. M. A�. lef C Clintou
ey last week for Silver Pay. on La
ly Georg s, where he wf I If Or,% a. fortnight
ng atte101 a gretat Y. bf,i C, A. trainIng
'IS ;sC - 00 ra ro a par S Of
r United States and -a .. u er f rom tan.,
a or ad -4 wIll be present to, frecelve instruej R
�he tion, In, the various br4rxcb�as.- Mr.
1�ft Ing will tontine lilmsse[[f larZely , t3
Of a county Work. Last ar be beaded the
ndt-i. 11aa at and we pect
01A in � the examin
Ei�nd to hear, of him dol the same this
cepvrf Belzoni
he --!-Mrs. Geo. Cantelofi,�Br4, one of the
r b- few r�maftnng ploneek - residents . ot
Goderlbh township, dilad, on -Monday -of
.,S last woek. The deceate&a maiden na
Icm- was CAtherin-e Cook, A -ad she -%vas born
o6d. in � Tlpiiierary, Xreland! �n 182T. Whex
she was in her nineteenth year tbe,,fam-
noiredto this Province, and settlec!
t 0- 1171 r
atStre�tisville- There, sh6wasmwTledto,
-Mr. George, Cantelon and Ixx 1855 they
ered settled'ozi the farm on the 7th conceS4
sion.* *Wich has ever, since continuea-
to be their home. Mr. 0antelon, -hiho, Is a
Ined 1. 3
uor I,'-' als n1netleth year. survives his wife,
together with a numbOr of sons: and
pur�, iughters. J
—Three thousand people attended the
lebmtIon, ot -Labor Da�r at Winghams
t on by the Citizens' Bond. andevery.,
Ing passed off In zregt order. The
iture.s of the day were ptlobatly.the
-ebAll matches betwe�n Wingham,
.4 Lucknow, wblz!h were h�rd fought
UC6 thi-I fbreign -team' wilingig both.
Ithe morning the� scor'10" *,Ds 6 to 5k
la favor - ol Lucknow�. and at tine af-�
terpotow ganad Lucknow $dt 5 to 'Wing -i
n.4 ham's t. The lacrosse match was
hag witnessed, by a lax�ge trowd. KIncardinq
V,aj trimmed theiloeal, teaml by one goatt
theliscom beigg, 6--tof 5. At thei co�naert
In tbe evening the UcDbnald sisters
igave exbIbittione Of Scotd1i danebig and
the band putlon an excellient muslcaZ
offering. A
Perth IL
Yde —The Listowel fall tair will be held
o -a Septembiar 21 and 22.
we Xllia Barton., wife of Mr -
James Alexander. died * Listowel on
his the L 26t1i ult-61 aged 71 �,eara.
tb e —Aeeve Av�ry, ;of Mitchell, who has
been dangerously ill, is "now Muth Im-
of proved., and his speedy 1re-covery 14-
aj,- hoped for.
H. MII11r,, #h coap-esii1on. West
11 Wallace. hAe COR grovIng n he�
farm the sWks of whlc� measure ever
ten feet and a half.
—Nx. Wm. Squire. -of' MitchelL has
n,A returned home atter a trip through the
a] f Western Provinces and North Dakota
He reports good crops in every distrIet
C173 h� visited.,
alL —Mr. Davidson, Hibbert, found aa
-e t egg in bis barn tho. other day, inside
N I of which was a smallell one, 'whic-11
a. was well. tormed and covered� with .91
hard shell,
Js 4 —Mr, Vlm. McGuinness 4nd, f amlly, of
A Xln-kora, have moved to. Stratford,
nk where they will reside IA f ixture, after
ylAspo.--ing 'of their fine farm on the
b i ninth catcession of Ellioel- to Nit, M, F.
t(� Murray, !'Of Rostock.
ai —M, wid Mrs. Melvin L. HooVa
a, r a5kd two! children, of Witir ipez, are
V, v1siting the former's parents.'Mr.; and
e: - lira. F1*4 'Etioper. of Mitchell. They,,
Inteod to! spend a month 'with mlatives
and fic-l-erids In Mitehell,
'a 3 Whil pe],
� 0 rating the Joluter to the
Wettlauf,-r foundry in : Mitchell, r�
,h George Graham received 4 bad catover'
t his ej� frorn. 'a board'which . wi�4%
.e throwi� b�ck � y th0- mac4lne., It rel
a quired f-dur istitches to; close ft ej
all —blias Atirda, M. MclntDah, daugh*
OF of Mr., Aobort MWIntosh, Motherwell,,
be�n teaching school
Who 114S i
a Sparta has I gone to Mictunt
he v. -i2re he has secured tl�% position of
tf pl. lcip�l of - unt ;YJ 1h e OOM
aft PC 001.1
—Wrb. ;Wrlson, of the isixth cence4-j
k., slon o I�Ima, who wene, to Ma I* V
on the harve4ters' excursion a tv V
lyj -died
a4 days:' at the borne (t
It- his sis r, ab ut thirty A�Ues west (I
of '11
--on i Wednesda-Y
X 4
be aU4 bIrs. John J..I.Pcholson, of
onktc n, 'announce the e0oavement al
is, t1leir e Lidept daughter, Lottia, M.' V�, I a
'Ohue, chlef'oi police, TdJ
Mr. M. D. Don
ro� tronto. The m
arriaga, will take place In'-
LV4 st. Bri; �tl$ church, Log4n; on October
—W. Georgi Wood, Of lAtont0n, 1114
C)A�,nt at
0" with.4 a YAry Paint, ul Re
oil home o ie day last week. �i
e was
Ing th! � iling' horse w -hep. li the bbc Ic
r -B. attache I to thp pulley at barn doi ir
e.( broke. The rope flew. up Eq4 istrux k
t�i Mr w)o4, knocking hh� down at d f
tot fracturlmg tw� of his iibs.
ey �—Mr- JJD11n Bart. of. Stratford, -dlid
y o:
e In that ett n Monde!�r bf last week,,
alter� Illness of only two day -s.' Ee
i was 14 veiars of agel and bad beeni at
A re-sidiern. of S ratford for 40 Year2o
and :had won the riespect, esteea- aind
m love Ot ihe co*unity I# -whIch lie III -
a ed. H1 i six lob en survive,
—Mr. m. Stinson tied his hicitse
e the Minh-OlAddist arch sh a In Mitche ft
p on Sab a -day Ile - bh-e we to do sou e
shopping% I When he ret he fOUT341,
Rid disappeared
that his horse and rig h
h and he fi�d to, engag-% a livery rIg to
get home On1 his arrival there lie
ilk oWa yar&
found the, tied
�Mr, I Obert Jackson of Fullarton,
n, pup� as e �;re lot, OM
k, which Is a small brick 4ouse., neiat-
t- Woodland :ce MeteiT, In Ultebell ft e
g Property 4 of the, late 04atles Brook 5f
01 best sale that s made' In (r,
about M11 ebell "or
i C
—The - well kii Vt MesSrS. 4
R Hoydei Ich & of have beeu I a
at business I a milverton f r �,any Years,
'have sold their larg-� 0
0 Stock of I furniture, alsd undertakin g7
tl equipmen�, -good -win, etcv'f tq Air. Ja,,;.
TorranMi M.P-P,, and Mr� Robt. Mt. -
Mane. - T#e, ii ame of th lir W1.1
�!�ew I m
ei , b
e f;AYkd I Torrance & UmbMane.
—The rhoett �of the'wonntnz last
tute. held': at tFe home �of Ne
al in Stratfo� st week, welul
tended ai�d all had x
)r A iieiry appro r1ate solo -'47MIA given! by
f Misr. Lizzle ge ant followed by
a very I tkurtiva Paper on "The Can-
W&U9 Of 1 rult" by Mra. John WillLamt.
An Instru -aental by MISS I. ITodge :�Ir
119 talk on II-Pickli
V ceded an nterqstt
6-,- by Yxs.lt WIlliami Qiiitham;' D! J
CuSsIona fa*,wed eadh IsUbject dea3t.