HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-08-13, Page 17� -7 A �2 4 _3 �k -4, L —7 4� rl L GUL T SEAFORTH. All 13VT9090 7 PJM A of binet, Xinister ion 'the Gvem Theatre -a, the rea3 -ere a. doubled under lisr. No reason c;%;A be t16d fameei eyes. some -at -of t1e --oulp'Jiur pre atdon . was be] here giver. for t bliflirs terrible' act 1 ; 0 mixed reach6d the brain, , Callks.ttri3le _par Went 'm&ke-ap of those -ivho were ge QL f or tbe cept tbatshe had been mildly chaistised 11art The on. Cqiaxl4s, Muipb�, S�cntary to take part In Campbell Bra c: erer, iOX Hilverton, arrested the f Sta for i )a ad mother that mornIfi,g for some boy, �whal is, 7 Years � 31d, Of St I I Wild U by her a, ret r1red o Ot-I ands waz West perfOrMaift, All of :a,; sudden, X 0 t h tawa, tr are y. sliglA of4ence. ht to ratford. 'all, pendhic the -1p through Luck broug n n e shooting-, Mccle �evded to FaCUIC the pre�aration, took fire, iaa result, of tb ex r-lhe hine Year old sproadinlig t of- likstan't It was 40 frolit Robe., -ts, a well k ek of, Tub-, in a �erlo co t -of the thi*tre. -Brant 0ounty. was r over of talkIn 1whi In f4h repave good Ed PaT nown far us: rudition, and may not Coast a nort I to mn t He- dW � -a - , I.: I � - I essa,' as '% r W, hat In west an the result an d r. N.o matte sta: itly killed by a thr hing 1 ina-i —04. Saturday aftemoon' The b6y w�s playir July 24, QP on ms driving nor - view, it 46 evidenti that e did more The West and 'he Ce a 0 matter m(hn chine g tag In the- While � Harold Benson nit road.and attempted Ld dodl =der the Ses o4t of UIP orchard on the"farm, of s and -looking axom . lie s Ever person is- mere or lee :interest.. S 4ht did So 4 Sin 8th conixis too Ot ulrU4 The outst 'ling, feBUre 3 at tfie West ed in the. weAtern harlvest� the A th i horser, be- Mir. IVY thinja look different Came frigWted' and starb d down he Whom he, axe t 10 belief of the i0o, e Int them -i 1provincq bf, 1 o in-- to und Because if when by is emploed, e wast uj)._,l az prospects. In fact so hopeful and -yb*get� them hom% tell us and 'road, the- heku wheels crushin& e �I!OrturiatelY kickW In tilae face -n lie -0 IV 0 sreff id ir countM' whc we pill trade back. boy's chest. attern�ted to hit one, 1 ne,,ge �vas. i thp p Wt ing for the pre t na pangulneA are oui brethron 19X tile plamig for-�tv� future, -A tex. � M- 1 Scott died Lon on Mckedi off and 1his face Chat and e'. I r�sslye west tbat -Any person w1lo, to; k,or -d wom p: cuousnes a of the sol c al Be4e it yor. change your mind we. last wftk, a6d 100 years tfte firsV few days his s ele., boom the country and the crops -o's Mon, hs. C ange'Athe goodfr. He s(rved. undor 10apineau In 1837, as COIX110on was ver ? vaton, ille fa�,t that E Ifah.' Scotch, nothing . of the weather, Is looki d !up -4: Y Oltical. but now hisbi, French, BelglarL Do ch In iforoilL! during, the Cold r sh he Is'past all danger orj.Ger,- on as being disloyal t9 his ci),untry: Bee It you want whot we haven't 1!1� and vas a, v ter4n of the Amerl an rapid. Or (411W 0 Ur man, Sw ade ax d Arneribari IT, -Can4 However.' those whe;try to fell the got - m e wi 1 get it for you. e lived in —Tuesday truth 0o civil W I ondon fo rty afternoon I fire broke out 84 it I jid they all wan to e4y-Rm x1t. both - thei coun ry an, t 'd the His f er livd t In Stratf�rd ovvred by crops are the countrY'S best� !frlends Y' people are . fb(� we you Will g into the way of d be 107 1 md In the blo�i W busy wi er 41 in Scotlai ' e ;h the 'CrOps aTd %eir jnuus The wot ls a aftat.co, dep4 X �ding uj?on t" for all your ed d -three 7 tr an, In the 1" block whirh untr It, shows Was on fire there for 13 8 you oOf a faint y of Ix, al quq9tio They halve requires ewl ey. requirement Several Itse and it ard they alve re t 0-01 to In. -act, the D tS die wat 16. Ushraents, InCluding th� Bank of oorn� lb�241 e b -ky if you do. =ry; a sure its succes,.�;In C1 - . —Ai important event was celebraL4d to which con derable -damaze cities, �they;, have a future, and the, trY ts o good auO �11 i � pros i they now a � who - goes perous I its beat fr1puds p ali affordl at IbIdgeport, Waterloo ounty* . on as dohe by th� water; Paugnarg it 6,! it i being t wedj elry store, arb the a 3u Augu, he �M iden WVchl was f Iso dameged by litry- IS bdund'to re to t6ll t1aivireAl trath about 1t,.1 �as they; rV "d Mm. u. ze L It coo the eye al -chledel, �rcoran 0i nducts . a v es in thro i Fh s I know o -beli6e it :to be. -Atq: those, Jew ind nes ehry, Store ci�ffee b le stock ot tie% ears. and every-% I Lre you . ga I who to come' 1: married., In Ber.'In by :he. qs ness. T tr '?iearest the 1 trildi will late I 'Ve se. V. Ur.Mindman, A 'the end al, oe the e�untryl§ 1)0 IS., e samia story. of Pic gress( and In t 131 4 �r of Marriage tAcen agu6t 4 59. and cOffee was totally ruined by fire provi -abns arrd daug and Water. -1 'store Eight t. T here d ter blos -Babbs jewelry are hanlin #--enter-'i best- trI3ds., h uple, the u rAon Of this happy -is biadlY 4 aged bl� owns everyw e;e nd with f1he Now, �xx ed faIr as The"Ex�ositor ban About 0 caref ull 14. but one heirl Of -tO--k was ndanger6d. hote14, b U able banks and. 4' in and, we'bave very I I -ad Mrs. Sc4ledel hts�"otore. The loss to y1r. Bibb, are braf the Mr. a 'ew', Papers itude of Son -of Sc 6fland T� JJI of these WatChed the Tepdrts from ill Bources r�d To 69 yeam 11I be about $5,00. towOE ai surroundd -by prosperous and,- have- reliable briva�e ihf 6rination and I a* pnJo good 11, alth. Ing a nd- d I I each� of �1 e. Mile Sanford LE wrence a ad v-p.otin-g an ron a. strict§, and every -4 Provinces, those who are ex 'i large -or �anothw wom -e d&lvl past- 1 he -will' old a servi Mi, be 4p d., Thpre are many Cases build ' �; op this 7e I Wily -ict r y fa Ms, t Uit g rorwing,' ca ttle ralsl from,manV parts of three eaforth whiz* ft 'hool wer ere axe i splendid 9,. -11198. They ar R big, thyr axe I omeStead In Max mora,. Hi 5t- at N -aria stiftt point ings 3DU the- horse bei ame fr -thedist Ch� rch, Goderich, last,,, Sab. -1 PresE 4-t grain- producing� TION loed tt some -hie d in the Court -House. I vio, and �ey re artistic. I be -1 of absolute failure In each: of the THIRD RNNU,AL CELEBRA object and h3wame LW were that -1 Was more In -ed by t ro�lnces. hree Wanij with the result -as! foup - r pos, the scho'l k1s t1i n by anyth av I, � saw 31hQ CaU ob f or tbese tl.a;t w A sible to be eAdY for fa;iluresi, alre : -Bad - - - - - - as al# I !IV X4 m hing of the 'Chdol ques-i atnd less resuld4g in an 1fts- LAwrence, Who Was carrying a -Watl)lpa ted the Tbaby about seven weeks 014i Ti W 3 t. re is no � dclu: that. _U WEDNESDAY tion. It ap& to, me at What .0ver 0 W1 �Qf'fow - dr, �.w6ith, .4gr weeds, Y! TF 0 W , throw i frorn the.- r1g. In laning the the eh arch w 11 be fully re&,d -or re -- the p aop�. 6' m, t want is ore rail1. ei, In the, -early season.andi, '43 much fte' ThIA 'of openb�, �on 0 14 to �baby stru4k a head on- 1 r roaool a ee-Sir-WIrlo. He-,Ij, nT_*tqiE Jnd hall I to he eX F on� the *460i it! a 11 be -held. - UOUST -25 iethOugbt, -the skull nd r *arm weat r, also, & t 19 figure, a the I eople ant jCeed th beIng her, alsoo ..en cru.Shedi in, death ensuing ShaC14( tte, secret Iry 4alf the man.' Ever vent' graia N'Lloyd In th YW Wrle I V In the, formfitivej?, _or= has on men: Ofd Me If there was any about tift6en 1minute Ui 4 ad I -though se- �umpany,� Df was posll ts Injurious results. donself bility;. (it Sir iftrid, ma -a v quence UP, Mrs. La wrenoe -was ng t verely shakeni. In G�QeriCll. last Week layi All lilt o�ftbese.11riabacks th IN h* op wIl The t Proggaxnme.- ever :not swjouky �Injured. (SStelt of owc mains the �0= And C E the AV, Cie 0 ee bim, and mea a.- e0ralnencement" 6f, our )i W4 St. *rant to� ODt be a bumper one b y as i the, arrai* 119' t6 secure a suitable site Taffetasz. hi- —A erie accident occ:7. rrod'on want him 't All; these failures, al S4 intry,. We thd�gb inall as offej�ed e-, ever3y buyqr ha been'b' our cot R. seve milies we A b k-� C, 1 loeaf 1 on of the plant. Th9r would Site 11 the lime his.- Wil, 'Compared -with 'the Whole, will serve to A of Xor th Bay t are a &t I r -d the ugular pnice­� e This Is , what hbawd e ywhere erage. Vider Rue' C es ot Udy Waim'Camp and tho patro ay last. Le fast e 11.1 -view, and ngtial _Iarvo �naterjo lessen the geileral av n. Sail Clothsz The ft mateur A01etic Amciation. bound Oxvfess� while runA f re noW proceedirg for the pur., went. Tbe ffiieio Of erta, jnA al Iresult. th6refo ten un-' age of the a nadlan A I AR our vesrRbles for M6101 And boys A' ant rej e :speed left! rh"e 1 >1 the 100 B r8mgIn th ralls and s-.- Moht Saltable Dne,' 'and n 'have 'joined In s der the most faiorable- cond from on L enger ndl P cairs rolled f ow unto tb� IPiatiat Of the deal, wo*k Khantonasz 6DM o6e ourth to one-half the tation to Sir I Vilfrid to Ay - the cor-4 grain Is safely E tored in P nIari the blu, cos 'u . 1119� Will be C Oininsneed. 'Parilar eir, ban ment. Fortunately no tut 1- aton(s of the t neit 'the. eleUtgr �Vo nel, will be a crop' Tj A". SPAN adb any t Ittes i esul do, three were V reek, duTIng a eriousl Pan JAI I b i4e, as las But, ON tha he will be IaTger, ff so L Z1 Would like -a od,suit, or C Jure an,- ed and severe thulide r Bterin tl at i6heseo -over a -tQP colai 1r. a able to iccept. 'Would o even at 4his, fhe outp The Chat Iplion Mile Runt'iers of.- Ot a dozen more �Oltght y Yo 90 pair, The peo ut win very 'InJura 1: . an tong the pas that isi ti adap will, couipete for the. mi. e senj pers. the ba'-rn bolons to many miles to, see him You cannot ax!y, and Will rod ce. &Tge Ion 7 ra tpgger 4ng jot trotserst :a hat g. the; 6r somethin ;i1ne, and �Ii�okZsblre, nes Sutifings hos . . . chan, Apigthips. of the t i" (I -rh n were bur. The caus� oil ady COD* lighn- Wa 3 struolk y see the ab4 al lie ck an. ba�r th the a n part of Your =OZ -in'! your pocket 1 11 remier Who are, b ailding on !r t bov r general ap, I how keen sum 4P e; -Leep a CP 4� money. Thos aerefore, �t was jr 3 still W d, Y. - large The $esft Place 6t the of -pile was the we3t, orie 014 t d Z;n Als. 19, setting fire t)� befeyff your chance. Ley three go1 b ut Ults, will be dis d f4l �at milef ro' Liquor valued at '$1120op and was ored, theroin hint of what I as to see those ad.- -was .4c en by while w 0 make their =;Ipns on The Faxr I on te6ea�d in Wes of hay )ee on '4p w as it Port Arthar and a ireamonobly fair or ' win be al ost )us Highland B %nd of Luck. n. co, OP being shipl I9. 16cat(d, wh and, al though nearly afteridon &ad aymin ed to BUT ACT SOON. 11nd oil W1111am, Where I folijd, Certain to; have their more! mo�est ex.( Th the 'rranseonti�ient . .1 foeated- be 4c uglIt Pipers aiia- Dan �,ers al constrgeJon t he fire be, hg e est iWangs v Drked out f) termthal pecta t1ofis i realized. plan's facill s- wh cl cal'Athletle!Sports. hear L& T.jlque Que. The i vhiskey as wimn re an ex- Lure 0 e Open am I Lb I Vr Put 0 t. NO 9 Us 1008 Vas 4 There 4o another ea Lt doubtl ass be talned. "e of 0,00'0,000 bef Ing slApped ttrough -for pendi UP re they a- iation Y�hicb phould. also be conslder4 Iof WIngbf The great clearance sale ours 'Cal 11!1laol I lys.* comp ihegal ale to, the laborers on therati-4 V, etd The Grand .7 r Link POW; ied. the v�est t ndoni Ilerable road It was! carefully co ncealed , In tka fful acel owes a no met our buv. te-better you'll fare. Will 1111VA to., Lrteen mile I fr=t, portion of it's r vat,@r e-viving prqspej ity, not IN TAE EVENING bT1Z Dt b4yo. iwhich to- 'tiv i CasuaX ob to -effects of which 'he WIL, .,i trryifig, out ; - I - day , 1j, 3 the A Xn Ian Pacif ito; the wrilo prohipectir, b4t:*Jo. the lkn4 Be were quite Inn6cel it looking feel 40� sionip, time. He was p mense 7,sum a Boil 6. and, t1he of moni�y be rg x d d I There, ill a-1 'n v, be a Grand Concet "ck es. contri4ctom alon frorn a. ie Too to anot -building and ot� when he ftlllo. Canai lia Wart iern is not fax - behind. aIlway erp g. tAe Look over these bargains - �pieblc *hie the L)ielmo*Band aind the UAex-e great Y. pleased at tile s broakh 9 th One of olie -of h thighs This is 'or' th handling a t- the b4s iWorks. These railways aind I pul:�Lic have or a h- as bp m laid up with he ness of he w(st. wns. ar( 'als . &.8cottish 'Comedlem of �ke Of t constr tc on. Camps and �rs bf the afternooin will take s the V a - roi The -twc to o works are needed Irk -the c%mti. Te uma,4 part, pt 4 mt act tisin short.y be one,, 1�a, &-:11q aro 'being carrw_ tka%, dva bound to the 4 on utside note. -'—A very sad drowning a- In Yea thq arowent �V in be ll -the cident --ofl one. -Men's suita patterns oth italjlital.' Stop This ir�am flow Of' The Palace ikatibg and �Gurling Ri-hk �-_urred at Pre my la f a -Ad is llktly to I e F goo Cott on sat t. more will Barcello, of ntre Anothe: - thing which Ztruck me I reign giapltal and the ;wheels of oomfortabl:�., seated aAd Miss Blanche hirn a Ide for -several weeks. ter, Plane well eut, and mad' Inular pr o9mmereb w6uldimove mucli rno' islow-,, Montre Who lVer I went w&s the desire for � 601y lighted the oca'a- ho, I vas Asi Ing her s ter, V a low to riff. era a ly, and If the Ireviv;al t Of la. veek ra e wa-v sion, aosept. bVier oa�ypf - It w ntirely 1�u, Pf Presc( t,' at th, Ir with deep regret at $101. $12-t $50 tives are a ee on, t er on lea rned, grft t I may b e crops It Rememl, �r the date. an camP1 w,,Vnt in balhing afl er we the sudden de woWd' be a come,to Sea -ath a protectlonl5t out.. did- not much -slower. roems than fort -1. i��cfhave the -of your dinner, Soon !-after she ras foa - St. Paul, of Urz, wlfe' see I Im axg I did Is Vow the case. The d and i At t1wir- ffen's, IS uits, fine fancy worsted R of him. west Js capable life.. loating on the top of th( at Rev, W. 'at 9" a, i& Aft.. sell. w ho, Just retired They aa not concerned� Ocut the new at -thingsi but It! -is water not the part e pas orgtc ported tweeds, newest ake 6 U AL -Ex. Sd oimg, T.-RicHARIDSON Xurthe r Investigation disclit sod the! ff'ct from of ivroxeter meth. xe 918 Amexican, tariff nor about anythir4g else at wisdolp to expect tob much 1froh-i it, as lifeles ican - The country� Is! b�ry. that I he bodyi w and wa's ILIXIng up his $15 and $16 auitfli Amex lull qf peol and tho�ei. who fko slowly and 6 ref 611Y The mfd lar vP+4p,, for. . Vs! imal a athorit%s I attrib 'tie he cause Of lbome, t rbeth, n4ar - ndon. Mr. 5� -Ifdm the nitW"States U plo faii b4t in the end. I T se great b and they w NG ten are the best of the IM OOXMTT=. 'death to aCutV indige-stiol caused )y Ausse- sincerest sympathy of- -Y. 6an, M. Rv: Mayor Mc- ig.*ing into the w Y. ryb 6ig fa rtnekg denCy 01 the west Is' 00 Y. o �tpo M# ater to( soon afl er Vvs 14 this vicinity. Mr, Rust leM- AiW trade rs, and thb r all fast.. Thetr expecEatt are Ong Was 4 Pairs 'Men's -Trousers, tweeds! '11nd, w, r-. Dr. Mack John Beat ati f0rtr* Pastor Of the Method1j;t. talkil Canada� I did not' liscoveran.7 grea, they' became reckless and tex- ays� tie e 'Iph Slattery, a Us cous� hurch Seafcrth� Suth r1hina, i JR 'Uace, of a- lid i no sted regular $2 to $2.75 for..... PmLikwrlcan sentimept, talavaga0t; and disaster is thi I Jure I rl 1 on' '5 rl Is Slattery, two, pr -Ch L'rle go So Whiel i Is somel hinbod linent youg r- a I lurlin a. Of -Mr. An-, business menief Ottaw of Godeften to ship), a, em drou n- drew Bur I VM Thi question Of Im defence d* :met use. E was very poular with. his at Arnpi ' -last weak The ti ve nt one day or w th, ous accide does not appear to intere't. The .est.. &imada. I i 1 Top Ooats, men s sizes anlandid t t Arnprior' 1L st k arin ts lends, I at 4howed drink to get the �Young men� last w le wa's a team 61, f jast 'was the t Jlm.�The famil� were Zest �to attend 7a horses to, WE ter, When I t fled "talk to t men abot la fall, ro.gular $8-' r__Sun4 ' _0 W or the eaily X Al2 or ound th -,"the subject hottest day ys' Eleuntion n whely, they became ommu '1�f t the and experien, 'd In Toranto 'for two. Years. Zespoct6d rnei6bers Of the C �ty. Prida- r they I or w rX fractioils unmanage able. One of the was ichaiced t( the' �Pta�e 0 L' the crops$ here, The tMr Ig about tamp, 11bree -miles aw They n -v or 0 P44 Do him with both the price of wl The thbr ometer registered K In the t0o, little ch ren, aged an to TG-vr --across Chit's Lake to Sl S anlr.,)al3 brok�, away ard at* the I I BaTne it, or the shade. out 14* 4 nd, 12. ay e icked riclouly 2�t -a,, three piece 4. bri t ral iiid t Boys' Bit or -t, the Young M on� n ?--Prof, 4nos, of, the Royal Mffita(�y 5 'years lf aiip, nd bilg Ife about the arrive I at %MP, nor bwre they been f(: ng the and his an in the ind wa an Englishman: ­Wq College, Kinsgton, caught t !6 bla6k ame. Lntek took over the Royal z'een. �z I the boat in iav afid thtowing himl a -dista styles, -all the very-best.inakelau 6:28. want A. nce, b wbi, nee Cam 4, good deal moret. than b r 147 1-2 as, foum flicaeni feet.z He t ass we*hing tagethe tel ut oe Yegrs !aga, but Pre-, left J rnprior nI 0,: '1 10 1 t Ille fo]1 ow- 1 was Xe.- pounds. to 83, regular $5 to $8, for....... 0 d. r?'� **I. we Nr��nt battleships. Immedlatell One� of em weighed fiye pouinde. viously ad kept a general -;tstore. morni I&, ut moved !to. $347 o near Sand PI�L a-41 thle hou-9, anit medical aid W" e do w The. ardoun-t f railroad. �b 'ildIng tt ;in ano f L ondon's bout �even, -m I ey hed e -DeparAm nt of oile 0' 'from V e en It wks found t4at- Trade a d Commerce at Leeds, Engil: yv be�t known 'is going on I.,, astonishly g a;gent of th WIIU' bowin heaw The ea6- t oZist a eltizens, dled,fn istar.t the ji Was fractured and other in. e raillro ii Chi efly 0, tb I b -gilding- land, T qpU thib there is likely to be Port Stai ey Jast week. Ile was born you4 ladies w.. nflic 1Pa,, Ic and the' r P1 nt is doing of tj Grand Vank consider ble - Bjiorta-e In the' 1820, in 1868 he catne I Jurad- tA -a run as C8 a Rng- 11 En. 4 �nea 74t,-ve- as be expe Can&, lian - Nort' ern, ess 11 and here is an 4 L the mech lock, eterbor�,Cbunt :,-A SAS impression hat -the Can L, lian IlSh apple! crop this cal.�zuperinf hted b Y. S an Hewston, eacc a has been of the 'op- 'nd- two tabllsh�d by the Can Pacific —R. Borden, Leade eat d' th6 Great we tern Rallw3,7. ;Ber L Bryan4, two mith isistrs adi s r aud A 'the Dominion Parliament, -le is a more or I ass- complete I projoet.,. I position I re ied n Hamilt antil 1885, w4re n Gav, that vi lage when on th8i esttm end -of the breakwater Into Ott, t tiavelled �almos 6 entirely oNfit r the CanM he! where, h�y -me uppri a dead iorse In 1he rich baTbor, Furnishin S.0 ill ail. from England. for Canada on went to Land t �wear Si I k W41sW dian Pac�ficl.and'every e re Ott, August M lie w1V in 6 te�idid. come direct to 'Ot. -has of the,,road lying �vheere it bad LO urnA Is white The beawn i gang3.of �en )y,th thoulAnds laX9. taw& and then d t Scotla. —A � yo ing! worp= named Catherine ifallen the pr�vious vla ngo baV1,,1g, in new 0dings, b�uil;l-i pYram &I `$Oucttire of reinfarced eoii� e Mull,waist.s- jW I Ines, putti 14, proce 'i Orilliai XCI)QrXi1d1-w !1_1P r$ - P —Mr. and Mrs. FoLher as dr7ged d. Tte an quare In plan, sUroujaded by a Pair .4� the river at �been 4rVerdrlven !and fatig Crete, Tou dozen an wool sox, medium wig�it, twi 5( Ing brai andl, �Ixalghtening L ,and Ck of Ganai�pqi a r� the 'Imal he girls *-ere driviag" beame frame Ont., apnpunce the enga em nt She was In bla 'SUP4 xistink lines., The e w- th tern. The height of the Imp, oving their daughter, Miss Lydia the empl arkson Jones, of tright3ned and bolted, Mics rygins (s- Ishe t 01 ... .... co, pay is porting e M_ ntly. rained that it the toD Mr. P. McArthur, Or the, Im rial Toronto, whd had 'his a1ummer 1100ed unhurt,�but Afiss Hewston was biagon. from Its base be a. The will not be eaten In extertV. pf Bank st afif, Stratkicona, dence th re, and on the rinorning In( lCut a )out head and the I la, itern )?tanrhes or f I Sk --Underwear nied" M igh per th quality ine irts -Parasols, Ten dozen� of of tie fifteen �M e the roa4 et. Thi Ught 0 wedding.4 which will b a question, e went to the'Tiver to bathe Smith sisters received braises. T ie is a, 14vel the lake- and bhould be q qne, gaxmbnt... any pari of :the west b� either the will taka;place in Septemb r, and got 3eyond, her Wa'lsts' Umbrellas 5( Wa4 'other had beerl drIvIng, and was pun,.j visible! from ad1r_oct%ns for a dis- CanadiAri Northe'rii,or the and Trunk —Johr McWhirter lost 10 Ife 0-n drowned 4 out -mileb. Tile it )d Ila an�e rea:ched her. e over th a wheel, and holdingTtal tance efori'assist t n1ne Pacific'. MR11D i l�e dr 'ght oat fl� farn T. Nagle, five M'11, uth .,-It i's said that Mr.j P. H. Me- Abe 12 watched, I s so by ny. tV Ktmr ton, of Li url Etc. Etc Ter gperx! the, dozen Black Cashmere Soi 1 240 for.. - rnol) a I has been G-uiga-n, Ete of the 'Grand, Trunk !f r6gu rih water, SAsk., the ot] eet. It Is fe axed she is freau entl 7 Ili, that thl, cost of the He wai 1pi bal er, Ashfield POA h-gageld in cou'pling* a* cable Railway, and who is Ko engaged iiii 'ternal InjurW owns ac was less .15 and her idtion Is t)he t honoT -of nanAng the Cir�a Ilan Ian - the cost in won construct ag the power Iffie' froin Ni when the clas beam Icqltural weekly , which bias of - tl e G rnd "Tank Fa6ij I� Would 'be, a/gara s to-Toront. new a e 441 ie ped Oter.fortyfeet. Five dozen Men's Working $ht .40 o Apr he- Ontario jus" b, -en -141 inched by the Cqarler fe, to: but an i�, iOt @o surel, tl iAt this will The wlli Is over seveity fee t d rep. Hir, Gaver at r P,erth Items. ni , :has been ofle ed �$25,000. a PeOTolonto. IT11116 publishers of- �ear as anager. of also. to &..as ae 6 be the. case when al the il uIs Krels has -j Izes 'Ong home isAn the various Oergue �—X L Lo ;old his f ne 'ered �rl for the best uggestl eat Work we paK Nr pub- enterpris 3 at Sault. Ste..,:-Marle. He Is ':50 acr*e farm in Fullartart.to for. nal, and Mr.. ,,,I al Grant, of tl�e P -na Ing th Of Oz 'Shirts- ..9,11 Si88 I)OU1 UP l§ChO has -been dls*�hsed by the CO he offer. e new jour aluota Twelve d en fancy goff Mi rpli was much 11hpressed by usideri ande' Louis $a 4s, of Mitchell, for $3,4.0. IKKletnp "rhe . Canadlan tbq busitep.'activity of thA Pacific Board edaiise he placedl- his'feet: on A rr U :biaind of psies came aj- Mr. T&.-rela bao since rented the Bcv(r- parm, WRS accepted ait f a I-arge' 75c to $1.25, coat aAid with the charm A Vancouver the desk urIng school h6urs, 'In other 'CrOss frah. the Michigan Soo to- the. �stde farm from MjrA. 0. P. schinil .t, 4 - recoli -ed. 11h �ubstantiol prize huinbe ad Viet aria. :'I was also struck by respects were 'E nth anadian, -side a few days ago,: and 1—K, 7-5, Oap-hton, Calgary, a d of i $16 services pely sat- 910 Comes - to Ur. Kempton, -that there Is n ol, longer an 'nw, ive doze'n pair. of Overalls. With bib --and- . 0 the�'. tact 0 iand the Barar stoo" 6 to when he] I Isfactor-si up by the C auedlan� Irn-i Re - Voody, of 11Ad Deer, j - wbo, to be songratal. �ted upon his Orfer tal question there. � It seemed o bib., blue, blaGk or grey, regular '90c, to 11.25� P i 5 on th� motion for migratioll authorities, i produced -�$11,000, ortal, �re visIting friends In` Mtch11 happ'y Ithoug4t. Amung I hose who Vet Do the: A slatics wer� les num-4 In old, can and mex-, and nalkliborrh A Thirty-six Years a- minor prizosl($5 .eaeb) for 061;-'isu me thi 8 1 . —The Canadian einb&s. f .he Bis, ade up f Ame4 ...... ... I erous tba a thn.e yeaxs ago� Whatthere 1 y t 660*. e e;a 'returned -homd, 0 Sat&.49y lean UTS. �)ughtoni left for rL Pieces. Thew, 'were oii their tb e we auri going Out theii business, �'e of them, wb4 been wa to t ke 4p land in e NorthNve.st.. Mrs. I So 01owell about three yeArs Robert Anderion, Df Clinton, an James Smocks to ihatdh.- are, ai)e ab last. 0 ody d Lt Ir pr I working hard 2 nd r�vy giing no �e loa t . 4116wed t Both 11ved'oq the Huron roid. Bell, of He an. intervie ed are d I#,,' aises They We o , Orooeed.�! later. t anx(k ty t� PEC p of the rie vp afiyon The le told me 4y they, 'were al ed In the —Duli'nr Northey, fi old, -west at witc 11 They are isters of : �­Vllngbam loatt ne 40 Its elded ana 'Six doz.eli Men's Fancy Caps, all sizes, egu 750 that thes were botherip'g about- the old countky, an4 they ate more than Youngest 5on �of Azor 140they, o� Lake- the IF t-6, age, Logs.1h., espe P most r otc I citizens on Wednesday Chint Be, 4 T the wese,. did the Hinw. Isatisfied �Ath %e -result afl their field, Wil Y Y�as missed Sand I afterl-i tci si..50, for ........ & * 4 6 0 �­ . . 8 oi Th aY evenhig, when Mr. eVe A" ist 4. when v W. T. w -n at flde dock Win. qo'ble w away� Deceased h as:31iting lu the un- Elliott passe dus dually_,leaving�'&, Country,, visit. noon# wa 3 found dro d I ut teris And I � , -an I -fig. - 0 1 —001111 at Lakef eld Mofids A dog I dln� f ha Fort )oy iplayed with attra the arrived t Edm�nt 40 N, a, cone selon 12, R 1ma, he had and ex -17 In he 1�raae*, veter Jr' trader, been Ill y In thd baz n Of. N A �ealth �or .,Five d Chip. t4t. tl�e spring"SouglA inedleO ozen Boys' Caps, regular,50o to 740,1 on fr 0% f pewaya a �tlon by hio-looking Into the m 9fortu to fall fror 3 the top. of advice. for a;i. Inward —AK tbe bufliffis at Haintan's Point, few,iaays ag( I VItb 5,400 4therot ttef E*�' .0 u ne �V_ Wtb Pon a itV the b iy- am, Toront The dogs' a the loao to tt. �e bre barn -flong. WhIe 031do. � Ile *41 1 taken to th OPP o. wete worth 0' �urs, mostly bc r and. rats, the wate ations ; icaused I Oc di e hospital, destroybd by fl. -e oil Tuesdar. afternoon He repo, ts'other fur8-TI t�E the fatbe to'seach the ibottom,' vihere. 'no bonw.wem brffl,-en, Nfr. Noble, 1, e- and upan Five dozon wash ties mcaif-i last.' TN buildinp destralted, *jere: says th Ing ab ut 76 ears of age, was bad ly ter was discovere t be so far de. 0 ney In wou t le, 3 he found the child, nHanlan's Ifot4, Baseball -and Stantio ,rc E, ence. A nun e! iof —Durir, eel ere S the shaken up. eloped, that an 20-doeh rubber collars. FOR In. big - k I g a� recent torm Opel,# on would havt Geri! Th(atre' Figur� Elght,'Human were c way, by'l gh vy ater, h4 did conilderable , damage iro The A Stratford de been og no tivall, FoIr the past two spatch says T s - linen collars 'has been,re. we Lqn- y Roul4 1, Dip the D1 ls, Old N11R, f ­w eel e, lye in or t of day another two -ear old helfer s -months 'he bAd been � aft t�e Whee *ps about t Ile s n h,�a A. Cal - ed to Als :of F 0xb ask. 'Some farmers were tdt- killed (out at the Peake farm f r bed, 20 dozen suspenders Amusement all, ?.enny dpn of, e accidental h it�'Los­ owl, so ocl but t.o� cious.thatit his end[ a NL P , ws han lei S. � Pda�MeA any -f will be remembered e bore his sufferings un- Ekhi 31t, Gnit SwIng"Pa Ilion, Band Angelei. 0alifornia, of" 11 out and others suffere4 rabies, I that VU t StaAd, T �nfa Rowing Club, Sho formerly Postmaster at t nt Brydgle# 110 the dlitri affected had `�s her a M rs. �� a%e was murdered :by C n e and with patient esig- oting '0 Galle ry, I hotbgraph. Galbdin �,Bar and -for mag y years. H6 stru,,k by ai� th� best ereps In -the e1nit o Oz- ithe neora, R h and,. last fall. So a y f oug m Mr. Mott was canaftt Refr(shrn t 13ootb.* A wiman nam- street: a x and, died wb -bow. Thl d 'mage In 0her localitleg time Ini the s�ring a dog developed born, coming from the i1cinfly of D-ut- Cernegiie library and th?�� 7.1 -,elng taken He a ry w0l ed C aa An whose ople riside to the h6spitil.' bributary o, bit oung George Pe t0n, at- b a rt- ent of -Wing. pushed abead_­--t, t 0xbow was light, 'bies ano In 0 ibou go wl o Was cash:er fori the kn6wfi out u ut 2C 6 ; ing rapidly r &uniy. —Clara BrOthwatie t IS Year �Yld has sinCe -gone to the MMmd Hos ham tor f ars. Ile Was Ir111 On frQm Seafor BUTTER AND EGGS HIGH E T JU daughter of - te, dog -so ft.. T. �;iai S Piz r �of vv an borest, Irdustflous ltizen, godet oWrIgIA, eigh, ou to, see rz-j Klinter, hotel-, New YOk, 7 he al bit hb ani I was res ,��Iri)nday rilgh wher) tl�q fin' vas rus ied back to Hotel Royal, at Bob I, &ot and keeper, cf garrisburg, iB cattle halve ce been rant County een nelghb the (Dr.) Graham, to' tam 0, , v. Before killed- hi[si � -Wife aboat Ck last was foui banging by etbe 4eck to al olig the r ad. Tueday, in 3e was ta the X(thodim uhurch, and int oul X�Dtu, was overcome Saturdat m6rn�ag. The W= limb. at an, old tree fin. father's 'or near Ji. n Elji;a wnsldp, J; is. an ea ve d re t tcher, se. with t smoki .A her 0 arred re- done vrl:h a rifle. been chard. A t�ap.was her neckol M wA is met by in. Y4Dung a avIngbeld rn�rnber of T e 1. 0. 0. -Ahe -had. drawn legs up, so B 'The - R MdIU3 wxe ate boy, who, pos-q 1, spell, She h sn(ffi& to re;cue the moi Le. fo% nd In Xbe i &*Wn -heainy lleael. a d 16. sap- and sed or a bigh of positions. Besides bils be - IS ove old lady, I a *&': Cleaf' 4of ruins wl h a g, from e. tUt s)ie 'the ground. The shotgum(, him to lor baseball t0AP1 I U mo1W 1 Wver( by �pased, to have been su hrow up I ds reaved voldo-t r, b6' leves one son and er dde. Ther Eevi rail . other mens. Huntor- well known dellberab nature -of the act was -shown hand1.';9c0eanan, did n all at t ome. There are on TLns�daY and recciv"d llerlurh t t Comply at two di ughteil no b Vo ster4aushters and one stop. narro* additIonal] to -veppl n -over the hN,ho.1 by the bet tbit her 1�nfes" almost With the result that: the shotgun :F0 f started In twel !,k p doatt InJuxles. 'The, tourist tou vrdtind, heir legs beln tento en 1p - at; the hand of our jun10r5-' ebea be g wa's 40bargid, and the van z f