HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-07-23, Page 2TI
e& Awlwxtim to -lie irtby July Zlth, 19ft H.
ia number of ou Lot 14, OQnc �tort 10, Allow
rs4vds,pvsf0rW&- Them h Em A= V 0 R_ 8 A- LE, - Lot W, 00noeftoft F it, UeOlop, Acres, 1,8194 pontsdaing 127 Th' , 11rffb,_am f -nAffi good buildingquad- adjoins the sum vilhkke, ot Walton. -A ply on the premlaW or -Ad- _Inl�i W. Z,., UY^ 141ton . 01 EACH= N�&-T Tl_wsnied for odh�ol aection ib or ace. to the tWAS"*Aed Wore Tld3 Mau -and give r4er Z 2ta-e ad am t IL T. DODDS,,13ax 2%. ElWar-M 1:1:�-VDHSDALE COLTS AN , SHORTUORN- CAT- TLs IvoR sALrt_Tha undireigned Men: for Sala --)n Ut Q�7, VO-4Q0811DU - 8�, HibbtTt, tWO 0 "Ieff A*k iwtfli 1-1 months 61k idred bY King ThomasG;i
-ind op Wd 001t; alto, jL lewliborthora Wfere I
Udi. Lo",�
ua-_ haa 0, room
hoose, verandah in
,orcham. For, furt
telephone to. reeftroe� I
-won -& "a ]ff "', Acv ry d"rable resideati-a-1- property �# -East
r� 8treat, SWorth, is for ule obew
W -pandon
i%wytarm& T."ra xro thm lots of land -and an bight
htousej vith stone -ftllar �xmder t-he.whola
buiWag, Alsdaftrnace�undhqxrd and 80tt"watiar
4rk1tcben,and2d1 im ApPlY
%Z MUMMOR. OMM Swowar 216442t BIN4 OUTFE.FOR SAT --The Muprtiy
Thrdabi ' Ow N% ill- a, ell. by tender. Ten'dero.
-vill be reaej;7a up -to February 1 -5th, 190. This
of Tmper1sJ8epqxator Ruthfeederand megk; R. 13W2�&fioaallrpower engine-, good wwon
lmd tank ora. run one season; angiq�.
1. - ; separawr jpaxa-uaw; evoxything m 11irstclaft.repak..1, *- M
TA*vadxvaaofiAb1:�. Adcfivs�R. G, VRAXX 1C=DMT0Z FOR SALF4--AfOil
J�op -_4 Jaxne&ZWftT" m4emorW4 jwu Auun& uunr,
dining -room, kitchert,-pantry, with
n4x1xbea&m& There
arA vAll be sold ion. remon%blet terms, if
rbrterl!�S' aid,
� , :-;, p ar
JUM-M FOR S&LB-For sales LOS, CbnceWO 12,
X -_ There re, on'the
p*o&ea a good franie fioujiiwith k4t6hen and sm,
-mar kltohen��Yti and soft waseiinthe latWr. Lalrge
barn- with i;tore elabling tmderna-tth- and, wat,er
in. the barn; also other out; buildings.. t There is a,
Zoaorchard, on thafaIrm and Me, -whole,is; welffen-
ced- and undeifalaineIL There are 10 acres bf good haithrood bnak. It is sitgated one half mita nor�h
of tb
,avWWo1B1ak6. Forfurther ten a
Tdy on the premismr address G9030 3DOUO x
Make P.O. 'ZU= FOR S"X—Lot U,, Gonem,
IV Wawanoeb, contr4ning 100 acrea: fimb-obied
isndfor-grainor padura, livell ufiderdrabied vdth
We; moatiallneww1re fencea; 15 "res, ot good
1m,rdwood- bush ; vL ftever falling -spring creek, a good
v_ed-at houa&,s, young bearing orchuM, a - g6W Car
xapit, bousa, front 24x2g� back IW4; cellar under
ftonft, mind kitchen iApdairs over all - a, good bank
barn, vnth stone stablingf outbuildinp hm is finely gituated, 4 miles oiest of.] IT and 2
miles east, of Auburn, and I 1-2 miles ro school.
F,,am wilt be wld - msonable and -Orw -,%6y terms.
1?w furubei, partionl to MRS. JULIA
XX&G,;AixburnP. 0.,T1;4PCP11`uaty, Out. 2=-tf
4JI ig now neided bYtbat grandyaunggootch bred
bull Soovch.Grby 'Ift
4, his daw,,-Lady Jane Cimp.X
iiii4; *e, Golden Emir,.58050, got by amden IhW
bexuWal roan,,pnd is a gr=d specimen of the -abort.
bm-1 tyM and 'will he kept speolally for the m- -
provement of pure bred shorthorns. Any parties
haxingpure�bredcoiva to,breedare invited toinspect
thisball. Terws.851asured. Pure bred cowsl and
bull$ for sale at all times at reawnabla prices.
Vidtora welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensall P. a.
u A it KAD
Incorporeted by Act of
Members of Canadian Bank-
ers Association
A, general banking business transact-
ed. Sade notes cashed or collect-
ed. Drafta and money orders is-
sued. Interest allowed on deposits
in the Savings Bank Department
at highest current rates. Dashwood and Brucefle.14,
Branches R. T. DUNLOE. Manalger.
J- U. Govenlock, Reeve, Winthraip p.o.
K_ RYarman. -Councillor, Brodhalien .1-1-10. J'&MW GDW8n. Couneillor, Snfo'rth ;.O.
A. Dundas. Cbunelllor, LeiAbury p.o.
F� _JiI ReQuadd, Wunallior, St. KWUM-1
G. K. Holland, Treasurer, Reechwood
I'vanA Assessor, Beechwicod p, o.
,Wm. L
K. Kurdlo, alerk, WIMthirop. p. o.
MCKRILOP BOAWI OF HEALTH 9. Goveldock, Member, Winthrapplo.
John Murray, Kewbeci"Eleechwood 1;.o.
-Thos- McIlray, Member, thmp P.O.
T. Parcel', Membe, St. Colurnban-p.o
J. McGinnis, M.D., Kediml Healft 0fr#
.f1cer. Seaforttr._ p, p
M J. ShiLnnon, &diary Imeetor,
Winthro; P. 0. 3f. Murdle, Secretary-, Winthrop . o.
List, 1909
XU11101pality of the Township of
MORIHOP, County of Huron. Nbice is hereby given that I have transmitted or
delivered to the mentioned. in Sections $ and
9 of the Ontariolroters" Lists Act, the copies requir-
ed kv said Seetionsto be so uranswitted or dellvered
of the list made, purmant to said Act, of all persons
sWearing ITy the last rvilised Assessixient, Roll of the
amid municipality at eleebions for mleimbera or- the
IV %fative Assembly and at 31unlopat Elections,
a that the said list sraa first posted ilip in my offi-ei
Ut McKillop, on, -the Oth day of Jttly, 19M - and re.
=Waa thereor inspaction. Electora art,
fq examine, the said Uit, and if an' , , owfed upon v ornimlons, or any
OMer Orrors. are found therein, to t4IIi-e immediate proceedings to have tile "me error
_s corrected ac,
vovffing t llew. X U11RDIE, Olerk MoKillop. I Dated 14th day of AdY, 1M-jW'_!XL70r2
YZ*x- . I I lramal aA�K; -.1 �w - uVOIJ15 i FuJU, winicil when cogj,4 J4 L'_Orel' eo�e wbi6h sfi6dh b-e,txk of 1 no$t In aterest. and ziod U6111's 0611d. ArIg Ideput., These 1bur grate �ars ave eta, loosened Ormit the kr4te; to sli
or Is -bQ-1110- done iy both thq 0. F� -and -irA finished up with bull eal fort
made kyll hekvy clast it on, is T. P, rail Va ar es, teeth, Th elicit :rxi; -I t�oit! X) p, Ament ,On : mesteAder. a - I ; i Ost clinL-er Hughes, sa e teLwth *vili I Ti d up the tou& snd 6b'Duld- —4'#tabbing Afray occurred at Harla- a 'tch -a rep. wo t t _4 had- gone tetboro, ont,;. V,L tr. I VI gft� 4 hat the oronto ar I witli neirly Wal respAlte' to J61h his sons A Witt Current� Vo GRclans, Who iad been Imbibin' I EL " ,�ny Other 4 rd fit not be �44, AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii IN I . I -_ -
But aftet -putting I h 3 ti'mee ytairO gulltr� of dch all Vence n f uture� di Ong the evenl?,ig, quarrellod ov WL e re 6 had lea, e4 Wo farkn tbero cents, aind attd t, -and- was confident t 'The, following tamirk-i on the 4416
1 er a lu
4 xew Pao I 4tter of; ten I subJe.c. u i i with knim, w. th the'rbsult that II4 e Stwr nay,W a DlicE Vtlelrd _Qheckd 3 at ppresexit by t le. Tor6nt tarlo. *ould -be MOM 4%ble to
t mq I 'toN %_ sbil)a -sur'� 1 are no In I hoz-pitat with because the g -raites are; made ;t% $ecitiahs, not only -can nothing but.dust and, to Other 014ces as -Yr-611 as T.or6llita, and Mir, ota. pneiAl, veyed on the pfoeo itinent,%l -ra 4J Txl�v 'III- h, earty thrcs� knife PC -ass t h, but af i0n. mee1 *Itb 1he, aippiova,l o t wounds !over the heiirt, a1hes lew each S*aj Mg a diff'erent side can be pre -c ented Way) ulittle to south fa:r the Swhs'wn grate there at
N A telothervecAl-ed a knife wound to thei Also, with is no back-br, peov. 6 '011 the uth of Ing Is rapidly becoi* h' industr eg. Movements at Ver, first on qlyiI 0 -ran '�i I � the -e ft) yario 'pa , liiiport�,iacie. It I II, in t I Lahed to �e shakink. ockingthe le u ,rts 1if a Jp to the July the settlers left Qmd then an th eig#t, th e a sh e's are- leased on botb sidesand &H th ti ivin v kilij or. listenl�g or were C4-04 here- *111 -�-soon be ai )HodgervIll, -Sas- into the pan. hem, #irectl i�:�t W distr -9 1 oJ y -north, of, et Zoun, llAtulin, we : kbt( lowi e uns.ble to connt , Is Work
dt !'Onct Of OIYJ I :and r0- :On '!begins to heajl rpote ofpto§pe, ing owingi to t1pe ilryness of the e ty ant i brat 11b Waralgs� Wgalpit t.( S, an I es here. sey r. Mu heavy rainT felf last weeki a2cesus
to 0
to th
Ilia ot-rook f6u#d on the i -al ay- (WM. p.18 me ats c f Rome in 'cl?i IWit A irap
Ig t for three 4a's� 114 --ow the- cropa of twe Adid held 'to. "contain, tradeis, 'jaickel, :1x, I_fatrisl ki e 19111111 hagS �.Jus;t
ThO, looking splo ad� breaking 'is andl. - �9_bpar. COTLtradt ohnson. w1h6 Rod-;' %W
ull s 1 ctfol
put, it �hot tj I Inizi emselves to hasl� lived. many the �alner4l, wing. �The and around gon-Ule :Is settltn�g u) fast, the great- by, Chesny ibT. Irl , �* I I chibald,' Seafort the 1, n
o -z Ar- Y al any, po.wo ranges�oif Michigan a144 �Plnliesbta, said For ppale t. W -mbei of no se� tlexi being fro dh the er -lted 0. I c t +h6lir"hands thai After building whi 5 t r, UWay he, h _T� .e Ins I t I )ranj sm Is -t .101ently t P hoped" -�beIablo that the aDbe Is U, I WAII&M Stanley,: a young man who'. fl �
11 e We rI( 06 Bbarcl- of - Ud- 4 ISO conlra= les" -Cobourg Came to Cfalga,0 recefttly, from 4mt on I he - f ng of-, -the ---An nxpenf I k Droken S&tur,- r On.. 11 - - A e. r f Tttly': glamai V:0 g &-jobna ar th con ven ng ?y. bein wrork $s iei�
s trAh- dal 6 ' I b thrown from a :Ot 0, of t Id ie, 8ur portOjg of tojZ,,tbr a see tlon�vl 22 -i h4 e died' e wing gho V4111 -ties Of H irl r the bllo ui.' !61 mefia. uirtin. Sodium C-Madd. ;._r aps: the roorr4ug.. Sta'.116Y Pub c S6�qba Who eo'Aiot 'belong to Ing, wfitch Inculdes' �Ier Q,4 a eon�panlon Oil age. Aloohol. IY4w. perfume. m does not exp�nsive rntle -of r,Q the !.In st'aled'ouf for a r1d.'. Starleys horse the. nxe qorderr, B I ? Ask mak trIgh ail id , tb is is -a Purely, arb,4, This is- 65 ndle$* Wes i0f 4uperlio J was a Wet onp and his fall wao the trarl and r m nous, hdre your� doctor. Ihing "L u sttfla,bl 0 Di e Of -POW- tibu. It bA.-TIFS With y Cut rest -it of stumbling. Ho was . thio-�rn in ziAY er., rock, which nee Lhe- ctor. ca lbrr Rb Intended OsW fed off ',azainst the An ffl-dng of meelt he� I? As, k ybur do, Tbei- fly'llig - A 1be, flag -over the Ke and removal Cubic yards. l �n g- Su n -day for Rettler, where hz3 uni" ano
schobIs 8, A OU uj Is defeded --by -th I - ing 16, -k. 14: frxiln6dlately foila -1 y an 1. mmen e h I 4 liomeste Wi I ft s, op W hah 'A.-sk your d o e I mrn ad. to. ed -450,0-000 ,,To Ipel(Igram upon tile grouni fill which. has aim c k tfle, daug d M - rs, V. Wit it desProv .A& Ask your: doctor. hbar c Ut. an viq? Co
-it'" i Is - Jh -ded, * do that yi�rds: of rock and The t tra S' I h. Big Rock, otoks) Alta., 412- A.
-or RAle by to a - � I 46, ince Ir c I I #nd rell, g: a tors had to� r1ii- Qui was accident shot by her Th"R glou W do not 6brgr nt 'and the Ost V5,000 y br )t bet 1)on I a s t S- a ur day., 13oth bad t the f ag me howi Iin is hol$t-�d to, fli Of lDioem: ot r. �0'al le r
hon - qatl oll, 'em %In thie- d1s- 1. e. Woe ri'llne was. filled :Y.y� be n' out sboofing. A oph6ris und when de
t We ere'do pf xestl6i on I; t1h ekto, th e ba -holase WIle went Ienst Isbrnet of the -An9l c4la 'Qhufth of.each other, b t t AV(LIPT. the. cost ui �Stairs, leaned out of &-wintlow and *bo, eo
d, or Iin �jan , i -the 5e, lularl� ation of the, ._tfmb�r the coiitract&-sl, bAdg-ed th la, t' to�8 -a . ball to nOn. ire, had the trss, J-2-1
-Vler-A y reSi rV6 3 In - CA�nada 'civil !.,steel ca, a I gap - wItI 0, rer , which t e r1flf In Ids hand but thought it -had IIq-1( us % ETnUrrOLze."
eme r Is top be 00,1 saind.-_ trams -advance Al, to dump, their bcet Iiatschatiged'. Sot tenow In catchin Th GD-irn apri-I 4 thel 'a�e 10 9 ads in the ebasr , 7 1. - 9 The cost of o Ile, the, ball'the rlfle� Woft Off EWX Effie i i of -riescue it# a 01. hich the flag mile f;tWs work lo d $250,01 0, 1 was shot'ori the undt i side the chin. Imig-fit fly ut, a hould br* o u hi�� r or our great FU 'n; o !.ousltt - the mem.a. I am, told, but it -",an 1. She stfill .lives.' Ing r ltur6 W
0 Mato cry 16t 1 ral la is' qi jai rels the day, of in the System �Whl t rile progralx�ma the CalgOiry Ig- I- Isong -Chartaj the dai1d, Tr a nts. Fthe B r n 'i -nil . I A'gporitineIntal I 71 I v
IOItialate, t e '40717 was 'Intetruph d dne day Ust i 27paveI !',I
i of d. MIA 8 In t he struggle In less ofie having the ea, a� and, t e woe c by a heikvy is in sbeltueenCharies thli Fli-pt find his �ario 'eheap�'e4t to- maintstru Vbese lar -- ft a thai L a bour,'nev, r tWo Inthes of n liarn int, 10 -Tdsr, atd Se
alvo, Nin, eTI14 wl�atj on -of the on of th mi -i r and -women slip suoh a keaA are expensi e.,but, OV avoi -tell. It- continu A to rain during i 0 Yeav do In -ternoon, Pnd -Jices, jand me. The 0 i's a deeir 3 for BrItL h. EmPI ele, thI6 p in W,b t 'L+ no 0 r
as )S S1 4 1 h -Inioreist! the pl�pdranes if their lo
the gr den Itrestlos, ai f w as POSA e� 1Af e sage of thei 11r A R( WSS� eiirly _a,daptedoq�' 600"t -otl the', oral had to'� be- - -61f. rin bil I, anf- freahnilss I IVorywbeiio to to in eepkg with nat-are. Almosi Iscripe, b
n Canada. A 4iilnger of fire. -Woo was Welco't ed by, the fbxmerg enfi[i46�'Ao 69 is -freik;� ond moat t io ughtfully eeleidtod. Our 'te- unaturat oeYe Ing -o,f.sell goverA 1 � lj � , I i OM ally d'r:-15cr1Prft
Tdpn culverts arei T14 rain
I I lus r-egli; lar oJ i,eWbra tions of 't(and in theAlstrilet, however. Dar- a, 1*ikdowzf, ton6riq f opt, t Mr, li erty gener-ouk �Bid*$sy* Visit thl s i tore of -Soo:1 valifteg in CAMe uld be, III, being 'evbrywherje 'tt e j, ru �.i gid, everk- Ing, the stbr-M di a yolxi4, __d yov!ll
Wm. Mu, er, It.tbjS StOle h$a th I tem tin akd Inst3 uctj�v.e., But away convded tha ats .9, the e A.Tgest o di baitio 4,69s � liot - attempt where �belng 0 the InaigIr s`lbstaiittal: -mi was Ar b ghtnibg and In- Wre. Ist lily wo. The Alberta xorinai I 'CLurniture in the coulit tie kintt., In lnsist�ng (in Ue left , IScbiIol was struck, It nQt "badly In- the flag 10A)' flowit on �be -1-2th bf jure The telephone 4ystqm. was dam- &Wto6s and Nk -D at xbt(�s It ICE'L If re plt,t.. ip arbitrax y S and- QIO and five bAunilr(d.likstruments F h%1O boy *,rpr a: _t DE
n i ee �Wbtlyk as, If . e An Idapart nd� phad t �18 .-Fred JoAe July aget ox and voomt,
ou t. & order. a b6aird; 04mp)sed m satilly' playing -ball a Tat el�- ertA, When. iberal i I x n "a in -
so 81 M --tance .4n, Luction:saile !of school lands 4 - � S. 'by. j Cou
t ed out th
the fdrifior wa.stri n t te I SbOUA& Ihsl�t 1)n the ilag being hoII3& Mile AIM0 vecently hold I I tho distripet --of T. HOt anager.1 ed -O by the ball and InE M_
Jn28i I I he victory. . y -killed. -In n h -or ol L§tl ibridge. �Alberta, 1 and the -of �'Ji aurler io-vi r T, et. —A re C- US Va
arge n4factury isto Wagon valle uch' as to # make be r h thillf pre ad Were q, t t Iffhare be'' more force st tred in �Port I The bibld- W ou nplaf otE d6rd, think 1 the � uybm. were crazy In hle.,utte n of Le'Odn& leadem it pe. t)l' exea or A&IP., e fl 91d. fi-. qu4rter 2 t ChIii i&ng Loug libIerty W t06; t W a r&llg a lor $81. an azrm Thel whole see -1 in; f, Lvor of I a
tion by. 1-uly, 1911 -if toen ted to to bi aiftir* the edd. 0.0 ploedthe'! ea$e in S'
.$62.2F4 an bon W, exit for an &V rA, g6 of caltio a Of 310 [10 —Another new. b A eared Fullntss aj�d JBI ngA er E T to dren, ip-D er in 01 & I I 0 - Of It . afin. iffet. - acre, -Aff lot -the lai [ a�ound Ch!...�l ab d 11A use itheir Alberta. If Is calfedIlhe ss, _agolllst the by comp elling, r the. publl:shed at Granum, nile � east of .-Leth Jlgq, bro . - �6� itinup, �ZI�11 do homage ugh )1e7 IW CALMS, to er 0 an acre'.! Thai s I I -the pr se of to 0 teir pal W Let Of Alber be the banner 'heat It 01,41 er and 1b ai�� -ty. 'sale was the j big Yr S Ire llout Millar- is the: le pu ached- by 4-ohn I& 1, - P Tab; r I& -c artlors witbil i�; t h
MIIE of Taer went for, $35 andIl- *28,, -hd I
'te Of taxaf rea-S
- [on In Winnipo ra. C nd. T*b 11sher. t Diges -ers
Thex*iq 1 Frolifin Hogtj Oil 4-ccou�t orf t he high'price,5 were bought by J. L. I ob- this. y 15 lnlfls� 0 t be dollar, ew back- TIIIel leftiler adjoinix L nd ouC fitteen taln ble' fo' 14 -the meh have i creased b�lr towt hi�t-d, h,c
rain. dv, past &�,y h er El 'alid3wentY mr-Es frorn Taber --old as� Iarle f $900 Ye F tarl [I Wa 'Year -&Ad dr 111fired Arom I. 'nd lid ra-ght a coup] e of SOL . went for $16 At aH
the s r -of he as $17 a. ta c r It' gone -put 0jL the fi(Ig' iMsh u business. s solicitor h'as Not) Rng within L iread i of the rai6ad ICOMMAN MEDICLNE Co. Tor0*0 been. InqreAs d from $ iO to $6,000 1 25C. a n
clairflug aE "tl 'ey d al_ t�.at,.l t Pays, bet- wais Imissed, ail being naped up eager- OX' ter. o' sell th Iii iy�ll gra �this we —:Two years ago I ft 5s 9yder,;- th6-4 11 $7.90, *r 4-1
think they ha; r6 rn%de. a njst c,hool- * tst'l. OX ake.,. and, teacher of a s in. thIs. vei Man., ost a gold 4l II Ce axe born� ou# lby 'the. day: tbe'watch wa nd b .-The ot' 11 ems.
il r
Y' Robe t, The best vjr�--;edy
a Id- oth xs r CKenna, sold hi.$ sti3re Weekly who have. de- -Clark, of qartran.d "O, -ourg lady d mdel a t * J�k In.D;bltn;to Ed. Daher
vote nt� ol W I he and sto u ��j of subject. now married and rasWmL at Wesi-i cen" F al r ,aO
L*tpweL That. &per minster, B. Q p Phe Sun*, believes —The St. Marys - CAleglate InstItate there -i's nd raneb ct Robinsor� 11 te banker. - be 9.. a IE�mlr 9, the I Pf b 3r 4ti pUrposd bitildh $6,000 ex-- n, -plel ad gullty to I a t mentioned wtiii
ado who! ens on to the ichool ou b�ood has 'b poss! ale. ex p1lono I)f ne. clairy, that charge! of usuryAn case -where it "he vital i Y r come thin aod wtmi; The Ov I
�f St.Marys for has -ew Months a)etter r A, llins to those wa's'NaAlaged 37 per nt, erest wp,s J; -em the past f were Bliths 1, rnarAagea 9, drain qpon your syt h d, was fined. very Or ti, You 9 e Who, hav� 1011 wed t I elligentlY and 'large f�..5 aa costs bY7 d4t i's -3. i been ir casdquently -persistently thin -bas 4og I g: �he police maigtrate 1 - I I - I itod -. "r TuckerFMIUN f Man.
aisin The —T. V.�.Rufledge, fo xie�ld t OU _d OLT bustress certainly' as s -not paid those A. Ro rtratfor4, 'was dr�wn6 un down." Your -will Wnson' Mc ney lenoer 1n of at Roch�;s- Who hae v sfe'd'intc it i' Btan,don, wWs charg.� �N appLetite is bad i ad you hardlk have enough.- ubt as priceiiI rith usury or, Oew York, whille. batnin —, fts. Milton IK.. and. have Inir collect I T-46�edav*
Wei -e ont' v re of - d a0line the 6�rt in 'that cti� hE 1v t I energy left to; do daily qUtij�S. Y0U.S40U1dL o1i KCII �yre� of St.,Marys, t1e,M'arket Was�a. more than tAk-e PSYCH' "the greatest Of Tbriles, WIMOWLLL Ford had rr�atk pet cent. ox a loan, I e I out. a ai i� PA on the cell stalir at _' her -bo ut t , d �bi� . I aded guilty ,and - v4s rertiande ho de U '17u, YV 14j ffier h e the bes-t f y This put you on Yowl' feet at once; The: i and sustained 6 fictur f he 011 �i I orke a In
�arjeo was bee. 'd by 9e who se�tenbe. The rate h�l c 4,nl I 0 d ao Ing te sti, ial Will intvrest Ihave e' d . 1� � about U per cent. Y, U. wh on laigh priced 17hile g4ohig dowr the ste IIn eps at her -DOWN" FOL.K gnil' f or ed' the gate receipts !an I booth Priv-. hom R On he t let lh nd a , rm n in`the other.day# Wt. M. King,, of whera hags ha,ve'bieh kept. ile 3 the dernonswiltl4n t Ca baving by Mite iell, lipped and E rained her ankle you afti weW PSYCHINE wiU make you s troxi riht a on on aiid "n ere ly in Minion Day ireal!izea $700, vh e uf f ic t numbe b& o uruto-bi st.aceoun-s the rs the Ladies' Aid 6f tvv..b R thid 100al -hen bgve used PSYCHIM—an,' I & bia. 1ATIM anti rell
Gentle, i t ylirproducto In Wednjsuy `01 I churches, secuxed 01oln servIi�g last Veek -�Toy tWink it is t e gfi West tonic and system 'OWt of the dair r, whem, 'elovo or alfalfa -1 thien,, to th -
alighter', jof: A builder 'k :has been uied as ])Srt'of-' the ration, dinners. fr.; ano D. I would advise all who n or physically v=k 0 V16 Ie Dc ui Us. of togan, i vas united,' 'in aft Twertty-sevdn qu ar gecti6no Iof rauiclow' :and,where main hE Is beerf fed at It" to )al lei T., Jae4ry. FSYCHINt." Your�tnfly.Mrs-Ju Wtst T was''a V�)nsj:l�l
m*i lage ,cam , from he mack e p as'be6n tlie old Sir Leaster EVI r ranch Was from I I --L, C id[T1r-*ho, h been. teachiii, Cath�aic
IT e th h ass r4dor" t4o aud tmn up, t4*. FP&AM It'am y auction at S ivift C :a ph t—ar ogt up red bl6od L liberal in: pol�'�litics.
-d i � goc d profit, ---a / ng in No. 2 '80toot. Hibbert, bas i
s a i qe a Is I lom-e Saskatche wan. Owiho. I to the searcj-,ty sl,8 4 t a Tl )ut by. the ers at tb.. ni o g a e -s t. I etote le�XA-g the :exper�enc.es o� prActic%l farine of money EEmong. the AL b 411 V.
ns. It Is p1l, Z� prese tl�d�hlrn with a suit cUe. _t Isustaned, t ts cax. 9eason, � only .qt�_ven q- 4rtE rs were so d. Dol, by the experi'men tobert UUmer, I � former. resident The average price -.N,,a $15 per acre 'I 24, by.
ried )ut by eight fur meers der the of L!istoweil� Oled rec Pat b. is
in Men- saU Psycbho ift a Prof. May I - the ear As w, I as Is known he was ME' .1906. Th 'y three miles *south of C irm w, Mdn., h ct i leadership IWhIter Jenkins.' f 9; 7,mer jg tal a f ORIAXE$T e T4 �sul t of 'hese i �xperl Cal lk t In a� yelone wl-Ale tendin �r ments field of I I 9 aerage It... i cost barldy heade lout on� the d tba 0� d 1- __ . t4else eight fallme s littIE less th 7'11I of July, and as a f ui ither, 6v1deI)I be �has resignel Ian and lata to �*-st %
$4.60, to rm that Sarran Is blessed with a IIIghly lued at $23 ro� IsEfirz yioax
Per, t he todc his e patture te 4-1- 4 p n e, 10 s. of 1ponk with as Wacber'ot 9. S. o. :5, Hibbortil nE
grain Val 011. h-vep at faore ate,. ai--rf,,Aqen1 of the. 1IcI,Y1.rn the re- �+ _.il 'gathered rin tomatoeg f his ga lk"l if- I& 0. "i 11 _- + .4 ;.0
r ce �u grain anu pLi es.e.7neu, t1a W1 h 9, nice 0dress hogs jF en,on the same day Bal eball s :as IS this shows an +ceilert- and, ity rit ii,go Cb M 1�bd ft
margin.. —J. W. Furb , of 3'0.�ktbn,,Sask., s ana ob. I_�_l I i ir 9s, I - ller ind ev iry oy Y -4 s. Alfre. Teas, that
want aunilrni RO )f Pullarton, died aop o cra. a tsplendid -cr f 'b 'ipplas in Iobere I the chan to Filling -Bc ' 'Is J on 9 unday,_ eceased - h j; OUE 19 Hole a. 4th. rbe:� d ad 4t 0 e wit�.I ut I IV-, yeaxs With tilbercul-1, IRr
.garden at that place. Lait year i A�ie �been or. years our tailaring department b.is bft d** fP 9 for 'Few ha ift of t e - dif ul-0 41111,i". a a4y �a crop. came t 15ub yl, b t, spenla A t i nt, o maturit) )essfull'y. b It a and s enco apterell, A. �id cultie 051h: �Sho leav�es u I,b and grown ear as the Wist pla w1i ask co� that have to this years promiseg -to d:)uble Lit and ,kho , fa r and Ce to; 04�an u J Ott
�e ter' es that Trill: It as well ag III - -those Wb_ School W�il6rt. to se� only UP s Ib, es overcomefln the greit wo: k o4build IeXfectiv�y pro b $'I 000 to build an ry ot Dr.1 murcil" i fa ous ing tlie),Natibn for $1Z.. ati facto ' J,m gumell &I Trarl conth ental Rail, grain 'can, be 'grown in the Yorkton now lit el -t!
, :)urse o cons ruction by com 11113 e sty 0 p4no rips aD ac P't st o hd St -1 atfod G 1h --fit.-and -wearing R)IM W_ a bo 'ht ie ill, Wa,yx enera discHospfta c: ed.bn Fftday, but one t6. the school are.fc r rhe rt Net nd Lhe 4 'See
n Trunk Pacific I allway Col Ve 1, cure of uer 'I Gow r, 11nent 'nd thp, —The Methodists of )Roi Isevain'-_ Ma Iri guaxa tee thelb We always istock a fill11 rage of 11 'os 0 u0sf npany. Itobap- -p onds Df the St�atfrd head. ches, resented theft pw tor, Rev. N r. CA ri age and. gotor n -4-15—F for $25,- best 1-m a Canadian e --apet It 61 A sp cial cdrr�pond e, it, of he Winti-4 Wil, )-mpa y pertt a4` lotbs." lordncr-�, Tay
P;t, vas defe4ed. Taylor 536, _Zuuldt
son., With a corni li�ne ifary addre s 000 onst ter, e e ee P4 over arYdL & C peg! e66� has receftly been well filled purse A gol( Weak ie6ses, A- L as� ia� re a -portion of ;the --Cn 'Tuesday f ng bt last W norn eek +86. ,road a W, 0 qqete SOIL 6 lood diseas fram mark'.of -their appreMati 0 S se r Husbin, *14e lof IT # aSS
1�tters hos. us'hr
ek,e are;. 110weve r, in 'hie 40 mlles ing been assigned to Aho r charge y' In, 01 the G. t. hakespesre,x died r a.- ling r. th y sm p thq a t f Cinioll lake, 14fti ling liver and � Idn Vces for he paFit fotkr'� he� h Us W -rhe atism, 1 and YoUrL
Ing e Ing Less. She -Is wMeh. I hav its life sur vi by her h sba. rid an 62'4
bli 'Y� witt Just' ee�, s6vefal bazi la u d a family + t Iare g ing t le � ini-t MOR Clare teen Goi7den, 4xv
-torms (and I i nlghtj�'gtearh shovels ast Suiida!Y -some reon broke In- R. v�d d ky traln, ried alle 84 r other preruft �tbba, was &ow �n the wl to ��b a fFuit stordL of A Peter Pangel, usy repah -it damage. with - a fiu ar6 k t b a One sink 011ver Gordan,�"th( thi d 'of sit dulldrenli rr. i 7, qualit " eon -year -0, hole ecentli.ropped. i i feet In one SM of Ale x: adveriseoffnahle mber lot �Y] b -ate$. IVhree t�t Si- Marys, 40d st "den
es 10-ast (it the e About fifteen, Rerne Ifes. Along WE lb goon river )oys were paddl ng ai )unq on a pli ' 01 ew ng long st SeVe_rl L gum, candy 4 'doll Is' worth �f ch with the pqti. we anoth dric ppea three ?Lnd when In waiter A 1; fflier, nk holi d art,, le;si ; of a,rp;nce s' effected vy_� of feet I st Friday. The;le spo:6 will re- leep, Oliver fell off, Did being' un� 'the b `V :quire bons i wk: door. Meer r pries I'e he' tah eadi ,]I at �etst - untli :o swlln,� as owne In, hft:$ resign -d good Pil t att 71 1. I I . IA inake.- them s, �t the Mad *eather sels �ra. Pu I . lin f
ch � of )f big pla, th
xelL Theie u, 4f6 -nis :the. traerial that Is Ic her oaltion 04 tile eia. consis t �fca 814ff,� of the Iwjit- liIA ros Fi red lin MY biggest sale of I1, at irt, a grIculti ra, "ahe 1''public sc�ool. 3 6' eollsepence ! belt, 1 ahts,. g nd are g . into' tj-Ae !soft an6: evr held In tma(ra vIbsI6d �a d1vain d e _�t f made f th il I cat tRUd'c -side, w ii d the sfirfa et :,ethbr4dge, Aite �w days ag t the oard has a ach of the I ic,�i_ the �ss a ant teab6rz o Is the �_i ad for You. F1 the'kind eve fala JIT. 11 s rises W t! i Its . growth o vb6 the school robrn and en- for lana brown or gia Zes 3 $a e concluded. ga, Usis S. 'Lt4irk thy. for, the 1the la 21 to 32 waist measui went., I*Vrite t g w -di tv. "s ana_.shrubs. T te disru6ted r)pts Dight liuiidred and fifty, -six 'User -"a.4 i aqybddy who hit tlie4 it parcelo ddress and will 9 d ' tt the - p1l )uni ok' department inff your address and �en�;.PL f the latter are be� rd 'crac,, cing. _oib' r w
d sold and the total. prize was -&�out From a Ile Pal W . .. — -_ - )fri Car 1a4t Ye State size and olor Pre,%, [is MAR busied' 6
scat free -ift takes. place. u IIto all, a e t. nderneDth. L mJ111on- and a half- dolls rs. The lao'' PN� er $19: 'an fou- caXis ty 141; per- acre. remarkable- .Ut situilt,l1l� sor , 'k, TK DR. NAM WINE The rever -of W5, Is sbown Arent high a*eragln.- b of exost goods. have re a ch u
ME HOWTS TAlig ? I'OR e s 0 We Offer One Hundred D tug n6mrd for this miles w Here On Daroness -Norl Plater, --o 11 C�4�,�rrh that cannot exuled by Hall's Super W—h case an ear. Im June doli th e. ro Bel Agnks,., Is i 106�t fil t� feet above the A car lof �d has TO stook Of ates to th P om Weden,#' one pK the dele ates to th Just ilvi A
(if tbe .0 te�-rnational Council of L 0HEN Y 4 P0., Toledo, 0. wat n VC-]:-. iimen at To- Woven Iw. J. ALICER th4w the --cltIlt pas'se, Fence, flaly ft I We, tac landersiglaedi have knbwft F. J. 1�:) oiled Qu h a.Imus onto, visited Regina, sw c., a fe Cheney yearo, A, h vp bbn perfectl blon- 'Ulu keg., hich f( rrn� a pc c t -e t in thb rocks,' day U13r, of Toronto
ognized crabl: t 'in ap busitie4s Tlo tloaO, and Ananci.Ry- with th6 8t rfa�ce aboi t fif tj� 6n feet a- able o earr� out any -obp li his fl lytb, near 'the GY Undertaker and 11a:41 '�s Ago, she rnbt &,-n d Barbed Wire is 0axified at _Son of a rul, I o14 We 0. Also -at Val o S tore—ill IY6v,e I he tra ak 1� Trunk station, Val Xxkau Amon
ain street, 86a�f )rtf 31neb the road- in 8 d n. b6e 1: cut. thl We The t� a mermab WALIDING, .Vky as _t Ca
b*e6t �o a Dmggisft, Toledo,. Or V YM mud trioni the of the . I : . fi or 'rits �F_llbd t P, ail at resid anc rited Tolice fQt`C' i w-wi Fell'a now 8 �ilmtarrh Cute Goderi6h - ODD sides I C-eaps ozing oi q r it. A Oozen ad" egina. -is tak, a hiterna Ivp 4y, tin nWea joy the, LL Ole remoTing- this _�_R 0 ood. aurnild-. JL al via VIDONAL on lsseintir ftift 75 cents per P. ar.
ling tt W. of-,Quebn's Dtel.. and- rol V A e
ory stirdet t K' tatioged
. r -
St.' James" C.1 nr_qh,. 01 Le ltioe nnen. , be( n� at wo old, g
,*Ixtuxa- at qifle
01320, BadffleY, of 1 I-ellt% M MAN slyth Voo��i -Roecc s:r Iled -pit I11 to ilthe a,nI: M11 g a, was )*" UrIS. riVe PL%Ak. Ta $or su Id In oWne IIIIIIIIIIII
YOU canno
t to
is as pure an(,
I mellb w-' an Ale-
. , I I �
Ls 1
ia*0-nAst -ail cio
Oetitorg- M.
The b
i0w. Sr. ar4
##4 -
"MA -40,
N' fffllu
epairmg.. PU
d of El I 10
otaole Bra
a. Barber 6 10
Suff rtt
-,.--,B,u- 31111
Stands ready'w
helt -you ng
And isuoeessl It �t as
-given the
start -,to tlh )usaz III Sj
hen iands yal - a. 0-.1
lt ca e �, "help YOU!
gae. Eil �r y
time. `
H.'&SRA! ii IN ip
k 0
ro. C.
it M e �n
un Rd
to Orp
Notice is her6by A iven, pur�.uant t thi si at that behalf, that all persons having claims ag
the estate of Geor Watt, -late of uliet -
County of LTuron L C a
I 9, ntleman, who d I
the 262 day of May I q09 are reipm do 10 b(
the Ift day of iul� 1909, to send b� pos , reli
or deliver to the i
of their claims, duly
ndersiLyned, ful pa
verified liy affi lavib, nd
nature of security, i any, held 1.yy t, lem,
take notice that afti lenti
the assets of the sai
among the parties
, vill 1) e dffiHi s Ibgted�
entitled th�ereto, havi �tl)hf
only tG the claims c
beeb given. R. �s. I
f which uotic ,all
rAys, solic e'
iLor or the 1XN
Seaforth, Tune IZ4%, 190,
11 e We rI( 06 Bbarcl- of - Ud- 4 ISO conlra= les" -Cobourg Came to Cfalga,0 recefttly, from 4mt on I he - f ng of-, -the ---An nxpenf I k Droken S&tur,- r On.. 11 - - A e. r f Tttly': glamai V:0 g &-jobna ar th con ven ng ?y. bein wrork $s iei�
s trAh- dal 6 ' I b thrown from a :Ot 0, of t Id ie, 8ur portOjg of tojZ,,tbr a see tlon�vl 22 -i h4 e died' e wing gho V4111 -ties Of H irl r the bllo ui.' !61 mefia. uirtin. Sodium C-Madd. ;._r aps: the roorr4ug.. Sta'.116Y Pub c S6�qba Who eo'Aiot 'belong to Ing, wfitch Inculdes' �Ier Q,4 a eon�panlon Oil age. Aloohol. IY4w. perfume. m does not exp�nsive rntle -of r,Q the !.In st'aled'ouf for a r1d.'. Starleys horse the. nxe qorderr, B I ? Ask mak trIgh ail id , tb is is -a Purely, arb,4, This is- 65 ndle$* Wes i0f 4uperlio J was a Wet onp and his fall wao the trarl and r m nous, hdre your� doctor. Ihing "L u sttfla,bl 0 Di e Of -POW- tibu. It bA.-TIFS With y Cut rest -it of stumbling. Ho was . thio-�rn in ziAY er., rock, which nee Lhe- ctor. ca lbrr Rb Intended OsW fed off ',azainst the An ffl-dng of meelt he� I? As, k ybur do, Tbei- fly'llig - A 1be, flag -over the Ke and removal Cubic yards. l �n g- Su n -day for Rettler, where hz3 uni" ano
schobIs 8, A OU uj Is defeded --by -th I - ing 16, -k. 14: frxiln6dlately foila -1 y an 1. mmen e h I 4 liomeste Wi I ft s, op W hah 'A.-sk your d o e I mrn ad. to. ed -450,0-000 ,,To Ipel(Igram upon tile grouni fill which. has aim c k tfle, daug d M - rs, V. Wit it desProv .A& Ask your: doctor. hbar c Ut. an viq? Co
-it'" i Is - Jh -ded, * do that yi�rds: of rock and The t tra S' I h. Big Rock, otoks) Alta., 412- A.
-or RAle by to a - � I 46, ince Ir c I I #nd rell, g: a tors had to� r1ii- Qui was accident shot by her Th"R glou W do not 6brgr nt 'and the Ost V5,000 y br )t bet 1)on I a s t S- a ur day., 13oth bad t the f ag me howi Iin is hol$t-�d to, fli Of lDioem: ot r. �0'al le r
hon - qatl oll, 'em %In thie- d1s- 1. e. Woe ri'llne was. filled :Y.y� be n' out sboofing. A oph6ris und when de
t We ere'do pf xestl6i on I; t1h ekto, th e ba -holase WIle went Ienst Isbrnet of the -An9l c4la 'Qhufth of.each other, b t t AV(LIPT. the. cost ui �Stairs, leaned out of &-wintlow and *bo, eo
d, or Iin �jan , i -the 5e, lularl� ation of the, ._tfmb�r the coiitract&-sl, bAdg-ed th la, t' to�8 -a . ball to nOn. ire, had the trss, J-2-1
-Vler-A y reSi rV6 3 In - CA�nada 'civil !.,steel ca, a I gap - wItI 0, rer , which t e r1flf In Ids hand but thought it -had IIq-1( us % ETnUrrOLze."
eme r Is top be 00,1 saind.-_ trams -advance Al, to dump, their bcet Iiatschatiged'. Sot tenow In catchin Th GD-irn apri-I 4 thel 'a�e 10 9 ads in the ebasr , 7 1. - 9 The cost of o Ile, the, ball'the rlfle� Woft Off EWX Effie i i of -riescue it# a 01. hich the flag mile f;tWs work lo d $250,01 0, 1 was shot'ori the undt i side the chin. Imig-fit fly ut, a hould br* o u hi�� r or our great FU 'n; o !.ousltt - the mem.a. I am, told, but it -",an 1. She stfill .lives.' Ing r ltur6 W
0 Mato cry 16t 1 ral la is' qi jai rels the day, of in the System �Whl t rile progralx�ma the CalgOiry Ig- I- Isong -Chartaj the dai1d, Tr a nts. Fthe B r n 'i -nil . I A'gporitineIntal I 71 I v
IOItialate, t e '40717 was 'Intetruph d dne day Ust i 27paveI !',I
i of d. MIA 8 In t he struggle In less ofie having the ea, a� and, t e woe c by a heikvy is in sbeltueenCharies thli Fli-pt find his �ario 'eheap�'e4t to- maintstru Vbese lar -- ft a thai L a bour,'nev, r tWo Inthes of n liarn int, 10 -Tdsr, atd Se
alvo, Nin, eTI14 wl�atj on -of the on of th mi -i r and -women slip suoh a keaA are expensi e.,but, OV avoi -tell. It- continu A to rain during i 0 Yeav do In -ternoon, Pnd -Jices, jand me. The 0 i's a deeir 3 for BrItL h. EmPI ele, thI6 p in W,b t 'L+ no 0 r
as )S S1 4 1 h -Inioreist! the pl�pdranes if their lo
the gr den Itrestlos, ai f w as POSA e� 1Af e sage of thei 11r A R( WSS� eiirly _a,daptedoq�' 600"t -otl the', oral had to'� be- - -61f. rin bil I, anf- freahnilss I IVorywbeiio to to in eepkg with nat-are. Almosi Iscripe, b
n Canada. A 4iilnger of fire. -Woo was Welco't ed by, the fbxmerg enfi[i46�'Ao 69 is -freik;� ond moat t io ughtfully eeleidtod. Our 'te- unaturat oeYe Ing -o,f.sell goverA 1 � lj � , I i OM ally d'r:-15cr1Prft
Tdpn culverts arei T14 rain
I I lus r-egli; lar oJ i,eWbra tions of 't(and in theAlstrilet, however. Dar- a, 1*ikdowzf, ton6riq f opt, t Mr, li erty gener-ouk �Bid*$sy* Visit thl s i tore of -Soo:1 valifteg in CAMe uld be, III, being 'evbrywherje 'tt e j, ru �.i gid, everk- Ing, the stbr-M di a yolxi4, __d yov!ll
Wm. Mu, er, It.tbjS StOle h$a th I tem tin akd Inst3 uctj�v.e., But away convded tha ats .9, the e A.Tgest o di baitio 4,69s � liot - attempt where �belng 0 the InaigIr s`lbstaiittal: -mi was Ar b ghtnibg and In- Wre. Ist lily wo. The Alberta xorinai I 'CLurniture in the coulit tie kintt., In lnsist�ng (in Ue left , IScbiIol was struck, It nQt "badly In- the flag 10A)' flowit on �be -1-2th bf jure The telephone 4ystqm. was dam- &Wto6s and Nk -D at xbt(�s It ICE'L If re plt,t.. ip arbitrax y S and- QIO and five bAunilr(d.likstruments F h%1O boy *,rpr a: _t DE
n i ee �Wbtlyk as, If . e An Idapart nd� phad t �18 .-Fred JoAe July aget ox and voomt,
ou t. & order. a b6aird; 04mp)sed m satilly' playing -ball a Tat el�- ertA, When. iberal i I x n "a in -
so 81 M --tance .4n, Luction:saile !of school lands 4 - � S. 'by. j Cou
t ed out th
the fdrifior wa.stri n t te I SbOUA& Ihsl�t 1)n the ilag being hoII3& Mile AIM0 vecently hold I I tho distripet --of T. HOt anager.1 ed -O by the ball and InE M_
Jn28i I I he victory. . y -killed. -In n h -or ol L§tl ibridge. �Alberta, 1 and the -of �'Ji aurler io-vi r T, et. —A re C- US Va
arge n4factury isto Wagon valle uch' as to # make be r h thillf pre ad Were q, t t Iffhare be'' more force st tred in �Port I The bibld- W ou nplaf otE d6rd, think 1 the � uybm. were crazy In hle.,utte n of Le'Odn& leadem it pe. t)l' exea or A&IP., e fl 91d. fi-. qu4rter 2 t ChIii i&ng Loug libIerty W t06; t W a r&llg a lor $81. an azrm Thel whole see -1 in; f, Lvor of I a
tion by. 1-uly, 1911 -if toen ted to to bi aiftir* the edd. 0.0 ploedthe'! ea$e in S'
.$62.2F4 an bon W, exit for an &V rA, g6 of caltio a Of 310 [10 —Another new. b A eared Fullntss aj�d JBI ngA er E T to dren, ip-D er in 01 & I I 0 - Of It . afin. iffet. - acre, -Aff lot -the lai [ a�ound Ch!...�l ab d 11A use itheir Alberta. If Is calfedIlhe ss, _agolllst the by comp elling, r the. publl:shed at Granum, nile � east of .-Leth Jlgq, bro . - �6� itinup, �ZI�11 do homage ugh )1e7 IW CALMS, to er 0 an acre'.! Thai s I I -the pr se of to 0 teir pal W Let Of Alber be the banner 'heat It 01,41 er and 1b ai�� -ty. 'sale was the j big Yr S Ire llout Millar- is the: le pu ached- by 4-ohn I& 1, - P Tab; r I& -c artlors witbil i�; t h
MIIE of Taer went for, $35 andIl- *28,, -hd I
'te Of taxaf rea-S
- [on In Winnipo ra. C nd. T*b 11sher. t Diges -ers
Thex*iq 1 Frolifin Hogtj Oil 4-ccou�t orf t he high'price,5 were bought by J. L. I ob- this. y 15 lnlfls� 0 t be dollar, ew back- TIIIel leftiler adjoinix L nd ouC fitteen taln ble' fo' 14 -the meh have i creased b�lr towt hi�t-d, h,c
rain. dv, past &�,y h er El 'alid3wentY mr-Es frorn Taber --old as� Iarle f $900 Ye F tarl [I Wa 'Year -&Ad dr 111fired Arom I. 'nd lid ra-ght a coup] e of SOL . went for $16 At aH
the s r -of he as $17 a. ta c r It' gone -put 0jL the fi(Ig' iMsh u business. s solicitor h'as Not) Rng within L iread i of the rai6ad ICOMMAN MEDICLNE Co. Tor0*0 been. InqreAs d from $ iO to $6,000 1 25C. a n
clairflug aE "tl 'ey d al_ t�.at,.l t Pays, bet- wais Imissed, ail being naped up eager- OX' ter. o' sell th Iii iy�ll gra �this we —:Two years ago I ft 5s 9yder,;- th6-4 11 $7.90, *r 4-1
think they ha; r6 rn%de. a njst c,hool- * tst'l. OX ake.,. and, teacher of a s in. thIs. vei Man., ost a gold 4l II Ce axe born� ou# lby 'the. day: tbe'watch wa nd b .-The ot' 11 ems.
il r
Y' Robe t, The best vjr�--;edy
a Id- oth xs r CKenna, sold hi.$ sti3re Weekly who have. de- -Clark, of qartran.d "O, -ourg lady d mdel a t * J�k In.D;bltn;to Ed. Daher
vote nt� ol W I he and sto u ��j of subject. now married and rasWmL at Wesi-i cen" F al r ,aO
L*tpweL That. &per minster, B. Q p Phe Sun*, believes —The St. Marys - CAleglate InstItate there -i's nd raneb ct Robinsor� 11 te banker. - be 9.. a IE�mlr 9, the I Pf b 3r 4ti pUrposd bitildh $6,000 ex-- n, -plel ad gullty to I a t mentioned wtiii
ado who! ens on to the ichool ou b�ood has 'b poss! ale. ex p1lono I)f ne. clairy, that charge! of usuryAn case -where it "he vital i Y r come thin aod wtmi; The Ov I
�f St.Marys for has -ew Months a)etter r A, llins to those wa's'NaAlaged 37 per nt, erest wp,s J; -em the past f were Bliths 1, rnarAagea 9, drain qpon your syt h d, was fined. very Or ti, You 9 e Who, hav� 1011 wed t I elligentlY and 'large f�..5 aa costs bY7 d4t i's -3. i been ir casdquently -persistently thin -bas 4og I g: �he police maigtrate 1 - I I - I itod -. "r TuckerFMIUN f Man.
aisin The —T. V.�.Rufledge, fo xie�ld t OU _d OLT bustress certainly' as s -not paid those A. Ro rtratfor4, 'was dr�wn6 un down." Your -will Wnson' Mc ney lenoer 1n of at Roch�;s- Who hae v sfe'd'intc it i' Btan,don, wWs charg.� �N appLetite is bad i ad you hardlk have enough.- ubt as priceiiI rith usury or, Oew York, whille. batnin —, fts. Milton IK.. and. have Inir collect I T-46�edav*
Wei -e ont' v re of - d a0line the 6�rt in 'that cti� hE 1v t I energy left to; do daily qUtij�S. Y0U.S40U1dL o1i KCII �yre� of St.,Marys, t1e,M'arket Was�a. more than tAk-e PSYCH' "the greatest Of Tbriles, WIMOWLLL Ford had rr�atk pet cent. ox a loan, I e I out. a ai i� PA on the cell stalir at _' her -bo ut t , d �bi� . I aded guilty ,and - v4s rertiande ho de U '17u, YV 14j ffier h e the bes-t f y This put you on Yowl' feet at once; The: i and sustained 6 fictur f he 011 �i I orke a In
�arjeo was bee. 'd by 9e who se�tenbe. The rate h�l c 4,nl I 0 d ao Ing te sti, ial Will intvrest Ihave e' d . 1� � about U per cent. Y, U. wh on laigh priced 17hile g4ohig dowr the ste IIn eps at her -DOWN" FOL.K gnil' f or ed' the gate receipts !an I booth Priv-. hom R On he t let lh nd a , rm n in`the other.day# Wt. M. King,, of whera hags ha,ve'bieh kept. ile 3 the dernonswiltl4n t Ca baving by Mite iell, lipped and E rained her ankle you afti weW PSYCHINE wiU make you s troxi riht a on on aiid "n ere ly in Minion Day ireal!izea $700, vh e uf f ic t numbe b& o uruto-bi st.aceoun-s the rs the Ladies' Aid 6f tvv..b R thid 100al -hen bgve used PSYCHIM—an,' I & bia. 1ATIM anti rell
Gentle, i t ylirproducto In Wednjsuy `01 I churches, secuxed 01oln servIi�g last Veek -�Toy tWink it is t e gfi West tonic and system 'OWt of the dair r, whem, 'elovo or alfalfa -1 thien,, to th -
alighter', jof: A builder 'k :has been uied as ])Srt'of-' the ration, dinners. fr.; ano D. I would advise all who n or physically v=k 0 V16 Ie Dc ui Us. of togan, i vas united,' 'in aft Twertty-sevdn qu ar gecti6no Iof rauiclow' :and,where main hE Is beerf fed at It" to )al lei T., Jae4ry. FSYCHINt." Your�tnfly.Mrs-Ju Wtst T was''a V�)nsj:l�l
m*i lage ,cam , from he mack e p as'be6n tlie old Sir Leaster EVI r ranch Was from I I --L, C id[T1r-*ho, h been. teachiii, Cath�aic
IT e th h ass r4dor" t4o aud tmn up, t4*. FP&AM It'am y auction at S ivift C :a ph t—ar ogt up red bl6od L liberal in: pol�'�litics.
-d i � goc d profit, ---a / ng in No. 2 '80toot. Hibbert, bas i
s a i qe a Is I lom-e Saskatche wan. Owiho. I to the searcj-,ty sl,8 4 t a Tl )ut by. the ers at tb.. ni o g a e -s t. I etote le�XA-g the :exper�enc.es o� prActic%l farine of money EEmong. the AL b 411 V.
ns. It Is p1l, Z� prese tl�d�hlrn with a suit cUe. _t Isustaned, t ts cax. 9eason, � only .qt�_ven q- 4rtE rs were so d. Dol, by the experi'men tobert UUmer, I � former. resident The average price -.N,,a $15 per acre 'I 24, by.
ried )ut by eight fur meers der the of L!istoweil� Oled rec Pat b. is
in Men- saU Psycbho ift a Prof. May I - the ear As w, I as Is known he was ME' .1906. Th 'y three miles *south of C irm w, Mdn., h ct i leadership IWhIter Jenkins.' f 9; 7,mer jg tal a f ORIAXE$T e T4 �sul t of 'hese i �xperl Cal lk t In a� yelone wl-Ale tendin �r ments field of I I 9 aerage It... i cost barldy heade lout on� the d tba 0� d 1- __ . t4else eight fallme s littIE less th 7'11I of July, and as a f ui ither, 6v1deI)I be �has resignel Ian and lata to �*-st %
$4.60, to rm that Sarran Is blessed with a IIIghly lued at $23 ro� IsEfirz yioax
Per, t he todc his e patture te 4-1- 4 p n e, 10 s. of 1ponk with as Wacber'ot 9. S. o. :5, Hibbortil nE
grain Val 011. h-vep at faore ate,. ai--rf,,Aqen1 of the. 1IcI,Y1.rn the re- �+ _.il 'gathered rin tomatoeg f his ga lk"l if- I& 0. "i 11 _- + .4 ;.0
r ce �u grain anu pLi es.e.7neu, t1a W1 h 9, nice 0dress hogs jF en,on the same day Bal eball s :as IS this shows an +ceilert- and, ity rit ii,go Cb M 1�bd ft
margin.. —J. W. Furb , of 3'0.�ktbn,,Sask., s ana ob. I_�_l I i ir 9s, I - ller ind ev iry oy Y -4 s. Alfre. Teas, that
want aunilrni RO )f Pullarton, died aop o cra. a tsplendid -cr f 'b 'ipplas in Iobere I the chan to Filling -Bc ' 'Is J on 9 unday,_ eceased - h j; OUE 19 Hole a. 4th. rbe:� d ad 4t 0 e wit�.I ut I IV-, yeaxs With tilbercul-1, IRr
.garden at that place. Lait year i A�ie �been or. years our tailaring department b.is bft d** fP 9 for 'Few ha ift of t e - dif ul-0 41111,i". a a4y �a crop. came t 15ub yl, b t, spenla A t i nt, o maturit) )essfull'y. b It a and s enco apterell, A. �id cultie 051h: �Sho leav�es u I,b and grown ear as the Wist pla w1i ask co� that have to this years promiseg -to d:)uble Lit and ,kho , fa r and Ce to; 04�an u J Ott
�e ter' es that Trill: It as well ag III - -those Wb_ School W�il6rt. to se� only UP s Ib, es overcomefln the greit wo: k o4build IeXfectiv�y pro b $'I 000 to build an ry ot Dr.1 murcil" i fa ous ing tlie),Natibn for $1Z.. ati facto ' J,m gumell &I Trarl conth ental Rail, grain 'can, be 'grown in the Yorkton now lit el -t!
, :)urse o cons ruction by com 11113 e sty 0 p4no rips aD ac P't st o hd St -1 atfod G 1h --fit.-and -wearing R)IM W_ a bo 'ht ie ill, Wa,yx enera discHospfta c: ed.bn Fftday, but one t6. the school are.fc r rhe rt Net nd Lhe 4 'See
n Trunk Pacific I allway Col Ve 1, cure of uer 'I Gow r, 11nent 'nd thp, —The Methodists of )Roi Isevain'-_ Ma Iri guaxa tee thelb We always istock a fill11 rage of 11 'os 0 u0sf npany. Itobap- -p onds Df the St�atfrd head. ches, resented theft pw tor, Rev. N r. CA ri age and. gotor n -4-15—F for $25,- best 1-m a Canadian e --apet It 61 A sp cial cdrr�pond e, it, of he Winti-4 Wil, )-mpa y pertt a4` lotbs." lordncr-�, Tay
P;t, vas defe4ed. Taylor 536, _Zuuldt
son., With a corni li�ne ifary addre s 000 onst ter, e e ee P4 over arYdL & C peg! e66� has receftly been well filled purse A gol( Weak ie6ses, A- L as� ia� re a -portion of ;the --Cn 'Tuesday f ng bt last W norn eek +86. ,road a W, 0 qqete SOIL 6 lood diseas fram mark'.of -their appreMati 0 S se r Husbin, *14e lof IT # aSS
1�tters hos. us'hr
ek,e are;. 110weve r, in 'hie 40 mlles ing been assigned to Aho r charge y' In, 01 the G. t. hakespesre,x died r a.- ling r. th y sm p thq a t f Cinioll lake, 14fti ling liver and � Idn Vces for he paFit fotkr'� he� h Us W -rhe atism, 1 and YoUrL
Ing e Ing Less. She -Is wMeh. I hav its life sur vi by her h sba. rid an 62'4
bli 'Y� witt Just' ee�, s6vefal bazi la u d a family + t Iare g ing t le � ini-t MOR Clare teen Goi7den, 4xv
-torms (and I i nlghtj�'gtearh shovels ast Suiida!Y -some reon broke In- R. v�d d ky traln, ried alle 84 r other preruft �tbba, was &ow �n the wl to ��b a fFuit stordL of A Peter Pangel, usy repah -it damage. with - a fiu ar6 k t b a One sink 011ver Gordan,�"th( thi d 'of sit dulldrenli rr. i 7, qualit " eon -year -0, hole ecentli.ropped. i i feet In one SM of Ale x: adveriseoffnahle mber lot �Y] b -ate$. IVhree t�t Si- Marys, 40d st "den
es 10-ast (it the e About fifteen, Rerne Ifes. Along WE lb goon river )oys were paddl ng ai )unq on a pli ' 01 ew ng long st SeVe_rl L gum, candy 4 'doll Is' worth �f ch with the pqti. we anoth dric ppea three ?Lnd when In waiter A 1; fflier, nk holi d art,, le;si ; of a,rp;nce s' effected vy_� of feet I st Friday. The;le spo:6 will re- leep, Oliver fell off, Did being' un� 'the b `V :quire bons i wk: door. Meer r pries I'e he' tah eadi ,]I at �etst - untli :o swlln,� as owne In, hft:$ resign -d good Pil t att 71 1. I I . IA inake.- them s, �t the Mad *eather sels �ra. Pu I . lin f
ch � of )f big pla, th
xelL Theie u, 4f6 -nis :the. traerial that Is Ic her oaltion 04 tile eia. consis t �fca 814ff,� of the Iwjit- liIA ros Fi red lin MY biggest sale of I1, at irt, a grIculti ra, "ahe 1''public sc�ool. 3 6' eollsepence ! belt, 1 ahts,. g nd are g . into' tj-Ae !soft an6: evr held In tma(ra vIbsI6d �a d1vain d e _�t f made f th il I cat tRUd'c -side, w ii d the sfirfa et :,ethbr4dge, Aite �w days ag t the oard has a ach of the I ic,�i_ the �ss a ant teab6rz o Is the �_i ad for You. F1 the'kind eve fala JIT. 11 s rises W t! i Its . growth o vb6 the school robrn and en- for lana brown or gia Zes 3 $a e concluded. ga, Usis S. 'Lt4irk thy. for, the 1the la 21 to 32 waist measui went., I*Vrite t g w -di tv. "s ana_.shrubs. T te disru6ted r)pts Dight liuiidred and fifty, -six 'User -"a.4 i aqybddy who hit tlie4 it parcelo ddress and will 9 d ' tt the - p1l )uni ok' department inff your address and �en�;.PL f the latter are be� rd 'crac,, cing. _oib' r w
d sold and the total. prize was -&�out From a Ile Pal W . .. — -_ - )fri Car 1a4t Ye State size and olor Pre,%, [is MAR busied' 6
scat free -ift takes. place. u IIto all, a e t. nderneDth. L mJ111on- and a half- dolls rs. The lao'' PN� er $19: 'an fou- caXis ty 141; per- acre. remarkable- .Ut situilt,l1l� sor , 'k, TK DR. NAM WINE The rever -of W5, Is sbown Arent high a*eragln.- b of exost goods. have re a ch u
ME HOWTS TAlig ? I'OR e s 0 We Offer One Hundred D tug n6mrd for this miles w Here On Daroness -Norl Plater, --o 11 C�4�,�rrh that cannot exuled by Hall's Super W—h case an ear. Im June doli th e. ro Bel Agnks,., Is i 106�t fil t� feet above the A car lof �d has TO stook Of ates to th P om Weden,#' one pK the dele ates to th Just ilvi A
(if tbe .0 te�-rnational Council of L 0HEN Y 4 P0., Toledo, 0. wat n VC-]:-. iimen at To- Woven Iw. J. ALICER th4w the --cltIlt pas'se, Fence, flaly ft I We, tac landersiglaedi have knbwft F. J. 1�:) oiled Qu h a.Imus onto, visited Regina, sw c., a fe Cheney yearo, A, h vp bbn perfectl blon- 'Ulu keg., hich f( rrn� a pc c t -e t in thb rocks,' day U13r, of Toronto
ognized crabl: t 'in ap busitie4s Tlo tloaO, and Ananci.Ry- with th6 8t rfa�ce aboi t fif tj� 6n feet a- able o earr� out any -obp li his fl lytb, near 'the GY Undertaker and 11a:41 '�s Ago, she rnbt &,-n d Barbed Wire is 0axified at _Son of a rul, I o14 We 0. Also -at Val o S tore—ill IY6v,e I he tra ak 1� Trunk station, Val Xxkau Amon
ain street, 86a�f )rtf 31neb the road- in 8 d n. b6e 1: cut. thl We The t� a mermab WALIDING, .Vky as _t Ca
b*e6t �o a Dmggisft, Toledo,. Or V YM mud trioni the of the . I : . fi or 'rits �F_llbd t P, ail at resid anc rited Tolice fQt`C' i w-wi Fell'a now 8 �ilmtarrh Cute Goderi6h - ODD sides I C-eaps ozing oi q r it. A Oozen ad" egina. -is tak, a hiterna Ivp 4y, tin nWea joy the, LL Ole remoTing- this _�_R 0 ood. aurnild-. JL al via VIDONAL on lsseintir ftift 75 cents per P. ar.
ling tt W. of-,Quebn's Dtel.. and- rol V A e
ory stirdet t K' tatioged
. r -
St.' James" C.1 nr_qh,. 01 Le ltioe nnen. , be( n� at wo old, g
,*Ixtuxa- at qifle
01320, BadffleY, of 1 I-ellt% M MAN slyth Voo��i -Roecc s:r Iled -pit I11 to ilthe a,nI: M11 g a, was )*" UrIS. riVe PL%Ak. Ta $or su Id In oWne IIIIIIIIIIII