HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-07-16, Page 27 7— 7 7 J + kit 47� -J, —n 0 e is; Amp -.-.a a , pfW "pW -h� Y, V, r on t f =d Nor t xg 4W a t wa, not yot wo, M.; -And I i �Vft V ')rear'old, has board it trade and ia� *bjit U a htwss t E, �e# JMO 0 Wh a Xlk- SW �b out TV IM -population 'of 00. ghl �4. INS Vot th6's6le 0 elarchl - —A cqmpany hap, �b ji tot d In ue-� ee Ine t n pa u 1 1�8411 Cate on A trea,-� gina to erect 4 theat v buffaing 1111 y roA ask 0 42, 0 =0 - M®i Al ,Very 'Place to cost $4, 000 t hat W x terms off y W W mr- I a Is 4OW Ton ot 'V#Aue —The rkew buildingi or the ftsk- A to the 6gbtern off 2�1 oral n 0-411461iv�+ o Oat L he ouh*y§ Xid sonae ,of them at to be old-fashioned, Al No. 3 im ery as inaugaklateci by the Cana4lan tot at :19askattoni, e eatUnated to ty, aewom to Half two -o of cost ver $1.000,000. ill-wo k ng furnace is a noi. *OMMedba on Augual. -gem $to artly. Arorks . satlefte- abg d annuaft TlIt'Coye; i —The curlers of I�rwclon have de - At, -ONO JorMST-M, -4. -e r. th(WIty ss tory a Idi, ad. I town a new produc 490us wha it has 4 an rb 6nt An. ures us clided to erect U tba E 81 a tf f - D aie a 'doze Tll� Coves In. double de -ed,iin Nch j through leaks aud been - Ij ittodi ed be Vrovew bY i - onsulnes the C' ck to Cos' -V $40,000 YDMD W�Ab V"y ... - 11 t bolor yi,41.. el I Concep It Is Intendet to have it It C o il, but upderskined offeirk for FOR 94LEL-�4be actual 03t On hi§� e ubJect the Cks, wastes the at. t A Bay F. 1B Olve 01 -the mbst` geady for use d4ring tb i b wing -season. �$7,0m;W on 8 -Hiobert, tW 01 des 0 Ise remaPks,:, luable ron'mino In the orfi, oWn- Mrs X.�. A. is onomy tc have such a f u -mace in T Jacks , who came) to Ask Wti iiLmonthff iq�d t The 1 not 10ic -yeu*dd oa&,; Mi w8horthom hoUldrs rento� jagi ema e rur. Mid (Pperited by lid Iya Scotla,t Qrall�i Saskatc4ewan, �rorn Minnesota your 0-V ho pr M* yot r co r texiant's home. i i I Cbnlp'ap�y-� and th3 r4on kon A,! mal I. dell v�rj e,, 'b I trip. withL lier son -.4o, le ago, commit -4 i nd Steel any� Irecent ost bed sulelda t If yo are tbinldng o uilding you shou�d be inter - nor wilt, be iom at liveand lot live priem ln�g",epet itablZ11ane Postme s bi Ge by"harigin herself oxi Lonsed-Istpw telethoriato nCdance. t i . -ii,the I Wws V DAYM ETUj StLft 04, Q� will es x f oo Ili sight is h their homestead last Saturday evening. Su, shine Furnace It adds 100 per �cent. to h1ding its ( 9!D till I X0 tV fiblo o r sel ted ared m tono, axd It ca a be lbad- The Presbyterians of - Carberry, home c forts, -Staf t C) k000rt on the wdrkb ig of, the a on atearn wa, at ew stone and —4n, r4mond le, -on talb cc rnpanyl . L F ltztEA ff0FxftRaXDEN0x AND IVIAOREs OF the, Xam are 'ezecdng a 5 contract for your hou96 decide uth one a, ton., trick chur.b, which I I have all the As soon as let Man Vill be bhk& aeouth The stw Ine, the I rews will hrity to to c wi find th, 1]E�.-fora C . oni 'on your furnace. e haxl)6 rod, cellar u wbole, dge very nvdern venlence�, i nd is estimated TT Sunshine farm o served onk the route, de- t hsive, an averything in- gocd re I it is. a Ost slgd t to ca, t -0 `ust hw -the roonis ought to be. n� bout $10, - r in - h W611 At we = pleased to tell -. bu Ut n Sir h 11g.lited -Wltb the new s.yste It '�has f ia t rr -une, 1% aba� s, andWoodshed�and.=XW hat I r d _swort —The elt counclip atest- he4t from 01:; y Reghia� have n eye t ecunng c,,Ire sanot vesulted laid out WWII apply an 6 -the W 3s n. -the W gr ng the agric umptio of coal. s sa ekan 'to lo ovi)r for'tim-, passed a by-Ia Pro. Ul- ithe smallest co�s moting: trife aTOP9 neighbois b ter ares to-p�rchage.jae 'xtiad lio diflicukzi tural society the ecause Sul it $27,000,, to be ient with the quest�on don't sr in ffni In what he want d In New- If you want ,o expei 11T expened' -on , permea.en ImproYements ry evb ha's not rural all; deliV4 tic f Duladland W, are lie P.Se six, at- th,exhibit-Ion gr, ids in anticipa-, spedify� unsbinf�." ki A NIM HOAM Bid --A 6ry at big -b ''A cmvexyD doeffor"mo on Sast 1undred i iql� of tim, er land, toin Of tho I)o der ithe n Le—Cibr Ors aii too i iensib le to expe ct minio air In 1911., ettle th stion. :S�mhiue -a tnafi­ U Vrant to 5 ttb� is for sale obeap and on I e nd estal Ils d a pull 1 11 and towit —A 'lot w if io t ession. DA: the - two lela of Witt and an eight rout e- )a every cc fte _ Ith a tron age of 1001 iefft 4t. Grand New opec lat rep the olf Iartage annue, Wi nnipeg, waA re r Tudbard w4 soft water VIV Oe 'C116 i eat f oi te of the great -i c entlY sold for $20.000 The seller had boin' tor itone, cellar under the whole Working of Ural free elivery on. the A, which In few. yeaft s ,nake: f 8 t--- Pulp and Paper '1719kint PrO&4ts in Only a (Ihe" lot foil six months andl 2 I route w wne e wentl ned a t ar d we satisfif d tN.t, reBUI a� profit of �$75 14,or foot OWICM, Beafforth. 216* - he morU I made r�lrq--' - This Is OIL y -of tnai1ny, s6nilar —A $24,000 datr neal 4ifil is likely to MMOMG OIT-19M OR SAXE,—The tav �ot :h system.-, i, I idastries th t Ne oan ilidla4d Is qj�- be built In So For Sa le by hesney & Archibald, Seaforth *111 -sell by tender, Ter. itesftraonv, comes from PrJnce 3k., this serscn.� f 3u. orting.; ia, St up tqr Febtuark i6th, 10-0. Tmis able ej.- 3u nd dispite the The mill is to 'be built by ': tie Y, liddelsex 1-1 RdWaV I Ocii t wbicli -is in good repair, condsts of an RL Bell Et d'o, toxt of iffah- � just nowj and'! orth Owar GraiA. Company of Mi uleapolls. of W ft=W, R-dth.feeder and cutWfjl� attach- and other Plawriter's opinion tl­it the nex ill have a *aORY- A 150 barrel R� BW20-hom'puwer 4inaline 11 900a. W5241V lalready In We: lidpe b6kfor U �er ed��d: an� aa&tank - separator 0' ea#6n en&p, or century �xw ran one a InAnY Pveek ilt w11L be In- opwation..In Wila pbr fty. 11 *,Qute several r gr at ni�,t%tral In I -Tura, I n the old erman- farmer, na CDU reasomble. Alddress--K� G, MURDW, Smat .1 ungs! everybbAng re-� I —G. Pisber, a4 11ty, Purces (if t ie countzy as, not i ble W his brains; o v t Weak hrod eak L T4ose who 1 V"' U u day night, ha*,, 'OuAd like the eln o4t to een equj�lle( by any 6thei part �i i deliberately w, lked aver the *1y MI' V n -- prove it fail' tfe. an demn it b(c- ause:the erica in he la:st f4t 'Neche, Vhe cia -ROR SALK, vor sale at Ro-dooro 1! xecPsition aced at ey:ery boundary gram Apt PI )akota, to Gretr Cold after cold; couh after COUoh! I'toublod. wnu this 1 Ind Is e land, on wb�;i; M asily r1eadhed via na, map left a me-Killop 'He )to saying lie- farnier's 'gal a- -and that.the great good baluk hobie, juWbeen rebuilt, dad heated- h, takin cold habit? i Befte"! ak it up. Wel have 1korth 9 ne by the s4vift'l Eoid co 9- t man v� �ho s�,uP tw si& to d or on xftwAm* good stable and implement house - a t good hm i;d one Apre feaool-o# with iiliw ry VV Pectoral for this work. No' L Bruce, whI h connect —A, *iccessful plow;ng match 'was confidelnce 1*11 Aye?s Cherry for -Sa-ME aim tbe-� next li-V � $1; Unjasly Port-aux-� 3asques Wanted I to die on Calildian coll. WITE JLA El co , esslo Is being ZoWn This is a moat deal=X6 prbperzy for a re- vdth ithe Reid held on'the fa:r -for might, with. equal tdwfo . I — weak ftoats and we* lungs. &k tieited. Tht In Of J. A FrIth, three xred fume; or for buit ar It is only Ulic an( An hour's miles 'east medicirie li e it r -Qp; b' sa�� of 1e' Post 0 Mee. ko U to� �he i vicinity 23rd of June. DetWje * about it. -or at Rowlano, tr-ff A 'Apply onithe pren*eq,, 6r f -ce, e it ailway lidd Citings n tb five'anid si 7 docto for [is ilk n. He knONYS 4 adds -am Sftft& P. 0. JOHN NORUAN. 20Wtf its ino, con nIenl 16 your -some than to x hu- LEZ You can f ik thers, -but 11 1- is al con- The Ri� rA," It you, aie lbent on dred pebrile gather n he to a I va'uable. his 'adVice all flmes'.- .1 -�, it.' lit 0 1 ed together to wit, aa approva, is a fishing exe slon, houTs ;I11 car- 'ness the matchl the w3 e W 10 avail I hems6l parts put PURE RMIDENCk FOR SATa—BeInt, is- as ure-aa4l mellow a4, Ale aswalk V, n.tenee to and the other s it S; You to th C. -A LOW M�� �r Mt %-,Jamea, Street, Staforththe house con- p i of centre 4f, the car..! oa by the'maAagemen N6 alcohol i i Ithis dou g-'11 me(H 1 , - - j * t ­ I 'Very e cme, ewed. are, Mtbr GC4 - -xlr Rodj�ersp manager of the axativejo a Wh *I in the a ide road ax on �the game.-; th rty our's wilt 64uf ce a tran. 13ank 64 Hamilton a keho��.i M ikeaosiawl en youi;�Ndfi t9tcomes 0' 7�ewifig�! ns 0 wit ru I mal del' .!Tb I bou, cot nt aCma parlor, dining room kitchefi, pantry, jdth ever br Awaided 10 mect I ��Opte up: 0 you IT90 11wmmy walter, woodshed �uddxbedroom& There. t agams-t im ors., U.,,Cceflarunderthe whWh4duse and a "d farnac& all cc' -petit it Glaidstione, wig Alwayskeepagood on cg n have their boxes pitrt Oss to - eaded cane ahid the olon this? P111L ksk your do - placed on. ied with'a axative I a St. 'Present is the best I Ior There aye verindabsia1ront-side. and rearjandevery U. regularl M& I Oute a gold , t ohn s, v -Iie.. you wi : fin ion A VibW thin the beat of repair hard and soft. water at he, Ift an up - f ilit siness men of The Do Ion Prery Co. � 'to -i an address by., the t �t section r �e to tbo, bxckdoon. Miia is-& ;Zei.deorabld roddential .) - ate tyxit rn city, Wi ;h, fi streets 1hat town Prlor'-to his departae 'Ire them nd ii this way t will be for !)U h tit. thr4 -Av and viRbesold onreaaonabletem&� If ted i nd publi c b alldings, many handome .�Brandon,, where he ha been transfer-' twild wiRba-renta& For terms n(I ed' avl Ing h %"TV�At Tm �hatever dist4nce I rbrate v sidi noes, an ekrb� --red. 1orkton, 2 s i VS .there,� 'The ot pring b from th `Pqst �fflce, 14 1 tha at Path'; to the d slid b a a W —Peter Sardhisk�, o 'able pe TORONT ONT tiris Although the.; b okl� 70A SALF—itor ale -Lot co �ox t be un .�hot wiD 0 y As co nd I ; s suffering fralli 2165-4. nvenlent t I hirA -.or c, t IMa 3,& 'T 10 ot; -BY11 in the spine. Tie WiS aring a ktjok Should brhigyou her' r g �dat Fut o bis Wg nitu�,& prmism wgcod ftame houselth idtahen and auln- bor 'vp ho reside on- the aj ns. V HO WtAVEEE Saar 15-�V,�roportl �,on,, rp . odaf �y B kftah6,bAjd and s6ftater in the latter. IA lail, route wilth a'Phot gun and as ttacked. by d th�,, Una with stane stabling., underneath and V the ensuln eniended. .,s - ter7 other out building& There qy a re, bat in D Ilse R a bull. In Jem raelee the gun diet exploded, the cha#ge n Veen t maill b ance be Sgjrdjo )d orchard on-tholarm, md the whole is- wellfen- and�the t N. 0J flee,. v6a-f�rs aye th right hlp� Re 9doandunderdrained. TherearelO acres of zood �P98t er that. MI y Insky's �otly aLb 'thls be In ra hardwoodbusb.-Itis.situated ebaff.mi!6 '�Rh- Af no seas6n� of the ye do i xe and Wolntin s4ow Ouch a keen n proport mate ad. More c Ildi en the d uking I upon, a d, the wadding air on w all :i havi� a the hot was ape ted upon. a cVtheyQVeofMke., Forturtber rt' I was located In his SPI.M. He will like- 3 eir boine vanta and wuGLA�, FR OD and 9 none are: ate plybit the premises orLadilrew GEOROE WUGLAk *eaihiRr- t lan at any other time of the interest in the appe'araAes of 'The�e is is desire for 414cri in I - ly recove 4Q� P. =690-tf and Is the system wo!-Kis-out Year- DlarrhoDg, dysentery, bholera, in. freshness', I e to; be i eeping with. nature. Almust our blu- a tothach si e9me I —A car load of Bri Ish Columbia entire hle8b, ftd ghtfull h Mon a Ily e -.X- with QHOWHOAN, BULL FOR - SERVIO& -7Xy heard ub Ptrawberries were sold [n the w1int-, ow Am it *111 grow and:1 Y. advantag!s wll� bd� f Ln �nest selecteld. Our tetm,-:L- 0 I gradu t�nded, Out war4 g, and t" I rand young0coW ivhen�e this a of goi Iralud an YOUT e *J U now beaded by,tbaf, g x medi-I Peg - niatket last wee geneom ancleaqyi, it Mra bull ftotch GI.6,V "W, lils dm Lady Jana Cimp.� c.Ae Is not at hand to k by. auction, and en 1-givel pronipt i &%W; alret, Golden Emir, M50,' go realized : fr away eonvine ed that Mal -store h is the largest e stook of ot by GWd D19p. X Met, the de ay may pr6ve i fatial, ., to Om $3-20 to $3,80 per case Vietior<lm V-065(7MO); �mnia, .135 (IM Kbou 6 Nei foundland PU i -dam, F OP-MIM9. P t ie child. to wholesale dealers. 1 hey were sold f urndt-ure in tl ie count Own i Tabl�&tp 24MW y Golden Hey (OM2� -iscotch orey is a Ther4 � are ke ever out iretail at 15 cents per box. They roan, and la'aVran4 specimen of the abort- ieeihIty, all not many An s lould he hdus� where beau Oil 3717 th, I relfty n k know were - very fine berrIe and wW- W kepf specially for the im- U�h allout the t lere are C ren dui -44g 'the hot' A car' load rovement of pure bred horthorns. Anyputies 1xid, Of Wh ovince of In 9, cold tor:ige car fro' d -a to breed are hMted f weather mont,�hs. -'An o0dasicpal d6se of sh In f nT ox -and-, Colt it, tow* bas ol Otdvn Idt at wtO,un&1a'nj,, which Is Ilk( fNe . � . nest St. "bu ly, afiV1 tie Table I Uatbarbies. : ontaiio, wXs , , lermst, eve deadly isum $Siure& Pao Vred pr mer rierhokis* at T, .6 distant date, io buM or sold In t4e 'same way, d an 1 1 me siale at all times at reasonable prim. become il, cure..7th If the� co: iud realize S. 1�10LII 81 Ma&Age 'StRple Bra s. Barber Sho D, C�m Pi f�r, ��i �i ne of the I s of & $5 Per crat a of 24 qua-Ttso Tisitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensian V. 0. = I . i nexpeet*-Y.� average Ince the )omMon. Mrs. 0.! Morhau, St. m1hem 1ha- -11 They arriRd In-Prinie condition. 91'52.tf WXtf -V�e te, ,Que,, s s: "My ba,by;� k apt to thill of a s a h C ry, whem! but -aft- U1 US e ei 7 v'Q Own God-Cbr ak(n count oold, I Pu"e"'Qd --�Erest Sawden, agd:13, of Morose om.a serpre amick of I ira,'Intant-, Jawif had a jnjr&CUlO escape from tbV PecIlle-aVe Poor ai�d the enly, & death while bandling a live wire in. 9, T -In; lets ra so try at Br, y IMPI)rtanee t�oable' dl iappei�ied, 4nd IS the fish GE regain d bealth s e1i lane at the west end di the city. Ths. d w 'UT b raedict ie d _4 jji..�PrinlarY carrying 1,000 This ealemrs- lb MRm-ER. ng Ini [ustry, is a ver ost at VOlLs. -The boy picked up the Wire, gre Cents Ia 1 )x 1tr ak(.' It resources: Which had dro -A ege mist am �i pipeff froi 1 its fastening 6 true that the- ediclae i 13rocirvil Ont. CP ns6me way, and hi A oc wie �rovja oe hAi,,,. not beon. "cieve, o pc a - ­ I' Posifiwl ditd MIMI OF CANADA Stands re y,to help ;G,ung -fingers were'-. awe, nyspepsi�, Prom� to as great ten ----mom burned almost COMNIetel-Y oft. One was t men am d omen to win .1nde- x t, proporionate'T,,' as (Weps" i success. - , - CfLMO L' - I I Dijestion. Monem hA%cln U: fail t(i le suffeked se HEAD OFFRIE, TORONTO pendenceant Afterwards Amputia �d. -jjL t of the of 'th,6, With 0 i6 ejeeption 13, fail wheat. Verely from the but his candi, ey en thestarb. to- th n shock, LOU 8 91v Domirdi in.. The v�aion i d hay.,'the codItIo crops tion Is not serlot�s iftrn t;honsands of per- n cure. t t e. a recent exhibi )n held in Ed - I 6i thsjs n of all lacorporaUld -by Act of WP If nada on.1 JULY' Ist wa�, ahead of :—The Z5 rj�W as th te fisbing Indus ry It can help -you ti b4�'ng f,ie condillong prevailing on t#e same montaxi was 'by all e.Qs the largest Virl $biix ve pl4ced At U Drujd�sft r dirid from Parli=wt atalcgue. Enter the prinepial one the people hi _a nellv "ascm d te 161t yea time. k to, a bulletin phd most successful more d3pendel�'ce on It than e er held in the ffas v sy by t�e census f. Ussued oft Frlid or aY also 3e due ki In iW. H. ISBA7,;Vrincipmil 8, - Pe n to (16. Eatistics . office at' Ot 4Wa, based a9d d �Ovinm of Alberta. 1) Ing the four 25c. a Bo ME �Co.,,Toronto It m f the fai oYer i39,000 paid adq M Members of anaffian -1�ank- on n Olnf) 11 leasurO to the burde' of Gtov- tj Prom At Efere a lar -staff �of cor-: 1� ilyst]ion were taken 14 at the.' 7 rxktnen;�l machinet I *Mch. tle gate, V! ers Ads.ociation :9. nuipber exceeding -tbd totals of last gr tal itician ha-, desdribi Low te*per ture and cold'rains pre. YeAr by some 20,000. IF ;800, talsed ed the GOVer -malatal machin QV ; - ly point ganerall bankilig business transact- rl' L am ever the vi Liled �v�r t e whole o� Canada -- In 'of vlew� the fak Pr6vin was a success, The ale -notes' cashed or collect- as ti-Apping of an ble- Nay and �he irly part of June, whi0h, 4trits in classes of st&k, poultry ajid ed. Drafts and mowy orders is- the back� ()f aw rat..- delayed a eninga --dr, _nd sued allowed Qu di�- As t the f1shikag. industry the was muc h heavier tham in . efticked vegeta, 6�])Or sections prwrzttu Sp Interest bposits port h eyq ti�n., Then fcilowed aLperfoO ofdrouth I 4t, year and showed much .-higher in easi-d during the. Pist t*,b7u tie tnorthe -L-41 tal the Savings Raiik . Dep"tment ghout I pralpl in t an( rn e er� yie i fra highest mirrent rates P- I �al' wia ye n $ 3., 68 5,792, in 18117 to .$7; n and C TON tArio, the Western by, a Young ion l)f B. 'Of, 818,013-, In 19PI. Last Ygar, however, ac ;the 'bee rn sectl was a and near- ollsonj Who live t,,,velv miles from m n 0 aisRst�rous y�,ar, not so m! ch th Ex*rience Openit o P DaAwood and Bruceffeld 1v 'the whole bf )rs n Pa�nts,' Kni Maritime Provinces, S atoon, Sask., me,, a horrible I 'the I allure .0 %th from Polso Ph u qd �on ar-co t, of the� catch G in, hay and root crops were! conse-t Od ers a a V r S. Constant ei�npiqymtnt. d 0 -Brindhes- as . to' t� wease price. Dut, even cjUhtly In p ning It me Fif , oor condidoh tn ill thee !'c] Mbed into a bugg' In which was ion wag�. workthe unclier t y� n" I year rounu. t le MC st, favc rable circu -nstaUces rdglons. Coat belonging to: his father. In iecb I nex 3erienc R. T. DUNC0g,, anagex the pay to tl e fIshE rmen, -the nen ed Win& takeo tq lbar Late d ho n Fall4he' e pocket of the Coaf -'ea I at Nom- Reidy. 0 there was a (to the work, thg,pay is I jiserably - I 'hnlne, 0 id thinking the ismall, even In; the nost favor tble sea - On bdth sldo of th4: St. tawrence. �p 94e of stry qp. e ting. Witt tr SS. Ons thi indi lduql. Igherman can not b the lo parts of quebee'ai1d In d adl� poison .,dod 0 (at, the lad I VP. er I p rtoOk Of 8, consider I t an -$3.50, and la�t year uantity. The Pal.iiiA earn more t tt e . jibuth Elterxi counties ofnle q Ing bole!, C! ry ScOn iaf ter he was seiz.)d with con- r=A, IWO, his"earmings 4id. nc t exceed $175 1 to rio, the were CWiOUS: show0irs In Vulsions L and onwft4fthgate on P the ave rage;' June, an all' the crops were died In eat 'olwany a t] the' crowd to hours later.� camiE! fe j# with e �s 3alink, Indus :ry is W-1 . I I.' Tb oa ho� w -a at e end of the rnonhki 'Wit] 0j; total bat ]mp e- Palace 4-1 1 .. - Indstry, the' 4 xport of W 1�q:ir6apers m aged, an, �b ortUnt 0 Id be ready f9r- t SE QN*r. th "t W Cowling,, 65, of Seam nd be era Iresporl, inj; I yery al in the "ise OjJ4� it : of, July pl is Ins a v ng atimit. half j eE�ture of NE491C.,. passed' through 3randon,. drl-v-- A f con d 14 annu Y. seaso however, h i bee a sej- J:ealn of Indian virioed &if aur h tb a: 14 to Toronto With ars ors(Is to Oreditors poiie of crops cqil erprises ring --jAp vie of sh wers over s. He started f 7his western and n local areas and ro gs 4re the best.- on- In. H4 on e on his joutney June -14th,- and Notice is hereby g v6n 'TOu ib" become S�, Adw bffig ar(�, Irregular. a, th c Ion it a on pursuani elowd, as 1 -OUr Tl jtf?M� FIACed 'I it th cts to =.k tke t -ing olahns a#h1nsF1 donei K s, de 13 hat behalf, that ail 3ersons h ax nc C -will be e' 7e Is a Aote of hopq n the e trip without on aWe have �xecentfy' Added at. large eX_ t�T Uble. The old gnkltina took up tke estate of-Georgre Watt, late of Hu ore 8' ar, ma4Y cor-respDndents encoijr� i �g Broug'ham, a ei.ty Ititt, in these 17 ire)orts at ai ore -(Ii (1i'loti p4nSe, X.LV IUS OCCUPa.- j�-UtjfUj County of Huron, gi intleipan, who died on Qr abou# tl ns aced by the--�rjclely -eii;en Searnan three Tbara ago, and, i I blic Zom day -of M to ca!pa ..!he c) ble grb ded rains of is the-correiq Oy 1909. are required n Or tefor at �Wlti - finished rit: from T, iefill: i Ae 28 and 29, and ill the; M h I his homestad duties on t,.1prepajd now retur, rilng -aces where, -the land, is Persons recluir- e 10th dpy*of July,. 19M, to sei)d b ev I line i- of jg- GvI to his thing for weddlng�. tolf deaver to the - i �ndbfsigped, fu J p- r 0. ays oi ricultur'' anc min1r. e oat it any L . 4 th was m r .w he Urn- sc urces a heavy rains re, YE ry c nside. able. In )AyAf A this :rig anil -be co� r the last n years ago-! He Is gotn� .. - ! I A -do of -imsduly verified by a av b, and th6. ber re, IlY which he -has nj �t seen - or ye �r$ afloring ut been - Ing t ug -In � this line woul their elai ou t epkit katur6 of security, 1 any, held 6rerely felt there were to, exapiihe" ly. 7. 4eiE,q Ing three tae notice that affi r said last inen ioned; dat Urn r of Oanadl n Jjag- r etilrji as t e bast pilsoe to Vt- v4need that.'this is the rij-ht t knownji fa hing for theassetsafthe sall deceased ill to distrib azine Mr. El *In ith has 6 Yelry, British ColumbA by W�7 of !St. Fau. an4, hicago, fa St larl fad! t a wedding.' It is also verysuWal ute'r a e - abiong tbeL Part IV dred garm elthei 'in Jui e I for funerals. only to the claims of wbich notice aball then havj driiecting the Ich will e jmaking t ies entitled thereto, ba irig re&la rucOv - ar;i6je re- e:s m6ehbe of! dry we 9.11 expiots to a-rr e In Toronto on P Ce 616nl. It, congtio with rains at the en 'Of the mont, wh he tyle with fit abd *earing beda given. R. S. HAYS, SoliciLor fof- bhe F&-een, t n and J.u. oonabin I$ P quahties, Jol e -Y Wtwo Months. tora. ure prospecti 'ot tbj aTW fall ivhea;t Is tile D4fy goocl cr In stil cau, n- Seatorth, June 24V i, IN9. 2,167- ry. He s wliftest sort o have in stock 4 MI rangB of Our al'yn IS to t tPre tb: he I adiv give our Ire. f rhsh took plu" I I Canadi, nl h Our y a fo :days ago, when -twelve nd -is a bi gne at the la,nd office at' I tethbridge, A]-' scho Ne*fo dla coux tr west ovinces IWIst im, orted 4d 010th S., customers the best that �hlr d � Ia: �Ig" gmwing - bell er than 1r el and *eather followed 'the soWing te ;yli- -Baseball Uniform FR one ti SIA 0 Of se 0 L 3, ur- NN can be procured, regard- Moe 9dAw d -�spring 1wheat, oats and barley, and I30W IS104 correspoA -when o no n Ide rs degte, La I il, Awo �townAhfp in Bad --june 13 eba 11 seas Is, les' island d s1de rs e Unts 'through(iut Manitolik, is YO Su S 1 er Lb;ke districts Were opened up s E),f expense llneE s of the , katchewan rV Us fo r: n,El a" pop ation -.7 o�ily and lbei �ta. are -jubilant here and ever ioa:rl y all Rainfall 8 7, Ch 9, t the was ample or wailts a i�� n i fo about 2%,00 and' prbspects, entry�. Men bampe on steps from hdreistbe ancr- th, -'et copt In a few nes4y,, and �t midr4 t on Sunday: mQnL �'r gena fr)m agricu'Rure to the en of June, e:x r get one Ni MoutiIJAV-1 ble. Over' 16, million and a cling ape -patked sp nd a Intib the Passage!fron tha street to the '14 Wto, as of is ars *nSL Were della e 9.1,9 and gTassi �s —A T-UrRWIM MOInto3h 101alities, alid a thdUgh see there wete FAxt�, or selenty th f farm'prciducel is Pl­ yed, cer an It Z I half AFORT.U. to sell y14 xes raised a nnua nearly ad wtll Re o'lWok In the OOMPOURdL, 1119, [arid Which bq8ts n anY Prevlo4s Year is hi e 14 0 n EL fr Letion of C111- ! thr' a-dUnced Ls Ia Of offt. Ma c1l's ous' tiyated W-04ing gang dozen i halL of m&ny Correspon V* 4 box. es dent made n at- e ill clable� eala:tJ6 abre�Ods and other ra to 1fa 'O'rlte' uggh- a A was geneially e bted It tribu !8�11 aie for ff reli and ..Lary Ill It9icultlirate& as yet, but that, the I tack 04 the 0049psted. tna8s, These cure -a, nervous "K. GoVer 'which c wheat Would be out in e tha lV­'k, Reeve nntlj�Mp, begain to:throw stones; ?.nd When _p.o. . and -411 be cultivated in aw by 0. beada6hc lose of., to- come. In WereV called they '?Ut 'the maa. Councillor, 13 ppetite, ndigestip the �Iea �Ju y 10. police Whole tead of constipat on, fenial porUng 600,00b wort h a Swforttf r a Alberl fall *he cr6jwd-bae1r When actW9 agent J, AL. eat was badly wln� Jarbes Cow=, Coano-Ilbr, I M imp e ol 0 weakness fairin rost 0 A� Duudag, ODUnofflov, Ijmdbury* ch, yiear tio n, Canad 9, _N killed,' the lana hw� ReA turn -prddyee.. and much of n b 4ikaset of e met ReQuald, CouncIllori*St. -VIddum4 Ttnu ki doundiar ought to ajrn� at rg Ising it j! edn resown with prixg. -Wheat, oat,$. day rnornfog two hurift.-d men and (r atit ni.... d C 1 Ll�e nj orne, and the IresEwit de presslon ad WOMn m e -no ban T, 0, rheum h �Ad barle-k. - Spring wheo�t was he ade a rush trrow CL -eor r Is the hifi' for yoti.' It! J a bhe hip Very 11a Wey st a will not be Wtihout Ing out at'the etid Of :Julie In thesautb- Opening- The first mat t'*rougk got G� K. Hoillandi, Treasumr, 1�eechwood blood wi so - t if -it erd, ts, ho helps tb a � I par bol people to .1. what was Worth: $:,000 1.000 for user—ask any V� k Of Albert* tried ft e cle�!rly see Mor the are givin, I rd, the lail( and the tabt's slee aovo From a "Dess 011 Oil, Wm- vans. Asessor, Ditebwood 4. -16 forms (and wJsdoni of t le, GOV!, A CIO-Riparlsort, bus oar last year-r*y s -I 'P. 0. M; 2U'were handled thar-oug the day. -ny rh nid Ve HAIrdie, ClOrk, otber unl� tb or's nibtte ."'backL to or all parts of Canala the per - O -e Orost a(ods ha-Ilre'rear I UPW o. ar 13 of advNplr-Tur =6 i During an extende Vt 51t to the Pbrage condifton of prinigipal crops at of ZVI L 0 0 16 .4 9 001 nY last- uinmer, the write r s4w 4'Xuly 1.st, cem� this year. Ot with the Pius we -enough hl 11 the t, Dated *ith the conditt, to C; of aA ca- lead —4—ag jt1st air senji lt- i t'(j t� t�e iane date last Far, was 72. 2 i HOWS S ? e C 1 -- Book of RGARD O.F though .',Tewt ndlanl c1es -no, eo�b- to 99 for fail wheat, 96 7,.y te go. fo� y4d. A .Engand or r any M, -nitoh L as. an apt -1ntftr_r, P.O. makes tbem. Fence, 1 G ai�jz d Gate with ihe�pills, ihs pae wit Wo oier trte Hundred Dollarli Rei'vard fo M. 1131.0"aloex. Mernbe�, IrW wheat. 93.81 to 90 for 09 iss, '85.6 ewe Of gahsrrh tbaD cannot be e� , by 11alre Ca- Woven eaS) to ed grkultu ral country, It 82. L Ooilad afud ell. The unifoi ma cbnsist of less - Ia -ge tracts Barbqd- Wire if; c4rried at Blyth,­"t'ar the Grand John MaTray,'brbn�ber, a 'as -r. wertbe- to 83 f barl y, 81.47 td for ryf, V. J. 0HEWEY CO., Taledo)�, 0. Beecl�wood ;.a. or e ttrrb Cure. Thom Hellroy, Member, �Wiuthrop P.O. Fit $1, f tb a . ver fin 9t M 10 to. 829' f(3r peas thell: wove 84' for fArming I . WO, tkie. und Ile Trunk ista' Var,,, and :ire ands, 3 mg ny jrj- rer Val - inIxed gr own F. J. Cherie� tion alig at ll Member SL Ccilutnbanp.o. in it jjAns, 16 io 87 or hzy itn� ersigned hm' ki Ion. T.. Ptir( the besti IdyS a] d by t for t�e US6 15 pre a b1m perfectly hop- njargi;js of its I� years, and beriev J. ReGinrils, M.D.,, X-Offical Health d 82.7.4 to '" lor pasture.. In' orable business transactA is, iRd finand tether-, a-1; mote4als, color e4n numetab e I&kes the Wum�er thel Use all-.9raIns :jC30t fall wl�e�t able to cur out any oblipt- o 1 eb -W C all, OT 0 ;he Y a N�,ant Fewp 4 ut 1 Gat eF. brown or I no ind y his firm. rey, sizes tm -Jere 8ftforth. 0. Vallay t 11 uni M to 32 wa;S easu ment. r' e tis kq -day, s ian Inkerval tweil,% i WATI)l RixxL-4 & J. Shannon, Sanitary Ins-;;ecctor, thd per leent. coalition I.% higher t ID n1c: i VA 4r t pJA41 0 .7 X your addr4ass and *ewills n* od the i Is p3st r�illes' lo 19 and:, pOid. State siza and color Miles *Ida;. w1k last yt oleamale, D ggists .. . P I �tq: oledo,* seht free to all. at 1e of raisbig cld�er it& pasl�Ure-aiae.lo I's 1(;atarrh Cu WInthrop p. If. MuTdlf,� &--,- # - - Win-thro ' - p dep erttle qoil (aP A eat V. o. . k ye ka!n -it WA a* hay, &nd f Wh DUNCAR ALD retary, 0, wer. Al re is talicen t4rge. Cr.)PS. o hi�rll directl ex the blood w the L y nd qjucoj to amlaaeg Of to ii nott tke three- Nortbvre3f Pro c -rain, Old WM* Ig System. VMS." TOROP Ot IT, 9 1108 dla,$nt de@. Price, 76 cents per 11 Wai ng tl 'the I lit) TORON' -by lop� at Wa Le averd CMdatlOn Ot i1PrIA9 wheat b Wid f 'the likusbani Ottl�. old !;dr, Dorrance, t. AcKil 'It is t0a At July I as 95.N and .6t� oa6,1 To -he U's rjam y !or con, apoll 1"alley. 0( aiWn, ynly In cOnffition of live stock for the 'kiln VALKE ver y, case hiter BREEDER OF fflcenerY Hcher iind W. R nior( lu curiant. 13io, e pettrids is in e i -11d wbat 14 true 'is thl -rse the Hurn�)er� Yeat. HO .9 are 95.86;'to 94 r rM. Ile ft V13.20 'bo 9+, other 4orn�d cattle Large Ermllsh Berks�lre Undertaker and Embalmer. titue to a tTeater ext t ref 'the Codro�, cc X -P101 '7 to 87, 'iffheep Do t I wM keep for service on Lot 20, ConcesdQn 5, Me* Terra Nov and 99. .0 8 a. and 4WInej InMrMerS 1)1*e XX2�Vljt 2LIMU 7, - L OPL We IraponeUr L Oar, I S-tore--Maa in street, Seafor , Y �m aller 1 rivers. th. NwTig 93.10 110 25. ikt n of the grand champion bow, premle T. In! an - hardly, j6et to Ispei �k call, s t residence of W., War f, of st Cal -ent 01nelle -��ble at tbe tirne of er, Goderiet. street east, Opposite '*Y as -,b arrell 31piply because its. Ag ij 1v 1 vift� with Me Privilege of xeturnlnf; if neceaway, # W rZ � -r I I ykauuroxtt rod en d� S t. 3 ames' cl =eh, one loblE lea �t 11�%tural ill iti-e not bii lers Gri ;resqurces Powders Cure. FaI t I JTAhM%j)O:E�R"0E, hieafortb P.0, of QueeWs B otel, - in i addtio i t6 its gr*Uji., pi by J. A. Roberts. L