HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-07-02, Page 17 F f La f 0S, Publishers� *N.o NuArma. 12 'Al? SE o FRIDAY. JULY 24 1909'e - a Y"r in anyance, I d U. 1019 nigh dlqip M. Lo art. J.' H� Medliaton.. Win t'The Uno� whe� seeki 9 to post his lat- sized, Ana Neilson welit down to rise 0hoo/ Ilrecled' P. GrIersoni, A. Currie, J ages to! bo raet -with 8, t The non-jur Morton. I BlYth—Fr Metcalf, J. Stothers t�rm vAlch passed ttings o C the htmself b Wromthe Goderlph SlIgnal). A. n ter, Yrie In -185 feet of water. ftence f ett+4. John Bart, J, wor igh. I - I Phe lsee saved Y clinging to he ranoej Court for this pounty,-weie held ast Viagland, over th ill ards he was arrested by vi nity 0 ', sonburg but Pftorw Frices have been eu. tonr�-`W. TIpllaAy- Goderloh ida� of last -% ee ft ': Wdek. prehiding Judi "e b Ing n. k Was. very se- the constable on the c made-, -the , 6 ci 1b. ;tvn h -jfti W., Salkeld, J. - W. Y-eo, vere f orable - Judtice rilt 44 The urt 01113 f atal ty about quick Sallee, Mr B T, 'q0DEJP.1CH. Thu ��nd in result ay tr4ding in liquor, and brought to -port ened on T sday and c eo., Te butt. Giblderlbb.town — Will. — I 'All the Op licluded on I trorr It. Near the - Ili la�gel at Corin t IV Atthur. pro�eeds of their arnoc G. F Blaii T11jursday al W. H. Robert- Oxford County, Nellon Au t� at 11 (clock. Ine ger ar-4: D. bustnes, had gone do n with NellsaN Rarrk MOrris, R. a. 'he,' nual. 3x-cursioni of the Xeth- FL-bw were i!Ultlivaing corn- -In Mr, Who was t cases were en ered and were disp sed n. - o borne�� Th e e treasurerl of the partner -f Ch Pres )yterh I oung," 1� IMI.; as Girvin and John odist of -as folio in 8undayseli0ols Augerts tield,when e stroin Spentel T ustow *ere re-elentied auditors. of Seafo, oth w1l be hed � was arraigned )aeqhler broke. st4p, b !t Wht;;f.L The) to r, VS. _Vdilme t: al.—An ac- Ok t Ir h a nd went und 'bell er before' 80mmissioner Qm he wai i decided to, h tion, to Set as e 'the wl A7 r e It wa old the Iregular L� 9th, 1909 a -ree. Lightbadpg a ruc the tree, kill- fined $100, with the option of six I ot, th on PR JU 4 n Bed duriug the � coming year at Maximall, n aechler, he plaintiff d hoth -men months In'Jail. He pal d the fine. ed t be horse and ro re E hitaill Ia Auburn, and, suppiementary Th folla g are flie rates alleging unconsc 4hat dec I was not, w lee red sh rtly e IOUs. :Pirby 0 Mis Florence Kir rade, who re- aetingE at Liondesboro, Holmesville, Allults 10bildren and is CO Paftlon was in Ce led ell Unenviable, notoriety in a fit, me tal c Ition a I hie timem, of ouad t4r making he 11 to unit arstad biisi- 1 S.- Au g itfile, St. Helena,. b4iigarrnon Mitchell I gee a a 6118 con0ition. ei�ns badly burn,�- Cnnection with the recent Mnrade Wess: Th pla Itiff, Mr�q Aof I a ld Berimiller. Dublin 500 ed h, the a and '914 Us xick suffer- Iniquist in HarnUton, -%ra�q =rrled in Afterwa -da tble directors met and at. Colu ban 70cl' 50C Ing from t h Sarnia, Is a. sister of the, the ce"ed, and, chancies for No* Ycrk on Tue;�,zda� last to -Mr- 'the 406idAnt ph -Bae- er -of last rri �"electlkl the Officers r, as SeAfortl 650 a are Jose recoyer)r slight. Charles Montrose t. B. -A. .-Air xecutor h llows acle It. kli� J. - Uorrls, Loy-, 011fiton 50C 35C —A rnber of It vin D. A. s al;: ;vice, 'M41 -1 Rle Were standlag It I , Ity stx� and Rey i lei rilssing the reside , 'Aoo. A. lough, Holmee, hu is the. Young ent 40o- 39c on street of the Judgment or11 Otitawa n o attended �o faitfully n: 'a -ryt-. Teasuter, Win. leaves S eaforth Ut &30 Satir day n1sk It, the memorablo In - D 1. a e t Specia traip when: a me young6ters K Action ard- d clarlxtg thi ivill 1:6 be llie, ngaa i peltig -nd d oft Ler, a a opo valid a lega4y, executi d. The. 4des- r- begai th grayel. one Pr quest trial. The7 havie gone to Eng- fter �e buziness. meeting an in- i on. a tionate of tl le Chinan Uhed at them, and, la#d to hon, a of e mt re ry ime. 1�qt g1l e trau pprid tbeft Moon- ry V a. 4ely.`. t sting dress was given b An'� etion byoo 7, Prot, leaves oderich ht 8 m, R 1draVY Ing a kt e, slash ad a lad nain 1-1 1D 7. of tie Ontario 'Agricultural Col- antel Marsh, and -his wife Mar Fe c Ime w, id ejoy dai y at P ed I lOtt a'01 oss the r e0k, in a -king a Perth Itex ms. r5on rson c y C[uel )b - The "Profiessor 0 Impiarlance.-of the�tarmers' balling. a wl dstle and Within e ry'. 'Marsh againstl3be townsli of Gre aligh t wound. one I& the Chinese blew ot goi t welt upon ke. are n t Rern ton, th son of Win. Ave n out oJ builhie$83 111 at'. 'are AM for -oer tting � a nuisan �e to . rem Ala. a few minutes of it ell. tripped oyer & brick alt lo gave An out after busincess., W ne'lar -a h Johr. Buchanan inter- ghway�� In the b nship' the there were fifty, the the !;plot. A Crowd Of IeV&�l hundred e right arm at the elbow. re gollt I g t U've it e*eu a lug amm c'�ress on ft e early days in efficiency of tl ie instit of his countrymen n j&Iouday land fell, breald-4 the 'bone t nuisance consisting of A number f UtiOn and b hfive- to logo some Morey t6 get it. a lield n Colborne, ,where he hai spent 65 years. riature o., the work bei�g done there. whites gathered, and A larg�. tile I Ue highway Lin i I .. . 1 1. . : 7 Je buyer, looked as if or a time it VWX. Amoss, latter JrL between the 9th and I A4rew McAuley! catt Science _N )Inmenaing Friday 4L (oncesslonag, tere mlg�. it- be serious t.-Iq Mit h Sch -1 h been -of, July 2Ad.. we ph of. Fles I z- J­ 11pr a uni, orm. where the -to ship w ong certair.' trout le. Tha Chinese then a 'similar poiltI4' 11is Crops inpanadg, rton,'met wit4l an accident The dr I the cou4tr the Peru - T of ONK-FIGURTa AnYll from,:& 3� d, eve lig reaso e r epair wc rk, b The sus and, Statistics Offic at IvIng I Y- '-qe WaS The offender 9vas afterwards arrested. qke Co wa r Marsh" an I her dlaughier iloila: -e a issi ineglate InStltut� At 9, a spee,&l Mq store I'ft una bl� Otts a I report on the thrown fto h s buggy azid one wheel. —A the tv 9 Oeraldl ale�, on her 2.00, atid' has eslgnedjh�a positi summe r g6c he sco lint' S ed oi -r hh head. Hei on In 0 S n' d, V ng pplst- Oro liv stod! -ps a to contr the' hor e I '' I I s a e of Canaaa., pass Way to Peneting With SCOWIOA -of lflft4e)l School. as the datq Of 'June 15th". JAL a, vere s It thb head'and ce, and W and Mrs. Marss was tii�,ci� n out And repor:ted, all inju, le ta4 bark. wa,,� Passing K11114ear Point, Minnie CQ b Parts of (�.nado, farm ohe arm a so Injure ladly Injured, thwhorse 11 dL and the operations have the c 3.ptaln no� -iced a bar -in the water. t...Ighterl of Mr. Joseph Moore, Dt� -mt- 'defle4te Year, The months -o-O buggy: br 3rk6n. The was that been delayed this Itoes, black fl a and sand He Iriformed the d Kate :-Ji, was married on Veldnesday of ,t a accident old a 9, ad wet., In, at 0b: "'lowered the i_,t W.oae� to Rdw Xd B. Rr awer, no notice In ritin April I May were Hessia Johnstio Ile T ere a t on to ak Ing an Al :K far rs nilners. Ore a and soleculators are yawl, and t vers.11 flies are I so b& i in New. I Ontarla; that HALF JO 'e, gave chase. Port ;Arthur was, ma,14 d to reeve or i c erk of th6 bl a' to go EPI d at Wna:4 ihat the. Aot�c was not.. being Ort, -en out of the ciountry and Abou t one hdndred L nIte an ritervals. Whei it After a short struggle &'�5,ucceeded in re is of the whp n a )wn, it suffered har - hree in roUghtp.1 -think of lant his P)lze. The belio weighed ­Anno' nents - are olit for. tile &hia. I 'er 1.9 5ald a meral conitract; e preSent it the m f Lt had be Ora orchon iu 7y from 'd ork al i It Is -et thiele hundred pounds, 3,n of t�_d acelde lm�osslble to 9 that there m rosts, and 'wedding I of Rev, R4 c mbroidery ajid igsia -The why the situation is lWe' ' I e1v si 00 hide, Ri t . In t acing 'o ations on he land: Wor �was no n �gllgehee- Ing ope r h ave full d.: Y's k out of their, men. Which Is being tanned, Js Of. the finest McCormkk to Miss Eva ftat ob season until th e n two trbm the am.8 Cause. May, emext. 'the die, and that the Ties i in alb ;6 three Weeks laer than nt' rested ion t he plaintiff's u al. Yet the rep6r t-Th6 r I cerit military C. mp at Zjia ft tastemy f Illty. for, quail' 1. It wl�s A, verY risk. unde�Ii­ ofLtW Mrs- Oodw1rh tor-; ta from all th taking, a tow. 06illd hay.4 I e as ago H. mer Y ara cost he country 60,000. The in los ter and in ark- 'kO iof t or PS grasses are. grb e plurs oon 'be -v ad we. �jx A hei h4 roe. The dam4 a claimed Whig. thrift the B I lat bhurob. ioa une 3U.. r anting'roo driving, aid t nervous ttmperament' PT , ces are 'very'a&tisfaIctoI rain 9 t 'his a at the very same spot hill; Igethod Fall. goods wil a London camg dost about $50,000. These aInd I n ffn the''beaA u ps ar .Ilk no time t?rt _0 xcept in so I - - I :p- Thi ey broad on thmelfro W tour. ill', and, costly affairs, but e44ing 0&g w plel tY Pf 11yer glg� ;were $5,.0 0. A ton dismigsi d, damag- rhe localitle of a g the- bokt and d% owning him. --+MT. It. Rowbra sidered by the P' o X-ifichell left eople es limited ouldl r appeal be —Jasaph E� Clot"*er, a *011 known laet. weel: for V-AnCouve n Ig' for AeXt are Is Promise P, Provinces, where the rain are Coll t Is to bo koped they TI Ma to 1)e wh-',fl,'6 shei6l -is a they ettin n,S1 G- r o to $11 00 sh IMM le out of 'what - they buy without. v ti fa� I has light, th ne essary- and resident f ritish, made, and prove i successful. e ort] I wh mptvllle, -near Brack,;, um%a, are he Intend to rside ir, of an at hmv they CoOt. But, mil., was 11114 d last w, lek by a( b4ii. e" items) =1 kVMg en I k 0460M -Rea.d.thes coniia�i the ei th, Cahaldlai t Ba4 of 06m' ie roe vs. A. r the "future. Mrs. Xbwb -after yle- it am It any form Is C at Y. He vy as ltadln G�'..Sco t, . Elliza ISciott'sad ameo Flynn Whe%t in 0. Hon, thAl Munt eil, stablE, when 1-i atia Ontart r the ant II&I Into the Iti 9 trIf nds In Lucknow and �other '—An th a to Boyer, r set aside A y tonvtj. ance t1he e Cked' film. d7lothler, points, join her h ba;n tS _ L i 11 - beat, great sti -ple crol). of th 'n the U's _d in the Of cert tty by A4 nd t za, -his t d f er17 eibi x of Quebec GOV- althol Lgh. -69 ye� �re of CO ntry4L a rep3r, are &I Very pluckily west. port;0110, 00601 Ha Ott o ames Flynn, lqn� the gro6nd: 7 e lent vilthoul. has been up- handl ad the ai final, I 400* "a er51 'Which 140,00601acres wilging lilm un- —Was i ale, youngek P16 ted to the 1 qies t daughter. 4.0f. D ',acan 0 that, It" the CY the Senate der. ti �mpo L raty ubjectl j w 0 mad with intention ot in thak last year. the Maritime b4' ed sufficiently to Utz. H. Qliver, Of Llatowel, Was !,M57 -L by the I leath of the e stibli ad QQebec th e Is little a eau was 8- 6r 496 piop :tY h question 18 the C "he honor. tirely unao- bulr renewed e attacl i plaintiff -f and hers- vinces Jetr 'L 4-roo age ;, I . with In- defraudin 611atillr Thib- lead -: Arn . into �sth There the ried; on Tbursday�of la- week to Mr. Ua MeW Linen Hat I The arI3 a of Mid, in Ont lielted. It fact no a Chaxies 4. Bake _In ty ions for the creasc d vigor: 'n JI for V . a 'le h, 880 PP eat daugh Mild esex. gTolent W s, �le by', aares,t of corner Icelia. eld 250 coun is 4 VAbant Se latord: _,ayorl an& Pla ter ot M lntlt� declaring 6hterelct. for. th. . '' ' I . were'. -iiaived from ed it thl F -of Lietow 1*5 30 acres I tall whi at, a4itoba knocked I 11ra down and gored his Mrs. was �Inar_ 40 jb4t ti�e (Onve wlYone- b) the toerrimne W eifs Stra* Iffqts for' n0e, Is dulent and breasi . At junct, lehe same -day �O rti. -m W. Ir a neighb on katchuWan I and Alberta how, an 4-1n wi ad oi piallitli a -aAd er 711,000 acres, I bein 8 too In r lightnig ar-rivel on the icene and armed w Of Vold aa� a1k Onat he Ord 2 -1th a F erto. a of 6,11, 1,254,-, struck thi 11' f rick White. �8, nee to L� Doyle, 00 Pitchf )rk succeeded In d riving the bull. —On Wednesday, S acres . mor than 1 Lat! ye later i e 'S The, The bolt i truck one side thei roonW, Missm preme rt a .. t n -Cradle away. As a rOsrult of t1re injuries In- Henrietta Lavina, daughter of su es U_ ntainWg -r of June �Vgsr 82.15i afid 'Thomas 4�1 d o _t F n y UML ei -cc ditio � d� tall whea 1 th lfth� a V t rich, to e t eL passed un ter a Meted k Clot ler, died the ollowing, tile latt a spring ba loded with day take-' t: ie U -,by arfeN,�rda Viallarton, was maried eceiAr acco Its and set- wt, eat ni cent. of theL sion of andard a crash -0 e brl:)) 01 4 all Crop. e c 4 on rain the t ;;15c to o as f, R Dn the other — -o - ance-is re- 'Ce0bas M��orth t 51 als to le of the, Ai, :reacerO Costs f oats a prosperout young-*� ert fe .bn, The $1 5 aep nion Ide of tl e roo the t f9mily' sPonsible tOT a very filel &oly drown- farmer I Gra $300 Very Fine'.Ve the in -the JJ I Is 600_� acres, at t 0 f No. one as injured� oiffy t6ok e erencell were er.i ffifr a-.cIdent, t 7 �which 'a, bride of place at the residene .(If Rev., pre'. f the 'act Iqn I i0h Is 1,36L500 acr a- ore than th 1 60 White and -0olore sizes ose prer nt h! e r Rya� VE MCI] Itos 2 ction for 1aving in vellos 03- only few months 1 -las year, its Coil 4 and 1�r broth r Ilet or, ted Cape$. '0' ',rqL TU�l - ' t. th Stewart, $fotherweil. P0 Cin eir :>50. to-,* 34 to- 46 766 ainlagiffs. 8ustalied In jw i way accl, Ves. TI s caurret in Kam- ent-. The as e be cer- H1, igh t- inlitiqua riv —W11be# Walter plafti —Mr ler, ar Fo t W1111a on teen Year fold -son of W a. W -41 - and n6 I -K a:re I Mrs. yndman, a. prominen W ne' the 81 Im ta�ce, has� a in, 1�' k R)'aa the t pa rebldent c PA-linerstonl, Ontario, died Satur4ay. Mr. Lought r GoWairls, of And artin 'An 116 &Y f_P of e- to eal crop al �Xt in tid t 11 arel 6 lot 1,86000 dpes", ir at.1his 01, his Wife!, te illop 3' th stateme of claim tgoo e horr SUA#ay morai4g at the age and b er broth,+, &_rd W ' - Allen: the riV�r Canoelig.__Tfie river conne 'ell apet c ent, out oil acres. r4ore thalt last yeak,'L nd Its of yea a. Sl�nce 1872 be hills t and �80X proinl'.Ing lad, dlied 0o1r t in 0 tober. I E� the de- br dition - 11. 91.49 ated with 'the G. T.1 LR. and for at th, � point On the 17 f a -s. Thid lad -nest cTntosh vs driving not ery dee en ill h �rheVmatlsm den E. I 'he pro Ce showing ithei largest ..v f gi, and the e f horo and a !avy wagon current Is very swift, atd whil' later a t 6avea and ars as ocicupled position of but.the is Ontario- WItht. 142,200- e of d*eaises eneued, 60 0 thairrflan A th� public ;school board. Mr. 'V tard 400c Bummer �reight me Vi 001jr for ie IpIr arc a of 0 f pel Y of :himself Lrd his co- Was. changin the paddle the Paid, lisl a6zes, and !also' the larkest; area of k1so he h use death -be- a L rr r - ra; -.of bl- Wt McIntosh, hwr a serVd for scale Years7 in. from one hand 60 the other the in - endoc efendaint, George Stewar- th4 -team to r un away,, QU, �bec is. t e ext hi acre i.., town �oun I. - 25c Cathmere Sox for Ana lover :3,585,60 current .9 'th un -he cap- —The niaTIgge, of Zeg Me,! lIttle craft arfund,knd' allow d swept the 76 to 75, aUey t in a:Y and —Afirs. 1. y 8 gh a tew-: ng t Corinth, 9, Mr. 'Loughton, Isupport -er litee and lisle t e plain Conillar, hose.- husband Is, sized it. 50o F nink 0 ex Wt throwl - 0107 a T is pro� section foi eman a Small tr or wl .600 Cres el his art, IdaUS*.rt - of the late nobt.. Stsvi, :&om. 260 :hem from ithe Dllgi�y I'ling Upon -Came un Up w fe i Lnt.11 be bc maclous, and BT4 St. Alarys, Mr. larence A - Vince ha a so 1,574,fo 'village in Oxford County, was knock- the d pe -Cotton Sox, three p &W" f or: 0 ki the 0 a In oats'. lies swep h Z Lad kicking- th( m.:. brea arm for a tu ion& Wit'i =di crop. The r CK A his lis Dumble. ab of Sir. D. �f plaintiff alFla o1regla a in ed uncons lous by a lightning b o It w I Ue a. R ai L a hais 1;�847 0; a . a In which stri umbI4 L ight, Wool, two pair for o.0 n _c as esuced two in C., katchew in just AS he Of ��f�i�Orclugh, to6il� pae-50 Ck a tree in front of her was g oing, do t time,. and quiet 2 _ng th6 plaintl f, MOats, Man a _ly or itbba 'L390,000 Iois"in Al- house, thop tor the as Wednesday, lune 2ard. X gh she' -was ln$'Ide a. yan 01al ed 00 damagi s Is 0 const leerrable lns�er Cburch, Winn. Mr - blerta 8 1 the thtee time i at the it wa - rable e teford he bm - ' acres. iln L e vas aeverelylnjiiired, partic� _Ucove - th yan, $800 da Sh consciousness. $Soo da a. Judgi it n reserv- Maritime- P ovine"es His wife and ence ax a te T to ared W in thought her brother w6re drowned. Sunim er Shirt oat 9 Is 51 800 acres' uIRY in the 'spine, but It Mr. and 701109 001 Ple will r eside: In Wiripj. eg, 'She will recover. Wllscn 11a. 1110ks—An ti on to set ouighton- bad beer marfled but yMc4Af1V I— +I TV —Mr. H�rman Bo" 'J a 111(al e e isslggi�ment of a7h insurance V L Ott 311 ot Public works at a few monthel. Millbai k. neat Listov�ei, died very plal nd of .5- dozen,$1 shirts for .A.t the ;906,! the -e wwa h 9 let.1the contrixt foi ant 3011cy. The htiff, who h an en- were —Tb e birth V I= of t great Mas- suddenly One day last week from, Ueari the ce t the value a$ experiment a station, to te 124,Sgs f nis In Flan -0, an lowment 11611cy �fbr $5,900 -the Mu.- a+ f Min- sey-Hi4rris Industry In -T i t re. eu - I- - la was a nativo of Ger-nany _10 doz old L fallu, % 91.25 shirtH'for ual.Life Insur4rice Co Ito] 26 1!4katchewan mad 41blama, and of. peat as al prc1ducer of & In vkw build In the,� -village �f, Beanisville, but cam, e '-CanadaC in 1352 settling in - 260 to. 750 mp� of New 1 9 Of 0. roU BL bonriesto' Jdq the at dq'fo its D 25 ork and the a0lon was� b ght . t 0 -8- tI I gr1l o peat --which wa 6 dozen 750 41hirts for at the Wi �4 f 10 0 ell- a', f a t orn dow# this 0 we a In this WOo1w1eh townShlnr, �aear Elmira tnd terid lessl ill -cancel 6tions In nada it Is expected that the building 1 ave a S81gh- ent of t a policy to I Creased x st ate ohn llarrl$ ten, years go he cii�b t 4 dozen 766 boys' summer f ihirts e )eri raeziCl will be �ollo �d by irM_ o� MMLbank, He illmma, Rloks se ent the nurnbwl.toi 190,,28. or by i(,951760 we conducted a mo dingand ahinesbop, Is survt by a wi-low, wo c -ons An*-. aside. ubsequ rortant rt, ults. The acr )a, S1,n n1n 5 dozen 50o boys' Bummer shirts i -,In Manitoba th,6: npt i rtcre station, which manuf o, this ass ignme t rit iff wished ase turing heipl b. t o his niece t _019waheam and other five d of the two; a44 WI J. Post bcut �Ill be nunt am e b. neficlary ple-men 6'Int i such* ; warle all 31 doz'e-n - boys'. sweaters 01 ge th In skatchew 41,423!' jud in ln,:,Ottawa al r4g. eba, og-e-balf Years: Q#as In use —Mrs. enz, sr-, motter of 3ilegs My nd ex cut ed nebessar y i. -pocumerit, by the fariners in those lays a IS71 W. F. a of Mitchell., hese 'figures do i - I J. T. if re en _1 d -ty [the Com-, Albe&rta. 2 A20 but 7-gir. IM A. K�nt, tegistrar of Mr. Rarris askep the cou3Loll of Beams- who was visiting a is forme I hhr daughter, Mrs. Oro ito, any at the f at change Of bellefi- farm land se Th sday, after Ville t:) grant his estkbIlshment free- Peter Scl*oede)r, nearby, got up Xrom� COMP9,nles and ot di Wll-j P A. daly's' Illness. C16ilgestion of dom f: -orn ta ULI �ary _N; -as an as 3ignment am that he from raill �y x Ion fo)r T 6 lar a When �, Slip eficlary pora ns nI the same period. 'd he pa a Of Years The 'VIOSge f t Jere of mer SO a.serles�- of her bad T4e norning about one 0 with Sh, a n d SU S t the f nottake a 6untof a Puich,, :J 7t!tl T ed o' no riglit to %ange'the b ln tio the throat Is sa to be t' us pday r ge a. I those clock to J-6 down stair death! He �galn. In January I aat th )Iaintiffd In eases A - Saskatcl iewari ha been: v4s 63. y a of I age, was days could not Isee. their way clear, to sorre WAX missed her fore ting and f6 -1I ob niece exec ted an Instru— n: trana- ma le In t 6 regions poidth of tle",main for any ', ears i6mizent In Politici grant this reqqest, and P S Men s: $14 light, gr6y suits 16r $7 ' 1 . is a Conse-' to the flo' below. The r lin of Plaelf it or P allWay and d0cupl A a high position in I . family bear - the Canadian the quence Air. his entire es- Ing the nbise soon reathed h ferring her: Inter3st in the pir licy. back ' I Oran or� e wao appoln. Ha is moved- anx in,th-, 'northern and, �v ted Reg- Mon's $12 ight weight suit for 61 0 er -apjr 0 to the- plaffitiff and the. p1lai ritif f- asked este a dis-, tabllsh m it helped h up. In- the f P.11 she -got a ient to lBrantford, where V. 5� Q0 the court to declare '.that tie polity 15 eY have been arge proport ty Is wound b Men's $10 light grey andbrown for tri(ts. In .4Werta th Istrar in 1 07, 1 o a the, resl�nation of grew to I ior a and where nas c i 5o illayable to I S4. gm bf. the Ca-, iadian Pacihc and rwls Jud ei it reserved. in.. e.vouti, eattl( Nest Itt( It was conduct0d until amalgamated was not i nuch hurt, Ut othe .0 she - Put R1&rffTt_ ifeWs $3 su�amer trousers HobkIrk S f 111le—An - action to,- 4n le ewtdrn rangei of townships Dr, 0 e of the - largest fani�ly reunions with the Mass. concern at -now' let of the latitMhomas aorh, of thle railway ever el-� I ook I lace in D on, Water- W 0 Toronto,( —mr. F. H. Thompson, X. Q. secte- Men's $2 light wei&b a8ld 6 t e wif4i and 'w hich Is n o ne tarY of tba free library �oard In, Ult- t trouEers, I OQ: E the largest 101unt i tabl' , ments of the kin, I in Am. erica. che% has I received It Ck fj fturgeon. Irlie, *aintiff is 4 married `revirler Hornf d Cattle. loo, last c week, when twent7r- es ;7 00 five h U a hie o one drouth of surr nor. d. des olendants'from all over Had t1le age. -nn JPJL2 ramooats for 6 aild a niece council )I Beaffisville thousand �ollars from ,4 carnegle"s it R13ght, i rom'an resdinng Hensall Trie mer and aultui Vill Men's $10 coats for ( turgeo At the tim of majt� . Can he 1 t' Jo e h a'd Christina been se in th61r day 00 f Mr, it. wasi less 3 a P a d generation secretary. This Is the instalment as. living but h e P. SnIder met qvere'last year thandli go;h Staufa; read the this ;n imense es�abllshine� it, might now Air. 'on it had t e ffect Of again Te cing, bundr d ird Psalm i from and I ig the wl 11 Pturgeo ' of the $6,*0 grant to town' a Men's $7 light overooats for, 4 00 al A th the be lnj operation �here Instad of In. To - i rith t1 e moth 3r of t efenftafttA the numbers' of farm, aifirnals, I the old t4 mily Bible, which w as printed ronto. will. be usqd In paying for, the materlai k ames. Thomas. Sm lie, undue In- Older provinces, In the :wh le of.-CaVi., now oil the site and the - 1work already an! ' 1 0 .;,aotion was, al In Switze and 1560. - k came into Tli. ' 1 1 —Mr and Mrs. Jdhn-Lott, of Aver- done as c6tifled by' axch�tiacvs cert-ir- (aentff 'for this tow.D I uence wa3 chalged- a horses exceed. the number ot last the� S er in 15 to bavd the wAl 'decalreo:11 yold, to year by U4824, whilst -mile co 64- BlehoP X.- Ing, S'rncoe County.. celebrated the concrete fouiqdatlon WA)IS h *a axe Jonah Ir Ic4tes. Th� For Summer Bc I avie� it declared that prohate of the Sal er of ered Praylair. lel6s by 68,4,40,,.other horned cat e by'. the building have been completed 13.y golden wedding anniversary last week 04 ffie gate Court —Di ah le, if. P. for: 1vftrqJette, at their beautifW ho 'Fair View, Will grinted by Surr6 24�,)57, sh,i]a by 126,C 14: 9fid sw ne: by Manitoba, lius returned to 1113 home me, the contractor. df Lamliton was... anted with Ut jurts-4 in so narlied becau'e trorn the lawn a ' i Run 451,349. T1 er largest falling pff �n nd —The congregatlotr of St. Mar ttl n and t atleL the Kinnelosa ; from Rochester, Minnesota, windows it Is sibl 'all tbia P*Qman 'Catholic c Y's 0 ave the ad- east l occ red in Quebec And 04tar Shavi S the lo. hurth gave expressiou Play suit, i P0.9 e to ee ad the el 41LT olinlZed. Jud ent disroilm Ing the tion. 1 01, tween lingwood a, este�rn In which t4by hold their Buster where lie I e ent, a serlous opera- territ In! Qtiebec. fich cows ark lbss by ",817, _1& L y lying VP wen to' �qUE 14 almost fully re overed- Dr. thing for boys. 1750 4,rction stion f costsiyes'e,ved. other horned cattlla� by 45.705, Beeton. includink the to a of Mid- pastor,� thel Rev- Father Wennall, when. sheeD by Roche had been In le n oc McLeod ys. Ycuyig—A y 83,29 In hospital since. land, Perietang, Orillia, nd they preoelited him W11th':a, kindly ap- 9245 c ion, arls- 80l;1 6 iO and swine b 4.: arlo the a on Barrie a nqfc COWS I I -Pro, hdr es are less -by 3 01.8,: milch liament Ing out of"the tri �r of "dei tain, a of Par -i Allistot and doiens of a all -.illages, preclatiTe oddress accompanied Summer Sweaters — C] d f th la t sessi by ani I for some tlme4.s case was e, Olarties 'between knn,McLeod, wife of When this vene�rable cou'le took Cott -on Knib r. by 1,268, othei- bornEd til ver $200. Th1j, presentation t considered 13erioiw�- He is the leader of 'their rasidence, fifty ye rs ago. tbls Was made to the cpUlle by 144, up Purse o� 6 J�50 to 50. Daniel. McLeod, f Gooletle-h, anrl 665 sheep by 86,686 arid's ine b 'v� reverend gentlemaa, 7 3 IVITI. You'rig. rea r estate- ag At. M n!to ..This 619. ry as a so Id Iter 11'. 1 a return. Mir arii efiti ption -was left o rer' f�rom.. Boys' paps; d'hats 56' jury sit- woods. Air, Lo Is one the moat from the hospital,wh been Bathing -T ks 101 '1 . , W the A Conservative contingentin same I errito wall of, on the first Sunday- a and at IM.Cop If I ere. he had ; a ttled be 33arr, the ill P qngs ol th cour was neteen year old promin ant men [In - West a the sub ot of a crit son 011. Geo. Qai4 a ariner' near Port said that no C�nservativ, was then ical Operation, and -Boys' Bibr ralls 50 -the �artles, judgmehi eing en- I tween candUate Able once morp to conduct c '�_The Laurier Club of t�red in th term 3 of. the gn ent Min- B in gave a Carling, wz s drowned while bathing on has 6ver-Leribared a contest foir pafliaf the chdreh services, mplimen4ry banqu t to Hon. AFORTH"OnleoNlik tea. co Mae- Sunday mo Ming.1 The Young man was nient without first being assared of ver3l sudden -death Dcaurr�d on Kerzie King, the iiew Minister' of Just leaxnt g to I dive, 0' at 1,13all vs- Postleihvvatte�AA ictl 11 bf and istruck his his support and Intluene.,. All the Monday morbing of last iweek, the Meq's A I I I L4t or, IaS 'k Rev. Jo. rin 13i 0 r t wee head again it a otone. His brother living member ill to secure pcssession of thia t*Mllf twelve borneof 'MislieIr In Logan. JOf I . Adam E Mrs. L EIL Ve -t -o his� asslstandla� but could In number, weria preseftt I at the' lcelc­ mother, the widow of t The protest again the el of went Irst I ecticin r from a gentleman Me Property occipled by William I Laurier f or Ottawa 9 rf. OL th fendant Sir W Wild was nbt who is al% bratIon. The total mlIeLa4e traVeledby late aeorgf Sle man, of Logan, wa;6 vlo - �i This young, m4re Startill At the' T lostletbwaite, Wiich the �e c aimed as hid own -by vir ! of long Oil er, then j B.. and besides being 9 forrilafty dism Sed, prosecuu6n not so a Ped in, the members of. �he fam ,by the titne, bav 8,r lielenj brought. but WdghtLqf his clothes, Iting . her d 3.ughter for a few da7s and �aslly _gO oong at, leisa 5c opeupancy and payment of t eR,.judg- PuIled they have Teaciled their. respective appeared 0 be In the be -,t of bealTb� Working hat9,,-sfra1,ff or'llinen yrll Foister, homesteader, him d 5o th t he had 4 be helped ho Minute clip. i*ent by consent, the plaintil 'to get a Youn mes, will exceed 56,000 miles, cr While Washing dlSbes aftsi breakfaat I out I - wa killed by lightallic on Saturday th b ati hook.. -4 Urnes the earth*s ::r;. she z0olenly fell to the floor. � and. Odd undershirts, light Plot Opasessi, in Janua 7y lat next I and 46- equal to -selve d t while sta Ing In his A th7rL foril -to pay $ 4. - Ile a 9 a, small! rifle in cumferj� i I , - , yar a f . : "p. I when� her daughter, who had belen Walton 'Odd top ob t : i'. 1 1 ', th6 back y x4 of, his home �lrv. Owen -liou e tor f 50 XaT3ball,� 4sk. r Wt Town of GoI Vs. Goderl Wheel —Death by id�ownlng (verto* Mat, a ew min t a, 4a SHAT of the U 1!wo, young� n, named PrId - in _e r Smock 3 arlsib g to Sacrament of the Lorlft I PL Light �00 Figs Ltd.—The a 1,tlon Out of a Eng iebm� Sound on AY h�nmg. i Frairklin Neilson, a w1hIskey. trade. -, -who hae turned, sb found- t t if h &Y SMT - I e an 1�' 0 ha I ad fled, d,spute as to'the amount die on the )erating �n the n 11waY' camps a I Thompson and McCon Leli, *ere drown- Packh e dispensed in DuWS IMP I ged 5 child of been. o. pparently i without �a, straggie. 14eart iver - a:i oral' G ed i i theL Red R 1peg Whil Kr.�- James 1: Pa kham, RA., cornme'r near Superior Slunction. f allure I Sabbath m _ng. ReT4 Cotton Trom ers c .00 d lendai It's first repa7m I it Qf the Yin, le had been a L ven as the caute -Of death. can eing Sunday. er 1cauld cial ast of tri. Sound! Collegiate associa,:ed . She WaS, S bat t wil lo, Ln r d o next In the :illicit Irade with eVenty Years ofage. and wa,.- cupy the I ­ 10 1 U nod the al L R oc ib Overalls �.5000 to 9c, wai 'pdjo awl store Instl 8 himself throilugh tb former raljj�oadel named -pulpit OIL t ThE y were _11owing Sabbathow IRIT PI I aB� te, a t e r- Spears. It hIghly esteOned by a large C rcle of two fa C, lurt. r I � a -rtly after 1 cl I I ga DUf f Or 0otton Sox 0 to 100 th was SlIence, wh' I i! bead and ad sho, The bullet rden party of Sussem, lel Union 0 pgrehaulld the, liqaar friend T On the '1�est M roll armlars, I itute. ke P entleire I at he rl� n ht tempk'� d lodged with r they started busIness- 'lie —An old citizen of -strattord PaSS e held MAP -se bich Ban at,the base of tho brain. H# Was. able I.Th a MYS-1 secured it five ; gallon Reg a -ad two ed a e alriqa e tag and pi of the evening, the 1, me away on Friday,. in the p4racI of . terl sappeared, to Wa R in arl usly d i tile sp o the: house andl tell his cases dt whIske' from 6' to A footb t y at Kenora, and Dr. J. Nes I H arei i Par ers", Insti eg hap ened� 'Ist Was fror s m Ing' an IJ estiga- imotheT Will �apsed -into 'had I ec . AL Durismore, the age, Of ton li�ld at, MO rrisd' e Farm, t tiOL L but ughl them all the W years, He res0ed In Stratford tar Cranbrook and W- al bro elborne, to Uric _ aLL to Superior )UI -A the - n SUSsf11X formerly - Ion onsclous ess I)efore he cddid ex- Junctioa b- 'Canne, surmouneting gre t _t p t 1% ra Ons. Y ad been Ln tt ctl SOft the hom e 0 f the prpsident. M r. R6 gry Pali ierston hit. plain �be i ircumetancis, a he as A years, And Fr.. day, j �t or cold the meetIng V710 �T! CmOrris )n une! 1 Rth. Oiw- g1j, Hellr Ifficultles in doing so. At the Junc- practice, until about four years Pellatt, one of Toronto"s —A youn r in � from Noig Scotiaj t e Id. Wt the tea SrA Ibn Neilson jollned bil d the The decea, BUTTER AND EGGS H IGHES' r R' R.1 CE.. -L b the -wqather being C� 0], L there sod was born in be given, In the church" Capl; ZallStS, 4s purchla led two lots on created a 'r fld sensation � in 'Ottawa a opened4up a b1lod pIg on V -ho dut, Quebec, educatc-d In the S v As not as I arge an attendan of as there the w est a Ae of Bil StIlrf - tew days a ro by! attern, ptingli to mall a skirts Of the town, Business was schodl, and! be me p cl 0. Torontt Y ,et, for. $70L I ating 4f the W, o1ne"Va o4erwis-, -Would have beenj However,, 00 M rin _p Of the e ;sail costs money'to own. letter In �4e firei, alarm U� on the brisk' thr, graduated! be hleld at the hOM0 indevid, I I tt, a Profitable and e, and they pub le schoOl In Mitche)i. line OU Tuesdayi pleasant 114x ae was Sir Henry 0itendo - to e ct- ssex gnd St. PatrIck street3s readily, disposed, of half f their sup in medleind from MCGII 0 an Office corner of St Th,- treaaure�'s r6port 181% and - 2 P.M.. Glood addressee G i qlant Ill all, On for hj S'Own I U$le� 'Firemen fribm *e Btatlons,�responded ply, before a Dominion ed a lo�vecl a balance of $20.47 oil the right *nstable In- enter on the praeftes, of WIN, -1 he las e -his Pro l. Woj1j-Xd. ot Ube of tht Tht�rnatlonal And quite i Crowd asser6bled, arlag terruptid, their bperationE - by vialt flasgiog In ell. wher.p, he TenWiled red by lira 10 a of lie 'ledgffl U that the B dilea C11 -of Women, ba 9 an :off d a 'was on fire. He was to- tb Ashley,. of LO REIG %JL it in P1 Im e foll ring direc 8 we la ele district. They he�xd of his for 5 X !70ars, -relolOv to Grand Guelph Ag- ut so relle y LhO ield. tor ctdd: on at gates seat out b Urftyt visited the -taken Into MStody, b ased, Corning, and decided to leave for a Rapid's andAzter efil"n a. Hayden, John Eong,. T. J return r5trat. tural' i �611eO made wom, en of the Co -In' ric and w mtd�lte WIth a waz iing, the'departoent being new 'field. iThe .rem D )I ford. i Was H10.0owm0ft, hers,' ffest � W,�warlo`gh:-_ Win. in build ll igo. and grounds oat ke, Was entrie-, wbiake� r was 6r� f t. e He deeply ested In na� XIS Ction of1he ff a Stellien -31odd, Jos. A. Mal- placed h L the Canoe,- 113&al hbtoi m e z, close expri. spe a as sur� Y bad m d theingelvo I Innocen There was a letter box a ad 'itt .1111" 1 they sta:rte� down t�e rive UR ot Q ally - Invited ta att0nd lift. His V A I gb. J�as­ Wa b but at -A. 1H. Jaco 5, r 4nd; 4011ghted at. the extent slid on the - cor� er ta WhIbbL -he had been. t1dow. who #.fterwhrds tl* taxioe w lie, euriv him. cap w as. Z A J_ A_ c 1W