HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-06-18, Page 17`--ri.7 7 7­7—� 7 7-77 1 7`7 77 7- _7 -t 7�- �77­_ A J ti J A. _N, r t INS 0—M-7 �___ 7 0 k A� e Aw is ran too I i IN t XOL)DAN ISHOS. Publishers, FRID, V, T11 1 94 V_X =t va -a vy.� TAV V VAIt d finifth A NUNS -e looked tq._ e Thore It had, to, lay up. ledNe!-Whitb projects Out for J f ram Vie the deal. ie�fo6th al It GM 'han-ge, of ,af nefit or No bael on, a 'large Stone and for r etY4 t03elt was feared that %Is back %mi repain, as It was t6 and to be leaking building about three feet from thie The flbventPi sAmu&V ix B! it Ue Sea- some badly. was-titokon, as he wds unatle to 'Move. Vhe break n the locks Is a ground, when ar Wil�lio hby fell t !urf wa§ forth fta� a Q1 a '0 their A I., I I .\ , !II _. it was s A� one a 14 011�i� 0,,I� v.A �fiii Ift A I krr-tving he -.was, reir oved to his Qk"ainess, ve ry ert I Mral th- P* 11? UVO isy . kv, W .12, f;.L ? -T-JU ij liame. Ways betoi� the watars at- the lake and wf �e It'. i nything I t success- num of other children playing there ha most �nd Mrs. could, be kept. -back by 'tempdrary looks Seel the Jn ur and residence' of Mr ful - hel I Id a )4ie years. The crow on- J Ies, becam sick Y the. flrj t. ett, of. the 121 eZ1 thus the teathers had Josepht Qatr h conces 1have been putting off selling tram flowl4g through the canaL it thers! faint a was. af�L S t SU4. 04 Sion of- . ullett$' - was 06 m0ne Olt a wJ21 be some time be. bre the locks can a 1111veiy time for a 14r $ibut on I al y business lately till I 'could' while d 3, Y after - be vepalreid'and the anal be rew rej wasr� a �s -edd1mg on Wednes nesday tho plepld,, turnout., pretty Vi secure a capable- maii as my trl, dy, for _xNj�. W; nansay has accepted tha - S far as th( racing w aoncern6d� 110 noon. r last week, when tb eft daugh- ff ic. In the meant the American �osltiqn o of the. Ustowel prin pal br 0 st ccessor.- ee Aer, .'Ll became the of Mr. 4 taial Is be�ng used and. traffic is not n �cho t-exin coeimeneing SepternT could have disappi6inted. All nig Jill: porson hmoI prosper-oas 'the exception John Ri:. young S e ed. It is. 'ys, wit e ously Imp 4 said It will b� ' I In i the pl= at Mr. W. W., ii in both ft '�tdwxi� -of )tb avehow t 8 �eichol� w#o g6es to Ott4wa. Collegij. race 'favor arrnq� o,#e hundree at on or iwon In three t hip rx Is., The urned, it over to cd; over thousand dollar ZIN 7 But n twithsta A coromo 41 Perfbrrned' by trbe'famliy ss and to repair the damage done to the canal ate. Allss Prestan, julitor teaeher. has heats., g, each he'at M r. 40scar L. He I know _Ail 3 the bo V.j% Ootor*� ev! g a tile loqlksp but rho will have to handoil to he I! *ace, I e. Venty of ex., r. Currle� Y( r reel was a. ig proyl gnatWn L u will get every satisfaction Vr effectl the -enal of the PrRsent terh 6,ltemen% 'On WWAn6sd j the . famouis: Rev '.J. L. Srhiaiillp of Dly the' this 1+0 .1 d Ve ss will live -to be - de- take at a�4:-number at friends of inI.Still brmi'gIng. your. trade to termined ir� the futi re. Canada. the —W. George Harris, lately from Ens - Bel, 2.4 -2+ 1�4j gave -an idbibltion mile preseniqa ca have to J 1 - to brea k theitr the acting' partle 6 saxne shop. I know Mr. am per of. e canal, pro- land, 'rack reel -e bei of 2.0+W 14 ow in the , emplo7ment ot ide t- vo ye y6ulig P -of Grey ndiaw Watson, ef. KIrliton, hed bea-atiful. T eo a Two! poi Tle 1 It In. #he meant but whether Mr. A ii ra ago. A( 14 �s.s has, worked in sbme of to married r,8 or noI It c�n be colected from the the 13�, star une to break the small banel 1�urejo, in= were ceidly. The or largest city�,stpres with :was a se.o., and It, e tg event took P; lao at the i oliv ners of t1he defaul Ing vessel tbat of hit IVIlear the ankle a; few days m: gap. Ae m he "Il een re -go. Ae m e t -which r th 3 -d&r4age llko_� n s tisfaction, and I have s isponsible to -i loading sheep into a urag- stablis les &.1 recordL track home Of the bildes mother, NJ' Dun- S -Aa He *a ln� tb 1.eaq6a IS Y, .0 dr, 14 -when her C ving 'to! So e; of his wo on &111 1 K leg ha nd can M.C.N th Co4cession rk 'both in te- 1Y. a Mttotf the co ts 'will be alled ex- SO e bein preyl ay daughter, Margare jIi wa6 un- on hurt, 2ouk not 4ear tile str�k*_ ungest tin decido. lly fli _t7 tirm 13!11� "eibib.1tion YO hig, and optionally fli ip-, iring and eagrax q- qj e tiol_ Ited -,he lioly� bonds of., matrilmonly Mr. Dan McDoliggll, of Stat 4 The clobing Session of the P�Kford _1A I as,eO Oie Ife satisfled to be ahle to re- Co oroug,hly P) Wd Tb rent with r, Robert R. Hdustor.:'The cer- Ca tY CI last week Was friark-ed golie to B a , w e v I tb Iffe i Is a., iummary at d �11arm, Saskatchew n h r tit :D. B. emony v ras performed by I Lev. cc almend him to YOU by a row which nea, 4y terminated in he intends' engaging In the merphan-4 aces he young ple� � Ill. reside 01.1-lor Charnb� f A�- McCrad' 11 t, couple� a fight between Ca rs tile baslnel;s. Miss Ag- Hearn. of the on t MRST DLI rhe r I is oomi's fine farm on] the _16th and Counri4or Viclert. 2L'50 JP A OR— Councillor same place has rented her hokne in 1�. 7 It- hn a'sing - that LIvingstonaild In- -Co R.B ffermin, Arth ar colicessida, where they starft life with U 8 Lilger, Ch azibers � plarsisted la s StatfA to *. -Robert A rett, P& Qlayon age a suft., -W, ex ra suit, a t A. 1 ifi6, W4 1! ie Powers, 0. a the best:1 Circle' of Cojmcillor ;ftekert was utt"Ing a do- tenils epentling the summer in the -west - i: wishes of a largt erry, 0.1Yston, om" fy 3 1Z #"I "A&I . I e VA -1i r SP -0 ortb Ylju 'UMLL UK Y u U , I - - I V7V-VJAJAXB. =I VNIU0 %*at Toe, F-Enti ken, [Tavierm i 2 7-5 W M L 40 I nall Coun- Richard Grant, atbk histrue- �Cookatown 6 6 -A H5 qlrnes'ville correopond ,.t writes: over t he tender,. ind fl The ehe�se tactory Is get Ing, a big 'the 3_� -that W Lmnoy wil _,�N ok, Arsio bt4rd 7 till or flustrate J� - wi , * W " 3 ca tic s our �e suit ad- pno luv'� t 4 4 Vikelt aagrily 'Invited -his tol- .or In the; Univeri raleapolis, 4n t la -v m of the court an �ld St. Marys boy and -a zon. I II BeIn ont, J. -5 6 7 Isupply'frorn thi Mattland L d 16th league out feta Petti av some teat I I " k L 1 - n wards E'dolonton h Is long been known e I wil Laaawlib, Jau Di Stunts. i, I the w a Tr ev.: A. 'Grant, for many icoat 0 cnces4ons these days- Oil". 1priday W. boi ise, where the r laitter coal4 be jtf the, 10t4 R 0� io 9 to carr, r P1 ' acer -gold, and dredging tor tit u lyn Sinclair. I Laultid In 9,500* pouni s and that ti prei lous m tal was carried on with 7�1 Y soon settled. - r1ings were ears, pastOr of Khoi church in that; di& 'wasn't day W. m6re a- less uccaj s for many Years sm)othed Ove c wn, 11was Imargied n tha Vth of- JUnie lj�- The samer ars and daughter of WiBlam, i Px6-W n 1,100 ted, but for a.. 'Imo, there -#as pound a 180 ni the er b the bencher,, ad- accOP IS B h Ilutchingis. therefore Mearls, 9bbut the s grE at excite n t AltliI tie J o14 Stratford 2,2 1 .1 ame ad - W,l H. ja6ent a It.- Ment In �t council cham- _rs. ae6r,#e -H Of 4. 00 poundg utphin rb 1 ld�ith W f , ratfoid 1' 1. 2.2 Lobb ab4 oiber, That ld As .he result of a' little' arys. The mar, I atrig Stratford 8 4 8 3 �'-S of milk Irithin about,three' ties %understorm In e -,age was Icel0rated. In Xnax church severe I d. ]Dagge W-0feCallum r A. Sherwood teller factor The biggest patror In g ily A' rkted Iled else Ott awa a a Far, -willOnj 4 a diiL a of the In a ba,, it at Saskatoon, Sask., Is 17i'ng bout Idni -it last Sunday vhlh; was' Prett ece lor - the of values tZ -W tlp F, - - �t 11 1 P ut.1,900. -During of St� 1I r Tea u _ 11; re located In that 'corner, W. rarne OSI ithe- I and not likely to r- -asl6n -couple tend Time- Z2".- ight, a, log07 t atte., an ime 2.21, �factorY in' house on the ocC 11he youni H Lo. 4. having, 28 owe Motreal ro �H. Lo c C. W, near the eastern part pending sorne time. fin th Wil- goier i -am the effects of a bullet e -Whit RM: RUN. 11ams IS and D, Buvas 14,. wa�lnd. R. C. Lane, aged 11, a cleric of the city, �n which two famiies were talft, New Xn and Atkrltiz I litedit, T. Carter, London I %ckbuP. Pottle, ndon asli �ep, was ; almi to their west. 2 2 -The ituestipri of, the, unlon-of the in the Rank of Hamilton at Saskatoon.. t completely wreck- City beforeAheir rdt*,q I Aw J. IS RCarta 8 3 several oonferends Of ,the ap S a son e o r k camp- t ed. and he Inma e ons f bah* cler, s were 0 our ern T1e suits am our be newest "we -1 icle'lqed,.L. Bral London an an4 proportioned and - I! - - J_ Is. Brof Stratford a LittlRio of 6 5 :Church Canada was discussed at a 14 -on he banks of the'Sakatchew Adt1ts and tim childrim, escaped death -A Mrs_. J. session I I on In fashionably -out and ex3e ntly tafi Irl' �e %e in.0, i. o 9 3 the'Walker4 psociation 111�er. Sherwood. and several - other Or gerlOus raculous man- Calgary, at friendv In nd 0 ury,-Ih a mi e visitin 9 ell osibil which was hicard around. Mitchell Mr. Little' formerly and Arks Not a sale. of std-ts, 'but! il s A nem TO which t in Goderigh la It Week, and cor1pan s went ov� lier An tt inr Ut ta sixg! D DA a Teso Ion w"- adopted -�c f Ing the nates asleep and want tfir�ugho whole �eastern portion carried du pressing f a merchant IlorIng of 2.?a IAOE--: e of the in tted suits ---suits that conturre e with � the prfficl at the city demollshEd, the Tear par- ness In Mitchell and'aa, you 8: to ave some sport, Qie sta w has a large,! Deal B � bud, Ell -1ton t advising the def6ri Ing of acoir Dulling the teat rope. The campers ouse ad Pl,osperous merchant all and W gar- eyerry, . I uillolli tiou of the I shattered win- and Year- -:r as suit' I I ; .. Bros., Toro* 2 2 2� oring 'There is a , ush "or the V �rest ioll do In homses tive,hu-ndred d di gents' Iurnishin,� e [ter, At (1) tion witt greater, unanim- were a, rskened and 12h allenged those it In &`l_ here la- a shmor B" P, erleb 3 5 ,a 0 a thin On -that when we ad 4, T47 a, a ACCOI Apanied �by thelf PON eng Cland 4 a was' outside, and gettlug se �ply, Lane, te gary.. y,knows tile subject. A dlaise t The t4milies bt xo�es 9 H. Lei dley, boo 6 4 6 mmenditlion.. however, and Joseph Vs one; who w re sleep- two'chil4reil and expe ,t to spend three' fired a a 38-dafftire revol-It 0 Vn 1 kit ... . A added 6ithe rac6 shot from 111 ham, Perry, �11.7- 6 '6 rf urging tl ie unlo If graceful we never fail t deliver t.he goodso' I 'S n of tA6 tor'Ign MIS- i,vorl� T.1 swreepi. 1: - �a ball passed through Sher� Ing In th t�ont part of the house, es-, months On 1 the trip. The it ts lei H. Ho London dI& st C tb e BA -s of Can� wo6d's abdomen and came out through CaP anil have seen Calgary grow jr. 2.2Q, 2.181. ed praetl�aliy uninjured amid s6t at 'oaoe-­L;,don %V-1 Time- �IonarY'dfforts of ptis. the west the unioni of 'the publishing the' back.. Shqrwpod nd Lane w wr .0k of Wing Plat, ter and flying the ix !:�e4ra Since they bave fie ere d&d ver clese frIends. Sherwood came to ere from a town Of t.,000 o a t1ty, glass. nterest th 3h Bars, I W. Pri ngley, Stratbroy, i 1 1 7-A -g of. the titizens- of ])Ile meetin Sa katoon from Sussex,,'New Pruts- was 4nno�nced in Toronto that 3000 opulation, Bu ss block One 8 are -A V. Bfin�l I lentleih Kingaiidipe, 2 2 ey - k$p. kdy, Chathaiii i 1 3 3 n Wednie day even- wl�k. Eane Is the eon of a merchant the shareho up n all Aid was bell! a lders of t Jae defunct York going .0. 0. ck in 3 oderle Y Xrmen,ts that An oil e ling to W 5 .6 (1 13cus,the question'o r� the new 4t Uarn! ant man. Lo Company would receive the mon. he and his briother, opened 7up' Price �dbllc Dal building whial 'is !A v; ry severe b4il s orm. passed 'n them AD dt at, -,the wrep business s SOld last !week for *5%0", ronto �"er, Ov. ey coming t ck W4 6 5 6 Gn pria The limit Time -2. L7, 17 posed... e school board ha,. urch�s- -4k as] -�adap, K out S months. lunle! iziey, 11 e eight year eld an., an district on the �0,500 claim-. 1'p e d an ven acre site fat _h new rat JL J e licatte over t son of XJrs,j John Xely,af z ay, Kay, 30th. All: tl�e Ant h country have Drideriag ju�t ben and i -drown0din the 11,411 pond at the hchool d has ''plans for fie new t a HALF BUMIZIE ust how was P itent, T. Carter,. d owi In the Methodist, church In the beenwi 2 in fie neigh. n vv �re much of theIr own money they win get Stratford, Xill Buftr X coMpan.y on, buWA111din which will coft more or 'Mag damaged. by T ekbu, F. ondon 0 2 h ed ad for this reason the Hational riday r-noom The little boy,' -ac - M424, J. IMM r, London i 1 8 borho of $ 0,000. The [ilt incur- h bad k, sto es and few ou�ses escap . In a '4 4� U idle N-4 R. Ers) tne, London I 3 $5,000., and -years another young lad,- play- ed for to e I t4e,board the, cow try the house o� J. T. Hartry Trust QornPany, who for thre B Tabe, J. Sibbons Stratford haave liest�d, the. toWn 'a u�ncil t:) een wor4dng hard to straighten ed to 90 RIO: 00 su. S for. V5 01 Time- had, seventeen panes of glas§ broken, ha P truint J ram schoo, to t e purpoqe. There Is, While th )residence of Peter Spence and out one Of t worst fluancial tangles and sllbpod Inito, the raise $ ve difference of Tne �anion id not- me f Su 1" S for, howe P�a opb don as to l5t*q E uttered In ke manner. In he h1st y. of the provivee. n the fact ya Pportionment of tb B aron mot0io It S abilit the site iselebted, lad b tby carriage left Outside a t of the the'dro xilr till tbe ollowIng marn- he rate )f taxatl In als, think: the amoun. paid for end is Ill ancer in - nelthpr n st,6et store ih� Winnipeg fis Ing, w4en search was made -at Wl*gham some f ty. Mrs. an Pe twent body being -or ' i* s on �hii a pond, tJw give You- 1400 Sui, is f 7 this year will e min it its, tooh ossible for the. ttustees to aW i�lgh Winemai t, of that city, was blown It z!ecovered at 7.�Q_ )sS t eWalk by a gust of wind ht t the doll, �r. �Anotler of the few romplaing early &or is Sid h the amount will be, bocausehere All nig, he parent the lad �earch_ h sale prices 1H f w 1! ridow- filst Odd Oats did 7 1111 1 0 0 n as Settl -MISS Dell ers alsh-district, Ash- an� ran Intois hqrse standing the 4e still assets to be-415posed of, .9r% r I at find nq trace -acher in held toWhsbipi �ha this life., cur IT fte borse bolted and the rig to berpabouts. This 18 th I le a �"Neflj. at' � f the Il�oeb ed for. hlm� but c -cepted a. po sition as. to one s departed but it to bonseratively estimated that Of his ecand a -.is aware of a In a ye# In the m 4 tlement will oront public sc 0as. er on over ly an Sp s4ed laway at �abV ca -rlage' and- c --- �Mfis. �Robe t orton i6d at a- 'who pa the ie 3idence of Pont 0 �Pa --t e,,�� In 'the p�- Is at Mrs. R. McKenzie*, 7 wiO its mere. a:' the 1 wh�ch 1: was attached went the 0, S at be r 3&1 -at the rdte,� tatslit All ornpletely wrecked- of 0 or 50 per cont. k itincra, m 0 yo �W ashin, -law, 'John Firilayson, but the baby, by a m1raclee es- -A j)lece of needle which enteredher to -A r0eafthg at the millers -�of Stratm -5.0 8 ae t uIr ton, on' Mavi Mrs her sdx An on it, w-pric 28th. ad -1 ed rd dIS Albion trIet Was hild 'at thoL N arton i as formerly Misi I velyn Reid: Tuesday 'evening of last 1 Yeek, at qjjpeld ir 14ry. br t ix e s eks ago, and bafflea the Y of liucknow. of 77 year act, there are re grular hotel in tb4t. elty last week, for­thio� f, rly' the ag --;RISE 31dith J. Miller, the celebrated do O;S lo at' of the price, )fmer s. Dorn rh Ross e it, ci �me out M. Rober tit Dungann.pni shire, c tland, In' -the year and MIS SoCc at In J. the fffi-e I Mr6ii Alice Cooledge's UrPOSO. scuss we'll ag, on, a voc s ell left nd finge ho, hat beer. secretary X the W-eot deceased ame on thez tld� at ortage la- Fr ng crops,. the to $25 fol? 8 00 immigra- airle last Week for Mon.,) x1ght band 4 few days agoi havin condition ol the Wawa Insuranc �bmpapy f tion w.11 h swbpt Westward to teal. I ley sail today, ilday'v ' on travelled throe feet from the -point at quarxttt� otiwheat In the hands Of 1te nosh Fl- -6 or Canada -60 Buiti*ngs,to your meqis- eiVir �filan for Liverpool. Miss 1 Miller which -We important question 8 a number of- years, ha -esigned his -XFom. t sfiores of the T�ighla'nds of 11 1 It en her . odj,. eks millers, and� other nd some weeks Port ago Mrw:' Q oiedgE� vi ho, e4ldes In were c p �sition_ Scotla Some sixty or mare, 'Years ffit9nde �rd Checks, Serges., to S�e' onWeredc; There wee prasent sgel -Misi Leto Smitll', Of- 014%ton, left ago. A rwardA' 1was r�rrled to, la kitle, which Is her hcme and Pe oro?. w is carrYin 9 an- armful Stiatford-, 13. S. watt mers remlar- 171 -1' ur price ot bds. r cently for nippi, a�d: on Wednes- oderic McKeniie,' also: a ative of ivhqre r parents reside, but pressine wo Ihto t) ie house. A Ileedle was Of Pa on; Harvey, Exeter hi, se t -s and with iled on a dng4ge ents in England necdssitatezl stic -ess, ar last' week wkas'united ill- Ross W. J. Howson, Wt harn;:R. s. Box, to 1020, for 15 00, d ly of g In. -tie breast A her.,dr W 1 Melange, Cham— i "N'Inthro of farm o -he 04 Ash� iier, I marrlug( P. W. -14th corice io 0 -P dlatd return. as e dropi ed the �WYS; H. L. Rieet St. Kilrys; d one A the es e oi 3 ield, n Loebalsh, V now oc- Keeg n a L a or, Guelph;: Ch ge, Fancy Cream as ano 9 w 0 caugh� the needle,- kow Jt In- -Mrs. Joh ne of th cupled D. Ferguson. M -r. suffered Imprisoneat lri Londen al n Gallaoher,! e a. M. �nblrk, $72 ong to aer brea#, and br )ke, It �of f about erj, edand the dece sbd was w it ,ures�, Crepillesi Pa.. 'I 6�d settl ers a' HU yLk; used last McKenz Is dt at: ier English suffrigettes, ad- the middle. At the Ni�l ioll st Berlin; S. Hosital the eek. 71 e c ng at the resi- qtte ndin dot hirts -diideasedl Wt wil a large f, a a ative of %mlly !of mall ]a e ed pen air meett 9 ,tor was locate arlt. Now H*vnburz; James Pair and A. qti _n; 3r ex. -born In 1829. dre, Jected' to a] W. Tweeds. helimd, being he 11 the priv, ome time go Mrs. Co E. _'Aleiandor. Clinton, Y. aTe o� Gdorge Holland In, Ottawa a The part. S 01- c d! iit her home commo p r,� c e: hi �Howlclf on ll,'a4,429 years. three daughters and f6u'r sons. �pe4ker and - fairly, captured her aud- jig! t QWord, and A, B. June 6t 'Vived'by Taffeta Wor., irt fancy p atern, I f li, should and from time to . .. t -Mr Pyke di as - 'Iew evehings ago. She Is an excellent te, a h a pains 1_� W. Kreutzigir. Ayton; Wool Crepeline S. William r�s Ilie. $Re is Bur d4ge experienced shhaar htr ad law" doz Sh* * i e e S 1I ce"'d was. riory bighl'y �steemed and i lenqe, h1ch. included a- s man men as 41mi they w, right rm. 9 , re felt her f . Canada. S mpat) T s, felt : A feature wa Afternorb he ueedW "sail- sins at Reid Alrbard0oru much fdr the be:- -3tripe Suiting� and:.' war 10 oz. Work-in- Shirt� �en. Is the heckling to On Sun -day -The' rem I iusbax w d r mved d and !othrI relatives. -Mrs. r. J. Smith,.-' wife o!.' a' well bAch Miss -Kee was subjected to Led Into" tho second h ;�� Mrs-� R chardson, �of St. Marys, known rd And was easily drawn out. V drowned at Toronto by- bl� _-Mrs. WillEm. Bramia, 10, of. Clln_� sident of llantsvillq*_ n Fri- by soi old country men In the, aud-i rIg1 Lt hand, "as S). staJning tan' died ofi 9�uesday of clay fell i own staIr In- lence. r, D skillfully did she , baridle - -It Is - qn4erstood. that tihe Govern- CZ110 upsetting while Satin Cloth su e ating In ths. hile u ergo ng an- ape mition for the juries ir�im which she died - aten them th they left before the meet- met t's Top Ito- bay, Were bt,4ought to S�. Mar ly, to +he ( fek of Sir In - in Hats, er. Ye Worsteds aed r moval ci� a'tumor fron]-� which she ,' -HO. V. . Hanna, Prov See- In w Perks on behalf of e Georgian bert th tormet. S6me time previous to tno sp-4 h e he was 'Ore arcomp 'Canal; �ompany to �ulld a occurrence'he wrote to hfa mother tell - W suf I ered br, sorne ti r4 tam. anied by Mrs. Hana, John Snow, of. Pottersburg, 13a�? canal wo 21 years of. ag �oji Saturday next n a� t bought a, cow from a farraer living In return foi a 06�ernment uarafttee an s Im te4l leave ling her bow he had won in a boat oalf 41 f Wllljam� athe ?�son Goderich rnonthp!� �rlR o the old cou atry. The neaT T1 orndale, and was taking it of bond: Issixe With Government racia- RIB mother lmm4ia�tely repl" -Cei h W. Wood- tri one of pleasute. n Straw Hats P 3 dozen Me it iwnshir, age 83 y0ars, home ol Saturday, when the, animal, conlrol of r�tes and the option of P Is plirel at by lot4r waTzrdngi him-ot the dv to givlea 'L UPI He replied n, f rri es! litch m S somewhat takJn the canal p man, of orr ed 74 4ve� been ad- ugh. expr traint oil w boatin-9 man,, of ag -The $rt thio wI1d,L became mad o1er at cost at any to 4 Gran Trunk ftel u4tted to the House :6 f fie, Ra lway left fior: �he beat to chase the time *Ill -be that for 'his year, at any Which wa S 3.dciz�n, Alen's Linen Hats' . Oi Ed- the by letter to lf P U�90. Winnipe last M tee and In that Ward Hall, wk D Caine i �Exeter, died onday mornix g. It will drl-Ver.' Whe near a large cullvert ritte the coulitrY will )lot be committed r I k on he f atal �4st week, aglid 77 run da I to Scott, Sask., v distance the cow made a dash for a bo'y who -to further gations. There letter he told his mot argains in Fanc 10 dozeia - Men's- 19 elt ats I Alf P Ice 1 1! - I - i �arge' obli -It er that ho r brige's ch4c1h, Ooderich bf,669 I I es. t 4 lid quickly jumped a- will- coosequently be -At Geo S.Oq nE at. The no furthar de- going out In tn - -T-01 onto Rgy for to. ng acciden In 011 ni t occurred on the Side a d the 0, Colored Sil 2 en OV9 inen * 11- t until another sail Wft and not f ret doz B Straw and L on Wednesi4af of lb�st w4ek; Mr. Gs� --�-A In, Tier rush weftt velopments in the projac sidime friandi Bay of Intel s4tu ft m Or& i that he won -1d;. be Ve -.fectl m -ald .'F, are: fl and Mlss.btarion Ham- rday a 00 t' embankment and broke her Session -of P#Alament Is" lid. s has 7 safe, but, 25 Idton were ed in marAage Rev. and 11a 'Delong. oflBe e 111le, were neqt In the falL The boy ba4 a nar- 'beeit prelouily stated, alas, the result. The deceased caTried Hats C It I'll r is likely that YL Turnbull. They 'left out 'In motor boatL w.l. e�n- near row escape. but did not get scratch, before any a�tlon Is taken with re $2,060 Lt it) the after a life Insurance o f 7,000, gard Vrenton the former fell t. and -w�on An Investment of 5,000 made to ihe deoI Ba'Y Oanal scheme a n Don tra n or -a 't 0 to�:Quebec. ecials in Mus.11ins- P - the Poresters and an ndowment poticy rl+ iver ��Dard 'at the tan (ry In Winl;- was dr, teen tr he purchase of a complete and, exhaustilrt report will be sur -The 3tabl n Ins ago in t as 'n in -a lite -In ance to the bx- WIL WIL WIL WIL h am wa i e years a age. -e trac WIL nd suitings, T so t of land on: the shore obt0ned WI regard to the cost a yed by :.0 re ion tit 14 tent 6f $5,40-0. all -o ror OYS. 7 fty afte: m on last we0k, The flaiiies -HaT Huehnerg,40, 'agel 14, abn on Pole i Island, 0; W. Caldwell, of pot( ntia: ties of a deppened Welland to hIs InOther. nerkard -he pro..- cania a Imprvidd St. Lawrenqe wead to) the table t of Xohm luoh of Berlin, Wa3. Leimipi ton, Ont., is about $30,000 tBarber. it, �was, drown Grand the; goo( . Mr. Cal4well bought the pro- river r te t MoI, a a�d Ile bathing in the P �rty of ' Ch 9J Inexhaustible Bup- b idl Y__ da, age River. �Orldgeport ir on Satui -day ev- pert�y tc obtain an In fo31-Die0e e oderich, got ening. ours ply I of f ne building sand. He has used 30 Suits, 28 tior . r I-Shorjff Ri ynolds, of seqral h the GrdOl Party. -A g0den prtzt under n vexpecW bath In he' Maitland body- w COM Verth 1tt Ms. m 4 o en- large quantities of the -sand and has the aull;lpice$ of !he b4ileng� recovered. His .25 2 -piece Ift Aver there oy da, Suite, 27 to 11 f 7 tecent' He de- deavore 11to *res�ae him, bu,' falleiI4 received also a, revenue of about $1,000 Dr.. and 'Mrs: Tufford, 'who ba of the :Presbyterian church will be bold, ded hif -do Ind the -A' Toronto, tvinicial 'ram Cleveland men who - Melded In C)rom sev years an the manse; lawn R : Thuisday eyenr� shoulct M ge In ed Huat0r, s P, arty Jor eial 9 `rd C I supply from the sand. bar. ha. removeq td,� Toror to. Ing next, June .24th. The London Hur- C 11 ix f. a b fh.,anO in gA e cured ti he op6ratlon n, and Edmund' oveday, e1r, dozen B 011, Caps i ! . -in t a )�u 'Was 0 aw.a made an Important Now. he has sold the property to the -Mr. L A0Y t, le S ei �iff tic pled esit, at Logan. firied one pers - have been d to furnish - the OVS ure CP and the be tienty of the re -will to warrant, they searched tfie Y4 ry So ious accident occurred on' Istr ate DavI4 fat, usir, g L. Ke ned, of ngham, sus- a Sear r Insulting - lan- best refreshments, All are,corldially Ju - 4 dozen B S ekintis ha il hi tons, Z -n I men for $30,000 cas dollar an U by Police Mag, musi Icue sei furs at' Renefrw. A�med, with Clevela d Cos ul accident at' his re- premise �.of D. RUddi and. there found the Cat adlaii.. canal ault Ste, 96 to X2 W. 'C. Rock. of Mitchell, vited. tathed' a,) pair. a S gua e thurant on blobday vening! of last and ca f Iscatect about L 50 � muskrat, Maile a i Thursday of last week. A Rather expefiBlVLe talk. Vootball.-�-The final toptball mat0h in -Mr. and es Wo dley,'jr.. -the - W . 'A. serlea,' between the qpk. Ile wz 3 ruming he Ice crush- mink� riiarten, 'beaver' and other skins. essel a t the toot of the canal ran Mrs. Jarr, 0 er'when his aft hand cirpe In eon,- -Rev�, JAlexallder Sutherlaxid, generr up agal- ist, the lower locks" he engln- of F 11 t thEIr anver Brucefleld Aovers an" Seafortb Im- u ar celebra ted r vi ng misinterpr wd ing 1 celved the perials, w -ed an� Monday eventhr ------ Swe OrS e teft4l, makin6lqL al forelgh, missi6na y secretary of the aer ha eted the signal- of re ct � with'oric i bf h week 9. id as play 'n &sty gi -lations of many friend -3 -the -nd resdU7 �Ich re4ulrW ixstitchei Methodist church, la earty congr Au on the gro, st week cefeligated the cap ain, and Springing the ga�tes h atrs of latteT a g relatives� at 11ionctos- Of -1 wed- open ab ut two.feet allowed the water Xr. vittory for )3ruebfield, th,,- to close, the fiftleth anniversary -A q -C let W1 dding tok ly, t left I . 1 8 and Wrx. T. Foid, at Ulteh- ed ih a I- MY Dan. Xnechtet piac� on Wed- din �numb6jL at _�th�' :fa an outl and In a r nthi' Bru -poment the gates� ell.. 04 u e wsd azy a two md score being I to Q. This m �ce_ 5 dozen Boy SUMM r Sw6at 2.5 el otation.. Vjej�, 6.30 their c�d6en, w -he force of t field th at Embro Wesday norni g of 11ast ere present. X)r:. Sath- were to -n open by t the Tist thro �A the wastirA provinces a e bliamptons -of this district, The take the Seattle -exhibition be-�-1 game was a surprise to So4f0r0, th& ne. time. HW esidenc' as b6en.,flfty-4our y s in the current.- The gates at, the Wead of wil. e for: sor o'clock. at r. bf Mr. aild erland h f Mr- W -niperials: having played the Ravers p - n. Knechte, Boys Fancy -Sve'aters'­ 50 W! S th, Go e (ib, their. eld inistr� and nearlY thirty- E�ve s , e dani I were open at he time', thus fore. their' turn. -4 IT s J. an&. ni�� is. a, S. daughter, Elizab th f tt b Ing, In the :Mission rpos. Howinj -,full force of the water A. e n i a been appoint- tie edne f a i e the eVert- ensible, game the prevlous W -s-day- young th con Ing fellow. united t)' Frid "il ere� -Toronto University has r,�elv d from Li ke Swerlor free access to rush ed rriembe� of the I eard ot bus., ruCefield. Thus, Sezi e examin -it has be -yes- -ers for the jentrbnce ton. vr-a.UL visiting rels-f n�ony bo Ing p�rform b, ev:,Jas. A.' iteial notJf leation placed throlfgh the canal. Two - large examination by templated an easy det4y on their - Get in line with -the wen who will, �,,Oar ry- 86,�iy derson, pa.,-;�or of. no x church. Oil the I t of beneficiaries a.. e Cir- ft Ahe'wper looks at the the Mitchell ipublic School board. home grounds. but were sadly dis- Aets wele dii "ng, e drt Saturday fiegib. f64ndatlon fund. I pro- tUne, ol�,,e h --mri., Ell $nelllng, of Listowel, has appointed by th4 eX'collent 'toAML play BUitS Under their B amid -WhIe so angs large 0. P. R. passenger r g t, ly �r 4mes L hs. '6d h r baby. essors; frorly the 'versify teaching Steamer the other a large freighter. sold a drlYh* bar Yff. Joseph An- of the t r boys. IT -he score -Is no In - se Is thei.ir pockep. pan diration -of hvictory, -as' the Bruce -It Fire ai2d, Life IQSQraucg M you -afford 1; do loush. inj r e4 thrown r V'f were rrIedL v btaff will receive a a al allowance Both ca down the der 3on, mliniger of tie 'Union Pank at rere u MY -year., The field team fhad the best of he game ftblla, Commiledoner Rom thidi b .1 collided with $2;400 t4 $2,500 per canal aj� lightning speed, one pl"ging Wlarton fori$360. It'jiliould be x, good UP& ot� conveyandug chtknoe ? a _team, aL Mil 1- ea. I ucknow. Mrs a d of de- J�hto the other. Fortunately at that R11 through'. The R-overa went to Brus- amount, of privte and 00m- r4ul r ialairy for the hea� no ser- one price. yons tt Mr. and solo on Thrsday play the first game at lowest current M -W Of In- ustall'ed a sever PartmAtS -is from $3,60_0.r toi $4,600. loul; da age was done. to anyL Of the -The 11 daughi er of h Mri W. F. oreliz, c f Mitchell, while In theLISeMi-finals. Th return match farms for s4 y -RP-Ynton, Sask., 'has boor, hrown P. R. boat was erowd- f Oe t�,wll er! ar The -ba;b vessels. The C e cltom,,nit by the -an a calp - q assengers, a ha a -he school yard stepped n ound �vhlilh� necesitated Into a great state of ox ed with p nd they I d pla Iii V with Brus�els vill be pi d o the titleh fS. mo expe nce, u e a U_ Races, y-une report b Xy of acer g dn �hfdh peuttrated deeply In- Park grounds S overal 9 t -ers at our - team not taR to gee H�l ST P --laiid �mtneg';, as well as quartz, In whole 1 hing occurred so - unexpectelly to her to making allift BUTTER AND EGGS HIG R�'CE. rie day, tecently Rob *cDonald Avery p il June 22.' The supliort rded f their trip to h concessiol ii Grey, hi a bad ral ths, hills, south there. The fir ulckly tb they were wen rewa or A was and wE s over so q at tj Mustsrd's fin* ob c onfin id- him � to house -for made 7 Mrs. Vord. 'who set 4arpples hard17 had time to be frightened un- -41r. am�a Wbites AtwoA while Seafortb and the players In return feel own also 9st -Y even- urging cheers which WAS SO everal lays. Ae wai v Ing on the of and of arl i to - an til the real danger was all :over. - The eat Ing 9 us urda grateful for their ento gr q -u c cessioxis 4 hi w a e: piece weeks-. ago by t" silleroad between assayla� n Dulut h ted the beat In its lightning pa L ssage down the Ing,' got Of lodged in his to, victory. The people of . 13rucc-fleid or ims tbroI f�'Oyl herr W d5 iand *s -leading his� stallion, quartz absayIng $999-114 Iih g lid and $6 canal -m &s 'nearly upset two -or three thrDat. e lical 91.8 istatee was at now bew an Opportunity f seeing t.1r,- ught vIh ay"the 1[fie skilful N, awy zn�z few 0 n In some w attaclied to in stIvitrito the toll, whAle :he. gravel times' i nd had It been all on board olic e sumi e a vork- first SOMI -fin ganle -a.. the Westc.rn e horj Is the t GRUG daft - -boft e",to Paynton Would � Ikely 4ve -been dr" -9 -Uon series ever pliv- Is now gotti"L he was IE me 6A owned in in remol the tl Football Associa osh, who NO _g tie village F -oil Brue jjafkle ti the Is a- lit �d 34, the. ru, This baal,', how bit of ed In T4 Players are de, McInt d. in buE &u the �Ine, 34,'L es north- hing waters afterric on quite a otill W� u -ad; ever, a Iteri being lixill, ex(Item s causid at the school serving f every support and a rge t can. Is west of North Badleford an about 20 roe" when at the last -recess 1crowd Is looked for. !Do not ml�a tho C=3tan D .7R!] overturn. the 1rig. i I 101)onald a-' miles noith. of the Saskatce ]River. cargo, ded on It4 --qd land- it Of ber comVlot* r84 0 ty., 1�ghtvd Tory he&,ylly�. on; -lie' broad -at The Sa atchewin - farther iviest to. ed its assengers at Owen Sound in Some walking the ppartunt r