HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-05-07, Page 14-1 U n to 'emu' at ficers s:�, b har t in- n 410POInted 1und be hnO t�Le contract. mads with overni it n in educt h arq �,of l4dwry tials M duty It I wood b zi all 4= I clheaper at �qpi W. . k 4 V 9 ! bi- I f to aacer'. vmora =Y . . . . . . b ISO- gxb v *LBAN. ino W-ruLWY Isted aAid I)ok up tas e to dip at thod of j8r. atlix ietL 1 VIM I ajggn -age r4 bu t -thh � evil- I= d ron, ef Watph ion i. Mhe a in Itu Oat of th� lig tn 4,meard, h, -6110 Nih- -a 9cmd many th4t miati. tempts to ertais. The: f b I g foreign pods into ort q'� th wo do� I am glad W saa tkait e vfib:� ISP0=15n d 3liveT I in �h mull en have been.' made out ?e,4 if thay go to toun-try. 1 t�'[ ugh it MY be ojavr a ZU UITAre (Mr. � FIEU ­Jn tbat I uqe �t Qymm as b Mr. 9, boi Wt! Az-vd I wisra to!say further� haaAker4oh I withoat payi4g 11-uty.ho 'here i s his I ink it .0;1 Id I a4vis- that -hub. U R fOl -'SD Lit! a dur�;ng, gextl% 1Wq who, iatBr- 11-3 4 -net v Ith Oaced orders' wd th frMor by [a cuqt-0m albl, tb so boo] a placed tA ve �onq e Bid t fth t t rap 4 Or it Any -8 Vre conlikabed, and, fin ofticei w ch ic Adeld -every fi, mer trien La fimt; side of I he'lrume on, - d rwdnid g a dqbatie Bind thai plrof*bhes.� As I fined an PtraUhed T knov -;of ay, via -Lb In, *h1ic moiagy could. be -o Wesit.1 &I is country.' I db, not older thi6� twa Y 0 Sam -he, 6ussj on y 19X d : ;1VIng Is it us WE ft Tegard to the -er- 9 q nammel amd, a lav d qro�wrly 80. T311ja Is diffl(ult for e to prot--cf; thq bo, h S C lr"tagaot* beneft i� 115, 11 xp� aded Y lor dr 1 94Y 4) 0111 aI , d -a 6 Z P I int r1or- st4tesmazistnipi lafnersar$ I by ating te rzxie 'P Wag. , j ! - o find 1 ly 1sui in in anirmix g' -no -V or new to t 0 &r tow and n enue of, if I hi* e am lu, Tie 49 countr_v- But zuIr-47 it ItT are Is as el these ter Ziat an 44ftin it Is ain� acei n Is successor ill lot Want hem fq, Joao& h4ptrtaht o Protftt the our '7ie W �be on eltlinn f this So I U A, et ur le a the side adud� esta reat icon- ming in es 0 wo IvIdu als ded,,ii �W' - at u- i Vha 'aw V � BE the, even if of the 16 Hot jae W o uld not willhi ly ad the "byq�, cotinclusizio - M prices 10 e on ei See the., AV6 h4d ver this CQU-4t, Y as it U la to vrotect� the little -low d y of th vjuable ain I PublIc re'venaaa, use. tih, e Se uesti book to imes, during the, vogim 9 at 4h -e pros -a -of A that 'rule nt ea4 i oif hi farmer conatitmo. but tl,*3, raiw that paper tha�- pro �aDt Vill 0d cood h mf in 14k gold' fffied Ladies', arrant- .80 linplying all, tids ProsWilty Is d tie to, the pbl� that qrrIsy 1,imw be wabied- to e tie q;, ond that oure that mj,' I] lion. tr n4 for ed 0 yeats, r6gul PP ICY I f4bleb rea y win NPI I i that t this C0untr bemuse 1 '444 i!11,+44# VAtui (Mr., Glen Only comblmtjon Ck 411311ai4jIn Ing ulixt za 9�75 :3KCPr:- refe cum rm �# I !do P�iot ott �myt t tioLlow A20191i $ are many swab, I QUA tby bad IS long 'Yea whi6h rrIng, to wny: of 41 belle b;lm X the . deviao mto terjzgE f the work ut thla, eart wn�rj its (9 stla� eml i of. r great <9 theirs this an. I-Ilustrau0n filmnly spet Qi WbIch he � deUye red _3718ST been, .5 $12-00 iieWs 20 years, *i'mTant- and YOar ette�r' Dres, ah h1E re'. on theV61-! _0d9 ?ppo dte, I 1pDrie acqu tEid WY evenlin laot.. 1 t t Unk 8-8901 ICY t �e coo-atry be J n, ed, filled, now. ad thait lin AL_� wom emd the: condit w0u: A, )am Ivould *++44 Wk a! udget i ie- Idd do _80 01 the �p 1 o it h" 1W saild that V* could trka totly d. But I m6n's X, k I s6rew "eased 1 wat- Ple T and Poorer. isowlall advantagA Inal Clode in or - 40t do oD It I icoiQ teto I h _y fiddr. -a correspon 'V re I &Td io T�fad Ly ItO I V tO MY hbg�'OROifi _ ree isay and other Ing T;ifte laiat I jom that" der to 0 AP out these comblualtia w an, fflgin t It In a isoirlt a i ho groaties ii Ind, ith W gin the -ervat-We meet, we -bbd it trade. of 11.0 govr that Ims bwn triecl Sh. nest, that viera cises tA am cou tr- Cia A wn, cclann clal Is jeoloa 'Aly mverdents,. )w *agies.-at4d, IL th1ft Or tour in- a- TO Fr' Pw SALE: OHBA" W'L7 P ens in 41M, city; we jhjidl et?.UCies �Ws - e xist(t I �r sorne tInXe, It do b lot 44 to the disiatt' v% y de ALSO PIAN it I aln so-PI7 t 0 -V gy 11 -bei -at1*9 'body, pa tilt rly to �h# of I* woisf Jor' and 1, get iera: jatpi esslian In t,Li.e depr4 01 in tie p a dlaap� Ion, V era:ble the r1lame0i icd tbis ga move� iiient or opu�jat try that th, Vjq ain' MraafeT I — i - ; - larViy beegum o.&L tite bast xaft Ot. I fa Cis this mq�Y s ' r to ourf Was eystlie outry itoi t Uhited Stalbes jja_ appareent ffera-abe of lie uld, J itave to z ."h 0, w, f.* e a very con - that �hoft, gqntjejnw11 IntK is ch L t R�uth9ritte.- dealt. it Mas a LaD ba.&T d e� 'ce %N U Q- stead of the Be of that te -pride ntres orK I. t=a1xY13j*f: the Con._� -are * oesj$j� .he preo_e� it. ++VI -4+++++++ e Perzml�l- attack v Oon -ft, e prern- p tat he t ha to WRO M,� 1C law. I al V for cof SAskatphiewaA., 1. have a 0 11TIef oerve� hment w e wem losilig -w 1111:y tfivt. there Jai a .4� ttl tio 4 E�ut *a fliod .. I i The ods mupt go, The prico the DI lain, our COU feeling b wif Ih at to n try,, our pro) n --v a -4grat MaiqY i ul hat, ea( 6f j'� dejf0it therZ lej.a, spring df-jLstic�_, p- uo not _e r doean is bufidIftm that hav� not the pledeurs, of his a� quaint, comit. 'On Saturd a 18mg YOUng men were Uavlcng foT people thi M wo WiV 9 1 :.iry m haw rtial i ir,4y t ere A know J.1 I a 1 WE 1 913 UnlfOa States and we vfc. I tempered 31 Inci e nabout 400 or _8 da, isant tv be inia y war ' : bulatlon of +4 ++ 1- him,' And I ann 'vie surl that I UP a thO P0. ,jduced in our de,, but, a cq!i clocks, ilvisr e, fancy bla a fbr� at In& huow, 'him VAr I li Ign naticra, baA ks n, WIsh, �aa a y d�- mautel, clou watches, riend-7 him� but I' dot know tihkt ithe hC ded _td deez eiiiate i h,-,. e pe1nal taTes pe�op cuff b s r MAIRMaTROXG W 3uld the M d z u: teli of this governnent, to purses, gentlielmaa be 'good iv th tii Dmitse t 15m Irt; Dil= �e cot ueci tha clocks, an so et' of ever not tgA f;o �fisll urge w1th 41 the iexrnestuess- �det ft t fi gient emao lived tor -a 'Imumb aT of wbat ti legishit-10-ji the t I _00immand, t take ttj t 31nues ma:y -be -sufj'L- thing i . the LLCan go�_ TWENTY -Fl" books! w4leh has brou. No olle ted him as _z ent fasjjjon2 varietv- quebtfio n6w - ent to mbe year 3 elec a r1epremptAtive i choice fdr�' ernmeiat has placed ujo, L tba Statia "r in ha Wnd at Once; aind lttba, to V lie p lazn2at In JJ L ­Xy� 49 ;V Q DrMdy IS ZLVt t robabl� tha. so e of us may'bis a TS. gft about thhe rl TeM av Nothizog in the lot wortij who waa In ina'ay I 9802cits ProspOrIty he Ittle dlswppl Ite bma rl I novelty that you�,n less. speaks of thtm aPPlY What 'helr saarn be consideraid the beat to d [th- oAp A Vh� al"t-puVile imm J a Cat -a- in their much o v` rma- t ons, wiiii., re 31( t In 'kt To make is ry ne satisfied, i VIt M. zy. VtLE &-I I tL Will toil h reniddy hilorder to ata= -p out Itili r onts V1 iat V give all' the ance of 4bxe au Mt10nn&,n tha thjz� gove. �ss r i omiel improve 4da-� I. al,40, know ��q the ple dt ! e ir l� w,,_d0-!' the )roviace of h the viltv -eilt becaum eVery a!Y that It is tj -tion of fin it i1a 10 S, cliewan Ya 1wo, 'ble and nec4i;arY in our several ditfe� " any un ment hao usm— SS a rji 0, ftable4viticleforany't in e , p la:tim r 41owod ion 0�;-qtstu - I e c mstlttte4i $�Cotj 'the ka Every discerni aslons panterrmd u xM Mr. 6eq.- "Cis probabld al else in the szorb�., except iepairs. icombinations S the ail ft bc somie*hat di -a ani agiii than had anizix 4. og , t�, nize the go* - U age Be sure� and n9to the datef and b adv think' th, d In i Lew of i z %OUR hat &RIP1 of th 1 thp It the peol le z i greatost D Ing in -stroogtb- We havp a ppointe It In thi 9 feEppet, �bqt sure and be in town on Sot ernme it to biring a ktl In the -nelghbourIn rtz- i ain urd bogt; thess rk thea f"to It does not 3ecorAll �ara 1 'el tile rombiUtIons have I bee or- a VW -v hen I 4ey tl 0 publlcIii It -road y I wte obafilg,ojo )s 0 unde a& 151th. B 9ve a little fun sults. 'And f urther, t i . heie have be�n Dneni �er ot this Hose :o, ma se any gin tal citfhats �Vprr c ricurn'st 46nee the, Wn't give tbc., Go. els�—It wont cpst I mmian y qtge.z rgaide in the �arjfjf 9 that the .11Y MR -a-; Oil nd nxvre pro%. [khtv. The WE I )fe nittA �e m �Ir gobid hrb%._ Atew atiobs against much. have to th-e bet an '%W�h grown so and Wt M. ter the pa Ment cre it 10 th, tier is distinguisl le, 1 as , t ons. I am think the practice whil Ja Om- and the $o r at at ure It I %t 4 he 00 -try wj a greast re tonditlots wAlp% btaIn t6. nr,,but pnce. Our 0 i Mob) r kidulged In Tnq -g 9 tak ev'ft h's- -'Its ars afraid -ge uring tbe ]aiat..' nine otl tA a - is idorm the ou, the dignity i I ILI C 101 ille Yn by 'tbe (;Ov_ d 0 IS kind against, Our Ie e awe 9110 'V_Nj=1dite -ton y r4l' work, tat bbin them Ver �k"gly. 'it orilob. -A nt hi r.edt stat* lie in on lgh'aUld not. bie Or'couraa b'd aind of things h6uld ever. th an by his V ith a a - - hn Bulger, buslIxess -,h" CeS are w I Vm9es have biwa high, UA Wy ot- sho14 d certalaly be, d%pir, �Glafed cur In tAI4 r vftae. 1. V Ust 0 (on tul ate thei been I riapisroup, the cou rY ban bee lqftntrY, Qod help jhg�" th 1-. 4 'A . en, be carelk 08 iileweller Safoft g tbink, and r prices cu.t -ht tw-q� -Y al- A Im �;deb�p Ou, friends opposite COD tpwa 0 boomia use tq4e�r alft6ot 00 a to! -con inu, 141, &uifactur- pxpeditur6 f c Yui try. �pe ry 1hink, at -If ZdeaiV,.Di pearan erw amid OPle of, this t rhylifkr i ids to ite ot beet i )ot gar the a vahitijg�-s The3 iaia�y' that t1te exp has 1 that P me cartle I out so much -Iml ttm people 4ot' tUg clothes hero Co 0 It th( Y b ve JOY9 �d tot -been abAotimally p thaQ it has 9109 hajol not beaA Incroased. Tft( more lin!*ssts of ftom fte twitacleig 0fj Arach the -people b y 'kdla x4tka #!,Isj beegr very e j goive:rnmeut been' new�rl douibt0d., Is �rie seat priceg. fl�w 'yew-, 78. VT ta cow_dd. th thaa by octopuis &I ax ith. grlel 90'Vie INIM ha a I Is, - ------ '0 C. to- remem d �W , I I y jowored. U. 114e peop e Of wit. That.� t - bi t ve e PreVIO' is overninent, the y would Ine rodsed proppe a ny fie *IB' pgople fifm thlP. Uihe -Vet— Go try enabled to[ I Iry doUbj tjXe r1q.. hi anq I his la' a 5pecles the country has nearly dot in their view 01 these fm:o The annLU' 150. Which' iagy Mid SU T otect4l III I se that time.,� faxable, vo ubder the prie reliatw epIng fair for etim nt vible fn hm�� that I d sto�k nd� itj is aus; We tobu Dlul is plow *t 4 Ich ant igea to bo entliely Vferjent 94had f of Over a It aurprj - 0 . _h, oft 11uroa Agrkjj tural $00jet �Mjg held p, a 15- eams Urel IMO.Pte 12 C Bumer Ce 8 adva 4 12 ago. thsK �Mthe i2cal 'otbV0eft'%WneTn1' `icaw AW I aiys Oder t, s y XM the the.� -newest styles, Of- t kbotin o ti co, ume bBca, k SU)P-1 there wAre tousaindo of ormn -,Vill, sa-Y that" it is A cemse PreSSe I Uiefr 'Ellittire gramilis ot Vit h� ldare Tih6f s�aow of tion I 't"' tlrj� iaCra that weTa ractic les'adi itl al 4: pet, what show. QnVlalnt against pies -eat tile t we y a barren -govrn l�i alhad vwdX r it the ma:mj0 iment, X by r( ai;n ;Of ea. P1 Lant1j, that were Az on i y by bal I the prieviiiius ay 'Put he ro�ds and+ i seqi ave adTr14&bffrd lorble con, ha tba rA and a les n t)f tie, kidlan':� the buffalo nd t e co- ed pro9perity v. tli� cormtri,, to tak-! lie al Wt:01131Y uncla b;ut twice4-, zio k rj ore eh, th h th.--ry �se cda.d. e, � wA10, to-da:y, -ar aA an and v,: Will , jo ot thlekl ex4mpl� are say, ha% 'it a third tim �j S2*501- o25 'The. Mt Lons, best workman S2 orW3 late(. -ad 10ppOrtLjr bme br64g�t Lit- The - b"n givin 1 maxy f;J�W_ao before, I 9M be- wb-= they hvs th, The shit I Is ollf a dvat ta 0 -prod 1cor -wit3i 'Industrious kiettlen a, el*.blied, OW aly a at featUres of our gwr-.- rmer. I acait �96 I a a ready -Mar- thea., liands ar�_ipour#ig nit th fr g to t�.ta Ier-sLagedwaget ItY. shorw 4 raone too pie k It for and ron jaes to bie UoW,of bud-hels of go�d�ri -h I recei� 0*�11111139 to oj=r,- tat to tu Jte Wt there was i a, j e a p W. r4 ajslde s little f Is Yea the :1 'Fotrft turnout. i a; protJ Lible farin product, Jor iti hga Yeal to ehTjjch U, lie C r1trV PTO�operlty In m -y biAsiness, or in the e i tr Sh b a pa to f9ay a f5w WOMB for offer j irizes ly *n Q it abli beym d per adve. t 'Ire '1110t� only that, bult lb V ie 4f airs, to paixjjas&,1 two suit notoffer to ul. a on a 'au or I ch - w.,aE n 0A ewr�d try TOP COATS Stea paid 4 f um to X1450. S9 $12 1:11 t the au ar be, �t ci in be gr="Tn. WhIK-11 I have, referred,. hundTafial aud 0101i In 'V, y(& -r and add to n to in he ml�ra ad(Ine 3a thB penwo of' exhibildin-9 owever, mar] cet offers. The�, -mid walth Q ainada ry 1, a4d t thousands pf obrosperous dious at V )rfectl on a and,,p( Oad con-dorts tin it Ister >f h&Vp (Me sua -Yftr, as haV.Q I a vr pr( fit. I tova is hd prul a Suits, has never been. 3 "IbA villages.bave kip _�'etaad ot � * I ed I heard mf on �y wither. id�d �wisre, -a, ektaxbli by is) -thus -fairitb'aE Within te,last thirteein yeaTie *hile rqrmerl zker, the L b it IS the of th La. number of u rleme y labb govern- bim. ocrop unien a rmw thre JS F it. is abl thirteen y4ts ago t) su. son for. thank.. pa ble to for the f k vie rliw, nent and of the ov, wjmgat ftver beexx a w. rely I on eXhibitl4fl, These give were jud to �igity, At and price. N( t ad-� t1he t b6t !it to . e seen these Plains for a -01 IVOM,, on besm an no zeawn for. com. �do e�frythlng V With I vdry.-vol mith. other dreds and hundreds of mlie, alint aga Present their the beling awardedj�,rjz-_3-. crops g0i'ViBrIameat iowb*r to suppress, Dr to smalab it yod have reason lei you rill,r all trade . c(mblines ea oa Vhite Indian Head V]r its! Ult ti, inj 9:nd harvesting can perbapis Indian tepoes. it -is aloo, a 1, anyt A vm bull, Jam4,w or, ing at Sho n bull 10alved fter Sap� carvlOd on a r trusts! in this cdu� try,, %ftOW f 2 bI fat to be reniewbe jed Vilait we taose *ho 1year ihave pre, w,hen oftep -wok operied p :the great Y this pim )XI tmber 1,� I ROi H. Snl,tft, j473.' draj7p, �govelftnlent and who poditiollo 0 Xlftor" Orn- U Ron t( ritory, wore i V­Ir- Caved, sick: ft. pgratively is ack s4id laibor Is rie Whi Is reported o crailtabil Id so me Irf saft a, position that of dol, ij this thm b Y he a bul after sisp- Winber 907, R� Chaxterial-& Tho man who couaes here CcAd at le !to buy suft big & tp out of'the tariff tifult awd retsult theToot qNn well by my 1hion. friend, Mr i Lced at W-Wilin t1he JAgt thir i *T I �,t_sein surrotzds them iso ag permit A(yt 'a HPrefmd bul be prod comiparat.vely trif- ot clo 'ved ideas as to lait; Is that. the pub - liberA.' xwith preconcei Cos I ekti, 'p. profitab e crop it YealS, less, an iinwer. sa' 13ec- Atnother �orap aut$idii, Or to n we t ch. t Ckxne, Ion, It jhay be Wd what he wants in a Hat will !�dgs Ila., tht wiy' -to the t re WIPR t1oh of the country, 110 debt h0a, be -m larx-sly Incroased. that Em6roide Of Vhe -to zirm am d ben t yo all , k�w tbat that hs -,the cam, bae b en!provide !the rietun. fjrioj� ithe rl�ial: waTeely JWgW, rc fag for all aady, gnd t kavemo trouble in satistring —Mr. X* 4 'been potirl g tort ero)7e beet Crop lie in iot practicilly 4oajid in i nd has its b4t b 1 9) on to discuss taa L is trt e to a, liffitted ext mtt but '011L Y eebrated ttis III! tb aw Ited e:14bmt .4y ftar I to a vie mciney i ti 1,� rAr, t ra, mill -Owl of dollirs f idlis hr o w the P010t I ettt� .1, V's ihave lf Ir veddlng:Alon Uprill -21, ofa we at t( sent W t 4hate 'of- g0d, silver priocip,ie whle)j wais lalid:down tt t�fi 'lve ign --ts, Including tha M aln� The man who coines, ith!. add i 'Ole' Mlh _th pr mith the maiclInO, bu About tvii,4 ty�, 181 and t4e e a holl. raembET PIP membera t lie tam 1I Y, wart", 9"00-ut arats that maeA*q Ila t ki r, I all not dlo4 'D Cot Mr. S) ea e percuts to-ymg sod '*ivages have 5 -rang Argentueul (KI. �Rarlisy) that ever. r a, J!ell withh4d. The Is a 1cla, ate t:he Worthy cauple. Mr.' 96nerA p Act vib [ch iammn d o3 d !had lived 4p4j mivLd willfind ohoos- aus In tnatcoumtry also hu! d d �f pr<ya. other dy b y t he' iwer to o and variety,,,. lu open' q, es on of, protection, but eit Up L Wh'ere bqtooe there w4-3 01 tion dhou d ay te liabillitles of 'in th� Cliptomsi easy,,, for weV4131 . all'the W that 1jen 't 10 proVeja to the SatjsfaCtj0_a �3e pae aWy at - im uot tie f b ut rock, A barren W:U: �y a, �Iss. that pa geoeraitlool ailid.8boul 4 t0V4V'hjp ver a0pe tb=iT ma*lagis Un - M9 #iterestk of the ::: un`* ar e f ,, The expendi Ur1219 baVe �Wiy ke A pace _#ewiit; a lea [f enable r. ou to buy oonee.t sihapeis here, and we m oats Z4 39 succee4-- Mque legal brIbE lal t�ia� oom�JDI�6 W:ftan they leftt� .400 ��ents`a at their Ir 1p tile 11 Y Of Ing generapon, 3�0�t of this exists; the govi-mumaL ilayr the POW-, their: rjiWt in voton, Mra. re ed 'by Ir 1p L do, protettion up�n WIVI progms- 'and p p od' e Xp. as Cau Will take'pleasure in assisting that bheir r to, a ire particidarly the country.. You _�nu,§t Which b md,the public debt haq er to reduce. or to ientirety tremove zi 0 Boyd �rlanttd wl�ih ai patr ot: din -prod lots i ch i hey 'h Lye al a When the c0untiy, s expand! bleen aibe pTove - Ctliator duties the -pL) P-PeV A4 le a 'and balf it. do2ta toid. oming )(1ilets of Y, In M, Seleeting aL bee t i�e in iperinanent kn, gold Well .8 tb tho j a -Tia *01M - am; reatly, Vae calls -upon t ie eints—#np -not on such It plius for" exr oTt, 15, olly pl A sh a6d 9 vie, n- he'll'wilhng.- bine. t the Juty f Un spo"a s nd. A - Ba wi. 11at a price . . . . . . . deluell ca L we all I . pen t -will be in gz;c� have ly gy:Ood fo a gold ed -i Is 6Ttlaill Y �eseiat da:Y Lit wil I Ing evidence to iii�sta.Vldh ;post be advainta pie of map and. of I ed cane. aTe E M oWAS t a I' fie alini Idonot al f kiiciltUds a the P86 prow -k y r: *1 I. alut lin. thAt qi Schaler, who waz aya to a big EMd th e( -gmd a7hildred. P c*y pe.,, Will puts It, that-ta It' other 1111ki0a. �=In k dwa gemieria a Is. 'That'brAng v1d P ent, At —Mr. 'Nor Blacks t, case, DERBIES in Cape Of j�ra t 0: VW*Mj1hAI we h �Vol Without money Z1411 pr. 3. u wfh� should the ot the I tAt:4, the. at ot CC(qntd�ftt nm *i Ate. goiriezft _t ie Mitchell biatcb f tba- B=k �of the the in-crealep In 0" *1expenditur ji g ni6t 'prweat 41y be b 14 order C01ar-S -aving 1.4nactod the taT.Iff -A -pd to, ats a surpl h ir e.- t, tine 11tano has lee movi Browns such oxibellent El mK171ket is c atir re 4la: X_ ja �-lmln_al offence �VroVjding Is bays -provide c4mtotg and copLVenlences aa It Is the�r duty, t prof set! *the p b W. d1and J tough t -lie and Christyls,'- 09'zter and 7Ab ic notlee was Jam a to� -re necesaltbeii for th� �mext 'two generi �d by 112le id thE 1pri )e at the revenue ift"t itliat exp a( Itu from all: iditana usep Wblch nay NO fr-ends- -met iiii-nd iralmd lauckey. PA It �Qml ti(YR. and providling the expqn 011,; been Tfj hat principle jwei idOptd dek t law. �Wfftl�e the 0 Xactiorld 0% aum. ot a4m ter, �Wfth V/blleh they PU-r�L ice RY `e 01' PRO JILA Tjn, n hovr d(x a 1: fair ly ecornomical and fionet. ks to aind Carried oat It W9uld be fiva M -aa a t Ines or truets arb viery lar., asted a oLid iwatch, Chain and locket. p 0 It ha in tl! mt or the faq: t-1 a end been el blotki o.ggr_ega*, aTo v=qox. and 'bn 01 him .10 4 men-meato --A mbei 41011 D haps enterpWs Ilu It let- us *e I bum .at or economicall wa per n v4ut t1ely,; srna 'hie price 61 - pheat, 11 to the lia 1vida4l, a#4 , their 11WpeK t, X!r ZChatet WAS b $20 las; jd,,,e better, by a t-han mWaner th4i publio, diebt­h�is UWn JA— hencel jt!� is mot worth tho whija of in uuhi ll V I Mr- S wether this exp sa ��eful z4A profitab e b, Eer. in Cla laids thi-in It a -wee bi i Vy other _WP_ a -vie a jg�vima- creaised and,I vl� just give ly LVAdual to n 11. O.N'y ini WaY - . the lif 4 go to :hel� expenae bf up a t Wk a Onario! bIch, tXT go tlends kleteme., could *lve yu-many. parV Mr. A I.- Y. 111-013 j AN. it In et ZOMBI ids me h t ttledir HiD Soft Ests in many new and.handso o MPISM to any 'Prot on y4heai opp)slte sa;y is honest ol lomical. 180, Wh wad,the! last iyear of tue proseution aggAn at j away 1�8 tlom I a n -not, going to dii its Ch, t Poit, governm6 of oitm frbeidds� o Mr. PR MI 1. i —11 the is an. alloww, to yl Yang Main a;nd car Ha pposit", sult irtlist known -ts, fas Christfs, pi i allw i rom to dwyl vtowig 41 103 id niqually go 4WO bE Oghez cXr, 10 1w, M umse, 1 b4l?vle it Is h MeSt nit os- there W* an eix�- Ituit 4 iet aiga& on Saturd Cartei and A 'tie ;p t -e Look, to irea. a B116. ley. �cei R itere V sibly, Wrly.. ecohomica'li Rat Uhx ex- matle 010 yp aInd j4fnRls Of *2,- str t, h :aq hin dd p U) zad I #n1ght e Of the ez Lt Mr. MI. Y.. L1@J kiq. pen iture Ivarn' dur- 699,669. It 190 tl�e pre t gpver4- -4 to lise- the ex -01 Im V atwk n - 101301M in rep aluglaw dran r De ided $2$tt 5 He* Zys In W]nWb the ov n4 Ing the ,past live. yeArb has nearly mbnt ex Ta ivll�iw ot the , 111, 0 :. . . p AM 11d8fra ti tqjl� i", I Pk ou the same dsqy to ive blocks and �qAh an. I do p -b Wit the f r 04 dou bled., 11 am ndt gojx F ajy that these fa0h is t that the as stWe -a -the cons6ivit -a J. sin; tano4g lhere at y a T11hom J. RoFad gravel CQ'ntrxet% 0 duiatry;i but 1 1*411 simply xqne r IV lam d1sAkUVWt )r th� !t th debt boa; I sen roAaed g hat allcombine e,*Jets ame"o dw ed*y at the AieXaudra Aj-j ther &Te..vvl CoXITAL!W the D apper YoUng Fell ad will BOY raoinOnt t opronto. thiii., f1roti pla bid Tftkjej,$#Ly ex- peraM dim �y thpt � we Tecelvdd the ot ibis oottit- paitment 7 tv M. Iry ifanc Is. 1# towmam. Jlamllim jor-f farMI r i )Aii b rayasan aisia in the ublic llngOex Itan be g e It t beca;uiiii the pro-vir c,3 �ba;s -value for Phat linere try. Mod may-1,aply'V a, dazien dj� V ad as 6f itted �by the J rod al qua tion ��nd p m4 eW*rged. V the prmh rB in dept. Wft, Mr, ais a r&4t of the fe an M= Limited, Wbdesale Adrakiimi papft n� ufacturera aAd you man T -C all 1 44- He tjoin !of cdAid It can azo eraused-waL n�ust'expied', an a tlbh dliffhwa� is al Improvement o.' *ur water will ,'at P)ZPCW- y tna j arm quolitatlon gists b a In ibe beinx i it, yi, become V a athi aged 'WA. ro,4 by g the d1renditure them the Ooe a In �iie in this COI IN a alread from eaeb 'YOU from as iKr 78 62 � ej LT ago, AAd Was a Fr4ell- thie Te e our coun on., ra �e the r a of the Dom te le ii id0ver envy -a to mch ZdTicanta get or priil- byterlan Jz religlan, A vdd6w V cid ot r g 49-N.bo Verton, em-* �V aiya pring. t1b tac I ind Io i and soata b0c Val gr. mt; YOU bpVB n. Deceawd.l later. itturd I'ht for V14. men g survives 3,Y try fiml province ;Which ata bOc so wet ar.e e� Try otbers 1 W a beam In kfo, OWU -a Patel; Mce s la� their400rd, aT4 ta*e Vrbajt YaU brother. gov- It t to pa V �Y, bfir, Gilbert., A Sbirt MA the We Le lot our; frie, is 1)Y1 rade roll our m6;ry'and -ern ment of t i rpl4d prc 14ot w I e Lr to t whic wa Of VAry,% uty be emun, oe farl ers, to. ha)t IPT.6 rade sft�merlyj doneth h get, "d or 04,, ind be thankf if. 3�2 r 'or oba, Th -U Ame amels -e tas to p guver-urree"It ricaoi Is b4iffing for haVe je�n *a f tatemebt made, t1ae of Camr. N. TM - re-.� Ce arived. An laquft.6 W-11 I i, the mar. ot 6 h fhi a hi 'ling diay at tj is hotq inamIcaa ehfvnweli�ii, I and Aot:rexuTeq,ieq-.hj:I�-tbe -e Au_ hi ti Shi N looking Shirts. Designs that ee d the Ve po throuO 't adlan a r._ He WAS V_opulea le, 9 pol gbje popsibly th� (Mr. IgA Ioap r 11 101 e y '.,�Lre trigllt. I ha, Xrlend wderWn) In fmtu eWr of rMi ry'arie selimig efamay wide re�utatio i f6 r 0 L the mad makers with a piloit, roe for 0 `,provifice )f the cou no, figu eV fhe I 11i6ited a —mar iocial clrejew, but tw14 I& wt I osal 0 it, addrefis pape, 14 z -roe his very iable Iteb a t a a o vv(tr- almety MO patteMS N�LL nev r ready.84d 111114 . gz �tqst possil i �Tj: the jreat re 51k� affalm; For- oon* Shirts. The,hew ai itoiia,. b# I am VQV lu otlatkd 14ha coro le tbOm they arl� m3lng lat YeZrMa mmt1, died tor of tat sal th turg h a of the d6bt %wder holne b&a wDr.-yinT oqw a* `ht noW to do '.Our 01 R" n g(vem inein Ca. 4190 Ing' tha tor tf dr e -a In t4le, eountry.t be 19 bet er time than rig Y nigerva was that- y am E Mo ed on e3odleint autno- ralm oil n Ap 22. SAO aboo f U by a iva a Sft'S and 61 abW 904 Q jalew, )re 4 the ti is mvAt, 5C pn ant jot Ity j latj t not, Iong ago 's eouvi, stta6heid. or d6t"hed,, The It, vate ne-Y - prod Ldtq, such as r. purehv*d tbo Territo Olt 0 impolt D&W, v/AAt fended the -of heV ijauWmro M* te uV6 rrice Ve latD &Ttmfford to ttk gar Wl Ift m Ill ad I td e caiia In, 1111emot b that f urc!6 had, beim VS M 0M Q5 VOU to ge wit ftm cwc4ga late Mrs uHarboj4 Ot Am why ihould ed Making and. fitr perfeet. 7 C is ond ihat It laid nd I! tp i iealtb of 11b gove-A to the pu that ft �*A in 'TDrofita, ww= ago, Th e 11oro- and bu& _0 the frejobt about atterward* ount OL blaynied aA )aot -1 and I he idut, t -be ss�nva 1_*gao Ae be ­ M the mmi piam ad Ount Ath at: wt F 6 g b al for. That JUA wlich curs to a 8 az It inc the xpen R rhowd rue, but frien might hsa have Came 11L I Ing oontraeted�- otf top. attend tl*, It price ri C A 't tha' -dOSO f are above the ordinary., n Js VY - e jar, icati. m of nox be giotteu� -that )eX Iiej dtt -tbe coa* For Shirts th0 f ; . be furtherand -as CON mani facturem mxt 00. the man came. out we ask your attention tw w vda. 1 0 .1 or 010 No Ak I Ean lafe 1L e._� imnu sed Vy $1,01 t0,00 PW :htlli use and the lVe 4- the *hole of duty ig"i =4 -a-TW a birlef libiebs Ae pmrad In jatyle7 i99*11a Ing be horw and iftoqnd bothl ft�rlvgl thal th e, pli pomwe �asslstjng -IV le p VUV count �y that this TO IV9 Of into Me vwkef* of th turp�Tz a*ay For in&" 7ears she 117 -ed -in in 00 ArmoCf 11111- lwhleh Wo chased and paid foir Lnlate id of any! - porticli d igein Lagian there sha went to lilt. h,, d dhimppe&ved. W very! jeAr f d nt i +. bom-, a djs4.*nft_4* e ct ald po is bl' Y ki cr ed Im T t a t�(. 'tbe njffte� o; Idie eople no �ezai ltb to t-1 e as 0 the iab ide d raMted seve aud a half, thl, 4, were In ft vinced f highlay 1*9 UTIf Vt r f ie:adp jba Cdthfal nag had _bft lito 01 it ced. d Ing th16 rUwusdK*j uot PAthcugh the 8*wt10 j)f her dams B,UTTgR AND EGGS H I GH03 M Vj 'he It -A a t v by waia g1V4n a*xy. MTO. �W, ill id wajad�ried bame, %vto V t -lot J)y if xa m' I a odte that the axitibbix - o the bat, but an, agreet=t NMI enber tt emmert oduc i ed !W=bM*e are very krke t1ne dealft h - dau0t= Ob bad In ainy lot I V11 !y C Injac, le d6ubl�d; or, pc adbily Into, by V, rimmt, the is- In, t la not maide her 1-tr, 36we wuh u daujittem hboring flelds gove &t land 'ehoitad befize-a nyy i toq' ,(,heO, but there wm no 'the Au. 1017 ote e SU it a 0101mts !bD ang ft Apm $"at th to p Ut It, eiplents tfat� th Wflkforp lRoadi Pala -d, efyj Uit the a twl Wa ;Irom lor evwtt QA cmd, taft,ff horse. The m&W mutici-Val talrat[421 folt a laig t�o chaxleff #he dW. Yor ,'�to tha city a;nd fbaT* volt ere thX s. war vy davw_the lurs"ba Teriod of at the 0e . :1 d I V%r naftit SOWMAMM thst i Mr., B D9 TRY. ex ot *At 00foh le.: I "Y ter 1h a k M der the 1Aa Vot. 1 -060 ba� treated a bdak eft Ift 0W.W boa -m a 0 two b Bra" e" imzat. 250000 'tot.. fbipf _neL '70"g, haw via me if M :-he V (raite I MiNbouls UW to Ugah. t does not, raeah that a a 14 pft&:%czased-ber -aft I t ft, tho X. W" !W K tor �hb: awn gr pw4- ieedo . .. . W_, : :P0 94 Jor Cuet, A law, VffA n�b h If! fie L LJ 7- 7 7 A j-, 4-1 U n to 'emu' at ficers s:�, b har t in- n 410POInted 1und be hnO t�Le contract. mads with overni it n in educt h arq �,of l4dwry tials M duty It I wood b zi all 4= I clheaper at �qpi W. . k 4 V 9 ! bi- I f to aacer'. vmora =Y . . . . . . b ISO- gxb v *LBAN. ino W-ruLWY Isted aAid I)ok up tas e to dip at thod of j8r. atlix ietL 1 VIM I ajggn -age r4 bu t -thh � evil- I= d ron, ef Watph ion i. Mhe a in Itu Oat of th� lig tn 4,meard, h, -6110 Nih- -a 9cmd many th4t miati. tempts to ertais. The: f b I g foreign pods into ort q'� th wo do� I am glad W saa tkait e vfib:� ISP0=15n d 3liveT I in �h mull en have been.' made out ?e,4 if thay go to toun-try. 1 t�'[ ugh it MY be ojavr a ZU UITAre (Mr. � FIEU ­Jn tbat I uqe �t Qymm as b Mr. 9, boi Wt! Az-vd I wisra to!say further� haaAker4oh I withoat payi4g 11-uty.ho 'here i s his I ink it .0;1 Id I a4vis- that -hub. U R fOl -'SD Lit! a dur�;ng, gextl% 1Wq who, iatBr- 11-3 4 -net v Ith Oaced orders' wd th frMor by [a cuqt-0m albl, tb so boo] a placed tA ve �onq e Bid t fth t t rap 4 Or it Any -8 Vre conlikabed, and, fin ofticei w ch ic Adeld -every fi, mer trien La fimt; side of I he'lrume on, - d rwdnid g a dqbatie Bind thai plrof*bhes.� As I fined an PtraUhed T knov -;of ay, via -Lb In, *h1ic moiagy could. be -o Wesit.1 &I is country.' I db, not older thi6� twa Y 0 Sam -he, 6ussj on y 19X d : ;1VIng Is it us WE ft Tegard to the -er- 9 q nammel amd, a lav d qro�wrly 80. T311ja Is diffl(ult for e to prot--cf; thq bo, h S C lr"tagaot* beneft i� 115, 11 xp� aded Y lor dr 1 94Y 4) 0111 aI , d -a 6 Z P I int r1or- st4tesmazistnipi lafnersar$ I by ating te rzxie 'P Wag. , j ! - o find 1 ly 1sui in in anirmix g' -no -V or new to t 0 &r tow and n enue of, if I hi* e am lu, Tie 49 countr_v- But zuIr-47 it ItT are Is as el these ter Ziat an 44ftin it Is ain� acei n Is successor ill lot Want hem fq, Joao& h4ptrtaht o Protftt the our '7ie W �be on eltlinn f this So I U A, et ur le a the side adud� esta reat icon- ming in es 0 wo IvIdu als ded,,ii �W' - at u- i Vha 'aw V � BE the, even if of the 16 Hot jae W o uld not willhi ly ad the "byq�, cotinclusizio - M prices 10 e on ei See the., AV6 h4d ver this CQU-4t, Y as it U la to vrotect� the little -low d y of th vjuable ain I PublIc re'venaaa, use. tih, e Se uesti book to imes, during the, vogim 9 at 4h -e pros -a -of A that 'rule nt ea4 i oif hi farmer conatitmo. but tl,*3, raiw that paper tha�- pro �aDt Vill 0d cood h mf in 14k gold' fffied Ladies', arrant- .80 linplying all, tids ProsWilty Is d tie to, the pbl� that qrrIsy 1,imw be wabied- to e tie q;, ond that oure that mj,' I] lion. tr n4 for ed 0 yeats, r6gul PP ICY I f4bleb rea y win NPI I i that t this C0untr bemuse 1 '444 i!11,+44# VAtui (Mr., Glen Only comblmtjon Ck 411311ai4jIn Ing ulixt za 9�75 :3KCPr:- refe cum rm �# I !do P�iot ott �myt t tioLlow A20191i $ are many swab, I QUA tby bad IS long 'Yea whi6h rrIng, to wny: of 41 belle b;lm X the . deviao mto terjzgE f the work ut thla, eart wn�rj its (9 stla� eml i of. r great <9 theirs this an. I-Ilustrau0n filmnly spet Qi WbIch he � deUye red _3718ST been, .5 $12-00 iieWs 20 years, *i'mTant- and YOar ette�r' Dres, ah h1E re'. on theV61-! _0d9 ?ppo dte, I 1pDrie acqu tEid WY evenlin laot.. 1 t t Unk 8-8901 ICY t �e coo-atry be J n, ed, filled, now. ad thait lin AL_� wom emd the: condit w0u: A, )am Ivould *++44 Wk a! udget i ie- Idd do _80 01 the �p 1 o it h" 1W saild that V* could trka totly d. But I m6n's X, k I s6rew "eased 1 wat- Ple T and Poorer. isowlall advantagA Inal Clode in or - 40t do oD It I icoiQ teto I h _y fiddr. -a correspon 'V re I &Td io T�fad Ly ItO I V tO MY hbg�'OROifi _ ree isay and other Ing T;ifte laiat I jom that" der to 0 AP out these comblualtia w an, fflgin t It In a isoirlt a i ho groaties ii Ind, ith W gin the -ervat-We meet, we -bbd it trade. of 11.0 govr that Ims bwn triecl Sh. nest, that viera cises tA am cou tr- Cia A wn, cclann clal Is jeoloa 'Aly mverdents,. )w *agies.-at4d, IL th1ft Or tour in- a- TO Fr' Pw SALE: OHBA" W'L7 P ens in 41M, city; we jhjidl et?.UCies �Ws - e xist(t I �r sorne tInXe, It do b lot 44 to the disiatt' v% y de ALSO PIAN it I aln so-PI7 t 0 -V gy 11 -bei -at1*9 'body, pa tilt rly to �h# of I* woisf Jor' and 1, get iera: jatpi esslian In t,Li.e depr4 01 in tie p a dlaap� Ion, V era:ble the r1lame0i icd tbis ga move� iiient or opu�jat try that th, Vjq ain' MraafeT I — i - ; - larViy beegum o.&L tite bast xaft Ot. I fa Cis this mq�Y s ' r to ourf Was eystlie outry itoi t Uhited Stalbes jja_ appareent ffera-abe of lie uld, J itave to z ."h 0, w, f.* e a very con - that �hoft, gqntjejnw11 IntK is ch L t R�uth9ritte.- dealt. it Mas a LaD ba.&T d e� 'ce %N U Q- stead of the Be of that te -pride ntres orK I. t=a1xY13j*f: the Con._� -are * oesj$j� .he preo_e� it. ++VI -4+++++++ e Perzml�l- attack v Oon -ft, e prern- p tat he t ha to WRO M,� 1C law. I al V for cof SAskatphiewaA., 1. have a 0 11TIef oerve� hment w e wem losilig -w 1111:y tfivt. there Jai a .4� ttl tio 4 E�ut *a fliod .. I i The ods mupt go, The prico the DI lain, our COU feeling b wif Ih at to n try,, our pro) n --v a -4grat MaiqY i ul hat, ea( 6f j'� dejf0it therZ lej.a, spring df-jLstic�_, p- uo not _e r doean is bufidIftm that hav� not the pledeurs, of his a� quaint, comit. 'On Saturd a 18mg YOUng men were Uavlcng foT people thi M wo WiV 9 1 :.iry m haw rtial i ir,4y t ere A know J.1 I a 1 WE 1 913 UnlfOa States and we vfc. I tempered 31 Inci e nabout 400 or _8 da, isant tv be inia y war ' : bulatlon of +4 ++ 1- him,' And I ann 'vie surl that I UP a thO P0. ,jduced in our de,, but, a cq!i clocks, ilvisr e, fancy bla a fbr� at In& huow, 'him VAr I li Ign naticra, baA ks n, WIsh, �aa a y d�- mautel, clou watches, riend-7 him� but I' dot know tihkt ithe hC ded _td deez eiiiate i h,-,. e pe1nal taTes pe�op cuff b s r MAIRMaTROXG W 3uld the M d z u: teli of this governnent, to purses, gentlielmaa be 'good iv th tii Dmitse t 15m Irt; Dil= �e cot ueci tha clocks, an so et' of ever not tgA f;o �fisll urge w1th 41 the iexrnestuess- �det ft t fi gient emao lived tor -a 'Imumb aT of wbat ti legishit-10-ji the t I _00immand, t take ttj t 31nues ma:y -be -sufj'L- thing i . the LLCan go�_ TWENTY -Fl" books! w4leh has brou. No olle ted him as _z ent fasjjjon2 varietv- quebtfio n6w - ent to mbe year 3 elec a r1epremptAtive i choice fdr�' ernmeiat has placed ujo, L tba Statia "r in ha Wnd at Once; aind lttba, to V lie p lazn2at In JJ L ­Xy� 49 ;V Q DrMdy IS ZLVt t robabl� tha. so e of us may'bis a TS. gft about thhe rl TeM av Nothizog in the lot wortij who waa In ina'ay I 9802cits ProspOrIty he Ittle dlswppl Ite bma rl I novelty that you�,n less. speaks of thtm aPPlY What 'helr saarn be consideraid the beat to d [th- oAp A Vh� al"t-puVile imm J a Cat -a- in their much o v` rma- t ons, wiiii., re 31( t In 'kt To make is ry ne satisfied, i VIt M. zy. VtLE &-I I tL Will toil h reniddy hilorder to ata= -p out Itili r onts V1 iat V give all' the ance of 4bxe au Mt10nn&,n tha thjz� gove. �ss r i omiel improve 4da-� I. al,40, know ��q the ple dt ! e ir l� w,,_d0-!' the )roviace of h the viltv -eilt becaum eVery a!Y that It is tj -tion of fin it i1a 10 S, cliewan Ya 1wo, 'ble and nec4i;arY in our several ditfe� " any un ment hao usm— SS a rji 0, ftable4viticleforany't in e , p la:tim r 41owod ion 0�;-qtstu - I e c mstlttte4i $�Cotj 'the ka Every discerni aslons panterrmd u xM Mr. 6eq.- "Cis probabld al else in the szorb�., except iepairs. icombinations S the ail ft bc somie*hat di -a ani agiii than had anizix 4. og , t�, nize the go* - U age Be sure� and n9to the datef and b adv think' th, d In i Lew of i z %OUR hat &RIP1 of th 1 thp It the peol le z i greatost D Ing in -stroogtb- We havp a ppointe It In thi 9 feEppet, �bqt sure and be in town on Sot ernme it to biring a ktl In the -nelghbourIn rtz- i ain urd bogt; thess rk thea f"to It does not 3ecorAll �ara 1 'el tile rombiUtIons have I bee or- a VW -v hen I 4ey tl 0 publlcIii It -road y I wte obafilg,ojo )s 0 unde a& 151th. B 9ve a little fun sults. 'And f urther, t i . heie have be�n Dneni �er ot this Hose :o, ma se any gin tal citfhats �Vprr c ricurn'st 46nee the, Wn't give tbc., Go. els�—It wont cpst I mmian y qtge.z rgaide in the �arjfjf 9 that the .11Y MR -a-; Oil nd nxvre pro%. [khtv. The WE I )fe nittA �e m �Ir gobid hrb%._ Atew atiobs against much. have to th-e bet an '%W�h grown so and Wt M. ter the pa Ment cre it 10 th, tier is distinguisl le, 1 as , t ons. I am think the practice whil Ja Om- and the $o r at at ure It I %t 4 he 00 -try wj a greast re tonditlots wAlp% btaIn t6. nr,,but pnce. Our 0 i Mob) r kidulged In Tnq -g 9 tak ev'ft h's- -'Its ars afraid -ge uring tbe ]aiat..' nine otl tA a - is idorm the ou, the dignity i I ILI C 101 ille Yn by 'tbe (;Ov_ d 0 IS kind against, Our Ie e awe 9110 'V_Nj=1dite -ton y r4l' work, tat bbin them Ver �k"gly. 'it orilob. -A nt hi r.edt stat* lie in on lgh'aUld not. bie Or'couraa b'd aind of things h6uld ever. th an by his V ith a a - - hn Bulger, buslIxess -,h" CeS are w I Vm9es have biwa high, UA Wy ot- sho14 d certalaly be, d%pir, �Glafed cur In tAI4 r vftae. 1. V Ust 0 (on tul ate thei been I riapisroup, the cou rY ban bee lqftntrY, Qod help jhg�" th 1-. 4 'A . en, be carelk 08 iileweller Safoft g tbink, and r prices cu.t -ht tw-q� -Y al- A Im �;deb�p Ou, friends opposite COD tpwa 0 boomia use tq4e�r alft6ot 00 a to! -con inu, 141, &uifactur- pxpeditur6 f c Yui try. �pe ry 1hink, at -If ZdeaiV,.Di pearan erw amid OPle of, this t rhylifkr i ids to ite ot beet i )ot gar the a vahitijg�-s The3 iaia�y' that t1te exp has 1 that P me cartle I out so much -Iml ttm people 4ot' tUg clothes hero Co 0 It th( Y b ve JOY9 �d tot -been abAotimally p thaQ it has 9109 hajol not beaA Incroased. Tft( more lin!*ssts of ftom fte twitacleig 0fj Arach the -people b y 'kdla x4tka #!,Isj beegr very e j goive:rnmeut been' new�rl douibt0d., Is �rie seat priceg. fl�w 'yew-, 78. VT ta cow_dd. th thaa by octopuis &I ax ith. grlel 90'Vie INIM ha a I Is, - ------ '0 C. to- remem d �W , I I y jowored. U. 114e peop e Of wit. That.� t - bi t ve e PreVIO' is overninent, the y would Ine rodsed proppe a ny fie *IB' pgople fifm thlP. Uihe -Vet— Go try enabled to[ I Iry doUbj tjXe r1q.. hi anq I his la' a 5pecles the country has nearly dot in their view 01 these fm:o The annLU' 150. Which' iagy Mid SU T otect4l III I se that time.,� faxable, vo ubder the prie reliatw epIng fair for etim nt vible fn hm�� that I d sto�k nd� itj is aus; We tobu Dlul is plow *t 4 Ich ant igea to bo entliely Vferjent 94had f of Over a It aurprj - 0 . _h, oft 11uroa Agrkjj tural $00jet �Mjg held p, a 15- eams Urel IMO.Pte 12 C Bumer Ce 8 adva 4 12 ago. thsK �Mthe i2cal 'otbV0eft'%WneTn1' `icaw AW I aiys Oder t, s y XM the the.� -newest styles, Of- t kbotin o ti co, ume bBca, k SU)P-1 there wAre tousaindo of ormn -,Vill, sa-Y that" it is A cemse PreSSe I Uiefr 'Ellittire gramilis ot Vit h� ldare Tih6f s�aow of tion I 't"' tlrj� iaCra that weTa ractic les'adi itl al 4: pet, what show. QnVlalnt against pies -eat tile t we y a barren -govrn l�i alhad vwdX r it the ma:mj0 iment, X by r( ai;n ;Of ea. P1 Lant1j, that were Az on i y by bal I the prieviiiius ay 'Put he ro�ds and+ i seqi ave adTr14&bffrd lorble con, ha tba rA and a les n t)f tie, kidlan':� the buffalo nd t e co- ed pro9perity v. tli� cormtri,, to tak-! lie al Wt:01131Y uncla b;ut twice4-, zio k rj ore eh, th h th.--ry �se cda.d. e, � wA10, to-da:y, -ar aA an and v,: Will , jo ot thlekl ex4mpl� are say, ha% 'it a third tim �j S2*501- o25 'The. Mt Lons, best workman S2 orW3 late(. -ad 10ppOrtLjr bme br64g�t Lit- The - b"n givin 1 maxy f;J�W_ao before, I 9M be- wb-= they hvs th, The shit I Is ollf a dvat ta 0 -prod 1cor -wit3i 'Industrious kiettlen a, el*.blied, OW aly a at featUres of our gwr-.- rmer. I acait �96 I a a ready -Mar- thea., liands ar�_ipour#ig nit th fr g to t�.ta Ier-sLagedwaget ItY. shorw 4 raone too pie k It for and ron jaes to bie UoW,of bud-hels of go�d�ri -h I recei� 0*�11111139 to oj=r,- tat to tu Jte Wt there was i a, j e a p W. r4 ajslde s little f Is Yea the :1 'Fotrft turnout. i a; protJ Lible farin product, Jor iti hga Yeal to ehTjjch U, lie C r1trV PTO�operlty In m -y biAsiness, or in the e i tr Sh b a pa to f9ay a f5w WOMB for offer j irizes ly *n Q it abli beym d per adve. t 'Ire '1110t� only that, bult lb V ie 4f airs, to paixjjas&,1 two suit notoffer to ul. a on a 'au or I ch - w.,aE n 0A ewr�d try TOP COATS Stea paid 4 f um to X1450. S9 $12 1:11 t the au ar be, �t ci in be gr="Tn. WhIK-11 I have, referred,. hundTafial aud 0101i In 'V, y(& -r and add to n to in he ml�ra ad(Ine 3a thB penwo of' exhibildin-9 owever, mar] cet offers. The�, -mid walth Q ainada ry 1, a4d t thousands pf obrosperous dious at V )rfectl on a and,,p( Oad con-dorts tin it Ister >f h&Vp (Me sua -Yftr, as haV.Q I a vr pr( fit. I tova is hd prul a Suits, has never been. 3 "IbA villages.bave kip _�'etaad ot � * I ed I heard mf on �y wither. id�d �wisre, -a, ektaxbli by is) -thus -fairitb'aE Within te,last thirteein yeaTie *hile rqrmerl zker, the L b it IS the of th La. number of u rleme y labb govern- bim. ocrop unien a rmw thre JS F it. is abl thirteen y4ts ago t) su. son for. thank.. pa ble to for the f k vie rliw, nent and of the ov, wjmgat ftver beexx a w. rely I on eXhibitl4fl, These give were jud to �igity, At and price. N( t ad-� t1he t b6t !it to . e seen these Plains for a -01 IVOM,, on besm an no zeawn for. com. �do e�frythlng V With I vdry.-vol mith. other dreds and hundreds of mlie, alint aga Present their the beling awardedj�,rjz-_3-. crops g0i'ViBrIameat iowb*r to suppress, Dr to smalab it yod have reason lei you rill,r all trade . c(mblines ea oa Vhite Indian Head V]r its! Ult ti, inj 9:nd harvesting can perbapis Indian tepoes. it -is aloo, a 1, anyt A vm bull, Jam4,w or, ing at Sho n bull 10alved fter Sap� carvlOd on a r trusts! in this cdu� try,, %ftOW f 2 bI fat to be reniewbe jed Vilait we taose *ho 1year ihave pre, w,hen oftep -wok operied p :the great Y this pim )XI tmber 1,� I ROi H. Snl,tft, j473.' draj7p, �govelftnlent and who poditiollo 0 Xlftor" Orn- U Ron t( ritory, wore i V­Ir- Caved, sick: ft. pgratively is ack s4id laibor Is rie Whi Is reported o crailtabil Id so me Irf saft a, position that of dol, ij this thm b Y he a bul after sisp- Winber 907, R� Chaxterial-& Tho man who couaes here CcAd at le !to buy suft big & tp out of'the tariff tifult awd retsult theToot qNn well by my 1hion. friend, Mr i Lced at W-Wilin t1he JAgt thir i *T I �,t_sein surrotzds them iso ag permit A(yt 'a HPrefmd bul be prod comiparat.vely trif- ot clo 'ved ideas as to lait; Is that. the pub - liberA.' xwith preconcei Cos I ekti, 'p. profitab e crop it YealS, less, an iinwer. sa' 13ec- Atnother �orap aut$idii, Or to n we t ch. t Ckxne, Ion, It jhay be Wd what he wants in a Hat will !�dgs Ila., tht wiy' -to the t re WIPR t1oh of the country, 110 debt h0a, be -m larx-sly Incroased. that Em6roide Of Vhe -to zirm am d ben t yo all , k�w tbat that hs -,the cam, bae b en!provide !the rietun. fjrioj� ithe rl�ial: waTeely JWgW, rc fag for all aady, gnd t kavemo trouble in satistring —Mr. X* 4 'been potirl g tort ero)7e beet Crop lie in iot practicilly 4oajid in i nd has its b4t b 1 9) on to discuss taa L is trt e to a, liffitted ext mtt but '011L Y eebrated ttis III! tb aw Ited e:14bmt .4y ftar I to a vie mciney i ti 1,� rAr, t ra, mill -Owl of dollirs f idlis hr o w the P010t I ettt� .1, V's ihave lf Ir veddlng:Alon Uprill -21, ofa we at t( sent W t 4hate 'of- g0d, silver priocip,ie whle)j wais lalid:down tt t�fi 'lve ign --ts, Including tha M aln� The man who coines, ith!. add i 'Ole' Mlh _th pr mith the maiclInO, bu About tvii,4 ty�, 181 and t4e e a holl. raembET PIP membera t lie tam 1I Y, wart", 9"00-ut arats that maeA*q Ila t ki r, I all not dlo4 'D Cot Mr. S) ea e percuts to-ymg sod '*ivages have 5 -rang Argentueul (KI. �Rarlisy) that ever. r a, J!ell withh4d. The Is a 1cla, ate t:he Worthy cauple. Mr.' 96nerA p Act vib [ch iammn d o3 d !had lived 4p4j mivLd willfind ohoos- aus In tnatcoumtry also hu! d d �f pr<ya. other dy b y t he' iwer to o and variety,,,. lu open' q, es on of, protection, but eit Up L Wh'ere bqtooe there w4-3 01 tion dhou d ay te liabillitles of 'in th� Cliptomsi easy,,, for weV4131 . all'the W that 1jen 't 10 proVeja to the SatjsfaCtj0_a �3e pae aWy at - im uot tie f b ut rock, A barren W:U: �y a, �Iss. that pa geoeraitlool ailid.8boul 4 t0V4V'hjp ver a0pe tb=iT ma*lagis Un - M9 #iterestk of the ::: un`* ar e f ,, The expendi Ur1219 baVe �Wiy ke A pace _#ewiit; a lea [f enable r. ou to buy oonee.t sihapeis here, and we m oats Z4 39 succee4-- Mque legal brIbE lal t�ia� oom�JDI�6 W:ftan they leftt� .400 ��ents`a at their Ir 1p tile 11 Y Of Ing generapon, 3�0�t of this exists; the govi-mumaL ilayr the POW-, their: rjiWt in voton, Mra. re ed 'by Ir 1p L do, protettion up�n WIVI progms- 'and p p od' e Xp. as Cau Will take'pleasure in assisting that bheir r to, a ire particidarly the country.. You _�nu,§t Which b md,the public debt haq er to reduce. or to ientirety tremove zi 0 Boyd �rlanttd wl�ih ai patr ot: din -prod lots i ch i hey 'h Lye al a When the c0untiy, s expand! bleen aibe pTove - Ctliator duties the -pL) P-PeV A4 le a 'and balf it. do2ta toid. oming )(1ilets of Y, In M, Seleeting aL bee t i�e in iperinanent kn, gold Well .8 tb tho j a -Tia *01M - am; reatly, Vae calls -upon t ie eints—#np -not on such It plius for" exr oTt, 15, olly pl A sh a6d 9 vie, n- he'll'wilhng.- bine. t the Juty f Un spo"a s nd. A - Ba wi. 11at a price . . . . . . . deluell ca L we all I . pen t -will be in gz;c� have ly gy:Ood fo a gold ed -i Is 6Ttlaill Y �eseiat da:Y Lit wil I Ing evidence to iii�sta.Vldh ;post be advainta pie of map and. of I ed cane. aTe E M oWAS t a I' fie alini Idonot al f kiiciltUds a the P86 prow -k y r: *1 I. alut lin. thAt qi Schaler, who waz aya to a big EMd th e( -gmd a7hildred. P c*y pe.,, Will puts It, that-ta It' other 1111ki0a. �=In k dwa gemieria a Is. 'That'brAng v1d P ent, At —Mr. 'Nor Blacks t, case, DERBIES in Cape Of j�ra t 0: VW*Mj1hAI we h �Vol Without money Z1411 pr. 3. u wfh� should the ot the I tAt:4, the. at ot CC(qntd�ftt nm *i Ate. goiriezft _t ie Mitchell biatcb f tba- B=k �of the the in-crealep In 0" *1expenditur ji g ni6t 'prweat 41y be b 14 order C01ar-S -aving 1.4nactod the taT.Iff -A -pd to, ats a surpl h ir e.- t, tine 11tano has lee movi Browns such oxibellent El mK171ket is c atir re 4la: X_ ja �-lmln_al offence �VroVjding Is bays -provide c4mtotg and copLVenlences aa It Is the�r duty, t prof set! *the p b W. d1and J tough t -lie and Christyls,'- 09'zter and 7Ab ic notlee was Jam a to� -re necesaltbeii for th� �mext 'two generi �d by 112le id thE 1pri )e at the revenue ift"t itliat exp a( Itu from all: iditana usep Wblch nay NO fr-ends- -met iiii-nd iralmd lauckey. PA It �Qml ti(YR. and providling the expqn 011,; been Tfj hat principle jwei idOptd dek t law. �Wfftl�e the 0 Xactiorld 0% aum. ot a4m ter, �Wfth V/blleh they PU-r�L ice RY `e 01' PRO JILA Tjn, n hovr d(x a 1: fair ly ecornomical and fionet. ks to aind Carried oat It W9uld be fiva M -aa a t Ines or truets arb viery lar., asted a oLid iwatch, Chain and locket. p 0 It ha in tl! mt or the faq: t-1 a end been el blotki o.ggr_ega*, aTo v=qox. and 'bn 01 him .10 4 men-meato --A mbei 41011 D haps enterpWs Ilu It let- us *e I bum .at or economicall wa per n v4ut t1ely,; srna 'hie price 61 - pheat, 11 to the lia 1vida4l, a#4 , their 11WpeK t, X!r ZChatet WAS b $20 las; jd,,,e better, by a t-han mWaner th4i publio, diebt­h�is UWn JA— hencel jt!� is mot worth tho whija of in uuhi ll V I Mr- S wether this exp sa ��eful z4A profitab e b, Eer. in Cla laids thi-in It a -wee bi i Vy other _WP_ a -vie a jg�vima- creaised and,I vl� just give ly LVAdual to n 11. O.N'y ini WaY - . the lif 4 go to :hel� expenae bf up a t Wk a Onario! bIch, tXT go tlends kleteme., could *lve yu-many. parV Mr. A I.- Y. 111-013 j AN. it In et ZOMBI ids me h t ttledir HiD Soft Ests in many new and.handso o MPISM to any 'Prot on y4heai opp)slte sa;y is honest ol lomical. 180, Wh wad,the! last iyear of tue proseution aggAn at j away 1�8 tlom I a n -not, going to dii its Ch, t Poit, governm6 of oitm frbeidds� o Mr. PR MI 1. i —11 the is an. alloww, to yl Yang Main a;nd car Ha pposit", sult irtlist known -ts, fas Christfs, pi i allw i rom to dwyl vtowig 41 103 id niqually go 4WO bE Oghez cXr, 10 1w, M umse, 1 b4l?vle it Is h MeSt nit os- there W* an eix�- Ituit 4 iet aiga& on Saturd Cartei and A 'tie ;p t -e Look, to irea. a B116. ley. �cei R itere V sibly, Wrly.. ecohomica'li Rat Uhx ex- matle 010 yp aInd j4fnRls Of *2,- str t, h :aq hin dd p U) zad I #n1ght e Of the ez Lt Mr. MI. Y.. L1@J kiq. pen iture Ivarn' dur- 699,669. It 190 tl�e pre t gpver4- -4 to lise- the ex -01 Im V atwk n - 101301M in rep aluglaw dran r De ided $2$tt 5 He* Zys In W]nWb the ov n4 Ing the ,past live. yeArb has nearly mbnt ex Ta ivll�iw ot the , 111, 0 :. . . p AM 11d8fra ti tqjl� i", I Pk ou the same dsqy to ive blocks and �qAh an. I do p -b Wit the f r 04 dou bled., 11 am ndt gojx F ajy that these fa0h is t that the as stWe -a -the cons6ivit -a J. sin; tano4g lhere at y a T11hom J. RoFad gravel CQ'ntrxet% 0 duiatry;i but 1 1*411 simply xqne r IV lam d1sAkUVWt )r th� !t th debt boa; I sen roAaed g hat allcombine e,*Jets ame"o dw ed*y at the AieXaudra Aj-j ther &Te..vvl CoXITAL!W the D apper YoUng Fell ad will BOY raoinOnt t opronto. thiii., f1roti pla bid Tftkjej,$#Ly ex- peraM dim �y thpt � we Tecelvdd the ot ibis oottit- paitment 7 tv M. Iry ifanc Is. 1# towmam. Jlamllim jor-f farMI r i )Aii b rayasan aisia in the ublic llngOex Itan be g e It t beca;uiiii the pro-vir c,3 �ba;s -value for Phat linere try. Mod may-1,aply'V a, dazien dj� V ad as 6f itted �by the J rod al qua tion ��nd p m4 eW*rged. V the prmh rB in dept. Wft, Mr, ais a r&4t of the fe an M= Limited, Wbdesale Adrakiimi papft n� ufacturera aAd you man T -C all 1 44- He tjoin !of cdAid It can azo eraused-waL n�ust'expied', an a tlbh dliffhwa� is al Improvement o.' *ur water will ,'at P)ZPCW- y tna j arm quolitatlon gists b a In ibe beinx i it, yi, become V a athi aged 'WA. ro,4 by g the d1renditure them the Ooe a In �iie in this COI IN a alread from eaeb 'YOU from as iKr 78 62 � ej LT ago, AAd Was a Fr4ell- thie Te e our coun on., ra �e the r a of the Dom te le ii id0ver envy -a to mch ZdTicanta get or priil- byterlan Jz religlan, A vdd6w V cid ot r g 49-N.bo Verton, em-* �V aiya pring. t1b tac I ind Io i and soata b0c Val gr. mt; YOU bpVB n. Deceawd.l later. itturd I'ht for V14. men g survives 3,Y try fiml province ;Which ata bOc so wet ar.e e� Try otbers 1 W a beam In kfo, OWU -a Patel; Mce s la� their400rd, aT4 ta*e Vrbajt YaU brother. gov- It t to pa V �Y, bfir, Gilbert., A Sbirt MA the We Le lot our; frie, is 1)Y1 rade roll our m6;ry'and -ern ment of t i rpl4d prc 14ot w I e Lr to t whic wa Of VAry,% uty be emun, oe farl ers, to. ha)t IPT.6 rade sft�merlyj doneth h get, "d or 04,, ind be thankf if. 3�2 r 'or oba, Th -U Ame amels -e tas to p guver-urree"It ricaoi Is b4iffing for haVe je�n *a f tatemebt made, t1ae of Camr. N. TM - re-.� Ce arived. An laquft.6 W-11 I i, the mar. ot 6 h fhi a hi 'ling diay at tj is hotq inamIcaa ehfvnweli�ii, I and Aot:rexuTeq,ieq-.hj:I�-tbe -e Au_ hi ti Shi N looking Shirts. Designs that ee d the Ve po throuO 't adlan a r._ He WAS V_opulea le, 9 pol gbje popsibly th� (Mr. IgA Ioap r 11 101 e y '.,�Lre trigllt. I ha, Xrlend wderWn) In fmtu eWr of rMi ry'arie selimig efamay wide re�utatio i f6 r 0 L the mad makers with a piloit, roe for 0 `,provifice )f the cou no, figu eV fhe I 11i6ited a —mar iocial clrejew, but tw14 I& wt I osal 0 it, addrefis pape, 14 z -roe his very iable Iteb a t a a o vv(tr- almety MO patteMS N�LL nev r ready.84d 111114 . gz �tqst possil i �Tj: the jreat re 51k� affalm; For- oon* Shirts. The,hew ai itoiia,. b# I am VQV lu otlatkd 14ha coro le tbOm they arl� m3lng lat YeZrMa mmt1, died tor of tat sal th turg h a of the d6bt %wder holne b&a wDr.-yinT oqw a* `ht noW to do '.Our 01 R" n g(vem inein Ca. 4190 Ing' tha tor tf dr e -a In t4le, eountry.t be 19 bet er time than rig Y nigerva was that- y am E Mo ed on e3odleint autno- ralm oil n Ap 22. SAO aboo f U by a iva a Sft'S and 61 abW 904 Q jalew, )re 4 the ti is mvAt, 5C pn ant jot Ity j latj t not, Iong ago 's eouvi, stta6heid. or d6t"hed,, The It, vate ne-Y - prod Ldtq, such as r. purehv*d tbo Territo Olt 0 impolt D&W, v/AAt fended the -of heV ijauWmro M* te uV6 rrice Ve latD &Ttmfford to ttk gar Wl Ift m Ill ad I td e caiia In, 1111emot b that f urc!6 had, beim VS M 0M Q5 VOU to ge wit ftm cwc4ga late Mrs uHarboj4 Ot Am why ihould ed Making and. fitr perfeet. 7 C is ond ihat It laid nd I! tp i iealtb of 11b gove-A to the pu that ft �*A in 'TDrofita, ww= ago, Th e 11oro- and bu& _0 the frejobt about atterward* ount OL blaynied aA )aot -1 and I he idut, t -be ss�nva 1_*gao Ae be ­ M the mmi piam ad Ount Ath at: wt F 6 g b al for. That JUA wlich curs to a 8 az It inc the xpen R rhowd rue, but frien might hsa have Came 11L I Ing oontraeted�- otf top. attend tl*, It price ri C A 't tha' -dOSO f are above the ordinary., n Js VY - e jar, icati. m of nox be giotteu� -that )eX Iiej dtt -tbe coa* For Shirts th0 f ; . be furtherand -as CON mani facturem mxt 00. the man came. out we ask your attention tw w vda. 1 0 .1 or 010 No Ak I Ean lafe 1L e._� imnu sed Vy $1,01 t0,00 PW :htlli use and the lVe 4- the *hole of duty ig"i =4 -a-TW a birlef libiebs Ae pmrad In jatyle7 i99*11a Ing be horw and iftoqnd bothl ft�rlvgl thal th e, pli pomwe �asslstjng -IV le p VUV count �y that this TO IV9 Of into Me vwkef* of th turp�Tz a*ay For in&" 7ears she 117 -ed -in in 00 ArmoCf 11111- lwhleh Wo chased and paid foir Lnlate id of any! - porticli d igein Lagian there sha went to lilt. h,, d dhimppe&ved. W very! jeAr f d nt i +. bom-, a djs4.*nft_4* e ct ald po is bl' Y ki cr ed Im T t a t�(. 'tbe njffte� o; Idie eople no �ezai ltb to t-1 e as 0 the iab ide d raMted seve aud a half, thl, 4, were In ft vinced f highlay 1*9 UTIf Vt r f ie:adp jba Cdthfal nag had _bft lito 01 it ced. d Ing th16 rUwusdK*j uot PAthcugh the 8*wt10 j)f her dams B,UTTgR AND EGGS H I GH03 M Vj 'he It -A a t v by waia g1V4n a*xy. MTO. �W, ill id wajad�ried bame, %vto V t -lot J)y if xa m' I a odte that the axitibbix - o the bat, but an, agreet=t NMI enber tt emmert oduc i ed !W=bM*e are very krke t1ne dealft h - dau0t= Ob bad In ainy lot I V11 !y C Injac, le d6ubl�d; or, pc adbily Into, by V, rimmt, the is- In, t la not maide her 1-tr, 36we wuh u daujittem hboring flelds gove &t land 'ehoitad befize-a nyy i toq' ,(,heO, but there wm no 'the Au. 1017 ote e SU it a 0101mts !bD ang ft Apm $"at th to p Ut It, eiplents tfat� th Wflkforp lRoadi Pala -d, efyj Uit the a twl Wa ;Irom lor evwtt QA cmd, taft,ff horse. The m&W mutici-Val talrat[421 folt a laig t�o chaxleff #he dW. Yor ,'�to tha city a;nd fbaT* volt ere thX s. war vy davw_the lurs"ba Teriod of at the 0e . :1 d I V%r naftit SOWMAMM thst i Mr., B D9 TRY. ex ot *At 00foh le.: I "Y ter 1h a k M der the 1Aa Vot. 1 -060 ba� treated a bdak eft Ift 0W.W boa -m a 0 two b Bra" e" imzat. 250000 'tot.. fbipf _neL '70"g, haw via me if M :-he V (raite I MiNbouls UW to Ugah. t does not, raeah that a a 14 pft&:%czased-ber -aft I t ft, tho X. W" !W K tor �hb: awn gr pw4- ieedo . .. . W_, : :P0 94 Jor Cuet, A law, VffA n�b h If! fie L LJ