HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-03-05, Page 8� t _j. 1.4 v 4t U W 'Z� M V :ALZ;V4,X;T7 T" -,Z L�-;m-e �;- I :­ -_­ ­ - __ - - -:7' -0_ 0� a AN 0-4 r Tlj­llw NA V T" 4_011 _�df ljft.� W; Qw- Us 0"tt, -of Bqyfliiiil. I%e diecil Caw' 14 -InWimaill i,U* �art -one t'b umner bad 4M 01 J�&'yAi6d, 491nee funei4 Was held 'With ­�Kri -Xohn -Abell wi t� and eacave- froro a mrig" y 1j'atten da, et F on San- -Biaut 7T OT fei 0 me eis Traverlerk-Tbelollowft *ere dick- U up K, �up floral -AWL w Mrs. - J. R_ jenl another by T, S. In TA*ow_nt�, The o*rVIc"' WeXa' iialil y_p . eiv horm Wibh.�-eye Dollar, Urdh_ue. Bel I TOX n the :114 — b rned dti td -1offerings were sent bir Mr., a RENT. R Ekamine the mQVjW of� the eW --h t�o dlistoA We week be -r.� an - thiowi out td tm of Londa 'a, andT aloVe t r.& ;W... - JdhnpWne lead. Vwt- ot 1�10.1 -Sbuiorvillo, G. T. -R. ' --W. I' - d medicines W 9910A . $0 Our tnote, c6ioldte - afid up-to-� D MuMsvm to Grand Pojr* borm biolkileA euid he l 'plitow, from. the family'. Mr. Cha - D e]X01"Mi I WAID 01-6a -Headina embodi6s 'wha 1111113e, Mr R, illiaaps4 Mimes 9. nd wan t 4� stuangpr t6 Valp date thAn. gr4ont. Your, h k X.11 at the, anru aned, a ttnp of Goftrich- and Mrs. H. r rade, to n J.D.-Cbpke,of.Aemimlj,,attendied the Oar store i; fbw days Sgot: hones will t aind if gq QueW-, rieafortb said of t goods and right'prices Different froD1 Dear ly-all in P ound suoce*d. f unill it, we are b tho o.. Mae, CAMT.WL dt IWAltop F. ftifei. -Lee, aud Inset Powder and Hellebore, a Hills Green tow inasmuch as it i at all smaller ft-esh stbck juqt rocil otea.—geverAl. valuable horses fro the lell 00.m.- r He abl who are accus.bo' ed, to shop. amk 16bwo 1 pound�,Po& of *hite casti 25c g*qd __V44�n he Y Persons M Pi e J' 30 dozen *� a your- choice .25c ndV J this vicinity Were delivered ito seIW.� bltoEft, Hilabaord, at Exeter,, igat Alonday.- city storeg." t New stock of hot�water bottles and Old off �Mr I Mit-dhen; who I", ranges are up -to date in every the rink e occ tain syringes'; we guarali aa UTI -and "Wa. Thomas Farquhar have foun tin rubber gbd& for one year ,.il va,y and have excliisiva features th4 burdh next SibW p eals- oil. turned home after vW g friends in -a the operation of a range a larg, ek- of 71im - g tereot, tg my In he mara- mak 'jh tie I vicinity of ClIjAcin.-Maude' and un. We-baveal resto r to. both' t ing staves, and many styles to choose the Witt, w4mither the ke was, I& 2pa �!raftn. 1�170uhg, people =cl Ch4rlle Firquhar. are 'at �resenvis ftem. ,We b"o stoves - at prices to conditkyn, et&,made_� good- Because we conduct our business on 1-t 10' 1hol that -tiheoe* Film too" &'ABHURT owoGlsT iting triandis in -ooderich—miss jewn + tD IniTOmib il The 'd�fttorl � Uad, wAW three idlaoses willbeAu lafte.attel SPUFORTH Cochrane hais ridtiarned to Moose Jaw, tl�e most liberal up� - to - date + -we so out. in 0611131114101me, and furnished tgu*' &Ue.-The Cliton.. di*ret"Aeam vislit- Agell Up-to-date Trussill after arAmiding the -winter moinths with m ethods. Whi + Inc a�waros. There wav A n onferied sever- for least -m' "We ar e ORO- splendid -value in el evehingi aud,'r pt viefting under the rooms U d6gre".Irl-W 10.,H. jiKelsh and da;uklh- Cookie Cotton Root Compound Illilalt Came ba4 returned W Because we alm. to ow thp- earliest te who--hj*t- been Wending.the:past and Woods' Phosphodine to bw home In' Dakota# * aftei prelidlad fashions. her xurent &Aeo Hagan is at -Y0 both�-durjng thq Saine. -and fat T-0.0 F., lan Syringes, Sho6es emedies Because we strive to give best values + Baskets, Lanterns, M�rit Because we carry o reliable Death th 'Aft Mrs.- a few: weeks with riends a4d relatives;,, Rly strictly cou!;Ile of-, veelm W1 ur ed: to their home Ilia Inear Ml)s Green. -The funeral of Ar� merchandise. ve the, f riends in Sea Orth will rogtet tlearn ,T, &. -Wil ret n III + Tb d Susquehanna Coal. 0- - of.the death of MM - Hba-sbtolix, *1111ch Hamilt&' n "theounill hive- mall a 1po Reichert took place on Frlday Because w'do not exaggerate the -an � wedneafty. - -Xr. Jo jai e Mpee., thur I occurred at her how 1n^J#gh&M,,q,n. B(ilge 'decided to fer tie, Malt -and values offered. kive iiiiii . ­ , , r has de one in he Interel of the 110*, from his parents' residiefice, an on W a --s Mol ls�it.; Mrs. � Ho �9 e _10!l until Ma. -Mrs. 11 * Pat Because we will exthang6 goods and to th r. ody In town. Then seemed little'likelthood of- the PaiT line, for Interment t e ronage- 'ye a ppispeeted 'Or.. doc 4 4a Go�ften line cometery. It was very refund money if purchases tur many. leb� *as-ta guest. -of 'Mrs, the factory aigai being dverate Of b ohe has been rosid.Int In. T. Burrov M- this.week. - Mrs. Wm. a j9hole futor and every da!y It, stood jargiely attended, Ohowing t1lat the out unsatisfactory - j Wingliara for ODMe�yelirs­ TtQt. , 'The Scott 4Wd Mrs. -A. � MqCartxjey:' v1sited _1d Ill It VaLheatil up imiln-ey. The A-.Xl- d wn - highly esteemed iu the always beervIll a pceawd Because our salespersons are -dodeased had- - odl V011 this �Pw'k 'with their brother, XT. Xolm d0l'Pll & T&71or Cl:y 10 com. communt courteous and painstaki -1 XZi "rArthur wao a: �promlslng -Everybody Ing-, beW!g the cguoe of deat#.,� 'o't.EgwmdvIt1e.' Kra. M,00art-' goo" of good live buMnew nica, of good, youtb, of fifteim, bright and clever, and age _and She wap, -82 yl f iney-leaves on FrIfty for her -home in atanding., and Me establish- will greatly mImWd by� Ulis J�im Stovn and- COAL U16ular brlghtanl��*e._Tor olie, -:,of o Bejgt4ye, � ril of their factor hire - v411 gi �iooqe, -Jsw.�D. :ftrdat. ve 0m vaA calling on friends in! Egniondville eiinVoyment to a conedidierale number this weeli.-Rev., . BE: Turnbull, .,rector at ftPle. The compay is nowlial Winthrop. p0A_ ioieph L. Yul a A. T. 0. X Car first. -carnival of. khe 'Of Goderlch, Will. preach, In St.'Thomas! session Ot the Omilises &nd am mak�_ seaso w#s held In the Palace Rink -,on Sadly Bareaved.-The fAucerestimy-m- ehurdh.at I*nten sil -nextThars- Ig all-necel alter,%tlons and ar- iri%�Uiy of a large circle of friends will P""C"S LESS THA IMAOHB-R OF F11AN0 Frida P tn. have their faqtory -in rangements to B6. extended to., Mr. pLind Kris. Archl- Gtaddate of Toronto 4C4'ns'enral Muite. er 00ift wes erl, i re � was a Ji5fi. VY, April late 1we wel- bald Somerville Jai the death f their- Punil of ]Dr� Vogt. til ttenftaceo many.- f -1holsie come thig new lndu*ry to Seafol d$a IN TORONT- 0 Vaklence­:-, Mi. Allan XcLean. OWerich Street,' Coil- Spr'ing Wire Beab Oleyolatid Coil Spring ughtlet, Bel DjoksM; Who fie" prepelinit. were In oistume. ' 'The, 13linton W a0d tritof It will, ire, No. 9, for $2,Mper 100 pofind& - �.Book your meet with deser band ha,&- Te4 rtea this 1-fe c4i Priday IqAt,-16tthe Wen engajed� for the �OCCa, order'while the price is O.-A.SillsiliSeaforth, AUccess, _06d that it Will more fjia;n early &ze of 91 yearA. and .2 maiifii]s. t 'is source of pleas -are to- us to learn that 9160- 1 4on �S_nd :ealivaaed t1iingo w, �2 Invet the rPqujrejrneTitA of thel uisil, The,'fcdlowihg� przes - Noperty for Solu in Egrnondvillo. Twost 6:greq- Shewhad.been 111 for 0ornie-monthaind- pkey 'ment by, 'Proc4ring such- bugineis as vl�hen a compaison was rick bouse,pornpr lot.: Beat lopation. -in Egnioud,- RL Coule of vKhaks ago a operation. D_ i n n g wPa,-.d,,e�,d t a tb o ft I n c t A n - WTraint the empiloying of lkny 'Will be sold. cheap. Apply to Mr& A. 0. ville. Not was rerformed in the b of our drf-ss gQods- and soma fro mi thb Queen more thr-racter cost4me-lat, Miss: Gl?A.V�j� vanlggn'ond, Box 332, SeaforM -,n5oxs hands. il ope of saving 5;Y - of headaches Are the - resdit of ieye- still her life. Although the o-feration wAn Griveis. � Agas Cbjumbll 2ndt' ProperlyAtted glassea will give . permanent . xell a u0cawfully rierforcried and the patient dity, by a co"Illpetent j ud ge ours were consid- T4 carry G -ver- FrEacels ef. Winter, Upwrtese "L 'aft packlant. O Wednesda be a -you are troubled that fty consulb 8, L Taub Aceid!eh.-Mr. T. K Hsya met wi-til her wea:k- 71)uff seemd to rally for a time any- robes, . we dbaa4 tpaicy costame-Lbira. Beift Y1. erably lower in, pri�e. And -so it should *esight Specialist, at Feaes Drugstore on Frida; Y of laist NV)l ened constitution Was anable to biar Queen. Geubw abaradtor costurne-19t,q.,war roe of pleasure''to the -shoppi 0 offer our Gadlo- ch 19tb. 21,51-1 wfifcb, hap,since confined him. to his 4�p Linder the jutrain. Miss oiniervIlle 13 on ing�� public Should be _bdugh Ben. Duffy',-- Gay Cavalier.; 2nd,,Danby, -Paper Re -10e h0q,* He - w4O tX in,the mow of hij wap a bright, Winsome yoiung lady' a Sraughter Sale of Wall mnants, from c tion o go d wA-y. Goat, Sas Berry, - Knave of Aeairtk. - deint's cond per �roll up,-ai;d hung tree otharge. JamesexuM#i s ble p t g Seaforth to know 'that in their home town th�y ba a dai dolvion, Some haly for' Me gnmeral. tay e, w all a f s to 'Dut Siafortb, 2149-tf orit I - . . Ith all, m ta ie hor cootunve-J. Currie. Buwls ge, v&en e atepped Into katahewm Cub a hole in dexth -a md blow to ter o&n got Novelty or Staple Dress Goods cheap- rl Boy" comill costurl 1kussiat your physician. Be the floor� Teuts and b -U- Sin f.,ss -has imro 'just.'as-cor-qfulin the choice of your optician. Col shd In falling struck . this f rlmdo,,x bat -they have the consoltioA �er thau they can in the . . . . . . . . . . posit, Bear and Dog U.Taqbd, at Fea?s Drug. store on ridayt PW afgAt* the Joidat As a result of that, to 'her I it I" tile pAsing of orje ofty. son In a -3kich i9th- od get the benent of over 37 years ex- th6 fall he has been ziurisl�g thr t, men AoIll at a dia?` h oy.frra MB world of suffer' 's and boy penence. -Death Of 'Xim Briat6w�_,-M.M. Ro. fralctured.-Abo.' Xt s �prlettv d for- Ing ond pain to. that bTlght Ord ap- Immense range of Wool Dress Goods RAW '�6are be -,-n shown reatdieht.-dt- Seed Grain -The iindersigbed has for sale, on his haT t per il - Bristow, our old friftil to be kelpt in the.1house, py, borne with God, -The_funeraj t k lam adjoining.Seaforth, n=ft r of, seed grain do -10ed at her hlovae tbere e but he is of good Iriab stockir OD tb-at. MM47111% laill Banner Dit;,aXad uri Barley ana placiet on Xonl InUrmont bill c& VhuroUy, �irloining, Yebruaiy* 2fith,.. -June right and seedof the best. SaL it takeom tho a brokeg rIb - ill stock. Great variety Cotton Wash, to made In the Wi itlaadbank cemetery.,- a;gled_ 67 Brjj"W �ha -bMR' aid Wo BKpftt- to J,%tUrie. _00WAN 8 2150.1 keep him k' long-, v_d opr4@,V, es as all a death ewl Ne AM our Glaves =41 Mifts, the best on 11, for -WrIl �Ume alrk )a 41giges righV Visloti chane- OeP him RTOtMid again In a few da F4biics Iftow, 61a sale. wiaess tixe mavket, at, cost price. thZ Ao.'­LOonsult S..L. Tanbe at FeaesDxu ye Rev. D. 'Rol rastor of the sm� Men, Is a releaP6 from suffering-. Me -was u ap airy ever. TrDii Friday, March 19th. 2151-j-, forth Methodist church, Will I doliver a Ual and of. Pickerinr,and was mareled. -see. our stac of R�rness, ete, House for Salel Fbf­sale� A good eigbt-roomed in all lines. lecture in Cayan church. on, " The Goa- �hol on J -am tQ ter Ifte b U-4 45 aglo, b'ut es Street, near -the Publio School; �for fbe !feet for Swagalue: thirty two good c�llar and.'first 014M L cGood reasons rill of Health and Good Qhee -to the brim W ­ a' '"A I to Robert F. -a Is a lecturer of more thaft or- Bg She I� fbr selling. , Te s r on RP Y A)ILOW149 r48- Roger been reQ p3ofillivilie. Jones, first, doo; scull of !an Chti - ',Tril jd7aiaw ICUStoWer, who rly, Sea ftary abJ11t , xnd'whierever he 'has p the relative stalndkg, of the Y of- sev?en'chl rftl. 1011thi 2"Lx2 also .-BRODERLICK dMt of .,upil aroken he hao'beeft accorded a IT-aube's. visit to Sea- Stanley, fjW the M�Mth Remerurerthe-datec olf union schodUsection. NO. 9, big 0ons alid tour aughters -e a �And 1jeae at- home-,' William, of fi;�� -fottli, addif there i's anytIlit r wrong with' diet haa of February, recietton.� Aad the -general ver waTm Fashio rinent W1 Nite4 Chviap SO" 4t to co -him at ba on relty, punctuanty' nljd f qn youreyvi Polwbsteve and Hot -el. m ot%posibw forth; Maria, of Ha Right, ikeit% kxd beim th'. fliom who hear him once -Pear,# Dru C ap. -j - g Store 9 Frid 9th. 201-1 general dep.Drtrll ClaM V_ wleh to heaT 1W again. *ll Ing. CI& -v Jileina, Af� horne Mrs.- R. Frbot, aCan, jqccasi Wanted. Bubolz 4. Sons I X D011glE14 G. Ca, - kin on of more dinary in or of Butter'and Wm_ theref4e, dej:endL a treat lanKris; Ifther, IV sh to rembid-their old n6gb bdis and frimda -and 91onfty evening text. 11 likely be ex�erienced by e -A. Keyj% 1. 3tanwtf.- Zofe Sr. an church on W, I very woman who t funeral'onl%tarday at- zthe farming eiietal, that they are. afAll ke argel at; ter _M. GaNchot P. I Gir 6at ei �Tliltihecholeedalry butter ap& J. Me P -M A. ii�i_ The prospects are there Will be a nooA was I teill the re- v is planning the Purchase 'of rea -to-wa gar- jualW: Wjtg 111tetred in the j�W new -laid eggs consigned to tk�m. Tems--C, 0. D. erich. . jr.. Ili -B., i3jedhler, A. Br�n_ crovd and every perlson w)lo does not, CIY 'ereputation, results, influ- L L - Butterpr eferrod--In pound prinp, 22d; Tiggs) 24o peV jjW=n# K. lCeriLlnel. &L ]I ttrftt in _E. Moy_ attend will. udies -a treat, mets, if she de&des to come to t1s. -those Df her lite', doien. Wei -pay -all obarges and return cases or will I lim-e-and thoroghness. N ow is �the- er. J. Nbyer, S. iRendoases bpi apllbatWt. GiVeus 'a -,rial. Write 01100NIhs r. IL - L. uuae to'eter the p6pular oroonsign.to2:IBDtind"Street,.Wesb!roront�&. Maol T. A. Moyerv, X Orb. I'Art Goder'ich. 211.2 X. Br%merrrian, A.'Flnlay, 0. More for the Harbor,-:& ftutatio �SKMTS JAORETS WAISTS XM -Elliott wil?be -at Ih�i -Queen's Hotel every.A.. rt yor Macklin, anq giaeovd- Th .4Tf e. 'Ph U - (b) -9. ill ay, W. Afaril 'of ueWayoUeach week fduHygtnic,'Facj and Scalp Ala *k,,L. Glingedcb.-G, KrHowarl Tea- chaa�ed Trarli the,liq hidiat4jr-', of th4 neW Ckyuncilloii Munningis, Cralgle, Hum- We ow mend, A Sp iteM We show -These very n! bial tai : Tuito er Comp -any , tli6t b al �i After April Ist, my-ri idence e on b W. IZ2Hortoaj o , I e nd,, .11� -Street e t TO]s that- _!qoftfo Y.'(R ptodk­ Ont efich m, opposite I il residence. -ar iffiades an -d k pn�. UnderrAker. 9151.4 r 01i is o patt ourfj for Qaiality, Spfing WabtS I - J. BcGaW left Gode IcA Utility clu ft- 9: ba*tr'. 'tte --c awtln Ti Holmes. f or Ottaw.a to -n the Govern- Leader b the hUD*- either for fair WIM vad prepue, WrOtible 'empl=k I- rem Eyeslght.-�­k person should be very 'careful in t! L 'iowraos. oplystrongLcom a Fire insurance at ft r Ac., d i4pared to. -4gr- eff jr ob M are impanies ment the lneceAdty of further addi- choosing They should d3mand on Il for. Lk iSPrelseuNfl. XofieftoJoan at 5 p oe4t. Pric, �t eh 'Tepa� Onafvh. -or .09ne and. -ex rience; for tions td- the outer breakwater at Godp- le and Mea work. S. j.D. ld, Out. 2166x2 relill and aboyt� all dem m0il Alex, A- Watt.BruceAe Student/&,. *nglnis and.,other the chief ihing in op ,rich. The dePutation, was Joined by 4heir excellent A great 00 thew" and �Ife Insurance Mayr Dlmgmam, f Stratford. cost w ad 87 yeirs B. R. Higgins, Gen6raj Fire every one 0 Agent, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner foril is inUml wing to Prin mia4utaotilred at the dintan found ho has Strat­* !ELWT'r, W. j -news I experience in the optical ness, will �be tailored for tb e we c0i'me: This at. atorpon Friday, March i9th. - is worli hu in IL -04. &q All -kinds of iobnveyaticing neal theb6avy a few weeks ose who andobes;Vd6e. Any. amotint of private and oom-1 orner Yt)ngq and Mex, ..%7a&r Stroetaill. bt -,Wve, for the beeit'very high - recommended by all th 1.1grain trade done. along tbi" Jitlie. The features Money achinery, w4o pany ffinftto T -loan at ll current rates of in. 3fininter olf Ptx�llc worlwhas ';romlised or KLI7111 It-, dif f 1,C al t �t,& hae-had.,6ccaioloi to coll hfin rofessionally, sad ra eirr -1 asill m patii07 that tj%ey_ can -have and dtl teresk ­ Some choice farm for sale climp. B. R. neceas v rep&.1 r 1nA_ conflde ce in-bita and his work.- L V. Higgins, Brw-efleld, Orft, ar. tw look Wor the matter. tho utmost 2161 �but Who �,Alle MID* ROO&V& 6f' Fear, pVagpt, 8 orth. -�ftlie appointi on e.af nents now- Nobei brl of Ur Sawe-cs, 190 2161-1 The tuneial took T.1ace of sar-plk, f or; the f uture.­-Mbe Mondl morning of Sarah, relict of the 'T f c; -h" 0%1 from tbo wept, hW )3een, guest at town_ ded this weekone ear of Manitoon, 1�r il one car of No. I 'Red�ath Granulated -InRIXIO& d-uring the week. -N -r. and d, Aid oil W jethojillot 6rc 1V`e7h%Y*tunl late Jiamiia Tobin, of CiDlbore r_urkoe� glilng QFriish all I - the shir, '%Vhwe death occurredpTk Friday aq&r our.,pr' Butter and eggs .-�b rent I ot`� the e-huich -on' the -. 17th oes are right. 1&0. Irwin, e1w from the west in F-ROST WOOD and Varduo Bros., GroCers and- Bal The body- was brought vWting- with Joi*�& McCully �and. jilis the . Intermnt l inAL -Further 1piictilars Will -be g1_v,. saister for some. dalys.-Quifte & num- to Goderich and M. Zeyct- week.-Meassra.�,Mvrph , xrl Expe'riindd Servant Wanttd. - $12 per made in their Y_ month ber of the we*ern viettors eft for the Romaa Catholic comter. r ' 1. Apply to -Mrs. R. S. Hays. ey, j>aid to ciople gir bQwllg a:ll In 0DIborne, olervicos bel-ag. -held, In 'S hizd-&V afternon last, and since 2-151-1 arch byt Rev. FAthe cyn T their homO this weeek.-Mr. Ndxt weelc w6 wi I be h HomF to our friends in StaageVig U6W assessor in t e v t- peci it A -W I , iva jid �g Lruohipff -bu&ness.. OL 'a of IMPH IL have �'been R-ae.-A former resident of' Goderleb hop. Mp the South $to& of the Bank B192k, adjoining the la, d0mg 1 rounds this wee k. He specidfy, D�r. JaIrnlep MGiNlichael, theyetemn of Cbmind?cial Hotel, with a MIL line of Seeds, Be A is quite -youthful in. a;ppearance, but was b urlea at Rayffeld on aunidojy, in th grien, rserformed. the open1rkgcer_ Grain and Flour. We will idea buy all kinds of farm the prism of Tkeol J. aborebo' Y duce; - V1 -call. Beattie a`;Pear0 Y_� rol Lg the first b lill be glad to bDv,e you W under*a�nd bis Job very wbowa death too)� cice -4n that, of windlbaflt'o'.. eirl 114ffi�o � - V,',0sj Produce and Seedmen. .2161-1 -well. Of courap, h1b carries the oil yji� T lored Ordaw lft at T. h -Parehased froirl C1 lage On . Th ursl Deceagied RDbert. W W90 P 'ilItS, thCLhDUSF_L0jj. Goler1cla itor office, 1;101.1 - T Girl Wanted in aniall fainily. i ALP�ry at The Expol vetera4i, lfr, Tolig1j, copy -with him, 1 W2 atik to Bros.-BUber Shopj Years of tegle. Yearis he was -a the Which is a great _Tbefun- ly oectipied� by Mr. bok and stationery bysiness 14 Goi ltl%at *� I 008tumes W11 __tbe_ jeral of Mr. Boqsenberry Mp W., G. pEdd $1 rich, OWnin L the business A Wlahch6ly �Affdir�­The people of too 9 now con it 'Place On Shturdll last, and 'Pro" duted by George Porter. -A death 'Xr,. Hb�mfM WllI M W Se�ffyrth Pere ve.r'y Much ohZicked on ceeded �tQ Grand 33liend for intermeat, k -now stallion, Tijead�y an learing of the tiagic Mr. V,'Rd Mrs. Mbpeenberry (have the WY Morning was Watson- Ped btz orrow of - lvr�rgan Austin, at the age of Arril 30t. at Kingsbridge- Mond on Saturday ames V death at Regina that morAing of MrA MY1nt&thY,of their mamy friends ln that, C he w&�t' m,,. Tuesl heart, to IL �Rttle, three their bereaveml mr,,- and mm 60 -Mrs.-Three deatis occuired In * Successor to NAT� N. Watson, w4o:L§h1-j:ped fril Brill -along wih. Wm. FinIvyison. a;nd her Gol on Sunday. One was that of * Galbral-th is. taking -ra. ginlayson. -had been John Aikel have now got year d1fl iwn. 9 a lol Mr. Joli com Mrs. W111tamr Blackford. Me Ils our- G�nil Fire, lAfe and Accident Insur- w -wt. jqr. M<>rrow .ey unwell for, some time s4id her mial fortable oettled lin'the village a!nd we vtv-ed by her hilsband Ond by �ter pec�ts to_ dIspose ance, Agent. * Real ii!pparjently become lerjmged, &a noth- hore that thelY MErY be long'ftared"to Estate allfl af hirn In" the west. -M -r. James ff.. sm, William 33Aackford, jr. She -was Uan Agent. Insurance on 411 ng else ciytild account for the . hea�rt- enjoy, a. vViell earned rest and retirs- 144A 10hul .of Hie4 1�tv%er, Alberta;wao -,Co -vice NvUL be held 78 yearn of zge, =d ad always beea * Late.st.Idaas of Best Idalkere- -inds of property over teridig clr�cuni�itances;gurroundkg the nVellt- MmUnlod ser -ffe(;ted at the I he_xie: Sunda�y, the. 'guest of his a hard"rjdug woman4-Another, death * Ur . P 0. It - seems 'that 1, ilinlaygon, In. the PrieRbYferil dliurch' on 'SLrjft- wiff be displayed lowest TZ t was that �f Evermtt Herbert, the in- fill nd Mr. had left theAwase about reven o'clock dAY- Vrerratory servicipb beheld Dealer -in Now Raymond, White a dbl"ton is �Wn 011L aftforth boryt - fant wx of Mr, Wid Mrs. N, . Ho - til FrI eA 19S4 ain4 s1A ein this store, fino- ell --The 'third death w. -w that of J. Vill . in the orning to op day, at 9A0 Wlhe New. Hoe Sewing Machines and Ile ' t west lin ce that *V. Mr. Small, of Londe0bOrO, Vdll tlmle�. been engaged- -,inostly jr on returnig. WE hour lateT. for break - National Ceeam Septirators. 11" - F. Bates* caretaker of the Oantral randWg. is M&W 'Oe. 'of the, fast found the -doora1beked. Faring inachie 1-ea� wrdng he broke into' School. 3§atleis Is a brother of A full supply -of sewing -4ng Cattle. MLN.n of 0outhern, A -l- samethlin g was Bayfl eld. Charles Bates, covrer, of town, and needles, attachments, oil and're- bPxt&.-Xarch l in lke'ajam�,-Vnil the AlicilliAd4ai- and on'Investigatim found was Did you ever see bette himself forme in the agyne line pairs.alwav"� in stock 'h -q 'will nL the , bodlea of hii wife and little 'OVAL r money saving price, u" . ri Priceff lower than eity prioes. wt- cod ie, in, that 'mood clothing than these *-BoylR, 2 piece suits, $2.75 for of buisiness. even: t111 the- 1&,st.-Mr. Roiln,, floating in large water t'a:.nk In the $1; 3-plece sult�, $4 and $4.25,for.42.75; 8 piece for $2.50 bafthmt. The tVnk'*a'4ut_ al and suits, s5 for $3.60 ; Bovs, worfolks, ot ChIcago, 'waa hre the, end of last Zurich. the. bod�il 'Im,medikt6ly'. Terl but Youths' suits, size 83, tom f0r83 boys' vests, wsek n a vl& to WAs slater, M.Ys, T. size,20 and 80, for 25c each ; I Ate 's VT coat 'and life. -Arai� extiail . The . twnk re held vest, siz 38, $5.60 f NbtcO-�-Mrs- McCormick has now J-.- W. bf 'Millap e or .60; 9 's ack coat and got raotor 6f St. ch4rc, 'Viriji- nearly to the �defllng and the poor VeStSiZe3(3and37,so.%501orl,43.60. Ifyouwantto Fn d�ftew Otock of confect1bnery- a;nd is ril hao beein invited to ceptt . ihe Woman m ot thromm. the dhlld In save m0neY buy now. F. A. Edwards. 21514 ready for business agaln.-A quiet faistoate- of. W4�st' ohd then Inotitate., - The March Vieddling WRO solernnized ere recently, SiRATFORD, ONTARI().. mInster'eburch, Hal- alm-te betwe -the top of the tEvnk and' mWtInlg of the Women's Institut wUL WhOn our''genial X:otjtr4ajsjer, Mr. D. .1 w6ll -and favor- ift school stands in -%p for6front THIS 1Y � �l in, Saforth, having-, beei , the oilbts. Mrs. Flnlvysa was 27 be held on Tthurada:y afternoon, "Af�rch 8- -Fal was united I marriaw. to HigheSt �aarhet prices paid for -batter and eggs at all timew AR9 raas. the lhrges6 and;best practical ab - kn rl yeai�.S. of age aind'had . been married 11th, at the home of ing, school in Wdtern 011t&r1o. a!n aasintant to Rev. Dr. XDonald, in Mjqs K. Parke, Miss England, of Dashwod. Congrat., 14 We bwe three d rtna- ento five.,years. Liie Was the eldest da;u'glh- Front -RosA, - The Oubjects for il ulatkmoand best wishes are in order. epi the Seaforth Presbyterlair, church;- IMMMOIAL, SHORTITAX Special- tmrvices will be. beld in -the, ter of- -Mr. -Wm. Slei0th, of this town, cu9sloin W-111 be "Hom Nureing" and -Mr. David Livingood, of Detrolt,wam TEUGRAPHY Army _barra�ks on Alon-aay and Tti-els- and with her huisbwnd, ad b�e re- "Characber 11ullobig," It will be -ne. hel;e laot Wieek on a vieft to hills moth - In RegIa for about 't 'years. ceRsay at thle weting to� make ar- er a4id other triejidis.-m3m M aepartments are in carize of l A day nxt, to be conducted -by Adjuta;ret wo Elizabeth exp.crienced instr owhi 'had ugrent'- a raingements for ihBA M69ed ex; ir o; liar ily the courses are _t uctors, and orth" boy, i I health il Ratntl4-, j ni r mo c. John Ilabklrk, a t6riner SrqLf g to IT securiil ol srittig horough and pra part otlhis wtnter at dier .1i here, bulbs and :all the members -dhould en -4 at the London Coraserva- Vto4LL Our v�raduates secure good a;�-Iated by Ills- -,vif, CaptaIn­Nj,_-G�or_ ositions. 1,4budeuts are entering Dnly� rei6ned to ome 'Leavor to be r t: to .1jelp in the tory of 3f c, ta g fl d boa - ma and A-fr. W1Urn.2,fese!tt.-)?1r. anid had Regtna, a c Temen uYA kin rat ass e!Very Nveek. Write for our free cat;x- Tyrollian haz been canfined t4 abort time a;gio. The deceased wad' a $election of the bulbs., OM. 'We congratulate Mill �jtajl orn logue at once. -Laont left ELLIOTT. & MOLACHL.AN.,homer for a Nveek or more, the re -salt. bright abd wi4wme.joqng worl aind Dreeze.-Mrry Marka and v1fe left hCr success. - Mr. Peter ,Dt had �m�my friends tn Seaforth. - The' laet week for WJ1nn1j:eg, after - spend- lat�t wmk for Dubuc, Sask., on bivil- n accident. hile going, home heartfelt Oymiathy, of alf.will be ex- Ing the Winter fiee.-,MAm! E. in coolinell with the mie of ,hll+. the other 'gdfir on Sf azk- -MES night he^ ped ' florrie. stallion, Nataby Grant. He expects to Ice aind felL, 4ralning, bits 'hip, t'L`Rdled tO. the uebwO ad nian, - of 1ondan, ws -home: over Sl r' b -of Toronto, . was -0the. e Verlbest Club had au , oys. be back In a. week or no._X-m. -WIlUarn VaEgrn6nd, -relatives. The remalins xse a 4Y. -T Prd In- -ber *W neisid bee a f,,&w daya last week vWtIng Ing brought ihome to. Sesfortb for suipper on Tuesdayevening for the. Demath. waO. Operated on on ed ay an- e k %V"V ate h. f rienill Wbhe here -he ree ll from !erment. memberm ildd thom -�vho. have patron- -of last wne for an Internal trouble. Ized the a r . isucce his scin. in Regina a book containingl msenblies tveli durbig, the The ol;eration vigas -sefully per- -Our H a�36:n Ind as a farewell to Miss'.A-da formed 1Yy the local doe the bulldlhga In Regina a:nd ottier A New- Industry. -As wieAinantloned se tqrs� and. the ats Repaing places for which the firm of w1ifeb. his riefly' '1�igt week the c have Rouatt, the club treasurer Wbo leaves patient to doing as well ae could be eircumtMees.- this week for rh.on, expected under the and 4 dwIr is not of much value un� all entertained. All declare tbe3irA Its. -61 an sm Is a mecrhber, were the archited ooed with the Anders Or Co The f rienda of Mr. and Xr& 1�[. Reitia- lew it cab, be orproached 1rom- theUnd a traist njayable ey"Ing. It Is ex -4 The bulldinis all reflect credit- on the of Lucknow, for the eatablligh 1 hCof Death -'of n Old Resident. on 1�kdy for zho ted tbVt a return watch will be� architects and oleak well for the -en- their cloithling factory In Thurply-of last week there died one ert, of the Parr . li, will I I I - 1 ea -son, *1 th - Be- syrrgeth'ze OW. 'Lts WS tarrAse of the firm. -Rev. J., W. Nlc-!. -cremifttives of the Company we of the1r-'y,3iiTng- played in,the near juture. Just a word albiout watch repair' of Ra;YfIeWo weU known ;wnd most vilth them in the lf�os highly -respected -residents, - in the p or- est sonj Arthur, a -god about flftr:-�n �-_Provellheft ADver over a � I glev my f ersonal atten- Intba, -of j3,11tchell, wt(14 oceupy- the of &turdvy and-ggned,tbe agre6mento The boy ad been Ilt for some dhiselhurst. 'pulpit of: he Fresbyterli m. 6hutch here- aind thfm Pave 'also bee signed- -- y son of Theqdiore John 'Hoorelioum.Dill Years crow� WaA Yorkelfte, En week4 tion to this branch ort the busi- next Sunday; ffiornJng, and evenin 'Wyqr 9 he - r�� ca0ed bill but It was not: thought -to be of -Chieckem-4-The Chiselburst checker -very oCkllum',oln behalf of 1. 9 uesz, and I absolutely guarm aI d. A, lf 13th, 1838. H serious nature -until a fiew-daya be- dub Tolephone Meeing. -A meetiag tee Mbss Ella' Henderson 'vWted frierl This aiew company are o have as _.q carcie to extended by thom Intere;sted i America when 22, years of-, ag, spe,�d- fore his death, wbilich u the In erich and, BelimUlei "lant Vek. factory tbe buildlirl known as - the occurred on the' 11 j1d'yers, and the matte# to giveou entire satisfaction or God 0 States. Tuel of last ThonO 'emetem, will be held In dalde.100 -A number t bowlers from C11-hten Willis:, i0hoe tantgryi alkid, take It.'bV- lam Henvau an Tttewo*� yers NO _PAY_- me terms -e Rall, WInthroir on TuesiJay evenluX tkrere here n Tueal aft amd -'er.on, 1:ractically the ea He then cabl to 11oderich, w4ere he ner, of Morad-Ide, *is bcme -for Eu Wdug laet_'Th, Oblislethurat - Via lernoon. next, at eiglit, V` clock. - All rart[CR iil We also do ill kinds, df'clock, jevAlry, bgcd a *ame vil some of the Seafor the W11119 cmj"y -had the tacl Wm Tor sevefal years engaged jn bual- few dvys laot weet.-Mr. Jobh Scliater, Of Meserg, Terry, �ItmelL. 41? 6 a d jApe repairing. aney. Cl -ter, Mrs.Shoe. a" U ereated In. the extens-4on of the Ilk's phyer on the Seatorth. On August 18th,' 1855, he waB of PaXkhIll, and ble sts F�Wtbtn)il)h Ono IAMb), and TbLec6mrsny are o pay -to the town ne-6 married, Ao Janet VkQueen, - Wbo died make)�,, were here last weekr.TkAtlng thou9b are. requested to be In ttendall Psices moderate ajid ton w6ii by a Wgf margin.--A'salale omqh year, for till �year% the sum f 110ers memed pretty- ell give us a trial, enin g, tinder the 'au4#1cw of the E ;'$ 450 to tneet: biterest and Wking f tiad, April 28tb�, 1868, Of this -msrrl�ge their -rrotber,. Mrs. Demuth, ll has mateb0d, 'di"ftuTe ou"seqWd im, all work pwmptl executed. I ill threel a fay staffm the -1 the prem- ally of four are isitill liv- been quite -,gaorly.-The Rera$t myo -. wIn%Wg, by a ocore- -of tblrteeh worth T&gu6, will be given, In the a!n ti� vy taxes k I bind Ing-GrAbom., of Baglnawl, Wch.,-- -Mrq. ft to ojo. 1&."Terr ell ur Vd- basement of the Methodist church an Ims . satistactoril Y'Insured. They Mr. X. M. �Chhtin bas. a gvng' of m Mabel Bartour has Ttlel Vare-k1gth, at eight W g� ond T the,,Mlv� to ."g -10Y 25 hahid fr the J XojKvy, of PIncon- at work at the toot of the Zurich road, Arthurli, 10� pnning XTS. ,pisyed Mr. -acces-ted a POWAllon. arj mul4w Clock,. conpuding of *flndij, jacidiaisft flrot.str mmthig and —:a -f t6ir that t1m 111AM, 'Mch. -H9 wao-.libi nitil JA cuttIVg down the abl bank for a Zefflee, Ur, Swm- �,:pls;yed Mr. TiIaTry 81l !or the coming, 0090=2- A LY, Revda. T -akin an Roger% and re- ait'least 50 bainill In a to 3�m McKid, who our- roadw&7 to the b=k. This will oave Hobktrk, W. RobinWn Irtsyed Xr. W -M 1�mrbaar -will be mruch jAwed- d -eveller 4; Optician 'The-followIng aTe the the mun freft�iients wilt' be Perved at the CIMEt. 'give bohd of $0,900. The 4v49 h1m 1cfcality of TU7 a good dea! &rutpirl sod Mr. 1-;01t6f:r1Wyed Mr. tier Wehft but We an jadn 0-ABDINO BLOCK SFApORTH -411 are Invited. -At the recent lAondon, tl of Cauro%.10 protected by el, first of Plneonntffg, wdh.,; of, molmey, and It is to be hoped that Bmthrm. After the =;twb the vlo- w1shil bar every wtiemm In ber Oft tSkM -to Mr. TW=er's Te& ebW,- Ounwrvatdry of Vusic examiniations m4rtjs& ori ifie'building, "RM -Taant. Mrs. Cddwll' of Bay l Ke=etW fie will make a !good road, W the lake ftoM VV m jroflil oi� alm tjj.her suer of Karriage Dames. j 301M A,,& Irtrgawn sad ver�y eaWy'reacheq, tatx�04t, wh%* tbay. 7*7"te 'rdym new UlVr.. held In Clintoli, X* J%a Hamilton) 9; �hj ' XTO Mrs tW. j�ftdre him not been eirtutistmom we f�j 7 - VE& A Dal It