HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-03-05, Page 34 -11 rmaytLuug clzit: ju M a 'k ML ME Aua�!-Azm meam, of/stm-t A X Their ob-1 the GOAN�n :11fter by'jsto)�w. NR L %4 XL. 1j. house dict its sharel� or, 3wt VAO to show their axpreala-tion. of % the eier:��,ez _e the Llstowet MISS EAU, R4 of �thvvvlll Weth u q, Efleialted th tfie + the work as well as bo ha�s Zaltl4alLy and -jdt1c*atLy F­e'r. , . j 0 -0dist 4 , 0 'remnee of s to-- the number of 11 ILI After i�ehty­flve Alm t iilst� fornwd -lie - dudiem 'of orguP. 4 J1 no Nal%wiKlit, -bielh-aff of ttjo.co,- --WRIB beTa at L.O.Tf. lie. 408 met jgTe ,g t lie . . . . . . all ga-i -"Blaek Ifni the -conV=.r bad 'igatJjlered,- Mr. J., E.; St the hOn* Of Xr- and RM' Charles X.r. Jamm Reclymont Cur-Pitv Lqgaa one elvening'recew-LI y to- ma0tented" her bid -t I I their fatilly. farewlell thabdMm Vcad watt�h, amd chain. folre leaving fo, Move POLISH, 1� - I a 2 � r their aew borae ia the V*A. Thedhalr ime Itakeh -by-W,. Tuckeramith, 4 very- few women would C.: HIll., Vr; It The 'flmt piwt of O'be (lixtended for I&SIt � Week.) evenIng wan M -611t In - speeah, 4wrig and san�, - - + + Oproataville Notes __�WA - re glad, to -muMle On -the o4a;ii. and Vlohn, by �,Uss complain of theillousework. -have a vhPit from Ar. and OVA. V00d 4thd Aft. Ed., Cb;pin. A Black Knight doesaway. Leo Churlaswarth, . Mr. Charlesworth, 11. pleaWng murabox was a I�Qng, in hje 14 ative­ Unguage by, W., A the everlasting dt%ased of ble'liver*y hwedneas �6 n Rofte a4 'WroRazld� intends eftruhg a Rfutd- -mbbi _ba- Xr. and Virs. Ckorpin -'vere then ng hnd'polie4ing. It rr441 k wa-rO Otolm In- -]�,Iyth. Tjwir XR*My %alled.juirward. When- on addriew. shines q*Wy and produces frbmid here exte glad -to, know that read &y W. C. jackom Lind the the - Will be withti reach,.- ag- � UXig. Vmomrtaeticai made by J. a result that satisfies- the u y H. T-awrpnee' i)�half 'of the membeToof the lQAV.` .04ax]OsWorth haa been' -mach W.Issed at most. particular, OXW iand - Ph 4r�h gatherin m1r. Coppin recelvpd a. travelft oet Mrs. 100�pin a, haAd satchel.. - The M-wacys ready for use fo. emlarging their brick ftrcat and Viant and- will be better' able th9ae*,. Ta01Y;101fttLa Of, the.".91fts- were very V., -oves, JOuPplY the reastac demond QW Grates and other er to Ihb - I much gu"ArL-ed, -abd grateful fo their this c ag gan=er._.;.Wjh0op�,ng cough maft onAr Y f!rlmdo fayr their, kindnem. Tronwork. 10 WIER LY31STKR,90Aj�rLft,,_ has _bPen quite Prevalent herb:..for same ifs t1he best Polish and the !nd our sclMol has quite a few continuation S, hools. WOMEHIS A1LMV*TV. con :hools lshouU r pwlumable ta go. S�v_4jjl bt the, -Thg;t tinuatibn 0a, bigges- can for the money. -stairtlaig and V W,; take a definite plab#" JiA, the ,gone t larger iMhol.ars' are ="a. ra Temadn until the buoy peawn. Mr. gr�heme of Mcondary education is tj-, a name -T tlsmtne: takep 'g"zbtLvaIno-11VXh -them recommendation -n�ade-: In zhe reporc 'he 10 all '�glad to e6ec thej� 1-1 size can if y1ou can't want twtez- so get *VEI=k XUigbtl' in' YoUr waya W X&Iderl. 7 M 1 Cowley,' higpecter of cetnl';�. fmnO�-Xw *%usan Sholdice Vatertain- tto tion echools. Mr. C�wWy' j;ojato wan tinua A 41 Q r TOT liroz M.L T _X,�; wek youfser U -a hatne, ad her filaide Pridaty bot- to a de out that U* attendance at thejie Kincannot 2b e1nd a -very- tpleamot time - was' Whooks �has _ir6m 3,993 In 1906 --LF.DAURT tea, grown Nat wa women kno mllibnt In and -Mrig�Mll, to' 53 t�!- . 817 laot yvar,; and that the num- nor0blaa-safe4ndaureet1ii -FVeht:-.a -few day�j J:n­'W1tche:j1 ber. t Uzi 1%,ft&V6 sister, -:MM B-Irch- 190. .-The 1mrortance of the w6t% achools,'Iftert&sed from 91 to 4" W dequat a to rO. Wm Dobile, V&O has, boten- he cainmen* is real y igreater than No e ide an be leaned 0riQv*r1aaTURW*A*_ 9 h"djb*ckaft- I'll for a T t - inrTrov-' 'ures .g, lo oohth. or so, Is no the'' mere . fi& would indicatbe.:� i3rig aO ft0t 48 1her - frItUnda -Would W10b.. Through tWr meaifts, many cunovi tro m a m. o d pictri , of the fi- Our firs'- consignme res 'Phi* ere w r re magni the rural districts are nt of Prog s Brand r bla k RePeat It' ShIlah'a Cure will al- ehtrance �fio -a univerfility' Course, an I WCAR"S5 `The Dorni nion cent variety ofthe assfirtment of exquiSite Suits has iust arrive -3, and we are triuly - oud of theii. ways cure my coughs, and colds." in magjy.jnst6;ncepg� the tak 'Mr. Cowley, Uave Never before Wig asaortw-en�,; or in _p. of that we had such A on the teacVng,lpirofegslon� g dress goods. bet. 4-, M, LT Perth 1tems. 71(yido. that in- t4leme institutions Is to be. patterns I new. spriin 0 uqy -W rmade se Nj ever L % 1 t �_ 314 0 0, a t V 0 u A Brewery C* ifully tailom " hien"i reatii, its. frimoh n ladies' r. Thl6mag ssortment is very u iiaim -us -to choose f r%nt;.,M; Patt6f Vn fflT4 -orkar found the� golution o' the rural edu. is r dl th& cation. queotion, but at premat they Th* b oad a g, a variety swei fr6ift, Xever ftad, bag dier-0881 of his 63 iacro farm T 0 roolt 0 At TO lack Ithm car-dhial features th;A it�have a selootiou of ple ag st-viles, to x�-. I Agidrew stewurt. - i ent gather- J MI'moma. W givOr. the high -ochool a place of In- for there is su'rely a magn"fie We Mr., J=em - Ca:Uagherti of fluOnce. In The Ontario a0chool Lbi-M, waR unloading hay at the Mlit�.. -Tedtaemselveaw-lib 0 - , - - . - e Vir �L% - V , *OMMM - __ , __ - - Them .1necessary features 'The h6lds I no, of 'uperb creatlons, anA on ' y 4 Will arA­dna- simpi cliell 'letattion the These s other day.- -be -',fell Z5 nits are a !Mng� assuranco that thev b(mrd of yl��n Slckness�, and PMnfnj j*_ and brake two ribs. be a gpecial a are. ju-stly h8i : Aresultftozafta ment apt R 0 G R: IR 8% 8 Brand. Pri Ge'lebrated :SlitherlaInd -inite district for six ana tly naMed V t aa-, - -1 -Xr- R.- ]�. W�r. 'of 4 111 a def nben . _p . dress to' the pattern. HtYw 0knowandwill r, Tort , -and , provision for mai ance n�gdlwaaqssndymakea-wamlt� A Sa0k., -is lat� ;resent Visiting friendsi- Videnced in every cutve'arnd stiten in t e i Lthefreejjqj 'n I th garments. daiyff treatnmuu& - - of county -Tnpits. The Inspect in St. Khry;s a�td Kirkton. - It is .' five �1. Tj Mea" Add*w: Nvh-fle the' 'or All the finabries t a' fasnion ha's -out Whifte Years duce Xr. Shler went West. j;017A$ out thet approval upon are here. The + --Mr. James Nmidley, of . Fullarton Ochools ft - a - T-lerlod of forty yeara -her, seal of In the While leaving Mr. Alex. Ccilq�s holl; haye increamd one a 'Year on ithe aver- patterns and quality of the goods -tbe other. evening,.RjjXP'ed.,and fell an aM the ratIa in -reg4rd � to continu garmia Agr- a 4 8 the individuality of style 11 e sha ta, you preter, on edhoolis baz been 29. Of 8132 1r. Q the le ground,,breal�lng iseveralribs, cloth you des' e, It in -The Laifte-s' Aid of the Method�st Continuation PXhool cmidildates v-4ho- ci wrote at "the norniiial schools exam na the price you 11 be glad to pay, an in in the perfection of fit church, -Mitchell, A Very ou"_ Udho last July, 54 -_,per cent. wee J ceAdul -noveTty vocial one evening not 11 " -!.% A A L E long ago A large a . classful and 37 ier cent. took e -the very h4best M -an Ld nof ufflonce ww ,;res- 1 V %AC(i in ion- ;every cas t the unquestionably careful make enjoyed orbl, while -,of the 198%,catidldates sent J ent, aind "al the I thuroughly 21 In for matriculation, 5N.Ver cent. were PT09rain=-M -nee. u stock a 4 excellu I a, b. h4t y of the% -Hr- Jdhn Frost bas b smeemful. The suit., A r!" I ILN A WO -RD everythin o, 'ug�kt "b" o6h6t)ls� for, rural distriet.4 'Mr. QDW-i puneoted with. thlese rni of -.Mr. Wrn. Jackmn, -in N(jirth zl i t koan 'ha' ley conr-4*rz. to bave beeK -amply o des.cr*bethem properly'we wou" have progr 9 Ic IW12 R N .1 T U R E I clothes es�ed, and show marked signs_of In -valid Stout EaMt Pullartola, and Mr. Jac d�_Imomtrated, WbIle the high schbot S bought the farm -of Mr. Daniel, ]PItt,- adoTted neeOL to go overAhe whole range, so we ia". advancement uw, , in -urban requfte- rap n Logan. Mr. Dlttn,,wr Intendo &Te mol* to XXX Porier vvill be a sur. fo -go to the West.- menta. Additional accornodation and hoolz Invite y -)u to call and see them- fabe to fleachers for the continuation oc Except the Price -M*r- David LoveI of -St. Marys, died Is 2,0w aQ. a, MUM to recently, -at the age of 91 'years. De -i Enany dealers I face.. P title Every 64�rk ceaftd wam a ebip!s carpftiter by trade, "lopment, gnd the rurafor t"e's H you have never worn Progress Brand iolothes, make and we wilt settled on a caamot bear - the: entire finameW burden. brandad. but fmty 1yeaTs ago Ir4gidatloft- however, ne miDd -tight now that yorr n G -W Swin suit wiR f&Tm hear St. Marys, -and.latteffymov- cemary UP your g to *raace. the- exIsting schools on a rper- -he, towz ed Into t' be a Progress B d -it will ran manent baidW and to j;rovIde faciltles pay YOU- jeorge Frame, of Otratford, for adequately Increasing their number. AaWonian"s Sympatfw died li�at week 'at t,1he age of -77 yea rs. fle was for many yeaxs a rtaident of Are you discouraged? Js your doctorlij bill a heavy financial load? U -your Pam' Dovmle townsh1r, �Vhiere he served in Leadin *rl%r 10 e IS 1% heavy PhYslaa burden? * I kfiow what the council as reeve,. deruty -A i t Ad Co... Offff" INDIOMSTION these mean to delicate woznext�_j have- reeve 4 and co - - - been diga0uraged, too: but learned how to uncillor. In - 1909 'Mr.. Frame F uo� u re cure myself, I warit tct naved to Stratford. - relieve -your bur- -a Im R i( bill? I Can do Wjd for you �;Jmd 11 In this harAware store of Mr. F. A. w!IJ If You -will assist deuS., Why not end the pa n and stop. �he 1. _Mr Lynde Mortson, Whd I�Wbee- Cured Thxouoh the Timely - 4doctors.. n All You need do is- meivrite tor a fr�e CalmP b --all, In."" -Xitc1iie'll, � baz, up Use of Dr. Williams' to 'i given �M Of the rempidy *h1ch has been placed hiB 1:ooiltion -Ithwe, - aud , Initands jclkn�, frX my hands to -be given a -n -ay- . Perhaps Ing blis brotber. in the haFtlware busi-� Pink Pills. ..h1q. one boxyill cure 'You�,ft has done so C, tor others. �py�,md nep�s in - gmsomifi, - Sask. - Mr If so - I shall be I!� Mort- ulmld'i'ng you !U be cured for 2a (the sm-eq, fihenft �nb-rtlmod� 1KI. 4 T,hnrp- lts'no �r.Mjntnp CWn pril,10.1 r POS - stamp). Koi w. letters held con4-. ban -et befdre be left for the'we4sE., wjxuarns, -!>jnk Pills foir - stomacb trou- qu A den y-, Write to -day for, my free trea&- V. re'not - �nentMAS,. F� E CURB-A.H,. Windsor, Oift. ly� h ve been accerted. bles. These Pills a - an artificial' h1le repalring, a boll6r at the appetlzqr nor a istimulant. They act Stratford Chair Campany an Saturday In natureid own wzy 1YY making rich, 2doneyto Lxoan the cylinder View out amd , struck new blood. This ne w+ blood gives vigor N. J. Caugns on the leg, InjurIng h6 to- aTl the or9b 'When It tlows AS orse arm mor Nvh,-xe he will bi6. Iald p9ev_. It lstimu4tea them that + S tgages. A�t lowest rates Gf interest on town or! Fieverely, q talcen ta, his home, throdgib. the ttay velno 14 the -stomach Ile waL NEW for. eral weelda., -crSTIng whidli -people WIL "appeUte." etarit Apply to J. L. Killoran, Sea th -Mr. -William Freeborn, m., one of Then When the Qppetlte Is aWtIdled 129-24 'he sWmwt the oldest and wet�ll known c.11tIzens 'of 'vvlth fmd the blood gives t XM -ouintne. M. -pho Wellesley, passed away-. peacefully at Mtrettigth- tof digast It. The nourish- inient 10 -,&bBoTbed Too much care tits- residence on the -1Ut%-PXL16 of Feb- by the blood,a;nd car- _uary 14th. . The deceaq . _bd bad suffer- ried to every orgign in the body. That XIM'S FISH BRMD r caDnot be exercised NVATERPRodr -ed from vneumonia for only about. a Is qlqw Dr. WIlli6.mW Pink P111% cure. �!Ut an, e Eitomaph, troubles vad, a:U blood d49- VMak When death nd to his T 47� Is -to how they gVe health 011AD this year in the se career. He wao 89 yeakis-bf age and. ea0w. That leaves five sons and. tbr �,e daughters, and atrength to weak, worn omt!People. -Mr. Tdh,,n D�llaxd, ftb !-.1has, , beipa Mt�. , H. Thomats Curry, Fort Malt - "IG WAKS lectoon of tho pro- e n are cut on IgNe a fasIdent c�f Listowel for a number latid, N. S., lew-ys: 1.Aboat th rm.',year.6. of yearo, died at *6 Galt h&�pjtal re- a�lgv I jwa1s attatked with. -wha:t -the doe- per corset. The bread to qive the wearer ciently, where ishe had garte, for - an op. tors ti6rmied acut . Indigestion, The a, Irst indication "Ith6 utM0,Stc0n11brt eration for- gall otones�. 'Mr.' and 'Mrs. wag'a btad taisbe In &y new - hipless style, Ballard lived x*f a f arm! In Elma town, mouth In the morning, and a\wllow it ANp 624 elhip before :moving to Ugtowel- Mr. camplexion. Later as these symptons gow-us and skirts Pallard and one son died a few yea'r,s developed mly tob�gue wale 'heavily coat- IVA& hig special prociegs i� )ed,' eiqpeclally in the mor�i Wg, and I Hats agor. A- soyi and two daugh*ragurvive. deuaan4 L, particu- I - �r. ?t�` 0 Ve to operate but k -A recaliaT accident happened In St. felt particularly dull. 'My -appetite be-, ; FA rity f corset. lar style 0 a Pu flour users- Mary -6, the othitr af ternoon A horse gain to dwindle, and even a light Meg, 10WER"Ir belonging to UT. George Ilendrie boit- lett me with A sense of -hay eaten e use it. ted -from the stable ea9t of the town too much. As I ig-rew worM I ate �arely enmigh to spshdlimy body, but r H1 be surp Trwer, CAHADI�H CO...�w hall. The'animpl stepped ove the. You rised to know how effee- WI $at pulity. rlot=� is TORORTO CAN edge of. the sidewalk In frodt of the' Oi4ll,-experleinced the mpst acate pairn. This Spring's hat stuyles are particularly to AL of the bighell�t-grade tejejyhone office and slid an . the anp- k ,wretched languor came over we tive the new ffi ar rnelal beowdse + ey - e so much more beeloming In the stroncIrestwheat pery sadewalk oyer agalnsf the buila- vAdch I could notthrow off. It oetara-, bl` - tuvd with but' -ne ty Ing, emadhing the, 71ate elass mrla- ed eta if J *ere alwa:ys: shape. Never before wag there so great a is Of r dow. little i3triength vad ftequent violent -pleasing st les.as Rare shown in our new stoick of D t f OR001"MPTON CORSET- ty JAmeis , us y, p St. MarM heaftch". The Temedies igiven, me strong flour W`hffegolng a(Y. T a stmet in CV&t t6vrn.. by my dactor, an wal, as Tnavy others, yields "more bread the other atteioon, accidentally olipw ralled, to restore me, or even to re- lines which guaran- S in apparently, reducing the hip on Arm d ped abd fiD11 ft, vily on the.,lay pave., live me. k wao In, thin very uldhWpgy -ae ng and Fitwell 14. ats The Ample but effechmi ment, imti wait myteerely injured that E&W ZGr -%1most a 'Year 'w�ft I reiiA tee absolute comfort and perfect freedom from und F' cost a little more or It wals neoemajj to �procure a con., in a Inewopapei-lone daly of the earein pressure, -'and gives the fagare that graceful style so remedy f0i PRO (blind 41. 1 TA7 0";�L ^Wga re'RUiEs prove a V VY VX V X.Y UP ASK IDO Se8 them. ume or D . wffuatmw pinle ptlw+ Tbjg. necessary� to fa-Shion 6 latest e(11 C - CUROL is a wam caNed andl he foui%d 004e had a ba& r have st-ouked an unnusua.] mamber of shapes. No 't and most econom- + ly vtiendW back -Rind several bad Aecided melo"give theAe P!ffls a'trlaa. and it -4 1 A bruJom, and that these will con- t - waO, not long betore I Wit some A6 110- W _V you. hat y_ Ur taste 18. We OSU Satisf S E P T I C Price bt c a zo + firne her to the houm for twd weeks. relief frQM the dwress after inezelp, SALVE vm- -Yr. a�q4 Miss Kennedy, of, Downle, and alls I co6itinued the voe_ of the plilis f twing wc��- whoihave&Mposled of their farm oki the all 120guor and drovndness vnd, head. -Ong for �Whea left me jWdI. bdZ&1n to enjoy. iril cMcewlanit and are lea ul PenWafizW�. thi 11141-.1 W -9 TAKEN AS' CASH. r hbtnaig, were the dther -the Hea&g and Curativo I St. V evenin indreal§ed energy and tew otrevgth. BUTTER AIRD EGGS POWU16 I entertpIned by 1hek friends. Mr. Tbw*15,r I (a;m a Vd! mm OnJaybig witiu a iquit beat of health, with never a. twInge Kientnddy wzs preslented send fot a Frw TrW ++** *-+*-1- 4 cafse and'ain umbrella, and Ifts- Ke& pt the old troub16, ah4 to CUROL, SALVE -1 � /I *+++*+++++++. IT -t4 A nedy witV a mIntel clock. The e-Atiretly t .1-2-2 Ken� cure ot the fair Im of Dr. Co., spadlow Me.. nedy f&,rm hais been In.the famlly".16r I&T Hol � pink Pills." Terosto, An W1. , 0 - - �. I 91 1 1 . � ___ __t1.-rtWf%1r sW-v-sIx vftrs.� and all thie o�cup-�ntO � Theft Pills P -Te odld by all, medlelne AP%k a j