HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-02-19, Page 6e K M -­ ---------- W, SAM 7 71 - FE AU 191 W I - Mt' ft�* , -i-- - ­ --- ­ - -f- - -­ FIR-BRU "0* "t :A;IR?- A&I 'ET 8 Ows 01S TICK ... ..... d a Cradk;l U 014 Obliging Pavoangs 41 r T 'd I* Sw A crai*y gbition mt ter 'WhIle en -le deal- A- *0 r l&* "Tivi Alfre miffpq- in ss catt f"iewyn Wing tickets came acro a W �w Ov him uOrthe XIYIUg 01 UU'qJNp5�1JVeK privaTe --be able to er, well known in the -district, 7wh& yoti: -wM kyll. -be sed b� due p Chvj": Por*r ol the zgoiny�' held -a seasmi ticket The station =as- eh%d a -little 0 W. f I to- e'ase the "bahi wthloW T100I -Walker," Of 14 %Mufgc�, ter, being aware of thle. usually pass - lint max- tUT AS an 44C r U -3w', A`ther4 .1 --MbAtre.al, eUduVed be- ed w1thou., troubling him to show It. 11sh! Common tic a -u I -am Pellef OR -im AV r� mi-Uuk a the � V On this odcaslon, however, he order - Me *oxxx -�I`R h6 ownd -the ". moth* Wiling 6T the eap "Freas e w, p to a "Id.- ed him In a not very polite Mnuer to, iland owns lt�gp-.to sklep�`%Thls�v.eiaera­ '-1141 - 0 5,M,?IIII 41hM -hen ? -1., - Auce It, ladding In a,gevere tone, b pm e z !1�17 worlm with We ahk-t Wee vas ibie rule- a; 16 o" ry p� -boxes- lha,-V� 1: Oct. 1, M, n0447 two ri'V� )intg Ott' idleid, i above bls elbowa� aad n9as. gA" �*�h irr "Mint i want to seeAt evft. time M as.guou: lik"My Ako: 4: � YMM AP ocaneo to the' WArM MOM T -9 UWM to the biting you stop at this statio.' thetreat, 11311: menut; g g'j:" , - - I relief. ikeTAUD Col :ftIe W d "Ji, do tar , a) M;: P e d A%Jandp And- the OM What phy- SA , be of course the Whe was prdauced Alled Is I iw- ater, nicnt, and oW01* Cape of alxOlp bOLLdft cial passed on, looking very aw&xs 1 have te t sseaJ4 From linportant and self satisfied, NVa� 'ur4 Eind 1404. the owner xo-"Ive right to his f Jngv,:s to hts-� elbo" Wh I apPeJU f days lateras the early morn- en _d ofi. Ithe:free vWoyment Of the, -air over and miaw- of. a- fieh, 4-1th bad draks Ow als rele in ocluld ha th t holding, ever he Ing man train drew up -at the.platfdrm bere amd there. fteh' �above he tokir corners of his ww4h t bMra 10 Vz, eyes, h-8 Welock a passengeraccost- ed it blouga �Wnl nefth and f�Ay Interference with � that enjoy at'about doad I has cozaelto w porter' on duty and latAnd. nor Ifte Pita ao oo Cut% He Wed ral ed the L SoHt"y ment, howeVer apparentl slight and ' seve BAM down� Hypo&—T life Amd kinds OT I$Qvias. but nothing, Tolieved asked peremptorily for the 'station se" literally -harmless,. constitutes a trespass, foA. i =i(w of Xorph% him 1molly until he tried Zam-Ruk. master. dbtion may be brou i;�--efbrth Mr igde: me-ot I could. the true because- I ght., Th*. 'W m' f�rVSrL t�:fte W tO tie given W=Qd f"L take ns against burr g U-119 ouce. u bed replied the porter. I -P pmorletor ia 11c.1vii Ce'#Mn1& as. At Applicatio, fbr tIonS a Id -deathsoor� Zat ;airsW owners and aciftobs for to 11,6al, atnd, a said -the pas- "Tell him I want-hImi;`- havebrne 0 aggrieved landowners are not un W atine of t#q bAlm cu..T,6d him senger. The.Lporter disappeared and after FOR SAI -1most als,well M now helan1w - VXydelaw ftea likely proceedln�gs in the near'future. His ba%da And &Tnis =a VIM- peitav ..ever I could, and Aind wft. dela7 returned, closely followed lad e sob bivWg Men Sod 0ow be purdb&rzd ),V? bu� ,som 'go carapling aiid, b aw f Or 'by the station' ave uwed Zm-Buk master, who wasudibly C 10 n V--, r as alvb to IL other. emergoncleA I r M grumbling at balng r .am hWleas6 and y ziustained a. bu brought out of bed How $6 Solved It. nq of took 'AlIendis howly ex- My flngero.' Zair I the nr In the cold. There was �-sowethlng about the :face- _0'011tL OIL M-11 the strange -Vedid In71 deaffi, I will be lu agd- healed- qt- oor6 The 'latter then found himself con- the choicest product of S."E It ieally memo tul household publish M0 r Who sat opposite to, Ott ego- Twy bad spells that a lestimonial, if It will ftonted by. his old triend t,he cattle Canitda's bountiU barvest. ALwi for her- in -the tram tar that was famillar wonildi who handed him his sw n dealer, gde greet, nev tbe -ftieud- hrought a uterests of m� sad avxy]had rther tbe i tAjL thia ."'Taidon me," l5he.' & CANDY ()0. ey '"If I am n t mistAk own. �It -%,,as very, 0wol ticket. PI -41Y -asldng him to examine THE MOoNF-Y siscur.r MITED ior retimdt= 4 Fruit-a-tives to "Fruit-A-Uvqs. Th I" foot I ten en, you are At the same time reminding him BUV4 V6 -the honge Aft" raueh e 11),4"%7 ut 7 should b ouse im--Ruk b o, M- e - rd, Harnilton, Ottawa, SYdWi WIMIM, CilMY, V- r� kManipation p.ersussion, I co one- of the Poor, UnOrPald`. okn-Ilavbd-the iswelling -a Teoved - hb that he bad -a few day L s ago exprewed take Yours *ery nd sthem, but I was so bad tha it' -BUk Is andY wish to see it "every -Ume he stop- IT"E's FEM CK UT n 69 11 tried to or, at least, YOU were' an Ay effective that we- shall lwaya IL ped at the tation."—London Answerx. k e, -who'leCountry around guterprise Ofit., tieople are 9h th a:. year. ag ear,' izupply 114ady. -g al5out:lthis woudedd- care. '.� By their marvellous action on the "That s - soI said the stranger. attle E*Ttraad, PO U -bury. hw= Won'% lrom 41"fo 4'*at-a­ffVee1 cured Ms. Fenwick whon the doctors said she '!'Then. our society has evidentl not winter I 6uffer PERPETUAL YOUTH. putsm" to sap- A' y rt'Withou eI for you. look an 01%ty cured Mrs. Fenwick when. . all else faile I Try them. &,cure dn UM.&IRuk. Arplied: at it C Imparted to th Rod Cross Cut be op.ented net on ind was doomed to die. fTom dhvj:�ed hoAds, but I. thaefound been tr prosperous. Be y SA .15c;.' and 5oc. a box at dealers or sent pbstpaid on- it the, cracks by- morning, and eight, Sum I -w 'akIay .01 -the ji orenes&.,, Mind. bou, .11 have everything I -ant and never Through the *w1beba Juet bw. Saws vwdpt of price. 9r;ft-a-tives- I��ttd Ottawa. and Almfta e0ftte follow Uo use for %le el" of youtb lies In the mind 'go A=ace gocd stable *w Was inl my life. ben bouft =d me ap 'YOU must have -Zem, 004p mTeal blood poxfoAling, I -or nowhere, You cannot be young by trying to appe4r so, by dressing youth- -so*�drthe woman problem." worip, dhildren's sorea, I or"utmer, or for Imit Q A have." out-% Ma7um Aud bruism. It alw 6ures' fully. You must firs be get r1d of t g W lull' 0�109.- _All dru'gghtts ain4 OtI sell. at nwin HA me aboI a - 1� last vestige of thought, of belief, dat VD7 T. on &,box, or post1ree frOM The you are aging. As long as that is In -7WARM FOR sAr�—rq I've manledl'� Axes HMJ* 'of Only part of the wheat _Fo _ -� L I ' - 1, - . 0M I -R MeT Toronto or ;rlce. 4. it owmM of An 41"usal ot DomA00 d cos WY per amount to very little In changing your *Mebmkbome nd**O berry is fit for food. Yet ftiftted. Ma :)ft- atw A case.of Auto Suggestion. How to secure Farm Help, suu-, nd Ivet- -A baker,on the upper West side who. e., The conviction must first Muc We have a, first clan W" lo &"�,dbu appearae h that isn L ofte gets vW flOU Yo AA 'Mue, thia Salvation Army win ium bree min ot ibe 5-- Roll' line of the ab fte"ty purchased an Auto'delivery wfgort -annot see fthsory 'Dentiefty. - x, -1088&one was be change4 the thought which bm ' ' D*jlet - - - into r. c be* Ja ntroduce U?M ove goodds. I 1p0d4on to i -produced the aging condition must be & H. a* of surprised to receive the follo*Ing mes belp. tJD fafl"JUera throug- out the or taste Of but it's there. -SageL from'one his, most 11water. For ft-rulez particular comtry during the coming qp0mg. Ali reve±sed. rro ins andt a, stock -that 1s,61f1'enoag1x 'but ip� eusWmers: 1,Tlease send no more or- Indications n�t to Tevival Smith. St.� CSth If we can only establish the It is simply a case of the to waWor-dust-wornathrough 17, Hut 4'JU-A*l V. IL .-by your 4eT -wagon. goods oI And'L the es n ders to- me, 4, -theke tel a* probbiluty that uat youth mental attl.tud% so"that Ve miller getting Hi U More four 'Onta,140 smell In the'rollS made al- b _be Qel4i 00i of the laud see them whether yo4 purchae amrce. Tbe Army feel young, we have won half the SAM—Or authmitlen -are CoAwnun- fle against old age. Be sure of this, tantly In -at -N an the old' lroi- :-or n t" if not, tell'others. most, tlie entire family from is . vheat atid your - -r -6 And'. od tion Ndth ew coraeio and o era In that whatever you feel regarding your less nourishment. getting uIn L The baker sent word to'the customer the country, who are deslrot'6 L Of lo- able e, in your body� &U. -D,�MWC- _An- All�work guaranteed. fttiaqil� Veterinary , ponese- that, as the auto was driven by eJec-- ing on U'rim f time. to will be expressed valno fmi di" Cau L roln tLn"61 -Nothing else -more effectually retirft None lie Uer 11, ) i tricity and no -gasoline was used at all, two Ul -be laid to. itroduce L them amd L Ma oyal 90iischold ftJ.Web0UW &ja: orlacirus- eo-ple t0L she must hae been mistakea and bdd- age than keeping In mind the hala bi the mwt Woder for, 0 atting qasliti4as and IM Fever'& Sj -G HaroLld raves. ed, 'Tat t the- coRk bad Just cleaned It-, la mot thip� not, be beaten Dand V-.QQL A 090d ft% A -Hotid, M&I h4p purposp. of the Army, cheerful. optimistic, hopeful, buoyant 4 *Mee opgadta Makiff, Flour loft at Vl* 'however, to eoicoj&age picture Of youth in all Its splendor, her gloves, that -day the ImmigraH 10treet, &OXICIrm - JJ,1 ordere &-oppin a a ifrill JiASL AM1k tlon f tam lh*. to Can magnificence; the alluring picturb of be- hotbl Will Teceive prom ada, durin milled that nothin Pt --st.ten- 9 is �So emft unless al,& 9 Not: -Too La e. t "on- Nlgu Calls revtw-A at- the tiom warrant. -9 ondl- the glories which belong to youth— with*or without handloi. LA 1% MeA CONSTI such , 0110Y. Them-( thful. dreams, Ideals, hopes and all, goes into it except the pitr long after the YO. Not great Chelsea'flrb fo;rp �- u we and the smMer y tm -A ftrMB Who are HkOy to - re- th Call aud examine 'M 0 qualities wbilch belong to young of the wheat that is food. &M some -Mass., held qUITO help are advlseo to COMMU110IL4 "d emWlhib IRUG Cato wiU b6, pleased to show: LEGAU TY 111,10. 'ItlY with- Ueut.mCVA. Thos, a fair by which $18 was real T 1, Youket lust w6t.you pay 0 tbrwOded, to the rw-,, lJowdl, Jau" and One great trouble with us isthat U. MrAWRAN. : - them. fted. Tlils they or OF. THE I" . r� 4 f —6 imag1witions, age prematurely. Thet Albe Streets, To. e best -and- purest of a cer tain I 3oston ch licAtIon formo and all BorrWxr foAcitcr, Notary INiblic utch ho I roAto, Oat. or ]rot JUrUM h rd, exacting conditions of. our mod- U 0I Intorma;tJon v4il - a - r ' de. It go JJ b fmm the tIMM of SON a be pupplleE flou ma A a,7, bstd W3 because it is all flour�-- Your -th P. sf=ey to low- hX seldortu MM-- Any hT4jaknity'df the bowele is taken 9. prominent art In: the e s Rz th- e r ftyo, x1days-and Uturday& Oftlee Onw &ttand!d Ref wprkl wit r which, wA G. bo at a lette, Y 1plication to the ab6ve aid- ern, strenuous,life tend to harden and, Siam .0.1. dry up tbe brain and fierve Cells and- Dpm ttlery week #ar. Over FleksMo Hardwave St--V&q —Tinwar& somewhat a6. follows: dusl Injure the power of the MOO strI seaftt.h. gTocer can We have � bad 'a - fatr I and made $1L we thus *serl supply you- VED BABY'S LIFE SA imaginailon, whieb should be kept. Ltd. SEAFORr] NIS. ro MIXUng 4 t4 70,11., I'le"e, eve ft to HATS. Vic M-ILBUR tb�tl -Chelma,eaffwere. Y*=* truly, ate. fresh, buoyant elastic,­$uccess Mag P K;. -We th6 MEMMft Ban -rioter. &*dtori MAfoabeer S is not on MA T. 0SIMn, 1;,Dr 156 Mentr"-L tOn MUls -Vt, zine. A *r IdsOMIUM, Mle Idtor for the AMON SALES. 1and NoUry Pu 4b LAM LIVER PILLS MY9 f1I have nor hesitatio la Myt,. Qwe -apm uf -good tud" Bgnk.. OUIce—In rea ot e acres of ftu i&4 And Jkg t4st Raby'94 Own Tablets mved e Pie. UCTION 8 OP K 6 OR Aburch and v�� vilaft i t wak an *e bowelff. gently and natur4y. piety�- my babv10 11bp aind I h' Cv-�Uot PLESUMTS.—Mr. J10bA "I remember one man from my home caldweR Jr will be rented for a term ja vilhout weakening the b6dy, but, on tli*., Plety Is not an end, but a.lmnwls dr 1!4 ral0a a this me Smimlon Bank, Wort Mt,&r and structbd Thos Bray to scIl b able as %be pMfletor _y dlelne' ':�e town," a. western,senator said reI (MX4 tonmg It,. -they WMI if per- attaining fteL hthMt deffft of Mt 8,, 0oncession 8, L.R.S., Tuckersm WAP so weak wAd Wokly tW 4,e took AttWW-"PV1M th pr X BMT. wyered ih relieve and ly, 11iD the good old days before 'civil. d brua $1. 011 WX 046 68 wOmt IiAm 1)y-perfea peacef mind- Hemot.12 40"notice of apaything, and erW 'oo ing: Horsts-1 ftaft mare iWng 7 years -old 0 00 rim long, 3131arrister 0dicitor, Muveyalneer -MUI service 6xamlu.qtions,. ArI of I d.nfb laorse * ng 10 ye�r% old, 1 draft f nAi *#Aon. to 'be obseryed that thcoe'.. Wbo� Md th'Ak I was WVm out ewring for' whose My ri:� ax flJo-I Mix Cbrn*4 Ont., w itwil him Attee draft gelding Mt 10 mGn2w (ola, -t- AM TAM n &ad Noftry Publlc�- Office A S a 2 years olc� pleW im endand aim Ju ItseU for the gl*44g. -him the Tablets earthly attalpent wa government I. was troubled 4ith mick hoodeebes, con. Aving mare rising 4 yas old, alre-1 --by MAdir1f� them* - wao a great ch-aingo, and 'he Is plat, When his party was finally Oattle--2covmduetcio4veinthe gcowwl avtr furnitute 8tqXq Maim e ittleauca ava eaturk CA -t& Stomach. Most part become kvPocklte&-tG� erty known Co the r street, -eyed, laughig bab"y' Successful'he set Out t0i now 0, bTJI9-ht calf at foot, 2 sbaers xldng2 yeays 02 2 01�zil& got nothingto dqLM1PJ "Y"good, unto Irrp1d,3belferstNinglyl old, Ises P gtod briek houft ft fimt-clus cow, due v% about Me- tima 0% -16 x A both -in gord 11 got a vW, of Iffiburns L%Ier Pfft The* 131rd hi Hand. ft Couib Croup, Bronchifis vride a 'he home,,, l3aby's OwhtVa - Washington and wa's,on the -job' long to I F. HOLMESTED. X - 91're 9:11 V40mach and bowel trou- Wh000l They __S" before the 4th of Karch, but there ft) % 70, with good *Ame at I;Dnpy lelr ofale steers 2 y4re old, 0 hens aud - 11ouseWR v marry ble4 bivak me. 141einents—1 Deerlug binder� 2 go&- E�a*rlote-:, Flollcitor, promise 1, did me more good. than 8�8 or up, colds, deatkoy, worms Farnit 19ottary, Public. Solicitor for the cim- I I a-vir wied. I haII - Diphtheria bAn.�kWa, scUfflej nea_ly neW, 11� ]gl= seemed to be a h1tch somewhere. All Grip, &0 each otheI when we groVrup. Grade— and kep -11ttf.on-es ,heaithy and lx&�- plowf48rat-Aismond Wei t&I the aIi ber wagon,,ptd bdbs1e1ghi�'h&y =k, gra�bl box, top Sdi&M Bank Of ODMamee. Money o, 0111*ti6p, andthe Oh, no,-, r might. like sonwbody ebe SM. by raedicie 04alers or by through. the spring -he was about tovm.. =e9t144 vmr And is I fail like a newwoilan�, crewkne Is a boon to ASOMMS buggy almost new, llq�t witgoiri almost new, cuttei, 161M y 90" ma-il gt 25 rAfttte a box lTom'TAle Dr. By. June he *as seedy, but still ap- 10". -MMMS ter male. 'Office thim rAnny—Me, too. Grade Prov4u hay vith ropes, &np kd pzfflc^L*JJ -MilboWn L&Ier PM& I ftoWo Block, Main WuliamW Nediclae OD�, BrockvMeOn 44r hM tb#bm f single re=dy to 'R organs wheel rrowAh-oosbnow- Dabyr &urn,' fo* Wei xsed in AM slawt haH i -A !ja&02 a peared to be 'game. Finally.I -found row, setdouble hurneW set flow' #wwt1V)--01k M let% do promim 'r cure aBease of thebreathin br In the gallery of the senate cham- than to tako the remedy into the stomach? MMetwes, mokyokessud other twfal iV9 mnitnaly k*atod, b" the ar Price 25 antA a via; i; f br ti.w, at aii ft cu -ms bftaUS4 rtndft*d anti- 'tOr Of Ca$- ber apparently endeavoring to ew M -I J61T), small, 00111�1- of,4my, UUd -Stfaw, &B strAw U &*I or mailed diroat by The T. Milbum septic is canied o -f er tb a &5�mdd =rate With AaQl'be Wd Wit.bout reatftjk DMIMSTRY. tome for Me ,p t Of TOr4D[at% died at be led on thb A�l or �Vmer paftlaulan r�longa4 "d 00.0 "Mite(L-Torianla, 0" time. "wy breath, OVwg V Term"umsid -$5andutide A Saccesi. ifktIM 0. D -U. M J, HODGMS. his borne fin Toronto Wednesday morn- IV-Vell, have yofi given It ?I I' M-4 It is invaliuible to Mothers witb =44 8 - nn I be even turuaWng aproved Mrs. Henwk-4 maz-ded you to m lin Graduate tA Royal College of Den- 9. 80me wileeko ago 'he virm seized by UP cbUdrm, loinlZme., tee, r r aupum Notice tc) -Ored'itors form you. Mr. Henpeck ---:You succeed- a, *mke -of 'r asked- trying to be sympathetic. Those ota consumpti've It, 01& &A ut Svesems ot dnUr1e. 'ftcraeswr to jar Y81s. OR SA= MI -never marry again If I live to .—The 10h,- 1 g9f the job, a3l. righV he re�/l tendmcy findLiamediate pietor ; T. Brovmauemoneer. ft"Ttwe"le. of -flee oyer';W.R. SMIthlis e& !Acenoe BMcd for Worth-Plerth In th6ina#er of tho W. H. Willie shoe C=Pany, e LA. I relief. from caffghs 0 in- .62L as follows r plied, - �vlth a satisfied sm0e. In 04vied conditions of the TOUTMML� Wroicery. store, Main street, Seaforth. *ated' IF Al a -the Ontario Cow- b thousand!� years old.--Iliustr *Oat. A UOMON SATL% OF FAVX PARK gene'W. -meeting 61 th,e Aweboldevs I Pigeon wnd'j�.-- &IbWt. aLiee A Vader'the provisions of R% d.. working now.' ll—Success Magazia-e. -Mr. Furton; of Mitche% ban to auotiou on Lot M )f ew It. WIM Shoo Company, Limited, held on. Bill, —Rev. Sold by drus&M iastructl ataiellbypubl. the Ifth da eeWon 3, U-sborne; on Miu sy, -VaruW. -y of Itnuaryl 1909, a revolution was pw. baenoffe�vd f 1cad postal for booldet. nd -an ftUA0. Mae hLrrA �he, 14,rieh M aw, lu - tile U. -M 002 Hol Tri -n-1 -'rusumc, MvZ5 Co., to be wound Up and, P4 'MSQ $Wock the f -jug proM yviz. 'MIDDICAL. --sed requi the. compiufy lk�e Is -more easy than to deceive 611or Tmvt bun -Chat 13JAhar —A tMW fulInate ham been 1 Painting WWAILM T. Box s�nd George McL Chesney ham,. by J Wfllamom bat L n"Itecl, One b rood reg 0 I -reh at Atered ware 7-vems A- 0 DR. JOHN M,^GR4-M. 4amseWtai—Demosthenes. Litiked, Azcats, Mort b6inexodwz, of.Seafortih Ontario a%Uqu!datorsthereol�. aM decided to. stay In Mtehell.. In. Tho LutheTan Broad,- U nwe Glyeoatw 0 ON -th f0al to 'ZIV cattle--TWOODW 'tab. Office a Maut thoreta�n;iII is heeeby gtyeb,, thAthe. nd rauldence, Vidtoria Jaxneg Stanley, OUSt. - 19aryls, ha�ggq. craffibm of the said Gampan -and xJ1 others ba ig MZMM--- -- - - 1100wadueto CAVA, In Marc and ApA1A,,M*2-­ whfie Ila the PoOt office the other bmd snd Salt w&ter Ift 1U Wnetthe �Wj years old, 9 hWers t -ba bir lefore yeats old, 43 steuxmd hd4%-1 the2%h d�y of FebruarT,,. 190, ltp iMnd' IYO- post te day, buv* a veja -ankle and year oldt 4 brood sows, IS 4ore. 100 he=iiO the undermgned, their (, hHetian and -summes, ad- had to be tak*n home I a PW!eu, ne pwr -ox ueee- rwp1emeuh­-qneiAaL the fuH particulars of their WA90n, I top b=, 3. 33ew lautt-er., I cutter bew —AIR old and T9013eCted reA&nt Of i a sto6tement of their iunta, %nd the n used, -1 2-turr, b"Iffi—wen W* accc ow I low, I Vm1kin 1 -1 UMA W t'Ure --A DR. F. 3' BURROWS. dreneg and descriptions, Office and Ptedd Of BRU00" I sprin th cultivator, W IjI ter the securl�y, if any, held- by theni, or in d& its Blma, in the ot George McKee, 141W 11n bo 'th ower.1 L: M 4ast of the 'Methodis", church SWorth ftulb t!hereof thev WiH be excluded frow all- share in can troM No bobw propff�y died at big -On Februa;ry -lot, at home MI-nurly 21*1 T. 11-Ibme No. 46 Corcmer for the Coun- the assets of the said Company. J. L, RILLORAN, Solicitor for Liquidators, Seaforth, Ont. ozbk, I V ty, of Huron. MIA I belkvi that; ''but for the age- of 7-9 yearo 1 8' inouths and Seed -Show. for�, 2 %=Wit ­&* .7 dalp. bucket%� wme bousehold lmivarA V. qUWMVJy Dated Feb. At, IM9. Se use of your EmulsM —R. M Ikwery, oftoe merclhaut, m=9,I and a, quAnt6y of WtI The V�*zm,� A 01-4 DO.NT KNOW My�-&ave, lWaS YL wotm,.Iong snipe have� ff&r�% Mtu South Agricultural, DR. ;.W. L. YfAIR. M A if ined, home e last week yqlelsm vad Surge=. Graduo, bt :been in -�ff We Bud R ---M owart CIA* The Annual Seed Show, under the auspines 3?, after an/abOezwe ot about three Montho, o!N ip. P1 cr%d, to acres In Mmr- PaStLWO& Out to the FaClfC C 'C __aMN not Wa& fraving -b 0 JAcQ121 University. "te of Roaftgter , ast Yood hush. on the prcibAioi DT 01fort4ble stone Ldwellin,two bahk bam aftid coveredoa distance of 3,500 miles. tho South Huton AgTicultural so cl y, theft!ff a 00 My Hospita— MeMber of College of HEA AFFE(JED, will bo hold at irmudstable and dr.1ft houn and wmd 'UP *H: wiffiout*,rcoU6ft whysiclaas sud, sul�geails O -Ontario. rhi —Jame" Smith', who ws armted in n0ver-MUng supplyof sgrWg water. IM& fam ZL Stratford the otber day on 0, Coln�tl&lntL More Peo$e TM -n we AWXM- of a S00a sate of cio Offlee — Over Hamiltan' store. Night VM bwL IWBsenberry�' Hall, BrUceffield, on fivatfou, convenkmt ta whwl s and 21-2mUes iroin Have ead Dbeam� ot the LWLO*01 Chief. of Police, qjh&Tg--� Sells vd at� office, Staffa, Oat. *d lzg M examinations war* made . obtaining �.clothon onfrom Exeter, Oc-:Wraly to of every. M. witb' T, a 1AStowd on, 'falpe ore MO `e-0 I going to 0 Would be-SUr THL% and much m was 0"GUTS506d, late 2) DREJ- ISC-OTT & MACKAY. one, peopl _Prioed at the nUM. *11 45 &W uader - ber of persons �walking about suffe wr�ften by Mr. G. W. Hower- -tailew, was tound gulity and Is Fridau March 12 over rnit mount 9 moaM rilm from siera&r fumishUhing ap Goderldh treet, opposite Methodiot heart disease." tonp CL-aks Gapt W. Va. We ced to two months halrd labor in t)fte -proved joint, note& 4 --------- Annuin off to. cash on aaftmp lie 11=ticoon r Church, Sealofth. This efartling statement wag made by a cQunty ism. T LT-. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria doctor at a recent *quest. q WoUld like to sebd Estate, Mde known on 6,v D1 0 Should not 8 - copy or -.you PRM LIST—The following 44plicetim to the tor or sucrioneer. fod Ann Arbor aa& member of the like to gay tUt hesA diseasels as COMMOD.- of I& lettex, Transformation. prinswill be, AWAVIded Dpietor, Meron, Ancticumsad f on the boat immules of seEdexhlbited in aMrd. fttal& 061loge of Phyalclans said Sur. " this would *pl.*," said -thelexpers,' -C - f0 1M*jht w�ite.hir�- dh=t ins - anee with the i des pve g Me seed Wre ma.w. 2 ft -10ROA.-Id Mr. Fred Stone, e 2 Uwh. Spring Whantgootch Mfe $150 $1. M 75 Vemm. Coroner 'for the Omnt of,Hur- "but I am sure that the number of per case was reafly marvelous, mid rtia,raust be v*ry 1 lan, and Mr. Eugene Wood, the writ- th 2busb-8 Wb Catuyvariety I r)o 100 7r) ZALZ ANY torm &ag about with weakL hea ore ro If IV Lydia E. Pin] MEM AND HorS . 'y formde� Anin one. f the wany 2buah.W-Oa au va but iSL only 11Y er, met on Broadway recently, They bams e W 4.75 an (3. 9901cay banar' graduate of Er 0 CO*Vormd e-Ureg 2 Unh-Black Oats, any variety 1 56 J.00 71i Jame" es'n" rM34"ed 9 dan*ned to Aell by publie auction on j6g 9,1 4 doly 150 100 745 Wont. Township of kelmop on ju VplverAty, gold inedallet of Trinity 64HUndrS& Of PrO4#s that - -stopped for a )Mio Jack WOMCUO peop1qgo about thek ment o exchange a 2 bush. 13arley,.sixWrowe Nu a U, Atiss TA. R Morin� 336 Oataxio.$J;�, '2 bush. Barley, two -rowed Wedleal College. Member of tbO 001- work on the verge of deaVh, and y*v* *�t few thqez-f-di views, when a woman In 1-60 100 7's 23rd, 190, the follo�vinqi, ]HIOTSIM-1 horse 1 yes* PhyAei&ns and Surgcona, on_ Im9wit. His only wheb the shook Z-o�e# hush. Feld Peas :L 50 :1 00 7 5 old, I nare 8 YAM Ad, I Ativing mue 8 yeArs *M. a particularly noticeable gowii passed, Montre a4 VTi te s W Mis. Pi n kh am I bueb. Fleld J�eaus ftAMMM12yeanldb Cattle-5covmsu 44 150 100 7.5 14 thait kills Them that the unsuspeoted weak- S in very poor PP usly Wood turned t6 8 1 SO 100 75 Simultaneo tone, h&Uth and doe- I bush.. Corn, in ear , Calve (Wee in MaYch and two about Umc Of nea of the heart is made appareixt. Wred for months, reedving very Mae I bueb. Zwotby Seed. 160 1 OD 75 U rMV7 ww, 4 Bteirs r1rd ngS rbars UK 14 E Stone turned to Wood, then. bothturn- 1. bush. Red 01mver"Seed -100 7.5 hei te& 160 DPL H. 11UG11 PLOM. "Eut undoub , y heart. weakn�os,. not S rUlug benedt T- had lost all aMWUOU, W&S I buwh. AlsHfe Seed r yeaw 01a'- 0 8 dillease is more prevalent nowadaysi ed to rubber.--Everybodylls. and subjeet to ffi2my speRs Md I I)u&. Potatoes, uny ea4y ISO, 1 1 year b1d, 8 IV h zowi, 8 4m- ty of oronto yurieby 1150 100 75 1 should'think thxt the, strega of living, the eraging Wftr end "& of ajnz Implemen' Fuutty of Medicine, member of CDJ- psbdul periods a&& month, 1ush. PotaWes for general crop ISO 100 75- wagon nearly rew, i liev, jJr J40DfJ LL modern, business ife, Patchwdrk Education. Peak onions Dutch Sets 17 A friend suggeded Ly&& IL pil*. 4dr4 100 W g PIL legs Of' Phelclaa and Surgeons of On- - h�ve 4 lot to do with- heart trouble." Peak but full grown Oulons All-%Isy IAV44rly Maw, uutzer, wa 111 1 50 T50 Alou Comp -and Paw graduate courses La dhi- S 0 1 n What the modern child lacLz most is Vegetab3a o (pne new), liew ow fu k. rdr W! There is no doubt but that this is e X n correct, Mg(y- CII SChool, of Chicago; Royal the Power of observation. 11els ratu. IMMOmr medichat Sor I ULES AWD REOULATIOINM oner procured a Not QnhthalMIC Ho J4?140n, 'Rpg- Y and we�would strI advwe an most streiigthenmg rat6d with smatterings, of every Und. br n mmt bive get, d e harnuss n -grown by Pjq;axhibftor xvi thin ADue yefir pre -vi- sd tubber monuted dngle batnesa, xvii -row. 'UiniVeralty try*& Coux" and mg preparat df knowledge, JiTes a strgn Mon. Spital Me to is the j�- Wde of tMX ro I AU reeft lent -red for oot -I ring in a Vr&y'fJ?6ML hent trou _Mek and been HOSLP 6Wz and bet L1013L FAILBURNIS re-vita6* ion nous life an it ious to the exhibi HMHTL AHexWb1tS0fWeft abill be grai s, upokyoke u bxp, wMffletiree s, -vice, pq& 21,010a ]3ank, AND NERVE PILM in the world, Even in that 16 iiMIMIV b6tt*r 6" 11 0MVUUed 1110 UM held to be repruestative of the tofAl quantity a bftTQ�, 8% Of L e4rpenWet tools zuk tank, 10M Jlm,,Hngland. Office—Buck of he Do- and cannot' find time for observation iw& g%ve it a tbarcWh te t a rth.L to, -hor posts 9 feeb long, 1D rods of hft Phone Na. 5. 14 wfth he uch seed offered for We b he bricks, Price 50 cts. per box orl b y the ekhlbitor. 10 Ant i0w e, oa wo- ight calls &aswered from residene most stubbom of of tb Sac' exen for VA and assimilatio.--Madrid Mundo. win and a; =M& Secretar alfdiseases -8 lety "y t all dealer or will be inafld direct on plesiom each exblbit for-. reference in caw of iftne aad stIa�les, 466 feet, *f.. ready r 2 e, I ia I�Iuij LA.e and predervid lenee, 50 lbs- coH 4,& L log ten Blats, glatrin you MOD-r-ta -street, Seatorth­ 1890, balftmer 9W alai I W118 tbm o6ft., roUsO receipt of pribe. by, The T. Mlburm�, Co,, (CMSUMPtion) does, won- grisin .9 JKOM the Wle of Be, by any e bulldip%�cr� 0 -rolls of tarre -dod AWO to '17he Las', WoM' E! d paper So pm Umitedsl Wronto, Ont Oold 'Twine I ro'be new AlorsebiaWwt4 ders, and in less senous I tzoubUa. Th& U=, -She�And do you believe that -a -%*o- XWL or naTmw 2 Competitors inud beeomem of -tbe go, jorko,,ClWas, axe�, fshov* -Ma DR., OVENS. troubles, such.' as h1i elet enua, Y, b Vaying to the Trenunr t r PAps �and a, Wntity Df ha and Araw In 'the t e first FACTS FOR SICK WOMM- prevIous 1, ehe man, al'WaYs tlfrus� to the last.pa g to vr at the t of Making e Mthe sum Household ecte--Cupbon4 kitanen talble, 40. b Surgeon Oculist will be at -chitis -thirfi heS I -n of -Partner- b . ron x a kitchen cbair4 cook stove, a lot -of idtahen d% Dis olutio -s a, cattirth, ThUr4� ? of 41 eacb. when she plck� up a. book He.—W e*1341ning "M job" it IS the nature of the fair Sex e 2 roold -1 tables, I IOU* or any have no reason to doubt It: I kno*� bgo�g NOMM*UM811ball beaw?.Med Ott exb1bitstbAt sideboard dinin.roon, bl V=Merelal Hotel'. Seaforth,L OA loss of . flosh fr64 ell, 1kr ta aen�,,taq ni, Fbruary 27, CUULrdh 5, i Vegat" ()!�=C�l M&&' OOnWm weed seeO, which, a the oph#ou of th Ug 2 sma 4N 2 raor y toremoo Shi-p�. c.ause th e- effect is much udge, are oft noiiws nature. Be _I lamA 3 hand Imp, tied &ws od to want tMM rwm su - n4ittm on jAvrJ1 25 and 80i May 28, Jul.* 2 and ieibi�46rwerly carried moW aVA4 Mt hm bftn *e 4 o exhibitor sUQ recelve MOre Plan OW 4Vr1ze SPr1n9% 4 b0fffomda, 28 yatds rag ra�;t a quwft The parti August 27, October 1 and 19, No- by Reid & Wils --quicker the last word. on. as generat hard- sbul&rd I F 10k in py class. -of disheep 3 dozen sealets and iaw oiter Member 5, Dc*mber a -;and 11; JGl%M 5 AUamplesofseodinua be dorrectly,U10jed sale at 12 o!Ziook d1up. - -TaT4s Slo and wi4er ware nWrch DO not - Bye, ants. has beer, dissoI clelay. Clita bottle of-SCOTrs mdhw euredthOMan&4Yf with the name and -addrew of the exh1qiWr, the aph Dvqr ear end noe trTld by mutiial consent. All accounts that amotmt a u RUM.8I014—bqsww1VeS00TPS and who name of f&e varie the Sunday's Journey. - maW �nft w91 be- bfth ty, amount of seed for We and , ff Zeh oa� furdsting aplirmd Jcrwt notm Bye; and ow'n to th troubledwith the ft1ling price. e late firm' axe I be try M "Father," said little Rollo, 4(what is &-8012 nt. td for fteh on e4ilidj, paid *datora Motition, ulera- In aw,'of dUpUtp, MtatI declaration that 2"erve w, the proprietor b�= wid bis hurm 1with to Ahe - 1Aqui 0 is fort [am A" DRUGGISTS meant by a Sabbath day's Journey?,-' do 'the Ab0V`0 _ rWWLh4%"S beft who wil, all claims due and- M36 fibroid ided "h amy Ite vrAng welIL hx fflmladrmy, Proprietor JAH. I C Pg ACTIONEERS. in too for oI JONES, Auctione", I also settle a afiWd, o son that from each or 04y exb1bitor 4of m owing by the late firm. U, persons A &We a - Let un mmd you Mr. Howerton!z letim many q�Ases it means twice ground the THOMAS BROW$. endebted to the late firm that bmr 611bi pr wffl kihdly 91 gdom fe delivered at t1blon for Mt be The moslw and wme literature on Consumption. rion call and settle 900A, its ible. ' thAn 10 a. M, golf H ll—V7R8bJLgtdn -Sta�r. md i", notbaiiiiWv;iuntl1the it u Just Mad 318 a Rod Card and mentio4 -UuCtt0qftr tor the ountlu or-re"Ous Pr08t]Mti0A-- 910�e of ae Fair, at 4 p m, poss dift YOU d tiy ft? Mas of Nuon -and Pertb. Orders left at A. ROBERT WILSON J. Lewis Tho 'r T A slir B=. 3L Plain belt's bnplement ware rI W MT L8 -P SCOW r6unds, at AM( pin be held on tfiaSwWs *new MUM -k Or AprRLSObb, 1". P -(M 4"teul= fate. W. W%nKkkg Ild tO WrAO,UOr for -advl The Annual Spring -and BuIle v =UK- 10ft, AM -40%At"Ift' TA04 MOdO OmfoTth, or at The Expqdtor offloe, Liquidators of the'estate o 126 W~ "4ft, W. Show f StaMons & ft Don* WOA& tnUm guair�iateed or zo - aarge. ims Dated Nov. loth. IM. 2135-tf proMP& attention. satti- wo" 013 ;W Reid & Wil S to WU1 hesam dr"M LYJMD*l X"S. W. D. Preddeat. X. Y, MQLzA No &-Mtfiry.