The Huron Expositor, 1909-02-19, Page 3irthood, Vigor
The difficulty with most women lies in
the fact that w%ile they are mous about
She health acid welfare ottheir family and
lived: ones, they rarely ever pay ,attention
ao'themsel-ves ruititnaturesays Stop. To
:,event this every woman should take
chine regularly.-Ittereates an appe-
tite and is the greatest •of digestants.
:f'sychine is a boon to :run-down, tired
and overworks women, for there is
Allier of 63 Notre 'Flame St., Winnipeg,
roved. this, for she says: `F1 am thank -
for what Psychine has done for me.
was laid up with weakness. Oh, how I
suffered. My appetite was very poor and
`my stomach was greatly disordered. To.
elay I ara strong . and well, for Psychine
has brought me permanent relief. ' 1 feel
like a new womannow to- what I did
.before taking Psychine. I feel the vigor,
of girlhood in veins once:'ntore "
We Went every family to knoie the
meats of Psybhine and will send every
householder a treat bottle free. Gut out
Ltd., Toronto.
i ';endures
I at
to fiat's
ent rate of
Plea,selet mo have. a free Sample of
- psychine as per your special oder. .
Address ,
is an n hie remedy for
1 disorders of the throat, lungs and
hest., All druggists and stores. 50e.
awir Lion prig=
Daing vre want to sena
This is one of the =oat
[-icited. With the cata-
4ster, which hes feath-
package of our
Sugar Beet seed
r choke,. also Mention
following partideulars
wonting to $3,654,,e
y's books, at the telose-
[its of the year werz-
63, a total of 1652, -
ear of S55.404.39.
airs for cash profits,
and Death Olairee4-
r the revions 'year, of
f first mortgages
in increase of $297, -
by the Company
iling at also Decenp.
le has been compute&
serve op all policies
end contingent an
Shows the largest in. -
amounts to $1.51,-
gurplus computed, he
kents, is over $295,-
e obtained fre
minion -0m
rewery LTD
em n
Invalid Stout
°XXX Porter
Every cork
AsWornates Sympathy
'Are 3rou discouraged? Is y•our doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your Pain
a heavy physical burden? know what
these mean to delicate women --I have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to
cure myself. want to relieve your bur-
dens. WIty_not end the pain and otop the
doctor's bill? I can do this for You and
will if you will assist me.
All you need do is to write for a free
box of the remAdY which bas been placed
in nti bands to- be given away. Perhaps
this one bcst will cure you—it has dene so
tor others. If so, shall be happy and
you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a.
postage stamp). Your letters held con11-•
tentio.n_y. Write to -day for my free treat-
-Meat Me& CURRAN, :Windsor, Ont.
Money to Loan
At lowest rates of interest on town.or
arm mortgagee, .
Apply to d. L Killoran,Seaforth
Large EngliSh Berkshires.
Miler, the leiported boar, Manners nuiresxxxyn,
Rand -son ou the grand champion bog Premier
Longfellow. Terms 41, 7ayable at the time mf •eer.
vice, witXthe privilege of returning neeeeedry.
i� A, and �ii .:' of .Sionx
Smith .��4D4,�a�,ktppo ; 21, E -ot -- thge
.p Mee, A:nt 1I, Bluevelo; Mrs.. A,
. Wets, Miehigan, the aet
.two.'he r } I to : 3d; loving.' tt -ut1-1
ants during .her last 111 r s .5.'here
Varmints also four hrothhers and. three
Sisters: Andrew Reid, of Turnberr *;
i3amu - ucefield ;
a ; John, Huron, SouthIl .4
-kota Mrs. -Um 'Watt, a twin :ester
.Mie. Nicholson, at Tacoma, Wash.:
Mrs. . Pattion„ _ of . kataon. Afe
i flet a Neal n - of s� months
eo from cancer of the stomach, She 1a e.
ed .away .ou-Febeuery 3rd. the vrete
of a eheerfuL,c.arbiti{i{is dJs ,o iltion.,
Htru of - Refuge. --;.`the Houses of /
P. uge Committee of the county coun-
cil met at thee, nstiiutin - on Friday
last and lnecected the various .dee -
ca°rtrieents, ;andfound e ninetyefour
inmates carefully provided for " an4
due economy -deed in conducting the
inatitutton. -mss were taken foe the
ending up :of the estate of _ WJ1liairr
Canton, who was an inmate of the
hones forover a yea..` rend who di
On January 30th; No action was tak-
1 an in ` the matter of the claim of 3.I
Fob against George Hodgine, now
aft lnrnato . o the institution. The
treader of ;'property belonging to P.
Simla , inmate who 1 els
mit helpiese, will be further con-,
eldered at the ' Meech meeting of the
committee Its- conneetio i with a .pets-
tion before the .Dominion Government
:aelriz g that certain lands be granted
to voluntdrs who took part in repele -
ling the Fenian' Raid of 1866, the com-
mittee eeeorted that _John Mitchell, and
Boond. Lawraon, two inmates of the
flow ,should `participate 3f such
grants- are made.
Rept It :—••Shlohe . Cure will 'al
ways Cure my coughs and colds.'
' '•
Nabeet.',----laez. Thomas Weelteade re-
turned thisi' week tram, where
elle bad teen seending a week or eo
in the rhik here on Wednesday even -e
hie, between Lucen end the borne.
team, the 'score stood to 3 • infave
ar liftman
Schotel-Report.—The following ite the
Kiliop, foil the math of JanuarY,
the names behrg in order of merit:,
Class Moldichael, H. Huet. IV
—G. Cousins, a Anderson, -L. Bern
toe: HI—E. Harm, B. Hunte Sr. II—
Repeat it :—"Shilah's Cure will. al-
ways Jeure ray coughs end colds."
ate accident happened on' Monday ev-
enhig eat laet week, at the Thanies
Rea .d tea, Meeting, when John Nicol,
tif • Me elate, was putting hie hot*
to the abed, he was kleked. .ehree
cia tee hie, neat en the ohoulder, and
t,b,ee on the jaw. Hie eoet collar Was
turned Axe Bee mead bim 'somewhat;
but, es it wee, the tope of the tower
jaw wee broken and several -_beetie
oeverely cut On the lace and body. He-
media,te medico/ attention, after Which
he wals treught to hie.home here, and
has since been doing eicely.
Notea—Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart is visite
ing friends in this — Mr.
Higgins, of Beus, F.2.pertt Sunday at
his home here. --Of Key Andrews, of
Hawtrey, apent Sunday- with her
e.arente at the parsenage.—Dr. Stew -
alt has gate to Bognor, where he
hale Secured .a treactice.-Mr. eameo
Ciegtorn, who' telleving the section
foreman at Clinton, waei home fereStan-
da7--e-A Tura:I-telephone service is the
kale of the day at preasait.—ldies
I3urgaas has teturned to' Toronto,
bao -spent some time in the west,
IS this Peet calling or old friends'.
left oneliondae- viait friends neer
-Belleville.—At the quaaterly official
board ow the %revile circuit, had
last week, an invitation was extende
ed to Rev. J. W. Andrews 'col return to
Bluevate for a Seabed year.. Subject
to the decided -of the etre:toning come
mittee, Mr. *Ware* excepted the in -
Repeat it :a-4'311110We Cure will Ai:
ways cure my couglui and colds."
" Invited—At a recent meeting' of
the 'quarterly official board of the
was extended to Rev. G. W. Rivers,
their eaator at 'the close' of this cone
ference year. • The invitation has been
-atceeted, eubject to the approval of
the stationing committee. ,
Rivera =received quite a oureriete
Friday. evening last,. When about 30
greetion. -Invaded the eareonage with
well filled bateketa Having received a
welcome, •theY immediately evoceeded,
te make themselves at home, and spent
en enjoyable evening in eocial inter -
all took late. After ample Juetice
had been doee to the excellent-. ire-
feedienents served by the ladiee,seVe
eral !hymns were tstung, end the com-
pany took their departure, leaeing be -
Meg them a lax& load of` rate, which
had teen collected for the paotor's
_Wale. Me. arid Mrs. Rivers apprecle
ate veey much the kindnees of the
people of the Relgrave oircult,Shemle
to them in eo many wens.
Repeat it :--"Shiloh's -.Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs. arid colds."
Stanley. .
Death of a Former Reeldenti—The
Blueva,le coereepoedent of the Wing -
barn Advance Malkee, the following re-
feeence to the sate of a former reale
dent ett this townehip: Death visited
thio 'vicinity liet week.: and took from
us la, tolipected resident, hi the person
of Iles. Mills, Who for sorne tibeeeast
had freielded With her daaghter, 'Mrs.
descent, her father -and mother being
natieee ,T Yr OM county, Ireland, azta
were sonar* the eerie 1E4e tilers of the
Baytield read, couete. Her maiden
name *ap Isabella Reid, and She was
borto the itOwntfiltP et Manley In
and- enjoyed the esteem of then . cerne
numity. e . Severe sufferinga were
bare with. patience and christlan .urti
titude. The funeral service was held.
in . the . Bauevaie Methodist church' on
the ,nth` lest. Kind friends tools -part
in drraeing the church for. ,the aers%cc
Thle and litany other kind 'acts shows
ed 'the esteem- in which she was held.
Repeat it :--"Shiloirs "Cure will
ways cure My coughs -;:and colds."
Miesibna ntributions
The wnnual report of the it on
sry. Society of- the Methodist : -church
'-arid i903 ,horns the following eurns to
have been contributed towards :
staons `by the churches and leagues- o
By By
°floral League
Gederieh, North Street $411 $100
Gocierich, Victorde .Street 119 50
Weeley- 317 90
Clinton, Onterio Street 335 122
Ethel °
Exeter, Main Street
Exeter, Jantee Street.
Mcg ThomeI+`A l , David°
J. W. Car % d sharp°, shops,
T. D. By= and Thomas Kidd.
Mr. Thomas' Downey has told hie
tam on the Huron road to Mr. John
Ye'uxa et nearforth, for
300. .I 'r.Davereux now`ownn BOO acid
of as fiune laid as there is in 'Canada.
iMex. lan rd, 0 Egmoadvilleo
has sold bib seventy acre ta€m, near.
ucetd motion, to r, Peter Mel
Gregor,: for $5,000,
.Mabe 'and Kr. MoZay, -
ef Seaforth, and Mr. W Prenderg t,
of '.uekeresr lith, have pied their exe
andnation at ,.the Toronto Noma'%
` s ho -o1, entitling them to ss oildM
clan teachers' certificates-.
• Mr, J. Moir and family, of i3',sborne,
let Heneall statin last week for Iowa,
white they will - reside. • - I
Neves Notes:
J. C. ,W de,. founder of the 'string
of -storks in Ontario, died et London,
'Wednesday 'night, aged 63 Tears, the
result a a• fall two weeks ago, He
Was born in ?Week% Y., and some
20 yeaire ego moved to Canada. He Pre.:
I tired from business e year ago,
Jctfeey, a London was tat -
ally injure:. while rabbit hunting on
his geandt... her's farm idle coaxing
ferret froei a hole, the trig -ger caught
in a bud:, The bellet severed an ar-
tery in 'Wee leg and death 'resulted from
blood poteaning and . loss of
blo°—Ad. ena'n. earned Olds was found the
other morning in his rooms over Rob-
ert o boathouse lin Chatham in a yery
serious' condition. Ile had been en-
able' to psectrre work and Walg
159 24 he Went to life 'rooms, Where he ree
255 lb° mained tor 'several dayo with nothing
/30 70 , . --Stephen Sedore and Albert Mere
124 21.. rill were run down by a freight tr_ain
427 - 90 at Bradford lest Monday- night while
82 27 driving . ()Ter a level oroaeing ie a
297 43 wagon during a tstorm. Tire wagon
.58 16 wais smaShed to pieces, the homes so
202 28 badly injured that trier bad to he
426 322 killed While Merrill, one of the occu-
142 73 . lege -were broken, and he also Is auf-,
204 sg feting frdm internal injuries. Sedore
99 9 .esceeed with bruises.
153 9 ---Two bans adjoining each other in
182 eg St C.a.tharineo, were tota.11y destroyed)
97 26 by five about two (Medic Wednesday
224- 34 morning. One belonged to F. Wardell
224 20 and the other to Albert Hagen. The
387 6-3 homes in both elates were got out
156 i with difficulty, but the other cone
153 50 tents were burned. The' loos will at -
203 . 9 mount to about $1,000 ,with insurance
98' g ot $500. The caum -cit the fire is un-
known, -but is thought parties steele
—Fire Wednesday •eight destroyed
the entire Meth end- or the block
feeling on Michigan, Scott end West
'Market streets, Buffalo; N. Y. The
twenty commission firms were burned
ciut, htvelving 'a lose or about $225,-
000. The woret bliezard ef the whi-
ter was 'raging and tor a time the
whole produce commisaion district was
in danger. The building in 'which the
i buened Jest a year ago --and had re-
' cently been rebuilt at a cost of $100,-
1 —One of the most setioue fires that
the city of Chatbaro lute seen in years
queeter to five ()Polack in the basee
merit ..of IL We Ball's dry goods es-
tablishment on King street Tile alarm
was 'promptly sounded, but it wee
not- until seven, o'clock that the flames under control Several lines
a hose were laid, but owing -to the
dense Smoke the firemen could not
reach the flames. The store was com-.
pletely -gutted and the stock is a
complete loss. The firemen were able ,
to keep -the fire froth spreading to the i
ether buildings elthough it looked for
a time ao it the whole block would
have to go. The lam is about $75,-
Gratd Bend 248 • 63
Interesting sketches of the earl.?
days of Seatorth ana vicinity,
taken from the Mos of The Be-
e eositoo.
Seatorth, April 7, 1882.
Me. William Grastale, Who has been
for 27 year4 has detideci to go to
Manitoba, and will pettle in Portage
la Prairie -
Mir. Sterhen Downey hate purehased
the. Xenneelly farm McKillop for,
lialdlaw,. mother of J. a
law, of &Worth, fell from a chair on
which she was standing, the other
.dat, and fractured seine of her ribs.
Me, T. M. Kay, reeve ot Utsborne;
-bas 'purchased the farm of Mr. U.
Bronigan, neer. Farquhar, for $4,400.
The cottra.ct for the erection of , r.
Joint otock butter factory on the
been awarded to' Mr. Nhitley, of
John Caanpbell hats' pu'rchatsed from
Seaferth, April 14, 1888.
Mewls. John awl Jarmes Berrehave
eurchaeed the old homestead farm
on the ith concession of /Hay.
In Stanley, On the 30th ult., at the
residence of tile ealclels mother, by
Rev. Mt. Livingston, James McClyniont
to Mies Lilian Callender, ibott ctf
The.,Sea,terth aeci Vest End Cheese
.A eglendid concert was given under
theaueeices of the choir of St. James'
cburch co. Monday' last Those taking
part, were tte Moses Killoren, Miss
Johnsen, Mass Walsh and Miss Reidy,
and Mears. Cline and Roberts, of Sea -
„forth, and Drumgole, of London. °
Mr. JacoV Weber, of the Egmondvilie
pottery, recently shipped a car load
of 'pottery to Manitoba. It was all
sold before it was ehipped.
The -following persons left Henson
stretion this week, for Manitoba: Mre
and 'Mrs. Jtihn Blackwell, of Benzene
Thorriasi Blackwell, of Hay, aed Thos.
On the' evening of the 10th inst,
number of the membero of Ste John's
church, Varna, went to 'the home -of
Mr. Jacob Diehl, of Stanley, and pre-
sented Mee Megeie Diehl withean ad-
dress and a well filled parse as a Tee
cognition of hey eervices ab church
organist On the evey to Mr: Diehl's
the laity met with a 'mishap. The
freelhet had wasihed away the ' foot
bridge to and as -they
were being taken aCross the water in
conoe oorne of the earty were dump-,
ed 'into the watee by the canoe Illgiet-
tIng. Fortunately nothing more eer-
low, than a good 'meeting, was the ree
Mr. Jcilen McNevin hats 'rented Bell's
Mill, at Kippeta, for a.term of yearse
Mre. 'Evans,. wife of Mr. Joseph Ev-
ans, of MCKillop, hes passed away, at
the age of 57' yeaes. The deeeasel had
been ill for over two years.
Mrs. Peter Roes, of the 9th conces-
elan- of 1ficKillop, lies passed over to
the olleet emajority, at the early age
of thirty Tears. Aire. Ross succumb-
ed to ain attaelc of inflammation of the
lunge. She leaves a family of four
Seafortie April 21, 1882.
by Bei. Birles, Mr. George Bowels'
to lites Margeret Dale, ail of Hullett.
R Shea, Mr. Dineen McDonald, of
Hibbert, to Mos Catherine McMillan,
Fall wheat Ira quoted oh the Seam
Oath market at $1.26 to $1.80 a bushe
The following' Officers have been el-
ected b. connection witil the Seafo'rth
cricket club : President, P. H.Ohnes
ted 1st vice, J. H. Banana 2nd vice,
R. 3. Girdlettotte.: treasurer, Nr. 0
Caused by Une Acid in Blood and
Can Only be Cured Through
the Blood
arm WON.
ilot many years ago doctors
though rheumatism was only Elk local
; ceueed by exposure to cold or
wete Now they know. that rheumatism
is caused by the blood becoming taint-
ed with uric acid. Tele acid contracts
ene/es nerves. Then the cold aed
wet ma -k the johate and mueclee groan
the weether, but the real cauee
acid the blood. If not promptly
treated, the stiffness spreads and the
laiain grove w-orse each year until you
aee -a heirless cripple, tortured day
and night. If the dieease touches the
heart it means sudden death. ' You
can't' cuee rheumatism with liniments,
Timbers or hot, eloths. You must go
to the root of the trouble inetheblood.
The one sure, scientific way to cure
rheumatieen is Dr. -Williams' Pink
'Pills, because they actually makenew
bloed. They sweep out • the poisonous
acid, locsm the Joints and muscles,
and bring ease andteeedom where be -
_fore had been pain and misery. ,
Mrs. Fred Sabeae, Canada. Meek,
'says: -Three yeara ago I wee
taken with a eavere pain in my right
hip. It grew gradually worse until it
finally oettied in both ray hies and
leas. The 'pain was Teeny almost un-
bearable. At first 'ttied foot drafts
and liniments, but this gave me only
the most temporaey relief, and I felt
ale if I wale to -go through the 'rest of
my life as a suffering cripple. A neigh-
bor Whose daughter ihad been curedt
ol. r'heurnatiern by Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, advised me to try this medichn.e,
and I tpurchaised three boxes. Before
they were all gone - was able to
°get my foot up on. my knee and untie
my Oboe, something I had not been able
to do for twe years, and t began to
feel I had at latet found as medicine
to eve the trouble. I kept on tak-
ls10 the Pills until bad used, I
think, a dozen boxes, when wee
completely cured and I aen ae midi
striating. to-dey as ever I was In my
that Dr. Willhoes' Pink Pills are ,e.
sure cure for rheumatism, and that
if they wine give this medicine a fair
trial, their pane and aches will die-.
appeat- as mine did,”
Said by all I'medicine dealetis or by
=all at 50cents a box or six boxes
for $a.60 fram The Dr. William(
Viedielm CO, Breqt.valte Ont.
action or .your Money Back.
f Our New Dry Goo
r day, February 19th 1909
FVERY CORDIALLY INVITE fot, ind,every lady
in this vicinity to attend' the format opening
of our New Dry Goods Department in onr North Store
•whicli has, at a gieat expense, been. entirely rem_Odelled
an4extended fer your convenience and comfort. We
invite 'you to -Call and inspect a, 'stock fre4h from the style
centres of the world. New in quality, new in ideasoiew
in style, new in pricel„ up to the -Minute in every .detail
- and unquestionabb-r, the ,graOdest - exposition of author*.
tive styles in all- new ioods ever displayeA in Seaforth
A stock that is beaming, gleaming,, ..brigist with
newness,' embodying all the very latest _idea& the up.toi.
date styles, the season's; best patterns and th'-e most mod.
ern color effects all at the loirest possible price.
A Princely Array of
Dress Goods.
The exquisite creations now as-
sembled in.our dress goods'department
merits, your closest attention. n is a
showing that sparkles iith the highest
conceptions that will be presented this
season. To catch a glimpse of these
beautio-as fabrics makes you not onl
admire but desire. To attempt a de-
scription would be useless, but if you
want something really handsome, do
not page them and be sorry,
Famous Underskirts
Hyde grade Underskirts possess
all the •clainty richness and the same
feathery lightness of fine silks and
retina, but far surpass them in wear.
Brilliant variety of new Embroide
inity, and is most fascinating. Never
were embroiderys more beautiful, more
unusual things; all the new different
widths of edgings which will be used
for summer wear.
Latest Novelties in
Ladled' Smallwares
In the Ladies' Smallware Depart-
ment you will find all .the very latest
creations in up-to-clate toggery, Noth-
ing but 4that is absolutely new New
starched embroideries and collars, new
designs in ladies' belts, and Kleinert's
favorite suSpenders.
Advance showing
Spring Novelty Wash Goods
The display of- fine wash gooas
more beautiful this year than ever be-
fore. Thera are so many new ineva-
tions and reeent styles that can only
be found in a newly purchased stook
like ours. It is impossible to graPp the
significence of this exquisite cellection
without seeing it. Here are a few new
arrivals' of the choicest and dahitie
was], fabilies -L. will be fag ionable
during th,
Checked a d Bar Kadin
Striped Linen Suitings,
and attractive
Colored in n' Crashes autifat
ovelty Silk Mixed
teal defliV113
Smart. Mercerized Po p
leading eolors
New Printed Madras, tylis
Have You the. Oo ec
For the new style ROWB.S. Prob.,
ably not. Few fo-rms are n turally
adopted to the new style gowns; but
every woman's form can be greatly im
proved by the right kind of corsets, the
one particular model that eorrects the
little imperfections of your figure.
The Crompton Corsets are c
ceded to be triumphs in artistic m
elling. Without discomfort or distort.
ing the figure, they give the hig' le bust,
long hip effect demanded by fashions
latest productions. ,
Prices 50c to $3.25
Stewart Bros, Seatorth.