HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-02-19, Page 14P 3 Y IYISAIR A 1WP Nummalt 1231-419 FE"RIJARY` 19t 19090 FRID.&& -hafi De. -a he Sabbath Plaining and Engineer Kennedy liave
The Seaforik)fs Curse. no maction. ofiould be given by Ctown in, its, grAnt ibis School, Christian Endeavor, W.P.M.S. already been committed for trial
There are - two ior three sources from etmek - , Of Do" Yea ever Need chaT*
V title on which ou'r- town of. Seaforth Is said the Treasurer were arefully -pre-, almilaT haxg.i�% and
to his "'gether, unwarranted ad- -can , stia to,liave derived Its "anvej but Which optidn 6f 'the Urt -honored dedgnaH any Engraving paTed, =d ve'r',,encouraging. TAe 1w, —The iexrAo,_4wn of a gas6line lenghm
oftant line evex one* Is correct, there ca,n -be no tion -of uackqnzie, of Kintan. This diep *provided 9, lunch which vnis par- weebed John Thonayson's Urge grist
Uncertainty. about the fact that It takea oT atter business was dle,posed I In Villave Of
;xoved egecW Sir .Jazmes originated from $6ttiaft'6ourcee.- In ed the atYle ot Wckoh7Ae of Kintall, When you do, — to know of, �ftd wao a _,.rleasant feature of the the southern part f Prince Edvmrd
with Pi I, iY view of this, tho follo Scottim[h h1s- abd contented hihnoelt with that of Wing meeting. exietly where to go is one county, Tuesday morning. The built.' -
we take: from a kenzte of Glen Muick. MUM did not toTy, Which recent of the little thhigs that 1'edgens Brov., who have been Ing caught f Ire =d ww co, samied to
York Trib will lZovent hir�, however' from are worth knowing, We
carrying n a dry goodA business In the foundatiarm% with a low ot ever,
lasue _t tile New u1ne, 4.4 4W tw In"re -piAlcularly as ma-ify of
at, ably using tho twtan of the Mhcken., are always glad W ser' ve die $3,49. A laA named Petersun wa
ve (Mnt gillice August, 1895, ha zie of Kintall- -not only for -him own you in this way � _%
the are,familiar as as in pooed f their stock -to j. W. New- atainding by tile engine at the bm of
w. ear de Ievery other. Any style of aind Tozer & Bxown, the
rict: w d for thwt of his 'retalneris OF the nami�p_ d -places Ila tble ftt anlv-tm* the eXploolon and was terribl eculded- Ae At - thp goldon weddl4g of Mr. d but sho - for- he wall decoratloins,the lettering, or *any article ter zak.n� the carpets. 11odgew Brea. when the water tank's boUJz-
eon.+ W. Hatch, =nglnsm and mm lor the very car-( that's eugrayeable. The aTe mon of enterprise. progresslvenezr3 tdntis was spilled over him. He is ial
kits. R. �,W. Arbuthnot, of Fla
of war . -h f 0- I n SN, " --I, I rets of ihin vpvrinim hn, jin Apnt_�, mna+ .1 Vi vy -+I,Y ejoed #.!IV a very cC_tL1U;U Volnu.Luva. men WO �Sueh ha lend, 90preover, he jaucceeded In re- da'Y, at thdr Jondon houise, in Curzon tioning—a few cents likely rkne-et and cont1donce of -the commixn., tried to Vut the fire out am ba:dlr, -in most- cases. tainIng the Vrn)0rW_ 'bearin w h etrc�et. the tnonagnarla�n mother of the go ble Ity. The. naine Hodgens as been as-. buzne�..
M of nw golden, bride was present. The won- he obtafted Immediaiely on hie Teturn welated witaf 'the dry goodis buslne93 —The mo
900OU t ]shocking story of jat
old 'My. 'have a very a indis, and which dertul Mro. Philip A; irm. I In Clinton iFAnce 1866, When the father human treanvent f a wife ever heard
at-rdther la td !sole surviving ch mairkied Teminblance' to those (A th e ct tbA Wears. Hodgens Bros. becam told Monday,
Ild e In a London court. wal-_ of the il�n. Mra. Sltewwrt Mackenzie, b&xk0nZ1eW Of Kintail, associated with the late Richard ir- morning, when neighbor charged
do h n Eul"er lWho, as the lioaded lassie from the WJin, ttO Wm title being Irwin and DaziJAII' Cu. tin, laborer, with cruelty.
IMMOSTOW PROSPECTORW Blaist,,' uceeeded:.to he estatea of the Hodge!m In 1882 Mv Hodgens moved Curtin, It wao ohown, carne 11ome early�
lak'ta.Tl of Sewfnl'th Yhii6zrntij1n Fho 1MIrirrulaynm Jewellet, Seaforth I to Ph hi-, a tem, rvntiAlshing touch upon the famouscurse later he died. He wm one of Ing wife from the house hi -her bare which,had been -placed upon the lords the most r,,rogressive ot early biial- feet and only a night robe on, The
Natew By the Way. of Semfotif more thain two hundred'
unsafe for ravl. we took the wadn men Of Clinton. weatheT was treCWng cold. The wom-
YftTo previously. . During the qb�en_ tall from Lobotic through a very fine —An Ottawa deopatelf nVakes the fal- an waO taken In"iby thie neighboTas -alld,
F.ry Vail U La jp the enteenth century the Cdunteas of Sea�- A, ftutwtion conelating of Mlessrs. wooded country, comprised of owing 'reference to a former Clint -on eared for, a d '�vAl a re�ult of
and. McKay stafted 0 'he 'regulax monthly meeting forth of 'the dayI'Irritsted at sDm Hunter ople-T, ppruce and lack pine, to Cat boy : At t
the exposure and compilcationo. curl uTleaftnt emark or prediction which the 111th of Jh�haTy on a tour of In- 'City ;sto.Lping place. This p.Tetentious of the bxecu'tiTe of the Clvll��Servlce tin Wao remanded for L-entRilce. local roVhet, known an the to the ..far away Mcleod City ig wholly owned by a rather ec- Amoclation, the T.Tesident, Mi. J. A. —After wreAtlin th
varle g wi tir pre to
b- m
r District and as a resume of their cOntric old gentleman, who, for want Dayon, on behalf of. the inside set - of locating the newly Incorpor-ated, v 13,Tahlar Seer, bad made(concemIng her,' RIve
-Interesting to of *ter aBsociatiam aleeps witil a vice presented Mr. Robert H. Coats, lage ot Tavistock. t mat, t of caused !hIm. toe burned, during tbe Investigations, may be Jae R Stree
mid abWnce of her husband. While tied youT, numerouS readers, we submit the Y . of the t10 He inform- EW`rctar cat on odther f#de of him. assocla t, with a which hab heretofore been the dkvld�-
to the stake- the Br ween Oxford and
a;han. 13eer laid a following "Nobea by the Way," giving ed Ufa that wiftout their compmny he handsome gold Watob and dhaln. Tnl.o ig ounty, Iltie bet
.4t all. During 01, r WINS accompanied �y an address appre- -%'ctb, the Provic I lover t' ve.,
cuToe upon the 11luatrius ad ancient (mr ir4iamdons of the resources of could not gifte la C nroen ha
-rtb, Whose, estates ex- "that gart of the country through which f0W 41OUTO 'rest'he wax -ed eloquent on ec ded in 0 d* r e ON T imagine for one moment that you'r house of' Seato -clatie of tdo w&k an. behalfof the finally d , I xf-or is tavo . Tn
e tended clear, across Scotland fr9mft we have travelled. Securing a ismrt geology aInd theology, atTiving, to con- civil service.
Reference In particular Successful county 'had the lwgeet
this too late. to pick �Ip -some of the snaps of -to on, -rToptie -ponleA democat sleigh and Vey to our. jrAndm that he. wp a veri Ima de to this work fa eMnedtion haxe of Tavletock's assesonr-ni; and
-aying he downfall of team of tH p ma he y stocked with clothing and. pro- Lble CM"Ius. He very kindly gave us *h the memorial from the Aesdella- the cenal busbness - rt -1 of the the:f4ujily alnd'decla.��,g that ampl, wit X-C 10.
out biz salew Hundred's of excpptionall curim should' Ust, 'for seven genera- vioua,..wve started from Edmonton -4 W 00 0, 1100V of !;dbW—*nd c tion to the Royal CornmWon on the village I&Y Wi� Its bounds� FltrrWs.-
at hZrged
tton%-- during Which o on th;e three-..orclock, -a;rrlvimg at Sr-rueeGrove' WlndjWr Hotel rates in the morning. civil aoxvice. claims v*Te baeed on
n ot P*pulatlon and
good things -ve here yet awaiting delivery Mbdkenz" that might. Th hotel is kep by a '%--q maintal-ued that inee j=Zje, -.agt should ever succeed ble le G. T. M. no jnak,_ fath�� German and thid guen�_-s comfort Is the can"&. Ideatial wea wao -in the northvvefftera the wwlst"hey to some enterprising shopper. -the proprt6tor. Cohtiued next week-.) lie exclalmed: "I W a chief the first c000lderw0on of dhhsan, a brIll1ant young '0011htY-
last of Ibis bous% both deaf nd dumb. The me a e lb! ta a -1c4imilic student of ea[ey 0olleg, -�,Josep Kelliher t t rr e t coontry inLervenini, as welL as
Ile wJlI IiJUow hk tbxee fair ame to wound Spruce Grove, Is &od and as wm the Rhoden ac0awiship While a %xismer in the lockup at 1ort
to ' —Um. R. A. Moore, ot Clinton, !has -w-innipec, E19111. Friday night. His body was- tomb,. and will d* knowing tbat the buildings "d lmr.-TovpmeO 6ho' iOd 'her* cottage in that town to Mr. After all 'tis -only the peoplie who get up and the b6norm of his line wUl 40 ex- heA already piassed the pione,6r. stage. C. Hawke. —A young Engliahm= was arrested tQM OUt AWUt 2JO Welook tUt
go that derive the real benefit of our sale tlruiohed: forpver, and Ithel remnant of Leaving Vher In � the ,monning we �ara, —Wr. 1111am Argent, of Clintoo, an Tuee&7 t jona, by the county con- Ing, buTned me 26 to,* unrecognizable. 618 �remeesalons shall be ldherited by rived at Mount-Fl*asant for noon sad died in that -town on F.r1da, Febru, stable, charged with being responsibte He had bm Pirrested -on a chare ot a Wblfbe ooded laside Vom, he East, � from them to Lac St.' Ann We the Ty r illnesm. tor the dotruct _dllbert�s be -Ing drun-k nd diwrdarly. FLUnes.
announcements. a, )th, a' Lq of Ira and OW Js to kill her Water. As a .ulght. The country by the w9y'lerol- 'Clintm organ fagtory hetd of cattle at ingal, by thrusting a. w8re eem Issuing from the celt W1 dow —The Is o p Yone 1hrig and very pictureaque, - so 'rushed With orders that the staff Is
LAR 001ar'WhIdli It may. be known tbit ecially w Ohlaxp-Instrument 4wn their tbroata. later� but before an could thw things ATe come to �,Paw,' there- in the vicinity of Wabarjan Lake, but —Dr. -Tessier, a well tunate ma be . WAIS dei4 T working over time. _JonowA plysle- the unfor lairda I will be four great the� darts a little too Tough for'r grain growing. tah of TeaxAer village, near &wkatoon, NW'hm t&ken -Out -there ww a handcuff-,
—Mr. Lawrence Pearen, cot Wing.- :of the lapt ffeafofth,,naimely, CWrloch, In the hi-ture It may, be good for �-hamt h-90 purc`hii*d -Wini. *h beal-s big name, -&ttenXpt,- On the WrIsL It is 1preau
med that In;
hi nAreds of- SaAt.. whid wal'Aff Of' 9- 0 oft Dnrin the 14st week or two, u raz
.9 McCla;rty's- ChWm, Grant and R Y, of whom Ing'oT sheap ranching. ed 03ulcide -In a [hotel thwe on - Tues, -sDnle In"Uner the InkfrCes on which
md From Stony fa'rW,. It. Ea"t -Wawamooh. the pT.1wnr. was JyjnRcaught Ere. I+
one shall e buck toot -bed, one 1haTe Plain wd:rov over'the grade of the —Duncan Bla:ckl ot Themajon, -da;y by cutting hip thz%*t. I-10 vAll "dollars of. money saved have gone 'into the - Al- one Ulf witted and noth" a Grand,Trunk acific toVabana,n Lake probably itecover. Is thought Kelliher smothered todeatM 90ma, has bMn visiting. friends in fore his body vas found. He; Wag stammerer. And when be lookal around and were duly iml:res(aed. with the —Mr. Tomais M. Borne, for, any 'bel
the very best Morrie mn:l Grey townahirs.
and sees them hd may know that :Jais at pendaus magnitude and substa;ntlal about 25-yeave of age amd -had con,
u Years mainagei at, the Walker House, _e -
Th -q Rbsqa Kercs;ntile- comany awe are doomed to death, thWL hls mannem In Which the oad bed -Is con- cvt Win gh he home 1 of ble als, I Om months ago.
Toronto. d11E4 at Ir uelph some am, entertaIntil their staff of
—That Bill Mimer. the notorlom des -
LAR clothink and furs that m6 buy.' brokd lands'shall,pase aay, to -thO structed through this wild aind br;Dk- oney can W. . In that city, on S�turday last. Mr.
twenty to a pkatIng T.&Tty one even- Boyne wan Wide,
strainger, and that his race shall come - en country. The, grade of -the road, Ing r�mjitly roughomt Verado, and bandit who eq�wped 1rom
y known th
to &a end.,, wVY on, t6p isat lemt,twent feet and the coutry by the travelling,pubUc the B11tish two�,,
as isold his one
-The last Earl of'Seaforth, borni 14 paa6ea over some very heavy cuts a d hund Nat �h 'Mra. Christina Row, rellet of the Y'ealla -%90, V la Wooft�tock for tur" rod acre tarm on the second con -
her d talln.., T'he jZ01joe latLMori
to 11Z. Sparks, of - Ab,*_ i
1764,. although he -became deat mad iWings. In fact it Is tb:e best oa- ceggon Of Stgnly� late -William ROW, died at tho
hojjrwf or - four e;ys 1%31. Aumer is 1;retty neat For the next week we will 'Make a special dumb, was a man of grekLt abldity, a w -&,y we havek seen ter, Kim Marlon Row, ijo;j- t vpr wild would aT the 13roitson Line. _U us as a well adviaed precau- don, the other evening, after an Ili- w%V mou 'he Man got 'Vat sholflder as frl&ld of Sir -Walter Scott; raised & ;eaf W led,- but t
—William and Robert DouglaA of
DASH to clear up odds' and. :ends at the regiment, becalne a lieutenant. general tion for the wiving of ex;enwa in the nem extending o4r severl weeks. tM elty. before tie Identit-T coultl be. d, aleeveg. Moris Walked One and three-quarter f of ft wmy, and- was made Govern- way of astablished- The otber day aricture
alloWi OnSL repairs In the future. The mileR tO JaInift Hall's bu*ih and eug ten MM' Rom was 92 years ld, and can* tnree�s grew read bed Is.also drained to perfection �Or& of wood In eight hours.* to this country from Scotivn& For' Of Maer. w-bich s:Tpewred In th4rnDrn, ng prices or of Barbadoes. His
to malnihood. and,ho-had six daughters.- and theme draAns are a great- benefit many yeam dhe lived near St. Mh Ing papeM vv79A _�OWW_jj the man 2:t
Althougl be saw' hTound him the tour t_0 thillo:aItle�zi thTough wluch the road —Mr. and Mrs. M. Gibson, of near —A child of Mr. John Bro r7s. whom y1ace he boatdRd - vttle In Wood- LLAR lairds with the -respective Wirtnil' &01catoon, a�-e,spendlng a few-.week,3 WAP a
Uea passes. farmer living near n vAth. the latWrlss liarents, Mr. alid Mrs. 'Flefterton that � the Seer of Brabain had fom- , The St, ATi hotel, the laist'on the out of Its Carriage and digooZW Its neath the icture
t Robert Elliott, ot the 00fiften lle,. he rec*snIzed it ft�.
told, �he refused td believe in the curse ay, In kept by . genial gen 'Aeek mefttely -as that of the trainger h rat Lawn Waists- 50- Men's Ove're-oats half price leman ---;--TOhh Fra�er� eldest son o- MAI_ The mother, Who Was Chu a
t until 'his thee Bons had died sudden calked M*r;. ChImbbim. ,who keeps afIrst cDlm p_r.aser, of'the second concession gave It a ainalL kitten, to play witit. 11ad 'acommodated -a-beat the jot- rontf, _Uek& "he b bes o od as The. kitten Jumped away from the ly Within a ahart time. Towards claEs 'house wit he last August. een Ill In the Guelph
t f accOm a of G ey, b b clas The child, 1nd it wtterropting to pt it agafn _71"s -alre being laid for the ixtu.
40-, Pieces Small Furs te ot hip life his affairs - became tibn for ttie travelling public. howita with an attwk of ap ,ion- Iong tack -e- *rlbly embaramed, amd-he was fore- ho is modious and clean.� and tbo —Ilnjsrec t6;T . Beardmore, pendleltia the ccident occuTred. The bab b
tei uee allmual
aAqttet of t1le'Caln e W" adlan Club
ed to mell hie. Xinta11 estw.�s. He. died bill of fare to excellent. The ba:rns Of Ottawa, eleven nmths ld and an only child of Ottawa,. Which Wit . -tnake this jevt)nt
wao tin Goderih recently jnspectlng
10- doz. men9s winter 'Underwear �Ia 1815, ala lagv-ff atnd will statble forty-six, the� Gowrament life'savin station,ond --t-A'good owm ot'eoia was serack on* oex,06,pffonal Interest -to all who, Af ter bla deth his eldest daugh- -horges with facilities for f�eding, wat- fownd' everything in the farm of Mr.. V. Toraltm of Vaditer, take T -132t thOein', The gathering of
tw- the wife of Admiral Sir. James -ering.. ietc, not oden. found ln a new charge of Cartaln D. McKa:y-. I go' Manitoba. This Is the ofwnd u-,fte the ,club on tW'S'00C.9.81 q wnI he 141d' Heie Suits, 9�od came from the East Indies,- ntrY. The large number who gat_ _no
's. W & 'tor
to Con valuable mkwral Ila this Province UL"hOnOr Of the our illiam RIM, wife of the late. jortnight, theOther being meMbeMof the firat take tosseWon of the remainder of ronize this hostlery is sufficient proof &bottt
TWilliam Ridd, VA, forn-*rly of WXng ten miles -west of Winnipeg, Where Parliament, otthe he gestorth estates, slid While driv- of the'ropularity of the proprietor. We m, di d on Mr, eleven inpumber,of whom, en Ing liar, 'younger mister ina. pony also 'had tha pleas Lt ha, e in T�x to reendy.
Airs = s heavy pant Hn Wia , nd btro. Ridd lett winghain aDnr fair q-tialitY f Ug-nite was unexrthed,. it Is 'expected that t least eight w
we di , I h are of' mee tin g o r a
h the. cantle -grotrnle fTiend, Mr. Gunn, Hudwn Bay and cartlage throug
Waist tu Stock— —A eT 0nadjW'*bjD are to be�
Yea,M *ago. The remal�ns were nine'Will be able to atfe-nd. The old -
taken myisterlous diaease 1has broken mgnaged to overturn the trap In such land office agent here with Whom we to Wdngam for Interment. out in war Mtonxreaa. The
'30 Ladies CoAs a way that ber adster'had lier nepk ej�ent some pleasant hours s, he re- .—Rev. W. H. ]gutt is Iih-at every gw—. aTe like typhoid fever. but thull h0h(Med a1e: Sir ffAcke1hyje ,itting,in Yrpptow , T'ur brokerr on the,,spot. lated to uo mminlacences of early -;Ion- Wxona term; at Centralia. At a board its inot. The tongues ot th6 Bufferers el _Per, f;* Richard'
The Hooded Lae&e f'rom t' r'llfe. FGur dozen men's Wint6r he Eat. Cie InOeting recently 'he was Moot Cordj&1_ swell and blacken, Out of nlne�hun_ CatwfIght, 1ran. EdYA-rd lalak, -Slr� Ot. Ann the
JOI 0"ling, HOfi. -ID'hP- CoStiggalp
rom We lef following mO'r.11- ly and unanimously Inited to retu drd or a. population n
lAdy Hood, "the Ho6ded! Lage f ninty are Ill
Ing and drove to Mount -View on the for a thhd year, thus aind th7_�Ele have d!ed. All doctora are Han. enatOr Wdilianl*M1118. Uon. Sen -
the East." married as her aftondhus- klinz a seven
Stu'rgeon River at the ealst end ofAhe yftW taito�r M& a low as to the na!�tj" or cause ator Ron% ERM. A. -an ovs rfA ta)ad the Right Hon..Janvep Stewan�,t, L the same charge One dozen inen's d b Reefe te oin
theA of the sixth Earl of G&M- topping of the. d1wase. ClOE"n, Hon- J9Tnes YOULng, 'of Son Island Lake for dinner. This a tL Which 18 Tather unusual 'in Xetho�- way, a;nd took Ibla naup, adW to her -Plus Is kept by a Una. Ward and he djam. Mabel Blanche lgates� the t,%v year. and Sir Jainez ;Grant, ow accomodation is good. -The country Is old daughtfr of Mr. EdWad B&tMWho n -n Jacket maidn name, diopping her title —The upreme ow-l't met at ttams
Two dozen mt s Cardiga' 8 �J. R. Boadman, of Ne* York, In -
Hood altogether. By thLe rolling, some very good. land, near St. ternationaA secretary *of County Y. m. reddes in the Y, I Frlda�y moning for'delivery f dg .
of Lady .11age at Rosiln, met ID , ju mLvrrlage with Jan" Stewart Macken- -Ann,. -but not gneral, being broken C. A. ,Work, and C. M. Coil -and, - of with. a 1horrible dftth on Ttuinaday.The ments. in cw,gTIO v6- the Donilmlorr, k with SlWanT14. e then dovethrouh 'ere little Mea mother had ilaced
en!s and women s knitted- coatt zbe� who was ho turn. overnor of Cey- Toronto, w in Goderich the Sunday uport thO Voeal wam 4lionwed witb -act of, fairly good land on the floor padl containin boiling Vhie cRwa very largenount Is in_ 81,_5 Jon and Lord High Commissioner of a 8hoT t t before the holding of the Y.N.C.A.con- In
"the Hooded Lassie the abore of Waad Lake and ovr'ft vention in Wingham and addressed the water, and whilst her attention, was volved, 1d1uftC.rM eu.nuitlea unt
1 off the Ionian Islands,, Nevil Fur Coats -3 from the East" hAd a numiW, of chil- for 14 miles to Peter Greys stoping cOngr-eg4lons of the ethodist end diverted far a m1nate or two thebab itg to $7-99,000 j;aId by tb-e boiniml
place. This Is a beautiful lake accidentally fell into the jail ad The Domlnion broagbt Action ti-, ha'Vne'
ften, her eldest h i a -t Bapti-at chucjjes�
the nonagenariam Mrs, Philip *nstruther, bounding- with fleh. The iscenery Its �Lajat wqek Mr. D. Cantelono of Clin WaJS t-05TAbly scalded. A few hours. af- Ontarjo, declared Uable 1br ttle fine, Winnen'SL Fur Jackets' and another daughter the wife of -the hl'94 wooded banks Atnd several b0l' the 4Md died. ties and t1je otb tn OWPped 87 bogs from the Clinton er cansidaations In-
wcona rd Ashburton. Its ztatlon. Their aggregate weight wag tSe taking o�ver of I small islitdo dot the ,surface of —There assed away In the HOUM 11fa
of Refuge t Belleville Tharisday morn- jjdjffro�
The "Hooded Ltwge's" eldest eon watera. In fact wle know of no better 18 620 poirnon, for- Which he paid $1,-K landis under the Nbrtbvest Angle treaty-
locatio, for a 1wailtarium than, an thO 22�,65, On aveVage of $1411 per 1669, Dominion in the - the No' S' In 'h'a EMCbeVer 0DUrt, Judge- WomejiA(fur4ined Jacket WaS Keith Stewart Afackenziej who ing erhapo the dideat resWat of WWlted the remnants of her prop- Ph(ne OfL thiS lake. the 11n,& of the The largest 'load brought la ww�from eriwn of iWilan, Per- BUTbldge declared the D(>Mjn1M entjtl_
It prty, a:ndls son, Colonel James Stew- Grand Trunk Pacific runs clooe, to Mr- . leatley, consisting twelve rian. He, was borif In the cifty of ed to recover from ortario tbeumlt
be of
Men's and Un18'L Sweaters rt 5(ac enzie, faimerly �cornmwndlng aind doubtleis there will poikers, for which be received $150.75. Quebec Ill Yeal's aigo, but for the to- be aweiWted later. ont_-a�Tjo
a etalloa near It. The laind in fron-4 the the cracl? cem Is greater pirt of is.life lived at Y&T- -pealed froin, the deckdph
I regiment of -9th Lan Fisher, of near Benmillei, brought a�nd� the Iudg--
shore is good, slightly -rolling forsome moTa village, but the 'rast few y4mrs met wax In fAVOT tjlle no�v known as "Seatorth" ever ywiere hIA lead the longet distance.' I vevince, Heavy Smockis an'd Overalls' 'he Is distance, then flat.and 'level. On our —Angus McNevin, a 14mer -employee In Thulow town,,Nhip. , Up till, his. The a�pped jja Mot onj north of the Tweed, although. dan deathhe etaded all his facultim He the uriginal action. , y but
inefte. a'Macyenzie of Seatorth only tbro' arrival at the Greys ce of the of the municipal waterworks. plant, in 0
ugh never uzed glasses %,qd wap Of the Domini breeds wats in progro6�w nd it Is Go'derich, died laot week. 'Mr. Me -
the female line; that la to say,� a. great diftnissed ith, coqLa.
through bie grwrxdmother. lbe� mar- need -leas to say we enjoyed ourselves. Nevin was In bis 49th year, and about smoker. He was a bachelor. 'eiriz, Of AIM
an C6r&"- ried L MIM 1137teIkopff, the -immensely I Uad quite a chat with - the old - queen, a year ago had a stroke . of, -par —A petition of ov three housand dropped dead Monday whfie,
Talated to me with a -0 the Alin- openilIg a tm . , . ever wealthy heiress of that Anglo-Germa,n_ gumG-Of aly4s. He is suvvived by three'broth. names will be presented t 'etinj in tile ethodst
pride, her exploits in her yodthful leter of Justice in two week -s, :time, church there., Hq million4-ire, E.' Steinko ff, - who: was erg4 besides, his wu airld a family Of Wh
p is _a W days in the hunting field. She also three- oons end one dught I er. The a0king for the release of joseph Phil- 0 a,,
A. discount of one-third' to one7half thi Toprietor of the London St. had Just begun a congratu-
11fa fr tne- Klingst,on penitentiary, latorry addrem wher, I -wee
Jamo ehowed me 4pecimens of her-handiwori ec GM
gg at all time-%- Gkzette," the owner' of -the d eaoed Nvao a memberiof the Sons of
to Of -he. 'a serving a tve YaFTtell -Zt&99zr end fall ;1attorm. A;olfta-rls' water concern and the In the clotbing line, the a4o-nnment Scatland and the Orangemen. where
on all winter wear'ables' fTtend,'of - Wermick. which, with beads -ond fancy trlm- —Mr. Henry Stokes� agricultural for th6'fsdlure f the York I-ioan A--isoclatlon. According T. . he T
migs, would be hard to shrress. Fran- superintendent of th Wallaceburg to Cf wm a r1ed to -the lecture romn,.
Klutall belohga to-dAy to -another 00'Int-Y P"r-ens 'ruHhcd tO his 90-Sishance and cis eareclaaly distinguished blm.c3elf in Robinette, KC., -who istaTted the pe- Company, waa In ClInton'recent.
-Mackenzie, - who has no connection Sugax ,here Dr.
of every sort". ac the dance, although one foot abowed ag Clark Projwunosd blmad. whatsoeyer with th6'Seaforth IN. - ly, a,n'd, amalsted by Mr. W'. Gfa;h-am, tltl(>n in Circulation three M01iths 0, Daith Mrs.
Methodist tra.lt_q;, - 'Iviac wais due
the moot I;Tomilnent shareholders have
nla4e the WRO engaged In wol�king up acreage fteven)s atd her aughtec were In
e ToWard the middle -of Queen Vjc_- violin ring and Hunter !jrved m`4 othe Company, which recently pur- 4gned the request for releame. the audlence and the eudden eath of professionai c4lie off. —A
o Eng coriatch tram Magara, on Tues-'
toria 4gh tl�ere Teturned -�d the 'r Stf nT" cceA.-dned ChaEk Plant of the DeTlin Sugar MAYO -good deal
land ft-orn India a Scoteban kowa Leaving the Grey'is next morning, C�om an y. M -r. Graham wilt ha -v day says: Crossilng from the mainland Waq� _.
P Of exciteinent. The- aud we "treked" jo Pembina by wa;y of Itelice _4 ais Mackenzie- although, ace6rding -to ch '9-9 �of the acreag In Huron, Perth to Luna 14a;nd on the Ice 0rusted rockj3 miWM immediately. Mayor St.
Rl - Yens
t�e Jordan 'river and Squaw- Lake to of the Tier bottom Everett m n, ma!ny, bils, original T.,atronymic had and Bruce. 4L
d up. the TIgbt of way to piembin Who wU0 65 YftTs old, was a barrUtep, o elect from, yon'll have no been Tompson, who had, made an an Albert Thureoht amd 0. I -F. -Webber ac- Wad ow of the nx)at
11 AV a- —One af ternoon last week, as An- r he land and -timber I and a -me other men �Ihed a feat this fternoon th;vt 08 In p prominent Xer_
the Along the grade t gul:� Cam-pbel COMP11 enormo)is fortune hy trade In it Elgin: This was big f I -T.;,
Orient. He Is said to have been re in the
the is fine, slightly Tolling. The timber were enirloyd n the bunh on p. Am haO nevM. been done tefo
ng most difficulty in makii satisfactory choice year In the ioffIe of ma!70r, Deceawd
original 6 poplar of thp kind for ent'B fa-r1n, lrjth concession, -Gre, the y Or man- This is the first time 1Mvk43,:a mddOw� two aga and -a &ugt_ f Thackeray�s "Altamont, allas Amory,"',, the - rej;-resentativel of he raper -pulp The Grand Trunk Pacific, former bad hie left aind taught be- that ;Emy pmwft as suc bar. 11 7:�.O L in any of the above' mentioned lines. The NaWab of Lucknow In "Plendennis.', 1p building* a very h4gh bridge of tw eon two log�,, �esultlug in, the brftk- ill lcrOOAng from the malnla!nd to, Ihe
L. WIlka, of -Settling down in his !native Scoth grea ruj0kgtojft e
ind, . t length t the end of Squaw Ing of the necond 'and third fir. 10laind by &bW ea)ns fban. b
first to com e will have the best choosing. Ile amed the 30,4000 acre estate Ijak% work On Which la� now in -;ro- gers' ft a, bridge. Park, Gait, M-0 Wn k,,,,, of He has suffered -considerable f rom
tinancial 1;0d Kintall,pand onhe strength of this 8TMM -nd wil 1 be Inica- —The 941, baA IVen out the tollovAng, wn,� the InJured member a -outlook for the Niagara reaccti out of deebt, and, he styled himself Mackenzie of Kin- FaumAg onwa,rd over -the lofty banks ratit,%ted from active work for oome crbl: this YeaT Is very poor, accord- Ilounemnent-, XM Hetty Greep., Nevv.,
A -
will give, Y(yr-1c, aMnOUMM the engaVrrjent of tall.. This Infuriated all good Scotch- of -the Pembina TiVer, we arrived at time Ing to the leading fruit groweraL This bor offly daughter, V_
_ja a,
rainy day.—Divislon- men and led to bitter denuclationa of St. Lamberts, the next stopping place. —Af ter for 10'duja to the changeable Weather off to Mr. being In failing.hes(Itli I Matthew Astor Wilks, New Ybrk,� vid- re am Wednesday of usuryation of this historie designa- The lond &round Pembina end between the pant two months, Thainaa :El thO TA13t lew weeks, a Gad snap bav
eget Wn f the late Xerjaew WIlka, waa a Ilat deaket_- 1&11�*hest Price for Butter ana Eggs. tion, both In socletyl,and In 'the press. th&t -r1ace aind St. Lmmberts Is good, Vn old resident of 19brrIe6 died recent- trig 161lowed T-erlod of mild weatt Cruloketaij ftfk, Gait ontr
whG haa b;ee-W He turned a'deaf exr, lbowever, to the 0119.4fly Tolling, well timbered "d ly; in hie 73rd year. Pneumonia and eOr. According to -one grow-eri fully Hetty (;reen, C o -n the 13ronsoo matter util -he waa crenited a bar- watered. Leaving St. llamberts� we Ierzasing years, WaI3 the calusef his ninty per cent. of the peach crop has ftugh r a tow
-Orile 0 Re te, ed is, seld to - W tW Icheat
d' to Detro L--tNF-Mlet anet. passed thlrough -a rather broken coun- demlae. Mr. Ellis waz a native of be0n already dRotrayed, and It is ea-
woma;m-In. the United Statcw,- and-rrolo� walk one da -m4- are usually ;LecoMpanled try to Lobatic Lake, a fourteen �nlle County Cavan, Irelani, and came to Wrted th&t. should the teft4erature fialf
ZY urm had tbet by a t#rritortal designation, andhen drive, over Which, with the thermom� Canada In 1868, and locat, ed near B.Lue- to 15 below-zm before the coming of blt the greatest wwn= tinaricer tq the world. It Is iwid ot Xrv. Gree' 11F and, fall, frctur.+ the moment arrived for the 'Royal,Col- eter at forty-4rdne 'below, brought ua vaile. af terwArds moving to the ET-Tiag the ent4re peach crop will be the't she Is Intereffted In
third —The Hay towni'. lege. of Arms to register the in 'dig This or -, ;t Ic"t. Rrge
ew. - to the Lobside townsite. at line., 3f ris V ere -lie lived for the
_tl�e townzhip ha The GREING CLOTHING VIF09 nity and for the Crown to IMU?e its' pTesent Is. but a 'railway centre for paist forty yewre. Twenty-6ne . years - —WaTrahts are out for f CWToratlan and enterprise ot 1=941- e aTrest tudO all over the -world, *Ad all V
en the auditurfr patent Sir James found bimself con- the hs)md1Ing* of contractoro supplies, ago 'he maTrIed 'Mizz Ellen Miller, o. of 14"ITe=a F. T. Lxne, Bfkeoman maha-ges ter large r k In BLOC 01
war. passed, also -fronted by am a, -peal, lodged with: the with bunk aftd boarding house att-,wh- Morrie, Who, with a son and daughber,, Harvey Jukaon, and WIIUvm Alexan- bonds a -Ad Tw4 East Side 'Rain Stroet one door South bf the in acoounts. The next- aufh&ittep by Colonel James Steprt itmt, Lobstic I'a ChIeW, New
ke Is a fine sheet of gurvive. der, tbrw Stratford trainiren, Who Tork end elnew'here. Mr. Nattbew eld oil Ka-rch gf d.— Hackbn7de, of Seatorth, and by other water, -into Which empties the Lobatle —The wiluall 'congregational were 0 the crew m tile 11 1 -fated f relgt -Aeor VnIks, Vto, Is -to V h Wd the do 'f Lftburn Presbyterian Church that caused the fatal wrck nar Har -1 ter or If -.-a GrW of the Domim,*on7"Bank', iepresentatives- In the female,line of river at one end -and from tifence it in g -0 n U9
James - Pollock the SWADrth Mackenzift . demanding flowp at the other end on and onward wap -held an Monday eventn& Feb- 'riot -on on the 14th of Januay, They MLw Of I Wilk,% tiva well lmown Joe*& zysdale, 'paying that, ina�wnuch as their jedigreesdis- to Vlw Pembina. The owner y � cl Its 'ruary 8th. The atbandance,waa much aTe ac-cuoed -of being jointly rasp(yn,.
womah ot �Wtr VhD has 9, ELZM contain 5A acro* closed o rela�tlonshlp,'. however Tid-i wooded bamka; as viewed trom the lake, better than in former years. The pas- -he t :F0 I rr- - 81ble for the death cf t -v`0 train- r4utstimfl a8 an owner and -bre@4er
-ly created baxonet ie very ures mote, witli the new TIct que. The river being tar, Rev. Jan -pea Hamilton, occui:led the men killed In the callidlon. Chaducto;r of full -bred horaw,