HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-02-05, Page 7- a boon stem more effective to se amid of the hrthi mto the etomnali use the air rendered etrongly stoti- d over the disessd surface wide iving prolonged and constant heat- "twauab1e to mothers With used _1100 1 8- made -FrofJL m ded flour, -or of the the ;he Vill ith shop .- teressience r kind. a to der p. dry as good as' any neone . or eddreeniflG ' 1'It-rr FOR SALE., -The Haney• wiligen by tender. Tereleas 'diary 15th, 1O Th* consists of an R. cU m- and ootti atiaaa. p 1?OlVer engine ; OWN rim one semen ; ' iu firsaclase repair ; dress R. G. MURDIE. Seed 2146-tf . AT, • POR SALE. -To elate eatate; 100 aorels% -11ttron„ Lot 19, Concession '• - brkk hoide, Berne de tne stableimpleman _ cenhard 20,yeeds rdwood bash, six Rom te bee sets, soilolay kam. Pommes/on D. Arreeng, new • dend has rm la five acreof her we auout fifty acres fan in hay and peetnee. It is within ice, seem and church; and one. L. For further particulars apply MORE, Winthrop P.O. 21444 ine FOR SATy.,_,Lot 23 and of lot ta Coneekaloo 4,. Tseekex- mhdn-S 150 acres of fend, twenV amain goodstate of cultivation. ewe a good frame bowie and a 4firdaelasestat1ingern4es-nea with Aster forma into stielde. ird will be add -cheap, sa the d giviug up. fuming. -For oply on she promisee or address', , Happen. • 21144-8 a OR RENT. -Lot 27e Couom- hip of McKillop, containing 100 rid, all under oudtivation, *en and underdrained.. There:190n house and woodshed, lank bug a1ea other out building& thee Et is only one mile from count: and ba1' from Seaforth. WIlI inabk teems and poesession can Apply to MISS SUSIE GOV.MT- 2148x4 ea-laor sale, west tmlf of west' awl east bap of eaat half of Lot v ten acres of the west heir or 10, all in Concession 8, McKillo out 60 acres. The land bra 1 acres of fell ploughing done. rarae barn with stone founda- e school and church and about 6 of Seaforth. Terme reasonable. are apply on Lot 211, Concession eEssi MRS. GEO. ELENDERSON, al4exa LION* SA T!ES. F panel, FARM STOOK' AND le -Thos. Cameron has reedved r. Joelme Johns, to sell byl ablic half 11, Concession 7, Too eshirs fay, Febr rary Ink /909, at ria aowing : Horses -1 brood :ewe ural; 1 mare rising 3 years old rai ; 2 good work mares, 1 tidy. a 1 filly ridne 3 year old, agei- ng 2 ye ers szed, agricultural ; 1, agrieultural ; 1 driving eolta wed Durham bull risingre years damn cow, dile to calve ; a cows :ows due to calve in March zed se• 2 years 'Old, 2 steers two yeare '-Two brood sows with litter& soice young pullets, Implements Ai tire and box ; 1 set bobsleighs, new, 1 cutter, 1 large 2 furrow esw plow, 2 walking plows, 1 dila harrows, roller, binder, 'newer ke, fanning mill; 2 root pulperia ia7 double harness, 1 set single mesa nearly elm cream *par- Rbarrow, etone boat, grind stone, ieekyokee, whiffietreee shovrlia e Abe a quantity of bay, mite oes fit fel :seed. Terms - sr eash; over that arammt twelve be given on furnishing approved ier e:nt. oft for cash on credit ve as the proprietor is giving UD m -The farra consists of south don 7, containing 50 acre, on efortable brick dwelling, large ; pert lot 10, concession 7, con - o° which there is a good veneer id etabie, well watered and good Di 14%11, conceesion 8, contain - i the Township of Usleorne. On rerty them is o. good well with r of bush- Tine property will be ea or in one block, to suit plif. ins 122 1-2 acres in on, and is e Village of Eliraville, five miles and oee mile from school and Slide Preehyteriau and English in is in first class condition and tering of real estate made knowa applie-otioa to the auctioneer. leopnetor ; THOS. CAMERON, 0-140.e 5. Thomas rehlteckete Late paminien D )rks. Consulting Engineee to ty work. Eleetrio Reirioad orks Systems, Wherves., Bridge 4 iPa MO, LONDON1Orra n trace my son ; apo, from which ns attended him, cted whooping lIot soon forget; weakening night al3Petire, and may. He spent Sick Children, winds of October me to send him eted my financial Riestion." -human lips calf- rords can express 'hen we saw the fig'iting his way ;tered that which ck. Day by day winter, although he DUI on flesh cured, and de- ler known to medical of Appetite, Weari- 'A•r. A and town grPeataa Wag- of y e same beputobased prwate sale- For further to & 8 iiaTs, Barrister, Boa - 200,0 31 SAL to NT.-ComfOrtable oottage on et, Seatotth, almost new, convenient Abo for sale, new frame bales on imeathe Collegiate institute, heated by stableand half acre of lendsuit. twiner.. Apply tecTF,O. '1' 0RN otth 21834 HaVESTMEMTS. CM lend money on improved quarter sections of 113C each at from sz to lox per sternum. Only first taken. Ample security given. Torrens -ale is perfect. From taine; up ean he Tent woitharora 81,000 to $2,000. For further write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Barris. Pena.% Alberta. 1P5fael. proxy FOR ans.-For side- •a6 Roxboro, eight acres of Urea on, which is. a ok hOu*ajust been reafinia and heated by ,; good stable and implement house, ; Wife house and one pare fence0 off with poirltAT 'rhie is a most desirable foroperav for a de- er, or for frultor poulky farm. It is only aifrera Seaforth. Apply on the premisea or Seafortle Pe 0. JOHN'•MoMMLAIL 204104f UI&aMFOR SAGE, -For sale, Lot a Concession 4„ in the Toweehip of Tackerstrith, containing Awes of choke lane, On it there is a comfort- eble brick house ed waodsheda a ktge barn, 90x52, rn stone stabling underneath, aka other. out Ibis within balla utile of a school, and miles of the town of Seeder*. It is seed and under drained end in; &high state ee 'on. Also a good orchard and plenty of good 'For further partioutare apply on the prem. adthesa HENRY CHESNEY, Egmandville 21164f M FOR .S41`,Fralaor sale, Lot SI,. Concession, MoRillop, containing 12a acres. This favn ell -fenced and thcsoongisly underdrained. This leafast.elass farm in every pattioular. It hag been in grantor the pad nine or ten years and ie con- dequeetly in sendition to raise the best of erope It, ta Atuated.on the Huron Road, a mile and a half sae of Seaforth, Will be *Id on reasonable aerma nsi possession can be given at once. - Apply to .'IDItRW ARM:BALD at Chesney &. Archibald's, ozth, or to JOEIN AROHIBA.LD, Seaforth. 2128-tf dl-Lota a -Concession Se Uskerne, eon, taking 100 acres more or Tess. Their are on the premises a fine stone dwelling With kitehenaid woof ahed, house heated Wth af furnace; deo hard and • soft water. There are two fine bank' berms- a frame builLiier on the grounds, atm& hen house, and two - never friihng wells. There Ise:lame. a Acres of orohard and 10 acres of hardwocto bush and Battens under cultivation, and the remainder in grass. There is a . never falling Spring creek. The place is situated 4 inileafearcHensell, one of -the best markets in the mint!. Apply on the premises or to J. C. WOOD, - Helga% P. 0, ARm FOR SALE OR RENT. -Being Lot 28 . Concession 2, IL R. S. Tuckereneith, contain= inglOGacres. There are on !tlie eternises two good taros, one on foundation, large brick louse with retie kitchen. The land is all first °lass and is well owed and underdrained. It is all cleared out about three acres et gond hardwood bush and there are 7 acresofiell -wheat and two acres of good orchard. dam& tee school within half a mile. If not sold winbe rented for a terra ot years. Terme reasonsbleasi the oroprietor is going west. For further partloulars apply on theprenuses, or aelthra, glinton W3L TOWNSialle • 2180x8-tf 100 ACRE FARM FOR SAT,t.-The undersign ed offers for sale that most desirableprop- e* known as lot" as Concession 1 Township of Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem. beg a gem brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed. 16 x 20, both in good repair; a large bank barn, 60 x70, with good stone stabling undernestb • one firsteelaes cemene eile, 12 x 87, and other iisefal buildings The farm is well -iewed, both in front and La th's rear and is adapted bath for grain and stocktaking and is in a high. state of cultivation, which is well known from the faet that the proprie- tor hasereeided thereon for nearly fifty yews, being toed the most sueeeserfulfariners in the township. tits centrally located, being near iota church and Minot and within easy ream of a good market. For farther particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, irkton P. O. '2909-U imams FOR germ -Let 15, Conceseon 2; Lot ILL 15, Concession ; S. a Lot 14, Cloncession 2, Lot 15, Concession 1, Mixon Road Survey, iownshlp of Tuckersmithe County of Ifurooecoatain- aig860 acres, situated within two milee of the thriv- t gtowa of Seaforth, one of the best ineakets in Wee - .ern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold medal in the farm competition of 1883. • The farms have been all pastured for the past ten' years and ,would now be in excellent shape for general framing. &lived day lowa-two-storey brick dwelling house and knelt* with brieltaroocbihed-hot air furnace - bud and soft water in kitchen -fine grounds with *rubbery, evergreens and cedar hedger -orchard with Borne windbreak on west and north-gred baras with stone atabling-30 acresofbardwood bush, ap!r and beech -well watered with spring week river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro. No betmr property in the County of Huron; JOHN T. DICKSON, Seater*. 2026-tf JOHN BEATTiE ^ Late Division Court' Clerk, has a number of prop etties for gale or to rent, among -which is a good • eomfortable house on Jarvis. Street; Seaforth, large enough to wasomModate a good eked family; 2 Iota Will tre sod on reasonableteros ancapeesesseon giv- **soon as sold, Aliso rooms to let and a store to sell on vessonable tem& insurinee affect- - el, debts collected and lams made on mtidae- are- security. at reasonable rates. Calla;and ese, and be convmeed. 'Late liavidon Court OffM, Sea- orth 2018 -if FOR BALE, ORTI/ORN CATTLE -Seven firsteele.ss young nulls, 2 from imported cows, kelpie at mod& ate prices arid on easy terms; good yOung cowg heifers also for sale. All interested ete cordially eked to 'inspect the herd. Faroe adjoina town, long- aisoance telephone to farm. Write for eatalogess, ' H. SMITH, Exeter. 199341 EICIF.STER SIIRRP AND SH'ORTHORN CATTLE 13 FOR SALE. -The undersigned hes for eale ease end Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle fboth sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply Eit farm, Milt Road, Tuckesraith. R0BER'ORAR SONS. 13724! IIORTHORNS FOR SALE.-- Both male and fe- nude, all ages, about thirty to select from. These are all of goad breedings and mirs, of the cows are catoice milkers. Couut Sylvanue 50900, is and bakbten at the head of my herd for tnree years, and has rfed hinxielt WIN a getter rif etodc ot Choice ualit and is claimed hyped judges to be ono of the beet in the district, He Is .got by the best-- of Imported stock on both sides is dark red in color Ana low set. Any parties hexing pure bred cows to breed are invited to inspect this bull. , Terme-85 insured, Prices of purebred stock rim from 850 to t250, according to age and individuals. Visirors eelcome. AE max LDER, Hessen a P.O.nd Station. - 2115-tf 001 Century Farm Gate The mot practical farm gate 12 use. Sce it and write for particulars. For farm and town hiff- rights apply to 1Wheat1y, - Earlock 214441: BLENDED FLOUR TRY IT FIF4004,Afict Seaforth Mllhing• WAS WEAK AND THIN ONLY WEIGHED 73 ODUNliS. NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS. Bad Heart Trouble and Shortness, of Breath for Six Team MILBURN'S ILEART_AND NERVE PILLS ourea MrL K. E. Bright, Burnley,- Ont., She writes: "I was greatly troubled, for six years, with -my heart and shortness of breath.. I could etot walk eighty. rods with- out radii% four or five times in that short. ..distanoe. I got eo weak and thin I only weighed seventy-three peundsX decided attest to take some of lidinsarn's Ireart -Nerve Pisa, and after taking eight boxes - r gained in strengtbeind Weight; and now wad& one hundred and, thirteen pounds, the most reViii weighed in -14 life. I feel eer I did; k as well as v w harteily thank _Milburn is Heart and all and an and n Nerve- Pills' for it all" Price 50 Cake perlox or 3 boxes for $1 25 at dealer:le or mailed direct 011 receipt of pica by The T. Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto, -Ont. 8. Everatt SORB amm3utchers Dealers in all leinds-of Meats, Fresh and. Cured Meats, San - sage, Bologna, Summer San - sage and all krncli of fresh Meats. Special Attention Paid to the Hide Market Farmers and. Syndicate Butch- erseit will be to.your gain to get our cash prices before sell- ingeto outsiders. We lead thil price in Seaforth S. Everatt and Sons, Seaforth. "I purchaftd a bottle of Scoffs Enutision and im- mediately commenced to improve. In all, I think I took 14 bottles, and my weight increased front 133 pounds to 184 pounds in leis than six months. I know from personal results the efficacy of Scott's Emulsion." -FRED. R. STRONGMAN, 417 Bath- urst St., London, Ont. Let us send -you a copy of Mr„,Strongman's letter. He harA a trying experience, hed got rtm dowd cott's ulsion built him up, aiit has thous- ands of others. The strengthening and flesh - producing properties of Scores EXMLSION) are un- equalled by any other prepa- ration,- and its just as good for the thin,clelicate•child as for the adult Be sure to get ScoTr's. It's been the stand- ard of the -world for es years, and is worth i many tunes the cost of the inunelous imita- tions and substitutes. ALL DRUG GISTS Let us send you. a full 00P7 0/ Mr. Strongman's tatter =1=m other 1'leers, 1 SCOTT A BOWIE 196 Wellington Et., W. Toronto tura on the euttieot. Just mention this paper. Logs anted The undersigued is prepared to pay the bighes4 cash twice for an unlimited quantity of firsaclass Soft Elm, Rook. Elm, Basswood; Maple'Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Loge, delivered at the Seaforth Sew and Stave al% To be out in even length, ex- oepasoft elm; soft elm te be cut 11, 18, ad 16 feet, Will also buy Basswood Heading goits, 40. Miles knigat $8.50 per cord delivered. Will also buy thee bar by meastinne.nt or by bulk in bush. Speeial at- tention paid toacsustom sawing. Satisfaction gaar anteed. • R136 -1S W.AMENT, Seaforth. Were beat,' grunted Etorrinate-not looking up. 'Beat?" screamed 'Gibbs, ashen and inert at the news.n"You don't mean ti You Can't mem it! Great heaveni" The sight of the other's cowardly -emotion seemed. to rouse llortagan frond Ids .apathy. ' I can Stand it, you caul" he snarl- ed. "You only lose your percentage on the deal, while ra.-- . .• "A percentage?" echbed Gibb, too panic stricken to beed bis own Indis- cretion. "Every cent I had in the oriel! I" - H• e checked himeelf an instant too late. "• So?" drawled Horrigan, ;Ids keen little eyes searing the other. with boundless contempt "Se it was you whoweresecretly. buying ap the Stock and tailing -in on to our game, hey?" "I'm rainedi 13roke! And" - "And you've got it coming to you, you whining traitor! The man who pito back on his: partners deserves all the kicking he gets." "I -I didn't mean any hamar" mum- bled the crushed Gibbs. "It 'couldn't hurt yonepeople to have me 'buy Bor- ough stock for myself, and I'd have cleared up a million and more. Oa don't glower like that, Hot-riga.% but try to think out some way of" - "Of what, you cur?" "Isn't there any way even now, to make Uennett let up on his fightne -"If there was you couldn't be of use to us, so why should _I talk about it to you?" , "But rd do 'anythitig in the world- anything" - "You would1" cut in llorrIgan sharply, • "Yes, yesl Only give me a chancel Horrigan considered, then said re: fiectively: . "No chalice is too slighter() take at a time'like this, and: nobody's too rotten to be of use. I've found there are three things, one of _which will -always buy any man -a women, ambition or cash. We've tried* Bennett on ambi- tion; he doesn't need money, se only the first of the three remains." "A woman? I don't understand." "APBs WitinwrIght." "But" - 'Listen here. Bennett's in love with _Wainwright's niece. You've cut him out, Go and tell him if he'll let our bill alone you'll imash the engagement and leave her free to -marry Lilm See?" ' 91 can't!. 1 -bold on, though! After- ward 1 could deny the whole thing, couldn't I?: It'd be his word aalust mine, and she'd neyer believe I could do suck a thing. I=4 might try."- • "Yes," growled llorrigan, "you might A cut -that's lost all his nerve can try things that even an ordinary crook woild balk at" But Gibbs did not hear. He had re- turned to ,the corridor - insearch of Bennett -The Man scarcely deserved the opprbrium heaped on him by Hot= 'igen. A billllant, daring operator, he was, unknown to himself, a rank cow- ard at heart. For the first time in his life the cowardice had cropped out, and, te do Gibbs justice, it had driven him temporarily insane. In ,his nor - Mal senses he would never have stoop- ed to the plan hp was now so eager to carry out It was a putrid bit of jet- - sam at Which a finanCially draw -Ping man -did not seruple to clutch. , Hprrigan followed, hita , from the_ room, his -own splendid nerve quite re- covered from thecrashing blow his hopes had received. He had staked heavily on the dealt -Moreover, Its fail- ure, as be knew, meant the wreck of that mighty political prestige he had so long and /wearisomely built up. It might even, if Alwyn fulfilled his threat abont the notes,/ lead to graver personal, consequences. Yet the bull- dog pluck that had carried this Mali of iron- from the gutter to \the summit of political pewee 'did not desert him, nor did he rhow less of one iota of his customa mental calm. Scarcely had Horrighn quitted room -when Perry and Dallas en t - "You could cut *the atmosphere In there evith a cheese kriffe," Perry was saYitig. "Williams doesn't think- the Borbugh bill Will come' tep for, half an hour or ' so. We'd better spend the time till then in liere than to stay there and turn our lungs into a microbe Apo." t Dallas did not answer. She sat down by the table and rested her- head de- ectedly on one little gloved hand, The sight of Bennett his grave, hopeless appeal to her; the calm, utter despair of bis brave face -all these had affect- ed her deeply. Perry noticed With brotherly concern laer look And attitude. "feeling faint?" he -asked. , "No, I'm all right, thanks." "You look pretty near as Nile as Al- wyn. He" - "Don't leritalk of him, please," she begged. - "Why • not? He's the whitest chap this side of Whiteville." "Theta what I used to. think, but I know' better now." "Then, miss," broke in a voice !nom • the doorway, "you're entitled to-i.noth- er `know: " , Ph_elan, who-, passing down the cor- ridor, had heard her fast words as he reached the threshold, turned into the room. • • • "Excuse me for buttin' in on a tam - 1y chat," he remarked, coming' forward. 00.A.EIPIPCI071.X.4116.15 Bears the ilavaliwaysibp Bigasture ef 1 festivities wouldn't it be annoying to find youmelf oubrof cow. Provide against suoli neotivonlenee by ordering a ton Or two of L. and W. SCRANTON COArt When you Order it, you get clean, free linen - kg coal, gist alwaya, gives full value for Yalir Money. Theta is no .dirt, stones or slate included in D. In & W. Eve/7 -ton of it is just what you expected, and nothing MID& WILSON, Agents, Seaford', at• W. SCRANTON COAL. "but I'm pretty well posted on. hIo honorcharacter, an' when I hear ane one knockin" !nth lts tee to the ten What have you got against elr„ nen- nett-t. 'None of your measly businese,' says yoM 'Quite so,' says 1, SD% -ViTat bein' the case, let's hear ell about it Something that underlifY the SeMing impertinence of the aldei-man's bluff speech touched Dallas. On impulse she spoke: dale Bennett" said she. "Is opposine the I3orougb bull knowing' We saali be aupem if he defeats it He also eehl 'rough stock short before. he I113- noticed his veto. What cab one think of 'e mon who enriches himself at the -expense of 111,, friends?" "0.4.", cried Perry. "that's a tert.11)1P thing! Bennett's, the original man higher up, I'ra afraid, I wouder he isn't 'afield to wear the (defiles Of such a wicked geezer as hill.self1" -04,, Perry! Th e -t Joke abont It!" begged Dallas. "Caret Atop see the gee', dus side of . any thing? We shall be eenniless tuici dependent on" - "War thou not; eister mine!" det dared_ Perry in his best melodramatic manner. "Paupers, sayest thou? Far be it so! Little Brother Perry will guard thee from the cold; shivery swats of a wintry _Wind. Maybe we care sell , violets or start a tight club ark-, , "Don't!" she urged, jarred by his flip- pancy. "You -don't understand. I" - "As for that story of his honor's Bett- ina stock short and matehe a pile ef cash on his own veto," put in Phelan genuinely worried, "Horrigan's looked it up an' got enough facts to Make him, think, he, can prove it He's gobs' to make .Wililarns tell the whole story to the aldermen tonight. It's a lie, of cotirse, but it'll hurt his honor a lot, an' the worst of it is Bennett rallies to deny it" "alefloes, eh?" remarked Perry. ,het, some talkingabout it. I'll have to fracture a promise I made Alwyn, but 1 iuetta It's Worth while." "'What do you mean?" queried Dallas in wonder, "1 mean Bennett lent me the money to sell enough -stock .short to •make up for what you and 1 wonld lose if the bill Wale ,quashed, and he gave me a letter to his own broker. We carried it through, teed now you and I stand pat. to vibe whichever way the cat jumps. We're on velvet, thanks to *Alwyn. "He did this for us?" gasped Dallas in amaze. "But why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me misjudge hire?" - "He Made me promise not to let you knew a thing about 1 and"-. - "Say, youngster," broke. in Phelan, thiglIng with excitement, "you come chain' along with me into the -alder- men's meetbf. I'll have you g,!pet, up there an' tell what you blow, It'll knock that Ile of Williams' and Hord- g,an's so high it'n forget to hit voila' again. ,Came on. tont There's. ions lektli met CII A. X aLLA.S, e gan's private-ay/3m, sat blg able, making no effort to follow her _brother and Pbe- A messenger) searching for oor- Ti, bustled- in,. looked- inquiring motionless, white faced girl, then ssed on to the committee rem be- nd and on again in his search until e sound of his footsteps died. And 1 Dallas sat. inert. dumb, Little by little she was piecing to- gether the fats Of the long, miserable counilication In the light of what Per- ry had just told her. was absurdly etisy now that she held the,key,of:the _situation. She could understand every- thing -bow _Wainwright had put her fortune into Oen:nigh stock- totinfin- ence Bennett; how, failing- to move the latter, be had used Alwyn's knowledge Of the fact as it weati` on against the young man; how Bennett bad sought to save her fortune and why he had forbidden Perry to bins her feelings by tenni- of the generous act. , "From first to last," she ni.nrmured ID unhappy contrition, "he has acted honorably and as he thought I would have wanted hint to and for nay happi- ness. And I,- like the wretched' little foga I was, couldn't understand and publicly humiliated_ him. Oh, if only It weren't too late to" - A vietion of Gibbs Bashed before her mind,'and she shuddered, realiiing all that her rash steps had entailed, "It is too late," she confessed to her- self, lighUreg back the hot tears that seared her eyes. "But at least I can tell hitu 1 know and beg his forgive - mess and thank him" The sound of voiceshi the corridor roused her Vora her bitter reverie. She sprang up hastily, unwilling that any should lee her tear stained face, but the sPeakets, though_ they drew near, did not -enter Horrigan's office. Initead,_ they stepped into the adjoin- lng committee mom. 'The messenger had left ajar the doer between the two rooms. Realizing this and not Wh3hing to be seen; Dallas shrank back toward the wall, fearful of detection. Then the voice of one a -the speakers end- denlir arrested her notice. "Well," Bennett was saying in no es- pecially civil toms, "you said you wish- ed to speak to me in private. What have you to say? Be brief, for 1 am busy." • Finding herself the unwilling -witness to what promised to be a confidential talk, Dallas stole toward Jae door lead - lug to the coitidor, but llorrigan, as was his custom, had locked it on going out She dared not enter alone the crowded anteroom in her present eta* 0 hesitatingly she paused, forced to remain where she watt. The sound a another voice chained her to the spot, and, unecmiCious cif eavesdropping, she .stood- spellbound, hearing every word distinctly through the half open dead. way. "I-1 hardly know how .to begin," Gibbs was replying tie Bennett's curt demand. • alt is -i delieate -subject andh-- ' -"Then the sooner it es, treated to open air the -better. Is"- _ '"YOu've woe the Borough bill fight," began Gibbs. "Is that all you have to say to me?" "No. You've wort, but you've lost far more. Yotave lost Dallas Wainwright." "I hardly need. to be reminded of that," retorted Bennett, "and it Is a subject I don't care to discuss." "But listen," pleaded Gibbsas the mayor made a move as though to leave the room.' "One mhaute! I sat, you've won the Borough fight I've won Dal- las. Can't we" - "Well, what?" asked lammed, vith ominous quiet as he paused In his .de- parture. . "don't we -strike some kart Of bar- gain?" said Gibbs,tentatively. • "Explain, please," ordered Bennett, with that same deceptive calm. went OD Gibba, emboldened at the other's seeming complacence, "suppose you - give up this Borough nght and I- give up Dallas? 1 -mon her by a trick. She doesnt reany low me. It IS her pride, not her heart, fnet made her throw you ever and accept me. nt is you she loves, and I've known it all along, and -you are hi love with her." "What then?" "Just this," returned Gibbs, wonder- ing at Bennett's quiet reception Of the strange offer. "She will marry the bee cause. she Isn't the sort of girl to go 'hack on her promise, earitilly since she looks on me as a sort of high mind- ed martyr to your oppression, so if I hold her to her word she will not hack *dowa. Now, if you, „even now, with- draw your opposition the Borough bill wenwlithrngs°11uggb: erlimethasa;ntliamto Let go Dalatis WA I II- wright and leave her free ato m:rry you.' "You promlee sht "Yes!" cried , Gibbs, elated, promise -op my word it a ba ordof honori. .r I , gain?" 4sGibbs's pliedAlwyn. slowly, "I didn't think there was so foul a cur as you in all the world. I thought I understood how ut- terly rotten you were, but 1 didn't be- lieve there was a mai living who could debase hirniself as you've Just done." "But" began Gibbs, in bewilders went This woman Rays that Lydie B, Pirarham's Vegetable Compotmd I cured her after everything else had failed. Ls W. B-arrett„ 602 -Moreau .writes to -Mrs. Ilnklisam: "For years I was a, great sufferer from female wealmess, and despito every remedy given me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse instead of better. we,s fast falling in health, midi Was completely diswuraged. "0n& clay -a criend advised me to try Lydia F Pinkha.na's Vegetable Com- pound, I did so, and ant thankful to say that, it cured the female weakness, maki-ng me strong and well. "Every woman who soffers from fe- reale troubles should try Lydia. E. Pink - ham's 'Vegetable C‘Srapatmd." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years E. Pink- haan's Vegetable COM melt made from roots and herbs,- as been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cii.red thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, ir'regu.;,rities, periodic pains, backache, that bear - Ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tionessor nervous proAtration. YiThy_don't you try it? women tp -write her fm. advice. Mrs. Pinkhatn invites all sick She has thousands to Lynn, Hass. - "Gibija,1 cafaan't Wan fhere tra so fowl a ostr as non in rat at • tie ao tilinedta CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. Tie KW You Boo Always Bought Bs= the fSigusture or illeseaseseessealisseesemeiaamma .44 'neet HALK duse white, but it won't make good bread, Fine, white flour is all right as far as it goes, but if it lacks *nutrition its, other qualities amount to nothing as far as baking is con- cerned. UF is not only the finest and purest of flours but also the most nutritious. It is mined by a -process which gives you all of the nutri tious properties of the wheat in the best form for your use. IYou can. get it from your -grocer. Ogilvie Hour MWs Ce ML mormEAL cl.otbing For years our tailoring depar menb hasbeen knawn, far and near, as the best place to get satisfactory `tailored garnients - those which combine style With fit and wearing qupdities. We alviaysbave in stock a full range of tbe best Importecland Canadian cloths. Try Ps for your next Suit BRIGHT bILIVISILLE Ss 43E41!02071 y sisTER • Et TO YOOLII ERV /ST It *tweet. INC FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. I atna woman. kIOW woman's sufferings. mtnvilahtavewiniailthfouniviatidrathinstrucoacuanrectioy.onshargtooaw, mystaenteerertivat.from women's ailments. I want to toll 41 women about this cure- yea, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your raother, or your sIstor. 'want to 1011 yon now to cure yourseif at home without the heIROt adootor. Iron cannot understand wom- on's ea -camas. What we women know from ems varltnce,- we know neUer eaydootor, 1 know mat my home treathaent le a safe and sure tura for Lencorrhecaor Whitish discitar, n g, litcore, placement or Fallngof thentom!e, Pravse: Scanty or Panful Periods, Uterlas GT...Arlin Ttprvyoe Growths, alsopains L thefts:ad, back and -bowels, bearingdoweqeslingspneryousesssicrseologistli. lnguP W8 p1ue, ands"laP007gddr-Wav ffat° thles crvar'at4 caused by wasksesf pic11Zisr to cur sex. wan to so_nd yens, commas:la dAys'ereatateat esselrely tree he afrova tiCyon that" yoU asa curd ReMendleee. Mai; le WOH cost yommothWe 0.vso uldwish to oontInne,p;Ntill cost you onIyabotiX swill nobluterfolulawIth your work oroccupstion. Learra,.71-tZlea-rern..ror,m11.a7719kawlanlialsawilisen14maa.yen7°Vrh4 ADV.! ik"wildalanatory inneterations show ing whywomPasuffer andhoWtheleilalWaraTainal_ thethIr'erfathOnle. Ever, wOrnnal Shotild. bave snel. learn to 'fiat* hersen, Th=wnentaedwterftes-"Yoneenethavetene tIon,",.1'011 call deeidefor remelt Thousaudsof thernvwltom „tvarameatimeen. Ibtwourhioltes aispeedtneldtseprsenociteiezezt To 'npio euarouresoorrie6nomesstsndvaaftamo Monstrason L. to Ladiee. Plunapas and health tssuitfr= ibit use, ten anTsuffe-verreTratahkitytht30,zeahHormtrevreafwyutrasa Itttsiireaurfe,moriayorestu-auewriveomimalLewfidte4wheasesOli-iandeArattmadkesWiliwrSetiar wen, song, 'plump and robust. Jost sendme .N or address, and the free:condayetreatment in yours, also the bock. Wzito to-CA,70 es You mkf nob cio tilts crweel4n. Ad driNs fare& Stattifiliiiteg Box HI 237 Witepi1OR ONT. limit at hom e treatment acorn cents SA Veeeketirlemsellan. Justsendessyournamaxed • Ueatreent fOrYoUrcsoe,onlre- of cost,myhook---"WOMAN'S Dad says, can't get enough of :a goo thing. My ruoth'er says, there's nothing, better than Keep your . pantry helves stocked with ooney's "-they are lways fresh and TE MilaKEY MIT A WAITED, Strgtford, lUntittml, OW-RwA, eydrmy, Winnipez Vanomver.